by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© February 2019, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.


All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


Development, as the word is used on this website, is a special process that enables a person to enjoy life to the fullest.  For details, read Introduction To Development and other articles about it on this website.

Development should begin in childhood.  However, often it does not, mainly because almost all children are born so malnourished.  Their nutritional situation only becomes worse as they grow up, and this effectively prevents development.  This article discusses what to do to facilitate development in children.




The main requirements are:

1. Correct nutrition.  This is almost nonexistent in children today.  Most children are born very malnourished and toxic because their mothers are malnourished and toxic.  All the nutritional problems of the mothers are passed on to their children.  This is very easy to observe on hair mineral tests of mothers and their children.

After birth, mothersÕ milk is often of mediocre quality, and this makes the situation worse.  If breast milk is good quality, then children should be breastfed for three years.  Unfortunately, most often breast milk will not nourish a baby for this long, so food must be introduced earlier.  However, some breast milk should be given, as well, up to age three.

When adult food is added to a babyÕs diet, it is often fruit or grain – both of which are generally harmful for babies and children.  The reason is that all babies and most young children are fast oxidizers.  They must have the Fast Oxidizer Diet, which must include cooked vegetables and some fats or oils with every meal.  The amount of carbohydrates (starches and sweets such as fruit) need to be kept low in fast oxidizers.

Parents are wrongly warned that feeding a child healthy fats such as cream and egg yolk will cause high cholesterol or make the child fat.  This is terrible and wrong advice!  The bad food is fruit and other sweets, and a lot of grains or cereals.

2. Avoidance of toxic substances.  Most babies receive highly toxic vaccines shortly after birth and all during childhood.  Most vaccines are preserved with aluminum, mercury and other very toxic substances.  For more details, read Vaccination. 

In addition, most children receive toxic medical drugs such as antibiotics during childhood for infections and many other conditions.  In many, if not most cases, these are not needed if one feeds a child correctly and uses natural methods of healing.

Also, many children are exposed to toxic metals and toxic chemicals in foods, water, and through contact.  Some also receive highly toxic fluoride treatments at the dentistÕs office.

3. Adequate rest and sleep.  This is easier for babies and children, and many of them do get enough rest and sleep.

4. Freedom from too much stress, too much handling, and other disturbing influences.  This is usually easy to achieve before age 4 or 5 for most children, provided parents are conscious of the sensitivity and delicacy of their children.  Babies and children need to stay at home most of the time, with a minimum of long-distance travel and other tiring activities.

Babies and children need to be around their parents, mainly, not babysitters and daycare centers.  They also do not need to spend much time around other children.  This usually just leads to infections and learning bad behaviors.  It is a myth that babies and children need ÒsocializationÓ at all.

At age 4-5, many children go to school.  This is usually a disaster for a sensitive child.  There is too much stimulation, and there are too many sick children from whom they catch infections of all sorts.  In many instances, there is also bullying, sexual touching, even if accidental, and other problems.




  1. Mothers and mothers-to-be need to be on a nutritional balancing program.  This is the best way to rapidly improve a motherÕs nutritional state and assure that her baby will be born fairly well nourished.

Ideally, mothers-to-be should begin a program several years before becoming pregnant.  However, even beginning when one becomes pregnant is a great improvement over no program at all.

We do not recommend that mothers and mothers-to-be just Òeat wellÓ and take a few nutritional supplements.  This is okay, but not nearly as helpful as an individualized nutritional balancing program.  If one cannot afford a complete program, then follow the ÒFree ProgramÓ.


2. Put all children older than about 4-6 months of age on a nutritional balancing program. This is very helpful for development.  Babies usually only need three supplements, along with a diet that contains absolutely NO FRUIT or sweets, and only a small amount of grain.

            3. Home-school.  If you love your child, ideally do not subject him or her to the public school system.  Find a way to stay home and educate your children at home.  It can be done in almost all cases, and your child will benefit greatly.  For more details about schools, read What Is Wrong With The School System?.

4. Avoid toxic products such as soaps, laundry detergents, shampoos, foods and other things babies and children are exposed to.  For details, read Toxic Chemicals.

5. Daily foot rubs and a red heat lamp on the abdomen.  Each foot rub should be for about 10 minutes.  Shine the red heat lamp on the abdomen or back for 5 to 15 minutes, depending upon a childÕs age.




Special foods.  Certain foods speed up development.  Mother-to-be should eat them daily.  Nursing mothers need them, as well, for themselves and for their babies.  Children over about age 3 should also eat them every day.  They are the specific cooked vegetables recommended on a nutritional balancing program.

They include cauliflower, red cabbage, all onions, rutabaga, diakon, green beans or string beans, broccolette or broccolini or baby broccoli, (but not regular brocolli), and carrots.  They also include blue corn tortilla chips, sardines and lamb.


Spring water or carbon-only filtered tap water.  These also help development.  Avoid distilled water, alkaline waters, and most designer waters such as Vitamin Water.  Also avoid reverse osmosis water also called Òdrinking waterÓ or Òpurified waterÓ.  For details, read Water For Drinking.



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