By Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© December 2019, L.D. Wilson Consultants, Inc.


All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.



We suggest staying away from functional medicine.  Functional medicine is a term coined by Jeffry Bland, PhD, we believe, around 1980.  It refers to the use of a number of functional tests to assess the body, followed by the use of regular medical methods combined with some holistic methods such as diet and nutrients to restore normal body functioning.

Most of those who offer this kind of health care are naturopaths or holistic medical doctors.  They tend to use many expensive tests such as tests for food allergies, bowel function, amino acids, vitamins, organic acids, and others, along with standard tests for hormones, thyroid activity, blood tests and others.

The healing modalities they use include medical drugs, homeopathy, chelation, bio-identical hormone therapy, diets, herbs and other nutrients.  Most of these methods we find to be toxic and harmful!

The purpose of this article is to clarify that:

1. Functional medicine is very different from development science.

2. We do not recommend functional medicine.




Here are some major differences:


1. Theory.  Functional medicine is basically a remedy science, and is an expansion of the basic allopathic concept of giving remedies to correct symptoms and conditions.

In contrast, development is a new and complete healing and development science based on concepts that include:

a. The stages of stress (the work of Hans Selye, MD)

b. Metabolic typing (the work of George Watson, PhD)

c. Yin and yang science (ancient acupuncture concept)

d. Soul science (more esoteric science)

e. Mineral balancing (the work of Paul C. Eck)

f. Fractals (modern mathematical concept of how bodies are constructed)

g. Chaos theory (a modern physics concept)

h. Vector science.


2. Assessment methods.  Functional medicine uses standard blood, urine, feces, x-ray and other methods used by standard allopathic doctors.  In addition, they use other so-called functional tests such as bowel function tests, vitamin and other nutrient tests, organic acid testing, and others.

In contrast, development programs require a hair mineral analysis in which the hair is not washed at the laboratory.  Other tests are rarely ever used, and amazingly to us, are very rarely needed.  This saves a lot of money and time!

We find that blood and other tests will normalize using a development program.  We donŐt have to monitor everything.


3. Healing modalities.  Functional medicine uses chelation, bio-identical hormone therapy, homeopathy, herbs, and some special foods, diets and nutrients. 

Development does not need or use chelation, bio-identical hormones, homeopathy, IV vitamins, or most herbs.  They are not needed and they are toxic. 

The basis of the correction using a development program is the Development Diet.  It is very high in cooked vegetables to provide many phyto-nutrients and alkaline reserve minerals.  In addition, we use about 8 supplements, a healthful lifestyle and the proper drinking water.  Also, 5 or 6 detoxification procedures are encouraged, in all cases.


4. Use of hair mineral analysis.  Functional medicine uses hair mineral analysis mainly to detect toxic metals.  Development uses hair analysis in a completely different manner, according to the method of interpretation pioneered by Dr. Paul C. Eck. 

For example, we assess the oxidation type, and we can about 60 other mineral patterns.  Assessing toxic metals is a minor use of hair analysis in development science.  It is not that important because we know that everyone has toxic metals that may, or may not show up on any test.  What matters is to remove them all.


5. Goals of therapy.  Functional medicine goes beyond regular allopathic medical care, in that the goal is wellness or better organ function, not just the removal of symptoms.  This idea is good.

However, development seeks something far beyond this called development.  This is a precise genetic and physiological process, and is completely different than symptom removal or what is called wellness.  To learn about it, please read Introduction To Development on this website.


6. Retracing.  This does not occur much, if at all, with functional medicine.  It is not an important part of functional medicine.

In contrast, physical, mental, and emotional retracing always occurs with development.  If it does not occur with a development program, the person is not following the program correctly.




Functional medicine can be an improvement over simple drug and surgery therapy offered by conventional medical doctors.  However, we find that:


1. It is not safe. Herbs, chelation, homeopathy and the use of many supplements are all somewhat toxic.  All supplements are yin in macrobiotic terms and the more of them you take, the more yin the body becomes.  As a result, we are extremely careful with supplements, but the functional medicine people are not concerned with this problem. 

The body becomes much worse if it becomes yin thanks to the use of supplements, homeopathy, improper diet and other yin therapies.  For details, read Yin Disease.

2. in our experience, functional medicine is not nearly as effective as development programs.   For example, development removes ALL the toxic metals in all cases.  It also removes hundreds of toxic chemicals, in ALL cases.

3. Cost.  Functional medicine is very costly.

4. Prevention. Development programs are better to get rid of latent or sub-clinical conditions.  These are conditions that do not show up on ANY tests.  This is a great preventive benefit.

5. Development.  Development occurs with a development program only, and this is a significant benefit.  It does not occur with functional medicine.  To read about this, please read Introduction To Development and many other articles about it on this website.



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