by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© February 2024, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.

All information in this article is only the opinion of the author and is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, prescription, treatment or cure of any disease or health condition.


I. Introduction

II. Anchor Patterns

III. Pivot Patterns



One of the most important and remarkable aspects of a development program the way our Approved Helpers set them up is the amount and degree of improvement that occurs in the brain.  This is absolutely essential for development to occur. 

Studying these changes has been difficult because the brain is not readily accessible to view.  However, we recently identified hair analysis patterns that can enable anyone to assess some of these changes – the pivot and anchor patterns.  These patterns are proving to be reliable, and most helpful to assess changes in the brain.


Both anchors and pivots:

- are very positive retest patterns that involve improvements in the brain.

- the more anchors or pivots that are present on a retest, the more powerful the pattern.  For example, if a retest shows two right pivots, it is called a double pivot pattern.  This is more intense or significant than a test that shows only a single right pivot pattern.

With this introduction, let us discuss each pattern in more detail.


Definition. An anchor pattern is present on a retest hair mineral analysis when:

1. The person has been following the development program that we set up, not that of other practitioners.

2. A mineral level remains the same or almost the same on retest according to specific criteria that are listed below.

3. The hair must not be washed at the laboratory.

Confusion. If a person is not following the development program correctly, one can have a no change pattern, which looks the same as an anchor pattern.

How similar must the retest numbers be to the numbers on the previous test? In order to qualify as anchor pattern:

Calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium and zinc must remain within 2 and rarely within 3 mg%.

Iron must remain within about 0.2 or rarely 0.3 mg%.

Copper must usually remain within 0.3 mg%.

Manganese must usually remain within 0.01 mg%

Chromium and selenium. So far, these are always anchors, even if the numbers are not too close together.

Phosphorus must usually remain within 2 mg%.

Lithium and cobalt must remain within 0.1 mg%.

Molybdenum must remain within 0.2 mg%.


Anchor patterns indicate improvement in the architecture or shape of the brain. More specifically, the sulci or ridges on the surface of the brain become deeper. Anchors are very positive development or joy patterns.

We are not sure why keeping the mineral levels the same or very close helps the brain or at least reflects healing of the brain. However, we surmise that the similar numbers provide stability needed to regenerate the nervous system.


7 anchors = new brain pattern. If a mineral chart shows 7 or more anchor patterns, the planning souls call it a new brain pattern. It is an excellent pattern that occurs on many hair retests when a person follows a development program carefully and faithfully.

9 anchors = wise person pattern. If a mineral chart reveals 9 or more anchors on one retest it is called a wise person pattern.

13 anchors = very wise person. If a mineral chart reveals 13 or more anchors on one retest it is called a very wise person pattern.


Definition.  This is a retest pattern in which one, two or three of the minerals or a tetra (the first four or the second four minerals) move in one direction (either up or down) while the other(s) move in the opposite direction.  It is also possible that one or more of the minerals do not change at all.

Some call this pattern the twist pattern.

Rotation effect.  The “look” of the pivot pattern is a rotation around one of the four minerals in the tetra.  Hence the name pivot or twist because the levels “pivot” or twist compared to the previous test.

Based upon this idea, pivots are called right pivots or left pivots, depending upon which direction the minerals “rotate”, pivot or twist.


All pivot patterns are very positive indicators. They indicate a turnaround in a person’s thinking.  They are not lifestyle patterns, but rather have to do with gaining insight, which results in a shift in one’s understanding.

In addition:

- A right pivot involves a turnaround and improvement in one’s own moral values.  It is also a slowing of the oxidation rate if it involves the first four minerals on the chart.

- A left pivot involves a turnaround in one’s understanding of others, usually one’s family members.  It is also associated with a faster oxidation rate if it involves the first four minerals or first tetra.


A twist left is an increase in the oxidation rate, which moves a person more into the world and into relationship with others.

A twist to the right is a decrease in the oxidation rate, which moves a person more into themselves and into relationship with the self.

This is why the insight and turn around has to do with self or others.

Time aspect. This is not always true. However, a twist to the right tends to be moving ahead in time. A twist left tends to be moving back in time.



I believe this is less important and is a research subject. A pivot has a central mineral or perhaps two. Identifying it may be important for some advanced interpretation of the mineral analysis, but I don't usually focus on it. Here is an example:

An example. Let us say that magnesium remains the same on a retest. In addition, the calcium level, which is to the left of the pivot mineral (magnesium) on the ARL graph chart, decreases. 

In addition, the sodium and potassium levels, which are to the right of the pivot mineral, increase.

These are the criteria for a magnesium pivot.  It would also be a magnesium pivot if the calcium level increases and the sodium and potassium levels decrease.


Left calcium pivots and left magnesium pivots (moving toward a faster oxidation rate) are associated with activation of certain frontal lobe brain centers associated with development.  These are earlier development indicators than an elevated phosphorus level, and are very positive patterns.

There are four main centers in the frontal area of the brain involved with early development.  The left calcium pivot and the left magnesium pivot are associated with activation of the two lower ones.  Activation of the other two brain areas are associated with anchor patterns.

With calcium and magnesium pivots, one needs to retain copper, so the copper level may decrease.


A newer finding is that rarely one has a pivot or twist in which the first tetra of minerals moves up and the second tetra moves down. This is called a big twist right.

This is a combination of a coming alive pattern on the first four minerals and a settling down pattern on the second four minerals.  Taken together, the two tetras twist to the right.

The other possibility is the opposite situation: the first tetra of minerals moves down and second tetra moves upward.  This is a big twist left.

Meaning of a big twist. This indicates a major or big insight or big change of direction in one’s mind.


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