By Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© January 2015, L.D. Wilson Consultants, Inc.


Nutritional balancing offers amazing ways to increase and expand oneÕs understanding of psychology.  Below are some examples.  This article will be enlarged in the future, as this is a large topic.

Most of the topics below are discussed on this website, either as separate articles or included in other articles.  I will cross reference this article when I have time.  This article serves to outline a psychology curriculum that I hope will be taught to every high school and college student in the future, as all the topics below are quite important:





1        1. The brain – anatomy, survival

1A. Basic nutrition

2        2. Sexuality

2A. Trauma and rape

3        3. More physiology and mental manipulation

            5. Love

6. Thinking

4        7. Nutritional balancing science

8. Discussion of mental illnesses

5        9. Psychology in society

10. Esoteric psychology

6        11. Other important topics






A. How the brain works:

1. Directionality in the body and soul, and psychology.  For example, does your body influence your mind (up direction from feet to head) or does your brain mainly influence your body (down direction), and how to correct this.  This is a subtle but very important topic.

2. Brain physiology – old and new brains

3. The computer analogy – layers of brain and fractal design of the brain and body.

4. More on brain science, such as memory units and processors.

5. Subconscious, conscious and superconscious mind.  Brain and mind.  What is the difference?

6. Mental or spiritual development with nutritional balancing and psychological changes that occur with it.  This includes personality integration or self-actualization is a term used by others.


B. A few interesting brain and mind disorders

1. Plant brain – Autism, Dementia and brain allergies and brain diabetes.

2. Animal brain – Anxiety

3. Human brain – Fixations and schizophrenia





A. Nutrition and the brain

1. Anthropomorphic qualities of minerals.  This means the qualities of minerals that carry over to the body of the person who has the minerals.

2. Adaptive or biochemical energy and psychology and behavior – a critical topic today.  Your energy level has a lot to do with the way one thinks and behaves.  Most people are Ôburned outÕ to some degree, causing depression, anxiety and dozens of other psychological symptoms and illnesses.

3. Rest and sleep and its psychological effects.

4. Brain influences body, but body also influences brain and mind.

5. Testing the brain, and hair mineral analysis.

6. Psychology of the oxidation types and yin and yang and the sodium/potassium ratio.

7. The calcium/magnesium ratio and your lifestyle and habits (homosexuality, marijuana, rape marriages, and job stress).

8. Other hair analysis patterns and psychology - Psychological interpretation of a hair mineral test.

9. Movement patterns and hair mineral analysis (a large topic about how various hair mineral patterns are related to how a person views life and is acting in his or her life).  Some would call these karmic patterns such as karmic beginnings karmic endings, stuck patterns, joy patterns, and more.

 10. The airplane analogy and nutritional balancing.  This is related to the one above, but is more dynamic.




A. Trauma and Rape – a bioenergetic understanding.

1. Psychology of addiction – physiological principles, relation to food, the adrenals, and more.

2. Psychological vampirism.

3. Adrenal burnout and psychology.

4. Co-dependency, energy and the adrenals.


B. Psychosomatic medicine – personality patterns associated with every disease (for example, diabetics love caffeine and get a high from it, asthmatics feel suffocated, colitis sufferers are often perfectionistic, etc.)


C. Medical approaches to psychological illness and its problems (drugs, talking therapy, other and is medical diagnosis always best?)





A. Reflexes to the brain and nervous system.

1. Foot and hand reflexology.

2. Coffee and the colon.

3. Vaginal and penis.

4. Breathing, toe breathing.

5. Red light sauna and the brain.

6. Meditation by the Roy method.

7. The daily spinal twist procedure, chiropractic, and how these influence your psychology.


B. Mental manipulation - through brainwashing and hypnosis, psychotronics, Stockholm Syndrome, electrical implants, correspondence weapons, collars, bands, other soul attacks, entity attachment and release, soul loss and soul recovery, other shamanistic approaches to healing, and more.





A. Men and women

1. Primary and secondary sex characteristics of humans - differences between men and women.

2. Body language and signaling or non-verbal communication.

3. Sexuality and nutritional balancing.  This includes sexual aspects of the minerals and hair mineral patterns, oxidation types, homosexuality understood, sexual trauma as seen on hair tests, etc.


B. Marriage, family, relationships

1. Homo

2. Other arrangements such as casual sex

3. Child-raising styles and their psychological effects.

4. Communication, including non-violent communication.





A. What is love?

1. Philosophy of love.

2. Love in practice, helping others, etc.


B. Hate and destruction

1. The reversal concept and mental health.

2. Mental manipulation and destruction of others





A. Spiritual, versus secular and humanist psychology.  This is a larger topic, and includes comments on the Jeshua teachings from Shanti Christo Foundation, comments on the book Love Beyond End – Jesus Speaks, Krishnamurti, Roy Masters, and others.


30. Dangers of holistic approaches to psychological problems – homeopathy, herbs, electrical machines, detox foot baths, recreational drug use, hormone therapies, energy medicine techniques, etc.


B. More specifics on nutritional balancing science

1. . Congenital versus genetic causes of psychological problems.

2. Metabolic typing.

3. Stress, inflammation and degeneration as understood in nutritional balancing.  This includes the stages of stress, the stress theory of disease by H. Selye, MD, and a number of other related topics.

4. Detoxification and psychology.

5. Retracing.  How it works, why it occurs, what to do, etc.

6. Psychological benefits of a nutritional balancing healing program.





A. Psychology and the 14 human energy centers

1. Love and the centers

2. Personality and the centers.


B. Other esoteric topics

1. Is there a soul?

2. Near-death experiences, out-of-body experiences and soul travel.

3. Western versus Eastern or Oriental psychology.

4. Religion and psychology.

5. The Jeshua teachings.





A. Learning and education

1. Systems of learning.

2. Systems of education.

3. Psychology and general systems theory.


B. Types and problems of thinking

1. Projection, a psychological core principle.

2. Critical thinking.

3. Creative thinking – deductive and inductive.

4. Christian thinking.

5. Four steps to action.

6. The victim mentality





A. Physiological brain illnesses

1. etc.


B. Movement disorders

2. Anxiety, depression


C. Tuning disorders





A. Politics – Who is in charge?

1. Government control and involvement?

2. The ACA?

3. Is the goal happiness as an individual, or to be a good cog in the society?

4. The proper order: individual > marriage > family > community > nation state or vice versa.


B. Freedom and free markets versus socialism or communism.  Psychological aspects of these political systems such as individualism versus collectivism, and more.


C. Critical thinking versus political correctness. Also includes Christian thinking, creative thinking, and inductive versus deductive logic.


D. Psychology of the Ten Commandments of the Bible.


E. Psychology of vegetarianism.


F. Fun and happiness psychology.


G. Humor.





A. Stray electromagnetic fields from cell phones, cell phone towers, computers, televisions, etc. and psychology.


B. The warrior mentality.  This is more important than one may imagine for success in Western society.

1. Achieving success in the outer world.  This is a discussion of the four steps of action.


C. The stages of a life.


D. Animal psychology, communication and therapies.


E. Crowd psychology, including Islamism and understanding social media.



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