by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© November 2024, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


The law of cause and effect is a basic spiritual principle that is echoed in most, if not all of the world’s great religions and spiritual teachings.  In the Hebrew and Christian Bibles, for example, among the best known statements of it are:

Whatever a man soweth, that also shall he reap” – Galatians 6:7.

Do not do unto others that which you do not wish others to do unto you.” – Rabbi Hillel, and also found in Matthew 7:12 and elsewhere.

Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.” – Matthew 25:40.

"Life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise." - Exodus 21:24-25.

Many other Biblical verses could be cited that teach the same lesson.

Eastern religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism give this idea even more weight.  In Sanskrit, the word for this principle is karma.  It has been terribly misunderstood in Western nations, in part because it is sometimes taken to extremes, such as not killing an earthworm, yet allowing one’s body to starve for food.




Modern slang. The principle of consequences for every thought, word and action is expressed in statements such as:


What you put out, you get back.”

What goes around, comes around.”

If you dish it out, you must be able to take it, too.”

People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.”


In physics.  In the world of physics, a similar concept is known as the law of conservation of energy.  Isaac Newton wrote that, “For every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction.” 

Albert Einstein wrote the simple formula, E=MC2.  This is also a statement of the conservation of energy and matter.  It states that a finite amount of matter will convert to energy and vice versa.  This is similar to saying that energy that is expended in a particular way will remain until it is neutralized or changed into something else.




If one truly understands the principle above, one soon realizes that it becomes a total moral value system.  One should live in such a way as to enrich and assist others and oneself at all times, and strive to avoid harming others or oneself in any manner whatsoever.  This becomes one’s guiding rule or prescription for a happy and healthy life on earth.

This is the most critical idea to understand in this article, or, for that matter, in your entire life.  With this in mind, for example, one can understand that the Ten Commandments of the Bible are a subset of this larger moral code.

This is why anyone who thinks the Ten Commandments are too hard to follow, or too much to bear, will not like the truth.  The truth is the Ten Commandments are just the beginning, if you really want to live healthfully and happily.

This is also why those who hate the Bible and its teachings are doomed to failure, eventually.  They do not realize that the Bible contains this principle that is a great secret or key to success in every area of life. 

In other words, one may moan and complain, but one will not succeed if this law is not recognized and made the centerpiece of one’s life.  It should be taught to young babies and children, as that is how important it is.

We want to repeat this principle.  The law of cause and effect is, in fact, the most important moral imperative and system of morality possible for human beings.  There is nothing superior to it. 

Another excellent subset of the law is the Golden Rule, which states, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”.  The lesson is to be very careful what you think, say, do or cause others to think, say or do.




1. The law applies to everyone, even babies and children.  It applies regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, situation or anything else.  No one is exempt ever, and the law is never suspended for anyone, ever.

The law applies to babies and children to the extent that they have thoughts, emotions and take actions in their lives.

2. The law applies everywhere, and even up in the air and in outer space.

3. The law applies all of the time, even while you are asleep or if you are in a coma in a hospital, for example.  It even applies after death.  This means that if one is a discarnate entity, which means a soul whose body has died, one’s actions and even thoughts and emotions still matter.

4. The law applies from the past and into the future as far as one can imagine in both directions.  In other words, the law transcends time and space.  Many people say that the law of cause and effect is false because some bad people get away with murder, rape, robbery and so on.  Meanwhile, some of the finest people seem to suffer horribly and die young.

The reason for this is that our understanding of the world is limited in time and by our location.  The law, however, is not limited.  So, for example, it might take eons of time before a wrong is righted, but the scales of justice will be evened out and each person will get his or her punishment or reward.

Similarly, one cannot expect that justice will be done in the same location as the crime or bad behavior.  For example, one might have done something improper in America, but the justice or correction may take place in another nation, in some rare cases.

5. The law applies to any possible situation.

6. The law applies to thoughts, words and deeds done to yourself, not just those done to others. For example, if you abuse yourself, or take your own life, you are responsible for this murder and you must pay the consequences, even though it only affected you.  In reality, nothing in this world only affects you, by the way.

Similarly, if you counsel others to lie, cheat, steal, commit adultery, or something else that is not proper, you are responsible for this, to a degree, though not as much as if you commit the bad behavior yourself.

Similarly, if you instruct someone how to live well, regardless of whether they follow this advice or not, you will be rewarded for this.  The important thing is you have thought, spoken and acted in a way to help another to move ahead in his or her life.

7. The theme or purpose of the law is not punishment.  The purpose of the law of cause and effect, or ultimate justice, is to learn how to think, how to act, how to behave with others, and how to love.  This important idea is discussed later in the article in more detail. The law has to do with blemishes, but also with “missing the mark”. These are not quite the same.

8. The workings of the law are extremely complex.  They are far beyond human understanding.  This is one of the most important principles of the law of cause and effect.  For example, even if a person tries very hard to live honestly, charitably and with love for all, one may not be aware of the consequences of all of one’s actions.  As a result, one cannot predict all of the eventual consequences that may occur as a result of any action that one takes.

For example, one may still be involved in a car accident in which a life is lost, even if one takes great precautions to drive safely.  Also, illnesses can arise as consequences from realms of which one is not aware.  For this reason, be vigilant and know that the law of cause and effect is all around you, all of the time.  Continuously pray and ask for guidance, as one never knows when this law will impact you.

9. You are never in control of the law.  This principle follows, more or less, from the ones above.  It simply means that the law of cause and effect is so pervasive and complex that there is no way to understand and control it.  The best we can do is to recognize it, respect it, honor it, and realize it is far more complex than our small minds can comprehend.

Many people believe they can control, short-cut or otherwise avoid or change the law to some degree.  They make excuses for their behavior such as I was late for work, so I drove too fast and killed someone. 

This is not a good excuse, however, although it might be if the work involved saving thousands of lives, I suppose.  Even so, do not try to make excuses in your mind to attempt to control or circumvent the law.  It is always a bad idea.  If you make a mistake, just admit is, ask for mercy, perhaps, and move on.

              10. There are no shortcuts or ways to evade the law except to live honestly and attempt to do good all of the time.  For example, many people think it is okay to “jump ahead” financially, socially or professionally, even if it means trampling upon or violating the rights, possessions, self-esteem or reputation of another. 

However, the law of cause and effect is clear that such behavior will come back to haunt you at some time.  You will be required to make reparations and amends to all who you have harmed. 

At some point in time, you will have to “backtrack” and undo or make up for your mistake, repent of your error and learn the proper way to behave toward others. 

In this sense, there are no shortcuts to growing wise and mature and even prosperous.  Do not believe anyone who says otherwise.  Lessons must be learned, and some will be more difficult than others.  As this occurs, success in every area of life comes more easily.  This, too, is part of the law of cause and effect.

This understanding will help anyone avoid mistakes that waste time, money and energy.

11. Do not worry about what others think of you, as long as you are doing the right thing and thinking correctly.  If you do this, others will not be able to stop your real progress, no matter what they do.  If they decide to burn you at the stake, it is okay in the sense that you are in the right, and justice will be done someday. 

This is important to understand because it can give one courage and tenacity that is often needed in the physical world.  It has inspired the pioneers, the leaders and the brave people for millennia.

However, do not go too far and intentionally antagonize or upset others, even when your cause is just.  This is a common mistake and perversion of the law of cause and effect.  Intentionally acting to anger and upset others is always a form of violence against others.  This even includes just “putting yourself in their face”, as it is called.  This is never justified or wise.

12. The law of cause and effect is one of the reasons why we must all forgive everyone for everything for all time.  However, this can be complex to implement.  For details, read Forgiving and Forgiving Parents.

13. The law of cause and effect is the reason why taking responsibility is a basic need for everyone.  This idea is discussed in the article and audio program called The Real Self.




1. The belief that you are in control of the law. This error is most common among “new age” thinkers and individuals.  Everything that occurs is taken as a sign, and the person believes they know what it means.

If one finds a parking space in front of one’s favorite department store, this is a sign that this is where one must shop.  If it rains when one schedules a picnic, then it must be the law of cause and effect telling us to not have picnics.  This begins to become absurd, and can be a sign of mental illness.  The law of cause and effect does not usually involve such trivial matters, although it could.


2. The belief in “fate” or pre-determination of suffering.  This has been used in the Orient, particularly, and even in the West, to control the population for millennia.  The basic way this is done is to say that if one is born poor, for example, that one must “deserve it”.  After all, if this were not so, the person would have been born into a wealthy or upper class family. 

Similarly, some believe that those born into royalty “deserve” to be the rulers and “deserve” all their wealth and power because if they did not, they would not have been born into a royal family.

This does not follow logically from the law of cause and effect.  Also, the law does not permit anyone to abuse or take advantage of anyone else, which royalty usually does all the time.  So the entire interpretation or idea of pre-destination is actually wrong.


3. The idea that one must carry guilt and shame forever for one’s past thoughts or behavior.  This is also very common. The law says or implies no such thing.  In fact, holding on to guilt and shame usually just slows down the absolving or resolving of one’s past.


            4. The idea that one must torture, maim or even kill oneself to “make up” for past “sins” or improper thoughts, words or deeds.  This is the martyr idea, and is also very popular, even today.  Sometimes it is subtle, such as a parent who feels he must give all his money to his children because he did not pay enough attention to them when they were young. 

A woman may feel she must stay in an abusive relationship because perhaps she had an affair years before.  A businessman may think he must work himself to death because he does not provide enough money for his family, and so on.

            These people are forgetting that the law states that harming yourself is just as bad as harming another, and perhaps worse, since you usually have more control over what you do to yourself.  So martyrdom is always incorrect.


5. The idea that one is just as guilty of a sin if he or she kills someone in an accident as if one intentionally murders the person.  This is not true, especially if one was driving or exercising care at the time of the accident.  The law is flexible and recognizes circumstances in all cases, in fact. 

An accidental shooting, maiming or death is not nearly as severe as a deliberate and pre-meditated crime.  The motive, circumstances and intent of all parties are taken into account in the law of cause and effect.


6. The problem of treating people differently who commit the same crime. The law of cause and effect metes out punishment equally for all souls and all people.  This is a very important principle of its workings.

Today, many liberals and people on the political left intentionally pervert the law of cause and effect by deciding that some people should be treated differently or specially under the law.

Words for this belief are social justice (instead of equal justice).  They may also use the words economic justice or environmental justice.  These are perversions.  Other names for the same thing are affirmative action, quotas, group rights and identity politics.  The idea behind all of these terms is identical.  Please make no mistake about this.  They all mean that people should not be treated equally.  Some should be treated more harshly while others should be treated more leniently by the laws.

The justification for these ideas is that they are making up for past injustices.  For example, dark-skinned people or women should receive more lenient treatment under the law because their ancestors were treated badly in the past.  Another justification is that unequal justice or social justice helps rearrange society in some way, such as making sure there are more Hispanic people in colleges.

However, social justice, economic justice, quotas, affirmative action and group rights are always a perversion of the law of cause and effect.  They are an attempt by human beings to control the law of cause and effect.

In fact, a healthy legal system always takes circumstances into account.  If a person commits a crime out of desperation because he cannot find work due to racial prejudice, for example, this will be taken into account. In fact, judges and juries are always made aware of circumstances if the defense attorney is competent, and judges and juries do consider this in their decisions.

However, to force judges, juries and others to treat one or another group differently because of their sexual preference, skin color or something else is a perversion of the law.  It creates reverse discrimination and a new type of tyranny.  It is political correctness at its worst.




At times, it is difficult to know what to do to fulfill your obligations under the law of cause and effect.  Here are some tips in these cases:


1. Choose your responses carefully.  Realize that you cannot control the law of cause and effect, and often cannot control outer circumstances.  However, one can and does choose, and one is in control of how to respond to all situations.

For example, a good start is a sincere and honorable intent.  For example, decide first and always that you will just do your best and ask the creator, or God, or the universe for guidance in handling any situation.  This will help keep you safe.  It is not enough, but it is a beginning of wisdom.

In other words, try not sink into anger, resentment, despair, regret, anxiousness, depression, guilt or fear.  Keep a clear head and proceed to do your best in the situation.


2. Pray about what to do or say.  Then watch and listen carefully for answers, as they may come about in odd or unusual ways. Answers may also take time, so do not hurry through situations that are unpleasant, if possible.


3. Stay with a development program and lifestyle as much as possible.  This is often critical to keep your head clear and your heart pure.  Many people forget to eat well, or to sleep enough, or to take their nutrient supplements and do their healing procedures when facing a difficult decision or situation.  This just makes things worse.


4. Always take time to relax each day.  Do not think you must race around and “accomplish” all day long.  Rest and relaxation are just as important for everyone, and often help to solve difficult problems and situations as much as, or more than running to and fro.

If possible, do the Pulling Down Exercise every day.  This can be a great help!

5. If possible, do not sink into loneliness.  Seek the counsel of wise, mature people in whatever way you can.  You would be surprised how this can solve problems.

This may mean consulting professional counselors, attorneys, etc., or it can mean telling a friend what you are facing.  We believe that whatever problem one has, someone out there would like to and can help one get through it.  This has proven true, although finding the help one needs can take time.


6. Do your best to stay positive.  This means to make the best of the situation, even if it seems awful.  It does not mean to lie by saying that “all is well” if you do not believe it.

However, it means to keep your head up and your shoulders back, and stay positive as much as you can.  Caring for yourself extremely well at these times really helps this effort.




The following are situations in which the right behavior may be confusing or difficult to figure out:


If someone attempts to harm you or your children, should you resist and risk harming another person?  The answer is almost always - yes.


Is it okay to break the law if doing so seems necessary to protect or overcome some problem?  As a general principle, one should attempt to follow the laws of your town, state and nation.  Having said this, many laws are poorly designed, and some are actually immoral and not fair at all.  There may be times, therefore, when one may be justified in not following the law, especially if your life and the life of your loved ones is at stake.


If you have a choice to take care of yourself first, or to take care of another, when do you choose to care for yourself, as opposed to caring for the other?  This situation is common and can be very confusing.  In an emergency, such as pulling someone out of a burning car or a fire, a rough guideline is that if you can handle the situation without risking your own death or disability, then help the other first. 

However, sometimes another just wishes to take advantage of your kindness in some matter such as money or even just your time.  In these cases, the answer depends upon who is involved, and the context of the situation.


If a situation arises in which you can save just one person, but not others, how does one decide whom to assist?  Keep your thoughts on asking for guidance always, and save whomever you can without risking your own life, as a general principle.  This idea, by the way, applies to physicians, counselors and nutritional coaches as well.

How do you decide whom to help, and how much time and energy to spend with each person?  These are good questions to ponder, and we are all learning in this area.  There are no simple answers, except to keep your life balanced so that you maintain your focus and good judgment at all times.


If you have a choice to save an animal species, or to help human beings, which should you choose, as both seem worthy? This one is easy.  Save the human beings.  It is fine to help save the whales, for example.  However, some environmentalists think the world’s problems are due to human beings and would prefer save animals instead of people.  This is incorrect.  Animals are expendable compared to people – even an entire species of animal.  People are never expendable, ever.

If a person is very ill, when should one spend money on heroic measures to maintain the person’s life, instead of spending the money helping other people? This is a difficult decision.  In general, most people over the age of about 65 have fulfilled their life purposes and are ready to leave the earth.  This may sound very cruel or cold-hearted, but it is true.  Think about this idea in relation to the way nations are damaging their economies to save some 80year-old people from the Chinese virus.  It is wrong.

Similarly, current welfare programs such as Medicare and Social Security for the elderly around the world that spend literally billions of precious funds heroically “saving” old, ill people need to be reexamined.  The money is better spent on the nutrition of babies, mothers-to-be, and the younger people in society.

I believe this will be made clear in the near future.  I believe all societies must come to grips with this difficult question, beginning with an honest discussion of the problem without name-calling or political rhetoric.


If you have a choice whether to save your own family or group, or to save a group of strangers, whom should you choose?  Your own family has certain ties to you.  However, at times, strangers also have ties to you and you are best served helping them instead.  The answer requires careful prayer and attention.

We mention this situation because many people love their family or tribe, but hate or are afraid of strangers, those of a different social class, a different nation, or a different race.  In reality, there are no strangers.  All of mankind is one large family.  This is what the Bible teaches, especially the New Testament.

This truth will be taught to the world, I believe, in the near future.  It already is being taught via the internet that connects all people, everywhere on earth.  In fact, there are no “strangers”, “foreigners” or “aliens” in the entire universe.  These are just words and nothing else.  In terms of the law of cause and effect, all are related and all interact with each other on equal terms.


What does one do when offered a large sum of money for a job or project when one knows fully that it is not deserved? This can be a very difficult decision, and it happens often.  Young people are offered high-paying jobs as lawyers, for example, to work for a corrupt company or a corrupt government agency.

Young women are offered high salaries if they will have sex with the boss.  Women are also offered large amounts of money to look sexy, and to tell lies about products on television, for example.  They are told it is okay because one must attract the viewers and the product will help some people.

One must be guided by conscience in these matters.  Do not lie, do not cheat, and do not steal apply here very closely.  Also, do not degrade the body or the mind, as there are always consequences.  In general, you would be better off living in a spare room somewhere  rather than prostituting yourself.


What does one do if one is in a very unhappy relationship, but you feel obligated to your children, for example, to remain in the relationship? In most cases, as long as the relationship is safe, meaning there is no physical or severe emotional abuse, one should and must stay.  They key is not to be selfish in regard to your children, who need a supportive and loving environment that they rarely get when a family breaks up.

However, in a few cases staying together is worse, though not often. Prayer and maybe some professional counseling may help clarify the best solution.


If one’s home burns down and all of one’s possessions and money are lost, is it okay to depend on handouts or welfare for a while, or should one always try to survive on one’s own?  This is not a hard decision.  Never knowingly put yourself in danger.  Reach out, and ask for and accept help everywhere you can.

Never starve yourself, never live in unsafe surroundings such as a public park, and never endanger your life and your health knowingly.  This is a fixed and very important principle of life.  Another way I have heard this expressed is to always include yourself in the circle of your love.


These, and similar difficult questions, complicate the implementation of the law of cause and effect.  The decision as to whether to fight to preserve one’s nation or way of life or give in to avoid killing others can be difficult, but not from the perspective of the law of cause and effect.  It is better to fight back, but do it in a smart way.




The purpose of the law is to help mankind grow in maturity, and in this way advance toward greater wisdom, compassion and love for self and others. 

In a larger sense, the law of cause and effect is part of the full development of the soul of a human being.  This is another key concept in this article that bears repeating.  I will say it differently.

One can suffer not so much as punishment.  One suffers because the soul wishes to perfect itself.  So it must “replay”, “retrace”, “reframe” and “redo” every problem or situation that was handled improperly, until the soul gets it right.


Using the law to your advantage. The key is to set your intent to always think, speak and do what is correct in every situation.  If instead of seeking to do what is highest and best, you seek for fame, fortune, power or anything else, it will have negative consequences. 

This is not a trivial matter, and the same principle has been taught since ancient times in many books and scriptures.  The idea bears repeating over and over until everyone understands them.

Corruption, tyranny, lording it over others, simple deception, lying, immoral behavior or thoughts, and even exaggeration have no place in a person’s life who wants to move ahead spiritually.




The law of cause and effect is a force that plays out in everyone’s life.  It is a fact on earth and everywhere in the universe, at all times.  It is so complex, however, that no one understands it well.  Even very knowledgeable people are surprised by it.  To live and move quickly within the context of the law, here are steps one can take:


·           Minimize your ego in all of your thoughts and activities.  This does not mean to be a doormat, allowing everyone to walk over you and abuse you.  However, it means to realize that egotistical thinking will get in your way. 

·           Develop and maintain a strong desire to move beyond your past.  This is not the same as a strong belief or even understanding of the law of cause and effect.  It is more than this.
            It is a strong desire and intent to be all you can be, unhindered by hidden or other forces from the past that would harm you in any way.  It is a strong desire to be extremely healthy and aware, and to let go of all influences and situations from the past that would harm you.

·           Rest every day.  Taking time to relax and rest during the day, for example, can help you stay clear, healthy and centered.

·           Discipline your entire day and life.  Following a nutritional balancing program is an excellent way to do this, as it forces one to exercise the will and discipline in the important area of food, rest, sex and other areas of life that are often difficult for people.

·           Follow the development diet and lifestyle with cooked food, meats, eggs and few sweets, no sugars, no wheat, and no poor quality food.

·           Seek the truth in everything, especially with guidance, and practice the truth as it is revealed to you.

·           Do the pulling down exercise to move energy downward and correctly with as much force as possible through the body.  For more on this topic, read Meditation.

·           Perhaps obtain more oxygen using an ozonator/ionizer air purifier, and by breathing the freshest and purest air possible.  For more about this, read Oxygenation And Healing.

·           Learn to truly allow life to unfold around you without much resistance.  This way you will move through your past burdens as easily and quickly as possible.




1. Fasting from food. This method is mentioned often in the Bible because it slows people down and helps them to reflect and perhaps think clearly.  However, today most fasting is quite harmful.

We do not even like intermittent fasting – missing one meal a day.  Recent journal article indicate it stresses the cardiovascular and other body systems and shortens your life.  People need three excellent quality meals daily including cooked vegetables at each meal to obtain the nutrients they require.

Never deprive the body of food for more than a day or two for any reason, and do not deprive the body of any meal on a regular basis, as some religious and health authorities suggest.

The food quality today is generally so poor that fasting just damages and demineralizes the body even more.  Fasting does not absolve you from your past actions and thoughts, and it is an additional insult against your body, which is another sin.  For more on this subject, please read Fasting on this website.

More on fasting. The word fasting can mean “to hold fast to the truth”.  This means to stop doing what you were doing improperly.  In other words, do the opposite of what you were doing that caused you to err.  If you were lying, then fast from telling lies.  If you were stealing or cheating, then fast (or hold fast) from stealing or cheating.  This is how I suggest understanding the biblical admonition “pray and fast” to be relieved of sins.


2. Torturing or maiming the body or mind.  Many people believe they must torture or severely deprive themselves to undo or make up for past bad thoughts or actions.  Some decide to live in poverty, for example.  Others remain in horrible relationships, or stay in horrible work situation, for example.  This is not usually helpful or necessary.  Often it is simply self-destructive.

Just “suffering” for your sins does not necessarily absolve you from them.  The best way to be absolved from your past actions is to act in the opposite way, but never in a way that damages or even threatens your physical or mental health.

Torturing yourself in some way, and perhaps damaging your physical or mental health, may make you feel less guilty.  In fact, this is a common reason people persist in some behaviors or situations.  However, assuaging guilt is not the same as acting in an opposite manner to undo your past.




A topic related to the law of cause and effect is that of grace.  The usual view of grace is that, at times, even though you may have thought or acted improperly, God may forgive you or have mercy upon you, and this is called grace.  It is expressed in the Christian Bible as follows:


"By faith we have been made acceptable to God.  And now, because of our Lord Jesus Christ, we live at peace with God.   Christ has also introduced us to God's undeserved kindness on which we take our stand.  So we are happy, as we look forward to sharing in the glory of God." (Romans 5:1-2)

For "all of us have sinned and fallen short of God's glory."  But God treats us much better than we deserve, and because of the Christ, he freely accepts us and sets us free from our sins.


Another interpretation of the idea of grace. We do not believe that the law of cause and effect is ever suspended.  Perhaps Jesus brought us some advanced healing methods that enhance or speed up healing.  Possible ways this works are:


1.  Making oneself to follow healing routines and disciplines. Methods such as nutritional balancing may derive a little of their power from this fact, although it is also just a physiological need.  It is almost as though one imposes a certain type of suffering upon oneself by eating properly and living properly, and this hastens the absolving of past improper thoughts and actions.


2. Prayer can have a similar effect.  This is taught on Christian television by pastors who regularly perform miracles.  A miracle of this type is nothing but a speeding up of a healing process, usually of a physical health concern. 

We do not know how these work, but the person receiving the healing must be made very receptive and then healing energy of some kind can flow through and change the body very quickly.

We believe this is available to everyone, in theory, but most people are not open to it, perhaps because they are unaware it is available or for other reasons. 

Most people don’t know about them or how to use them because the medical profession does not teach miracles.  They use drugs and surgery instead, which is okay but not nearly as fast and much more toxic.

The pastors basically explain to people that healing is available, if they will just receive it.  Having a large group together, and praying and singing together may open the people up to the true possibilities so that when they come up before the preacher, healings can occur with some regularity.


3. Other similar methods.  Similar methods are used by shamans, spiritual healers, gurus and others who either possess certain skills and abilities, or help people relax deeply so they can receive the healing that is really open to us all.

Some counselors do helaing using other methods of relaxation and therapy.  In fact, all healing can be looked upon as a form of grace.




This is an interesting question, whose answer we do not know.  However, the system would require that someone or group of beings knows about the thoughts, words and deeds of every person on earth, and then how to balance these.  Clearly, no earthly authority could do it.  Perhaps it is run by beings so amazing and so powerful that we just cannot imagine them.




This article introduces a large topic that has been written about for thousands of years.  If more people understood it, even at a rudimentary level, they would think, speak and behave a lot better.  By so doing, they would brighten up the entire planet earth and help everyone to be safer, happier and a lot healthier.







The law of cause and effect demands that one control one’s thoughts, emotions, attitudes, as well as one’s words and deeds.  This requires developing the human will.  The will is the ability to control the mind and the body and direct it as you wish.

The reason the human will is important to develop is that it is one of the highest expressions of a human being.  For more about this interesting related topic, read The Will on this website.


The law of cause and effect, and the will, are similar in some ways.  The law of cause and effect is the idea that every thought, word and deed of a person has consequences.  Will is the idea that your thoughts, words and deeds can and do have an effect on the world around you.  The difference is that will, by itself, is force and power that can be used either to help and to harm others.  Learning the law of cause and effect is not only a way to help develop the will.  It is also a way to regulate and channel the human will for good, or for love.




Lest anyone believe that the law of cause and effect is just an Oriental religious concept, I will quote from some Jewish religious texts that are very ancient.  These texts are part of the Kabbala, an esoteric Jewish religious tradition.  According to their understanding, each Jewish soul is reincarnated enough times only in order to fulfill each of the 613 Mitzvot or the 613 good deeds.

The Kabbala also states that the souls of the righteous among the nations may be assisted through gilgulim (the word means the laws of cause and effect) to fulfill their Seven Laws of Noah.  For this reason, the law of cause and effect is seen as an expression of Divine compassion, and is seen as a Heavenly agreement with the individual soul to descend again.

This stress on physical performance and perfection of each Mitzvah or good deed, is tied to something called the Lurianic doctrine of Cosmic Tikkun of Creation.  This is a more esoteric concept of creation that is shared by esoteric Judaism and the Mayan civilization, for example.

In these newer teachings, a Cosmic catastrophe occurred at the beginning of Creation called the "Shattering of the Vessels" of the Sephirot in the "World of Tohu (Chaos)". The vessels of the Sephirot broke and fell down through the spiritual Worlds until they were embedded in our physical realm as "sparks of holiness" (Nitzutzot).

The reason in Lurianic Kabbalah that almost all Mitzvot involve physical action, is that through their performance, they elevate each particular Spark of holiness back toward its source.  Once all the Sparks are redeemed to their spiritual source, the Messianic Era begins.  Some say that we are beginning that messianic era now, and so overcoming our past errors in thought, word and deed is most important today. 

I know this is quite esoteric, but one can read more about it if interested.  I include this just to show that the concept of the law of cause and effect is not just a Buddhist idea, but is also a central part of esoteric Judaism and some currents of Christian thought as well.


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