by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© September 2018, L.D. Wilson Consultants, Inc.


All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


            Chlorine is the cleansing element.  It is an acid-forming, female element that is a toxic gas at room temperature and pressure.  It is very abundant in the body and plays a major role in maintaining fluid balance in the blood, and is required for the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

While very important in compounds such as sodium chloride and potassium chloride, other forms of chlorine are highly toxic.  Research indicates, for example, that the use of chlorine to purify drinking water and to sanitize swimming pools is associated with more heart disease, cancer, and symptoms such as vaginal dryness in women. 

A complete development program is one of the few ways to remove a lot of toxic chlorine compounds from the body quickly.




            We obtain chlorine from most foods, and from water supplies.  Foods very high in chlorine are the cabbage family of vegetables – cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and Brussels sprouts.  Also, the radish family, nightshade family (tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant and peppers), although I do not recommend these as they contain an irritating toxin called solanin.  Most leafy greens also contain a bioavailable form of chlorine.

            Oddly, salt and even sea salt which is very high in chlorine, is not a good source of bioavailable chlorine compounds.




Chlorine compounds are used to purify drinking water around the world.  It is most often used in the United States of America and parts of Asia and Europe.  Chlorine is excellent to kill many pathogenic bacteria, parasite eggs and other creatures that get into drinking water.  However, it is a very toxic way to purify water.  The chlorine is quite reactive and can combine with other minerals and especially pollutants in the water to form chemicals such as chloramines, which are highly toxic. 

            Chlorine compounds are widely used in such products as bleaches, anesthetics such as chloroform, refrigerants, pesticides such as DDT, explosives, dyes, synthetic plastics, refining of gasoline, and in many other industries where it often forms quite toxic compounds, unfortunately.  Some of these persist in the environment such as DDT, a now-famous pesticide that helped eliminate yellow fever in Panama during the construction of the Panama Canal.

            Chlorine dioxide is sold as a germ-killer.  MMS or Miracle Mineral Supplement, is a chlorine compound.  It kills germs, but is also toxic and should not be used for more than a few days for this reason, as the toxicity builds up inside. 

Many ÔoxygenÕ supplements utilize chlorine as a transporter of oxygen.  These also tend to be a little toxic and are not as good for this reason as ozone or hydrogen peroxide as oxygen delivery systems.  Recall that chlorine is a messenger or delivery element.




            These are rare to non-existent because chlorine compounds are widely distributed in foods.  




            Chronic toxicity.  Chlorine toxicity contributes to hypothyroidism because chlorine antagonizes iodine.  Both elements are in the same family called the halogens.  Chlorine is one of the major iodine antagonists.

This is an enormous and serious problem today in all nations that use chlorine compounds to purify the water.  These compounds find their way into the drinking water supply, and contaminate the food as well.  This is one reason for widespread obesity, hypothyroidism, fatigue, depression and other problems. 

Fortunately, a development program can remove the chlorine (along with bromine and fluorine compounds that also cause the problem) from the thyroid gland and thus restore most peopleÕs thyroid activity quite easily.  This is discussed in an article entitled Thyroid Imbalances and in the article entitled Iodine.

            Chlorine toxicity can also cause problems breathing, and affect all of the sensory organs – sight, hearing, and even touch.  It can affect memory, often by affecting thyroid activity.  The mind can also become disengaged or disconnected.  This is different than schizophrenia, though it could be considered a type of schizoid ailment in which one can believe one might Òlose control of oneÕs mindÓ or a fear of going insane.  It is really a memory problem, not schizophrenia in the usual sense of the word, however.

            Other acute symptoms are heart palpitations, and nausea and vomiting.  An alkalizing agent may help, as the breathing problems caused by chlorine toxicity can make one too acidic.


            Acute toxicity.  Other excess symptoms include chlorosis, a toxic poisoning with Chlorox and other chlorine compounds that can be fatal.  It occurs due to swallowing irritating chlorine compounds.  One can also be poisoned by chlorine gas, which is extremely irritating to the lungs.  It is one of the problems with chloroform, an anesthetic gas.

            Other problems due to chlorine are skin burns from bleaches, and the eyes are sensitive to chlorine poisoning as well by gases and liquids, especially, where they do a lot of damage.




            Most hair mineral testing laboratories do not read the chlorine level in the hair.  It is a gas and perhaps the standard measuring instruments do not handle it well.

            If it were read, it would be high in many people, especially those who drink tap water and those who swim in pools or hot tubs purified with chlorine.




            These include vitamins B2, B3, and vitamin C.  they also include the minerals sodium (NaCl), potassium (KCl), hydrogen (HCl), and phosphorus.



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