by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

î June 2019, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.


All information in this article is only the opinion of the author and for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


            Schizophrenia is a fairly common mental illness today.  Symptoms include hallucinations (seeing things that may not be real), hearing voices, other delusions, low affect, and suicidal thoughts. 




            The medical profession does not know the cause of most schizophrenia.  However, research from hair mineral testing indicates that toxicity with biounavailable copper, biounavailable manganese and mercury can each cause schizophrenia.

In addition, other toxic metals may play a role.  Cadmium and lead, for example, may interfere with zinc and thus contribute to schizophrenic symptoms.

            Another cause is Yin Disease.  This is an excessive amount of yin energy in the body, usually due to a diet that is excessive in sugars, others sweets, raw food, drugs, perhaps and other more yin substances.  Biiounavailable copper, manganese and mercury are also more yin chemicals.




            A development program.  So far, in a limited number of cases, we have seen excellent results with a development program in cases of schizophrenia.  The program removes two dozen toxic metals, remineralizes the body and improves energy and well-being.

            One must follow the program for at least one year, and perhaps longer.  This is difficult for some people with schizophrenia who are not in good control of their thoughts and behavior.


The orthomolecular approach.  With this program, one takes high doses of a few supplements such as zinc, vitamin B1, B3, B6, and vitamin C.  These can lower copper and correct a few other imbalances.  The high doses Òbridge overÓ enzyme defects in the brain caused by toxic metals and nutrient deficiencies.  This method, developed about 60 years ago by Abram Hoffer, MD, has helped thousands of people with schizophrenia. 

The orthomolecular method helps about 40% of schizophrenia cases.  Most likely, these are the ones that are due to copper excess rather than an excess of mercury or manganese.

An advantage of this method is that when it works, results occur very quickly – within a few days or less.  This is extremely helpful for mental health condition, where it may be difficult to control a personÕs behavior.

Problems with this method are that it only works in some cases and it does not fundamentally rebuild and balance the body.  It is a more symptomatic approach and one must continue taking the supplements indefinitely.  If one stops the supplements for even a few days, symptoms quickly return.


Comparison with a development program.  In contrast, a development program removes many toxic metals and toxic chemicals, thoroughly renourishes the body, and balances the body at very deep levels.  The result is a much more permanent correction.

Provided a person will stay on the program for a year or two, one is not dependent upon anti-schizophrenic supplements.  However, results are slower because change at deep levels takes longer than a symptomatic quick fix.  It may be possible to combine the two approaches.  More research is needed.


Drug therapy.  Psychiatrists use various drugs to help with schizophrenia.  It helps in some cases, and is less effective in many cases.  It does not rebuild body chemistry, remove toxins from the body or balance the body.  In fact, it adds more toxins to the body.


The work of RD Laing, MD.  RD Laing (1927-1989) was a controversial medical doctor who held different beliefs about schizophrenia.  He believed that the family played a large role in the development of schizophrenia.  He also believed that strange behavior was Ôa cry for helpÕ and a way to express feelings that only have meaning in the mind of the person.

He also believed that mental distress could be a transformational experience that would leave a person wiser and more grounded.  For details, read his book, The Divided Self (1960).




Some cases of schizophrenia we call a tuning disorder.  This basically means that the brain does not tune properly to this world, and instead seems to tune in or be present in unusual ways.  As a result, the person can hear and see things that others do not see or hear.  The concept of tuning disorders is explained fully in the book Development Science And Development Programs (2019).  The former title of this book was Nutritional Balancing and Hair Mineral Analysis (2010, 2014 and 2016 editions).      



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