UPDATE 12/20/24
We took down articles about marriage, dating, relationships and Second Level Love Science or Tan Science article. We are sorry because we firmly believe in love and in the idea of marriage.
However, we have become aware that at this time all marriage and all man-woman relationships are unsafe. This is due to the presence of the thugs, negs or Rogues. They are called Satan in the Bible.
All, or most all of the women of earth been enslaved by the thugs and turned into enemy agents at a young age. They often attack men and anyone else whom they are ordered to attack. They are quite completely out of control.
No one is really safe at any time. It brings up the question of whether one is worse off married. We think the answer is yes at this time.
Don't we need children? Sadly, this is not a problem. Millions of women know very well that if the thugs want you to have a child, they impregnate you. It is just another type of rape.
Then they may force the woman to say that the father of the child is her husband, her boyfriend or someone else – just another lie. As a result, the rogue plan to overpopulate the planet so that they can produce more “blacks” or fighters is doing just fine.
What about the religions of earth, which almost all preach the great value of marriage. We believed in their teaching, also, until very recently. Now we think it is an invalid teaching at this time in history. It may have been fine in the past, and we hope it is true in the future, but it is wrong. At least they need to warn men of the great danger of marriage today, but they do not do this.
What to do. At this time, we recommend postponing marriage. We hope things will be better in the future, but we are not sure what will occur. We are very sad to have to give this message.
We think men are safer living alone or even with a male roommate (Not for sex!). Women are also safer by themselves, although many if not most younger women are captures and live with whomever they are told to live with. They may be told to say it is a marriage of some kind, when that is a pure lie.