by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© July 2022, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.

All information in this article is solely the opinion of the author and for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


I. Introduction

II. General Recommendations

III. Where To Live

IV. Activities

V. Your Development Program

VI. Other


This is a very important article for everyone who wishes to develop rapidly and safely.


Development is the very special and little known process by which a human being changes from being mainly a physical body to becoming more and more a spiritual being. It is a long and complex process that requires excellent nutrition, plenty of rest, holding on to most sexual fluid, the Pulling Down Procedure and a healthy lifestyle. For details, read Introduction To Development.

The required lifestyle we cal the development lifestyle.



Move into the future as fast as possible.  Keep your living space very simple and clean. Give away or get rid of material possessions that you don’t really need.  This applies especially older furniture and items that remind you of dead relatives and your past. 

Keeping a lot of “stuff” around your home draws you back into the past, such as photographs, old furniture, old books, and so on. We call these “old energies” and they can slow you down.

Keep a simple schedule. This is quite important. Do not “book up your life” far in advance or tightly during the day.  This is true even if you are a business executive who must go to meetings, etc.

Keeps your schedule as simple as possible.  This will give you more time to rest, for example, which is often needed, at times, as you develop. 

As you develop, you may experience “fatigue attacks”.  Suddenly, you may feel tired and need to lay down for 15 minutes or so.  The body is making changes and needs rest.  It is like reprogramming the computer inside. If possible, arrange your work and living arrangement so you can rest, at times, during the day.


Do not engage in any unsafe activities or go to unsafe locations.  Unsafe activities include bicycling, skiing, riding on motorbikes or scooters, drinking alcohol at all, using drugs such as marijuana, going on most dates, especially with people you don’t know well, walking alone for women, and even visiting doctors for annual checkups, pap smears and other tests. These are very rarely needed or helpful if one follows a development program.

A safe life also means avoiding unsafe locations.  These are places where accidents can occur and places where people are attacked.  Among the worst places, especially for women, are athletic clubs, spas, casinos, and hotels and motels.  Schools are not safe places for girls, in particular, and high schools are the worst.

Read, pray and help out the planet and her people from home. These are usually the best activities while you are developing. Prayer should be done very often and must not be selfish. Pray for the planet and for others, not yourself.


Travel almost always slows development. The less travel, the better.  Women should never travel alone. You should not want to travel much. If you do, often something is amiss at home. Perhaps you are not living in the right place or with the right people.

Travel is generally hard on the body and upsets your normal eating and sleeping schedule.  It usually exposes you to much more electromagnetic stress, no matter what method of travel you use. 

Cruise ships are not safe for women. Flying is usually safer, in part because it is fast. However, both are unclean. Ships are sprayed with pesticides. Aircraft have dirty seats, x-ray machines, electromagnetic stress, breathing impure air for hours, and some danger of crashes.

Car travel is usually best. Other types expose you to many germs and the energies of many other people, and sometimes a lot of poisons in foods, beverages and items you touch.  Also, usually one cannot do the program well when traveling.

Drive a large car, if you can afford it.  They are definitely safer than small cars.



It is important to feel comfortable and happy where you live.

Climate. Higher altitude is considered a little better for development, as is a drier climate. A serious problem that can occur anywhere, but is worse in damp climates, is mold in the home.  Check for this before moving into any living quarters.

Living inland, at higher altitude and in a dryer climate are more yang in macrobiotic terminology. This is helpful.  However, some people feel better in a wet climate.

Cities. Cities have less oxygen in the air and much more electromagnetic stress. They are also more noisy, dirtier, less sweet smelling, with more air pollution.  The sheer numbers of people living there can be distracting and mixes your energies with those of others, which is not helpful.

Safety.  Cities are often, but not always less safe, especially for women.  The large American cities, for example, are not as safe as most rural areas. Having a place to walk safely and quietly is very helpful. Women should not walk alone.

Other.  Cities offer more to do, including more distractions that take time away from your development program.  Living close to family members and friends is sometimes very good, while at other times it is a hindrance.

The case for cities. Some suburban and rural areas are not safe or clean, either.  For example, living near a factory or even a farm or ranch that sprays chemicals from the air or pollutes in other ways is not a good idea.  Some towns are home to prisons, which make them less safe.

Also, in a city you may find work more easily, find more outlets for natural foods, and you might encounter more people who are following a development program than if you are living in an isolated community.


Ideally, live in a small, easy-to-clean and easy-to-maintain, safe, comfortable home.  The smaller, the better, in many cases.  A small home means you won’t be as tempted to collect “stuff” and it is much easier to keep clean and maintain.

Apartments and condominiums are usually less than ideal because of too much electromagnetic stress and other stray energies when one lives in close proximity to others.  However, they can work well for some people because they require little maintenance, unlike a house.

For rapid development, it is usually best to live alone or with one other person for companionship, but not in a large home with a lot of people.  The exception is living in a monastery or convent with others who are also developing.

Ideally, live on the ground floor.  Living in a high-rise building off the ground is less desirable.



If you need to work to earn money, look for an easy, safe job that won’t wear you out and does not take up all your time.  Avoid jobs and careers that are stressful, take all your time, put you in contact with many others who are not developing, or put you in danger of any kind. 

Examples of dangerous kinds of work are jobs in toxic factories or other toxic situations. Other less desirable work is climbing on rooftops, or jobs requiring a lot of travel and staying in hotels.

Night jobs are usually much harder on the body. Ten-hour shifts are also hard on the body, as is any job in a doctor’s office or worse, today, a hospital. We do not advise working in a hospital at this time.

Sitting is easier than standing up all day. If possible, avoid jobs where you must stare at a computer screen all day.

Eventually, try to find work that relates to development, such as teaching others about health and nutrition in some way. Part-time jobs are best if you can afford it, so that you have time to do the entire development program without having to get up very early in the morning or otherwise inconvenience yourself and deprive yourself of sleep.


Adults need at least eight hours of sleep each night, and preferably more. Children need even more sleep, especially teens.

Also, go to bed between 8 and 9 PM. Do not stay up late.


Avoid all costly and all dangerous recreational activities such as skiing, ice-skating, bicycling and other activities that put you in danger of any kind.  Walking is good as long as you have a safe place to walk. 

Women are best walking with another person, preferably a man. Hiking in the woods, for example, even with a dog, is not safe. You can easily by followed without realizing it and attacked.  Camping is also not usually safe for women alone.

For women, carrying a weapon is a good idea as long as you are skilled in its use.  However, it is not a substitute for living and dressing in a safe manner.

Shopping for excellent quality food can be an enjoyable recreational activity that will move you ahead.  As long as it is safe, go to the farmer’s market in your town and look for the best food possible.

For women, avoid recreational activities where you have to undress, such as swimming, unless you are with a strong man who is your husband or a trusted friend.  Pool parties, for example, are always a bad idea, as are going for massages and other ‘undress’ activities.  We know some women like these for various reasons, but they are not safe and rogues often use them to rape.

Some people go to doctors and dentists for recreation.  This is not advisable.  Dental x-rays every six months are not needed when you are on a development program and just fill the thyroid gland, in particular, with poison.

Retreats. Some people go to weekend or week-long retreats for recreation. We have learned that many retreats are extremely unsafe for women and are setups for rape, even if the retreat sounds very spiritual.


Beware.  Parties are not worth the risk, no matter how wonderful they sound.  Some parties are setups for rape, poisoning and more.

Men use parties to lure women who they think might not go on a date with them but would attend a fun party – maybe one with live music, or on a boat (very bad idea) or at a hotel (another bad idea).

Parties often bring you into contact with sexual predators, though you are not aware of it.  The rogues love parties for this purpose.  The predators may seem like the nicest people.

However, they target women for rape and may follow you home or put a tiny locator beacon on your car or your clothing and follow you home that way. Even worse, at some parties, rapists can suddenly pull you into a closet or bedroom and wreck your life.

Parties also often expose you to drugs, alcohol and food that is not good for development. They often keep people awake too late and they are a huge waste of time.

A huge hidden problem with parties, and indeed many social activities, is that you are tempted to do things you would not ordinarily do on your own.  This is called the herd mentality or peer pressure.

For example, you might ordinarily not drink alcohol or eat junk food.  But if it is there in front of you at a party and everyone is tasting it and saying how good it tastes, you are tempted to go along to fit in.

Other unsafe things many people do at parties are to smoke marijuana or drink alcohol.  Everyone else is doing it, so how bad can it be.  Drugs may be in the punch or spring water, or even in the food, and you won’t know it.

Even worse, you may be tempted to jump into the beautiful (but always filthy) hot tub – perhaps naked - because, after all, five other women will be there with you and we’re all friends, and it just feels so good.

So, ideally, skip all parties.  If the friendly neighbor or anyone invites you to a party, just say thank you, and say you are too busy. There are much better ways to meet people, such as joining a church, for example, or engaging in safer activities.


This is a very important subject.  For details, read Dating.


The reason is that they are not developing and so they will slow you down, both energetically and often with idle words and actions.

Instead, try to be in touch with others who are developing. This is better, although even with them, too much socializing is not helpful for development.  It mixes your energies with those of others, which is not ideal.



The way most men dress is fine. The way most women dress and adorn themselves is not at all good for development.

Women need very short hair. We don’t know exactly why, but cutting one’s hair very short speeds up development. For women, we recommend a ‘boy haircut’.  We know many women object to this, but it can look quite cute and you will get used to it.

It is also much safer for women because no one can hold you by wrapping a hand around your hair. This is an old rape trick. It also saves hours of time that most women spend washing and combing their hair.

No makeup, nail polish, or smelly cologne, shampoo, aftershave, lotion, cream or other “attractive” or “cute” products. These are all unsafe for women because they are designed to attract men. They are also usually toxic and harmful to the body.

Short fingernails and toenails and no fake nails, eyelashes or anything else. This is also for women's safety and to save time and money.

Cover up. Always dress warmly. Dressing too lightly, such as not wearing socks, always slows development.  Even in summer, dress warmly because many places use air conditioning and places such as food stores are often kept cold to preserve the food.

Also, cover up for modesty, especially women.  Do not pay attention to fashion, but to safety and warmth!

Anti-rape. This is unfortunately important for women at this time (2022). When women go out, we recommend cargo pants or pants with no zipper in front and with a drawstring holding up the pants that you can tie in a double or triple knot.

Many women wear tight-fitting blue jeans because they, too, are harder to get off. However, they have a zipper in front and that is not as good.

Beaches. Many beaches are not safe places at this time. We can't recommend going to the beach alone for women. Many rapes occur at beaches today. Only go with a man and stay very close to him. Bathing suits with drawstrings may be a little safer, which means two-piece suits. However, avoid skimpy and sexy ones. White or light colors are also best for swimsuits.

Color.  For rapid development, wear light-colored or white clothing (best).  White reflects other people’s energy and your guides can see if the rogues put electronic devices on you.  It is much safer!!!  For more details, read Color.

Natural fibers.  Ideally, wear natural fiber clothing.  It transmits subtle energy the best and usually contains fewer toxins than synthetics.

If at all possible, women should not go out alone. If you find you want to go out alone, something is usually wrong. The impulse may be coming from the 'men', not from you.

Keep dress simple. When you go out, we recommend cargo pants for a woman and a heavy tee shirt on top. Don't wear a bra that lifts or separates the breasts. Wear no bra or a piece of fabric so nipples don't show, but for safety it must be something that flattens the breasts.

Skinny and flat-chested are best for safety. If you eat lots of cooked vegetables, most all women will become thin and the breasts become smaller. This makes going out a little safer.

Always wear full socks and running shoes, not flip-flops, “naked” sandals or cute shoes.

If you want to meet a partner, don't dress up sexy and go out. This tends to be quite unsafe. Ask for help from your guides.

NOTE: Healthy women are quite sexy no matter what they wear. They have a natural glow and sparkle about them. So if you are seeking a partner, follow the development program to become healthy.

Also, know that developed women are very much in demand. The reason is there are more developed men than women, and the men want developed partners.

For women. When you are out of your home, don't smile too much. No staring, flirting, signaling, teasing, “curious” or selfish. Don't argue, especially with men and don't be too friendly. Keep your eyes down, talk softly and avoid anything “loud” - voice, clothing, other behavior or gestures.


You should be happy at home. If you are not, something is amiss.

A main activity you are learning is broadcasting. This means don't wear a lot of clothing since clothing interferes. Underpants and flip-flops or thin sandals are sufficient if acceptable to your roommate or partner. They also make it easier to undress to do the healing procedures.


Couples can do psychodrama, massage, vaginal massage, dancing and more together.

Stay with down sex. It is excellent and can be done every day if you wish. However, ordinary sex with orgasms are harmful.

Avoid kinky and wild sex. Always keep it dignified and with the goal to please God, not yourself. Focus on much more than the physical bodies.



This is very important if you want to develop quickly.  Get used to cooking.  Ideally, learn to relax with it and enjoy it.  You will move ahead much faster the more often you cook.

Work out regimens and schedules to save time.  The kitchen need not be picture perfect and can be a little messy.  This is better than not cooking because you don’t want to mess up the kitchen.


The development program is what we call ‘mechanical’.  This means that if you follow it, it will work.  If you change anything – the diet, the nutritional supplements or anything else, it usually will not work nearly as well.

Be sure to drink enough water.  Adults need 2-3 quarts or 2-3 liters daily and never less than this.

Salt. Eating sea salt is very important for heath and development. You can use sea salt liberally with the development program. If you don't eat enough, it affects digestion and your blood pressure may become too low.

Order of eating. Ideally, eat your food in the correct order.  Drink water first if you are thirsty.  Then wait about 10 minutes.  Then eat protein first, then cooked vegetables and finally adults need about 5-10 blue corn chips.

For dietary details, read and re-read Food For Daily Use, Food For Occasional Use and Forbidden Foods. These articles are kept updated. Older dietary articles on this website are sometimes not as updated.

Supplements. At times, it may seem like the recommendations are incorrect.  Your body chemistry may have changed. Rarely, it occurs because we were unable to tune in properly.  Please let your Helper know if you think this occurred and ask that Dr. Wilson check your supplement program.


Development requires a lot of rest.  There is no substitute for rest and naps!

It may seem like a waste of time to go to bed early and take frequent naps, but it is necessary.  It does not mean you are ill, weak, or lacking in a nutrient or food.  It is due to the requirements of rapid development.

Interrupted sleep.  A long and deep sleep period every day may not be best for rapid development.  Do not become upset if you wake up at night.

For rapid development, it is best to get up once or even a few times during the night.  Walk around a little, stretch, do the spinal twists, rub your feet, use the bathroom and drink some water, and then go back to sleep.

Some people like a biphasic sleep cycle. This means one goes to bed about 8 PM and sleeps for several hours. Then one gets up and works or reads for an hour or two, and then goes back to sleep for several hours.  This type of sleep pattern is okay and works well for some people.


Relaxing and staying in a parasympathetic mode of living is required for rapid development.  Avoid places and activities that are too noisy or even too exciting.  A calmer lifestyle is best.


The Pulling Down exercise.  Do not skip or minimize the pulling down exercise.  Do it for at least one hour daily, and preferably for two hours daily or even longer. For details, read The Pulling Down Procedure.

The neck pull.  This is excellent to speed up development.  For some people, it is a necessity.  It is a little scary, at first, but we have had no problems with it providing you do it lying down with no pillow under your head, and with your head straight. For details, read The Neck Pull.

Deep breathing.  Do deep breathing every day for at least one hour.  You can do it while you are doing a coffee enema or while doing the pulling down exercise.  It is very important for health and for development. For details, read Deep Breathing.

The twists.  Do the spinal twists, the neck pull and opening the joints by popping the toes, knees, hips, and fingers every day – preferably several times a day. This can greatly speed up development. For details, read The Pulls, Pops, Twists And Kicks.

The bidet toilet attachment.  Using a bidet toilet attachment for detoxification is also very helpful and simple once you attach the toilet attachment.  Attaching it may require help if you are not familiar with plumbing.  Then just sit with it turned on for 5 minutes or more daily. For details, read The Bidet.


Ordinary sex with orgasm, no matter how good it feels, depletes the body.  One loses precious nutrients and one loses special souls in the sexual fluid.

Instead, we strongly recommend Down Sex.   This is a wonderful and ancient practice for couples.  It rejuvenates the body and can be done every day, if you wish.  For the best effect, do it at least three times per week. 

Women generally love down sex.  Men require some practice with it, but often enjoy it a lot, too, once they learn how to do it.  If men have a lot of trouble holding an erection, or for cleanliness, a procedure that is almost as good for development is down hugging. It does not involve sexual intercourse. 

NOTE: The rogues or adversary don’t want people doing down sex, so you will hear voices in your head telling you not to do down sex, or it is dangerous, or it is smelly or a waste of time, or something similar.  Do not listen!  


These are other procedures that will speed up development.  For details, read The Accelerators.



We believe that if you are really dedicated to development, you will be helped and guided to have the financial means to follow the program and live in a safe manner.  How one does this is different for each person.  A general rule is do not reject financial help from parents, friends or other methods that allow you to follow the program.

We do not recommend aggressive investing of any kind.  It is risky at this time and many people lose all their money.

At this time (2022) we recommend you put your money into gold, either bullion coins or buy GLD, a stock fund that buys gold bullion and seems to be safe.  We believe that gold will rise in value in the future.  There is also an intrinsic good in owning gold.  It is more than just a metal and it gives a person as strong sense of financial safety and security that other investments do not provide.

Other investments. Be careful and preferably avoid other investments.  For example, you can buy homes and rent them, but this requires skill and work to maintain the homes.  If you are good at it, fine.  The same is true with stocks, bonds and other investments.  We do not recommend cryptocurrencies. We believe they are unsafe and a bad idea.


If at all possible, sit away from computers and use a remote keyboard and blow up the print size so you don't have to sit right in front of the machine. Laptops often give off less EMF. Don't spend any extra time on computers, such as random surfing the internet, social media, etc. Only use them for necessary work.

The entire cell phone system – towers, phones and other devices – put out harmful energies. Also, the rogues use them to condition and brainwash people. We hope the system will be replaced by a better system. For details, read Yin Disease.


Improve the quality of all your relationships.  This can help speed up development a lot, in some cases.  Ending or changing unhealthy relationships can be temporarily painful, but is a very good idea.

Divorce.  Be careful with divorce because if a marriage is not that bad, it may provide financial security, safety, and other benefits that will end if you divorce.  Also, if children are involved, divorce is often not a good idea unless the relationship is abusive.

However, in other situations divorce is needed and extremely helpful.  Each situation is different. 

Help.  At times, we can help by doing healing work on your husband or wife, even if the person is not on a development program.  You can ask for this when you send in your retest – put it on the information sheet that you would love help with a partner or with others with whom you live or even work.


This is usually very good for development.  It keeps you focused and teaches you more about how to move along quickly with development.

How to guide others.  Methods include teaching, preferably online, writing articles, speaking, blogging, or just helping family and friends. For details about receiving guidance, read Guidance.

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