by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© January 2025, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.

Table Of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Reasons People Like Pig Products

3. Fourteen Reasons To Avoid Pig Products

4. Symptoms Associated With Eating Pig

5. Better Foods To Eat




This article is about eating products of the pig. Pig-based food products include pork, ham, bacon, pig's feet, lard, chorizo (pig intestines), sausage made with pig intestine, pig pate, pig-based gelatin, and any other food products made from pigs.

Pig products are found in many Chinese foods such as egg rolls and hundreds of other Chinese dishes. They are also common in Mexican foods such as tacos, tamales, burritos, chicharon, pozole and, at times, many other dishes.

Thai food may include pig products, although less than Chinese and Mexican food. Other ethnic food usually is less likely to contain pig products, though this is not always true.

American food is usually labeled properly because there are many Hebrew people in America who do not want to eat pig products. Foods marked as kosher or kashrut (K symbol or other) are free of pig products, and this is a reason to eat these foods. See below for a more extensive list of pig-containing foods.

For the purpose of this article, articles made of pig skin such as gloves and brushes made of pig bristles are not included because they are not food products.


I am told that originally there were 12 Commandments given to Moses or Moshe. Ten are familiar to us. The other two were 1) DO NOT EAT PRODUCTS OF THE PIG, and 2) DO NOT RAPE.

The food laws in the Old Testament of the Bible forbid eating pig products, but do not elaborate as to why. This article will help!

The New Testament of the Bible does not forbid pig products, and Jesus supposedly said that if one loves God and loves others, one can eat as one wishes. We believe this is not a true statement and was not spoken by Jesus.


1. Pigs are often fed certain foods that are very nutritious. These are rice polishings and molasses. This occurs even in poor nations such as Mexico, but also in Japan and China, where eating pig products is common.

What occurs is the people are told by the thugs, crap, aliens or Rogues to eat white, refined rice – a deficient food. The parts of the rice that are removed in processing – called the polishings – are fed to pigs.

The people are also told it is okay to eat sugar, which has had the molasses removed. The people are actually starving without the rice polishings and molasses, so they feel much better when they eat pig products.

2. People also like pig products is because they digest easily. This is important, especially for women, all of whom have very impaired digestion.

What occurs is the aliens or rogues wreck women's digestion with rapes, beatings, poisoning, threats, lies, screaming, name-calling and more. This makes eating meat more difficult. They may also tell women they may not eat beef or even chicken, in some cases.

However, the aliens or crap usually allow pork and other pig products. These digest surprisingly easily, so people with wrecked digestion like them.

3. People like that pig products are usually inexpensive. This occurs because pigs can be fed feces and other cheap waste products. Pigs can also survive living in filthy conditions. Governments are also told by the aliens to subsidize pig products to make them cheaper.

4. Pig products often taste good and some people love the sexy, stimulating quality of pig products.

5. People eat pig products because of the pig lies. These are the lies that pig is an acceptable food in the New Testament of the Bible, and that pig products are a clean, healthful food.

All the above are very nasty trick of the thugs or rogues to keep people eating pig products because they know that pig products weaken and damage the body and stop development.


Scientists, nutritionists, physicians and above all, the thugs, crap or satans teach vicious lies about pig products. They teach that pig-based foods are good foods, nutritious foods, safe foods, tasty and delicious foods and good for you. These we call the pig lies because they are all LIES.


Here are the reasons we do not recommend eating any pig products:

1. The Bible forbids it. This was explained above.

2. Witchcraft. The pig is a witchcraft article. This means it can give a person special abilities, but they are not the way to achieve the abilities. They are a shortcut method that is harmful.

3. Very sexy. Eating pig-based foods causes one's body to become more sexy. It does this by causing inflammation of the sexual organs.

Pig-based foods tend to make women's breasts larger and make the hips a little sexier. They also tend to inflame men's sexual organs. This is not helpful for anyone.

Pig-based foods also tend to make one feel sexier and therefore to think sexier thoughts.

4. Negative. Pigs are rather negative creatures. To know this, one would have to raise pigs. However, it is true. One might not think this is important, but it is an important problem with eating products of the pig.

5. Do not belong here and not always raised here. I am told that pigs are not native to planet earth. They were brought here from elsewhere many years ago and they can live here. I am also told they don't like the earth, but they can live almost anywhere because they eat most anything.

This may sound unbelievable, but I am told that today, some pig products are raised in large farms in outer space by the alien invaders known as the thugs, crap, Rogues or Satans. They are raised in filthy, disgusting pens that are thoroughly infected and toxic.

When ready for slaughter, the thugs clean them up enough to pass our food inspections and deliver them, all packaged in some cases, to large food distribution companies.

The thugs like pig products for a number of reasons, some of which are in this list. The most important reason is they weaken human beings and make them much easier to control and manipulate.

6. Cursed (or damaged). I am told that all pigs have been harmed by the same alien group. They have alien equipment inside of them that finds its way into pig-based foods. This is harmful for anyone who eats these products.

7. Poisoned. I am further told that all pigs are poisoned to some degree by the same alien group mentioned above. The poisons are used to decrease the nutritional value of the food.

It is true that much of our food today is similarly poisoned. However, I am told that pig products, in particular, are all somewhat toxic for this reason, more so than many other food products.

8. Yin (cold and expanded in physics terminology). This might not seem like an important reason to avoid pig products. However, in development science and in order for one to develop, one needs to avoid certain foods that have a yin or cold quality.

Pig-based products have this quality and are best not eaten. For details about this important subject, read Introduction To Development and Introduction To The Development Program.

9. Feces. Pigs eat feces and some are fed it, as well. This is not proper food for pigs or for human beings. The reason is that it is low in nutrients and generally infected with very harmful bacteria and viruses.

Pigs will eat most anything. This is an advantage of this animal, but it makes them less desirable as food animals for humans. They are food animals for certain other animals, but not for human beings.

10. An older type of animal. Pigs have a physiology that is older than many other animals. Their bodies tend to contain more toxic metals, which are called in development science “old minerals”.

The people of earth at this time are changing the minerals in their bodies toward the “newer minerals”, such as zinc, silicon and selenium. On this website, we sometimes call these the spiritual minerals.

These minerals activate higher brain centers and allow a person to heal and develop faster and more completely. It is best to eat foods of the newer animals, which are chickens, turkey, and cows and avoid foods from the older animals for this reason.

11. Worms. Pig-based food products all tend to contain trichina worms or cysts (eggs). Officially, we are told that cooking pork, ham, bacon and lard kills the worms and the eggs.

This is not true. We know this because we find trichina worms or cysts in the brains and elsewhere of most people, even if they eat little pig products. Pig products are used in many foods that one might not imagine contain them. A short list of these foods is:

Wine: Gelatin, a product derived from pig body parts, is used in many wine purification processes.

Baking goods: Cysteine is used in many baking goods such as bread, to create a more extensible dough with improved pan flow. Cysteine is most often synthesized from hair, such as pig bristles.

Cereal: Many cereals are sugar coated which can also contain gelatin.

Yogurt: Gelatin is used in many products, especially in the low-calorie variety.

Fruit Gum: Again gelatin is used in the production of fruit gums.

Chewing Gum: Stearic acid is used in many chewing gums. It is obtained from animal fats, mostly from a pig’s stomach.

Instant soup: Some seasonings in soup contain traces of bacon.

Cream Cheese: In some products, gelatin is used as a thickener.

Chips: 'Bacon flavor' is used in some branded products to enhance the flavor.

Juice: For purification of some juice (especially multivitamin-juice) gelatin is used.

12. A mush food. Pig products have a quality that some call mushy. It is a positive quality in that it is easy to digest, relative to some other meats such as beef. However, it is less nutritious in a certain way because of this quality. Mush food also occurs when you overcook food, for example, and when food starts to spoil.

13. Unclean. This is a summary quality about pig products that includes a number of the reasons listed above. These include toxic, sexy, yin and that pigs will eat most any food and are often fed waste products that are best not used as food, but are plentiful so they are fed to pigs.

14. Eating pig is prohibited in the DNA “owner's manual” that comes with each human being. It sounds unusual, but I am told that each person's DNA contains a set of rules. It is about 300 pages long.

The rules are divided into 1) care and feeding the body, 2) marriage, 3) children, and 4) society. The section about feeding discusses which foods are allowed. Pig is not among them.


- Parasites. Trichina worms and cysts are found in pig products and are not completely destroyed by cooking. The low quality of pig also allows more of all types of parasites.

- Satans. These are unusual creatures that seem to be attracted to people whose bodies contain pig products. They are able to nibble on the body.

- Cancer. Pig-eating is associated with more cancer.

- Inflammation. Pig products have a inflammatory effect on the body and mind. This can manifest as pain in the body, redness, mental irritability and agitation or anxiety.

- More sexy. Pig products inflame the sexual organs, leading to excessive interest in sex. This tends to result in more ordinary or up sex with fluid loss. This type of sex is not allowed in the DNA rules.

Eating pig products is also more associated with homosexual desires and homosexual activities.

- Heart disease. I am told that pig-eating weakens the heart and contributes to cardio-vascular diseases.


1. Do not eat any white rice, white bread or sugar. As a result you will be much better nourished and will want less pig products.

2. Do not eat much fruit. You may eat a few Peruvian botija olives or black kalamata olives every week. Another excellent food that is a fruit is green beans. Skip the rest of them.

Most fruit today damages the body in a number of ways. It is too sugary, it is very yin in macrobiotic terminology, it contains the wrong balance of minerals, it picks up more of the harmful N-P-K or superphosphate fertilizers used on all foods today, and it encourages parasites and some infections.

3. Eat plenty of vegetables, but do not eat raw vegetables such as salads. We know this goes against the advice of some health authorities. However, raw vegetables are difficult to digest and damage digestion further. Cook all vegetables and eat 1-2 cups of them with each meal.

Eat mostly the preferred vegetables because these cause the most development. They are all types of onions, shallots, leeks, scallions, rutabaga, daikon, orange carrots, green beans, red cabbage, napa or savoy cabbage, cilantro, cauliflower and cauliflower leaves, and brocollini. Also have a little celery, ginger root, garlic, horseradish root and golden beets, but not red beets.

4. Do not eat food bars and smoothies, shakes or protein drinks. These may be nutritious and convenient, but they are usually poor food combinations, contain too much liquid, and further damage digestion. Eat whole, natural foods.

5. Eat the excellent proteins. These are chicken, eggs (chicken, turkey and quail), sardines, herring (especially herring in dill marinade), lamb, some wild game, and a little beef (especially corned beef from Niman Ranch if you can find it. There may be other excellent brands of corned beef where you live.

Some vegetable quality proteins are also very good and needed today by everyone. These are roasted almond butter (2 tablespoons daily), sesame tahini (2 tablespoons daily of tahini or 4 tablespoons daily of hummus), and nutritional yeast (1 teaspoon daily).

However, don't just be a vegetarian because this is a deficient diet.

6. To assist digestion, keep portion size small - 3-5 ounces. Also, eat slowly, chew thoroughly and relax as much as you can at meals.

Also, eat protein food first at your meal. Then eat cooked vegetables and then 8-10 blue corn chips. Some don't like the corn chips. However, it is a tempura type of food and very necessary today for development.

7. If possible, take a powerful digestive enzyme tablet or two with each meal. We recommend one that contains ox bile and pancreatin. We recommend less the vegetable enzymes that some people recommend. These are derived from fungal organisms and are much more yin in macrobiotic terminology.

8. Do as much as you can of the development program. This program and this one only is designed to counter the damage and trauma to the bodies today due to the crap, thugs, aliens, rogues or satans. For details, read Introduction To The Development Program.

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