by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© February 2025, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


I. Introduction

II. The DNA Food Rules

III. A Few Other Basic Rules We Have Added




I am told that the DNA of every cell of every human being contains information about proper diet. This is not well known because the location of the information is not in a part of our DNA that has been decoded.

The information is in a section of the so-called “junk DNA” or “non-coding DNA. In reality, this part of the DNA, which is about 97.5% of it, is not non-coding. However, it is tightly coiled up in most everyone and difficult to decode, so it has not yet been decoded.


The source of information for this article are the nuclear souls. They are a group of souls that live in the nuclei of the body cells.

These souls know the contents of the DNA very well because they are in charge of biosynthesis. This is the manufacture of all the chemicals our bodies require. They use the instructions contained in the DNA to make the chemicals.



These rules are for adults and children. The amounts listed are for adults. Children and babies need less, based mostly upon their weight.

Follow the rules strictly. These rules need to be followed very strictly for best health. Do not be tempted to eat like most people, who are extremely unhealthy.

This time in history. We have added a few rules because at this time in history there are special problems with our food. The main problem is filth in the form of toxic metals, toxic chemicals and food additives.

If a rule below is in parentheses, it is not in the DNA. However, we are adding it because it is so important at this time.

The Bible. The rules below are similar to the food laws found in the Books of Exodus and Leviticus in the Old Testament of the Bible. However, some are different. We live in a different time and it is possible the original Biblical rules were changed.

Canned and frozen food. If you cannot obtain the correct fresh food, you may eat some canned vegetables and even canned meat. However, avoid ALL frozen food. It is of lower quality. Also, do not use microwave ovens. Ideally, steam, pressure cook or boil food.

Rogue influence. These dietary rules will seem odd to many people. They will say they must be wrong because most people on earth do not eat this way. I am told this is for several reasons.

An important one is the presence on earth of an alien force that some call the Rogues, the thugs, the crap or Satan in the Bible.

This group does not want people eating correctly because they would far more difficult to control. So they spread lies about diet and nutrition, they poison the land, the oceans and the food, and they damage the food in many other ways.


1. Pure water is very important for the body. Every adult needs to drink at least 2-3 quarts or 2-3 liters of water each day.

We know this is a lot for some people and one will need to use the bathroom more often if one drinks this much. However, it is extremely important for kidney activity and for general health.

Today, most people on earth cannot obtain enough pure spring-fed, glacial, rain-fed, or lake-fed water. In this case, one can use water filtered by sand or carbon.

Reverse osmosis is a newer filtering method that removes too many minerals from the water. However, it is okay if that is all you can obtain.

2. Eat only whole, natural foods. This means: NO protein powders, NO green drinks, smoothies or shakes, NO juices except 10-12 ounces of carrot or wheat grass juice away from meals, NO eggs whites only, NO Egg Beaters and NO food bars.

Also, avoid all refined grains such as white flour, white sugar, white rice and refined salt.

(Also avoid chemicals in food as much as you can.)

3. Eat three meals each day. Do not skip meals.

4. Eat only warming foods. All food tends to either warm the body or cool it down. These are physics qualities. Warming (or more yang in several other languages) means the atoms and molecules move rather fast. Cooling foods have a slower rate of molecular motion.

Warming foods are meats, poultry, fish, eggs, cooked vegetables, and many, but not all whole grains. For example, quinoa is not too warming and needs to be eating sparingly or not at all.

Cooling foods to avoid are:

- Most all fruit, raw vegetables, most juices, all food powders, and sugary or sweet foods of all kinds.

- Other cooling foods are most honey, maple syrup, agave nectar, coconut products such as coconut water, coconut cream, coconut milk or coconut oil, all fruit oils such as avocado oil, soda pop, fruit juice and most milk.

- Other cooling foods are all refined food such as white flour, white rice, and white sugar in any product.

- Other cooling foods to avoid are sweetened foods such as cookies, cakes, ice cream, pastries, all desserts, and all bread at this time.

5. Eat protein with each of your three daily meals. Do not follow a vegetarian or worse, a vegan diet. These will not lead to health.

6. Cook all protein foods, but only very lightly. Do not overcook them. Food should not be mushy and it should never be dried out. Both are harmful.

7. Eat animal quality protein at least twice every day. Animal quality protein includes red meat such as lamb, goat, organic or grass-fed beef, dark meat or a little breast of chicken, small fish, especially sardines, eggs, and fermented dairy such as goat cheese.

Do not eat any products of the pig because these tend to be contaminated with parasites that are not killed even if the product is frozen or cooked.

(Do not eat shellfish or any larger fish. Today these are very unclean foods, no matter how good they appear.) We only recommend sardines and other very small fish at this time, sadly.

8. The portion size of protein for adults is important. Limit protein to 3-5 ounces or about 90-140 grams of protein per serving, and no more. This is because protein foods are more cooling. However, they are needed.

(9. Nuts and seeds are excellent foods but difficult to digest in their whole form. We strongly recommend roasted almond butter, 2 tablespoons daily, and roasted sesame tahini, 2 tablespoons daily. When one develops to a certain level, eating nuts is excellent, but not at first.)

10. Grain foods are excellent when they are of good quality. This is very difficult to find today, even if they look good. This is due to hybridization or plant breeding or genetic modification.

(11. At this time, blue corn in the form of lightly fried blue corn chips are needed by everyone on earth.) Do not listen to those who say they are just full of refined oil and are a junk food. They are a valuable food and blue corn cannot be easily hbridized. Frying the chips in a little oil is needed to retain certain nutrients needed for development.

12. Eat some of certain vegetables with each of your three meals. This means do not just eat meats, dairy and grains, as many people do.

13. Cook all vegetables. This is VERY important for cleanliness and to make them warming foods. Vegetables should retain most of their color and texture, but should be soft and easy to cut through when cooked.

Do not eat salad or any raw vegetables. Common ones to avoid are cucumber, lettuce and others.

Vegetables must be steamed for no more than 30-40 minutes or pressure-cooked for no more than about 2 minutes. You can boil vegetables, but drink the water. Avoid microwave ovens.

14. Cooking with water is best. Do not fry, broil, roast, bake, saute or wok cook vegetables. This produces harmful chemicals because it is high-temperature cooking.

(15. At this time, do not eat rice or lentils.) There is a problem with rice and lentils. Instead, eat mainly blue corn in the form of lightly fried corn chips. Other good grain foods are millet, in particular, and amaranth.

(16. Dried beans are okay if well-cooked and eaten only once or twice weekly.)

Wheat has largely been hybridized and is best avoided. It is now an irritating food. This includes all baked foods such as breads and pastries.

17. Eat mainly certain vegetables and not others. These are called the preferred vegetables. They are carrots, all onions including red, white, yellow, sweet, and green onions, scallions, shallots, chives, and leeks. It also includes a small amount of garlic.

Other preferred vegetables are daikon, purple daikon, red cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, rutabaga, Savoy cabbage, brocollini or baby brocolli, and green beans.

Also eat a very small amount every day of horseradish root, ginger root, celery and golden beets.

18. Strictly avoid the nightshade family of vegetables. These are tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant and all peppers. These all contain a powerful liver toxin, solanin. They are also really fruits because they contain seeds, and this diet does not include most fruit.

19. Among the fruits, the best are up to 3 black kalamata or 3-4 dried black botija olives each week. When one develops sufficiently, a small amount of other fruit is required.

20. Fats and oils are needed. Do not skip this food. Among oils, the best is butter, followed by unrefined and uncooked sesame oil. Other oils such as corn oil, peanut oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil and other seed oils are okay in small amounts only. Avoid all fruit oils, such as coconut, avocado, palm or others.


1. Do not drink much of any liquid with meals. Drink water before your meal, then wait ten minutes or longer before you eat your meal. Also, wait one hour after meals before drinking water. Exception: You can have a little water with meals with which to take supplements or if you are very thirsty.

DO NOT HAVE smoothies, shakes, protein drinks, superfood drinks, frappes or any other drinks that combine water or other liquids with food. This is much harder on digestion and too yin. With carrot juice, have it alone. Then wait at least 10 minutes before eating a meal.

2. Use only unrefined sea salt with all meals. STRICTLY AVOID ALL TABLE SALT. This is a a terrible refined food.

An excellent salt brand is HAWAIIAN ALAEA SEA SALT. Hain brand is also not too bad. Use sea salt to taste, including on meats. Sea salt in moderation is an excellent food and does not raise blood pressure or cause other problems.

AVOID standard table salt, which is a processed and toxic product.  Also avoid salt substitutes such as potassium chloride.

3. Eat in the following order: 1) protein, 2) cooked vegetables, and 3) grain (mostly blue corn chips).

4. Do not listen to other “experts”, the media, the government or other sources of dietary information. This is extremely important today. Most nutritional advice is wrong!

For a much more complete article about diet, read Food For Daily Use – A Diet For Rapid Development.

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