by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© September 2019, LD Wilson Consultants, inc.


There exist a number of theories about the meaning of life.  Here is how they relate to the 7 system.  The number of each theory refers to the energy center with which it is most associated.  For example, the first theory below (#1) is most associated with the first energy center:




This depressing view of life states that life is just a random accident.  There is no meaning to life.  Planet earth is just a rock hurtling aimlessly through space and we are all stuck on it.

This philosophy is very popular today and is taught widely in colleges, in particular.  Professors and the media love to poison minds with this philosophy.  It leads to suicide, drug use, too much sex, too much junk food eating, and other problems.  This is an important reason why it is wise to NOT send your children to college today, with just a few exceptions.

How to behave.  According to this view, everyone is selfish and behaves to survive and get ahead of others.

Politics.  According to this theory of life, Òmight makes right.  After all, it is all about survival.  ÒMightÓ may be physical strength, physical size, cunning, cleverness, or the ability to deceive people.  Systems of government of this type are socialism, communism, monarchy, and dictatorship.

Why bad things happen.  According to this view of life, the randomness of life causes some good and fun things to happen.  However, bad things happen, too if someone else is bigger, stronger or more clever than you.  Events can also happen randomly – being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

As a result, rapes happen, robberies happen, car accidents happen, and so on.

Pure competition and selfishness. In this understanding of the meaning of life, you really canÕt count on people for anything.  They are mostly thought of as liars, cheaters, jerks, and so on.  There are a few good ones, but they might let you down, too.

Marxism.  The above is close to the philosophy of Karl Marx, founder of communism or Marxism.  He believed that society is basically a struggle for survival between the working class people and the owners of businesses.  Life is about class warfare, according to Marx.

People who believe this philosophy do not believe in love, or truth, or goodness very much.  These are seen as the exception.  They also donÕt like the Bible with its ÒmoralizingÓ. 

Moral relativism.  This philosophy believes in moral relativism.  This is the idea that there is no right or wrong.  You have your truth and I have my truth.  Truth, they say, can vary depending on what is going on or how I feel.

Social justice.  Existentialism also spawned the idea of social justice.  This is not justice at all.  It is just someoneÕs opinion of what is right and fair, which can vary with the person, time and place.

This rather depressing philosophy is taught widely at colleges today.  As a result, a lot of people believe it.

Keyword. Random.

Phrases.  ÒShit happensÓ. ÒSurvival of the fittestÓ, ÒMe firstÓ, ÒLife is a struggleÓ.




This philosophy is also taught widely today in college and high schools.  The basic idea is that life is an emotional experience and about feelings.  One strives to feel good and avoid feeling bad.

How to behave.  According to this meaning of life, if something feels good, then it is worthwhile and valid and what you should do.  If something does not feel good, then it is not valid or good to do. 

Sex.  For example, young people are taught the lie that sex and masturbation are good things of themselves because they feel good.  Meanwhile, traditional marriage is not so good because it may have its tough moments.

Why bad things happen.  According to this view, bad things happen if you do not follow your bliss or feelings.  They can also happen if someone else thinks it would feel good to rob you, rape you or even kill you. 

Bad things can also happen if someone is so blissed out that they donÕt pay attention while driving their car, for example, so they hit another person.

Truth.  According to this theory, hearing the truth and telling the truth are fine if they feel good.  However, hearing and speaking truth are not good things if they embarrass you, are unpopular, seem offensive, or feel bad for some other reason.

Politics/economics.  In politics, this belief system results in many government programs that sound good, but donÕt work.  These include government health care (socialized medicine) and government welfare programs.

Tough love is bad.  According to this view, love is good as long as it feels good.  Tough love often does not feel good, so it is not a good thing.  The same is true of disciplining your children, for example, or striving to excel at your job or schooling.  Better to just slide along and take the easy way out.

Keyword. Feelings.

Phrase.  ÒIf it feels good, do it.Ó




This theory is also taught widely on earth.  The idea is that life is about gaining and holding on to power and being able to control your environment.

How to behave.  According to this view of the meaning of life, each person tries to control themselves and others as much as possible.

Why bad things happen.  According to this view of life, bad things happen if you are out of control or lose your power.

Keyword. Power

Phrase. ÒI control my life.Ó




              This idea is also taught widely in order to get people to conform to their group and to group-think, meaning to all think alike. 

How to behave.  This theory says that we are here to learn and grow as social beings.  We are here to become better friends, mothers, fathers, children, providers, workers, and other social roles.  We are all different or diverse, but we are all social beings.  For details, read Diversity.

Why do bad things happen?  If things go wrong, it is because we have not been good social beings.  Perhaps we offended someone.   We have all acted unsocially, at times, usually because we were afraid or thoughtless. 

The idea, then, is to see that we must act nicer to people, animals, plants and the planet herself and all will go better. 

Keyword.  Tolerance.  

Phrase.  Òthe herdÓ.




According to this theory, life is about belonging to various teams and working within them.  The teams include your marriage partner, your work colleagues, and maybe other teams such as a group of friends or associates.

How to behave.  Team members are supposed to look out for the whole team, not just themselves. 

Why bad things happen.  This can occur if we are not acting creatively or not taking full responsibility for all that occurs in our lives. Keyword.  Creator.

Phrase.  ÒAct creatively.Ó




This philosophy is an integral part of the Hebrew and Christian religions.  It implies that there is no privacy and no secrecy at all.  The Creator being knows everything about you.


How to behave.  The idea is that we are all here to learn lessons.  Behave well, so as to learn your lessons well.  If you donÕt, there are consequences and punishment.  This will go on until you learn your lessons.

These might be to seek truth always, to care better for our bodies and learn about health.  Others may be to learn patience and persistence, and to never give up.  Another lesson is to never be lazy or pre-occupied falsely.

Why bad things may occur.  According to this belief, challenges of various kinds are brought to us so we can learn better.  These include anything imaginable from a flood or hurricane to a disease, death of a family member, a car accident, marital problems, financial problems, work problems, and anything else you can imagine.

Keyword.  Learning.

Phrase. ÒGet the lesson.Ó




This philosophy is also an integral part of the Hebrew and Christian belief system.  It is the idea that all things, all life, and all feelings are of God.  There is nothing that is not of God.

How to behave.  We are to take full responsibility for all that occurs in our lives because it is all of God.  This includes thoughts and feelings that we do not like, such as thoughts of doing violence to others, for example.  We are not to project out of ourselves that which we do not like in ourselves.

Why do bad things happen?  According to this philosophy, if bad things happen to you, it is because you have projected out of yourself parts of yourself that you donÕt like.  Others then pick up these ÒvibesÓ and act them out on you or on the collective humanity, causing all our problems.

For example, many people deny and therefore project their violent, selfish, hateful and murderous thoughts.  Some people also deny and project their illicit sexual feelings. 

What occurs is that when we do this, other people pick up these thoughts and, for various reasons, act them out.  This results in murder, robbery, rape, financial loss, relationship problems, and all other problems, as well.

According to this philosophy, by experiencing the effects of our own projections, we can learn not to project our negative thoughts.  Instead, we can learn to own them or admit them, and dismiss them or ask God for help in removing them.

Keyword. Projection.

Phrase. ÒOwn your stuff.Ó We are all children of God.  Be authentic or real.  Realize the oneness or unity of all in God.



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