This is the introduction to the newsletter. To read the daily posts, click here.
INTRODUCTION. Welcome. Those in charge of this newsletter, I am told, are a group of souls who have lived on earth a long time. These souls are able to make themselves known more directly through this newsletter and website.
The author does his best to relay information from them through this website and newsletter because, at this time, they are not in charge of the mass media or many websites. In fact, this site is one of very few that they control. I hope this will soon change, but I don’t know when that will occur.
Disclaimer. All information on this newsletter is solely the opinion of the author and is not intended as diagnosis, prescription, treatment or cure for any health condition.
In 2012, a group formed that consisted of many beings who live on and around our planet. Some were human beings. Many were fine matter beings. Most people, including the author, cannot see these beings. Fine matter is much less dense than our bodies, but it is real. Well known beings of this type include angels, elves and souls.
We were told that we could help the planet if we follow certain rules. We were also told that if we follow the rules, we will be much safer from a group of invaders called the negs, the satans, the otros or on this website I call them the rogues.
Some people call them the creeps or the thugs. In the Bible, they are called Satan. They cause many problems on earth and particularly attack and terrorize all women on earth. For more details, read the Rogues.
THE COVENANT. I am told that these rules, taken together, form a new covenant with the Creator of all life. It is an agreement that applies to all the inhabitants of the earth and the rest of our solar system. The COVENANT is not a religion. It is a set of rules. If the people follow the rules below, they will receive the protection of their Creator.
1. Obey the Ten Commandments given to Moses on Mount Sinai and the Golden Rule. The latter can be stated as: Think and behave toward others as you would have them think and behave toward you.
Clarification. The people are to follow these rules strictly. To clarify, the commandment “Do not to bear false witness” means do not lie or exaggerate. The commandment “Do not steal” means do not rape. The commandment “Do not commit adultery” means do not have sexual intercourse unless there is a marriage contract.
2. The people are to understand that all beings are loved equally by their Creator. All beings are also needed, and all beings are to be respected equally.
However, this does not mean to avoid eating meat or vegetables, since these involves killing. Some animals and plants have as their role to be food for others. Killing them for food and eating them in no way damages the souls inside of them. In fact, it helps the souls mature.
Also, if a being physically attacks another, it is acceptable only in this instance to kill in self defense. This applies personally and in a situation of war.
3. All beings are to develop themselves. Development, as the word is used here, means to move through a genetic upgrade process. Eating certain foods and following a healthful lifestyle activates these genes. This causes the unfolding of the full potential of each being, which is far beyond that which most people believe or live.
The idea of development is very ancient, but is not well known on earth except among certain monks and a few others. Those who control the planet don't want it known because developed people are much more difficult to control.
However, stories about people who lived a long time and/or had special abilities are quite common. The Bible is the most common source of this information for Western people, and there are many other books about it, as well.
The development program. The development program described on this website and not others at this time, is a rapid and safe method of development. I am told this is the required method due to its safety and speed. It is not “my” method, but one I stumbled upon and nothing more.
4. All beings are to seek out, and love, and speak the truth. The only exception is in rare situations in which speaking truthfully directly endangers one’s life or the life of another.
A very damaging and false teaching on earth at this time is that there is no truth. This is a pernicious teaching that needs to be exposed and stopped.
The original covenant in the Bible also includes at least three more requirements:
5. Everyone needs to follow the Biblical food laws. We like these, but there are a few changes required. At this time, we do not believe one needs two sets of dishes for meat and dairy meals or that these two types of foods must be eaten at separate meals. The Bible does not specifically say this. We believe these rules are interpretations that came later. There are other problems with the Biblical food laws. For more details, read The Biblical Food Laws.
6. All male children needed to be circumcised. This is for the protection of women because it reduces rape. It is also for cleanliness to reduce the spread of disease. For details, read Circumcision.
7. We agree to help rid the entire universe of the plague of the Rogues or satans.
More About Development. Development is a precise process that requires a particular diet and lifestyle, and is greatly aided by taking certain nutritional supplements and doing certain detoxification procedures. We call this the development program on this website.
Following only this program, as taught only on this website, and no other health program, grows the size and brightness of the energy field of the body and builds excellent health and longevity of the body.
Other healing methods - medical, holistic, naturopathic and others - may alleviate diseases and reduce symptoms. However, they do not cause development to nearly the same degree. For this reason, we recommend them only rarely. Otherwise, they are best avoided altogether. For details about development, read Introduction To Development. For details about the development program, read Introduction To The Development Program.
A feature of
All information in this newsletter is solely the opinion of the author and for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.
We urge everyone to repost this newsletter to all social media websites.
2/7/25. Here is a news update on the new American president:
The Israel War: Excellent! So far, he is all for Israel, and he is helping militarily, which they much need. He wants to help rebuild the Gaza strip of land. This is nice except America is bankrupt (see just below).
The Ukraine War: Mr. Trump is not doing well here. More discussion is below.
The American budget: A huge mess - and he is not talking about it at all! He gets an F on financial matters, something people wanted him to deal with because he is a businessman who knows how to save money.
Tariffs: So far, no action and just threats. No good! Tariffs are legal taxes and need to be discussed and thought out carefully and publicly. This means no NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) and the other trade agreements.
These treaties are secret and illegal. They often favor big corporations at the expense of others. Tariffs should not be used to threaten others, and we don't think it is working well, anyway.
Illegal immigration: Good action, but he needs to say that a big reason for illegal entry into the United States is all the government welfare benefits that the illegals can often get.
Of course, this should not be allowed, but the programs are corrupt – some run by illegals. In America, welfare programs such as Medicare, Social Security, Medicaid and dozens of others are illegal under the constitution. The American government should not be in the welfare business. That is to be handled privately.
American welfare programs are literally bankrupting the United States. Please say it, Mr. Trump. Tell the truth! The programs need to end now. It won't be easy or fun, and Mr. Trump needs to lead the discussion about them.
Also, Mr. Trump wants Mexico to place soldiers on the border to keep the illegals inside Mexico. This is very bad and worrisome. The thugs or crap can easily replace the Mexican soldiers with their fighters and invade America. No foreign military on the American border!
Multiple genders: Mr. Trump is stopping this in the national government. Good. Long overdue.
Trans athletes. Another area where Mr. Trump is on the right side of things. Very good.
Cutting the size and scope of the government. So far, he fails miserably on this. Maybe he doesn't realize he inherited a bloated, wasteful, and very corrupt national government. Let's talk about it and fix it now or the world laughs at America.
The Ukraine war. So far, Mr. Trump is not stopping the war. Also, he is not talking about the Budapest Memoranda, signed on December 5, 1994 and ratified by the US Senate soon after.
In these documents, the United States, Great Britain and Russia agreed never to invade Ukraine. In return, Ukraine gave up a huge stockpile of nuclear weapons.
The agreement worked for ten years until 2014 when Russia suddenly invaded Ukraine and took over a large chunk of land. No one stopped them and they did it again in 2022. This is the war that is still going on. America has helped Ukraine a little, as have many European nations, but not much.
No doubt Mr. Trump does not want to start a world war with Russia, but it has started already – all over the world.
Mr. Trump knows it. So let's talk about it, and let's get going and arm against Communist China, Russia and Iran. They are the big aggressors. Mr. Trump does not like wars and this is good. But it is here and here now.
Americans particularly hate wars and are usually late to get going, but they must. Ukraine, Israel and elsewhere need help or they will perish.
America also needs to honor its treaty agreements or America will lose ALL CREDIBILITY among the nations. Also, Mr. Biden and the other Democrat traitors in our government need to be hanged for treason.
Love. Greatly needed on the planet! Mr. Trump and all other world leaders need to talk about it now.
2/6/25. Low-end, base-model bodies. To review from yesterday, most bodies today are made using the lowest amount of genetic material possible. The reason is that most mothers are severely malnourished.
This is exactly like a car factory that can only produce the cheapest and most basic cars because they lack the raw materials to build better cars. It is exactly the same idea.
Upgrades are possible. Also, exactly like a high-quality car factory, human mothers could produce much healthier and more developed children if they were supplied with more raw materials – more nutrients.
Why the malnutrition? A combination of factors:
- Most, if not all girls and women are intentionally beaten and raped to deplete their nutrients. They are also kept terrified at all times, and this also wrecks their digestion. This is the truth!
There is on earth a technically advanced invasion force that some call the aliens, thugs, crap, or Rogues on this website. The Bible called them Satan. They target women and make sure they are severely malnourished, and that men know little about it.
The crap have the technical ability to make women seem healthy due to a technology called artificial life support. For details, read Introduction To Life Support Methods.
- Another cause of widespread malnutrition is the poor quality of most of our food. This is due to the use of Superphosphate Fertilizers, also called N-P-K agriculture. It is the use of growth stimulants on most crops. Today, farmers around the world grow much more food, but it is much lower in nutrition than food grown 100 years ago.
- Another reason for malnutrition is improper food preparation. Do not use a microwave oven and do not buy frozen food, except for meats. These are both harmful and reduce the quality of the food.
- Another important cause of malnutrition is bad dietary advice, mostly from physicians. They recommend eating salads, which humans do not digest well. Read about Raw Food.
They recommend eating fruit, a food that wrecks the body. This is the truth, no matter how many vitamins it contains. For details, read Fruit.
Some recommend vegetarian or semi-vegetarian diets. These also wreck the body. For details, read Vegetarian Diets. Also read Killer Dietary Advice.
Corrupt government food agencies and physicians also allow about 80% of the supermarket shelves to be filled with “foods” that contain so little nutrition that the cardboard packaging is almost as nutritious as the food item.
The upgrade. Like the car factory, if the raw materials are supplied, the factory (or mothers) can go back to the blueprints for body parts and make better ones. The same is true of humans.
It is possible to have a genetic upgrade of the body due to the ability to tap into more of the blueprint or genetic material that we are all born with. It can be done before birth or after birth.
Why don't physicians know this? Their education is lacking in nutrition, They mostly learn about surgery and drugs. They are taught almost nothing about nutrition. I call it the 800-pound gorilla sitting in the middle of the living room that no one wants to talk about.
The medical websites, where the censored search engines send people, are just as bad. It is a crime!
2/5/25. A serious problem on earth is low oxygen. It causes impaired health, anxiety and depression, sleep problems, and a shortened life.
The amount of oxygen in the air is about 21%. I am told it should be about twice that much.
Causes. I am told the thugs or rogues remove oxygen from the earth. Also, gas-powered vehicles, gas or oil-powered power plants, home heating and cooling, hot water production, and cooking with gas all use up oxygen. These devices burn up oxygen and convert it to carbon dioxide.
Plants have the opposite effect and increase the oxygen content of the air. They convert carbon dioxide to oxygen.
Cities have the lowest oxygen levels because:
- There are more cars using up oxygen.
- There are more homes and apartments using natural gas or propane for heating, hot water and cooking. Factories also often use a lot of gas for heating and production.
- Cities have fewer living plants that produce oxygen compared to rural areas.
Just switching to electric cars doesn't solve the problem because one must generate the electricity for the cars. Disgusting government regulations even prohibit putting solar cells on electric cars!
The answer is more efficient motors. For example, few people know that one can run cars and power plants on water - such as the GEET plasma system. GEET stands for Global Environmental Energy Technology. Look it up!
One can also run cars and everything else on etheric energy. This is called over-unity or free energy systems. These systems have been around for years, but are illegal thanks to the thugs or satans.
2/5/25. Most all human beings today are born with “base model” genetics. This is similar to buying the most basic model of car – such as a small, plain-Jane Chevrolet or a base-model Toyota Corolla.
In the world of cars, it is possible to buy “optional extras” for your car such as a better radio, a better battery, a towing hitch, a bigger motor, and fancy wheels. I grew up in a very wet area of America and people would order extra rust-proofing for their cars.
All car companies have a list of upgrades or optional extras available for their cars.
Humans can also upgrade. The genetics of the human body can also be upgraded and improved. The list of “optional extras” is contained in our DNA and it is a very long list! In fact, it is 97.5% of our DNA.
However, the genetic code is not written in English and scientists have only figured out how to read 2.5% of it. The rest is called “junk DNA” or “non-coding DNA”. You can look up these words on the internet. The souls tell us it is not junk! It is a list of upgrades you can have for your body.
Motors. For example, I am told humans can have seven “motors”. Physicians know about several of these. They have names such as the glycolysis cycle, the Krebs cycle, and electron transport system. The better the “motor”, the more energy you will have and the happier and healthier you will be. For details, read The Body's Energy Conversion Methods And Implications For Diet.
Batteries. Humans can also upgrade their batteries. Yes, we have batteries. Most people today are born with nicad or nickel-cadmium batteries. These are okay, but quite toxic and not the best. One can upgrade to alkaline zinc batteries or even better, boron batteries. For details, read Capacitors Inside The Body (former title was Batteries Inside The Body).
Rust-proofing. Rust is a terrible problem for humans. Rust is iron oxide. Mineral oxides are extremely irritating to the body and lead to hundreds of deadly diseases. Some people take anti-oxidant supplements for this reason. But these only work to a limited degree and most are very yin in macrobiotic terminology. This is harmful.
A better idea is you can rust-proof your body. It is an excellent “optional extra”. For details, read Iron, Manganese, Aluminum and Others – The Irritants Or Amigos.
A better radio. You can upgrade to a much more powerful two-way radio for your body. It is sometimes called mental telepathy.
Upgrades from the factory. The upgrade process in a human begins before birth. The baby's souls talk to the factory (their mother) and they ask for the best body possible.
They often tell the mother what to eat in order to make the best possible body parts. Unfortunately, most mothers either don't hear this or don't listen. Instead, they eat what they like. This is the main reason most people are born with “base-model” genetics.
Upgrades after leaving the factory. Once a baby is born, one can still “upgrade” the body in thousands of ways. The process is called development.
It mainly requires excellent nutrition, plenty of rest, retaining most sexual fluid, (especially for men), and the Pulling Down Procedure. Unfortunately, most people and physicians don't know about it.
We believe the reason few know about development is the presence of the aliens, thugs, crap, satans or Rogues. They don't want super-healthy and super-happy human beings here. For more details, read Introduction To Development and Introduction To The Development Program.
2/4/25. I am told there are sanctuaries all over the world where people are safe from the aliens, thugs, crap or satans. The safe areas are like monasteries, except they are not religious. They are havens and safe houses.
If you tune into God and are told to leave where you are, listen carefully. We know it is very scary. If you follow orders carefully, I am told you will be safe and will be led to one of the sanctuaries.
It can be even more difficult if you have children. The same rules apply, and all will be safe.
2/4/25. We have recommended that when doing the pulling down procedure, one should move the attention to a point close to the bottom of the feet.
We just learned this is not best. It is better to move your attention a point far below the feet.
Visualizations for the revised procedure:
1. Imagine there is a very large planet with very intense gravity close to the earth. Its gravity pulls on your feet, exerting a strong pull.
2. Imagine there is a spaceship not far from the earth. The ship has a tractor beam machine and it is pulling hard on your feet.
2/3/25. This is a most important core article. It contains what I have been told is advice about diet found in a special part of the DNA of every cell in all human bodies.
The advice is presented in a simple way. Please read The DNA Food Rules For Humans.
2/2/25. This is a most important core article. It discusses instructions found in the DNA of every person regarding diet, lifestyle, behavior and life in society. The article is short at this time and will be expanded.
Some will think this article is ridiculous, but we are told it is perfectly true. So please read The DNA Rules.
2/2/25. One of the most important documents in the Western world is the Ten Commandments. Some would say it has given rise to Western civilization.
The Ten Commandments were given to Moses or Moshe, a Hebrew leader, about 3000 years ago. The story about them is contained in the second book of the Hebrew Bible, called Exodus.
You might wonder why we would think the Ten Commandments is such an important document. The reasons are:
- It is a moral code. The first Commandment states that there is a God and you shall have no other gods before this one. This means one is never to allow family, friends, work, money, sex, human love or anything else to be more important than God in your life.
- It is a legal system. The Ten Commandments say one is not allowed to steal, lie, falsify, or kill in cold blood. These form the basis for the Western code of law.
- A social system. The Ten Commandments say one is to honor parents parents, to have sex only with your husband or wife, and one is not to be envious or covetous of your neighbor. One is also supposed to have one day a week with no standard work so that one can focus more on God.
NOTE: We know that many on earth at this time are forced to disobey the Ten Commandments.
- Similar to the DNA rules. Interestingly, the Ten Commandments are very similar to parts of The DNA Rules (see the post just above this one). Please read and learn the The Ten Commandments Given To Moses (with an update).
2/1/25. The Bible and some other books include stories of people who live a very long time – hundreds of years. We believe this is possible using the development program, but not with other healing programs.
For a longer life, one needs four items: 1) A special diet. Just any good diet will not work!, 2) Lots of rest and sleep, 3) Holding on to most of your sexual fluid (especially for men), and 4), The Pulling Down Procedure every day for at least one to two hours.
So I am sad when many of our clients say they don't follow the diet or do the pulling down procedure very much. These are extremely important! For details, read Food For Daily Use, Rest And Sleep, Down Sex, Down Hugging, and The Pulling Down Procedure.
2/1/25. We improved this article. It discusses several ways to fix up any computer so you can sit further away from it, so it emits less EMF, better privacy and more. For details, read Adjusting Your Computer.
1/31/25. I am told the numbering of the stages of coffee accumulation were not correct. I apologize. We fixed this and the article is much easier to understand. Please reread the important article, The Stages Of Coffee Accumulation.
1/30/25. It is most important to feel the quality of a vacuum or empty feeling when doing the pulling down procedure. It works better this way and is more powerful. Visualizations to help with this are:
- As you pull down, visualize emptying a bathtub or sink. The water spins to the right and down as the tub or sink empties.
This leaves you with an empty feeling that you can imagine in your feet, your legs, your torso, your arms, your shoulders and your head.
- To add power to the above, visualize turning on a drain pump located under the tub drain. The pump creates a very strong vacuum that pulls the water downward faster and spins it to the right faster.
- All washing machines have a powerful drain pump. Mine makes a loud sound when it turns on and powerfully sucks the water out of the washing machine.
- You could also imagine turning on the vacuum pump of a car, although this is not as powerful a pump.
- You could imagine a fire hose pump that is pulling the water out of the bottom of the bathtub. Pumps used on fire hoses are among the most powerful pumps.
1/30/25. If you know about cars, another visualization for the pulling down procedure is to imagine placing a very long dipstick into the oil reservoir of a car to check the oil. You will place the dipstick in an imaginary opening at the top of your head. Here are the steps:
1. First put the dipstick into the opening at the top of your head. INWARD or YANG is the first movement of development science.
2. Then twist it to the right to make it go in easier. RIGHT SPIN is the second movement of development science.
3. Then push it down. DOWNWARD is the third movement of development science. Push it down to your feet and far below your feet, as though you are measuring the oil level deep in the earth.
4. Then relax and allow it to soak up some oil. RELAX is the fourth movement of development science.
5. Then wobble the dipstick back and forth to pick up more oil. WOBBLE BACK AND FORTH is the fifth movement of development science.
6. Then tap on the dipstick to make sure it is all the way in. IMPACT is the sixth movement of development science.
7. Finally, wobble the dipstick up and down to make sure it is all the way in. WOBBLE UP AND DOWN is the seventh movement of development science. For details about these movements, read The Seven Movements Of Development Science.
1/30/25. We added a lot to the important article called The Tetras. The mineral tetras are a very special way to organize minerals into groups of four minerals each.
The word tetra means four in Latin. For example, a four-sided polygon or object is called a tetrahedron.
A basic organization of minerals. At a deep level, the tetras is a very basic organization of the minerals in the body and in the universe.
The tetra system is quite different from the familiar Periodic Table Of The Elements. I cannot say I understand it, but I use it. It is important because it is a key to interpreting hair tissue mineral tests. For details, read The Mineral Tetras.
A LOVE MESSAGE (Love is not always what it seems)
1/29/25. Tonight we will suggest that love is not what some believe. It is not coddling people and giving people all that they want. Love is doing the right thing.
For example, we urge the media to support Mr. Trump in America in his effort to reduce the size and scope of the American government in the fastest way. This effort is long overdue and badly needed.
Complaining about all the possible negative consequences is not helpful and not correct. A bankrupt nation is the worst problem.
However, equally important is that Mr. Trump must explain his actions correctly to the American people and to the world. He is not to act like a dictator. That is not the American system. Some call him a Nazi because of his style and it is a problem.
He must explain four things, at the very least:
1. The nation is bankrupt and over 36 trillion dollars in debt. The nation takes in about one trillion dollars in taxes and spends about four trillion. It must change. Firing government workers is not the answer. That would only save about three billion dollars – a drop in the bucket.
2. He needs to talk about good technologies and bad regulations that stop them. For example, there are much more efficient, cleaner and cheaper motors for cars right now. There are efficient steam engines, oscillating motors, very efficient Tesla turbines, GEET plasma technology, and more. The only thing stopping this is government regulations.
There could be much more efficient golf-cart technology hybrid cars that would cost one-fourth what our cars cost. The only thing stopping this is government regulations.
The president's friend, Mr. Musk, understands all of this and has no doubt told it all to Mr. Trump.
The bad regulations were put in place by the thugs, crap, satans or Rogues. They want a filthy planet and impoverished people who have to buy gasoline that is full of poisons.
Even better, cars can run on water. Power plants can run on water. All that stops it is government regulations.
Still better. There are even better technologies, especially what is called free energy or etheric power. Nicola Tesla had a car over 120 years ago that ran on etheric power – no gasoline or filthy lithium batteries needed. All that stops it are government regulations.
Are you getting the picture. GOVERNMENT IS THE PROBLEM.
So drilling for oil, which he champions, is not the answer. It is a stop gap measure, but in reality it is a very old, filthy, expensive, outdated technology and there are much better ones that are being stopped by government regulations.
3. He needs to explain the Constitution of the United States and his proper role in the executive branch of government. He is not to be a dictator, as some call him. He is to work with the Congress and the Judicial branch of government to enforce the laws and end corruption in the government at all levels.
He must also return the American government to its proper role of protecting the people's rights. The American government is not to be “big mother”, also called the nanny state, the welfare state or the regulatory state. Those are all wrong in America.
4. He needs to explain that under the American Constitution many, and perhaps all of the most costly government programs are illegal and unconstitutional. The only reason they exist is a corrupt Congress, corrupt presidents and a corrupt judicial branch of government that allows them to continue. This includes Medicare, Medicaid and present-day Social Security as is it set up. These are the main money drains in the United States of America.
Some people know that statistically, all government programs and activity are more costly, more wasteful, and more corrupt than programs conducted by the private sector of society. This is a simple matter of incentives.
The founders of America and elsewhere knew this and did their best to keep government small. However, it has grown large and sloppy in most nations and this needs to change.
We want Mr. Trump to work with the Congress of the United States to remedy this situation. We also want the news media to support the action, not oppose it. It is a love action!
1/28/25. We wrote a short article about the main differences between the original governing document of the United States, the Articles Of Confederation (1776), and the revised document, the US Constitution (1789).
This is an extremely important topic that few people know about. The reason is that true copies of the original Articles of Confederation have all been destroyed by the alien group, the thugs, rogues or satan. For details, read The Articles Of Consfederation.
LOVE IS EVERYWHERE (and life without the IRS)
1/27/25. This is a message from some smaller fine matter creatures who watch and notice things more than most other beings. We say, LOVE IS EVERYWHERE TONIGHT.
This is an important message because there is much upheaval in the world tonight and some might think that love has taken flight. It has not. It is still there and stronger than ever.
The income tax. For example, at times the new US president sounds inflammatory. However, he is talking about something very loving - doing away with the American income tax.
Problems with the income tax law (the 16th Amendment) are:
1. The Amendment was never properly ratified. The history books and internet are wrong in this regard! The thugs or satans wanted to destroy America and spread the lie that it was ratified, when it was not. It was a trick to ruin America and it has worked.
The income tax law states that the Congress can do whatever it wants regarding taxing income “without consensus or enumeration”. This would never have been ratified and it was not!
2. If it had been ratified, it should have been struck down immediately by the US Supreme Court because it violates much of the Constitution.
- It almost completely negates the Fourth Amendment. This law guarantees the people's privacy in regard to their businesses and private life.
- It violates the constitutional principle that the Congress has supreme power over the territories and possessions of the United States, but has only very limited power over the 50 states.
- In fact, it negates the entire idea of the US nation. This idea is to limit the power of the central government, and to distribute power among the states and the people.
The founders of America all knew that the power to tax is the power to destroy. This is an ancient principle of life. So they deliberately limited the types and amounts of taxes that the national government could put on the people and the nation.
The founders generally prohibited what are called direct taxes, which are taxes on people, unless everyone pays the same amount. This is called apportionment and is stated twice in the US Constitution! Such a tax would only be used in time of an emergency.
Otherwise, the only legal taxes are on goods or products, not people! These legal taxes are called tariffs and excise taxes.
Another problem is the income tax is ridiculously expensive to carry out compared to a tariff on goods coming in and out of the nation. This means the income tax is a very stupid idea that helps bankrupt the nation.
Sadly, Mr. Trump does not talk in constitutional terms, but he has the right idea and he is talking about love.
Other world leaders need to talk about love, too. It is the cohesive force in the world, not money or land or anything else. What is the loving thing to do? That is the question we ask.
1. Boston T. Party, Good-Bye April 15th. Javelin Press, Austin, TX [78705], 1992.
2. Meredith, L., Vultures In Eagle's Clothing, Prosperity Publishers, Huntington Beach, CA [92647], 1994.
3. March, R.C, The Fundamental Teachings Of American Liberty, Robert Chamberlain March, Scottsdale, Arizona state.
4. Limits On Federal Jurisdiction – The Burton Brief, in the UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE TENTH CIRCUIT, No. 87-2650, October 24, 1988. This is a legal brief that contains a wealth of court cases defining the limitations of federal jurisdiction.
5. State Citizenship – Do You Know What I Mean?, State Citizen Service Center, 1993.
1/26/25. 1. An extremely important reason people like pig products is that pigs are often fed certain foods that are very nutritious. These are rice polishings and molasses. This occurs even in poor nations such as Mexico, but also in Japan and China, where eating pig products is common.
What occurs is the people are told by the thugs, crap, aliens or Rogues to eat white, refined rice – a deficient food. The parts of the rice that are removed in processing – called the polishings – are fed to pigs.
The people are also told it is okay to eat sugar, which has had the molasses removed. The people are actually starving without the rice polishings and molasses, so they feel much better when they eat pig products.
2. People also like pig products is because they digest easily. This is important, especially for women, all of whom have very impaired digestion.
What occurs is the aliens or rogues wreck women's digestion with rapes, beatings, poisoning, threats, lies, screaming, name-calling and more. This makes eating meat more difficult. They may also tell women they may not eat beef or even chicken, in some cases.
However, the aliens or crap usually allow pork and other pig products. These digest surprisingly easily, so people with wrecked digestion like them.
3. People like that pig products are usually inexpensive. This occurs because pigs can be fed feces and other cheap waste products. Pigs can also survive living in filthy conditions. Governments are also told by the aliens to subsidize pig products to make them cheaper.
4. Pig products often taste good and some people love the sexy, stimulating quality of pig products.
5. People eat pig products because of the pig lies. These are the lies that pig is an acceptable food in the New Testament of the Bible, and that pig products are a clean, healthful food.
All the above are very nasty trick of the thugs or rogues to keep people eating pig products because they know that pig products weaken and damage the body and stop development. We added this and more information to the new article, Why Avoid Pig Products.
1/25/25. Here are thirteen reasons why we do not recommend eating any pig products:
1. The Bible forbids it. In fact, I am told that originally there were 12 Commandments given to Moses. Ten are familiar to us. The other two were 1) DO NOT EAT PRODUCTS OF THE PIG and 2) DO NOT RAPE.
Many people believe that Jesus never said that one can eat whatever one wishes as long as one loves God and loves others.
2. Poo. Pigs eat poo and some are fed poo. This is not a good food for pigs or for you.
3. Worms. Pigs all have trichina worms. You are told that cooking the pork, ham, bacon and lard kills the worms. This is a lie. We find them in most everyone.
4. Very sexy. Eating pig makes the body more sexy. They make the breasts bigger, and they make the hips a little sexier. It is not good for anyone. Pig also makes a person think sexier thoughts and makes one feel sexier.
5. Do not belong here.
6. Cursed (or damaged).
7. Poisoned.
8. Yin (cold and expanded in physics terminology)
9. Unclean.
10. An older type of animal. Earth is moving in a direction away from them and they hold one back.
Pig-containing foods include pork, ham, pig bacon, anything made with lard, sausage made of pig intestine, pigs feet, pig pate, and some gelatin. Pig products are common in Chinese food such as egg rolls, mushu, chow main and others. They are also common in Mexican foods such as tacos, tamales, chicharon, pozole and many more dishes.
11. Negative. Pigs are a rather negative creature. To know this, one would have to raise pigs.
12. Witchcraft. The pig is a witchcraft food. This means it can give a person special abilities, but they are not the way to achieve the abilities. They are a shortcut method that is harmful.
13. A mush food. Pig products have a quality that some call mush or mushy. It is a positive quality in that it is easy to digest, relative to some other meats such as beef.
However, it is less nutritious in a certain way because of this quality. For example, mush food also occurs when you overcook food and when food starts to spoil.
Scientists, nutritionists, physicians and above all, the thugs, crap or satans teach vicious lies about pig products. They teach that pig-based foods are good foods, nutritious foods, safe foods, tasty and delicious foods and good for you. These we call the pig lies because they are all LIES.
For many more details, read the new article, Why Avoid Pig Products.
1/25/25. Here are lies I often hear regarding coffee enemas:
- Coffee enemas can perforate the large intestine. NO. We have encouraged thousands of people to do coffee enemas for over 40 years. Others such as Dr. Max Gerson, MD recommended coffee enemas for extremely ill patients, some with colon cancer.
Perforation has never, ever been reported. The lining of the intestine is very tough. If one ever feels strong pressure to expel the coffee, one simply releases it into the toilet.
- Coffee enemas deplete nutrients. NO. The opposite is true. Coffee enemas supply nutrients that are difficult to obtain any other way.
- Coffee enemas damage the intestinal flora. NO. The opposite is true. Enemas help remove yeast colonies, parasites, infections and other problems in the large intestine. This helps restore the proper flora to the colon.
- Coffee enemas cause dehydration. NO. Coffee has a diuretic effect, which means it enhances urination. This is due to chemicals in the coffee. Also, coffee picks up toxins from other people and creatures. The body wants to get rid of the toxins, so there can be more urination. Just drink more water.
- People with a four lows hair analysis pattern should not do coffee enemas because it might keep them in four lows. NO. People with a four lows hair mineral pattern need coffee enemas as much or more than others, and they work well for these people.
- Coffee enemas are dirty and toxic. NO. The coffee is boiled so it is sterile, or at least very clean. In fact, coffee tends to kill bacteria, viruses and parasitic organisms.
Not only is coffee not toxic. It is an excellent and the best remedy for many types of poisoning and can easily save a life if one is poisoned. We make use of this property of coffee enemas on a regular basis.
- The best coffee for enemas is light roast or “gold roast” coffee. NO. This is a lie taught by the Rogues or thugs. The best coffee is a medium or dark roast and usually a South American coffee.
- More than one coffee enema is possibly dangerous. NO. The opposite is true. Two enemas back-to-back are much better than just one enema.
Back-to-back coffee enemas allow the coffee to do much more cleanup of the body and are about five or six times better than just doing one enema at a time. However, one may need to do the quick liver detoxification procedure in between and after the enemas in order not to feel toxic from all the cleanup that occurs.
1/24/25. We further updated the article about the stages of coffee accumulation that occur when one continues to do coffee enemas for at least one to five years.
The new stages are very helpful and protective. Also, one begins to feel much stronger and happier. For details, read The Stages Of Coffee Accumulation.
1/23/25. This message is a reminder that:
- We are in a war with the thugs, aliens, crap, Rogues or Satan.
- It may become more intense, as is occurring in Japan right now.
- It may look like it is a war with China. However, this is is not true. It is a war with the aliens
- To survive and thrive, everyone needs to become very religious. The recommended religions are Christian, Hebrew or Buddha, but not Buddhism.
- You may ask for guidance from Yesh or Jesus, Moshe or Moses, or Buddha. It will be the same:
- Eating pig products and shellfish are not allowed. Also, one cannot live on rice, even brown or whole rice. This food has been damaged. One may eat a little rice, but that is all.
- Bread is slightly better, but not good. Much better grain foods are blue corn chips, yellow corn chips, and some millet or oats.
- Everyone needs to eat a lot of cooked vegetables. These alone allow the body to detoxify.
- Keeping a loving attitude is extremely important. There can be no hatred for anyone.
- Practicing down sex, also called long sex or yang sex, is very important. Read Down Sex and Down Hugging for more details. It heals the bodies and it heals the earth.
- However, it is also okay at this time to remain single without sex.
1/22/25. There may be a problem with tahini, which is an excellent food. If you feel ill when eating tahini, a substitute is to add sesame seeds to other food that you cook.
For example, add two tablespoons of sesame seeds to split pea soup, millet or oats that you cook. Cook them together and eat the sesame seeds this way.
1/22/25. This is a helpful hint when one buys a package of ground or whole chicken, ground or whole turkey, or beef. When you get it home or when you are ready to use it, completely remove the thin plastic wrapper that covers the meat.
To store the meat, put the package of meat in a vegetable bag. This is the very thin, translucent plastic bag that one gets at the supermarket when buying loose vegetables. Do not use the compostable vegetable bags that are at some stores.
The plastic vegetable bags have an excellent energy and will help preserve the meat better than the original plastic wrapper. I buy a whole roll of vegetable bags so I always have one handy.
1/22/25. We bought a can of King Oscar sardines in olive oil. It was overcooked. It did not taste right and it was a little mushy.
Fortunately, I had a can of Tiny Tots sardines, and they were fine – cooked correctly, tasted correct and a firmer consistency. The two brands are made by the same company.
I don't know about other sardine brands, but beware. We have come across this problem before with sardines. We believe the Rogues force sardine companies to overcook their product in order to damage it.
1/21/25. We would give Mr. Trump a B- rating on his inaugural speech. He was very good on some issues. He mentioned returning to God, creating energy, increasing manufacturing and ending inflation.
He said there are only two genders and he will end sensitivity training and other nonsense in the government. He also said he will not “weaponize” the Justice Department, meaning use it to destroy people, as was done to him.
He did not talk about:
1. The plight of the people, the nation and the entire world due to the thugs, aliens, crap, rogues or satans. We don't know how much he knows about them or if he is allowed to speak about them.
They disobey all our laws. They murder, rape, beat, poison, and enslave our women. They filth up the entire planet, wreck the food (see above), start wars and create havoc in many other ways.
2. Return to Constitutional rule. Mr. Trump mentioned this. However, he already messed up on this issue. He swore an oath to uphold, protect and defend the Constitution, but the same day he signed thoroughly unconstitutional executive orders.
Such presidential power is not in the Constitution and is repugnant to it. The laws are to be made by the legislatures, not the president.
He is the head of the executive branch of the American government, not the legislative branch. The executive branch of government is supposed to carry out the laws, not make the laws. This legal doctrine is called separation of powers. It is one of the most important legal concepts in existence.
The president could free up the economy and solve a lot of problems simply by nullifying or refusing to enforce all the illegal, unconstitutional laws of the past, including presidential executive orders.
3. The national debt. This is a Constitutional issue, but it is so horrible it deserves separate mention. According to The Debt Clock, the national debt of the United States today is about $36,378,000,000.00. This is unsustainable and completely illegal under the Constitution.
It amounts to treason, which means an effort by some in government to destroy the nation. Anyone in government who keeps spending money should be put on trial for treason and hanged from the nearest tree.
We don't need a new government department of efficiency. There are already many government offices supposedly concerned with this.
The president is correct that we need to rebuild the economy. However, we also need honest discussion and quick action to cut the size and spending of the national government at least in half. Exactly how to do this is written in Article I, Section 8 of the National Constitution.
This Section describes the functions of the national government and it says that all else is left to the people or the states. For example, health, education and welfare are not to be handled by the national government. How could the answers be simpler?
4. The disgusting health of Americans and the horror of vaccines and other “standard practices” of the medical cartel. Mr. Trump knows something about this problem because in his previous term as president he asked for and received a damning report about vaccines by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
An excellent start would be to repeal the immunity from law suits for vaccine makers. This immunity is thoroughly illegal under our Constitution. There would be thousands of law suits and it would quickly end the vaccine insanity.
Then there is nutrition – the 15,000-pound pink elephant sitting in the middle of the room that apparently very few physicians can see, let alone talk about.
Physicians should not be licensed. This is another unconstitutional and therefore illegal scheme. For her first 120 years, America had no medical licensing and the nation was much, much healthier! For details, read The Case Against Medical And All Other Occupational Licensing.
1/20/25. The question of how much income tax one should pay was raised on a radio program last week. The host of the program took several phone calls about the subject before giving his opinion.
In our understanding, the correct answer is 0. The reason is that the income tax in America is not legal or constitutional.
Here are the problems with the income tax:
1. The 16th Amendment to the US Constitution, which established the income tax, was never properly ratified. Some know this fact.
2. The income severely violates the Fourth Amendment to the US Constitution. This very important Amendment states that people shall have privacy in regard to their papers.
3. The income tax is very cumbersome and costly to administer. One must keep lots of records and many people have to hire an accountant to do their taxes because the law is so complex and changes every year.
4. The way the system is set up, the income tax is regressive. This means is makes rich people richer and poor people. It is the opposite of the way a good tax system should operate.
This occurs because wealthy people can afford attorneys and accountants who can set up trusts and foundations that enable one to pay very little or no tax.
Better taxes that are legal, much easier to administer, do not violate privacy rights and are not as regressive are the sales tax and a head tax. For details, read Taxes – The Basics (just updated and improved) and Financial Health.
1/19/25. This is an alternative role that anyone can play in the great theatre that we call life. We recommend this role.
It is not better than all the other roles in the great theatre. It is just a role and that is all.
So don't get too excited about it. We sometimes talk as though it is a special role, but it is not. It is just a role.
What matters is to know that you have a choice. You can always say “I can choose again”. Then you decide what role you would like and you ask for the script.
The script may surprise you. You may be asked to speak before 10,000 people and you may be asked to sweep the streets.
You may be told to get a rape or many of them, and you may be told to die, or sort of die. You may be told to kill someone, though I know that sounds awful.
You may be asked to be sick for a while with a horrible disease, or you may be asked to be super healthy by following the golden path and the development program.
The golden path of development is not better than other paths, but it is a happier path if you so choose. For more details, read Turning Your Life Over To God and Thy Will Be Done.
1/18/25. Although not reported by the news media, we are told that the nation of Japan is under attack by the alien group, the Rogues, thugs or the Bible calls them satan. This group has infiltrated the Japanese government, police and other groups.
At this time, we are told they are staging an outright war against the nation. They need your prayers very much at this time.
1/17/25. We improved the article about pleasure. Important points are:
1) Pleasurable sensations in the body are normal. However, many people are so ill that they do not have these normal feelings.
2) Some types of pleasure damage the body, including regular orgasms. However, what we call down pleasure does no damage at all and can be learned. These move subtle energy downward through the body from the head to the feet.
3) One way the thugs control our planet is to make people unhappy by starving, poisoning, beating, raping and other methods. Then they tell women, in particular, that to feel pleasurable sensations the women need to call upon the thugs. For details, read Pleasure.
1/17/25. Many people are excited about the Trump victory in the American election. However, a number of his picks for important jobs are fat-cat, rich, cryto-currency types of men. These are not the types of people we need to restore America and move the nation in a spiritual direction.
We are told that these picks may have been forced upon Mr. Trump, and this is how politics works. We hope he can maintain control and do what he has promised to do.
1/17/25. We wrote a short article about an interesting development stage called the ring stage.
The ring is an interesting structure located on a man's penis or deep inside a woman's vagina. The thugs, crap, Rogues or satans wreck it early in everyone's life with poisons, beatings, rapes and nutritional devastation due to stress.
At the ring stage of development (not a coffee stage), the ring heals enough to become much more active. There is a rapid spinning of subtle energy to the right.
Real sexuality. An activated ring is a communication system that helps man-woman relationships. Men and women begin to like each other more, work together better and are happier together.
This is the beginning of real sexuality, which is not sticking a penis inside another body. For more details, read The Ring Stage.
1/17/25. We are told that the price of gold is going to increase, perhaps a lot. We are told this will occur even if Mr. Trump in America and other world leaders stop out-of-control government spending, as they have promised to do.
Gold is not just a metal. It is a very important accounting system on earth. The gold price mirrors back to us what government are doing with our money. Looking at a chart of the price of gold during the past 200 years is very interesting!!! The information is readily available on the internet.
The thugs remove good gold from our planet and bring in loads of gold from other planets that does not belong here. They do this to damage the earth. There is an effort to correct this, and this, too, influences the price of gold.
1/16/25. Some in Japan have studied the ancient religious Japanese tea ceremony and conclude that it was really a coffee ceremony, not a tea ceremony! They also say it was a coffee enema ceremony and not about drinking anything.
This may sound completely outrageous. However, we have come to appreciate the tricks of the alien group, the negs, thugs, crap or rogues. Apparently, the ancient people knew the value of coffee in enemas and did them every day as part of a cultural, spiritual and religious tradition.
The rogues or satans did not like this, so they changed the books and teachings in order to ruin the ceremony. Some Japanese scholars have discovered older manuscripts about the tea ceremony – some thousands of years old. These talk about coffee, not tea, and enemas, not drinking the coffee.
We will be researching this because it confirms what we have found – that coffee enemas are not just another healing procedure. They are much more, and are extremely important and needed for health and development.
1/16/25. Once again, we updated the article about the coffee stages up to Stage One Million. The reason, in part, is to show that there are many stages of coffee accumulation.
The process just keeps going as one continues implanting coffee in enemas. Also helpful are holding it in the mouth, sitting and sleeping with bags of coffee, and rubbing it on the body.
Holding coffee over the energy centers. Also excellent is holding a small plastic bottle or the enema bag or bucket over the energy centers 1-7. This helps fill these centers.
1/15/25. Innocent until proven guilty is an extremely important legal principle. It means that people are allowed to do as they wish, provided they do not harm others. It also means that if one wishes to accuse another of a crime, one must show or prove that there is a crime.
Based upon the Bible. This principle comes from the Hebrew Bible. It states that “God created the world … and saw that it was good”. That is, people are basically good and should not be slaves of the government.
An American principle. Innocent until proven guilty is one of the most basic principles of American law. Many other nations have also adopted it. It is not a principle of nations that are dictatorships, monarchies, and some others.
In communist, socialist and dictator nations, people are not free to act as they wish provided they don't harm others. They must follow many rules and are presumed to be guilty and must prove their innocence.
Rise of the regulatory state. A problem in America and most modern nations is that the principle of innocent until proven guilty is being lost. One of the ways this has occurred is through agency law. This is also called the regulatory state.
Most agency law arose during the 20th century in America and many other nations. Governmental agencies arose that, in fact, make laws, although they are not legislative bodies. Under our national and state constitutions, only legislatures are allowed to make laws.
The agencies technically make rules, but the rules carry the force of law. In fact, these rules are more difficult to change than real laws. Real laws are subject to judicial review, but this is not as true for agency rules.
In America, these government agencies are known by three-letter abbreviations. Examples are FDA (Food and Drug Administration), USDA (United States Department of Agriculture), FTC (Federal Trade Commission), NIH (National Institute of Health), FCC (Federal Communications Commission), and about 45 others.
They are all unconstitutional and illegal because the Congress of the United States does not have the power to impose them upon the states. However, corruption has allowed the agencies to remain.
The agencies have issued thousands upon thousands of rules about every type of product and service imaginable. People are supposed to know these rules. If they do not know and obey them, they are guilty of a crime although they have harmed no one. For details read The Regulatory State.
The rise of occupational licensing. Another way that the principle of innocent until proven guilty has been eroded is with occupational licensing laws. Occupational licensing laws change a right into a government privilege. They violate the right to work and the right to contract. They also violate the basic right to protect your property, including your body.
These laws are unconstitutional in America, but starting in the early 20th century they, too, have proliferated. They continue based upon a fake legal principle that arose in the 19th century in America called the police powers doctrine.
This phony principle states that in the name of safety or health, the government can do anything it wishes. This is the complete opposite of the American Constitution, which limits the power of government.
Occupational licensing laws rule many professions today including health care, accounting, attorneys, real estate, the building trades, nursing, child care and many other jobs and professions. People do not realize that life went on in America very well – much better, in fact – before these unconstitutional laws were passed!
These laws are “sold” to the people as being protective. However, it is a fraud! In fact, these laws tend to protect the professions, not the people. They keep out the competition, raise prices, reduce access to care and services, and stifle innovation.
They also violate the principle of innocent until proven guilty. They turn millions of people into criminals for just wanting to help out. For details, read The Case Against Medical And All Other Occupational And Business Licensing.
There will soon be a new president and Congress in the United States. I hope they understand the intent of the national and state constitutions – limited government power. I hope they will return us to Constitutional rule, including the principle of innocent until proven guilty.
1/14/25. We made yesterday's message about the small creatures called queens into an article. We also added more information about them.
It is a very important article for the health of the earth. For details, please read the new article, The Queens (small creatures).
1/13/25. The queens we are discussing in this message are a type of small, fine matter creature. They are very important for our planet at this time.
Appearance. They are either male or female and are about the size of a person's index finger. They look somewhat human, but they have wings. They look somewhat like Elves, another very important fine matter creature on earth.
Role. The queens spin and maintain the energy centers of certain living creatures that keep our planet functioning. These creatures are large, fine matter beings that live inside the earth.
Explanation. The earth is not just a hunk of rock. It has many living beings inside and around it that help maintain it. The earth animals are some of these. Many other vital creatures cannot be seen because they are fine matter. For more details, read Bodies – Their Activity And Structure.
Women's importance. The queens live inside the bodies of some human women on earth. This is where they need to live to be nourished properly. They help the women and the women help them to do their job. It is a symbiotic relationship.
Today, there are not enough women who have highly advanced souls needed to host the queens. This is a big problem. Also, the alien group called the Rogues, thugs or Satan try to kill the queens and disable the women who have them inside in order to better control our planet.
For this reason, it is important that women follow the development program, including coffee enemas, in order to stay alive and somewhat healthy. We know that, at times, women are told they may not do the program or the enemas. However, please make an effort to get around this.
Breeding. The queens also want everyone to know that they are trying hard to breed and multiply in order to maintain the planet. There are some safer areas where they have babies and many of them survive.
1/12/25. Love is a force, more than an emotion. According to One Science, also called the Science Of Love, love is the only force in the universe.
This energy or radiance is produced by the thoughts of a very large being that lives in space. Some call this being Our Father, God, Source, One, Truth, Absolute Truth, Highest Level, or Creator Being. Some use other words, as well, depending upon their religious orientation.
Holy Spirit is a communication link with the Creator being. The New Testament of the Bible explains that this being was sent to us to help us communicate with the one called The Father or The One.
Anyone can call on The Father, God, The One, Truth, Absolute Truth, Highest Level, Creator, or use another name, although these are excellent. Everyone can also call upon Holy Spirit, and this is also excellent.
1/12/25. We updated the Steam Procedure article. We adding another problem we found with the Megahome Water Distiller and how to fix it. For details, read The Steam Or Loyly Healing Procedure.
1/12/25. We added more to the article about the stages of coffee accumulation. Some details are missing, but we wanted to explain more about the interesting effects of coffee. For details, read The Stages Of Coffee Accumulation.
1/11/25. This is an introduction to a very ancient idea. It is that there exists an upper world and a lower world. These are separate physical worlds, but they are also aspects of our physical world.
One of the main reasons for doing coffee enemas, and even drinking a little coffee, is that coffee moves a person into the upper world. To better understand this idea, here are some qualities of the lower and upper worlds:
Qualities of the lower world:
1. Controlled by others
2. Deceptive
3. Sexy, and not in a healthy way
4. Cruel, mean, nasty and not too loving
5. Shoddy and tawdry
6. More toxic and filthy
Qualities of the upper world:
1. More self-control (really, God in charge)
2. Not as deceptive
3. Not as sexy, and sex is understood and used properly for healing and development
4. Much more loving
5. More functionality and simplicity
6. Less toxic and cleaner
1/11/25. This is an extension of the message yesterday about tuning in. Learning where to focus attention when tuning in is called mapping.
As we explained yesterday, two important areas for focus are the sixth energy center (forehead and lower back of the head) and the seventh energy center (top of the head and tilting back).
The sixth center usually provides guidance from earth. For example, it may be from souls concerned with your food or safety.
The seventh center usually provides guidance from higher levels such as God, Holy Spirit or similar levels. We will continue this important topic in the future.
1/10/25. Here are three ideas we are evaluating:
1. When tuning in, I am learning to first be aware of one's feet or below the feet and pull down. Wait for your energy to settle down. However, then I need to re-focus attention some attention.
Two places to re-focus are either A) on the sixth energy center – the forehead area – or B) near the seventh center, which is just behind the top of the head, in order to receive guidance.
2. Within these areas, one may find certain spots are better than others for tuning in. Also, at different spots one may tune into different guidance.
The sixth center extends from the bridge of the nose upward and in a circle to at least the hairline or top of the forehead. It may be best to ask for guidance from Father, God, The One, Radiant One, Truth or Highest Level if you focus on the sixth center.
If you re-focus just in front of the seventh center near the top of the head, it may be better to ask for Holy Spirit. PLEASE BE CAREFUL AND CHECK GUIDANCE OVER AND OVER.
Please give me feedback about your experience with these suggestions.
1/10/25. Today we became aware of rooms underground in our city and other cities. Here naked women are tortured in the most horrible ways. Most are young, attractive women in their 20s and 30s.
We believe the whole thing is a plan to scare women almost to death so they follow the orders of the crap, thugs, or whatever you call them. Those helping me with this message are women and they can see these rooms.
We don't believe the tortures are all real, at some level. We believe they are staged, like a movie, to horrify and terrorize young women, in particular, so they will follow orders. So beware!
1/9/25. To do two strong coffee enemas back-to-back without feeling ill I find requires doing the quick liver detox procedure after each enema. One does this detox procedure while sitting on the toilet as one is expelling the coffee.
We updated and improved the article about liver detoxification. The article begins with the quick liver detox procedure. For details, read Notes About Liver Detoxification
1/8/25. After about 60 years on the development program one reaches a happier stage of development called Mr. Right (for men) or Miss Right (for women). At this development stage (different from the coffee stages), one's body spins to the right more easily.
This means that women more easily “spin down”, meaning feel a spinning to the right that is an undoing of some effects of rape and orgasms.
It feels a little strange at first. One's legs, in particular, seem to twist to the right all the time. One can feel a little dizzy. All this is similar to the feeling that women have when they undo rapes and orgasms.
Eventually, one becomes comfortable with this stage. It becomes the new you. Among other effects are greater mental abilities and more happiness. Also, one is often more interested in religion and/or spirituality.
1/8/25. We added even more stages of coffee accumulation to the article on this subject. This is exciting because at these new stages (up to 200th stage) coffee helps handle what are called blemishes on the soul. Some people call this handling karma. It is an exciting time because karma slows one down or kills.
One is able to overcome these blemishes, which are due to improper behavior, rather easily and quickly. This greatly assists one's safety and happiness. For details, read at least the new part of The Stages Of Coffee Accumulation.
1/7/25. We added more to the article about the stages of coffee accumulation. The new stages are from stage 36 to stage 80.
In these stages, the coffee fills up tissues that are inside the hands and feet such as layers of the skin and layers of fascia. One can move through these stages rapidly if one does two coffee enemas daily.
These are excellent stages because they give a person more protection, in general, and they help heal the limbs. For details, read The Stages Of Coffee Accumulation.
1/6/25. We improved the very important article about the pulling down procedure. We simplified it and added how to use breathing with it. Here is the basic procedure:
1. Sit comfortably with your back and neck straight. Uncross your legs.
2. Move your attention to a point below your body that is also below the level of your legs.
3. Turn around so that you are facing your body.
4. Imagine a tether connected inside your body around the level of your navel.
5. Pull down hard on the tether to move subtle energy from your head to below the body.
6. An alternative to the tether is to imagine a vacuum cleaner or a large, powerful magnet below your body. Imagine it is pulling energy downward from your head to below the body.
7. To make it more powerful, imagine pulling down hard as you inhale. When you exhale, continue moving subtle energy downward. You can get a rhythm going that rapidly moves a lot of energy downward.
This is all there is to the exercise. Do not add words or other actions to it. Do the procedure as forcefully as you can.
You will know you are doing it right when it feels as though the skin on the bottom of your feet is being pulled downward or off the bottom of the feet.
To heal and develop quickly, do this procedure for two hours each day or more if you wish. Just keep doing it. It becomes easier with practice. Without it, development occurs very slowly.
It is normal for your attention to wander. When this occurs, don’t become upset. Just realize you have become distracted and bring your attention back to your feet and below, or beyond your feet if you are lying down.
Emptying. The feeling is one of emptying the body. Many people feel that the entire body is being emptied through the feet.
1/6/25. Some people know about an older television series called M*A*S*H*. The word MASH stands for Mobile Army Staff Hospital.
The television show took place in Korea during the Korean War (1950-1953). A small hospital was set up near the fighting and surgeons did their best to take care of wounded soldiers.
I often feel like I am in charge of a MASH unit. There is a very intense war going on with the Rogues, thugs, crap or satans. Our clients are wounded soldiers.
Everyone has hundreds of war wounds, even children! These include poisoning, electronic brain implants, trauma from beatings and rapes, and varying degrees of starvation and dehydration.
Recently we learned that everyone also has worms, tiny holes in the heart, and other subtle damage to the bodies and souls. Doing the development program is like going to the M*A*S*H* hospital.
1/5/24. These procedures are part of the Twists, Pops, Pulls and Kicks. However, they are so important that we will discuss them separately. They are superb healing and development procedures!!!
Interlocking. This consists of interlocking the fingers in two positions. Then one wiggles the fingers in three ways in each of the two positions.
Gentle starting out. Begin gently. Do not wiggle the fingers too hard when you begin. With practice, you can do the exercises more forcefully and it works better this way. Here are the details:
Position #1. Palm-to-palm. Put your hands together with palms facing each other. Some people call this the prayer position.
Interlock the fingers forcefully. You may feel an adjustment of the fingers. This is good. There are two ways to do this – right thumb in front or left thumb in front.
Now interlock the fingers of both hands all the way to the base of the fingers, but not the thumbs. Once you interlock the fingers, wiggle them as follows:
1. In and out. (Both thumbs move toward your chest. Then they reverse direction and move away from your chest).
2. Twist. (Hands twist in opposite directions. One thumb moves up while the other thumb moves down. Then they reverse direction.)
3. Hands and elbows move up and down. (The thumbs move down together, and then up together, and then repeat.). Do this for about 20 seconds in each of the three ways.
Now separate the fingers a little. They will still be interlocked, but only about half way down the fingers. Then once again wiggle them 1) in and out, 2) twist the hands, and 3) thumbs up and down together for about 20 seconds each way.
You may be able to separate the fingers a little more and then again do the same movements with them.
Position #2. Back-to-back. Now do the same exercise, but with the fingers interlocked back-to-back. To do this, first bend your arms and your wrists inward.
Now move your arms so that the tips of the middle fingers of both hands are touching the middle of your chest and the backs of the hands are touching each other near the middle of your chest. Your arms will look like two circles, one on the left and one on the right.
Now interlock the fingers all the way to the base of the fingers. This is a bit uncomfortable for some people, but it becomes easier with practice.
Once you interlock the fingers, wiggle them 1) in and out, 2) twisting the hands, and 3) thumbs up and down together. Do this for about 20 seconds in each of these three ways.
Variation. Also interlock the outer joints of the fingers. Then wiggle them 1) in and out, 2) twist the hands, and 3) thumbs up and then down together
Now separate the fingers a little. They will still be interlocked, but only about half way down the fingers. Then once again wiggle them 1) in and out, 2) twist the hands, and 3) thumbs up and then down together. Do this for about 20 seconds in each of the three ways.
You may be able to separate the fingers a little more and then again do the same movements with them.
What you will feel. There may be a little pain when you do this, but that is fine. Begin gently. You may also feel some pops or releases in the fingers, and this is excellent.
What this exercise does. The fingers reflex to the brain in the science of reflexology. This exercise stimulates many brain centers and is excellent for the health and development of the brain and nervous system.
How often? Do this procedure every day, at least twice a day. I do it lying down when I wake up and when I lay down to rest or sleep, at the very least. Doing it more often is even better. It is also fine to do it while sitting or while standing up.
Cautions. If you start out doing the wiggles very forcefully, you can cause a little nerve irritation in the fingers, so start gently. Nerve irritation might cause a little numbness. It tends to go away and then you will be fine.
If you have arthritis, these exercises may cause some pain. Don't stop the exercise. Do your best and often after a while the arthritis will improve.
Place the fingertips of both hands touching one another. Elbows will be out. Now tap or hit the tips of the fingers against each other.
A variation is to tap the fingernails of one hand against the fingertips of the other hand. Do this for about 20 seconds. Then reverse and use the fingernails of the other hand to tap against the fingertips of the first hand.
A related exercise is to join the fingertips of both hands. Then push your hands together so that the fingers bend backwards. Move the fingers backward as far as you can comfortable go. Rock the fingers back and forth at least 10 times.
Position your hands slightly apart with the fingers facing each other and fingers apart. Elbows will be out. Now, with fingers outstretched, forcefully move your hands together, interlocking the fingers. The bases of the fingers should hit one another with some force.
Do this two ways. First have your left hand a little higher than the right hand. Bang the bases of the fingers in this position. Then twist the hands in opposite directions so the right hand is a little higher and bang the bases of the fingers together in this position.
You can do the finger procedures as often as you wish. Many times, you will feel the fingers adjust and align. This is very good.
1-4-25. We added a short section to the article about doing the Will of God. The section is about problems when doing Thy Will. Here are the problems.:
1. The Rogues or Satan tell you that you are not allowed to tune in to God.
2. You are allowed to tune in, but unable to do it. See the procedure in the Guidance article.
3. You are allowed and able to tune in, but you don't want God's Will. You may not understand the idea, or may be afraid of God, may hate God, may think God hates them, may think they don't deserve God, or may not understand one's orders.
4. Allowed and able and desirous to tune in to God, but not allowed to follow the advice.
5. Allowed and able to tune in, allowed to follow, but don't want to for some reason. (see above). One may think the orders from God are stupid, strange, scary or not right.
6. Allowed and able to tune in, allowed to follow advice and want to, but feel you are unable to follow it.
7. Allowed and able to tune in, allowed to follow advice and wants to, and does Thy Will. However, it does not work out well. Then one does not know whether to continue.
1/3/25. Moving enough subtle energy through the energy channels of the body is a key to health and healing. All of the basic healing procedures of the development program help do this, including coffee enemas, reflexology, red lamp therapy and the pulling down procedure.
Often subtle energy becomes stuck at the joints. For this reason, the healing procedure called the Twists, Pops, Pulls and Kicks is very important and best done at least twice each day.
Many women have severe back problems that are difficult to address. These are due to rapes and deliberate beatings by the Rogues, crap or satan designed to damage the spine and neck. However, we assist clients with these problems and can often help resolve them.
Patience and care needed. The spinal twist procedure takes some practice and patience. It is worth taking the time to gently learn how to do it.
If one has osteoporosis or osteopenia, one must exercise even more care. In this case, the development program will strengthen the bones, and then the procedure becomes safer.
Chiropractic. A substitute for this procedure is to obtain regular chiropractic care at least once a week. However, that presumes that one can find an excellent chiropractor and can afford a lot of professional care. Also, many chiropractors today don't want to work on older people or cases that are difficult.
At times, chiropractic care is needed. However, clients tell us that, in many instances, if one does the twists, pops, pulls and kicks procedure – very gently, at first, if needed – that it can align and correct the spine as effectively as professional chiropractic care.
1-2-25. This is a simple mental exercise in which one imagines moving subtle energy from the head down to the feet and a little below the feet. It may seem unusual or strange, but it is the most amazing procedure.
This procedure is not just visualization. It is the truth of who we are. Our bodies are composed of millions of tiny tubes or energy channels that run vertically from the head to the feet.
This is not well known in Western science. However, acupuncturists know all about it and call the channels the meridians. (However, we don't recommend acupuncture treatments these days because I am told that most is not done correctly).
Chiropractors know that a misaligned spine blocks nerve energy. What occurs is the misalignment compresses certain energy channels.
Reflexology practitioners and some body workers and massage therapists know that tension and adhesions in the body block vital force, which is the same thing.
Moving subtle energy through these channels with your mind or other methods opens, clears and heals the channels. This heals, develops and transforms the body in truly amazing ways. It also heals our planet!
Our language has over one hundred expressions related to this procedure. One can calm down or one can be upset, mixed up, fouled up, filthed up, torn up, shook up, washed up, balled up, shut up, tied up, botched up, stuck up, puffed up, broken up, given up or knocked up when one experiences rape (we only recommend down sex).
This procedure is the basic spiritual practice and active prayer. The Lord's Prayer says: Thy Will be done (down here) on earth, as it is already done in heaven (above). This means we are to bring Heaven down to earth or move energy downward when we pray.
There is nothing like this procedure and no substitute for it. It is not too easy to get started, but as the channels open more and more, the procedure becomes easier and easier. For details, read The Pulling Down Procedure.
1-2-25. A man wrote to me, asking for more proof about the activities of the aliens, thugs, rogues or Satans. He asked how I knew about them.
We know that women are forced to keep silent about their rapes, beatings, poisoning and more. However, for the past several years I am able to tune into people's planning souls. Some of them talk openly about the alien-caused horror that is going on in our world.
1-2-25. We added more to the article about the coffee stages. The new material is interesting because I am told the coffee begins to form a new fractal around the body.
Knowledge about fractals is somewhat forbidden on earth by the aliens or satans. However, it is quite important. The aliens use fractals to form their shields.
A fractal is a word in mathematics. It means a simple repeating pattern that, over time, becomes quite complex. Our bodies, and all living bodies, have a fractal design. This is why reflexology therapy works.
The fractal design of the body is called the basic fractal. When one does coffee enemas for a time, a second fractal forms around the body. I am told it is protective and has many other properties. For details, read The Stages Of Coffee Accumulation and the newly updated article, Fractals.
1/1/25. One of the most important healing procedures is to shine a 250-watt reddish heat lamp on the chest, abdomen or back for at least one hour daily. If you have three lamps, you only need about twenty minutes of use per day.
This inexpensive light bulb, and this one only, provides nutrient frequencies that our bodies need at this time. Some believe that our sun is not functioning properly and this is why it is needed. Others say it is for other reasons. However, whatever the reason, it works.
Buying a reddish heat lamp. The correct bulb is a large, 250-watt, incandescent reddish bulb about 5 inches wide and 5 inches long. They are sold in animal feed stores as chicken brooder lamps. The bulb should cost between $6.00 and $15.00 US dollars each.
Some hardware stores and online stores also sell them. Good brands include Sylvania, Westinghouse, Feat, Sli, Philips and others.
NOTES: The bulb must be reddish, not clear. Also, do not buy the brands called Sauna Space, Therabulb or Rubylux. We think there is something wrong with these lamps. Also, LED bulbs, halogen bulbs, or jade lamps are not the same and do not work!
Also, do not buy a far infrared sauna, no matter what the promoters claim about their sauna. It does not do the same thing as the reddish heat lamps and we find this type of sauna harmful. To convert a conventional sauna or a far infrared sauna into a heat lamp sauna read Sauna Conversion.
Cancer. There is a lot of cancer around. We find that most adults have some, even if it is so small that it would be difficult to find using medical tests. Reddish heat lamp therapy is excellent to prevent and to help heal cancer.
A heating system. I use reddish heat lamps to heat my home in the winter. I have constructed little enclosures for the lamps to keep one from touching the lamp. I turn the lamp on and it produces heat quite efficiently.
A reddish heat lamp sauna. Another excellent idea is to build or buy a reddish heat lamp sauna. This is a box or tent-style enclosure with three or four reddish heat lamps inside that shine on the body.
This therapy combines the nourishing value of the rays from the reddish lamps with the heat of the sauna. It heats the body a few degrees after about twenty minutes.
This might not seem like a lot, but it is a powerful therapy. Most of the bodies are too cold and warming them up boosts the immune response, assists circulation and oxygenation, and is extremely healing.
Turning off the sympathetic nervous system. An amazing benefit is that the red lamp sauna turns off the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system. This is one of the secrets of the success of the development program.
Our bodies have a voluntary nervous system with which we activate muscles to move the body. But we also have an entirely different system called the automatic or autonomic nervous system. This system regulates automatic activities such as digesting food, breathing, beating of the heart and activity of the liver, Kidneys and other organs. It is also an emergency system, also called the fight-or-flight or fight-or-run system.
Sympathetic dominance. At least half of our clients overuse their sympathetic nervous system. They often do so because they are so tired that they run on “emergency” energy all day long.
This health condition is called sympathetic dominance. It is a very serious problem because it wears out the body quickly and leads to hundreds of diseases. The development program slowly corrects this imbalance. Using a reddish heat lamp, and moreso using a reddish heat lamp sauna, speeds up this healing of the nervous system.
For details, read Single Lamp Therapy and Sauna Therapy. We also have an audio program about Reddish Heat Lamp Sauna Therapy and there is a more detailed book, Sauna Therapy. To buy a reddish lamp sauna or bulbs, read Where To Buy A Reddish Heat Lamp Sauna. For free plans to build an inexpensive sauna, read Sauna Plans.
12/31/24. The neck pull procedure consists of lying down and stretching our the neck until a pop is heard or felt. The neck pull moves subtle energy correctly through the body and can help align the spine.
This excellent healing and development procedure seems very simple. However, it takes some practice to do it easily and safely. For details, read The Neck Pull.
12/30/24. One the best therapies is to rub or press on special spots on your feet and hands. This is called reflexology and sometimes it is called zone therapy.
The feet, hands and ears. The body has reflex systems all over it, but two of the best ones are the feet and the hands. Another very good one is the ears. These have points that reflex to the entire body.
The fingers. Another excellent reflex system is the fingers. They are mostly about the brain, which is a very complex organ. Intertwining the fingers with hands forward, hands backwards, and tilting the hands different ways is excellent for the brain.
The anal sphincter. Another excellent reflex system for the whole body is the anal sphincter. This is a round muscle that goes all around the anal opening.
To reach this area for reflexology, one needs a Bidet Toilet Attachments. This is a device that bolts to the toilet seat or replaces the toilet seat.
It also connects to the water supply of the toilet. This takes a little plumbing skill, and the device comes with instructions. Once you do it, it is done and you don't have to think about it.
There are many brands. I have a Greenco bidet toilet attachment and like it very much. It has lasted a long time and it is adjustable.
A bidet sprays a fine stream of water upward from the toilet bowl to the anal opening. They are sold to use instead of toilet paper and they are excellent for that. However, they are even better for reflex therapy.
More. There are many more reflex systems of the body. For example, they are along the arms and legs. I sometimes press or rub the bottom of the biceps muscle on the upper arm because it helps detoxify the liver after a coffee enema. The area is usually a little painful – a sign that it needs rubbing.
Shiatsu. This is a Japanese word for a type of massage of the energy channels of the body. One rubs or presses all along the major energy channels of the body. These run up and down the legs, arms and chest. For details, read Shiatsu, Reflexology, Vaginal Reflexology, Massage and Energy Center Massage.
Massage machines. One can just use the hands to do reflexology and shiatsu. However, one can also buy an electric massage machine. This saves energy and feels very good.
12/29/24. One of the major weapons of the aliens (or Satans or rogues) is to starve everyone. They do this by damaging our food, adding poisons to the food and restricting what women can eat.
They also damage digestion by upsetting people and scaring people, and by ruining the bodies with rapes, beatings, poisoning and other tortures.
Diet. This starvation method is nasty and thoroughly illegal. That is why we recommend the development diet, which sounds unusual to some people. We need the foods it contains and we don't need fruit, salads, wheat and all the refined foods. Also read Everyone Is Toxic And Depleted.
Supplements. This alien mess is also the reason we suggest only certain vitamins and mineral supplements such as vitamin D, fish oil, trimethylglycine, kelp and a digestive aid. We find you don't need to take loads of pills. You need the right food, cooked properly, and certain supplements only.
Procedures. The alien mess is also the reason we recommend only certain healing and detoxification procedures. These are twisting the spine and certain pulls, pops and kicks. These open the joints.
They also include foot reflexology, shining a reddish heat lamp on the body, the pulling down procedure and coffee enemas. These alone can counter many of the alien horror methods.
Lifestyle. We also find people need a very wholesome lifestyle. I realize you may not be allowed to live it, but knowing about it is important. It is following the Ten Commandments given to Moses on Mount Sinai and the Golden Rule. These alone work. Other lifestyles, like homosexual and sex with animals, do not work. They make you sick and weak.
Their lies. People also need to know that the aliens teach pure lies. They teach murder, rape, beatings, Luciferian doctrine, fake sexy stories about Jesus and Moses, fake interpretations of the Bible, and much more.
We know all about it. Don't fall for it and tell them to leave us alone! If you are beaten for it, complain to God, who should be saving us from the aliens.
12/28/24. Something unusual has been brought to our attention. At this time, some dogs have been beaten by the thugs, rogues or satans. As a result, they do not behave properly or give honest information to their owners.
In fact, they can be used as weapons. This is a disturbing subject and we will elaborate upon it in our next message.
12/27/24. We checked on an excellent article. It contains a lot of wisdom that will assist you to develop faster. For details, read The Development Lifestyle.
12/27/24. We wrote a short article about important development stages that one goes through that impact and improve relationships. For details, read Development Relationship Stages.
12/26/24. Love is what holds the world together. Please love one another. BEWARE, HOWEVER. LOVE IS NOT SEX AND IT CERTAINLY IS NOT RAPE OR BEATINGS.
Do not give in to the Rogues, thugs or Satan, who do not teach love. They teach hate, anger, rage, meanness, sexy, uncaring, hurting people, controlling people and winning the battle.
That is all wrong. It won't work and please don't go there!
That is all we want to say. Thank you for helping restore our planet and our lives. Read the love articles again that are on our website and others.
12/26/24. Let's revisit the iron situation. The thugs or crap are filling the planet with a toxic form of iron. My shoes come home blackened by it because it is on the streets and sidewalks of our city. It is thoroughly disgusting and illegal. God is watching and better help us.
The thugs even have a “travel kit” that they give people, at times. It includes iron pills, salt with iron and other toxins, a buttery substance with iron, a communicator, a hair brush that turns into a stick you put in the vagina of a woman to torture her, and more. That is the kind of thing they do!
Do not take iron pills for most anemia! That is a rogue trick to sicken you. Most anemia is due to copper imbalance and iron is not the answer. Iron is rarely needed and if you need it, get it from food, not pills. The pills wreck your heart, your liver, your kidneys and more.
Iron in this form is toxic. It damages many organs. It also makes a person more angry and gives one a short temper. You have to get it out of your body.
Brussels sprouts. These are good to remove iron because they are high in sulfur. Be sure to cook them until they are at least a little soft all the way through. Buying them on a large stalk is best if you can find it, but it is not necessary. Just buy what they have in the store, organic if possible.
Daikon. This vegetable is also very good to remove iron – one of the best. Cut a slice or two that is fairly thin and cook it until soft. If it falls apart, you cooked it too much. Eat some with every single meal and maybe you can save yourself from the iron poisoning scheme.
All vegetables. These are also good to remove iron. They have many anti-oxidants and lots of other good things in them. You have to cook them – no salads.
Do not take anti-oxidant pills, other than those we recommend. They are all too yin.
Fruit makes iron poisoning worse in many cases. Stay away.
Coffee enemas. These help with iron poisoning. Do them each day, no matter what the thugs tell you. The thugs don't like coffee because it is loving and healing.
Avoid iron. Some foods today have iron added – more and more of them, sadly. I found some in tahini and oatmeal, two normally excellent foods. I'm not sure what to do about it because I like those foods, but I won't eat them any more.
I also found iron in the Bamboo Jade sea salt, so we don't recommend it any more. The Aelea Hawaiian sea salt still seems okay.
Don't overdo on red meat, but some is okay, especially good quality corned beef. A lot of fresh beef is just too toxic these days – and the cows are sick.
Eggs. Do not eat more than 6 eggs a week for women and 8 eggs a week for men – they are high in iron.
Try to figure out if what you are eating has iron added. Processed foods, fast foods and some other restaurant dishes today often have iron added to them. It sometimes gives food a grainy appearance or a slightly darker color.
Other good things for iron are using a bidet on your tailbone, all liver detox procedures, the steam bathing procedure (see yesterday's message), and you must let go of all anger. Hold on to anger and you will hold on to iron! Also, read Acquired Iron Toxicity and Anger for more details.
12/25/24. If coffee enemas cause anal irritation, a good solution I found is to lubricate the enema tip with organic raw sesame oil. It is particularly soothing.
The brand of oil available here is Spectrum Naturals. It is a large bottle. To use it up I sometimes substitute sesame oil for butter and use it on vegetables or mix some into oatmeal.
12/25/24. We reorganized and improved the article about the steam procedure. We highly recommend this method of bathing! For details, read The Steam Or Loyly Procedure.
12/24/24. The beating article is short. However, it is a very important topic. For the thugs, negs, Rogues or satans, beating is a very complex and advanced science used to damage bodies and minds in dozens of ways.
Their beatings, which includes rapes, may seem random, but they are not. They are carefully planned and carried out to achieve their goals of control, damage and what we call Forging. We updated the article about this subject. For details, read Beating.
12/23/24. We updated and improved the important article about Saint Nicholas of Myra. He is better known as Santa Claus.
He was a wise and wonderful religious leader who lived from 270 to 343 AD. Please read and tell your children about Saint Nicholas And The Legend Of Santa Claus.
12/21/24. We changed a number of articles about marriage and relationships. These used to be standard-sounding psychological articles. We changed them to a warning about all relationships at this time. For details, read an article such as Relationships-1.
12/20/24. We wrote a short article about a very important development stage. The whole or essential stage of development requires a number of years of following the development program.
It may also require the use of coffee enemas to speed up development and for protection at this time against the thugs, negs or Rogues. They are called Satan in the Bible.
At this stage, one feels better and important changes take place in the body. For details, read The Whole Or Essential Stage of Development.
12/20/24. A few days ago we wrote that mustard lowers the Na/K. We believe that was an error.
12/20/24. We added to the article about the stages coffee goes through as one continues to do coffee enemas. This is a most important subject for one's health, safety and to speed up development! For details, read The Stages Of Coffee Accumulation.
12/19/24. We are realizing that placing coffee next to the body, particularly near the legs and lower body, is a valid and excellent healing procedure. It enhances the coffee content of the body and it is easy, simple and clean. For details, read the new article The Coffee Hold Procedure Book.
12/19/24. Some articles on this website now contain the word book in the title. The reason is that these articles in the future may be made into printed books or booklets.
12/18/24. We rewrote the first part of the article about the Pull Down Procedure. Here is the new version:
The pull down procedure. This is a mental exercise in which one moves subtle energy through the body with the mind from the head toward the feet. It is an ancient spiritual practice.
Subtle energy. There exists an energy in the universe that is known by many names. It is a life energy that fills space.
A word used to describe it is the ether. Scientists such as Albert Einstein and many others discussed this topic. Ancient scientists also knew about it and called it by various names such as life energy, Qi, chi, vital force and others.
The energy channels. The ether moves through millions of extremely tiny parallel tubes or channels that run from the head to the feet. This aspect of anatomy is not well known in the Western world. However, in acupuncture and other older sciences, groups of these energy channels are called the meridians.
On everyone today, many of these channels are closed, blocked, twisted or not even developed. This is due mainly to subtle malnutrition of most people. It is also due to injuries to the body such as accidents, and physical and mental traumas.
The development souls. In addition to moving subtle energy through the body, the pull down procedure brings into the body souls called development souls. They assist with healing and with a most amazing transformation of the body called development.
Development. This is literally a genetic upgrade of the body. What occurs is the development souls instruct other souls that live in the nuclei of the cells. The development souls teach the others how to unwrap or uncoil a special part of a person's DNA.
The DNA. The DNA (desoxyribose nucleic acid) is a long chain of amino acids found in each cell of the body. It contains billions of chemicals arranged in a special order or code. It is set up like a giant cookbook with various sections. They contain the instructions for making all chemicals in the body.
A small area of the DNA has been decoded in the past 40 years. However, the area of the DNA where the development souls assist has not been decoded because, in most everyone, it is tightly coiled and difficult to uncoil. It is known to some genetic scientists as the non-coding or “junk” DNA.
As this DNA is uncoiled and used, one produces better chemicals that greatly improve the structure and functions of the body.
The negs, thugs or rogues. Only recently have I become aware that the main cause of malnutrition and trauma in everyone is injury caused by an alien group on earth that some people call the negs, thugs, or rogues. The Bible calls them Satan. I believe they also don't want knowledge about the pull down procedure and the process of development to be widely known.
12/17/24. We have new help. We woke up creatures that are helping our planet heal. They tell us the planet is a complete mess. However, it can be healed and they have instructions:
1. Everyone reading this newsletter needs to do the pulling down procedure. It is very simple, but very powerful. It will move you along in your healing and development like nothing else.
If you don't bother with it, you will not get far, no matter what else you do. Do not waste time with other meditations or with just prayer.
2. We are told that coffee enemas are required for everyone on earth who is a leader. The reason is that the planet is undergoing a spiritual change and is becoming a very different place than it is today. Everyone reading this newsletter is likely a leader.
Coffee, especially used in enemas, moves this process along. Without it, one cleans up very slowly.
Coffee also protects one against the poisons and other attacks by the thugs, negs, satans or rogues. This does not happen immediately, but it occurs as one goes through the Stages Of Coffee Accumulation.
3. Love is needed on the planet. It begins with self-love. How to practice this is fairly simple. One begins by deciding to take very good care of oneself.
It matters not what you are told by the thugs. You must hold the attitude that I am a valuable person and I must take care of myself.
For some people, loving the self is the most difficult of the three tasks we have discussed. That is how mixed up many people are today. So change your attitude at once and life will get better.
4. Love of another kind is needed. It is caring. The thugs or rogues don't want this kind of love. It tends to completely upset their ability to perfectly control people and other things on the planet.
Caring means thoughtful, kind action, words and thoughts. It means following your conscience, not their orders. It means living as well as you can at all times.
12/17/24. We changed the article about kissing. At this time, kissing spreads a lot of disease that is difficult to heal. Most adults have these diseases, especially girls and women. The thugs or rogues use kissing to infect boys and men. Avoid kissing for these reasons.
12/16/24. An important concept is one's rest level. It is a measure of how rested the body is. One measures it in a percentage, with 100% being the best.
Many people have a rest level of 60% or 70%. This is too low. It comes from going to bed late, not napping if you are tired, or just too little sleep.
A good rest level is 90% or higher. 95% or higher is even better.
How to measure the rest level. Those who can read the aura can see a set of tiny marks on the right side of the head. There is one mark for each 10%. Ideally, there should be 9 or up to 10 little marks. The marks start out dim. As one rests more, each one brightens up.
Most people cannot see these marks. However, it is still very good to think in terms of your rest level and to make an effort to be as rested as possible.
12/16/24. Some couriers have an insane rule - they don't allow hair samples to be shipped. I am not an advocate of lying, but in this case, I feel it is best. Tell the courier that you are shipping papers or something else.
12/15/24. Today is an important day because we accidentally found out how to move through the stages of coffee accumulation much faster. The key, in our case, was just to touch a display of fresh, raw nuts at a supermarket display case. We are not sure if this would work for everyone, and we will research it.
We explain all of this and more in a newly updated and improved version of the Coffee Stages article. For details, read The Stages of Coffee Accumulation.
Damage. We also learned that the coffee section of more than one of our food stores has been damaged by the thugs and now includes coffee collectors and perhaps other harmful devices.
We also learned that harmful devices had been put in our automobile that damage the coffee and our food. We were able to protect fresh bags of coffee by keeping them on our lap (inside the merkaba) while driving and carrying the bags around with us while shopping instead of leaving them in the car.
12/14/24. A major difference between using the development program for healing versus visiting physicians of any kind is that the latter remove, cut out or “kill” disease. This is sometimes correct and fine. However, there is another, often much better method to correct ill health.
The development program is a time science and is able to reverse or unwind disease conditions in the body. This is different than just cutting out or “killing” disease.
For example, if one has high blood pressure, physicians will recommend a drug, or herb, or food, perhaps, to lower blood pressure. This will often “kill” the symptoms.
However, it does not improve one's health too much and underlying disease remains. Also, most of the remedies are somewhat toxic, so one's overall health often becomes worse.
I call this method remedy science. It is basically giving remedies for symptoms.
The development program is quite different. It is a path science. We place a person on a particular path. The path involves an unusual diet, particular nutritional supplements, the down lifestyle, and at least several healing and development procedures.
One must be careful because there are many life paths. Examples are those offered by the major religions of the planet. Although excellent in many ways, we find they don't work well enough today.
We find the development path works better than most all other paths. It is actually a very ancient path that has been updated. It is a time path that seems able to reverse most all unhealthful conditions in the body.
Let us return to the example of high blood pressure. Along the development path, one will undo conditions that led to high blood pressure. These may be toxic conditions of the kidneys, negative emotions that inflame the body, or something else.
Blood pressure will decrease - and it is a much more permanent correction and a deep improvement in one's health. For details, read The Path Concept.
12/13.24. Sadly, these are not safe at this time. They can be powerful healing sciences and are worth knowing about.
However, most all women today are slaves of the rogues or thugs and can easily be instructed to harm men. Women also lie about their safety, so one cannot listen to them. We wish this were not true, but it is. Therefore, we cannot recommend down hugs and down sex at this time.
12/12/24. For safety and effectiveness, always begin the development program by following the development diet as well as you can. Be sure to include tahini, almond butter and nutritional yeast along with plenty of cooked, preferred vegetables.
The development diet is more than a diet. It is a major part of the path that some call the golden path and this is the essence of the program.
Coffee enemas. Coffee is apparently a very mysterious and powerful herb when used in enemas. This we are learning more and more each day.
It is your weapon of choice if you want to survive and thrive at this time. Please pay attention and make it part of your path.
The golden path. A path means that the program is a system with a number of parts that fit together. Following it is like following a well-worn trail through a dense woods. If one follows the path, one is far more likely to arrive safely at one's destination.
It is a different path than modern medicine or other natural healing paths. The medical path emphasizes vaccines and the use of drugs and surgery. However, this path largely ignores diet, lifestyle, nutritional supplements, and daily healing and detoxification procedures.
These include the pulling down procedure, coffee enemas, red heat lamp therapy, foot reflexology and keeping the spine aligned and flexible with the twists, pulls, pops and kicks.
NOTE: There is also much more to the golden path such as living as much as you can by the Ten Commandments and the Golden Rule.
Retracing. The golden path also includes unusual concepts such as retracing. This is returning to old traumas, old symptoms and diseases, and other old imbalances in the body. This occurs automatically when one does the development program properly.
One revisits old conditions and processes them in a new way in order to permanently resolve them. It is quite different from simply killing bacteria or viruses. For details, read Retracing.
12/11/24. We wrote more in the article about the stages coffee goes through as one continues to do coffee enemas. This is a most important subject for one's health, safety and to speed up development!
One will move through the stages faster if, in addition to enemas, one:
- also holds coffee in the mouth for about 15 minutes and/or
- if one sits, or sleeps with a few bags of coffee very close or touching the body. For details, read the new, updated article, The Stages Of Coffee Accumulation.
12/10/24. This article discusses five things you can do to your computer to make your use of it more pleasant and safer. For details, read Adjusting Your Computer.
12/9/24. This post may seem very strange, but it is true. The alien invaders on earth called the thugs, satans or rogues severely mutilate all human bodies and some animal bodies on earth. We did not understand this well until recently.
It is a terrible crime!! Mutilation is used to condition and brainwash people, especially the women of earth. It allows the thugs to control people, either overtly or secretly. The goal is to weaken the bodies and turn people into thug fighters called blacks or black masters.
Before birth. The mutilation begins before birth while a person is still in the womb. Before birth, they destroy part of the pancreas called the criste and parts of everyone's brain. This severely weakens the bodies.
Souls. They also mutilate souls, damaging them in many ways. They also remove and replace more advanced and mature souls with less mature and more tortured souls. For details, read Soul Upgrade.
After birth. After one is born, they soon begin a process of precise beating, raping, poisoning and torturing babies and children, especially girls and women, to further condition and brainwash them.
Secret and professional. This is all done very professionally and very secretly, in many instances. As a result, boys and men, in particular, do not realize it has occurred. They may just hear voices in their head or have health problems that look like ordinary diseases, but are really the result of mutilation.
Undoing the damage. We now realize that the development program is, in large part, an effort to undo the mutilation and torture people undergo. We are also realizing how difficult it is to undo the damage.
Many problems. Not only are the bodies all severely malnourished, thirsty, and out of balance in many ways. Other problems are even worse. One needs to do at least the following:
1. Remove worms that are in the vagina. These severely damage the women's brains and other organs through the vaginal reflex system. Some of them burrow into the tissues so they are not easy to find and remove.
Correspondence. The easiest method to remove these worms is called correspondence. There is a correspondence between the tip of a man's penis and the back of the vagina.
The procedure is one must connect a man to a woman in a special way using fine wires or other means. Once the two are connected, the man runs hot water, hot steam or perhaps a massage machine on the tip of his penis.
The worms do not like the heat or vibration and, if he does it correctly, many will leave. NOTE: most men have trouble doing this and it helps if the man is developed.
2. Remove worms that are elsewhere in the body, such as in the brain, liver, spleen, and kidneys. The worms are difficult to see, but there are scans using red light and other methods to find them.
3. Remove hundreds of tiny boxes in the brain and body. These are tiny electrical implants that function as stimulation devices, control devices, loud speakers, microphones, cameras, and detectors of various kinds.
They are carefully placed in people's brains and elsewhere and can be very difficult to see. To remove them requires special methods to illuminate them and then the use of beaming machines or other methods to remove them.
There are many, many kinds of implants. For example, some called ratchets force women and men to spin their energy centers to the left only, which does severe damage. Some called the spirals also force the energy centers to spin to the left. For more details, read Implants.
4. Remove hundreds of tiny spikes that the thugs shoot into the brain and elsewhere. This is a horrible technology used to damage a person. The spikes are metal or a plastic material and some are electrified. Special machines and other methods can shake some of them to remove them. At times, they can be destroyed in other ways.
5. Remove unusual fine-matter and coarse-matter creatures that the thugs place inside the body. These are quite bizarre and include bird-like creatures, angel-like creatures, four-legged creatures, and others.
6. Remove “blocks”. These are clamps or ties on key arteries of the body. They reduce the blood supply to the heart, the brain and elsewhere. It is a very nasty technology.
7. Other. One must also undo severe and disgusting sexual programming, sexual diseases, and other severe mental programming and conditioning that is part of the mutilation of the bodies. For more details, read Filth, A Rogue Method.
We will report more on this large topic as we learn more.
12/9/24. We greatly improved a short article about the idea that the minerals on a hair mineral chart are arranged in groups of four. Each group is called a tetra.
The first tetra is calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium. The second tetra is iron, copper, manganese and zinc.
Many mineral patterns can only be seen if the graph of the minerals has the minerals arranged according to tetras. Also, patterns sometimes repeat themselves in the second tetra, which makes the pattern stronger. For details, read The Mineral Tetras.
12/8/24. Yesterday was Pearl Harbor Day. It is the anniversary of the Japanese sneak attack on the United States that brought Japan into World War II. This occurred in 1941, 83 years ago.
Japan fought on the side of Nazi Germany in that war against the United States, Great Britain, France and a few other nations.
Why racist? People throw the word racist around, but they often don't know history. Racism played a huge part in World War II and cost half a billion lives.
The Nazis (the word means National Socialists) in Germany believed they were a superior race and therefore “deserved” to rule the world and take over other nations.
They also believed one of the worst races was the Hebrew people. They did all they could to kill off all of them in huge death camps called concentration camps. They built these in several nations of Europe and killed at least 5 to 6 million Hebrews. The Nazis also hated Catholics and murdered a lot of them.
The Japanese people were also hugely racist. They believed they were superior to other Asian groups such as the Chinese and the Koreans, so they invaded their nations.
They believed the Americans are one of the worst races. So they viciously attacked this nation on December 7, 1941 and killed many.
Today's Japan. Today, when one thinks of Japan one often thinks of Toyota or Subaru cars, Sony stereo systems, cameras, cell phones and other good quality products. However, just 80 years ago the Japanese were invading China and other nations and they did it in the name of racism.
In contrast, Americans are one of the least racist groups. America has always been a “melting pot” of the races. People came to America mainly to worship freely and to have a life of freedom and liberty. The teaching that America is racist is a vicious lie.
Another vicious lie that one hears is that the Hebrew people are inferior in some way. In fact, in every field of life, Hebrew people have been leaders and have made excellent contributions to life on earth. For more details, read The Modern State Of Israel.
Keep your children out of most schools. Teaching the above vicious lies to children is now common in schools and in the media. The lies are taught in the name of “diversity” and “critical race theory” - both of which are phony teachings.
Schools today are also very unsafe in other ways. They often expose children to drugs, beatings and rapes. If you love your children, keep them out of almost all schools and educate them at home.
12/6/24. Many Americans are talking about changes that need to occur when Mr. Trump becomes the president on January 20, 2025. I am told to add at least two items to this discussion.
Emergency Powers. A most important needed change is to repeal ALL Emergency Power Acts in the United States. These laws thoroughly violate the US Constitution and the state constitutions, and are wholly illegal.
The emergency powers laws are based upon an unconstitutional, phony legal doctrine called the police powers doctrine. It basically states that in the name of health or safety, the political leaders can do anything they please. This doctrine is nothing more than an attempt to negate the US Constitution.
One of the oldest tricks of corrupt governments is to create a phony “emergency” and then use it to increase their power. A recent example was covid-19.
End The Globalist agenda. Also, there is a need to distance America and end all contact with globalist organizations and treaties that undermine the sovereignty of America. There are a number of these agreements that have to do with climate change, trade, finances, the world court, and more.
All such treaties and agreements are thoroughly illegal under the US Constitution. In reality, they are just acts of treason against America and attempts to destroy the nations.
12/5/24. The Na/K or sodium/potassium ratio on a tissue mineral test is the most special indicator on the test. There is no indicator on this or most other tests that gives one more information about the body.
We are not sure why the sodium/potassium ratio is so critical, but it is.
The sodium/potassium ratio measures the electrical balance of the body. The body continuously pumps potassium into the cells while sodium is continuously pumped out. An imbalanced ratio has to do with this very critical bodily activity.
Transmutation. A healthy body also converts these minerals one into the other. This is called biological transmutation of the elements. This is a fascinating topic that is not taught much at all on earth because if it were, people would be much healthier. For details, read Biological Transmutation Of The Elements.
Inflammation. A high Na/K ratio is also an inflammation indicator and indicates a need for zinc.
Infection. A low Na/K ratio is an infection indicator. Often, one will not be able to heal infections until one corrects this ratio.
Trauma. An Na/K ratio less than one is associated with trauma in the body. All women today and all the aliens have sodium/potassium ratios that are really in this range due to beatings, rapes, poisoning and other tortures. As one heals, the ratio improves.
NOTES: One often cannot tell the true Na/K from any test that I know of. One must speak with the planning souls, which is difficult due to rogue interference. Because I have followed the development program for about 45 years, I am often able to communicate with the. However, I don't know anyone else who does this.
Also, the information in this post is NOT true of the sodium/potassium ratio on a blood or urine test. The ratio only has the above meanings if it is a hair mineral test.
Measuring the Na/K ratio. Another serious problem at this time is that all the sodium and potassium readings from all hair testing laboratories are too low. We know this from communicating with the planning souls. One must increase the readings of both minerals about 100% and sometimes a little more to more or less correct the numbers.
Fortunately, the ratio of sodium to potassium is often fairly correct. If it were not, I could not recommend the test.
For more details, read The Sodium/Potassium Ratio NOTE: This article has not been updated to say that all the labs today are reporting the sodium and potassium levels too low.
12/4/24. The thugs, satans or rogues know how to stimulate a body, usually women, using sex, drugs and machines. This causes a particular feeling in the souls called charging. Then they teach the women that this feeling is love.
They also teach that caring for others and being nice is “fair”, but not important and often not helpful. Life is harsh, they say, and young girls and women need to harden up and face it.
The souls tell us that at one level this brainwashing is a type of love. However, it is heavily tainted with hatred, disrespect and horror.
The souls say the sous are very sick and weak. They have been beaten, tortured and raped by the same alien group of thugs. The charging causes a temporary lessening of their suffering. In this sense, it is loving and the women often ask for more.
However, the souls know that it is all very sick and upside down. Rape is never loving, beating is never loving, forcing people to take off their clothes is never loving, filthing people, especially against their will, is never loving, and forcing women to lie to their husbands, children, to each other and to everyone is never loving.
Destroying bodies, which they do, is never loving. Harming the planet with mountains of equipment is never loving. Harming the creatures of the planet is never loving. Harming the plants is never loving. So the overall effect is horror, not love.
The souls tell us this is the truth that you need to know. Charging is interesting and the souls like it. However, there are many ways to charge up without the thugs and their violence and violations of integrity, dignity, and respect.
On this website, we teach another approach. It is found in the Ten Commandments, the Golden Rule (do unto others as you would have them do unto you), and other passages of the Hebrew and Christian Bibles. It is a teaching that is much needed to offset and correct what they teach. For details, read The Ten Commandments and The Golden Rule.
12/3/24. I am told that about two days ago the being we call the Father (really a male and female couple) began a slow rewind of the thugs, satans or rogues. A rewind literally undoes or reverses the activities of whomever it targets.
There is already a rewind in progress by some developed creatures and a few developed humans. This is an important reason to go to the trouble of developing yourself. The action of the Father, if true, is a powerful addition to this effort.
I am told that one will not be able to notice the effects for a while because the thugs have deeply penetrated many aspects of the planet. However, the rewind is hopefully 'the beginning of the end' of their control of the earth.
12/2/24. A core concept is that the energy centers of the body should all spin fast to the right. Our language is full of expressions about this such as “I am feeling alright (all to the right), “I am doing the right thing” and “I will right the wrong”.
Sex and spin. The thugs, satans or rogues spin to the left. They use up sex, also called left sex, to spin people to the left. Standard orgasms cause a left spin. When they rape, they force women to have orgasms because it spins them backwards – to the left. It is just one of their horrors.
When a woman heals, she experiences a strong feeling of spinning to the right. This can be scary and cause dizziness. However, it is very, very good and the feeling will pass. Just lie down and rest.
We recommend down sex, also called right sex, because it spins the body to the right. It is the proper use of sex. Unlike left sex, right sex or down sex is extremely healing for both partners and for the planet. We also recommend down hugging because, it too, spins the energy centers to the right.
Objects and spin. Objects often have a spin. The thugs use and make things that spin to the left. They are all harmful!
You will feel better if everything around you spins to the right. This includes your clothing, your car, everything in your home, and more. For example, cell phones all spin left, so we don't recommend them.
Today, new things often spin left, while used or older objects tend to have more of a right spin. So don't get rid of old clothes or other older objects if they still work.
Love and spin. Love is a right spin. Many people can feel this.
Development and spin. As one develops properly, one's energy centers all begin to spin to the right. There is a development level called a man in which the right spin becomes very powerful. For details, read Introduction To Development.
Coffee and spin. Coffee has a powerful right spin, especially when used in enemas. This is one of the most important reasons we recommend its use in enemas. For details, read Coffee Enemas. Plants we do not recommend usually have a left spin, such as all forms of marijuana and most drugs.
Cooked vegetables, blue corn chips, sardines, almond butter and sesame tahini. These foods have a strong right spin. This is why we recommend eating them every day. Fruit tends to have a left spin, as does all sugary food, refined food and most bread. That is why we recommend avoiding these foods.
Ideas and spin. Conservative thought and traditional Biblical values help one spin to the right. This is one reason we recommend them. Some call them “right wing” ideas. For details, read What is the Political 'Right Wing' Versus The 'Left Wing'?.
Weapons and spin. Most of the weapons the thugs use spin a person to the left. If done with enough force, it will kill. Electronic weapons used by those defending the earth spin people to the right. This does not harm a normal person, but it does harm a sat, a black master, or a satan.
For more details, read the updated and improved article, The Spins Of Life.
12/1/24. Sandra is 38 years old. When she began the development program about seven years ago she had numerous health problems. The worst were continuous anxiety, inability to sleep well, and horrible fears most of the time. She consulted a number of physicians of all types in hopes of finding help, but was disappointed with all of them.
She stumbled upon this website one day and decided to give this program a try. She liked that it is very holistic and takes into account not just one's physical health, but also one's emotional, ego, social, occupational, mental and spiritual life.
She began doing as much of the program as she could, which was about half of it. The rest caused some intense reactions and her Helper said to just begin slowly. She eliminated many toxins via the coffee enemas.
Most recent mineral analysis – 11/24. This revealed a mild slow oxidation rate and a mildly low sodium/potassium ratio. Also present were:
- Settling down pattern. This is present when the first four or the second four mineral levels all decrease or remain the same. In this instance, three of the second four minerals decreased and one remained the same. Settling down is considered a very positive indicator of improvement of the nervous system and often of other body systems, as well.
- 12 anchor patterns. These are certain minerals that change very little or not at all on the retest. They indicate deep healing of the sulci or ridges of the brain. This is often a reversal of a flattening of the sulci that occurs due to beatings and rapes by the alien group called the thugs, satans or rogues.
- A full right pivot pattern. This is a twist to the right of the tops of the graphs on an ARL test graph that often indicates a change of mind and insight about oneself.
- Everything coming out pattern. Six mineral levels increased, not counting zinc and phosphorus. This often indicates a significant removal of toxins or detoxification of the body. In this instance, the levels of calcium, chromium, selenium, lead, arsenic and aluminum all increased.
- Elevated phosphorus. This is a special type of rapid breakdown of certain body tissues such as the glial cells in the brain associated with rapid healing and rapid development. The process called on this website development is a genetic upgrade of the entire body. For details, read Introduction To Development.
- Elevator pattern. This is an increase or decrease in the first four or second four minerals, but with the ratios of the minerals remaining close to or exactly the same. It indicates a person is not doing the pulling down procedure, or not doing it enough.
NOTE: These mineral patterns are only valid if one follows the development program as we set it up, not other people's healing programs. Also, at this time one must adjust upward all of the mineral readings.
She wrote: “Feeling much calmer, less reactive, less anxiety, more energy, better sleep, less aches and pains, dry skin, some hair shedding continues.”
11/30/24. We repeat our plea that we hope everyone reading this newsletter will do coffee enemas and do them daily. They have so many benefits they would fill this newsletter.
Coffee enemas clean up hundreds of toxins, as well as hundreds of infections. They clean up the colon and liver, help clean up other people, and they promote the spiritual life. For details, read Coffee Enemas and The Stages Of Coffee Accumulation.
11/30/24. We wrote a very short article about the upper levels or upper energy centers. These are found above the head on everyone, although they are inactive in most people.
One of the effects of the development program is to cause them to fill with ether and become brighter. This occurs to a much greater degree if one uses coffee in enemas. For details, read The Upper Energy Centers Or Upper Levels.
11/29/24. One way to understand the situation on earth with the thugs, negs, satans or Rogues is that they live in a sort of underworld. It is a place of horror and torture.
The term underworld was used in the Greek and Roman religions, now called Greek mythology. They believed there is another world that is a parallel reality to ours. It is right here and people choose which one to live in.
They believed that who are obedient to God move upward toward the real world. Those who are less obedient may move down into the underworld and may stay there for many years.
This way to understand the thugs or rogues sounds similar to a concept in the Native religions of earth, and to the Hebrew and Christian idea of Heaven and Hell.
Very important is that one is never just stuck in the underworld. One can move out of it if one prays sincerely and often enough and if one decides to live a perfectly clean and wholesome life.
A famous book about this subject is The Inferno by Dante Aleghiero. Dante was an Italian author who lived in the 14th century. There is an excellent article about him on Wikipedia at One can also read about Hades, the king of the underworld, from which we get the word hatred.
11/28/24. We don't recommend shopping at Costco. We believe their business practices are not ethical and it is run by the thugs or rogues. It is not even safe going into one of their stores at this time. Walmart or practically anywhere else is much safer.
11/28/24. Don't use a cell phone. We have given this message many times, but most people ignore it.
I just bought a simple cell phone for emergency use in the car. Before even activating it I got a headache and was actually injured by it. It is fully weaponized!
I believe it is capable of giving a person a heart attack or anything else the thugs want to give you. It is also an amazing spy device that scans you and your home continuously. I threw it away.
A magicJack costs much less and is much safer. On sale now for $35.00 for a year of phone service plus fees and taxes.
11/27/24. Many people do not know that the holiday of thanksgiving originated not only due to a good harvest that kept the early American colonists alive. There is another reason for the holiday.
In early America, some people wanted to set up a communist-style nation. Several of the American colonies did not believe in private ownership of land. Everything was to be owned communally and everyone was to work together in a communist or communal way.
Failure. This economic system failed miserably and the colonies that tried it were close to starvation and death. The problem is that some people worked, but many decided not to work much. They just let others do all the farming and other work. They were lazy.
Close to death, word spread that there was a much better system. They would divide up the land and give a portion to each family. Each family would own their own farm and be responsible for growing their own food. It sounds selfish, but really it is not selfish. It is private ownership and it works!
When they used this system, it worked and produced a large harvest of food. The people decided they needed a holiday to remind people of the importance of private ownership of land and of the critical importance of economic freedom.
Today this system is called the free market or capitalist economic system. It is the only system that works. America is still a leader in its use, although property rights have been seriously eroded in America.
11/27/24. We made a few important corrections and improvements to the article about charging. Charging is a very important sacred science. The thugs or rogues thoroughly abuse it in order to enslave and control women. For details, read Charging.
11/26/24. I am told that doing down hugging or down sex is excellent at this time, and vital for ourselves and for the planet. It can be done in person or long distance.
We improved and added to the contract to be used with down hugging and down sex, both in person and long distance. For details, read Down Sex/Down Hug Contract.
11/25/24. I don't like to criticize hospitals and physicians too much. I might need one some day and sometimes they do excellent work. I hope I am completely wrong, but according to the planning souls of our clients, hospitals are no longer what they seem.
In too many instances, they have been secretly taken over by the thugs, negs, satans or rogues. They look the same, but they lie to people, scare people, hurt people and more.
We improved and added to the article about hospitals. We combined it with a much older article, as well. For details, read Hospital Horror.
11/24/24. We wrote a short article about one of the main methods used by the thugs, satans or rogues to take over and control our planet. It is a very large and important subject.
This article is a brief introduction. For details, read Filth – A Rogue Method.
11/23/24. The national debt is the amount of money the government really has. It rises when the government spends more money than it takes in.
For over 200 years, until around 1990, the United States had NO national debt. This means that if the government spent money, it brought in enough money in taxes to pay off any debt. This is responsible government and it is the law.
However, starting in the 1990s, the American government stopped paying back their debt. A big reason was the growth of huge, corrupt welfare programs – Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. These programs are all illegal under our constitution, but corrupt judges have allowed them.
Under the US Constitution, the national Congress does not have the power to impose these programs within the 50 states. They can only impose them in the territories and possessions of the United States.
The thugs, satans or rogues steal millions of dollars from these programs and stealing from them is easy.
As a result, today America has a national debt of about 36 trillion dollars. This is a lot! It is now endangering the entire nation. To see the actual amount, go to It should scare you.
The debt has doubled in just the past 16 years. Democratic presidents have just spent money irresponsibly that the government simply does not have.
The situation must change and change soon. When a nation goes too much in debt, what occurs is that most of the nation's income from taxes each year must be spent paying the interest on the national debt to corrupt bankers who run the Federal Reserve banking system (completely illegally).
This leaves little money to run the government. As a result, the government must borrow more and more money, which increases the national debt faster and faster.
The corrupt bankers irresponsibly just print or issue more money. This is not only illegal. It dilutes the money supply with worthless money. The result is called inflation of the money. This means the money is not worth as much as before.
A good analogy is that if you are bleeding you could just dilute your blood with water to get more blood. This does not work and the body will die.
This is the situation today. Prices rise, people are scared and it destabilizes and ruins the entire society. This is now occurring in most nations on earth!
It is a rogue plan to weaken and then ruin the nations and it is not an accident. Bankrupting your enemy is a old-fashioned, standard war tactic. When things get bad enough, the thugs will step in to “save us” and take over.
Ruining the money often leads to the end of an entire civilization. It has occurred on earth many times.
What to do. Live simply, do not spend much money. Put your savings into gold, which holds its value much better than other forms of money.
Take excellent care of your health because in financial crises is the government cuts back services to save money, including health services. Also, caring for your health will help you survive whatever happens. For more details, read Inflation- A Way To Ruin The Money And Ruin Society.
11/22/24. There are some bright spots to report in the war with the thugs, rogues or satans:
The Father. Tonight we think we found the real Father In Heaven. The thugs had hurt him and had substituted someone else. The new Father says we have begun a rewind of the entire thug invasion. For more details, read Rewind Science.
The shield. I am told there is now a shield around the earth. It is not the correct shield, but it helps somewhat to keep the thugs out.
The shield has an unusual design and oddly, it depends upon humans or creatures doing down hugging. There are not nearly enough human or creature couples doing this powerful healing procedure. Please help if you can, but be careful with close contact with anyone. The shield also requires angels and we do not have enough of them.
Gold. I am told the forces defending the earth are removing gold that does not belong on this planet. This is a very important project because the “bad” or wrong gold weakens the earth shield and the entire planet. You can track this project because as gold is removed, the price of gold will tend to increase.
Movement in space. I am told our entire solar system is moving “upward” in space, back toward where it belongs. Moving the planet back to where it belongs – to be part of a much larger Creator being - I am told is critical because it would help a lot to protect the planet from the thugs.
However, I am told we are moving very slowly. This is not good because I am told we are far from where we belong.
The cause of slow movement is that not nearly enough fine matter creatures are using coffee (true pronunciation is cothee, which means with God). This is a requirement for them at this time. To read about fine matter creatures, read Bodies – Their Structure And Activities.
I am told coffee enemas are also required for any human being who is a leader of our planet.
The steam project. While I don't understand it well, I am told that bathing with steam is an excellent idea and not that difficult using a steam mop to make steam. While in an enclosed shower area, I hold a body brush in front of the steam and then use it to “hot brush” the entire body.
I am told it is very clean, an excellent detoxification method, and it brings in special souls who do healing. It is also very relaxing and feels very luxurious. For details, read The Steam Or Loyly Procedure.
World news. The Israelis are still fighting, though they are surrounded by thug operatives who wish destroy their nation. Ukraine is also still around despite Russian aggression. America is still around, as are other nations, despite efforts to destroy the nations.
The election of Donald Trump in the United States we hope will be positive or at least better than if his opponent had won the election. He will also have a favorable legislative branch (Congress) with which to work.
Worsening at this time: The “black” project or black master conversion project of the thugs is moving ahead. The thugs are also converting children to blacks at a younger age. They are also filling the planet and her people with iron more and more. Blood and hair testing laboratories are forced to lie and not report the truth.
Recently, when I go to town, when I return my shoes are blackened. The thugs are dumping iron in the water, air, on clothing and everywhere in order to poison us all and advance the black program.
Food and water. There are many problems with the food on earth. For example, see the post just below about problems with tahini and a possible solution. We believe they are forcing water companies to add iron to drinking water and/or not filtering out iron, as they should according to the law.
Stealing coffee. Still a huge problem. If you do coffee enemas, wear three pair of underpants when you go into town. It will help keep coffee in your body. The area that needs the most protection is the lower abdomen – the area below the navel.
Rape. Still an enormous problem. The planetary beings say it is a far worse crime than one might think. It damages women and the planet in hundreds of ways. For details, read Rape and Rape Planet.
11/22/24. The thugs poison many foods. Eating about two tablespoons of sesame tahini is very important for health and development. Recently, I have not felt well after eating tahini. I tried several brands.
What to do. We are trying an alternative to tahini. Once a day, I eat a portion of Quaker Old Fashioned Oatmeal. Substitute it instead of a portion of blue corn chips. When beginning to cook the oats, add two tablespoons of sesame seeds to it for adults and less for children. We welcome feedback on this possible solution to tahini problems.
11/22/24. The article about the coffee stages has been updated to include a few more stages. The coffee stages are areas of the body that fill with coffee as one continues to do coffee enemas each day. As each area fills, it is also cleansed and tends to function better.
One of the purposes of the coffee stages article is to encourage everyone to do coffee enemas each day so that you, too, move through the coffee stages. For details, read The Stages Of Coffee Accumulation.
11/20/24. We wrote a new article about a very important subject – the healing and opening of one's central energy channel. It runs down the middle of the body from the head through the nose and mouth down to the genitals. In acupuncture, it is called the conception vessel.
The thugs, rogues or satans make sure the central channel is shut. They do this using beatings and rapes. When this occurs, one is not as in control, and one is not grounded and centered.
Correcting this imbalance is a serious matter and an important goal of the development program. This article discusses the problem and how to solve it. For details, read The Central Channel Procedure.
11/19/24. The price of gold has been rising. However, I am told it will go up at least another 30%. So we suggest buying some as an investment.
One can buy gold coins called 'bullion' coins that one keeps at home. One can also buy shares of a stock from a stock broker.
Some stocks are in gold mines. However, these are more risky. Others, such as GLD, use your money to buy and hold gold bars or coins. You can sell the shares of stock if you need your money.
Recently, I have been thinking and feeling more long-term. I look at the earth with all its problems and I think it could take 1000 years to correct them all. I don't know if I will be around that long, but it is conceivable with the development program.
It feels a bit strange. The world feels somewhat distant, as though I am not exactly a part of it any more. I live differently from most other people, who have a short-term view.
I am told this attitude has to do with the process of development and with the stages of coffee accumulation. For details, read Introduction To Development and The Stages Of Coffee Accumulation.
11/19/24. One of our clients suggested looking into a company that makes silverware, also called flatware – and they manufacture it in America. So for $10.00, I bought a sample pack with three different forks.
This subject is of interest mainly because everything one buys has a spin. Everything should spin to the right. This is the correct direction of energy flow. However, today many products spin to the left. This is more true if the product is made in China.
The reason for the different spin is that the government and the people in China are less free and the government is a left-wing or more socialist government.
The American-made forks have more of a left spin, and this is a slight benefit. The company says they are also made of better stainless steel, although some old, cheap silverware I have is holding up well.
11/18/24. We added a section to the article about the steam healing procedure. It can be used as an excellent alternative method of bathing.
Using steam has a number of advantages over bathing with water. It saves a lot of water and is cleaner, very relaxing, antiseptic, and need not be costly. For many more details, read the improved article, The Steam or Loyly Procedure – An Alternative Method Of Bathing.
11/17/24. A most important idea is to empty yourself in order to heal and develop. It is the opposite of sate, sated, satan or satiated, which means full.
Bible references. In order to be filled with God, the Holy Spirit or the Comforter, one needs to be empty of self. The Bible hints about this. An example is the phrase in the New Testament, “Of myself, I do nothing. The Father in me does all things.” I feel this applies to all of us, not just to Jesus.
The Jeshua tapes say this more directly: “Empty of self, empty of striving, I am one with God.” So does another of my teachers, Roy Masters, who said: In your helplessness, help will come.
An exercise. I practice emptying when I do The Pulling Down Procedure. I imagine a big vacuum cleaner or magnet under my feet that is pulling everything out of the body through the feet. It is emptying out the body. It removes bones, organs and more. This makes room for God to come in.
With this, if you wish, you can also imagine the body becoming smaller and perhaps shriveling up like a prune as it empties from the feet. The visualization may seem silly, but the idea of emptying yourself is not silly. It is a basic spiritual principle.
11/16/24. We improved the very important article about the buildup of toxic forms of minerals in our bodies called the irritants or amigos. They are often oxides or carbonate compounds of minerals.
They include iron, manganese, and aluminum. Others are compounds of copper, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chromium, selenium, cobalt, vanadium and others. These are in our food, even organic food, so they are impossible to avoid.
The development program is the only way we know of to slowly replace and upgrade the mineral compounds in the body. For details, read Iron, Manganese, Aluminum And Others – The Amigos Or Irritants.
11/16/24. Many people do not drink enough water! This definitely slows healing and development. Adults need two to three quarts or two to three liters of drinking water daily.
Be sure to drink a glass of water after doing a coffee enema. The reason is that coffee is diuretic. This means it causes some water loss. It does this for at least two reasons: 1) The coffee is slightly toxic and 2) it picks up toxins during the enema and the body wants to eliminate them.
The best water for drinking we find is good quality spring water or carbon or sand-filtered tap water if it is safe in your nation. These tend to hydrate the body the best. Do not drink distilled or reverse osmosis water because they are very low in minerals and will demineralize the body. Well water is variable.
Drinking plenty of water will cause you to need to use the bathroom more often. However, it is most important for healing and detoxification. For details, read Water For Drinking and Hydration. We just updated the Water For Drinking article.
11/16/24. Recently, we are using a Megahome water distiller to make water for a steam mop used for bathing. We do not recommend distilled water for drinking, as explained in the Water For Drinking article.
The Megahome distiller has a problem. It stops working after a while. We fixed it by: 1) Open up the bottom. 2) Completely remove what looks like a resistor or diode in the wiring. 3) Then twist the wires connected to the diode together and put a wire nut over them to protect them and prevent a short. Now it works fine.
We don't use the carbon filter, which could be difficult to keep clean.
Other home water distillers are less expensive, but we are told they, too, stop working and may be more difficult to repair. A used Megahome distiller can work and is less costly.
One can buy distilled water, but it seems to be slightly toxic. It will work in the steam mop, as will reverse osmosis or 'drinking' water.
11/15/24. Be very cautious about taking iron pills. Iron can be quite toxic and is often not needed unless one has lost a lot of blood, or has very heavy menstrual periods, or if one is near the end of a pregnancy.
The thugs, satans or rogues and their agents are putting a lot of people on iron pills because it is part of their Black or Black Master Conversion Program.
NOTES: 1. If a blood test reveals anemia, it is often caused by copper imbalance, not iron deficiency. However, copper anemia looks just like iron deficiency anemia on a blood test. As a result, many doctors are confused and will recommend iron. Beware! Read Copper Toxicity Syndrome.
2. If a blood test shows low ferritin, it is not an indicator for taking iron. Most often, low ferritin occurs because the body wants to keep iron OUT of the blood. Do not take iron!
3. At this time (2024), low serum iron on a blood test can be an inaccurate reading. Some labs are not reporting iron levels accurately. Beware, and don't just take iron! Consider further testing or we can check by other means.
4. To identify iron toxicity is difficult. The best test is a liver biopsy, but laboratories today can even lie about the results of that test. We know about it because we communicate with planning souls.
5. A low iron level on a hair mineral test is often NOT an indicator to take iron. In fact, it can be an indicator of iron toxicity. For details, read Poor Eliminator Pattern.
6. At this time, iron is secretly being added to many foods, to vaccines and flu shots, and to water supplies all over the world. We believe it may be added to our gasoline. In fact, anything black often contains some iron. Those who assist me and our clients are having trouble at this time keeping our iron levels down.
I am using a steam unit for bathing (see the post below this one) instead of taking showers, in part for this reason. Iron in water may give the water a slight yellowish color.
7. You may feel better taking iron pills if you are tired because they are somewhat stimulating. However, this is usually not a healthy way to feel better. It slowly poisons the body. The development program is much better. For more details, read Acquired Iron Toxicity and Iron, Manganese, Aluminum And Others – The Amigos Or Irritants.
11/15/24. We improved the article about the use of steam for healing and detoxification. Using steam is a simple and excellent procedure, saves water, and need not be costly. For details, read The Loyly Or Steam Procedure.
11/14/24. I am told that most people's bodies today are very ill. Their livers are toxic and contain worms. Their brains are also toxic and depleted.
I am also told that certain angels have been found that work inside our bodies to keep them going. Some don't look like angels, but they still help out.
These angels are hungry because most people do not eat correctly. Please be sure you eat sardines - at least 3-4 standard cans per week. These angels also need a lot of cooked vegetables.
11/13/24. The construction of our brains is that there is a lower part called the old brain, animal brain, low brain, emotional brain or diencephalon. Sitting on top of the low brain is an upper part called the high brain, new brain, thinking brain or cortex.
One of the main technologies of the alien group, the thugs or satans or rogues, is to shut down the high brain, forcing women, in particular, to live using mainly the low brain. Here are some qualities of the low brain:
- associated with copper toxicity.
- associated with emotions such as anger
- more sexy
- more selfish
- more violent
- more sad and unhappy
- more devious and less honest
How they shut down the high brain. They use a combination of methods including depleting nutrients, removing souls, damaging the spine and neck, poisons, rapes, beatings and other tortures such as putting in worms, satans and more into the brain.
What to do. There is a need for high brain therapy. It consists of proper nutrition, correcting the structure using the Twists, Pops, Pulls, and Kicks and chiropractic, and the entire development program.
This includes coffee enemas, which are very helpful. It also includes red heat lamp therapy, the pulling down procedure, reflexology, correct supplements, and getting help from angels and other fine matter beings.
The genetic upgrade process called development can also be most helpful to speed up brain rebuilding and to help detoxify the body.
11/13/24. Deborah is 42 years old. She was diagnosed with endometriosis when she was a teenager. She suffered with the condition for about 20 years. At the age of about 34, she found the development program and began to change her diet, take the supplements, and do coffee enemas and the other procedures.
Correction was slow. At first, she only noticed a slightly better energy level. She had a copper imbalance which did not go away quickly. This was due to trauma, which often takes a long time to heal.
About five years ago, she noticed that symptoms were less. About one year ago, she was able to stop all medication. At this time (November 2024) she rarely has symptoms of endometriosis. She is most grateful and wants this information shared with everyone.
11/12/24. We completely improved and updated the important article about charging. Charging is a sacred science that the thugs, satans or rogues thoroughly abuse in a most disgusting way.
This short article explains the true purpose of charging and what has been done to it. Please read Charging Science.
11/12/24. We updated the Accelerator article. This article is important because it is a list of all the detoxification and healing procedures that we recommend. For details, read The Accelerators.
11/11/24. The Pulling Down Procedure is the mental exercise of the development program. The effects increase the more you do it and are truly amazing. There is no substitute for it.
It alone moves subtle energy or ether through the body properly – from the head to the feet. This relaxes the body, heals the body, brings out abilities and causes a genetic upgrade of the body called development.
When to do it. The development lifestyle consists of remembering to do the pulling down procedure while walking, praying, dancing, reading, singing, and while watching television or movies.
Doing it during coffee enemas makes it much easier! Also do it at concerts, on airplanes (though we do not recommend air travel), and even while driving if you are very careful to pay attention to the road.
Sleep with a few bags of coffee at your feet and legs and you will do the procedure all night while sleeping.
With another. Do the procedure alone AND it is even more powerful when done with another such as down hugging and down sex. If you have a baby, put the crib next to your bed and you will do it with your baby all night. Carrying a baby around also causes it. Make sure the bodies are lined up in the same direction.
The universal remedy. The pulling down procedure is the best remedy if you ever feel UPPED: beat up, balled up, locked up, mixed up, messed up, clammed up, fed up, fouled up, given up, laid up, shut up, up against it, back up against the wall, stuck up, worked up, uptight, or upset.
At times, you may have trouble doing it. That is normal! Just keep at it. It definitely becomes easier with practice. For details, read The Pulling Down Procedure, Downward Motion Of Energy And Healing, and Down Science.
11/11/24. One of the nastiest thug technologies is to paralyze a person or cause a person to go numb. It is extremely frightening. They use it for paralysis rapes and for some of the “deaths”.
Even worse, they use it to numb a person so they can beat and torture more intensely. Paralyzing people's hearts, kidneys and elsewhere is also one of their major weapons technologies.
In fact, it is simply a use of acupuncture points that they overstimulate with a small electrical device. That is all it is. Advanced acupuncturists know all about it and it can be used for operations, for example, instead of drug anesthesia. But they use it to kill, terrorize, control and mutilate.
11/11/24. We wrote a new article about an important rogue technology. The sticks and cups are electronic devices that fit inside a woman's vagina or on a man's penis.
The thugs force some people to use one of these at home in order to control, develop and punish them. For details, read The Sticks And Cups.
11/10/24. A most important spiritual principle is to take full responsibility for ALL of your thoughts and behavior. This principle will bring you peace and power.
It brings peace because you will no longer blame others for your problems. This ends anger and rage.
It brings power because you realize that you are a co-creator of reality. Therefore, you are indeed powerful.
What if I don't like what I have created? Then you are free to uncreate it or to create otherwise.
Am I responsible even for events far away, such as the wars in Ukraine and Israel? Yes. This might seem outrageous, but in a spiritual way it is not. Your power is mighty and you can influence world events.
America just elected a new president who says he will end the wars. This is a way millions of people used their power to hopefully bring these two wars to an end.
How is it possible that I can co-create events far away? Because at one level, all minds are joined. Some teachings call this The One Mind Of Christ. If it is true that all minds are joined at some level, you can influence others anywhere in the world.
Why would I create pain, suffering and horror? The souls need to learn many things. They can learn lessons through horror that cannot be learned otherwise.
If you don't like your creation, ask God to help you change it. Bring your love to the situation, no matter what it is, and then ask over and over how to change the situation. You will be told what to do.
11/9/24. One of the ways the thugs, satans or rogues control people is with small objects that fit either inside the vagina of a woman or are placed on the penis of a man. These devices are complex electronic stimulators.
They emit various frequencies of electricity, up to 20 different ones in one instrument. Some frequencies are used to speed up development. Others are tickles used as rewards and charging. Still others cause pain and are used as punishment.
This is an important technology and one we have not written about in the past. It allows them to harm people at a distance and also to do remote tune-ups on people.
11/9/24. Part of One Science is that God views us as points of light, perfect in every way. He/She and is not too interested in your “story”, meaning your upbringing, traumas, rapes, and so on.
The teaching is that you are not your “story”. You are the extension of the Love of the Creator into this world of form. You give content or substance to this world of form. For details, read The Real Self book or an older Real Self article. There was an old audio program on this website with the same title. However, I took it off the internet because it was not updated enough.
11/9/24. There are now two audio programs about the pulling down procedure. To listen to a newer audio program about the pulling down procedure, click here.
There is also a much older audio program about the pulling down procedure on the internet. It is how I originally learned it. Click here for this program.
To download the above pulling exercise audio files to your computer:
Right-click on the link if you have a Windows computer. Use control-click if you have an Apple computer and cannot right click. Doing this will bring up a dialog box and one option is "Save link as". Choose this option and it will save the entire file to your desktop, or wherever you want it.
11/8/24. This phrase applies to many people today. They are falsely told that they are a hopeless mess and cannot be healed.
This is nonsense. If you are feeling hopeless or a complete mess, choose again. Turn your problems over to God. Love heals all things and God works in mysterious ways.
11/7/24. One science, also called the science of love, says there is only one force in the universe and that is Love. This Love is made of a fine substance called ether that is all around us. Ether is composed of the thoughts of the Creator being and the thoughts of all other beings, including ourselves.
One science states that we are the presence of the Creator's love in this world of form and that extending the love of the Creator into this world of form is our true work.
One science says we always operate from full power and full Love. However, at times we may give away power and thus appear helpless or powerless.
One science teaches that fear is always unreal. It is nothing but the absence of enough ether or Love. This is similar to the idea that darkness is unreal. It is just an absence of light.
One science teaches that God always sees each of us as perfect, no matter what is the condition of the body. Each person is always the extension of the Creator's Love and that is all that matters. This means that there can be no shame, no humiliation, and no embarrassment regardless of what happens.
One science teaches that there is no karma to work out. There is only living to extend and express the Love of the Creator in this world. There are millions of ways to do this. It does not necessarily have anything to do with sex or romance.
One science teaches that only this type of Love is real. One is to stay focused upon it, and not focus upon the world, which is not quite real.
For more details, read One Science and The Real Self book, and listen to The Real Self Audio Program.
11/6/24. We added more stages to the coffee stages article. These are more advanced actions of coffee that occur when coffee is used properly in enemas.
These upper stages are associated with greater safety and more abilities. For details, read the updated article, The Stages Of Coffee Accumulation.
11/6/24. The Center For Development is a public foundation that supports women and children who wish to follow the development program but who cannot afford it. It now has a new Paypal account to receive donations and for book sales.
To donate to the foundation, one goes to and then to the section called Send Money. The Paypal address for donations to The Center For Development is
All funds go to support those who cannot afford the program. No funds are used for salaries or fund-raising.
11/6/24. We added a short paragraph to the article about becoming a servant of God:
The choice to become a servant of God is sometimes called the choiceless choice. This means one chooses it, but once this choice is made, one does not have as many choices about how to live and what to do with one's life. To read the article, go to Becoming A Servant Of God.
11/5/24. We cleaned up the article about mercy. It is a very important spiritual topic. It is particularly important at this time. Please read this short article - Mercy.
11/4/24. The alien group - the thugs, satans, or rogues - now rape all or most girls around age eight or even younger. They turn pre-teen and teenage girls into little prostitutes.
The goal is to filth up boys and men with diseases to weaken them. They also want to cause boys and men to lose sexual fluid, which weakens them.
Girls are also taught homosexual techniques and forced into homosexual sex.
Girls will not speak about this because they are thoroughly terrified. However, they are sexually aggressive in many instances. All of them are full of sexual diseases, no matter how cute and clean they look.
The rogue behavior is thoroughly illegal and efforts are underway to stop it, but it is going on at this time.
What to do.
The rules. Boys and girls need to know the rules – no sex without marriage and marriage is between one man and one woman. Kissing, fooling around and all touching is now a filthy activity. Skip it.
If you are a parent, you need to know that things are much worse than you might imagine and your child can seem quite normal when she or he is not normal at all. The rogues encourage children to disobey they parents, to lie to their parents, and to sneak out of the house if their parents won't allow them to go out with their friends.
Parents, do not let your pre-teen or teenage girl go on dates, or on most outings unless you go with them, or to parties unless you go along. These events have become often completely filthy and disgusting!
If you allow a party, be sure you go along and do not leave your daughter with others. We also do not recommend sleeping over at friends' houses or any overnight activities such as camping trips unless you go along and remain with your child. We would be careful with all visits of all kinds.
Schools are also unsafe at this time. We don't even recommend outings sponsored by churches or synagogues unless you go along or you can be sure they are safe for your child. The world has become very unsafe for children!
Boys need to be receive stern warnings from their parents about 1) sexually aggressive girls, 2) sexual diseases that are difficult to impossible to ever get rid of, and 3) the serious problem of losing sexual fluid.
The development program will heal sexual diseases, but it takes a number of years of following the program to do it.
11/4/24. Split pea puree contains a substance that is helping with a rogue technology to damage the heart. We recommend a serving of split peas twice a week. Ways to prepare it are:
1. Pressure cooking. For one adult, place about half a cup of split peas in a pressure cooker. Add about one cup of water. Turn on the pressure cooker. When it reaches operating pressure (the top vibrates), cook for about 7 minutes.
NOTE: cooking time will vary somewhat depending upon your brand of pressures cooker and the altitude where you live. Also, this recipe does not fully dissolve the split peas and leaves them a little chewy. I am told this is the best way to eat them.
2. Boiling. You can simply boil about half a cup of split peas in a pot with about twice as much water, or slightly more. I am not sure of the cooking time, but cook until the split peas are soft and just a little chewy. I am told that is the best way to eat them, rather than totally dissolved.
3. Canned. Eating canned split pea soup also works, but is not quite as good as eating freshly cooked split peas. For a few more details, read a new article, Split Pea Puree.
11/4/24. We have learned that the negs, satans or rogues are using low-dose ionizing radiation on our planet in an effort to weaken the people. They may add irradiation equipment to water supplies, in foods, and they can place it anywhere.
Radiation is usually carried on minerals. It is a horrible technology because one can't taste it, smell it or feel it.
What to do. 1. The process called development that we teach on this website will help protect a person against radiation damage. It does this by speeding up biosynthesis, and by assisting digestion and elimination of all toxins. For details, read Introduction To Development and Introduction To The Development Program.
2. Daily coffee enemas help remove radiation from the body. For details, read Coffee Enemas.
3. Be sure to eat kelp. It contains healthful iodine and other minerals that reduce your uptake of radioactive minerals. Kelp can also be applied to the skin. For details, read The Wonderful Benefits Of Kelp.
4. Using a red heat lamp sauna destroys cells mutated by radiation and thus prevents them from reproducing. This can limit radiation damage. For details, read Sauna Therapy.
11/3/24. It begins with your beliefs:
1. Who is really in charge? The thugs are powerful, knowledgable and clever. But according to the Bible, they are a false God. The first and second Commandments given to Moses say “Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods Before Me.”
2. Of myself, I do nothing. The Father in me does all things. Empty of self, empty of striving, I am one with God.
3. Thy Will be done. Take me, use me, this day to do Thy Will and to be Thy Will in action.
4. Therefore, there can be no hatred and no victimhood.
5. I want the truth, not just rebellion or conformity.
6. I believe we can all tune in to God with the proper procedure. We are fully dependent upon him. Therefore, I render all decisions unto Him.
7. My only safety lies with doing the Will of God.
8. I do not defy the thugs. I just ask for confirmation from their boss.
9. I keep a loving, caring attitude, no matter what happens and no matter what others choose. Also, I honor and respect all beings. This does not mean to go along or agree or consent to anything.
1. Ask often, what is Thy Will for me at this time? You will need to do this many times each day. You need to think to yourself, what is best for everyone, not just me. Everyone could include the planet herself, the animals, the plants, or other planets.
2. What to do when the thugs don't like God's guidance. If God suggests something and you hear the thugs telling you not to do it because _____________ , you must ask God if this is true, and what is His Will regarding the situation. This is a tedious process, at times, but necessary and good training.
3. Ask many times. This is especially needed if you are told to do something inconvenient, costly, difficult, embarrassing, or dangerous. Ask God many times about it. Be sure you drink enough water, eat enough food, sit quietly with back straight and follow the proper tuning in procedure. This is given in the Guidance article.
4. Following through. Once you believe you know the Will of God, the task is to follow through. Assume that the thugs will now assure you you will be stopped, killed, raped, beaten, poisoned, annihilated, etc.
This may be scary and it may test your faith or beliefs discussed above. This step becomes much easier with practice.
5. If paralyzed with fear, do the healing procedures. Rub your hands and/or feet firmly on the reflex areas. The fingers and toes are your brain reflexes. The top of the feet and back of the hands are the energy centers and energy meridians. The bottom of the feet and palms of the hands are the body organs.
6. Remember the One Science teaching: Fear is unreal. If you are in fear, you say “I can choose again”. When in fear, you have gone temporarily insane. So come back to truth, which is that God is Love. This is the truth.
7. Do as much of the development program as you can. Eat correctly, get plenty of rest, hold on to most of your sexual fluid, take at least the basic vitamins, relax as much as you can, and do the healing procedures.
Coffee enemas are particularly good at this time – several each day. The pulling down procedure is also needed. Coffee enemas make it easier. Red heat lamp therapy is also needed. Keep the spine and neck aligned and flexible with the Twists, Pops, Pulls, and Kicks. Breathe deeply.
8. I keep a loving, caring attitude, no matter what happens and no matter what others choose. I honor all beings, which does not mean to go along or agree or consent to anything.
11/2/24. When doing the pulling down procedure, the visualization of a thin rod or skewer extending above the head and extending below the feet is helpful for me. The body is like a piece of meat on the skewer. It works best if one makes the body very small because the body can interfere with the movement of subtle energy down the rod or skewer.
Coordinate the pulling down with your breathing. As you inhale with your attention below the feet, imagine a vacuum cleaner or magnet pulling the energy downward along the rod if you are standing or sitting. As you exhale, also imagine a vacuum or magnet pulling the energy downward along the rod.
11/2/24. When I buy Quaker brand old fashioned oats (one of the cleanest oatmeal products I have found) I am using our recommended method of cooking. This is to put the oats with about twice as much water as oats in a pot and turn on the burner. Stir it around a little. When the oatmeal begins to boil, turn it off. Leave it on the hot stove to cook until it stops bubbling.
However, with the old fashioned oats, when it stops boiling I need to turn the stove on for just 15 seconds or so until it boils again, and then turn off the burner. Then I leave it on the hot burner again until it stops bubbling. It is then ready to eat.
11/2/24. Iron is a black-colored compound. The thugs or negs are spreading black-colored everything - clothing, appliances, cars and more. We advise wearing light-colored clothing only and when possible, avoid anything that is black in color.
Iron poisoning also causes anger, rage and a short fuse. There is also an iron gait or walk – somewhat stiff and jerky, and can move fast. Babies today are born high in iron because their mothers are iron-toxic. Some iron compounds cause cancer and infections. For more about this important horror, see the message just below this one.
11/1/24. We have become aware of a major rogue project on earth to increase the iron levels in all the people's bodies. The purpose is to advance the Black or Black Master Conversion Project on earth. Turning people into black masters requires raising their iron level.
The project is well hidden because blood testing, urine testing and hair testing laboratories are forced to lie about people's iron levels. As a result, people are unaware they have too much iron in their bodies.
How it is done. Iron is now secretly added to some vitamins, some salt, vaccines, many foods, and some restaurant food. One of the worst problems is it is added to city water supplies. At times, one can tell because tap water can look slightly yellow in color.
Water companies throughout the United States and perhaps other nations are forced to lie about this and do not report iron levels accurately. In the past, iron filters were common on water supplies, but this is less common today.
Dumping iron. Iron is also brought to this planet on space vehicles and carefully beamed into rivers and streams and on fields where crops grow or animals graze. It is done carefully so that it is not obvious.
You might ask how we know this. When reviewing hair mineral tests, I ask the planning souls about people's iron level. In almost every instance, they say iron is too high and the mineral test is not correct. This is also true of manganese, aluminum and at times, other toxic metal levels.
Low ferritin. Medical and natural health practitioners are also incorrectly taught that if the ferritin level is low on a blood test, it means a person needs to take an iron supplement. This is completely wrong, in our experience. A low ferritin level on a blood test means the body is trying to keep iron out of the blood because there is too much of it!
Anemia. Medical and natural health practitioners are also incorrectly taught that if a person has anemia, one needs to take iron. We learned years ago that many cases of anemia are due to copper imbalance, not iron deficiency. This was a great insight of Dr. Paul Eck.
However, blood test results are identical for both these types of anemia. Other toxic metals such as lead can also cause anemia.
As a result, a number of our clients have been given iron pills when they do not need it. One may feel better on these pills because they act as stimulants, but they worsen iron toxicity.
Symptoms. Too much iron causes fatigue, inflammation, liver pain and liver problems, weakness of the heart, and mental/emotional changes in a person. Iron toxicity is associated with becoming more sexy, less intelligent, and lying. One may experience frequent urination and thirst if the body is attempting to remove iron.
High iron also shortens your life. It is a major and carefully hidden health crisis.
What to do.
- In general, do not take iron pills. In our experience, iron pills or iron in vitamins is rarely needed. It may only be needed if one has lost a lot of blood, if one has very heavy menstrual periods, or in some cases in late pregnancy.
- Drink plenty of water. This can help lower iron levels. Hopefully you can find water low in iron such as spring water. Iron in tap water varies depending upon where you live. More and more, however, city water can have too much iron. We do not recommend drinking distilled water or reverse osmosis “drinking” water because they are too low in minerals.
- Bathing or washing the body with distilled water can help lower iron. We are using a Shark X5 H2O steam mop and a body brush for bathing. For details, read The Steam Procedure.
- Coffee enemas and the entire development program help remove excess iron. Do not eat too much red meat. Limit portion size for adults to 4 to 5 ounces.
For details, read Acquired Iron Toxicity, Iron, Manganese, Aluminum and Others – The Amigos, Anemia and Copper And Copper Imbalance.
10/31/24. Flare-ups of symptoms, also called retracing, healing reactions and purification reactions, often occur during the development program. Reasons are:
- The development program brings up old injuries, infections, traumas and more that need correction.
- The program causes the body structure to relax, which it often does unevenly. This easily causes back and neck pain.
- The program causes detoxification and many other deep changes in the body that are necessary for deep healing and development.
Axioms about retracing.
1. Almost all symptoms that arise during the development program are retracing. This is very important to know. That is, the program is very safe and does not cause illness.
I did not know this when I began offering the program to others. However, I found it is true. IT IS NOT TRUE OF MOST OTHER HEALING AND NUTRITION PROGRAMS, WHICH ARE NOT AS SAFE.
The development program is very safe because the diet is excellent, we are careful with supplements and the supplement program always focuses on balancing the body – not on symptoms. Also, rest is very important - not vigorous exercise, it is a whole systems approach, and I am available and experienced with flare-ups.
2. Symptoms of retracing often look exactly like symptoms of diseases. They can also be very annoying or painful, although most are not too uncomfortable.
3. Among the most common symptoms are anxiety, old ear infections, rashes, back and neck pain, bronchial symptoms, and what are called the pains. These are pain in the liver area, pain in the solar plexus area or third energy center, and chest wall pain that can feel like it is coming from your heart.
4. Medical personnel, including holistic practitioners and naturopaths, do not understand the development program and will “treat” flare-ups as though they are diseases.
5. Explaining the program to them rarely helps. They mainly know about diseases, not deep healing. Therefore, use extreme caution with these people when on the program. An important exception is quality chiropractic care, which we highly recommend.
6. Also often harmful are family members, friends and colleagues who do not understand the program and tend to discourage one from pursuing it.
7. At times, the thugs, negs, satans or rogues give our clients diseases or health conditions in order to weaken or kill them. At this time, we can't avoid this problem. In fact, I am surprised the problem is not worse. There is a very high-tech and secret war going on on our planet at this time.
I am told there is some protection for our clients, but it is not perfect. This is especially true if one does not carefully follow the diet, supplement program and at least the five basic procedures – daily use of coffee enemas, red lamp therapy, the spinal twists, foot reflexology and the pulling down procedure. For more details, read Retracing, Trauma Retracing and The Pains.
10/30/24. I am told that for the past three days, the earth has had an unusual type of shield around the planet. This shield is protecting the planet from many attacks by the thugs, satans or rogues.
I am told this is a wonderful event for the earth. Normally, planets have shields to protect them from attack. The earth has not had a shield for thousands of years. The alien thugs destroyed the shield around the earth a long time ago.
I am told the new shield is not like the original one. However, it is working somewhat to protect the planet.
The shield is made of a calcium compound. One would think this would block the sun, and it may block it slightly, but not much. The shield is located about 150-200 miles above the planet. This is far above where airplanes fly and above the telecommunication satellites in the sky. Most jet airplanes fly at about six or seven miles above the earth.
Down hugging. The shield is unusual because for it to work it requires angel couples, a male and a female, inside the shield who are doing down hugging. We don't exactly know why this works, but it does.
We are told that it is a proper relationship between male and female, and that this is extremely needed at this time on our planet. Down hugging among the people of earth is not required, but is also very helpful.
Coffee. The shield is also unusual because it requires that human beings and/or creatures on earth and in the air use coffee properly. Drinking coffee won't work, but if the creatures use it in enemas or on the skin or holding bags of coffee next to the body, the shield responds by becoming stronger and thicker.
Love and prayer. The shield also requires that the inhabitants of the earth deeply love their planet. It also requires your prayers because it is under constant attack by the thugs.
10/29/24. Last evening I am told the earth moved “upward” in space toward its proper location inside a very large fine matter being. This event occurred only because more creatures and humans are using coffee properly. This means in enemas, held in the mouth but not swallowed, placed and held in the vagina of women, sprayed on the skin and/or bags of coffee held close to the body.
10/29/24. We are realizing that before and after doing coffee enemas, one needs to drink more water. We will explain why.
Coffee has a unique quality in that it makes many types of toxins easy to remove for our bodies. It does this in many ways. For example, it can change the chemistry of many toxins into a form that the body can remove.
This even occurs when one drinks coffee, although not too much. It occurs much more when coffee is used in enemas, in the vagina, on the skin and even when one holds bags of coffee next to the body.
As a result, the body is able to remove many toxins and wants to do so. This causes more urination, and this water must be replaced with fresh water. All the bodies today are toxic, even those of young babies. For details, read Everyone Is Toxic And Depleted.
NOTE: This quality of coffee is not the same as chelation, which is a medical method of removing toxic metals. Chelating agents just grab and bind to certain minerals and this does enable the body to remove some of them.
However, most chelators are toxic drugs. Also, a serious problem is they remove beneficial minerals along with the toxic ones. Also, they act mostly in the blood and on the walls of the arteries and veins. For this reason, they miss many toxic metals. Also, they often unbalance body chemistry.
For these reasons, we don't recommend them and they are not needed. The development program removes all toxic metals in a much safer and more thorough way. For details, read Chelation Therapy.
10/27/24. We corrected the article about monads because we found that most are fakes. The thugs or negs put them in people who develop to a certain stage and use them to weaken and kill people. We are sorry about the mistake. For details, read the corrected article, The Monads.
10/27/24. We recently suggested removing the liver from sardines before eating them. However, are learning about many problems in the livers of everyone. As a result, we want to change our recommendation. We recommend that you leave the liver in a sardine, if it still has one that you can see, and eat it.
10/26/24. We added more to the new article about the way coffee accumulates in the body. This is an unusual topic, and we believe it is very important at this time.
Coffee is a most special herb that cleans up the body organs, heals them, gets rid of worms, removes witchcraft, heals the subtle energetic structures of the body and later heals the brain. For details, read The Stages Of Coffee Accumulation.
10/26/24. A visualization for doing the pulling down procedure that is working for me is to imagine the body in the middle of a long vertical rod or skewer – a long metal or wood rod that is used for cooking food over a fire.
If one is standing up or sitting, the rod extends far up above the top of the head. It enters the body at the top of the head and passes out in the middle of both feet. Then the rod from the right foot and the rod from the left foot join each other and the rod extends downward from the body a long distance.
If you are lying down, the rod extends behind your head a long distance and it extends past your feet a long distance.
Energy flows through the rod from the top of the head down to the feet. You can feel it as a tickle or slight vibration. One pulls the energy downward by first putting one's attention below the feet and then pulling down.
This is an excellent visualization because I am told it is close to what we really look like. If you are standing up or sitting:
- Above the head, extending about 1000 feet up in the air, are a set of several thousand upper energy centers that look like little dots.
- Below the feet, extending downward about 50 feet, are about 100 small (marble-sized) balls of energy called the lesser dantiens.
Let me know if this is a helpful visualization. For more details, read The Pulling Down Procedure.
10/25/24. While is sounds strange, at this time the fine matter creatures of the planet and all humans in leadership positions need need to use lots of coffee in enemas. We believe the women all need much more coffee.
Is it weird? – yes. But it works if you use enough coffee. I do four enemas a day and some are doing more than this. You must do the liver detox procedure after each enema in order to do this many enemas.
The liver detox procedure is to tap on the knee caps, top of the thighs, and on the liver area while on the toilet expelling the enema for about 5 to 10 minutes. Ask your liver if it is spinning correctly. Eventually you will feel when the liver is spinning correctly. It takes some time.
I also walk around the house with a cloth shopping bag around my neck that contains a few bags of coffee. I also sleep with a few bags of coffee around me. Is it all strange – yes it is.
You could say it is a coffee stage of evolution of our planet. I also call it coffee determinism. If you are in any type of leadership position, four to five enemas daily may be needed – and everyone reading this is a leader.
We know it sounds crazy, but it works. If it does not work, let me know.
Also, when they tell you not to do coffee, or threaten you in any way, you need to talk about it. KEEP TALKING. Talk to God, talk to family and friends and keep talking. NO SECRECY! And read the next message below many times!
10/25/24. The One Science Of Love teaches that FEAR IS UNREAL. Fear is a mental illness that you must heal.
Fear is like darkness. Darkness is just a negative - an absence of light. Fear is just a negative - an absence of love.
To get rid of darkness, one turns on the light. To get rid of fear, one must “turn on” or receive more love from the Creator. That is the teaching of love science, which we all must learn and learn now.
Just practice it, even if it seems crazy. It is in the Bible, which says “Be not anxious” at least 70 times. It is also in other teachings, but it is not taught enough.
If you find yourself in fear, you say “I can choose again”. You may have to say it 1000 times a day for a while, but you must do it. Keep choosing for love, not fear. And talk about it.
10/25/24. We cleaned up and updated two articles. For details, read The Real Self – A Very Condensed Version and The Real Self.
10/24/24. America will choose a new president this month. Unfortunately, it is not done legally any more. The US Constitution says there will be an election day, not an election month or two.
Ballot harvesting. Allowing “early voting” and “voting by mail” gives the thugs, Satans or Rogues time to look over the records and to visit people who have not yet voted. They knock on the door and smile and say, “We will help you vote. Here is a ballot.” They have already told the women they must vote Democrat or be raped and beaten severely. This is sometimes called ballot harvesting.
Voting in more than one state. “Early voting” or really an extended election period allows another massive type of cheating. Where I live the thugs bring in thousands of people in cars, buses or planes who have phony residence papers and who vote in ten to thirty states. They come here for a day and vote. Then they drive or fly to another state, are handed another phony identification paper, and vote in another state - and on it goes.
Massive cheating. Voting machines are simple computers that are very easy to rig up for cheating. Requiring just one form of ID is also an invitation to cheating. Mail-in ballots are another invitation to cheating. And women sadly cannot be allowed to vote because they are much too influenced at this time by the rogues.
The whole system is wrong, in fact. The Constitution says there shall be electors, not voters. There is no such thing as a voter in the Constitution. Electors are men, age 21 or above, I believe, who own at least a little property. These are the only people who are legally allowed to choose the president and vice-president. I hope some day we will return to the law and stop the cheating.
10/24/24. We updated the section of the Read Articles page that lists all the hair analysis patterns. We are sad to have to do this, but we must. We added the following new warning:
The mineral patterns listed below are only valid if hair mineral testing is accurate. Until February, 2024, Analytical Research Labs offered accurate testing. Since that time, however, their accuracy is not as good. Other labs are often worse.
To identify a mineral pattern from a hair test from ARL at this time, one must raise the level of calcium, magnesium and most other minerals by 25-50%. One must also raise the level of sodium and potassium by 100% or a little more. If you don't do this, the patterns do not apply. Also, the levels of iron, manganese and aluminum are useless. (This is done to cover up the thug program of converting people to what they call “blacks” or “black masters”.)
10/24/24. We identified a new mineral pattern that the planning souls call steps. It is a combination on one test of a step down pattern on the first four minerals (calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium) AND a step up pattern on the second four minerals (iron, copper, manganese and zinc).
I am told this pattern, which is rare, is a positive pattern indicating a stronger step down or karmic beginning pattern.
10/23/24. I am told that in the past two days a shield has developed around the earth that is helping to protect the planet from the thugs or Rogues. If true, this is very positive. One of the problems with the thugs or rogues is they keep bringing more of their operatives and equipment to the earth.
I asked what would help strengthen this shield. I am told that coffee enemas are helpful, as are your prayers for the planet and caring for your health with the entire development program. I am also told that down hugging and proper sexual relations between men and women are also most helpful for maintaining the shield.
10/22/24. One of the newer healing procedures is the use of steam. I use a Shark X5 H2O Steam Mop to make steam. It comes ith various attachments to produce steam in my shower area. This is much less expensive than building or buying a steam room.
One can also use a sauna as a steam room. In fact, the old fashioned hot rocks saunas include the use of steam.
We now realize that the steam procedure is more than a procedure. As one uses steam day after day, there is buildup of certain souls called loyli. These very small creatures can enter the body and act as guides and helpers.
It takes a few months of using steam every day to build up enough of the loyli to make a difference. However, as one does this for several months, at least, one gets much more help and usually feels and is much safer. For many more details, read The Steam Procedure.
10/21/24. I have been drinking some distilled water in the past few days. The reason was I found out some of the spring water I was drinking now contains too much arsenic and I happened to have some distilled water.
We don't recommend drinking just distilled water because:
- It is very low in minerals.
- I am told it is also low in angels, another problem.
- At this time, distilled water that one buys in a store is often slightly poisoned by the rogues or thugs.
- One can buy a water distiller, but mine has problems and has needed repairs.
However, at this time there is a lot of poison on our planet and distilled water can absorb poisons. Drinking some, at times, can be helpful, usually just for a few days.
10/20/24. With all the craziness, remember love. That is today's message. For details, read Love As Radiance and The Real Self – Only Love Heals, Self-Love, Loving Versus Destructive Relationships and Discerning The Difference.
10/19/24. We added more to the new article about the coffee stages. Please read the article again because it is so important. For details, read The Stages Of Coffee Accumulation.
10/18/24. We added to the new article about the coffee stages. It is extremely interesting because it is about mental telepathy. This is the ability to use your mind to tune into others and communicate with them.
Coffee, used properly, can help greatly with this ability. I believe it is the reason that I am able to tune into the souls. I have been doing coffee enemas for most of the past 44 years.
Please read the new section of the article, section III called The Upper Stages Of Coffee Accumulation. Here is the link to the improved article: The Stages Of Coffee Accumulation.
10/17/24. When one does a coffee enema, the coffee in the colon picks up toxins from your body and perhaps from other people's bodies. This burdens the liver a little and can cause a headache, abdominal pain or other symptoms.
Holding the coffee enema for only 20-30 minutes helps prevent this problem. Another simple, yet very effective method is to do a liver detox procedure while you sitting on the toilet expelling the coffee.
This is an excellent and simple way to help the liver any time. The procedure is:
- Liver massage. Using both hands, tap your palms over the entire liver area. It can be gentle. I am told this is relaxing for the liver and assists its activity.
- Tap on the tops of your thighs the part of your palms that are below the fourth and fifth fingers. This area of the palms of the hands are the reflex areas to the liver. The top of the thighs is also a reflex area to the liver. The left hand taps on the top of the left thigh and the right hand taps on the top of the right thigh. Move the hands around the entire length of the top of the thighs.
Previously, we recommended tapping your palms on your kneecaps. Tapping on the tops of the thighs is working even better.
10/17/24. We cleaned up and added to the liver detoxification article, a most important article. It is also an important research area. For details, read Liver Detoxification.
10/17/24. Eating split pea soup helps protect the heart from a rogue murder method. They drill tiny holes in the interior walls of the heart.
This weakens the heart, which causes fatigue, and the heart could fail altogether. Eating split pea soup about twice a week helps counteract this problem.
The recipe. To make a portion for one adult, place about half a cup of split peas in a pressure cooker. Add about 1.2 cups of water. Close the pressure cooker and turn it on.
When the cooker reaches full pressure, set a timer for six minutes. When the timer rings, tilt the top of the pressure cooker so the pressure releases quickly. This should make a thick soup. Add a little sea salt and it is ready to eat as the protein part of your meal.
Shoyu (traditional soy sauce). I also add a few drops of Shoyu soy sauce to the soup. I use the Oshawa Nama brand of shoyu soy sauce. Other brands of traditional aged shoyu are probably okay, as well. I keep the soy sauce in an old dropper bottle in the refrigerator and add about ten drops to a bowl of split pea soup.
NOTE: When I cook split peas this way, most of the split peas soften and disintegrate. However, some peas remain a little hard and need to be chewed. They are not very hard and they are easy to chew. I am told this is okay and the cooking time is correct.
10/16/24. Several days ago in this newsletter we made an unusual suggestion. When you sit or lie down, surround yourself with several bags of coffee beans.
NOTE: Place the bags of coffee at the feet, legs, between the legs, and on or next to the abdomen. Do not put coffee near your head.
The reason is that the coffee has a strong pulling down or drawing effect. Putting it near your feet is a method of doing the pulling down procedure. Putting coffee near your head moves subtle energy in the wrong direction.
An excellent idea is when you sleep put several bags of coffee at your feet, between your legs and near your abdomen. Another idea is when you walk around your house or apartment, place a few bags of coffee in a shopping bag and put it around your neck.
We are repeating this message because this very simple method of getting more coffee into your body seems to be working well – and helps pulling down!
It is not a substitute for at least one or two coffee enemas daily. However, to obtain additional coffee without much work, it works.
10/15/24. We are sad to report that dating, marriage or just living with a woman at this time is quite dangerous for all men, no matter what their level of protection or development. We base this sad and harsh statement on the fact that we have lost touch with several male friends who are developed and we thought had excellent security teams.
They may be in trouble or they may be safe, but simply have decided not to communicate.
The only thing they had in common was they are or were all married. They all knew there was some danger because most all women are compromised on earth, but they believed and were told they were protected.
We just learned, however, that one must reach at least the stage of coffee accumulation called coffee master (Stage 10) or one is not safe living or dating a woman. This is true even if she is doing several coffee enemas daily. In fact, we now believe that men are not safe until they are at an even higher stage of coffee accumulation, and that is not certain, either.
10/15/24. WARNING. It is critical to know that as one develops more and more, one obtains more protection from all dangers to one's health and life. This is a major benefit of development.
However, there are also more attacks at this time from the rogues or thugs. As a result, the proper use of coffee in enemas and perhaps also holding coffee in the mouth, spraying it on the body and sitting or lying down with it next to the body becomes even more critical.
At this time, (October 2024) if one does not do this, one will usually be “taken” or captured and converted to a sat or black master by the thugs. Please begin using coffee, at least two coffee enemas each day, if you are following either the supervised or the basic development program.
10/15/24. We added two more stages to the new article about the stages of coffee accumulation. This is a very important article that will encourage you to continue with coffee enemas.
NOTE: We also added that the thugs or rogues are interfering with coffee accumulation in the body.
- They may be able to weaken the coffee by spinning it to the left or poisoning it in some way.
- They can block the absorption of coffee from the colon, reducing its accumulation in the body.
- They can block the entrance of coffee to organs such as the liver, kidneys, heart, brain and more.
- They can also steal coffee from these organs if the coffee arrives there.
- They can cloak the body in a way that one believes coffee has filled the organs and more when this is not true.
In this way, they can slow down or stop the stages of coffee accumulation. This is extremely important!
For details, read The Stages Of Coffee Accumulation.
10/15/24. I am told that coffee grounds make excellent fertilizer for pine, spruce, oak and most other trees and shrubs. I have done this myself for years with no problem. Spread them lightly and fairly evenly around a tree or bush for best results.
10/14/24. We are repeating this plea. If you are told by the thugs you may not do coffee enemas, or not much coffee, you must ask a higher power for guidance.
When you do this properly, I am told you will usually hear that the threat is empty. You are to do the coffee enemas and it will protect you from them when you do enough.
10/14/24. The els are a group of animals that live all over the world. Some are very large and well known as the elephants.
Others are smaller creatures who look similar to elephants, although not all of them have trunks and tusks. Some are very shy and do not leave deeply wooded areas.
I am told the els play a very important role on earth and need our protection at this time. The negs, thugs, satans or rogues want to kill them off because they help keep the planet going by spinning the energy centers of the planet properly. This is their main job, although it is not obvious.
I am also told they are among the most intelligent and most advanced animals on earth. They have a complex family structure and society of their own that a few people have studied.
The word EL means God in Hebrew. In the ancient Ebre language, the same word means divine or close to the divine. The els are close to God and communicate easily with higher realms of existence than ours.
The Lions. I am told that another very important group of creatures on earth who need protection at this time are the lions. They, too, play an important role on our planet as guides for other creatures. They, too, are being killed and harmed in other ways by the thugs or rogues.
Please support organizations such as the World Wildlife Fund that protect these very important animals. Also, support groups that protect their land or habitat from human encroachment.
10/13/24. Monads are a most exciting group of souls present in each person. They are very advanced helper souls.
I am told the monad souls are present at birth, but the negs, thugs or satans are allowed to remove the part of the brain where they belong. The monad souls move to another location in the brain for safety.
The monads help out babies and children, to a degree. However, they cannot help too much because they are in the wrong area of the brain due to the rogue mutilation of our brains.
When a person develops sufficiently, the monad area of the brain regrows a little and the monad souls return to their home. They then begin to help much more.
This is a great benefit of the genetic upgrade process called development. We completely rewrote and corrected an older article about monads. For details, read The Monads.
10/12/24. An unusual method to obtain more coffee is to sit orlie down and hold or sit against bags of coffee. Whole coffee beans works a little better than ground coffee, but they both work.
For example, you can buy 5 or 6 large bags of coffee beans and stack them at the back of a chair or couch. When you sit to eat, read or watch television, sit against the stacked up bags of coffee, preferably with not much too clothing on your back.
Another idea is that when you sit or sleep, place bags of coffee beans on your lap or next to your body. It is a strange idea but we are experimenting and it works to move more coffee into your body.
The main reason for this is that leaders on planet earth need to do a lot of coffee. The thugs may not allow too many enemas, but you may be able to hold the coffee, as explained in this message.
There is a need to move through the coffee stages. We have discussed this interesting concept in the past and in the new article, The Stages Of Coffee Accumulation.
10/12/24. Angels are a type of fine matter creature. They look rather human, but their legs are shorter and their fingers are very slender. Fine matter means they are made of a very delicate and light-weight type of flesh. They cannot be easily seen by most people, but some can see them.
There are trillions of angels on earth of all sizes. Some are too small to be seen. Others are larger and some are so large they must live in space because they don't fit on earth.
Angels have thousands of jobs to do on and around the earth. For example, they regulate the distance of the earth to the sun and the speed of the spin of the earth. This means they regulate the climate. They increase the heat of the planet if needed. At other times they cool the planet by moving it a little further away from the sun.
The earth is an excellent breeding center for angels. However, the thugs or satans or rogues do not like angels, so they lock them up and beat them whenever they can. It is truly awful, as bad or worse than what they do to human beings, especially women.
There is an effort to get the angels out of captivity and back to work. We truly thank you for any efforts and prayers that you offer to help the angel population on earth.
For more details, read Angels. If you have more questions about angels, write to us at and we will try to address your questions.
10/11/24. We added to the seventh commandment, which prohibits adultery. My understanding now is that this commandment means the only sex allowed is ordinary sex or down sex with your marriage partner. Marriage, in Biblical understanding, is between one man and one woman.
All other sex is not allowed. This means no sex between single people and no aberrant sex, such as sex with animals, sex with plants, homosexual sex, group sex or other types. Rape is not a violation of this commandment.
10/11/24. One hint is to buy a refrigerator with removable bins in the door. I have one of these and it makes removing vegetables at mealtime easy. It is an old Whirlpool refrigerator and I don't know if it is still being made.
If your refrigerator does not have removable bins, another idea is to buy several small plastic bins the correct size so they will fit into the big shelves of your refrigerator. Put your vegetables into these bins and remove the whole bin when it is time to make meals.
10/10/24. This is one of the most disgusting and disturbing messages we need to present. According to the souls of a number of babies, hospitals are very dangerous places for babies. Babies born in hospitals or who end up there for any reason:
- Often receive vaccines without the permission or knowledge of their parents.
- Are beaten, and possibly raped and poisoned, including on the night of their birth while their mothers are asleep in their hospital room. Some of these babies get a diagnosis of autism.
What to do. 1) If you will have a baby, have it at a small birthing center away from a hospital and do not stay there after the birth. Also, never give the baby to a doctor, nurse, midwife or doula at any time. Keep the baby with you. Bring someone with you to make sure this occurs.
Right after the birth, leave and go home. One client spent the night at a hotel, but not at the birthing center. Also, tell the doctors you don't want an episiotomy, a procedure that will necessitate a hospital stay, usually, for recovery.
This is a good start, but not really enough. Today babies are beamed out of their cribs at night using beaming technology and beaten, poisoned and raped, and then cleaned up and returned to their cribs. It sounds crazy, but the souls of babies report this. For details, Rape and Rape Planet.
The only way to prevent this would be to tie or chain a baby to the crib or to you. For the same reason, never leave a baby with a babysitter or daycare center or anyone unless you are absolutely sure you know the person will not allow the baby to be beaten, vaccinated and more.
2) We would not put a child (or yourself) in a hospital these day unless it is an extremely dire emergency. For example, skip elective surgery and if at all possible use what is called outpatient surgery rather than a hospital if you must go. For more details, read Hospital Horror.
3) The development nutritional program, as taught on this website and not others, can help undo at least some of the damage to babies and adults done by beatings. It can also remove vaccine poisons and many other toxins.
10/10/24. Most practitioners who use tissue mineral testing do not use it properly. Some use it to find toxic metals. This is okay, but there is no test that will determine all of one's toxic metals.
We assume everyone has lots of toxic metals today because it is true due to contamination of our planet's land, air, water and food. Testing for toxic metals is never the primary way to use the test.
Others use it to assess nutrient mineral levels, which is not possible. For example, mineral levels can be high due to an elimination of the metal or due to the presence of a toxic form of the mineral in the body. We assume everyone is nutritionally deficient today because it is the truth thanks to the mineral-deficient food.
Others look for mineral patterns that provide information, but this is also often confusing.
According to the planning souls, the proper use of the mineral test is to figure out how to begin the proper way to improve health. This requires knowing the oxidation type, oxidation rate, and the sodium/potassium ratio, at the very least.
The test provides much more information, but the above is the essential part, not the toxic metal levels or nutrient mineral levels. I realize this is disappointing for some people, but it is the truth.
One of our Helpers wrote me that a client's hair test looked quite good, but she heard the client died soon after the test. I responded that there are a number of possibilities:
- The test can be compensated. This means that the numbers can look good because toxic metals can alter the readings and make them look better than they are. We call these compensating minerals crutches.
- The test could have been skewed due to laboratory accuracy problems that occur at this time. For example, most adults today have elevated iron, manganese and aluminum levels. However, all labs, we now believe, lower these numbers because the negs, thugs, satans or rogues require it.
- The person may not have been that sick. It is quite possible that the person's “death” was not what you think. Today, most people do not die a natural death, no matter what it looks like. Most are “taken” at a certain time by the thugs or rogues to begin a new life as a rogue fighter. A few are “taken” for body parts.
When this occurs, they often give the person a poison or use an electronic method that makes it look like the person is dying. They are very clever and can give people many “diseases”, or what looks like diseases. Once they get the person to the hospital, they call the family and tell them sadly the person passed on, when it is not true. They also take bodies from funeral homes. It is very sick and strange!
You might think this only applies to younger people. However, they use artificial life support via electronic implants that can literally unwind old age. For details, read Implants, Life Support, The Walking Dead and The Black Program Or Black Master Program.
10/9/24. We have had inquiries about Valence Nutraceuticals brand of supplements. We do not recommend their products.
10/9/24. A very interesting concept that is new for us is that some souls know about aspects of one's lifestyle, behavior or thinking that are getting in a person's way. The souls call these problems blemishes.
This is somewhat similar to the idea of “As you reap, so you shall sow” or karma. However, it applies only to this embodiment, not to the past.
Common examples of these blemishes are selfishness or cheating regarding money, lying, stealing, or dishonoring another by taking a sexy attitude toward another. However, many other blemishes are possible.
Other examples are cheating on your taxes, credit card use, dress that is too sexy, long hair or a long beard, and dishonoring parents or children.
This knowledge is important because if one has a lot of blemishes or one's blemishes are severe, it can cause illness or death. We are told that undoing the blemishes is required for a safe, happy and long life.
10/8/24. Several companies including Upside and Eat Just are beginning to sell something they call cultured meat. They say they grow animal cells in a factory to make it. Then they add artificial color, artificial flavor, artificial smells and chemical preservatives to make it look, smell and taste like chicken or some other meat.
My understanding is that it is much like soy foods that are currently sold to vegetarians such as Seventh Day Adventists who won't eat meat but who want something that looks, smells and tastes like meat.
The problem – nutrition. Fake meat is not meat. Meat has blood, nerves, bone, muscle, liver and much more in it. These provide HUNDREDS of nutrients our bodies require.
The fake stuff is mainly very cheap protein with a few added vitamins and minerals. Scientists know that one cannot sustain even rats on lab-grown food and added vitamins. They need real food, which is a very complex biochemical mixture.
The corrupt FDA and USDA. Our government food agencies, the Food And Drug Administration (FDA) and the United States Department Of Agriculture (USDA), have approved these products, so everyone thinks they are safe when they are not.
Illegal Agencies. The FDA and USDA are thoroughly illegal because the Congress of the United States does not have the authority to regulate every speck of food in the fifty states.
In the US Constitution, the national Congress was given two jobs: 1) absolute rule over the territories and possessions of the United States and 2) limited authority within the states. However, these two jobs of the Congress have been intentionally confused to drastically increase the power of the American national government.
The agencies also violate a key American legal doctrine, separation of powers. The three main government activities - to 1) make laws, 2) enforce laws and 3) judge the laws - are supposed to be separated into three branches of government. However, the government agencies do all three. In legal terms, this is called tyranny.
Also, in America laws are to be made by representatives of the people. However, the government agencies are staffed by unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats, not elected representatives of the people.
For more details, read the book, History of a Crime Against the Food Law: The Amazing Story of the National Food and Drug Law Intended to Protect the Health of the People, Perverted to Protect Adulteration of Foods and Drugs by Harvey Wiley, MD (first director of the FDA, then called the Bureau of Chemistry), republished by the Lee Foundation For Nutritional Research, Milwaukee, WI, 1955. Also read The Regulatory Menace.
10/7/24. Beware - over the past five years, there is more and more censorship of the internet. It is often subtle, but we have noticed it regarding politics, health and perhaps other areas of knowledge.
In the area of politics, it favors left-wing politicians and ideas, while it is more difficult to find conservative websites. In the health field, several of the same medical websites always seem to come up first in most searches while our website and other holistic websites rarely come up first even when our articles are much better than theirs.
10/6/24. This is a core article about an exciting, though perhaps unusual subject. When one does coffee enemas on a daily basis, coffee accumulates in the body. It does so in a set order or set of stages. These are called the coffee stages.
This accumulation goes far beyond just filling the body organs with coffee. It has to do with filling what are called the subtle energy structures of the body. These are very important, but difficult to see.
This new article will serve as an introduction to the subject of subtle anatomy, a subject we hope to expand upon in the future. For details, read The Stages Of Coffee Accumulation.
10/5/24. The healing procedures part of the development program consists of at least five basic methods – foot reflexology, the twists, pulls, pops and kicks, red heat lamp exposure, pulling down and coffee enemas.
These are important for children, as well as for adults. Children need them for healing and the coffee enemas can help protect children from the alien group, the rogues or satans.
So we encourage parents to do their best to make these procedures part of the daily routine of your children. Often children will copy their parents and you can do them together.
10/5/24. Kinesiology is a way to tune into the body by testing the strength of a muscle. It can be useful for certain purposes. Some people also use a pendulum to tune into the body.
Some use kinesiology and pendulums to set up diets and supplement programs. We wish that they worked well. However, in our experience they do not work well enough.
It is not nearly as good as our method of using hair mineral analysis and tuning into planning souls. Please beware of this!
Kinesiology is occasionally helpful to test one product or food. However, setting up a healing program is a lot more complex and this method does not work well, in our experience. For more, read Kinesiology.
10/5/24. This may seem like an unusual message. However, we find that the proper direction of movement of subtle energy through the body is from the head to the feet.
Moving energy with your mind this way is the Pulling Down Procedure. It is absolutely wonderful, powerful and causes deep healing and development.
Some people are tempted to move subtle energy in other directions with their minds or another kind of therapy. We have experience with these methods and, in all cases, they are somewhat harmful or very harmful. Beware!
The development program uses this principle. The foods, supplements, lifestyle and healing procedures we recommend all help move subtle energy downward. For more details, read Downward Motion Of Energy And Healing and The Science Of Down.
10/4/24. We updated and improved the long article about the skin. It is better organized and we added the steam procedure and a few more skin conditions. For details, read Skin And Care Of Your Skin.
10/3/24. The thugs, satans or rogues often rub a greasy substance on women's bodies before beatings and rapes. It is damaging to one's health. We wrote an article about how to remove it - and we welcome feedback on this subject. For details, read Removing Grease.
10/2/24. We accidentally discovered that I and others have Rogue equipment in the colon that spins the colon to the left. As a result, it does not work correctly.
It does not absorb coffee well and instead, the colon allows some toxins to be absorbed. This makes it difficult for some people to do coffee enemas.
What to do. You can easily spin the colon to the right with your hand while you do a coffee enema. Here is the procedure:
- Place either hand on the center of your abdomen just above your navel. Use either hand. It is easiest to take turns, using one hand for a minute or two and then switch hands so you don't become tired.
- The procedure is to move the hand in a fairly large circle around your navel: Move it first to the right. Then move it down the abdomen until your entire hand is below the navel. Then move it to the left side of the abdomen.
Then move it up the abdomen until the whole hand is above the navel. Then move it to the right side of the abdomen until the entire hand is to the right of the navel.
- Continue this circular motion as long as you are holding the enema. This will enhance coffee absorption.
We are also learning how to remove the left spin equipment and we will spread this knowledge.
10/1/24. We are learning a lot about worms. One feature of them is they encapsulate. This means they form a capsule around themselves. This protects them from detection and from destruction by coffee or even by medical drugs or herbs.
A problem with a slow oxidation rate is that there is too much calcium around in a form that worms or other organisms can use to form hard, protective capsules. (see the discussion of oxidation rate below in relation to development.)
We formerly thought people had a lot of adhesions. These are tissues that are stuck together improperly. Now we realize that many of them are actually capsules that contain a worm. Encapsulating is a form of adhesion, but it is different than a simple adhesion. For details, read Adhesions and Parasites.
10/1/24. We wrote about the use of split pea soup to counter a rogue or thug death technology – putting tiny holes in the inner walls of the heart. This is apparently common and a way the thugs weaken and can kill people and creatures.
Previously, we said canned split pea soup was adequate to help protect one, along with old fashioned whole grain mustard. This is true and you can use canned soup. However, it is best if the split pea soup is fresh, not canned. Canned soup is often old and not as healthful.
Recipe for split pea soup. Place half a cup of green split peas in a pressure cooker. Add water – almost 3 times as much water as split peas. The more water, the thinner the soup and thicker soup is better. Pressure cook for 15 minutes and then eat.
10/1/24. We used to believe that a slow oxidation rate is normal for adults. This is based upon our experience. However, we now realize that if a person develops enough, the oxidation rate will speed up and one will move into fast oxidation.
Using a higher level energy system. I am told that our bodies are capable of at least seven energy conversion systems. Each one converts more energy from food into usable energy. Moving to a higher energy conversion system is like putting a larger engine in a car.
Most people are using Systems #1 and #2 (sugar and starch-based systems). These are called the glycolysis cycle. These do not produce much energy, so most people are tired and ill.
Unlike a car, our bodies use energy not just to move about. Energy is also required for healing and repairing the body. When energy is low, the body sickens in hundreds of ways.
If one follows the development program, one can re-activate Systems #3 and #4. These are fat-based systems also known as the krebs or carboxylic acid metabolic pathway. These convert more energy and can cause some fast oxidation. System #4 includes more activation of the electron transport pathway, which is best.
However, if one develops enough, which requires a number of years of following the development program faithfully, one can activate energy System #5. This is another energy pathway that is not well known on earth because it is very uncommon. However, it converts more energy and will allow a person to be in a healthier fast oxidation.
This is not a stress fast oxidation, which is most common. It occurs because one starts using a higher level energy system – like having a larger motor in a car. For details, read The Body's Energy Systems And Implications For Diet. We just updated and corrected this article.
9/30/24. We wrote a short article about how the thugs or satans bring filth of many kinds to the earth. They use it to weaken, degrade, control, sicken and kill the people and creatures of our planet. For details, read Filth – A Rogue Method.
9/30/24. We added more to the message about problems of credit cards. I believe banks can consider credit card balances as an asset, which they can use as collateral for loans or other purposes.
For details and more, scroll down and re-read the message in this newsletter from 9/25/24.
9/29/24. The message of 9/17/24 was called Worms As A Major Weapon System. We are learning more about this subject.
The message includes mention of using split pea soup and whole grain mustard. It also mentions the stages of coffee accumulation in the body. These are really three subjects, so we broke this message into three parts. To read the correction, scroll down to the message of 9/17/24 of this newsletter.
9/29/24. Prayer can be very helpful for healing for several reasons:
- It is a special way to use your mind to ask for what you want or need.
- It can teach good ideas, such as following the Will of the creator, found in the Lord's prayer.
- It can substitute positive thoughts for negative ones, as in the 23rd Psalm of David.
- It can inspire you and uplift your thoughts and emotions. Many prayers do this.
However, for this to occur, just repeating words is not sufficient. What needs to occur is for the words to “come alive” and take on deeper meaning for you. This is a wonderful experience! Here is an example:
A number of years ago I was quite ill and discouraged. I happened to read the 23rd Psalm. It sounded so positive and happy that I decided to say it many times each day. You could say it was a form of voluntary conditioning.
At first, it was just words that I really did not believe, but the words sounded good. One day, however, something changed. I started to believe that perhaps the prayer was the truth. This some call the hope of prayer.
Dangers in prayer. To be balanced, we need to add that there are dangers in prayer:
1. It is possible to talk yourself into believing that anything is the truth. I believe that whatever one truly commits to, one will achieve. So choose carefully the prayers you say. Be especially careful about what might be called selfish prayers.
2. Another danger is that praying will occupy time that would be better spent doing the development program – eating correctly, pulling down, and doing coffee enemas and the other procedures.
We don't believe that prayer alone is enough today to solve most health and other problems. One also needs the development program. The pulling down procedure is prayer! It is bringing the kingdom of Heaven down to earth.
3. Another danger is that one will just keep asking, but not listening to answers that one receives when praying or afterwards. It is possible for many people to tune in to God or Source or the Holy Spirit.
However, once one does this one needs to actually follow the Will of God. This may be inconvenient, lonely, embarrassing, humiliating, costly or difficult for some other reason.
9/29/24. We are researching parasites that many people have. Some are due to unclean food or water. Some we believe are also put there by the alien group, the thugs, satans or rogues.
We wrote about this situation in the newsletter message of 9/17/24 – Worms As A Major Weapons System. This problem is much more widespread than we thought.
We now believe that one of the signs of these parasites can be the symptom called hemorrhoids. These are expanded and often inflamed blood vessels around the anal opening.
9/28/24. Love, according to this teaching, is the radiance or emanation of an enormous being who lives in space, and inside of whom we exist. Love is also the radiance or thoughts of all beings.
According to love science, also called the science of one, there is only love in the universe. However, love allows all things. Therefore, the universe might not seem loving.
According to this teaching, each of us is filled with love and power. Whatever we do, even if it seems forced, comes from that loving and powerful place.
According to the teaching, we are really never forced to do anything. The souls give permission, even if we are unaware of it. Therefore, there are no victims, no matter how things seem to be. It does not matter if we don't seem to understand everything.
Thinking this way can help overcome negative and defeatest thinking. It may be very important at this time.
If you find yourself thinking incorrectly, such as that you are a victim, say “I can choose again”.
Remind yourself that there are no victims and while things may not make sense, you are filled with love and power and that cannot ever change. For more details, read The Real Self or Only Love Heals and listen to the audio program, The Real Self. Also, read Love As Radiance and One Science.
This teaching definitely helps me. I was a very negative thinker and I had to read and listen every day for seven years to change it.
9/27/24. We are hearing about a number of financial “investment programs” that are scams to steal your money and perhaps send you to jail. They promise high returns and often feature conference calls and other “educational programs” about money. A hallmark of these programs is they discourage you from investing in gold.
What to do. Do not turn your money over to anyone! Do not engage in illegal activity, such as trying to hide money in other nations or setting up questionable trusts or other structures.
Do invest in gold, which has risen almost 40% in the past year. This is more than usual, but if you go back 20, 50 or 100 years, gold has increased in value more than most anything else. Gold is not just a metal. I am told it is the basic accounting system of our planet.
You can buy gold bullion coins and just keep them at home. A 1/10 ounce coin costs about $300.00. For larger sums, you can set up an investment account with a company such as Vanguard and buy one of several ETFs (exchange traded funds) such as GLD. They put your money into gold bars and nothing else.
We don't recommend buying stock in gold mines because they are not as safe, and we don't recommend other investments at this time. The price of gold goes up and down, but we don't recommend “timing the market”, which means trying to figure out which day is best to buy or sell gold.
9/27/24. One of the most difficult aspects of the development program is when a retracing process is slow and goes on for a long time. I have had a number of these:
- Tooth problems that took about 5 years to heal.
- Back problems that required 15 years to heal.
- Lung/bronchial problems that took over a year to heal.
- Skin rashes that lasted for months.
- A twist and pain in the liver that healed after 46 years.
- Old ear problems that took well over a year, and occasionally still flare up.
What to do. I do my best to stay on the program. I don't focus on the problem, but instead focus on other improvements in my health and on helping others. These health problems have also caused us to come up with new healing procedures, and that is a positive benefit.
927/24. To reduce intake of mercury and other toxic metals found in all fish, slice open sardines from front to back with a fork and knife. Remove the spine, where mercury accumulates.
Also remove the liver, especially if it is enlarged. You can identify the liver because it is near where the head of the sardine would be and it is dark in color. Some of them are quite large, especially on a larger sardine.
9/27/24. The negs or Rogues are taking over businesses, schools and more all over the world. They can rape and beat people.
We believe that doing 1) coffee enemas, 2) the development program and doing 3) Thy Will can help with personal protection. However, we think you must do at least two enemas every day, and each one must contain at least 2 tablespoons of coffee. Some women say it is best to stay home, even if the thugs order you go out.
9/26/24. We are still researching how best to take calcium and magnesium. I have checked half a dozen good companies and their products have calcium and magnesium in a 2:1 ratio. When I ask the planning souls, this is usually not enough magnesium. If you know of a product with a slightly better ratio product, let me know. NOW brand has a product with an inverse ratio, but this is not correct, either.
Endomet calcium/magnesium has a better ratio – 100 mg calcium and 60 mg magnesium. The problem is they lowered the dosage so one needs to take 6 tablets.
An alternative is to take calcium and magnesium separately. Endomet offers calcium lactate and MCHC calcium. The latter has 250 mg calcium in it. They also offer a magnesium chelate with 133 mg magnesium.
9/26/24. I find that about half of the people whose hair mineral chart indicates a four lows pattern are not really in four lows. It just looks like four lows because the test numbers from ARL are no longer accurate and are low.
The laboratory says they have not changed the lab procedure, so I don't know what is going on. However, when I check with the planning souls, that is what they tell me.
How to correct the readings. To correct the calcium and magnesium readings, one needs to add between one fourth and one half to the reading. For example, if the calcium reading is 100 mg%, one must add between 25 and 50 mg% to the 100.
To correct the sodium and potassium readings, one must add at least 100% to the reading and often a little more. For example, if the sodium reading is 20 mg%, one must add at least another 20 mg%. Potassium often requires a little more adding than sodium.
9/26/24. We updated and improved the article about four lows pattern. It is a core article and a very important pattern. For details, read Four Lows Pattern On A Hair Mineral Analysis.
9/25/24. Over the past several months, I have had nine incidents of unauthorized charges placed on credit cards. The charges say PP*CDDE and no one at the banks or elsewhere seems to know who or what they are.
It has led us to investigate credit cards. It turns out they are part of a less-than-legal system used by banks.
One problem is that credit cards allow you to borrow money at no cost provided you pay off the entire balance each month. I am told this violates an important spiritual rule: If one borrows money, one should pay for it.
There is a fee with credit card use that the merchant usually pays, but not the consumer. However, there is a tricky way anyone can borrow thousands of dollars with no fees at all.
Revolving credit. In this trick, one pays off one credit card with another one and keeps doing this each month. In this manner, one can borrow thousands of dollar indefinitely and pay no interest charges at all. Millions of people do this, though I did not know about it. Don't do this!
A main reason people do this is they can build up a lot of reward points quickly to use for free airplane flights, free dinners and more. This is taking advantage of the system and really is stealing reward points. Others who pay off their credit card each month accumulate far fewer points.
A bank scheme. Credit card use also puts a debt on the books of the bank that is sponsoring the card. In a corrupt way, this debt is allowed to be used as an asset by the bank. The bank receives credits and perhaps even government payments based on this phony asset.
Inflation. Another problem is that credit card use is inflationary. This means that credit card use creates money out of nothing, with no backing in gold. This dilutes the money supply and is very harmful for society.
Inflation causes higher prices for everything and destabilizes society. It is a sinister way to steal the people's money. It tends to wreck a society and particularly harms poor people, who need our support.
Other reasons for inflation today are:
1. Corrupt governments spend more money than they have. In the United States, Democratic Party politicians are the worst offenders, although most all of them vote for it.
2. The thugs or satans are bringing millions of illegal alien creatures (they are not fully human) to the earth and giving them Paypal-type accounts, rather than standard bank accounts.
If you or I want to open a Paypal account, we first need a bank account in order to transfer money into Paypal. The thugs don't do it that way. They just manipulate the Paypal or other payment system so their people mysteriously have money in their accounts. This is illegal money creation on a large scale.
For details, read Inflation.
What to do. I now use a debit card, a much better idea. This allows one to basically write electronic checks. Money is taken out of your bank account immediately to pay for goods and services so there is no borrowing. That is what we recommend, not credit cards.
9/24/24. Jennifer finally showed me the new Paramin label. This is the calcium/magnesium product from Endomet Labs. It shows the dosage of Paramin in each tablet has been cut in half. This means one needs twice as many tablets of this product as we have been recommending.
This is rather inconvenient, especially for those in a four lows mineral pattern. Someone also said the new tablet, while smaller, is very hard and may not dissolve well.
Some have asked if there are substitutes. One can substitute Country Life Target Mins Calcium/Magnesium With Vitamin D Complex or Blue Bonnet Calcium Citrate Magnesium Vitamin D3.
(We took down the previous post about Paramin that was on 9/20 because it is incorrect).
9/24/24. The newer salt recommendation, Alaea Hawaiian Sea Salt, is reddish in color.
9/24/24. Eating properly cooked vegetables requires many steps. This stops some people from eating them. However, all the steps may be an important part of their use. This is a work or karmic concept.
The steps to eating vegetables are finding and buying the vegetables, paying for them, rinsing them when you get them home, storing them, chopping them up, cooking them, and finally eating them and cleaning up.
9/23/24. We wrote a short article about the mother of Jesus, whose original name is Miriam. I am told she is still alive and very active in our world.
She is an advanced being who assists anyone who asks for her help! For details, read Miriam or Mary, Mother Of Jesus.
9/23/24. We added the hot steam skin brushing method to the article about skin brushing. Using hot steam on a body brush is quite an amazing method for eliminating certain toxins from the liver. For details, read Skin Brushing.
9/22/24. We updated the main diet article – Food For Daily Use. One change is to eat more sardines – 4 or 5 cans a week instead of 3-4 cans a week. This is because many creatures are waking up and need this particular food. If you eat it you will share a certain amount with others.
I also updated the salt recommendation and the Salt article. We think someone is adding iron to the Hawaiian Bamboo Jade Salt. The new recommendation is Alaea Hawaiian Sea Salt.
I like best the Tiny Tots or King Oscar brands of brisling sardines. Beware that the Seasons brand of sardines may not be sardines. They are much larger and might be a different fish such as a smelt. A little may be okay, but I would not eat only those.
Beware! I also typed my name into a search engine to see what would come up. Our website comes up, but soon after are websites that criticize the development diet as being “outdated” and wrong.
I am told the people in charge of these websites are vicious, clever liars and deceivers pretending to be nutritionists or physicians. Beware that just making one or two of their dietary mistakes can ruin the development program.
Common lies of theirs are to eat fewer vegetables, to eat more fat or meat, to skip blue corn chips, and to eat fruit and/or raw vegetable salads.
NEW FOODS – split pea soup and old fashioned “whole grain” mustard
9/21/24. Eating split pea soup and old fashioned “whole grain” mustard is helping some people feel better. It seems to work on the heart, which the thugs or rogues attack in a most disgusting manner in many people. If you are feeling tired or weak, these foods are definitely worth a try.
Preparation. The split pea soup can be from a can sold at the supermarket. Brands that work in American markets are Amy's Organic Soups and Pacific Organic Soup. Progresso brand also works, but contains ham, a food we don't recommend. You can also buy split peas and make it fresh.
Old fashioned “whole grain” mustard is found in supermarkets or online. A good brand is Maille (1747). The mustard needs to have pieces of mustard seed in it and you have to chew up the mustard seeds in your mouth.
How much. Eat at least one can or about two servings of split pea soup per week. More might be needed, at first.
Put some of the mustard on meats or vegetables. The Le Maille brand is very mild-tasting.
9/21/24. A very unusual, but easy way to move coffee into the body is to hold one or more bags of coffee against the body. This is rather strange, but it seems to bring more coffee into the body and is a very easy and clean procedure.
How does it work? The effect apparently occurs because coffee radiates an energy field that extends at least one foot away from the coffee. If you place your body in this energy field, you will pick up some of the healing energy of the coffee.
Materials. I am using several bags of coffee from the supermarket. Both whole bean and ground coffee seem to work well.
I also have two large cans of Kroger brand Supreme Blend ground coffee. When lying down, I place one under the neck and another on the abdomen. The cans are mostly cardboard. This works better than all-metal cans and probably better than plastic cans.
Where. The bags of coffee are best placed along the chest or back. For example, if you sit, place several bags of coffee along the back of the chair or couch, one on top of the other. Use about four or five bags of coffee so that it extends all the way up to your neck.
If you are lying down on your back or side, a bag of coffee can be placed by your neck, and one or more bags or cans on or next to your abdomen and chest. When sitting or lying down, one can also place a bag of coffee between the legs.
If you are walking around the house, put several bags of coffee in a a cotton grocery bag and hang it around your neck. One can also do this while driving a car.
How much. At this time, it seems that the more coffee and the more often it is used this way, the better. One can sit or lie down with coffee against the body for hours with no apparent adverse effects.
Clothing. The best effect occurs if the coffee bags are in direct contact with your skin. It works to a lesser degree if you wear a shirt while holding the coffee.
I call all the uses of coffee coffee consciousness or coffee determinism. I know it sounds very unusual!! However, it seems to be very healing and protective. I welcome your feedback about it.
9/21/24. Recently, we noticed that, at times, the hair tissue calcium level reported by Analytical Research Labs seems to be much too low. This can change the oxidation rate and cause a four lows pattern that is not correct.
I now check for this when reviewing hair mineral tests. Checking it is not easy.
9/21/24. At this time, Hawaii is not a safe place. There is a large infiltration by the Chinese and by the thugs or Rogues.
9/21/24. Wo oil is an old herbal formula containing camphor and eucalyptus. It is helpful for itchy skin rashes and other skin conditions. A good brand is Systemic Formulas. It is also sometimes called Wo China Healing Oil.
The Democratic Party candidate for US President is a huge fan of legally killing babies in the womb. She has talked about wrecking the Supreme Court Of The United States (called packing the court) in order to promote the baby-killing agenda. We think this the entirely wrong direction for America. For details, read Abortion and Post-Abortion Syndrome.
She is on record as being violently opposed to personal gun ownership. We think this attitude is completely illegal, unconstitutional, and disqualifies her from running for President. For details, read an excellent article, Gun Policy.
She wants to legalize drug use in the entire nation. This is another terrible policy in our view. For details, read Marijuana and Marijuana And Violence.
She wants the government to take over health care. Government health care has already bankrupted America. For details, read Why Double-Digit Inflation Of Health Care Costs? and other articles on health care on this website.
She claims that “capitalism is not working for most people”. This is a complete lie, but is the attitude of every socialist and communist, which describes her quite well. For details, read Basic Politics, Capitalism And Freedom and Socialism.
9/19/24. One of the worst dietary mistakes many people make is to eat fruit. We know that many health authorities recommend eating fruit. However, we find that it is very bad advice.
Fruit is very yin in macrobiotic terminology. This means cold and expanded. Fruit is usually eaten raw, which is also too yin. The bodies are all already too yin, so eating fruit throws the bodies much further out of balance.
Most fruit also contains sugars that feed worms, yeast, other parasites, bacteria, and viruses. There are a number of other problems with fruit. For many more details, read Fruit-Eating – Its Benefits And Problems.
9/18/24. I am told that coffee is not just an herb or a drink. It is much more than this. It is an entire consciousness. I know, this sounds outrageous, but I am told it is true.
Its effects are just amazing when used consistently and properly. It uplifts the mind and the body. It heals because it moves a person or creature to a safer level of reality. This is unlike any other remedy or method we have!
Coffee for who? Coffee in enemas is required at this time for all fine matter creatures and for those coarse matter creatures (including human beings) who wish to help lead our planet out of its current mess. This might seem strange, but I am told the fine matter world is actually in charge of the planet and its safety.
However, not nearly enough of them use coffee. Some are scared because the thugs or Rogues tell them not to use it. Others don't like enemas, and still others just don't want to bother.
I am told this is a serious mistake that is slowing down the healing of the entire planet. Please make a special effort to use at least some coffee in enemas every day.
9/18/24. This website was down for a few hours last evening due to a problem at the hosting company. We believe they solved the problem. I have to use lots of coffee and am told that we need a lot more coffee enema use if we want this website to remain.
9/17/24. This is a scary message. We are sorry, but we believe it is true and not meant to scare anyone. We are working to overcome it and there is progress – in the conclusion at the end of the message.
We have learned that the thugs, negs, satans or rogues use specially bred parasitic worms as a major weapon system. They put them in many people and use them to communicate, monitor, sicken and kill people and animals.
Weak bodies cannot fight off worms. First, the thugs weaken all the bodies before birth by beating, raping and poisoning all the mothers. This depletes the nutrition of all mothers and causes all babies to be born weak today.
In addition, during gestation the thugs destroy the criste, a very important part of the pancreas. They do other surgeries on all developing babies before birth that also weaken all babies.
The thugs also steal a lot of calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium and possibly other minerals from the earth so that our food is low in these vital minerals. This further weakens the bodies.
They also bring massive quantities of poisons to our planet such as mercury in the oceans, arsenic, lead, cadmium, aluminum and other toxic metals and many toxic chemicals. The entire planet has become literally filthy, whether or not you realize it.
In addition, they upset digestion by terrorizing women, in particular, and they teach bad nutrition by promoting eating of fruit and salads, and making sure refined flour and sugar are permitted though they are complete junk. They teach that a little junk food is not bad, which is another lie.
They weaken the bodies is dozens of other ways, such as allowing cell phone use and cell phone towers all over. This insane device puts out highly toxic frequencies that they also use to monitor and control people. The magicJack is much safer and much less expensive.
Today they are also putting tiny electronic weapons in new clothing, new appliances and elsewhere. These are just a few ways they weaken our people, animals and plants.
A hidden cause of death. For all the reasons above, the special worms slowly or quickly eat a person's organs, especially the heart and the liver. One may have a heart attack or develop another “disease”, or one just gets weaker and weaker. It is a subtle but very effective way to weaken and “kill”.
I put the word kill in quotes because we know that no one really dies. What occurs is that the body becomes weaker and weaker and seems to die. Breathing and the heart can stop, but the thugs put equipment in people that keeps the bodies alive enough that they can rehabilitate them. It is impressive technology.
Then the body is taken to a hospital or funeral home. These places lie to you, saying they cremate or bury the body, but really the thugs take all the bodies. They rehabilitate most of them and convert them into thug fighters. A few are also chopped up for body parts – extra arms, legs, hearts and other parts for their fighters.
Very difficult to detect. The worms used by the thugs are specially bred and often will not show up on parasite tests of any kind. How they achieve this so well we are not sure. However, it is the truth. Also, even if they do show up, medical drugs and natural herbs and other remedies will not remove them all.
The worm diet. Worms are a cold infection. They love carbohydrates and sugars. If you eat a lot of starches and sweets, you will make the worm problem worse.
We suggest avoiding all sugars and most all fruit because most fruit is high in sugar. An exception is that one can eat a few black botija olives or black kalamata olives each week. Olives are a fruit, but they are not a sugary food. We also recommend green beans, which some say is a fruit. Once again, it is not a sugary food.
Worms apparently do not like blue corn chips. However, they love other grains, which are starchy foods. Bread is one of the worst foods for this reason.
Cooked vegetables contain a little starch, but are absolutely necessary today to supply minerals and many other nutrients.
However, even if one eats the development diet, the thugs can feed the worms inside people, so diet alone is not sufficient to stop the worms.
Coffee. Coffee used in enemas can and will slow down or stop the worms. However, the thugs have at least 20 methods to block, steal or deactivate coffee inside and outside the body. We are researching ways around this problem.
Conclusion. At this time, the worm problem above is extremely severe on earth. It is a major weapon system they use on most everyone we have checked, and they use it on animals, as well.
On the positive side, doing coffee enemas with enough coffee and following the development program will help. Also, the immune system of a healthy person can be trained to find and remove the worms, and we are beginning to do this training. However, the thugs replace them so it is an ongoing battle.
Oddly, using a bidet toilet attachment on the anal reflex area whenever you use the bathroom can show the white blood cells and other immune cells where the worms are. Often you will experience pain doing this procedure, but it can help.
9/17/24. Split pea soup and old fashioned “whole grain” mustard. We have learned that eating split pea soup from a can, (Amy's brand of organic split pea soup), and using what is called old fashioned whole grain mustard may help the heart. The “whole grain mustard” has particles of mustard seed in it and is not creamy.
This is very new research at this time. It seems to help defend against another deadly rogue technology, which is to shoot tiny holes in the inner walls of the heart until the heart fails.
9/17/24. The idea of the coffee stages offer hope. We briefly discussed this in the messages of 9/6/24 and 9/7/24. It has to do with stages of coffee accumulation in the body.
The coffee first fills the physical body. Then it can fill what are called the upper bodies or upper energy fields of a person or animal. Then it fills other subtle structures of the body such as the merkaba. As this occurs, there is more protection against rogue worms and other thug death technologies.
Placing coffee near the body. Coffee enemas are not be sufficient to achieve all this because the thugs steal some of the coffee. One also needs to sit or better yet, sleep with a one or more bags of coffee next to the abdomen. You can wear thin clothing, although the effect is stronger if the bag of coffee is against the skin. So far, it is helping.
I am using a few bags of coffee beans or a large cardboard Kroger (a supermarket brand) can of ground coffee. It is not fancy coffee. God willing, we will keep reporting our progress on this subject.
9/16/24. One of the most interesting creatures on earth are raccoons. Their name is an ancient word in the universal Ebre language that means everywhere. Indeed, they are found almost everywhere. Some tolerate heat very well, while others tolerate bitter cold.
Description. Raccoons from a distance look like cats. However, they have very small front paws and big, powerful rear legs. They also have a long bushy tail that they use to keep their balance when running.
While their head is small, they are very smart creatures. They are among the most intelligent animals in the world.
Raccoons have small hands that are very similar to human hands in their operation. They make many tools that they use to open things and to feed.
Social organization. Raccoons live in groups of about 5 to 20 with a dominant female in charge. She makes most of the decisions for the group and is responsible for their welfare.
Food. Raccoons eat a variety of food and generally like human food. For that reason, many people know of them because they may raid uncovered garbage cans.
Activities. Raccoons, more than most other creatures, are in charge of security of the wooded areas of the world. They can be vicious killers if a creature of even a human is misbehaving. Most of the time, they monitor the woods and let everyone know the condition of the forest.
They do this using all their senses, but particularly a special sense that is like smell, but is something else. It allows them to judge situations of many kinds with good accuracy. I am told that my security team always asks raccoons if an area is safe before I go there. You, too, can ask to have the help of the raccoons this way.
The raccoons say that the thugs, negs or Rogues are trying to destroy many of the forests of the earth because they are the home of trillions of important creatures. However, it will not succeed, especially if people pray for the safety of the animals and yes, do coffee enemas. These help purify and uplift the entire planet.
9/15/24. the use of coffee is so important that this message discusses another way to apply it to the body - spraying it on the body. This is helpful because coffee is absorbed well through the skin.
The procedure is a little messy, but not too bad. You can pretend you are at a fancy health spa or one of the other fantasies below to make it more enjoyable.
Procedure. Making coffee. Prepare coffee the same way as for an enema. This means use about three tablespoons of coffee in about three cups of water. Ideally, boil or pressure cook the coffee, although you can use a coffee maker if you prefer.
Freshness. Coffee is an herbal preparation and it is best if the coffee is fresh. We find that coffee that is left overnight is weaker and not as good for spraying or for enemas.
Thickening the coffee. Spraying coffee alone will not tend to stay on the skin. To help the coffee remain on the skin, add a little soap or oil to the coffee.
Location. A good location for doing the procedure is in the bathtub or shower area. An alternative is to put a large towel on a bed or couch and do the procedure lying down. If you wash out the towel right after doing the procedure, the coffee will not stain it.
Clothing. You can wear a little clothing if you wish, but not much.
Applying the coffee. Put the coffee in a spray bottle to make it easy to apply to the skin. An alternative is to put the coffee in a pot and dip a washrag in it, which you then rub on the body.
Ideally, apply the coffee to as much of the body as possible. However, any application is better than nothing.
One can apply a thick layer, or it may be better to apply some and then go back and apply more layers.
Staying warm. It is necessary to stay warm during the procedure. In some houses, you can warm up the bathroom. An excellent alternative is to aim one or more reddish heat lamps at the body. This does two procedures at once – coffee spray and reddish heat lamp therapy.
For how long? The coffee should ideally remain on your skin for an hour or longer. So plan to relax with the coffee on your body for this long. You can rest, sleep, read, listen, use a telephone or other restful activity.
How often? The procedure can be done as often as you wish, up to several times a day, if needed.
It it the same as doing a coffee enema? No. It is a somewhat different procedure. Both have benefits and we still recommend the enemas as the best way to apply coffee for healing. However, spraying is a way to get more coffee into the body quickly and painlessly.
The coffee spray fantasies. To help yourself to do the procedure, you can imagine various situations. Making it humorous and a little silly is fine. You can imagine:
- You are at a fancy health spa and this is a spa therapy.
- You are on a date.
- It is a religious experience, like a baptism or purification ritual.
- You are at a medical office and it is a medical procedure.
- You are at work and this is a special cleanup procedure to work in a “clean room”.
- You have joined the army and this is a required activity.
Stealing and sharing coffee. Lots of coffee is needed today. Two reasons are:
1. Everyone needs coffee. That may sound very strange, but it is apparently true. Wherever I go and mix with people or animals, I am told some coffee leaves my body and goes into the bodies or others.
It helps them heal and may have other beneficial effects. It may sound strange, but wearing three or four pair of fairly tight underpants when you go out of the house helps to hold on to your coffee.
2. Stealing coffee. More and more, the thugs, satans or rogues steal coffee from anyone who drinks it or even moreso those who use it in an enema or spray. They do this because coffee helps protect one from attack by them.
Protection occurs for many reasons. Coffee heals the body in many ways. Also, coffee is a spiritual therapy that uplifts the body and mind of anyone who uses it properly. The thugs do not live a spiritual life and are stuck at a very low level of existence, which the coffee threatens. We are learning more about how to combat coffee theft and I hope to report on this in the future.
9/14/24. We are finding that one can safely eat up to five standard size cans of sardines every week. Sardines are extremely nutritious and one of the very few fish that are safe to eat.
Brisling sardines are smaller and smell less fishy. A brand that is particularly good is Tiny Tots, which come in olive oil in a yellow package. They are sold at,, and other websites.
Eating sardines. I slice the sardines and remove the spine, which contains a little mercury. At this time, we recommend eating the liver and other organs that may be present in the sardines. For more details, read the newly-updated extensive article about Sardines.
Warning: All larger fish and all shellfish contain too much mercury and often other toxic metals and toxic chemicals. Avoid them all.
9/14/24. This message introduces a food store that has coffee and sea salt that we find work well. They have other products, but they are for later development.
The store is The Honeyman, or 6240 East Highway 69, Prescott Valley, Arizona 86314, or telephone:(928) 772-3530.
The two products we recommend are Organic Mayan Blend whole Bean Coffee #421 (now $8.30/pound) and Alaea Hawaiian Sea Salt #616 (now $11.00/pound).
9/13/24. These are towns or parts of a town or city in which the thugs, rogues or satans own all or most of the town. They own many or all of the houses, as well.
In the houses are enslaved women who function basically as breeders. The thugs rape and impregnate the women, who raise children who will become “blacks” or black masters. Some of the boys are also raised to become leaders of other slave towns.
The children are beaten, poisoned and brainwashed from birth or early in life to prepare them for their new life as a black. However, superficially the houses and the town can look very normal. Many of these towns are in Mormon areas of the United States such as in the state of Utah. We put this information into a new article, The Slave Towns.
9/13/24. One of the most important, interesting and confusing hair mineral patterns is called a poor eliminator. It is an extremely low level of a toxic mineral or some of the nutrient minerals. The exact levels or ranges for a poor eliminator vary depending upon the mineral.
One might think that a low mineral level just indicates a deficiency of the mineral. However, this is not true. Instead, it indicates a hidden toxicity with that mineral. However, the person cannot eliminate the mineral so the level appears low on the tissue mineral test. In fact, it is one of the main indicators of toxicity. For details, read the recently-updated article, Poor Eliminators.
9/12/24. An article in the September/October 2024 issue of MIT Technology Review, volume 127, number 5, discusses a new junk food product. It is a powder or liquid that tastes like coffee. However, it contains no coffee, has practically no nutrition, and is made from food waste.
It was invented by a man in Singapore, who thinks it is really wonderful. He gives a set of lies to support this:
- “Droughts, floods, and new diseases are threatening the coffee crop”.
- “Coffee uses up energy, causes greenhouse gases (the opposite is true), and ruins native ecosystems” (another complete lie).
Ingredients. The fake coffee is made from a combination of stale bread, soybean pulp leftover from making tofu, and leftover junk barley from breweries that make beer.
The company, Prefer Coffee, says they could also make it from old sugarcane or pineapple waste.
The ingredients are mixed together and fermented to make the product. It is basically fermented sugar. The company may add caffeine so it will wake a person up.
Importance. This story is important because this product is for sale now and it is cheap, so its use will probably grow. It will probably be secretly added to some ground coffee to cheapen it. Who knows if chain stores like Starbucks will use it.
For our purposes, it could wreck the use of coffee enemas, since it is not the amazing herbal coffee with all its excellent healing properties.
It is clearly an adulterated food and the governments should stop its use. However, the governments are corrupt and probably will do nothing.
What to do. Now that you now know about it, hopefully you can avoid it. One way, which we strongly recommend anyway, is to buy coffee beans and grind them yourself rather than buy ground coffee. Grinding the beans is fresher and works better.
You can grind the beans at home in a small electric grinder. Use a grinder that is mostly plastic. We think that is better than all metal.
An alternative that is not quite as good is that some markets have a coffee grinder. There you can grind a bag of coffee and store it in the freezer to maintain freshness.
9/11/24. Words are interesting. We believe the word child is not from the ancient Ebre language. Instead, the correct word is young. This word is used to refer to children of animals, but not usually human children.
The word young is close to the word yang, meaning warm and compact in macrobiotic terminology. This is how the young are. Child sounds like chilled, which is not a quality of chidlren. In fact, it is the opposite.
9/11/24. A reason to avoid all pig products is that most contains eggs of a parasitic worm, the trichina worm. These eggs survive cooking and easily lodge in the brain and elsewhere. If they hatch, one is infested with worms that literally feed on your brain or other organs.
9/11/24. I am told that the negs, thugs or satan or rogues like man-woman relationships in which the man cools down the woman through sex or abuse and the woman cools down the man by having sex with him.
These are cool-down relationships, meaning each person makes the other person more cold or yin in macrobiotic terminology.
In fact, man-woman relationships should ideally be the opposite: The man should warm up the woman through proper love, support, down hugs and down sex. The woman should warm up the man through down hugs and down sex and helping the man to save his sexual fluid. This is an interesting way to understand and evaluate relationships.
We put this, along with several soul and other relationship compatibility concepts, into a new article. For details, read Relationship Concepts.
9/11/24. We added to the article called Spins Of Life the spins that involve the legs. There are three of these. To do them properly, one must move the legs so they touch at the knees and at the feet:
1. Subtle energy moves from the right side of the pelvis down the right leg to the right knee. Then it crosses to the left knee. Then it moves up the left leg and back to the pelvis to complete the circuit.
2. Subtle energy moves from the right knee down to the right foot. There it moves into the left foot. Then it goes up the left lower leg to the left knee. There it moves into the right knee to complete the circuit.
3. Subtle energy moves from the pelvis down the right leg all the way to the feet. There it turns and moves into the left leg. Then it moves up the left leg and back to the pelvis to complete the circuit. For more details, see the next message below.
9/10/24. Spinning movement of subtle energy is a key to life and health. The action of spinning is to extract some ether or subtle energy from the ether field that is all around us.
This is absolutely necessary for life. Spinning the energy centers fast and in the correct direction is essential for excellent health and development. It is also fun.
Spin yourself. Spinning your energy centers and energy circuits is one of the best ways to spend time if you are resting, lying in bed unable to sleep or falling asleep, watching television, walking, standing in line or even while eating. You can also do it CAREFULLY while driving a car on a straight road if there is not much traffic.
With others. Another excellent method is to do a down hug and spin your partner. Each one helps the spins of the other.
Spinning can also be done in a group or class. Everyone sits comfortably and spins himself or herself. This sets up a field of energy that helps everyone in the group to spin better.
To learn how to do these visualizations, read the newly improved article, The Spins Of Life.
9/9/24. I am told there is a rule book for all the planets and more. It contains over eight hundred rules that we are all to follow.
In the DNA. The souls called the nuckes or nuclear souls work in the nuclei of every cell of our bodies. They have the book or rules because it is part of the DNA double helix of every living being.
Examples. This website and this newsletter talk about many of the rules. The include what one eats, how it is cooked and for how long, food combinations and forbidden foods.
Other examples are the Ten Commandments given to Moshe the Golden Rule.
Other rules have to do with sex. For more details, read Down Sex and Down Hugging. Still others have to do with marriage, family and raising children.
Still others have to do with business – buying and selling and exchanging goods and services. These are also very important and teach a high level of Integrity.
Following the rules is a key to long life and health. It is also necessary for some protection against the Rogue thugs. However, it is not enough, at least we don't think so.
We believe that the 613 rules of the Hebrew people are modeled after the DNA rules. However, they are too incorrect for us to recommend. We need the original rules.
The thugs. The thugs do not follow the rules, although they know about them. They say they are above the rules.
We don't think so, but they are quite successful, so we are not sure how they get around the need to follow the rules. We will report more about this as we learn about it.
9/8/24. The book mentioned in the message, The Wheel Of Health, is still a valuable book. However, I am told it is not quite accurate. I am told some lies were inserted in the book or the rogues would not allow it to be published.
The book says the Hunza people eat a lot of fruit, but I am told this is not true. They eat a lot of cooked vegetables, and not fruit.
9/7/24. The war. There is at the present time a war with the thugs, negs, satans - or I call them the Rogues. They are a formidable negative force in the universe. They have successfully taken over many planets and star systems in our area of space.
The plan. Apparently, a plan was put in place to oppose them that involves the earth. The plan calls for the people and some fine matter creatures of the earth to allow the thugs to poison them into a state of stupor.
It also allowed many to be killed, beaten, raped and tortured in other ways. Apparently, this was needed in order to learn how this very secretive force operates and takes over planets.
The plan has played out on this planet for at least 50,000 years and perhaps longer. However, it appears that a wakeup or shift has occurred this day. It actually began some years ago, but is picking up speed.
The shift is that a remedy is being used that neutralizes many of the thug or rogue poisons and does more than this. It restores memory, it restores the bodies, and it heals at many levels.
Coffee. This remedy is the coffee plant, although a few other herbs can be used if the coffee plant is not available. This is the best explanation of what is occurring at this time.
The coffee stages. What we called yesterday the stages of the coffee procedure is how the coffee operates in our bodies. Here is the progression:
- At first, it builds up slowly in the tissues.
- At a certain point, it fills the entire body with a healing energy.
- If one continues the enemas, the healing energy grows more and fills the so-called upper “bodies” or energy fields of a human being or creature. These are real parts of our design as living beings, although they are not well known on earth, in part thanks to the efforts of the thugs or rogues. They would prefer we know very little about our true nature.
- If one continues with the coffee enemas, the coffee spreads out to others and heals them. When this occurs, the souls of some creatures sort-of wake up from their poisoning and even from traumas such as beatings and rapes.
- When this occurs, these creatures remember who they are and their abilities. Among these are the ability to fight back against the neg force in unusual ways that are difficult for them to overcome.
Some also believe that other changes are taking place in the universe that are weakening the thugs and strengthening us.
NOTE: At this time, only a few creatures and a few human beings remember who they are, and this does not include me, your newsletter author. Presumably this is due to severe damage to many of the bodies. This is one of the tactics of the neg force to throw a planet out of balance and conquer it.
This is all I know at this time. I will do my best to keep readers informed as we learn more. There is censorship of the internet, so I hope for the best. I am somewhat surprised I am able to write as much as is here.
9/6/24. Coffee enemas are more than one might think. We are learning that the use of coffee implants goes through stages. (An enema is just putting something in the rectum. An implant means making sure it is absorbed).
The first stage. This stage is called incomplete. One does the coffee implants and slowly the tissues become loaded with certain chemicals in the coffee.
This stage is not easy because the coffee starts healing infections, parasites, witchcraft, and adhesions. It also gets rid of spikes, poisons and implants put there by the alien group called the thugs, Satans or Rogues.
It also gets rid of many diseases such as diabetes, heart problems and cancer that many people have. This stage takes a number of years. It requires persistence and work because the healing process involves Retracing that not always pleasant.
It is a stage of undoing and reversal of a number of traumas, diseases and rogue infiltration of the body. It can take 30 or 40 years of doing several enemas a day. But it is worth the trouble.
Stage two. This is called the coffee body. After a time, things start to get better. Dr. Larry is at this stage.
Putting the coffee in is not generally an unpleasant or painful experience and there are few reactions. It is sort of routine and the body has healed to a degree. Health is better.
The coffee also protects more, so the person often feels more protected and relaxed. I am told the coffee forms a kind of matrix in the body.
The coffee also contains a silicon compound and silicon smooths out life. For example, hair contains a lot of silicon, as does glass. It makes these substances sort of slippery and sort of happy and relaxed for that reason. So one feels a little better for this reason, too.
Stage three. This is called complete or whole body coffee. At this stage, the coffee fills what are called the upper bodies.
These are also sometimes called the subtle bodies or energy fields. We write about them in the article entitled The Seven Energy Bodies Or Energy Fields. But they are more than fields.
They are sort of electrical fields that have a life of their own and each one contains fine matter creatures that contribute to a person's life and health.
It is rather amazing. A few people can see them and the rogues or satans can see them, at least at times. They don't want people to have them, so they steal the creatures if they can and beat people to damage these beautiful bodies.
Their names are the physical body, the etheric double body, the small spheres, the love body, the blue tube, the big spheres and the whole body.
I am told that at stage three, these slowly fill with coffee. When done, a person is much more protected from the rogues. One is also more in charge of oneself. The body is also stronger and just keeps getting stronger.
Other changes take place such as regrowth of the important structure called the Criste. One becomes what one supposed to be, not the cripples and sickly creatures that we are.
These are the stages of the coffee process or procedure and this is where you are going with it. So please do it and get through it as fast as possible for your healing and to fulfill your full potential.
If you hear “NO COFFEE”, as I do and most people, I ask the Father in Heaven in prayer, Shall I do coffee? I always hear yes, although going against the thugs is a bit scary.
Many of our women and creatures are so scared they do nothing, but more are starting to do coffee and it is helping everyone. Be a pioneer and a way shower. You will be glad you did it.
9/5/24. We just learned that the alien group – the thugs, rogues or satans – are stealing gold and gold ore from inside the earth all over the planet. Their mining operations are huge and well-hidden.
Sometimes they buy or just take old, abandoned gold mines and use them. However, they also just drill underneath buildings or anywhere. They have very advanced drilling and mining equipment. The gold is put on large spaceships and dumped on other planets or in space.
Gold is not just a metal – it is an essential part of any planet. They remove it because it weakens and eventually destroys the planet.
Even worse, they replace the gold ore with gold from a neighboring planet. For some reason, having this foreign material here has an even more destructive effect on our planet.
9/5/24. Our bodies have thousands of tiny tubes that run vertically from the head to the feet. Subtle energy flows through these tubes and this sustains life.
Unblocking, healing and opening the tubes or energy channels is very basic and important to restore health. It is a major focus of the development program. We improved the article, The Channel System Of The Body.
9/4/24. We are realizing that the alien invaders - the thugs, negs, satans or rogues - attack all bodies before birth, while they are still inside their mothers. They do surgery on everyone to remove the criste and parts of the brain. This weakens all the bodies and makes people easier to control.
They also formulate a plan for each person's life. It seems like one lives one's life, but really the thugs are in charge. They influence parents, teachers and others.
Fake deaths. When the satans or thugs decide, they cause people to develop diseases and it can seem like the person dies. However, in some cases, the person and the main soul are just poisoned, spiked and damaged. We explained this is the message of 9/3/24 about the soul.
They can make the heart stop beating and slow down breathing so the person really appears dead. Then they can take the bodies from the hospitals and funeral homes and rehabilitate them. They then become rogue fighters such as a “black” or black master.
I am told that in the past, funeral homes had crematoriums and disposed of the bodies, but not any more. Now they are turned over to the rogues.
This means that religious beliefs about going to heaven, sitting at the right hand of God, etc. may be all wrong. The “afterlife” may be as a rogue fighter, or in some cases the bodies are chopped up for body parts.
An alternative? I am told that using coffee in enemas offers a possible alternative, and we are researching this at this time.
9/4/24. Organized sports teams may be fun for children or adults, but they have many problems. For this reason, we cannot recommend them. We wrote a short article about this subject. For details, read Problems With Sports.
9/3/24. One of the themes of this newsletter and website is that souls are real and are the basic units of consciousness. They are very tiny living beings that look somewhat like tiny human beings.
However, their bodies are made of fine matter. This makes them difficult to see. To read about fine matter, read Bodies – Their Structure And Activities.
The word soul. I am told that soul is a word in the ancient Ebre language spoken throughout the cosmos. The English language has words that sound like it:
- The word solo means done alone, not with others, as in “She sang a solo at the concert”. The word sole also means alone or apart from the whole, as in “The sole piece of furniture in the room was a couch”. I am told this is roughly the meaning of the word soul in the Ebre language.
- The word sole also refers to the bottom of the feet.
- The word solar refers to the sun.
Our bodies are run by souls. I am told that our bodies are DNA configurations that are animated and run by about 100 trillion souls each. That sounds like a lot, and it is. There is one main or entity soul, and that is what the religions talk about.
THE SOUL CONCEPT UNITES US. This is most important. The bodies are all different shapes, sizes, and colors. This can divide us and make us think we are better than or worse than someone else.
However, in truth all people are animated and run by souls, which are basically the same in everyone. Some souls are healthier and some are more mature and developed, but we are all basically souls. This unites us in a powerful way. The more you realize this and think this way, the happier and more truthfully you will live.
For example, the statement in the American Declaration Of Independence that “All men (meaning all people) are created equal” is a statement about our true nature as souls. It is obviously not about the bodies, since they are not all equal – some are larger, some are male or female, and so on.
Soul aberrations. I am told the souls are in trouble at this time. The problems are:
The souls should be composed of 42 segments, which they call bodies. They are supposed to be arranged in a special way that gives the souls very special abilities. They should be brilliant, lively and happy.
- Beaten, raped and poisoned. However, I am told most souls are ill and unhappy. The alien invaders – the thugs, satans, rogues or negs - have beaten them, raped them, poisoned them and shoot them with various types of weapons. This is the situation, I am told.
- Not enough bodies. Also, the thugs have pulled off some of the segments without which the souls can live, but not correctly. As a result, the souls have only between 17 and 21 body segments.
- The spikes. Most souls have at least two spikes in their bodies. One is in the head and the other in the abdomen. These are electrified and are a way the thugs control the souls. They should be removed, but the thugs trick the souls into believing they are needed.
In the past week, we have learned about other problems involving the souls. They are:
- A spike in the pituitary area of the head when the negs want a person's earth life to end. This is part of the way the negs bring a person's earth life to a close. The spike makes the soul very ill so that the soul will want to end its life. Most souls are unaware of what has occurred, so they take no action to stop it.
- A killing method. We are learning that in order to kill a person, one way is to reduce the number of souls in the brain and elsewhere, such as in the heart and liver. Many souls are needed to operate the body. If there are not enough, health deteriorates.
The thugs also sometimes replace some of a person's souls with very damaged souls they have conditioned. This can also be used to sicken or kill a person or creature.
The thugs usually combine soul removal and soul replacement with attacks on the body by poisoning, shooting vital structures, beatings, and rapes.
- The paralysis weapon. They use a paralysis weapon to get rid of souls. They place the weapon close to a soul and it causes the soul to be unable to move. Then the thugs come around, tie up the soul, remove coffee if the soul has used this for defense unless there is a lot of it. Then they tear apart the soul and often put it on a space ship bound for deep space.
This is the situation on our planet and, we believe, on many others. We need your help to stop it. Knowing about it is one aspect. We need sincere prayer, a strong desire to get well, and yes, we believe that coffee enemas and the entire development program can help.
Writing about this situation is not allowed, but for some reason I am getting away with it at this time, so I do it. For more details, read Soul Science and other articles on this website about souls. Some of these articles need updating and we thank you for your patience.
9/2/24. We worked on the article about fantasies having to do with coffee enemas. We organized the article in accordance with the 7 system.
It might sound corny, but using your imagination to help yourself do coffee enemas is legal and can be most helpful. For details, read Coffee Enema Fantasies.
9/1/24. My interest in nutrition began a number of years ago due to a combination of factors. There was a sudden cancer death in my family. Around the same time, I stumbled upon an amazing book, The Wheel Of Health, by G.T Wrench, MD.
This book is about a remote mountain society in Asia where most people live to over 100 years of age and many live much longer - in excellent health!
At first, the book gave me hope for myself and my family. But it also caused me to begin a lifelong journey of searching and researching healing methods that involve nutrition.
The Wheel Of Health. This book mainly discusses the observations of a British physician, Robert McCarrison, MD, who studied the Hunza people over a period of years. He concluded that their remarkable health was due mainly to their diet. Their diet is somewhat unusual - and very similar to the diet we currently recommend.
Their diet. NOTE: The book is not quite accurate. I am told some lies were inserted in the book or the rogues would not allow it to be published.
In truth, the Hunza people eat lots of cooked, NOT RAW vegetables, especially carrots, onions, rutabaga, daikon, green beans, and red cabbage. They eat some meat, but not as much as many people today - and the portion size is about 4-5 ounces, not the huge steaks and enormous hamburgers and chicken dishes that some people eat.
They also eat a very small fish – similar to our sardines. They also eat blue corn as fried crackers with each meal.
They eat no wheat or rice, as do most groups that live in Asia and in the West. Also, they do not eat fruit although they eat apricot oil that they grind fresh. They also do not eat a lot of beans or lentils, as do most people in the world.
They also do not eat shellfish, nightshade vegetables (potato, tomato, eggplant and peppers), and they do not eat modern refined and chemical-laden foods. The book is not quite this detailed, but I am told this is the truth about this group.
I have also learned that this group practices and teaches down hugging and down sex.
Development. When I read The Wheel Of Health, I knew basically nothing about nutrition, so it all seemed quite odd. I now understand that the Hunza people are somewhat developed, a concept I learned only in the past few years.
Development is an in-born genetic potential that we all have. However, it rarely expresses because the diets of most people are not correct for it to occur.
Little by little, I have relearned and been given more details about what is in the little book, The Wheel of Health. The result is a most remarkable healing program.
NOTE: The book, The Wheel Of Health, does not use the word development, and it does not discuss down hugging or down sex. It just says these people were extraordinarily healthy with very little disease of any kind.
8/31/24. This message is a basic message about life. Life is about love. Life is an expression of the love of the creator that expresses through us.
We are here to be the expression of love in this world of form. That is our job, no matter what other job or jobs one may have.
Love is a radiance of energy. For details, read Love As Radiance.
8/30/24. We are learning more about detoxification mechanisms of the body and which ones are most safe and effective. Here are some of the best:
- Love. If one sets up the right feelings for the souls, which is perceived as love, detoxification occurs much faster. Part or perhaps the entire reason for this is that it allows the body to relax and move into a parasympathetic mode of functioning.
However, there is more to love than this. It is encouraging to the mind, pleasant to the emotions, empowering to the ego, relieves loneliness, makes one feel worthwhile and helpful, helps the mind function much better, and promotes beliefs in God, truth and goodness.
Much of the development program is about loving the body and the self – eating correctly, getting enough rest, regulating the emotions and the ego, relaxing and more.
The development movements: All of the basic seven movements of energy that we call the development movements assist detoxification. These are:
#1 - Yang. If one can make the body warmer or more yang in macrobiotic terminology, detoxification occurs faster. This requires the development diet, a healthy lifestyle, holding on to sexual fluid and proper thinking and attitudes.
Coffee is an extremely yang herb and using it in enemas enhances the yang quality even more. The red heat lamp is a very yang energy and very helpful. The proper diet has a warming effect, as well.
#2 - Spinning the centers fast and to the right. The energy centers are supposed to spin to the right and spin fast. If one can speed up the right spin, detoxification occurs quickly. Doing the pulling down procedure spins all the centers faster and to the right.
Spinning can also be done using a bidet or a massager, or using your mind, or with another during down hugging or down sex. Beware – one can overspin a center, which is not good.
#3 - Down. If one can move subtle energy downward, detoxification occurs faster. The entire development program and lifestyle assist with this.
This includes the diet, the nutritional supplements, plenty of rest, down hug and down sex only, relaxing, good relationships, a safe and creative work environment, proper attitudes, praying a lot and doing the Will of the creator.
#4- Parasympathetic. If one can moves the body into a parasympathetic state, detoxification occurs much faster. Using a sauna or steaming the body are excellent for this. Loving relationships are very helpful. Massage can be very helpful. Living in a safe, relaxed healthy place is also excellent. The entire development program helps.
#5, 6 and 7. The development movements numbers 5, 6, and 7 also help, but are more subtle. #5 is back and forth wobble, #6 is impact and # 7 is an up and down wobble. This may occur with prayer.
Other powerful detoxification mechanisms are:
- Safety. Feeling safe in one's home, work, friendships, and while traveling helps the body relax and helps all bodily functions.
- Truth. I find that thinking about the truth, seeking the truth and doing one's best to express the truth helps everything, including detoxification.
- Prayer. Prayer is a special use of the mind or type of thinking. It is “vertical thinking” and connects one to divine and higher realms of reality. I think we are designed to do this a lot and it helps all body functions.
- Reflexology. If one stimulates or presses on the correct reflex points, detoxification proceeds much faster. These points are located along energy meridians and are all over the body. Each is a little different in its effects.
- Channel therapy. If one can open certain energy channels of the body, detoxification proceeds faster. We are researching this because it is subtle. There are many ways to do this including the pulling down procedure, proper diet, chiropractic and the pops, pulls, twists and kicks, massage, and good acupuncture (difficult to find).
- Healing infections. If one can heal certain infections, detoxification proceeds much faster. At times this is fairly easy, such as removing an infected root canal-filled tooth. Often, it is a slow process that requires the entire development program and it may require a remedy.
- Healing traumas. If one can heal traumas, which are powerful blocks in the mind and body, detoxification proceeds faster. The development program is excellent for this, as are methods such as psychodrama.
Beware. Many healing methods can seem to cause detox, but they have problems: 1) many are toxic, such as the use of drugs, herbs, homeopathy, fasting and others. 2) the methods may conflict with each other. This often occurs with drug therapies, but it can easily occur with more natural therapies such as diets and nutritional supplements.
A common example are exercise programs. Vigorous exercise can spin the energy centers and have other beneficial effects. However, it depletes the body, or can injure the body in the case of yoga, for example, and thus are best avoided.
Another example is taking baths. These can help one relax. However, water is very yin in macrobiotic terms. A lot of baths makes the body more yin, which is harmful. We allow two baths per week, but even this many is not ideal for most people.
8/29/24. When you eat chicken thighs, always break off the cartilage at the ends of the bone and eat the marrow, a reddish semi-liquid. It is very nutritious.
8/29/24. Twisties are a very important type of rogue weapon. They are made in all sizes, from microscopic to enormous. They do a lot of damage to the body, objects on earth and the planet herself. For details, read Twisties.
8/28/24. HC is a 74-year-old man who lives alone and works all day most every day. He was not aware that although he has followed the development program for years and eats well, he still had a bacterial infection in his liver. He is often tired, however, and did not understand why.
Sympathetic dominance and improper diet. His liver was very weak as a young man due to improper diet and stress. To make things worse, he is very sympathetic dominant.
This means he overuses his sympathetic nervous system to push himself along. This tends to shut down the liver, which is activated by the parasympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system. This slows or stops healing of the liver.
Unmarried. Marriage, if it is healthy, is good for the liver. It relaxes is for some reason. Being single is good in many ways if you cannot find a suitable partner, but it is not as good for the liver.
Hepatitis. He also contracted hepatitis around age 27 from eating a lot of fruit that was not clean.. This has never healed properly due to the problems above.
A curse. His liver also has a bad curse or twist that was an attempt on his life that almost succeeded. The curse was from the thugs, negs, rogues or satan because he is a decent man who helps the planet. A lot of prayer brought him help for this otherwise fatal attack – a method of killing that is used commonly on earth by the thugs to get rid of those they don't like.
Sharing coffee. HC's liver is also weak because, although he does several coffee enemas daily, the coffee is used for others who are even sicker than he. This is an unusual quality of coffee – when used in an enema, it radiates an energy and thus is shared with everyone around you.
The need for coffee. There is such a need for coffee that his gets used to help others and to help the planet, and not much is left to heal him. This is okay because he is moving along, albeit more slowly due to helping others.
This is most important to know. Anyone who eats well and who does coffee enemas automatically helps others who are worse off than you are.
The sea of poison and malnutrition. We live in a sea of poison and a sea of malnutrition. The latter is due to mineral-depleted food, poor quality diets and impaired digestion that prevents adequate nutrient absorption. This is especially true of all women who live in terror of the rogues or satans even if they look happy and smile a lot.
Anyone who chooses to eat correctly, which is not just “a good diet”, helps others. (NOTE: Most good diets are not that good. They include salads, fruit, protein powders, bad combinations, refined food and other improper foods.)
Desire to help out. If you like helping others, as does HC, this occurs to an even greater extent. Wishing to help others is a wonderful personality quality. It is love of a type that is not selfish or personal, but rather universal in nature and most needed.
Helping others slows you down, but according to The Law of Cause and Effect, helps prevent your death because you are helping out the planet. The earth may look okay, but it is in dire straits due to the activity of the thugs or satans.
Healing. So it has taken over thirty years on the development program for HC to reach this bacterial liver infection and heal it. HC was having night fevers and this is subsiding.
The bidet healing procedure and steaming the body. HC is doing coffee enemas, red lamp therapy, proper diet, the spinal and other twists, pops and pulls, some reflexology and a lot of pulling down. However, in addition, HC has been using two other therapies that are not among the basic five healing procedures but are very powerful.
The bidet healing procedure. A bidet toilet attachment is a simple spray device hooked up to the toilet water supply. It sprays the floor of the pelvis. While designed as a substitute for toilet paper, it can be aimed at other structures on the floor of the pelvis.
It is designed to spray the anal area. However, the anal sphincter muscle, a ring-shaped muscle, is a powerful reflex system of the body. There is an area near the tailbone that reflexes to the liver and it is very easy to work on because the water pressure does the work for you. You just sit and relax.
Besides stimulating the reflex system, spraying the pelvic floor with cool water is relaxing and enjoyable. It is a tickle. This also calms and heals the liver and other organs.
Also, HC found that aiming the spray a little further back at his tailbone, just behind the anal opening, has a powerful right spinning and healing effect on the liver. He did this for about 20 minutes one day and that is when the infection began to heal.
Steaming the body. Another newer healing and development procedure is the ancient idea to apply steam to the body. It is different than using a dry sauna.
You can just use a tent and a pot of boiling water to make steam. HC has an Shark X5 H2O steam mop. It comes with a hose attachment for steaming clothing and other things. It is easy to remove the mop head and attach the steam hose.
HC sprays steam on a body brush and then quickly brushes his skin with the very hot brush. The steam also fills his shower area that he has sealed up and insulated to hold the steam.
Steam is very clean because impurities in the water are left behind and, in addition, he uses distilled water in the steam mop. Steam itself also kills many infections. Steam also opens the pores of the skin more than any other method and it promotes detoxification for all these reasons.
A combination. As a result of this therapy combination, a very important healing principle, the bacterial liver infection is healing at this time and he feels better. NOTE: for a combination therapy to work, the various methods must not conflict with each other. Very often, if someone uses several healing methods, they interfere with each other.
8/27/24. We continue to wonder how coffee in an implant or enema works. Today I was told it is effective because it elevates a person to a different level of life. This results in detoxification and healing of many health conditions.
8/27/24. Rice is a very common food, probably eaten by more people in the world than any other. However, we are finding problems with rice, including problems with organic and brown or unrefined rice.
Rice we have tested contains some type of added toxin that makes it an unhealthy food. We are still researching this, but for now we do not recommend eating rice. Instead, eat blue corn chips and some oatmeal.
8/27/24. Yoga is a very old philosophical and development system. However, this path or method is not working well today for development and often causes soft tissue injury to the body. We updated and improved the article about yoga. For details, read Yoga.
8/26/24. A simple and very good way to cook oatmeal (oat flakes) if you have an electric stove is to put about twice as much water as oatmeal in a pot. Cover the pot, turn on the burner, and bring it to a boil. Do not add salt at this time.
When the watery oatmeal begins to boil, turn off the burner, but leave the pot on the hot burner. Then wait until the oatmeal stops bubbling. When it stops, it is ready to eat. Put a little sea salt on it and perhaps some butter.
8/26/24. Beware! The thugs, rogues or satans are forming organizations around the world that seem very friendly and seem to offer support for pregnant women and mothers. However, they are not as they appear.
They are non-religious and promote homosexual behavior and rapes, among other horrors. Do not join one of these groups.
8/25/24. The Bible mentions a group called the Order of Melchizedek. I am told this is real. It is a large group of advanced beings who control events on earth.
Today's message, I am told, comes from this level. The reason is the earth is ready for it, and not anything special about me.
The word Melchizedek. I am told the word Melchizedek means those who bring together and nourish the energy of righteousness, justice, fairness and charity. It does not mean the king of the earth, as most people believe. The dictionaries and many websites are incorrect in this regard.
- The word mel is related to our word to meld. It means to bring together, to announce, to present or to nourish. The word mel is also related to our word milk. Milk is not just the white stuff from the cow. It also means nourishment, as in “the milk of human kindness”.
- The word chi means a type of energy. It is a well-known word in the Chinese, Japanese and Korean languages.
- The word zedek is related to the English word ascetic. It means “a journey toward spiritual transformation, where the simple is sufficient, the bliss is within, and the frugal is plenty” - from Richard Finn, in his book Ascetisism In The Greco-Roman World (2009).
Zedek is also related to a Hebrew word tzedakah. It means righteousness, justice, fairness and charity. It is a religious obligation, not just a concept, and one of the three basic principles of the Hebrew religion.
Also, according to Wikipedia and other sources, tsedakah is not just charity, but giving in a way that makes others self-sufficient, not dependent upon handouts.
Pronunciation. I am told the correct pronunciation of Melchizedek is with the emphasis on the last syllable. This is not how most websites, preachers and priests pronounce it.
Melchizedek in the Book Of Genesis. The fourteenth chapter of the first book of the Hebrew Bible says that Abraham and Sarah, his wife, the couple that started the Hebrew religion, were contacted by this group. It says they were given their assignment to create a new beginning on earth. This occurred at least 4000 years ago and probably more like 5000 years ago. They carried out their assignment, although there were plenty of problems.
The New Testament. More recently, the New Testament of the Bible, which is much more modern, says that the one called Yeshua was also a member of this group. Most know of him as Jesus. He took on a role as a great teacher of the Hebrew way of life.
A new religion. In 325 AD, about 300 years after the supposed demise of Yeshua, a religion began on earth that deified him and made him the center of the religion. It was called the Roman Catholic Church.
It was called Roman because it was started by the ruler of an empire centered in what is today Rome, Italy. His name was Constantine.
It was called Catholic because, in an old language, this word means all-encompassing or everywhere.
It was called a church because this means a special type of establishment that promotes a religion. The word also refers to a type of building or structure.
This is all a matter of history. You can read about it in books and on the internet under the heading of The First Council Of Nicea in 325 AD.
New leaders. Today, I am told, a new council is forming. It will consist of people on earth. It is a lower level version or representation of the Order of Melchizedek. I am told this has already been set up, but few know about it, including this author.
I am told it will slowly become known. It will have some governing authority over the earth and slowly the earth will heal. I am told that Yeshua or Jesus is one of the council members - and there are others.
Healing. Members of this group possess abilities that allow them to control some events on earth. Some of the worst abuses will end little by little and the planet will eventually be liberated from the alien group called the satans, rogues, thugs or negs.
For this to occur, the human beings and creatures of the planet must do certain things:
1. The people need to worship the correct divine being or God or Source of all creation.
2. The people need to clean up their bodies, which are all beaten and mutilated at this time. This requires a special diet, attention to lifestyle, living the Ten Commandments given to Moses as well as you can, and following the Golden Rule as well as you can.
Certain food supplements also help. Avoiding many foods, medicines, and most herbs and supplements is also needed because these are toxic and harmful.
3. The people need to learn about and practice love and caring. You might think you know all about it, but few really understand it and live it.
4. The people need to use coffee correctly. For human beings, this is in the form of a rectal implant, sometimes called an enema.
An implant. The word enema is incorrect. That word just means putting something in the rectum. The correct term is an implant. This means not just putting something inside, but holding it there for a period of time so that it is properly absorbed into the body. (I will correct this on this website).
We know the idea sounds strange to most people. However, that is only because few understand this remarkable herb – coffee - and how to use it.
We also know that women, in particular, and some men are told by the thugs they may not use it, or not much. We also know the thugs do all they can to steal it, destroy it and ruin it. However, it is still around and it still works.
This newsletter and website can help one to have the courage to just use the herb and allow it to heal and transform the body.
8/24/24. One of the newer healing procedure is the use of steam. One of our clients is using a local steam bath and removing toxins very deeply. Here are reasons why steam is very helpful for detoxification:
- The water in steam is fairly distilled with few minerals or other impurities. This tends to draw poisons out of the body better than the water in a standard shower or bath.
- Since steam is fairly distilled, one absorbs fewer poisons from steam than from bath or shower water.
- Making steam attracts unusual souls called loyly. They help with detoxification and other activities.
- Adding heat to the body shuts down the sympathetic nervous system. This assists the parasympathetic system, which does not function well in many people. The parasympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system has a powerful healing and detoxifying effect.
- Steam has other relaxing effects on the body. It is “soft” to the touch, warm, “loving” and friendly. This also assists detoxification.
- Steam on the face, in particular, has a detoxifying effect. The reason is the skin on the face is active because it is exposed to the elements and not covered up by clothing most of the time. The skin of the face and steam are, by themselves, a powerful detoxification system.
- Steam is fairly yang in macrobiotic terminology. This might seem impossible since steam is just water. However, I am told steam has unusual properties that are different from water. One of these is it is more compact and more warming than water. This is called more yang, a quality needed today by everyone.
- Steam has a downward moving quality to it. This promotes healing and detoxification.
- Steam hydrates the tissues. This is helpful because many people are somewhat dehydrated, which impairs detoxification.
- Steam improves circulation by warming and relaxing the body. This is very helpful for detoxification.
- Steam helps oxygenate the body because breathing it helps the lungs. More oxygen assists detoxification.
- Combining steam with the rest of the development program is particularly excellent. Steam combines very well with the diet, the supplements, coffee enemas, red heat lamp therapy, the twists, pops and pulls, reflexology and the pulling down procedure.
The trouble with steam. The main problem is one must generate steam, which uses a lot of electricity or other fuel. We are researching the easiest ways to obtain steam. Here are ideas:
- I am using a steam mop, the Shark X5, that quickly produces steam. However, it is somewhat delicate and difficult to keep in service.
- One can just use a pot of water sitting on a hot plate in an enclosed area such as a bathtub or shower area, or even a closet.
- One can also buy a steam cabinet (your head remains outside the cabinet). However, it is good to have one's head exposed to the steam, as well.
- Steam rooms are found in some health clubs, but they may not be clean or safe for women.
- Finally, one can build or buy or convert a room to a steam room.
We updated and improved the Steam Procedure article with the above information.
8/23/24. I live in a forest. Forests are very important places for our planet! They house trillions of creatures that are vital for the survival of our planet. They are also a source of wood and many other materials needed on earth.
The forests contain many interesting creatures. They are highly intelligent and have advanced souls, often more advanced than human beings. People often ignore them or even hurt them by spraying poison or just running over them with their cars. This is most stupid and callous. To help out, two common creatures will speak about themselves.
Skunks and raccoons. Skunks and raccoons are guardians of the forest. They, along with squirrels and chipmunks, have hands that are very similar to human hands. This means they can manipulate objects easily.
They keep an eye on everything that goes on in the forest. They also communicate very well with each other and with many, though not all creatures that live in the forest.
The large tail of the skunk, which is often upright, is a sense organ that they use like a radar antenna to keep track of movements of creatures in their vicinity. They communicate what they sense to others.
The raccoons do something similar. They are larger, faster moving creatures so they help defend the forest against intrusion. Both are quite intelligent with advanced souls, in many instances.
In this way, these creatures help protect their area against intrusion by the alien group called the negs or thugs or satans. This is the main danger to forests at this time. Humans were a threat, but newer environmental laws now protect many forests from human destruction.
The forests are needed as homes for many creatures, for wood, and for many other materials that they contain. The satans want to kill the forests to get rid of the creatures and have reduced their size and number a lot in the past several hundred years.
Responding to danger. When skunks and raccoons sense danger, they immediately alert many creatures. The creatures must then decide whether to run away and hide, or whether to stay and attempt to fight back against the thugs or satans.
Most often, creatures hide. However, lately this is not working. The satans spray poison wherever they go and then the creatures are unable to return to their homes and their food supply.
So the creatures are learning new methods to slow down and hopefully stop the satans from ruining the forests of the earth. Some are actually learning to use weapons. Others are looking for weaknesses of the satans so they can attack them.
Coffee? Oddly, we are told that the creatures of earth need to take in coffee in order to overcome their problems. This is certainly unusual and difficult to understand. It is also very difficult for a creature who does not have cooking facilities nor hands with which to put coffee in as an enema.
We ask all human beings to do at least two coffee enemas daily in order to increase the amount of coffee that is present on earth. We know it sounds bizarre, but it seems to help and so far is the only defense we have found against the satan enemy. A religious attitude also helps a lot, but by itself is not enough.
Other jobs. Skunks and raccoons have other jobs in the forest. They clean up messes made by humans and other creatures. These are usually trash that is left in the forest, but it can be weapons that don't belong in the forest that harm the plants and animals that live there.
8/22/24. Hardening is one of the most important and interesting physiological concepts. When an animal, human or plant body becomes weak, it often “hardens” in order to stay alive.
Hardening means that the body takes up certain mineral compounds that make it stronger. However, they do so by hardening the tissues and not by making the body more healthy.
The mineral compounds include toxic metals and toxic forms of vital minerals such as oxides and carbonates. We call these the irritants or Amigos because they are often found together.
Today, much of our food is “hardened” in this way. The use of superphosphate fertilizers used on all food makes this problem worse. For details, read Superphosphates.
As a result, the human and animal bodies become hardened. They may seem hardy, but they don't function as well. The children are even born hardened because their mothers are hardened.
Hardening can also occur in the emotions and the mind. It causes rigid thinking and poor quality thinking. This is common today!
The development program slowly reverses the hardening process and is one of the very few methods we know of to do this. It takes some time because the mineral 'hardeners' must be replaced with better quality mineral compounds which are not plentiful in our food supply.
For more details, read Plating, Hardening, Tempering And Lubricants. We recently updated and improved this article.
8/21/24. We updated and improved the article about massage. Massage is a powerful healing modality. We don't recommend professional massage because it is not clean and it is not too safe for women, in particular, especially if you take your clothes off.
However, doing massage at home on yourself or with a partner is okay and can be helpful for healing and development. For details, read Massage.
8/20/24. The life point is a small area along the midline of the body about four finger-widths below the navel in the front of the body and in the area of the lumbar spine in back.
The life point, also called the hara in Japanese, is extremely important for life and health. It is a subtle energy gathering point. For details, read The Life Point.
8/19/24. The magazine of the National Health Federation (an organization everyone should join) reprinted an article about a rogue project to put over 50,000 satellites into space, supposedly to improve internet service. Problems are:
Toxic. The satellites have a life of only five years, then they are burned up, releasing thousands of tons of toxic metals into the air.
Damage to the atmosphere. The toxic metals from the satellites can damage and perhaps destroy the earth's atmosphere.
Impossible to see stars. The aluminum satellites reflect light and light up the sky so that one cannot see what is really there.
Making space travel very difficult. Anyone wishing to travel in space won't be able to because a space craft can easily hit one of the satellites.
Very harmful base stations. Several hundred base stations all over the earth send extremely powerful radio signals into space and bounce them off the satellites. The radio signals are very harmful to birds and very harmful for any humans living anywhere near the base station.
The worst (we believe) – hidden weapons. The worst part of the project, I am told, is that the base stations are actually powerful laser weapons aimed at the interior of the earth that do tremendous damage to the planet.
For details, read the original article: International Dark-Sky Association vs. FCC and Spacex at
To join The National Health Federation, an American health freedom group with branches in the UK, Germany and Sweden, go to Their website is excellent.
8/18/24. In the past, we recommended Hawaiian Bamboo Jade salt. However, we believe it is not as pure today and they may be adding iron to it. So instead, another type that is still okay is Alaea Hawaiian Salt.
8/1824. We reorganized and improved the article about inflation. It is a very important topic today! For details, read Inflation, A Way To Ruin Money And Society.
8/17/24. We improved the article about eating peanuts. A few peanuts each day are now recommended on the development diet. However, they need to be bought in the shell or, if bought as peanut butter, it needs to be very fresh.
For details, read Peanuts. Be sure to read the end of the article about George Washington Carver.
8/17/24. Today the price of gold rose above $2500.00 US dollars per ounce. It has never been this high and I am told it is likely to go much higher.
The reasons are 1) improper use of gold and 2) the United States and many other nations are spending too much money unwisely. This causes the economic disaster called Inflation and an increase in the price of gold.
Improper gold on our planet. I am told that our planet is filled with gold that does not belong here. Gold is not just a metal and certain forms of gold are needed on every planet for its survival.
Gold has been removed from some of the planets in our solar system and moved to the earth by the alien group we call the thugs, satans, or rogues. They have done this because it harms and weakens all the planets, including the earth.
There is an effort underway to return all gold to where it belongs. This has contributed to a rise in its price on earth. The other reason why gold is costly and we expect will go much higher in price is the rise of the welfare state.
The welfare state. For hundreds of years the price of gold was fairly steady at about $35.00 US dollars per ounce. The price began to rise, however, in the middle of the 20th century.
At this time, a number of leading nations started or expanded what is called the welfare state. This is the situation in which the government becomes very large and spends a lot of money paying people just to live, and for retirement and health care.
A new role for government. Providing welfare is a new role for the government. The government is supposed to protect the rights and liberty of the people. The welfare state does the opposite. It sets up the government as the provider of goods and services and the people become dependent upon the government, not free.
The welfare state may sound good, but it is not good! It is better for people to work for a living and to provide for their own health care, disability insurance, and retirement. This is very important to understand.
The welfare state is part of socialism and communism, and is extremely harmful for a nation. It is illegal in America, but starting in 1934 and expanded in 1967, the government violated the American Constitution and set up a government welfare system.
Welfare should be private, not run by the government. America had a private welfare system run by churches and community organizations for almost 200 years that worked perfectly.
Gold is a type of accounting system, so it reflects this illegal change in America, in particular, and in other nations, as well.
8/16/24. LOVE. We are loving beings and we must live in Love. There is a need for much more self-love, love for others and love for life and for this creation. This is a great truth!
The alien group - the thugs, negs, satans or rogues – have done all they can to stop, to negate, and to interfere with love on our planet. It is a test for us. Do not let them win in this effort. They need not win.
Beware – they use nutrition to influence our thinking, such as adding iron to foods, which causes more anger. However, no matter what methods they use, they need not sway you from putting love and truth first in your life.
Coffee (or really cothee). There is a great need for more people to do coffee enemas. It is helpful that millions of people around the world drink coffee. This increases the amount of coffee that is present.
However, the enemas are much more powerful and spread a lot more coffee around the planet. So please continue your effort to use as much as your body will tolerate. For details, read Coffee Enemas.
Follow Thy Will. Many more people need to take the time and effort to tune in to God, Source, One, Highest Level, Creator or however you perceive the being who is in charge of our planet. We are quite sure it is one being, and not the negs, thugs, satans or rogues.
One must do this all day long, not just once or twice a day. Keep asking for guidance and for your orders. You may be surprised! It will not always be easy, but it will be safer and will bring more happiness and joy in the long term.
For details, scroll down and read the message in this newsletter from two days ago – 8/13/24. Problems Tuning Into Thy Will. Also read Receiving Guidance and Thy Will Be Done. If all the procedures don't quite agree, work with it to find what seems to be most effective for you.
Proper Coupling. There is a great need for couples to do Down Hugging. This is a proper and critical interaction of male and female, both human and animal.
It is a very powerful healing method that is not done nearly enough. It also heals our planet, which is currently full of improper sex. This includes rape, adultery, and perverted sexual practices.
Most of the benefits of joining can be obtained by hugging, so Down Sex, which is more difficult, is not required. We urge married couples, in particular, to practice down hugging at least three times per week. If you cannot do a whole session, which requires about three hours, do whatever you can.
If you are not married, look for a partner who is willing to do down hugging with you. The benefits are so great that it should not be that difficult to find.
We know the thugs don't want this and will try to stop you, but our belief is that if you do the other two activities above – coffee enemas and tuning into Thy Will all day long – you will be able to do down hugging. This applies to our creatures, and not just to human beings.
8/15/24. Black salve is a very old Native American herbal remedy for cancers, pre-cancers and some infections. We updated and corrected the article. For details, read Black Salve.
8/15/24. We wrote a short new article about an interesting stage of development that is called the closing. At this stage, the pelvic floor closes a little. There is often healing of problems in this part of the body. For details, read The Closing.
8/14/24. According to One science teaching and related teachings, fear is not real. It is simply a lack of Love, which is the radiance of God. If you feel fearful, you are not receiving enough of the Love of God.
In One science, fear is like darkness. Darkness is not exactly real. It is simply an absence or lack of light. In the same way, fear is just a lack of Love.
To end darkness, one turns on a light. To end fear, one must receive more of the Love of God and live in this dimension.
I am told it is the same as living “in the house of the Lord” (23rd Psalm) and “in the Kingdom of Heaven” (from the Bible).
The Great Divorce by CS Lewis. This is a short, humorous book. At the very end is a short discussion of Love versus fear. A woman tries to explain it to her ex-husband, who comes to visit her in Heaven.
Insanity. According to One science, Living in fear is a form of mental illness or insanity. If you find yourself in fear, you are to say “I can choose again”. Beware - you will need to do this hundreds of times every day until your mind is trained to live in Love, not fear.
For more details, buy a copy of The Real Self or read online The Real Self. You can also listen to the audio program called The Real Self.
8/14/24. This is a reminder that all detergents are somewhat toxic. Avoid all of them, including the ones that say they are all natural.
For details, read Detergents. We just improved and updated this article. In this article, we suggest types of soaps that are okay.
8/13/24. We believe there are serious problems with shopping at Costco stores. While convenient and inexpensive, we believe that the food is not as pure and the cleaning and other products are not as pure as those at other stores. We plan to research this more. For this reason, at this time we suggest staying away from Costco completely.
8/13/24. THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT MESSAGE. Some believe that doing Thy Will is impossible or just does not work to protect oneself against the beatings, rapes and poisoning by the negs, rogues, satans or thugs.
However, some women tell us it can work, but it must be done correctly. Here are seven problem areas and how to handle them:
1. Rogues tell you - no tuning in to God allowed. This you must defy. We have no other answers for this problem. If you are beaten more for it, you must endure it.
We are not beaten more for tuning in, but that may not apply to everyone. In other words, the threat if one tunes in to God is just an idle threat, unlike many of their threats, which do cause more beatings and rapes.
2. Problems tuning in. This is a huge problem. The bodies are unhealthy and the procedure is somewhat strange. The procedure is:
A) Prepare. Eat, drink and use the bathroom so you are as relaxed as possible. If you are very tired, rest lying down until you are at least somewhat rested. Go where you feel the most relaxed, even if it seems strange such as locked in a car or bathroom. We sometimes ask in prayer where to go to best tune in.
B) Tune in. When you are ready, sit down, back supported and straight, and relaxed. Move your attention to below your feet. Now move subtle energy downward through the body.
You can pull energy down, as though there is a magnet at your feet or you are pulling a tight dress down over your head all the way to your feet. You can also push energy downward, as though there is a rain storm with rain pouring down on and through your head all the way down to your feet.
Then let your energy settle down and relax completely. Then ask for Thy Will for you at this time and wait for an answer. You may hear words or you may just get a feeling. Repeat this procedure as many times as needed until you feel you have a definite answer. This can be very tedious and time-consuming, but you must do it WARNING: The advice may be very strange (see the next section below.)
If at all possible, we suggest joining one of the few Pentecostal churches where the people help each other tune in. If the congregants do not help each other tune in to the Holy Spirit or God, stay away! It is not a real Pentecostal Church, but just uses that name.
There are many fake Pentecostal churches. You are not interested in prayers, songs, dancing, the Bible, speaking in tongues or anything else except tuning in and getting help with it.
Also, avoid all other churches and spiritual groups. They mainly waste time.
You can “go to church” on Christian television. This is much safer than visiting a real church, although a bit lonely for some people. The problem is that real tuning in, as described above, is not allowed on Christian television, so you are not likely to find it on television.
3. Trouble following the Will of God or Holy Spirit. Even if you are able to tune in, perhaps with help, some of the advice you will receive will be difficult to follow and perhaps shocking.
The list of problems with the advice are: dangerous, scary, drastic, wasteful, painful, immoral sexually or in some other way, very humbling or embarrassing, hard on your friends, marriage, family or relationships, costly, strange, or not making logical sense.
For example, one may be asked to stay up late at night, eat strange food, give away food, dress in strange ways (though usually not sexy), or go someplace you would not ordinarily go.
The answer is to ask again to confirm the advice. Ask ten times if needed. Ask five hundred times, if needed! Try to get help from someone who will tune in for you or with you to confirm the advice. Use your head, although at times the advice may still be strange and scary. Wait at least a day and tune in again, and do this for a month or more, if needed.
4. Following Thy Will may not work. This is extremely discouraging and causes many people to give up on God or Holy Spirit. You may get a beating, a rape, a legal problem, a monetary loss, a death in your family, or other horror in spite of seemingly doing everything correctly.
This is perhaps the worst problem with tuning in to God or Holy Spirit or Creator. Most of us become discouraged, at times. Many stop trying to tune in for a day or even a week. We feel completely defeated and desperate and abandoned by God. We feel totally lost.
However, we come back to our tuning in procedure because we find there is nothing else. We don't want to world's and the satan's advice and way of living.
Here again, if you can find a true Pentecostal church or just someone to help you tune in and get support, it helps.
An excellent idea is to form your own “tuning in group” or even your own Pentecostal church with a friend or two. Forget all the formalities, legal and otherwise. Just get together, in person or on the phone, and help each other tune in. That is all that matters!
5. The strangeness of the tuning in lifestyle. The entire tuning in lifestyle, at first, may seem very odd. Everyone else just goes about their business, but you have to stop, over and over, all day long, and ask for Thy Will, perhaps moment to moment.
All we can say is you will become more comfortable with it and the benefits are well worth the effort and time and even money you may spend doing it.
6. Lack of desire to tune in. This is due to disbelief in God or Holy Spirit, or severe discouragement. It needs to be overcome.
7. Not understanding God or the theory of tuning in to the One Mind. There is a theory to all this. The One Mind is real. You are loved and you can contact the One Mind or God!
8/12/24. At this time, the forces defending the earth are waking up millions of creatures. Some of these are earth animals. Others are angels and a large variety of fine matter creatures.
Fine matter creatures are real, but their bodies are of a lower density than ours so they are difficult for most people to see. For details, read Bodies – Their Structure And Activities.
These creatures belong on earth and are important for the health of the planet. Many are here, but were put to sleep or made unconscious by the satans, thugs or rogues.
Some earth creatures, including human beings, were also put in prisons in outer space around the earth. Some of these are also being brought back to the planet.
Very hungry and thirsty. Most of these creatures have not eaten and drank much for some time. As a result, they are very hungry and thirsty – and you may help out.
Sharing food and water. It may sound odd, but there is a sharing process by which those who are better nourished help those who are less well-nourished. It is an energetic sharing.
If you feel more hungry or thirsty at this time, eat and drink more.
8/11/24. A visualization with which to do the pulling down exercise that is working well is to imagine someone gives you a long dress to put on that is a pullover dress. This means you put it on by putting it over your head and pulling it down. For some reason, the dress is for men as well as women.
It is tight-fitting, so you have to pull hard downward all around to put on the dress. Let me know if this visualization is helpful.
8/10/24. This new article describes a case history of one of our clients who is doing very well with a chronic health condition called idiopathic thrombocytic purpura. A new name for the same condition is immune thrombocytopenia.
The word idiopathic is just a fancy term that means physicians do not know the cause of the condition. For details, read Idiopathic Thrombocytic Purpura.
8/9/24. In this message, we will repeat our call to reform the election process in America and elsewhere. We keep giving this message because very few others are doing so.
Electors, not voters. The entire election process in the United States has become corrupt. The correct system is that electors, not voters, are supposed to choose those who hold public office.
The law requires that electors be men, 21 years of age or older, that they own a little property and are true Citizens of the United Staes. This system was abandoned at least 100 years ago, and needs to be restored.
Voting machines. These are an invitation to cheating. They are very simple computers that are extremely easy to hack and manipulate. They must not be used.
Mail-in Ballots. These are also an invitation to cheating. They also violate the US Constitution, which requires a voting day, not a voting month or two.
Women are enslaved and told how to vote. This is very unfortunate, but women must not be allowed to vote until the problem of the thugs, rogues or satan is over. The satans control most all women and they rape, beat and torture women severely if they don't vote Democrat or Liberal. This is the truth, although it is well-hidden from public view.
Alien slave men. More and more alien men are on our planet. They are all brainwashed slaves and all are here illegally. They have false identification papers. They are told to vote Democrat by their slave masters.
Lawsuits. Another serious problem that occurred has to do with hearing cases that charge election fraud. The law is that the election process must stop if there is even one lawsuit challenging the election process until all the cases are heard and decided.
In the 2020 presidential election in America, the inauguration of the new president went ahead even though there were over 100 lawsuits that were not heard that charged election fraud!
To summarize, the election system is very broken. Please spread the word.
8/8/24. GABA stands for gamma-amino butyric acid. It is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the human and higher animals.
Today I needed to look up a drug that a client is taking called Pregabalin. Like most drug names, Pregabalin is just a made up nonsense word. It should not be allowed.
Naturopaths. The drug was prescribed by the client's naturopath. I don't like to criticize other practitioners, but beware – the licensed naturopaths today use drugs and are forced to use them. They are all brainwashed, raped and very controlled. For details, read the newly updated article, The Naturopaths.
The drug websites. I went through at least five drug websites until one of them actually stated what is Pregabalin. The other medical websites just described what to use it for and its long list of side effects.
Pregabalin and its predecessor, Gabapentin, are basically GABA. The drug companies change the name and maybe the formula every so often in order to keep the drug patented to make more money.
GABA is sold as a dietary supplement and is very inexpensive. The drug companies say they alter the molecule slightly. Then they call it a drug and charge hundreds of times more money for the same item, or perhaps a more toxic version of it. It is completely criminal!
GABA and the development program. We don't use GABA on the development program because it is an amino acid and it is quite cold or yin in macrobiotic terminology. Substances that are too yin tend to unbalance the bodies today because all bodies today are already too yin.
Yin disease. The reasons for cold or yin bodies are a mineral-depleted food supply, too many toxic metals and toxic chemicals, radiation exposure, electronic pollution, widespread lying and other reasons. For more details read Yin Disease.
We also don't use GABA supplements because a well-nourished body produces quite a bit of GABA. Instead, we focus on proper nutrition so the body will produce more GABA.
Calming the nervous system. We also use at least a dozen other methods to calm the nervous system that balance the body instead of unbalancing it. These include the development diet and supplements of calcium, magnesium, zinc, and lecithin that contains choline and inositol.
We also recommend certain calming healing procedures. These include the pulling down procedure, reflexology, coffee enemas, sun bathing, deep breathing, red heat lamp therapy, the pulls, pops and twists, more rest, gentle exercise, the salt glow and massage.
8/7/24. We improved the new article about the charcoal healing procedure. This procedure is very simple and can be used when one does coffee enemas. The effect is to make the enemas more powerful and more pleasant.
Charcoal is quite an interesting substance. It is made by a method called carbonization. The method requires heating wood for a prolonged time in a low-oxygen environment. Charcoal has multiple uses and has a long history of use on earth. For details, read The Charcoal Healing Procedure.
8/6/24. Some health authorities recommend using a light roast or “gold roast” coffee for enemas. In fact, some light roast coffee is sold as “enema coffee”.
This is all a deception! Light roast coffee is toxic and does not work well. Always use a medium or dark roast coffee for enemas. Stay away from “enema coffee”.
8/6/24. Charcoal is a powerful absorbent material. It will absorb many times its weight in toxins. For this reason, charcoal is used as the filtering material in many air and water filters.
We do not recommend using charcoal as a nutritional supplement. The reason is that it tends to absorb nutrients along with toxins.
However, we are experimenting with using a bag of charcoal to assist detoxification that occurs with coffee enemas.
Where. Place a bag of charcoal underneath one's table or bed where one does coffee enemas. If you use a bathroom floor for enemas, place the bag of charcoal on the floor near your feet.
Which charcoal is best. The best charcoal to use appears to be the rough mesquite charcoal pieces sold in some stores, although any charcoal we believe will work.
Leave the bag of charcoal there for at least one week. It needs to get used to its new home and new job. After about a week, you may notice that you can handle coffee enemas better, with fewer signs of picking up toxic substances from others or from your environment.
Cleanliness. So far, having a bag of charcoal under one's bed is safe and clean. Do not open the bag you have. It works with the bag sealed.
Charcoal can also be used as a heat source for cooking. However, we do not recommend roasting food on a charcoal grill, except perhaps for occasional use. Instead, place the food in a steamer or a pressure cooker and use these methods of cooking. For details, read the new article The Charcoal Healing Procedure.
8/5/24. I am told that the tide is turning against the aliens, thugs, rogues or satans. I am told to keep fighting them at every turn and never, ever stop or give up. That is the attitude that is needed at this time.
They will continue to threaten, lie, deceive and do all that they do, but it is not working as well and will not work as well in the future. That is tonight's message.
8/4/24. We do not recommend visiting most hair salons. The reasons are: often the hair cutting equipment is unclean. The chairs are often unclean. The drape used to cover you is often unclean. It is also easy to place rogue equipment on the body during the hair cutting.
Instead, learn to cut your own hair or have a friend cut your hair.
8/4/24. Using a pressure cooker for cooking is excellent and will save a lot of time. I use a stovetop Presto model several times a day for both cooking and for making coffee for enemas. Here are some comments about its use:
- It takes some practice to get used to a pressure cooker. It took me about a month, so do not give up quickly.
- You can burn the food in a stovetop model, so be sure to add a little water before cooking. The plug-in electric models are better in this regard because they automatically shut down if there is no water in the pot. They also come with a timer. However, my guidance is that the energy of the stovetop models is a little cleaner.
- Food cooks very fast in a pressure cooker. Cook vegetables no more than about 2 minutes. The exact time will vary depending upon the model of pressure cooker and the altitude where you live.
Vegetables should be soft, not crunchy, but should maintain their color. I do not cook meats or eggs in the pressure cooker because they overcook. Always drink the small amount of water in which you cook vegetables – it is rich in nutrients.
- Pressure cookers require more cleaning than regular pots. One must make sure the rubber sealing ring is clean. Also, before each use run your finger along the rim of the pot to make sure the rim of the pot is smooth and clean. If it is not, clean it before using the pot.
If you cannot smooth out the rim with soap and a sponge, occasionally I run a knife sharpening stone very gently along the rim of the pressure cooker to smooth it.
Also, make sure the holes for the pressure release valve and where the weight is are open and clean. I don't clean the entire pot before each use, but once a day I clean the entire pot.
8/3/24. I continue to experiment with coffee enemas to see what works the best. Here are a few results:
- I make enough coffee in the morning for all the enemas of the day – for me, lately, that is four, two before breakfast and two before supper. There is a great need for coffee so I am asked to do extra ones, and it is extra protection against the rogues or thugs. I use about 3 tablespoons of coffee for each enema.
- I pressure cook the coffee to save time. I use about 2 or three cups of water when making enough coffee for 4 enemas so it will boil fast. When it is done, I put it in a glass measuring cup with the coffee grounds and let it steep for about 3 minutes.
Then I pour ¼ of the coffee concentrate through a strainer into the enema bucket or bag for the first enema and add water to the concentrated coffee to bring it up to 3 cups of water. This cools the coffee.
The rest of the coffee concentrate goes in the refrigerator for storage for the other enemas later in the day.
- Raw sesame oil is extremely soothing to use as a lubricant for the enema tip.
- After an enema, I always do the liver detox before doing anything else such as a second enema or before showering or eating. This routine seems to prevent or end headaches, stomach aches and other effects of picking up toxins during coffee enemas.
The liver detox consists of:
1. While sitting on the toilet expelling the coffee, I tap on the liver area with both hands, usually gently but you can use force if you wish.
2. I also move my hands to my knees and tap the liver reflex area of the palms of the hands (heels of the hands) on the kneecaps.
3. If possible, run a bidet on the liver area of the anal reflex system at the same time.
I ask my liver when it is clean enough to move on and it usually takes about five to ten minutes.
8/2/24. Planet earth has a number of systems of justice to which we are all subject. Some are well known, while others are subtle and unusual. Knowing about all of them is very important. Here is a list:
- The civilian laws and criminal justice systems of the nations, states, provinces, counties, and cities. These are the systems most people are familiar with. They include attorneys, courts, jails, law books and groups of legislators and others who pass, enforce and judge the laws.
The laws include constitutions, statutes, and implementing regulations. In the Western nations, many of the basic laws are based upon the 10 Commandments and other teachings of the Bible. For details, read The Ten Commandments and Legal Guidelines For Unlicenced Practitioners.
- The military justice systems of the nations. All of the larger nations of earth have another justice system for the members of their military. It follows different rules than the civilian system and is adapted to the needs of the military. Rules are more harsh and there are fewer rights. Many people are not familiar with these justice systems unless one is a member of the army, navy, air force, space force or marines.
- The angel code of justice. This is a justice system on earth that is run by angels. I just learned about it. It has not been enforced for thousands of years. However, I am told it is now back in operation. It is a military justice system.
I am told we have this system because planet earth is a military planet. Some call it a patrol planet or police planet.
In fact, I am told we are part of the immune response of an enormous being that lives in space. The immune system of a body the the defense system. I am told we will hear a lot more about the angel system in the near future.
- Thy Will. Thy Will Be Done is a justice system. If you ask for Thy Will, or even if you do not ask, you come under this system. That is, there is a higher power than any of us that has rules and administers justice.
One might ask, who is in charge of this justice system? One possibility is that it is a large being in space who gave birth to this planet and gave birth to everything upon it. This being is called our local creator.
Another possibility is that the system is run by an even larger being that gave birth to the large being of which we are a part. This is sometimes called our big creator or God. Some also call this being our Father.
This system of justice can be quite mysterious and, at times, difficult to understand. We are asked to go along for our safety and happiness. For details, read Thy Will Be Done.
- The law of cause and effect. Another justice system in force on our planet is expressed in the Bible as: “As you sow, so shall you reap.” Some call this system the law of cause and effect. The idea is that whatever you do, there are consequences.
Some languages call this system the karma system – a word from the ancient Sanskrit language. This language arose in India about 3500 years age and is somewhat similar in structure to Latin in the Western world.
The word karma literally means work, but the justice system is basically that as you behave and think, so it will be done unto you. Some say this system is incredibly complex and stretches across all time and all space. Some say this justice system is part of the structure of the universe. For details, read The Law Of Cause And Effect.
- Laws of the market place, sometimes called the laws of the jungle. These are economic rules that tend to be in effect at all times. At times, economic principles and laws are part of the societal justice system, but not always.
For example, a basic law of this type is the law of supply and demand. It means that the price of an item depends upon how much of the item is available and how many people want the item. For instance, if an item is scarce and many people want it, the price will go up.
- Gold. I am told that gold is not just a metal. It is an accounting system and a justice system that exists throughout all space. I don't know exactly how it works, but I am told that if the people of a planet spend money wisely, the price of gold will go down. If the people of a planet spend money foolishly, the price of gold goes up as a compensation and as a balancing system.
For example, in many nations in history, the price of gold was steady until the nation began spending too much money on wars or welfare. Then their gold price went up and often the nation or civilization eventually ended.
A more recent example is the United States. The price of gold was steady in this nation until the mid-twentieth century. Then the nation began a welfare state - in violation of its Constitution and founding documents.
The welfare or so-called entitlement programs were Social Security (January 1940), Medicare and Medicaid (both began in July 1965). The illegal Affordable Care Act of 2010 expanded Medicare even further.
Around 1975, America also began military spending that was not paid back. Other nations also acted very irresponsibly with money during the twentieth century. As a result, the price of gold has increased from 35.00 US dollars per ounce to about 2400.00 dollars per ounce today.
- The thug justice system. The aliens, rogues, satans or sats who invaded our planet thousands of years ago have their own justice system. We are subject to it because they are a powerful force on our planet.
Their system is a pure dictatorship or slavery system. They do not respect the laws of the nations. They do what they want. The rules are whatever they decide and the rules can change at any time.
8/1/24. I am told that the angels of planet earth, who number in the trillions, have declared six new rules for our planet. The rules will be enforced by them, since the normal criminal justice system is broken. The rules are:
1. Beatings are illegal and punishable by death.
2. Raping is illegal and punishable by death.
3. Putting people in suspended animation is illegal and punishable by death.
4. Lying is illegal. It is a form of fraud. It is punishable.
5. Coffee in therapeutic amounts is required for javelina and angels.
6. Coffee enemas are required for human leaders.
7/31/24. A spiritual principle that needs remembering is that love is the answer for all problems. Bringing love to any problem will illuminate the issue and help solve it. We definitely need this type of thinking at this time.
Instead, we observe much negative thinking. Many humans and creatures think that things are hopeless on the planet, that we are doomed, and that fighting back is useless. This is totally negative.
In addition, many humans and creatures don't seem to care what occurs here. We don't know if they have “tuned out” because they can see the awful truth. However, some tell us the negs say not to get involved and to just go along so they do it.
What to do. We say never give up and give in only to the degree needed to stay alive and avoid the worst beating. Do not go along, ever, at least in your mind.
Be grateful things are not even worse than they are – they could be. Honor the rogues! Don't hate them, and let go of anger and hatred, which hurt only you.
The rogues have carefully ruined the attitudes of many humans and creatures. It is three level and six level warfare. This means that in the 7 system, it is warfare on the simple mental level and on deeper mental levels, as well.
Also, I believe that many humans and creatures are too influenced by that which is around them. I view life as between myself and God, or Source or Creator. That is all that matters, not outside events or the situation of the planet.
7/30/24. We like to remind readers that the election system in the United States is illegal and broken. There are many problems:
- An illegal system. The entire election system in the United States has been perverted. The original and correct system is that there are electors, not voters.
The rules were simple. Electors are men only, age 21 or older. In early America, many people knew of the plight of women – they are slaves of the rogues or satans. Women are often told to vote liberal or Democrat or they will be beaten severely. Women must not vote under these conditions.
Electors also need to be property owners because they have more of a stake in the nation and will tend to vote more responsibly. Criminals and illegal aliens (non-Citizens) cannot vote. The proper procedure was used until about 100 years ago, so few people remember it. Other obvious problems are:
- Voting machines. These are simple computers and very easy to hack. They should never be used!
- Mail-in ballots. These are very easy to forge, duplicate and manipulate. They also violate the US Constitution, which requires an election day, not a month or two when you can mail in your ballot. They are an invitation to cheating.
7/29/24. The message below about corrections to yesterday's message is most important. However, another important research topic at this time is this message.
We just learned that buying a bag of charcoal briquettes and placing it under your bed or nearby where you sleep is helpful to absorb the poisons that have been sprayed on everyone and on everything on our planet over the past years.
Replace the bag of charcoal roughly every four months because it will become filled with toxins. This method is simple and helpful for your health.
7/29/24. This message comes from two of the women who were awakened over the past several days. Most of those who we found have turned out to be infiltrators and not genuine. The two who are left, out of about 40, appear to be who they say they are. They would like to write in the first person:
Most of what was written is excellent. The situation in the town and the description of us is fairly accurate. What is missing are the attitudes of those who are older.
Attitudes. We are shocked and saddened to see what has occurred on our planet. We knew the earth as a beautiful, clean and wholesome place. It has been turned into a killing center and a brothel.
Those who have done this have no regard for life, for dignity, or anything like it. They are just a conquering army who are very good at what they do.
Fight back. We urge everyone to fight back against them any way you can. We realize the women are enslaved and it is difficult. The keys are:
1. Do at least two strong coffee enemas daily even if the aliens say no enemas.
2. Ask creator for guidance often. This is confusing because the Bible does not use this word. However, we are told that creator is one of the best words to use to ask for guidance.
Creator is the large being in space that birthed this planet and that continues to guide us. There is an even larger being in space that birthed our local creator. It is also creator, and both can help you.
3. If and when you ask for guidance from creator, you may get other advice that needs to be followed faithfully. This will be advice to help you survive and avoid beatings and rapes. Look for this advice, which will be given more and more.
Wings. The wings of the human or hume, in our language, are quite small, but they are important. We hope some of you will be getting them back. They have been surgically removed before birth. We want you to know this because some imagine they are large like a bird. No, they are quite small.
Our body type. We are built very much like you. We have the same type of genetics, we believe, and this means that you, too, can live a long time – thousands of years - if you eat correctly and follow the development program.
Love. Love is missing from the messages of the last two days. We are extremely loving beings and love is the force that rules the universe, not brute force, lying and horror. There also can be NO HATRED of them or anyone else, for any reason.
This is critical at this time. Hatred and anger are their nature, not ours! If you imitate them, you become one of them. If you are to survive and be free, you must embrace love as the guiding principle of your life and all life.
We want this made very clear! We are working to end the occupation of our planet and we hope we will succeed. Please help in every way you can.
Ordinary sex versus down sex. A mix-up that is intentional by those invading our planet has to do with how to do sex. Their way is purely physical and not good for the bodies.
The proper way has been suppressed, but we write about it. Some call it down sex, yang sex or love sex. It is a powerful healing procedure, unlike ordinary sex that tickles, but is depleting for the body in all case.
With down sex, two come together in an embrace that lasts for two and one-half hours for a complete session. You can stop sooner, but you will miss a number of benefits.
Breaks. You can take breaks during a down sex or down hugging session. However, the partners must stay close to each other during the breaks and the breaks cannot be more than about five minutes long.
During down sex, men should use condoms because accidental ejaculation can occur. Women need to help out to minimize accidents and to keep the process moving smoothly.
Planetary healing. Down sex and down hugs heal not only the partners, but the planet, as well. This is very important at this time because ordinary sex is common and is not the correct relationship between men and women.
In fact, it is a complete aberration and falsehood! Please do not do ordinary sex voluntarily and do your best to resist the rapes of the invaders, which are designed mainly to weaken the bodies and to enslave.
7/28/24. Some of the new, more developed beings that are waking up across the world visited our town yesterday. They report the following:
- The people. All the bodies of the people are very ill. Very few have what is called 'their light'. This is a glow of the energy field around the body that these beings can see. Many of the town people are what they call almost dead, although they move about normally. They are alive only due to electronic life support. On this website, we call many of these people The Walking Dead.
- We observed no development in the people. This is a special upgrade of the genetics that is possible for human beings and which we teach on this website. We are told, however, that plenty of the people are somewhat developed, but it is disguised or cloaked. A little of it is proper spiritual development, and the rest is forced development used by the negs or satans to force people to become fighters and operatives for them.
- There are many men, in particular, who are not from the earth and who do not belong here. They are thoroughly illegal in their actions such as stealing, rape and murder.
- The women tell us these men are very strong, even if they do not look like it. They are also vicious if one does not go along. They practice “controlled rage” with physical violence, screaming, threats and beatings that are so horrible that most women soon learn to obey them carefully.
A few of them are in an advanced state of false development called a satan. They look like the classic drawings of satan found in some older books, with a reddish, mottled skin, a tail, small horns and a mean look. All this is carefully disguised so to the average person they look normal.
- Many of the women are captures. This means they have been attacked, usually by one of the alien men, and forced into slavery to him. Some are forced to marry, forced to become pregnant and, of course, forced into sexual activity. One cannot tell this from superficial behavior because the women can appear healthy and happy – forced, no doubt.
- All the women we observed – several hundred – are carefully observed, controlled, kept in a terrified state, and given instructions about every aspect of their lives. This includes what they wear, where they go, whom they associated with, date and marry, what they speak, where they work and more.
We found no exceptions, starting around age 10 or so. This is quite amazing.
The men of earth are not as controlled, at least we could not observe it. The men who are not from the earth are very controlled.
- The equipment. The town is filthy with rogue or neg or satan equipment everywhere. There is so much that certain parts of the town are unsafe to drive through. The equipment includes weapons that shoot at everyone who passes by, cameras observing everyone, and much more.
- The food. The energy field of all the food is of poor quality. As a result, the people are all malnourished. The people also eat a lot of fruit and sugar, both forbidden in the culture of these advanced beings.
- The negs or satans also damage all the food and water using electronic weapons that are placed in supermarkets, restaurants and in people's homes.
- The rooms. There are special “food rooms” because the alien men and a few alien women do not eat our food, at least for one meal a day. They get special food that is far more nutritious at these rooms, some of which are restaurants in the town.
- There are many “rape rooms” throughout the city. Some are underground to hide the screaming. These are filthy places where women and some men are conditioned and brainwashed using extreme violence, rape, beatings, poisoning and other tortures.
- The town cemeteries and the area around and under several lakes are loaded with half-dead bodies that have been “killed”. This means filled with poison so they are in a state of suspended animation. Then they dump the bodies in the cemetery or elsewhere a few feet underground until they are needed for further processing.
- “Processing” of human beings and animals. Further processing includes conversion to “blacks” or black masters, which are extremely dangerous fighters for them. For details, read The Black Master Or Black Program. It involves special surgeries, more conditioning, some tune-up of the bodies, and more.
Other people are hacked up for body parts. The parts are then attached to others to increase their eyesight, hearing, number of arms, or something else. It is all illegal and horrible in the extreme.
- Other observations. We found the angels under serious attack and the dog and cat shelters under severe attack.
- Many businesses in the town had been taken over and are being used to store bodies, for rapes and beatings, for communication or other purposes. These businesses had been taken illegally, usually by force that included killing or raping the true owners and even employees, in some cases.
- Huge areas are carved up underground and used as bases, storage areas, rape centers, “kill” centers where people are carved up surgically for body parts, and more.
- The teaching. The alien invaders teach the women, in particular, that they, the aliens, are more advanced than we are in every way and they represent the future of civilization. They say they are sorry for the rapes, beatings, poisoning and torture. However, it is necessary at this time to move the planet along.
The women tell us they think it is a lie, but some are not sure and go along for this reason. Others are just terrified of the beatings, which are violent beyond all belief and include breaking bones, hacking off limbs, stabbing, and more. The aliens use rewind technology to then restore the person to what looks like normal, but the mind has been carefully conditioned.
- The solution? We observed that this sad picture is being repeated throughout planet earth. It looks fairly hopeless. However, we are told that when there is enough coffee in use, mostly in enemas, that the horror will end and order will be restored.
This seems impossible, but we are told improvements have already taken place. Some creatures and a few human beings are doing coffee enemas each day. We are told the situation was worse, in fact, and that there are now fewer of them and they are having more difficulty, although we did not observe this.
We also observe that the planet and our solar system are moving upward in space toward a large being that we call creator. We have a long way to go, but it appears the earth was moved out of its proper location many years ago and is now moving back toward that location. The upward movement, we are told, will help restore the planet. Its success, we are told, depends on thousands of beings using coffee in enemas and some creatures need to eat the coffee, as well.
7/27/24. We are learning more about the large being in space of which the earth is a part. This large being gave birth to our planet, probably over 20 billion years ago.
This creator being connects to every being on the planet, including you. This means you and everyone can tune in and receive information from the creator being. You can ask in prayer to be connected and then you can ask a question.
Please do this, preferably every day. With practice, it becomes easier and you will learn about yourself and your role as part of the creator being.
If the rogues or satan block you from tuning in, it is okay. We are cleaning up more bodies and it will become easier to tune in and receive information.
7/27/24. We added a section to the chapter about emotional effects of rape. The new section is about liking one's captors. For details, read Rape.
7/26/24. I am told the forces defending the earth have uncovered about 20 very old and unusual human beings. They were in a state of suspended animation inside the earth. Here are a few details. Warning: The following may sound very unusual:
- Old. They say they are thousands of years old. They say human beings should live much longer than we do, but we must eat correctly and there are other requirements.
- Wings. They have wings that connect at their shoulder blades.
- Criste. They have their criste. This is a part of the pancreas on the right side of the body. It secretes special enzymes and extends life. For details, read The Criste.
- Ventricles. Their brains have no ventricles. The ventricles are empty spaces on both sides of the brain.
- Ebre language. They speak the ancient, sacred Ebre language. I am told this language needs to be brought back to the earth. It is not that different from modern American English. However, it uses the Hebrew stick letters and they read from the right to the left. For details, read The Ebre Language – An Introduction.
- Flying. They can fly around inside a bubble of light called a merkaba. This word is in the Bible 44 times and means a vehicle of light.
This flying method is known among some masters. One day I was watching Christian television and an announcer said that Mary, mother of Jesus, was appearing to children in Europe. When this occurs, she arrives by flying inside a bubble of light.
This method is also portrayed in the movie The Wizard Of Oz in which the good witches fly around in a bubble of light. For details, read The Merkaba.
- Womb-man. These beings say our word for woman is not quite correct. They say the word is womb-man because she has a womb – a loving place through which she gives birth.
- The humes. Their men are called humes. The word means good in their language. This is similar to our word humane. They say the earth people are not hume because the evil ones (the crud, thugs, rogues or satans) cut off our wings before we were born.
- Cothee. These people know about the coffee plant. However, they say our word is not quite correct. The correct word is cothee. It means with God.
Explanation of co-thee. The word co means with, as in the words companion, cooperate and co-dependency. In Spanish, the word for with is con.
The word thee refers to God, as in our words theology and theocracy.
7/25/24. The Supreme Court of the United States just decided an important case, NRA versus Vullo. What happened is that in 2018, the head of the New York Department of Financial Services threatened banks and insurance companies.
This New York government agency tried and succeeded in forcing banks and insurance companies to stop doing business with the National Rifle Association, a freedom group. The government used their power to harm a perfectly legal private group that the governor of New York did not happen to like.
The decision. In a unanimous decision (all 9 judges voted the same way), the judges said that the action of the New York state agency is illegal and not allowed. That is, a government official may not use the power of the government to attack a private group.
This is a very important case that supports freedom of speech, freedom of worship and freedom of the press. It means that Citizens and groups can hold views with which the government does not agree. Such groups or individuals still have the right to exist and to do business, just like anyone else.
A start, but not enough. We are grateful for this recent court decision. It is a step in the right direction, although it does not go far enough to stop government abuse of power.
We believe that according to the Constitution of the United States and the state constitutions, the government does not have the power to regulate businesses in the heavy-handed, authoritarian way they do every day.
For example, today there in America 47 national regulatory agencies! They control practically every industry in America. There are hundreds more of these regulatory agencies in the 50 states. They make over 99% of the “laws” today.
However, the national and state constitutions say the elected legislatures are to make the laws, not some unelected agency officials. So we believe the government is violating the constitutions in a huge way that has severely damaged the nation.
7/24/24. Many people and fine matter creatures have asked for explanation of what is going on on earth and in space. We will address this.
I, who am speaking, am a fine matter creature of the type called an angel. This is a body type that looks more or less human with two arms, two legs, a human-like face and other human-like features.
The situation. Those with long-term memories tell us that the earth is part of an enormous being that lives in space. Many believe it is a female. They say the earth is a special planet, that there was once peace on earth, and the planet was filled with beautiful creatures of all types.
The earth functioned as part of the immune system of this largee being. This means it helped clean up infections and toxins that found their way into the large being.
What happened. At least 10 million years ago, an alien group invaded the earth. We know them as the thugs, crud, gorgon, negs or on this website we call them the Rogues. The Bible calls them Satan, a word that means full of oneself. For more details, read Satan.
This group began a process of tearing apart the planet in order to use it for their own purposes – mainly to reproduce very sick and psychopathic killers to infect and destroy other planets. Things have slowly gotten worse and worse as they have advanced in their takeover of our planet.
The present condition of the earth. We would say the earth is very close to complete death. It does not appear this way. The nations still exist, and many people seem to live quite normal lives.
However, as we have written, the women are all quite enslaved using high-tech and extreme violent methods. They are strictly forbidden to talk about it, so very few men on the planet know what is really going on.
Also, many people are sick and dying, and the planet is filthy, radioactive, and full of toxic metals and toxic chemicals. We see this on the people's tissue mineral tests. This rather simple test is not used much because it would reveal the truth. In fact, most people have never heard of it.
The damage, nutritional depletion and toxicity extend from the smallest of creatures, the souls, to all levels of beings and to the planet herself.
Why is this occurring? Some say we are just caught in a war in space. We don't think it affects all of space, but it affects our sector or area.
Those with long-term memories say the large being of which we are a part is very ill, and we are a part of her body so we are affected.
Help. We believe someone is trying to save the earth. This may not be obvious, especially to the women. However, there is evidence that we are receiving help and that things could be much worse.
In the past, the help has taken the form of great leaders such as Buddha, Abraham and Sarah, Moses and Jesus. Today, I am not aware of the presence of such leaders. However, these seems to be help of an unusual type.
We are being told that the coffee plant contains at least 10 groups of highly advanced souls who are helping restore our planet. They say the earth is undergoing a transition from being a slave planet to one that will be fully independent and free.
In order for this change to occur, an enormous cleanup project is underway at all levels. They say proper diet, healthful lifestyle, healing procedures and the proper use of coffee are parts of this effort. Soap is also very important and we will discuss it more in the future.
The thugs or satan are doing their best to stop the cleanup and healing project. However, we are told it is slowly advancing.
7/23/24. A definition of love is to will goodness for a person and to work toward what will bring that person to more good.
A definition of loving God is to delight in Him, to rejoice in His Will, to desire continually to please Him, to seek and find our happiness in Him, and to thirst day and night for a fuller enjoyment of Him. This is from a website called Firebrand (
7/23/24. I shut down my Paypal account because they are, I think illegally, putting charges on my credit card. The charges just say PP code with no phone number or explanation.
A few people send donations to the Center For Development foundation via Paypal and will need to send the donations via check or money order. All donations are much appreciated! All funds are used for charitable projects related to nutrition and the healing of our planet.
7/22/24. Shining a reddish heat lamp on the body every day is a most important healing and development procedure. It provides frequencies that function as nutrients. Apparently, our sun has been altered and does not provide these frequencies.
We updated and improved the article about the single red heat lamp. For details, read Single Lamp Therapy.
7/21/24. Some say we are completely wrong about the protective effect of coffee enemas against those called the aliens, crud, thugs, rogues, satans or negs. These people say this method simply does not work. They have tried it and they are not protected by coffee enemas.
I may have simplified a complex issue. So I will qualify the idea. My guidance is that doing at least two strong coffee enemas daily is helpful.
However, the thugs are being allowed to steal coffee right out of the bodies and then can attack a person. Here is more that I do for protection:
- Doing the entire development program may be necessary. This especially means eating correctly and getting plenty of rest. For example, most people do not eat nearly enough of the preferred, cooked vegetables.
- Proper attitudes are important. This means always be in gratitude, never in hatred, and stay away from sexy anything, among other attitudes. For example, women's hair should be short and clothing should cover you up at all times.
- One must always try to do the Will of God in all things at all times. This is not easy because it is difficult to tune in and may be difficult to then follow one's guidance.
- I use other means to hold on to coffee, some of which are strange. For example, I make sure I am well covered up when I leave the house even if it is very hot outside. This includes wearing heavy socks, a jacket and a hat.
- I also wear light-colored clothing because it reflects the energies around oneself. Dark-colored clothing absorbs the energies around oneself, which are usually not healthy.
- I also tend to give away coffee, and to prevent this I wear extra pairs of tight underwear, although it is uncomfortable. I don't know why this works, but I am told it helps.
- I also keep some coffee with me in my car and visit the coffee isle in supermarkets. While is sounds odd, this can replenish some coffee that is lost when one is outside one's home.
- I also pray for guidance and help all day long. It is important to ask for what you want, and ask sincerely and often. The Bible teaches, “Ask and you shall receive”.
Most people do not ask often or sincerely enough. They may get very serious about asking for help for a few minutes or even an hour. But then most people go about their daily chores and business and ask for other things, some of which are the opposite of God's Will, for example.
The Jeshua tapes and other sources say that you get what you ask for. The problem is that most of the time most people are not even aware of what one is asking for. You may ask that people like you, for example, or that you are healthy, or happy, or wealthy. None of this is the same as asking for the Will of God!
I have this problem, and must stop and correct myself all day long when my thoughts stray from the theme of asking for the Will of God. I do believe God wants us to be happy, but I don't know what that looks like.
I believe the pulling down procedure helps keep thoughts focused, pure and correct. The more you do it, the better. Don't worry too much about doing it incorrectly. Just work at it – attention below the feet, turn around, pull down, and then allow the energy to settle down.
7/21/24. Mr. Michio Kushi, the Japanese man who introduced me to macrobiotics, was the first to explain to me the awful effects of arrogance on one's personality and body. He said it is the most incurable of diseases.
Arrogance is the condition in which you think you know something and act like you know it, but really you do not know of what you speak or do. It is also an attitude of superiority over others. It is a very common condition on earth at this time.
One understanding of arrogance is that it is an inability or unwillingness to tune in accurately to God or holy spirit. As a result, one receives wrong information, or reads or hears wrong information, and acts upon it. For many more details, read Arrogance.
7/21/24. Tonight I am told an important event occurred on earth. Because there is enough coffee being used properly by a few humans and many fine matter beings, certain creatures that are part of the planet arose tonight all over the planet.
This is another effect of coffee, when it is used properly. For human beings, this means used in enemas. For certain animals, it means they must eat certain plants.
The event is somewhat symbolic, but it is also real and will slowly affect life on our planet. We plan to write more about it as I learn more.
7/20/24. When one does coffee enemas, at some point one will feel a certain emptiness inside the body. It is particularly noticeable when doing the pulling down procedure, which also empties the body.
I am told that the feeling of emptiness is an effect of coffee. It is a cleansing of certain toxins.
Emptying the body is a spiritual practice. It allows a new energy to enter the body. In contrast, a body that is “full” is not spiritually advanced. A saying from the Jeshua material is “Empty of self, empty of striving, I am one with God”.
The words sated and satan mean full. A related word in our language is satiated. As one empties, one moves away from fullness or satan.
The negs, crud, rogues or satan fill the bodies and our planet with toxic metals, toxic chemicals, diseases and other types of toxins. This all creates a toxic fullness.
Coffee, especially used in enemas, moves one away from all of this. The negs will tell you you must not do coffee enemas, or not many. However, we are learning how to defy this and that it can be done safely. For details, read Emptying The Body And Mind.
7/20/24. Coffee, especially when used in enemas, causes an interesting type of healing known in psychology as psychodrama.
Psychodrama is acting in a way that safely and gently duplicates a trauma. When one does this properly, a person's souls get an opportunity to process situations from their past in ways that can undo traumas quickly and often completely.
Psychodrama is not offered by most psychologists and therapists. It is somewhat costly, somewhat dangerous and requires special training. However, you can do it yourself using coffee enemas.
Aspects of enemas that relate to psychodrama are where the coffee goes, feelings of pain or discomfort, tickles, dampness, embarrassment about the procedure, the need to undress for the enema, and perhaps more. For details about psychodrama, read Psychodrama.
7/19/24. I greatly expanded the article about the modern development science pioneers. It is a very personal article about my journey of learning.
You will find the article interesting if you like unusual books. The books I mention will enthrall you forever, as they have done for me. For details, read The Modern Development Science Pioneers.
7/18/24. This is a very important page with themes for living. Say the affirmations every day and it will develop your mind. For details, read and say I Choose.
7/18/24. We are updating the home page of the website, so it looks funny right now, but it works. We apologize for any inconvenience.
7/17/24. We reorganized and clarified the article about the bidet healing and development procedure. We are learning this is one of the very best healing procedures.
It is really several different procedures that all use a bidet. For details, read The Bidet Healing And Development Procedure.
7/16/24. We put up a first version of a new website for children. It is designed to be a “landing zone” for children. This means it is like a home page for a child. He or she goes there first, and from there can visit other websites.
For now, the website is a sub-site on our website, but eventually it will be independent.
This project is needed because the negs, rogues or satan are leading children more and more into lying and very liberal websites in an effort to influence their values. (see the next post just below this one.)
This new site is a healthier alternative. For details, go to The Landing Zone.
7/16/24. I was interested in the so-called 50 genders so I looked up the subject on the internet. I was surprised to find that the new genders are not up on the internet.
Instead, a watered down, mild-sounding version of them is all that is available on sites such as Wikipedia and others. It did not make sense to me until someone explained what is going on.
The new genders include many disgusting ideas including homosexual, bisexual, sex with animals, sex with plants, group sex, orgies, the fun of rapes, high-risk behavior, and more. This is what children are learning in school.
However, the negs or satans who are teaching this filth don't want parents to object to the new “education”. So if a parent tries to look up what is being taught as “gender identity”, they do not get the truth.
The ugly truth has been censored and changed so the parent does not know what is being taught. Meanwhile, the children are being told not to tell their parents what they are learning in school.
Please share this message with anyone who still has children in school.
7/15/24. I am told that the earth is a police planet. This means that the earth is part of the immune response of a much larger being who lives deep in space. The immune system checks everything and keeps out anything that does not belong. That is what the immune system is for.
The earth is a part of this system. In the medical terminology, earth is a cell in the big body of a large being and earth would be called a white blood cell. That is who we are, I am told.
However, we are not doing our job at all, or hardly at all. The planet has been taken over by the negs, rogues, thugs, or satan. This occurred thousands of years ago, as the Bible teaches. The Bible is basically correct, but does not give many details.
The truth is worse than what is written in the Bible. The truth is the planet has been taken over and we are struggling just to keep it alive at all. It is not performing its role in the big being, and this is very bad for us and for him.
I am told that there is an effort underway now that is gaining speed to get rid of the negs or rogues or satan. They don't like it, so they are fighting back. However, we are getting some help so we are still at war.
That is what I am told is going on here. There are many problems, and the women are in bad shape with the rapes and the beatings, but we are still working. This is an update from one of the creatures who has been alive for many years and wants to help out.
7/14/24. The following benefits occur the most when coffee is used in enemas. Drinking coffee is not nearly as helpful.
- Protection. Using enough coffee in enemas sets up a special energy field or shield around the body. This shield is highly protective against the alien invaders on earth called the negs, thugs, rogues or satans.
The shield weakens them and empowers the natural defenses of any creature or plant that has it. So far, it allows a person or creature to walk among them relatively unharmed.
The negs also intensely dislike the smell of coffee. They tend to move away from anyone whose body has a lot of it.
NOTE: Putting coffee in the body is only the first step for protection because the negs steal the coffee if they can. Also, just spending time near other humans or animals in a store or on the street one may give away coffee. So one also needs to prevent this.
Oddly, wearing extra pairs of underpants helps a lot because of the way they remove coffee from the body. More clothing, in general, also helps. Also, if one stands close and can tune into some packages of fresh coffee, one can ask about the coffee saturation level and the souls in the package will assist to restore enough coffee essence.
- Solar souls. Coffee contains special souls called solar souls. These souls are very advanced and balance the body in hundreds of ways. Some of these are discussed below.
These souls should be found in many suns throughout the universe. However, the suns have been put out by the negs, rogues, or satans.
Someone has arranged for these souls to be brought back to us in coffee and it is one of the main benefits of coffee.
- Detoxification. Coffee can remove most poisons from the body including toxic metals, toxic chemicals, animal venoms, and toxic organisms such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, yeast, and fungi.
- Witchcraft detoxification. Coffee is one of very few substances that can remove curses and spells used in witchcraft. These are one of the main weapons used by the negs, thugs, rogues or satan and affect everyone today.
- Homeopathic toxin removal. These are unusual shapes found in homeopathic remedies. They are very difficult to see. However, the negs use them a lot. They lodge in the brain and damage health. Coffee is known as one of very few methods to remove them.
- Entity removal. Coffee is one of very few substances that assists greatly with removal of discarnate souls and other alien life forms that find their way into our bodies.
- Implant removal. The negs, thugs, rogues or satans place tiny electronic devices in the bodies of most all humans, angels, animals and other coarse and fine matter creatures. These damage the bodies and are used for monitoring and to control our bodies. Coffee is one of few ways to find the implants and it helps destroy and remove them.
- Transplant removal. One of the most damaging rogue technologies is to surgically remove body parts from some beings and transplant them or sew them into other beings. They can transplant not only tissue and organs, but even heads and limbs. Coffee helps reverse this mutilation of the bodies.
- Nutrition. Coffee contains special nutrients that are not found in our food today.
- Development. The nutrients in coffee and its ability to detoxify cause coffee to be a powerful method of rapid development. Development is a genetic upgrade of the body of a living being that extends life, dramatically improves health and causes the unfolding of unusual abilities.
Coffee is one of very few substances that causes all seven of the basic movements of development science: 1) yang, 2) spin right, 3) downward movement, 4) relax, 5) back and forth wobble, 6) impact and 7) up and down wobble.
- Healing. Coffee helps get rid of most diseases including cancer, tuberculosis, heart disease, attention deficit, and many others. It also assists with all organ regeneration, especially the liver and kidneys, but also every other organ.
Coffee is able to raise the sodium/potassium ratio of a body. This is a key to understanding our bodies and is essential for deep healing. As a result, coffee a safe, powerful, balancing remedy for most illness.
- Healing adhesions. These are improper attachments between body tissues. They cause disease and discomfort in many bodies today. Coffee is one of few ways to remove them.
- Healing the upper bodies. Coffee helps heal and develop the subtle energy fields. These are also called the subtle bodies of a human, creature or plant. The largest subtle body, the whole body, and the two ovals, especially require coffee or they will not develop properly.
- An excellent diagnostic method. When one first puts coffee in an enema, souls in the coffee do a thorough examination to determine one's health needs.
- A yang herb. Most remedies have a serious drawback in that they have a yin or cooling effect on the body in Macrobiotic terminology. Coffee is one of very few remedies that has a powerful warming or yang effect.
This is extremely important because ALL bodies today – both animal and plant bodies – are too cold or yin at this time. This is mainly due to a mineral-depleted food supply, toxic air, water and food, beatings and rapes, poisoning, ionizing radiation exposure, and electronic pollution from cell phone towers, computers and other electrical frequencies and weapons.
- Artificial life support removal. All women, and many men and other creatures are alive today only because of a very unusual rogue technology called artificial life support. It is the use of special electrical implants carefully placed in certain energy channels of the body.
The implants hold the channels open, allowing life to continue when the body is very damaged and would otherwise die. We call people on life support The Walking Dead. They also include hybrid beings that today fill our planet called sats, gorgon and satans.
The negs or thugs use this technology because a body on life support is not fully alive and is much easier for them to control. Coffee is one of few methods to help restore the bodies and get rid of the need for artificial life support.
- Connecting with others. Coffee has a very unusual property of helping to connect one with others. It is a sort of communal quality. It is very important today because a major weapon of the negs, rogues or satans is to separate us and wreck our communication.
- Tuning in. Coffee assists the health of the seventh energy center, which enables a being to hear guidance from the oversouls, the fathers, the grandfathers and others.
- Sight and hearing. Coffee helps one see and helps one receive telepathically. These are natural abilities, but they has been damaged in most beings.
- Spiritual wakeup. Due to the two qualities just above, coffee has an awakening or activating effect upon any being that uses it properly.
The qualities listed above combine to cause coffee to actually cause a reality shift or dimensional shift in any being that uses it properly. It is a shift toward a greater reality, happier, cleaner and connected to others and to Source or Creator.
7/13/24. Joining a sports team can have benefits for girls and boys. They can learn skills and more. However, especially for girls there are many problems with joining sports teams. Here is a list:
- Exhaustion. Many girls are very tired and it is too much exercise and time.
- Locker rooms and undressing problems. Locker rooms are unsafe and dirty in most all cases. Undressing with others is always unsafe.
- Food problems. Sports events and practices often interfere with family meals. Meals get skipped or the coach orders pizza or some other junk food.
- Group showers. These are very unsafe, unclean, embarrassing and easily become scenes of rape and molestation
- Skimpy outfits. Most sports outfits are too sexy, increasing the chances for rape.
- Travel. School sports teams often travel to other schools for competitions. Buses are very unclean, and not that safe, especially if a boys team goes along with the girls. Even worse are regional or state competitions that involve overnight stays at hotels.
- Coach problems. Sports coaches tend to be phyically-oriented people, not spiritually oriented. Today, many, if not most, girl's coaches are lesbians and bisexuals. This adds physical danger and often girls learn incorrect ideas from coaches.
- Body contact problems in some sports. This adds more danger of disease and fights in sports where there is body contact with other participants.
- Transgender problems, in some cases. In some schools, boys who identify as trans girls are allowed to participate on girls sports teams. They may share locker rooms, bathrooms and showers.
- Spectator problems. Sports events tend to expose girls to crowds of people including predatory men and perhaps predatory women. A dozen scantily-dressed girls running on a field is a sexy event.
Meanwhile, the girls learn to show off to the crowds that cheer them on.
- Jealousy, bullying and revenge. This can cause added danger to girls, especially if one is at all pretty.
- Opposing team problems. Sports exposes girls to many strangers on opposing teams, and this adds more danger.
- The rogues or satans. Sports teams mean less time at home, less supervised time, and more time with no supervision. The rogues easily take advantage of this to harm girls.
- A generally competitive and physical culture and focus rather than a spiritual or future-mother focus.
- More rape, molestation, unwanted pregnancies, and sexual diseases. This is for all the above reasons.
7/12/24. This evening we awakened seven high level creatures that are called the earth mothers. They had been in a state of suspended animation for possibly thousands of years until tonight.
They were in a drug-induced coma or unconscious state caused by being filled with drugs – similar to anesthesia drugs. The negs, crud, rogues or satan put them in this state of consciousness so they would not interfere with their control of the earth.
The negs were not able to kill them because in some way they are needed or the planet would disintegrate. By surrounding them with coffee and soap, the birds regained consciousness. They are helping write this message.
Appearance. The earth mothers are large, female fine matter birds. Fine matter means most people cannot see them because their flesh is less dense than ours. They look like a radiance of multi-colored light that is about half a mile long.
Thenix. Their body type is that of the Thenix (pronounced like Phoenix) birds. The internet has many drawings and photos of these beautiful birds.
Activities. The earth mothers live inside the earth and help direct other creatures that are essential for life on earth. They are now busy starting to clean up the planet from the inside.
Bad gold. Among their major tasks is to get rid of bad quality gold that has been brought to the earth. It was brought here from other planets many years ago because it is destructive when not in the place where it belongs. As they get rid of it, the price of gold will likely rise.
Restoring the entire planet and its creatures. Another major task is to awaken from suspended animation millions of creatures – both ones you can see (coarse matter animals) and ones that are not easy to see (fine matter creatures).
7/11/24. I am coming to understand that coffee is a power on the earth. As more goes into people, and the enemas are much better than drinking it, the coffee sort of takes over and has its own agenda or set of issues and solutions.
The main issue right now is the restoration of the planet – its structure, functioning, people, food supply, clean water supply, and many items related to this.
You can help by doing several coffee enemas each day. You can also help by thinking loving thoughts at all times and by assisting the animals on earth.
The humans and healing websites. Human beings also need a lot of help. There is a need to start websites that relate to healing the planet, as explained above. Don't think it is silly to start such websites. It is not at all silly!
The environmental websites are okay, but not enough.
One more item tonight. We may have awakened some earth leaders. We plan to report on this in the next few days as things become clearer.
7/10/24. The development program is integrated and its parts work together. Problems arise if one only does a part of the program.
Diet. The most important aspect of the program for most people is the diet. It is needed for basic nourishment and for detoxification. There is no substitute for it.
The development diet is warming or yang in macrobiotic terminology, downward-moving, relaxing, very nourishing and contains hundreds of nutrients that we find cannot be obtained from pills or in other ways.
However, often a person decides to do just red light saunas, or just coffee enemas, or just nutritional supplements and not the development diet. We find this does not work well and can be dangerous. Always begin with the diet, do it correctly and stay with it.
We know- the negs, thugs, rogues or satans don't want you doing it, so they interfere. We are attempting to assist anyone who has this problem.
Coffee enemas. This is another basic aspect of the development program. Skipping the enemas is common, but it unbalances the program and usually does not work.
Once again, the crud, thugs or rogues don't want healing so they forbid the enemas, steal coffee, damage the coffee or interfere in other ways. We find you must defy them by asking their boss – the Creator - for help to stay safe. We are also doing our best to assist our clients with this problem.
7/9/24. We added a little more information to the message from yesterday about coffee enema fantasies and made it into an article. We also added a reference to this new article in the main Coffee Enema article. For details, read Coffee Enema Fantasies.
We also added to the Coffee Enema article the importance of relaxing when you do a coffee enema. It makes the liver and kidneys work much better! It can make the difference between an unpleasant enema (headaches, stomach aches, etc.) and a very smooth and easy experience.
There are many ways to relax during an enema such as playing quiet music, massage using your hands or a massage machine, or listening to the radio.
7/8/24. This post is unusual, but may be very useful to help someone you love to do coffee enemas. The following are dramas that can be enacted to help one do coffee enemas. I use them myself to stay interested:
You tune in to God and hear, “It is My Will that you do coffee enemas”. (This is the truth for some people.)
You are scheduled to have a meeting with your guru or spiritual leader and need to clean up inside and out.
You join a new church or synagogue and are having an “inside” baptism or a kind of bar mitzvah or bat mitzvah ceremony.
You tune into mother earth or the planetary beings and you hear – “Please do coffee enemas to clean up the earth”.
The enemas are the terrible punishment for your sins - eating improperly, ordinary sex instead of down sex, going to bed too late, or something else.
It is like sex with God or a godly rape.
The enemas are your daily time with God – you lay yourself upon the alter of God.
It is the cookie cutter of God – you are being reshaped in the image of God. Or God is sculpting you – chiseling away all the toxins that are not needed and soon you won't recognize yourself because you will be so beautiful inside. It is a true 'born again' experience or makeover.
You are at a class about detoxification, or parasites, or nursing, or doctoring, or even witchcraft and the enemas are part of the training.
The daily enemas are like going to the movies, especially when combined with the pulling down procedure. Each day a new episode unfolds – very exciting! even if uncomfortable, at times.
You are training to be a political or other leader and enemas are needed.
You are at a reflexology class and it is time to learn about the colon reflex system – a truly wonderful reflex system.
You are at a yang training session and this is yang herbal therapy.
Unfortunately, you need enemas for healing. However, you meet a wonderful man or woman who helps you and you fall deeply in love.
You are an actor or actress and the movie requires you to act out an enema scene.
You are getting a massage and this is “massage inside”.
You have joined a social club, golf club, or work for a special company and at this place enemas are required.
You are a scientist and enemas are needed for scientific experiments.
You are a reporter and need to write about enemas for a book or article, so you practice them.
You are in training to be a doctor, nurse, counselor or other healer.
You are dying and the doctor says you must do enemas to survive, or you are at the doctor's office or hospital emergency room and this is the treatment.
Coffee enemas will be used for inspection and diagnosis of your body.
You are learning about witchcraft and coffee enemas are the best antidote for spells, curses and hexes.
You are at a very fancy, expensive health spa and the enemas are part of your pampering.
You are asked out on a coffee enema date. You may not like it, but it's a date.
You are captured and the enema is forced on you, like a strange rape.
Someone has organized a marathon race and doing coffee enemas is part of the marathon.
You are in a class learning the pull down procedure and doing coffee enemas helps a lot to learn pulling down.
The enemas are a rape substitute or alternative you need. Both are dirty, smelly, wet, embarrassing, humiliating, uncomfortable, strange, tickle, and done with less clothing or naked.
Coffee enemas always involve psychodrama, and this aspect can be emphasized. For details, read Psychodrama.
You are in a class learning about detoxification.
The enemas are a religious sacrifice. Either you do them or the high priest will cut out your heart and use it to appease the gods.
You like horror movies and doing enemas is like a horror movie.
For children:
You have negotiated and doing coffee enemas is part of the bargain or negotiation. Children like negotiating – I'll do what you want if you do what I want.
Reverse psychology. This often works on children. You tell them not to do coffee enemas for some reason and soon they want them. For example, you tell your child that he or she is not to do coffee enemas like Mom or Dad because enemas would make the child so smart, or give them beautiful skin, or make them strong or healthy that he or she would be difficult to control.
7/8/24. We wrote a message about using vinegar for cleaning a few days ago. However, I just found that standard white vinegar is contaminated with a poison and should not be used for anything at this time. I removed the earlier post about vinegar.
7/7/24. We are learning quickly about the seven energy bodies or energy fields of a human being. The article about them had been improved, but was not completely correct.
So we made a few more changes to the article that are quite important. For details, read The Seven Energy Bodies Or Energy Fields.
7/6/24. The negs or crud are telling many of our clients not to retest their hair. We urge you not to listen to this.
Always ask for a second opinion from God or Holy Spirit. Ask if you will really be beaten, raped or killed if you retest your minerals. I am told you will be safe - much safer, in fact, than if you stop the program.
7/6/24. Mind power is extremely important. When I tune into the negs or crud, they say in their minds we are all dead and they own and control everything.
I say in our minds the planet has reached home and we are all safe and free of them. That is our mind power.
They say I can write whatever I wish, and it won't matter. I say only God matters, and at this time when I tune in I am told that God supports our cause.
However, everyone reading this newsletter must do at least two strong coffee enemas each day or you will not be safe. Everyone reading this must also at least attempt to do the Will of God, and not be led by fear or voices in your head, or friends, or family, or the internet.
7/6/24. If a person has hemorrhoids, coffee enemas can be somewhat painful. A solution is to use organic raw sesame oil as the lubricant for the enema tip. This oil is very nourishing, high in vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids. It has a soothing effect.
One can put some in a dropper bottle and put a few drops onto the enema tip before doing an enema. This is cleaner than dipping the enema tip in a container of oil.
7/5/24. Women give birth. For this reason, they always think in terms of the future. They always wonder whom they will create and what the future will look like.
The rogues or satan want slavery in the future, so they enslave women, though they have made it seem like women are free. Women are not free! - and they are not allowed to talk about it.
Men, meanwhile, spread out in space and on the planet. They are more concerned with raising their families and working the land. The men are somewhat enslaved because they marry the enslaved women and put up with the problems of the women, most of which they don't understand and are not even aware of because they women don't explain them.
The rogues or negs are increasing their control over men quickly at this time. The children are all beaten, raped, poisoned and subdued in schools and elsewhere. This is the truth, even if it seems wrong. We hope this perspective helps you understand what is occurring on earth.
Peanuts. Peanuts are not what they seem and contain time souls – special souls that understand time and are helping our planet. So have a few each day. Buy the ones in the shell for the best effect.
7/5/24. On July 4, 1776, at a meeting of the colonies of America in Philadelphia, the 13 British colonies of America signed the Declaration Of Independence. Thomas Jefferson was its primary author.
It carefully explained the abuses that the people had endured under the rule of the king of England. They included more and more taxes, harassment of the people, arrests without trial, rapes, beatings and more.
The Declaration said the people would no longer tolerate this and were declaring their independence from Britain. Of course, this was a crazy idea. Great Britain was the leading world power! The colonies had no army, no navy and no money of their own. However, there was a desire to improve their lives.
Britain soon sent soldiers to America to enforce their control. What would be called the American Revolution began in the colony of Massachusetts in the North East of the colonies. Many, many people were killed by the British in their attempt to stop the uprising.
However, the Americans got unexpected help from the Native people, the people of France, and the people of many nations who did not like the British heavy-handed way of ruling their colonies. Amazingly, in the end the Americans got their independence and so began an era of freedom that has never before been seen on this planet.
American ideas. The people would be sovereign, not the king or queen. The government would serve the people, not the other way around.
The laws would be for everyone, not just for the common people. The people would vote for their leaders and could throw them out if they did not follow the law. These are just a few of the radical new ideas of the American nation.
Present-day attacks. The nation is now under attack by the alien group we call the rogues or satan in the Bible. They hate the American ideas of personal liberty, equal justice for all, and self-government. They are a mighty force, so we will see if they win.
We are told they might once again enslave everyone and they have enslaved all the women at this time. However, they have not completely succeeded in ending the nation.
We are told that this need not be if the American people and others around the world remember who is God, what He requires, and if the people live correctly. The nation was founded upon religious principles, but many people have been talked out of these principles.
They must return to Biblical principles at once and adhere fully to the ideas in the Ten Commandments, the Golden Rule and more. This is more powerful than any enemy, even for women who today cannot speak freely or move about with any freedom whatsoever.
7/4/24. We are told that the earth is continuing slowly on a journey through space to a new area of space that is better than our current area. We are told this is needed if the planet is to survive at all.
Otherwise, the alien group called the negs, rogues, crap or crud are going to completely enslave and destroy our planet. They have been here for at least half a million years, we believe, slowly damaging the planet and causing wars, diseases, starvation, rape and many horrors as they slowly take over.
They are far along in their plan to destroy the planet. However, the planet is getting some help from angelic beings and others.
Survival. To survive, we are told, the fine matter beings such as angels must correct their way of living and must use coffee in enemas to purify and heal their bodies. This is very strange and most have never heard of coffee, certainly not used this way. So few are doing it or want to do it.
Some humans who are leaders are also required to do coffee enemas at this time. Very few understand this or do it, so the human leadership is horribly corrupt.
A few earth animals are required to use coffee in enemas because they are leaders. Very few are doing it, so things are not going well.
However, the idea is spreading and we want to help spread it, no matter how bizarre it seems. It alone works, along with constant prayer and a firm desire to follow the Will of the Creator, not your own will.
7/4/24. There is also a stepped up effort by the thugs or rogues to steal coffee from everyone. This is a serious threat at this time.
As we have written in the past, coffee, even drinking it and moreso in enemas, is protective against some of their attacks. Here are tricks to help hold on to it. They are not needed at home. However, if you are going out and will be among a lot of people, you can use these methods.
- Wear extra underwear. When I go to town, I may wear up to four pairs of underpants. They need to be tight-fitting, not loose, for some reason.
- Wear a long-sleeve shirt even if it is warm outside.
- Wear socks, even if they are hot.
- Wear a hat, preferably one that is made of synthetic material. Synthetic protects better than cotton, in general, for all clothing. However, cotton underpants are fine if they are tight-fitting.
- Stay at home most of the time. If you go out, you may need to put in more coffee when you arrive back home. Also, after going out, take off your outer clothing and wash it. Put on new outer clothing such as shirt and pants. Don't wear dresses or shorts or short sleeves.
This is a sort of emergency situation. We will let you know when we think the emergency has passed.
7/2/24. This is a very graphic message. Women are forbidden to talk about it, but their souls tell how the negs, rogues or satans condition women for rape and sex:
- Lying. They tell women that once a woman is raped, she is filthed up and might as well just relax and enjoy it. This is not at all true!!! More sex just filths one up more.
Another lie is that ordinary sex is good and more sex is better. This is not true!! It just wears her out.
Another lie is that they are so smart. NO! They are very, very sick!
Another lie is they like what they do. NO! The rapists and satans are brainwashed slaves.
Another lie is that it is all just fun. NO! It is destructive and meant to ruin our people and our nations.
Another lie is that they are our rulers. NO! God is in charge and allows this at this time. I am told our job is to learn about it and stop it – on earth, and on other planets.
- Starvation. Most women are told what they can eat. As a result, they are hungry. When they go for rapes, they may get fed meals, but they are also fed through their skin and mucus membranes (vagina, mouth, nose). Most women don't understand how this works, but it is a very excellent method of nutrition. Here is how it works:
Women are stripped naked and often covered with blood, sperm, sweat, saliva, grease, urine and sometimes feces. They are also filled with sexual fluid from the rapes. It is disgusting, but the women can feel much better from this!
They may be told they just “love it”, but really it is just nutrition – feeding the body through the skin and mucus membranes. It works well. The rogues are nutrition experts and also mix nutrient solutions in with the blood, grease and on other objects they use during rapes and beatings.
- Warm and cozy. The thugs do a lot of hugging, kissing and touching. The women are kept cold and naked, so the touching feels very good, even though they smell bad.
- Implants. The thugs put tiny electronic devices inside the woman in critical places that they can turn on to stimulate a woman sexually. They use these to alter a woman's mood, prepare for and improve sex, and as part of brainwashing and conditioning. For example, she can request certain stimulation, tickling and fantasies (the buttons) as part of her rapes.
- Charging. The rapists understand charging and do this as part of the rapes. For details, read Charging.
- Relaxing. The negs are experts at keeping women nervous, terrified, and upset much of the time. It is part of the women's slavery. he rogues do this by many means all at once.
For example, they talk to her through implants in her head all day. They threaten, scream at her, use vulgar language and call her names. They may direct her into dangerous situations.
They also upset and terrify women using electronic stimulators in the body. The women are also upset because they are kept starved and sometimes cold because they are told to wear inadequate (and often sexy) clothes that are not warm enough.
Then, when a woman comes in for a rape or is visited, they turn off the stimulators, and they hug, kiss and feed the woman. For many, it is the only time they relax, so they like it.
- Stockholm syndrome. Women also relax, in part, due to a phenomenon called Stockholm syndrome. This is psychological. When a person is threatened and tortured, she or he turns the situation around in their mind to make it more acceptable. She or he decides it is really all right, and actually relaxes when raped, beaten, poisoned or otherwise tortured.
- Sexual healing. The rogues understand male-female blending very well. They often use these techniques during rapes to make the woman feel better.
There are many interesting techniques and they tell the women they are experts a