by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© February 2013, L.D. Wilson Consultants, Inc.


All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


            Definition: Valence is typically defined as the number of electrons needed to fill the outermost shell of an atom.  Because exceptions exist, the more general definition of valence is the number of electrons with which a given atom generally bonds or number of bonds an atom forms. (Think iron, which may have a valence of 2 or a valence of 3.)


            Valence is a very important concept in nutritional balancing science, and the basic scheme is quite simple.  Here it is:


Calcium = +2

Magnesium  = +2

(Cadmium also = +2 and is a very hard substance)


Sodium = +1

Potassium  = +1


Iron = +2 or +3

Manganese = +2 or +3, +4, or +6

Aluminum =  +3

Copper = +2 or +3

Chromium = +2, +3, +6


You can see that we can divide the major minerals in the body by their valence.  We come out with a system that is very related to the hair mineral chart:


            The hard elements.  When the valence is +2, often the element forms hard substances such as does calcium and magnesium.


The solvents.  We can see and learn that when the valence is +1, the element is a solvent, such as sodium and potassium.  These tend to oppose the elements that have a valence of +2.


The amigos.  When the valence is +2 and +3, the element will raise the sodium level.  We sometimes call these the ÒamigosÓ, as they are often found together.  They form oxides and are very irritating to the body in this form. 

Healthy forms of copper, iron and manganese exist, of course, but there are also toxic ÒamigoÓ forms that are generally oxides.  Aluminum is always a toxic metals and is one of the amigos as well.  For more on this interesting subject, please read The Amigos – Iron, Manganese and Aluminum on this website.


This is the basic way that valence is used in nutritional balancing science.  There is much more to this somewhat esoteric biochemical subject, and I will add to this article in the future.



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