by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© November 2022, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.


All information in this article is solely the opinion of the author and is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.




Anorexia means a lack of appetite.

Anorexia nervosa is a chronic lack of appetite for psychological reasons such as to rebel against a parent or other authority figure.  We find, at times, that what is labeled anorexia nervosa is a low zinc level, not a psychological problem.

Bulimia is a disorder in which a person eats, but then regurgitates the food into the toilet after the meal.

Other appetite disorders include binge eating, eating dirt, ice or other non-food items, and overeating.




The reasons can be classified according to the 7 system:


1. Physical or biochemical imbalances.  For example, physical difficulties might be problems swallowing.  Biochemcial imbalances include low zinc or excessive copper that turns off the appestat mechanism.  This is the normal messaging system that tells a person when it is time to eat.

Food cravings.  These are often caused by nutritional or other chemical imbalances in the body.  For example:

- One may crave particular nutrients found in foods.  The body may crave calcium found in milk, or magnesium found in chocolate, or sodium in salty foods.

- One may crave stimulants.  Many people need their ÔfixÕ of sugar, salt, caffeine or other chemicals just to get through the day.  This is food addiction. The food might increase the oxidation rate or have other pleasurable effects.

- Food toxins or chemicals may cause cravings.  They may influence a person through taste, odors or consistency.  MSG, for example, seems to increase appetite.  Food processors use this fact to sell hundreds of processed food items.

- Metabolic imbalances such as a fast or slow oxidation can cause intense cravings.  Fast oxidizers may crave alcohol or carbohydrates to supply energy.  Some crave fats to slow down the oxidation rate.

Slow oxidizers often crave sugars and perhaps protein to maintain their blood sugar, which tends to be chronically low.

- Illnesses such as low or high blood sugar, Ôleaky gutÕ, yeast infections, sinus disorders or just fatigue can cause cravings.


2. Emotional reasons. Feeding is one of the first and most basic areas of life that a newborn baby experiences.  Early life trauma such as problems breastfeeding or separation from oneÕs mother too soon can upset oneÕs relationship to food.  Trauma can also occur later in childhood or adulthood.

3. Control issues.  Not eating is a way to maintain control if one feels oneÕs life is out of control.  It can also be a way to rebel against parental or other authority.

4. Social reasons.  One may develop an eating disorder due to peer pressure or to get along with others.  For example, if one is overweight, one may decide that to be popular one must stop eating to lose weight.

5. Expressive reasons.  Eating or not eating can be a way to express oneÕs preferences, such as fasting to protest an injustice in society.

6. Ideological reasons.  Some peopleÕs eating patterns are based on ideologies such as vegetarianisms, raw foodism, mono-meals, intermittent fasting or other food scheduling ideas.

7. Religious or spiritual reasons.  This includes keeping a kosher or halal diet, or becoming vegetarian to avoid bad karma.






These disorders are discussed in more detail in the 2010 and later editions of Nutritional Balancing And Hair Mineral Analysis.  To summarize:


- Anorexia is a very serious disorder with a high mortality rate.

- It is a complex illness.  It is not simple.  The person feels better when he or she does not eat, and there is little appetite, so the person does not eat.

- Copper imbalance is usually present with anorexia and bulimia.  High copper and low zinc are associated with loss of taste and smell, and therefore a lack of appetite.  This is a very common situation today.  It causes many people to eat irregularly or skip meals.  It also causes many people to eat very spicy, sugary or salty food because otherwise they do not taste their food very much.  This is unfortunate and recovery of the natural senses is a slow process of balancing the body chemistry.

- Distortions of the body image is also an important factor in some cases of anorexia.  This, too, may have to do with copper imbalance.  Copper is associated with a tendency to detach, ÔspacinessÕ, or schizoid tendencies.

- Anorexia is a very dangerous condition because it feeds upon itself biochemically.  As the copper imbalance worsens, the person eats less, and this worsens the zinc deficiency and copper excess.  If this vicious cycle cannot be broken, death may ensue.  Therefore, nutritional approaches may be extremely helpful or even life-saving.

- This disorder can involve entities or discarnate souls that are particularly vicious.




            Important!  Recovery from anorexia may  require plenty of counseling and even hospitalization to force feed the person for a while, and to make sure the person understands the seriousness of the condition.

The person should remain well-supervised for months or longer until one is sure that the person has completely overcome the condition.  Otherwise, it can recur and can be fatal.




            A development program can be helpful by restoring many nutrients to the body.  This will reduce cravings and improve mental clarity, which can also help restore normal eating.  Removing toxic metals can also help restore a normal appetite.

Balancing copper in the body is not easy in all cases, but development programs excel at this.  This has helped many with anorexia and bulimia.

            Restoring the bodyÕs energy level by balancing the oxidation rate helps improve mood and general mental functioning.  It can also greatly enhance self-esteem and self-awareness to enable a person to overcome fears and distortions in oneÕs body image.

Some discipline is required, however, to follow the program properly and those with anorexia may need counseling and other assistance to stay with the program, especially at first.




Hair must not be washed at the laboratory for accurate readings.  At this time, we only trust hair mineral testing by Analytical Research Labs (2/2019).  Indicators include:

- Copper greater than 2.5 mg%.

- Zinc less than 15 mg%.

- Other indicators are much less specific and could include elevated toxic metals such cadmium above 0.008 mg% or mercury above 0.035 mg%.  Other patterns are possible, as well.



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