(short version)
by Lawrence Wilson
© March 2023, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.
All information in this article is solely the opinion of the author and for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.
III. Combinations And Other Topics
The development patterns are mineral patterns revealed on tissue mineral tests that indicate deep healing and progress with Development. They are a unique aspect of mineral analysis interpretation.
Basic hair test interpretation. Learning the joy patterns is basic for understanding development and to understand how to interpret hair mineral analyses.
Hair washing. For accurate hair mineral readings, hair samples must not be washed at the laboratory. Most labs wash the hair, which ruins some of the readings.
For our helpers. Helpers always need to look for and tell clients about the development patterns. Their presence is the main way we know someone is healing at deep levels, no matter what symptoms may arise and no matter what other patterns arise or persist on retests.
Names. The names of the patterns come from the Planning Souls. These souls inside every body use these patterns. I did not realize this until fairly recently. It is their science!
In very advanced acupuncture, I am told these patterns are read in the wrist pulses and are called joy patterns. I am told this therapy is not available on earth at this time.
The exact same patterns can also be found in the human or animal energy field or aura if one can see it.
Patterns are only valid when one follows the development program. The information in this article only applies if a person is following the development program with one of our Helpers.
Most joy patterns are only seen on retests. A few of the patterns below, such as a hill or a step down pattern, can be seen on an initial hair test. However, most of the patterns are seen only on retests when one compares a previous hair mineral test with a new one.
Anchors. Anchor patterns occur when the previous and the present mineral levels do not change much. They indicate healing of the brain, and specifically a deepening of the sulci of the brain.
This is a newer pattern and is excellent, provided a person is following the development program.
If a person is not following a program, similar numbers on a previous and current mineral test may simply be a no change pattern.
Coming alive. This is present on a retest when the level(s) of all the first four or second four minerals either increase or remain the same. This pattern indicates greater life or vitality and is excellent.
The more mineral levels that increase, and the more they increase, the stronger the pattern. Even better is a double coming alive. This is coming alive on the first four and the second four minerals. For details, read Coming Alive Pattern On A Hair Mineral Analysis.
Goalpost or window pattern. This is present when the levels of two non-adjacent minerals both increase a certain amount. Visually, the pattern often looks like two goalposts on an American football field.
The pattern indicates reaching a goal. It is an achievement pattern. For details, read The Goalpost Or Window Pattern.
Hill pattern. This is a combination of a calcium/magnesium ratio of 5 or less and a sodium/potassium ratio of 5 or greater. The pattern often looks like a hill or, if extreme, like a mountain.
This is an excellent achievement pattern, like climbing to the top of a hill. It is an overcoming, an excitement pattern and a celebration pattern.
Even better is a double hill. This is a hill pattern on the first four minerals and on the second four minerals.
Other variants: A double fast oxidizer hill is called ecstatic pattern. An extremely steep hill is called a mountain pattern and is a stronger pattern. For details, read The Hill Pattern.
Maturing or “no longer a baby”. This pattern is present on a retest when the level of one or more of the child minerals increases. It is a detoxification or elimination of these minerals. They include potassium, iron, copper, mercury, aluminum and/or nickel.
For various reasons, a person is less mature when they are present. This pattern can occur at any age! For details, read Child Minerals.
Pivot patterns or twists. These are present on a retest when the tops of the graphs of the first four or the second four minerals reveal a twist to the left or to the right.
Right pivots indicate an insight and a change of mind or heart about oneself. Left pivots indicate an insight and a change of attitude about someone else. For details, read Anchors And Pivots.
Rapid development. This is generally present on any mineral analysis when the level of phosphorus is about 16 mg%. The pattern indicates rapid early development and is an excellent achievement pattern.
At times, an elevated phosphorus is due to other factors such as a hair product or a toxic condition.
Three-up. This is an increase in three out of four of the first four minerals or the second four minerals. It indicates a mild coming alive pattern that is very positive.
Forward flip of the oxidation rate. This is present on a retest when the oxidation rate changes from fast to slow in a person over the age of about 10.
Forward flip of the sodium/potassium ratio. This is present on a retest when the sodium/potassium ratio increases from less than 2.5 to 2.5 or greater.
Forward flip of the calcium/magnesium ratio. This is present on a retest when the calcium/magnesium ratio on the previous test was less than 5 or greater than 9.5 AND on the new test it is within the range of 5 to 9.5
It can indicate improved sugar and carbohydrate tolerance or an improvement in one's lifestyle. For details, read The Calcium/Magnesium Ratio.
Variants. When two forward flips are present, it is called a double forward flip. Three present on one test is even better and called a triple forward flip.
Perking up pattern (also called on fire). This is present when the phosphorus level increases at least 2 mg% on a retest. It indicates an improvement in the rate of biosynthesis or protein synthesis. If the phosphorus level rises 5 mg% or more, it is a new person pattern.
Out of the abyss. This is present when there was a deep bowl on the previous test that is not present on the retest.
Out of bed.
Out of a bowl. This is present when a bowl pattern was present on the previous test and is no longer present on a retest.
Out of four lows. This is when a new hair test indicates that one is no longer in a four lows pattern. Another name for this pattern is a return to life. Out of four lows is often accompanied by a better energy level.
Variants: Even better is Exploding Out Of Four Lows. It occurs when one comes out of a four lows pattern on a retest AND the level of the macrominerals rises about 100% or more. For details, read Four Lows.
Out of a double low ratio or death pattern. Double low ratio is a double give-up or slow death pattern. When a retest indicates that one has come out of this pattern, it is very good.
Out of a double low ratio is present when a double low ratio pattern was present on the previous test, but is no longer present on a retest. It is a back-to-life pattern. For details, read Double Low Ratio.
Interestingly, when a double low ratio pattern first appears on a retest, it is also often a back-to-life pattern.
Out of poor elimination. Poor eliminator patterns are extremely low levels of certain nutrient minerals and extremely low levels all of the toxic metals. Poor eliminator is a very important newer finding on hair mineral tests.
Out of poor elimination is present when the previous test revealed poor eliminator patterns and the retest contains fewer or no poor eliminator patterns. For details, read Toxic Metals, Poor Eliminator Patterns, and Mineral Ideals, Ranges And Poor Eliminator Levels.
Out of spiritual defensive. This retest pattern is present when the calcium/magnesium ratio on the previous test was greater than 13.5 and now it is less than 13.5.
Out of sympathetic dominance. This is present when the previous test revealed sympathetic dominance pattern AND it is not present on the retest.
Out of step up. This is present when the previous test revealed a step up pattern, but it is no longer present on a retest. This is a back to life pattern.
Out of the shell or out of the bomb shelter. This is present when a calcium shell that was present on the previous test disappears on a retest. The calcium level changes from above 165 mg% in a woman or above 155 mg% in a man to less than these values on a retest. For details, read The Calcium Shell.
Getting ready to leave the cult. This is a rise in at least three of the following minerals on a retest: iron, manganese, copper, lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, aluminum, or nickel. It is an important health recovery pattern.
A related pattern is Leaving the cult. This is present when 13 minerals increase on a retest. For some details read The Cult Or Rape Diet.
Everything coming out or all out. This is present when the levels of six or more minerals increase on a retest. The level of zinc does not count.
The pattern indicates a strong detoxification in progress. The more minerals that increase on a retest and the more they increase, the stronger the pattern.
Three-dump or three-amigo dump. This is present when the levels of iron, manganese, and aluminum all increase on a retest. It is an excellent pattern and one usually feels a lot better. For details, read The Amigos – Iron, Manganese and Aluminum.
Down sex or down hugging detoxification. This is present when the levels of all or almost all of the minerals on a retest mineral analysis increase or remain the same. It is a powerful detoxification pattern.
Settling down on the first four minerals. This is present on a retest when the levels of all of the first four minerals either decrease or remain the same. If all four mineral levels decrease, it is called a big settling down pattern.
Settling down on the second four minerals. This is present on a retest when the levels of all of the second four minerals either decrease or remain the same.
These are building and relaxation patterns that are very positive. As with all the development patterns, one must be following the development program as we set it up for the patterns to be valid.
Variants. Even better is an extreme settling pattern. This is when at least two of the macrominerals decrease by 50% or more.
Double settling down occurs when the levels of both the first four and the second four minerals all decrease or remain the same on a retest.
Down sex or down hugging settling. This occurs when all or almost all the minerals on the chart either decrease or remain the same. It is a deep relaxation and building pattern.
Step down pattern. This is when the first four macrominerals form a visual pattern that looks like steps moving downward to the right on an ARL hair mineral chart.
This pattern is also called Stepping Into Life. It is a pattern that indicates that one is becoming more engaged with life. For details, read Step Up/Step Down.
Out of four lows. We list this twice because it is such an excellent development or joy pattern.
Working through four lows. This is present on a retest when one is still in four lows, but the oxidation rate slows. It indicates progress in moving through and getting out of a four lows pattern.
Zinc up at least 2 mg%, provided that the zinc was less than 13 mg% on the previous test. This retest pattern indicates a general improvement in health.
Back to life. This is a rather unusual situation in which a double low ratio pattern appears on a retest. It often means one is retracing a trauma and, in fact, one is returning to a much more healthy and normal life.
Surges. These are increases in the levels of calcium, magnesium, sodium and/or potassium on a retest. They are positive patterns.
On many patterns one gets help from the guide creatures or others. However, in particular, when a surge occurs one is getting help. For details, read The Controllers And Other Guide Creatures.
If a person has more than one joy pattern on one retest, it is even better. This is now occurring commonly with our clients. Examples are:
Death to life = a double low ratio pattern changes to a hill pattern on a retest.
New start in life = a double low ratio pattern changes to a step down pattern on a retest.
Another new start pattern on a retest is a combination of coming alive pattern AND a step down pattern AND a fast oxidizer hill on the second four numbers.
Overjoyed = A bowl pattern changes to a hill AND phosphorus up by 2 mg%.
If a joy pattern that was present on an earlier hair test persists on the retest, it usually indicates a continuing feeling of joy and happiness for some reason.
If a joy pattern appears on both the first four macrominerals and also on the second four minerals, it reinforces the pattern. Technically, patterns can also appear on the third and later tetras of minerals. For details, read Minerals And The 7 System.
To read a more complete article about development patterns, read Development As Revealed On Hair Mineral Analyses.
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