THE BLACK MASTER PROGRAM (or black program)

by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© May 2024, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


I. Introduction

II. The Procedure

III. Cautions




This article is a research report on a major program of the alien invading group called the negs, crud, thugs, satans or rogues. It may be their major project on earth.

We are learning that they convert most earth people and others that they bring to the planet into fighters for them. The project is called the black project or black master project.


At some level, we assume that the souls want this project or it would not be occurring. This is called One Science.

It states that there is only love, but love allows all things. If the souls want certain experience, then they can have it.

The bodies may not like it because it involves poisoning, beating, rapes, and other tortures. However, the bodies are not focus.

According to the teaching, the souls are the focus and they are not “killed” or even injured by the abusive treatment of the bodies.


In order to understand this article, one needs some background:

1. There is an invading force on earth that controls the major media, most businesses, most governments, most of the education system, the medical care system, the legal system, and more.

Women know about this, but are not allowed to speak about it. Most men do not know much, if anything about it.

2. The invading force is extremely secretive and has amazingly advanced technologies. Most people completely underestimate their abilities.

3. They are growing and need fighters. So a major project is to “recruit” or change people into fighters for them. They do this using rapes, beatings, poisoning, machines and more.

We recently learned that this project is very large. They like using the earth for this project. One reason is that it is easy to breed human beings on this planet. I am told they would like to have 100 billion people on the planet so they can convert many more to fighters.

4. We recently learned that most people do not die, even though it appears this way. The rogues can fake people's death easily and have many tricks to make it appear real. However, few people die. They are simply taken and enter a new phase of their life as a fighter for the negs.


Many women are converted into black masters. Many men are converted into what they call powers.


The men are hooked to the women and provide a type of energy for the women.


This involves tuning up the women forcefully to a level called a queen. Then she is beaten and learns many fighting abilities.


The project has many phases. We believe it begins when a child is either newborn or perhaps even before a child is born. The negs remove part of the pancreas that belongs on the right side of the body. They may also damage the brain. They also sexually molest the baby in utero and afterwards.

Baby rapes. Millions of babies are taken from their cribs at night. They are beamed to special centers, where they are systematically molested and beaten. They are then cleaned up and returned to their beds.

Early rapes. These occur in 3 and 4-year-olds.

Big rape. This is done to girls, often around age 7.

Other. A series of rapes and beatings are used to condition and brainwash women and men.

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