The Physiology Of Beauty

by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© May 2020, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.


All information in this article is solely the opinion of the author and for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.




Preliminary Notes:

1. The goal of a development program is not greater beauty, but rather Development.  This is a profound healing of the body and mind that is the fulfillment of the full genetic potential of a human being.  As explained below, however, as one’s health improves the body tends to become more physically attractive.


2. If a person follows a development program, the body tends to become thinner.  Occasionally, we receive complaints about becoming too thin.  However, we prefer this because development occurs faster if the body is thin.  Some people do not lose weight on a development program.  Usually, we believe this is due to interference from the rogues.




We often hear the following from those who are on a development program:


“I look ten years younger”

“The cellulite just went away!”

“I lost the weight in the right places, and without effort, except to follow the program”

“I am standing up straighter” 

“People say I have a sparkle in my eyes again”

“My husband is envious and says I’m prettier than when we married twenty-five years ago”

“My skin has tightened, and breasts have firmed up again, after years of sagging”

“My hair is thicker, grows longer, holds a perm, and looks much healthier”

“Fingernails are strong and pretty again, and the stretch marks are gone”

“Libido is back.  Me and husband are happy”

“Breasts actually grew larger (they were small)”

“Breath odor, and odors on body and below smell better”

“Varicose veins disappeared, as did hemorrhoids”.

“I have a lean look again - not the same as just losing weight”

“Skin color is better, and cellulite is gone!”

“Stomach bulge goes away if you follow the diet exactly”.

“Hair is growing in thicker and some natural color came back, too.  (The natural color does not always return with a development program.)

“The brain works so much better – I’m not a space cadet or foggy any more”.


Possible reasons for increased beauty when one follows a development program. 

              There are many possible reasons, including a better hormone balance, better digestion with fewer toxins created in the intestines, improved skin color, texture and tone, and more.  Some of these ideas are discussed below.




  When one becomes healthier with a development program, the hormones come into better balance.  If the levels were low, their quantity tends to increase to a normal level.  If they were too high, the levels tend to diminish to a normal level.




This is an important idea that is not taught in medical, chiropractic or naturopathic schools nearly enough, if it is taught at all.  With more energy, most people stand up straighter, look more alert, smile more and feel much better.  All this can contribute to a better overall appearance.




Development programs get rid of cellulite in women, tighten the skin without the need for surgery, and remove layers of toxins in the skin and elsewhere.  A number of people have lost 100 pounds or more easily.

With this program, there is no need for dangerous weight loss methods such as vigorous exercise, drugs, hormone replacement, stomach stapling, intermittent fasting or low-calorie starvation diets.  These methods may cause weight loss, but they are all dangerous and worsen health.  For details, read Weight Loss, HCG Diet Dangers, Exercise And Its Dangers, The Paleo diet, The Weston Price diet and other diet articles on this website. 




Fat.  Eating a lot of fat, as on the Weston Price diet, will give women, in particular, a more curvy, voluptuous-looking body with larger breasts and hips.  However, eating a lot of fat also tends to cause cancer, in our experience.

Salads. Eating a lot of salad always demineralizes the body, in our experience.  This can produce a starved look to the body, which is exactly what occurs.

The reason for starvation with salads is that human beings cannot extract much nutrition from raw vegetables.  We lack the enzymes to digest tough vegetable fiber.  Also, unlike ruminant animals such as cows, we do not chew our food all day and then chew the cud.  This means to regurgitate the food and chew it some more. 

Meat.  Eating a lot of meat causes a heavy, sagging look to the body.  However, eating no meat tends to cause an empty, weak and pale look to the body.

Dairy products.  Consuming a lot of milk, cheese, yogurt and/or kefir produces a more voluptuous body shape, but not a healthy body.  It is similar to eating too much fat, though perhaps not to the same degree.

Bread and other complex carbohydrates.  These cause the familiar obese, expanded, “doughy”, somewhat watery look to the body, often with a large belly.

Sugar.  This causes overweight and a sagging look to the body.

Fruit.  This has a similar effect as eating a lot of sugar.  It tends to cause a heavier and pale-looking body although the complexion may be ruddy due to stimulating and harmful effects of fruit.

Eating many nuts and seeds often causes a bloated belly because these foods are hard to digest.  We recommend only a small amount of toasted almond butter and roasted sesame tahini, but not nuts or seeds of any kind.

Beer-drinking causes a watery type of large belly.  This may be due to a yeast infection in the intestines, although I am not sure.

Yin disease.  Eating yin foods – raw vegetables, fruit, beans, all sugars, alcohol and drugs such as marijuana – give the body a pale and often expanded look.

Development.  The development diet contains ideally 9 cups of cooked vegetables daily, two 4-5 ounce portions of animal protein daily, a little whole grain, and no fruit or sugar.

It produces a very clean, slim and lean appearance.  Some do not think this is beautiful because it is not the norm of today’s society.  Others prefer this appearance, which is not the same as the starved look of those who live on salads, for example.




Beauty has a lot to do with the condition of one’s skin.  A development program will improve anyone’s skin and produces a more vibrant and healthy look, feel and glow of the skin.


Common skin types. 

Young people – more moist, women have more fat under the skin than men, giving it a softer appearance.

Slow oxidizers and especially older people – the skin dries out, and often flakes and thins.  There is better muscle definition (you can see the muscles) and this is considered attractive by some people.  However, it is usually not healthful.

Developed people – moisture comes back into the skin, women have less fat under the skin.

Fast oxidizers – skin often looks watery.


The detoxification procedures.  Using a red heat lamp sauna, doing daily coffee enemas, and brushing the skin are part of a complete development program.  The effects on the skin are often quite amazing.  For more details, read Sauna Therapy, Coffee Enemas and Vaginal Coffee Implants.

We also recommend using Black Salve to remove moles, warts, pre-cancers, skin cancers and many skin infections.  This is also helpful for one’s appearance. 

Skin tags are sometimes associated with blood sugar imbalances, in which case they will go away with a better diet and a program.  For more details, read Healthy Skin.




Certain changes take place in facial features as health improves:

Lips – These generally become thinner with a development program.  Thick or turned out lips are associated with a yin condition of the stomach and intestinal tract.

Bags under the eyes.  These tend to go away.

Wrinkles – these tend to diminish as the moisture content of the skin improves.




Body odor contributes to one’s overall appearance, in some instances.  Many people have a stale odor, a yeasty odor, a stinky meat odor, or a toxic odor to the body, no matter how much deodorant or cologne they apply every day.  This is because the interior of the body is unclean and is supporting bacteria, fungi or other microorganisms that generate foul odors.

Also, when one eats incorrectly, often food rots or putrefies in the large intestine, causing not only smelly gas and bloating, but the production of very toxic and odorous chemicals in the colon.  These are reabsorbed to a degree and come out, in part, through the skin.  All of the body secretions are affected.

The urine, feces, sweat, breath, and oils of the skin will take on different odors depending upon which toxic chemicals are being formed inside the body.

Coffee enemas remove hundreds of toxins from the colon, removing odor-causing bacteria and yeasts such as Candida Albicans.  As the body is cleansed and balanced properly, foul odors diminish and a sweeter and more pleasant odor occurs.  This applies to both women and men.




As one builds health with a development program, the gums, especially, look much better.  This is definitely more attractive.

Many people have so much gum disease that it is a wonder anyone would want to kiss them.  Correcting gum disease usually occurs easily and rapidly on a development program.  The gums take on a light pink color, receding gums go away, tooth decay stops, and the teeth can even straighten on their own.

We also recommend brushing the teeth with hydrogen peroxide, which will slowly whiten the teeth.  Another good idea is brushing with a mild soap solution.  While not tasty, it also brightens up the mouth.  Use a little peppermint soap to leave a nice odor.  This is often better than toothpaste.  Always avoid fluoride toothpastes, and harsh mouthwashes.  For more about teeth, read Biological Dentistry on this website.




One of the main goals of a development program is to make the body more yang. This is a word used in Macrobiotics that means more compact, tighter, and firmer.  Today, it also means healthier because all the bodies are lacking in this quality.

It results in tighter facial skin, firmer breasts, vagina, and hips, and a tighter, younger look everywhere on the body.  To read more about yin and yang, read Yin Disease and Yin And Yang Healing on this website.




Mild fast oxidation tends to be associated with a more beautiful body.  The skin is more moist and usually one has more energy.

Body shape and the oxidation rate.  Faster oxidation tends to cause more weight to be carried higher up on the body, and less weight on the hips and legs.

Slow oxidizers tend to have more of a pear-shaped body with more weight carried on the hips and legs.  This is associated with a sluggish thyroid gland activity and sluggish adrenal glandular activity.

The body shape will change as the oxidation rate is slowly corrected.  The ideal is mild slow oxidation or mild fast oxidation.  To read about the oxidation rate, please refer to The Oxidation Types and a study: Determination Of The Oxidation Rate By Means Of Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis.




Posture has a lot to do with beauty.  In general, a straight spine and a relaxed posture is a lot more attractive than a hunched posture.

With a development program, posture improves for a number of reasons:

- More energy often results in better posture.  One has the energy to stand up straight.

- Copper and zinc come into a better balance.  This improves connective tissue, which includes tendons and ligaments that hold up the body.  This reduces scoliosis (side to side curvature of the spine), kyphosis (hunching) and other postural problems such as Adhesions that hold the body in a poor posture.  The chest expands and overall appearance improves.  For details about breast health, read Breasts.




Many people have twists and subluxations (slight displacements of vertebrae) in the spine.  This makes them look sick, strained, and shorter in height.  The hips are often somewhat twisted and the buttocks don’t look right.

There can also be structural problems in the elbows, knees and other joints due to accidents or injuries.  These can also just result from bad posture.

You may be surprised how much better the body looks after releasing these twists and subluxations.  Usually, you will be taller, the chest will be more pronounced and broader, and the spine straighter.  For details, read The Spinal Twists and Chiropractic.




Interestingly, we find that the cranial bones can adjust during a development program.  This will shift the appearance of the skull to a more rounded shape rather than the common narrow shape.  The correct shape is definitely more beautiful.




Having plenty of oxygen in the blood turns the blood bright red and gives one a rosy appearance.  However, many people are starved for oxygen.  They are often somewhat pale and their skin tone is somewhat purplish or pasty looking. 

Oxygen starvation can occur due to:

1. Shallow breathing.  This is very common, especially among women.  For details, read Breathing. 

2. Those who do no exercise at all. They need some mild exercise each day.

3. Those with chronic lung or bronchial infections, asthma, bronchitis, etc.  This is also common.  As a result, a person may not extract enough oxygen from the air.

4. Mild anemias.  These are usually copper imbalance anemias, which do not respond well to iron supplementation.  However, there are other causes of anemia, such as high lead, high cadmium and others.

5. Living or working in low-oxygen environments.  These include many cities, some office buildings and apartments, and perhaps some other locations.  In general, rural areas with more trees and shrubs have a higher oxygen level.  Outside air may be higher in oxygen than inside air.

To increase the oxygen level, we suggest everyone buy an ozonator/ionizer air purifier for your home.




Toxicity in the body tends to give it a ragged look and a darkened look to the skin.  As these are removed, the skin becomes clearer and the entire look is more healthful and brighter.

Different toxins affect appearance in differing ways.  Among the three main groups of liver toxins, here is a rough idea of how they affect one’s appearance:

- AGES tend to make one look older and tired.

- Aldehydes do the same and often cause a pale look.

- The ‘amigos’ (oxide forms of minerals) cause a strained look to the body.  They are stimulants.

For more detail about these toxins, read AGES, Aldehydes, and Iron, Manganese And Aluminum – The Amigos.


Softening calcified bodies.  Many people, as they age, tend to build up calcium and other minerals in the soft tissues.  This hardens the body in a sick way, making the tissues less flexible, dry, and less attractive.

This situation is a part of aging.  As it is reversed with a development program, the skin, muscles and elsewhere become softer to the touch and more flexible, more like the tissues of a young person or child.  For details, read The Calcium Shell Pattern.




Foot and hand reflexology is a powerful yet simple healing method that we strongly recommend.  Pressing on the chest reflex area of the feet, for example, along with a development program, may help the appearance of the breasts.  This is what several women report.  One must do this daily for about 5 minutes at a time, on both feet, for at least one month.

Foot reflexology on the shoulder area can also cause tight, constricted shoulders to expand a little.  Rubbing the hip area can do the same for twisted and tight hips.  For more, read Reflexology on this site.




A development program often will bring up and resolve old emotional and physical traumas that many people have.  For more on these topics, read Pelvic Syndrome, Molestation, Rape, and Healing Rape on this website.




Those with a healthy energy field or aura tend to be more attractive, regardless of their age.  They have a healthier glow or sparkle to them.  Following a development program tends to cause this effect.  Just eating a better diet and taking vitamins does not often cause this effect.




A large and interesting area of nutrition is the effect of specific minerals on one’s appearance.  Here are examples.

Trace minerals and beauty. Specific minerals play critical roles in our feelings and secondary sex characteristics.  This is a very unusual and interesting area of trace mineral science.  For example:

ZINC in sufficient quantity gives a person a light and easy step.  Zinc is also critical for good skin, in general. 

SILICON AND SELENIUM cause a silky and smooth appearance of the hair and skin.  The best sources are blue corn and sardines with skin.

COPPER imbalance is common.  Too much biounavailable copper is associated with a spacey, pale and perhaps yellowish appearance due to a toxic liver.  This is seen in many vegetarians because vegetarian foods are higher in copper.

Too much copper is also associated with acne, eczema, psoriasis and other skin conditions.  It is also associated with fibrocystic breasts.

IODINE is needed for the thyroid gland and breast health.  Women low in iodine and/or high in copper develop lumpy or fibrocystic breasts.

IRON toxicity is common and gives the body a hard look that is the “iron man” look.  The body looks stiff, less flexible, and angry.




A development program may change the roles men and women wish to play, and this can make a person seem more or less beautiful.  This has to do with hormonal correction in some cases.  For example, women who are more masculine in their looks and role may find themselves softening and becoming more beautiful for this reason.  Women who are too shy, blushy and fearful will gain strength and poise.

Men who are too feminine - or very rough-looking may find this changing as they follow a development program.  This is the result of bringing the body and brain into a better balance.




Hormone replacement. We never recommend taking bio-identical or other hormone replacement unless the organ that is supposed to produce the hormones has been surgically removed.  There are too many side effects of hormone therapies, in general.  Also, hormone replacement therapy slows or even stops Development, which is the goal of development programs. 

In our experience, it is not true that people need hormone replacement if the hormone levels become low.  This is an error perpetrated by many doctors, conventional and holistic ones alike.  They just do not know how to restore appropriate hormone levels.

A better way to balance your hormones is to follow a complete development program.  It works, and we have proved this with thousands of people of all ages.  It requires the cooked vegetable diet, detoxification of the entire body of all the toxic metals, not just a few, and restoring the balance of the vital mineral ratios in the tissues.

It occurs slowly over a period of years, but it is well worth the effort.  The entire body can be rebuilt, literally, in this manner, including the hormonal system in a man or in a woman.

For more on this topic, please read Hormone Replacement Therapy on this website.



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