by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© April 2018, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.


All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


            This is an excellent type of bodywork.  One of the main pioneers of the work was Therese C. Pfrimmer, of Ontario, Canada.  The Therese C. Pfrimmer Association trains people in this work.  For details, go to

Deep muscle therapy works at many levels, often at the same time.  These include:

- The muscles.  These are often chronically tense, especially in areas that have experienced trauma.  This affects posture, movement and can cause pain.

- The fascia.  This is often adhered or stuck to the layers of tissue below it.  This distorts posture and causes many other structural problems such as subluxation of the spine. 

- The deep nerve endings.  These are often damaged by traumas, poor circulation, inadequate oxygenation or poor hydration.  This gives rise to pain syndromes and parasthesias (tingling and numbness).

- The energy channels or meridians.  Some of these are often clogged, crushed or otherwise damaged.  This reduces the flow of subtle energy through the channels.

- The sensory nerves.  Touch, for example, is very important for many people and deep muscle therapy, like massage, helps with this problem.

- The core.  Many people have a Òhard coreÓ, which is a defense against trauma and stress, usually from childhood.  It shows up in their foot reflexology and sometimes in their structure – usually hard tissue surrounded by flabby superficial layers of tissue.  For details, read Hard Core.

- Toxins.  Toxic metals and toxic chemicals settle all over the body, particularly in the legs and feet due to gravity and sedentary lifestyles.  Deep muscle therapy and other methods such as sauna therapy are helpful to mobilize and release these toxins.

- Trauma.  Most traumas affect the physical structure of the body.  For example, they can cause adhesions and postural problems such as the cringing posture, rotated hips, rounded shoulders, a collapsed chest and more.

- The yin/yang balance.  A body with structural tensions and other imbalances will be yin, which will not correct easily until the structural aspects are addressed.  Yin imbalances cause fatigue, weakness, and many health conditions.




            A surprising array of health conditions may benefit from deep muscle therapy.  In fact, many conditions can improve.  They include but are not limited to:

Arthritis, bursitis, tendonitis, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, headaches, stroke recovery, neck and back problems, ParkinsonÕs disease, and problems of the feet, knees and hips – just to name a few.




            Similar to Rolfing or structural integration.  Deep muscle therapy is somewhat similar to Rolfing, which focuses on the fascia layers.  For details, read Rolfing.




1. Check the person who you will work with carefully.  Women should work with a woman for safety.

2. Done clothed.  Deep muscle therapy is done with the client clothed in a nylon bathing suit with sturdy ties to keep it on.  For women, the top should tie in front.

3. Cleanliness.  Anyone who touches bodies needs to wash the hands thoroughly between and even during sessions, as they can spread infection.  Some therapists spray hydrogen peroxide on the person as they work on them, and this is helpful.


Deep muscle therapy is somewhat painful, at times.  However, it is excellent to release toxins fast, and to improve circulation, oxygenation and hydration to the body tissues.



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