Dr. Wilson has a Bachelors of Science degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a Medical Degree (MD) from the Centro De Estudios Universitarios Xochicalco, Ensenada, Mexico. He is not licensed as a medical doctor and prefers to work as a nutrition consultant. For the past 44 years he has worked in the nutrition field, learning and researching development science.

Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Lawrence Wilson


1974-1979: Medical school at the Centro De Estudios Universitarios Xochicalco, Mexico (now located in Ensenada, Baja California).  M.D. degree awarded August, 1979 (awarded through the Universidad Autonoma Del Estado De Guerrero, Mexico).
1968-1972: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. B.Sci. degree awarded in June 1972.


1982-1996:  Study, internship and research with Dr. Paul C. Eck, mineral researcher and founder of Analytical Research Laboratories, Phoenix, Arizona.
1972: Grant awarded by the Departments of Nutrition and Urban Studies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, for study of the relationship between urban diets and cancer incidence.

1970-present: Training with Michio Kushi, founder of macrobiotics, Dr. Gian-Cursio, Bernard Jensen, ND, DC, and many other authorities in the fields of health, nutrition and medicine.


1982-present: Nutrition consultant, researcher and author.
1997-2017: Course author and instructor, University of Natural Medicine, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
1990-2000: Course author and instructor, Westbrook University, West Virginia, USA.
1982-2021: Consultant for Analytical Research Laboratories, Phoenix, Arizona.
7/1980-1/1981: Medical writer and researcher, U.S. Public Health Service, Centers For Disease Control And Prevention, National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Cincinnati, Ohio.

1972-1973: Management Analyst, U.S. Department of Health And Human Services, Washington, DC.


1981-present: Many articles on medical and nutrition topics published and updated at www.drlwilson.com and in various other publications.

1986, "Determination of Oxidation Types Based on Tissue Electrolyte Ratios". J Orthomol Med., Vol. 1, #2.

1980, "A Comparison of General Medical Screening and Screening in the Work Place". National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Cincinnati, Ohio.
1980, "Common Denominators in Community Preceptorships: Implications for Primary Care, Family Medicine and Medical Education". Co-authored with Dr. Rhoda Halperin and Susan Kyle, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine.
1979, "La Diarrea Aguda: Etiologias, Diagnostico, y la Experiencia Rural". Medical school thesis.
1972, "A Comparison of Two Global Planning Projects: The World Game and The Limits to Growth Project". Bachelor of Science thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


1997-2017: Jurisprudence, Biochemistry, Sauna Therapy and Nutritional Balancing Science.  These were offered through the University of Natural Medicine, California, USA, Westbrook University in West Virginia, USA and The Holistic Healers Academy in New Jersey, USA.

1982-present:  Numerous presentations to community and professional groups. Topics include: How Nutrition Affects Emotions and Behavior, Toxic Metals, Nutrition and Energy, Biochemical Basis of Positive Thinking, Behavior and Learning Disorders, Sauna Therapy, Tissue Mineral Analysis, Nutritional Aspects of Arthritis, Allergies, Candida Albicans, Developmental Disorders, and many others.


1984-1995: About 15 seminars with Dr. Paul C. Eck, Phoenix Arizona and Austin, Texas. Sponsored by the Eck Institute of Applied Nutrition and Bioenergetics, Ltd.

Themes included Adrenal Exhaustion, Oxidation Rates, Cardiovascular Disease, Arthritis, Copper Toxicity Syndrome, Endocrine Dysfunctions, Hair Mineral Analysis, and more.

2001: Four seminars on Nutritional Balancing Science in Mexico City, Cuernavaca and Toluca, Mexico.
1998: Seminar on Nutritional Balancing Science, Bologna, Italy.
1992: Two Seminars on Hair Mineral Analysis and Nutritional Balancing Science, Milan and Rome, Italy.
1991: Talk on Nutrition, Tall Timber Ranch, Grants Pass, Oregon.
1982: Principles of Traditional and Holistic Medicine, course given at Professional Studies Institute, Tempe, Arizona.
1981-1985: Beginning and Advanced Nutrition, 24-week course at Southwest University of Natural Therapeutics, Tempe, Arizona.
1980: Wellness and Wholistic Health Development. Course on various aspects of Wellness, involving community physicians, nutritionists, etc. Cincinnati, Ohio.
1975-1978: Lecture Series on Health. Ongoing series, three times per week, at the Villa Vegetariana Health Institute, Cuernavaca, Mexico.


1983-present: Many articles published in various magazines, journals, and in the Arizona Network News. 

Over 1900 updated articles are available free at www.drlwilson.com. Click here to view all articles on this website.


Nutritional Balancing and Hair Mineral Analysis (1991, 1998, 2005, 2010, 2014, 2016).

Development Science and Development Programs (2019). This book replaces Nutritional Balancing And Hair Mineral Analysis. Much of it is the same, but the diet and other parts are updated.

Sauna Therapy (2003, 2006, 2011, 2014, 2019).

Legal Guidelines for Unlicensed Practitioners (1995, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2011, 2014).

The Real Self (2003, 2019).

Toxic Metals in Human Health and Disease, co-authored with Dr. Paul C. Eck, The Eck Institute of Applied Nutrition and Bioenergetics, Ltd., (1989).

Healing Ourselves (60 articles about health and nutrition), (1995, 2000, 2002, 2005, 2007). (This book is no longer available)

Book Chapter: "Nutrition and Mental Health", in the Maricopa County Mental Health Association, 1991.

Book Chapter: "Vitamin-Mineral Therapy", in the Holistic Help Handbook, 5th edition, by Stanley Kalson, The International Holistic Center, 1990.

Book Chapter: "The Case Against Medical Licensing", in The Dangers of Socialized Medicine, edited by Jacob Hornberger, Future of Freedom Foundation, 1994.

Editor: Nutrition Chapter, Textbook on Health and Wellness, McGraw Hill, 1992.


Adrenal Burnout Syndrome
Alcoholism and Nutrition
Anxiety and Panic Attacks
Children’s Health
Energy And How To Restore It
How Nutrition Affects Emotions and Behavior
How to Determine Your Nutritional Needs
Introductory Consultation
Meditation Exercise for Awareness & Healing
 Nutritional Help for Allergies and Arthritis
How Nutrition Affects Children's Health
Pros and Cons of the 'Fit For Life' Diet
Energy Vampirism
Responsible Weight Loss
Sauna Therapy, The Benefits of
Sauna Healing Sounds
The Truth About Hair Analysis, Parts I and II
The Real Self
Toxic Metals, Parts I and II.

I. Introduction to Nutrition, Hair Analysis and Mineral Balancing
II. Biochemical Energy, Oxidation Rate, & Stages of Stress
III. Principles of Hair Analysis Interpretation
IV. Correction of the Oxidation Rate, and Use of Supplements
V. Practical Aspects of Mineral Balancing Programs
VI. Understanding Retracing and Healing Reactions


National Health Federation

American Naturopathic Medical Association
National Rifle Association Life Member


2007-present: President, The Center For Development, a public, non-profit foundation promoting healthful nutrition and development, Prescott, Arizona, USA. For details, visit The Center For Development.

1981-2018:  Author of the cover articles for The Arizona Networking News.  This was a semi-monthly health networking paper published in Phoenix, Arizona.
1998-2002: Volunteer nutrition consultant and counselor - The Shanti Wellness Clinic, Prescott, Arizona.
1983-1994: Speaker, Arizona State Speakers Bureau.
1981-1982: Member, Board of Directors, Cooperative Credit Union, Tempe, Arizona.
1980-1981: Member, Task Force on Nutrition of the Ohio Regional Health Planning Association, Cincinnati, Ohio.
1980-1981: Member, Cincinnati Council to Promote Health and Well Being, Cincinnati, Ohio.



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