by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© January 2019, L.D. Wilson Consultants, Inc.


All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


Definition.  Colonic irrigation, also called colon hydrotherapy, is a procedure to wash out the large intestine with water.  It is very safe, rather simple and painless.

The procedure is that a trained person uses a special machine to introduce water into the colon to remove impacted feces, yeast colonies, parasites and other debris from the large intestine.


Procedure.  The client lays down comfortably on a massage table with pants off.  The therapist places a lubricated tube into the colon that can both send water into the colon and remove it.

The therapist then repeatedly introduces water into the colon through the tube.  He or she usually massages the colon to soften any debris it contains.  Then the water is eliminated through the colon tube.

Usually the therapist has a clear plastic tube through which he or she can observe what comes out.  The procedure takes about an hour and may need to be repeated a number of times if the colon is full of hardened fecal matter or damaged in other ways. 


History.  Traditional naturopathic doctors have used colon therapy for at least 150 years.  In the past, some allopathic hospitals and clinics used colon hydrotherapy, as well.

In the past 80 years or so, however, conventional doctors have used it less often.   Hospitals now use laxative drugs to clean out the colon.

We believe this is a step backward for medical care because the drugs do not do as good a job, in some cases, and they can be toxic.

In one recent instance (2018), an 8-year-old boy presented at the emergency room with an impacted colon.  Doctors decided to operate on his colon to clear the impaction!  This caused extreme stress to the boy, put him in a lot of danger, and was extremely costly.  The problem could have been solved easily with colonic irrigation.

To understand the need for this procedure, let us discuss the large intestine in more detail.




The large intestine, also called the colon, is a tube that is about eight feet long and located in the lower abdomen.  It is shaped like an inverted U. 

The colon starts on the right side of the body, near the leg crease, and it ascends to near the bottom of the rib cage on the right.  Then it goes across the belly, about at the level of the navel.  Then it descends on the left side of the abdomen and eventually ends at the rectum.


A very damaged organ.  The colon is one of the most damaged organs in most people.  The causes for this are:


1. Eating poor quality food, especially white flour, white sugar, and toxic chemicals that are in most prepared foods.

2. Eating any Fruit, or drinking fruit or sugary juices.  Fruit is very yin, and often contributes to diarrhea, CrohnÕs disease, colitis, constipation in some cases, improper intestinal flora, yeast overgrowth, and other colon problems.  To get rid of these problems often requires eating absolutely no fruit or juices at all for at least a few months. 

3. Bad food combinations.

4. Stress.

5. Bad eating habits.

6. Constipation from not drinking enough water, improper diet or following the Dehydration Diet.

7. General malnutrition and poor health. 

8. Yeast, Parasites, or other infections in the large intestine.


Autointoxication.  Healing the large intestine is critical for health.  Otherwise, some of oneÕs food tends to ferment or putrefy in the large intestine.  This produces very toxic chemicals that damage oneÕs health.  This process is an example of auto-intoxication, which means the generation of toxins within the body.

Autointoxication of the large intestine is the main reason that some peopleÕs bowel movements smell foul.  Bowel movements should not have much of a smell.  It is a common and important reason for poor health that is usually completely overlooked by most doctors.

A healthy colon should produce certain vitamins.  This does not occur when the colon is unhealthy.  Colon problems can easily lead to other diseases, including cancers.  This occurs because the toxins produced in the colon are absorbed and poison the entire body. 

In addition, the colon has a reflex system and a problem in the colon will cause problems elsewhere due to this system.  For more on this situation, including a diagram of the colon reflex system, see Coffee Enemas.




Some of our clients love colonic irrigation.  It is quite clean and painless, and someone else does all the work!  Used when needed, colon hydrotherapy is a wonderful therapy and can easily save a life. 

In fact, we believe that if it were done in every emergency room on a routine basis, it would clear up many of the complaints that people have when they visit the emergency room.

While colon hydrotherapy is useful for certain purposes, we recommend coffee enemas much more than colonic irrigation to heal the colon.  This article explains why, and when colonic irrigation is needed.




1. It is rarely needed if one follows a development program.  This is the main reason we donÕt suggest it.

Every development program includes foods, nutritional supplements and procedures to help rebuild and heal the large intestine.  We have not found any diet that heals the small and large intestine as well as a diet loaded with well-cooked vegetables.  We also recommend a digestive aid with ox bile and pancreatin, and other supplements to strengthen the colon.


2. It is rather yin.  Introducing a lot of water into the body makes the body more yin.  This is not helpful for healing or development.  Once or twice a year is okay, but not more often.  To understand this, please read Yin Disease and Yin And Yang Healing.


3. The coffee is very therapeutic.  Coffee enemas introduce much less water into the body.  They also have the advantage that the coffee is extremely therapeutic and health-promoting.

A few colonic therapists will add coffee to their colonic irrigation session, but this is after introducing too much water into the body.


4. Cost and convenience.  A typical colonic irrigation costs at least $60.00 USD and up to twice that much.  The procedure takes about an hour, to which one must also add the time spent going to and from the session.

In contrast, coffee enemas are done at home, with very little cost, no driving time, and more safety and privacy.  One can buy a colonic machine and do colonics at home, but they are still rather yin and not needed.  For more on this topic, please read Coffee Enemas on this website.

  Other, less common problems with colonic irrigation are:

- Ineffective therapists.  Some colon hydrotherapists do not work hard enough to  massage the colon.  As a result, the therapy is not as effective.

- Cleanliness.  This is a possible issue, though we do not encounter this problem often.

- Safety for young women.  Any time one undresses, there are possible safety issues for young women.




            Colonic irrigation is required, or very helpful, in the following situations:


1. Severe fecal impaction.  In these cases, which are not that common, a series of colonic irrigations may be the only way to remove the blockages easily.  Laxatives or regular enemas are not as good.  This method has saved many lives.


2. Rare cases of parasites or yeast colonization of the colon.   These might take a long time to clear just using coffee enemas and a development program.  In these cases, a series of three to five colonic irrigations can greatly speed up the elimination of these organisms from the body.  In my experience, this is not that common, but it does occur.




            Colon hydrotherapy machines are sometimes used for other purposes.  These including introducing oxygen, ozone, herbs or other products into the colon.  This is fine, and ozone therapy is excellent.  To read about it, please read Oxygenation on this site.

            The problem is that putting too much water into the body on a repeated basis is too yin and will unbalance the body, no matter how therapeutic it is in other ways.  So please be careful with any aspect of colon therapy that involves placing more than a few cups of water into the body.

            For more about the colon, please read Digestion on this website.



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