by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© October 2024, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


I. Introduction

II. The Early Stages Of Coffee Accumulation

III. The Upper Stages Of Coffee Accumulation




This is a new core article. When one does coffee enemas on a daily basis, and especially if one does more than one enema each day, the coffee accumulates in the body in a series of stages or locations. These are called the coffee stages.

When we say coffee, we mean certain nutritive chemicals contained in coffee. It also refers to a set of souls that live in coffee and will come into one's body if coffee is present.

Protection. Most exciting is that several women report that when they reach about Stage 10 of the coffee stages, the thugs, satans or Rogues back away from them. The thugs are no longer interested in harming the women or using them for sex or anything else.

Understanding subtle energy anatomy. This article can help one learn about structures in and around the body that are difficult to see, but are real. They are sometimes called subtle anatomy.

This article has links to articles about the subtle energy structures if you wish to learn more about subtle anatomy.

Some day, many people will see all the subtle anatomy structures of the body. At this time, only the souls, a few creatures, and a few human beings can see them.


The stages are definite. However, recently we have become aware the alien group called the rogues or satans can wreck the stages:

- They may be able to weaken the coffee by spinning it to the left or poisoning it in some way.

- They can block the absorption of coffee from the colon, reducing its accumulation in the body.

- They can block the entrance of coffee to organs such as the liver, kidneys, heart, brain and more.

- They can also steal coffee from these organs if the coffee arrives there.

- They can cloak the body in a way that one believes coffee has filled the organs and more when this is not true.

In this way, they can slow down or stop the stages of coffee accumulation. This is extremely important!

WARNING. It is critical to know that as one develops more and more, there occur more attacks from the rogues or thugs. As a result, the use of coffee in enemas and perhaps also holding coffee in the mouth, spraying it on the body and sitting or lying down with it next to the body becomes even more critical. At this time, (October 2024) if one does not do this, one will usually be “taken” or captured and converted to a sat or black master by the thugs.


1. THE PHYSICAL BODY. This is the first stage of coffee accumulation. Coffee slowly fills and, to a degree, saturates the physical organs of the body. These include the brain, liver, kidneys, pancreas, stomach lining and spleen.

Filling the physical bodies should take a few months of daily coffee enemas. This presumes that there is no interference.

2. THE UPPER “BODIES” OR ENERGY FIELDS. Humans and creatures have six “bodies” besides the physical body. These are superimposed upon the physical body and are called the upper energy fields or bodies. For details, read The Energy Bodies.

Once the coffee fills the physical body, it begins filling these upper bodies.

NOTE: If a person is not developed at all, or to a slight degree, the upper bodies are not well-formed. Before they can fill with coffee, they need to form. This could require a number of months of following the entire development program.

The rogues or satans can block this action to a degree, but this is what ideally occurs.

Several of the upper bodies are quite large, so filling them all usually requires a few more months of doing two daily coffee enemas.

3. THE BASIC PLUMES. This is the next stage of coffee accumulation. The basic plumes are a set of energy projections that emanate from the head of a person who is at least slightly developed. For details, read The Plumes.

The plumes fill quickly because they are not large. It may take just a few weeks of daily coffee enemas for the basic plumes to fill.

NOTE: If a person is not developed at all, before the plumes fill, they must grow. This takes at least a few months to several years of following the entire development program.

4. THE MERKABA. In the next stage, coffee fills the spherical structure around the body called the merkaba. This subtle energy structure is a little larger in diameter than the height of the physical body. It consists of a series of layers. For details about it, read The Merkaba.

NOTE: If a person is not developed to about Big Stage 1 and small stage 10, one must first grow the merkaba. This is a slow process of adding layers to it. It requires several years of following the development program.

5. MORE PLUMES. In the next stage, coffee fills another set of plumes that are near the back of the head. These require about 20 years on the development program in order to become fully formed.

NOTE: If the plumes are not formed, one's coffee accumulation stops until they form. The coffee also helps speed up their formation.

6. THE DANTIENS. Next, coffee fills the interesting structures called the dantiens. These are three grapefruit-sized balls of spinning energy. One is located in the head, another in the chest and the third is in the lower abdomen. For details, read The Dantiens.

These are present in everyone, regardless of their level of development. However, as one develops they spin faster and more evenly and are brighter in color.

7. THE MONADS. Next, coffee fills up a very interesting set of creatures called the monads. These are fine matter creatures that slowly grow in size inside the brain of a person who is developed to a significant degree.

NOTE: Monad formation requires at least 50 years of following the development program. If one has not developed this far, monads won't form. In this case, coffee will fill the next stage without monad formation.

8. MORE PLUMES. Next, coffee fills up another set of plumes that are on the back and top of the head.

NOTE: To grow these plumes requires at least 30 years on the development program. If they are not formed, one skips this stage and coffee accumulation continues to the next stage.

9. UPPER BODIES, AGAIN. Next, coffee fills the upper energy fields or “bodies” again. At this time, they already have some coffee. However, they become even more saturated with coffee.

This is an important stage because it gives a person more protection against all types of attacks. This includes protection from shooting and other attacks by the alien group called the rogues, thugs or satans.

This stage is also called a coffee master. It represents an advanced level of coffee accumulation.

10. THE MERKABA, AGAIN. In this stage, the merkaba fills more completely with coffee. When this occurs, its color changes to a deeper brownish hue.

Also at this time, a person gains even more protection from all attacks, including from the alien group called the rogues or thugs. For this reason, it is an excellent stage to reach. A few women report that when they reach this stage, the thugs leave them alone!

The improved protection includes protection for men from close, prolonged contact with women during dating or marriage. This is new information (October 2024) so all articles about relationships may not have been updated with this information.

11. THE MONADS, ONCE AGAIN. Next, the group of creatures called the monads fills more deeply with coffee. This is an excellent stage because the monads become more active when filled with coffee.

Before this stage, they are less active. At this stage of coffee accumulation, they detoxify and are stronger.

NOTE: Filling the monads only occurs if one has developed to a certain degree. If not, the coffee skips this stage and goes on the next stage.

12. CHARGING. During monad filling of Stage 11, and assuming no interference, the penis becomes more filled with coffee. As a result, it charges up in a special way.

Souls located in the penis become able to see certain dangers around a person and they alert others to these dangers. This is a great benefit for a person. One may or may not be aware of this activity, but it helps greatly in some cases to ensure one's survival.

13. MORE PLUMES. These plumes are located near the sides of the head. They fill with coffee and light up.

14. SEVEN SMALL GLANDS AROUND THE PINEAL GLAND, AND THEN THE PINEAL GLAND. This is an excellent stage and is called the safe stage. One has more protection at this stage.

15. THE FOURTH ENERGY CENTER. The fourth energy center or heart center located in the middle of the lower chest fills more with coffee.


After coffee fills the fourth energy center, it begins to fill what are called the upper energy centers of the body. We have written less about them. Here are more details:

The upper energy centers are the more spiritual energy centers of everyone's body and extremely important. All are located directly above one's head, although they cannot be seen by most people.

Higher telepathy. These energy centers, when activated by coffee, function as very high frequency radio transmitters and receivers. In theory, they allow a person to communicate with groups of human beings and creatures that use the very high frequencies for communication. Some call this higher telepathy.

The Native people. One of the most important set of people that use these higher frequencies are developed Native people all over the earth. They include Native Americans, Australian Aborigines, African Bushmen, Eskimos, the Native people of Mexico, and several hundred other groups. They have much to share and teach us.

Learning directly from them is just one of the benefits of using coffee properly. The correct use of coffee is in enemas, holding it in your mouth without swallowing, rubbing or spraying it on the body, using it in the vagina for women, and sitting, lying down or standing while holding bags of coffee next to the body.

Here is the order of filling with coffee that occurs:








23. Then all the energy centers above the 40th center fill in numerical order.


How long must one do coffee enemas to fill the structures above?

To complete the lower set of stages does not need to take more than about a year of doing coffee enemas. Usually, one must do at least two coffee enemas each day with at least two tablespoons of coffee in each one.

Holding a little coffee in one's mouth at the same time one does enemas works even better. Sitting, lying down or sleeping with coffee touching the skin works even better.

However, moving through the stages may take longer due to thug interference. Unfortunately, stealing and blocking coffee is common.

NOTE: At this time, we don't believe that filling of the early coffee stages requires much development (the genetic upgrade process).

What are the benefits of moving through the stages of coffee accumulation?

These are many and we are just learning about them. For example:

- The body becomes stronger and more resilient to all disease.

- Coffee acts as a method of assessment and identifying disease. This is very important.

- Development speeds up.

- The body gains protection against many types of attack, including from the thugs, satans or rogues.

- Telepathic communication and other abilities appear and/or improve.

- One becomes much happier.

- Sleep improves.

Who are the coffee souls and what do they do?

These are very advanced souls, some of which come from our sun. They are found in good quality coffee, which includes many standard brands of coffee sold in supermarkets and on the internet.

These souls do healing and act as guides for a person. A great advantage is that most people can hear them. This is not true with many other souls, whose communication the alien group, the thugs, often block.

Some coffee souls are helping write this article. be continued.

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