by Dr. Lawrence Wilson
© May 2020,
LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.
information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment,
prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.
And Fluid Craving
Analysis Patterns
Definition. Sexual fluid craving is a condition in
which a person has feelings of depression, fatigue and even despair that are
relieved when they absorb some sexual fluid, usually male sexual fluid.
condition is most common among women.
It affects thousands of young women, as well as some young men.
cause appears to be a nutritional deficiency. Sexual fluid then becomes essentially a “food supplement”
that some need.
Not all fluid is equally
Most with this condition prefer the fluid of some men more
than others. The fluid they
like best feels hotter and thicker.
They get less of a zing or high if the fluid feels cooler and/or
No Libido. Many with sexual
fluid craving report that they have little desire for sex. They want the sexual fluid, and not
other aspects of a sexual encounter.
Rarely discussed. I have seen very little written about
this condition, even though it is quite common. For example, few counselors or doctors seem to know about it
or understand it well. This
article discusses effects, causes and corrective measures you can take for
sexual fluid craving.
1. Disease
(STDs) if a woman becomes promiscuous or goes outside her committed
relationship for more sex.
spreads through the entire society as infected people use public and hotel
pools, hot tubs and other places that diseases spread.
2. Depletion of health. This is due to having a lot of sex with
orgasms. It is also due to #1 above, and to
iron toxicity (#6 below).
3. Addiction, and all the
negative traits that go with it. Addictions often cause people to lie, cheat, and steal. If left unchecked, the addiction can
ruin relationships and families.
4. Relationship disasters. There
are often fights over how much sex to have, and a woman may have an affair to
get more fluid. Addiction is
always hard on relationships.
5. Hooking up and possibly
marrying an incompatible mate. This
is quite common. The person only appears
compatible because they offer sexual fluid.
6. More unwanted babies and
abortions. To
obtain sexual fluid, some women insist upon unprotected sex. This causes more unwanted pregnancies.
7. Iron poisoning. This seems to go with the sexual fluid
8. Greater risk of rape and
death for women who are not careful enough about with whom they have sexual
9. Vampirism. Sexual fluid craving can turn nice
women into selfish vampires. They
may “steal” seminal fluid any way they can, with no regard for their own
dignity, or for the well-being of anyone else. A separate article discusses Energetic Vampirism.
10. Dangers for men. Single men can be fooled into thinking
a woman is in love with him, when, in fact, she just wants his sexual
fluid. Married men become depleted
trying to keep up with their partner’s desire for fluid. Both single and married men will tend
to contract more sexual diseases, as well.
11. Ruining teen chastity
and morals.
Fluid craving causes thousands of junior high and high school girls to
have a boyfriend and to “play house”.
This is a euphemism for having frequent sex together, at times without a
condom so they can get the fluid they want.
prevent pregnancies without condoms, the young women are often on birth control
pills or patches, which are horrible for their health. This is the fluid craving lifestyle.
Degrading an
entire society. On a larger
scale, making women more sexually aggressive, more selfish, more sexually
aggressive, less caring about their partners, and more infected has a very
damaging effect on the entire society.
may help explain why those who wish to destroy a society often rape women and
even the men, as it is an effective and fast way to cause sexual fluid
craving. This, in turn, disrupts
marriages, corrupts the young, encourages abortions, and leads to more lying
and cheating on one’s mate.
causes can be a combination of the following:
1. Nutritional depletion.
Malnutrition is very widespread today, even among
people who eat what they believe is a very healthful diet. The sexual fluid provides needed
nutrients, and this is the reason it provides a zing.
most instances, malnutrition begins before birth because most mothers are
malnourished. Things get worse
from there due to a depleted food supply, junk food diets, and the use of
vaccines and medical drugs.
seem very prone to sexual fluid craving because these are always deficient
diets. Click here to read more about the scientific
effects of vegetarian diets.
2. An after-effect of a
rape or even just too much sex. These can deplete a lot of
sexual fluid, which is a nutritional disaster. It worsens malnutrition, and that is the basic problem. The effects of rape are discussed in
depth in the articles entitled Rape and Healing Rape on this website.
3. Subtle chiropractic
misalignments in the low back. A spinal
misalignment may irritate the genital area, or may interfere with the flow of
nutrients to the pelvic area, contributing to sexual fluid craving.
problem is that some chiropractors and osteopaths are not good enough to
resolve the problem. If you have
not had good luck with chiropractors and osteopaths, an alternative method is
to do the spinal twist I suggest every single day. By gently stretching the low back, you may be able to
release it. To learn how to do
this simple procedure, read How To Help Adjust
Your Spine on this website.
4. A possible entity
attachment situation. When
a woman experiences rape, for example, discarnate souls become attached to the
body. They can irritate the
vaginal area or do other things that cause or contribute to sexual fluid
craving. For more on this topic,
read Entity Attachment And Release.
5. Adrenal burnout. The adrenal glands secrete cortisol and cortisone. These powerful hormones can give a person a natural
‘high’. They are “feel-good
hormones”. When the adrenal glands
are depleted or weak, one does not have this natural ‘high’.
can result in feelings of depression, despair, anxiety, feeling lonely, and
perhaps other negative feelings.
may also become attracted to substances that can provide a high or “buzz”. One of these substances appears to be
male sexual fluid - and to a lesser degree, female sexual fluids, as well. For more on this topic, read Adrenal Burnout on this website.
6. An unusual viral
infection. This
may be both a cause and an effect of sexual fluid craving. Malnutrition may give rise to a viral
infection in the brain that seems to be able to change a person’s attitude and
behavior, in some cases. People
with this craving tend to become more selfish, for example, and even nasty and
is a hidden factor, but an important one to know about if you want to overcome
sexual fluid craving. The women
become extremely angry, selfish and uncaring about their bodies, their spouses
and boyfriends, and their morals.
It is an unusual effect that surprises many men and women.
this infection or effect on the brain and personality goes away as one renourishes and balances the body using nutritional
balancing science only.
a little red meat every day, particularly fatty beef such as ground chuck meat,
seems to be helpful. A complete
nutritional balancing program is also excellent.
Christian thinking. Christian young women who do not want
to have sex before marriage are still affected by sexual fluid craving. However, they seem to be able to put up
with the condition without too much trouble, in many cases. Becoming Christian seems to help with
the feelings of depression and fatigue that give rise to the craving.
balancing is discussed in several articles on this website such as Introduction To Nutritional Balancing and
To be most effective, the nutritional balancing program needs to be followed in
its entirety – but especially the diet. VERY
Fruit seems to make the condition worse.
Red meat daily or at least several times per week is absolutely necessary for
correction. Beef seems best, but
lamb or wild game are also okay. Do not eat buffalo or bison.
it even if you don’t like it, which is common in those with sexual fluid
craving. If it feels heavy in your
stomach, eat it alone, start with a small amount, and take several tablets of
digestive enzymes with it.
Kelp, which supplies iodine and many other minerals, is very helpful. It must be taken in a dosage of about
3800 mg or more daily. Some kelp
brands are better than others.
These are listed in the article entitled Kelp. Another sea vegetable from Japan called
hijiki is also good, and can be used, too. However, it is higher in mercury and
lower in alginates than kelp, so kelp is preferable.
Lifestyle. Less sex is best. Engaging in regular sex weakens one
further and makes the problem worse.
Less sex can feel like “drug witdrawal” that
is hard at first, but gets easier as health returns.
Avoid all things yin, including foods, supplements and yin thinking. Yin items include eating sugar, fruit,
salads, juices, and distilled, reverse osmosis or alkaline drinking waters. It also includes all vegetarian and raw
food diets. See the article
entitled Yin Disease for a full discussion of
Truth. One
must realize sexual fluid craving is a disorder, not just a craving for a good
time, or a “healthy addiction” to sex.
must learn to think clearly and logically, and must uphold high ethical
standards. This may sound a bit
unusual, but one effect of the virus involved in this condition is that it can
make one more selfish or self-centered, and this makes the condition
FOR WOMEN: Do not ask your husbands to have sex daily or too often. This just wears out the men’s bodies
and strains your relationship badly.
Male sexual fluid is very special.
Men need to retain it, not spill it a lot.
vitamins and minerals, or other holistic healing methods.
Just taking supplements of zinc, selenium, B-complex vitamins or
other nutrients does not seem to work very well. I have heard that taking a lot of zinc may help, but the
amount needed upsets the stomach in most cases, so this is not a good option
for most people.
clients report that common natural therapies such as chelation,
special drinking water, special supplements, antioxidants, bio-identical
hormone therapy, herbal therapies and others do not work well at all, and can
make the problem worse!
with fluid craving tend to develop a mild iron
toxicity. It is not severe, and
thus it is usually not revealed on blood tests, for example.
toxicity may help explain why:
The women become more selfish and even aggressive sexually. Iron settles in the amygdala
and can have these effects.
Loss of desire for red meat, (which is high in iron). Unfortunately, avoiding red meat makes the condition worse.
An unusual brain infection. High
iron supports excessive growth of some bacteria and viruses.
iron in some forms in the body may also drive down copper and zinc, and this may
have something to do with characteristics of this condition as well. To read more about subtle iron
toxicity, see the article entitled Acquired Iron Toxicity.
worsening over time is the hallmark of all addictions. This situation is no exception. Addictions always cause a “high” that
later becomes a “low” so another fix is needed.
also are situations in which a person feels out of control, and the substance
or behavior begins to control them.
The craving for sexual fluid can have this quality. It can cause several vicious cycles, as
do all addictions:
cycle #1. The craving causes a person to have more
sex. Having more sex depletes the
person nutritionally even more.
This causes more feelings of depression and anxiety. This, in turn, further increases the
need for sexual fluid, and the cycle begins all over again.
cycle #2. Some of those with sexual
fluid craving report that they lose their taste for red meat. Eating less red meat reduces one’s
intake of zinc and other vital nutrients.
This, in turn, can worsen the fluid craving and the cycle continues.
cycle #3.
Sexual fluid craving causes a woman, for example, to insist upon more
sex with her husband or partner.
Over time, however, the partner begins to “burn out” nutritionally due
to having too much sex. As a
result, his semen is “cooler” and “thinner”, and provides less of a boost or
zing for the women. As a result,
she wants even more sex, and the vicious cycle continues.
people with sexual fluid craving have yin disease. This is a constellation of symptoms that occur as the body
becomes more yin in macrobiotic terminology. It is a physics quality of the
body. For details about it, read Yin Disease on this site.
Sex fluid
craving affects some, and perhaps many same-sex couples. In fact, sexual fluid craving can help
one understand some homosexual behaviors as attempts to obtain more sexual
These may
include smearing the fluid on one’s body or the body of one’s partner or
mate. One can absorb the fluid
through the skin, in the anus, in the mouth, swallowing it, and a very
effective way is to rub it in one’s eyes and ears, and on other delicate parts of
the body.
Craving for female sexual
fluid. While less common,
some men and women crave female sexual fluids. This has a cooler quality and is more yin
in nature.
it can cause some women to go after and to rape usually younger and more virgin
girls and women to obtain their sexual fluids. This phenomenon is discussed in the articles entitled Rape and Healing Rape
mentioned above.
Related articles
1. Does Semen Have Antidepressant Properties? By Gordon G.
Jr. Gallup, Rebecca L.
Burch and Steven M. Platek, Archives of Sexual Behavior
Volume 31, Number 3, 289-293,
2. Semen Acts As An Anti-depressant, The New Scientist, 19:00 26 June 2002 by Raj Persaud.
Crying Over Spilled Semen, Psychology Today,
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