By Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© April 2024, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.

All information in this article is only the opinion of the author and for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


A fairly common belief is that God must hate me for something I did, or failed to do. This belief can be quite strong and deeply held. It is often caused by contact with the crud, Sats or Satans. On this website, they are called the Rogues or negs.

They rape, beat, torture, scream and abuse women, in particular. One goal is to cause you to hate yourself and to believe that God must hate you or this would not be happening.


As a result, many people feel condemned. Furthermore, they often have trouble forgiving themselves or others.

This belief may be held consciously, or it may be semi-conscious or unconsciously held. In all cases, however, it causes a person to be stuck with guilt, fear, anger, and other negative emotions.


This section is divided into understanding the rogues or crud, and then what you can do.


One can start with this question. I am told that God or creator being is a very large being that lives in outer space. That will sound crazy to some people. However, it is a theory about God that is gaining support among astronomers and other scientists. It is called The Biological Concept Of Space And Creation.

Fine matter beings. The God in space is not human. It is a fine matter being. Fine matter is a less dense form of flesh or matter that is real.

Angels, elves and souls are known on earth and are other fine matter beings. They are difficult to see because their bodies are made of a finer matter than ours, but they are very real. They can live comfortably in outer space.

I am told the being is both male and female. The technical word for this is a hermaphrodite.

I am told that the big being does not hate us. In fact, he/she loves us very much. It does not matter what you did or did not do. It does not matter what happened to you. The big being is loving and merciful.


The problem is that this being may be sick. The setup of life may also allow behavior and events that are strange and twisted. Some call this the karma theory of life. Others say it is just the way things are and we don't know why. However, it is not about hatred. It just is and you should let it go at that.


I know – some people cannot stand the Bible and think is just a dusty old book. (My mother described it this way). However, it addresses the question of whether God hates us.

The Bible states that after God created the earth, including all the animals and human beings, God said “And it was good”. God did not say “I hate some people” or “It is awful”.

Also, according to the Bible, all people have been forgiven for their faults and sins.  This is the teaching in the Hebrew and the Christian religions, although it is often not stressed enough. No one is condemned by God ever. This is the truth.


1. Realize that believing that God hates you is just not a helpful attitude. It just makes you sicker. Therefore, look for ways to change this attitude.

For example, something that helped me was to say “I am loved, I am loving, I am lovable forever”. This may sound corny and lying, but maybe it is not crazy.

I thought it was crazy, at first, but it is better to be positive and there is a theory that we are okay. We just don't understand what is going on.

So I have adopted this attitude. It is an ancient mystical teaching. I write about it in the little book and article, The Real Self. There is also an audio program with this title, The Real Self Audio. Some of the controversial ideas of this ancient teaching are:

- All events are neutral.  We give events meaning by our judgments of them, but of themselves they are neutral.

- God does not judge.  We judge ourselves, and we can forgive ourselves for this error at any time, but God does not judge.

- We don’t know all the reasons why events occur, and we never will know all the reasons.  Therefore, do not judge events. Let them all go, allowing God to handle the situation properly.


The Christian religion helps some people let go of the belief that God hates them. The reason is that according to the New Testament of the Bible, Jesus suffered for their sins and took on the sins of the world. As a result, we are forgiven.


Another method that we teach is to work on your body and mind with a specific healing program called the development program. It slowly transforms your body and mind and leads to a better attitude about yourself.

In part, it is based on the idea that when you are malnourished and out of balance, your body cells send you messages all day and all night saying “We are unhappy, unhappy, unhappy. A logical conclusion from this is that God must hate us.”

However, as the body heals and becomes better nourished using the development program, the cells start sending you messages that “All is well. We are happy”. Then the belief that God must hate you just goes away.


A very important idea having to do with the development program is that a person may live with the false belief that God hates them for years without it causing an obvious problem.  However, when one begins a development program, negative feelings of self-loathing may come up. It is part of retracing – a deep healing concept.

This can be very upsetting.  Even more upsetting is that if one eats a lot of cooked vegetables, or takes the recommended supplements, or does the detoxification procedures, the feelings may initially become even more intense. 

When this occurs, some people quit their development program.  This is unfortunate and really does not solve the problem.  It just keeps it all inside, which usually causes depression, illness, and an early death.

To handle this type of ‘purification reaction’, one may need to adjust the program, express one’s feelings, or perhaps discuss them with a counselor.  We find that if one works with us on the program, and has the proper intent and understanding, and lots of self-love, one can get through the purification reaction.  For details, read Retracing and Trauma Retracing.

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