by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© January 2023, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.










Definition.  Pain is the bodily feeling that one experiences when certain sensory receptors in the body that detect tissue damage are activated.  It can be sharp, dull, acute, chronic, severe or mild, and can take on many other qualities.

Pain is a very important, though annoying symptom.  Its vital purpose is to alert one that some tissue damage is occurring in the body.  Without pain sensations, the body would not last long.  Pain is thus a warning system that is essential for our survival.

This is the reason that “killng pain” with drugs, alcohol or other means is not best way to handle pain.  If possible, always seek for the underlying cause of pain.  This is the subject of this article.  Now let us examine some common biochemical and nutritional causes of pain.


As stated above, pain in the body is caused by tissue damage of some kind.  Causes include:

1. Physical or mechanical problems.  Examples are pressure, heat, or cold.  A pinched nerve, for example, is a physical cause of pain that is very common and often intense.  It may require the services of a good chiropractor or osteopath.  At times, surgery is necessary to free the nerve.

2. Chemical irritation.  This is really a physical cause as well, but at a microscopic level.  Toxins that irritate the body tissues include toxic metals and toxic chemicals such as oxide forms of minerals.  We call these The Amigos.  They are very important causes of pain.

Other causes of toxic irritation include toxins produced by bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi or other micro-organisms.  These can be endotoxins (those produced by live organisms) or exotoxins (those produced when microorganisms die off).

Metabolic waste products produced within the body such as lactic acid and many others also often build up in the body and cause pain.  This important phenomenon is called Auto-intoxication.  Many are produced in the digestive tract due to improper diet and weak digestion. 

3. Certain illnesses.  These produce pain by various methods.  Many diseases produce pain such as cancer, arthritis, infections and many others.

4. Problems with hydration, oxygenation and circulation.  These are deficiencies in vital cellular processes that may cause mechanical or chemical irritation of the cells and other body structures.

5. Inflammation gone awry.  Inflammation is a natural process of the body that normally is controlled and used to promote healing of wounds and other conditions.  It is a series of steps the body takes to respond to injury and tissue damage, involving histamine release and other steps.  If it goes out of control, however, it is an important cause of pain.

Millions of people have chronic pain due to inflammation of the entire body.  This is due to nutritional imbalances such as a deficiency of omega-3 fatty acids, zinc deficiency, vitamin D deficiency, and others.  An excess of irritating forms of minerals, toxic metals and many toxic chemicals are other common causes of inflammation.

6. Imbalances related to hormones, prostglandins or other chemicals that are natural pain modulators and regulators in the body.  For example, reduced adrenal gland hormones such as epinephrine, norepinephrine, cortisol and cortisone are a common cause of pain because these are natural anti-inflammatory hormones.  Slow oxidizers all tend to have low levels of the adrenal hormones.  Many fast oxidizers also have imbalances related to the adrenal glands.

7. An acidic body chemistry. An overly acidic body chemistry is another common cause of pain.  This is almost universal today, no matter what blood, urine or saliva tests reveal.

Most people live on an acid-forming diet of bread, other grains, meat, sugar and not enough cooked vegetables.  We find that fruit can also cause an acidic situation because it often contains acids.  Some authorities say the fruit has an alkaline effect due to its mineral content.  However, the acids and sugar it contains may offset this.

Changing the diet to about 70% cooked vegetables is extremely helpful.  We do not recommend drinking artificially alkalinized water to attempt to alkalinize the body.  It is too yin and creates other problems.  For details, read Water For Drinking and Fruit-Eating.

8. Electrical or other more subtle imbalances.  These are related to the above.  Electrical imbalances may trigger nerve endings that cause pain messages to be sent to the brain.



We will make a very controversial and perhaps arrogant-sounding statement that most pain can be handled with a development program. This is especially true when it is accompanied by good quality chiropractic care and, at times, other body work such as Rolfing, Structural Integration, craniosacral work, Bowen technique and a few others.

The key is to address the deep cause of the pain, as outlined above.  Only a development program that is properly designed can do this.  The addition of daily coffee enemas and near infrared light saunas, or even a single near infrared heat lamp treatment, are also excellent.   Some readers know, for example, that coffee enemas were originally used by Dr. Max Gerson, MD, to relieve the pain of cancer.  This can be one of the most serious types of pain.

Commitment.  One must be willing to stay with the program for at least a year and often longer.  This is because the program requires rebuilding the body and balancing body chemistry, which cannot be done overnight.  However, many people experience pain relief quickly, within a few days to a few weeks.

We have experience with many types of pain syndromes ranging from the very simple to very complex types such as intractable headaches for which no cause could be established, horrendous back pain, organ pain and more.  These all have responded beautifully to a development program.

I believe the reasons are a tremendous reduction in stress on the body, along with eliminating toxic substances, chronic infections and other subtle causes of pain throughout the body.

The diet is often critical, and the correct type and amount of drinking water can also be a critical factor, along with plenty of rest and sleep.


The medical profession handles some causes of pain well such as the pain of a broken bone.  However, they merely “kill” or reduce man other types of pain with anti-inflammatory, narcotic and other drugs instead of correcting the cause.

This is less than ideal and leaves many people dependent upon drugs and much more toxic and ill.


Acetominophen, (Tylenol, Excedrin, Dristan, etc.) the leading cause of liver and kidney failure in America.  This is the sad truth.  Stay away from this drug in all forms.  Be careful, as it is added to many cold remedies, PMS remedies, and so on.

In addition to liver and kidney failure, a recent study found that chronic acetaminophen users had nearly twice the risk of developing blood cancer, and separate research has linked it to higher rates of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), as well as reduced lung function. Long-term Tylenol use has also been linked to brain damage and increased blood pressure -- so it is not the "harmless" pill that many people consider it to be.

Oxycontin and abuse.  A problem with many pain medications is that one can easily become addicted to them.  Why some are more addictive than others I am not sure.  However, Ocycontin is one of the worst.  Stay away from this drug, please.

Morphine kills.  A popular drug used in hospitals is morphine, along with codeine and other derivatives.  These are very powerful drugs that have a place, but should not be used in most cases.  They can cause the kidneys to shut down just from a single dose.  Avoid this drug if at all possible.

Marijuana, heroine and other downer recreational drugs.  Some will object to my lumping marijuana with heroine, but both are very harmful to the body.  They can both numb your mental and physical pain, but they also contain toxic substances that severely damage delicate brain centers.  I am tired of hearing from people who insist that ‘medical marijuana’ is safe.  Please read Medical Marijuana on this website.

Aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid. Doctors think that Aspirin is harmless and tell people to take some to thin their blood and as an anti-inflammatory.  It is better than Tylenol, which is deadly, but it is not healthful at all.  I would avoid it.  Aspirin is also hard on your stomach, liver and kidneys, and is common cause of ulcers, for example.

If you want to thin your blood, use a little vitamin E or nattokinase, but not Aspirin.  Also, note that Aspirin is found in many other drugs and over-the-counter remedies.


A hair mineral analysis can be superb to detect at least a dozen causes for pain.  The following are among the most important causes for pain that can be identified from a hair mineral analysis:

Toxic metals. These may be revealed on an initial hair mineral analysis.  However, they are often hidden on the first and even on other tests.  Often, there are telltale signs of elevated metals on the test such as an elevated zinc, low phosphorus, low sodium/potassium ratio, and/or very low levels of toxic metals.  The latter is called a Poor Eliminator pattern.  It indicates hidden toxicity.

Low adrenal corticosteroid secretion. On a hair mineral analysis performed by a lab that does not wash the hair at the laboratory, low levels of adrenal hormones may be indicated by low levels of sodium and potassium, in most cases, and, at times, by a slow oxidation rate

A pattern of three highs or four high macro-minerals also indicates underlying slow oxidation with a secondary alarm or inflammation process also present.

A low sodium/potassium ratio is another common indicator of adrenal gland imbalances.  We find these imbalances can be corrected with a development program without requiring hormone replacement therapy.  For details, read Hormone Replacement Therapy.

Low body temperature and resulting underactivity of many enzyme systems.  This is associated with a sluggish oxidation rate, and low thyroid and adrenal glandular activity.

Thyroid imbalance. Thyroid imbalance is commonly associated with pain, although doctors often do not look for this cause for people’s pain syndromes.  Indicators on a hair mineral analysis include a high calcium/potassium ratio, a low potassium level, and perhaps others.

Deficiencies of anti-inflammatory or the “sedative” minerals.  These include calcium, magnesium, zinc and selenium.

These minerals help relax the muscles and nerves.  Most people are deficient in all of these minerals, regardless of their levels on blood, urine or hair tests.

However, more obvious indicators are a low calcium, magnesium, zinc or selenium level.  Another indicator is a very high level of calcium and/or magnesium.  The latter is called biounavailable calcium and magnesium.

Magnesium imbalance alone. Magnesium helps keep calcium in solution and magnesium imbalance is associated with certain types of pain such as that of fibromyalgia.  Magnesium imbalance is indicated on a hair analysis usually by a very low or very high magnesium level, or an imbalanced calcium/magnesium ratio.

Inflammation in the body, indicated, at times, by an elevated sodium/potassium ratio.  Another indicator is a fast oxidation rate.  Another is a three highs or a four highs pattern.

Elevated toxic metals is another indicator of inflammation.  All the toxic metals are very irritating for the body tissues.  This includes excessive copper, a very common situation today. 

Certain forms of essential minerals are also extremely irritating.  These include oxides and carbonates of iron, manganese and aluminum, and others.  They cause oxidant damage, a common type of tissue damage, and damage the tissues by other mechanisms as well such as interfering with enzymes.

Other minerals that often build up in the body as oxides and carbonates are calcium, magnesium, copper, chromium, selenium, boron and molybdenum.  The body cannot convert these to usable forms.  A development program is the only we are aware of to remove them easily.  As this occurs, pain syndromes often disappear.  For details, read Iron, Manganese And Aluminum – The Amigos.

Infections of many kinds. Most infections cause pain by many mechanisms.  Many of them do not respond to antibiotics or other drugs.  One can remove them slowly, however, by increasing the vitality of the body using a development program.

The healing and detoxification procedures that are part of a development program are often required to heal infections.  These include Coffee Enemas, Infrared Lamp Sauna Therapy and Peroxide Implants.

Hair analysis indicators for infections include a sodium/potassium ratio less than 2.5, an imbalanced oxidation rate, a low zinc level, a high copper level, and the presence of toxic metals.  We find that most people have dozens of subtle and usually chronic infections, regardless of the results of any type of medical tests.  For example, ear infections, throat infections, digestive trace infections, eye infections and others are extremely common.

Excessive tissue breakdown or catabolism.  This is common and can affect almost any organ.  It is a common cause of joint pain, ulcers, headaches and other types of pain.  Hair analysis indicators for it are a sodium/potassium ratio less than 2.5 and a phosphorus level of 12 mg% or lessHair must not be washed at the laboratory for accurate test results.  Unfortunately, most hair testing laboratories do not do accurate work for this reason and for other reasons, as well.

Muscle tension and tight fascia. This is a common cause of certain types of pain such as back pain.  Very tight muscles can pull joints and vertebra out of position, and can squeeze off the blood supply and the nerve supply to various parts of the body.

Hair analysis indicators include low calcium and/or magnesium levels, or high calcium and/or magnesium levels.  Another indicator is a condition we call sympathetic dominance pattern.  This is a common autonomic nervous system imbalance.

Other indicators are any indicator of adrenal weakness.  Other patterns are possible as well, such as the presence of toxic amounts of lead, cadmium or mercury that interfere with the activity of calcium and magnesium in the body.

Organ-related pain. This may include many areas of the body.  The underlying cause can be a nutrient deficiency, an infection, or other type of stress on the organ or gland.  It is quite common.  Hair analysis indicators may include high levels of toxic metals, a low sodium/potassium ratio, a high sodium/potassium ratio, low zinc and others, as well.

A diet high in fruit, and perhaps too high in any carbohydrate foods.  Hair analysis indicators for this are a calclium/magnesium ratio between 9.5 and 13.5.  Another is the Beam Me Up, Scottie pattern.  This is described on the Read Articles page under Patterns Seen On Initial Hair Tests.

We find that avoiding fruit, in particular, can cause pain relief within a week or two.  Often the pain is related to the joints or muscles.  The acids in the fruit may be the problem, or perhaps it is the sugars in the fruit.  Fruit is also very yin in Chinese medical terminology, and a yin condition can definitely cause many types of pain.
            Eating too many carbohydrates is associated with pain due to yeast infections in the intestines and possibly in other organs, including the brain.  Excessive carbohydrates may also cause heartburn or GERD.  Reducing wheat, in particular, and at times reducing all carbohydrates in the diet causes relief from heartburn pain.  Eating starches and grains can also cause an acidic condition in the body that can contribute to pain.

Other dietary problems.  These include eating too much meat, eating no meat, and not eating enough cooked vegetables.  A copper level above 2.5 mg%, a zinc level less than about 13 mg%, or a phosphorus level below 13 can indicate low animal protein in the diet.  Too much meat is not revealed on the test.


Emotional pain.  Anger, resentment and hostility inflame the tissues and are common causes of pain.

Mental pain is usually caused by mental conflicts in which a person feels literally torn apart and does not know what to do or which way to turn.

Spiritual pain is the pain of learning the truth about someone or something.  It can also be the pain of coming to know God or divinity in oneself or another.  One might think this would be pleasurable, but many people must experience a “dark night of the soul” episode, at some point, before the light of God dawns and they are relieved of their burdens of guilt, fear, longing and more.

These types of pain may not directly cause tissue damage.  However, they can cause one to tense up the body, or they interfere with digestion and rest, or they can unbalance the hormones in the body.  This leads to physical pain.

Psychosomatic pain.  This cause of pain is more complex and so easy to understood.  It is as though a person expresses their feelings in bodily sensations.

For example, if one feels suffocated, it can cause asthma.  If one feels crushed, it can cause feelings of tension in the chest, perhaps.  If one feels hurt, it can actually cause bodily pain, at times, as well.

Mental and emotional pain on a hair mineral analysis.  Indicators may include:

1. Low Na/K ratio is associated with feelings of frustration, along with resentment and hostility, all of which can enhance physical pain.

2. A high Na/K ratio is associated with anger and acute stress.

3. High copper is associated with many types of emotional pain and suffering.

4 High levels of toxic metals can be associated with specific aspects of mental or emotional pain.  For example, high nickel is associated with depression and sometimes a desire to take one’s one life.  High mercury is associated with timidness and often confusion, and so on.  High cadmium is associated with violence.

5. A calcium shell is associated not only with calcium deposits in the tissues that can cause pain, but also with psychological withdrawal and often depression.

6. Sympathetic dominance is often, if not always associated with feelings of anxiety, and often depression, though the latter may be hidden at first.


Phantom pain.  Some people who have lost a body part such as an arm or a leg experience pain that seems to originate from the absent body part.  This is called phantom pain.  It is due to nerve damage related to the body part that has not fully healed.

Pain as a “disease”.  Severe chronic pain can be a “disease” or health condition by itself.  It can cause great disability, depression and can cause a person to want to die.  It can also lead to addiction to pain medication.  This is a major problem everywhere in the world.

We find that chronic pain is due to nutritional imbalances and toxic conditions of the body.  These reasons for pain are often overlooked by doctors, physical therapists and others.  We hope this changes in the near future.


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