by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© August 2021, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.


All information in this article is only the opinion of the author and for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.




I. The Guide Creatures

The Arva

The Asherot or Controllers

The Abiot

The Avarot

The Aliot

The Aravot

The Galgal or Helper Creatures


II. Guide Souls And Helpers

The Azalot or Planner Souls

The Adriot or Director Souls

The Adarot or Mental Souls


III. Related Topics

Human Intelligence Different From Soul Intelligence

Loss of Guide Creatures

Return Of The Guide Creatures – How To Help Get More Of Them

Ezekiel’s Vision

Guide Creatures And Hair Analysis Patterns







Every person is born with several sets of very old fine matter creatures that act as guides to help a person live a happy and successful life.  I am told that some are millions of years old.

Fine matter creatures have bodies that are of a lower density than our bodies, so most people cannot see them.  Other examples of fine matter creatures are souls, elves and angels.  For more details, read Bodies In Space.

Guide creatures are about the size of a pinky finger and some are even smaller.  Ideally, they remain near or inside the body during one’s entire life. 


The names.  The names of the guide creatures are in an ancient version of the Hebrew language that is not spoken on earth.  I am told the guide creatures also use this language to communicate with each other.




This is a small fine matter creature about the size of two fingers.  It is found within about one inch or two centimeters above the top of the head.  All babies should be born with one or two of these creatures, although this does not always occur, in part due to impaired nutrition of the mother.

Trauma as a child or adult, especially trauma to the head such as an auto accident or a beating of the head can cause this creature to leave.  When this occurs, one is much less healthy and less able to handle stress of all kinds.  We are seeing a return of this creature in a few of our clients, which is very positive.

            The effects of the arva include:

- helping with mercury elimination

- helping with trauma release, especially copper spike patterns that have to do with fearful episodes in one’ life that often hold one back from full healing and development.

- improving zinc status enormously.  Often the hair zinc level rises between two and ten mg%!

- rebuilding the tissues.  This requires more zinc and often the hair phosphorus level rises when this creature returns, indicating faster and greater protein synthesis and more rebuilding.

- settling down and happiness.  Often, a person will show a settling down patter on the first four minerals and what is called a Happier pattern.  This is a combination of settling down on the first four and a rise in the hair zinc level of at least two mg%.

- helping restore the proper intestinal flora.  This also requires more zinc and rebuilding of the intestinal tract.  Some clients will report less bloating, gas, and less abdominal discomfort while and after eating.

- improved absorption of chromium and selenium, in particular.  This is needed to help remove mercury and other toxic metals and has to do with improvements in the digestive tract.

- helping with development.

This creature helps one develop in many ways:

1. His or her twin can be placed in another person who is related to the client, but does not need to live with the client.  The blood relation helps, though it is not always needed.  Then the two parallel, which means they assist each other to move along much faster.

2. The arva’s twin also helps develop the client long distance, an ability of these creatures.

3. The arva and his or her twin also help develop the other person at the same time.

4. The arva and his or her twin also help with nutrition and deep healing needed for further development.




These are four small fine matter creatures that are about the size of one’s little finger.  One can have more of them, up to about 100, but most people have four.  Some people have only 2 or 3 due to trauma such as rape.  Trauma can cause them to leave because they cannot carry out their activities with a body that is too damaged.

The asherot remain outside the body, about six inches away from the body, at the level of the neck and upper chest.  They arrange themselves in the shape of a square or diamond.

They look somewhat human, but the faces of three of them are that of animals.  Each face is different from the others because they are different types of creatures.

For example, one is human in shape but has a face similar to that of a dog.  Another has four legs and a body that looks something like a tiny cow or ox.  Another looks like an eagle, and the fourth usually has a human-looking face.  In addition, all of them have wings that spread out from their backs.

The controllers talk with the director souls inside the person’s head and help direct a person’s life.  They help the person to be more safe, secure and grounded.  Also, the person is able to think much more clearly because they assist with mental activity.

Another function of the controller souls is to orient a person in space.  This gives a person a good sense of direction.

Magnesium metabolism.  The controller creatures also help regulate magnesium in the body.  For example, we notice that when a person gains another asherot, often the hair tissue magnesium level rises sharply.  The reason is that the new creature brings in better quality magnesium compounds.

When this occurs, inferior quality or less preferred magnesium compounds are removed and replaced with the superier magnesium compounds.  The hair magnesium level rises as the poor quality magnesium is eliminated through the hair.

Doubling and tripling of the controller creatures.  Some people have two or three sets of controller creatures around them.  These people tend to be twice as smart as other people.  This is one of the effects of the controller creatures.  If you want this for yourself, you can ask for it in prayer.

However, if your body is too yin in macrobiotic terminology, you will not receive more controller creatures.  They cannot accomplish much around a yin body so they tend to stay away.

Eating sugar, fruit or sweets of any kind is one reason many bodies are too yin today.  The other reason is trauma such as rape or beatings. 

Making the body much more yang, the opposite of yin, is just one of the benefits of a properly designed development program.  This can increase the number of controller creatures a person attracts.

            Some people have four or five times the number of controller creatures than others.  Any amount over the standard number of four is due to working with a lot of other people in a very positive way.




            These are very small fine matter creatures, less than the size of a middle fingernail.  They are usually four in number.  Three of them live inside the physical body at the level of the heart.  At least one of them always remains outside the body.  Their appearance is similar to that of a tiny dog.

The abiot help one to think clearly and to control one’s emotions.  They are quite important, especially for women.  They usually remain with the body even after a severe rape.

Malnutrition.  However, they will leave if a person becomes too malnourished.  This can be due to a rape, but it is often due to simply a poor quality diet.  Most people over the age of about 35 have lost at least one abiot due mainly to dietary problems.  A rape or multiple rapes will speed up the process of malnutrition, but the diet can reverse this.  Taking supplement can help, but the diet is most important.

Calcium metabolism.  The abiot help regulate calcium metabolism in the body. 

When an abiot returns due to a development program, the person’s hair calcium level rises.  This is because there is an elimination of toxic or biounavailable calcum, which temporarily raises the hair calcium level.

The calcium compound that is removed when one gets back an abiot is the “amigo” form or calcium oxide form of calcium or occasionally others, which are less beneficial forms of calcium.  For details, read The Amigos – Manganese, Iron and Aluminum.

The abiot help remove all of the oxide and carbonate forms of minerals from the body, a very important activity.  They are alkaline mineral compounds to temporarily help acidic bodies survive.

The abiot also help with calcium deposition in the bones and with maintaining a good vitamin D level.

The three up pattern.  One evidence of greater abiot activity is a mineral pattern we call three up.  The first three minerals go up but potassium decreases slightly.  The pattern often repeats on the second tetra, or second four minerals (iron, copper and manganese up and zinc slightly lower). 




            These are four small fine matter creatures that are outside the body near the level of the waist.  They arrange themselves in a square around a person at this level.

They normally remain with a person during the person’s entire life.  However, trauma can cause one or two of them to leave.  Very rarely, three of them leave.  A development program will bring them back after a few months to a few years on the program.

            The avarot help a person to feel grounded and centered.  They are at the level of the third energy center, which has to do with centering.

  Sodium.  The avarot also help control the metabolism of sodium in the body.  They do this not through the adrenal glands, which is how the aliot function (see below), but through the kidneys and the stomach.

The stomach is an important storage area for sodium.  By moving the sodium around in the body, the avarot help maintain a healthy sodium level in the body when the adrenal glands and kidneys cannot do so.

This creature does not cause the hair sodium level to rise.  This is due to the action of the aliot (see below).  In fact, often the hair sodium will decrease due to the action of this creature.

Other activities.  The avarot help with many other activities in the body.  They regulate other minerals and they help calm and balance the body in a number of ways.  The return of even one avarot is always a celebration for this reason.




            The aliot are fine matter creatures that are usually four in number and live outside of the body at the level of the lower abdomen.  They also arrange themselves in a square around a person at this level.  They remain about 2-4 feet or about one meter away from the physical body. 

Sodium regulation.  The aliot help regulate the activity of the adrenal glands and the amount and type of sodium compounds in the body.

The adrenal glands control the sodium level in the blood and tissues through the action of the hormone aldosterone.  The aliot help increase the aldosterone level in bodies that are depleted nutritionally or that have suffered traumas such as rape and beatings.

            The aliot, due to their activity with the adrenal glands, are very important for a person’s overall stamina and energy level.  If one or two are missing, which can result from a trauma, a person will feel tired and lethargic.

            When one or more aliot return, the hair sodium level and often the hair potassium level rise on a retest.  This is due to increased aldosterone activity, which causes more sodium retention in the body.  The potassium rises because these two mineral often rise and fall together in order to maintain the ratio between them.

            Toxic potassium elimination and maturing.  The aliot are also very involved in the major healing that we call the elimination of toxic potassium or the maturing pattern. NOTE: The hair mineral test cannot distinguish between the various forms of potassium.

  We call it maturing pattern because the toxic forms of potassium have a curious effect of keeping a person somewhat childish.  Thus we call toxic potassium a child mineral.  When one eliminates it, one suddenly feels more solid, more independent and more mature.

The aliot help prepare the body for this elimination and they help mobilize the toxic forms of potassium, which is most of them, to get the out of tissue storage sites and out of the body through the sweat glands and oil glands, mainly.

            The pattern shows up on a hair mineral test because the potassium spills over from the oil and sweat glands onto the hair.  If a laboratory washes the hair, they will not find the extra potassium and cannot identify this important healing pattern.

            The aliot are also involved in the release of the other child minerals – boron, aluminum and nickel.  On hair mineral tests, these are often eliminated together. 

The crutch concept.  Actually, the boron usually must be mobilized first from storage.  The aliot do this by improving aldosterone activity.  Once this occurs, then the boron, followed by the other child minerals, can be released.

This method is similar to the method that Dr. Paul Eck devised to remove cadmium.  He said first one must raise the sodium/potassium ratio and only then can the cadmium be removed.  We call the method getting rid of the need for a compensation.  Basically, the cadmium and boron are powerful crutches that keep a person functioning. 

In order to remove the crutches, one must first “prop up” or support the body properly.  Otherwise, the crutch cannot be removed because it is needed. 

This is analogous to removing a crutch from a person’s leg.  If the crutch is supporting the person, one must first raise up the person’s body.  Only then can one remove the crutch.

            Analytical Research Labs, whom we currently use for testing the hair, does not read the boron level.  However, if they did read boron, one would see the boron level rise first, followed by a rise in the sodium and potassium levels.

            Epinephrine or adrenaline regulation.  The aliot also regulate other aspects of adrenal gland activity, especially adrenaline activity.  This has to do with the sympathetic and parasympathetic balance of the body. 

The aliot play a major role in balancing these two branches of autonomic nervous system.  Without them, a person becomes what we call sympathetic dominant.  This is a fancy term meaning the autonomic nervous system is under a lot of stress and out of balance.  For details, read Sympathetic Dominance.




These are a group of at least four very small guide creatures found around the level of the knees of every person.  They remain outside the body, a few inches from it, at all times.

The aravot regulate a number of hormones in the body, especially insulin.  In this way, they help maintain the blood sugar level.  They also assist the other guide creatures in many ways.

One aravot will leave if a person experiences certain traumas – usually a shock of some kind.  When this occurs, a person begins to make fewer good decisions and this part of the body may not function as well.  One may also become less emotionally stable.

The aravot also control potassium metabolism, along with the galgal.  When an aravot returns, often a person suddenly eliminates a large quantity of a toxic compound of potassium that is found in most of our food today thanks to the use of superphosphate fertilizers, which are really just growth stimulants.

The K in N-P-K fertilizers is completely composed of this toxic compound.  Millions of tons of this toxic chemical is sprayed on our food each year.  This often includes organic food.

This toxin is building up in the soils of the world, ruining everyone’s health in the most destructive way.  The toxic potassium is an irritant.  For details, read The Amigos – Iron, Manganese, aluminum and others.

This is a very serious problem on planet earth.  Many people say incorrectly that without the superphosphates, we could not feed the people of the world.  We can survive without these growth stimulants, although farming would be done differently, with much more manure and compost that are used today.

Aravot patterns.  Greater activity of the aravot can include a double coming alive pattern (coming alive on the first and second tetras).

It can also include a standard surge.  This is a large increase in the levels of sodium and potassium on a retest.




            These are small (about 1 inch in diameter) fine-matter creatures that are found near the feet of all human beings and some animals.  They look like small bicycle wheels with spokes radiating outward from a central hub.

The hub contains a large eye.  In addition, the creature has what look like eyes all around the outer edge of each spoke.  However, they are not eyes.  They are sense organs that detect balance problems in the person’s body.  These are needed to carry out their function, which is to help a person keep their balance.

The galgal also have tiny tentacles that extend in every direction from the spokes.  They are part of the sensing system to assess balance problems.  These make the creatures look larger than they really are.

The galgal assist the controllers, the other guide creatures, and the directors and mental souls who control the human body.  They spin to the right.  By doing so, they help stabilize a person’s upper and lower etheric energy fields.  This, in turn, helps stabilize the physical body.

            The word galgal is an ancient word that is related to a number of our words such as gal, gallant, gallery, gallon and gallop.  The meaning is full or rounded.

            If a serious trauma occurs, one or two of the galgal may leave a person.  A complete development program can help one to get back one or more of these creatures.

Calcium regulation.  The galgal help regulate calcium metabolism.  Once in a while, a retest mineral analysis indicates a sharp rise in the calcium level.  This can be due to getting back a galgal.  What occurs is that the galgal helps bring back a superior form of calcium to the body.  When this occurs, the person often eliminates the less desirable form of calcium and this raises the hair calcium level.

Potassium regulation. The galgal also help regulate the amount and type of potassium compounds in the body.  They assist a person to eliminate toxic potassium, which is very important to do if one wishes to develop.  Toxic potassium is a “child mineral” that keeps one too attached to this world and to one’s parents and friends.  For details, read Toxic Potassium.






These are souls that usually remain inside the brain of a person during one’s entire lifetime.  They usually number about 20, but their number can be up to 100.  They function as guides, in conjunction with the other guide creatures described below.

The personality of the outer man or woman is largely the personality of the director souls.  A related group of souls called mental souls are also in the head of every person.  Both the directors and mental souls play a major role in determining a person’s personality.




            These are more advanced souls who live inside the head of a human being or an animal.  They are very aware of physical problems in the body.  Their job is to make a list of these problems and to plan how to correct the problems.

            Unfortunately, most people on earth are so malnourished that the azelot can rarely do their job well, and they may leave a person if their diet is so poor that the azelot feel they are not much help for the person or animal.

            The azelot know development science extremely well and they are often part of the medical team, acting as teachers and guides when we ask for help with a client.




            These souls live inside the head of all human beings and help form the personality of the outer person.  They are often more advanced souls, but not necessarily. 

They are important souls.  Experiencing a severe trauma can cause one or more of them to leave.  If this occurs, the person’s personality becomes weaker.  This is always harmful for a person.  For this reason it is best to guard the body carefully so as not to experience severe traumas such as accidents or rapes.






            Due to the presence of the guide creatures listed above, healthy human beings are able to think and analyze situations much better than individual souls.  This is important to know.

Today, on earth many people are missing some of their controllers or other guide creatures.  This is due to very poor diets and other health problems.  The guide souls leave if they feel they cannot be of service.  The feel their time is better spent helping others who are in better health.

This is a serious problem and one reason why this website advocates heavily for a diet rich in cooked vegetables.  This food group, more than any other, contains the minerals and other nutrients the guide souls and guide creatures require to do their work.




            A guide creature may leave a person in certain situations.  The main ones are 1) severe trauma, 2) old age, and 3) poor health at any age.  Let us discuss each of these reasons for loss of a guide soul or guide creature:


1. Trauma. Insults to the body such as a beating, serious accident, injury or rape often causes the loss of one or more guide creatures.  Trauma to the head, especially, can damage the brain in certain ways so that the creatures can no longer do their job properly.

For example, when a severe trauma occurs, one or even two of a person’s four controller souls may leave, rather than be unable to do his job.  At least two must remain or a person does not function well.  If more than two leave, usually it is because the body will not survive.

            Trauma also always causes nutritional depletion, which, by itself, can cause a controller creature or one of the others to leave.  Rape, for example, always causes significant nutritional depletion, and may cause brain damage.  For more details, read Rape.

In fact, loss of guide creatures is one of the worst effects of a rape or other serious traumas such as a beating, or a serious fall or accident.  This type of soul and creature loss is subtle and difficult or impossible for doctors or other therapists to detect.  The only thing they may notice is that the person is tired and perhaps does not function well mentally.

Even worse, when a guide creature is lost, other, less advanced souls often move in around the body.  They are not only inferior in intelligence.  They are often angry, sick and may be programmed or conditioned to interfere with a person’s thoughts, words and actions.

Fortunately, when a guide creature returns, it is generally able to displace these rogue creatures or rogue souls.


2. Old age.  Old age always causes the loss of some guide creatures and guide souls.  It is one reason older people more easily lose their balance and do not function as well mentally.

In all cases, old age is also associated with nutritional depletion.  This is just one reason the guide souls and guide creatures may leave.

Health conditions such as arteriosclerosis in older people impairs blood flow to the brain.  This often cause brain damage that makes the guide creature’s job impossible to do.  Hence they leave.


            3. Poor health at any age and for any reason.  Impaired health makes the work of the guide souls and guide creatures even more difficult or impossible.  Most often, on earth, bad health is due to nutritional depletion.  This leads directly to other brain problems such as infections, impaired oxygenation, poor circulation, low energy, or other health conditions.

            As you can see, impaired nutrition is an important common denominator for why one may lose one or more of the very essential guide creatures or guide souls.  Even if the guide creatures return when one follows a development program, if the nutrition becomes impaired, they will leave again due to inability to do their work.




What passes today for excellent nutrition is not always so.   Raw food, for example, is not very nutritious, except for raw dairy products.  The main reasons are:

1. Human beings cannot break down tough vegetable fibers.  Most of the nutrients in the vegetables are locked into these fibers.  As a result, we cannot extract much nutrition from raw vegetables.  Dairy products are the only major food group that can be eaten raw and then digested well by human beings.  These are usually “cooked” by pasteurization, which harms them.

2. Vegetarian diets are also not healthful, in our experience.  they are deficient in several critical nutrients, including zinc, carnitine, taurine and a few others.  For details about excellent diet, read Food For Daily Use.




It is possible to regain one’s guide creatures and obtain even more of them. 


How to get more guide creatures.


1) Follow the entire development diet. The best is to follow a development program that is supervised by an Approved Helper listed at the link below.  Other nutrition programs are not nearly as effective, in our experience, because they are not set up correctly.

One can begin today with the Free Program, but for best results, contact one of the Approved Helpers and begin a complete program.

Also, follow the program diligently and fiercely.  For example, don’t skip foods such as tahini, almond butter or nutritional yeast. Many people skip foods they don’t like or that are costly even if they can afford to buy them.

2) Live a life of generosity and integrity. This means keep your word and don’t lie or fudge, as most people do.

3) Try to live safely, without living in abject fear. Don’t take chances, dress conservatively, and women need to be very careful with men in all situations. This means don’t date if at all possible and at all times be with people you know and trust. We don’t recommend college for women except online, at home. It is too dangerous, as are many jobs for women.  For details, read Dating and Rape.




Elevated magnesium, a hill, or a coming alive pattern and return of a guide creature or soul.  On a hair mineral test that is performed correctly without washing the hair at the laboratory, the return of one or more guide souls or creatures is often announced by one or more of the following:

- a much elevated magnesium level

- a hill pattern,

- a hilling pattern

- a coming alive pattern

- pivots or anchors

- an increase in the phosphorus level

- an increase in the sodium/potassium ratio if it was below the ideal level of 2.5.


For more details about these patterns, go to the Patterns Found Only On Retests section of the Read Articles page of this website.  All of these patterns are very positive signs of healing and increased well-being.




            A rather mysterious passage in the Hebrew Bible is the vision of Ezekiel found in the Book of Ezekiel, Chapter 1.  We believe that the vision was of the:

- The controller creatures (the four creatures),

- The helpers (the wheels)

- The Merkba (the throne of God or vault)

- The etheric energy field.  For details, read The Energy Fields.




The standard surge.  This is a sharp increase in the sodium and potassium levels on a retest.  It is associated with getting a gal gal and an aravot.


A hill pattern, often steep, and perhaps a bowl to hill pattern.  This is often the result of getting an Asherot (or controller) and a gal gal.  



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