Read About 2000 Articles

(This page lists most of the articles on this website. Some newer ones may not be posted here yet but are in the New Earth Newsletter)

Disclaimer: All articles on this website are only the opinion of the authors and are for educational purposes only. They are not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


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Categories Of Articles – Click On A Category

(The List Of Articles Is Later On This Page - Here)


Introduction To This Website – Read This First

Service and Love

Other Core Articles


Women’s Section

Men’s Section

Physical Health Conditions

Mental Health Conditions

Brain Science

Babies, Children And Parenting

The Teen Section

Trauma and Rape, And Their Healing

Warnings About Dangerous Products And Procedures

Medical Drugs And Drug Abuse

The Rogues


Development Program Theory


Food And Nutrition


Biochemistry – Minerals, Vitamins, Amino Acids And Other Chemical Compounds

Nutritional Supplements Used In Development programs

The Healing And Detoxification Procedures - This section includes all the healing and detoxification procedures

Male-Female Blending or “Tan” Science

Other Therapies That Are Compatible With A Development Program

Hair Mineral Analysis PatternsThis is a large section divided into 1) initial patterns, 2) retest patterns and 3) Progressions.

Hair Mineral Analysis Articles

Development Programs For Animals, Pets And Livestock

Programs For Plants And The Soil


A New Way To View Sciences

Environmental Science And Biology

Fractals, Chaos Theory, Holography And Vector Mathematics

General Systems Theory And Cybernetics



Structure And Directionality

Subtle Energy Fields


The 7 System

The Channel System

Yin and Yang


Current Events/News


Crime And Violence

Family and Relationships


Mental Healing And Mental Warfare



Public Policy






Other Articles About Bodies Such As Angels And Elves








Introduction To This Website – Read This First

The Stages Of Coffee Accumulation

Food Rules Found In The DNA

Pig Products And Why Avoid Them

What Is Western Civilization?

Gun Policy And Your Rights

Climate Change – What To Do

The New Rules

Apathy And Cynicism – Overcoming Them


Receiving Healing – The Four Stages

Responding To Evil

The Border Crisis In America

The Food Situation

The Development Lifestyle

How Important Is Your Diet?


Remineralizing The Body

God – How It Works

Character Flaws

The New Advice

The Low Body Procedures

Etheric Energy And Healing

Turning Your Life Over To God

The Philosophical Founders Of America

Four Pains That Are Common During Development Programs

The Teachings - 1

Mineral Systems

Why Does This Website Contain Controversial Material?


How To Be Beautiful

Development Saved My Life

Raising Girls

Arrogance – An Important Article

Is A Development Program For You?

I Want The Program, But Not the Feelings


The first article in each section is the most important.

About Development:

Introduction To Development

Development And The 7 System

The Stages of Development

Diagnosing Disease Vs. Development

The Merit System


What Is Life About?

About Food And Diet

What To Do If You Dislike Vegetables

About Health:

The Healing Path

Your Doctor’s Priorities

Burnout Babies, Super Babies & Rejuvenation

Drug Problems May Really be Nutritional

Etheric Reset And Anti-Aging


Healing Rape

Vaccination – A Medical Abomination

Young Women’s Syndrome

About Lifestyle:

A Life Of Service – The Best Life To Lead

Survival Today

The Tetra Concept

The Ordered Life Or Middle Class Value System

About Mental Influence:

How People Are Influenced Mentally And Emotionally For Manipulation And Control

Brainwashing And Society

Hypnosis And Society

Marijuana – A Bad Drug

Psi Warfare

Trance States - A Way To Understand Many People

About Development Programs:

Introduction To Development Programs

Development Therapy Concepts

The Free Program (a ‘free’ basic Development program)

Monastic Life And Development

Psychology And Development – An Overview


About Hair Mineral Analysis:

Introduction To Hair Mineral Testing

About Relationships:

Deep, Loving Relationships I

About Thinking:

Think Bigger

The Real Self

The Real Self (Or Love Is The Answer)The Condensed Version

About Religion:

The 23rd Psalm

About Business And Politics

Why Are Political Articles On A Health Website?

Political Parties In The USA

About Physics

The Ether Theory

About Other Life Forms

Soul Science


About Cosmology:

Yin And Yang

Soul Upgrading

What Is In Space?

The Big Picture




Faster Development For Women

The Development Paradigm by Madeline McFadden-Nunez

The Wizard Of Oz – A Woman's Story

Virginity – A New Definition

Women And Development (With an Exciting Update)

Women And Maturity

Women And Broadcasting


Women Masters

Abigail Adams

Florence Nightingale

Maria Montessori

Margaret Fuller

Margaret Thatcher

Mother Theresa

Rachel Carson



Female Genital Mutilation

My Healing Crisis by Marianne West



The Plight Of Women - new

The Rape Planet

The Women Of Arabia


Birth Control Pills And Exploitation of Women


Dating And Courting

Down Hugging

Down Sex

Points (sensitive or numb spots after a rape)

Poles And Climbers


Regular Sex Is Always Harmful (down sex is much better)

Sexual Fluid Craving

Sexually-Transmitted Diseases – The Truth

The Hatred Body

Women And Men Are Not The Same

Women’s Fear Of The Rod

Women’s Sex Talk


The Breasts

The Hips

The Skin

The Vagina



Cosmetics And Body Care

How To Be Beautiful

How To Be Unsexy

How To Make The Body More Yang

The “War On Women”

Women’s Disguises


Breast Feeding


Daughters On The Pill

Having Healthy Children

Mothers And Daughters

Mothers’ Dilemma

Pregnancy And Prenatal Care

Raising Girls

Health Conditions:

Breast Screening

High Cadmium Women

Cellulite Responds To Development

Eclampsia And Pre-Eclampsia


Hot Flashes





Obstetrics And Development

Osteoporosis And Poor Wound Healing

Pap Smears And Their Correction

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Premenstrual Syndrome


Pelvic Syndrome

Testicular And Ovarian Conditions

Uterine Fibroids And Ovarian Cysts

Young Women’s Syndrome


Down Sex

Healing Rape

Vaginal Coffee Implants

Vaginal Peroxide Implants



Alexis Carrel, MD

George Washington Carver

Frederick Douglas

Buckminster Fuller

Hippocrates And The Physician’s Oath

The Development Pioneers

The 20th Century Cancer Pioneers

Saint Nickolaos Of Myra

Oscar Peterson

Nicola Tesla

Booker T. Washington


Intimacy Talk For Men

Health Conditions:

Spontaneous And Premature Ejaculation


Men’s Sexual Dysfunctions (Erectile Dysfunction, Impotence and Low Libido)

Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome or POIS

Testicular And Ovarian Conditions

The PSA Test


Penis Coffee

Penis Peroxide


This section is divided into disease categories. Click on the category of diseases to read about:

Digestive Conditions:

Anal Fistulas And Fissures

Anorexia, Bulimia And Appetite Disorders


Candida Albicans Or Chronic Intestinal Yeast infections

Celiac Disease

Colitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Crohn’s Disease


Covid-19 Agendas

Covid-19 – Dr. Fauci

Covid-19 – The Corona Virus


Dysbiosis, SIBO, Or Improper Intestinal Flora

Food allergies

Gas and Bloating

Gastric Bypass Surgery

GERD or Gastric Esophageal Reflux Disorder (heartburn) And Hiatal Hernias – (How To Get Rid Of Them)

Gluten Intolerance

HCG Weight Loss System And Why Avoid It


The Liver And Its Problems (toxicity, hepatitis, bile stasis, and others)

Liver Detoxification And Methylation


Parasites And How To Eliminate Them Naturally

SIBO Or Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth


Weight Gain And Weight Loss

Endocrine Disorders:

Addison’s Disease

Adrenal Burnout Syndrome  or Sindrome De Estres Suprarenal (Spanish version)


Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis or Hashimoto’s Disease

High TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) And Its Correction

Hyperthyroidism or Grave’s Disease

Hyperthyroidism or Graves Disease: Interview With Dr. Wilson

Low Testosterone or Low T

Metabolic Syndrome Or Syndrome X

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome or PCOS

Sugar Addiction

Thymus Gland Restoration With Development

Thyroid Problems

Weight Gain/Obesity or Weight Loss


Down’s syndrome


Genetic Defects

Genetic Testing


Muscular Dystrophy

Sickle-Cell Disease Case History

Sexual and Reproductive Disorders:


Cancers – Such As Breast And Prostate Cancer

Cellulite Responds To Development


Contraceptive Pills and Patches, And Alternatives

Eclampsia And Pre-Eclampsia

Ejaculation – Spontaneous And Premature


Fibroid Tumors/Ovarian Cysts

Genital Bath

Hormones – A General Article

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hot Flashes



Menopause And Natural Approaches

Miscarriages And Their Prevention

Obstetrics And Development

Osteoporosis and Impaired Wound Healing

Pap Smears And How To Correct Them

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome or PCOS

Premenstrual Syndrome, Heavy Periods,  Menstrual Cramps, No Periods, And Breakthrough Bleeding


Prostate Enlargement or BPH

Men’s Sexual Dysfunctions (Erectile Dysfunction, Impotence and Low Libido)


Rape – Healing It

Sexual Fluid Craving

Testicular And Ovarian Health And Disorders

The Vagina – Problems And Solutions

Faster Development For Women

Women’s And Men’s Pelvic Syndrome

Uterine Fibroid Tumors And Ovarian Cysts

Dental Health:

Biological or Preventive Dentistry (discusses tooth decay, dental amalgams, root canals, cavitations, dental infections and more)

Fluoridation of the Water and Tooth Decay

Cardiovascular Conditions:


Arteriosclerosis And Atherosclerosis

Buerger’s Disease

Coumadin Problems, Sludgy Blood, And Natural Alternatives – Development, Nattokinase and Lumbrokinase

Cardiovascular Disease (many conditions)

Cholesterol and Heart Disease

Congestive Heart Failure – A Case Report

Heart Attacks (Myocardial Infarctions) And Their Prevention

High And Low Blood Pressure

Lymphatic Congestion

Rapid Heart Rate Or Tachycardia And Palpitations During A Development Program

Reynaud’s Syndrome and Impaired Circulation


Dr. Klevay, Copper And Heart Disease

Respiratory Conditions



Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Tonsilitis, Sinus And Other Respiratory Ailments

Nervous System Conditions:

Alzheimer’s disease/dementias

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis or ALS

Autonomic Nervous System Healing

Balance And Coordination

Brain Fog

Burning Pain In Feet

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


Headaches and Copper – A Case History

Insomnia and Narcolepsy

Memory And What To Do About Memory Loss

Multiple Sclerosis

Organic Brain Syndromes/Mental Retardation And Toxic Metals

Parkinson’s Disease

Seizures and Epilepsy

Slightly Inebriated (most of the time)

Tingling, Numbness, Neuropathy And Neuritis

Today’s Fragile Bodies And Minds

Renal Or Kidney Disorders

Gadolinium Toxicity From MRI Scans

Kidney Conditions And Kidney Health

Renal Failure

Metabolic Conditions:

Adhesions (An important newer article)


Cancer And Alternative Therapies

Also, see The Budwig Protocol, Cantron or Protocel, and The Kelley Metabolic Cancer Therapy

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Cirrhosis Of The Liver





Infantile Rickets – Causing Misdiagnosis Of Child Abuse

Liver Dysfunctions

Mitochondrial Dysfunction

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity or Environmental Illness

Pyroluria or Krytopyroles In The Urine

Wegener’s Granulocytosis

Infections And Immune Response Imbalances:




Autoimmune Diseases – Lupus, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, And Others


The Ebola Virus Outbreak (2014)

Epstein-Barr Virus or EBV


Infections, and Boosting Your Immune System

Lyme Disease

The Measles Outbreak - 2015

Mononucleosis And Other Chronic Viral Syndromes

Morgellon’s Disease


Sexually-Transmitted Diseases or STDs – A Public Health Crisis


Structural/Mechanical Disorders:

Anal Fistulas And Fissures

Anal Itching


Back Pain During Development Programs

Bones And Their Health

Bursitis And Tendonitis

Chest Wall Pain

Four Pains That Can Occur During A Development Program

Impaired Wound Healing and Preparing For Surgery

Leg Cramps

Osteoporosis And Impaired Wound Healing

Pain and The Pain Checklist

Posture – Normal And Abnormal

Rehabilitation Using Development

Scar Removal And Development Science

Spinal Stenosis

Third Center Pain

Tight Tissue Syndrome

Sensory Organ Conditions (skin, eyes, ears, touch, taste, smell):


Bloody Nose


Cellulite Responds To Development

Ear Conditions (Infections, Chronic Ear Syndrome, and Retracing Old Ear Problems)

Eye Conditions



Macular Degeneration


Skin Conditions

Skin Detoxification

Taste and smell disorders (see Anorexia)


Ammonia Odor Of The Sweat

Anemia And Other Blood Disorders


Beyond Antibiotics

Blood Disorders

Burning Mouth Or Burning Tongue Syndrome

Chemical Toxicity Or Poisoning With Environmental Chemicals, And Its Correction

Congested Head Syndrome

Copper Toxicity Syndrome

Drug Abuse And Development

Fatigue And Its Deep Correction

Frequent Urination

Gulf War Syndrome

Hair Loss

Hemochromatosis/Hemosiderosis (see Iron Overload).


Inflammation And Development

Liver Conditions Of All Kinds

Lupus or Systemic Lupus Erythematosis (SLE)

Marathon Running Kills

Morgellon’s Disease

Multiple Sclerosis

Poisoning – Acute And Chronic – And Its Healing

Radiation Poisoning And Its Correction

Second Center Pain (a tenderness or pain in the area of the bladder)

Skin Conditions (Also see morgollons disease above)

Trichinosis – A Common Problem Today

Third Energy Center Pain (pain and tenderness in the center of the abdomen)


Women’s Pelvic Syndrome

Yin Disease



Adrenal Burnout Syndrome


Anger, Anger Disease and One’s Health



Arrogance – A Very Important Article


Autonomic Nervous System Balancing

Bad Is Good, And Good Is Boring (Or A Little Scary)

Biological Basis for Positive Thinking

Bipolar Disorder

Brain Fog

Carbohydrate Addiction And Cravings


Copper Toxicity Syndrome

Copper Elimination Symptoms




Developmental Disorders

Down’s Syndrome

Dyslexia is a Gift

Drug Abuse Study

Dry Drunk Syndrome (Two Kinds)

Emergency And Acute Care With Development Science

Entity Attachment And Release

Epilepsy or Seizures

FEAR – A Mental Illness

Fear Is A Dwelling Place Of The Mind

Food Habits And Addiction

Hair Analysis Patterns Related To Psychology And Personality


Hatred And Self-Hatred

Help For The Hopeless

How Nutrition Affects Emotions And Behavior

Hypoglycemia and Mental Health

Inertia And Its Relation To Healing

Insomnia and Sleep Disorders

Iron Personality Type

Loneliness Versus Aloneness

Medical Disease’ And ‘Labeling Disease’

Mental Health Patterns on a Hair Mineral Analysis

Mental Health And Nutrition

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Organic Brain Syndromes/Mental Retardation And Toxic Metals


Panic Attacks, Anxiety Attacks and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Psychological Benefits Of Development Programs


Selfishness (Article is “How To Become Unselfish”)

Sexual Fluid Craving

Sexual Molestation, And Healing All Traumas

Suicidal Thoughts

Sugar Addiction

Trauma Release Methods

Trauma Retracing Notes And Hints

The Walking Dead

Water For Drinking – Avoid Reverse Osmosis and Alkaline Water

Why Kids Kill: Prozac And Alternatives

Worry, And How To Get Rid Of It

Victimhood, And How To Get Out Of It


Hydrogen Peroxide For Cleanliness

Maternal And Infant Mortality Rates In The United States Are A Tragic Embarrassment

The Newborn Routine


Aspartame, An Excitotoxin


Autism – A Case History

Baby Attacks

The Baby Manual

Baby Formula You Make At Home

Breastfeeding And Milk Substitutes

Birth Training

Burnout Babies, Super Babies And Human Rejuvenation

Charity Cases And Development Programs

Child-Raising – A Few Social Issues

Children And Development

Children Need Their Parents

Children’s Nutrition

Children’s Growth Disorders

Children’s Nutrition Programs

Circumcision, Why It Is Helpful

Contraceptive Methods And Your Health

Cribs And Polyester Can Be Dangerous

Daycare And Its Problems

Dairy Products For Babies and Children

Delayed Development


Exercise And Your Health

Girls’ Sports Teams – Please Avoid Them

Fluoride and Your Child’s Health

Having Healthy Children

Helping Children Lose Weight

Indigo Children

Infections, And Boosting The Immune Response

Love – What Is It Really?

Medical Marijuana

A Message Of Hope For The Children Of The World by R. Buckminster Fuller

Mother’s And Father’s Love And Development

Non-Violent Communication

Obstetrics And Development



Prenatal Care Horrors

Prenatal Vitamin Problems

Seizures And Epilepsy

Sleep and Rest For Children

Stages Of Psychosocial Development

Sugar Addiction

Superchild, All About Yours

Sweet And Dangerous


Tongue-Tie And Breastfeeding

Vaccination – A Medical Abomination

Vaccine Horror Story To Read Before Vaccinating Your Children

Vaccination Informed Refusal and Religious Exemption Forms

What Children Want?

Why Do Kids Kill? – Prozac and Alternatives


Brain Architecture.  This important article has to do with problems in how the brain sits inside the cranium or skull, and how to fix it. 

Brain Fog. This article has more technical data about brain problems.

The Brain As A Muscle. This is a very important short article if you want to have the kind of brain that does it all.

Brain and Mind Qualities discusses very critical aspects of consciousness.

Brain Development Behaviors (That Are Unusual) is about sensory-motor integration behaviors some children or adults exhibit that seem unusual, but they can help develop parts of the brain.

Brain Pathology. This is a survey article that discusses many causes for brain dysfunctions.  It is a very good little article.

Brain Types Related To The Seven Energy Centers.  This is a somewhat more technical article about how the brain relates to the seven physical energy centers on your body.

Dementia. This is a very common brain disorder that can start as early as the teenager years, today. The development program can help some causes of dementia and usually helps brain fog.

Getting A Brain. This short article discusses how to improve the way your brain functions.

Mental Development – Why And Why Now

Modern Starvation, A New Epidemic

MTHFR Defects

Development As An Information Science Or IT

Organic Brain Syndrome. This is a medical term for a type of brain disorder that is becoming more and more common.  It is not the same as dementia, but it is related.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder


Stubbornness And How To Persuade People

The Three Levels Of Brain Consciousness concerns what amounts to three distinct ways our brains operate.

Things That Wreck Your Brain.  This is one of the best little articles about how people damage their brains.

Telomeres, And Why Development Is Best To Lengthen Them

Vitality And The Brain discusses why you need a lot of vitality in order for your brain to function correctly.


Brainwashing And Hypnosis

Captures (People enslaved by others)

Cults And Terror Societies

Entity Attachment And Release

Female Genital Mutilation

Forgiving – What Is It Really?

Help For The Hopeless

How People Are Influenced Mentally And Emotionally For Manipulation And Control

How To Identify One Who Has Been Brainwashed

Methods Of Thought Replacement To Undo Traumas

My Healing Crisis, by Marianne West

Points And Their Healing (NEW and very important)


Rape, Healing It

Rape Planet

Reasons For Rogue Secrecy

Sexual Molestation And Its Healing

Sleep Paralysis Rape

The Sting or On Fire Healing Reaction

The Stockholm Syndrome

The Walking Dead

Trauma And Its Reversal

Trauma Retracing

Understanding Stress

Victimhood, And How To Get Out Of It


Acetaminophen – A Dangerous Drug

AGES Or Advanced Glycation End Products

A Killer Combination

Alarm Clocks

America’s Socialized Health Care System

The 2010 Health Care Bill – One Of The Worst Pieces Of Legislation Ever

Alkaline Water, And Why Avoid It Always

Antibiotics And Alternatives

Apple Cider Vinegar – Please Avoid It

Aspirin Not Helpful For Heart Attack Prevention

Atkins Diet And Its Problems

Autonomic Response Testing and Other Kinesiological, Reflex and Meridian Testing Methods

Baby Attacks

BIE or Bioenergetic Interference Elimination

The Big Lie Technique To Deceive People

The Billy Meier UFO Case

Biological Dentistry

Biomat Infrared Heating Pad – Please Avoid

Blood Testing Versus Hair Testing

Lab Test Interpretation During Development Programs

Blood Transfusions – Avoid Them, If Possible

Botox Or Cold Laser Therapy For Wrinkles – Avoid Them

CBD OIL – Please Stay Away

Chelation Therapy


Child Abuse Misdiagnosed – An Epidemic of Infantile Rickets

Chiropractic Care Is Excellent

Cleansing Diets – And Why Avoid Them

Collagen – Avoid It

Color And Your Health (of clothing and bodily discharges)

Coffee Enemas – Why They are Fabulous And How To Do Them Properly

Colonic Irrigation

Colonoscopy Dangers

Common Core – Must Be Stopped

Common Healing Methods – Herbalism, Allopathy, Naturopathy, Homeopathy, And Herbalism (And Healing Concepts)

Conflicts Of Interest In Food And Drug Research

Cribs And Polyester Can Be Dangerous

Are You Confused Evaluating Natural Therapies?

Conspiracy Theories - Are They True?

Contraceptives – Avoid The Pill And The Patch

Coronary Bypass Surgery

Cosmetics, Body Care And Home Care Product Safety

Coumadin Problems And Natural Alternatives – Nattokinase and Lumbrokinase

Dangerous Drugs

Dating And Courting

Deadly Bromine In Colas, Citrus-Flavored Soft Drinks And Breads

Death (early) Of Many Naturopaths And Holistic Doctors

Development, Anti-Aging Medicine and TranshumanismThree Ways To Extend Life

Diatomaceous Earth – Avoid It

Dietetics Versus Nutritional Balance Science

Doctor’s Priorities And Your Health – The Unpleasant Truth

The Drug Problem Is Really A Nutritional Problem

Drugs – How To Discontinue Them Safely

Dental Braces Can Cause Nickel Poisoning

Detergents And Washing Machines That Don’t Work Well

Electronic Medical Records – A Very Bad Idea

The Three Elephants

Emotional Freedom Technique – Avoid It

Energy Healing And Why Avoid Most Of It

Enzyme Therapy For Pain And Inflammation

The Essene Gospel Of Peace-Book 1, Beware

Essential Oils – Please Avoid Them

Evaluating Healing Therapies

Excitotoxins – Please Avoid Them

Exercise And Your Health – Be Careful

Farmers Market Fakers

Far Infrared Saunas – Avoid Them All

Fasting – A Holistic Method To Avoid

Fermented Cod Liver Oil – DangerousElectromagnetic Stress (such as “smart” meters and cell phones) And Your Health

Fermented Cod Liver Oil – Very Dangerous

Finding Your Way Through The Medical Maze

Flame Retardants – A Serious Chemical Hazard

Fluoridation of the Water – A Medical Horror

Food-Based, Whole-Food And Other Supplement Issues

Forbidden Foods For NB And Development.

Functional Medicine - And Why We Prefer Development

The Future of Medical Care

Gadolinium Toxicity From MRI Scans

3D Galvanic Scans - Avoid

The GAPS Diet –And Its Problems

Gastric Bypass Surgery

The Gerson Therapy

Granola And Trail Mix – Avoid Them

Grapefruit Seed Extract – Avoid It


Gyms, Health And Fitness Clubs

Hair Analysis Interpretation Methods And Laboratories

Hazards Of Going To Conventional Doctors

HCG Weight Loss System

Health Care For The New Millennium

Health Equipment – Treadmills, Chi Machines, Inversion Tables and Vibration Platforms

Healthy Salt” – Please Avoid It

Herbs, And Why Avoid Most Of Them

Himalayan Salt – Avoid It

HIPAA – The Health Care Privacy Scam

Homeopathy Problems – New

Hospital Horror – An Important Article

Himalayan Salt And Salt Lamps - Avoid

The Home Schooling Revolution

Hormonal Attacks On Men And Women

Hospital Horror

Hospital Survival

Hormone Replacement Therapy

How To Be Beautiful

Hydrogen Therapy – Avoid It

Hydrotherapy Today And In The Past

Internet Research About Health - Its Dangers

Intravenous Nutrient And Drug Therapy

Islam – Facts Or Dreams? By Andrew McCarthy

Kale And Thallium Poisoning

Kombucha Tea – Please Avoid It Completely

Kundalini Yoga – Please Avoid

Layering To Survive, And Delayering Methods

Liberalism, Populism, Democracy and Other Words Used To Confuse People

Lead Toxicity And Women

Lectins – Natural Toxic Food Chemicals


The Lotion Habit

Macrobiotics - Its Benefits And Dangers

Magnesium Oil or Transdermal Magnesium Therapy

Magnetic Mattress Pads, Other Magnetic Therapies, And Why Use Extreme Caution

Mammograms Do Not Reduce Cancer Mortality by Dr. Mercola

* Marijuana, Mental Illness And Violence by Alex Berenson

Marathon Running Kills

The Mark Of The Beast – What Is It?

Massage Therapy – Why Avoid It, Generally

Maternal And Infant Mortality Rates In The US Are A Tragic Embarrassment (2016)

Medical Marijuana – A Bad Idea

The Medical Medium Diet – STAY AWAY

Medical And Naturopathic Runarounds

Meditations – Why We Don't Like Them

Microwave Ovens

Muscle Testing Or Applied Kinesiology

National Defense Needed by Brian T. Kennedy (of the Claremont Institute)

Naturopaths – A Warning

The Nightly News – What It Really Is

Niacin Therapy (High-Doses) And Why Avoid It

Nutritional Autonomic Response Testing and Other Kinesiological, Reflex and Meridian Testing Methods

Nuclear Power And Alternative Energy

Obstetrics And Development Science

Occupational Licensing Damages Society (The Case Against Medical Licensing)

Odors And Your Health

Older Healing Methods (yoga, herbal medicines, and acupuncture) And Why I Rarely Recommend Them

Orange Juice And Other Fruit Juices

Organ Meats – Please Avoid Them

Flawed Organic Food Study From Stanford University

Paleolithic Diet And Its Problems

Parenting And Manganese Deficiency


Plastic Food Containers And How To Clean Them Up


Post-Abortion Syndrome Is Real

Potassium – Toxic Forms Of It And How To Avoid It

Premature Death, Avoiding It by Dr. McGuff

Privacy Loss – A Serious Problem Today Around The World

Prostitution – Not What It Seems

Protandim or Protandem – Avoid This Toxin


Reflexology, A Wonderful Natural Healing Therapy

Replacement Therapy, A Common Holistic Approach To Be Avoided

Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water – Avoid It

Rice Today Is All Poisoned With Arsenic

Ruining Natural Health Products And Services

Sauna Therapy, And Why It Can Be Superb

Scientology, The Church Of

Self-Medication And Development


Silver Oxide – Avoid It

Sleep Paralysis Rape

Smart’ Electric Meters – A Hazard

Social Media Addiction

Statin Drugs, And Why Avoid Them Always

The Sting Or On Fire Healing Reaction

The Streetwalkers - Beware

Sunglasses – Please Avoid Them

Using Sugar And Honey To Heal Wounds

Surgery, And How To Prepare For It

Tatoo Toxicity – Please Avoid Tatoos

The Healing Arts

The Opioid Crisis

The Baby Rapes Or Takings

Trance States  - A Way To Understand Many People

Trichinosis – A Common Problem Today

Tropical Fruit Drinks (Noni, Nopal, Acai, Goji, Camu Camu, etc.)

Turmeric – A Warning

TYLENOL®A Dangerous Drug

Urine Therapy

Vaccines Cause Death

Vaccination - by Grady Deal, DC, PhD

A Vaccine Horror Story

Vegetarian Diets – Please Avoid All Of Them

Vegetarian Spiritual Communities - A Warning

Visiting Doctors – When And What To Expect

Water For Drinking – Avoid Reverse Osmosis Water

Weston Price Diet And Its Problems

What To Look For In A Mate or Friend

Whole-Food, Food-Based And Other Supplement Issues

Why Double-Digit Inflation Of Health Care Costs

Why Development Is Not A Do-It-Yourself Program

Yoga And Its Problems

Your Doctor’s Prioritites


Acetaminophen – A Dangerous Drug

Antibiotics Are Dangerous

Aspirin Not Helpful For Heart Attack Prevention

Botox, A Toxic Method To Restore Beauty

CBD OIL – Please Stay Away

Chelation Therapy (and why avoid it)

Contraceptives – Avoid The Pill And The Patch

Coumadin Problems And Natural Alternatives – Nattokinase and Lumbrokinase

Deadly Bromine In Colas, Citrus-Flavored Soft Drinks And Breads

Drug (Medical) Problems

Drugs (Medical) To Completely Avoid

The Drug Problem Is Really A Nutritional Problem

Drugs – How To Discontinue Them Safely

Drugs Used For “Mind Expansion” And “Healing”

Fluoridation of the Water – A Medical Horror

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Marijuana, Mental Illness And Violence by Alex Berenson

Medical Marijuana – A Very Toxic Remedy

Protracted Withdrawal (PW or PAWS)

Statin Drugs, And Why Avoid Them Always

TYLENOL®A Dangerous Drug

Vaccines Cause Death

Vaccination - by Grady Deal, DC, PhD

A Vaccine Horror Story


Summary Article

The Rogues

Description Of The Problem

Baby Rapes or Takings

Cults And Terror Societies

Disease Boxes


Mass Poisoning


Rape Planet

Reasons For Rogue Secrecy


The Sats Or Satans

The Big Picture

The Cult or Rape Diet

The Negs Communication Systems

The New Rogue World

The Plight Of Women - new

The Walking Dead


Introduction To Development

Activation – The Greatest Adventure

Healing Rape

The Light Workers

Become An Agent

The Qualities Of A Warrior

The Secret Society of Loving, Light-Hearted Warriors


The Takings or Baby Rapes


The Psi War



How People Are Influenced Mentally


How To Identify A Severely Brainwashed Person




What Is Satanism And What Is New Age?

The Stockholm Syndrome

Hypnotized Zombies

Curses, Hexes And Spells

Bending The Head Backward For Brainwashing or “Breaking The Neck”



Acupuncture Patterns And Development Science

Adaptations And Compensations – A Key  To Understanding Development Science

Alloys And Development Science

The Body’s Batteries And Development

Benefits Of A Development Program Accelerate Over Time

Bioenergetics, Fatigue And Its Correction

Biological Transmutation Of The Elements

Blood And Urine Test Interpretation During Development Programs

Bone Marrow Transplants And Development

Braces, Bridges And Placeholders – Essential For Development Science

The Call To Development

The Car Analogy to Help Understand Development, And Why Changing Any Aspect Of The Program Usually Destroys Its Effectiveness

The Challenge Of Following A Development Program

Child Minerals

Classifications Of Health Conditions


The Comfort Zone Concept

Complicating Factors With Development Programs

Confluence Concept To Help Explain Hair Analysis Patterns

Controversy With Hair Mineral Analysis

Correspondence – A Key To Development


Deep Healing Versus Symptom Removal


Twentieth Century Contributors To Development

The Development Emergency Manual

Development – Getting Started (The Free Program)

Development Science And Why We Recommend It

Development Science (article from Explore, For The Professional, 2003;12(2))

Development Science References

Development Testimonials

Development Therapy Concepts

Development Versus Diseases

Development, A More Loving Healing Method

Development, An Introduction

Development, A Universal Science

Development Is Not A Do-It-Yourself Program

The Development Paradigm by Madeline Nunez

Development TheoryPart I

Development TheoryPart II

Detoxification Procedures We Recommend And Those We Do Not Recommend

Digestion, And How It Works

Discontinuing Thyroid Hormones Using A Development Program

The Science Of “Down”

Drinking Water for Health and Longevity

Elderly Clients And Development

Electrical Aspects Of Development Science

Electron Transport And The Work Of William F. Koch, MD

Energy Locks (Also see Crutches)

Enhancing Your Progress With Development

Etheric Remedies Used In Development Science

Etheric Reset And Anti-Aging

Everyone Is Extremely Toxic and Depleted

Exercise And Exercise Addiction

Fast Oxidation

Fatigue Attacks

Flora In The Intestines And How To Correct It

Forging Instead Of Healing

General Systems Theory And Healing

God Versus Sex

Good Nutrition Is Not Enough

Hair Mineral Analysis, An Introduction

Hair Analysis Retesting

Hair Sampling, Hair Products and Other Procedures

Health Foods That Are Not Healthy

Helpful Analogies To Understand Development

Henry A. Schroeder, MD – A Mineral Science Pioneer

How Long Does Healing Take With A Development Program?

How The Development Supplements Work

How To Succeed With A Development Program

Inertia And Its Relation To Healing

Internet Research About Health - Its Dangers

I Want The Program, But Not The Feelings

Hydration As A Healing Factor

The Science Of The Levels - According To John Keely

Life Extension With Development

Love Tetra Of Development Science

Metabolic Typing

Metanoia And Development

Mineral Levels In Human Hair – Ideals, Ranges, Toxicity And Poor Eliminators

Minerals, Cancer And the Energy Centers

Mineral Bioavailability And Unavailability

Morality, A Very Important Development Concept

Movement Patterns Associated With Minerals – An Advanced Topic

The Natural Human Being

Octaves And Development Science

Odors And Your Health

Older Healing Methods (yoga, herbal medicines, and acupuncture) And Why We Rarely Recommend Them

ORMUS Minerals (orbitally-rearranged monoatomic elements)

The Oxidation Types – Fast, Slow And Mixed Oxidation

Oxygenation – A Key To Health

Ozonator/Ionizer Air Purifiers To Enhance Oxygenation

Paradigms Of Healing

Paradigm Of Healing (part 2)

Peyer’s Patches And Development

Placeholders And The Placeholder Concept

Presenting Development To Others

Prevention Against The Emergency Medical System

Measuring Progress On A Development Program

How To Make Faster Progress

Psychodrama And The Development Program

Psychological Benefits Of Development Programs

Redistribution Of Toxic Metals (a concern with toxic metal removal)

Rehabilitation Using Development

Remineralizing The Body – How It Is Done

Replacement Therapy And Why It Is Not Effective

The Report Card – A Simple Physical To Check Health

Research In Development Science

The Reserve Energy Or Adrenal Reserve Concept

Retracing or Healing Reactions

The Ring Stage Of Development

Sailing Analogy And Development

Extreme Sensitivity During A Development Program

Set Point Problems

Shaky Feelings During A Development Program

The Ship Analogy To Help Understand Development Science

Slow Oxidation

Stages Of Healing

The Somatid Theory And Pleomorphism

The Spa Morning Routine

The Stress Wave

Suffering And Development

The Trim Tab Concept In Development (from Buckminster Fuller)

Time Management

To Develop Quickly, Create A Vacuum

To Solve Problems, Do More Of The Development Program

Torque, And Its Meaning In Development

Toxin Subtlety

Trusting The Process of Development

Safe Man Stage of Development

Stem Cell Therapies And Development

Supplement Use In Development

Telomeres , And Why Development Is Best To Lengthen Them

The Will To Survive and Overcome Illness

Work On All Levels

Tissue Mineral Analysis Retesting

Too Much Energy On A Program And Why Stay With It

Transmutation – see Biological Transmutation Of The Elements

The Trophoblast And Its Relation To Cancer

Troubleshooting Development Programs

Unknown Concepts In Development

Valence Of Minerals And Development

Vicious Cycles

Water For Drinking

What Percentage Of Clients Are Helped By Development?

Who Does Best And Worst On A Development Program?

Why Give Calcium And Magnesium When The Hair Levels Of These Minerals Are High?

Why Some People May Feel Worse While On A Development Program

Why Take Nutritional Supplements?

Why Use Hair Mineral Analysis To Design Nutritional Programs?

Understanding Yin And Yang

Yin And Yang Healing Methods

Yin Disease

You Just Don’t Understand Me

Swedish Version of Introduction To Development Science



Accomplishment And Its Components

Activity Addiction

Air Quality Indoors And How To Improve It

Austrian Economics And Its Opposite - Marxism

Breathing Properly For Optimum Health

Changing Your Habits

Challenges Of Aging While Following A Development Program

Chemical Toxicity Or Poisoning With Environmental Chemicals, And Its Correction

Circumcision, Why It Is Helpful

Cleanliness And Your Health

Clothing (Why dress modestly and more)

Dental Braces Can Cause Nickel Poisoning

Diet Essentials – The Healing Lifestyle

Doctor’s Priorities And Your Health – The Unpleasant Truth

Dream Interpretation Basics

Dress, And Why Not Dress Down?

Drinking Enough Water, Hydration As A Factor In Health And Disease

Driving Safely


Eat When Hungry Or Eat By The Clock?

Eating Out In Restaurants Healthfully

Electromagnetic Stress And Your Health

Enhancing Your Progress With Development

Etheric Reset And Anti-Aging

Everyone Is Extremely Toxic and Depleted

Exercise Myths

Fluoridation Of The Drinking Water – A Bad Idea

Food Supplements: Why Use Them

Forgiving – What Is It Really?

Four Steps To Taking Positive Action

Fun, What Is It?

Getting Along With Others

Gimmicks And Other Ways To End Bad Habits

Giving With Love And The Life Of Service

The Glow Of Health

Gratitude, One Of The Most Important Decisions You Will Ever Make

Hatred And Self-Hatred, And How To Stop Hating

Healing Deeply Versus Symptom Removal

Healthy Attitudes

More Healthy Attitudes

Healthy Thinking

How To Help Adjust Your Spine

How To Take A Shower

Humor Is Always Helpful For Your Health

Hydrogen Peroxide For Cleanliness

I Choose  (a set of empowering affirmations)

Inertia And Its Relation To Healing

Jet Lag Prevention

Justice – Equal or Social?

Knowing Is Demonstrating

Letting Go

Lies And Secrets, And Why Avoid Them

Life Extension – The Theoretical Basis

Life On Other Planets?

Lifestyle Patterns Revealed On Hair Mineral Analyses

The Light Workers

Loosening Your body Structure

Love Section


The Seven Kinds Of Love

Meaning Of The Word ‘Love’

Only Love Heals

Love – What Is It Really?

Love As Radiance

Love And Relationships – An Energetic View


Medical Marijuana – A Bad Idea

Modern Mineral Starvation, A New Epidemic

Motivation For Healing And How To Increase It

Non-violent Communication

Paradigms Of Healing – The Old And The New

Prayer – Its Importance And How It Works

Prevention Against The Emergency Medical System

Problems Working In Offices

Psychological Benefits Of Development Programs

R. Buckminster Fuller – Visionary, Designer, Educator


(The) Rape Planet

Reducing Computer And Other Electromagnetic Radiation

Sleep And Rest, and Their Importance

Soul Attachment And Release, or Possession

Spiritual Marriage

Survival Basics On Planet Earth

Ten Commandments - Are They Still Applicable?

The Brain As A Muscle

The Essene Gospel Of Peace–Book 1, Beware

The Flood Of Noah And Your Health

The Great Divorce

The Healing Lifestyle – The Basic “Free” Program

The Information/Computer Analogy To Understand Development

The Love Tetra Of Development Science

The Nature Of Mankind

The New World Of Love And Healing

The Real Self

There Is Work To Be Done”

The Servant Versus The Slave

The Spa Morning Routine For Optimum Health

Thinking Styles And Success

To Heal The World, Heal And Develop Yourself

Transforming Yourself

Travel Hazards And How To Minimize Them

Trusting The Process of Development

Understanding Stress

Vaccination, One Of The Worst Features Of Conventional Medical Care

Vaccination: Article by Grady Deal, DC, PhD

Vitamin D And The Sun

Walking Exercises For Healing

The Warrior’s Creed

Warrior Qualities

Wasting Time And How To Stop It

Weight Loss - Safely

What Is Power And Who Wields True Power?

Yoga – And Why We Don't Recommend It

Your True Identity


The Development Diet:

Food For Daily Use

Food For Occasional Use

Forbidden Food

Development Program Slang

Special Foods For Development:

Almond Butter

Baby Formula You Make At Home

Blue Corn (Whole Grain Cereal, Tortillas, Taco Shells And Tortilla Chips)


Cooking Tips

Cruciferous Vegetables

GimMe Organic Seasalt Seaweed Snack

Kelp, Its Benefits


Meats, Especially Lamb And Grass-Fed Beef, And Your Health



Sardines, An Excellent Food Product

Sesame Tahini

Tarragon For Four Lows Pattern

Water For Drinking, For Long Health and Longevity

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Vinegar And Vinegar Foods

Vitamin D And The Sun

All Food and Nutrition Articles


Pressure Cooking – A Very Fast And Excellent Method For Preparing food

Yang And Yin Of Foods

Fast Food For Development

Vegetables Versus Fruits

Toppings For Cooked Vegetables

Snack Foods For Development

The Four Types Of Food


Alkaline Water, And Why Avoid It Always

Almond Butter

Almonds And Their Adulteration

Anti-Oxidants And Anti-Oxidant Therapy With Development


Aspartame And Deadly Diet Foods

Aspartame And MSG – the Excitotoxins

Baby Formula You Make At Home

Beef – Grass-Fed And Organic

Blue Corn, A Wonderful Food For The 21st Century (cereal, tortillas and tortilla chips)

Bone Broth

Bread, And Why Avoid It

Butter Versus Margarine

Caffeine and Sugar Substitutes

Canned Food, And When It Is Healthful

Carbohydrates – Starches And Sugars

Carbohydrate, Bread and Sugar Addiction And Cravings

Carrot Juice, And Avoiding Other Juices

Chocolate Or Cacao

Coconut Products – Please Avoid Them

Coconut Oil And Brain Diseases

Coffee-Drinking, And Why Avoid It

Crock Pots Or Slow Cookers

Cruciferous Vegetables

Raw Dairy Products

Dietetics Versus Development Science

Eating Out Healthfully


Fats and Oils For Optimum Health

Fermented Foods - Their Benefits And Problems

Fifty (50) Reasons to Eat the Mainly Cooked Vegetable Diet

Fish-Eating Today And Its Problems

The Flood Of Noah And Your Health

Food-Based Supplements – Not That Great

The Food Energy Concept

Food Habits and Addiction

Food Intolerance or Food Allergies

Food Poisons And Food Additives

Food Processing And Refining

Forbidden Foods For NB And Development

The Four Types Of Food

Fructose And Its Dangers

Fruit: Its Benefits And Problems

Garbage Pail Nutrition

GimMe Organic Seasalt Seaweed Snack

GMO Foods (Genetically Modified Organisms)

Green Foods And A Cooked Green Drink

HCG Weight Loss System And Why Avoid It

Health Foods That Are Not Healthy

Home Gardens – A New Food Trend

Iodine – An Important Mineral Today

Iron And Iron Overload (very important article)

Iron Personality Types

Iron, Manganese and Aluminum

Kale And Thallium Toxicity

Kelp, Its Benefits

Kitchen Setup

Kombucha Tea – Please Avoid This Poison

Krill Oil, And Why Avoid It


Life Extension With Development

Losing Weight Safely

Meats And Your Health


Nightshade Vegetables And Your Health

Nuts And Seeds

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Orange Juice And Other Fruit Juices

Organ Meats – And Why Avoid Them

Organic Agriculture

Flawed Organic Food Studies From Stanford University


Peanuts And Peanut Butter – And Why Avoid Them

Pistachio Nuts

Protein, How Much and What Kinds

Purees, Dips, Sauces, Soups, Pate, Dressings And Whips

Rice Today Is Toxic

Salicylates And Salicylate Allergies

Sardines, An Excellent Food

Selenium, The Spiritual Mineral

Selenium: Extra Material

Sesame Tahini

Snack Foods For Development

Soda Pop And Other Soft Drinks

Sodium and Salt-Eating

Spices For Daily Use

Sugars And Other Simple Carbohydrates

Sugar and Wheat Flour – Why Avoid Them

Sugar Addiction

Superphosphate Fertilizers And Your Health

Sweet And Dangerous – More On Sugars

The American Food And Drug Administration – A Very Corrupt Organization

The China StudyA Book Review (poor quality book)

The Truth About Hemp

Turmeric, A Good Spice

Vegan Recovery

Vegetable Basics

Vegetables Versus Fruits

Vegetarian And Vegan Diets – And Why Avoid Them

Vitamin D And The Sun

Water For Drinking, For Long Health and Longevity

Whey Protein And Why Avoid It

Who Are The Real Food Faddists?


The Basic Diet For Development And Development:

Food For Daily Use

Food For Occasional Use

Forbidden Food

The Slow Oxidizer Diet - see Food For Daily Use

The Fast Oxidizer Diet - see Food For Daily Use

Articles About The Development Diet

Fast Foods For Development Programs

50 Reasons to Eat the Mainly Cooked Vegetable Diet

Toppings For The Cooked Vegetable Diets

Kosher Food Rules That Are Helpful For Your Health

How To Disguise And Add More Vegetables In Your Cooking

Why Some Do Not Like The Development Diet

What To Do If You Hate Vegetables

Articles About Other Diets

The American Diabetic Association Diet

Ann Wigmore And Her Work

Atkins Diet And Modifications To Improve It

Blood Type Diets

Body Ecology Diet

Carnivore Diet

Cleansing Diets

Common Harmful Diets Today – The No-Vegetable Diet, The Chaos Diet, The Cult Diet, The Dehydration Diet, Vegetarian And Vegan Diets

Cooked Versus Raw Food

Cult Or Rape Diet

Diet Essentials – The Healing Lifestyle

Dietary Systems And Concepts

Fasting, Intermittent Fasting and Cleansing Diets


The GAPS Diet

The Gerson Diet

The Hallelujah Diet – A Fraud

HCG Weight Loss System And Why Avoid It

The Ketogenic Diet

Killer Dietary Advice

Macrobiotics, And Modifications With Development

The Medical Medium Diet – STAY AWAY

Mediterranean Diet – Benefits And Problems

Open Water

The Paleolithic Or Paleo Diet

Cooked Versus Raw Food

Recovery From Vegan And Vegetarian Diets

Smoothies And Blended Meals

The China Study: A Book Review

Vegetarian And Vegan Diets

Weston Price, DDS, and the Weston Price Dietary Program

The Weston Price Diet Syndrome

The Zone Diet


Acetates, Fats, Alcoholism And Fast Oxidation

Acid-Base And pH Balancing

AGES Or Advanced Glycation End Products

Aldehyde Poisoning

Antimony Toxicity

Anti-Oxidants (also see Glutathione)

Aluminum – The Soft-In-The-Head Mineral

Arsenic – An Older Male/Female Mineral And A Very Toxic Mineral

Barium – A Very Toxic Metal

Boron - A Cleanser, And One Of The Amigo Elements (see below for the others)

Calcium - The Main Structural Element

The Four Critical Calcium Compounds

Cadmium – The Macho Element, An Older, Very Toxic Male Element

Chlorine – A Newer, Female, Oxidizing Agent

Chromium – The Blood Sugar Element And An Amigo Element

Cobalt – The Vitamin B12 Element And An Amigo Element

Copper Toxicity Syndrome

Copper Elimination Symptoms

Copper And Migraines – A Case History

Copper, Lingual Dyskinesia, And Tics – A Case History (© 2011, The Journal of Pediatrics)

Detecting Toxic Metals

Electron Transport And The Work Of William F. Koch, MD

Estrogens As Yin Toxins

Flora In The Intestines And How To Correct It

Fluorine – An Extremely Toxic Older, Female Mineral

Food Analyses – A Few Cautions

Food-Based Mineral Supplements

Genetic Defects And Development

Glutathione And Anti-Oxidants

Histamine And Histamine Intolerance

Iodine – A Very Needed Female, Older Element

Iron Personality Type

Iron And Iron Overload

Iron, Manganese and Aluminum  -  The Three Amigos, Irritants or Oxidants

Krill Oil And Why Avoid It

Lead And Lead Toxicity

Lithium - The Brain Protector A Spiritual Element And An Amigo Element

Liver Detoxification

Lysine - For Four Lows Pattern

Magnesium - The Bright And Shining Element

Manganese – A Maternal Female Element And An Amigo Element

MTHFR Or Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase Defect

Methylation, An important Chemical Process

Minerals, A Brief Introduction

Mineral Bioavailability And Unavailability

Mineral/Vitamin Synergisms

Mercury - An Older Female And A Very Toxic Metal

Molybdenum – An Amigo Element, An Older Female/Blending Element And Somewhat Toxic Today

Niacin, And Why Avoid High-Dose Therapy

Nickel – An Extremely Toxic, Older Male Mineral

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Oxalates – Go Easy

Phosphorus – The Main Excitatory And Fiery Element

Potassium - A Solvent Element

Potassium – Toxic Forms Of It And How To Avoid It


Pyroluria or Krytopyroles In The Urine

Rubidium – Gateway To Long Life

Selenium - A Newer Male And Female Spiritual Element Critical Today For Health And Longevity, And An Amigo Element

Selenium  (Reprinted From The Journal Alternatives)

Silicon – A Newer Spiritual Male And Female Element

Sodium - The Volatility And Power Element, And A Solvent Element

Strontium – A Potent Destroyer

Sulfur - A Cleansing, Balancing And Connective Tissue Element

Sulfur-Containing Amino Acids


The Toxic Metals – Arsenic, Mercury, Lead, Cadmium, Aluminum, Nickel

Valences Of Minerals And Development

The Vitamins

Trimethylglycine or TMG

Vitamin A

Vitamin C

Vitamin D And The Sun

Vitamin D - 2010

Vitamin K

Water For Drinking, For Long Health and Longevity

Vanadium – A Vital Element And An Amigo Element

Zinc - A Sedative Mineral, A Balancer And A Newer Spiritual Male Element

Zirconium – An Unusual Toxic Metal


General Articles About Supplements:

Food-Based, Whole-Food And Other Supplement Issues

How Nutritional Supplements Work

How To Give Supplements To Fussy Children


Stress Support – An Important Newer Supplementation Concept

Supplement Tips To Make It Easy

Mineral Supplements – Which Are Best?

The Development Program Supplement List

Why Take Nutritional Supplements? 

Articles About Individual Products:

B-Complex Vitamins And Their Use In Development Science

Bee Propolis

The Black Salve

Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc And Selenium Supplements

Cantron Or Protocel

Colloidal Silver

Enzyme Therapy For Pain And Inflammation

Food-Based, Whole-Food And Other Supplement Issues

Garlic Capsules


Genetically Modified Organisms Or GMOs In The Products We Recommend

Kelp, Its Benefits


Magnesium Stearate

Metabolic Packs For The Oxidation Types

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Paramin (calcium and magnesium)

Probiotics And Your Intestinal Flora

Proteolytic Enzymes For Pain And Inflammation



Selenium (reprint from Alternatives 12;14:107-111)


Specialty Products Used Occasionally With Development Programs, And How To Use them

Tarragon Supplements


Trimethylglycine or TMG

Vegetable Capsules Such As Endo-Veggies And Others

Vitamin D - 2010

Wo Healing Oil



Most important: The Pulling Down Procedure, Coffee Enemas, Single Red Heat Lamp Therapy OR Sauna Therapy, The Twists, Pops, Pulls and Kicks, Neck Pull and Reflexology.

Complete List:

Accelerators (this article contains the healing trances and a number of other healing procedures)

Bidet Procedure

Cold Sitz Bath For Prostate Enlargement And Anal Fissures

Coffee Enemas

The Stages Of Coffee Accumulation

Down Hugging

Down Sex

Ear Reflexology Procedure

Genital Bath

Hand Pull Exercise

Hand Trance

Kelp And Kelp Wraps

Low Body Procedures


Neck Pull

Opening The Joints

Open Position Procedure

Oral Coffee Hold (or Mouth Coffee)

Oxygen Therapies

Ozonator/Ionizer Air Purifiers To Enhance Oxygenation

Penis Coffee

Peroxide Baths/Ozone Therapy

Peroxide Implants For Men

Peroxide Implants For Women

Procedures Handbook (contains just the procedures for the methods below)

Pulling Down Exercise

Pulls, Pops, Twists and Kicks Procedure

Prayer Circles (see Entity Attachment And Release)


Rest And Sleep – Their Importance In Development

Rolfing Or Structural Integration

Salt Rub or Salt Glow

Sauna Therapy

Saunas - Plans To Build A Red Heat Lamp Sauna

Saunas - Near Infrared Versus Far Infrared Types

Saunas - Where To Buy A Near Infrared Light Sauna

Saunas – Why They Have A Powerful Parasympathetic Effect

Single Red Heat Lamp Therapy

Skin Brushing

Steam Procedure (whole body and partial such as vaginal steaming)

Toe Trance

Treadmill Procedure (an indoor walking procedure)

Vaginal Coffee Implants

Walking Exercises For Healing


Down Hugging

Down Sex

A Down Sex Contract

Downward-Moving Energy And Healing

Male-Female Blending Or “Tan” Science

The Science Of Down


Chiropractic Or Osteopathic Manipulation

Pfrimmer Deep Muscle Therapy

What Wellness Looks Like And Feels Like

We don't recommend acupuncture and definitely not Chinese or Ayurvedic herbs because these are somewhat toxic. For details, read Acupuncture.


** WARNING ** All of the mineral patterns in this section are only valid if one is following a development program that we design and administered through the Helpers listed at Find A Helper. If you follow other programs, the patterns are often not accurate.

NEW WARNING. The mineral patterns listed below are only valid if hair mineral testing is accurate. Until February, 2024, Analytical Research Labs offered accurate testing. Since that time, however, their accuracy is not as good. Other labs are often worse.

To identify a mineral pattern from a hair test from ARL at this time, one must raise the level of sodium and potassium by 100% or a little more. Also, the calcium level is often much too low. Also, one must raise the level of most of the other minerals by 25-50%. If you don't do this, the patterns do not apply. Also, the levels of iron, manganese and aluminum are often useless. (We believe the latter occurs because the thugs, satans or rogues force the labs to alter the iron, manganese, aluminum and perhaps other mineral levels to cover up the thug program of converting people to what they call “blacks” or “black masters”. This program requires filling the bodies with iron and other toxic metals. For details, read The Black Program Or Black Master Conversion Program.)

Hair analysis patterns are divided into three groups:

1. Those that appear on an initial mineral test or on a retest

2. Those that appear only on retests

3. Those that require three or more mineral tests to observe.

If a pattern begins with a blue link, it means this website has a separate article about the pattern.


Adrenal Stress Pattern = sodium above about 100 mg%.

Aggressiveness  = calcium less than about 14 mg%.

Amigos - Iron, Manganese, Aluminum (And Often Others) = These are toxic forms of minerals, usually oxides or carbonates. They are found in our food supply, largely thanks to the so-called green revolution in agriculture that has occurred over the past 100 years or so.

The amigos are a major type of liver toxin found in everyone today. They are highly irritating and do oxidant damage. They are truly horrible and damage most everyone’s health.

Other names. Some people call them the irritants, the oxidants or the three.

Correction. Rather than give anti-oxidants, which are extremely yin and do not undo the cause of the problem, the development program actually gets rid of this cause of oxidative damage, which is the presence of the amigos.

Oxide forms of common minerals are extremely common. This is due to contamination of all food on earth with superphosphate fertilizers and because the bodies hold on to them to compensate for weak adrenal glands. They can raise a low sodium level or low sodium/potassium ratio. The medical, naturopathic and holistic healing professions have great difficulty getting rid of them.  However, a properly designed development program will remove them.

Most common minerals can exist in our bodies in an oxide form. For details, read Amigos - Iron, Manganese, Aluminum (And Often Others).

Attempting To Overcome Overwhelming Stress = three lows and sympathetic dominance.

Balanced Pattern or Same Ratio Pattern = All four ratios of the macrominerals (Ca/K, Ca/Mg, Na/Mg, and Na/K) are the same or very close to the same. For details, see Swell Pattern below.

Basic Burnout = sodium less than 5 mg%. 

Beam Me Up, Scottie = fast oxidation and a low sodium/potassium ratio in those who eat a lot of fruit.

Belligerence = magnesium less than about 3 mg%

Big rise or big hill = If one connects the tops of the graphs of the first eight minerals, the visual pattern is that of a mild hill or rise. This pattern is associated with a general feeling of joy or celebration.

It is also associated with having regular down sex, provided that most or all of the other hair readings also rise. This is a very positive pattern.

Often, iron does not participate in the pattern, meaning that the iron level may be lower. The pattern is even more positive the more that iron participates. When iron does not participate, the pattern looks a little like, and is, a type of goalpost pattern. This is still a very positive pattern.

Biounavailable Calcium and Magnesium = calcium above 100 mg%, magnesium above about 9mg%. 

Bowl Pattern = a high Ca/Mg ratio and a low Na/K ratio.

Burned Out Sympathetic Dominant = low potassium and a low sodium/potassium ratio.

Burnout (see adrenal burnout)

The Businesswoman (or less commonly it applies to a man) = four highs, usually mild four highs, a fairly balanced oxidation rate and fairly balanced and usually a good Na/K ratio. Also, there is often a copper level of less than 1.2 and often a low mercury level, indicating a poor eliminator of mercury. Often, the other mineral levels are quite good.

Calcium Shell = a hair calcium level above 165 mg% in a woman or above 155 mg% in a man. It indicates psychological withdrawal, or overwhelming stress, or difficulty handling stress. It is also associated with trauma.

When the calcium level is above about 340 mg%, it is called petrified pattern. When the calcium level is above about 500 mg%, it may indicate the presence of trauma that the main soul of a person brings in from past experiences.

The Calcium/Magnesium Ratio = This is also called the carbohydrate tolerance ratio or the lifestyle ratio.

The Calcium/Potassium Ratio = This is also called the thyroid ratio. It is one of the two ratios used to calculate the oxidation rate.

Caring Pattern = A mild slow oxidation rate AND a calcium/magnesium ratio between about 6 and 7.3 AND a sodium/potassium ratio between about 2.4 and 2.8. In other words, a mild slow oxidation rate combined with excellent calcium/magnesium and sodium/potassium ratios.

This pattern appears more often on initial hair mineral tests rather than on retests. When this pattern is present, the person is usually a caring type of person. We are not sure of the mechanism of this pattern. It is fairly common among some groups of people such as religious Christians and perhaps religious Hebrew people (we have less experience with them).

Coasting = All four of the macrominerals are more or less even across on a calibrated graph from ARL. We need more research on this pattern. One possibility is that it indicates a person is not experiencing much movement. Movement in this case means changes and learning in life. Extreme examples of coasting are flatline pattern (a cancer pattern) and low flatline pattern (a drug addiction pattern). In both cases, a person is usually not experiencing much movement in life.

Collapse patterns = any time two, three or four of the major macrominerals all decline by at least 100%.  It is usually very positive. For example, it can be due to an elimination of toxic metals from the kidneys.

Combination Or Combo Readings = Some hair analysis readings are definitely due to combinations of factors, some of which are elevating the mineral level, while others are making it lower.

Compensated Hair Mineral Tests = When the macromineral (calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium) levels and ratios, and perhaps other indicators, are fairly close to normal in a chronically ill person.  This can be a confusing situation.

Conflict Patterns = patterns related to types of stress conflicts going on inside a person or around a person.

Cult Diet Pattern = this often includes a nickel level above about 0.02 and/or a lead level greater than 0.1 mg% (due to drinking rooibos or red tea), mercury above about 0.035 mg% (due to eating tunafish), and sometimes aluminum above about 0.4 (due to using aluminum-containing antiperspirants).

Other possible indicators are an iron level greater than 2 mg%, a chromium level greater than about 0.12 mg%, cadmium greater than about 0.007 mg%, arsenic greater than 0.008 mg%, manganese greater than 0.04 mg%, and/or selenium greater than about 0.18 mg%.

When some women or men are raped, they are told that to avoid another rape or death they must drink rooibos tea daily, they must avoid all red meat, and they must eat tunafish daily and fruit daily.  They may also be told to use anti-perspirants that contain aluminum, which raises the hair aluminum level.  The demands can vary, but these are the most common features of this dietary pattern.  It is designed to keep a person weak and ill.  Please read The Cult Or Rape Diet for a more complete explanation of this important pattern.

Death Patterns (These are now called Serious PatternsSee Serious Patterns below).

Deep Anger = A four low pattern that often persists for more than one test, and maybe much longer.  Often, but not necessarily a low four lows, but often not with a low Na/K ratio.  The pattern is common, especially in middle-aged women, and indicates anger and hatred for life, a “life stinks” attitude.

Deep In The Mud = a very low four low pattern. This is a newer pattern. We think the criteria are: calcium less than 10 mg%, magnesium less than 2 mg%, sodium less than 5 mg% and potassium less than 2 mg%. When this pattern occurs on an initial hair mineral test, it indicates poor health.

If this pattern occurs only on a retest and the pattern was not present on the previous, the pattern indicates a very deep retracing process. In this case, we call the pattern digging deeper. Also on a retest only, the pattern can be a replacement pattern involving the first four macrominerals. The body is simply retaining the first four macrominerals because they are being used to replace toxic metals that the body is eliminating. Therefore, the numbers are temporarily very low for a few months. The person usually feels quite well, in these instances.

Deficiency (yin and/or blood deficiency) Pattern = Also see the bowl pattern.

Depletion Pattern = Step down pattern AND potassium of 1 mg% AND lots of poor eliminators.

Double High Ratio Or Double Inflammation = a high Ca/Mg ratio and a high Na/K ratio.  This pattern reinforces all symptoms associated with a high Na/K ratio. For details, see Double Patterns.

Double Hill Pattern = A hill pattern on the first four minerals (calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium) along with a hill pattern on the second four minerals (iron, copper, manganese and zinc).  This visual pattern is uncommon, and is a very positive sign.  It indicates “excited on the inside and outside”. Also, see Ecstatic Pattern below.

Double Patterns  = This is a general term meaning patterns that either require two or more levels or ratios to create the pattern, or that are reinforced when a second or perhaps third or fourth indicator is present.  They may also include patterns that are present on the second four numbers (iron, copper, manganese and zinc) when these mimic or have the same pattern as the first four numbers.  For example, one can have a double hill pattern, or a double bowl pattern, or a double fast oxidizer pattern, etc. involving the first four and the second four minerals on the ARL hair chart.

Double patterns have to do with fractal theory.  Fractals are simple numbers that repeat, forming much more complex systems or patterns.  The human design is fractal, and double or doubling patterns on a hair mineral analysis reflect that design.

Double double patterns = These include any double pattern that is repeated on the second four numbers (iron, copper, manganese and zinc). For example, one can have a double double high ratio pattern. This is a double high ratio pattern on the first four minerals, along with a double high ratio pattern on the second four minerals.

One that we look for a lot is a double double low ratio pattern.  This is a double low ratio pattern on the first four minerals, along with a double low ratio pattern on the second four minerals.  It is a double slow death indicator, or double wanting to die pattern.  For more, see the article entitled Second Four patterns.

Double Low Ratio Or Double Inversion Pattern = The sodium/potassium ratio is less than 2.5 AND the calcium/magnesium ratio is less than about 5. This is an important trauma pattern, also called double give-up and a slow death pattern. One feels like giving up and dying. This pattern is associated with and reinforces all symptoms associated with a low Na/K ratio.

Double 0s Pattern = This is older terminology that is no longer used. The newer terminology is the Poor Eliminator Pattern.

Drug Use Patterns On A Hair Mineral Analysis.

Ecstatic Pattern = a double fast hill. This means a fast oxidizer with a hill pattern that appears on both the first four minerals and the second four minerals.

Efforting Patterns = These are patterns in which a person is making an effort.  They usually involve a high sodium/potassium ratio and/or slow oxidation.  They include sympathetic dominance, hard driver, step down (stepping into life), trying too hard, trying hard to stay afloat, trying to stay alive, and workaholic patterns.

Eight Bowl = This is an unusual pattern in which the first eight minerals on a calibrated ARL hair mineral chart form a bowl-shaped pattern.  The meaning is similar to a bowl composed of the first four macrominerals, except it is a deeper pattern.  See the Bowl Pattern for more details.

Other patterns composed of the first eight minerals on the ARL chart are possible, such as a hill, step down or step up.  However, they are very rarely seen.

Eight Inversion = The first four minerals are all low AND the second four minerals are all about normal or high. This is an ill health pattern.

Fast Oxidation = a calcium/potassium ratio less than 4 AND a sodium/magnesium ratio greater than 4.17.

First-Second Patterns.  This is a term used to describe patterns that occur on the first four minerals (calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium) and repeat on the second four minerals (iron, copper, manganese and zinc). Repeating in this way strengthens the pattern. It also means that the pattern is present on a more conscious level, and also at a deeper level.

Five Pattern – This is present when the tops of the bar graphs of the first five minerals on an ARL graph (calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and iron) form a more or less straight line. The straight line always slants downward.

This is a very positive pattern. The five pattern is a super step down or super stepping into life pattern. The movement associated with this pattern is moving forward to new work, a new relationship, or something else new and important in one’s life. This pattern is also called moving ahead. It is usually a strikingly visual pattern.

Flattened or Shut Down Pattern = Potassium=1 mg% And Ca/K>130 And Normal or low Na/K ratio. This pattern is a very slow oxidizer with sympathetic dominance, but not a high Na/K.  Usually, the person also has at least some poor eliminators, and perhaps all (8 or 9) poor eliminators.

The body is somewhat shut down, and the emotions are usually suppressed or “flat”.  That is the meaning of the name of the pattern.  It is seen more in women, and is associated with rape or other trauma.  However, it can occur in men, as well.

The detoxification procedures are very important with this pattern.

Flat Line Pattern = This is a visual pattern.  The top of the bar graphs of the first four macrominerals form a more or less exactly horizontal line.

This pattern often indicates the presence of trauma and poor health.  It is seen in some cases of cancer.  We are not sure of the reason for it. However, it may occur because the body is too weak to handle much stress or imbalance in the electrolyte levels. A related pattern is Low Flatline (see below.)

Four Highs/Three Highs = Calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium above the ideal values.

Four Lows = calcium below 40 mg%, magnesium below 6 mg%, sodium below 25 mg% and potassium below 10 mg%.  This pattern may also be called In The Tunnel Of Death.

Four Lows Under Stress, also called Near The Tunnel = The calcium, magnesium and potassium levels are low AND the sodium level is high.  Usually, the sodium level is just slightly elevated, but not always.

This is an acute stress pattern and a temporary sympathetic state of body chemistry.  There is underlying weakness of the body.

The person often feels panicky and unstable.  The blood sugar level tends to be unstable, especially if the person relaxes, does a coffee enema or does a sauna session.  The person may become diabetic.

Frozen Food Eater = This is a newer pattern (July 2020). People who eat mostly frozen food may show a four lows pattern, low sodium/potassium ratio and possibly four lows on the second four minerals, as well. They may have allergies, fatigue and other mental problems. The aura has a shriveled look.

Giving Away Your Power (also called the victim pattern)= sodium level of 1 mg% or less and potassium level of 1 mg% or less.  Milder forms of this are when sodium is 2 mg% and potassium is either 1 or 2 mg%. 

Goalpost Pattern = A visual pattern that looks like two goal posts of an American football stadium. On either side of the highest “post” the mineral levels are also elevated. In between the posts, the mineral levels are low. The pattern may be described as involving five minerals in the configuration of low, high, low, high and low. Even better is if it involves seven minerals in configuration of low, less low, high, low, high, low, lower. The look of the pattern must be fairly symmetrical so that it is recognizable as a set of goal posts.

One type of goalpost pattern is formed by high levels of potassium and copper with a lower graph level of iron in between these two. The person is often eliminating toxic potassium and toxic copper.  This is excellent. On a retest, this particular configuration is always an intervention in which the person gets back one of their lower guide creatures. For details, read Controllers And Other Guide Creatures.

Another type of goalpost pattern is formed by high levels of iron and manganese with a low level of copper in between them. This is associated with an amigo dump (this pattern is listed under Patterns Only Seen On Retests). Thsi pattern may be associated with an intervention, but we are not sure at this time because it is less common.

The meaning of any goalpost pattern is reaching the goal.  This means that the person has achieved something that was wanted at a deep level.

Recently (February 2019) we found that this goalpost pattern can be part of a Big Rise pattern (described above).

Going Down Swinging = A very steep step down pattern. The Ca/K ratio must be greater than about 300:1 in a woman or greater than about 200:1 in a man.  Also see Step Down Pattern.

A Good Heart (or caring pattern) = An excellent Na/K ratio (near 2.5) with an excellent Ca/Mg ratio (near 6.67). So far, this pattern is found in women or men who actually live the religious teachings of the Bible. One need not be an observant religious person, however.

Good Worker = A fast oxidation rate, with an Na/K ratio between 2.5 and 5, and a copper level above 2.5 mg%.  Dr. Eck identified this pattern.  It indicates a person who is somewhat compulsive, but often very aware. He said they make excellent office workers.

Grief Pattern = A double low ratio pattern, but not a step up pattern, combined with a four highs pattern.

Growing up = a potassium spike. This is a high potassium level with very low levels of sodium and iron. It is an elimination of toxic potassium, which is a “child mineral”. This is newer so we are not sure of the exact criteria.

Hard Driver pattern = a four highs pattern AND a double high ratio pattern.  This is a person who pushes himself or herself hard. 

Hell Bent = A very fast oxidation rate AND a sodium/potassium ratio of 10 or greater, especially on an initial hair mineral test. (If it occurs only on a retest, it could be due to kidney stress due to toxic metal elimination.)

This pattern is fortunately rare and we consider it a type of death pattern. In other words, it is unsustainable and usually indicates a pathological condition of the body that must be changed in order for life to continue. This pattern may be associated with some cases of Parkinson’s disease and these cases could be due to manganese toxicity.

Constipation may be present. Usually, fast oxidizers do not experience constipation.

Hidden Low Magnesium = This pattern may be present any time the hair magnesium level is 1 mg%. The reason for the pattern is that as of December 2019, Analytical Research Labs only reports magnesium levels down to 1 mg%. If the magnesium level is less than 1 mg%, one cannot determine this from the test.

This problem is important because a hidden low magnesium level will affect several ratios. At this time, the only way we know to determine if the pattern is present is with the help of our soul guides.

Hidden Low Potassium = This pattern may be present any time the hair potassium level is 1 mg%. The reason for the pattern is that as of December 2019, Analytical Research Labs only reports potassium levels down to 1 mg%. If the potassium level is less than 1 mg%, one cannot determine this from the test.

This problem is important because a hidden low potassium level will affect the sodium/potassium ratio and may change it from low to high. Thus the supplement program needs to be adjusted. At this time, the only way we know to determine if the pattern is present is with the help of our soul guides.

High sodium/potassium ratio = Na/K ratio above about 4.

High Tunnel = This is a four highs pattern AND all four of the macromineral levels are very high – well off the graph. The calcium level is above about 160 mg%, the magnesium level is above about 24 mg%, the sodium level is above about 100 mg% and the potassium level is above about 40 mg%.

We believe this is a type of tunnel, similar to the tunnel in three lows and four lows.  However, it is milder and does not require a special healing program.

Hill pattern = a Ca/Mg ratio of 5 or less AND a Na/K ratio of about 5 or greater. A hill pattern is also possible on the second four minerals. The iron/copper ratio needs to be 0.5 or less and the manganese/zinc ratio needs to be 0.4 or greater. The pattern indicates excitement – climbing to the top of the hill.

Holding On for Dear Life = a three lows pattern plus low Na/K and low Ca/Mg plus an elevated magnesium level.  This is a person who is very close to going into a four lows pattern.    The boat is almost sinking and needing to go into dry dock soon if something is not changed.  Medical drugs, nutritional depletion, toxic metal poisoning or stress can cause this.

Immersed In Stress = very slow oxidation, and sodium<3, and Na/K<1.  This is uncommon, and found mainly in some vegetarians.

Immersed In One’s Issues = This is more often the case when the sodium/potassium ratio is low, OR if there is a four lows pattern, OR if there is a bowl pattern.

Inertia Patterns = these are patterns that indicate that a person is somewhat stuck due to inertia.

J-Bowl or Ski Jump Bowl = a very high calcium/magnesium ratio AND a mild low sodium/potassium ratio.  Visually, this pattern can appear like a ski jump or a backwards letter J.  Hence the name.  This pattern usually indicates a person who is stuck, but very determined to become well.  It is an “attitude” pattern, meaning the person has attitude, or great determination.

Joy Patterns = these are a set of hair analysis patterns that indicate improved health and well-being, often accompanied by a greater sense of joy and happiness.

Kidney Problems = sodium/potassium ratio greater than about 40. Other indicators are poor eliminator patterns for mercury, cadmium, nickel and possibly iron.

Kidney Stress = this can raise the sodium and/or potassium levels.  It may even cause a fast oxidation rate.  It is rare on an initial hair test, and much more common on retests when a person is following a Development program. If a person is on a Development program, it is a benign indicator. See above for kidney problems. 

Eliminating boron or palladium, in particular, seem to cause it although any toxic metal or chemical elimination through the kidneys can cause it.

L Pattern = The first four macrominerals (calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium) appear in the shape of a capital L on the graph from Analytical Research Laboratories.  This is also a three lows pattern with a very elevated calcium/magnesium ratio and a fairly normal sodium/potassium ratio with a fairly normal sodium/magnesium ratio.  The pattern indicates a lifestyle problem, and may have other significance.  It is a current subject of research.

Lifestyle Imbalance (also called Spiritual Defensiveness) = a calcium/magnesium ratio of 13.5 or greater.  Indicates that certain lifestyle factors are in the way of one’s health and healing.  The usual causes are recreational drug use, homosexuality, an abusive relationship and less commonly a negative attitude.

Looking For Answers = An increase in the oxidation rate AND an increase in what looks like the “oxidation rate” on the second four minerals AND little change in the calcium/magnesium ratio, the sodium/potassium ratio, the iron/copper ratio and the manganese/zinc ratio.

This pattern indicates that a person is searching for understanding of a situation. We discovered this pattern in a woman whose best friend was just killed in an automobile accident.

Low Flatline = All four macrominerals more or less form a horizontal line AND four lows is present AND usually there are many poor eliminators, especially iron and manganese. Zinc may be elevated. The sodium/potassium ratio may be somewhat low. This is a drug addiction pattern. This is a variant of Flatline Pattern (see above).

Low Self-Esteem Pattern =

1. A calcium/magnesium ratio between 5 and 8, AND 

2. A sodium/potassium ratio greater than 10, AND

3. The levels of calcium and magnesium are usually near the ideal levels.

This pattern has to do with anger and inflammation (high sodium/potassium ratio) that is directed inward toward oneself.  The sodium/potassium ratio is more of an internal indicator.

It is not about psychological withdrawal, however, which is associated with a calcium shell.  In the low self-esteem pattern, the level of calcium and magnesium are much closer to the ideals.

There may be a hidden boron toxicity with this pattern.

Magnesium Shell = a hair tissue magnesium level of 25 mg%or higher. At this time, this is for both men and women and we are researching this further.

Malnourished Patterns = While most people are malnourished, there may be hair analysis patterns that indicate more severe malnutrition. They include some cases of a bowl pattern, a double low ratio pattern or some cases of a four lows pattern. Other malnourished patterns are also possible.

Metabolic Syndrome Pattern = This is a mild fast oxidation pattern AND a sodium/potassium ratio less than 2.5 but usually greater than 1.  This pattern is not seen with all cases of metabolic syndrome, but it is common.

Mirror = The arrangement or pattern of the second four minerals (Fe, Cu, Mn and Zn) is roughly a mirror image of the arrangement of the first four minerals (Ca, Mg, Na and K). This combination pattern indicates a more balanced situation in the body.

Mountain = very steep hill. Criteria are the calcium/magnesium ratio must be about 3 or less and the sodium/potassium ratio must be above about 10. This is an excellent pattern of excitement.

No Power Pattern = a fast oxidizer AND several poor eliminators.  Normally, a fast oxidizer should be eliminating toxic metals due to the faster oxidation rate.  When this is not occurring, it is a sign of poorer health.

On The Edge = This is a newly discovered pattern in the hair that is known in advanced acupuncture. It is associated with brain problems such as anxiety, learning disorders such as dyslexia, irritability, memory loss, anger, fungal infections, sweet cravings and constipation. It is found in some children. The tentative criteria are:

1. Low four lows, with magnesium = 1 mg%, calcium = 8 mg%, sodium 4 mg% AND

2. The sodium/potassium ratio = 1 AND

3. Elevated aluminum (1.72 mg%), lead (0.093 mg%), mercury (0.035 mg%) and copper (2.6 mg%).

On The Way Out = This is a fairly recently discovered pattern. We believe, based on a case, that it is some combination of a low four lows pattern, the sodium/potassium ratio is less than 2.5, 2 or more elevated toxic metals, a copper spike, and two or more very poor eliminator patterns. Further research is needed to refine the criteria. This is an important advanced acupuncture pattern and a warning pattern.

The copper spike is a chronic trauma. The elevated toxic metals accompanying a low four lows with a low Na/K and very poor eliminators are unusual because in this metabolic situation the body dow not have a lot of energy and ability to eliminate toxic metals. Therefore, we believe this pattern indicates a highly toxic condition.

Oppression = a more recently discovered pattern (February 2020) that we believe is a combination of a slow oxidation rate, a calcium/magnesium ratio greater than 20, and a low sodium/potassium ratio. We are still researching this pattern, but it appears that it indicates a situation in which a person is experiencing oppression. It is a more extreme version of a victim pattern (slow oxidation and a low sodium/potassium ratio). This is also an advanced acupuncture pattern.

Paralleling = when two people who live in the same home have at least three of the first four readings are fairly close to each other or even the same.  Matching the readings of another person in your household is a resonance or empathic healing method that speeds up healing and Development.

Paranoia patterns = very fast oxidation AND possibly a Reverse L pattern.

Passive-Aggressive = a calcium shell AND a three or four highs pattern.  The pattern is more pronounced if the Na/K ratio is less than 2.5.  This interesting pattern combines suppression (a calcium shell) with inflammation (three or four highs).  A person with the pattern tends to be suppressed most of the time, except when they explode with anger.

Poor Eliminator And Very Poor Eliminator Patterns = a very low level of a toxic metal or some of the nutrient minerals. The exact levels are different for each mineral and contained in the article above. The pattern indicates difficulty eliminating the mineral and a consequent buildup of the mineral.

This is a newer pattern. We have found it to be quite a reliable hidden toxicity pattern.

Another possibility is that for for some reason, the body is not eliminating that particular mineral at this time. This could be due to armoring, for example (see Armoring pattern).

Poor eliminator pattern can also indicate general problems eliminating all toxic substances such as chemical toxins.

Very poor eliminator pattern is when the hair level is even lower, and indicates an even more severe elimination problem.

Other patterns associated with impaired elimination include sympathetic dominance, very slow oxidation, a sodium/potassium ratio less than about 1.5, three lows pattern, four lows pattern or phosphorus less than 13 mg%.

Quantifying The Hair Analysis Patterns.  Many hair analysis patterns can be quantified, which is a way to assess their severity in mathematical terms, such as single, double, triple and so on.  This article explains what this means and gives the quantifying criteria for some of the important patterns.

Reverse L pattern = a good Ca/Mg ratio along with a Na/K ratio about 1 or less. On the hair test graph, this pattern looks like a letter L backwards. It is a very chronic stress pattern. At times, it is also an indicator of homosexuality (usually a bottom) in men. It may indicate one has been beaten.

In acupuncture, it is called a tombstone pattern because it looks like a tombstone and is a type of death pattern.

Combined with four lows, reverse L is a stimulant drug pattern such as addiction to cocaine or methamphetamines. In advanced acupuncture, it is called whipped. If there is doubling, it is more severe.

Possible Criminal Leader Pattern = 2x calcium shell or higher AND a potassium level of 1 or 2 AND elevated manganese AND other elevated readings – usually iron, aluminum, nickel, mercury, cobalt and lead.

Second Four Patterns = patterns that appear in the second four mineral graphs on an ARL calibrated hair mineral chart.  This is a more advanced research topic, but a very interesting one.  Many are possible, and the article lists a number of them.

Serious Patterns = These are more severe biochemical imbalances, as the article explains.  They are similar to those in Tibetan medicine.  Among these patterns are very slow oxidation, a very low Na/K ratio, step up, double low ratio, double low ratio on the first and second four minerals, and a low four lows patterns.  Another is a combination of four lows and an Na/K ratio less than 1. This is called Very Ill.

These people may be the “walking dead”.  For more on this, please read about the Walking Dead on this site.

Severe Lifestyle or Attitude Stress = a calcium shell (calcium level greater than about 165 mg% in a woman or about 155 mg% in a man) along with a Ca/Mg ratio greater than about 9.5.

Shepherd Pattern = At times, the body uses calcium, magnesium, and/or zinc as shepherds to help safely remove toxic metals or toxic chemicals from the body. A complete shepherd pattern is when all three of these minerals are used as shepherds. This is a very basic and important aspect of detoxification. On a hair mineral test, one may notice an elevated calcium, magnesium and zinc when toxic metals are elevated, meaning they are being removed. It can be easier to see on a retest.

Severe or Double Burnout = a calcium shell and a low sodium/potassium ratio.

Shut Down Patternsee Flattened Pattern above.

Skidding = another name for a deep bowl pattern.

Slow On Crutches = a slow oxidizer whose oxidation rate is propped up by the presence of toxic metals, so that on a retest the oxidation rate slows even further.

Slow Oxidation = a calcium/potassium ratio greater than 4 AND a sodium/magnesium ratio less than 4.17.

Sodium Crisis = A good calcium/magnesium ratio and a sodium/potassium ratio greater than about 50-60 and perhaps balanced mixed oxidation.  This may indicate many poor eliminators in the kidneys/adrenals and high stress on the kidneys/adrenals.

The Sodium/Magnesium Ratio = This is also called the adrenal ratio. It is one of the two ratios used to calculate the oxidation rate.

The Sodium/Potassium Ratio = This is also called the vitality ratio. It is a very important ratio on a hair mineral analysis that indicates the direction of change occurring in the oxidation rate, electrical charge on the cell membrane, and much more.

Spike Pattern = In general, a high level of one mineral when the levels of the minerals on either side of it on an ARL chart are very low. A fairly common example is a copper level greater than 2.5 mg% AND the iron level less than 1.2 mg% AND the manganese level less than 0.01 mg%. The pattern looks like a spike, with the high copper in the middle and very low iron and manganese levels on either side of the copper.

This is a newer pattern (February 2019) and is associated with intense fear and perhaps suicidal thoughts.

A newer variant is an elevated potassium with lower sodium and iron levels. It is growing up pattern (see above).

Spillover Patterns = can be any hair analysis pattern that spills over to the second four minerals on an ARL chart (iron, copper, manganese and zinc).  It can also be a pattern of the Na/K ratio that spills over to the Ca/Mg ratio.  In this sense, the term spillover patterns has the same meaning as double patterns.  Spillover may be a more descriptive term for this phenomenon.

Spiritual Defensiveness or Lifestyle Imbalance = This indicates a lifestyle, habit or attitude imbalance and a karmic ending pattern. This means the person can leave the situation.

A calcium/magnesium ratio greater than about 13.5 is the beginning of this pattern. A ratio over 20 indicates making karmic progress. A ratio greater than about 35 indicates that one is definitely ending a karmic pattern.

Common causes for the pattern are a problem with a job or a relationship, drug use (including marijuana), alcoholism, or a school problem for a child. A bad attitude can also cause the pattern if it is severe enough.

Steep Hill = calcium/magnesium ratio of 3.5 or less and a sodium/potassium ratio of 15 or more. So far, we only see this pattern in women who have eliminated a lot of zirconium. For more details, read Zirconium.

Step Down = slow oxidation AND a calcium/magnesium ratio greater than 9.5 AND a sodium/potassium ratio greater than 5.

Visually this pattern looks like steps going downward from left to right. In acupuncture, this pattern is called Stepping In To Life.  It indicates a new beginning and is a very positive pattern. For more details, read the article about it. Recent research (2020) indicates that at times a step down pattern, especially when the Ca/K ratio is greater than about 40, is a criminal pattern. We are researching this. For updates, see the Criminality Patterns article.

Step Up = fast oxidation, along with a low Ca/Mg and a low Na/K.  Also, visually it must look like steps moving upward to the right.  This may also be called Stepping Out Of Life.  It is a quick death pattern.  If not changed, it usually results in a fatal stroke or heart attack, or some other health catastrophe.

Steps = a combination on one test of a step down pattern on the first four minerals (calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium) AND a step up pattern on the second four minerals (iron, copper, manganese and zinc). I am told this pattern, which is rare, is a positive pattern indicating a stronger step down or karmic beginning pattern.

Stress From Within And Without = high Ca/Mg (stress from without) with a potassium level of 4 mg% or less (stress from within).

Stuck Patterns = include the following:

1) a bowl pattern.

2) 4 lows pattern.

3) A sodium/potassium ratio less than 1.

4) Very slow oxidation and/or a calcium shell pattern.

Stuck In A Pit or a Four Low Bowl = four lows pattern AND a bowl pattern.  This pattern is not healthful, and may be considered a slow death pattern.  It is often mainly nutritionally-related, however, and thus can be turned around with a Development program. 

The pattern consists of two “stuck” patterns.  The deeper the bowl and the lower the four lows, the more extreme the pattern.  This pattern is often associated with being stuck in an issue, and possibly reduced awareness, as well as fatigue and other symptoms.

Superimposition = the confusing situation in which one pattern on a hair test is superimposed upon another pattern.

For example, occasionally one sees a hill superimposed on a bowl.  This means that the person basically is in a bowl pattern.  However, something has caused excitement and joy, and this superimposes or is added to the bowl pattern.  This occurs, at times, when a person discovers the Development program and becomes excited. 

When superimposition occurs, it can be difficult to assess which patterns are present.  However, superimposition also can explain unusual hair mineral readings. 

For example, one may observe a hill pattern in which all four numbers are quite elevated.  One may wonder why.  The answer may be that the person has a bowl pattern with an elevated calcium and elevated potassium.  Superimposed upon this is the hill, causing all four numbers to be quite high.

Surges = A surge means an increase in one or more mineral levels or ratios. Examples include a Na/K surge, which is a steep rise in the Na/K ratio on a retest.

Another example is an oxidation rate surge.  This is a steep increase in the oxidation rate.

Another example is a toxic potassium surge.  This is a steep rise in the level of potassium on a retest hair mineral test. An older word for a surge was an explosion.

Swell Or Rising Or Awakening Pattern = This is research and not confirmed. The criteria is when the Ca/mg, Ca/K, Na/Mg and Na/K ratios are all the same or very close to the same. All the ratios must be at 4.22 or close it.

It is called the swell or rising pattern because the appearance of the first four minerals in this situation if one connects the tops of the bar graphs on an ARL chart is that of a rise or a swell on the ocean. It is not steep enough to be a hill, but is a similar appearance. It is also a ‘swell’ pattern – meaning positive. Specifically, a very balanced oxidation rate is extremely helpful for healing the brain.

This is an interesting new pattern (January 2019) that we have seen only along with a high four highs pattern. However, in theory it could occur with all the levels lower.

The swell pattern is a type of anchor pattern (see Anchors below in the retest patterns section). It is a new brain pattern, which is as good as seven anchor patterns. This is very positive and associated with a lot of healing of the brain.

Sympathetic Dominance = potassium of 4 mg% or less OR three highs or four highs with a sodium/potassium ratio greater than about 4.  The pattern is reinforced if the Ca/Mg is greater than about 9.5.  Four lows is also considered a sympathetic dominance pattern.

This is a very important pattern and is an autonomic nervous system imbalance.  Please read all about it.  It is very common today.

The Amigossee Amigos above.

Three Lows = three of the four macrominerals are below their ideal values. This is also called Almost Four Lows, One Foot In The Tunnel pattern. It means a person is getting close to a four lows pattern.

There are four possible ways this can occur: (with an elevated calcium, with an elevated magnesium, with an elevated sodium, or with an elevated potassium). Each has a slightly different meaning, but this is less critical than the overall pattern of three low macrominerals. Read the article Three Lows for much more on this common pattern.

Tired Fast Oxidizer or Temporary Fast Oxidizer = fast oxidizer with a low Na/K ratio.

Toxic potassium elimination pattern = a definite indicator is a sodium/potassium ratio less than about 0.4.  However, an elimination of toxic potassium can be occurring at any time during a Development program. It does not occur if one is not on a Development program.

Human life is not possible with a sodium/potassium ratio less than about 0.3 to 0.4.  When one sees a Na/K ratio lower than this, it indicates that some of the potassium reading is caused by the elimination of toxic potassium.  It is a type of artifact, in other words, and the real Na/K is higher.

Trauma Points = On a hair mineral test when the hair is not washed at the laboratory, there exist several ratios that we call trauma points or trauma thresholds.

These occur when the sodium/potassium ratio is about 0.28, 0.43, and 0.9. There may be a trauma point at 1.5. There may be a trauma point at about 2.4 when a person is in a four lows pattern.

This concept is important because one may have to go back to these points in order to retrace a trauma. Also, often as a person raises his or her sodium/potassium ratio and comes close to these ratios, memories of past traumas surface and can deter a person from continuing on the development program. For more details, read the article.

Triangle Patterns = this is a research area and not confirmed. A triangle pattern occurs if one connects the tops of the bar graphs of the first four macrominerals and the lines form a triangle.  For this to occur, two of the lines must form a continuous straight line.  We believe such patterns are happier or more positive. 

For example, a hill or bowl pattern can be a triangle, a fast or slow oxidizer can be a triangle, and others.  These can occur on initial tests or on retests.

Triple patterns = these are repeating patterns on the first four minerals, the second four minerals, and the next three minerals. For example, one can have a triple bowl, triple four lows, or a triple fast oxidizer. The tripling is an emphasis pattern, meaning it is more important.

Triple Death = a combination of a double low ratio pattern (also called double give-up) and a spike pattern. This pattern is not too common, fortunately, and is always due to trauma. It is an important pattern to look for, however, because people with this pattern often have suicidal thoughts and could take their own lives.

Trying Hard To Stay Afloat = high Ca/Mg AND high Na/K ratio AND potassium of 4 mg% or less AND out of four lows. It is an efforting pattern and the attempt to stay out of four lows.

Trying Too Hard = Calcium above 170 mg% (a calcium shell), and potassium of 4 mg% or less (sympathetic dominance). The pattern has a different meaning on a retest.

Trying To Stay Alive = Calcium level > 200 mg%, potassium level < 5 mg%, calcium/magnesium > 40, sodium/potassium > 10.  This is an extreme lifestyle pattern, a double or spillover pattern, and a serious one.

Energy vampire Patterns = the most common one is a fast oxidizer with a good Na/K ratio in an adult.  The pattern is a 2X (more extreme) if the Na/K is greater than about 4 or 5. The pattern is a 3X (even more extreme) if the calcium/magnesium ratio is also greater than 9.5 (a double high ratio pattern) with fast oxidation.

An energy vampire may also have a low Na/K, at times, and can be a slow oxidizer.

Vampire Victim Patterns = see Victim Pattern.

Very Ill = four lows AND Na/K ratio less than 1.

Victim Pattern = UPDATE (July 11, 2019) – any slow oxidation pattern with a sodium/potassium ratio less than 2.0 is some degree of a victim pattern. This is usually a psychological state, rather than a purely physical victimhood. In other words, one is in a ‘playing the victim’ role or personality pattern.

The pattern is most extreme when the sodium is 1 mg% and the potassium is 1 or 2 mg%.  It is also strong in a slow oxidizer with a sodium of 2 mg% and a potassium level of 1 or 2 mg%.

Playing the victim is quite yin and destructive.  Fortunately, it usually changes if one follows a development program. Other names for this pattern are the poor me pattern, feeling sorry for oneself pattern, or playing the victim pattern. (Also, see above under Depletion Pattern).

Walking Dead Patterns. These include several important and common patterns. Please read the article for more details.

Wasting One’s Time = a calcium shell, a high Ca/Mg ratio and a potassium of 4 mg% or less.

Wave patterns (two) = the tops of the graphs of most or all of the readings on the top part of an ARL hair mineral chart form the shape of one or more waves. These can have two meanings:

1) A minor or small-sized wave or waves is associated with drug use, specifically marijuana. So far it is quite a reliable pattern.

2) A larger-sized wave pattern is an excellent pattern. It indicates one is “riding a wave” and often moving well through life.

Wave patterns are different from the winding pattern described below.

Winding Pattern = a newer pattern (January 2020) in which the tops of the graphs of the first 8 of so mineral levels on an ARL hair chart form a sine wave or S shape. It indicates a certain rhythm in one's life. This pattern is uncommon. More details are in the article.

Workaholic = The first three or first four macrominerals are higher than the ideal values, along with a sodium/potassium ratio of 5 or greater. This pattern may also be called the intense pattern because the person is often very intense.

Wrong Two Highs Patterns (4 of them).  These occur when two macrominerals are high and two are low, but they are not the usual configurations.


All Down or Retention Pattern = the levels of 8 or more minerals decrease on a retest. Another retention pattern is when the levels of most or all of the minerals on the entire chart decrease on a retest. The body is in a building mode. More details are in the article.

All Is Well = when most of the numbers, ratios and patterns involving the first four macrominerals and the trace minerals improve. For example, the oxidation rate, sodium/potassium ratio, calcium/magnesium ratio, zinc level and phosphorus level all improve and the person has a settling down pattern as well.

This is a positive pattern. It is associated with lots of retracing and early Development.

All’ Patterns. This occurs when all the minerals on the test or all of a group of minerals, such as the first four, move together. They either all increase, all decrease, or all remain basically the same. Examples are 4x coming alive, 4x settling down, and the patterns associated with down sex. These are very positive patterns and known in advanced acupuncture. These patterns often overlap with joy patterns (see below).

Amigo doubling = when at least two of the amigos double on a retest. This is generally very good, indicating a strong amigo dump is in progress (see amigo dump below).

It is possible to even have an amigo tripling or amigo quadrupling, which are even better with a similar meaning.

Amigo Dump or Elimination = an increase in the levels of iron, manganese and aluminum on a retest. This is sometimes called a “3 dump”. If the levels decrease significantly, it may indicate than an elimination of the amigos has ended.

Anchors And Pivots = An anchor is present when one or more macromineral level or trace mineral level remains the same or close to the same, according to specific criteria. Anchor patterns indicate deepening of the ridges or sulci of the brain. This is very helpful for healing and development.

Armoring (also called holding)= either one or more mineral levels declines into the poor eliminator range on a retest OR one or more poor eliminator patterns becomes more severe on a retest, provided that the person follows the development program. Other tentative names for this pattern are preparing for battle or holding on to your poors.

At home = when a retest reveals a settling down pattern on both the first four (calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium) and the second four minerals (iron, copper, manganese and zinc).

Backing Out Of Four Lows. (see below under Out Of The Tunnel Backwards).

Back On The Road Again = double coming alive pattern (coming alive on the first four and second four minerals) AND perking up pattern (phosphorus up 2 mg% or more) AND maturing pattern (eliminating toxic potassium) AND getting 3 or 4 guide creatures. This pattern usually requires down sex, but perhaps not in all instances. Any time there is double coming alive or double settling down usually one is doing down sex.

Back To Life = We think this is a false pattern (as of 2/9/24). Stay away from anyone who uses it.

Back To Work = A combination of a double forward flip AND coming alive on the second four numbers. The person often feels like going back to work. Acupuncture pattern.

Big coming alive = all four of the first four or the second four minerals increase.

Big maturing pattern = the levels of three or more of the following “child” minerals increase on a retest: potassium, copper, mercury, and/or nickel. This indicates a large maturing pattern.

Bowl pattern on a retest = This can be a type of back to life pattern.

Bowling = Moving into a bowl pattern on a retest hair analysis.  This usually indicates moving into a retracing of a trauma or some other difficult situation.  The criteria are that the calcium/magnesium ratio increases AND the sodium/potassium ratio decreases.

Extreme bowling on a retest hair analysis is also called “Diving Head First”.  It requires that the calcium/magnesium ratio at least doubles, AND the sodium/potassium ratio at least halves, or decreases by 50% or more.

Brain Transplant = A new pattern (May 2022). Still needs research. One case has 12 anchors, 10 all out, big maturing (dumping at least 4 child minerals), 3 amigo dump, leaving the cult, calcium and potassium elimination.

The client, a 10-year-old boy, says the brain works so much better he is sure it is someone else’s brain. The pattern is found also in advanced acupuncture. Oddly, there was also a drastic bowl with a sodium/potassium ratio less than 1.

Break = see Major Breakdown pattern.

Building phase = This is present when less than four minerals increase on a retest mineral analysis. This means there was little detoxification of the body during the past three to six months. When this occurs and if a person is following the development program, it is because the body is in an anabolic or building up phase.

Climbing Out = A four lows pattern on two successive tests.  However, the calcium level rises at least 4 mg% on the retest while the other macromineral levels stay about the same.  This indicates one is climbing out of a four lows pattern.

Collapses = These are at least a three or four-fold decrease in a level, ratio or pattern on a retest.  There are many possibilities for these, since a collapse could involve a level, a ratio or a pattern such as the oxidation rate.  Collapses are generally considered excellent patterns if one is following a Development program.  They often indicate fast progress. (See Crash Landings and Dive Pattern below for special cases of collapses.)

Coming Alive = On a retest, all four of the macromineral levels (Ca, Mg, Na, K) increase.  The pattern is also present when 1, 2 or 3 of the first four minerals increases, while the others remain the same.  The pattern is strongest when all four of the macrominerals increase, and weakest when only 1 of the macrominerals increases.

This is a very positive pattern, with increased brightness of the energy field in all cases.

The increase in sodium and potassium are usually related to an elimination of toxic metals or toxic chemicals, which cause some kidney stress that temporarily raises the sodium and potassium levels.

The increase in calcium and magnesium is protective and indicates a controlled healing process, which is very good.

Three macrominerals increasing and one mineral decreasing is also a type of coming alive. This pattern is called three up. If the potassium decreases, the pattern is called coming alive in life. (see below)

Coming alive in life pattern.  This is a variant of coming alive pattern that is present when the first 3 macrominerals increase, and the potassium decreases. It is very positive and usually indicates one has retraced a trauma, and is much happier.

Usually, there is also some hilling and lots of elimination of toxic metals with this pattern.  Often, there has been some crying or sobbing, which is an emotional release.  One must follow the program well for this pattern to occur.

Coming Back = a calcium shell decreases by 50% or more on a retest AND the Na/K ratio remains at 2.5 or above.  This can be a situation in which something old was retraced or cleared, and the person is now back in the present.  This is a newer pattern and still being researched.

Coming Back To Life or Making Progress In Four Lows= A retest pattern in which a person who was in four lows pattern remains in four lows, but the ratios improve, the levels of the macrominerals improve, and/or the phosphorus level improves.

Coming Home = this pattern is present when a retest indicates a settling down pattern on the second four minerals (iron, copper, manganese and zinc). The person often feels better and it is a positive pattern.

Coming In For A Landing = A settling down pattern AND several high trace mineral and/or toxic metal readings decreasing.  This pattern indicates a return to normal health and is a very positive pattern.

Coming Into One’s Own = On a retest, the calcium, magnesium and sodium levels decrease AND potassium increases a little AND there is a rise (an elimination) of iron, manganese and aluminum.  This is a maturing that often occurs between the ages of 16 and 25, often at the end of the third 7-year cycle of life (age 21-22). the increase in the potassium level is an elimination of toxic potassium.

Coming Out Pattern = A 2x shell changes to no shell, AND a 50% reduction or more in the Ca/Mg ratio, though it may still be high, AND phosphorus increases by 3 mg% or more, AND sodium/potassium ratio improves and flips AND a deep bowl changes to a step down pattern.  This is still being researched.

This pattern is different from the pattern called coming out of four lows.  The latter occurs when a person is in a four lows pattern and on a retest there is a rise in one or more levels, especially calcium. 

Crash Landing or just a Crash (also called collapses) = At least two of the macromineral levels (calcium, magnesium, sodium and/or potassium) must decrease 50% or more on a retest, and none of the macrominerals rises higher.  This is a special case of settling down pattern.  Possible cases are:

1. The sodium and potassium levels may decrease a lot, moving a person from a faster to a slower oxidation rate.  This is the most common case of crashing or crash landing.

2. A mild slow oxidation rate changes to a very slow oxidation rate on a retest. 

3. A four highs pattern disappears, changing to a slow oxidation pattern with low sodium and potassium levels.

4. A four highs pattern could change to a four lows pattern.

5. Any oxidation pattern could change to a low four lows pattern.

This pattern is usually positive, and usually involves the elimination of “crutches” that were keeping a person in fast or faster oxidation.  Occasionally, symptoms can be annoying such as fatigue, depression and, in some cases constipation, joint pain or other symptoms. Also see Dive Pattern below.

Death To Life = A double low ratio pattern changes to a hill pattern on a retest.  This is one of the best retest patterns.  The person may feel “like I’m a new person”.  Another name for this pattern is starting over.

Deep Anger = A persistent four lows pattern for more than one year or so.

Deep Coming Home = A retest with a settling down pattern on the second four minerals AND about seven or more anchor patterns AND usually a forward flip. A big arsenic elimination and/or coming alive help, but are not necessary for the pattern.

Deeper Pattern = This is a recently identified pattern (2023). It is present when the calcium/magnesium AND the sodium/potassium ratios both decrease on the first four minerals OR when the iron/copper ratio AND manganese/zinc ratio both decrease on the second four minerals. It can be a karmic beginning pattern.

A variant of this pattern is when the deeper pattern is present on both the first four minerals AND the second four minerals at the same time. We have not seen this, however.

Detoxification= This is a newer retest pattern in which the levels of a number of toxic metals and the amigos decrease toward the ideal levels. In addition, zinc decreases and is low and selenium also decreases. This indicates a toxic body and is a detoxification process, even if the levels of some toxic metals do not increase. Zinc and selenium decrease because they are retained and replace some toxic metals in enzyme binding sites.

Detoxification phase = This is another name for the all out or everything coming out pattern. When the levels of five or more minerals increase on a retest mineral analysis, it indicates the body is in a detoxification phase. The alternative is to be in a building phase (see building).

Digging Deeper Pattern = This is present when a four low pattern changes to an even lower four low pattern on a retest. It often indicates deep retracing, usually of an issue with a parent.

However, the body may simply be retaining the first four macrominerals because they are being used to replace toxic metals that the body is eliminating. Therefore, the numbers are temporarily very low for a few months. The person usually feels quite well, in these instances.

Dive Pattern = A sharp decline in all four of the macrominerals (calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium) on a retest mineral analysis. This is a special case of a crash or collapse pattern.

Diving Deep = A low sodium/potassium ratio becomes even lower on a retest by at least 10%.  This is associated with deep retracing, usually of a trauma.  Diving Deep can also show up as a lower four lows on a retest, although the meaning is not as clear in this case.

Double Forward Flip = this is a retest pattern in which the oxidation rate changes from fast to slow.  AND the sodium/potassium ratio increases from less than 2.5 up to 2.5 or higher.

This is a very positive pattern, and usually the person describes it as great or wonderful.  There may be some drama in one’s life, and some people describe themselves as “a new person”.

Double Joy = Two joy patterns together.  The most common combination is a hill pattern plus a coming alive pattern.  However, it could involve an improved sodium/potassium ratio, an improved calcium/magnesium ratio or a much higher phosphorus level.

It could also be a hill or coming alive pattern on the first four numbers AND a hill or coming alive pattern on the second four numbers.

Double low ratio pattern on a retest only = If the person is following the development program, this is often a back to life pattern.

Double Resolving Anger = This is a combination of settling down pattern, a fast oxidation rate, and a sodium/potassium ratio above 2.5.  In addition, the visual pattern repeats itself on the second four minerals.

This pattern always has to do with one’s father, and old anger toward him and toward all men.  The elevated sodium/potassium ratio is always about anger and irritability.  Settling down is always about getting in touch with feelings.  A fast oxidation rate is always about expressing or asserting one’s power.

Double slow = This is present on a retest when the oxidation rate calculation decreases on both the first four minerals AND the second four minerals. This pattern reinforces a decrease in the oxidation rate on only the first four OR the second four minerals.

Double speed = This is present on a retest when the oxidation rate calculation increases on both the first four minerals AND the second four minerals. This pattern reinforces an increase in the oxidation rate on only the first four OR the second four minerals.

Down Elevator = the levels of all four macrominerals decrease and they decrease about the same percentage. As a result, the ratios of the first four minerals remain about the same as before. Elevator patterns indicate that a person is not doing the pulling down exercise.

Down Sex or Down Hugging Patterns = all or almost all the mineral levels on a hair mineral analysis increase, or all or almost all of the mineral levels decrease. Another possibility is that the first four mineral levels increase while the second four mineral levels decrease.

These patterns indicate that the person is doing down sex or down hugging on a regular basis. For details about this powerful healing and development procedure, read Down Sex and Down Hugging.

Ecstatic Pattern = double fast hill. Double means the hill appears on the first and on the second four minerals. Fast means that it is a fast oxidizer pattern. This pattern is not common, but it does occur.

Elevator Patterns = when the first and/or second four minerals either all go up (Up Elevator) or all go down (Down Elevator) AND the ratios between these minerals remain the same or very similar. This pattern indicates that a person is not doing the Pulling Down Exercise.

Eliminating toxic potassium = there can be a rise in the potassium level and/or the Na/K ratio dips down to less than about 0.6 on a retest. The exact criteria for the Na/k change is unclear at this time.

The sources of toxic potassium include human male sexual fluid, eating fruit, and babies are all born with some toxic potassium from their mothers. Toxic potassium in the body is a “child mineral”. Eliminating toxic potassium is part of maturing.

Emerging = This is a general term used with a number of patterns. These include the ones just below and rising pattern.

Emerging from the abyss = This is present when a four lows pattern becomes milder or disappears on a retest mineral analysis. This is very good pattern that indicates a person is working their way out of a four lows pattern.

Emerging from the bomb shelter = A decrease in a calcium shell of at least 50%.  The shell may still be present, or it may be gone altogether.  This indicates a person no longer needs a shell, or not much of one compared to the previous test.  It is a good sign of a stronger body and/or mind.

Emerging from a bowl = This is the appearance of a bowl pattern on a retest. Usually, it indicates retracing and is an excellent retrace matters. retracing a

Emotional Outburst Patterns = These are mineral analysis patterns associated with erratic behavior.

Everything Coming Out or All Out = A rise in at least 6 mineral levels on a retest. This is very good and usually reflects a much better energy level and often much better elimination or less sympathetic dominance present. A rise in 13 or more minerals on a retest is called a grand detox.

Excitement Fast Oxidizer = At times, a person goes into fast oxidation on a retest simply due to excitement.  The meaning is something like a hill, although it is perhaps more superficial.

Exiting The Cult = A rise in at least three of the minerals associated with the cult diet or rape diet. These include nickel, lead, aluminum, mercury and manganese.  This is an excellent pattern associated with much better health. For details, read Rape and The Cult Diet.

Falling or Falling Down = This is a newly-discovered pattern (December 2019). On a retest, there is a settling down pattern AND moving into a deep bowl or at least a low Na/K ratio. One may move into a low four low pattern with a low Na/K ratio. Often, there is elimination of toxic metals and amigos at the same time. This is a positive pattern and an advanced acupuncture pattern. The image is of a person who lets go of crutches because things are better. However, there are nutritional deficiencies so one sinks into a low Na/K or yin deficiency pattern.

Flip Patterns = On a retest, a drastic change occurs in a mineral level, ratio or pattern.  For example, a level or ratio may go from very high to very low, or vice versa.  Or the oxidation rate may flip from fast to slow or vice versa.

When the flip is in the direction of healing, it is called a forward flip. When the flip is away from a healing direction, such as a low Na/K or fast oxidation, it is called a back flip.

Four highs to fast = a four highs pattern that changes on a retest so that the calcium and magnesium levels drop down, but the sodium and potassium levels remain about the same.  This is the opposite of the usual retest progression in which a four highs pattern changes to a slow oxidizer on a retest.

This appears to be a type of coming alive pattern. It is due to a combination of changes, both of which occurred since the last retest. The first change is a settling down pattern (where all four numbers go down) followed by an increase in the oxidation rate (the sodium and potassium levels rise).

Patterns that may occur with the four highs to fast pattern are 1) zinc retention (a reduction in the zinc level) and 2) everything coming out pattern.

Four highs to four lows = This is often a positive pattern that indicates a large and rapid detoxification. Also present on the retest should be an all-out pattern or close to it, indicating detoxification.

Four lows on a retest only = Life Planning, Dog In The Doghouse, Boat In Dry Dock, or Back In The Tunnel Of Death For Healing Purposes = a four lows pattern on a retest when the first test did not show a four lows pattern. 

This is an important retest pattern.  It is benign and positive, in fact, unlike four lows on an initial hair mineral analysis.  It indicates a type of resting state and that is all.  It is called ‘dog in the corner’ because it is like an animal that perhaps was injured or ill, and just wants to lay down in the corner and rest for a while.  It is called the dry dock pattern because it is like sending your boat to the shipyard to be refurbished.

Galgal Patterns = 1. Out of four lows on the first four minerals and the second four minerals AND the minerals that increased a lot are sodium and manganese.

2. Move into a four lows pattern, often on the first four and the second four minerals at the same time. These may occur when a person receives a galgal, which is one of the guide creatures. For details, read Controllers And Other Guide Creatures.

Gathering Firewood = A decrease in the hair phosphorus level on a retest of one or mg% when a person is following a Development program.  This is a “gathering” pattern that is called a “healthy yang” in advanced acupuncture.  It is a positive pattern.

The cause for the lower phosphorus level is a greater demand for phosphorus for 1) production of more ATP and 2) faster protein synthesis.

If the phosphorus level drops down lower than about 13 mg%, or if the decrease is more than 2 mg%, it usually indicates a deficiency of bioavailable phosphorus.  This is usually due to a diet low in meat, eggs and dairy products.

Getting A Brain = Aluminum rises at least five hundred percent AND everything coming out pattern (a rise in many toxic metals and amigos) AND selenium decreases significantly (a replacement pattern) AND phosphorus rises by at least 2 mg% (perking up pattern).

This is an extremely positive pattern. The person often reports much clearer thinking and much improved mental functioning. We are still researching this pattern, which so far is uncommon.

Getting Help = magnesium increases on a retest by at least 30-40%. This is an important pattern.  Poorer quality magnesium is actually eliminated, causing the pattern, and is replaced by a higher quality magnesium.  The cause is a return of one or two Controller Creatures. Health usually improves with it. (see Getting Lots Of Help below).

There are other getting help patterns that are less common. For example, when the hair potassium level rises by at least 40% on a retest, it can be due to the return of a guide creature. (It can also be an elimination of toxic potassium.) A sharp rise in the hair sodium or calcium level on a retest can also be a getting help pattern. Each of the guide creatures, when they return, cause the elimination of less desirable forms of various minerals.

Getting Into Gear = All or most toxic metal levels rise at least 10%.  This signifies more vitality and better elimination.

Getting Into Your Issues = see Into Your Issues.

Getting Lots Of Help = magnesium increases on a retest by about 4-5 times, or more. Calcium also increases by 4-5 times. Often, other positive patterns are present such as coming alive pattern, but not always. This pattern is unusual, and involves a return of usually two Controller Creatures, and perhaps more improvements at the same time.

Getting Married = a couple who are engaged to be married often go through a period of time when both of their calcium/magnesium ratios become low.

A low calcium/magnesium ratio often has to do with mother and mothering issues, which may arise when in the process of becoming married.  (An elevated calcium/magnesium ratio often has to do with issues related to one’s father.)

Getting One’s Life Back = A new pattern (June 2019) that is a combination of out of four lows, an amigo dump (elimination of iron, manganese and aluminum) and 9 or more anchors. The lead level may also decline because it has been eliminated. This is a very positive joy pattern.

Goalpost = when the levels of two minerals that are non-consecutive rise sbout 10% or more on a retest. Non-consecutive means they are not next to each other.

Visually, this pattern looks somewhat like the goalposts at an American football field. It looks like two vertical spikes separated by lower mineral levels on each side and in between them.

This is an achievement pattern, as in reaching a goal. Three goalpost patterns = a worker pattern. Five goalposts on one test = a breakthrough, or large achievement.

Another name for this pattern is the window pattern.

Going deep = The sodium/potassium ratio decreases sharply on a retest, usually from a normal or high ratio to 0.2 to 0.4. It is always, at least in part, an elimination of toxic potassium.  This is usually an intervention, and occurs quickly.  It is often a trauma release.  Lots of toxins are released. 

This pattern is rare, in part, because it does not last long.  One needs to do the test at just the right time to see it.  To read more about interventions, please read Assisted Healing on this site.

Going Down The Wrong Road = This is a newly-discovered pattern (February 2020). In two cases, the Ca/Mg ratio was greater than 13.5 on the previous test (spiritual defensive pattern) and on the retest the Ca/Mg ratio is even higher. Also, the retest shows an L-shaped pattern (lifestyle matters) of the first four numbers. In advanced acupuncture, the name of the pattern is going up the wrong river. This is a worsening lifestyle imbalance and a warning pattern.

Going home = a newer pattern of settling down on the second four minerals. There may be settling down on the first four numbers and some anchors, as well, but this is not required for the pattern to be present.

Symptoms: one may feel confused and perhaps somewhat worse for this reason. This probably has to do with improved brain activity and resulting unusual thoughts and feelings.

Grand coming alive = all four of the first four minerals increase by at least 100%.

Grand detox = This is present when 13 or more mineral levels increase on a retest. It is a significant detoxification pattern.

Happy Pattern #1 = Settling down and a hill on the first four minerals.

Happy Pattern #2 = The zinc level up 4 mg% or more, providing the zinc level was low to begin with. The pattern may also require a coming alive pattern on the first four minerals. The person feels happier when these patterns are present, and they are joy patterns, meaning very positive. One may feel some headaches with the Happy Pattern #2. The happy patterns are found in acupuncture and the hair mineral indicators are still being researched.

Happy Pattern #3 = coming alive on the first four minerals, settling down on second four minerals and back to life (double low ratio and possibly step up). Other joy patterns just reinforce this.

Happy Pattern #4 = coming alive on the first four minerals and a hill on the first four minerals.

Healing Fast = this pattern is a combination of coming alive pattern on the first four minerals, coming alive pattern on the second four minerals, at least 11 anchors, and a rise in nickel, arsenic, mercury and potassium. It is a very positive pattern.

High fire = an increase of about 40% or more of the phosphorus level on a retest. This is a special case of on fire or perking up pattern)

Hill To Bowl = A hill pattern on the previous test changes to a bowl pattern on the retest. This is a very positive pattern. It indicates a rapid and decisive decision to deal with one's issues or traumas.

Hilling = moving into a hill pattern on a retest. This indicates some type of overcoming, celebration or joyous feeling. The criteria are that the calcium/magnesium ratio becomes lower AND the sodium/potassium ratio increase on a retest.

Holding pattern or Holding On To Your Poors = see armoring.

Intense hilling on a retest is called “shooting to the top”. Often, the person received an intervention when this occurs (see “Getting Help” above). It is an intense joy, freedom or release, or ending of a difficult situation.

In The World but Not Of It = This is a newer pattern we are researching. It consists of a rise in the levels of calcium and sodium AND perhaps a coming alive pattern AND a step-down pattern AND an elimination of other toxic metals, as well. This is an elimination of calcium and sodium. It appears to be a spiritual shift in which one becomes more detached from this world and thus better able to handle it without needing toxic calcium and toxic sodium in the body.

Into Your Issues = A decrease in the sodium/potassium ratio of at least 30% or more, provided that one is following a development program carefully.

This pattern is stronger if there is a sodium/potassium ratio back flip pattern. This is a change from a sodium/potassium greater than 2.5 to a ratio less than 2.5.

Also possible with this pattern are: the body moves into a four lows pattern, there is an improvement in the phosphorus level, one or more toxic metal levels rise, and the person may experience more symptoms.

While the hair test may look decidedly worse, this is a positive pattern. It is a karmic beginning pattern.

Kidney stress = a rise of 20% or more in the sodium and potassium levels, associated with a toxic metal elimination.  Often, the levels of one or more toxic metals also rises because it is being eliminated. This is generally a good sign. The rise in the sodium and potassium levels is usually temporary.  Rarely, only the sodium level rises.

A Leap = This is a change on a retest from a four lows pattern to a four highs pattern.  It is a combination of out of four lows AND coming alive pattern AND a four highs pattern.  It is very positive. 

We believe that in all cases of this pattern, one or more guide creatures return to the person. This is called an intervention. The four high macrominerals are part of an elimination of less preferred or toxic forms of these minerals. Often, other toxic metal levels increase, as well.

It can be an elevator pattern (meaning the major ratios remain similar), or the ratios can change significantly. This is also an advanced acupuncture pattern.

Names: this pattern is also sometimes called a jump or a four up surge. The guide creatures use the latter term.

Leaving The Cult = There are two possible situations. An increase in the level of 3 to 13 minerals on a retest is called getting ready to leave the cult. An increase of 14 or more minerals is called leaving the cult.

The more minerals affected, and the greater the rise on the retest, the more significant the pattern.

This is an excellent pattern, and is one of the major Joy Patterns.  For much more on this topic, please read Leaving The Cult – A Hair Analysis Pattern and The Cult Or Rape Diet on this site.

Leaving The Dungeon = On a retest, the calcium level and the potassium levels rise. This is a new pattern and we are not sure of how much the calcium and potassium need to rise to have the pattern. The sodium and the magnesium levels remain about the same as on the previous test. There may also be 9 or more anchors.

Symptoms are more energy and feeling freer or released or unburdened and more independent. This pattern has to do with the removal or a ring or ‘curse’ put there by the rogues.

Left Shift = On a retest mineral analysis, at times a pattern such as a hill pattern will move toward the left side of the chart. For example, on one test a pattern may show up on the second four minerals. On a retest it might move to the first four minerals, or somewhere in between.

If the mineral pattern is positive, such as a hill or coming alive, moving to the left may be a positive pattern and indicates the pattern is going toward a more superficial level of the body. A left shift can also indicate retracing.

NOTE (2024) : Left and right shifts are difficult to identify because the labs may not report iron and manganese levels accurately at this time.

Little Change Pattern = most of the mineral values change little or not at all. This is a very confusing situation because if a person follows the program, little change on a retest usually indicates a lot of anchors, which is a very positive pattern (see ‘Anchors’ above). However, few changes in the mineral readings on a retest if the person is not following the program can also just mean that a person is not following the program correctly.

Major Breakdown = This is an increase in the phosphorus level of four mg% or more. A double break occurs when the phosphorus level increases by 8 or more mg%. The pattern indicates a breakdown of unhealthy tissue. It can also indicate removal of a curse.

Maturing = The hair level of certain minerals rises on a retest. These are toxic forms of minerals that keep a person immature. They include potassium, chromium, nickel, aluminum, iron and mercury. The more of them that increase and the greater the increase, the more extreme the pattern.

NOTE: Most, but not all rises in potassium indicate maturing pattern. For example, at times potassium rises because a person moves into faster oxidation. Potassium may also rise due to the elimination of a toxin through the kidneys, causing some kidney stress. Potassium may also rise due to a getting help pattern in which one gets a guide creature.

Often, however, an increase in potassium is maturing. For details, read Toxic Potassium. Also read The Child Minerals.

A way to assess the potassium level is that, with maturing pattern, the sodium level usually does not rise as much as the potassium level. With kidney stress and moving into fast oxidation, there is more chance that both sodium and potassium rise together.

In other words, with maturing pattern, the sodium/potassium ratio usually decreases. If the sodium/potassium ratio decreases on a retest below about 0.4, it is very likely a maturing pattern.

NOTE: Maturing pattern changes very quickly! The hair potassium level returns to a lower level within a few days or a week. When you see the pattern on a hair retest, there is a good chance that the potassium level has already decreased. This can easily foul up a program!

BEWARE: Any time the sodium/potassium ratio suddenly dips below about 0.4 or 0.5, do not give a person too much Limcomin. Giving too much can cause a surge of the sodium/potassium ratio that can cause an emotional outburst.

Moving Fast = this is defined as an amigo dump (see above), plus a phosphorus above 20, two or three forward flips, and many fewer poor eliminator patterns.  It is not common, but it indicates accelerated healing progress. Another moving fast pattern is a phosphorus level that increases by four or more mg% on a retest.

Moving Into The Mud = this common retest pattern is present when the oxidation rate slows greatly or perhaps the sodium/potassium ratio declines drastically. This often indicates that a person is dealing with an old infection, toxic metal or emotional trauma. Beware that if the sodium/potassium ratio declines to below about 1, usually one is eliminating toxic potassium and the real sodium/potassium ratio is not that low. In these cases, we give less Limcomin because more if not needed and can cause an explosion.

Moving On Up = A rise in the sodium and potassium, and the copper and manganese levels, while the other macromineral and trace mineral levels remain similar to before. The pattern must appear like two steps moving up to the right. One of them is on the first four minerals and one is on the second four minerals. However, this pattern only involves three of the four minerals in each group of four minerals, so it is not a double step up pattern, which would be a negative pattern. The pattern usually involves seven minerals. Often the double step-like pattern is accompanied by a rise in toxic metal levels, indicating an elimination of toxins.

This is a very positive pattern that indicates that a person’s life is getting better, usually due to significant improvements in body chemistry. At this time, (December 2019) we are not sure if this pattern could involve other minerals than those mentioned above.

Much calmer = this pattern is 1) the oxidation rate slows down on a retest, but is still in fast oxidation, and 2) a settling down pattern.

New Brain = seven or more anchor patterns on a retest. (see Anchors above).

New person pattern = The planners use this term when there has been a lot of healing in a short period of time. It is becoming much more common among those following the development program with one of our Helpers.

The retest will always have a combination of joy patterns. For example, it might reveal everything coming out pattern combined with other joy patterns such as a hill pattern AND/OR coming alive pattern AND/OR perking up pattern AND/OR out of four lows.

New Start In Life = A double low ratio pattern on the previous test changes to a step down pattern, or close to it, on a retest. This is a change from a slow death / double give-up pattern to a stepping into life pattern. It is a double forward flip pattern (both the sodium/potassium ratio and the calcium/magnesium ratio flip).

This pattern indicates a new underlying strength, like a new strong floor under your feet.  It may involve elimination of a lead compound.  There can be other positive changes on the retest, such as elimination of the amigos and/or a higher phosphorus level.

No longer a baby = A sharp rise in the level of potassium and/or nickel or aluminum. This is an elimination of one of more or the ‘child’ minerals. When this occurs, one often feels more mature and more independent. This pattern can occur at any age. For example, if it occurs in a baby or child, the child wiil often tell their parents “I’m not a baby any more.”

The rogues use various methods to move toxic potassium, nickel and aluminum into people’s bodies. These methods include rape (to build up toxic potassium), forcing people to drink rooibos or red tea to build up nickel, and forcing people to use anti-perspirants to buiid up aluminum. These are examples of Forging, which is one way they weaken people.

Another name for this pattern is maturing.

Not facing or not dealing with a lifestyle or attitude issue = A calcium/magnesium ratio above 13.5 becomes even higher on a retest.

On fire = an increase of the phosphorus level of 2 mg% or more on a retest. Another name for this pattern is perking up.

Opening Up = A retest reveals a settling down pattern on the second four minerals. In addition, there is a rise in the levels of lead, aluminum, chromium and particularly potassium. There is also a copper spike (higher copper with very low iron and manganese). This is a positive pattern that indicates successful retracing of a trauma.

Out Of The Hole = A retest indicates coming alive pattern on the second four minerals. There is also a double forward flip. This means the sodium/potassium ratio goes from low to high and the oxidation rate goes from fast to slow.

In addition, the phosphorus level increases by 2 mg% and at least 4 toxic metals or amigos increase, indicating an elimination. One will feel happier when this pattern appears.

Out of the pit or abyss. This is an improvement in a four lows pattern in which four lows is no longer present or the numbers are higher and/or the sodium/potassium ratio is higher.

Out Of The Tunnel = When a four lows pattern on a previous test resolves to slow oxidation. This usually indicates improved overall health and vitality.

Out Of The Tunnel Backwards or Out Of Four Lows Backwards, or Backing Out Of Four Lows = When a four lows pattern on the first test changes to a fast oxidation pattern (and no four lows) on a retest.  This is not the usual way to exit four lows.  It usually indicates a temporary exiting of four lows, in which the person will go back into four lows again soon.

Overjoyed = a bowl pattern changes to a hill pattern on a retest, and the phosphorus level rises 2 or more mg%. This is an excellent pattern. It is uncommon.

Perking Up = A rise in the phosphorus level of 2 mg% or more on a retest when a person is following the development pattern. This pattern was formerly called ‘on fire’. Perking up seems like a better description.

Persistent Four Lows = four lows continues on a retest.  This usually indicates that the person is still either in an initial “tunnel” pattern, which indicates poor health.  However, if it occurs on a retest only, then it usually indicates the person is still receiving new life planning or still dealing with an issue – usually related to one’s relationship with parents. Another possibility is a ‘Deep Anger’ pattern (see above).

Persistent Hill = A hill pattern on two or more consecutive hair mineral tests. In advanced acupuncture, this is called arrival. It means a person feels he or she has arrived at or discovered their life path.

Preparing for battle = this is the same as armoring pattern (see this pattern above).

Putting up a wall of protection = a rise of at least 50% in the level of calcium on a retest, causing a shell pattern. This may be related to the In the World But Not Of It pattern.

Relaxation = a trying too hard pattern (calcium above about 170 mg% and potassium of four or less) that appears only on a retest and only when the person is following the development program faithfully. This is a positive pattern.

Renewal = A newer pattern (2019) that is a combination of 1) significant coming alive pattern, 2) most other mineral levels decrease. Zinc may not decrease if it is assisting the removal of toxic metals. Fast oxidation with a good Na/K is often present. This is a joy pattern that is also called in acupuncture “a good or happy time”.

Another renewal pattern involves a decrease of all the toxic metals and the potassium level may increase.  The increase in potassium is usually an elimination of toxic potassium when seen with the decrease in all the toxic metals.

Replacement Pattern = The levels of one or more macrominerals or trace minerals decreases significantly on a retest. This pattern often indicates a significant amount of replacement of less preferred minerals with more preferred minerals. Examples are when, on a retest, the level of zinc, selenium or magnesium declines at least 100%.

The level of magnesium, zinc or selenium may become alarmingly low. However, it is not dangerous. It just means that the low mineral is being retained because it is being used to replace less preferred minerals in the body. This is a very positive pattern and a joy pattern that usually corrects easily on the following retest is the person eats correctly and takes the proper nutritional supplements.

A replacement pattern that affects all four of the macrominerals and the second four minerals as well is often due to practicing regular down sex or down hugging.

Resolving a lifestyle or attitude issue = A calcium/magnesium ratio greater than 13.5 declines at least 10%.

Retention Pattern (See All Down Pattern above)

Revelation, or On The Move, or Greater Self-Awareness = a change on a retest from a hill pattern to a double high fast oxidizer pattern. This is newer and still being researched.

Right Shift = On a retest mineral analysis, at times a pattern such as a hill pattern will move toward the right side of the chart. For example, on one test a pattern may show up on the first four minerals. On a retest it might move to the second four minerals, or somewhere in between.

If the mineral pattern is positive, such as a hill or coming alive, moving to the right is a positive pattern and indicates the pattern is going deeper. If the mineral pattern is negative, such as four lows, a right shift may not be a positive change.

NOTE (2024) : Left and right shifts are difficult to identify because the labs may not report iron and manganese levels accurately at this time.

Rise pattern = This is a recently identified pattern (2023). It is present when the calcium/magnesium AND the sodium/potassium ratios both increase on the first four minerals OR when the iron/copper AND manganese/zinc ratios both increase on the second four minerals. It is a positive pattern associated with greater vitality. Some call it an emerging pattern.

An excellent variant is when the rise pattern is present on both the first four minerals AND the second four minerals at the same time.

Settling Down = A retest pattern in which the levels of one or more of the macrominerals (Ca, Mg, Na, K) decrease.  The other macrominerals must stay the same.  None of the macromineral levels may increase for this pattern to be present.

The most significant settling down occurs when all four macrominerals decrease on a retest.  The settling down pattern is milder if only 1, 2 or 3 of the macrominerals decrease while the others stay the same.  This is an excellent sign of progress. Settling down always indicates a person is calmer and more in touch with feelings.

One can have a double settling down. This is settling down pattern on the first four minerals and on the second four minerals.  This is an even more positive retest pattern.

More extreme variants of this pattern are a deep or super settling down, and a crash or a crash landing (see above).

Settling In = Settling down pattern AND a Step Down pattern. This is a very positive pattern – a combination of two joy patterns.

Settling Into Four Lows = A settling down pattern AND a transition into a low four lows pattern. This pattern is a good sign when it occurs during a development program. It usually indicates a fast process of healing.

Shelling or A More Severe Shell On A Retest, or just developing a shell on a retest = This occurs frequently. Possible causes when on the development program are: 1) an elimination of metastatic or biounavailable calcium, 2) a need for protection. The person is waking up mentally, emotionally or spiritually, and needs some protection that a shell affords.

It can be part of a Getting Help pattern (see above), or 3) it can be part of a coming alive pattern (see above). It may also be part of a In The World but Not Of It pattern or a Need For Protection pattern.

Shift To The Left = This is a newer pattern that we are still researching. The sodium/potassium ratio improves, but the calcium/magnesium ratio becomes worse. We think this is a disease pattern, but we are not sure at this time. We will update this section as we learn more about it. This pattern contrasts with the pattern below, Moving Right.

Shift To The Right (also called Coming Out Of The Closet) = this is a very positive, newer pattern. The calcium/magnesium ratio improves at least 20% or so, and the sodium/potassium ratio decreases by about 20% or more. Often there are a lot of anchors and some pivots present, as well. Also, the oxidation rate is usually fairly balanced and the calcium/magnesium ratio and sodium/potassium ratio are usually both elevated.

This pattern indicates that the brain is improving a lot. One is also processing and releasing past traumas in a manner that the person will be able to step out more on their own better and live life more fully. This pattern is often discernible visually, but not always if the mineral readings are very high. More on this topic is found in the Second Four Minerals article.

Solving My Problem = This is a newly-discovered pattern (February 2020). In two cases, the Na/K ratio was good or better than on the previous test, the person retraced a copper spike, and there was a rise in the copper level. This is an advanced acupuncture pattern, as well.

Super SettlingAll four macrominerals decrease by 50% or more. This is a very good pattern. It is similar to settling down, but more intense. One feels much more relaxed, steady, and often more grounded, centered, with “feet on the ground”.

Surge – These are increases in mineral levels or ratios. Most surges are positive patterns. Here are types of surges:

All-surge. This occurs when the first four minerals or second four minerals all increase. It is also called a super coming alive pattern.

NOTE: One could have coming alive pattern without having a surge. In this case, only one, two or three of the first four or second four minerals increases and the rest remain the same.

Ca-Mg surge. This is an increase in the calcium and magnesium levels. It is often the result of getting help from the upper body guide creatures such as the asherot.

Na/K ratio surge. This is present when the Na/K ratio increases by at least a factor of 5. This can be an extreme flip from a ratio of less than 1:1, to a ratio greater than 5:1.  Rarely, the Na/K ratio goes from about 3 to about 15 or higher.  This is also a surge, but may not be as positive.

Oxidation surges. Another type of surge occurs when the oxidation rate increases dramatically. We have not quantified this pattern.

The oxidation rate could go from very slow to very fast.  It might also go from very slow to only mildly slow or from mildly fast to very fast.

Standard surge. This is an increase in the levels of sodium and potassium. It is a positive pattern associated with better adrenal and thyroid activity, maturing and often getting help from the lower body guide creatures.

Most surges are positive. However, a person’s energy shifts dramatically, and it can be a destabilizing pattern for this reason.  Behavior can change, for example, and a person could explode or “blow up”, as a result.

Three Up = Three of the macrominerals rise on a retest. Usually, the calcium or the potassium level decreases.  This is a type of coming alive pattern that is very positive.

Triple Joy = This is when three joy patterns occur on a retest. For example, one could have coming alive, a hill, and coming out of four lows.

Turning A Corner = This is a recent pattern (February 2020). We think it is a general term used by the souls to describe excellent healing changes in the body.

One case had all of the following on one test: out of four lows, coming alive, double low ratio on the first four minerals, double high ratio on the second four minerals, an amigo dump (elimination of iron, manganese and aluminum), elimination of cadmium and molybdenum with molybdenum quite toxic, and phosphorus rose from 18 to 21 mg%.

Up And At Them = A retest reveals a double forward flip and there is a coming alive pattern on the second four minerals. Phosphorus must also rise at least 3 mg%, zinc rises at least 5 mg% and 5 toxic metals or amigos increase, indicating an elimination. (Boron also is eliminated, though one cannot see this on an ARL chart (as of Feb. 2020). This pattern is associated with a higher energy level.

Waking up = This is an increase in the oxidation rate, increase in phosphorus and a rise in the sodium/potassium ratio.  Often, the Ca/Mg is better, as well.  It is a positive pattern.

Wide Awake = This is a newer pattern (March 2020). Two cases showed the person was in a four lows pattern on the previous test. On the retest, the sodium level increased at least 50% while the other three macromineral levels remained about the same.

The person may or may not remain in a four lows pattern. The iron and manganese levels also increased. This is also an advanced acupuncture pattern and a positive pattern.

Window = see goalpost pattern above.

Wise Person Pattern = this is a newer (June 2019) retest pattern that consists of 9 or more anchors. It is a very positive pattern that indicates significant improve in the brain.

(There may also be present mild fast oxidation on the first and second four minerals with an elevated and rising sodium/potassium ratio, combined with a large manganese and aluminum elimination). We are not sure of the importance of these criteria.

Worker = three or more goalpost or window patterns on one retest.

Working through four lows = (a newer pattern). The criteria are a four lows pattern on the previous test and on the retest AND on the retest the oxidation rate is slower. Often the Calcium level is higher. The pattern indicates that one is progressing through four lows, and it is a positive pattern.

Up Elevator = A retest pattern in which the levels of all four of the macrominerals (Ca, Mg, Na, K) increase at least 30%, and they all increase by the same proportion so that the major ratios (Ca/Mg, Ca/K, Na/K and Na/Mg) remain about the same.

Up For Life = a combination of a forward flip of the Na/K ratio AND 9 or more anchors. It may also require an elimination of at least three toxic metals. This is an advanced acupuncture pattern.

Very good patterns.  These include:

- New Person pattern (all macrominerals up or coming alive, phosphorus up 2 mg% or more or on fire, and out of four lows).

- Death To Life pattern (double low ratio to a hill).

- New Start In Life. (Double low ratio changes to a step down pattern.)

- Double Forward Flip. (Na/K ratio up to normal and fast oxidation changes to slow oxidation in an adult).

- Double and Triple Joy.

- Overjoyed. (Bowl changes to a hill and phosphorus rises 2 mg% or more.)

- Triangle patterns may also very positive.  These occur when connecting the top of the bar graphs on an ARL calibrated chart forms a triangle.

Zinc retentionZinc decreases on a retest, even if it becomes too low AND other positive patterns are present.  Often phosphorus also declines, but not always.  This is a good prognostic pattern.  Reasons for this pattern may include:

1. Zinc decreases because it is being retained to replace toxic metals.

2. Zinc “kicks into gear”.  This means that zinc may begin to respond properly to the sodium/potassium ratio.  For example, when the Na/K ratio is low, the zinc level should be low to help balance the Na/K ratio.

3. There is less need for an elevated zinc, which can act as a protector against another toxic metal such as copper toxicity.

3. PROGRESSIONS (patterns seen only on three or more successive hair analyses). We have not paid as much attention to these patterns.

Bouncers Some people’s hair mineral retests change a lot from test to test.  I am not sure why this occurs in some people.  The oxidation rate can vary, as can the major ratios.  A lot of stress can contribute to this progression.

Ca/Mg Worsening Or Improving On Three Successive.  A progressive worsening of the Ca/Mg ratio usually indicates that a lifestyle issue has not been dealt with, and is now even more important to end or change.  If the Ca/Mg ratio slowly improves on three or more successive tests, it generally indicates that a person is slowly handling a lifestyle imbalance such as the use of drugs, or correcting a bad attitude, for example.

Locked down = Two or more retests on which the level of calcium, magnesium, sodium or potassium remains very low, in spite of following the Development program.  Another possibility is that one remains with a very slow oxidation rate on two or more retests. 

These patterns can be due to hidden health problems, trauma, hidden toxic metals, or other causes.

Locked up = Two or more retests on which the level of calcium, magnesium, sodium or potassium remains very high, in spite of following the Development program.  Another possibility is that a fast oxidation pattern may persist for two or more retests.

These patterns might be due to toxins in the kidneys, trauma, or some other toxic condition.  Boron, nickel or cadmium toxicity may play a role.

In some of these cases, several years on the program may be required to “unlock the body chemistry”.  Until this occurs, one may not experience significant change in the hair macromineral pattern.

Persistent Four LowsSome people remain in a four lows pattern for a year or more.  This can occur because the person is not following the program well enough.  Stress can definitely slow down the time needed to complete a four lows session.

However, at times four lows persists occurs because the person has a lot of life planning to complete, and simply needs more time in a four lows pattern.

Rocking Pattern.  A retest progression pattern in which the oxidation rate shifts back and forth between fast and slow. This is a progression, meaning that it requires at least three consecutive hair tests to observe the pattern.  Often a three lows pattern and a low sodium/potassium ratio are present, but not always.

SteadiesSome people’s hair mineral charts remain quite similar from test to test.  This can occur if a person does not follow their Development program very well.  However, it can also occur even if one does follow their program.


Acupuncture Patterns And Hair Patterns

Catabolic And Anabolic Patterns On A Hair Analysis

Correct Hair Sampling, And Other Hair Analysis Procedures

Double Patterns

Effect of Washing on The Trace Mineral Content of Human Hair (from J. Orthomolecular Med, 1(2) 1986)

Hair Analysis Concepts

Hair Analysis Interpretation Methods And Laboratories

Hair Mineral Analysis Retesting

Hair Mineral Analysis, An Introduction

Hair Readings Are A Sum

High Mineral Levels On A Hair Analysis

How To Interpret Retest Mineral Analyses (If A Person Is On A Development Program) NEW

Ideal Hair Mineral Values Versus Reference Ranges

Inaccurate Hair Testing

Joy Patterns

Layers Of Defenses – Yang To Yin

Lead From A Vegetable Garden, Blue-Green Algae, Toxic Fertilizers

Learning Patterns

Lifestyle Patterns Revealed On Hair Mineral Analyses

Major Hair Mineral Analysis Patterns

Mineral Levels In Human Hair – Ideals, Ranges, Toxicity And Poor Eliminators

Modifications We Suggest To The ARL Computer-Generated Mineral Test Recommendations


Prioritizing Analysis Patterns

Quantifying Hair Analysis Patterns

Quiz – Can You Identify The Patterns?

Retesting The Hair - Evaluating Progress

Retesting The Hair Minerals

Serious Patterns


SummationEach hair reading represents a sum of metabolic events.

Superimposition – A Mineral Test Interpretation Concept

Mineral Tetras

The Amigos - Iron, Manganese, Aluminum And Often Others – The Irritants or Oxidants

The Big Picture – A Hair Test Interpretation Lesson

The Roller Coaster – A Mineral Test Interpretation Lesson

Trauma Points

Vector Analysis Of A Hair Analysis Chart

Why May A Low Sodium/Potassium Ratio Persist? = Na/K less than about 2.4.


Introduction To Programs For Animals

Animal Testimonials





Donkeys or Burros


Heirloom Plants And Animals


Lambs And Sheep


Tissue Mineral Patterns of 564 Dogs – Journal Article


Regeneration Of The Soil Using The Development Method

Agricultural Terminology

Organic Agriculture

Organic Food – Flawed Studies

Superphosphate Fertilizers – A Modern Evil

Rethinking Pandora (GMO) Potatoes (this article was previously published in Acres, USA Magazine) 

IV. OTHER TOPICS - PHYSICAL SCIENCES (what is the nature of reality)


Bodies – Basic Anatomy And Physiology

The Cell Nucleus And Its Functions

Healing The Earth

Nuclear Power And Alternatives

Medical Drugs In The Water Supplies

Toxic Metals

Toxic Chemicals

Organic Agriculture

Soil Rejuvenation With Development


Introduction To Genetics (main article)

Genetic Change In Society

Genetics And The 7 System

Genetic Defects And Development

Genetic Pathways

Genetic Testing

Genetically Modified Organisms Or GMOs In The Products We Recommend


Computer Design And The 7 System

General Systems Theory And Healing

Syntropy And Entropy = Caring And Selfishness

Systems Theory


How To Tell If Food Is Yang Or Yin

Understanding Yin And Yang

Yang And Yin Indicators On A Hair Mineral Test

Yin Disease

Yin And Yang Healing Methods

Yang Disease


Downward Energy And Healing

Down Hugs

Down Massage, see Massage

Down Science

Down Sex

Down Walking, see Walking


The Love Tetra

The Mineral Tetras

Four Steps To Action


Development Science, A Universal Science

The Theory Of Development SciencePart I

The Theory Of Development SciencePart II

Metaphysical Aspects of Development Science


We recommend that you read these articles in this order:

1. The Four States Of Matter

2. The Ether

3. Black Holes

4. What Is Time?

5. Love As Radiance

THE 7 SYSTEM (A key to understanding life)

Analyzing Human Situations And Problems With The 7 System

Attitudes And The 7 System

Awareness And The 7 System

Basics Of The 7 System

The Bible And The 7 System

Cycles And The 7 System

The Stages Of Development (A 7 System)

Diet And The 7 System

Energy Centers And The 7 System

The 7 Energy Generating Systems Of The Body

The Seven Laws For The Children Of Noah

Levels Of Living And The 7 System

How To Love Using The 7 System

Kinds Of Love According To The 7 System

The Meaning Of Life And The 7 System

Minerals And The 7 System

Morality And The 7 System


Personality Integration And The 7 System

Pleasures And The 7 System

Problems Following A Development Program And The 7 System

Rays And The 7 System

Reading Comprehension And The 7 System

14 Stages Of A Romantic Relationship

Seven Stages of Following A Development Program

Sins Or Character Flaws And The 7 System

Thinking Styles And The 7 System

Vectors And The 7 System

Writing And The 7 System


Minerals And the Energy Centers – With Notes About Cancer

Introduction To The Human Energy Field, Also Called The Aura

The Dantiens

The Very Early Stages Of Development

The Energy Centers

Etheric Energy

The Three Hearts And The Heart Protector

The Merkabah

The Monad

Playing In The Energy Field

The Seven Energy Fields Or “Subtle Bodies”

Seventh Energy Center Techniques


Acupressure Or Shiatsu


Adhesions And The Channel System

Channel Therapy

The Conception Vessel Or Central Channel

The Side Channels Or Governor Vessels


Jin Shin Jyutsu


One” Science

Two” Science

Three” Science

V. OTHER TOPICS - SOCIAL SCIENCES (interactions between bodies)


Diversity – What It Is And Its Problems

Islam – Facts Or Dreams? By Andrew McCarthy

Nuclear Power Generation And Alternatives That Do Not Pollute

Privacy Loss – A Serious Problem Today Around The World

Why And How the U.S. Should Stop Financing China’s Bad Actors by Roger W. Robinson


Addiction To Activity or Running Around

Alloys – A Psychological Concept

Anthropomorphic Qualities Of Minerals – A Psychological Concept

Mixup, A Powerful Psychological Weapon

Morality, An Extremely Important Concept

Personality-Related Patterns And Psychological Interpretation Of A Hair Mineral Analysis

Personality Problems Related To The 7 Physical Energy Centers

Plating – A Psychological Concept

Psychodrama – An Excellent Procedure

Psychosomatic Symptoms – Acting Out Your Feelings


Apathy And Cynicism – Overcoming Them

Cleaning Up Past Mistakes


Creative Thinking Styles

From Those To Whom Much Is Given, Much Is Expected”

How To Evaluate Advice To Make The Wisest Decisions

How To Love Another

List Of How A Development Program Influences Personality

Receiving Guidance

Turnaround Therapy, A Powerful Teaching Method

How To Solve Problems

Also, see Mental/Emotional Health Conditions


(this section is not yet complete)

Why People Kill

The Virginia Tech Shootings On April 16, 2007

Gun Policy

Gun Control Increases Violence

Homosexuality Increases Violence

Marijuana Use And Violence – A Definite Correlation

Growing Up In A Single Parent Household Increase Violence. This is an argument for traditional marriage. For details, read:

Why Not Homosexual Marriage?.


Any Decline In Judeo-Christian Values Increases Violence. For details, read:

The Ten Commandments

Not Enforcing National Borders And Immigration Laws Causes A Lot More Crime. For details, read:

The Border Crisis In America and

Practical Thoughts On Immigration by Heather MacDonald

Ideologies That Teach “The Ends Justify The Means” Cause Violence. For details, read:

Communism Is Alive And Well and

Islam by Andrew McCarthy

Toxic Metals And Criminality


Recent Research On Lead And Criminality

Answers For Crime And Violence


Vaccination Increases Violence

Oppressive Laws Create Crime

High Taxes Cause Crime

Unemployment Leads To More Crime


A Life Of Service – The Best Life To Lead

Are You A Servant Or A Slave?

Become An Agent

Becoming God's Slave To Oppose Brainwashing

Creed For Modern Living

Getting Along With Others

Giving With Love And The Life Of Service

Gratitude – The Most Important Decision You Will Ever Make

Integrity, What Is It And What Does It Mean To Live In Integrity

Love As Radiance

Love – Meaning Of The Word

The Light Workers

The Qualities Of A Warrior

The Real Self

The Secret Society Of Loving, Light-Hearted Warriors

The World Is Perfect (a philosophical perspective)

Thy Will Be Done



The Family Unit And Its Importance

Child Abuse And Domestic Violence

Codependency And The Family

Dating And Courting

Deep Loving Relationships - 1

Deep Loving Relationships - 2

Fathers And Daughters

Forgiving Your Parents Is A Must

Friends – A Development Program Can Cause You To Separate From Some

Raising Girls To Reverse Their Centers

Holy Relationships

How to Communicate Well And Get Along With Others

How To Love Another

How To Mature And Grow Up Faster

Having Health Children

Healthy Living And Its ‘Side Effects



Life Choices

Love And Relationships – An Energetic View

Marriage And Child-Raising – Social Issues

Marriage – A Spiritual View Based On The Work Of Roy Masters

Men – Sex And Intimacy Issues You Need To Learn About Now

The Marriage Contract

Mothers And Daughters

Mother’s And Father’s Love And Development

Mothers’ Dilemma

Non-violent Communication

Poles And Climbers

Sexual Fluid Craving (mostly by and for women)

Sexual Temptations In Relationship And How To Avoid Them

The Stages Of Life

Survival Basics For Families

Training Leaders

Gender Dysphoria (the development perspective)

Virginity – A New Definition

What Children Want

What Is Wrong With The Public Schools?

Friends – Seven Types And What to Look For

What To Look For In A Mate or Friend


A Marriage Of Friends

A Time Of Love And Healing

Bad Is Good, And Good Is Boring (Or A Little Scary)

Birth Control Pills And The Exploitation Of Women

The Breasts (anatomy, physiology, health conditions, etc.)

Breast Cancer Prevention And Screening Methods

Breast Feeding

Contraceptive Methods And Your Health

Down Sex (a preferred method)

Down Sex Marriage

Ejaculation – Spontaneous And Premature

Empathic Blending And Your Health

Estrogens As Yin Toxins

Female Genital Mutilation or FGM

The Hatred Body


Why Not Homosexual Marriage?

Hormone Replacement Therapy

How To Be More Beautiful

Impotence, Low Libido, and Erectile Dysfunction


Love And Healing

Love And Relationships – An Energetic View

Marriage – The Basics

Marriage – A Spiritual View Based On The Work Of Roy Masters

The Marriage Contract


Men – Intimacy Issues You Need To Learn About Now

Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome or POIS


Healing Rape

Raising Girls

Sexual Addiction

Sexual Depletion – Healing It

Sexual Fluids

Sexual Fluid Craving

Sexual Molestation And Its Healing

The Sexual Order (a controversial topic)

Sexual Temptations In Relationship And How To Avoid Them

Sexually-Transmitted Diseases or STDs – A Public Health Crisis

Twelve Ways To Maintain And Deepen Any Relationship

Women’s Fear And Anger With The Rod

Women’s Safety Disguises

(For more women’s and men’s health conditions, click here)


Bending The Head Backward For Brainwashing or “Breaking The Neck”


Crying, Its Significance And Use For Healing

Cults And Terror Societies

Curses And How To Break Them

Downward-Moving Energy And Healing

Empathic Blending

Energy Healing, Homeopathy and Related Methods

Entity Attachment And Release

The Force Of Life In  2012 – Your Service Will Be Greatly Rewarded

Hints For Thinking Correctly

How People Are Influenced Mentally And Emotionally For Manipulation And Control

How To Identify One Who Has Been Brainwashed


I Am The One”, and Just Show Up, Ways To Understand and Handle New Experiences

I Choose (a set of empowering affirmations)


Mass Media That Are More Trustworthy

Mental Telepathy

Psychotronic Warfare, Electronic Warfare And Radionics


Selfishness (Article is “How To Become Unselfish”)

Stockholm Syndrome (why some people say they love those who have abused them)

Trauma Release Methods

Trauma Retracing Notes And Hints

Undoing Past Mistakes And How To Proceed


Basic Politics

Freedom – What Does It Mean? 

America’s Socialized Medical System

American Health Care Options

Black Lives Matter, The Truth About

Capital Punishment (The Death Penalty)

Communism Is Alive And Well Today

The Tactic of Divide And Conquer


Global Warming And Climate Change, by Jarrett Wollstein

Government Programs And Government Agencies – Their Problems

Hate Speech”

The Irony Of Socialism And Communism

Intentional Confusion About The Words ‘Federal’ And ‘Liberal’

Medical And Recreational Pot – A Bad Drug

Original Intent - A Very Important Legal Doctrine

Power, What It Is And How It Works

Principles Of The Law

Public Sector Unions – A Menace

Six Political Illusions: A Primer On Government For Idealists Fed Up With History Repeating Itself

Socialism – What Is It?

The Common Law And Its Importance Today

The Rule Of Law And Mankind’s Development

Voter Fraud And Avoiding It

What Are “Right Wing“ And “Left Wing” Politics?

Why Are Political Articles On A Health Website?

Words Used To Confuse And Deceive People – Populism, Liberalism, Progressivism, Democracy, Hate Speech, And Social Justice

Words To Know – Treason, Sedition, Calumny


Basic Economics

Answers For Crime And Violence

Assisted Suicide – No!

Austrian Economics And Its Opposite – Socialism Or Marxism

Command-And-Control Economics

Economics And Development

Entrepreneurship – What It Is And How To Do It

Free Market Environmentalism

Federal Student Aid And Unintended Consequences

Financial Health

Inflation, The Terrible Hidden Tax On The Poor

Minimum Wage Laws – Pure Communist Evil

Renting An Office

Taming The Corporation And What Are Cooperative Businesses

Taxes, A Primer

The Basics of Money And Banking

The Four Social Classes

What Is Capitalism?

What Is Charity? What is Compassion?


Guns And Violence

Goals Of A Health Care System

Energy Policy

Farm Subsidies – A Bad Idea

Free Market Environmentalism

The Regulatory State

Christian Sharing Programs: An Alternative To Health Insurance

Deregulating Medical Care

Doctor’s Priorities And Your Health – The Unpleasant Truth

General Systems Theory And Healing

Health Care For The New Millennium

Improving International Relations By Solving Pressing Problems

Individual, Community And State: How To Think About Religious Freedom by Matthew J. Franck

Non-violent Communication

The Case Against Medical Licensing

The Future Of Medical Care

To Heal The World, Heal And Develop Yourself


This section is divided into three parts:

1. Biblical - Hebraic

2. Biblical - Christian

3. Oriental (BuddhistHindu/Taoist/Confucian)

4. Native American/Aboriginal/Other






Ask And You Shall Receive”

An Ancient Hebrew Language

Attacks On Our Babies

Becoming Truly God’s Servant

Biblical Lessons About Health

Child Abuse

Circumcision And Its Relevance Today

Cleanliness And Your Health

Development And The Bible

Does God Hate Me?

Down Sex (a much healthier alternative to ordinary sex)

The Essene Gospel Of Peace-Book 1, Beware

Evil And Responding To It

Ezekiel And Development

Feeling Connected To God


Forgiving Parents

Friends – Seven Types And What To Look For

From Those To Whom Much Is Given, Much Is Expected

Genetics And The Bible

Guide Creatures And The Bible

God – How He Works

The Golden Rule



Homosexual Marriage – Why Not


Hatred – Understanding It

The Hatred Body

Having Faith

Individual, Community And State: How To Think About Religious Freedom by Matthew J. Franck


The Law Of Cause And Effect – As you Sow, So Shall You Reap

Life After LifeBook Review (about near-death experiences)

Love As God’s Radiance

Love – Seven Kinds

Love Versus Destructive Relationships And Discerning The Difference

Marriage – A Contract

Marriage And Having Children - Considerations

Marriage – A Spiritual View


Men Need To Be Shields, Protectors And Poles For Women

Mercy – What Is It?

The Merkabah and Merkabah Science

Morality, An Extremely Important Subject

Morality And The 7 System

Mystery Of The Shemitah

Post-Abortion Syndrome

Prayer – Its Importance And How It Works



Serving God To Oppose Brainwashing

Spiritual Development And The Bible 

The 23rd Psalm – An Interpretation Of It

The Biblical Food Laws And Why Many Make Sense Today

The Hebrew Bible And Genetics

The Number Seven In The Bible

The Flood Of Noah, Vegetarianism, And Your Health

The Missions Of Abraham and Sahra, and Jesus

The Time Of The Kings – The End Of The Original Hebrew Religion


Cardinal Sins Of The Catholic Church

C.S. Lewis and The Great Divorce

Childbirth And Development Sciences

Children – Preparing To Have Them

Children’s Development Programs

Children’s Nutrition

Dating And Courtship

Daughters On The Birth Control Pill



Fear Of Death

Gender Dysphoria Or Transgender Identity

Hallelujah Diet – Not Recommended

Marriage – How To Preserve It

Marriage of Friends

Maturing Faster


The Cardinal Sins And Development

The Lord’s Prayer Explained

The Mark Of The Beast?

Universalism – A Theological Doctrine

Unsexy – How To Be

Why Do Some People Hate God?


Mother Theresa

Nickolaos Of Myra and the Legend of Santa Claus

Saint Francis And Love


Bible Prophesy For Today

Christian History

End Of The Sixth Day

The End Times

The Two Branches Of Christianity

What Is Western Civilization?


Saving The Righteous

The Church Ranking System

The Law Of Cause And Effect

More About The Law Of Cause And Effect

The Merit System


Birth control Pills And the Exploitation of Women

Healing Sexual Depletion

Marijuana And Violence

My Healing Crisis From My Cult Childhood by Marianne West

Secular Beliefs As A Cause Of Illness

Suicidal Thoughts And What To Do About Them

The CBD Oil Scam

Understanding Cults

Undoing Past Mistakes And How To Proceed

Your Doctor’s Priorities – a scary article


Bhagavad Gita – A Holy Book

Christian Sharing Programs, An Alternative To Secular Health Insurance

Common Core – Another Reason To Keep Your Children Out Of Schools

Complaints About The Bible

Is Development ‘New Age’, Satanic, Or Devil Worship?

Islam – Facts Or Dreams? By Andrew McCarthy

The Modern Nation Of Israel

Liberal Hostility Toward Judaism And Christianity by David Barton

Love Without End, Jesus Speaksa book review

Mutant Message Down UnderAn Interesting Book

New Age Religion – What Is It?

New Age Movement – What It Is

Scientology, The Church Of

Spirituality – What Is It?

The Bible As Society’s Guide

The Mark Of The Beast – A Possibility

Updating Your Religion



A Life of Service

Brain Fog (A common health condition that can be corrected)

Communism Is Alive And Well

Contraceptives And Your health

Creed For Modern Living

Distraction Or Primal Therapy (for trauma release)

Energy Vampirism

Giving And The Life Of Service

Guides For Living (a set of articles)

GMO Foods (Genetically Modified Organisms) And Your Health

Healing Rape

Home Schooling

Human Sex Trafficking

Personal Healing Attitudes

Psychodrama Therapy (for trauma release)

Quotes About Guns By The American Founders And Religious Leaders

Relationship Talk For Men

The Call To Awaken To Development

There Is Work To Be Done

The Rogues

Skepticism And Doubt

Christian Thinking And Its Power


The Balance Concept And Healing

Understanding Yang And Yin

Yin and Yang Healing

Yin Disease

Yoga And Why We Do Not Recommend It

Acupuncture And Development


The Mutant Message From Down UnderBook Review

Rules Of The Secret Society Of Loving, Light-Hearted Warriors

The Bushmen Of The Kalahari Desert


The College Trap

Comments On Education

What Is Wrong With The Schools?

Home Schooling

What Children Feel When Entering School

A High School Nutrition Curriculum

BIOGRAPHIES (A wonderful way to learn about life and be inspired)

Abigail Adams

Alexis Carrel, MD

Paul C. Eck

Booker T. Washington

Buckminster Fuller

Florence Nightingale

Frederick Douglas

George Washington Carver

Hippocrates And The Physician’s Oath

Margaret Fuller

Margaret Thatcher

Maria Montessori

Oscar Peterson

Mother Theresa

Nicola Tesla

Saint Francis

Saint Nickolaos of Myra

The Development Science Pioneers

The 20th Century Cancer Pioneers



Composite Souls

Living The Soul Life

Maturing Of The Soul

Planning Souls

Souls At Time Of Death Of The Body

Soul Attachment Or Possession And Your Health

Soul Recovery

Soul Science

Soul Transmigration

Soul Upgrading

The Avura

The Silver Cords

The Somatid Theory And Pleomorphism

Twin Souls


Bodies – Their Structure And Activities

Outer Space



Artificial Life Support

Controller Creatures And Other Guide Creatures


The Life Chart

The Projection Creatures

The Upper Body Creatures


America’s Most Biblically-Hostile President by David Barton (reposted from

America's Socialized Health Care

A Sad Day For America – The Supreme Court Decision on The Affordable Care Act of 2010

Booker T. Washington (biography of a great man)

Brief Comments On Ferguson, Missouri And Other Police Interactions

Clarence Thomas And The Lost Constitution by Myron Magnet

Comments On the 2020 US Presidential Election

HIPPA – The Health Care Privacy Scam

Practical Thoughts On Immigration by Heather Macdonald

The Scalia Project

Capitalism And Freedom

Central Banking And the History Of Banking In The United States

Citizenship In America

Freedom And Capitalism

Justice – Equal or Social?

Political Parties Of The United States

Lessons From The Judge Kavanaugh Hearings

Libertarians, And Why I Cannot Support Them

Health Care Policy For The United States

How To Cut The Federal Budget And Save America And Europe From Debt

Original Intent (of the founders of America)

Sayings Of The Founders Of America

The Common Law Of England

The 2010 Health Care Bill - One Of The Worst Pieces Of Legislation

The American Food And Drug Administration – A Very Corrupt Organization

The Articles Of Confederation

The Articles Of Confederation And The Original Plan For America

The Case Against Occupational Licensing

The Constitution And Limited Government by Edward Erler

The Four Social Classes

The Passing Of Judge Scalia And The Future Of The US Supreme Court

The Progressive Era In America

The Real Titanic Disaster

The Regulatory State Ruins The Economy

The Tea Party Movement In America

The USA Is Unique

Truthful Media Outlets We Can Recommend

Why And How the U.S. Should Stop Financing China’s Bad Actors by Roger W. Robinson


Adjusting Your Computer For Safety And Convenience

Public Bathroom Design

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Claims. No claims are made for development science. The articles present our experience and observations. Some readers ask for more details about how many people have been helped, or other details. We do our best with limited resources to provide that information in the articles.

In our experience, the development program is 'mechanical'. This means that if you do it faithfully, you will improve your overall health. This does not mean that every pre-existing condition will necessarily go away.

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