by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© March 2025, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.

All information in this article is solely the opinion of the author and for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


I. Introduction


New Research

Internet Articles

II. General Information About The Fine Matter Body Creatures

III. Detecting The 21 Fine Matter Body Creatures

IV. Other Topics

Detecting Your 21 Fine Matter Body Creatures

Coffee Enemas And The Fine Matter Creatures



NOTE: This article has recently been completely changed. It will sound very unusual to some people!


Human beings and all living beings are not just associated with physical bodies. There is also an energy field around every living being. The energy field or aura is quite complex.

This article concerns just one part of the energy field that is sometimes called the energy bodies. Many books describe six of these. They have names such as the etheric field, the two ovals, the love body, the blue tube, the large spheres and the whole body.


By moving through The Stages Of Coffee Accumulation and using The Steam Bathing Procedure, we recently found that the so-called upper bodies or energy fields are fake. In fact, they are very fancy action cloaks put there by the aliens, thugs, rogues or satans.

We know this sounds incredible since these fake energy fields move, vibrate, grow, and shift. However, at this time we are quite sure about our research.

Furthermore, when we removed the fake energy fields, we found 21 very special damaged fine matter creatures. They tell us they are the true “upper” or fine matter creatures associated with our major body organs and glands.

The 21 creatures we found are apparently necessary for life, so the aliens cannot just kill them. However, the aliens don't like them because they support and strengthen the physical body. They are also quite advanced creatures and know a lot about the body.

So the thugs beat, rape and poison these fine matter body creatures severely. Then they hide them very well. This is new information for us as of February 2025.


We now believe that most information in books and on the internet about the human aura and the energy fields is quite incorrect. We hope this article will correct the errors.


Names of the fine matter creatures. The names correspond to the organs or area each creature assists. We believe there are 21 of these creatures and the correct configuration is:

Feet. There are two creatures in the feet. One lives near the middle of each foot.

Genital Organ Creatures. There are two of these. One assists each testicle in males or one ovary in females.

The Prostate Creature.

The Liver Creature.

The Kidney/Adrenal Creatures. There are two of these. One assists each kidney.

The Pancreas Creature.

Lung Creatures. There are two of these. One assists each lung.

The Heart Creature.

The Thymus Creature.

The Tube or Throat Creature.

The Thyroid Creature.

The Mouth Creature.

The Ear Creatures. There are two of these. One assists each ear.

The Forehead Creature.

The Pituitary Creature.

The Mid-brain Creature.

The Crown Creature.

Location. Each of the fine matter body creatures is located near the organ, gland or area that it assists.

Shape. The shape of each of the fine matter creatures is very similar to its corresponding body organ.

Size. Each one is slightly larger than its corresponding body organ at this time. They tell us they are quite unhealthy and may become somewhat smaller if and when they heal.

Color. At this time, all these fine matter body creatures are dark and murky in color. This is because they are very ill. They tell us they can brighten up and take on a golden color if and when they heal.

Functions. Each fine matter body creature assists the activity of one of the main body organs, glands or area. They help maintain the blood and nerve supply, they help heal and maintain the organs, and they assist their activity in many ways.


The thugs surround each fine matter body creature with a satan creature. This is a very sick fine matter creature who is fed something so that one cannot see inside his or her body. However, this is where the fine matter body creatures will be found.

Step 1. First locate a satan creature. This is not easy because the thugs disguise the satan creatures to look like energy bodies or other things. For example, one of them is shaped like a blue tube. However, if you look closely, it has a head, arms and legs.

Step 2. Kill the satan. To reach the fine matter body creature inside, one must first kill the satan. The easiest method is to cut off the head with a laser weapon. If this is not possible, one needs to use other methods.

Step 3. Look closely and gently. Once the satan creature is gone, it is still not easy to find the fine matter body creature. The creatures are heavily cloaked.

They often look like just a blob of dark-colored matter. Be careful when waking them up because they are very delicate and almost dead.

Step 4. Once you wake up one or two of the fine matter body creatures, these can often help you find the others.



Development is a genetic upgrade of the body that is truly amazing and most important to understand. The 21 fine matter body creatures have a lot to do with the process of development.

The car analogy. An analogy is that when most people are born, they are like base-model cars- like a stripped down, very cheap car. Most live like this their entire lives, thinking this is all that is possible.

However, it is possible to “upgrade”, just as you would upgrade the radio, tires, wheels or other parts of a car. The upgrade process is called development.

It requires excellent nutrition and it literally opens up more of the genetic code so that one makes more and better chemicals or “parts” for the body. When this occurs, one develops special abilities, the body strengthens, and it can last much longer.

Development is old knowledge, but it is not taught widely because the thugs or satans don't want it taught. One can read about it in books such as the Bible, The Life and Teachings of the Masters Of the Far East by Baird Spalding, Autobiography Of A Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda, and some others.

We believe that waking up and healing the upper fine matter creatures is an important part of the process of development. However, it is too early to give more details.

Slow development. Development is slow on earth because the health and nutrition of the physical bodies is very poor. There is simply not enough nutrition to allow the full genetic potential to occur.

Other problems that interfere with development are pollution of the air, water and food with toxic metals and toxic chemicals. Other problems are the use of cell phones and other devices that give off strong and harmful electromagnetic fields.

Another problem is beatings, rapes, poisoning and other tortures by the alien invading group called the rogues, crud, satan or the negs.

Development is a goal of the nutrition programs we offer. Most other nutrition and healing programs do not cause development to any significant degree.

For details, read Introduction To Development and Introduction To The Development Program.

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