by Dr. Lawrence Wilson
© December 2024, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.
All information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.
I. Have Your Computer Read To You
II. Make The Print Much Bigger So You Can Sit Far Away
III. Cover The Camera Of Your Computer And Phone
IV. Get A Computer Monitoring Team
This article discusses five ways to make your computer easier and safer to use.
This is so you can relax, lie down, or even sleep and have the computer will read articles to you while you rest.
You can also listen while doing a coffee enema, or during a pulling-down session, or during a sauna session is to have your computer read to you. Today all computers can be set up to do this.
This wonderful feature available on computers is called speech, text-to-speech, speak content, or read aloud.
On an Apple computer, click on the Apple symbol at the top left of the screen. Now click on System Preferences.
Once you are at system preferences, look for an icon that says Accessibility. The drawing in the icon is of a small human being with arms out to the sides.
Click on Accessibility and it brings up a list. Scroll down until you find Speech. Some computers may say Text-to-Speech. Then it asks u a few questions:
1. What voice do you want? Click on the right side of the empty box and it gives you a choice of Victoria, Juan, Joe or whomever. You can try each one – click on it and then below click on Play to hear the voice. Decide on a voice.
2. How fast do you want the computer to talk? You can adjust this from very slow to very fast.
3. Then my machine has two boxes you can check. The first is about having the computer notify you if a program needs attention. I do not check this box.
4. What keys do you want to use to start the speaking? You can set the keys to use. I currently use option-escape. You can choose another set of keys if you wish.
Now you are all set up and you only need to do this once.
Get out of system preferences. If the computer asks if you want to save your setup, say yes.
Open a document that you want the computer to read to you. Select the text that you want the computer to read.
Now press the keys you have selected to start reading. The computer should start reading to you. To stop, press the same keys again.
Windows machines. To set up text-to-speech on the newer Windows machines, go to the Settings menu. Then choose Ease Of Access. Then go to Narrator and turn it on.
- It is an excellent use of time. You can listen while doing healing procedures, or while doing dishes, washing the floor, doing laundry or other tasks.
- It will make time pass very quickly.
- It is often faster than reading.
- It may be the only practical way to read through the 1900+ articles on this website.
- It can help you to remember to do coffee enemas or the pulling down procedure.
- It is more relaxing and better than staring at a a computer screen to read an article.
- It is better than having to print out a lot of articles, which wastes paper.
- It is flexible. If the article is complex, just start it over until you understand the material.
- If you get bored with the voice, which is somewhat robotic, you can change the voice.
- If you just want to speed read the article, set the speaking speed to a higher speed. For better learning, set the speed to a slower speed.
- If you have a partner or roommate, two or more can listen at the same time.
- It is particularly good if you have trouble reading, such as with ADD, dyslexia or other issues.
If your operating system does not offer this, I am told that the Microsoft Office program offers it.
Another option is that one can download a free extension for the Firefox, Chrome or Edge browsers that offers the same thing. There are also a number of separate programs that offer this such as Speechify and others. Some offer more advanced features.
For more information, I found several reviews of these options by typing text-to-speech, ratings into a search engine.
This is so that you don't have to sit near your computer. This greatly reduces exposure to harmful electromagnetic energy and maybe other problems. You can sit 6 feet away and still read on the computer.
You will need a remote keyboard to sit far away from your computer. They sell ones that are wired or wireless. We prefer a wired one to reduce electromagnetic smog.
NOTE: Rarely, changing this setting on the computer will interfere with a program. I have only encountered this once or twice in fifteen years.
On an Apple computer, click on the Apple symbol at the top left of the screen. A drop-down menu appears.
Click on System Preferences. Now click on Displays.
Near the top of the screen are three options: Displays, Color and Night Shift. Choose Displays.
Now look for a way to change the resolution of the screen. My computer says Default or it offers Scaled. One clicks on scaled.
Then it gives several options. Choose the one with the lowest numbers, which on my machine are 1024 x 640. I think that is all there is to it.
On a Windows computer, the procedure is probably somewhat similar.
This is for privacy. Otherwise, your computer may take your picture any time of the day or night, even if it shut off.
Get a piece of masking tape or other opaque tape. Then find the small opening on your computer or phone that is the camera lens. Place a piece of tape over the camera lens. Masking tape is good because it usually does not leave a sticky residue.
If you need to use the camera, you can just remove the tape.
The thugs try to break computers, especially if you use them in ways they don't like. It is possible to attract souls who know computers and will patrol and do a lot to keep your computer running.
Ask in prayer every day for some souls to come in and patrol and fix your computer.
No photos of yourself on the internet, not even just of your head. This is because the thugs can use these photos to find you and to spot you for rapes and beatings.
Do not go to Facebook or other social media sites. Facebook has scanning technology built in that scans you, your phone and your computer and can download all sorts of personal information. That is just the beginning of problems with social media.
Hold on to your old computer if it is working well. We find new objects today are often rigged up by the thugs and may have more problems.
If you are thinking of buying a computer, we recommend a laptop rather than a large computer. The reason is the laptop is lower power, so there will be less electromagnetic smog.
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