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Welcome. This newsletter is unusual. In 2012, a group formed that consists of millions of beings who live on and around planet earth. We were told that we could help the planet and would receive protection if we follow certain rules.
The group has observed that if we follow the rules, we remain safer from a certain group of souls called the troph, the negs, the otros or the rogues. In the Bible, they are called Satan. They cause many problems on earth. For more details, read the Rogues.
THE COVENANT. I am told that these rules, taken together, form a new covenant with the Creator of all life. It is an agreement that applies to all the inhabitants of the earth and the rest of our solar system. The COVENANT is not a religion. It is a set of rules. If the people follow the rules below, they will receive the protection of their Creator.
1. Obey the Ten Commandments given to Moses on Mount Sinai and the Golden Rule. The latter can be stated as: Think and behave toward others as you would have them think and behave toward you.
Clarification. The people are to follow these rules strictly. To clarify, the commandment “Do not to bear false witness” means do not lie or exaggerate. The commandment “Do not steal” means do not rape. The commandment “Do not commit adultery” means do not have sexual intercourse unless there is a marriage contract.
2. The people are to learn and behave with the understanding that all beings are loved equally by their Creator. All beings are also needed, and all beings are to be respected equally.
However, this does not mean to avoid eating meat or vegetables, since these involves killing. Some animals and plants have as their role to be food for others. Killing them for food and eating them in no way damages the souls inside of them. In fact, it helps the souls mature.
Also, if a being physically attacks another, it is acceptable only in this instance to kill in self defense. This applies personally and in a situation of war.
3. All beings are to develop themselves. This means to follow a specific program of mainly diet and lifestyle. This, and this alone, causes the unfolding of the full potential of each being.
The purposes of development are for one’s safety and to fulfill one’s full potential and the full potential of the planets.
The development program. The development program, as described only on this website and not others at this time, is a rapid method of development. Those giving this information require this method due to its safety and because it works well and fast. For more details, see below.
4. All beings are to seek out, and love, and speak the truth. The only exception is in rare situations in which speaking truthfully directly endangers one’s life or the life of another.
A very damaging and false teaching on earth at this time is that there is no truth. This is a pernicious teaching that needs to be exposed and stopped.
The original covenant in the Bible also includes at least three more requirements:
5. Everyone needs to follow the kosher food laws. We like these, but we recommend a few changes and have added to them with the development diet. At this time, we do not believe one needs two sets of dishes for meat and dairy meals or that these two types of foods must be eaten at separate meals. The Bible does not specifically say this. We believe these rules are interpretations that came later. For more details, read The Biblical Food Laws.
6. All male children needed to be circumcised. This is for the protection of women because it reduces rape. It is also for cleanliness to reduce the spread of disease. For details, read Circumcision.
7. All men need to marry. This is for the protection of women. This requirement is now less important because today women can live and work fairly easily on their own.
8. We agree to help rid the entire universe of the plague of the Rogues.
More About Development. Development is a precise process that requires a particular diet and lifestyle, and is greatly aided by taking certain nutritional supplements and doing certain detoxification procedures. We call this the development program on this website.
Following this program only, and no other health program, grows the size and brightness of the energy field of the body and builds excellent health and longevity of the body.
Other healing methods - medical, holistic, naturopathic and others - may alleviate diseases and reduce symptoms. However, they do not cause development to nearly the same degree. For this reason, we recommend them only rarely. Otherwise, they are best avoided altogether. For details about development, read Introduction To Development. For details about the development program, read Introduction To The Development Program.
Those in charge of this newsletter, we are told, are a group of souls who have lived on earth a long time. These souls are now able to make themselves known more directly through this newsletter and website.
The author does his best to relay information from them through this website and newsletter because, at this time, they are not in charge of the mass media or many websites. In fact, this site is one of very few that they control. We hope this will soon change, but we don’t know when that will occur.
Disclaimer. All information on this newsletter is solely the opinion of the author and is not intended as diagnosis, prescription, treatment or cure for any health condition.
A feature of
All information in this newsletter is solely the opinion of the author and for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.
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12/31/22. No frozen food. For some reason, frozen food interferes with development. It may be because freezing food bursts the cell walls of the vegetables or meat.
This applies to frozen vegetables, meats, dairy products or other frozen products. Thus, we find it is best to avoid it.
An exception is that coffee may be stored in the freezer. This does not appear to harm the coffee.
Canned food is okay. Canned food may not be as good as fresh food, but it can be used if necessary. For example, if the only vegetables one can find are canned, this is definitely better than not eating any vegetables at all.
12/31/22. We updated the Leaving The Cult – A Hair Analysis Pattern article, the Trauma Release article, the Trauma Retracing article and the Spiritual Diseases And Spiritual Retracing article.
12/30/22. When one follows the development program, most all symptoms that occur are not “diseases”, but rather retracing.
We need to return to this concept often in this newsletter because retracing is a prominent feature of the development program and it is so often misunderstood. I deal with this problem at least once a week.
We never tell people not to visit physicians. However, it is very rare for physicians to understand retracing. When retracing occurs, they usually misdiagnose the problem as an illness. This occurs because the symptoms of retracing can be exactly the same as the symptoms of illness.
Most physicians then recommend toxic products that slow down progress on the development program, sometimes by a year or more. The drugs, herbs or other products often do not even stop the symptoms, which the body needs to move through for the purpose of deep healing.
If you have symptoms during the development program, please submit a question to your Helper asking that I check to see if your symptoms are retracing rather than illness. This is almost always the case.
The exception is if your program needs updating or if you have not been following the program well enough. For details, read Retracing, Trauma Retracing and Spiritual Diseases And Spiritual Retracing.
12/29/2022. The most important decision anyone can make and must make is whether you will love God above all things (see Deuteronomy 6:5 or Luke 10:27).
This is not an easy decision because the decision to love God above all else means that you will have no other gods before the one God (see the Second Commandment in the Ten Commandments article).
At this time, this decision may make the difference between life and death. We do not say this lightly and we do not mean to scare anyone. However, the fate of the earth is hanging on this decision that each of the earth human beings must make.
For a few more details, read a new article, The Turning. There is also an older article on this topic entitled Metanoia.
12/28/22. We have recently become aware that regular use of coffee enemas causes very unusual subtle changes in the body and mind. We are calling this process the coffee transformation.
Changes. Regular, preferably daily coffee enemas: 1) have detoxifying effects upon the colon, liver and other organs, 2) have nutrient effects upon the entire body, 3) promote the process of development, and 4) have other genetic activation effects. That is, they contain nutrients and other qualities that activate certain genes. While not strictly causing development, this activation alters the body and mind in a wonderful and spiritual manner.
For details, read Coffee Enemas, The Coffee Transformation and Introduction To Development.
12/28/22. I am told that the information contained in the book called The Real Self is very important at this time. For details, see The Real Self.
12/27/22. The above are all manufacturing processes used in industry to strengthen, protect or otherwise alter materials so they function better. Our bodies can use these same methods to strengthen, protect or otherwise alter the body structure when the body is weak. This can often be observed on hair tissue mineral tests.
Alloys. An important nutritional concept in development science is that sick bodies form metal alloys. These are mixtures of metals in which the particular mixture gives the metal special properties.
Examples of common metal alloys are steel and brass. Steel is an iron alloy that is stronger and more flexible than iron. Brass is a copper alloy that is stronger and harder than pure copper.
Sick bodies use these for the same reasons that alloys are used in industry – usually to add strength to the body structure. The development program slowly undoes the need for alloys by strengthening the normal tissues of the body.
Hardeners. Sick bodies also use hardeners or plating to protect themselves. Examples of hardeners are chromium, nickel, iron, cadmium and calcium. For instance, a calcium shell seen on a hair tissue mineral test can be a hardener the body uses to protect itself.
The same method is used in industry to protect objects. For example, kitchen and bathroom faucets are often coated with chromium or brushed nickel to protect them.
The problem is that hardeners are all somewhat toxic and abnormal. The development program reduces the need for this abnormal method of protecting the body. Then the body will remove the toxic hardener or plating. For details, read Alloys and Plating, Hardening, Tempering And Lubricants.
12/26/22. Many packages of meat tell one to make sure it is cooked through at high temperature. However, for the best nutrition, meats should be minimally cooked.
In our experience, if it is good quality meat the bacteria count will be low and you will receive much more nutrition from light cooking.
Principles. For healthiest meat, cook with water and cook lightly. Cooking with water means braising, steaming, or pressure cooking. Braising and steaming are best. Pressure-cooking occurs so rapidly that it easily overcooks meat.
We do not recommend roasting, broiling, frying, baking or barbecue. These are okay occasionally. However, they are high temperature cooking methods that do more damage to the meat and generate toxic chemicals such as AGES, as well.
How to cook meat - braising. An excellent method to cook some meat is braising. This is excellent for ground lamb, ground turkey or ground beef.
To braise these, form the meat into a fairly thin patty. Then put a small amount of water in the bottom of a sauce pan, or I use my pressure cooker. Be sure the water covers the bottom of the pot.
Turn on the burner. Place the meat patty in the pot when the water is still cool and let it heat up.
Let it cook for about 15 seconds. Then turn it over and cook it on the other side for 10-13 seconds. Then remove and eat it with a little salt on it and perhaps another condiment such as a little mustard. The inside of the patty will be close to raw and this is okay. It should not be cold in the middle.
Cooking chicken. To cook a chicken leg, thigh or wing, slice the chicken into thin strips. Put some water into the bottom of a sauce pan or other pot and turn on the burner.
Place the chicken slices in the water and stir them around, letting them cook just until the chicken turns from pink to white. This will usually occur in 15 to 20 seconds. Then use a slotted spoon to remove the chicken and eat it with a little salt on it.
Cooking a steak or a lamb chop. Prepare the meat by putting few cuts in it so that it will cook through easily. Then place a small amount of water in a sauce pan or other pot that can be covered. Turn on the burner.
Add the meat to the water and cover up the pot. Allow the meat to cook in the boiling water for usually not more than one minute or so. The exact time depends upon the thickness of the steak or lamb chop.
Remove the meat and eat. The meat should not be dried out and should be juicy, and reddish in color in the middle.
We don't recommend eating fish other than sardines, which come cooked in the can. However, if you cook fish, you could do it the same way as cooking the steak or lamb chops.
12/26/22. We have previously reported that I am told that our solar system is on a journey moving “upward” through an absolutely huge being who lives in space. Upward means moving toward the head of this enormous creature, assuming that the creature is standing upright in space.
The biological concept of creation. The idea that huge beings live in and produce space is called the biological concept of creation. This idea is gaining support among astronomers. For details, read the Biological Concept Of Creation.
Fine matter beings. Beings in space are made of a much less dense form of matter than that of which our bodies are made. It is much lighter in weight and difficult for most people to see.
Fine matter creatures can tolerate the heat and cold of space. They also eat very little, do not need sleep as we do, and reproduce with live births or with eggs.
I am told there are trillions of fine matter creatures on earth and in space around the earth. Fine matter creatures include angels, elves and souls. While some fine matter creatures have a human-looking form, others resemble birds, fish, dogs or other creatures. For more details, read Bodies – Their Structure And Activities.
12/25/22. Proper interpretation of a hair mineral test involves a set of principles. A very important one is called the layers of adaptation principle. When one views a hair mineral analysis, one is viewing a layer or a state of adaptation to stress. This is part of the stress theory of disease.
The way illness really occurs is that starting at birth or even before, the body responds to stress by changing its mineral balance and more. This process is called adapting or adaptation.
The body adapts to nutritional imbalances, the presence of toxic substances, or mental or emotional stress factors. Other stress factors can be an infection, an injury, or being given toxic prescription drugs or vaccines.
Layers of adaptations. The adaptations occur in layers. This means they pile up one on top of another. As this occurs, illness follows. Here is an example that is taken from our files:
Meet Joey. Joey is typical of most babies and children today. All during his pregnancy, his mother was malnourished due to an improper diet. Her physician told her to eat a “balanced diet”, whatever that means, and gave her little other dietary advice.
As a result, Joey was born low in zinc, selenium, chromium and a dozen other vital nutrients. Joey's body had to adapt to this deficient nutritional state. Even if one eats only health food, the nutritional quality of our food today is at best mediocre and often poor.
The concept of preferred minerals. The way all bodies adapt to malnutrition is to absorb more toxic metals. This is called the concept of preferred minerals. The body would prefer the nutrient minerals, but it can live on inferior quality minerals, if needed. This is another layer of adaptation.
No development. One result of the malnutrition was that Joey was born at stage 0 of development. Development is an ancient idea, but it is not known or taught much on earth.
It is a genetic quality of the body that toughens it and causes much better health and a longer lifespan. The main requirement for it to occur in a baby is superior nutrition. For details, read Introduction To Development.
Cold or yin. The body of Joey's mother was also in a cold or too yin condition. Yin is a physics term that means cold, expanded, and out of balance in certain ways. Joey had to adapt to this situation, as well. It made his body too cold, as well.
Fearful, depleted and diseased. Also, Joey's mother had been beaten and raped by the alien group we call the Rogues. We now believe this occurs with all or most women on earth! For details, read Rape, The Rape Planet and Beating.
This weakened her nutritionally, made her very fearful, and left her with numerous sexually-transmitted diseases. Some of these were passed on to Joey at birth.
Most all children today are in this situation. The rogues attack women to weaken and frighten them as a way to control all the people of the earth. Joey's body had to change itself or adapt to this situation.
Most of the sexually-transmitted diseases produce few, if any symptoms. As a result, physicians pay little attention to them. Also, many are viruses for which there is no medical treatment. The development program slowly heals them, but Joey did not have good fortune to be placed on this program right after birth.
Vaccine Horror. Soon after birth, Joey was given the hepatitis vaccine, although it is quite unnecessary and toxic. All vaccines contain stray viruses and most are preserved with aluminum and/or mercury, two highly toxic metals.
Vaccination is an abomination! Even worse, there is currently an effort to condition people around the world to the idea that vaccines are the answer to our health problems. For details, read Vaccination and Vaccine Horror.
Now Joey's body had to adapt to another layer of toxins – the vaccines toxins. As a result, he developed eczema and often became sick with colds and flu.
Breastfeeding. Joey's mother breastfed him for a few months. This was helpful, but the milk was of poor quality because his mother's diet was inadequate. Mothers need to be on the development program to have healthy breast milk.
As a result of his mother's poor diet, Joey's body became more malnourished and had to adapt to this stressor. He would often become cranky and irritable for no apparent reason.
More terrible advice. At about age six months, a physician told Joey's mother that she had breastfed long enough and it was time to switch to adult food. This is very bad, disgusting advice! However, it is standard advice given by most pediatricians and other types of physicians! For details, read Breastfeeding.
In fact, most children we ask say they need some breast milk until about age three. Now Joey's body had to adapt to a new stressor – eating adult food long before his digestive system was ready for it. He became colicky and soon had food allergies and frequent stomach aches.
The Hunza people. Many years ago, I read The Wheel Of Health. It is about a wonderfully healthful group of people who live in Asia called the Hunza. They believe breastfeeding for three years is so important that in all cases they make absolutely sure it occurs. If the mother cannot do it, they find another woman called a 'wet nurse' to continue the breastfeeding.
Disease. Weakened by vaccines, poor quality and not enough breast milk, and medical drugs given for his symptoms, Joey got pneumonia at age four. This damaged his lungs. Now his body had to adapt to this stressor.
He survived, but his body also had to adapt to being filled with toxic antibiotics and other drugs he was given for the pneumonia.
Injury. At age six, Joey fell off his bicycle and injured his spine. It became misaligned and this was never corrected. His body now had to adapt to this new stressor.
We could go on, but I hope it is becoming clear that starting at or before birth, our bodies have to keep adapting to stressors of many kinds. Each one weakens the body and damages health. This is how illness really occurs – in layers.
The layers of adaptation principle applies not only to human beings. It is the truth about animals, plants, and fine matter as well as coarse matter beings. For details about body types, read Bodies – Their Structure And Activities.
Fortunately, the development program slowly removes these layers of adaptation. It takes some effort and some years on the program to do this, but it is well worth the effort. Someday we hope all children and their parents will get better advice about health.
12/24/22. Helen is 10 years old. Her health was quite delicate. She was often very tired and had chronic sinus and yeast or fungal infections. Most sinus infections are fungal. She was sick more than most children.
The development program. At age 6 she began the development program. At first, there was little change in her health condition.
Fruit. A problem is that she likes fruit and feels strange if she does not eat it. The reason is that the sugar in fruit feeds yeast in her body, of which she had a lot from birth. The yeast produces alcohol that gives her a pleasant feeling.
If she stops eating fruit, which we recommend, the yeast dies, which shuts down alcohol production. This is not a pleasant feeling and is called a yeast die-off reaction.
Recent progress. Helen has been following the development program more carefully the past year or so. Recently, she had a dramatic healing. Her energy level improved a lot. Her sinuses are better and her overall health is more robust and steady. She is also happier and less prone to feelings of depression.
NOTE: The yeast condition improved without the need to give Helen any anti-yeast drug, herb or other supplement. A healthy body does not support yeast growth. Correction has to do with the metabolism of copper and other minerals. For details, read Chronic Yeast Infections.
Development. Helen is also developing faster. Development is an unusual set of changes in the body due to turning on genes that are normally inactive. Her body is literally more alive and her energy field or aura is brighter. This requires special nutrition, plenty of rest and a healthful lifestyle.
Most recent mineral analysis. Helen's new mineral analysis revealed a number of joy or development patterns:
- Double coming alive. This is present when the levels of the first four minerals (calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium) and the second four minerals (iron, copper, manganese and zinc) all either increase or remain the same. This pattern is very positive and not seen often. For details, read Coming Alive Pattern.
- Perking up or on fire pattern. Phosphorus increased by three mg%. This indicates more rapid or otherwise improved biosynthesis. This is the production of all the body's chemicals that takes place in the nuclei of each cell. For details, read Phosphorus.
- Forward flip of the sodium/potassium ratio. This is present when the sodium/potassium ratio changes from low to normal or elevated. It indicates improved electrical balance of the body and other positive changes. Often, there is less infection in the body when this occurs.
- All-out or everything coming out. The levels of 13 minerals increased on this retest. This is quite unusual and indicates a significant detoxification of the body. Although it is a measure of minerals, usually there is also an elimination of toxic chemicals from the body. It is another very positive indicator. For details, read All Out Or Everything Coming Out Pattern On A Hair Mineral Analysis.
- Eight anchor patterns. Anchor patterns are present when the levels of certain minerals change very little or not at all. We are not sure why, but this mineral pattern is associated with deepening of the sulci or ridges of the brain. It is a very positive indicator of improved brain activity. For details, read Anchors And Pivots.
12/23/22. We greatly improved an older article about the Bible as a guide to development. This will be a new theme of this newsletter because it is a way to reach many people and it is a way to understand the Bible in a modern scientific way.
The Bible need not be understood as a book of miracles. It can be viewed as a scientific book about development. For details, read The Bible Is A Guide To Development.
12/22/22. A great legal advance that took place several thousand years ago is being reversed. In legal terms it is called the rule of law versus the rule of men.
The rule of men means monarchy, dictatorship or communism. It is basically a lawless society in which the rulers do what they please. The rule of law means there are set rules for everyone to follow, including the leaders.
Early sets of laws. One of the first of such sets of laws was the Ten Commandments given to Moses. Earlier than that were the Seven Laws of the Children Of Noah, and there were other legal codes on earth.
In America, the basic set of laws is in large part the national and state constitutions. However, these are being violated in many ways and it is time to return to the rule of law. Here are examples of how the American constitutions are being violated:
- Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are unconstitutional. They force people to hand over money to the government with no guarantee of return.
- The Federal Reserve financial system is unconstitutional. The constitution says gold and silver shall be the currency of the nation and that “Congress shall coin the money and fix the value thereof”. The Federal Reserve is a private corporation owned by a few corrupt bankers. For details, read The Federal Reserve and Introduction To Banking.
- All the 47 or so national American government agencies and hundreds of state agencies are unconstitutional. Congress does not have the power to regulate the economy and nation in this way. The legislative branch of government is supposed to make the laws, not government agencies. For details, read The Regulatory State.
- Much of the national and state governments is unconstitutional. The scope and powers of government are carefully spelled out in the national constitution. For example, nowhere is the national government authorized in the Constitution to interfere in education, welfare, health care, or medical research.
- Occupational licensing, such as medical licensing, is unconstitutional. The people have a right to contract freely and to speak freely. These should not require licenses. For details, read The Case Against Medical And All Other Occupational Licensing.
- All “emergency powers” are unconstitutional. The Wuhan flu lockdowns were justified under these powers. The Constitution says the people have a right to assemble, to contract (run a business) and to worship. Nowhere does the Constitution say this is not subject to cancelation or suspension because there is a virus around.
If the government wants to wreck a business (which is justified if there is a need to build a road through the property), then it must compensate the person at full market value. This was not done during the Wuhan flu lockdowns.
- Executive orders are unconstitutional.
- Executive pardons of criminals are unconstitutional.
- Long election periods are unconstitutional. The constitution says there will be an election day, not an election month or two.
- Marriage licenses and birth certificates are unconstitutional. The government is not supposed to meddle in these areas.
- The Fourth Amendment to the national Constitution guarantees privacy in one's papers. There should also be medical privacy without government interference in the doctor-patient relationship. The idea of privacy has been completely obliterated today.
These are just a few of the most egregious examples of how America has deviated from constitutional rule. The corruption has occurred slowly over the past hundred and fifty years.
It amounts to degenerated into the rule of men (in this case mainly bureaucrats and agency employees) instead of the rule of law. It is time to return to constitutional rule!
12/21/22. We improved the important article about sexual and gender issues related to development. For details, read Development And Sexuality.
12/21/22. Yesterday's post about using more coffee for enemas was confusing because earlier I had warned that there was a toxicity problem with coffee and to limit the number of coffee enemas.
I apologize – I am told that there have been efforts to clean up the coffee so that it is no longer toxic. Therefore, it should be possible to use more of it.
12/20/22. We recommend using two tablespoons of coffee per enema if you boil or pressure cook the coffee or three tablespoons of coffee per enema if you use a coffee maker.
However, we are experimenting with taking up to six enemas daily. This means using 18 or so tablespoons of coffee daily. It is working – causing faster development, more rewind, and offering more protection against the rogues.
This is not new. Dr. Max Gerson, MD used up to 18 tablespoons a day of coffee for enemas and used a coffeemaker to prepare it. In the coffee enema article, we say this is too much, but we see that we were incorrect. This much coffee is okay and indeed offers some benefits.
We will continue to report on the use of more coffee for enemas. If you have tried more coffee, please let us know the results.
12/19/22. We keep writing about the use of coffee enemas because, in our experience, all the bodies today are extremely toxic.
This vital fact is totally overlooked by most medical and often also natural healing personnel today. Sadly, most of their methods such as the use of drugs, surgery, herbs, homeopathy and chelators make the toxicity problem even worse!
Coffee also offers special nutrients and other qualities that protect one from harm and move a person ahead with development in a most wonderful way.
Cleaning enema equipment. Spraying enema tubing and the enema bag or bucket with plain white vinegar is a simple and effective method to keep them clean. A little vinegar can also be put into the enema tube to keep it clean on the inside. Leave the vinegar on and inside the enema bag and tube overnight to clean up the equipment.
By the way, cleaning up a latex enema tube is easier than cleaning up a plastic enema tube. The reason is that the latex tube is very soft and can easily by squeezed all along its length. When one does this, coffee residue often comes out of the tube easily.
However, one can the same method to clean the inside of plastic tubing that comes with many enema kits. The plastic tube just does not clean up quite as easily as does the latex tube.
Vinegar does not completely get rid of the oily residue of coffee, so it is still necessary to wipe equipment with a paper towel or use some soap, at times. However, vinegar is an excellent cleanser.
12/19/22. This is an addition to yesterday's message about the very unusual science of rewind. I am told that certain foods we strongly suggest everyone eat help the process of reversing and undoing traumas and other damage to the body.
These foods are plenty of cooked vegetables with each meal and having a few blue corn tortilla chips with each meal. Coffee used in enemas also help. We updated the rewind science article with this information. For more details, read Rewind Science.
12/19/22. We improved a basic physics article on the website about the ether concept. This directly relates to your diet, your lifestyle and your health. We changed the title from the Ether Theory to the Ether Concept because it is not a theory! For details, read The Ether Concept.
12/19/22. This is another unusual post about our planet. I am told that the earth and the entire solar system continue to move 'upward' through space.
I am also told that space is an enormous fine matter living creature within which we live. Moving upward means moving from the feet toward the head of this being. The living quality of space is called the biological concept of creation.
The goal is to find a safer area with less rogue infiltration. This group of beings have more difficulty functioning as one moves higher through space.
Movement is accomplished by the efforts of several large fine matter beings who fly around in space using a power unit located in the middle of their chest. This is a feature of all fine matter beings.
Angels and the shield. I am also told that at this time there is an effort to restore the shield that should protect the earth from outside invasion. The shield was breached and seriously damaged many years ago by the same group, the rogues.
Thousands of fine matter creatures who have the angel type of fine matter body are participating in this effort. Rebuilding the shield so far has not been easy.
12/18/22. Today begins the Hebrew holiday of Hanukah. There is a story of the holiday, but I am told that there is a little more to it. I am told it celebrates the use of a very unusual time reversal technology called rewind science.
The Bible story about this holiday makes no mention of rewinding. However, rewind science was used in the battle related to this holiday. The people rejoiced because many fallen warriors were brought back to life.
This was needed to keep the Hebrew people alive. Without it, we would not have Western civilization, or Christianity, or many other good things in our world.
For an introduction to rewinding, read Rewind Science. We just updated and improved this very important article.
12/17/22. I am told that the forces defending the earth have just found two beings locked in a prison in space whom the Native people of the world say are called grandfather and grandmother.
This is considered an excellent sign in the Native culture. Native people around the world hold these beings in the highest regard. They have not been seen for thousands of years and some said they had been killed.
The grandfather/grandmother are very large fine matter beings. They are almost as large as the earth. They are multi-colored creatures, which the Native people say is significant.
They help our planet in many ways, from protection to assisting all people on earth. The Native people say their return is very positive for the earth.
Teaching of the grandfather/grandmother. They say it is time for all the people of the earth to live correctly as sacred beings on a sacred planet. Not doing so caused all the problems on earth and in space, and it cannot continue without risking destruction of our planet.
They also say that the quality of most food on the planet is poor and this is an enormous problem. Everyone must stop eating the refined foods such as white flour, white sugar, white rice and table salt. These foods are damaging all of the bodies and causing shortened lives.
They also say that the practice of having slaves is completely wrong for the earth and needs to stop. While it has stopped in the Western world, it is still going on in parts of Africa and Asia.
They also tell us that women need to be revered and rape must be punished by death. The rapes of the women by the Rogue men need to be exposed and stopped at once. We know this is difficult, but very important.
We hope to report much more of the teachings of grandfather/grandmother in the future.
12/16/22. An Amendment to the American national Constitution has been proposed that would guarantee medical freedom. We urge you to support it and bring it to the attention of your state and national representatives.
It includes the right to choose the type of health care one wishes, the right to medical privacy, and the right to informed consent regarding all health procedures.
It is designed to prevent another disaster like the recent response to the Wuhan flu. The government lied to the people, pressured them into taking toxic experimental “vaccines”, tried to set up 'vaccine passports', and attempted to silence physicians and others who expressed opposing viewpoints.
In addition, state governors used illegal “emergency powers” to take away the right to assemble and the right to worship freely. They also violated the right to contract freely by shutting down and thus ruining thousands of businesses without properly compensating the owners.
Here is the proposed Amendment: "All people have the Right to secure their Health in the manner they choose. Congress, the President, State Legislatures and Executives, Governmental Agencies or Departments shall make no law or executive order that impedes the Individual's rights to informed consent nor right to medical choice nor freedom of medical choice. Nor shall the President, Congress, State Legislatures and Executives, Governmental Agencies or Departments make any law or executive order that impedes the Individual's right to medical privacy and freedom without individual and specific judicial warrant supported by Oath and affirmation of necessary cause to protect Society from Harm describing the Individual's condition and danger it presents."
We view the proposed medical freedom Amendment as a good first step. However, we think the Amendment should begin with the word Citizens, not people. In law, the words person and people mean corporations and trusts.
We also suggest more clearly listing the provisions: 1) freedom of choice in health care, 2) right to informed consent, 3) no forced medical procedures, and 4) the right to medical privacy between physician and client.
We think it should also say, or a separate Amendment needs to say: The rights of the Citizen's shall not be violated under any circumstances, including due to any so-called emergency. For more details and to support the Amendment, visit
12/15/22. Dr. Mercola just ran an article claiming there is widespread copper deficiency. We find this advice wrong and dangerous. The situation is not so simple.
Some people need to take a little bioavailable copper. This applies specifically to fast oxidizers and those with a low tissue sodium/potassium ratio.
However, in our experience, which is much more extensive than most others, most people have much too much copper in their bodies. For most people, taking more copper is not a good idea. In fact, it makes them worse.
What is needed is not more copper, which is widely available in some foods. The need is to make copper more bioavailable by improving the activity of the adrenal glands.
Then the symptoms of copper imbalance including anemia, yeast problems, premenstrual syndrome, headaches, skin rashes, adhesions, gas and bloating, lack of hunger, depression, insomnia, mind racing, panic attacks, anxiety, scoliosis and more go away. For details, read Copper And Copper Imbalance.
12/15/22. I am told that many more fine matter birds are being released from prisons in space and are returning to the earth. I am told this is very positive for our planet, although most people cannot see them.
Projects. Fine matter birds help with many problems on earth. Among their current projects are stopping rapes of women, assisting children on earth, ridding the planet of poisons, teaching one universal language to all human beings, stopping the Ukraine war, cleaning up the food supply, and correcting certain factual errors in our religions.
Birds are a very common category of fine matter beings in the universe. Thousands of types exist. They are of all sizes and shapes.
Each one has a role to play on the earth or in space around the earth. They help out with many activities from defense of the planet to assisting plants and animals, to communication.
All the birds have a keen sense of smell. Oddly, many communicate with each other telepathically using a language that is similar to modern English.
Many fine matter birds were taken away from the earth by the alien group we call the rogues. Some were taken thousands of years ago and others more recently. The forces defending the earth recently found some and are bringing them back to the earth.
Most are very weak because they were starved and beaten, so their rehabilitation will be somewhat slow. If they are able to stay alive and improve their health, we expect improvements to occur on earth. A few types of fine matter birds are:
Majestics. These are larger birds whose main job is to defend the planet.
Mentors. These birds do a lot of teaching of other creatures, including human beings.
Phenix (pronounced like the city of Phoenix, Arizona, USA). These are somewhat larger birds that have excellent vision and are part of the defense system of the earth.
Warbirds. These are much larger, fighting birds that do not live on earth. There should be millions of them patrolling space and keeping order. Most have been killed or locked up. Forces helping the earth recently found a few hundred who are being rehabilitated at this time.
12/14/22. This is a controversial topic because while it is well-known that angels exist, some are not beneficial. Therefore, one must exercise caution in regard to them.
An angel is a type of fine matter creature that has two lungs, two kidneys, one heart and looks somewhat like a human being. However, the legs are shorter and the head is often larger in relation to the rest of the body. For more details about fine matter bodies, read Bodies, Their Structure And Activities.
Types. There are two basic types of angels. Real angels are old, well-developed beings, at least 50,000 years old. They have many jobs or roles on and around our planet and other planets, as well. They are regulators, defenders, communicators and more.
Fake or false angels are beings who have lived a long time, but who are not developed. The only reason they survived was that they uses an electronic life machine that keeps the body going. They are controlled by the rogues and do a lot of damage.
Angles can be of all sizes - from tiny to enormous. The largest are larger than the earth and can only live in space. As with most fine matter creatures, angels can live a very long time – up to millions of years.
Return of the angels. The alien group we call the rogues do not like real angels because they are highly advanced spiritual beings. Many years ago, the rogues gathered up many real angels and locked them in prisons in space.
At this time, some of these angels are being returned here. We believe this will be positive for our planet.
Messages from the returning angels. Angels who are returning to our planet say the planet is not at all as it is supposed to be. They say it is a holy or sacred planet and that the human beings need to live a more spiritual and holy life.
They say we waste most of our time in pursuits that do not lead to a better life. Most everyone also eats incorrectly and very few develop themselves. The latter is very necessary at this time. They say they will help and are beginning to help change this situation. As we learn more about them, we will report on this interesting subject.
12/13/22. We have already written that it is best not to use organically grown coffee for enemas or drinking because the rogues poison it. They don't want us to have clean, high quality food.
We are now learning that they are poisoning all the coffee on the planet to some degree. They simply spray the fields from ships overhead.
This is beginning to affect some people. The coffee in the form of an enema is still very valuable. However, at this time we must recommend that you do no more than two coffee enemas daily.
12/12/22. We wrote a short article about types of stressors that we all deal with each day. They are arranged according to the 7 system. For details, read Stress – 1 Through 7.
12/12/22. We corrected and updated a short, interesting article about how one can understand God in terms of the 7 system. For details, read Seven Levels Or Understandings Of God.
12/11/22. This message is critical reminder to stay far away from the sauna bulbs sold by SaunaSpace, Rubylux and Thera. We found they actually give off some ionizing radiation. This is extremely dangerous and these bulbs should not be sold. Ionizing radiation cannot be felt, but it causes radiation sickness that shortens your life. It is quite an outrage!
It might seem impossible that this could be true. However, in reality it is not difficult to put a small device inside the bulb that produces some radiation when the bulb is turned on. Beware!!! For more details, read Where To Buy A Sauna and the newly updated article, Sauna Therapy.
12/11/22. If you have benefitted from the development program, or our free email support program, or the articles on this website, or this newsletter, please donate to The Center For Development.
The Center For Development has as its main activity to assist children and young women to pay for the development program who cannot afford it. We check recipients to make sure they need the assistance.
I have told some of you that the income of our foundation was reduced by two-thirds to three-quarters last year and has remained low this year. I live on social security income and a small inheritance and take no salary or income from the healing work. However, the work of the foundation is very important and needs your help this Christmas season. Thank you in advance! Click here to donate.
12/11/22. A very simple way to feel much better each day is to do hand reflexology one to three times daily. The hands have a wonderful reflex system that is easy to access yet very powerful to balance and heal the body.
Even better, you can do the procedure while resting in bed, sitting and reading, watching television, speaking on the phone (provided you don't need to hold the phone), or even during a meal in between courses. I often use this procedure during a meal if I have some discomfort from overeating, for example. It usually works!
The procedure. The procedure, press deeply into all parts of each hand. You might begin with the palm. Move across and down the palm.
Then go to the fingers and press all around each finger. Be sure to do the finger tips and base of the fingers.
Then move to the back of the hand, which has the reflexes for the energy centers and energy meridians, among many things. Spend a little more time on any area that is tender or painful.
Then switch hands and do the same on the other hand. It is possible to overtreat with reflexology, so limit the duration of a session to a total of about two to three minutes on each hand.
This is somewhat different that reflexology on the feet. There a reflexology session can last longer – up to an hour for a general session with spot therapy, as well. For more details, read Foot And Hand Reflexology For Healing.
12/10/22. One of the main reasons to follow the development program is to receive help from guide creatures. These are very advanced fine matter creatures who arrange themselves around the body and assist healing.
I am told they are helping some of our clients in amazing ways. The most important requirement to receive help seems to be to follow the development program as well as you can.
We believe a few of the guide creatures are described in the Bible in Ezekiel 1, also called the vision of Ezekiel. For details, read The Controllers And Other Guide Creatures.
12/9/22. Muscle cramps are a common symptom, and one that can occur during the development program. Common causes are:
- A need for water. If you are already drinking 2-3 quarts or liters of water daily, it is possible that the water you are drinking is not hydrating you adequately and you need to switch to a different brand or kind of water. For details, read Water For Drinking.
- Imbalance involving calcium, magnesium, or potassium. This usually won't happen if you are eating a lot of cooked vegetables and drinking enough water. However, now and then can occur. We don't recommend drinks like Gatorade, which are mostly sugar. Eating correctly and drinking enough water usually corrects the problem.
- Impaired circulation. This can occur from lying in a position that cuts off your circulation or it could possibly occur due to very tight clothing. It could be due to other causes, such as an injury or a blood clot blocking an artery.
- During the development program, a release of toxins from the legs, for example, can cause muscle cramps. This is somewhat common and goes away on its own when the toxin elimination is over.
- Chest pain. Especially during the development program, this is usually due to muscle cramps in the small muscles between your ribs. It can be scary because it can feel like a heart attack, but it is benign. It is called chest wall pain and it is easy to test yourself for it.
For more details, read Muscle Cramps, Leg Cramps and Chest Wall Pain.
12/8/22. December 7 is an important day in world history. On December 7, 1941, 81 years ago, the Japanese attacked the American naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. It surprised the Americans and caused many deaths.
It caused America to enter World War II on the side of Great Britain, France and many other European nations and against Germany and Japan. America had already been helping the European nations with supplies, but had not formally declared war.
The dictatorship nations of Germany, Japan and Italy were called the axis powers and the Americans, British, French and other European nations were called the allies.
Winning that war kept democracy and the free enterprise economic system alive. If the other side had won, we would all be under Nazi rulership with their concentration camps and many other horrors.
Importance today. This date is important because we may be watching the beginning of another world war in Ukraine. This time the aggressor nations are communist dictatorships Russia, China and Iran.
Once again, America has so far not become too deeply involved. In fact, the American president tends to side with Russia, although he doesn't admit it. It may take an attack on American soil to convince people that this war needs to be stopped, as well. Life in Russia and China is as bad or worse for the people as it was in Germany or Japan.
A problem for America today that was not as bad 81 years ago is that the elections are completely rigged. As a result, electing honest and competent leaders is near impossible. Most people believe that Joe Biden cheated to win the 2020 election for president and that the Democrats cheated to win control of the Congress in 2020.
Over 100 lawsuits were filed about cheating on elections in 2020 and 2022. They were all basically ignored, a complete violation of our laws. As a result, the cheating continues. We pray that this situation soon changes.
12/8/22. In order to handle world events and sometimes personal events, as well, an old suggestion is to become emotionally detached. The Bible states, “Be in the world, but not of it”. One of my teachers, Bernard Jensen, said “Wear the world like a loose coat”.
The copper connection. If one does not detach emotionally from the world, copper tends to accumulate in the body. It has a similar effect, although it is an unhealthy effect. It is sometimes called being spacy. In more modern medical jargon it is called derealization/depersonalization.
The development program. The development program helps one to become stronger and more centered and grounded. This helps one to detach emotionally.
The pulling down procedure, in particular, move energy correctly through the body and has a powerful centering effect.
Life gets much better when the central channel or conception vessel opens. This is a milestone of early development that makes a person more centered in oneself and less influenced by events around oneself.
I learned about this about 40 years ago. It is one reason I followed the program and learned the pulling down procedure, and have kept doing it for years. For details, read The Pulling Down Procedure, Introduction To The Development Program and Introduction To Development.
12/7/22. A theme of this newsletter is to discuss in a scientific way the idea of fine matter beings. The concept is found in the Bible and elsewhere in discussions of souls and angels, for example. However, most sources provide few details.
During the past week, I am told that a group of fine matter birds were found imprisoned in space. Some are from the earth and they are slowly being returned here.
Fine matter means the bodies are made of a very light weight type of matter that is much less dense than our bodies. For this reason, most people cannot see them.
Yet there are trillions of these creatures on earth. They actually run the planet. Some people call them elementals. They would like to tell everyone a little about themselves:
“We are a group of at least 10 million fine matter creatures who belong on earth. We were taken from this planet at least 10,000 years ago by the group called the Rogues. They do not like us because we help keep the planet clean and habitable.
Description. We are about the same size as an adult human, or perhaps a little larger. The body is an angelic type, which means it has two lungs, one heart and two kidneys. We give birth through live birth and we nurse our young.
Work. Our work is to assist a large group of fine matter and coarse matter creatures who live on earth who take care of the planet. Each of us is assigned to an area of the earth, where we tend to remain and where we are happiest.
Twins. Each of us has a twin, which is another bird whose main soul was born together with and at the same time as ours. This is called a soul twin and we like being with this one. We were scattered in space, so not all of us are with our twin.
A holy planet. The earth is supposed to be a communication center within the body of a much larger fine matter being. This being lives in space and is literally our creator. However, the earth was taken from its correct location and filthed up so that it does not currently perform its role.
Coffee. We have learned that coffee is a special herb that is needed at this time to help clean up the bodies on earth. That is why this newsletter mentions them so often.
We know the coffee enemas are somewhat messy, but please do them each day and you will feel the effects in better health and clearer thinking. To be continued ...
12/6/22. A problem for many of our clients is that their digestion is very weak. As a result, no matter how well they eat, healing is slow because the body does not digest and absorb food well.
A solution that is messy, but effective is to rub food items on the skin for a while until digestion improves. Many nutrients can be absorbed through the skin.
For example, one can cook vegetables and then put them through a blender or champion juicer to make a paste. One can add ground meat, such as ground turkey or ground lamb.
Hints: #1. Mix the food with a little oil or butter. This helps absorption.
#2. You need not rub the food all over the body. You can just use it on the legs, for example.
#3. We are not sure how long the food needs to remain on the body. We say one hour in the kelp body procedure article, but this much time may not be needed.
We are researching this and will report upon it as we learn more. If you try it, let us know the results. What we do know is that it is a very rapid and effective way to renourish the body. For details, read The Kelp Body Procedure.
Intravenous feeding. Some medical and natural practitioners offer intravenous feeding. This is less messy but we don't like bypassing the body's natural mechanisms for balancing nutrients, so we do not favor this method. For more details, read Intravenous Nutrient Therapy.
12/6/22. By far, the most common cause of anemia today is a copper imbalance. The development program is one of the few ways to correct it.
Unfortunately, most physicians do not know about copper anemia. Even if they do, most do not know how to correct it.
With copper anemia, blood tests indicate a microcytic, microchromic anemia. This is identical to anemia from iron deficiency, so it is very confusing.
We wrote about this important topic in a post on 9/14/22. Here are a few more details:
How to tell if you have copper anemia. Often, answering a few simple questions is helpful. These are:
1. Do you eat 5 ounces of red meat at least twice a week and do you eat 3 or more eggs per week? If the answer is yes, you probably are getting enough iron.
2. Do you have very heavy menstrual periods? If you do, you could be low in iron. If not, most likely your anemia is not due to low iron, especially if you eat some red meat and eggs.
3. Have you tried taking iron pills? If so, and if they did not work, most likely your anemia is due to copper imbalance.
One needs to follow the development program for at least six months and perhaps a year or longer to restore the copper balance and end the anemia. For details, read Copper And Copper Imbalance, Anemia and Migraine Headaches And Copper – A Case History.
12/5/22. A large part of what occurs on the development program is a deep cleansing of the body. One reason we emphasize the use of proper diet, only certain supplements, coffee enemas, and the other healing procedures is that they are needed today for deep cleansing of the body.
We suggest strictly avoiding some other popular cleansing methods such as fasting, most herbs, chelation therapy and homeopathic remedies. We find these harmful and less effective. For details, read Fasting, Herbs, Chelation Therapy and Homeopathy.
Deep cleansing is not so simple. The development program uses over 20 methods at the same time to achieve it. For details read Toxic Metals and Detoxification.
Deep cleansing occurs slowly, at first, because the organs of elimination do not work well on most people. As a result, it requires years of following the development program. It needs to occur on many levels:
- Removal of toxic metals and toxic chemicals. Our planet is polluted. As a result, our food, air and water contain many toxins. This includes several thousand chemicals that are allowed to be added to our food.
Most everyone also needs to remove residues of medical prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs and perhaps recreational drugs.
Most people also have autointoxication. This is the production of toxic chemicals inside the body, some of which are extremely poisonous. Most of this occurs in the digestive tract and these toxins also need to be removed.
- Removal of many infections. These include dozens of bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic infections that most people have. Many of these are chronic and most people don't even realize they are present.
- Removal of emotional and mental toxins. These are also very common. Superior health requires making these toxic thoughts and feelings conscious and then letting them go, replacing them with more wholesome thoughts.
- Removal of memories and traumas related to relationships and interactions with other people.
- Removal of electronic implants and other devices from the body. Everyone has these today due to the rogue presence on earth. For details, read Implants.
- Removal of more subtle toxins such as curses, shapes and other forms of witchcraft. Everyone has these, also due to the presence of the rogues. Coffee enemas are one of the few ways to slowly remove them.
12/4/22. It is becoming easier to ask for guidance from the Father In Heaven. To do so, become quiet, sit with your back straight, pull or push energy downward from your head to your feet, and ask the Father In Heaven a simple question about what you want to know.
Then you must wait! The answer is not immediate. If you get an immediate answer, it is usually wrong. There is a checking process.
After at least 5 seconds and perhaps much longer, you will often hear a simple answer.
Tips. Asking simple yes or no questions is often best, but not necessary. Also, I always ask a number of times because there is often a lot of interference with guidance.
Also, following the development program is necessary for good guidance. Otherwise, the brain is too toxic and depleted.
12/4/22. The correct amount of the Epic Sriracha food bar is about ONE BITE PER DAY FOR ADULTS AND LESS FOR CHILDREN. Do not eat more than this! Never eat a whole food bar at a time. We are still researching this interesting new food for development.
12/4/22. There are three basic levels of healing. It is very important to understand this and the differences between them. It is also critical to understand that these methods exist on earth for specific reasons that the current rulers of the planet understand and want.
1. Suppressive. This is the level at which most of the medical and veterinary systems operates. It consists of the use of often patented toxic chemical substances, radiation therapy and surgical operations that mainly suppress symptoms. Once the symptom has been suppressed or 'killed', the person is declared 'cured'.
This system was put into place about 100 years ago in America with the establishment of the state medical licensing laws. In many other nations, it has been in place for much longer.
In our view, overall, this system is quite insane, does not work well, and is extremely costly and stupid. It prevails on earth because those in charge of our planet, the criminal group we call the Rogues, don't want deep, systemic healing of the humans, animals and plants on earth because they would be much more difficult to control.
We never suggest that one not go to a physician. However, most of the time we cannot recommend them or their methods because they tend to be harmful for overall health.
2. Local. This is the level at which most natural healing methods operate. It involves the use of remedies that seem less toxic than the patent remedies often used by medical personnel.
These include a variety of isolated nutrients, foods, herbs, hormone replacement, homeopathic remedies, chelation therapy, intravenous vitamins and some other remedies. These are used to alleviate symptoms, often by suppression but in a less toxic way. We do not recommend these!
Some of the so-called natural methods are somewhat less harmful, but still not very good and we cannot recommend most of them. Also, today the natural healing and most of the naturopathic professions have been taken over by the rogues and the practitioners are not who they seem. Visiting them can be quite dangerous.
3. Systemic. This is the level at which the development program operates. It does not primarily involve remedies and is not focused on relieving or 'curing' symptoms.
Instead, the focus is on the process we call development. This concept and how to do it has been understood by a few people on earth for thousands of years. However, it is not currently taught much because those in charge of the planet do not want it.
Also, the rogues have infiltrated this group of healers. As a result, many who offer holistic, integrated, or nutritional balancing are malicious and intentionally don't do it correctly.
It is a life path that mainly requires a special diet, lots of rest, about eight nutritional supplements and certain whole-system healing procedures.
Cleansing. Equally important is to avoid toxic exposures, most foods, most remedies and many so-called healing procedures such as fasting and the procedures discussed in the section above.
Nutritional restoration and balancing. It also involves the use of tissue mineral testing and a particular method of interpreting the test and balancing the levels and ratios of the tissue minerals.
When one does this, it activates a set of genes that toughen the body, heal most symptoms, and extend the lifespan. For details, read Introduction To Development and Introduction To The Development Program.
Implications. It is imperative to decide which method of healing you want and not to mix these up. Our clients mix them up often and it slows of stops development.
12/4/22. A recent incident convinces us that the veterinary profession has been infiltrated by the group we call the rogues. As a result, visiting them can be very dangerous for the health of your pets. We recommend generally avoiding veterinarians. Instead, put animals on the development program.
Animals will go through healing reactions that may be unpleasant, but they are part of deep healing . If one understands them, they need not be a concern.
12/3/22. Phoenix birds. I am told that as of today, some of the defenders of the earth are phoenix birds. These are spoken of in Greek Mythology and elsewhere, even in some Christian texts. I am told they are real and are fierce fighters for peace and justice.
I am told that phoenix birds are fine matter creatures, so we cannot see them. They are about 50 feet long with large claws.
The word phoenix means a purplish color. They are also often drawn with a halo around their head, indicating their spiritual nature. They have to do with renewal, resurrection, love and integrity. They appear at the end of an era on earth.
I am told that several thousand of them are now helping our planet. They can help clear the earth of the rapists, murderers and liars that are running many governments, companies, and other activities on our planet.
12/3/22. We recently had several cases of people on the development program who developed hemorrhoids. In each case, the person ate some fried or roasted food and this seemed to cause the problem.
Even too many blue corn chips could be a problem because too many can irritate the liver. Also, always be sure that blue corn chips, which are a wonderful development food, are not right at or past their expiration date. Supermarkets are not always careful about this and expired chips could contain rancid oil that irritates the liver.
12/3/22. One of our clients developed severe menstrual bleeding that did not stop for weeks after a shot of cortisone. This has occurred in others, as well. Beware that this is a dangerous drug.
12/3/22. We cleaned up and improved the article about digestive aids and the article about hemorrhoids. For details, read GB-3 And Other Digestive Aids and Hemorrhoids.
12/2/22. Reflexology is one of the basic healing and development procedures that is part of every development program. It is very wonderful and powerful, yet quite safe and easy to do.
Reflexology consists of pressing or tapping on various parts of the feet and hands. This improves the flow of subtle energy through the body. It is a very precise and effective method of healing.
The channel system. Reflexology works because it helps clear and heal the body's subtle energy channels. These run vertically through the body from the head to the feet. In acupuncture, they are called the meridians.
Everyone is born with some of these channels poorly developed, blocked, clogged or otherwise damaged. Healing the energy channels and increasing the flow of subtle energy or ether through them is an excellent way to improve one's health.
Types of sessions. One can do a general reflexology session in which one presses on or taps all parts of the foot or hand. The other option is spot therapy. This consists of just working on a particular area of the body such as the thyroid gland or liver.
Dramatic examples. #1. One night a friend called me at 1 AM and asked that I take him to the hospital. He was having severe abdominal pain. I dressed and drove to his apartment. We were about to leave for the hospital but I said let me try reflexology first. After about 10 minutes of a general session plus spot therapy on the abdomen, my friend realized he had food poisoning. He got up, threw up, and it was over.
Example #2. One day I attended a class. The woman sitting next to me suddenly fell on the floor, writhing in pain. She said it was her back, which went out of alignment at times. I reached down, pulled off one of her shoes, and started pressing on the spine area of her foot. Within five minutes, she was out of pain and feeling fine. She was amazed and said usually her back required several visits to a chiropractor to restore it to alignment.
Recommendations. We suggest doing a general reflexology session each day. You can do more if you have particular health condition or other symptoms.
You can press on the reflexes with your fingers. You can also use a foot roller or other reflexology tools to work on the feet or hands. Some practitioners also offer professional reflexology sessions.
Is there danger? Reflexology is very safe. However, it is possible to overtreat. Guidelines are that a general reflexology session can lasts for up to an hour.
For spot therapy it is best not to work on one spot on your feet or hands for more than about five minutes at a time. Then wait an hour before doing it again.
12/1/22. The First Commandment given to Moses was “I am the Lord, Thy God.” This is the idea that indeed there is a God.
I am of the view that if you don't believe in God, it is because you are brainwashed. The solution is to brainwash yourself again but do it correctly – that yes, there is a being who is in charge of our lives and there is a divine order to life.
You shall have no other Gods before me. The Second Commandment is one of the most difficult to keep. It can be stated as “You shall have no other Gods before me.”
The problem is that it is easy to place something or someone else first in your life above God and doing the Will of God. For example, it can seem correct to place your health or your work first (level 1), or your enjoyment or emotions first (level 2), or your reputation first (level 3), or friendship first (level 4), or your family first (level 5), or a belief or ideology first (level 6).
Temptations. All the above are temptations to violate the Second Commandment.
Fear. A common error is to place the emotion of fear (level 2) first in your life and to live from this perspective. One of my teachers said, “Many people are willing to give up their donuts, but few are willing to let go of their fear.”
Seek first the Kingdom of Heaven and all else shall be added to it. - Matthew 6:33. This statement is another way to express the Second Commandment. It is a reminder that if you want your health, prosperity, enjoyment, control over life, friends, family, and a satisfying intellectual life, place God and doing the Will of God first and the rest will be added.
Does this mean one should neglect other aspects of life? Definitely not. However, it means that one needs to place seeking truth and doing the Will of the Creator first. Then the rest of your life will fall into place.
Mysteriously, you will be taken cared for. You may not have all that your ego wants, and the timing may not match your view of how things should unfold. That is because we may not really know what we need and God does not necessarily work on our schedule or timing.
Integrity. Following the Second Commandment is the secret to living a life of integrity. Integrity means that all aspects of your life line up together and work together harmoniously. This can only occur when you place God first. Please think about this a lot each day.
11/30/22. We have written previously that our planet and solar system are on a journey through space (see the post of 11/27/22). Today I am told that our planet has crossed into a different realm or area within space. I am told it is better. However, it requires a change in the bodies and that this is going on at this time.
This change may cause fatigue for some people. This is nothing to worry about and it will pass. As I learn more, I will write more about this transition.
11/29/22. We find that doing daily coffee enemas is extremely helpful for one's health. Doing two or more daily also gives anyone much greater protection from rapes and many other problems having to do with the group we call the rogues.
While it may sound unusual, we find it is best not to use organically grown coffee for coffee enemas. The reason is the rogues tend to poison it more than they poison standard commercial coffee.
11/29/22. We find that shining a reddish lamp on coffee for about five minutes just before using it for a coffee enema helps it work better. Please try this addition to the coffee enema procedure. For details, read Coffee Enemas.
11/28/22. A deep teaching is that each of us is the love of the Creator in physical form.
What does this mean? It means that our true role is to be the love that we are. In other words, as we act out our roles during the day, we should do everything with love. As we do this, we will feel better because we are acting from our true nature.
How to love yourself. An important person to love always is yourself. This is sometimes difficult because the body may be old, deformed, beaten or otherwise damaged. However, even in these instances, one is to love the body and use it to express love as best one can.
How to love others. This requires always being a protector of others. A protector is one who always has the other person's best interests in mind. It means never to take advantage of another in a sexual way, a financial way, or any other way.
This is a tall order because selfishness is rampant today. The Bible can help because it teaches the Golden Rule – do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
This simple rule has large implications. It is always worth saying to yourself, “How would I behave if I were the other person, or if the situation were reversed?”.
The answer is usually not flattering. It is to look out for the interests of others in all cases and make sure your behavior comes from integrity, honesty and sincerity. Such thinking would revolutionize the world!
11/2822. Anemia is a very common health condition. Most often it is due to a copper imbalance. However, this is not known by most physicians.
Physicians often give people iron for anemia when iron is not the solution. Taking iron when it is not needed always makes one's health much worse, so beware.
We updated and improved the article about anemia. For details, read Anemia.
11/27/22. I am told the earth and the solar system are continuing on a journey in which they are moving “upward” through space. This means they are moving higher or toward the head within an enormous fine matter body that lives in space. For details about fine matter, read Bodies – Their Structure And Activities.
Today, I am told, we moved to a safer area of space. This means an area that is less infested with the group we call the Rogues. This is making the journey go faster and it is less hazardous. The higher realm or area is still infiltrated by the rogue presence, but there are fewer of them.
Importance. The journey is important because higher up in space the ether is stronger and purer. This helps all bodies to function better. Some can feel a change in the body and more people will feel it in the future.
The journey is also important because it marks a great change in the earth's healing. It has been difficult, if not impossible, to heal our planet because there were so many of the rogues present. We are hoping that with today's transition there will be fewer of them and the healing of our planet can proceed more quickly.
11/27/22. We made a few corrections to the article about the projection creatures. This is an interesting type of fine matter creature. For details, read The Projection Creatures.
11/26/22. Samantha is 68 years old. When she began the development program her symptoms were hair loss, anxiety, anger, excessive plaque on teeth, osteoporosis, constipation, intestinal gas, frequent infections, fatigue, high cholesterol and insomnia.
Progress on the development program. About three years ago, Samantha found the development program. She has followed the program very faithfully. Slowly, all of her symptoms have improved and most have gone away completely.
Most recent hair analysis. Samantha's most recent retest mineral analysis reveals many joy or development patterns.
NOTE: The following patterns are only valid if one is following the development program with one of our Approved Helpers.
- Coming alive. This is present when all of the first or second four mineral levels increase or remain the same. It indicates better vitality.
- Hill. This pattern is a low calcium/magnesium ratio combined with a high sodium/potassium ratio. It indicates excitement and celebration.
- Forward flip of the Na/K ratio. This is present when the ratio of sodium to potassium increases and changes from too low to normal or high. It indicates an improvement in the electrical balance of the body and more.
- Seven anchor patterns. Anchors are minerals whose level changes little or not at all within certain criteria. They indicate healing of the sulci of the brain.
This is a very positive pattern and difficult to achieve. Rapes and beatings flatten the sulci, so anchor patterns indicate a reversal of these traumas.
- Perking up. This pattern is present when the phosphorus level increases on a retest. In this case, it rose 2 mg%. It indicates improved biosynthesis, which is the production of all the chemicals the body needs to operate and maintain itself. This is an excellent pattern and a necessary step for deep healing and development.
- Everything Coming Out. This pattern is present when at least six mineral levels increase on a retest. It indicates significant detoxification, and is another excellent pattern. Samantha had 10 minerals coming out, which is very good.
- A huge copper elimination. The copper level on this retest increased by a factor of 12. Copper toxicity is common and associated with hair loss, osteoporosis, insomnia, fatigue, anxiety and other symptoms. A rise in the copper level of this size indicates a significant elimination of copper from the body.
- New person pattern. The combination of the above patterns is called a new person pattern. This is a term used by the souls and means a significant improvement in overall health.
Cancer. We find that most people over age 40, and often younger, have some cancer in the body. The bodies are so malnourished and toxic today that we find many children have some cancer, as well.
Usually, it goes undiagnosed until it has been there for at least 10 years. Having root canal-filled teeth makes it worse, as does radiation exposure, hurried lifestyles, and improper diets.
The development program helps reduce the amount of cancer. I am told that Semantha's cancer level is much less than it was three years ago. Copper toxicity, other toxic metals in the body, and a low sodium/potassium ratio are all associated with the presence of cancer. For details, read Cancer And Alternative Therapies.
11/26/22. We updated and improved two articles. For details, read Down Walking and Massage.
11/25/22. This post is somewhat esoteric, but quite interesting. The process called development is associated with certain movements of subtle energy. To develop quickly, it helps to visualize all of the movements.
We mostly focus on moving subtle energy downward from the head to the feet because this is often the most difficult and most important of the movements. However, all the movements are important.
The marlin. On November 4, 2022 I wrote about a new visualization that I am using to do the pulling down procedure. It is to visualize being pulled through the water feet first by a large fighting fish such as a marlin.
I clarified and improved the post about the marlin of November 4, 2022. Click here to read this post.
Many movements of development. I realized the reason this visualization may work well is that it moves subtle energy not just downward, but it can also move subtle energy 1) inward, 2) spin right, 3) relax, 4) back and forth wobble, 5) impact, and 6) up and down wobble. These are the other basic movements associated with development.
For details about these movements, read The Seven Movements Of Development.
NOTE: For this visualization to work, one cannot focus on the feeling on one's skin of being pulled through the water. One must focus only on a very thin fishing line that pulls on the feet and also pulls down between your legs. This creates a vacuum that pulls subtle energy downward from your head to your feet.
11/24/22. We recently found a new food that is helping move people along the path of healing and development. It is an ancient preparation of ground chicken mixed with sriracha sauce (a spicy Thai sauce).
The company that makes it is Epic, who just calls it Chicken Sriracha. It looks like a protein bar and is not expensive. It will keep for a while in the refrigerator.
Where to buy it. Some health food stores sell it and it is available from at
How much. At this time, we recommend eating just one small bite of this food bar each day. It is easy to slide the bar out of its wrapper, take a bite, and replace the bar in its plastic wrapper.
It is spicy and tasty, so don't overdo! We will be researching it more and we plan to update this recommendation in the future.
11/24/22. Children and adults often wrongly learn that Thanksgiving is a harvest festival that the early settlers of America celebrated with the Native people who lived near them.
This is not true. In fact, thanksgiving celebrates the idea of private property and free market economics. The true story is that in the colony of Jamestown, the founders first set up a system of communal ownership of the land. Everyone was supposed to help out tending the land and growing the crops.
The system did not work. What happened is that some were lazy and did little work. People also argued about which crops to plant and there was much discord and strife. As a result, for several years the people went hungry and the communal system nearly destroyed the colony.
Finally, they decided on a different system. Each family was given a plot of land and it was theirs to do as they wished. If they were lazy or sloppy, they would starve.
We know this system today as free market capitalism or the free enterprise economic system. It worked beautifully. That year there was a bountiful harvest of food and the people held a celebration that we call Thanksgiving.
11/23/22. Many people are quickly forgetting the legal and constitutional horror that occurred during the past two years in America and in other nations. It is critical to recall these legal violations so that it does not happen again.
Some people rightly call the past two years “a dry run for the establishment of the police state”.
People were ordered to stay home, and businesses, schools and churches were shut down, all by “executive order”. People were forced to wear masks and some were forced to take dangerous vaccines to keep their jobs. Thousands lost their businesses and thousands lost their lives due to the vaccines, though this is under-reported.
Most important is that none of this is legal in the United States and some other nations. However, there was very little protest from the legal community or anyone else.
I was particularly disappointed that all the conservative and libertarian organizations I checked, and most conservative commentators, went right along with many of the violations of the law. Let us review the laws:
- Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The Declaration Of Independence uses these words. Liberty and the pursuit of happiness includes leaving your home and conducting a business. This is basic for economic survival, as well.
- The right to speak, worship and assemble. The First Amendment to the national and state constitutions say that no law shall be passed that abridges the right to assemble (to leave your home), the right to speak (includes commercial speech) and the right to worship.
- Power of Congress to intervene in health issues. Article I, Section 8 lists the powers delegated to the national government. Similar sections of the state constitutions list the powers delegated to the states by the people. Getting involved in health care at all is not among them.
- The unconstitutional emergency powers acts. The covid-19 actions were justified under the Emergency Powers Acts. These are laws passed over the past 80 years or so that give the state governors and president dictatorial powers in the event of an emergency. They are thoroughly unconstitutional because there is no basis for them in the constitutions.
They also include presidential executive orders and presidential pardons of criminals. These need to stop, as well.
- The unconstitutional police powers doctrine. The emergency powers acts are based on an older phony legal doctrine called the police powers doctrine. This rogue doctrine arose in the 1800s in America and is also thoroughly anti-constitutional. It is found nowhere in the constitution and directly opposes the constitutions.
- Corrupt judges at all levels. The above is pure corruption of the American legal system. The justices of the Supreme Court and judges in lower courts became corrupt soon after the nation formed and have upheld these unconstitutional laws. This needs to change.
- The rogues. We have to keep repeating that there is a specific group of beings that is not from this planet that is responsible for this. They use very high-tech methods and are very secretive. This is not conspiracy theory or paranoia.
We call them the Rogues on this website. The Bible makes reference to them as Satan, but gives few details about them.
(I am told that the word Satan means full of himself. It is related to our words satiate, sated, saturate, satisfied and satrap. Its opposite is to do the Will of God, which is an emptiness of self or self-will.
This is stated in the Bible as “Of myself, I can do nothing... I seek not my own will, but rather the Will of the Father...” - John 30-32. The Jeshua material says “Empty of self, empty of striving, I am one with God.” The Pulling Down Procedure is this same emptying process, which is why we recommend it.)
- The fully informed jury. There needs to be restoration of a critical legal concept in America called the fully informed jury. It is the concept that a jury of citizens may not only determine innocence or guilt, but also may nullify a bad law. This is very needed today to get rid of thousands of bad laws.
- The right to contract. State constitutions say the government shall pass no law abridging the right to contract. Conducting business is contracting with others and is a right that cannot be taken away unless the business itself is illegal.
- The takings clause. The constitution states that the government may not take the property of the citizens without just compensation. Also, property may only be taken for a public purpose such as a need to build a highway through your property. This is called the concept of eminent domain.
Shutting business and churches is clearly taking the property of the citizens because they cannot make use of the property. Yet there was very little or no compensation given to the business owners and the takings were not for reasons of building a road or something similar.
- The Fourth Amendment and the right to privacy. This has been violated for years in many ways. It became worse in the past two years with talk of 'vaccine passports' and other invasions of personal privacy.
- Forced medical treatment. In America, the government may not force medical treatment on the people. Your right to your property includes a right to protect your body as you see fit.
Yet the govenment did exactly this with vaccine “mandates” for government workers and others. Businesses are not allowed to do this either, but they got away with it and corrupt judges allowed it.
- Dr. Fauci's violations. Dr. Fauci was head of the National Institutes of Health Infectious Disease Division. There are about 27 of these health institutes in America. These institutes are thoroughly unconstitutional since health care is not listed as one of the areas in which the national government may intervene.
Dr. Fauci is not an elected leader or representative of the people, is not accountable to the people, and was not the surgeon-general of the United States (although this may be an illegal position from a constitutional standpoint). Yet the president and media gave him tremendous power.
- Censorship. Meanwhile, opposing views by private physicians and others were either ignored or worse, suppressed. This included the use of simple drugs such as Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, the use of nutrition and nutritional supplements, and opposition to the extremely dangerous covid “vaccines” (which are not vaccines).
The opposition was and is called “covid misinformation” and censorship was used to silence it. Censorship abridges the right to speak freely and needs to be stopped wherever it appears.
- Collusion between the government and big tech such as Google, Facebook, media outlets and more. The government colluded with these businesses to censor and otherwise silence opposition to their policies.
- Mr. Trump's violations. Mr. Trump went along with Dr. Fauci's recommendations and appeared with him on television on many occasions. The president also failed to inform the people of their rights and how they were being violated.
- Mr. Biden no better. The current president is no better and worse in some ways. He also took power while there were numerous pending Supreme Court cases challenging the validity of the 2020 election – an extreme and treasonous violation of the law.
11/22/22. Coffee enemas are extremely important and helpful at this time in history. We cannot say this often enough. Ideally, do two or more each day. Reasons for using them are to:
- Provide nutrients not found in other foods.
- Detoxify the liver, kidneys, heart and brain. This is needed today by everyone in an ongoing fashion thanks to widespread poisoning of our food, water and air.
- Greatly improve the activity of the large intestine. This organ does not function properly in most people and is one of the most diseased organs of the body. This is due to improper diets, stress, traumas and other factors.
- Excellent for the skin and all skin conditions. In part, this is because the body uses the skin for detoxification when the large intestine does not function well. As one heals the colon, the burden upon the skin is less.
- Helpful for pelvic inflammatory disease and pelvic syndrome.
- Helpful for all ovarian, testicular, vaginal and uterine conditions.
- Have an astringent quality that helps heal all the tissues.
- Move subtle energy downward through the body from the head to the feet.
- Make the body more parasympathetic.
- Make the body warmer or more yang.
- Cause rapid development. Along with superior nutrition, lots of rest and the pulling down procedure, coffee enemas are a powerful method for causing a wonderful genetic and energetic shift in the body.
Development used to be known and taught widely and we are bringing back this knowledge of how to dramatically improve health and lengthen the lifespan. For details, read Introduction To Development.
- Contain very smart and very caring souls that do many jobs in the body. For example, they are excellent healers and even are able to remove unusual toxins that everyone has today such as curses and other witchcraft used by the Rogues.
- Contain ferments. These are special organisms that make various nutrients and help the body in many other ways, as well.
- Contain other tiny fine matter creatures who help with healing and detoxification. For example, they help the body to remove toxic iron, toxic manganese, aluminum and many other toxic minerals.
- Help rid the body of infections, cancers, and parasites that most people have and which shorten one's life.
- As a form of psychodrama for problems of the lower body. This is a powerful psychological healing method. For details, read Psychodrama.
- Help rid the body of traumas to the lower body. For details, read Trauma Release.
- Help heal the so-called upper bodies and other subtle anatomy of a person. For details, read The Human Energy Field Or Aura.
- They are the best method we know of to protect oneself against rapes, beatings and other tortures perpetrated the alien group called the rogues, also called Satan in the Bible.
- While it may unusual, use of coffee enemas are assisting our planet at this time. For details, read Coffee Enemas.
11/21/22. Francis is 74 years old. About fifteen years ago she developed a severe thyroid imbalance. Blood tests indicated a very low thyroid condition and she was constantly tired.
It worried her doctor enough that at one point he recommended hospitalization to run more tests and attempt to figure out the cause. However, Francis preferred not to take medication and instead to pursue natural methods of healing.
The development program. About ten years ago, Francis discovered the development program. She began slowly with mainly the diet and supplements. Her living situation prevented her from following the program completely.
Correction has been slow, but is proceeding very nicely without a need for thyroid replacement hormones. In most all cases, the thyroid glands today are depleted of nutrients and toxic with copper, mercury and the iodine antagonists – chlorine, bromine and fluorine. For details, read Thyroid Disease.
A deceptive case. At first glance the most recent mineral test does not look very good. The test reveals a four lows pattern, a bowl pattern and a trauma or death pattern. This would seem to mean the person is quite stuck and in a difficult situation.
Joy or development patterns. However, upon closer examination, Francis has a number of joy patterns. These are indicators of progress and more specifically indicate a degree of development.
Development is an overall toughening and strengthening of the body that involves turning on certain genes that are not usually active. It requires special nutrition and plenty of rest and sleep. For details, read Introduction To Development.
This case emphasizes the need to look for the joy patterns and not simply look at imbalances on tissue mineral retests.
Most recent hair mineral test. Joy or development patterns on this test are:
- Coming alive. This is present when the levels of the first four or second four minerals all increase or remain the same. It indicates an increase in vitality and life force.
- Out of the pit. The test changed from a low four lows pattern with a sodium/potassium ratio of 1 to less of a four lows pattern and a sodium/potassium ratio of 1.67. This may not seem too impressive and visually it is hardly noticeable. However, it is a significant improvement.
- Nine anchor patterns. Anchor patterns are mineral levels that change little or not at all within certain criteria. They indicate deepening of the ridges or sulci of the brain. This results in much better thinking ability. Nine anchor patterns on one retest is excellent and called a wise person pattern.
Traumas such as beatings and rapes flatten the sulci and impair one's ability to think clearly. Impaired cognitive ability is common today and not easy to repair with most healing programs.
Correction occurs easily, however, with the development program. We believe the reason is a combination of 1)deeply renourishing the body with the cooked vegetable diet, 2) detoxification of several dozen toxic metals (not just one or two), 3) making the body warner or more yang in macrobiotic terminology (see Yin Disease) and other effects of the program.
- A three amigo dump. This is an increase in the levels of iron, manganese and aluminum all at the same time. It is an elimination of toxic oxide and carbonate compounds of these minerals.
The oxides and carbonates are in part compensations for an acidic condition of the body. However, they irritate the tissues and are very pro-inflammatory. They cause oxidant damage.
Rather than give a lot of anti-oxidants, the development program is able to actually remove these mineral compounds. People feel much better when they are gone and the body is much healthier. For details, read The Amigos – Iron, Manganese, Aluminum And Others.
- A standard surge. This is an increase in the hair tissue sodium and potassium levels. It is associated with a better energy level and better vitality.
- Everything coming out or all out. This is an increase in the levels of at least six minerals on a retest mineral analysis. If a person is following the development program, this pattern indicates a significant elimination of toxins from the body. It is an excellent detoxification indicator.
NOTE: If a person is not following the development program, none of the patterns on retests are necessarily valid.
- Leaving the cult. This is an elimination of certain toxic metals that are often acquired during traumas such as beatings and rapes. The way it works is that trauma causes a rapid loss of vital minerals from the body. This is part of the fight-or-flight response of the autonomic nervous system.
Then, toxic metals are quickly transferred from the body of a rapist through sweat, saliva and other means and replace the nutrient minerals. As a result, a person feels strangely ill after such a trauma. The cause can only be understood biochemically.
- Maturing. The test indicates the elimination of some of the 'child minerals'. These include toxic potassium, nickel, copper and mercury. These minerals have a curious effect on the brain and tend to keep a person somewhat childish in certain ways such as feeling dependent upon others.
Eliminating of ‘child’ minerals, as occurred on this retest, improves one’s personality and results in feeling more independent and whole. It can occur at any age. Some of our clients who are babies eliminate them by age two. They often announce to their parents that they are no longer babies!
- 'Turning a corner' and 'new person'. These terms indicate significant overall improvements in a person's health and well-being. They are due to a combination of the other patterns above.
11/19/22. One way to understand maturity is that it is living mainly from your seventh energy center and not mainly from any of the lower energy centers - one through six.
What is living from the seventh center? Living from the seventh center is learning to tune into God, the High Self, the souls, the Source or the Creator. From this source of information, one can and will receive guidance as to how to conduct your entire life in the best way possible.
Learning to live this way is not easy. Everyone's seventh energy center is damaged by poor nutrition, toxic metals and toxic chemicals, rogue brain implants, and traumas such as accidents, beatings and rapes.
Living from the other energy centers. Living from the first center is focusing mainly on one's physical life. It is associated with living to make money, to eat food, to exercise or do other physical activities. Many people make this the center of their lives.
Living from the second center has to do with focusing on one's emotions, on sex and on sexual relationships. This is also a common focus of many people.
Living from the third center is focusing on the ego and living in a way that gives one power and control over self and others. Living from the first three centers is very selfish and causes many problems in society.
Living from the fourth energy center is focusing your life on your friendships and family.
Living from the fifth energy center means focusing on life on one's job, career or other work or creative activities.
Living from the sixth energy center is placing one's focus on one's intellectual life and on one's ideology and beliefs. This can include religious beliefs.
Focusing one's life on these lower energy centers may produce a “successful” life in worldly terms, but it does not cause maturity as well as living from the seventh center.
The development program helps undo the damage to the seventh center so that one more easily live from this energy center. The healing procedures done every day such as the Pulling Down Procedure and Coffee Enemas are particularly helpful.
For more details, read Maturity for Women and How To Mature Quickly. We just improved the second article.
11/19/22. Certain toxic metals and toxic forms of nutrient minerals keep a person less mature, and thinking and behaving more like a child. We call these child minerals. This is an important concept in development science and for the health of all societies on earth.
The group we call the rogues or Satan in the Bible want the people of earth to behave like scared, angry and dependent little children. One way they achieve this is to bring to the earth certain toxic metals and toxic forms of nutrient minerals. These minerals affect the personality in specific ways to keep a person immature and childish.
The rogues spread these minerals on the food crops, in the air and in the water supplies. They include copper, mercury, toxic potassium, toxic iron, toxic manganese, aluminum and nickel.
The development program in one of the very few ways we know of to remove these minerals from the body. They are replaced with minerals such as zinc, selenium and better forms of other minerals that produce more mature and more spiritually-minded people. For details, read the updated Child Minerals article.
11/18/22. Back hugs are a method of hugging that is not commonly known. However, it is very effective for healing and development.
Down hugging. One of the most powerful methods of healing and development is down hugging. This is basically a prolonged hug between a man and a woman. Due to the special blending of their energies, this arrangement of the bodies rapidly moves both the man and the woman forward in their healing and development. For details, read Down Hugging and Down Sex.
Back hugging. This is a variant of down hugging. The most common hugging position is to have the front of both bodies facing each other. However, another very powerful type of hug is to have the bodies face the same direction with one body in front of the other. This is called a back hug or a love hug.
Advantages. Advantages of this hugging position are: 1) all of the body organs and their associated energy fields line up perfectly. This does not occur with a front-to-front hug.
2) The back hug position is less sexy. This may be less fun, but it is more relaxing and feels much safer for some people.
3) Back hugging is a more comfortable position for sleeping together. The blending of energies and the healing will occur during sleep.
One can do back hugging while lying down, sitting or standing up. We highly recommend down hugging and back hugging. We will add back hugging to the Down Hugging article.
11/17/22. I prefer to write about the development program – an extremely positive topic. I also enjoy writing about the cleanup of the earth, which I am told is moving ahead at this time. Today's messages are related to maturity and development.
According to the Hebrew calendar, we are nearing the end of an important period of time that the Bible calls the sixth day. It is an important time. For details, read The End Of The Sixth Day.
I am told that deeper causes of problems around the world at this time include apathy, ignorance, cowardice and selfishness or lack of love and gratitude. I am told that these are at the heart of present-day world problems. Correcting them in yourself is most important.
11/17/22. The group we call the rogues remind me of the Biblical “tree of knowledge of good and evil”. The rogues are extremely smart and seem to know a lot about many subjects. This includes how to hurt people with weapons, poisons, beatings, rapes, torture and much more.
The Bible says to stay away from this and to eat only of the “tree of life”. This, to me, is to do the will of the Creator in all things at all times. It is associated with an active seventh energy center.
One might say that this idea conflicts with the post just above that suggests that people suffer because of ignorance, which is lack of knowledge. However, the two are not in conflict. If one tunes in properly, one will be given knowledge when it is needed.
11/17/22. There was massive cheating in the recent American election. We have written before about this problem.
Voting machines and mail-in ballots are invitations to cheating. Lax voter identification, such as requiring only an electric bill in your name, are so easy to fake it is ridiculous.
Also, most women are raped and beaten, and told to vote Democrat or liberal by the group we call the rogues. The rogues control the Democratic Party, which today is a left-wing, communist political party.
We also wrote about how the rogues send in thousands of people to our state who vote in multiple states, a serious violation of our laws. These are just a few methods used to cheat on elections.
In our state, lawsuits were filed regarding the election. According to the law, the election should have been stopped until the cases could all be heard and decided. Instead, the secretary of state just went ahead and certified the election results without waiting for the cases to be heard and resolved. This is also thoroughly illegal.
11/16/22. Max Gerson, MD, popularized the use of coffee enemas for healing more than anyone else. His book, A Cancer Therapy – Results Of 50 Cases, includes the case of a two-year-old child who recovered from cancer using daily coffee enemas.
For us, coffee enemas for children is a research area. However, so far the enemas work very well and there are no problems associated with them. Many children would benefit from them because many are born with a toxic liver and other health conditions that benefit from coffee enemas.
Procedure. Prepare coffee the same way as for an adult. The amount needed depends on the size of the child and varies from about ¼ cup for a two-year-old to two cups for a large teenaged child.
The easiest way to give a coffee enema to a baby or young child is to place the child on his stomach on a bed or massage table. Small-sized enema tips are available that fit on a standard enema bag or bucket. Alternatively, one could use an eye dropper to insert coffee into a baby. Older children can do enemas exactly the same way as adults.
For details, read the updated article, Coffee Enemas.
11/15/22. As one continues to do the pulling down procedure each day, I am told that one moves through four stages:
1. SLUDGE. In the beginning, moving energy downward through the body from the head to the feet is difficult. It may even seem impossible, at times. This is because many of the energy channels are damaged and blocked. It is like moving water through mud and sludge.
I call this the clogged toilet syndrome. It is as if one is trying to flush a toilet, but the toilet is clogged so it is difficult to get it to work.
As one continues, one will have better days when the energy flows a little better, and this can keep one doing the procedure.
2. MOVEMENT. After several months up to a year or two of doing the pulling down procedure, most people report that the pulling down procedure becomes a little easier. At least one can feel some movement of energy downward through the body when doing the procedure.
In this stage, some of the energy channels have unblocked and more ether flows through the body. The 'flow' often begins in the neck and moves around to various places in the body.
Many of our clients say at this stage that they like the exercise and they know it is working. It will bring up one's issues and it heals many health conditions in the body. This helps keep one doing the procedure.
NOTE: Just keep pulling downward. Do not be tempted to move the energy in directions other than downward. Other directions are not safe.
The milestone. A wonderful day occurs when the central channel or conception vessel in acupuncture opens. Etheric energy flows down the middle of the body from the head to the feet. This feels very good. One becomes much more centered and grounded.
The words and actions of others have less effect. One becomes more centered in oneself, which is not the same as self-centered or selfish. It just means one is more in control of oneself and events and other people are less in control.
Coffee enemas. As one continues with the procedure, one will feel the energy move downward through the chest, abdomen and into the pelvis and the legs. This is a lengthy process of healing and open millions of tiny vertical energy channels all over the body.
The entire program helps the process, and particularly the coffee enemas. We are not sure why, but it must provide necessary nutrients or a needed energetic quality.
This is one reason we now suggest doing at least two enemas daily. Another reason is for protection against the visits and other horrors from the 'men' we call the rogues who beat and rape people.
Diet. At a certain point, a dietary change is needed. One will need to eat some nuts, especially almonds. Also, as digestion improves, one can eat whole almonds and does not require almond butter.
Broadcasting. One also begins to do more broadcasting. This is wonderful, although at first one may not be aware one is doing it. One basically begins to heal the entire world.
If you a client, we will let you know when this occurs. For details, read Broadcasting and Maturity For Women (And Men).
3. FLOW. Reaching this stage requires 25 to 50 years of pulling down for most people. Suddenly one day the energy flows fairly easily all the way down and through the body.
It is a wonderful feeling. The body feels more transparent, lighter, and more empty. One is becoming more of a light being and less of a dense, physical being.
Diet. Dietary changes are needed at this stage with less red meat. One cannot digest red meat as well. There is something about heme iron found in abundance in red meat that is less compatible with the body. One also needs a little less food.
Fun. At this stage, the pulling down procedure becomes a lot more fun and exciting. Health is better. Unusual abilities often appear and one can help others tune up and develop rather easily.
Energy. In this stage, one's energy level improves. One usually moves into stage four of energy production.
Most people do not realize that our bodies have a number of methods of converting food and beverages into ATP or usable energy. Some of the methods are well known such as the glycolysis and Krebs cycles. However, there are more advanced methods, as well, that provide even more ATP and lead to better health. For details, read The Seven Energy Systems.
4. JOY. This is a very advanced stage. The ether flows effortlessly through many open channels. The body is much more at one with the entire universe and feels much lighter and happier.
I am told that reaching this stage requires years of doing the pulling down procedure. However, it will occur quite naturally if one just persists with the procedure and the development program to provide the nutrients that development requires.
The four stages of the pulling down procedure correspond to the four steps of any action. For details, read The Four Steps To Action.
11/14/22. For coffee enemas, definitely avoid light roast coffee. It is toxic and the toxicity is subtle. When one uses it, one may feel better for a while. However, it will cause liver toxicity and it is not good for development.
We also suggest avoiding any company that is promoting light roast coffee. They are either ignorant or malicious.
11/14/22. Clark Engelbert and Lynda Cross are no longer working with us. We have removed their names from the Helper list.
If you are one of their clients, we strongly recommend that to receive the best advice from Dr. Wilson and our healing team, find a new Helper from the list of Helpers on the Find A Helper page.
11/14/22. We added the case history below to a new article about colitis. For details, read Colitis.
11/13/22. Virginia is 53 years old and has had severe colitis ever since a series of rapes and beatings that we call the rape process that occurred when she was a teenager.
Symptoms. She has had flare-ups of severe diarrhea on and off for over 30 years that nothing will stop. When they occur, she is basically tied to her home and must remain near a bathroom at all times.
The diarrhea is bloody and painful, and it feels as though her insides are coming out. She has hemorrhoids and has had rectal prolapse, as well, from the severe diarrhea.
She was also weak at all times, tired, achy, depressed, anxious, often mentally confused and irritable.
She visited many physicians and tried many medications. None helped much and several of them made her quite ill. One made her think she would die. It was a sedative and it was too powerful.
She also followed almost two dozen diets, with very little success. Some made her feel better for a short time, but then they stopped working.
Natural therapies. She also tried many natural therapies such as probiotics, prebiotics and more. Her tests showed her intestinal flora was incorrect with a lot of yeast and e. coli.
However, none of the methods she tried corrected the flora. This was very frustrating for her and her physicians. They did not understand why she did not respond.
The development program. About three years ago she came across a case history on our website, so she decided to try the development program.
The diet. At first, the development dietary program was a problem because it contained so much vegetable fiber. However, by cooking the vegetables thoroughly she found she could eat quite a few.
The other foods did not bother her much, and this was good. She did not experience immediate relief, but she felt stronger after following the development diet for about three months. This would be a key to her healing!
The supplements. She has had a difficult time with a few of the supplements, so she does her best to take them when she can.
Procedures. The idea of doing coffee enemas frightened her so she has never done too many. However, she has been surprised that she can do them when her intestines are not too irritated.
The pulling down procedure has been very helpful and easy to do at all times, even during a flare-up. The other procedures – the spinal twists, pops, pulls and kicks and foot reflexology have always made her feel better, and she can do them at any time. The reddish heat lamp therapy has also been calming any time she does it.
Mineral analysis results. The development program is the only one Virginia tried that offered tissue mineral testing. She found this unusual, since minerals are basic for life.
Toxic metals. Her hair tissue mineral tests over the past five years have consistently shown high levels of mercury and other toxic metals. At first they were present as poor eliminator patterns, so other physicians probably missed them. These patterns are very low levels of the mineral.
Mercury. Mercury is one of toxic metals that started out extremely low. We know this is not a good sign.
Mercury kills some germs, but not others. We believe the high mercury and other toxic metals made it impossible to correct Virginia's intestinal flora. On the development program, the toxic metal levels have slowly normalized. As they have, Virginia has felt better overall.
Other changes. She also noticed that she looked better and spoke better. She was less afraid to go out, a problem for people with colitis and sometimes a sign of mercury toxicity. She was also less irritable and easier to be around.
Chelation. Before finding the development program, Virginia tried chelation therapy for toxic metal poisoning, but it did not work.
We think it was not nearly powerful enough and it caused other problems. It further unbalanced her body chemistry and she felt worse after doing it. For details as to why we do not recommend chelation, read Chelation Therapy. This is very important because many physicians think this is a good therapy, but it is not.
Trauma retracing. Releasing trauma was a key to Virginia's healing. About two years into the development program, Virginia started to have flashbacks about several filthy, disgusting rapes and beatings. These were intense and scary. For details, read The Rape Planet, Rape and Beatings.
However, she had read about retracing and that it was a feature of the development program. She also read that most women have been beaten and raped severely, starting in late childhood by the group called the rogues.
When the memories arose, she cried a lot but was able to handle them and wanted them to surface and be released. This is a very unique aspect of the development program that she did not understand and no one could seem to understand how it worked.
HOW IT WORKS. Retracing with the development program occurs for a number of reasons: 1) improving the adaptive energy level and efficiency of the body, 2) balancing the major minerals, 3) a return of thousands of souls to the body thanks to the diet.
4) Making the body warmer and more compact. These are physics qualities that are very important. For details, read Yin Disease.
5) “Updating” the minerals in the body (very, very important). For details, see the post of 11/10/22, 6) using God's method to heal the body (explained below),
7) “Emptying the body” using the pulling down procedure and the reddish heat lamp. For details, read the post of 11/9/22.
8) Opening subtle energy channels using reflexology and the pulling down procedure. For details, read Channel Therapy,
9) “Wake up”, which means starting the amazing process called development,
10) More rest. Rest is a huge part of the development program, such as going to bed early and sleeping up to 12 hours daily, if needed. Other programs did not emphasize this key to healing.
11) The parasympathetic or “down” lifestyle of the program. For details, read Downward Movement Of Energy And Healing.
12) More love (Virginia's Helper and Dr. Wilson have a love that she has not found among most physicians.)
Recent mineral test. Earlier this year, 2022, Virginia was still having flare-ups, but they were less frequent. In the past few months, however, they suddenly stopped except for a few very mild ones. Virginia's most recent mineral test showed a number of important healing or joy patterns:
A goalpost. This looks like two spikes - a little like the goalposts of an American football stadium. The pattern indicates reaching or achieving a goal.
Coming alive. This is present when the levels of the first four or the second four minerals on an ARL chart all increase or remain the same. The pattern indicates more vitality.
Nine anchor patterns. These are mineral levels that remain the same or similar on a retest. For some reason, they correlate with a particular type of healing of the sulci of the brain and nervous system. Nine anchors on one retest is called the wise person pattern because it indicates a lot of brain healing.
A 'three' dump or three amigo dump. This is an increase in the level of iron, manganese and aluminum. This is a significant healing pattern. Often a person with this pattern feels significantly better, with more energy.
When the patterns above appear together, the souls often call the situation a new person.
What is meant by God's method to heal the body? The method used to balance the minerals on the development program appears to be the work of William Albrecht, PhD and Dr. Paul Eck. However, a few years ago I began to be able to tune into the souls. They say this method is ancient and the one they use. They call it “God's method”.
11/12/22. I am told that space is not empty. It is filled with a special energy. More precisely, space is filled with high-energy particles that are called the ether. For details, read The Ether.
Space also contains many small and large living creatures. We have reported on this before and will continue to do so.
I am also told there is a war in the heavens at this time between the beings that live there and a group of very technologically advanced beings. On this website, we call them the Rogues. The Bible calls them Satan.
Movement through space. I am told that our planet and solar system are currently moving to a different location in space. I am asked to report this, although I cannot confirm this or feel the movement.
This movement cannot be seen in the sky yet because many planets are moving with us and because it takes light a number of years to reach us from distant stars.
The biological concept of space. I am told that outer space is actually the body of an enormous fine matter being. Inside this huge being are many smaller, but still very large fine matter beings who form the organs and tissues of the enormous being. To understand fine matter, read Bodies – Their Structure And Activities.
I am told that this is the basic organization of space. Some call this the biological concept of space.
Restoring the earth. I am told we are moving to a 'higher' part of this body - toward the head. I am told that the solar system belongs there and was moved downward thousands of years ago. So it is a process of restoring the earth to its correct location.
The pineal gland. I told that our solar system belongs in the head of a large, female fine matter being. She is one of the smaller beings inside the extremely large being that is all of space.
We are in the area of the brain known on earth as the pineal gland. I am told that our planet should function as part of this gland.
The pineal gland is not well understood by earth scientists. It has something to do with sleep and it is found at the base of the seventh energy center. It secretes the hormone melatonin. I am told it secretes other hormones, as well.
11/12/22. We are learning that the rogues use rape as part of a process of beating, poisoning and conditioning women in order to control their thoughts and actions. Many women experience a series of rapes, at least 12. Each one is carefully designed to move the woman along a path of conditioning and brainwashing.
During the rape process, women are given strict instructions not to discuss their rapes with others, how to behave, how to vote, and even how to kill other people. It is done with deep hypnotic and high-tech methods so that many women do not consciously remember it.
We know this sounds awful and it is. Apparently, the rogues find this necessary to control our planet. We are learning this as a cleanup of the earth slowly proceeds.
This is very important information because the rapes and beatings leave many women mentally impaired. Some are completely unable to function well.
Others experience very disturbing flashbacks or post-traumatic stress symptoms. This can occur during the development program and causes a few women to abandon the program.
11/11/22. I am understanding the pulling down procedure much better. Here are the elements of it:
- Effort. It requires a mental effort. It is truly a mental “workout”. It is not exactly relaxing or meditative. It causes relaxation later because it heals the body, but the exercise itself is not relaxing.
In fact, the procedure may bring up thoughts or feelings that are unpleasant, at times. That is okay. They will pass, no matter how disturbing they may seem. I call it going to the movies and I am the subject of the movie.
Doing it gently does very little. The harder or more forcefully one does it, the better! After a while, you build up your “mental muscle”, which feels very good.
- Active prayer. The pulling down procedure a form of active prayer. It is quite powerful.
Many people tell me they don't do the pulling down procedure because they pray a different way every day. However, when the guides check these people, they are often not healing as well as those who regularly do the pulling down procedure. I do both types of prayer.
- An aspect of wisdom. The subject of development and the use of the pulling down procedure is part of living wisely. Some do it instinctively and one can easily make it part of one's lifestyle.
- Two basic ways to do it. Both require moving your attention to below your feet. Then, one basic method is to create a vacuum underneath the feet. This creates a pull. One creates a vacuum by imagining under the feet a vacuum cleaner, or a magnet, or a black hole of space, or a powerful machine gun that sends a blast downward out your feet.
The other method is to imagine a very thin wire connected to your spine or stomach area that is pulling downward on the body. The wire needs to be just one electron wide. If you do this correctly, you will feel a speedup of downward energy.
- Emptying. To do the exercise correctly, you need to feel that you are emptying out the body through your feet. At one level this is absolutely true. You may not feel it at first, but it is a goal and a feeling. You empty physical toxins as well as mental and emotional toxins and traumas, too. For more details, read The Pulling Down Procedure.
11/10/22. A way to understand the development program is that it updates the minerals in the body. It is like replacing lower-quality parts in a car with better quality parts. Updating your minerals causes much better health.
Older and newer minerals. The souls use the words older and newer minerals to describe minerals in our bodies. Older minerals include toxic metals and more toxic forms of nutrient minerals.
The latter include oxide and carbonate compounds of iron, manganese, and many others. They cause hundreds of health conditions or 'dis-eases'. For details, read The Amigos – Iron, Manganese, Aluminum And Others.
The medical and natural health professions give the health conditions fancy Latin names. They don't realize that most are just the result of toxic conditions and nutritional depletion of the body.
Newer minerals include iodine, zinc, selenium, silicon, good quality manganese, and a few others. We also call these the spiritual minerals. When one replaces the older minerals with the newer ones, health improves dramatically.
All the bodies contain too many of the older minerals. We are born with them today because our mothers have them. There are too many around because the group called the Rogues, also called Satan in the Bible, want it that way.
The rogues bring more of them to the earth. They also remove the newer minerals from the earth and store them away from the planet. This may sound outrageous, but I am told it is true. There is currently an effort to return the newer minerals or spiritual minerals to the earth.
Preferred minerals. Replacing minerals is part of the concept of preferred minerals. It states that a number of enzymes and structures of the body can use various minerals. However, some are preferable to others.
For example, cadmium can replace zinc in some enzymes. Cadmium atoms “look like” zinc atoms because their outer electron shells are the same. This gives cadmium certain qualities that are similar to zinc. Cadmium is found just below zinc on the periodic table of the elements.
Similarly, lead can replace calcium. Mercury and arsenic can replace zinc and selenium in some enzymes, and so on.
Development. Development is the activation of certain genes through proper nutrition and using the pulling down procedure. It produces a tougher and longer-lasting body. Development requires replacing the older minerals with the newer minerals.
Development is well known among some Native groups on earth such as the Bushmen of the Kalahari. It should be common knowledge in the Western nations, as well. However, at this time it is not taught except in a handful of monasteries.
The reason is that the rogues do not want it taught. For some reason, we are able to teach it. For details, read Introduction To Development.
11/10/22. Recently, we wrote to stop using a red heat lamp to activate coffee before using it in an enema. That was incorrect.
The idea of 'charging up' coffee by exposing it for about five to ten minutes to the rays of a reddish heat lamp is a good one. It is a little more effort, but is not difficult.
I place the measuring cup containing coffee under a red heat lamp while I do a plain water purge before doing a coffee enema. When I am finished with the purge, the coffee has been sufficiently charged up. The coffee enema works better this way.
11/10/22. America and other Western nations are at war with China, but the media rarely reports it. It has been going on for at least 40 years.
The real perpetrators are not the Chinese. This nation, along with a few others such as Russia, is just being used by the group we call the rogues. It is time people realize the truth and that the Western nations take steps to stop it.
Manufacturing has slowly been shifted to China. The communist Chinese have also infiltrated all our government agencies. They also control the cell phone system, the media, most universities, many companies, satellite technology and much much more.
I am told they are also secretly landing thousands of soldiers all over America and parts of Europe, in preparation for a military invasion. Meanwhile, the American military has been torn apart and is in bad condition. It is all done quite secretly and using very high-tech methods.
Some are aware of the problem and are taking steps to stop it. However, everyone needs to know what is going on because it helps explain cheating on our elections, violations of our laws, problems with our food and other products, and more.
11/9/22. The basic healing principles of development science include making the body more yang, moving subtle energy downward, making the body more parasympathetic, relaxing the body, renourishing the body, and detoxifying the body. When one does these correctly, deep healing occurs.
EMPTYING. Another, more subtle principle, is emptying the body and mind. It is a “negative” principle because it is not about adding anything. It is purely a principle of removal. Here are more details.
The physical aspect - detoxify. To apply the emptying principle, it is necessary to detoxify or remove toxins and waste products deeply from the body and the mind. Coffee enemas are excellent for this purpose because today everyone's intestinal elimination is sluggish.
The red lamp sauna helps because most everyone's skin does not eliminate as well as it could. Nutrition, especially eating a lot of cooked vegetables, is essential because otherwise the body cannot eliminate many kinds of toxins.
Vegetable fiber safely carries away toxins while other chemicals help the body change toxins into forms the body can eliminate and shepherd them out of the body safely and easily.
The correct supplements are important because they balance the body chemistry and thereby increase energy efficiency. Lots of adaptive energy is needed to detoxify. For details, read Detoxification.
The emotional aspect – letting go. This is a deep psychological principle. Most people collect and then worry, ruminate and judge events, thoughts and more. This is incorrect from the emptying perspective.
The correct attitude is don't hold on to thoughts, feelings or anything. When they come up, allow them, watch them and let them go. Imagine they are like clouds in the sky or the wind. They come and they go.
This takes practice and becomes easier as one does it more. For details, read Letting Go.
The emptying lifestyle. “Live in the present by dying to the past in each moment.” One must let go of all that has occurred in the past in order to live fully in the present, where all healing takes place.
This does not mean to deny or suppress what occurred in the past. It means do not rehash, worry or focus on the past. By doing so, the past slowly loses its energy and its hold over you.
The spiritual aspect. “Empty of self, empty of ego striving, I am one with God.” This is a statement from the Jeshua material and is in the Real Self book.
The lower or ego self collects earthly experiences. What some authors call the real Self lets them go so that it can be “one with God” or “dwell in the House of the Lord” or “live in the Kingdom of Heaven”.
Reading – J. Krishnamurti. A way to help get the feeling of letting go and emptying is to read any of the books by author J. Krishnamurti. He lived about 100 years ago and understood the emptying principle well. Reading his books definitely influenced me.
The only problem is he did not describe a spiritual practice to help and remind one of the emptying concept. For this, the pulling down procedure is the answer.
How to empty - the pulling down procedure. The correct understanding of the pulling down procedure is that it directly empties the body and the mind. It is the main healing procedure that causes emptying. The other procedures help in various ways. Pulling down does it directly.
Nature abhors a vacuum is a statement of physics. The right way to do the pull-down procedure is to create a vacuum under the feet. The result is that the body and the brain begin to empty of all that is not of God. This, in turn, 'makes room' for something new to enter.
Application of the emptying principe – trauma release. A good way to view all traumas including rape is that they are examples of toxic 'additions' to the body or toxic yang effects. To undo them, one needs to empty the body and mind. As one does this, the toxic additions slowly go away.
This is a powerful bioenergetic method of trauma release. It is energetic because it frees and releases certain energies and allows healthier energies to enter.
11/8/22. Whenever you hear a voice in your head telling you anything of which you are unsure, always ask for a second opinion. This is especially true if you hear any kind of threat or sharp tone with the guidance.
Questioning is required because at this time the alien group we call the rogues have placed electronic implants in all of us. Through these, they can speak directly to our minds.
They use the implants to influence us in hundreds of ways. They tell us what to do, where to go, and with whom. It is quite amazing technology!
If you just go along, your life will often be miserable, unsafe, and often horrible. Many people think there is no alternative because the rogues also threaten to rape or kill if you don't obey their orders.
The alternative. The answer is the second opinion! Whenever you hear “orders” in your head, stop, relax, straighten your spine and pull energy downward from your head to your feet.
Then ask sincerely, “Father in Heaven, is this true guidance?” At times, I ask, “Is this the absolute truth?”
Often you will hear a NO. You may hear more than this, such as 'you do not need to obey'. You may need to ask for more details, such as “Will they hurt me if I do so and so?”
I ask this way in prayer a number of times each day. It is a little tedious and frustrating. However, I see no alternatives right now. And so far it is working! Life is interesting, and I am becoming healthier and developing.
I also ask that my rogue implants be removed. Some have been removed. However, I still hear the voices and must ask often for a second opinion.
Intensity. The process of asking for guidance is intense. This is because I believe following the correct guidance is critical for my safety and happiness.
I am not sloppy about it and I do my best to follow the guidance of God, Holy Spirit, Radiant One or Highest Level to very best of my ability.
What if I ask for a second opinion and hear nothing? I have this problem, at times. Have patience and ask again. You may need to ask a number of times, especially if the subject is important. If it is a major decision, I will often ask a dozen times or more.
Courage. This method requires courage. First, the rogues don't like people questioning their guidance. Second, if you hear that you do not need to follow their guidance, you still need to decide what to do and which guidance to follow.
I feel deeply that my safety lies with God or the Father, not with the rogues. I am very clear about this. You, too, must decide who will be your master.
One of my teachers, Roy Masters, said that each person must choose their master. He said we are never our own master. That is always an illusion. We are either led by God or by the darkness or the rogues.
We are like railroad cars that are not powered. They must hook up to an engine or power source. The only question is to which power source will you connect?
In my experience, the rogues are terrible masters. They want us enslaved, sick, depressed, discouraged and perhaps dead. But you can make up your own mind.
If you have chosen to obey them in the past, you can choose again. So remember, if you are not sure about your guidance, always ask for a second opinion.
11/7/22. We live in the century of toxicity! Coffee enemas are needed.
They continue to do more than help nourish and detoxify the body. They are also protective against Rogue “visits” and I am told they somehow move a person to a higher level of creation.
Ideally, do two to four of them each day and do not make excuses why you don't want to or can't do them.
If coffee enemas seem to cause headaches or other symptoms, temporarily reduce the amount of coffee, rub your feet or toes, or do two enemas back-to-back. Do not just stop the enemas! That is what the rogues want you to do. Contact us if you still need help.
11/7/22. In an earlier post, we recommended using up to a teaspoon of mustard daily. We are finding this is too much and is toxic. if you want to use it, limit it to ONE TEASPOON PER WEEK.
11/7/22. The completely disgusting Russian military invasion of its neighbor, Ukraine, continues and is in its 257th day. Ukraine continues to resist. Please keep praying for an end to this conflict.
11/6/22. It seems like people are deleted from this newsletter email list without our permission. If that occurs, let us know and we will put you back on the list.
Some people also tell us they cannot reach us by email or telephone. We pray daily that our world improves!
11/6/22. Many people ask what to read to learn more about development. One easy-to-read book is The Mutant Message From Down Under by Marlo Morgan (1991).
This short book is a true story of an American woman who spends time with Aboriginal people of Australia.
I found The Mutant Message quite enlightening. Perhaps you will, too. For more details, also read our short review of The Mutant Message – development reading.
11/6/22. We updated the article about the goalpost or window pattern on a hair mineral analysis. We added the idea that the pattern can consist of more than two “posts” or higher mineral levels.
The joy patterns. The goalpost pattern is one of the joy or development patterns. Looking for these patterns on retest mineral analyses is the key to understanding retest hair mineral tests. This is a departure from the way we formerly interpreted retest mineral analyses.
In the past, we looked more at the imbalances present on a retest. However, much more important is to assess progress on the path of healing and development. These patterns tell us about this progress. For details, read The Goalpost or Window Pattern On A Hair Mineral Test.
11/6/22. We improved the retesting article. For details, read Retesting The Hair Minerals.
11/5/22. Every bodily activity depends upon having enough energy. This is a basic truth about how our bodies operate.
An analogy. The body is like a newer car – everything is powered!. For example, most cars now have power steering, power brakes, power windows, power seats, and power door locks. If anything happens to the power or electricity, it affects all these systems.
A secret of the development program and a defect in medical thinking. A central idea in development science is to increase the body's energy production. This is a great secret of the success of the development program!
This method works, no matter what health condition is present. One of my teachers, Dr. Bernard Jensen, said “fatigue is the basic disease”.
Most people today are in an energy crisis. It has nothing to do with oil production. It has to do with what they eat and their body's ability to convert their food into usable energy. Even some babies today have low energy. We call them burnout babies.
Drug problems and more. Many health problems, including drug use, are related to people's need for energy.
How energy production works.
The energy pathways. Energy production in the body requires a number of biochemical steps. Together these are called the energy pathways. Nutrient deficiencies, toxic metals and toxic chemicals block the energy pathways.
Balancing the oxidation rate. High energy also requires that the body be in tune, or properly adjusted. This is like running a car engine at the right speed and tuning up the motor.
In the body, this requires balancing the oxidation rate and balancing critical mineral ratios such as the sodium/potassium ratio. It also has to do with restoring nutrients and removing at least two dozen toxic metals from the body. For details, read The Oxidation Types – Fast, Slow, Mixed And Four Lows.
Restoring the balance of the forces of heat and cold in the body. Excellent energy production requires balancing basic physics forces. This is a very ancient and important health concept that is not well known. For details, read Yin Disease.
Opening and healing the energy channels. Excellent health also requires opening thousands of tiny channels through which flows ether or chi, a subtle type of energy that our bodies require. These channels run vertically through the body.
For details, read The Channel System. Several of the development procedures specifically help restore the energy channels such as the Pulls, Pop, Twists and Kicks, Reflexology and The Pulling Down Procedure.
The seven energy conversion systems. Our bodies are capable of using seven methods to convert energy into a usable form. Some of these are well known such as the glycolysis cycle and the carboxylic acid or Krebs cycle. However, the better methods of energy conversion are not well known because few people achieve them.
The lower levels are associated with fatigue, burnout, poor health, and a short lifespan. However, for excellent health, one needs to heal and use the higher level energy production systems. For details, read The Energy Conversion Systems.
Mineral testing. Hair mineral testing is a fast and simple way to assess the body's energy system and guide its correction. For details, read Burnout Indicators On A Hair Mineral Test.
You can see from the above that energy and energy production is a large topic. For more details, read Restoring The Body's Energy, Fatigue Attacks, Adrenal Burnout Sundrome, Vitality, and Hypoglycemia.
11/4/22. I am using a new visualization to do the pulling down procedure. It may sound unusual, but it is working well. You may want to try it.
The Marlin. Imagine you are on a fishing boat in the ocean. A marlin (a very large fighting fish) bites your fish hook. Somehow the fishing line becomes tangled in your feet and you are pulled overboard.
As a result, you are pulled through the water by the marlin - feet first, at high speed. At first, this is scary, but then you relax and enjoy the ride. The pulling down energy applied to the feet is very intense and somewhat jerky as the marlin swims back and forth!
NOTE: The fishing line connected to your feet must be made extremely thin. Also, it pulls from the bottoms of your feet and it pulls from between your legs, as well. It creates a vacuum in these areas that pulls the subtle energy downward from your head to your feet.
If you don't know much about marlins, here are photos: Marlin photos. To understand more about the pulling down procedure, read The Pulling Down Procedure. This procedure seems very simple. However, done repeatedly, it will slowly heal most problems in the body.
Women have more difficulty doing the pulling down procedure. However, we just found some of the reason for this and we will write more about it soon.
11/4/22. A common and serious error people make on the development path is to put their trust or faith in signs of various kinds. These can include patterns of numbers, daily events such as whether you find a parking space or meet an interesting person, and much more.
Problems with signs. The most serious problem is the Rogues can and do use signs to mislead and even kill people. It is quite easy for them to set up events to their liking.
Other problems with signs are they waste your time and can definitely distract you. Please stay away from the habit of looking for and listening to signs.
Stay in the path. Instead of looking for signs, set your mind on your path (hopefully the path of development). Keep the path in mind at all times.
Periodically, review your life, check your goals and check if you are still on the right path. For details, read The Path Concept and The Path of Development.
11/4/22. The criteria for this important tissue mineral pattern have changed. Here are the new criteria:
New person pattern. This is a general term that means a lot of healing has taken place. It requires a combination of several joy patterns to be present at the same time on one retest mineral analysis.
For example, it often includes ten or more minerals increasing on a retest (everything coming out pattern) combined with other joy patterns such as a hill pattern AND/OR coming alive pattern AND/OR perking up pattern AND/OR out of four lows.
11/3/22. We received the following email:
“I am a 44-year old woman and have followed the development program for 9 years...
Symptoms. When I started I had insomnia, constipation, anemia, missing periods, feeling cold always, weakness of the body, and copper toxicity. My depression had reached the level that I asked God to take me from this world or do something because I couldn't handle this life situation on my own anymore...
On the development program. It was very easy for me to follow this "regime" because I have already tried on myself every diet possible. They all don't work and will make you sicker! The development diet, however, worked well...
Slowly, the program removed a selfish, worldly energy and more of "love of God" energy was able to flow in. All health issues vanished within five years.
It was tons of work making cooked vegetables, but it was worth the effort! Today I feel a way that words can't explain. It is a constant bliss and joy!...
The path of development is easy and accessible to all that are ready for this adventure.”
There are about 100 ancient and well-known stories about development. But they are not taught much today. Here is one of them:
One day, a couple was exploring a rather large cave in the mountains. Suddenly there was a rumbling sound. It was a rock slide that blocked the door of the cave. The couple was trapped inside.
They yelled for help. Someone heard them, and said they would clear away the rocks, but it would take weeks or months because there were many rocks blocking the doorway.
The couple thought they would die, but then they heard a soft voice. It said “You will be fine. Just do what I say”.
They looked down and there was a small turtle. It looked quite healthy. And so began their development journey.
Food and water. There was a hole in the roof of the cave where sunlight and warmth came in. The light shined on some mossy plants and grasses that grew in the cave.
The turtle said the couple needed to live on these plants along with some other food the turtle knew about. It was a mixture of some seeds that were growing and some bugs that the turtle caught and smashed up.
The turtle also said they needed to cook the food. Fortunately, someone had left behind materials to build a fire and a small pot. They also needed to drink the water that dripped from a few places in the ceiling. It all sounded awful, but the food actually tasted okay.
The neck pull. The turtle said it is not enough to eat the food and drink the water. You must also move your neck the way turtles do – in and out.
For humans, this means lie down flat on your back without a pillow. Relax, breathe deeply, and then stretch out your neck until you hear a little pop. Do that often all day long.
This is called The Neck Pull Procedure. I learned it from reading the turtle story. It moves a lot of energy downward through the body from the head to the feet.
The couple thought it was crazy, but they began the new regimen, including the neck pull. Within a week they noticed they felt better. After a few weeks, their aches and pains disappeared, their skin became clearer, and they had more energy. They started to feel better than they had in years.
The turtle taught them many things about life which we will discuss in other installments. To see a photo, click here.
NOTE: About thirty years ago, I was fortunate to swim with giant turtles. Someone knew where to find them near the ocean shore in Hawaii.
They were bigger than me. But I thought they were vegetarians so I would be safe around them (they are not vegetarians – they eat fish and sea vegetation).
I was told they would help heal my body, which needed it. I was told to just grab one of them – putting one hand on each side of their huge shell. When you do this, they take you for a ride, swimming fast and gracefully near the ocean shore. If it gets too scary, you just let go.
Turtles are the longest living creatures on planet earth. Many live to 1000 years of age. The little ones make very good pets – quite cute, easy to care for and fairly clean and healthy.
11/2/22. As we learn more, here are new recommendations for coffee enemas:
- Do not retain a coffee enema for more than 15 to 20 minutes. If you retain the enema longer, the coffee picks up many toxins and becomes toxic for the body.
Try to notice if you get a slight headache if you hold an enema for longer than about 20 minutes. Some people need to retain the enema for even less time. On “heavy toxin” days you may need to expel coffee after only five or ten minutes.
- Do not expose coffee for an enema to a red heat lamp. We formerly recommended this. However, we are noticing some negative effects, so we no longer recommend it.
- For maximum protection against the “visits” of the rogue men (the rapes and beatings), three or four daily enemas is best. We formerly reported that two enemas were sufficient. However three are better. There is something about the smell of coffee on your body that they don't like.
- Use a strainer instead of coffee filter paper when making coffee. It makes a less pure liquid, but we believe it works better for healing.
- Allow the coffee liquid to sit in the strainer for three minutes before lifting the strainer out of the coffee. This allows healing substances in the coffee grounds to be transferred into the liquid.
11/2/22. We are surprised how well the development program works on people 50 years of age or older. This is not true of most health programs.
Problems of older people. Older people tend to have less vitality and more health problems than younger people. Drugs tend to be more toxic for older people because their kidneys and liver are more compromised.
Why does the development program work well for older people? Possible reasons are:
- The program requires self-discipline to follow the diet and to do the procedures. Older people have often learned more self-discipline than younger people.
- The development program is unusual in that it causes a shift away from the purely physical level of existence and toward a more etheric or mental level. Older people are already moving in this direction just to stay alive. In this regard, older individuals are more suited to the program than younger people.
- Older people have often been raised on better quality food than younger people. According to government records, the nutrient content of our food has declined severely in the past 100 years. This is due to chemical agriculture, sometimes called the green revolution. It produced a lot of food, but the nutrient quality is much lower. For details, read Empty Harvest by Bernard Jensen and Mark Anderson.
- Older people were raised with many fewer vaccines, all of which contain toxic metals and other toxins. When I grew up, there were three vaccines. Today, a child often receives 50 shots or more by the age of about six!
- In the past there was much less electromagnetic stress from computers, cell phones, and cell phone towers in every neighborhood. This is a terrible hidden problem today that weakens the bodies.
- Older people grew up with less ionizing radiation. This dangerous technology is now widely used in food irradiation, medical scans, and nuclear power plants. Irradiated food is not required to be labeled. This is outrageous, but understandable because no one would want it.
All the above causes the bodies of older people to be stronger and warmer or more yang in macrobiotic terminology.
In addition, older people often have more time to do the program. Younger people are often busier raising children and working.
Program problems for older people. The main problems we run into for older people occur if they are disabled and unable to shop and cook for themselves. Another problem occurs if one is unable to move about enough to do the healing procedures.
Some men and women have the problem of excessive sexual desire. Here are suggestions:
Moving subtle energy downward is definitely best and less sexy, so that is where to focus. Live the “down” lifestyle with the development diet, lots of coffee enemas and lots of the pulling down procedure. For details, read Downward Moving Energy And Healing and The Science Of "Down".
Do not listen to anyone who says energy must move upward. I assure you that as you move energy downward and continue to develop, the whole pelvic area relaxes and opens in a beautiful way.
Coffee enemas and the pulling down procedure help reduce sexual arousal in most people.
The cause of the problem may be a toxin which hopefully the program will eliminate. Also, keeping your thoughts on other subjects and staying busy with a job or other non-sexual matters is also excellent. For more details, read Masturbation.
11/1/22. Our website contact email is not working. If you have tried to contact us and I did not respond within a few days, try this email instead: Contact Us.
11/1/22. Today's message is an essential part of your legal education. While not directly part of the development program, we all need this legal knowledge to maintain our nation.
The fourth Amendment to the US Constitution is one of the most abused. It reads: “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated,
and no (search) Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched and the person or things to be seized.”
Explanation. The idea of this Amendment is to protect privacy and prevent the government or others from snooping on people. It is a key to a free society. Let us explain the terms above:
“Probable cause”. This means that in order to search a place or a data base, the government must show that there is a high probability that a crime was committed. In other words, it is not okay to just collect data about law-abiding citizens.
In reality, the legal principle of innocent until proven guilty has been turned on its head. Today, everyone is presumed to be guilty – another terrible violation of our laws.
“Supported by oath or affirmation”. This means that the government must go to a judge and he or she must agree to and sign each search warrant. A warrant is permission to search a person's house, business, records or data bases. Just a letter saying we want this or that information is not enough.
“Particularly describing the place to be searched or things to be seized.” means the government must be very specific about what they are looking for. There can be no “fishing expeditions” where the government just tells individuals or companies to hand over all your data.
Today, this Constitutional Amendment has been completely thrown into the trash. It is violated daily in dozens of ways.
The government and private companies are allowed to collect and keep all sorts of data about people from tax forms, purchases, credit cards, and much more. Companies are forced to share private information with the government even though no crime has been committed and the government has not obtained a proper search warrant to obtain the information.
For example, in the health care field, the HIPPA law forces doctors to share private patient information with 45 government agencies. For details, read HIPPA, The Privacy Scam.
Computer companies are forced to put “back doors” in all computers. This allows the government and other websites to illegally spy on your computer and steal anything they want.
How did this happen? For years, judges, including the entire US Supreme Court, have been corrupted by the high-tech alien group we call the Rogues. Otherwise, hundreds of bad laws such as HIPPA would be struck down as clearly unconstitutional.
The surveillance state. The result is a surveillance state – a high-tech totalitarian state in which there is no privacy. Most people are now conditioned to accept the no-privacy policy without question – in full violation of the Fourth Amendment.
The social credit system. One result is called the social credit system. This is in full swing in Communist China and spreading fast.
The way it works is that if you agree with government policies, the government rewards you with a bigger apartment, a better job, ability to travel, ability to own a car, or other perks. If you oppose the government, you are denied these or other things.
Here in America, a few years ago, our website, which opposes vaccination, was censored by Google, which works closely with the government.
The lack of privacy is often taken for granted, which is even worse. I went to a dentist a few years ago and was told they needed to see my driver's license. I have no idea why, but I am guessing they are forced to report my visit to the government.
The last time I went to the Microsoft website was to buy a word processor program. To do so, I was forced to enter a phone number. It had to be a cell phone number. Then it asked for an email address. At that point, I decided I'm not interested. None of their snooping has anything at all to do with word processing.
An election is about to take place in America. This post is a reminder that the election system is completely broken in America.
To fix it, there need to be no voting machines, which are easily rigged. There need to be no mail-in ballots, which are also easy to fake. There needs to be one election day, as the Constitution specifies, not an election month or two. And there needs to be strict voter identification, not the use of an electricity bill, for example, which is very easy to fake.
Also, sadly, women cannot be allowed to vote. The reason is we have learned that all of them are beaten and raped, and told to vote Democrat or they will be beaten worse. For details, read The Rape Planet and Rape.
Until these steps are implemented, the system is full of cheating that is wrecking the nation.
10/31/22. In the unusual times in which we live, it is most important to keep your mind in a loving place. Many aspects of our politics, economics and more are completely out of alignment with reality and with the wishes of the people. It is easy to become discouraged and want to give up.
Staying “in Love” means to remain in a loving space at all times, no matter what is going on around you or even within you. I have to remember this often, and I am sure others have the same problem.
A small book that may help is called The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis, a well-known Christian scholar. Near the end of the book is a dialogue between a man and his wife who is now in heaven. She tries to explain what it means to be “in Love” to him.
An article that explains this in more detail is What Is Fear? Fear Is A Dwelling Place.
10/30/22. We updated and greatly improved the article about the use of a single reddish heat lamp. Its use is one of the five basic healing and development procedures. It is excellent for everyone, even young babies.
A nutrient therapy. This therapy needs to be viewed as a type of nutrient therapy. It supplies certain frequencies of light that everyone seems to need and that one cannot obtain from sunbathing or the use of other therapy lamps.
A single reddish heat lamps can also help with purification reactions during the development program and with other health symptoms. For details, read Instructions And Cautions For The Use Of A Single Reddish Heat Lamp.
10/29/22. This is a recent article from Imprimus, the newsletter of Hillsdale College. It is excellent! I am reposting it on our website. For details, read Politicization Of The Justice Department. To subscribe to this excellent free publication, go to To read another good article about justice, read Equal Justice Or “Social Justice”.
10/28/22. There are indicators that let you know you are developing. Here are a few of them:
- The body smells better. This begins to occur soon after beginning the program. It is due to a combination of less autointoxication (production of toxins inside the body) and a change in the intestinal flora. At times, it is also due to toxic metal removal.
- More relaxed. This usually takes a few years on the program. It is due to balancing the autonomic nervous system and removing irritants from the body.
- Happier. This can occur quickly, but often requires a few years of following the development program. It is due to renourishing the body and balancing and strengthening the energy centers of the body.
- Better thinking. As the nervous system relaxes, most people notice they are able to think faster and more clearly. Their memory also improves.
- Easier to do the pulling down procedure. Some people love this procedure from the first time they do it. However, for others, this procedure seems unusual when starting out.
After a few months to a few years, it slowly becomes easier. The reason is one is cleaning out energy channels. As one does this, the subtle energy flows more easily through the channels and the exercise is easier to do.
10/28/22. Learning a few unusual habits leads to rapid development. These are:
- The coffee enema habit. While somewhat messy, getting into the habit of doing ideally two coffee enemas or more each day will greatly speed up development. It also seems to offer women protection from the 'visits' of the rapists. For details, read Coffee Enemas.
- The vegetable habit. Eating plenty of cooked, preferred vegetables with each of three meals every day is another habit that results in rapid development. At first it can seem quite tedious. However, as it becomes a habit it just becomes part of one's daily routine. For details, read Food For Daily Use.
- Early-to-bed habit. If one is in the habit of staying up late, going to bed early is difficult at first. However, with practice it becomes a new habit that builds health and causes much faster development. Staying up late tends to stop development. For details, read Rest And Sleep.
- The down sex habit (if sexually active). Down sex and down hugging are absolutely among the most powerful of the development procedures. They are quite amazing in their healing effects.
At first, they may seem unusual. Soon, however, they become a wonderful habit that helps a marriage and causes deep healing and rapid development. For details, read Down Sex and Down Hugging.
10/27/22. To succeed with the development program one must shift the way one thinks. Standard medical thinking is that you will live to 70, 80 or perhaps 90 years of age. Long life thinking is that I should live much longer.
This is not a new idea. The Bible mentions that some people lived a long time. But it does not explain how to do it. I don't think it was supernatural.
The ancient people may not have known about coffee enemas. But I believe they knew how to eat and how to do the basic development procedures such as the Pulling Down Procedure. These are the basics of life extension!
For many more details, read Life Extension And Anti-Aging. Many other articles on this website help explain the ideas in this article. To link to all the articles, go to Read All Articles.
10/26/22. There was a message posted about a large being that was supposedly found. However, I realized I am unable to confirm the message, so I deleted it. I apologize for this error.
10/25/22. This procedure is new for us. However, it is an ancient and powerful healing method used by a number of Native groups around the world such as the Australian Aborigines and the Bushmen of the Kalahari desert in Africa. Please try it with a friend or partner and give us feedback about it.
The procedure. The procedure involves two people. One person acts as the comforter. He or she sits cross-legged on the floor, perhaps on a cushion for comfort.
A second person places their head in this person's lap with the body extended away from the person. There is something very healing about the positioning of the two bodies.
The person lying down often begins with the arms at the sides and legs together. During the session he or she might change positions such as assuming a more open position.
Although it will work with anyone, the comforter procedure often works best if one person is a boy or man and the other is a girl or woman.
Activities. In this position, the one sitting moves subtle energy downward while talking with the other person. The one sitting also 'shines their light' on the other person. One imagines a light bulb in the middle of the chest that radiates light energy outward in all directions.
The one sitting needs to relax as much as possible!
The one lying down can request at least 20 activities. These may include just talking, praying together, laughing together, or asking the one sitting to just listen for a while.
Other activities the one lying down may request are having the sitting person rub one's head, hair, face, back, shoulders or neck, or even adjusting the spine using the head reflex system. One may also want to hold hands with the other person.
The rules. The main rules are to always allow the person lying down to direct the activities. Also, always move slowly and gently. Also, both people need to relax at all times.
The one sitting always needs to move subtle energy downward through the body and through the body of the other person. Finally, always keep it fun and light-hearted.
How long and how often. Sessions usually last about one hour. It can be done as often as one wishes, though usually not more than once a day.
10/24/22. An unusual nutritional concept used in development science is that one always eats in ways that bring special souls. Also, one seeks to maximize the number of souls one brings into the body through one's food.
Ways one does this are:
- Eat fresh, high quality food. This always has more souls than older, less fresh food. Correct cooking does not reduce the soul content of the food. At times, it increases it.
Leftovers, and eating frozen and some canned food are not good dietary habits because they have fewer souls. The only canned foods we recommend are sardines, Cole's Trout, and an occasional can of beans.
NOTE: Avoid S&W canned European Soldier beans at this time. They contain a toxin.
- Eat certain foods that are high in special souls. At this time, this includes spreadable goat cheese by Laura Chenel, Athenos Feta Cheese, Sauerkraut, Blue Hill Bay Pickled Herring in Dill Marinade, and even such foods as butter.
Other soul-rich foods are blue corn tortilla chips and all cooked vegetables.
- Too yin in macrobiotic terminology. This is true of ALL nutritional supplements and most herbs. This is one reason we never recommend large supplement programs.
- Toxic in some other way. The food may contain a toxic metal, or upsets the balance of the body in some way.
- Difficult to digest. This applies to nuts when one is just beginning development. Later o during development, nuts are easier to digest.
- Contains the wrong form or compound of a mineral. For example, to obtain selenium, one can eat Brazil nuts or corn silk tea. However, we find that during early development, these foods contain the incorrect compound of selenium.
In contrast, blue tortilla corn ships, toasted almond butter, and roasted sesame tahini are excellent selenium-containing foods. Eating a small amount of good quality sauerkraut also supplies a very good form of selenium.
- Missing synergistic factors. This is quite complex, but some nutrients need other chemicals to be present in order for them to be absorbed or utilized properly. For example, having the proper bacteria to improve the bowel flora helps make a supplement or food easy to absorb.
- Contains mineral antagonists. These are substances that block the digestion, absorption or metabolism of the supplement or perhaps the supplement antagonizes the rest of the diet.
- No or few good souls are in the supplement. Some supplements are excellent such as kelp because they contain a lot of souls. However, many other supplements contain very few souls or very damaged souls. (See the newsletter post above for more about souls in foods.)
10/23/22. In order to stop the current disaster in America that is the presence of the Rogues on our soil, the people of America must return to Biblical values.
The true origin of America. Most people do not realize that America was founded upon the principles of the Hebrew and Christian Bibles. The nation depends upon these, more than other nations. America was only given permission to exist in a world filled with monarchy and horror because of its dependence upon the love of God for its existence.
Today, many people have forgotten or never learned this fact. That schools don't teach it is criminal. We bring it to your attention because it is so vital for the future.
One of the very few true historians who focus upon it is David Barton at He is accused of all sorts of nonsense. In fact, he is one of the most brilliant, knowledgable, kind and thoughtful people alive today. Please pray for him and visit his website to learn the truth!
What to do. It is not enough to become wealthy, for example, or to have excellent health or to just follow the development path. None of this is enough.
One must also learn and practice religious moral precepts such as the Golden Rule and the Ten Commandments given to Moses. We also add two more commandments – Never Rape and Never Start Wars.
You don't need to attend church or synagogue services each week, but it is very good to support religious organizations. Most important is to live the moral life.
No other options. These principles are not options today. So please reread the articles: The Ten Commandments - Plus Two More and The Golden Rule. They are not easy to live by! Few people live by these principles and not doing so ruins your life and that of everyone around you.
10/23/22. Don is 50 years old and works doing home repairs. When he was 40, he got into a fight and was beaten until he lost consciousness and was sure he would die.
The memory of this incident was always present. At times, it surfaced and he would shake with fear and terror. This is called post-traumatic stress disorder.
Other physical symptoms were low energy, cold all the time, dry and cracked skin, waking up tired, Reynaud's syndrome (very poor circulation), painful feet, and a dry scalp. Other mental symptoms were brain fog, memory loss, trouble concentrating and general unhappiness.
The development program. Seven months ago Don found the development website. The program made sense so he began the free program. He felt better almost immediately, so after a month he decided to embark on the full program.
Initial hair mineral test. Don's initial mineral test revealed several trauma indicators:
- The tissue sodium/potassium ratio was less than one to one in a slow oxidizer. This is somewhat unusual and is called a trauma Na/K. It can also indicate that one feels like a victim.
- A double low ratio pattern was present on the second four numbers. This is a serious illness pattern also often associated with trauma.
- Many poor eliminator patterns. The mineral readings for iron, manganese, lead, cadmium, and nickel were too low. These indicate Don was unable to eliminate these minerals, including toxic forms of the nutrient minerals iron and manganese.
This results in toxicity that can cause many health conditions. Traumas can cause poor eliminator patterns.
Improvements. Six months later, Don reports the following:
“Most of the symptoms have disappeared. A blockage of the fourth energy center is now gone. Knots in my feet are gone. I do foot massage with a foot roller after shining a red heat lamp on myself and this gave me a new pair of skin is nicer than many women's skin. My face is radiant and God's glory shines in it. I feel lighter, stronger and happier.”
Recent mineral test. Don's new mineral test reveals:
- Coming alive. This is present when the first four or second minerals all increase or remain the same. In his case, all four of the first four mineral levels increased – the most powerful expression of this pattern.
- A Surge. The above is also called a big surge pattern. It indicates more life in the body.
- Seven anchor patterns. These are mineral levels that change very little on a retest within certain criteria. Anchor patterns indicate restoration of the sulci (deep ridges) of the brain. Seven of them on one test is called a new brain.
- Hilling. This is present when the mineral ratios indicate one is moving toward a hill pattern. A hill pattern is an achievement and celebration pattern that is very positive.
- Improved sodium/potassium ratio. This is a general indicator of better health.
- Reduction of the double low ratio (or serious illness) pattern.
- All-out or everything coming out pattern. Eleven mineral levels increased on this retest. This is unusual. It indicates much improved elimination of toxins from the body.
This website contains more details about each of these mineral patterns. The hair mineral test, when performed and interpreted correctly, offers a wealth of information about both physical and mental health. We hope someday others will use this test as we do to help even difficult health problems.
10/22/22. The 'Find A Helper' page was down on our website yesterday. It is back up and working correctly. We apologize for any inconvenience.
10/22/22. Zinc is a wonderful and very necessary supplement. We include it in every development program, either by itself or combined with other nutrients.
A recent trend in health food stores and supermarkets is to add copper to zinc supplements. Also, the label is unclear and the large print may just say 'zinc'.
Adding copper to zinc supplements is usually a very bad idea! Today, most people's bodies are loaded with biounavailable copper. Taking copper will make this condition worse. So beware! For details, read Copper And Copper Imbalance.
The exceptions. A relatively small number of people need some bioavailable copper as a supplement. Some are in what is called fast oxidation or an alarm stage of stress. Others have a low tissue sodium/potassium ratio. Both these conditions require a tissue mineral test to identify them. Even in these instances, buying a zinc tablet that contains copper usually won't provide the correct ratio of zinc to copper.
10/21/22. High-purine and high-pyrimidine foods are important for development. I am told they also have the unusual property of being communicators that help one contact higher levels of reality.
They include sardines, blue corn chips and goat cheese such as feta cheese and chevre (soft goat cheese). For details, read the new article, Purines And Pyrimidines.
10/20/22. The full development program requires retesting of the tissue mineral levels every three to six months. The reason is to maintain the homeostasis of the body.
NOTE: Testing the blood or urine doesn't work for this purpose.
When one retests and alters the program properly, an amazing thing happens. Healing occurs at very deep levels. Symptoms and diseases disappear on their own, often in mysterious ways.
Homeostasis is a word from general systems theory. It means maintaining a delicate balance of millions of factors. This is necessary for the health of the complex, regenerating system we call life.
The word homeostasis is also used in the stress theory of disease. This is a modern understanding of illness and health. We hope someday the medical and natural healing professions will learn it.
An analogy. A good analogy is that when pedaling a bicycle that has multiple gears, one changes the gear based upon riding conditions. For example, if one is climbing a hill or becomes tired, one may shift to a lower gear to give the bicycle more power or to relax. When descending a hill or if one is in a hurry, one may shift to a higher gear for more speed.
Vehicles with internal combustion engines do the same thing – shifting gears based upon driving conditions. The idea is to maximize energy efficiency at all times. This is a way to understand why retesting and changing the program periodically is so important.
Maintaining homeostasis is the healing method used by the body. However, it is not the method currently used by the medical and natural health practitioners. Their method is the cookbook method.
The cookbook or remedy method. Medical and natural practitioners read and study books that list thousands of symptoms and diseases. When one visits one of these practitioners, he or she consults the “cookbook”. This means that depending upon the symptom or disease, the practitioner recommends a “recipe” or remedy for the problem.
An example. If one is tired, a cookbook practitioner may suggest taking a stimulant drug, an herb, a vitamin, or perhaps replacement thyroid hormones. These are standard remedies for fatigue.
In contrast, with the development method, if one is tired one embarks upon a special path to balance the homeostasis of the body. The path includes a healing lifestyle, a diet, a few very targeted nutritional supplements, and several healing procedures that balance and strengthen the whole body system.
Initially, this is more effort. However, because it is the system used by the body, it is much safer, much more effective and, in the long run, much less costly than the remedy or cookbook method.
Problems with the cookbook method. These are
- Hit or miss. This means the practitioner must use guesswork because there are hundreds of reasons for fatigue.
- Unbalancing the entire body system. This slowly produces much worse overall health.
- Adverse effects of all remedies. One reason for this is that all remedies unbalance the whole body system. However, other causes are toxicity, making the body too yin, creating nutrient deficiencies, and more.
- The need to stay on the remedy, perhaps for years.
- Often much more cost in the long run. This is due to the cost of the remedies, and even moreso because of worsening overall health.
- Stops development. The cookbook method slows or stops the wonderful process of development. Most people have never heard of this important genetic concept. For details, read Introduction To Development.
- A great discouragement. Cookbook practitioners subtly teach that the body is defective or lacking in some way and that one cannot survive without the help of doctors, hospitals and remedies. This is discouraging and at one level, quite incorrect.
They assign people negative labels such as “hypertensive” or “diabetic”. These become new negative identities that often last a lifetime.
Dr. Alexis Carrel, the Nobel Prize-winning French surgeon (1873-1944), expressed this problem very well. He was an establishment physician who saw the shortcomings of his profession and had the courage to write about it.
In his excellent book, Man The Unknown, he wrote that medical and natural practitioners offer artificial health based upon the use of remedies.
He said what people really want is a high level of health in which one does not need cookbook recipes or remedies. This is possible with the development method.
Hippocrates, the famous Greek physician, expressed the same idea when he wrote “let food be your medicine”. The Pulling Down Procedure is another important part of this whole systems method of healing.
10/19/22. Over the past few days we have come across fine matter beings on earth whom the souls call the motors. They would like us to tell you more about the mselves.
Details about the motors. The motors are about the same size as a human being. However, their bodies are made of fine matter, so most people cannot see them.
This is a similar type of body as found in angels, elves and souls. All of these and many other fine matter creatures are difficult for most people to see, but they are real. For details, read Bodies In Space And Their Activities.
The motors are similar in their function to some cells in our brain called motor neurons. These are cells that control movement in our bodies. About a trillion exist.
You might ask, what kind of movement do the fine matter motors on earth control? They tell us that the earth is part of a very large female, fine matter creature who lives in space. The motors help control her movements.
We know this may sound rather crazy, but this is what I am told.
Abuse of the motors. The group we call the Rogues or Satan in the Bible have beaten, poisoned, irradiated and raped the motors almost to death. Some of their body parts have also been removed so that they are hardly alive.
We are rehabilitating the motors using methods very similar to the development program. As we do so, they are helping more and more with the cleanup of the earth.
10/19/22. Most people have heard of irradiating food to preserve its shelf life. To irradiate food, one either shoots the food with an x-ray machine or exposes the food to uranium 235 or another radioactive element.
The ionizing radiation kills bacteria, viruses and fungi that may grow on the food. This can help preserve food.
Problems with food irradiation. These are:
1. Irradiation always damages the food. The extent of the damage will vary, but it is always harmful to the food.
2. The food may become slightly radioactive. This is a horrible type of toxicity that damages and weakens the body.
3. Food companies are not required to label the food as irradiated. This is a complete outrage because it means that one cannot easily choose whether or not to eat irradiated food. Also, it is not easy to learn what has been done to your food.
Examples: #1. Several years ago I bought a package of lamb. It contained a thin little unmarked red packet. Our guides analyzed it and said it is a source of radiation that was irradiating the lamb.
#2. I switched to buying ground lamb. I just found out that the packaging itself is slightly radioactive and effectively irradiates the lamb. It also irradiates any food placed near the lamb in the refrigerator or elsewhere.
Lamb is a powerful development food and we believe the rogues don't want high quality lamb available on earth.
The unlabeled radiation of lamb is a horror. We are still researching whether to eat lamb, most of which appears to be irradiated and needlessly so.
#3. Some delivery companies x-ray all packages. This may or may not be noted when a product is delivered.
#4. Recently, I was buying nutritional yeast in bulk. Next to it a store employee was filling a bin with walnuts. The large box she was holding said “Irradiated Walnuts”, but the store did not inform customers of this fact. The label only said walnuts.
#5. Today, I bought a package of all-natural Country Archer Turkey Jerky. While eating some, I noticed a little blue packet inside. The label said “Absorbs oxygen- do not eat.”
I asked the guides what it was and it was a source of radiation, also completely unlabeled. In fact, the packet is made of lead shielding and inside is a little radioactive uranium. This is a complete horror.
We think all of this is very illegal. It violates food labeling laws and endangers everyone's health.
What to do. Be careful and, if you can, stay away from food that contains little packets. (Some packets are just used to dry food and that should be okay). Also, we all need to complain to markets about unlabeled irradiated food.
The process of development and especially the red heat lamp sauna, coffee enemas and eating kelp help remove radiation from the body. However, it is still a horror. We hope to keep you informed as we learn more about secret food irradiation.
10/18/22. The following is a simple way to fall asleep faster and sleep better. The method is to put yourself in a particular position when you want to go to sleep.
To get into the sleep position, do the following:
1. Use the bathroom just before going to bed to empty the bladder. Also, wear comfortable sleep clothing and be sure you are warm enough.
2. Sit on the bed and pull your bed clothing up at the back of your neck. This will assure that the clothing is not tight against the front of your neck.
3. Lie down on your back. Lie with legs extended, knees are straight and near to one another.
4. Check to make sure your clothing does not restrict your movement. If it does, adjust it.
5. Do a basic spinal twist. This means to lift one leg in the air and then swing it over the other leg. Then do the same with the other leg.
6. Pop the toes. Do this by pushing down firmly on the top of the toes, one foot at a time. When you do this, you may hear a distinct popping sound. This is good and relaxes the toes.
7. Then put at least a sheet or blanket over the body. Make sure you cover up your shoulders.
8. Pull the sheet or blanket down, away from your neck, so that it does not touch the neck. If it touches your neck, it may tickle you while you sleep.
9. Put your arms and hands inside the sheet or blanket and bring them to rest at your sides. Do not bend the arms.
10. Turn the palms of your hands so the palms are facing upward. This opens the body a little and helps posture.
Do this each time you lay down to go to sleep.
10/17/22. Communists, a fancy word for authoritarian dictators, took over mainland China in 1949 in a thoroughly brutal war. Mao Tse Tung and his gang murdered roughly 60-70 million Chinese who did not want to go along with the thugs. A few escaped to the Island of Taiwan, which is a very small democratic Chinese nation.
Communist China today is a totalitarian dictatorship and by far the most dangerous regime in the modern history of the world. They have basically enslaved their own people and those of neighboring nations such as Tibet, Mongolia and Hong Kong. There is almost no personal liberty in China and there is tight central government control and surveillance over all areas of society.
This is the exact opposite of the vision of the founders of America. They set up a nation based upon the dignity of the individual, limited government, self-government, and the role of government as the protector of the rights of the people, not their “ruler”.
Communist China, Russia and the Arab states are the main stooges of the group we call the Rogues on this website. China controls the cell phone system, which is a worldwide spying and brainwashing system on a scale never before seen on earth.
The Chinese communists have also infiltrated the American and other governments and spread their horror worldwide. In May of 2019, their main propaganda outlet, The People's Daily, declared a “people's war” against the United States.
For 70 years, the Chinese government subsidized businesses that would set up factories in China. As a result, many of our products are made there. This technique is called crony capitalism. It is not an honest or fair trading policy.
There is a need to unhook from China and bring manufacturing back to America and the other nations from where it was taken. People also need to wake up and realize that Communist China is a mortal enemy and nothing but a transnational criminal organization. The Democrat Political Party in America is their friend. For details, go to and
10/17/22. At times, we like Dr. Mercola because he writes correctly about the vaccine problem and a few others. However, he is extremely wrong about dietary matters and about near-infrared saunas.
His “sauna expert” is not an expert. He is someone I helped set up in business a few years ago. He is not a physician or any type of health professional.
I can no longer even recommend his saunas because his heat lamps give off harmful electromagnetic energy. I wrote the Sauna Therapy book about this type of sauna in 2003, long before his “expert” became involved with it. We researched this sauna and continue to do so, not him. For details about which saunas we recommend, go to Buy A Sauna.
10/16/22. A new method that is helping our clients and assisting others is that while you hold a coffee enema, visualize radiating light or energy to others in all directions.
An easy way to do this is while holding an enema, visualize a powerful light bulb in the middle of your body that is shining outward in all directions. When you do this, you will broadcast or radiate the energy of the coffee you are holding in your colon.
This method is quite powerful and helpful! Millions of people, even children and babies, need coffee enemas but don't know about them. Broadcasting your coffee in this way actually helps them. It is also very beneficial for you to help others in this somewhat unusual way.
Enhancements. To make the effect stronger, you can add the following enhancements.
NOTE: I have listed many enhancements. If they seem overwhelming, begin with just one of them and slowly add others. It is not that difficult once you are accustomed to them:
- Do a plain water purge before doing your coffee enema. Put some filtered tap water in an enema bag and insert it. Then, within two minutes or so, expel it. This will clean the colon, make it easier to hold the coffee, help with dehydration, and make the coffee work better.
- Charge up the coffee. Before putting the coffee inside, shine a red heat lamp about one foot away from the coffee for at least five minutes. This activates the coffee and it is more effective. (You can charge up the coffee while you do the plain water purge).
- At the same time you do a coffee enema, do the Oral Coffee Hold. Put a little coffee in your mouth and hold it there. When you expel the enema coffee, also spit out the coffee from your mouth. It is also okay to swallow the small amount of coffee in your mouth after holding it 15-20 minutes.
This will radiate even more coffee to the world.
- When you first begin holding the enema, do a spinal twist and perhaps other twists to align and relax your spine. For details, read The Pulls, Pops, Twists And Kicks.
- When holding an enema, position yourself so your pelvis is a little higher than your head. This will help the coffee to stay inside you. It also helps the coffee to contact the top surface of the transverse colon, which is the reflex area to the brain. This is helpful for healing the brain.
To do this, put a pillow or rolled up towel under your pelvis. If you use a bed or massage table to do your enemas, adjust the legs of the table to tilt the table so your head is lower than your feet.
- While holding the enema, put your body in the open position. This means put your arms out to the sides or above your head, with fingers and wrists open. Legs can also be spread apart.
Also, arch the body a little both from left to right and from top to bottom. The procedure above (putting a pillow under your hips) will help arch the body.
The open position procedure will radiate coffee better and has other benefits for you. NOTE: At first, you may find this position scary, but with practice most people like it a lot. For details, read The Open Position Procedure.
- While holding the enema, do some deep breathing. A good way to do this is to do the three-part breath. For details, read Breathing.
- All during your enema, do the Pulling Down Procedure. It is definitely easier to do while holding a coffee enema. It will radiate a lot more coffee and has many other benefits.
NOTE: At first, doing two visualizations at the same time (1) radiating the coffee to the world and 2) pulling down) is daunting. However, with practice it becomes much easier.
- Do a second coffee enema right after the first one. Doing back-to-back coffee enemas is more powerful for healing, for development, and for broadcasting.
- After a coffee enema, do a Genital Bath. The easiest way is to take a shower. Sit down in the shower and position yourself so that tepid or cool water runs on the genitals for 10 minutes.
This is a very powerful healing procedure. It will radiate even more coffee to the world and you will heal faster.
A few people are so sensitive in the genital area that they can't tolerate water running on this area. In this case, put on a pair of underpants and you may be able to tolerate the water on the genitals.
10/15/22. Dark meat chicken is a wonderful food. Cooking it properly is important. For the purpose of development, most people overcook meats. Here are some guidelines:
- If possible, buy good quality, naturally-raised, free-range chicken. Most chickens today spend their entire lives in small, crowded cages. They can't move around or choose their food. They are just fed corn or soy beans their whole lives. This is called CAFO or feedlot chicken. CAFO stands for concentrated animal feeding operation.
Free range means the chickens were allowed to roam around a pasture and eat what they wanted. This is much better.
Less disease. An advantage of naturally raised and free range chicken is it will have a lower bacteria count and you won't have to cook it as much for safety reasons. A problem with CAFO meats is they have a higher bacteria count and one must overcook them for safety.
- A cooking method we recommend is to slice dark meat chicken (thighs or legs) into thin slices and put it in a pressure cooker. Usually, as soon as the pressure cooker reaches operating pressure, the meat will be cooked enough to eat. If it is pink, it needs a little more cooking.
If you buy chicken wings, you don't have to cut them up. Just put them in the pressure cooker whole.
- Another method is to cut up chicken into small pieces and stir-fry the pieces just until they are not pink. Then remove them from the wok or frying pan.
A problem with this method is it involves a lot of oil and higher temperature cooking. However, one can substitute water for the oil and essentially boil the chicken in a little water in a wok or frying pan.
- Another method is to buy ground chicken or grind your own. Form the ground chicken into patties like hamburgers and braise them. This means to cook them in a little boiling water lightly on one side for only 5 to 7 seconds. Then turn them over and cook them for 5 to 7 seconds on the other side. The middle can stay a little pink. This is safe if you use good quality chicken.
- Problems with other methods. Cooking whole chickens by baking, boiling, broiling, grilling, deep frying and barbequing is not as good for development. It often subjects the meat to high heat.
Also, often the outside is overcooked while the inside may not be cooked enough. For these reasons, we don't recommend these cooking methods.
- Skin and broth. When eating chicken, we don't recommend eating a lot of chicken skin. It is not very nutritious. We also do not recommend chicken or any meat broths. They also contain toxins and are not nutritious.
10/14/22. Millions of people today have an addiction to sugar. The reason is simple. To understand it, one needs to know that human bodies have at least seven methods to generate energy. For details, read The Energy Conversion Methods And Implications For Diet.
In many people, however, only the poorest quality methods of energy generation are operative. These involve sugar as fuel for the body. The higher level energy generation systems do not work well.
The cause. A lot of the cause is the rapes, beatings, poisoning and tortures of all women and future mothers by the alien group called the Rogues on this website. We talk about this group a lot because they are real, very secretive, and few talk about them.
The beatings, rapes, and poisoning severely damage a person's nutritional state, including that of all babies born in the past 80 years. This is all it takes to inactivate most of the energy generation systems of the body.
Other causes of the problem are nutritionally depleted food, poor quality diets, use of vaccines, too many medical drugs, and bad eating habits.
What is left is that one can generate energy only from eating sugar or starches. Starches such as bread and potatoes turn into sugar when digested.
Correction. Correction is not easy. Drugs, herbs, random vitamins and most nutrition programs are not of much help. Many of these just stimulate the body, which does more damage in the long run.
Correction requires deep remourishing and detoxification of the body. In our experience, it requires the healing process called Development and The Development Program. Although many people notice more energy quickly, some need to follow the program faithfully for 5-10 years or longer to have their energy return.
In the meantime, it is important to be honest about it. Also, do your best to avoid sugar, bread and other foods that you know are not correcting the problem.
In addition to proper diet, healthy lifestyle and the correct nutritional supplements, the development procedures help a lot. These include Coffee Enemas, Red Heat Lamp Therapy, Foot Reflexology, the Pulls, Pop, Twists and Kicks and particularly The Pulling Down Procedure.
10/14/22. I live near the main road out of our city. The past few weeks, there has been a steady line of cars entering the city, many from out of state.
I tuned in and asked what is going on. I am told the people are coming from other states to fraudulently register to vote in the upcoming November election.
When they arrive, they are usually raped and then given fake identification and told where to register to vote. After registering, they leave and go to another state. They vote by mail or in person in up to 20 states. It is massive election fraud!
Just one of many election frauds. We have written about other election frauds (see the post of 9/26/22). They include all use of mail-in ballots, all use of voting machines, and the unfortunate fact that women should not vote because they are all beaten and raped and told they must vote Democrat to avoid even worse beatings.
10/14/22. I hope everyone remembers that the American constitution was egregiously violated during the wuhan flu outbreak (it was not a pandemic). Unconstitutional emergency powers acts were used to illegally shut down parts of the economy “in the name of health”. There is no provision in the American national or state constitutions that authorizes this under any circumstances.
The emergency powers acts. These illegal laws are justified by corrupt courts based upon a false legal doctrine called the police powers doctrine. This completely fake and thoroughly illegal doctrine arose over 100 years ago in America. It is also the basis for the occupational licensing laws such as medical licensing, another thoroughly illegal situation.
Sadly, none of the conservative talk show hosts, constitutional legal foundations, or Mr. Trump have spoken out against this horror. Indeed, they have all gone right along with it.
I formerly enjoyed conservative talk radio. Lately, I enjoy it much less. Instead, do more of the development program and I pray more for help for our nation and our world.
10/13/22. We added two short sections to the coffee enema article in Chapter 12. The first discusses ways that coffee enemas automatically act as psychodrama. The second section is about the deliberate use of coffee enemas for psychodrama. For details, read Coffee Enemas.
10/12/22. Silicon is one of the spiritual minerals and extremely important for development. Most everyone is low in this advanced female mineral.
Getting enough silicon is one of the major reasons for eating the development diet. Onions, goat cheese (chevre), sardines, almond butter, sesame tahini and blue corn chips are among the most important silicon-containing foods.
We updated and improved the article about silicon. For details, read Silicon – A Spiritual Mineral.
10/11/22. Turkey is quite a delicate meat. One result is that it is very easy to overcook it. This applies especially to ground turkey.
How to cook ground turkey. Ideally, buy organic or natural ground turkey. The reason is that it will tend to have a lower bacteria count.
This is important because braising meat leaves the meat in the middle very rare, and this is excellent when eating turkey. However, some people will be nervous that they will undercook the meat and become ill. Meat with a lower bacteria count is safer to eat rare.
Braising. The method we recommend for cooking ground turkey properly is to first form the turkey into patties, similar to hamburger patties. They can be as large as you wish, and best to be about 1 cm or ½ inch thick.
Now put a very small quantity of water in a frying pan or sauce pan. Cover the bottom of the pot, but more is not needed. You can use tap water for this purpose.
Add the turkey patty to the water. Once the water is close to boiling, let the meat cook for only about five seconds. Then turn the patty over and cook for about five seconds on the other side. Then take the patty out of the water and serve. Put some salt on the turkey for flavoring.
NOTE: The inside will still be pink. However, it should not be cold. If the inside is cold, it is not cooked enough. If the inside is hard and whitish, the turkey is overcooked.
10/11/22. We are learning that especially as one develops, one can eat good quality beef and turkey jerky. Jerky is a method of preserving meat by mixing it with some spices and perhaps a little sugar. Then the meat is dried to age it.
In this process, certain microorganisms grow on the meat that “cook” and preserve the meat. If done correctly, it is quite nutritious and it will keep for a number of months.
Brands. There are many brands of jerky available in the markets. We are checking on them and will report on them.
Making jerky yourself. This is quite a lot of work and it must be done correctly. For these reason, we don't recommend making your own jerky. It could be quite toxic.
10/10/22. Time-restricted eating, also called intermittent fasting, is the idea of eating only during certain hours of the day, such as from noon to 7 PM. It is not a restriction on what you eat, but only upon when one eats.
We consider time-restricted eating very dangerous and very foolish. It is a form of starvation that some use to lose weight and to save time. Sadly, Dr. Mercola and the talk show host, Dennis Prager, both recommend it at this time.
The problem with time-restricted eating is that even the best food today is of mediocre nutritional quality. This is well-documented in books such as Empty Harvest by Bernard Jensen and Mark Anderson.
As a result, it is very difficult to get enough nutrients even if you eat three meals a day spread out properly. If you skip one of the meals, as is done with time restricted eating, you will definitely not get enough nutrients. This will stop development. It is weight loss by starvation and quite foolish.
What to do. To lose weight in a healthful way, eat three meals and eat plenty, but eat mainly cooked vegetables. Then you will obtain the nutrients your body needs, which causes healing and development. For much more details, read Food For Daily Use, Food For Occasional Use and Forbidden Foods.
10/10/22. When one expels the coffee solution after an enema, there can be certain odors. At first, the body expels the coffee that is in the transverse and descending colon. This may have some odor, but usually it is not a strong odor.
After this, the body eliminates coffee from the ascending colon and this may contain material from the liver, pancreas and small intestine.
This material will often have a stronger odor. It often includes the odor of bile or pancreatic secretions.
It may also include odors emanating from residues of medical drugs, food chemicals, other toxic chemicals one was exposed to, and even odors associated with toxic metals.
Eliminating all these toxins is wonderful. It is the goal of the coffee enema. So do not worry about the sometimes foul odors that come with it.
10/9/22. This message will sound very unusual! If it does, you can skip it.
I am told there is a journey of our planet and many surrounding heavenly bodies through space at this time. You won't notice it for a while because it takes time for light from distant stars to reach the earth. Here is what I am told we are finding.
The large fine matter beings. Space is not empty! It contains a number of objects, including some very large, fine matter creatures. Most people cannot see these creatures because their bodies are made of a much finer material than ours and that is difficult to see.
Space also contains some fine matter food creatures and water that the large beings feed upon. There is also some “air” or certain gases that they breathe.
The fine matter bodies can tolerate the heat and cold of space, though they don't like the cold temperature of space. This is unnatural and caused by the group called the Rogues. They destroy many stars that should warm up space.
The radiant queen. The large beings in space have names, just like we do. Theirs have to do with their activities. We believe we have found the being within whom we are supposed to be. She is a female, fine-matter being called a radiant queen.
She is quite beautiful and colorful, with a sort of mane like a horse that is reddish in color. Her arms and legs look fairly human. Her head is also very human-like, except it is larger than ours in relation to the size of the rest of the body.
She glides through space using a “power unit” that is located in the middle of her chest. This is a type of propulsion system that generates a thrust in whatever direction she wishes to move.
She reproduces using eggs and her entire physiology is similar to ours, but not quite the same. I am told we found her tied up in space and starved by the group called the rogues. We untied her and are feeding her. As we do, she is regaining strength.
She, in turn, lives inside of an even larger being who is called a “universe”. This is much larger than she and includes millions more planets and solar systems. He, too, is tied up and starved by the group called the rogues. We will soon untie him and help rehabilitate him, as well. This is the sad picture of outer space I am being given.
Our task. I am also told there is a task before us. It is to rehabilitate the beings of space. This will take some years. We are being given lots of help in order to stop the activity of the rogues, which is destructive.
10/9/22. We live at a time when rogue forces are attempting to undo Western civilization in a thousand ways. One way they do it is with ballot initiatives.
These are proposed Amendments to the national and state constitutions, or proposed new laws. While it may sound harsh, these days the best policy is often to vote against all ballot initiatives. Three reasons for this are:
1. Most increase the power of the government. This is usually a bad idea, no matter how good the plan sounds.
2. At times, the idea of the ballot initiative is okay or even good. However, if one reads the fine print there is something wrong with the way the new law will be set up. This is a tricky way to subvert the nation.
About voting. I just received our “Voter Pamphlet” for the upcoming election. The cover featured a lady mailing in her ballot at a mailbox. This is unconstitutional! The national constitution of the United States says there will be “a voting day”. With mail-in voting, there is effectively a voting month or perhaps even longer. Cheating is almost guaranteed.
We have written a number of times that the election system in America, and probably elsewhere, is completely broken. Besides the problem of mail-in voting, voting machines are quite insane – much too easy to tamper with.
Also, rogue operatives beat and rape all women today and tell them how to vote. As a result, women should not be allowed to vote until the rogues are gone from our planet.
Also, voter identification is deliberately very inadequate. In Arizona, as identification they will accept an electricity bill with your name on it. We don't think this is valid identification. It is much too easy to forge.
10/8/22.I am told that there exists a very large living being in space who created our world and everything within it. I am further told that our solar system helps coordinate and direct events within this being. This is most interesting and indicates that our planet is perhaps a very special place. We will write more about space tomarrow.
10/8/22. We apologize for this post because we like to keep the newsletter upbeat and positive. However, we have become aware of a terrible trend. We want everyone to know about it in order to stop it.
There is an effort to make beatings and even rapes a “normal” part of life. Here are examples:
- In order to work at a prestigious hospital, a physician we know was forced to sign a contract that included a clause that if he disobeyed the rules, he agreed to be beaten.
- A number of children have reported that they were beaten at school. They were told they must not tell their parents or it would be worse next time. If parents inquired about marks on the body, the children were instructed to say they were in a fight.
- Evidence is surfacing that most all women are beaten and raped a number of times starting in early childhood. They are also conditioned to accept rape and beatings as “normal” and even “fun”.
This is part of the rogue plan to control the earth. Some women are aware of their conditioning, while others are not. For details, read The Rape Planet and Rape.
- Evidence is also surfacing that rogue operatives beat many boys in early childhood and occasionally later. Very few boys and men are aware of what occurred. The rogues use advanced technologies to cause the boys to forget.
10/7/22. The following is a conception of life that I find helpful and useful. You are welcome to disagree with it. I am told it is true. Some day we will know for sure.
The Creator being. I am told there exists in space a huge, very old living being who is our physical creator. This being is both male and female (hermaphroditic). He/she has literally given birth to our planet and everything upon it, including our bodies and minds.
The source of this being is a mystery.
What is love? This being also thinks. His/her thoughts create a special type of energy. This energy or radiant force is love. This love powers everything in the universe. For details, read Love As Radiance.
This love is not a feeling or an ego preference such as “I love blue corn chips or sunsets”. No. This love is a pure energy coming from the creator being to us.
Receiving the love. This love is always here and always available to each person in unlimited amounts. However, one must make a decision to receive it.
This might sound unusual, but it is true. Some people decide to receive a lot of it. They become happier, healthier and more loving people.
Many others deprive themselves of this love, either out of ignorance or they reject it. They are less healthy, less happy and less loving people to be around.
They may have been taught that they don't deserve it because they “failed”, “have too much karma”, “are not smart enough”, “not wealthy enough”, “not good enough looking”, or some other reason.
The key. The key to health and happiness is to decide to receive a lot of the love of the creator. (This makes him/her happy, too.) Then your life will work and flow easily.
Self-love is also not indulging the ego or just making oneself feel good. It is not selfish or self-centered.
Actually, it is the opposite. In order to love others, you must first have some of the love yourself. You can't give away what you don't have.
It is just common sense. You need love and it is there for you, so accept it! You can say “yes” to it at all times. It is also nice to say “thank you” for it often. This is self-love.
How to receive the love of the creator being.
1. Decide mentally to receive all the love you can. Once again, this is not selfish! It is just a good idea, lots of fun and you can help others and the planet with it.
The love is there for you, so take it in. Love waits upon your welcome of it. That is how it works!
2. Visualize about receiving the love. Perhaps visualize sitting under a waterfall or shower and the love comes down and enters and surrounds your body.
3. An excellent way to bring in the love is the Pulling Down Procedure. Sit or lie down comfortably and imagine pulling an energy into your body through the top of your head. To do this, put your attention just below your feet and pull downward, like having a magnet or vacuum cleaner at your feet.
You can push the energy downward, but that usually causes a headache and is not as powerful as drawing the energy downward from your feet or from just below your feet. For many more details, read The Pulling Down Procedure.
4. Another excellent method is to extend yourself to others in some way that is safe. This is loving others. It is the life of service. You might be of service to your family, to a friend, or though a business or other activity. You could decide to love animals, plants, or perhaps the whole planet.
When you do this, it creates a need for you to have more love to give. It creates a type of vacuum and if you do it right, it will cause you to receive more of the creator's love so that you can give it to others.
5. Another excellent method is to decide to love God. You can believe and know that God gave birth to you and you can be grateful and thankful for this. Loving God also creates a type of vacuum and you will receive more love so that you can give it to God.
6. Watch out of the negative thoughts that stop the flow of this love to you. They include “I don't deserve it”, “maybe it is not there for me”, “God hates me” and “I'm not enough, such as smart, nice, honest, healthy, attractive, talented, spiritual, religious, etc., etc.
These thoughts are love killers and they are all false. The love is always there for you. It does not discriminate or judge. It is not conditional except you need to decide to receive it. It also does not compel. It is just there for the taking in unlimited quantity.
Another love killer is to love only part of yourself. You might say, “I'm a pretty good person - except for ______.”
Don't think this way. Accept ALL of yourself, with all your imperfections, even if you don't understand why they are there.
For many more details, read The Real Self. This book is also available in hard copy.
10/6/22. A new article in the Journal Of Insulin Resistance 2022:5(1):a71 by a heart specialist reviews vaccine data from around the world. It is quite shocking. The Wuhan flu-covid vaccines are extremely dangerous wherever they are used. The physician-author says they should be stopped immediately.
With censorship, this article is likely to be taken off the internet quickly. Please use your good judgment and stay away from the vaccines. We help people get exemptions if you are told you must have the shots. Dr. Mercola's newsletter highlighted this article, but his articles are taken down quickly so I don't know if it is still there.
10/6/22. We updated and improved the Iron article. Iron is required to transport oxygen in the body, for energy production in the electron transport system, and for some enzymes. However, too much iron is very harmful.
Especially as people age, most people accumulate toxic forms of iron that are oxides and carbonates.
Iron overload causes heart disease, kidney disease, liver disease, lung disease, and more. It is easy to get too much, it often does not show up on blood or other tests, and it is difficult to eliminate from the body.
Ways to get too much iron are:
- Eating too much meat, especially red meat. We only recommend two portions of lamb and one portion of natural beef per week. Portion size for adults needs to be 4-5 ounces, and not more. Children need less depending on their size and weight.
- Eating too many eggs. Egg yolk is a good food, but it is high in iron. We find women should not eat more than six eggs per week and men should not eat more than eight eggs per week.
- Eating white flour. This terrible junk food is “enriched” with iron. White flour is found in bread, pasta, pastries, sauces and more.
- Covid vaccines. These contain iron.
- Eating fast food. Some contains added iron today.
- Taking iron pills or infusions. Be extremely careful with these. Many doctors recommend iron pills for anemia when, in fact, the anemia is not due to iron deficiency although it may appear that way. For details, read Anemia.
Beware that prenatal vitamins are high in iron. Some women take these after pregnancy – a very bad idea.
In general, the only people who need iron supplements are some women at the end of pregnancy, some women with very heavy periods, and some vegetarians.
The development program is one of the few ways to eliminate toxic iron. It works beautifully!
Doctors recommend giving blood to get rid of iron. This is only fair.
Problems with giving blood are 1) you lose some good quality iron, which is not good, 2) you lose many other nutrients, 3) it does not remove all the toxic iron, and 4) it is not that safe today. For example, the author once got an infection from giving blood for a blood test.
For details, read Iron And Iron Overload and The Amigos - Iron, Manganese and Aluminum and others.
10/5/22. Some women are reporting unusual healing reactions. They suddenly have flashbacks to beatings and rapes that occurred much earlier in their lives and often of which they were totally unaware.
While disturbing, this is actually positive. We believe that these traumas are coming up because they are being unwound at this time. For details, read Trauma Retracing, Trauma Release, Rape and The Rape Planet.
10/5/22. Here are simplified rules for the development diet:
1. Eat three meals every day. Also, if possible, do not snack between meals.
2. Eat at least one and preferably two to three cups of cooked, preferred vegetables with each meal
3. Do not eat fruit or any sweets. Exceptions to this rule are:
- Adults may eat up to three black kalamata or botija olives per week. Olives are a fruit.
- Green beans are partly fruit and they are a wonderful preferred vegetable to eat daily.
4. Cook your food each day. Do not live on leftovers except occasionally. You can cook just once a day or preferably twice or three times per day.
5. Avoid vegetarian diets. Each day eat at least one and preferably two small (4-5 ounce) portions of lamb, beef, chicken, turkey, eggs, soft goat cheese, goat yogurt or sardines.
6. Eat up to 8 or 9 blue corn tortilla chips with each meal. We know they are fried in oil and some are salty. However, they provide certain nutrients not found in other foods at this time. Do not eat much of other grains and do not eat bread.
If we find a substitute for corn chips, we will let you know immediately.
7. For adults, each day eat two tablespoons of roasted almond butter, two tablespoons of roasted sesame tahini, and a teaspoon of nutritional yeast. If you don't like tahini, alternatives are 1) grind up roughly the same amount of sesame seeds in a coffee grinder and eat it, or 2) eat four tablespoons of hummus daily.
8. Eat protein first, followed by vegetables, followed by a few blue corn chips. Ideally, wait a few minutes between these courses.
Is it a lot of food? Yes, but you will lose weight on this diet and we find it is necessary for rapid development in our toxic world of depleted food. Hopefully, the food will improve some day and the diet won't need to be so strict.
9. Use sea salt on your food, including on your meat, vegetables and other foods. Do not eat refined 'table salt' or any white foods – white flour, white rice or white sugar.
10. Drink close to 96 ounces of spring or carbon or sand-filtered only tap water daily. Do not fill up on herb teas or other beverages. No coconut water! 10-12 ounces of carrot juice is fine, however, but not more.
Do not drink more than a few sips of water with meals. Wait an hour after meals to drink water and after drinking water, wait ten minutes before you eat a meal.
11. Vinegar foods. These are a new addition to the program and quite helpful for some people. For those who are less developed, a little sauerkraut, pickled herring, butter and goat cheese are excellent. When developed (50-60 years on the program), you can add a little kosher dill pickles and some nuts.
Oxidation. Adults whose body chemistry is in fast oxidation need two additional tablespoons of fat or oil with each meal.
Children. Children above age about 3 to 4 need proportionately less of the same diet based upon their weight and size.
For many more details, read Food For Daily Use, Food For Occasional Use and Forbidden Foods.
10/5/22. We are learning about the use vinegar foods for development. It is a fascinating subject.
Not only does vinegar preserve foods, but it supplies special souls and special nutrients. We just improved the vinegar article. For details, read Vinegar.
10/4/22. This is an update regarding our client, Daniel. He was diagnosed with sickle cell disease at age four months. This is a genetic condition that causes many symptoms. The worst are painful attacks that often require a hospital visit for medication. The disease also shortens one's life and causes many other health problems.
Daniel is now 10 years old and has been on the development program for almost 8 years. Daniel suffered with the painful flare-ups of his illness for several years. He was also always tired and often irritable.
At this time, Daniel has no symptoms whatsoever. He goes to school and plays normally like all other children. In fact, he is now smarter than most of his friends and is rarely sick for any reason.
We would like to work with more cases of sickle-cell disease. It affects over four million people world-wide and causes much suffering. If you know of anyone with sickle-cell disease, please tell them about the development program. For details, read the improved, updated article, Hope For Sickle-Cell Disease – A Case History.
10/3/22. The greatest check on government power is a fully informed jury with the power to get rid of bad laws. Yet today, if a jury decides to nullify a law, the judge will ignore it and perhaps tag the perpetrators for punishment.
Jury nullification. In America and perhaps elsewhere, the ultimate power is supposed to rest with the citizens. Yet governments pass bad laws every day that remain on the books often for years.
Jury nullification means that a jury has the power not only to determine whether a person is guilty or innocent. They can also nullify or knock out the law under which a person has been charged with a crime if they believe the law is unconstitutional or just unfair.
The effect. This power formally acted a powerful check on government power. The government knew they could not pass bad laws because they would be quickly nullified by juries.
Loss of jury nullification. However, over the past 100 years, fewer and fewer judges inform American juries that they have the power to nullify bad laws. As a result, today bad laws abound. Getting rid of them is slow and difficult.
What to do. Please read several times our newly updated and much improved article, Juries And Their Ruination – Preventing And Stopping Bad Laws.
It is vital to realize and tell all your friends that the media and the schools are not teaching the truth about the role of juries and about the justice system in America and in some other nations. Here is an analogy that may help:
An analogy - a bad immune response. The jury situation today is like having a bad immune response. The job of the immune system is to get rid of anything that does not belong in the body.
A similar job in a society is to continuously examine and get rid of bad laws. Otherwise they multiply like bacteria or cancer and wreck society. That is our situation today.
Grotesque examples of bad laws:
- Misinformed and impotent juries. This is discussed above.
- A broken election system. The national Constitution says there will be an election day. Today, thanks to illegal mail-in balloting, elections often last two months! Voting machines are also a horror – simple to rig with computer viruses and other methods of cheating. In the most recent US election, the votes were counted in Venezuela by a corrupt company that is not American-owned!
- Fake money. The national Constitution states that gold and silver shall be the money of the nation. However, this was violated over 100 years ago.
Control of the money was given over to a private group of bankers falsely called The Federal Reserve. Must reading to understand this is our article, Central Banks And the History Of Banking In America. For more details, read the exciting book, The Creature From Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin (1994-2010).
- Loss of true citizenship. Every American is a Citizen of a state. That is how citizenship was set up in America.
However, after the Civil War, an inferior national citizenship was illegally put into place. Today, all Americans are presumed to be second class “subjects” of the government, not sovereign Citizens. To reclaim your true Citizenship takes a lot of work and is quite a dangerous undertaking. For details, read America Has Two Kinds Of Ctizenship.
- Illegal government agencies. America has 47 government agencies. Every one of them is illegal. They have alphabet soup names such as FDA (Food And Drug Administration), FTC (Federal Trade Commission), TSA (Transportation Safety Administration), USDA (US Department Of Agriculture), SEC (Securities And Exchange Commission), and so on.
They are illegal because according to the national Constitution, the Congress does not have the power to regulate these activities within the 50 states of America.
Also, these agencies make laws, enforce laws and judge laws. These powers are supposed to be divided and given to the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government.
For details, read our article, The Regulatory State. For more information, read a recent book, Death By Regulation – How We Were Robbed Of A Golden Age Of Health And How To Reclaim It by Dr. Mary Ruwart (2018).
10/3/22. We are sad to say that today going off to a college campus today is very dangerous for your health. The reason is the Rogues are very active on college campuses.
For women, college is a big rape scene. For details, read Rape and The Rape Planet.
In addition, everyone on college campuses receives electronic implants in their heads that assist the rogues to control your thoughts and your activities.
Also, too often you will learn false ideas and be brainwashed with liberal lying thinking.
What to do. If you want a college degree or to learn a skill, whenever possible do it online. For details, read The College Trap.
10/2/22. Dementia is a terrible and growing problem around the world. It is very disabling, costly, and extremely damaging to one's quality of life.
Drugs are not too helpful and most dementia is considered incurable. In light of this, the following is an amazing healing story!
Carl is 60 years old. Over the past six or seven years, his memory has become very poor. He could hardly remember how to speak. He lost his job and cannot find another due to memory impairment.
His temperament became very disagreeable. He shouted and cursed at his wife, who did her best to feed and care for him.
The development program. Carl's wife found the development program almost one year ago. Shortly after starting it, she noticed his energy level was better and he looked brighter. So she continued with the program.
In the past two months, Carl is happier and much less irritable. He shouts and curses less and is remembering how to speak better. This is quite an amazing response.
Most recent hair mineral test. Carl's recent mineral analysis indicates:
A lot of toxic metal elimination. The test indicates Carl's body is eliminating lead, cadmium, arsenic, aluminum and molybdenum.
All toxic metals damage the brain. Lead, aluminum and arsenic, in particular, are associated with dementia.
NOTE: We do not use and do not recommend chelation therapy for toxic metals. It won't work nearly as well. For details, read Toxic Metals and Chelation.
Improvement in the sodium/potassium ratio. This important tissue mineral ratio is associated with the electrical charge on the cell walls, among other things. When low, it is associated with fatigue, infections, tissue breakdown and memory loss.
Carl's ratio of sodium to potassium had been low and increased to normal on this retest. For details, read The Sodium-Potassium Ratio.
Out of his shell. Carl's previous mineral analysis revealed a significant calcium and magnesium shell pattern. These are levels of calcium and magnesium that are very high. Carl's calcium and magnesium levels were about eight times the ideal level of 40 mg%.
Calcium and magnesium are vital minerals for the nervous system. Very high levels indicate a loss of calcium and magnesium from the blood into the soft tissues.
This damages the nerves and leads to a buildup of biounavailable calcium in the tissues. There is a dulling effect upon the nervous system, often with feelings of depression and memory loss.
The process of calcium loss into the soft tissues is extremely important and very common. It is a common cause of irritability, fatigue, depression, memory loss, derealization/depersonalization, brain fog, and osteoporosis.
Unknown. Only a small handful of physicians and nutritionists understand the problem of calcium loss into the tissues. It cannot be seen on blood tests, but it is easy to assess with a hair mineral test if one knows how to interpret the test, which is rare. It is a very important reason why hair mineral testing should be done on everyone.
On the new mineral test, Carl's calcium level decreased to 45 mg%, which is almost perfect! This much of a decrease in the calcium level in six months is unusual and an excellent sign of deep healing.
NOTE: A problem with dementia is that those with dementia usually cannot follow the development program by themselves. They need someone to shop and prepare meals, and to help them remember to take supplements and do the procedures.
In this case, Carl is fortunate that his wife takes care of him. For details, read Calcium and The Calcium Shell.
10/2/22. Coco is a 16-year-old, 19-pound dog. Coco is on the development program. His owner feeds him properly with cooked dark meat chicken and cooked preferred vegetables, and no dog food! He also takes a few supplements and gets reflexology therapy on his ears.
Over the past several weeks, Coco developed a lump that started out soft, but became harder and larger. His owner wondered whether to take him to a veterinarian.
We tuned in and learned that the lump was a cyst filled with poison that the dog was eliminating from his tissues. The issue was retracing and nothing more.
Cleaning the area and then sticking a pin into the cyst drained it and Coco is fine. A trip to the veterinarian would have resulted in x-rays, toxic drugs and perhaps costly surgery. For details, read Care Of Dogs With The Development Program.
10/2/22. Do not drink distilled water – it is too low in minerals. However, distilled water works well for part of the water for a coffee enema. We would add a little clean tap water or spring water, ideally, as well for coffee enemas.
Contaminated. Recently we found that distilled water that one buys in the supermarket has a toxin added to it and should be avoided. We hope this will change.
Home distillers. An alternative is to make your own distilled water for coffee enemas. We recently bought a home water distiller from Megahome. It was costly – almost $300.00. However, it works well, is fairly easy to clean, and appears to be well made. It makes about a gallon of water in five hours.
10/1/22. I am told that there exists a wonderful, very ancient language spoken throughout the universe by trillions of human beings and fine matter creatures. It is called Ebre.
Over the past 1000 years, there has been an effort to bring it to planet earth through the English language. Many, though not all words, are similar in the two languages.
I have been asked to write about the basics of this language. The article is not perfect, but if you are interested, read Ebre.
10/1/22. The president of the United States just “ordered” 171 million doses of a new Wuhan flu (covid-19) booster shot without proper testing and in spite of studies that show it will hurt many more people than it will help.
This is probably just an effort to reduce the population. Use your head – stay away. To boost your immune system, follow the development program.
9/30/22. The buffering principle is that whatever you eat, the body can only absorb part of it because to absorb more would excessively unbalance body chemistry and be dangerous. It is called the buffering principle because any time you eat, the body must buffer things to keep the body balanced.
This is a major principle of development science, but not of most other dietary systems. In fact, most health authorities have never heard of this important principle.
For example, cooked vegetables are very high in a wonderful form of potassium. However, too much of anything, including even the best potassium compound, will unbalance body chemistry. Therefore, the body absorbs only a certain amount of any nutrient you eat.
Implications. Healing is slower because even if you eat the very best food, only a part of it can be absorbed.
- Eating always upsets and unbalances the body to some degree. This is because the body must many various nutrients that are not in perfect proportions.
- Resting after meals is excellent to help the body restore its chemical balance.
- Certain foods contain a better balance of nutrients than others. For example, meats and cooked vegetables contain among the best balance of nutrients for the body. Some grains also have a good balance of nutrients. Thus eating these foods in proper amounts is easiest and most relaxing for the body.
In contrast, fruit has an improper balance of nutrients, even organic fruit. This is more upsetting for the body. For details, read Fruit-Eating.
- Snacking is not good. The reason is that usually when one snacks, one eats just one or two foods and this does not provide a good balance of nutrients. For details, read Snacking.
- Drinking smoothies and shakes is not good. These usually contain food concentrates or isolated nutrients. As a result, they are usually quite unbalanced in their nutrient content compared to eating a regular meal.
This is just one problem with smoothies. Most of them are also very poor quality food combinations and they all contain too much liquid that interferes with digestion. For details, read Smoothies.
- Supplement programs need to be done in a way that does not include excessive amounts of any nutrient. Otherwise, supplements will be wasted or will upset the body a lot.
- A healthy body can handle the “upset of eating” much better than an unhealthy body. As a result, a healthy body absorbs many more nutrients than an unhealthy body.
This is just one reason a healthy body absorbs nutrients better. Other reasons are better digestion and more efficient absorption of nutrients.
- Toxins are among the worst unbalancers of body chemistry. This is just one reason to avoid chemicals in food, and one reason to avoid most “enriched” foods such as white flour.
Refined flour has been stripped of hundreds of nutrients, unbalancing its nutrient content. Then they unbalance it more by adding back just three nutrients. This is required by our wise, all-knowing government.
- To absorb more of your food, eat a variety of foods together at one meal. The reason for this is that eating a variety of foods together will give you a better balance of nutrients, making absorption less unbalancing for your body.
NOTE: This is the opposite of what we recommended some years ago, which was to limit meals to just a few foods. A variety of foods at a meal works better, even if it is more difficult to digest.
To ease digestion, eat protein first. Wait two minutes and then eat cooked vegetables. Then wait two minutes and then eat a few blue corn chips, with a little butter if you wish. Also, eat slowly, sit down, relax, and don't eat while working or driving. Also, take a digestive aid such as GB-3.
9/28/22. We suggest avoiding the covid-19 “vaccines” and boosters. They are among the most dangerous “vaccines”. The truth about them is not being told.
We put the word vaccines in quotes because they are not vaccines. They are just poisons. We suggest staying away. Insist upon an exemption or quit your job if you must to avoid the shots.
9/28/22. This is a continuation of the Outer Space Update of 925/22. I am told that our planet and many surrounding ones are still moving “upward” through space. This is a direction toward more ether in space.
The source of the ether is the thoughts of an enormous being in space. That is how ether is made. This ether is a life-giving substance, which means that thoughts are creative and life-giving.
We will do our best to keep you informed regarding this journey. I am told it is real, but possibly it is some sort of illusion.
9/28/22. We would not eat canned anything now except for sardines. The canning factories are using a poison to line the cans and I became ill from eating canned soldier beans. We plan to let you know when this problem ends.
9/27/22. We don't recommend eating many foods out of cans. However, now and then a can of cooked beans, especially European Soldier Beans, is good.
When you open the can, before eating the beans, put the beans in a strainer and run water over them. This is necessary because the lining of the can is somewhat toxic. The beans are cooked for several hours with this chemical. Rinsing removes most of the toxic chemical.
Sardines. We highly recommend eating canned sardines. The main reasons are their excellent nutrition and because they are very low in mercury due to their small size. Sadly, other fish contain too much mercury today to be safe.
Rinsing sardines before eating them is not necessary because sardines are cooked for only about a minute in the can. For more details, read Sardines.
9/27/22. In this newsletter and website, the word twins may have somewhat unusual meanings. This is because the souls use the term twins in special ways.
NOTE: The Bible is a main source of information about souls. However, it does not discuss the concept of twins. The following is thus different from the standard Christian and Hebrew teaching about souls. We hope it will not offend anyone and we are told it is correct.
The standard meaning of twins. Most people think of twins as two people who developed inside the same mother at the same time. If the two have the same DNA or genetic configuration, they are called identical twins. In this case, they are both male or both female.
They can also have different DNA. In this case, they may both be male or female. However, one can be male and the other can be female.
Soul meanings. I am told that all souls are birthed from a mother soul using eggs. Furthermore, they are always birthed in male-and-female pairs. The souls call these pairs twins and sometimes call them genetic twins.
Twin souls remain connected at all times by a tiny wire. These twins usually get along very well and usually communicate with each other easily.
Creature meanings. The souls also use the word twins in another way. They can refer to a male and a female creature, or a man and a woman, whose bodies each contain one of a pair of twin souls.
Usually, but not always, the man or male creature contains the male twin soul and the woman or female creature contains the female twin soul. These people or creatures often get along well and usually like living together.
Fine matter twins. Fine matter creatures are those whose bodies are made of a less dense form of matter. Few people can see them, but they are real. For example, they include angels and elves. Young girls can see them most easily.
Most fine matter creatures find and live with another of their kind who has as their main or entity soul the twin of their main or entity soul.
These are always a male and a female, and they always consider themselves “married” or mates.
The male creature almost always has inside himself the male of the twin souls and the female creature has inside herself the female of the pair of twin souls. For details about fine matter creatures, read Bodies – Their Structure And Activities.
Twin souls among human beings. Human male-female couples very,very rarely contain twin entity souls. Be extremely wary of anyone who claims to be your “twin soul” or “soul mate”. It is usually a trick used to deceive you!
Soul “friends”. Souls also use the word twins in another way. They can refer to any two human beings or other living creatures whose souls are “friends”. By this they mean the souls have lived or worked together at an earlier time.
Such humans often get along well. They can be a male and a female, but they may be a man and a woman. For more details, read Twins.
9/26/22. We continue to point out that elections in the United States and many other nations are rigged and have been for years. Unless changes are made, we consider the election system completely broken and thus Western civilization in perilous condition. Here are the main problems:
1. Voting machines are very easy to rig and tamper with. They should never be used.
2. Mail-in ballots invite cheating and fraud. For example, there were numerous lawsuits filed after the 2020 election in the United States regarding fake mail-in ballots.
3. Strict voter identification is essential and often missing.
4. There needs to be a test before one is allowed to vote. The reason is that the principles of Western civilization and limited government are no longer being taught enough in school and elsewhere.
Unless one understands capitalism, socialism, communism, limited government, self government, basic economics and more, it is easy to fool people into voting away their rights.
5. We are very sad to say that women must not be allowed to vote. This is because so far, in our research, all women are beaten, raped and told to vote Democrat or liberal. When they go to the polls, some hear a voice and feel a headache to remind them they are being watched and will be tortured more if they vote “wrong”.
Many women are well aware of their conditioning or brainwashing, which is the work of the Rogues - or what many call “the men”. The Bible calls them Satan.
All women (and men, too) need to do at least three things: take good care of themselves, listen for guidance, and pray properly all day long, including the Lord's Prayer from the New Testament of the Bible. See the Rogue Update below.
9/26/22. I am told that several thousand years ago some limitations were placed upon the alien group we call the rogues.
The reason was to give us a fighting chance against them. However, they have been violating the rules more and more – mainly using very dangerous and very enormous weapons.
Recently, they were told either they must observe the rules or we will attack and destroy them. They decided they will not follow the rules. As a result, I am told that as of today a more organized uprising against the rogues has begun.
9/25/22. Our planet continues to move “higher up” within space. It is being pushed along by very large fine matter creatures.
We are told that the planet is returning to its proper position in space from which it was taken many thousands of years ago. This is quite exciting and we hope it will cause improvements of many kinds on the planet.
9/25/22. We know this sounds discouraging, but at this time, all dating is very dangerous for women. The reason is the Rogues are using dates as setups for rapes and beatings. Until this changes, we would not do any dating. We hope this will change soon.
9/24/22. This is a continuation of the post from 9/22/22. Another way to understand why the development program is so effective is that it is at least eight programs in one, packaged in a way that the programs do not interfere with each other.
For example, the diet is not just an excellent source of nutrition. It is a warming or more yang diet, a parasympathetic diet, and a downward-moving energy diet.
The supplement program does not just supply extra nutrients. It also assists digestion, makes the body warmer or more yang, makes the body more parasympathetic, moves subtle energy downward, balances the oxidation rate and the sodium/potassium ratio, helps the thyroid and adrenals, and more. It does all of this without parts of it interfering with other parts, as occurs with most other supplement programs.
The procedures are also multi-purpose and like a program in themselves. For example, the Pulling Down Procedure opens the energy channels, spins and balances the energy centers, brings in development souls, balances the nervous system, and more. Please do it each day. It becomes easier and more fun with practice.
9/24/22. At this time, certain foods are contaminated in some way. One of our clients bought organic milk and it was not okay. The Rogues sometimes poison organic foods more than others.
Milk is not a daily food or an important food on the development diet. A little is okay. More important is to eat about 8-12 ounces or more per week of plain goat cheese or goat yogurt. These contain special souls that assist development.
Another food that has been sprayed with something toxic is Mauna Loa brand of dry roasted Macadamia nuts.
Nuts are difficult to digest, and this is why the development diet includes almond butter and ground up sesame seeds rather than whole nuts and seeds. When one is more developed, a few whole nuts can be eaten.
9/24/22. Another good fermented food is tamari, which is traditional Japanese soy sauce. It is available in some stores and on the internet.
NOTE: I believe that most brands of soy sauce in the supermarket is not fermented.
I also learned that most tofu sold in the markets is not fermented. It is possible to obtain fermented tofu, but it is not a common food item. Tofu and tempeh are foods for occasional use only on the development diet and are not necessary foods.
9/23/22. We greatly improved and updated the article about fermented foods. This subject is much more complex than most people imagine.
Some fermented foods such as butter and cheese have many healing properties. Other fermented foods contain alcohol, aldehydes and other poisons. This is important reading. For details, read Fermented Foods, And Why Be Picky With Them.
9/22/22. The reason is that the development program works closely with the design of the body. The program combines at least two dozen therapeutic methods in an integrated package. These methods include:
- Placing people on what is called the golden path. This includes a healthy lifestyle, clear thinking habits, strong moral values and warning people about the hazards of consumer products, food products and more.
- Reducing exposure to toxic substances in food and elsewhere.
- Restoring the alkaline reserve minerals and hundreds of other nutrients. This can only be done by eating foods that many people do not normally eat such as lamb, sesame tahini, nutritional yeast, almond butter and the vinegar foods.
- Improving digestion, elimination, hydration, circulation, oxygenation and lymphatic drainage.
- Making the body more parasympathetic and much warmer or more yang in macrobiotic terminology.
- Renourishng and balancing the autonomic and voluntary nervous systems.
- Increasing adaptive energy, moving subtle energy downward from the head to the feet, and moving the body to a healthier stage of stress.
- Aligning and opening the joints.
- Correcting the electrical balance of the cells by correcting the tissue sodium/potassium ratio.
- Improving the organs of detoxification, which are congested and sluggish in most everyone.
- Balancing the pH, oxidation rate and mineral ratios using the method the body uses.
- Opening and healing the energy channels of the body and spinning the energy centers and dantiens faster and in the correct direction.
- Causing development, a unique and powerful genetic therapy that greatly strengthens the body and extends its life.
9/22/22. Exposure to ionizing radiation is a serious type of poisoning. It can be due to testing or use of atomic bombs, nuclear power plants, medical and dental x-rays, or other exposure.
How radiation damages the body. Ionizing radiation is very high energy particles that travel fast and cause oxidant and other types of damage. They often interfere with DNA transcription or copying of DNA to RNA. This gives rise to genetically mutated cells and impaired cellular activity.
What to do. Prevention is best. Limit your exposure by limiting the number of x-rays you have, especially CT scans, which each expose the body to the equivalent of about 400 flat-plate x-rays.
Minerals. Eating a mineral-rich diet helps shield the body from radiation. Shield minerals include iodine and calcium.
Also, if one supplies the body with trace minerals from food, one will absorb less toxic minerals from the air, water and surrounding environment.
Anti-oxidant therapy. Anti-oxidants protect the body from oxidant damage. Rather than take anti-oxidant supplements, a better idea is to eat a diet high in cooked vegetables. This supplies hundreds of antioxidants, is less costly, and is much more warm or yang in macrobiotic terminology. This advantage is very important today. For details, read Anti-Oxidants.
The development program. This is one of very few healing programs that removes oxide forms of minerals in the body that contribute to oxidant damage. With fewer oxide forms of minerals present, the body's anti-oxidants can concentrate more on preventing the effects of ionizing radiation. For details, read The Amigos – Iron, Manganese, Aluminum And Others and Introduction To The Development Program.
Miso soup. During World War II, eating miso soup protected some Japanese people from the effects of the atom bombs used on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Miso is rich in minerals and contains ferments that also may produce substances that shield the body.
Development. The process of development helps prevent radiation damage by speeding up biosynthesis. This reduces the time during which body chemicals are most prone to radiation damage. Development also leads to improved digestion so that one will absorb more protective minerals from one's food.
Heat therapy. Regular use of a sauna can help limit radiation damage by destroying mutated cells. These cells are weaker than other body cells. When one heats the body a few degrees with a sauna, mutated cells are more likely to be killed by the effects of the heat. This prevents these cells from reproducing.
Coffee enemas. These are a great help to dislodge and remove radioactive particles from the body.
Cleanliness. Keeping the body clean with regular bathing helps wipe off radioactive particles that may drop onto one's skin.
9/21/22. The introduction to this newsletter above contains a statement about the new covenant that we believe exists between our Creator and all the people and creatures of the earth. I am told that an additional item is being added to it.
The new item. 8. We agree to help rid the entire universe of the plague of the Rogues. I have added this statement to the introduction to the newsletter.
The rogue empire is enormous. At this time, it appears to permeate all of space.
This new covenant item means that the earth will likely be involved in a lengthy fight. This could affect many aspects of life on earth for years to come.
9/20/22. The biological theory of creation. This newsletter teaches that space is not empty. Instead, it is populated by small and large beings.
These beings are made of a fine type of matter so most people do not see them. Young girls are most likely to see them. Many report seeing creatures such as angels, elves and others in and around planet earth.
A wonderful true story about fine matter beings is the movie Fairy Tale: A True Story (1997). It is well worth renting and viewing.
Movement through space. I am told that our planet, along with a large number of other nearby stars and planets, recently moved to a different location in space. The journey began a few months ago and it is not over.
I am told that at least 50,000 years ago our planet was moved away from where it belongs. This was part of the Rogue takeover of the earth. The journey of the past several months has been to begin to return us to where we belong.
The new location. I am told that our planet is presently inside the head, near the forehead, of an extremely large fine matter being who lives in space. It appears we are part of a neuron, or thinking cell, of the large being.
If we have moved in space, why are the stars still in the same place? The reason is that it takes a long time for light to travel from the stars to our planet. As a result, what we see in the night sky is not the present situation, but a past situation.
For example, it takes light about eight minutes to travel from our sun to the earth. If you look at the sun, you are seeing what it looked like eight minutes ago.
The sun is relatively close to the earth. (93 million miles away). It takes light much longer to travel from distant stars to us. Therefore, if we have moved in space, it will take years for the location of the planets to change.
A glorious day. If the above is true, today is a glorious day that may be recorded in the history of the earth. We will see if it is so. For more details, read The Biological Concept Of Creation And Space, Outer Space, Bodies In Space and The Life Chart.
9/19/22. Yesterday's post is mainly correct. However, it is missing a few steps that are very important. Below is a newly revised version of yesterday's post. The post from yesterday has been removed.
9/19/22. Dozens of clients report how wonderful and amazing coffee enemas are for their health and well-being. This post explains in more detail how coffee interacts with a human body.
Summary. Unlike most foods and beverages, coffee works directly with the souls of the body. This is quite unusual.
It is somewhat similar to the manner in which the vinegar foods work. This was the topic of this newsletter on September 5, 2022.
The first five minutes. Coffee contains very special souls. These souls originate from suns or stars, including a few from our own sun. However, most are from other stars, some quite distant from the earth.
Placing a coffee solution in the colon activates these special souls. They do the following:
1. They discuss the person's health situation with the planning souls. The planning souls are extremely important souls in every person that coordinate and direct all healing in the body. For details, read The Planning Souls.
2. The coffee souls then do their own assessment of the body. They take note of about two dozen types of damage. This includes inflammation, toxic metals, nervous system imbalances, infections, damage from traumas, parasites and many other chemical and nutritional imbalances.
3. A special part of this assessment is to look for two unusual types of damage. These are electrical implants and damage from witchcraft. The latter are similar to homeopathic toxins. These can be in our food, are quite common, and cause a lot of ill health. Coffee enemas are one of the very few ways to remove these unusual toxins.
4. Next they assess the amount of certain special chemicals in the body.
5. The coffee souls notice if there is already some coffee present in the colon from previous enemas that they can use.
6. The coffee souls also note the general condition of the person. They mainly note how well nourished and how rested and relaxed is the person. This influences greatly what the coffee can accomplish in terms of healing.
7. A decision is reached regarding the work to be done this session.
The next five minutes. The souls in the coffee begin their work with the help of the souls of the person's body. The coffee souls ask for protection, provision of chemical substances needed to complete the work, and they ask for helpers.
They also ask for any other information needed to complete the project of the day. The work then begins and usually continues for at least 15 minutes.
Nourishing the nuclei. Coffee in an enema is able to improve biosynthesis or the genetic formation of all body chemicals. Coffee contains a particular selenium compound that is not found in most other foods. To get a lot of it, one must also place the coffee in the large intestine, not in the mouth. Drinking coffee destroys most of the compound.
First, the coffee souls check to see how much of this chemical is needed in the nuclei of each body cell. Then they distribute the amount they have to the cells of the body.
This selenium compound makes it easier for the souls that live and work in the nuclei to access the “page” or part of the DNA code needed to make each body chemical. This is an important step in genetics or biosynthesis.
Enhancing the spin of the energy centers. The coffee souls then help speed up the spinning of the physical energy centers of the body. They do this by nourishing the souls that live in the seven energy centers. Coffee contains a number of chemicals that these souls require.
Enhancing the spin of the energy centers is another huge benefit for a person. One's adaptive energy level increases and this helps heal all conditions and situations in the body. It also assists detoxification of the body in a powerful yet safe manner.
Correcting the direction of spin of the energy centers. In many people, the energy centers spin backward to a degree, especially in girls and women, but also in boys and in most men.
Correcting the direction of the spin is a huge benefit for one's health. It improves many aspects of one's functioning and helps get rid of many serious health conditions. For example, it is very helpful for ridding the body of cancers and most infections.
Increasing energy production. A vital function of each body cell is the production of energy. There are at least seven ways the body produces usable energy from food. Coffee helps activate the better methods of energy production by providing nutrients found in few other foods.
This is another enormous benefit for anyone. The body requires sufficient energy for every bodily activity. For details, read The Seven Energy Systems Of The Body and How To Increase Your Energy.
Enhancing one's overall level of life. The combination of the above four activities causes an increase in the vibratory level of the body. This is very important at this time in history. We cannot emphasize enough how vital this is for the health and safety of every person on earth.
A more toxic day. In a few instances, a very toxic substance needs to be removed from the liver or elsewhere. In these cases, a person may suddenly notice a gurgling sound and sensation, followed by a strong desire to expel the coffee.
We call this a bad toxin day and it can end the enema early. In other cases, the person can handle the pressure to expel the coffee and the enema can continue.
This is not the same as a desire to simply pass some intestinal gas during a coffee enema. It is a stronger desire to expel the enema.
Inspection after about 10 to 15 minutes. The coffee souls do another assessment to make sure the person is left in a stable and balanced condition after the enema. This is easy or more difficult depending upon the healing that was done during the enema session.
It is critical to leave the person in stable condition. Removing toxins is not so simple and can upset the balance of body chemistry. This is a problem with many detoxification methods that we do not recommend, including fasting, baths, and others.
Cleanup. If the person plans to soon expel the coffee, it is time to clean up. Toxins are sent from the body organs to the colon to be eliminated when the person expels the coffee.
The coffee then becomes rather toxic. One may feel this as a slight headache or as a strong desire to go to the toilet and expel the coffee.
Longer enemas. Some types of healing require holding coffee enemas longer than 20 minutes. This is especially true of healing of the brain and digestive tract. These are more extensive and somewhat delicate projects that take more time.
Toxin reabsorption. If one continues the enema longer than about 20-30 minutes, a few toxins are reabsorbed from the colon. However, this problem is usually minor in relation to the benefits that occur from allowing the coffee to remain in the colon longer.
Longer term effects. As one continues to do coffee enemas over a period of months, the body becomes much more efficient in using the coffee. This is a separate subject that we may address in future posts.
9/17/22. Maja, age 57, was always tired, depressed, and had pain in many areas of her body. She never spoke much, even to her two children and her husband.
Maja's childhood was very difficult. She grew up in the Middle East where women are treated very poorly. There had been many traumas and rapes. She moved to the United States with her husband about 30 years ago, which was a great improvement. However, she still never felt well.
Many visits to physicians did not help her. She took numerous medicines for depression, anxiety and pain.
The development program. About eight years ago her son learned about the development program and insisted she try it. She was very hesitant, but he cooked vegetables for her at each meal and insisted she take the nutritional supplements, as well.
Her son noticed a change within a few weeks. He knew his mother was severely malnourished, although she was overweight.
She did not feel much better, at first. Her son insisted she continue and little by little her body pain went away.
Retracing. This is a unique feature of the development program. It is so unusual it is somewhat amazing. Most retracing involves a health condition such as an infection or an injury.
However, Maja has retraced a number of serious traumas. This is more intense, in most instances. We will describe just two of them.
#1. One day, she suddenly felt ten years old. She remembered being beaten by an angry, psychotic parent who is herself beaten and raped, and knows not what she does.
Then the beating was suddenly over. The body straightened up a lot, and she felt less tense. She became happier. She still does not really understand what occurred except that a terrible memory surfaced.
What occurred is that her brain became better nourished and balanced and less toxic. This allowed her brain and her souls to process an old trauma and release it.
#2. A few years later Maja woke up one morning feeling about age 18. She recalled being raped for making a left turn while driving a car in a no-turn zone.
She felt intense pain and fear. The man was very sick and deranged. She cried and screamed while the policeman spit all over her and bit her. She almost lost consciousness with his madness.
Then, suddenly, the memory faded and the retracing was over. It was like a weight lifted off her shoulders. She felt much better all over her body. Her pain is now almost all gone and she feels happy for the first time in 40 years.
This case is rather extreme. Most retracing is not so intense. However, this is a good illustration of what can occur if one has experienced a lot of trauma. For details, read Trauma Retracing and Retracing.
9/16/22. A few months ago we wrote that we thought it was best to hold coffee enemas only for about 20 minutes. This is because the coffee accumulates toxins and it is good to release them.
However, in the past few days we have experimented and found that holding the enema for a longer time brings other benefits. These are enhanced detoxification especially of the digestive tract and the brain. It seems to take much longer for the coffee to penetrate these areas.
New recommendation. Therefore, we will revise our recommendation. Shorter or longer coffee enemas may be best, depending upon the goal of the enema.
If the goal is detoxification and healing of the colon and liver, then 20-minute enemas are best. If the goal is healing of the digestive system and brain, then holding the enema for up to one hour, or perhaps even longer, seems to be best.
9/15/22. The statement that only love is real means that one acknowledges only one force in the universe. It also implies that this is the true order of the universe.
This force is called Love and it is the radiance or thoughts of the Creator. As we think good thoughts, we also add to this one force of love or radiance.
This idea is very simple. Do not complicate it!
Fear is a lack of love. Anything that is not love, such as fear, is just a deficiency of love. A good analogy is that darkness is unreal. Darkness is just a lack of light.
Turn on the light in your room and darkness vanishes. Turn on or receive all the Love of the Creator in your life and your fear, anger and despair will vanish! Try it – it works.
The problem. The problem is that most people live in the realm of two science or two forces. This is the idea that there are two forces in the world. Some call them good and evil, or the light and the darkness. This thinking is not quite right.
The Bible comments on this subject. It states that we must hold fast to the tree of life. (Hint: This is one science or one force). It also says if we ever eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil (Hint: two forces) then we will surely die.
The Bible also states, “Ask and you shall receive, Knock and the door will open, Seek and you will find”. Another way to say this is that the Love of God waits upon your welcome of it. Decide to receive all of it in your life. Ask for it often and seek it actively.
The down force is the one force of love. This is why we recommend the Pulling Down Procedure so much. Some of our clients understand this and we want everyone to understand it.
There is no up force. If one's energy is not moving downward (from the head to the feet), it is only because there is a deficiency of the down force that you can correct with the pulling down procedure and the down lifestyle – down walking, down eating, down hugging, down sex and more. Coffee in enemas, and the other development procedures, are helpers.
Read this message a number of times and it will become clearer. For details, read Love As Radiance and The Real Self. We just improved the Love As Radiance article.
9/14/22. A very common health condition is mild anemia due to copper imbalance. It is especially common among young women. We have written about it for forty years.
It is confusing because:
- It is associated with a deficiency of bioavailable copper, but the hair and perhaps the blood level of copper may be high due to excess biounavailable copper.
- It looks just like iron deficiency anemia on a blood test, so physicians routinely confuse the two conditions. If one visits any type of physician, he or she often recommends taking iron, but this does not work well and tends to worsen one's health!
- Blood, urine and other tests for copper, ceruloplasm, ferritin and other factors may be normal.
Solution. The development program is one of the few ways to corrects this condition. It is one reason people feel better when they follow the development program. For details, read Anemia and Copper And Copper Imbalance. We just updated the Copper And Copper Imbalance article.
NOTE: Dr. Mercola just wrote a confusing article about this topic. It says that that one should take vitamin C to increase copper in the body. It is true that vitamin C can assist adrenal gland activity. However, vitamin C also chelates copper and can lower its level in the body.
9/14/22. We suggest avoiding this product. It is being marketed heavily and is a stimulant, so one may feel better using it for a while. However, it does not rebuild the body and is harmful.
9/13/22. This is a philosophical idea. It means that to overcome anything one must first allow it, embrace it, and then you will transcend it. This is the opposite of what is often taught – to try your best to ignore or suppress what you don't like about yourself or others.
An example. A good example of this is the way the development program works compared to much of conventional medical or even natural health care. The development program nourishes, balances, cleans and detoxifies the body.
This process allows one to uncover hidden infections, toxic metal deposits, and other imbalances. The nutrients and balancing of the body then allow a person to go in and heal the imbalances.
In contrast, standard medical and even most natural health does not properly nourish and rebuild the body. Instead, remedies are used to “kill” or suppress symptoms such as high blood pressure or others. For details, read Love Is The Answer.
9/12/22. Hermes was a Greek scientist who lived about four thousand years ago. His name today is associated with a very important physics principle – As Above, So Below.
Meaning. This means that the way life is organized on a large scale is mirrored or is the same as the way life is organized at a smaller or lower level of life. For example, the organs of a tiny animal function similarly to the way the organs function on a human being. For details, read As Above, So Below.
9/12/22. Many older and Native cultures on earth revere and worship beings that they call grandfather and grandmother. They say they communicate with these beings.
This is similar to the concept discussed on this website that there exist large beings in space called the Fathers. The Hebrew and Christian religions use this term, perhaps because originally the people communicated with a very large, ancient being who lives in space.
Not ancestor worship. The Native worship of the grandmothers and grandfathers is sometimes called ancestor worship. However, this is incorrect. The true ancient system of worship is not about their ancestors.
It is about communication and reverence for a set of large beings who live in outer space. One of the most important of this group call themselves the grandfathers and the grandmothers.
If you are interested in this subject, I am learning about them, and how they can help us on earth. For details, read The Grandmothers And Grandfathers.
9/11/22. There was an effort to destroy The Boy Scouts Of America. However, they are reorganizing and will be back. The Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts organizations teach good values and many survival skills to children.
9/11/22. To have very clean hard floors, first vacuum or sweep the floor. Then spray white vinegar full strength on the floor. Then use a steam mop on the floor. The water used in the steam mop needs to be distilled or filtered by reverse osmosis so as not to clog up the mop.
9/10/22. A key feature of the development program is that you will experience the unusual phenomenon of retracing. This is a temporary flare-up of symptoms that occurs as the body heals itself deeply. These flare-ups occur all the time during the development program, although many are very mild.
Causes. Purification reactions are due to a special type of inflammation that occurs with deep healing. They can also be due to the elimination of a toxic metal or chemical, killing of bacteria, yeast, fungus or parasites, or some other shift in body chemistry.
A feature of the bio-energetic nature of the development program. At an energetic level, retracing is caused by an increase in the vitality of the body that occurs with the development program. Very few other healing programs work this way, so they do not produce these reactions.
Other names. Retracing is sometimes called healing reactions, purification reactions, aggravations or just flare-ups. These are all the same. A name used in medical care is Jax-Herzheimer reactions – named after two psychiatrists who lived about 100 years ago.
The basic protocol during a reaction. Purification reactions are almost always benign and short-lived. If one occurs, in general drink plenty of water, eat mostly cooked vegetables, and rest a lot.
More of the detoxification procedures is often helpful such as coffee enemas, foot rubs, spinal twist and saunas. Usually, one does not need the regular supplement program during a healing reaction and it is better to discontinue it.
Occasionally, we recommend a remedy during a reaction. If you are not sure what to do, submit a question to your Helper and we will check. If a reaction is very severe, call me directly to save time.
Visiting physicians. Some people consult a physician during a purification reaction. This is okay, provided you realize there are several problems with it.
First, physicians do not understand the development program and most all do not understand retracing. They often confuse the symptoms of retracing with the onset of a disease, which it is not. In fact, it is the opposite of disease, though it can look like a disease.
Then physicians often improperly diagnosis a disease, and often recommend unnecessary drugs and medical procedures. These just tend to slow things down. In some cases, the physician tells our client to stop the program because it is harming them, when this is not true.
Physicians also often alarm and scare clients, although this is also the opposite of what they need. So beware of visiting physicians during healing reactions.
Trauma Retracing – an unusual type of purification reaction. Many purification reactions are mainly physical in nature such as a headache, sore throat, a rash or a a pain somewhere in the body. A more complex type occurs when one retraces a trauma, which everyone has. In these cases, one may experience quickly changing physical, emotional, mental and even spiritual symptoms.
Spiritual symptoms mean that one becomes unsure of one's identity, or of one's relationship with the creator, or of the meaning of life itself. This can be very disorienting, but is usually an excellent sign of deep healing. For details, read Retracing and Trauma Retracing. We just updated and improved the Retracing article.
9/9/22. Love is the most important theme of this newsletter. Love is not romance or sex.
Love is a radiance or energy. It is generated by your thoughts. The more you heal and develop yourself, the more of this radiance you produce.
For details, read Love As Radiance, Loving Versus Destructive Relationships And Discerning The Differences, Self-Love, Understanding The Word L-O-V-E, Broadcasting, Maturity For Women, How To Love Using the 7 System, Kinds Of Love According To The 7 System, The Real Self, 14 Stages of A Romantic Relationship, Love Without End – Book Review, Only Love Heals, and a more philosophical article, The Love Tetra.
9/8/22. We discussed vinegar foods on 9/5/22. Two more foods that are somewhat similar to the vinegar foods are butter and corned beef.
Butter seems like a simple food. However, it is not. It is actually a type of fermented food. As one churns cream, a chemical change occurs that creates butter. It is high in certain souls that are needed today by many people as they develop.
Not everyone needs butter. This is especially true of those in slow oxidation. Slow oxidizers do not do as well eating fats. However, it is worth trying some butter in your diet because some people will feel better including some in their diet.
Corned beef. This is another interesting food. It is a special preparation of beef. It is particularly popular in the Irish, British and Jewish cultures. It also contains special souls that some people require, especially as they develop.
Buying good quality corned beef is difficult. Proper preparation must begin with excellent quality beef, usually beef brisket. The beef is mixed with sea salt and certain spices and left to cure for at least five days.
Chemical additives. Some corned beef contains nitrates or nitrites. This gives it a pink color, but the chemicals are harmful. If possible, avoid pink-colored corned beef.
Recommendation. We do not recommend eating a lot of beef. However, once or twice a week a small portion (4-5 ounces for adults) of good quality beef is excellent and it can be corned beef. To obtain good quality, you may have to make it yourself and recipes are on the internet.
9/7/22. The problem. For success with coffee enemas, the coffee must be ground finely. If not, the coffee will be too weak. At times, even coffee that is sold already ground is not ground fine enough.
Solutions. 1.Buy whole coffee beans and grind them finely yourself. This is best. Some stores that sell coffee have coffee grinding machines and you can set the fineness of the grind.
2. Buy the coffee already ground. This is a little easier. However, two problems are 1) it won't be as fresh and 2) it may not be ground fine enough.
To achieve a finer grind, you could run the ground coffee through a commercial coffee grinder again with the grinder set to a fine setting. An alternative is to use a small home coffee grinder and leave it on for at least 20 seconds. This should produce a fine grind.
Storing the coffee. Always store coffee in a closed container in the freezer, if possible, especially if it is already ground. Storing it in the refrigerator is better than storing it at room temperature, but not as good as the freezer.
Cooking the coffee. The best methods are boiling or pressure-cooking. Using a coffee maker is next best. The newer spray or Keurig method is not quite as good.
9/6/22. The Pulling Down Procedure is one of the most interesting and exciting of the healing procedures. It is a sort of “mental workout” that moves a lot of subtle energy downward through the body – or from the head to the feet.
Please don't skip it. Here are details about what you will feel.
What you will feel. You want to create a feeling of a vacuum inside the body by pulling downward from your feet. This is very important for rapid development.
Creating a vacuum or emptiness is a great secret of doing the procedure correctly and powerfully. It is also The Trim-Tab Concept.
It is an unusual feeling – you just create an emptiness at your feet. The subtle energy rushes into the head and down the body to fill the vacuum. You may or may not feel this energy and many just feel the vacuum or emptiness. As you practice the procedure each day forcefully, it becomes easier to do.
Heating up and release. As channels heal and open, an area of the body may heat up a little. Then you may feel a release as the energy flows more easily through that area.
The order of healing - The eyes. The first area I felt was a flow of energy through the eyes. It felt like someone was gently poking me in the eyes. I thought it was strange and was happy that the feeling soon went away. For details about this problem area, read Head Congestion Syndrome.
The neck. Next, in many people the neck is congested and tight. You may feel the subtle energy trying to move through there.
Gently turning your head as you do the exercise may help it move through. The neck pull procedure may also be helpful.
The upper abdomen. After the neck is worked on for a few weeks or perhaps months, the next area where you may feel the energy is often the upper abdomen and diaphragm. This area is also very stuck on most people.
If you have a protruding or hard belly, moving subtle energy through this area will eventually get rid of it.
The third center. There may be some churning, discomfort or tenderness in the area of the solar plexus, also known as the third energy center. This center is quite damaged on most people and usually spins backwards.
As the spin corrects and the center opens and balances, any sensations of discomfort slowly go away. For more details, Third Center Pain and The Four Pains Of Development.
Opening the central channel. Once the third center has opened and healed to some degree, one day you may suddenly feel that your body is more balanced, centered and grounded. This is a wonderful feeling!
When this milestone of development occurs, You will be much less affected by the words and actions of others because your energy will remain inside you and more centered and grounded. For details, read The Central Channel.
We could go on, but this is enough for now for most people. It is the way healing of the energy channels and energy centers proceeds using the development program and especially the Pulling Down Procedure.
NOTE: Just pull down. Do not decide which part of the body should be worked on next. Simply do the pulling down procedure and the body will decide where to focus.
9/5/22. A new category of foods for rapid development are those that contain vinegar. These foods include sauerkraut, kosher dill pickles, olives packed in red wine vinegar, vinegar salad dressings, and a few other foods such as pickled herring.
What is vinegar? Vinegar is often made from fruits or vegetables. The food is fermented in a certain way that leaves weak acetic acid as the main ingredient. While this is a good chemical explanation of vinegar, in reality it is much more.
Cleaning up food. Vinegar also contains many souls that are attracted to its qualities. These souls specialize in cleaning the body and in cleaning the food that the vinegar is made from.
Cleansing is the main action of vinegar. This is extremely helpful today because all the food contains toxic chemicals that impair healing and development.
Improving digestion. The weak acidic nature of vinegar also helps balance the digestive system. Bacteria in the vinegar act like a probiotic. This is also very helpful today.
A healthy preservative. Vinegar also acts as a food preservative. This chemical action prolongs the life of a number of foods.
How to use vinegar foods. As one moves into the higher stages of development, vinegar foods become more important. One reason is that vinegar foods often contain some aldehydes. These are liver poisons, so one must be careful with vinegar foods. At this time, we only recommend three vinegar foods for most people:
- Sauerkraut. Plain sauerkraut, preferably Bubbie's brand if you can find it, can be added to any meal. Have just one to two tablespoons with a meal. We recommend having a little at least once a day.
- Olives. You may have about 3 black kalmata olives per week that are packed in red wine vinegar. In some ways, these are better than our earlier recommendation to try to find some black Peruvian botija olives and have a few of them per week. Do not do both – have either the kalmata olives, which are easier to find and very good, or the botija olives. Avoid green olives.
- Pure red wine vinegar. This can be used as an occasional food as a topping for cooked vegetables or any other food.
Comments on apple cider vinegar. This is a popular health food store product. It contains some beneficial bacteria and other compounds. However, it is too cold (or yin in macrobiotic terminology) to use on a regular basis, so we cannot recommend it. For details, read Yin And Yang Foods, Yin And Yang Healing, and Yin Disease.
We added a section about vinegar foods to the Food For Daily Use article. We also cleaned up this article.
Other uses for white vinegar. Vinegar is an excellent cleaning compound to use around the house. Some professional house cleaners will only use vinegar for cleaning because it is non-toxic and very effective.
An excellent idea is to add a few cups of white vinegar to the laundry when you put your clothes in the washing machine. It will freshen the laundry.
9/5/22. We don't write often about movement of our planet through space because it is difficult to confirm the truth of the information.
Basic information. It appears that space is absolute enormous, much larger than one might imagine. Also, space appears to be populated by many fine matter beings, some of whom are extremely large.
The group we call the Rogues have infiltrated these large beings and damaged some of their body systems. We are discovering how the smaller fine matter creatures interact to maintain the physiology of the very large beings.
Movement. At this time, we believe the earth, the entire solar system, and many nearby stars and planets are moving to a healthier region of space. It appears that we were moved away from our true home in space and we are now moving back toward where we belong. If this is true, it is a positive sign that may help reduce the rogue influence on earth.
9/4/22. Lamb is one of the most wonderful foods for development.
Iron. Lamb is a red meat, but it is not as high in iron as beef. This is a benefit for most people because most people have too much iron in the liver and elsewhere, which slows development. Development involves reducing one's iron level.
Less hybridized. Lamb is also less hybridized than beef, another benefit. Some beef cattle today are hardly recognizable as cows and are quite unhealthy. Not so with lamb.
Development souls. Lamb is very high in development souls. These are special souls that help one with all aspects of the process of development. This includes moving energy downward through the body from the head to the feet. The development souls also help undo traumas that slow development.
Raising lamb. One reason lamb is an excellent food is that one cannot just feed grain to lambs. One must allow them to eat fresh pasture grasses. Traditionally, the grasses of Australia and New Zealand were excellent places to raise lamb. However, in the past 10 to 20 years, more lamb is raised in other nations and this works well, too.
Taste. Lamb has a slight wild game or “lamby” flavor. This is due to its high omega-3 fatty acid content. Putting some salt on your lamb helps take away this taste if you don't like it.
Cooking. It is important not to overcook lamb, although most people do overcook it. The best method is braising. This is light cooking of a thin patty or slice on one side with water. Then turn the lamb over and cook it lightly on the other side, and then immediately eat the lamb.
Braising leaves the meat somewhat uncooked in the middle. This is not safe to do with most beef or chicken. However, it is generally safe with lamb because lamb is lower in bacteria than most beef or supermarket chicken.
Packaging. Fresh lamb is best, but not necessary. Frozen lamb is okay if that is all you can find.
Shrink-wrapped lamb does not test as well as lamb packed simply in a paper or plastic wrapper. We are not sure if chemicals are added when it is shrink-wrapped.
Cuts. Any cut of lamb is good. The easiest to work with is ground lamb, which is widely available. Just form it into a fairly thin patty and braise the meat. Lamb chops are delicious and usually need a cut or two in the meat if you want to cook it fast.
Storing lamb. Keep fresh lamb in the lower bin of your refrigerator. It will last a little longer this way.
Cost. A disadvantage of lamb is its cost. However, it is worth the money to have a small portion twice a week. Have 3 to 5 ounces twice a week for adults and less for children. Ground lamb is often less expensive than some other cuts and is fine.
Salting lamb. It is excellent to put a little sea salt on your lamb just before eating it. It will enhance the flavor and the extra salt is excellent for digestion. The stomach uses salt by converting it to hydrochloric acid (NaCl > HCl). Plenty of HCl is needed for proper digestion.
9/4/22. The Ukrainian people continue to oppose communist Russian aggression, a very old problem for Europe. The conflict has gone on for over six months, and really much longer because the Russians invaded the Crimea almost ten years ago.
I am also told that the American president, Mr. Biden, lies when he says he supports Ukraine financially or otherwise. In fact, he really does little to nothing for them.
However, our contact in Ukraine says that all of Europe is spoiled by past American military defense and needs to learn to defend itself. So the lack of American backing is not all bad. Your prayers and support are much needed for Ukraine and indeed all of Europe, which is now under threat of attack.
9/3/22. This post is about an advanced healing topic that is very important, but not often discussed.
The channel system. The way life works is that living bodies have thousands of very tiny tubes or channels through which flows a subtle energy that some call ether or chi. This is a life-giving energy that is required for life and health. We are ether-powered beings.
The channels run vertically through our bodies from the head to the feet. Some healers such as acupuncturists are aware of these channels. Certain groups of these channels they call the meridians. However, channel therapy is not part of most health care.
NOTE: Unfortunately, we don't recommend acupuncture much because most of it is too symptomatic.
Today's bodies. Everyone is born with some of the channels missing or damaged. Some channels are malnourished, toxic, clogged, congested, infected, crushed or implanted.
Also, moving the ether through some areas of the body is just more difficult. These areas include the neck because the channels have to bunch together to get through a more narrow space. Moving the ether through the joints is also more work. This is why we highly recommend the Pulls, Pops, Twists and Kicks procedure and the Pulling Down Procedure.
Problems in the channel system is a hidden cause of poor health that very few healing programs address. Development and the development program focus on this system. For more details, read the Channel System.
The coffee souls. Coffee enemas have many benefits. I am told that one of them is that it contains a large number of highly advanced souls who know how to clean up the entire body. They know how to clean out infections, cancers, parasites, yeast overgrowth, electronic implants, and more.
The cleanup souls in the coffee understand how to assess the channels and how to heal them. They have special equipment to unclog and open the channels.
They also have powerful cleaning chemicals such as hydrogen peroxide, vinegar and soap. They also know how to safely move many different types of toxins out of the body.
9/2/22. At this time, I am told that a cleanup of planet earth and the surrounding space is occurring. The goal is to reduce the Rogue presence on earth. I hope this is correct and that there won't be much disruption, although it is possible.
9/2/22. A covenant is an agreement in which a leader states that he or she will protect others. In return, the others agree to follow certain rules and procedures. The most famous covenant is found in the Old Testament of the Bible between the Creator and the Hebrew people.
We believe there is a new covenant today between the Creator and everyone on earth. The rules we are to follow are the Ten Commandments that were given to Moses and The Golden Rule.
In addition, we are to seek out and speak only the truth whenever possible. Also, all boys and men are to be circumcised, ideally on the eighth day of life. In addition, we are all to follow the new development program which is described on this website. For details, read The Covenant.
9/1/22. We improved an important article on the website. The subject is how couples can and do assist each other and our planet at this time in history.
This is a basic or core article about relationships on a topic that is not mentioned often enough. For details, read Balancing Couples and Empathic Blending.
8/31/22. Shui Chen does not work with us, no matter what she claims. We suggest avoiding her.
8/31/22. We improved and updated a core article about healing and development. It explains a lot about the design of the development program and why it works very well. For details, read Downward-Moving Energy And Healing.
8/30/22. The development program is mechanical. This means that if one follows the program, one will heal and develop.
NOTE: This is not true of other healing methods – what I call remedy methods. These methods, which include the medical system and natural health care, work for some and not for others.
The procedures. Not only are the Development Diet and the Pulling Down Procedure very important. We are realizing that one develops a little each time one does a Coffee Enema, a Genital Bath, uses a Bidet properly, or does the The Twists, Pops, Pulls and Kicks found in the article of this name.
Development. Development is nothing less than unlocking the full genetic potential of a human being or creature. I am told it is the healing method used by the souls and by the high-level spiritual beings that rule our world.
For this reason, the wise way to live is to find ways to do the above development procedures each day.
In the past, teaching development to the pubic was not permitted. This has apparently changed and we are honored to teach it at this website and in this newsletter.
8/20/22. We cleaned up and improved the article about the many therapeutic uses of a bidet. For details, read The Bidet Healing And Development Procedure.
8/29/22. This is a very upsetting message. However, writing about it hopefully is the first step to stopping it.
Rogue beatings, rapes and brainwashing of most all women on earth cause woman's vaginas to become too open and active. This is one of the nastiest aspects of the rogue presence on earth.
The torture is done using special rapes and beatings, and by placing a small vibration machine inside the vagina for an hour or more.
No memory. Most women have no memory of this torture. The rogues use high-tech methods of hypnosis and brainwashing to cause most women to forget what was done.
The effects. Women lose some of their natural inhibitions about having sex. The result is they will go along much easier with sex on a date, for example, and will object less to a rape. This is the goal. Some women develop a craving for sex and some become sexually aggressive.
Opening the vagina also damages the woman's balance and her thinking. It instills intense fear, shame and anger. Other effects are to make women much less self-confident and to cause them to hate their parents and hate God.
Vaginal torture has a powerful cooling or yin effect upon the body. To understand this, read Yin Disease.
It also damages the central energy channel of the body, also called the conception vessel in acupuncture. This slows a woman's development and impairs her general health and well-being. For details, read The Central Channel.
Vaginal torture and rape also damage the subtle energy center called the lower dantien. For details, read The Dantiens.
Rapes and other vaginal torture also cause slight flattening of the sulci or ridges of the surface of the brain. For details, read Anchors And Pivots. The section about Anchors discusses healing of the sulci with the development program.
The larger picture. Open vagina syndrome is also part of a larger, highly secretive rogue effort. Its goals are to condition women to sex, harden the vaginal tissues, deplete the bodies of nutrients, and completely filth up women's bodies.
This spreads dozens of diseases to their sexual partners to weaken men. It also weakens all the women's future children. It is also a campaign to terrorize women, ruin all their relationships, turn women into liars, and they are forced to become enemy agents.
Who does this affect? We are researching this, but so far the torture is done to ALL girls or young women. It occurs as early as age seven or eight. In some women, it occurs during the teenage years or later.
Where is it done? Many girls are taken to special rooms that have been set up in schools. This is an important reasons we recommend keeping girls out of all schools at this time. Also, girls must be closely watched and supervised at all times!
The rogues can use high-tech methods to enter women's bedrooms. They also use trickery to lure girls and women to parties, beaches, camping trips, overnight visits with friends, fake dates and other places where they are raped and tortured.
Cell phones and long hair. The cell phone system is rogue technology! If one carries a cell phone, it automatically tells the rogues where you are at all times, making you much easier to assault and rape. Keeping the cell phone turned off with the battery out may not affect this. The phone would have to be kept in a specially shielded box to avoid tracking.
Wearing your hair long also makes grabbing you much easier.
Reversing the damage. The development program is most helpful. For details and to begin the program, read Introduction To The Development Program.
The pulling down procedure is particularly good because the torture tends to cause subtle energy to flow upward instead of downward.
Coffee enemas are very helpful because they move energy correctly and for other reasons. The Genital Bath done several times daily is also excellent to undo the damage.
For more details, read Rape, Beatings and The Rape Planet.
8/29/22. NOTE: We are slowly changing the background color of the website articles. For a while, some will have the new white background, while others have not yet been updated.
8/28/22. Several principles unite in the development program to create a very powerful program:
1. Whole system thinking. The medical and natural healing groups think in terms of body systems. This is not sufficient.
There is a higher level of systems thinking required for deep healing. It is whole system thinking. We are one system, not a set of body systems. For details, read Systems Theory and General Systems Theory And Healing.
Whole system thinking means thinking in terms of at least seven levels of body functioning. These levels are physical, emotional/sexual, ego level, social, creative, intellectual and spiritual. For details, read Basics Of The Seven System.
Moving the body/mind to a healthier stage of stress according to the stress theory of disease. The stress theory of diseases is an important aspect of general systems theory applied to the body. For details, read Understanding Stress and The Stress Theory Of Disease.
Love. The word love can and must refer to a whole system concept, not simply an emotion or thought. This love is not romantic or about individuals. It is the basic emanation of life force. For details, read Love As Radiance.
2. A dietary and supplement program for all age groups that provides hundreds of nutrients, excellent quality protein, easily digested carbohydrates and necessary fats and oils. For details, read Food For Daily Use, Food For Occasional Use and Forbidden Food.
Minerals are at the heart of the program: measuring them, restoring many, upgrading the compounds, and balancing their levels, ratios and patterns. For details, read Minerals For Life, Minerals And The Seven System and The Anthropomorphic Qualities of Minerals.
The program takes into account the drastic decline in nutritional quality of earth food over the past 100 years. For details, read Organic Agriculture and Superphospates.
3. Deep detoxification. This has two main aspects: toxin avoidance and toxin release. The program causes the release of two dozen toxic metals, hundreds of toxic chemicals, physical and mental traumas, and more. For details, read Healthy Lifestyle, Toxic Metals, Detoxification and Detoxification Protocols.
4. Restoring a high level of adaptive energy. The body uses this energy to heal and activate all of its systems. For details, read The Energy Concersion Methods and Implications For Diet and Restoring the Body's Energy.
5. Balancing. Restoring the balance and proper functioning of the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous system. For details, read Autonomic Nervous System Health.
6. Balancing. Working directly with the complementary opposite forces of warm and cold, also called yang and yin. For details, read Yin And Yang Healing and Yin Disease.
7. Healing the channel system so as to bring more ether into the body and circulate it properly. For details read Reflexology and The Pulling Down Procedure.
8. Genetic activation, also called development. This is the growth in the size and complexity of the energy field of the body, with resultant healing at many levels. Genetics and Introduction To Development.
The program also promotes and teaches the basic vectors or motions associated with development. For details, read The Seven Movements Of Development Science.
9. Soul and rogue perspectives. The development program uses the same system of measurement and many of the same principles of healing used by the souls of the body. For details, read The Planning Souls and Soul Science.
The program also takes into account the effects of the group sometimes called the negs, the otros or the rogues. For details, read The Rogues, Rape and The Rape Planet and Healing Rape.
10. Teaching maturity with the path concept. The program is a path upon which one will experience the phenomenon of retracing. This is a unique and fully individualized recognition and undoing of one's misperceptions, fixed and false ideas, unforgiveness, and other mental and spiritual blocks. For more details, read The Path Concept, Retracing and Trauma Release.
8/27/22. I want to apologize because this post about the development program is a bit technical.
The ether. Life is not just dependent upon breathing air and eating food. It also requires a subtle energy sometimes called ether or life force. In some older languages, it is called qi or chi.
We are born with a supply of this energy. As time passes, the ether is used up. This is the primary cause of aging, disease and death of the body.
Extending life. If one wishes to heal the body and extend life, one needs to maintain and absorb more ether. The four ways to do this are:
1. Conserve your ether. Don't waste your ether. The main way to do this is to live a healthful lifestyle with plenty of rest and sleep, gentle exercise, healthy diet, retention of most of your sexual fluid, and thinking positive, happy thoughts. For more details, read Healthy Lifestyle.
2. Move your ether through your body efficiently. The ether moves through millions of tiny channels that run from your head to your feet. In everyone, some of these channels are crushed, twisted, clogged, and infected with bacteria and parasites. Some channels are not even fully formed.
Malnutrition, tissue blockages, congestion and disease impair the channels. Important areas are tight or misaligned joints, tight and adhered fascia, and the general density of the body.
For example, muscle tissue is a more dense tissue. Having too much of it actually slows the ether flow for this reason. This is why we do not recommend vigorous exercise and physical workouts.
Channel therapies. To help move your ether efficiently, follow the channel-restoring development diet. Open and align your joints each day using the spinal twist procedure and foot reflexology. These are what are called channel therapies.
Coffee enemas also supply channel nutrients. Fine matter creatures in the coffee also heal the channels.
Red heat lamp therapy supplies a frequency that greatly assists the channels.
The supplements we use are also channel therapy, especially the omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D and trumethylglycine.
3. Absorb environmental ether. To extend life, bring more ether into the body with deep breathing, breathing clean air, sitting in the sun, and eating a high-ether development diet. These will supply some extra ether.
The development diet is the highest ether diet we have found. Coffee taken in an enema also supplies a lot of extra ether.
4. Directly draw more ether into the body. To do this, do the pulling down procedure. The more you do this procedure, providing your do it correctly, the more life force you bring in to the body, and the faster you will heal.
The vacuum or emptying idea. The most efficient way to move anything is to create a vacuum or void in such a way that the object or substance to be moved will fill the void or vacuum. This is the secret to doing the pulling down procedure correctly.
Examples. To turn a huge ocean liner, one creates a small vacuum by turning the rudder while the ship is moving forward. The entire ship then turns to fill the vacuum.
To lift an airplane off the ground, one creates a vacuum above the wings by tilting the wings and moving the plane forward at the same time. The entire plane then rises into the air to fill the vacuum.
Bernoulli's principle. To create the vacuum, one moves the water or air faster where one wants to create the vacuum. Moving air or water reduces the pressure and this creates the vacuum. This is why the ocean liner or aircraft must be moving in order to steer the ship or lift the plane.
Apply the same principle to move ether into the body for healing. The secret of the pull down procedure is to move the ether downward very fast with your mind while focusing your attention below your feet.
This reduces the ether pressure below your feet, creating a vacuum or emptiness. If you do it correctly, you will feel it as an air vacuum.
This, in turn, causes new ether to be drawn forcefully into the body. This is the great secret. For many more details, read The Ether.
8/26/22. Symptoms when Fred began the program. Fred is 62 years old. He had suffered with very low energy, acid reflux, and significant joint pain for at least 30 years. He also had high blood pressure. He had become discouraged and decided that life was basically over for him.
Beginning the development program. Fred found out about the development program about five years go. He liked the website articles and thought there might be something to the development program. He began the program by changing his diet.
The development diet. Fortunately, Fred loves cooked vegetables. He immediately began adding many more cooked vegetables to his diet. Soon he felt a little more energy. He also realized that he was also moving a little better and was more relaxed.
One of the worst oversights of the medical and many natural healing practitioners is to underestimate the importance of proper diet. It is the 2000-pound elephant sitting in the middle of the room that no one wants to talk about.
Our sick food supply. Our food may look good, but its vital mineral levels are about 20% or much less of what they were 100 years ago. This is well-documented in books such as Food For Naught, The Decline In Nutrition by Ross Hume Hall. As a result, the bodies need 8 to 9 cups of cooked vegetables daily.
The toxic killers. In addition, our food is high in toxic oxide forms of many minerals. For details, read the The Amigos – Iron, Manganese, Aluminum And Others.
The green revolution. A major cause of depletion is the 'green revolution' in which up to ten times the amount of food is grown on the same amount of land. To do this, farmers use growth stimulants called superphosphate or N-P-K fertilizers. These are subtle killers and millions of pounds of them are dumped on our food every year, including organic food.
Rogue food policy. Also, the alien group we call the Rogues are very active in agriculture. The Bible calls them Satan. We have discovered that their rapists and other operatives, many of whom live underground, eat excellent food. But for the “earths”, as they call us, no pure or mineral-rich food is allowed.
Fruit. Fruit has been affected the worst by the green revolution. Most all of it is loaded up with residues of N-P-K fertilizers, as well as other agricultural chemicals, no matter how the fruit is labeled.
Autonomic health. The effect of the program on the autonomic nervous system is one of its most interesting and powerful effects. It is a key to healing that is not taught much.
The cooked vegetable diet, along with a carefully set up supplement program and other procedures such as the red heat lamp sauna, foot reflexology and coffee enemas, have a powerful parasympathetic effect. This reverses many pathologies in the body. This is related to the work of Hans Selye, MD and is overlooked by almost all medical and natural practitioners.
Most recent mineral test. The hair tissue mineral test is nothing short of amazing. It is not just another test. It reveals patterns of life in their essence. It is completely different from blood tests, which have their place but do not provide the same information.
Mineral patterns. Fred's new hair mineral test reveals a number of excellent patterns. NOTE: These patterns are only valid if one follows the correct program and does it faithfully. Patterns on the new mineral analysis include:
Coming alive. This is present when the levels of the first four or second four minerals all increase of remain the same. This metabolic pattern is associated with greater vitality. For details, read Coming Alive.
Seven anchor patterns. This pattern is present when certain mineral levels either do not change, or change very little within certain criteria. We formerly believed that lack of change of a mineral level on a retest only meant that the person did not follow the program. However, in the past several years we learned that little change in a mineral level has an unusual meaning if one follows a program that is set up correctly.
Anchors are associated with deepening of the sulci of the brain. This is an important healing of the central nervous system that is difficult to achieve. Fred's new test reveals seven anchors, which we call a new brain.
Both right and left pivots. This is a rather unusual pattern that indicates an insight and change of mind. For details, read Anchors And Pivots.
Lead and other toxin elimination. Fred's lead level increased 30-fold!
Dumping the killers. Fred's test also indicated an elimination of 10 other minerals. This is an excellent sign of detoxification, provided one follows the proper program and does it well.
Report. Fred wrote “Acid reflux is significantly improved (rare flare-ups). Energy level is good, despite needing less sleep.” Blood pressure is also lower.
To begin the development program, we can only recommend the Helpers listed on this website at Find A Helper. Beware, there are many imitators, some of whom are malicious and deliberately set up program incorrectly.
8/25/22. We are learning much more about healing from the multiple rapes and beatings that most women experience from the Rogues. A few facts are:
- Healthy women are superb communicators and we will write more about this in the future. The rogue beatings and rapes are intended to destroy this ability.
- Women's orgasms are harmful and spin subtle energy to the left. For this reason, women require Down Hugging or Down Sex, not ordinary sex.
- While it sounds unusual, women can actually undo orgasms. When they do, there can be a sensation of spinning to the right. Do not be afraid of this sensation.
- If healing occurs fast enough, one can become a little dizzy from the right spin sensation. This is normal and, in fact, is an excellent sign of healing.
8/25/22. Each time you drink a glass of water today, you are getting a small dose of heart drugs, hormones, birth control pills, and dozens of other medical drugs. This even applies to spring water, although it is usually purer than standard city water.
This is a serious environmental problem that few talk about. It may be the reason for more transgender feelings and other unusual behavior today. Source:
8/24/22. This post is an expansion of the post of August 21, 2022 that described a bad toxin day when doing a coffee enema. In fact, many experiences occur when one does regular coffee enemas:
- An easy day. Coffee goes in easily, is easy to retain, and comes out easily. One does not have too much intestinal gas and there is little pain or other sensations. On these days, the body is usually focused on building new tissue rather than eliminating toxins.
- Physical healing. At times, clients report a healing experience during a coffee enema. For example, a colonic diverticulum may heal. Some people have chronic appendicitis pain – a dull pain in the lower right abdomen. This may suddenly go away and never return.
Other pain or discomfort in the colon may abate as the body releases old food debris, parasites, or a yeast colony in the colon or even in the small intestine.
Breakthroughs can occur anywhere in the body. One may begin to breathe more easily as a chronic lung and bronchial condition clears. A skin condition may improve as the body releases toxins that are responsible for a rash or roughness of the skin. Any type of healing may occur because the coffee enema has many systemic effects.
- Mental insight. Clients report that coffee enemas often clear their thinking and they gain insights about themselves, about others, or about situations in their lives. Many people welcome the quiet time of lying down and retaining the enema as a way to help with mental processing.
This is one reason we do not recommend walking around, talking on the telephone, or other distractions while holding an enema.
- Trauma release. Implanting coffee in the rectum can remind a person of a traumatic experience one has had in the pelvic region of the body such as a rape or beating. This may seem scary and keeps some people from doing coffee enemas.
However, it is a form of Psychodrama that may be extremely healing. Psychodrama is a method of healing in which one imitates, in a mild and safe manner, a trauma situation.
- A coffee high. A few people report a euphoric feeling when they do a coffee enema. This may be due to a substance in the coffee such as caffeine. However, it may be due to balancing the body when one does coffee enemas. The coffee enemas definitely has this effect upon the body.
- A mild sexual tickle. This is probably due to injecting coffee near the first and second energy centers of the body. These energy centers are responsible for sexual feelings.
- Spiritual integration and development. This is an unusual effect of coffee. Coffee, especially when taken in an enema, changes one's consciousness. In part, this is a nutritional effect. In part, it is a powerful detoxification effect. And, it is subtle but very safe energetic or auric herbal healing effect.
We cannot emphasize enough the importance of this effect at this time in history. There is a need for the mind of mankind to change and develop in a spiritual way. The coffee enemas assist this process in a powerful and yet safe manner.
- Trouble putting coffee in. This is uncommon, but can occur if for some reason the body wants the coffee to be introduced slowly. It can also be due to a blockage in the enema tube.
- Trouble retaining the enema. This is usually due to intestinal gas or the body is eliminating a toxic substance and wants the coffee out of the body at once. When extreme, this is the bad toxin day we spoke of in the post of 8/21/22.
- Trouble expelling the coffee. This may be due to dehydration. If it occurs often, drink more water before doing a coffee enema. Trouble expelling may also occur because the body needs some substance that is in the coffee. In these instances, it may take longer to eliminate the coffee or the coffee may remain and be absorbed.
- A lot of fecal elimination when coffee comes out. This occurs when the body uses the coffee enema to release a large amount of poison. It can seem as though one's entire intestinal tract empties out. There may be unusual odors and one may eliminate a high volume of fecal material. This may be called a deep toxin day.
- Abdominal irritation or bloating. This may occur with the release of certain toxins that irritate the lining of the colon or small intestine. Rubbing the tops of the toes and rubbing all of one's feet may relieve the irritation.
- Headache #1 perhaps with nausea, dizziness or weakness. This is more common in those who are just starting coffee enemas. One's body is quite toxic. The enema stirs up the toxins, but the body is unable to eliminate them.
As a result, the toxins circulate in the blood, causing a headache or perhaps some nausea, dizziness or weakness. The solution is usually to do a second enema right away. This helps clear the toxins and often relieves the headache and other symptoms of toxicity.
- Headache #2. As one retains a coffee enema, the coffee slowly fills up with certain toxins from the body. If one holds a coffee enema too long – especially more than about 20 to 30 minutes - one may develop a mild headache.
This headache often goes away when one expels the coffee. However, in some instances, the headache may persist for a few hours until the body can clear the toxins.
- A Jittery feeling. This can be due to using too much coffee. For adults, we recommend using three tablespoons of regular coffee if you use a coffee maker or two tablespoons of coffee if you boil it or pressure cook it.
Another situation, especially when starting coffee enemas, is that the colon is damaged and too permeable. As a result, toxins from the coffee such as caffeine enter the body and cause a jittery feeling or occasionally other symptoms.
In this instance, one needs to use less coffee at first. Wait a few weeks and then try increasing the amount of coffee. As the colon heals, you will be able to use more coffee.
8/23/22. - Dissonance. When saying the Lord's prayer, realize that you may cause a phenomenon called dissonance. It is the idea that saying the prayer will bring up for you any thought that is in conflict or differs from the thoughts in the prayer.
Dissonance can be disturbing. However, it is important because it is often the only way to get in touch with negative thinking that is hidden or subtle in one's mind. This is one purpose of prayer.
- Our Father. The word Father at the beginning of the prayer is very special. It means one with whom one can have a close, personal relationship. This is an important teaching in the prayer that is often not emphasized. One can go directly to God and one does not need the intervention of an authority figure such as a priest, rabbi, pastor or other.
- Hallowed be Thy name. Why is this in the prayer? Because naming something means thinking about it and thoughts are powerful. This is similar to the phrase in the Old Testament of the Bible that “in the beginning was the Word, and (from) the word was made flesh”. This, too, means that creation always begins with a thought.
- Worship the Father. Jesus gave the Lord's Prayer. Of interest is that he did not say to worship him. He said to praise and worship the Father.
- Thy kingdom come. This sentence may not refer to a time or place in the future. We are learning that there exist higher brain centers which the group we call the Rogues attempt to remove or destroy. They help us to think correctly. One of them is called the kingdom of heaven or the house of the Lord. So when prayers use these words and one repeats the prayer, one is asking for the healing of one's mind and body.
IMPORTANT NOTE: In many instances, the only way to deeply rebuild a brain is with the process of development and the development program.
The reason for this is that brain tissue, once destroyed, often does not easily regenerate. This is a quality of brain tissue. Development - and this process alone - can speed up the regeneration of brain tissue. This offers hope for those with brain damage, which we believe includes everyone!
For details, we just updated and improved two articles: Introduction To Development and Introduction To the Development Program.
8/22/22. About the best prayer for daily use is the Lord's Prayer found in the New Testament. It contains a number of EXCELLENT spiritual lessons or principles:
- Thy Will be done. This is a most important spiritual principle. It will take you far if you continue to ask for it in all conditions and situations.
- Forgive us as we forgive. This is a second spiritual principle that is a key to a happy and healthy life. It is not taught enough, even in many religions. It is truly a key to happiness.
- On earth, as it is already done in heaven. This is the critical principle of moving subtle energy or aether downward, not upward. One brings God or Thy Will down from the heavens toward the earth. This means if one is standing up or sitting, one moves subtle energy from the head area to below the feet.
This is not only a healing exercise for the earth. It is also the correct electrical polarity and electrical flow of energy through the human and animal body. Restoring it is essential for health and for all healing. This is overlooked by most healing sciences and needs to be restored to its place of greatest importance. The Lord's prayer helps achieve this.
We call this the Pulling Down Procedure. It is the most important development procedure. Please do it every day without fail for at least two hours if you want to develop quickly.
Combining. You can combine the pulling down procedure with a coffee enema or a sauna session. You can also combine it with a genital bath, another excellent and very simple healing procedure.
Do the genital bath in the shower, for example. Just sit under the shower with your legs spread and the cool water hitting the genital area. You can also do it sitting on the side of a bathtub and spraying or splashing cold water on the genital area. This is more work than doing it in the shower.
- “Give us this day all that we need”. This is the critical idea of asking each day for what you really need and want. You don't need a long list – just ask for all that you need with that one simple sentence.
It is another statement of the principle of Ask And You Shall Receive. Most people do not ask often enough.
- I and the Father are One. You might not think this spiritual principle is in the prayer, but it is. It is at the end, when it says For Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory.
This means that everything is of God. By declaring it, you accept it into your life and you declare that you, too, are part of the kingdom, the power and the glory. That is, you are part of God and one with God at all times. It cannot be otherwise, no matter what is occurring in your life. Remembering the principle will save your life.
- The freedom principle. The prayer says “Lead us not into temptation”. This means help us to make good choices and implies that we are given a lot of freedom, including the freedom to think and live wrongly.
This is about personal power and freedom. Wrong thinking and improper behavior are nothing but temptations, meaning choices one can make each day and each hour. We always have this freedom and it is wise to cherish it and honor it. For more details, read the older article, The Lord's Prayer. (Part II of this post is coming soon.)
8/22/22. If at all possible, don't use a cell phone. They emit harmful electromagnetic frequencies, even when turned off. The rogues also use them to monitor your body and to send you subliminal messages all day and all night for brainwashing and conditioning. The cell phone charger also can cause problems.
If you must have a cell phone, do not carry it around. Leave it on the floor and use it only when you must. An alternative if you don't have telephone wires at your home is a VOIP or internet phone. One of the best and least expensive is at
If you live outside of the United States, you won't be able to buy a Magicjack, but someone from the United States can send you one.
8/21/22. Coffee enemas cause very powerful healing and elimination of hundreds of toxic substances. A bad toxin day occurs when the body either eliminates more toxins than usual or eliminates particularly poisonous chemicals. As these pass through the intestines they cause symptoms.
Do not fear and do not quit. Bad toxin days are normal, beneficial, and not a problem. In fact, it is best to look forward to such days because they mean you are making good progress with your detoxification and healing.
The worst situation. This is when a bad toxin day occurs when one first begins the development program. This causes some people to believe the program is harmful or not for them.
Bad toxin days become less common as one moves along on one's development program.
NOTE: Bad toxin days can occur during the development program even if one does not do coffee enemas.
NOTE: The toxins may originate within your body. However, toxins may be from someone else's body. An interesting effect of coffee in an enema is that it connects one to others, to a degree.
When this occurs, some people take on and eliminate toxins for others whose bodies are less able to do so. This is a form of correspondence or empathic healing. For details, read Empathic Blending.
Symptoms. 1. The coffee enema is usually more difficult to retain. 2. The colon and perhaps even the small intestinal area may become inflamed and somewhat painful. 3. One may experience other symptoms such as a headache, rash, stomach ache, dizziness, or nausea. Symptoms may also include The Four Pain That Are Common During The Development Program. 4. One may notice unusual odors or may pass unusual-looking fecal material. 5. You may have insights regarding yourself or others. This occurs because releasing deep toxins clears the mind and increases your awareness.
Symptoms may pass quickly. However, in women, in particular, they may last a few days.
What to do. One may have to release the enema early if there is too much pressure to release it. Also, be sure to drink enough water. This can help flush out the toxin.
Doing another coffee enema right after the first one might also help finish the elimination if you sense it is not yet over. Doing reflexology (pressing) on the top of the toes and perhaps rubbing the entire foot, both feet, can help rebalance the body. You may also need more rest to help finish the elimination. Very rarely, one needs to begin with less coffee.
Remember, you are not becoming worse, even if it feels that way. This is just a feature of the golden path of development. For more details, read Coffee Enemas.
8/20/22. One of the most common health conditions today is yeast overgrowth. It affects millions of people, including children and even babies. It impacts more women than men. Very few physicians diagnose it or know how to heal it.
The setup. Three common situations cause yeast overgrowth: 1) a deranged energy production system that requires sugars to burn as fuel, 2) an inability to control yeast in the body, and 3) eating sweets or starches, 4) a trauma such as a rape or beating. This depletes nutrients.
The alcohol connection. When the above conditions exist, as in most people, yeast organisms such as candida albicans ferment sugars and starches one eats. This produces alcohol and aldehydes.
Dry drunk syndrome. As a result, one becomes slightly drunk, even if one drinks no alcohol. The body quickly gets used to the pleasant feeling of a slightly elevated alcohol level. For details, read Dry Drunk Syndrome.
Addiction. Even worse, if one decides to quit eating sweets or starches, one goes through alcohol withdrawal. This can be very unpleasant, so one ends up addicted to fruit or other sugars or starches!
Die-off symptoms. Symptoms of yeast die-off and alcohol withdrawal can include shaking, shivering, sweating, weakness, headaches, nausea, vomiting, insomnia, and fever. Some of these symptoms are due to an unstable blood sugar level or hypoglycemia.
Dehydration. Some of the symptoms are due to dehydration. For details, read Hydration and The Dehydration Diet.
Delerium tremens. Some people also experience delerium tremens. This is confusion, nightmares, agitation, irregular heart beat, hallucinations, and rarely seizures. Some have visions of insects, snakes or rats. Some people call it the shakes, the heebie jeebies, pink elephants, pink spiders and riding the ghost train.
Also, alcohol blocks awareness and dulls the emotions. If one quits or even reduces sweets and starches, one may see aspects of one's life that one does not like and some people become extremely angry, anxious or depressed.
NAFLD and NASH (Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis). We find that yeast overgrowth with alcohol production is the main cause of (so-called) non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. For details, read Liver Disease.
Autointoxication. Production of alcohol and aldehydes from yeast inside the body is a type of self-poisoning or auto-intoxication. For details, read Auto-intoxication.
Yin disease. Also, alcohol is an extremely cold or yin chemical in macrobiotic terminology. Yeast overgrowth makes the body more and more yin. This is a subtle, but very harmful condition. Yin disease is associated with cancer, heart problems, diabetes, anxiety, depression and early death. For details, read Yin Disease.
Aldehydes. Yeasts also manufacture very toxic chemicals called aldehydes. These poison the liver and eventually poison the entire body. For details, read Aldehydes.
The rape connection. I am told that Rogue rapists can smell yeasty bodies and are very attracted to them. This puts women in great danger.
Causes. Simple factors that cause yeast overgrowth are: 1) eating any sugars, including fruit, fruit juices, dried fruit, honey, maple syrup, refined sugar, or any sweet food. 2) Overeating on starches of any kind such as potatoes, rice, corn, other grains, sweet potatoes or any other starchy foods.
More complex causes are derangements of the body's advanced energy production systems so that the body only runs on sugars and starches. This causes cravings for sweets and if one does not eat them, one feels exhausted, weak and ill.
Trauma. In some cases, all it takes to upset body chemistry is a shock or trauma such as an accident, a beating or a rape. This deplete nutrients within seconds.
What to do. The development program is one of very few programs that corrects yeast overgrowth without the need for any drugs or remedies. It does this in many ways:
One must eliminate fruit from the diet and reduce all sweets. The program slowly rebuilds the energy system of the body and restores the body's natural defenses against yeast. This involves balancing copper and dozens of other minerals. These are powerful yeast killers when in the right compounds.
The program also heals yin disease and causes the amazing process of Development. These also help correct yeast overgrowth.
How long does healing take? Even with the development program, healing yeast overgrowth can take ten years. So be patient and persistent. For more details, read Chronic Yeast Infections.
8/19/22. This post is a summary of some unusual events occurring on earth at this time. Few people are aware of them. However, they are extremely positive signs of change on our world.
1. Return of the fine matter beings. Trillions of fine matter plants and creatures are returning to the earth. The process began about 10 months ago. We consider it a very positive sign of healing of the earth.
Few people can see these plants and creatures because the bodies are made of a less dense type of matter. However, I am told they are real and are very much needed to heal our planet.
The creatures include angels, elves, souls and thousands of other types. For details about fine matter beings, read Bodies In Space.
2. Movement of our sector of space. I am told that our entire solar system and many other stars and planets in our area of space are moving to a healthier region of space. We know this sounds very unusual. However, I am told it is true.
Space is not just empty and random. It is actually an enormous living being that the souls call the Father being. This is a religious concept as well as a scientific one. It is called The Biological Concept Of Creation And Space.
I am told that the earth and other planets are not where they belong within this being. This problem is being corrected, and this is another very positive sign of change.
3. A much better healing system. I am told that we have stumbled upon the system of healing used by the souls. We call it development science and the development program.
If it seems strange, it is because we don't fully understand it. However, it works on anyone who bothers to follow it and it is superior in its safety and power compared to all other healing methods currently available on earth. I know it sounds arrogant, but I am told it is true.
This is very positive for the future of the people of the earth. For details, read Introduction To The Development Program.
4. Openly teaching development. Development is a genetic upgrade of a human or other being. Development offers the possibility of much better health, an Extended Life Span, and healing of serious traumas such as Rapes and Beatings.
This knowledge has been taught for thousands of years in a few monasteries and convents. However, over the past 10 years I have been allowed to teach it openly on this website and newsletter. This is very positive for humanity. For details, read Introduction To Development.
5. The Center For Development. In 2007, a foundation was set up to promote development. The foundation allows younger women and children to follow the development program who otherwise could not afford it. This is absolutely needed to bring about a healthier new generation of people on earth.
We much appreciate donations of any size to help the foundation continue and grow. To donate, go to Donate.
8/18/22. The voting process, the bedrock or basis for a free nation, is completely corrupt in America. Here are just three of probably one hundred methods used to corrupt our elections. It saddens me greatly that very few speak or write about these problems:
1. Voting machines in the United States are rigged. This is easy to do with computer viruses. At least 100 lawsuits were filed regarding voter fraud in the United States in the 2020 election. Most were dismissed by the corrupt and treasonous US Supreme Court. The current American government took power while these lawsuits were pending. This is also illegal and treasonous.
2. Multiple state voter registration. I live near the road that connects our state with the neighboring state. A procession of cars with out-of-state license plates has begun to appear on the road into the city, and does so before each election.
I am told that thousands of mainly women are told by the Rogues to drive to at least 10 American states. When they arrive, first they get a rape to check the status of their brainwashing.
Then they are given fake names, addresses, phone numbers and identification papers. Then they register to vote. At times, they are told to talk to a particular person at the voter registration office. They get a mail-in ballot, and are told they must vote Democrat.
Then they move on to another state, where they repeat the fraudulent scheme. They report any problems to the Rogues, who threaten and may kill anyone who interferes with the voter fraud. They say the rogues are thoroughly brutal.
3. Women all told to vote Democrat. We believe that most all women in the United States and in most Western nations are raped and beaten. It is part of the rogue plan to control the earth.
During the beatings, they are told the must vote Democratic or Liberal in Europe or they will be beaten and raped even more. For details, read Rape and The Rape Planet.
8/17/22. On June 21-22, 2022, headlines appeared on a number of American websites announcing that a new report shows that vitamins are a waste of money. The almost identical headlines cited a study by the US Preventive Services Task Force (the USPTF, whatever that is). The offending websites included WebMD, CNN Health, The New Scientist and CBS News Ticker. (good ones to avoid.)
Fakery. If one checks the source of the stories, the government report did not say vitamins are a waste of money. The report stated that “the USPTF concludes that the evidence is insufficient to determine the balance of benefits and harms of supplementation for the prevention of cardiovascular disease and cancer.”
Also, if you read the actual studies the report was based upon, in several, they used the cheapest multivitamin one can buy. Even so, there were benefits of supplementation, but the government report dismissed the benefits. Source: The Townsend Letter, #469/470, August/September 2022.
8/18/22. The same issue of the Townsend Letter mentioned above also published a short version of our article about the trophoblast, the cause of cancer. This is an important article not only to understand cancer. It can also help one to understand the development program.
For details, read either the longer original article, The Trophoblast And Cancer or the shorter published article, The Trophoblast Theory Of Cancer (published in The Townsend Letter, #469/470).
8/17/22. We just had a report of a way to help undo women's programming due to rapes and beatings. Women need to take many peroxide baths containing as much peroxide as one can tolerate.
Peroxide on the face. Make sure peroxide reaches the face and entire head. One way to do this is to turn over in the bathtub and put the face in the water. This will work for women who are smaller in height. Another method is that during the bath, one can spray the face and head with a spray bottle of peroxide. This is best for taller women.
Use little water. To save peroxide and to make the bath more yang, don't put too much water in the bath. Just put enough to cover half the legs. If one is short in height, lie on one's back for about 15 minutes and then turn over and lie on one's stomach to soak the whole body.
Taller women will not be able to turn over and lie face down in a bathtub. They, too, should not use too much water. But they need to use a spray bottle to get the peroxide all over the body.
How often and for how long. It can take a year or more of taking these baths daily to slowly undo a woman's fears and programming. Normally, we recommend baths only twice a week. However, if the amount of water is minimal, we now believe daily peroxide baths are okay.
Crying. Done correctly, the baths cause a lot of crying. This is needed and beneficial. It indicates a release of emotion and programming.
Different than the peroxide cleanup. The peroxide bath procedure is different than the vaginal peroxide implant procedure. The baths undo programming, but will not clean up the inside of the vagina too well.
For cleaning up the vagina, the vaginal peroxide implant procedure is best. At this time, we think most women need both procedures. For more details, read The Peroxide Bath and The Vaginal Peroxide Implant Procedure.
8/16/22. We cleaned up the website page that lists the Approved Helpers and basic information about the development program.
It is very important that the practitioner you work with on the development program is listed on this page. For details, go to the List Of Helpers Page. If I have forgotten to list anyone, please let me know.
8/16/22. This newsletter and website have discussed the unusual subject of angels in the past. They are real and are fine matter creatures of various sizes. There are many on and around the earth. Some are helpful and some are not.
The Bible warns about worshipping angels because some are not helpful. However, I am told that one can ask each day for protection from angels of love. If I learn more about this subject, I will pass it on.
8/16/22. One of our clients reported that Ms. Shu-i Chen is attempting to steal away our clients. Apparently, she tells people she knows our program, which she does not.
According to the report, she also tells people she knows the program better than I do and I am wrong about some things. She is one of at least 50 imposters that offer “nutritional balancing”, but they are malicious in their intent. Always check the List of Helpers to make sure anyone who offers the development program is really working with us.
8/15/22. This is a product recommendation. Laura Chenel Spreadable Goat Cheese is a very good product. It comes in a red and white plastic tub.
8/15/22. Use a lot of caution at farmers markets. Food sold there is not necessarily of good quality. I bought some vegetables at our local farmers market and found out they were not good quality and contained harmful pesticides.
Another problem is that even if you ask if food is organically grown, the answer may not be truthful. For details, read Deceptive Farmers Markets.
8/15/22. The war in Ukraine highlights a serious problem with nuclear power plants. The Russians attacked several nuclear power plant in Ukraine. One can only hope they don't cause a meltdown or radiation leak that would sicken everyone, every animal and every plant on planet earth.
Cars and all equipment can be run on water. Even better power systems – sometimes called free energy systems - exist, as well.
Nuclear power is unnecessary, very costly and very dangerous. All the nuclear plants put our low dose radiation and in a war, they are even more dangerous. For details, read Nuclear Power And Alternatives.
8/14/22. This is a very unusual post about new brain research. I have just been told that every person has a tiny location board in the brain. It is an indicator or signaling system in the brain that tells where that person ideally should live. Here are questions and answers about it.
How does the indicator work? The location is indicated by a number that is usually three or four digits. Curiously, the shape of the digits is the same as those in the English language. Many other languages also use the same digit system to write numbers.
The numbers on the location board are made by very small dots that either stick out and are visible or they are flat and cannot be seen. This is similar to an LED display of numbers that is a composite of dots or areas that either light up or don't light up.
Is it important? If the location board is true, which we currently believe it is, it indicates that the souls are much more in touch with each other than we thought.
It may also help a person who is feeling alone, alienated, or just uncomfortable where they live to find a better living situation.
How do the souls decide where a person should live? I am told it can depend upon many factors, including one's safety, future work, relationships, temperament, cultural factors, and more.
Can the location where one is to live change? Yes. I am told the location can change if conditions change in your life or if conditions change on earth. For example, a location that was once safe may no longer be as safe. Also, a marriage or a job might require a move.
Finding your location. At times, clients ask if we can 'tune in' and find out if they are living in the right place. Until now, this has been very difficult and not too reliable. However, now that our healing team is aware of the location board, we hope to be able to give an answer.
What if I don't like the answer? That is possible. It is just a piece of information to consider.
When do we find out this information? Please don't ask me to check your location immediately. It is not easy to do and we are just learning about it. We plan to do it when we review your new hair mineral chart.
Is this a ridiculous idea? Some will say the location board makes no sense. However, I am told it is a method used by the souls to help move a person to the best place for their continued development and future life. Our healing team is researching it and we will keep you informed.
8/13/22. The marriage contract is a way to get to know another person much better and a way to clarify what you are looking for in a marriage and a partner. It is do-it-yourself marriage counseling. We strongly recommend it.
We improved the article about the marriage contract. For details, read The Marriage Contract Or Checklist.
8/13/22. Learning to forgive is essential for success with the development program. The principles are:
1. Everyone needs to forgive.
2. One needs to forgive everyone for everything, with no exceptions.
3. Forgive even if you are not sure what occurred.
4. Forgive repeatedly (the Bible says seven times seventy times – or perhaps more!)
5. Commit to forgiving and don't waiver in your commitment.
Commitment to anything occurs in stages. To read about the stages of commitment, read The Seven Levels Of Commitment – With A Focus On Development.
8/12/22. Today is the peak of an annual event in the sky, the Perseid meteor showers. Meteors are small rocks traveling at very high speed that glow brightly as they burn up when they enter the earth's atmosphere. Very few, if any of them, land on earth so there is no danger of being hit by one of them.
I am told that at this time of year there is also a review of conditions on earth by a group of developed men and women who live on a distant world. They observe the earth carefully and report their findings.
I am told that this year the message is positive - for the first time in hundreds of years. They say a cycle is changing. Also, some have worked very hard this past year to correct certain problems on earth and the hard work is paying off. I hope they are right!
8/12/22. If you do not feel well after a coffee enema, a possible problem is using tap water or another type of water that is not clean enough. Try using Icelandic Glacial Spring Water, quite a clean spring water.
Distilled water can work, but only if you have a distiller and make it yourself. We recently found that distilled water that one purchases at the supermarket may be contaminated.
8/11/22. Two clients wrote to me that they get headaches when they do the pulling down procedure. I answered that perhaps they do the procedure incorrectly.
However, that is not necessarily correct. I just had the problem. It was due to rogue interference. I had to ask for a cleanup to get rid of their equipment. Then the problem went away.
If you experience headaches while doing the pulling down procedure correctly, and if asking for cleanup does not stop it in a day or two, send a request for cleanup to your Helper. Hopefully, a team can be sent to you to intervene and correct the problem. For details, read The Pulling Down Procedure.
8/11/22. Two days ago, agents from the American Justice Department raided the home of Donald Trump. They said they were looking for evidence of wrongdoing on a minor matter.
This is called a “fishing expedition”. It means the ex-president committed no crime. The agents were just looking for anything at all that they could blame on him. Such searches and raids are thoroughly illegal in America.
It is more evidence of the illegality of the present American government. They fear Mr. Trump, who may run for president again in two years.
A government lesson. There should be no national “justice department”. The executive branch of the American government is supposed to carry out the laws, and that is all. If a crime is committed, it is up to the local police to investigate it and charge the person with a crime.
8/11/22. Here are some unusual ideas about religion:
- Religion is about development. The Bible and other holy books contain many stories about developed people and offer advice about what this website calls the development lifestyle.
- Religion is about activating your seventh energy center and those above it. This area is also called the crown center because it sits like a crown on your head.
The seventh center connects you with higher levels of reality and the divine world. For example, it is probably no accident that older paintings of Jesus often depict him with a halo or light around his head. It means his seventh center was active. Some people could see this.
Music and the seventh center. Hearing or playing major seventh chords on a piano or organ can help heal and open the seventh center. Some popular songs contain many of these chords.
NOTE: If you only like classical or traditional music, you won't like the following. However, they may help open the seventh center:
Examples: Day By Day is a song from the somewhat unusual Broadway musical and movie, Godspell. It is based upon the gospel according to Matthew and has many major seventh chords.
Another song with a lot of major seventh chords is The Impossible Dream from the play, The Man Of La Mancha. Another is Somewhere Out There from the movie, An American Tail (1986). Another is the popular song, Alfie, by Burt Bacharach, from the 1966 movie, Alfie. For more details, read The Energy Centers.
8/10/22. We updated and improved the article about the open position procedure. Please try this excellent procedure!
This is one of the newer development procedures. It consists of placing the body in an “open” position.
The open position procedure is deceptively simple. However, our clients report it is helpful in many ways – to improve posture and breathing, to learn broadcasting, to retrace traumas, and more. For details, read The Open Position Procedure.
8/9/22. We have known for some years that iron poisoning is a huge problem on earth. We are learning that one cause is that the Rogues want to poison the people of earth with certain forms of iron. Here is how they do it:
- Iron in foods. The rogues spray toxic forms of iron on many fields, streams and in the ocean. It finds its way into our vegetables, fruit and dairy products. It is one reason we only recommend goat dairy products – they are lower in iron.
In addition, the governments of many nations require that iron be added to white flour. More recently, we found that some restaurants are adding iron to their food, particularly fast food chain restaurants.
Eating too much red meat or too many eggs also gives one too much iron. One should only eat a four-to-five ounce portion of red meat (beef, lamb or goat) twice a week. Some people can eat a little more if one is in late pregnancy or if a woman has very heavy menstrual periods.
We find that women can eat only up to 6 eggs per week and men can eat only up to 8 eggs per week. Otherwise, they accumulate an iron-containing toxin in their livers.
- Medical iron pills and shots. Most people who are anemia do not need iron. They have a copper imbalance. They need a corrective development program to heal the anemia. However, physicians often recommend iron, which just poisons the person more. For details, read Copper Toxicity Syndrome and Anemia.
- Vaccines. Newer vaccines contain iron. The covid-19 vaccines contain graphene oxide. This is a fancy word for a form of iron. Some authorities say all they contain is iron. It is quite toxic and contributes to the disability and death that the vaccines are causing.
- Iron in vitamins. This is a common source of excessive and often poor quality iron. Among the worst are prenatal vitamins.
- Black or dark colors of everything. This includes black or dark colored clothing, appliances, machines, packaging, and more. Iron is in the black pigment and dyes. Some rubs off on your hands when you touch anything that is dark in color. Do not wear dark colored clothing and do not buy things that are dark in color.
- Tatoo ink. Iron is in the ink, especially dark-colored tatoo and other ink.
- Blood used in rapes and beatings. When women experience rapes and beatings, rogue men at times pour blood on them. They tell the women it is their own blood, but it is not. It is blood meal sold as plant food. The men buy it and mix it with water. The blood is that of cows or pigs. It is very high in iron, which the women absorb through their skin.
- Slowing or stopping menstrual bleeding. Menstruation helps protect young women from iron poisoning. The rogues are able to reduce or stop some women's menstrual periods with drugs. This puts the women in more danger of iron toxicity.
Why poison people with iron? Too much iron weakens the brain and other organs such as the liver and the heart. Iron also supports bacterial growth and in this way filths up our world. Iron is also an electrical conductor and the rogues use the iron in common objects to enable them to monitor, spy, communicate and condition the people of earth.
Iron removal. The development programs we set up slowly remove toxic iron from the body. Other healing programs do not do this as well, and often at all.
Beware of others offering “nutritional balancing”, “functional medicine” or “hair analysis”. They often say they know our work. Sadly, some are malicious and most do not set up programs correctly.
For more details, read Iron Overload and The Amigos – Iron, Manganese And Aluminum, (and others).
8/8/22. On August 6, 2022 we wrote about the rail gun visualization to use with the pulling down procedure. It works well, but may be a little tricky to visualize. Here are details:
1. The arrangement of the electromagnets. They are shaped like donuts, and each is about 2 inches in diameter. Five or six of them are in a stack or column below your feet, slightly separated from each other. They are parallel to each other.
2. Turning on the rail gun. A little computer hooked to a power supply first turns on the electromagnet closest to your feet. The effect is to pull subtle energy downward from your body into the magnet. Then that magnet turns off and the second magnet turns on, pulling the energy downward faster.
Then the second one turns off and the third magnet activates. As each magnet turns on in sequence, subtle energy moves downward from your head to your feet faster and more powerfully.
3. Repetition. After the last magnet furthest from your feet turns on, the sequence starts all over again.
That is, the magnet closest to your feet activates, followed by activation of the second magnet, and so on. The sequence quickly repeats over and over again. The effect is to create a power unit or thruster.
At first, when you do the visualization, the action will be slow and jerky. However, with practice, the pulling action becomes smooth and very powerful.
8/7/22. Two into three. Each coffee enema gives a person a “development boost”. This is a small, but significant movement of development and it is excellent.
A way to take advantage of this fact is to prepare enough coffee for two back-to-back enemas, but divide it into three portions. It means your enema session will take a little more time, but the advantage is you will get an extra development boost from it.
To do this, first make enough coffee for two enemas. This requires four to six tablespoons of coffee for most adults and a little less for children, and about 4 cups of water. (Use less coffee if you boil or pressure-cook your coffee. Use more coffee if you use a coffeemaker to make coffee.)
Dividing the coffee. Pour 1/3 of the coffee mixture into an enema bag or bucket. Add about 2/3 of a cup of water. This is necessary to have enough water volume in your enema. Insert and hold this enema for 15-20 minutes. Then expel the coffee.
Then pour the second third of the coffee into the bucket or bag. Add 2/3 cup of water, and insert and hold a second enema. After 15-20 minutes expel this enema.
Then pour the rest of the coffee into the enema bag or bucket, add about 2/3 cup of water, and hold a third enema for 15-20 minutes. This method will give you an extra development boost.
Latex tubing. Most tubing used in enemas is made of plastic. Another option is to use an enema tube made of 1/4” inside-diameter latex (or rubber).
Latex is slightly more costly, but it works well. It is more flexible than plastic tubing. The latex I found in a hardware store is brownish in color and slightly transparent so you can see the coffee in the tube.
A problem. Eventually, the latex stretches and loosens where the enema tip attaches to it. This can cause the tip to fall off. The answer is to remove the tip, cut off the final ½ inch of tubing, and then reattach the tip to the latex tubing.
8/6/22. This is a new visualization to help one do the pulling down procedure. It is very powerful and enjoyable!
Rail guns. To do the visualization, first one needs to understand a rail gun. It is a superb modern weapon that, sadly, we are not allowed to buy in a gun store, so far.
It is totally silent, extremely powerful, and inexpensive to build! They also require no explosives, so they are safer weapons to use. Some of the world's armies have them and the alien group, the Rogues, use them.
A rail gun consists of a tube or barrel and a set of about a dozen circular electromagnets around the tube. They look like rings along the length of the tube. A small computer turns on the first electromagnet, then the second, then the third, and so on. (This is a different method than what is on several Youtube videos.)
This propels an iron bullet or other iron projectile down the barrel and out the gun. The magnetic pulses are timed so that each one pulls the bullet along faster and faster as it moves down the barrel of the gun. It is simple, but very powerful.
The visualization is to imagine a set of ring-shaped electromagnets one on top of the next, below your feet. They can be small – two inches in diameter, and they form a tube or column below your feet.
You turn on the rail gun. The first magnet that activates is about two feet below your feet. Then the next one activates. It is a little further below the feet. Then the next one activates. It is even little further below your feet.
Each magnet accelerates ether or subtle energy more and more, creating a powerful downward pull. Visualize having at least half a dozen of the ring-shaped magnets. When you finish activating the magnets, you start over activating the one nearest your feet first.
Variants. #1 – whole body. If you wish, you can visualize having the magnets inside your entire body, not just below your feet. Have a “tube” of them that runs from the top of your head through the center of your body to the feet. The tube-shaped configuration must extend to below your feet.
#2 – black holes. Instead of magnets, you can visualize a set of small black holes arranged parallel to each other under your feet. These are special ring-shaped anomalies in space that powerfully attract everything to themselves. The internet has photos of these amazing structures.
For the visualization to work, you need to understand the power of a rail gun. It is much more powerful than a black powder hand gun or rifle. I welcome your feedback about this visualization. For many more details, read the updated Pulling Down Procedure.
8/5/22. Only certain foods are on the development diet. One of the reasons is that only certain foods today contain a lot of the special souls called life force souls.
Fixing the factories. These souls assist our bodies to make the chemicals needed to build and operate the human body.
Occurs in the cell nuclei. Making body chemicals is called biosynthesis. It occurs in the nucleus of every cell in our bodies. Exactly how it is done is called the science of genetics – a term that just means to make things.
We explain exactly how it works in the article entitled Genetics – Making The Chemicals The Body Needs. There is too much hocus-pocus and nonsense taught about genetics, so we want to clarify it and make sure everyone understands it.
Factory problems. In most people, the cellular factories operate too slowly, raw materials are often missing, and the electrical system of the cell is damaged. As a result, the bodies make poor quality chemicals. This causes bad health and prevents development.
Life force souls to the rescue. The life force souls help in a number of ways:
- They help the souls who live and work in the factories. These are called the nuclear souls (because they live in the nuclei of our cells).
Life force souls help the nuclear souls in at least two ways: They add to their numbers and they help heal them.
- The life force souls also help gather the ingredients needed to make the chemicals the body requires.
- They also help mix together the ingredients used to make the chemicals.
- They also help operate the electrical equipment needed for biosynthesis – the generators and the batteries.
Eat the foods that contain life force souls. To be healthy and develop quickly, one must eat the foods that contain lots of life force souls. These are:
- Plenty of cooked, not raw vegetables. Life force souls are found in large numbers in certain cooked vegetables. These include all onions, shallots, green onions or scallions, carrots, rutabaga (called swede in some European nations), Brussels sprouts, white or daikon radish, purple daikon, red cabbage, savoy cabbage, a little celery, ginger, horseradish root, and a few others. A complete list of the preferred vegetables that we keep updated is found in the article Food For Daily Use.
All vegetables must be cooked. Otherwise, most of the nutrients and the life force souls are locked in the tough fibers of the vegetables and will pass right through your body without being absorbed. So do not eat salads!
- No fruit, except for a few black olives packed in red wine vinegar each week. This is for many reasons. One of them is that fruit contains almost no life force souls. In fact, today's fruit is harmful for the life force souls. Fruit absorbs too much toxic potassium from chemical fertilizers, and is often too sugary. For details, read Fruit-Eating.
- Goat cheese and goat yogurt, not other dairy products.
- Fresh meats, especially lamb, dark meat chicken, and some turkey and goat meat if you wish. Beef is not as good, especially standard feedlot of CAFO beef. Natural, grass fed and organic beef is better. However, most people overeat on beef and could use more lamb.
- Blue corn chips, rather than any bread or wheat products. Wheat is very hybridized today and contains very few life force souls. Bread is also cooked at high temperature, which drives off life force souls. Avoid most high-temperature cooking such as baking, broiling, roasting and deep frying.
- Sardines, but not other fish and not shellfish or seafood. Unfortunately, most food from the sea contains too much mercury and other toxic metals. These keep the life force souls out.
- Some almond butter and sesame tahini each day. These two foods are rich in life force souls. Other nuts and seeds contain many fewer of them.
- Nutritional yeast. This product contains a lot of life force souls.
- Challenge brand of butter if you can find it. If not, any quality butter is okay, although most butter is not of good enough quality. If butter comes packaged in metal foil, take the foil off and wrap the butter in wax paper or leave it unwrapped.
- Some fresh, soft-cooked eggs are excellent each week. Good quality, fresh eggs are a good source of life force souls. Eggs from small, local farms are usually quite superior.
Eggs are slightly toxic. For this reason, do not eat more than six eggs per week for women or eight per week for men.
Light cooking only. Hard-cooked eggs lose their life force souls and become more toxic. Only eat eggs soft-boiled, poached or lightly fried so that the yolks are runny, not solid. Do not eat hard-boiled eggs, baked egg dishes such as quiche, or even most scrambled eggs unless they are mushy.
- Natural sea salt. This contains lots of life force souls. Eat plenty of it.
AVOID TABLE SALT. It is one of the worst junk foods. Most of its vital trace minerals have been removed, and most contains added aluminum, a deadly poison.
- Drink mainly water, not other beverages. Every adult needs 2-3 quarts or liters of water daily. Most people are somewhat dehydrated. This damages health and causes many health problems.
Spring water tends to contain the most life force souls. Carbon-filtered tap water is okay in many nations, but not all. We do not recommend demineralized water, which contains few life force souls. This includes reverse osmosis water and distilled water.
Eat slowly, chew thoroughly and relax at meals. This will help you absorb much more of your food.
8/4/22. America just had a primary election. I am told that according to exit polls, there was plenty of cheating.
We have written many times that the election system is broken in America and elsewhere. Voting machines and mail-in ballots just invite cheating. This should be obvious.
Also, many women are told by the 'men' that they must vote Democratic. If they don't, they will be beaten and raped. The 'men' can check to make sure that women vote as they told. We are sad that more people are not speaking up about election problems.
8/4/22. Hints to help children eat the development diet are:
- Imitation. Parents must be the role model and eat correctly. Often, this is enough to cause children to follow along.
- Fun. Parents need to enjoy the diet and make it fun. Children like things made fun.
- Conversation. Babies and young children, in particular, know that eating is a conversation with the souls in food. Children need time to eat and may need to play a little with their food.
- Names. Giving foods and combinations of foods fun names sometimes helps children to eat the food.
- Relax at meals. Parents and children need to relax at mealtime. Don't be in a hurry and don't force things. If a child will not eat a certain food, don't fuss too much. Try to stay relaxed. The situation may change on its own.
- Negotiate. At times, it is okay to negotiate with children: you eat your vegetables and we will take a walk in the park or do what the child would like.
- Disguises. At times, for some children, disguising food works well. It does not work for all children. For example, some can smell the sardines or whatever you have tried to disguise.
- Time. Malnourished children often have a poor appetite. For example, zinc deficiency is widespread and reduces one's sense of taste and smell. As the child becomes better nourished, appetite often improves. For more details, read Pregnancy, Childhood Nutrition and Children And Development, The Baby Manual and Childbirth.
- Choices. Always try to give children choices about food. Children like to make these decisions. However, the choices should be between several healthy and preferred development foods.
- Love. Tell children the reason we don't give them junk food, including fruit, salad and other less preferred foods is that we love you so much. And make this the truth in your home.
- School problems. Schools are a problem because the school may serve food we don't like, other children often bring poor quality food to school, and there may be parties with junk food. These are just a few reasons we strongly discourage sending children to school. If at all possible, teach your children at home!
8/3/22. Certain foods contain a lot of a particular type of souls called life force souls. These are more advanced souls that assist with healing and development more than most others. We will write more about them.
Sources of life force souls.
Coffee. Among the foods that are very rich in these souls is coffee. One gets a few of them drinking coffee. However, one gets many more of them by using coffee in an enema. This is one reason for doing coffee enemas and we apologize that they are somewhat messy. With practice, they become much easier and cleaner!
Chicken bone marrow is another food that contains many life force souls. To get them into the body, one needs to eat a little bone marrow when one eats chicken. One bites off the cartilage at the end of the thigh or leg bone and then eats a little of the marrow that is exposed.
Just drinking one broth does not work. In the past, we recommended bone broth, but this is not working as well, so we no longer recommend it.
Butter. Butter is another food rich in life force souls, particularly the Challenge brand of butter found in many supermarkets in the United States. We don't know if this brand is available in other nations.
Blue corn chips are also contain many life force souls. Cooked vegetables contain quite a few, as well. Roasted sesame tahini and roasted almond butter also contain a lot of them. This is one reason we so highly recommend these foods on a daily basis.
Message from the life force souls: We are here to help and serve humanity. Most people need many more of us, so please eat the foods in which we are found.
We primarily assist the souls who are responsible for biosynthesis - the production of all chemicals needed in the body. Biosynthesis occurs in the nuclei of the cells of the body.
For details, read the updated and improved major article about genetics: Basic Genetics – How The Body Makes Things.
Children. We love children. They are the future of humanity. The children desperately need more of us, so please feed children the development diet and teach it widely.
We want all of humanity to know about us. We were formerly locked up in a prison in space. This prison was recently opened so we are now able to help humans and animals heal and develop.
8/2/22. The path of development touches every aspect of life. Rapid development requires attention to all levels of life. This is also called living in integrity.
The 7 system is a way to understand life more fully. It can help you to follow the program better and make faster progress. The following 7 levels of life correspond to the seven main energy centers found on the body.
1. Physical level. Rapid development depends upon following the development diet, taking supplements, and doing the healing and development procedures each day. Caring for your basic health and safety, and resting enough, are also needed.
2. Emotional/sexual level. Holding on to one's sexual fluid is very important for rapid development. Cultivating positive emotions and learning emotional control are also very helpful.
3. Ego/power and control. Keeping the ego in check, but also feeling in control of your life, helps development.
4. Social level. Proper interactions with others, including friendship and companionship, assist development. This can be tricky because while others can assist you, they can also slow you down by distracting you and taking up your time.
5. Self-expression and teamwork. Living creatively and working with others in productive ways assists development.
6. Intellectual level. Deepening your understanding of development by reading the many articles about it on this website is very helpful to speed along development. We wish there were more websites that discuss it, but there are not, at this time.
7. Spiritual/religious level. Living The Development Lifestyle and making it central in your life helps move development along much faster. The spiritual level also has to do with your moral values.
For more details, read 7 Levels Of Living and Integrity – What It Means.
8/1/22. Audrey is 71 years old. She has been on the path of development about four years. She began the program slowly. She added more of it in the past two years.
Symptoms. When she began the program at age 67, her main symptoms were terrible fatigue, difficulty sleeping, and a very negative mental attitude.
The rapes. Most of her symptoms, especially her attitude, was the result of a series of rapes and beatings many years ago. These damaged her health in many ways and left her with an inability to think clearly.
The rapes were done by the group we call the Rogues. They are responsible for most rapes on earth. For details, read The Rape Planet and Rape.
Most recent hair mineral test. Audrey's newest mineral analysis revealed several important patterns:
Seven anchor patterns. These occur when the levels of minerals do not change at all or change only slightly on a retest mineral analysis. One must also be following the development program carefully.
This anchor pattern indicates deepening of the ridges or sulci of the brain. Rapes and beatings cause the sulci to become shallower.
Seven anchor patterns on one retest is an excellent indicator that we call a new brain. The same term is used in advanced acupuncture, a science which is rarely taught on earth. For details, read Anchors And Pivots.
A Standard surge. This is a rise in the level of sodium and potassium on a retest mineral analysis. It may indicate an improvement in adrenal and thyroid activity. It can also indicate an elimination of toxic forms of sodium and potassium.
Toxic compounds of potassium are now found in all types of food. This is the result of the widespread use of mineral fertilizers, also called superphosphates or N-P-K fertilizers.
Growth stimulants. These chemicals are really not fertilizers. They are growth stimulants that are quite harmful. They are allowed to be used even on organically grown food – a mistake, in our view. For details, read Superphosphates and The Amigos – Iron, Manganese and Aluminum, And Others.
The development program is one of the few ways to remove toxic forms of potassium from the body.
The guide creatures. The removal of toxic sodium and potassium always requires the assistance of advanced, fine matter creatures. They are called the guide creatures, specifically the ones called the aliot.
We believe these important creatures are described in the Bible, in The Vision of Ezekiel. They will assist anyone who stays on the path of development by following the development program carefully.
Results. On July 15, 2022, Audrey wrote that she has “better focus, more energy, relaxed, sleep much better, less negativity. (Also) much easier to manage my diabetes the closer I follow the diet.”
Discussion. Coffee enemas. Audrey faithfully does coffee enemas each day, usually two, back-to-back. We find this is extremely helpful, quite safe, and often necessary to achieve excellent results.
The coffee enemas are unique in their ability to move people to a higher level of health. We encourage everyone to use this method of nourishing and detoxifying the body. For details, read Coffee Enemas.
Older people. In our experience, the development program can work very well in older people such as Audrey. This is not as true of other healing and medical programs.
In our experience, visiting doctors as one gets older is more dangerous. Their methods do not work as well and some of their tests and procedures, such as CT scans, are harmful.
8/1/22. I am told that today the forces defending our planet located and began rehabilitating about two hundred fine matter creatures they call chiefs. They are part of the immune system of the large being in space of which we are a part, sometimes called The Father.
When the Bible says “I shall dwell in the House of the Lord forever” (-23rd psalm), we believe it is referring to the fact that we always dwell inside a large living creature in space.
The chiefs are part of the large being's immune system, similar to the T and B-killer cells of the human immune system. I am told that outer space is not empty. It is a living being. This concept is called The Biological Concept Of Creation And Space.
7/31/22. A current theme of this newsletter is that the earth is under attack by the high-tech alien group we call the rogues. The Bible calls this group Satan.
This is not conspiracy theory or paranoia. It is just the truth. They want it kept secret, but we want everyone to know about it in order to stop it. I am told the effort to stop it is well underway.
Women. The rogues fear women. Women are quite special and get in the way of their hateful agenda to take over planets.
So they hurt women. The reasons are to weaken and sicken all the children on earth, to damage male-female relationships, and to weaken society, in general. They subject all or most women to rapes and beatings of a horrible nature.
Captures. Another major rogue activity is to capture and basically enslave thousands of women. Rogue men force the women to live with them. Some are forced to marry and have children with a rapist.
We updated and greatly improved the article about captures. For details, read Captures.
7/30/22. I have been asked to write about Pele. She has lived on earth for several thousand years and is far along the path of development. She works constantly to help maintain our planet's climate, and the spin and timing of the earth's days and nights.
If you look up Pele on Wikipedia, there is much information about her in Hawaiian mythology. However, I am told a lot of it is exaggerated.
However, she is real and wants everyone to know about her work. For more details, read The Women Masters and The Sacredness Of Women. I apologize that the second article is incomplete, but the theme is there. It is a major theme of this newsletter and website.
7/30/22. Butter is a wonderful food and should be wrapped in wax paper. Recently, some companies are wrapping their butter in metal foil. This damages the butter.
When you buy butter, if you notice it is wrapped in metal foil, remove the foil and wrap it in wax paper or just store it in a plastic tub.
7/29/22. Setting up your lifestyle for rapid development is one of the most important aspects of the golden path, or the path of development.
We updated and improved the core article about how to live so as to develop safely and most rapidly. For details, read The Development Lifestyle.
7/28/22. The development program appears to be a set of healing techniques or remedies. However, it is really a modern version of an ancient concept called the golden path.
The golden path is a lifestyle that corrects many bad habits and compensates for some strange conditions on earth today. It includes:
- Take deep breaths, go to bed early, and get plenty of rest and sleep.
- Eat a very special diet. For details, read Food For Daily Use.
- Think only loving thoughts and realize that we are all loved by the creator. Love is not sex! It is caring, respect and honoring others.
- Learn to control the emotions and the ego.
- Hold on to most of your sexual fluids. This is done by abstaining from sex or doing Down Sex rather than ordinary sex.
- Orgasms are bad for health, no matter what anyone tells you. Instead, moving subtle energy downward through the body will give you a healthy tickle all day long.
- Everyone needs to clean up the colon and liver using daily coffee enemas.
- Everyone needs to align the joints each day with the spinal twist and other simple maneuvers.
- Everyone needs to activate the energy channels each day with reflexology.
- Everyone needs to expose the skin daily to unusual frequencies that are found only in reddish heat lamps.
- Everyone must move energy correctly through the body using the pulling down procedure.
The compensation. The development program also compensates or helps offset some really unusual conditions on our planet today. These are mainly the result of an invasion of our planet by an alien group that some call the negs, scav, troph or satan.
This website calls them the Rogues. We have discussed them many times in this newsletter, so we won't repeat ourselves much. It will suffice to say:
- They deliberately poison all the food, the air and the water supplies on earth to some degree.
- They beat all the babies and many children.
- They rape and torture all or most women on earth. As a result, all the women are filthy and all need to clean up. This is not easy and requires the development program, not other health programs.
- They apply poisons to the bodies and put tiny electronic implants in everyone's head so they can talk to you. For details, read Implants.
- They influence every aspect of society and corrupt them all. For example, so-called “health care” today consists mainly of taking poison drugs and toxic herbs that further filth up the bodies. Drug and vaccine residues have found their way into most water supplies on earth, so even if you don't take the drugs, you get some anyway.
- They love ionizing radiation and make sure everyone on earth is exposed to too much of it from atomic bomb tests, nuclear power plant emissions, and medical and dental x-rays. Also, food irradiation is very widespread. Many food items are overtly or secretly irradiated today.
- They encourage exposure to harmful radio, microwave and other electromagnetic frequencies. This includes emissions from cell phones, cell phone towers, computers, television sets, wifi and more.
The golden path must compensate as best we can for these conditions, most of which are very poorly known or understood. For more details, read The Path Concept.
7/28/22. We don't like to sound negative. However, there are no fair and free elections in the United States or elsewhere. The Rogues torture all the women and tell them to vote Democrat or Liberal, or the rapes and beatings will be worse.
In addition, the rogues control the voting machines, which are totally rigged. This is very easy to do.
In addition, the rogues are printing up thousands of fake mail-in ballots which they will make sure are counted along with the real ones.
These are just a few of the many ways they rig elections. There are efforts to rid the planet of the rogues, and this is really the only answer. You can help with your prayers, by helping the planet, and by caring properly for yourself to become strong, developed and well-informed.
7/27/22. We wrote a short article about several interesting concepts in mineral test interpretation: early and late patterns, velocity and intensity. For details, read Early And Late Patterns and The Concepts Of Velocity And Intensity.
7/27/22. Your prayers and support for the people and nation of Ukraine are still very much needed.
Mr. Putin continues his unprovoked military aggression against this smaller nation. Most news media are not covering this story to nearly the degree that it deserves.
7/26/22. Hyperthyroidism or Grave's disease is a common health condition. The standard therapy is to control it with drugs, surgically remove the thyroid gland, or destroy the gland with radiation therapy. This is called radioactive iodine therapy or RAI.
The development program offers an alternative to this often barbaric approach by undoing the cause of the condition. Toxic metals and nutrient deficiencies are always involved.
Tom received a diagnosis of Grave's disease about 12 years ago. He did not like the idea of permanent destruction of his thyroid gland. He controlled the condition with drugs, despite of pressure from doctors to have surgery or RAI.
Three years ago, he began the development program. At first, he did about half the program. He noticed a few improvements, but the thyroid symptoms and abnormal blood tests persisted.
In the past six months or so, Tom became more serious about the development program. He began to feel much better. His most recent blood tests reveal that his thyroid gland is now functioning normally.
Recent hair test. The hair mineral test does not directly measure thyroid activity. The mineral analysis is a metabolic assessment, not a medical diagnostic test.
We do not diagnose, treat, prescribe for or 'cure' diseases. Our approach is to renourish, balance and detoxify the body. The body does the rest. Tom's most recent mineral analysis indicates:
Everything coming out pattern. The levels of 14 minerals increased on this test. This indicates much better elimination of toxic metals, which can be a cause of Grave's disease.
Among the metals that increased dramatically were lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, aluminum and nickel. Other toxic forms of minerals that he eliminated included calcium iron, copper and manganese.
Elimination of the “irritants” or amigos – iron, manganese and aluminum. This is an excellent indicator. Oxide forms of these minerals cause oxidant damage and severely irritate the body tissues.
This is a very important concept that we hope will be taught more widely in the future. For details, read The Amigos – Iron, Manganese And Aluminum.
Emerging from a four low pattern. Tom also came out of the exhaustion state called four lows. For details, read Four Lows.
An intervention. I am told Tom also received help from four guide creatures. These are very advanced, fine matter creatures that use dozens of methods to help heal our bodies. When one follows the development program faithfully, they often intervene and greatly assist healing.
We believe the unusual passage in the Bible called the vision of Ezekiel is about these creatures. For details, read The Vision of Ezekiel and Controllers And Other Guide Creatures.
7/25/22. One can use the mineral biopsy to assess a quality of life called movement. Movement patterns are the way in which a person's souls are causing the person to interact with life.
(Movement is a rather advanced and unusual concept about life that can explain rapes, accidents, disease and much more. For details, read The Movement Concept.) We put this paragraph in parentheses because it is not required to understand death patterns, but it is interesting.
For example, a low sodium/potassium ratio on a hair mineral chart, provided the hair is not washed at the laboratory, generally indicates giving up and moving toward death. The abnormality of the ratio can be mild (between 2.4 and about 1) or extreme (less than 1).
The pattern can also be doubled, tripled or quadrupled, which means repeated elsewhere on the hair chart. This is an even stronger death pattern. (For details, read Double Patterns On Hair Mineral Analyses.)
7/24/22. Our client with sickle cell disease, Daniel, continues to do very well. He has not visited a hospital in five years and is symptom-free unless he overdoes. Then gets mild symptoms and needs to rest.
We are learning that sickle cell disease may not really be a disease. It is a genetic trait that produces a very sensitive human being. Due to the toxicity of the planet at this time, these people cannot tolerate the planet well and easily become ill. The trait is known to protect against malaria and perhaps against other diseases.
If you know anyone with sickle cell disease, we can help. Also, we would like to work with more cases for research purposes. Our foundation, The Center For Development, may also be able to help support a child or woman up to the age of 30 if the person cannot afford the program. For details, read The Center For Development and Sickle-Cell Disease.
7/24/22. To keep women from speaking about their rapes and beatings, the Rogues may actually poke the eyes out, break or crush bones or other horrible tortures. Then they make the woman repeat that she will never tell anyone about the rapes.
Then they rewind the body, putting it back together before her eyes! They tell the woman that if she ever tells, they will hurt her again and not rewind it. For details, read Rewind Technology.
7/24/22. We just learned that each person has advanced brain centers with names like Thy Will, The Kingdom Of Heaven, and House Of The Lord.
These centers are located deep in the brain and have to do with spiritual qualities. The Rogues damage these centers. The development program helps open, enlarge and heal these brain centers.
There are also brain centers named after the 72 names of God mentioned in the Kabalah. They also have to do with spiritual qualities of a human being.
7/23/22. I am told there are souls that assess how safe a person is, especially one's safety from the men. These souls call themselves safety souls. You can ask for them. To stay safe, they recommend:
1) The development program (and not other programs). Follow the development program very well, including do at least two coffee enemas each day. These will move you to a higher and safer level of creation. For details, read Introduction To Development and Introduction To The Development Program.
2) Prayer. Each day, pray for hours for the earth and for all her people. Don't pray for yourself. For details, read Prayer and The Lord's Prayer.
3) Unsexy. Think, act and dress unsexy. For details, read the newly improved article - How And Why To Be Unsexy. This is a very important article.
4) Be unselfish. Think about the welfare of others, not mainly that of yourself. If you do this, you will be taken care of. For details, read Selfishness and Unselfishness.
7/22/22. We updated and improved four older and important articles. They are: 1) How To Succeed With The Development Program, 2) The Twists, Pops, Pulls And Kicks, 3) Progress Indicators On The Development Program, and 4) How To Speed Up Your Progress.
7/21/22. The illegitimate and treasonous American president, Mr. Biden, may announce a “climate change emergency”. However, one needs to know that under the Constitution of the United States, there is no such thing as an emergency.
The idea of emergency powers is not found in the American Constitution and directly violates the Constitution. Declaring emergencies is just an old trick of dictators as an excuse to take away the people's rights. Do not fall for it, whether the excuse is a disease or anything else!
There was legislation passed many years ago giving the American president “emergency powers”. However, all such legislation is thoroughly illegal and unconstitutional.
Mr. Biden is an illegal and treasonous president because he took power while there were pending Supreme Court cases challenging the election results. There was widespread cheating in the 2020 election and there were over 100 lawsuits filed challenging the election.
Most of the cases were never heard in court. This was a very serious treasonous act that should result in the resignation and possibly hanging of all members of the American Supreme Court.
Most Americans do not believe Mr. Biden won the election. Mail-in ballots and voting machines invite cheating and must not be used!
And there is no “climate emergency”. The climate always changes and has NOTHING AT ALL to do with driving your car or 'carbon footprints'. That is all completely false information designed to scare you and restrict your freedom.
The climate of the earth is carefully regulated by large, fine matter beings. They take careful measurements every day to assess the distance from the earth to the sun. Then they adjust the orbit of the earth to maintain the proper warmth of the earth.
If there is a need for an ice age, which, for example, was used to get rid of the dinosaurs on earth, the fine matter beings cause it – not driving a car or burning coal. The car technology is terrible, but it is not the cause of climate change. To read about the mess that is car regulations, read The Regulatory State.
The climate must always be carefully regulated because asteroids, meteors and comets often hit the earth. Even one hit can knock the earth out of its orbit – and that could kill us all quickly.
Another insane idea is that if the earth were to warm up a few degrees, it would be a problem. NO! It would be the most wonderful event!!!! We could grow more food and use much more of the planet.
Just ask the millions of people who live in freezing places such as the Northern United States, Canada, Northern Europe, and most of Asia. Most would welcome some climate change.
Fear mongers say the ice caps would melt and all coastal areas would flood. But this is not necessarily true. The same fine matter beings that regulate the climate also regulate the amount of water on earth. They could remove some water to prevent flooding.
Also, in the past, there have been earthquakes and other events that caused coastal areas to flood. While disruptive, the people moved inland and were okay.
So keep a positive focus on your health and development program, and on helping others. For details about climate, read Global Warming and Climate Change.
7/20/22. This is a difficult time to be alive, especially for women. Much of the problem stems from the group we call the Rogues. There are efforts to get rid of them, but it may take awhile. In the meantime, you can learn to live correctly:
Begin by deciding to say NO to them. You will not go along and be one of their slaves, no matter what they do. We know, this is not an easy decision. But they are terrible masters.
Walk with God. But this is not enough. One must also say YES to God and always walk with God.
This means to always think of God and to talk to God, ask for advice often, listen for advice, and do your best to follow it even if it seems unusual.
It means to shape your life around God's principles: the Ten Commandments, The Golden Rule, and As You Sow, So Shall You Reap. These will help keep you safe.
Do not model your life on the principles of materialism and secularism, false Gods that millions of people worship today.
Walking with God means always strive to help others, and not just to make money or care for yourself. Yes, you must love yourself, but then ask God what to do next.
Then become quiet and often you will hear answers. They won't come from a fancy voice – just simple answers.
If you are not sure about the answers or they don't make sense, ask again and again. The guidance must conform to the principles of the Ten Commandments, the Golden Rule, and As You Sow, So Shall You Reap. For more details, see the messages below.
7/20/22. This principle of behavior is for all boys and men. It means you must always look out for the welfare of girls and women and never use them for selfish purposes. It means protecting them from your own selfishness, and that of others.
It means realizing that women's lives are often somewhat hellish, but the women often cannot talk about it. Real men and boys always strive to make their lives better, not worse.
Five types. There are five types of men, but only the first is decent: 1) Protectors of women, 2) Loose, 3) Opportunists, 4) Predators, and 5) Rapists. All boys and men must make sure they remain in the first category, and none of the others.
7/20/22. Schools, particularly public or government schools, today are often very unwholesome places. They have changed greatly over the past 50 years or so.
There is often bullying, drugs, teaching false doctrines, and wasting a lot of time. There is often real physical danger, especially for girls and even female teachers.
No need for schools. With modern technology, there is no need for schools. The government could pay one parent to remain at home and teach the children everything they need to know. We think and hope that this is the future.
Stay close to God. In the meantime, some children end up in schools. To survive and thrive, always walk with God. Ask sincerely at all times what to do and what not to do.
Remember the wands. These are special fine matter creatures that are placed around a person who helps out our sick planet and her unhealthy people. You want as many of them around you as possible because they will protect you!
Follow the development diet and do the procedures as well as you can. Your brain and body will work better and better until you are so smart you will be amazed. Also, you will gain protection in unusual ways, so just keep it up.
Don't hate. Try not to hate school or to hate anyone, no matter how they treat you. Talk to your parents often about the problems at school and your need to get out.
Do your best to be a light to others and to radiate happy thoughts and real love to others. It does not matter if they respond – just do it. They will feel it.
7/20/22. The crutches. When one begins the development program, the adrenals are usually very nutritionally depleted and toxic. The mineral test may not reveal this because one usually has dozens of crutches.
These are toxic metals and chemicals the body uses to keep the adrenals functioning. An important group of them we call the amigos, or the oxides or irritants. For details, read The Amigos – Iron, Manganese, Aluminum And Others.
Improvement. As one follows the development program, the adrenal glands improve. As this occurs, the adrenal ratio, the sodium/magnesium ratio, increases.
But then the body removes a few crutches because they are no longer needed. When this occurs, the adrenal ratio drops down again. So it seems there is no progress, but really you are getting well!
Helping Others. Also, I am told that everyone who follows the development program gets hooked up to all the malnourished people who live around you to help them survive. This is a great service you perform when you follow the development diet.
However, this taxes your adrenal glands to a degree. So it can appear that you are not making good progress, but really you are becoming much healthier - and becoming a light unto the world.
7/19/22. Don has been on the development program for seven years. When he began, his symptoms were insomnia, brain fog, difficulty thinking through problems, very low energy and depression.
Progress. At first, Don did not follow the program too carefully. His progress was somewhat slow. In the past 3 years, he has followed it more closely.
He now reports that he has much better sleep, much more energy, his brain is sharp and he is much happier. He excels at work, where before he had trouble with his job.
His main symptom at this time is frequent urination. This is likely due to the elimination of toxic metals and toxic chemicals. The body wants to get rid of them quickly, so he often has the urge to urinate. It is not a disease and it will likely pass when he eliminates more toxins from the body.
He still gets tired at times, but not as much as before. Development requires a great amount of rest, so periods of fatigue will continue as one develops and heals.
Most recent hair test. Don's new hair mineral test reveals the following patterns:
- Settling down. This is present when the levels of the the first four minerals all decrease or remain the same. One usually feels more relaxed when this pattern is present and it is a positive indicator.
- All down. The levels of ten of certain minerals decreased on this retest. This indicates a building phase of healing. The body often alternates between building and elimination phases of healing during the development program.
- Anchors. The test reveals seven anchor patterns. These indicate deep healing of the brain, specifically a deepening of the sulci and other improvements. Seven anchors on one test is called a new brain pattern.
- Early trauma. This pattern is present when the changes in the levels of the second four minerals occur in a particular way. The iron level decreases, the copper increases, the manganese decreases and the zinc increases. It is movement toward a double low ratio pattern, which is a trauma pattern.
- Calcium elimination. The calcium level almost doubled. This indicates an elimination of toxic or metastatic calcium from the body. This is an excellent pattern.
7/19/22. To help expel the coffee after doing a coffee enema, a trick is to do the pulling down procedure. This will exert a pull downward on the coffee.
At the same time, visualize spinning subtle energy to the right. The muscles of the colon wall naturally impart a right spin when they contract. Visualizing the right spin can help expel more coffee.
7/19/22. The behavior of the police in the recent school shooting in Uvalde, Texas was nothing short of disgusting. Officers were ordered to wait an hour and half in the hallway outside the classroom where the shooter was shooting before entering and killing the shooter.
One officer, whose daughter was inside the classroom, tried to enter sooner and was restrained by other officers. It was an obvious setup to kill as many children as possible.
I am told that one reason such horrors are allowed by those who run our planet is that they don't like the school system. Children need to be educated at home, not sent off to school.
Many, if not most school shootings could be prevented if the hair mineral test were done on all children and adults with tendencies for violent behavior. Then one could correct imbalances corrected before serious mental problems develop.
We know this because in several shootings, someone had the intelligence to do a hair mineral analysis on the shooter. All of them had a deranged body chemistry. Common imbalances were elevated levels of metals such as iron, manganese, aluminum, lead and/or cadmium.
This is reported in the book, Toxic Metal Syndrome, by H.R. Casdorph and M. Walker, Avery Publishing, 1995, on page 207:
“On a warm July afternoon in 1984, James Oliver Huberty opened fire with a rifle at a busy McDonald's Restaurant in San Yisidro, California. He killed 21 and wounded another 19 people.
“... Among other tests, the city medical examiner performed an analysis of Mr. Huberty's hair. He found it to contain extraordinarily high levels of lead and cadmium, and an even greater elevation of the essential element manganese.
(The medical examiner's report read that) in fact, the killer's hair mineral analysis “exhibited a trace mineral pattern previously observed only in violent psychopaths”.
7/18/22. A serious problem for millions of people is sensitivity to various foods or supplements. So-called 'leaky gut', which is damage and inflammation of the small intestine, is just one of the causes of this condition.
One of our clients, Arthur, could not eat green beans, broccoli and cauliflower. He also could not take vitamin D.
Eating even a small amount of these foods or supplements gave him severe migraine headaches. They also caused nocturnal emissions, also called wet dreams.
Arthur could also tolerate only 10 minutes of noonday sunshine. More than this caused the appearance of bumps on his skin and nocturnal emissions.
Progress with the development program. Arthur has followed the development program for at least six years. With his most recent hair mineral test, he reports he is now much better able to tolerate foods, vitamin D and sunshine.
Most recent hair mineral test. Important patterns on Arthur's latest mineral analysis are:
- A surge in the levels of sodium and potassium. This is usually due to an elimination of toxic forms of these minerals and is an excellent pattern.
Superphosphates and poisoning with toxic potassium. Toxic potassium poisoning is an enormous problem today that receives very little attention. The cause is the massive use of superphosphate or N-P-K fertilizers on our food, including organic food.
A very serious aspect of poisoning with toxic forms of potassium is that it impairs brain activity and causes a type of immaturity.
Fruit. Another huge problem is that fruit picks up toxic potassium more than other foods. This is one reason we cannot recommend eating fruit today.
For details, read Toxic Potassium – A 'Child' Mineral, Superphosphates, and Organic Agriculture.
The guide creatures. The development program is one of the few ways we know of to remove toxic potassium. We are told its elimination requires the help of several guide creatures, who we are told often assist those who follow the development program faithfully. For details about this unusual phenomenon, read Controllers And Other Guide Creatures.
- Everything coming out or all out pattern. This is present when the levels of at least six of certain minerals increase on a retest. Nine of these mineral levels increased on Arthur's retest. This indicates much better elimination of toxic metals from the body.
Among the minerals released were iron, manganese and aluminum. When the body releases very irritating oxide forms of these minerals, one often feels much better. For details, read The Amigos – Iron, Manganese and Aluminum.
Toxic metals. Toxic metals cause hundreds of symptoms and “diseases” and are almost completely ignored by most medical and natural healing practitioners. The development program is the best way we know of to eliminate them deeply and safely from the body.
The development program uses more than 20 methods in a coordinated manner to achieve this result. It is far superior to Chelation Therapy, the main method used by both medical and natural healing personnel. We suggest avoiding chelation therapy. For more details, read Toxic Metals.
7/17/22. We have recommended using distilled water for coffee enemas. However, we just became aware that at least some distilled water in the United States contains a subtle nervous system toxin. Until we learn more, we can't recommend using distilled water for enemas or anything else.
7/17/22. Mary is 34 years old. She began the development program eight years ago.
Initial symptoms. These included swelling in the legs, anxiety, poor skin, overweight, fatigue, and muscle tightness, especially in her chest and shoulders. She was sick often, with colds almost every weekend. Holding a job was difficult for her. She also spent three months in a hospital due to a psychotic break.
Initial hair mineral analysis. Mary's first mineral analysis in November 3, 2014 revealed several serious illness patterns:
- Double four lows. Four lows means that the levels of a tetra of minerals are all below their ideal levels. It is a deep exhaustion pattern called two feet in the tunnel of death in advanced acupuncture.
Mary had the pattern on the first four and the second four minerals. Hence the term double four lows. It means it was present at a superficial and at a deeper level of the body.
Four lows is not an easy pattern to emerge from. In Mary's case, the double four lows pattern persisted for six years on the program. Then the superficial layer pattern ended, but the deeper level four lows pattern persisted until more recently.
- Low four lows pattern. This is another poor health indicator. It means that the levels of first four minerals were all very low.
- Low sodium/potassium ratio. This is also a serious illness pattern, especially when combined with the pattern above.
Progress on the program. Mary was serious about the program. Her psychosis improved within a year. Other improvements were gradual.
She became aware of extreme tightness in her chest and shoulders. She went through a number of purification reactions along the way with some nausea, vomiting, headache and other symptoms.
Most recent hair test – July 2022. This test revealed a number of important healing and development patterns:
- A hill pattern on the first four minerals. This is an achievement and celebration pattern. It is always very positive.
- The phosphorus level increased. We call this pattern perking up. It indicates improvement in the speed of DNA utilization to make all body chemicals. The process of making body chemicals is called biosynthesis.
- A right pivot pattern. This is a visual pattern that is not always easy to see. It indicates a change of mind and insight about oneself and greater self-awareness.
- Ten anchor patterns. Anchor patterns are mineral levels that change very little within certain criteria. This indicates a deepening of the sulci of the brain. Traumas, especially beatings and rapes, flatten the sulci of the brain. This is a serious type of brain damage. Thus anchor patterns are a very excellent sign of healing of the central nervous system.
- Everything coming out pattern with eight minerals. On this retest, the levels of eight minerals are higher. Whenever six more of certain minerals are high, it indicates better toxin elimination. Restoring the body's ability to detoxify is extremely important, so this is a very positive pattern.
- Out of four lows on the second four minerals. The negative pattern called four lows is no longer present on the second four minerals. This is another excellent sign.
- Leaving the cult. This pattern is present when the levels of three or more of certain minerals increase on a retest. Mary's test indicates significant elimination of iron, manganese, chromium and arsenic.
The pattern indicates the release of certain toxic metals or toxic forms of nutrient minerals. These are often placed in the body during beatings and rapes.
- A goalpost pattern. This is a fairly uncommon pattern that indicates an achievement or accomplishing a goal. The name of the pattern comes from its appearance. It looks somewhat like the goalpost of an American football field.
Symptoms. Mary reports she feels quite well most of the time. She is much happier and much calmer, with no anxiety or worrying. She can think much better and can easily hold a job, which was previously difficult. She still feels some old tightness in her chest and shoulders, but no other symptoms.
7/16/22. In an earlier post we said one can use some coffee grounds to enhance coffee enemas. We just learned it is best not to do this. The grounds are somewhat toxic.
7/16/22. I am aware that my telephone and email are controlled, and some people cannot contact me. I don't know how or by whom this is done, but I pray that it stops.
7/16/22. The following are the most important parts of the case history presented two days ago. We believe this is a better way to explain what a number of women are experiencing:
Flashbacks. These are flashes of memory of beatings and encounters with ugly, filthy, disgusting, large men who pull off one's clothes, tie one up and rape the person for hours with penises and with strange machines. Here are more details.
The tube.They use a device that they call the tube. It is an electric vibrator that they put inside the vagina. It vibrates very powerfully until one's whole body shakes uncontrollably.
The plungers and drills. Other devices are massagers, plungers and an electric drill with a thick metal tube instead of a drill bit. They carefully insert this in the vagina and turn on the drill, changing directions every few minutes. At first it is pleasurable but then it turns very painful and causes a lot of bleeding.
Knives. They also cut the women with knives until they bleed all over. Then they make it worse by pouring stinky, warm animal blood all over them. The men may explain that it is the pig blood from the garden store. It is blood meal that they mix with warm water.
Why? Women wonder why anyone would do such a thing? They may be told it s to keep her in a state of fear and terror for the rest of her life.
The men may say they have to do it to control the women of planet earth so they can maintain control. When asked who they are, they say they are sats, which is short for satans. They say they came from a distant planet and they are our masters. For details, read The Sats.
Vaginal pain. Some women report the appearance of sudden pain in the vaginal area that can be so intense one falls down. It comes in the form of attacks of pain, all of a sudden, that pass in a few minutes.
They know it has to do with the flashbacks of the rapes. The satans torture this area of the body the most with rapes and with violent machines that twist the area until it bleeds. Some methods give great sexual pleasure, while others just inflict pain.
Headaches. This is another common symptom that can be part of the purification reactions associated with trauma release. They may have to do with copper toxicity or a copper elimination. Copper buildup in the body is associated with fear. Many women and men have too much biounavailable copper in their bodies. As some is released, one can develop a headache.
Bone pain. Another symptom is pain in the bones. The satans said they need to beat the women all over so that they will forget the rapes and beatings. It is a brainwashing technique.
The beatings are worse than the rapes – much more painful and seem never to end. The strange men watch and continue the beatings until the women lose consciousness and almost die.
Bone pain can be due to the elimination of toxic metals such as lead and cadmium. Cadmium builds up on the coverings of the bones, among other places.
Doom. Another symptom is a sense of impending death. The satans said they like this feeling, so they cultivate it in their slaves, which they call us.
Itching and the grease. Another symptom is severe itching all over the body. Several women report that whenever the men grab them, which can occur anywhere – even while walking down the street – they first strip off their clothes and then they rub grease all over the body.
The grease smells like automotive grease. The men may say it is very similar. They may also say it is a poison designed to quiet her down so they can do what they have to do.
They apply the grease everywhere, even in the eyes, which burn for hours afterwards. They also put it in her hair and deep inside the vagina, where it also burns. It is a dark color and absolutely disgusting. They can use up an entire can of grease for each rape and beating.
Afterwards, they rub it off very roughly with towels, which they throw away. But one leaves greasy and filthy and it takes a few days to clean up. Then one tends to forget the whole incident.
At first, these symptoms are so horrifying they seem unreal. However, as the flashbacks continue, one realizes something did happen and it is the cause of many symptoms. This can be even more frightening because somehow the men erase one's memory of the events.
The men also tell the women while beating them that they must never speak about these events to anyone, not even her husband, or they will kill them immediately. They are told this many times, accompanied by gruesome “deaths”.
The “deaths”. These are sort of imitations of what will happen if the women ever tell anyone about the beatings and rapes, or if they disobey orders.
The “deaths” include freezing, burning, drowning, stabbing, even being being flushed down a toilet. There are over 100 of these “deaths”.
The orders the women are given always include that the women must undress and have sex with whomever the men tell them - anytime, anywhere and with anyone. They must also go along with the beatings and try to enjoy them.
The women also realize that the men come and go at will using sophisticated beaming technology or something similar. This is also frightening to imagine.
They may also realize that it is true – the earth women are purely slaves of these men. They are beaten and raped at will and nothing seems to stop it.
Common mineral patterns include elevated copper, an elevated calcium/magnesium ratio, a calcium shell, double low ratio pattern, and high levels of many toxic metals.
As one stays with the development program, severe fatigue, aches and pains, brain fog and other symptoms improve and one becomes much happier.
Back to life. The feeling of impending death also goes away – quite an amazing difference. The women also smell better and look much healthier. For more details, read Rape, Healing Rape and The Rape Planet.
7/15/22. THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT POST. Lots of rest and sleep are absolutely essential for healing and development. The basics are:
- Adults need at least eight and preferably nine or ten hours of sleep each night. Children need this much or more.
- Go to bed between 8 and 9 PM. Do not stay up late. The hours before midnight are excellent for sleep. If you are a night owl, begin now to go bed earlier. For many more details, read Rest And Sleep.
7/14/22. We took down the case history of yesterday and will present it as an opinion piece instead. This is because although it is all true, it came from souls and is thus difficult to verify.
7/13/22. We are learning about pressure-assisted toilets. They flush better and would probably be helpful when doing coffee enemas to keep the toilet cleaner.
Also, I am told that coffee in the colon helps move the entire body to a higher level of reality. This is one reason the enemas work and the reason they seem to help our clients to be free of the visits by the rogue rapists.
7/12/22. If you don't feel well on the development program, there are several possibilities. You may be retracing an infection, a trauma, or toxic metal poisoning. The body may also be changing in some other way that causes fatigue, anxiety or other symptoms.
It is often best to stop taking your supplements in these instances. The reasons are:
1. Supplements are often not needed during healing or purification reactions.
2. Your body chemistry may have changed. Your supplement program is no longer correct and needs updating.
3. Continuing supplements may push you along faster than is ideal, causing more discomfort.
For many more details, read Tips For Taking Nutritional Supplements. We just updated and improved this article.
We also cleaned up and corrected the article, The Sun And Your Health. However, the article will be even better in a few days.
7/11/22. Many clients don't bother with the pulling down procedure. This saddens us because this exercise, and this one alone, will hasten safe development.
The pulling down procedure consists of visualizing subtle energy or ether moving forcefully through and around the body, flowing quickly from the head to below the feet.
When you begin, the body is quite dense and the tiny energy channels through which subtle energy flows, are very damaged. However, as you do it more the subtle energy flows more easily through the body and the exercise becomes more fun and quite exciting.
You are literally bringing Heaven to Earth and transforming yourself from a more physical being to a more energetic or spiritual one. It has dozens of health and other benefits. Just stay with it and it will work.
If you have difficulty doing the exercise, try doing it while you are holding a coffee enema. The enema helps you to focus your attention downward. For details, read The Pulling Down Procedure.
7/10/22. A theme of this newsletter and of our website is the importance of living a life of service. This is for safety, happiness and much more.
Problems when giving service can be arranged according to the 7 system:
1. Physical: Sloppiness, incompleteness or in some other way doing a poor quality job.
2. Emotional and sexual: Emotional blocks that get in the way of giving service. For example, one might allow one's emotions to rule your service. One might just do what feels good, rather than what needs to be done. Some people think with their feelings and this taints their service.
3. Ego level. Giving service, but only on one's own terms, schedule, or timing. For example, one might insist upon a certain level of payment in order to give service, or be fussy about working conditions or the hours of work.
4. Social. Being difficult to get along with, or interacting socially while giving service in ways that interfere with the service. For example, some people waste a lot of time checking their phone messages or chatting with others about unimportant matters.
5. Creativity and teamwork. Giving service that is uncreative or not being willing to work with a team. The fifth energy center has to do with expression. For example, some people won't speak up and participate so their service is lacking in certain qualities.
6. Intellectual. Giving service, but holding on to fixed and/or incorrect ideas or beliefs. For example, some believe that life is just a struggle for survival or is rotten to the core. This will influence one's service in a negative way.
7. Spiritual/religious. Giving service with a bad attitude. One needs to give service with an attitude of love and extending the Love of the creator. However, many people serve with resentment, hostility, anger, or out of guilt and fear.
For details, read The Life Of Service and Are You A Servant Or A Slave?.
7/9/22. We just learned that when one does coffee enemas, it affects other people. One broadcasts the coffee energy to others. You could say the procedure has social or interpersonal effects. This is most unusual!
We have observed several of these effects. One is to assist healing the bodies of others. Another effect is one can attract toxins from other people's bodies. In this way, one assists to detoxify other people.
This is wonderful. However, if one puts the body in the open position while doing a coffee enema, one may attract to oneself a large amount of toxic substances from others.
The result is that one may feel ill, perhaps with a headache or stomach ache. Then, one may believe the coffee enema is making you sick and you don't want to do them.
In fact, all one needs to do is keep the arms and legs close to the body and perhaps bend the knees a little, and the symptoms can vanish. For details, read Coffee Enemas, The Open Position Procedure and Broadcasting.
7/9/22. We are learn a lot more about the rapes and beatings of women and some men. As a result, we see the need for a comprehensive rehabilitation program.
The basic development program is an excellent start since the bodies are all starving for nutrients. Depleting nutrients is one of the worst effects of any beating.
The procedures. As part of the program, several procedures are also most helpful. They may seem unusual, but our clients tell us they help a lot.
Psychodrama. This is acting or role-playing. It can be done alone, but is usually better with another person. One usually acts out a scene that is frightening or disturbing.
However, one does it very slowly and gently, with a smile, and often with nice or silly music playing in the background. One may have to act it out a number of times until it is no longer scary. For details, read Psychodrama.
The womb procedure. This is new. It is a visualization process in which one first goes into a comfortable position lying down or sitting. Then one closes the eyes and visualizes the most wonderful, loving, caressing, soothing place imaginable.
The place could be a womb, or it might be a quiet warm pond of water, a hot tub, or somewhere else. One remains there for as long as you like, but at least for about twenty minutes. Use a timer to time it. Then one slowly comes back to this reality.
This starts a process of training the mind to realize that life can be very good and sweet and beautiful. One keeps doing this until one thinks about it all day long.
The light bulb procedure. This is also a new procedure. It is a method of learning to broadcast energy. This is a goal of this cleanup and a quality of all advanced beings.
It is deceptively simple. However, it is very powerful.
The procedure. One sits or lies down quietly. Then one visualizes a powerful LED bulb sitting in the middle of the chest. The light shines out in every direction and reaches out for many miles.
With practice, one can feel the rays of light leaving the body and moving outward in every direction. You are literally loving, lighting up and warming up everyone and everything around you.
You feel completely safe doing this. There is no danger at all.
You start to realize that this is why you are alive – to broadcast loving energy. Love is not sex or money or kisses. It is broadcasting love energy to the whole world and to everyone in it.
You also begin to realize that this is a deep communication with others that will bring into your life whatever you really need – friends, a husband or wife, funds, a job and more.
At first, your light may not extend very far. However, you keep pushing it out further and further until it shines on everyone on the whole planet. You practice this every day until it becomes an important habit in your life.
If you ever sense your energy field is contracting, usually due to fear, you just go back to the exercise and do it more until the energy field expands once again.
Unusual. The feeling of this visualization may be uncomfortable and even strange for some women. The reason is that women are trained early in life to obtain what they need by attracting, not by radiating.
For many, this exercise is a reversal of the direction of flow of their subtle energy. However, with practice, it becomes more natural and normal.
To make it work even better, you will combine it with the next procedure, the open position procedure.
The open procedure. This is one of our newer procedures. It consists of putting the body in what some call the broadcasting position. It is ideal for sending out energy.
Opening the body. The body is to be made as open as possible. The arms are placed out to the sides, legs are apart, and stretched out, fingers and toes are wide apart, elbows, wrists and knees are open and feet out to the side.
Doing this is very difficult for some women because it reminds them of the rapes and beatings. So one begins very gently and slowly. With practice, it becomes easier and more comfortable. Eventually, it becomes natural and does not cause memories of beatings.
This is called the open position process because it is an entire process of retraining the mind and body to be happy in what appears to be a compromising position. For details, read The Open Position Procedure. To be continued ...
7/8/22. Many women and some men crave sexual fluid. It gives them a 'zing' and temporarily stops feelings of depression.
This has a lot of bad consequences. It causes women to enter sexual relationships when they otherwise would not do so and it is very damaging for men.
Some women become very selfish and may even have affairs if they do not get enough sexual fluid from their partners. It also turns some men into homosexuals in order to obtain sexual fluid.
SEXUAL FLUID CRAVING IS NOT NORMAL. It is the result of a nutritional imbalance. Some women and men are malnourished at birth because their mothers were malnourished. They may experience the problem at a young age.
Others do not have the problem until they experience beatings and rapes from the Rogues. These occur during childhood or as teenagers. For details, read Rape and The Rape Planet.
Most important, we find that if a person follows the development program, which deeply renourishes the body, the craving slowly goes away. For details, read Sexual Fluid Craving.
7/8/22. Some physicians, naturopaths and nutritionists offer a nutritional healing method called functional medicine. It involves a lot of testing and the use of foods and nutritional supplements.
Sadly, most, if not all these practitioners, are more interested in money than in healing. Their training includes how to make quite a bit of money running tests that are often not needed.
The need for testing. At times, clients ask us why we don't use more testing to design the development program. We mainly use hair tissue mineral testing and usually few others. To answer this question, some history of the development program is needed.
History. Parts of the current development program are very ancient. The proper use of food, rest, down sex and down hugging rather than ordinary sex, the pulling down exercise, reflexology and the spinal twists, pops, pulls and kicks are therapies that have been known for thousands of years.
Other aspects of the program are the result of research during the twentieth century. These include coffee enemas, red lamp sauna therapy, tissue mineral testing, the stress theory of disease and the use of modern nutritional products.
Still other aspects have been added in the past 10-20 years, such as the vaginal peroxide procedure. We continue to research and will continue to modify the program to promote rapid and safe development and deep healing.
Many tests not needed. My training is in nutrition and conventional medicine, which uses many types of testing. However, I am surprised that, in most instances, we don't need most medical and nutritional testing:
Here are three reasons for this observation:
1. Experience. I have over 40 years experience as a physician and this helps a lot. Many people have similar health issues and one comes to recognize them from symptoms and history.
2. The hair mineral test. This test, when performed and interpreted properly, and with consistent retesting, provides an amazing amount of information. This allows us to guide the design of corrective programs.
3. The planning souls. During the past 20 years, I seem able to contact special souls that live inside everyone's bodies. They often know a lot about the person's health.
They are called planning souls. We ask them what is occurring inside the body and what is needed. Often they provide very good answers. For details, read The Planning Souls.
Exceptions. We never tell people not have tests. We will inform clients if we think a test is dangerous and we believe it is unnecessary. However, there are certainly times when medical testing is helpful.
Blood, urine and other tests can reveal many imbalances. I like it when people have had medical testing to identify and to rule out certain conditions. Then we can focus on correcting deeper nutritional and other imbalances.
For a deeper discussion of this topic, including pitfalls with medical testing, read Interpretation Of Medical Tests During The Development Program, Finding Your Way Through The Medical Maze, Hazards Of Visiting A Doctor, Your Doctor's Priorities and The Medical/Naturopathic Runaround – Why Many People Are Still Not Well, Naturopathy and Hospital Horror.
7/7/22. We just learned that the rogues use foods to mix up and shame women during rapes and beatings. It works the following way:
First, the rapists deplete a woman's nutrients using beatings and rapes. The severe stress depletes nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, zinc and selenium in just a few minutes. This is part of the fight-or-flight response that all bodies go through when put under stress.
Then, the rogues splash foods and other items on the woman's skin, in the vagina, or even put it into the anal opening. The food items include eggs, cream, mayonnaise and more.
They may also put other products that contain nutrients on the women's skin such as male sperm, urine, feces and blood.
The tortures, such as pouring blood all over a person, are disgusting. However, many women feel better when this is done because these items supply needed nutrients.
Pica. This phenomenon is well known in medicine. Eating non-food items such as dirt is known in medicine as pica. Eating feces is called coprophagia.
In reality, it is just an unusual kind of nutritional therapy. We do the same thing with the kelp wrap procedure, for example. For details, read The Kelp Wrap.
Then the rapists tell the women they are filthy and horrible people because they like the feeling of having foods or blood poured on them. This is not true!
However, many women believe the lie that they are filthy. As a result, they feel guilty and deeply ashamed and embarrassed. NO! NOT TRUE! You just experienced a type of nutritional therapy and that is all.
7/7/22. Some health authorities recommend taking high doses of niacin while in a sauna. The niacin is supposed to help with toxin removal.
Do not do this! The niacin is quite toxic in high doses and it takes a year or more to remove it from the body.
7/6/22. A number of our clients wake up very warm and sweaty in the middle of the night. Several causes for this are:
1. Retracing infections. Retracing of some infections cause night sweats. A common one is tuberculosis. Mild tubercular infection is fairly common, especially if one has traveled to third world nations.
What to do. Just continue with your program and the symptom will pass. Submit a question to your Helper if the symptom is severe and perhaps we can mitigate it.
2. Autonomic imbalance, also called hot flashes. This is also somewhat common. The cause is an adrenal gland hormonal discharge.
What to do. More rest may help, along with less running around all day. The program slowly heals the autonomic nervous system problem.
3. Toxin elimination. When a person eliminates certain toxins, the body turns very warm and sweaty. This cause for night sweats is also becoming more and more common.
What is occurring. Planet earth is filthy thanks to the activity of the group called the Rogues or negs. As one develops using the development program, one will take on and heal some of the earth's toxicity. Doing daily coffee enemas really helps with this task.
7/5/22. Ari is 35 years old. She has been on the development program for just over one year. She suffers from anxiety, fears, irritability, and brain fog.
Double low ratio pattern. Ari's most recent hair mineral test reveals a pattern called double low ratio. It is a low ratio of sodium to potassium and a low ratio of iron to copper. The pattern is also called double give up.
She has the pattern because she is retracing her rapes and beatings with the rogues. These always include a number of “deaths”.
The deaths. These are events that occur during rogue beatings and rapes that all or most women have experienced. These events simulate death. It is part of brainwashing and it works because it frightens the person.
Ari has other illness patterns on her mineral analysis such as four lows, chronic trauma and more.
She also has positive patterns such as 11 anchors and leaving the cult. These tell us she is moving ahead and clearing old traumas from her body and brain. For more details, read Double Low Ratio Pattern On A Hair Mineral Analysis.
7/5/22. Over the past several hours the forces defending the earth can see much more. They are also functioning quite a lot better. In addition, we are getting much more help.
We hope this will make the earth safer and help in our fight to rid the earth of the group we call the Rogues.
7/4/22. The Fourth of July, 1776 is the day America was founded. It is a special day for all people of the world, no matter what anyone says to the contrary.
America is the first large nation in modern history founded upon the principles of individual rights and individual liberty. Other principles are self-government and limited government power.
America separated from Great Britain because the British people are subjects of the queen, whereas Americans are sovereign citizens.
The principles of individual liberty and limited government are discussed in the first ten Amendments to the American national and state constitutions. They include you have the right to speak freely and publish information freely. You also have the right to keep and use weapons for self-defense and to worship as you please.
You should also be free of government spying, may educate your children as you wish, and you have a right to earn and keep money. All government workers are public servants, not rulers. All power resides in the individual, who delegates a little of it to the government for a limited time only.
Shared sovereignty. Freedom and liberty also means you may not impinge on the rights of others. This is called shared sovereignty. You may not commit fraud, negligence or misrepresentation. These are the basic criminal laws.
The souls of some of the founders of America are very much with us. They want us to know this and remember it always.
They want everyone to know they are here and assisting to keep our world from falling into the old totalitarian dictatorship model of government. They are sad that America is no longer governed correctly, and they hope this will change for the better. Do not lose hope and keep fighting for what is good, holy and beautiful all over the world.
7/4/22. Intermittent fasting or time-restricted eating is a very dangerous and stupid way to lose weight. Please stay away from this fake nutritional method, which some prominent health writers promote.
Starvation. We find that most people are starving for minerals today. Intermittent fasting causes even more starvation. One may lose weight, but the long-term consequences are terrible.
The alternative. You will lose weight and feel much better following the development diet. Instead of starving the body, this diet deeply nourishes the body. It emphasizes eating three meals daily each with plenty of cooked preferred vegetables.
The development diet also develops the body. This is a genetic change that strengthens the body and enables it to last much longer. For details, read Introduction To Development.
The development diet is more work, but is definitely worth the extra effort. For details, read Intermittent Fasting, Food For Daily Use, Food For Occasional Use and Forbidden Foods.
7/3/22. We wrote about the case of Sandra on March 27, 2022. This is an update. Sandra's health and mental state continue to improve. She recently had a new retest mineral analysis.
Patterns on the new mineral analysis. The oxidation rate. Sandra's body chemistry is now much more balanced. She formerly had a very slow oxidation rate. This is associated with feelings of despair and suicidal thoughts that had plagued her for years.
According to the research of Dr. Paul Eck, the oxidation rate is calculated by calculating two mineral ratios - called the adrenal ratio and the thyroid ratio. On the new retest, the adrenal ratio more than tripled. The thyroid ratio is about four times better than on the previous test. This is a dramatic improvement.
Anchors. The new test also reveals eight anchor patterns. This is called a new brain pattern. It indicates significant improvement in brain activity.
All-out or everything coming out. The levels of seven minerals increased on this retest. This indicates much better ability to eliminate toxic substances from the body.
Toxic potassium elimination. Sandra is eliminating toxic potassium, a very important step on the path to healing. A major source of toxic forms of potassium today is food fertilized with chemical fertilizers. The development program is one of the few ways we are aware of to remove this from the body.
NOTE: Eliminating toxic potassium causes a temporary decline in the sodium/potassium ratio. This is not important and the ratio will normalize when the toxic potassium elimination is completed.
Continuation of an extremely important pattern. On this retest, Sandra continued the elimination of iron, manganese and aluminum. The numbers are lower, however, indicating the elimination is finishing up. To read more about this elimination, read The Amigos – Iron, Manganese And Aluminum.
Better calcium and magnesium levels. On previous tests, Sandra had highly elevated calcium and magnesium levels. This is called a shell pattern or running interference. This imbalance is no longer present on this retest.
Increase in the phosphorus level. This is an indicator of improved biosynthesis.
Summary. Sandra reports to us that her health is much better and she is a much happier person.
7/3/22. From the perspective of development science, the use of rosary beads in the Catholic faith or the use of tefillin in the Hebrew faith are most interesting. Done in a certain way, they both can produce development.
Both procedures can be done in a way that moves subtle energy from the head down the body into the arm and then into the hand.
Those familiar with the Pulling Down Procedure will immediately notice that the above moves subtle energy correctly through the body. This, in turn, will cause development.
I am told that Mr. Roy Masters used the tefillin procedure as the basis for his meditation-observation procedure. This author used this method for years to begin the process of development.
The prayers. A question that arises is whether saying the prayers that go with the use of the rosary and the tefillin is important. The answer is that the most important is the movement of subtle energy, not words of any kind.
Words and prayers can help move a person to a high or spiritual level, but of themselves they are a 6 level or mental level of healing. The movement of subtle energy downward is purely 7 or a spiritual level or higher. Other possible problems with saying words is they easily become mechanical and they can distract your attention.
For more details about the rosary, visit The Rosary Center. For more details about tefillin, visit Tefillin.
7/2/22. Rutabaga is an excellent vegetable for healing and development. Please eat some every day and ideally a little with each meal. In some nations, it is called swede.
How to buy rutabaga. A smaller rutabaga is better because it tends to be more yang in macrobiotic terminology.
Organically grown. If you can find organically grown rutabaga, it is usually superior. However, if you can only find commercial or non-organic, that is okay. If you have trouble finding rutabaga, be sure to ask someone in the produce department to get some for you.
How to eat rutabaga. Rutabaga is one of the few vegetables that must be cut into very thin slices or it won't taste good. This is most important. You will need a good, sharp vegetable knife to cut into it because it is a rather hard vegetable.
Once cut very thin, as thin as you can, cook it in a steamer or pressure cooker along with the rest of your vegetables. Then it is very tasty.
How much to eat. Have about two very thin slices of a medium-sized rutabaga at each meal. If you only eat it at two meals, have two or three very thin slices.
If you only eat it at one meal a day, which is not as good, then eat three to four very thin slices, depending on the size of the rutabaga. Enjoy rutabaga, which is a gift to this planet.
7/2/22. Jane is 30 yers old. She has been following the development program for about a year.
Symptoms. When she began the program, Jane was tired all of the time. She also had bad headaches on many days. She had gained weight and could not lose it.
Her kidneys often hurt and she was usually irritable or ornery. She also had frequent insomnia.
The worst problem was brain fog. She could not think well ever since a rape that occurred about 12 years before. As a result, she had little hope of ever doing much with her life. Visiting many physicians had done little for her health problems.
Progress. It took Jane about six months to learn how to eat better and to learn the healing and development procedures. When she finally did them, she began to feel better.
Then she talked her husband into doing Down Sex with her three times a week. This was a turning point for her. During these last six months her progress has definitely speeded up.
Most recent report. She just wrote to us that in the past few months she noticed: “mental clarity, more rem sleep and no sleep disturbance, waking up earlier and more refreshed, kidney/bladder pain eliminated, weight loss and muscle development, elimination of headaches, and skin improvement.”
7/1/22. To some people, this post will sound will sound like pure paranoia and conspiracy theory. However, it is neither. It is the absolute truth about our planet and the enslavement of her people.
The enslavement process is the comprehensive program of conditioning and brainwashing of the people of earth. It is very sophisticated and extremely secretive.
The group responsible we call the Rogues. They are a highly technological, psychopathic occupying force on our planet who have been here at least 50,000 years. The Bible calls them Satan.
What it includes. The enslavement process involves weakening and sickening all those who will become mothers and fathers. This is done with radiation poisoning from atomic bombs that they secretly explode in space near the earth.
They also use chemical poisons in the food, air and water. These include toxic medical drugs, herbs, homeopathy and vaccines.
Today they also use extensive electromagnetic pollution from television sets, computers, cell phones and more.
They also use standard brainwashing methods. These are beatings, rapes and many kinds of physical and mental torture.
They also make sure that education about nutrition and health care are faulty. This way people are quite confused and make poor choices.
They also control most governments on earth so that the food, water and other key aspects of existence are faulty.
They also use more exotic methods including radionics, psychotronics, and electronic implants carefully placed in all bodies. They use correspondence weapons, sound weapons, disrupters, rail guns, lasers and and probably other more unusual methods we don't yet understand.
How it begins. The enslavement program begins soon after conception. It is quite amazing, but the perpetrators are able to send in souls and tiny creatures that infect and damage the developing child.
It continues throughout pregnancy and just intensifies after birth. It includes toxic vaccination programs, and brainwashing and torture sessions. We call the latter the baby rapes and the babysitter beatings. These are described in the Rape and the Rape Planet articles and we assure you they are real.
The big rape. About age eight to ten, all or most girls experience something we call the big rape. They are beamed or taken to special rooms, most of which are deep underground so no one hears the screams.
There they experience prolonged rape and other torture. The rapes are done with a small device that they insert in the vagina and then inflate so it acts like a penis inside, but the girl remains a virgin.
The perpetrators carefully monitor brain activity and continue the torture until the brain is sufficiently damaged in specific ways. The girls become much less intelligent and lose certain abilities to communicate and to see at a distance.
Afterwards, the girls are hypnotized so they do not consciously remember their experience. A few have flashbacks, but most remember nothing.
The flashbacks. Some girls and adult women have flashbacks, especially those on the development program. However, most women are completely ignorant of what has occurred.
The only signs of trouble for most women is many find they do not think clearly and their vaginas may be itchy. Some are allowed to excel in school and their brainwashing occurs later.
Teenage years. The enslavement process continues during the teenage years, especially for most girls, with more rapes and torture sessions. Many implants are placed in the head and elsewhere so the rogues can “talk” to each person easily.
After each session, the girls are hypnotized so that they often remember little that has occurred.
At this age, the perpetrators usually want the girls and many boys to know they have been raped and beaten on dates, at parties and elsewhere. This instills intense fear, anger, shame and humiliation. It makes women, in particular, very easy to control.
Most women also do not realize these “incidents” are not random, though they may appear so. They are part of an intensive and very deliberate conditioning and brainwashing campaign.
In some, this is enough brainwashing to effectively control the person's thoughts and behavior. In others, depending upon their temperament, profession or other factors, beatings, rapes, placing of electronic implants and other conditioning continues.
End of life. Around age 70, and sometimes earlier or a little later, the perpetrators decide one has lived long enough. They place toxic substances and devices in the person's body.
Soon after, death occurs by heart attack, stroke, cancer, kidney failure or something else. The illnesses can seem random, but our experience is they are often planned and carefully carried out.
The context. The above is the context or background situation in which we live and for which we design healing programs. An enormous difference between our development program and other healing programs is that we understand the context of horror described above, while they do not.
6/30/22. We are becoming aware that coffee enemas can be done at two levels. Many people do a basic level. This consists of usually one coffee enema daily using one-half to two tablespoons of coffee.
High level coffee enemas. For much better results, one can do between two and four or even five coffee enemas daily. Also, one must use at least two tablespoons of coffee in each one if you boil or pressure cook your coffee OR three tablespoons of coffee in each one if you use a coffeemaker to make your coffee.
Advantages of high level coffee enemas. These include much better and faster detoxification of the body, more rapid development, and much better protection from the group we call the Rogues. We are not sure why coffee enemas are so protective, but they are.
Cautions with high level coffee enemas. Children. We recommend coffee enemas for children over age about three. They can be very helpful for healing, for development and for detoxification of vaccines and other toxins.
One needs to use less coffee with children. However, they appear to be very safe up to two daily. Even more enemas may be needed in some cases.
Pregnancy. We have not had reports of problems with coffee enemas during pregnancy. At this time, we recommend only the low level coffee enema procedure during pregnancy.
Too much coffee. A few of our clients cannot use the larger amount of coffee. If you use too much coffee, you will feel jittery or nervous. If this occurs, reduce slightly the amount of coffee. Often, after a few weeks to a few months, you will be able to increase the amount of coffee you use. For more details, read Coffee Enemas.
6/29/22. Amy is 67 and has followed the development program for about eight years. When she began she was always tired and achy. Her vision was impaired by small cataracts. She had a lot of food reactions or intolerances and did not digest food well or sleep well.
Progress. As she followed the development program, some of her symptoms improved, but did not go away completely. Recently, however, there was a great improvement in almost all her symptoms. This is quite mysterious to her. Here is what she wrote:
“I am a lot stronger. I have more energy. I have crashes, (physical and emotional) but they are not as bad and I recover more easily. I have less anxiety and am happy most of the time. I've been sleeping well most of the time. I can eat a wider range of foods. My digestion is better.” (received on June 27, 2022).
6/29/22. If at all possible, do not use cell phones. They are completely controlled by the group we call the rogues.
The phones spy on you and the rogues use the phones to implant suggestions in your head. This is a form of brainwashing.
The phones are a a key to the rogue takeover of the earth. At this time, we don't have a way to block their effects except to avoid their use.
6/29/22. Occasionally, a client experiences inner trembling or an unpleasant feeling of vibration. One reason for this symptom is that an unusual type of electronic implant needs to be turned down in power.
Life support. The implant is called artificial life support. It is a very advanced technology that can keep one alive when the body has been beaten or raped and nutritionally depleted.
The Rogues hurt people beginning in childhood. They then install life support implants and turn them on. One feels better with the implants, but has less control over oneself.
The rogues use the technology to threaten people. They tell you if you ever fail to obey them, or if you ever tell anyone about them, they will turn off your life support and you will die.
Healing. As one heals on the development program, one needs less of this life support. So the implants must be turned down in power or one feels a type of trembling. For details, read Introduction To Life Support Methods and Life Support and The Living Dead.
6/28/22. This statement is at the core of both the Hebrew and the Christian religions. It appears first in the Old Testament of the Bible in Deuteronomy 6:5. Jesus repeated the exact same statement, as reported in Matthew 22:37-39 and Mark 12:30.
It means that one is to place God first in one's thoughts, words and actions. We believe another way of saying the same thing is the Second Commandment given to Moses – “Thou shalt have no other Gods before me”.
In the New Testament of the Bible, another restatement of the same idea is “Seek first the kingdom of God and all else will be added to it”. - Matthew 6:33.
Still another restatement, we believe, is the verse “Know the truth and the truth will set you free.” - John 8:32
6/28/22. Coffee enemas seem to be a most helpful procedure at this time in history. Many people are not using enough coffee in their coffee enemas. Others are not doing enough coffee enemas. These errors diminish your protection from the Rogues.
If possible, do at least two coffee enemas each day.
If at all possible, use two tablespoons of coffee per enema if you are boiling it or using a pressure cooker to make your coffee.
If you are using a coffee maker, ideally use three tablespoons of coffee for each enema.
6/28/22. Today Russia warned that any NATO interference with their invasion of Ukraine will start World War III. Of course, this is nonsense. They, the Russians, are starting World War III.
The souls suggest: Give Russia six hours to stop all hostilities and withdraw all their forces from Ukraine. If they do not comply, let them know everything Russian in the world, including the Russian nation, will be destroyed by the combined military forces of 100 or more nations.
6/27/22. The diet for rapid development has been refined over a number of years. The ideal foods for development are not available at this time on earth, so we have to do our best.
The diet is designed to activate the advanced genetics associated with the process of development. This is the reason that parts of the diet may seem unusual.
We urge you to eat the way we suggest. We will continue to research how to produce the most rapid and the safest development.
The most updated diet is found in three articles: Food For Daily Use, Food For Occasional Use and Forbidden Food.
6/26/22. A method that some people find helpful for development is to breathe in a way that moves a lot of subtle energy downward through the body from the head to the feet. Here is the procedure:
The inhale. First put your attention at or below your feet. Now inhale from below your feet. Bring air into the body from an imaginary hole in the top of the head.
The exhale. Keep your attention focused below your feet as you exhale. Feel the air leaving the body through an imaginary hole that is in the middle of each foot.
Use force. To be effective, you must breathe very forcefully. Breathe so that you move the maximum amount of subtle energy downward with each breath.
Continuous. Make your breathing continuous. This means do not hold hour breath at any time during the exercise.
With a partner. You can do down breathing alone or with a partner. If you have a partner, hug each other. One inhales while the other exhales in a continuous, smooth motion.
The pulling down of one person helps the pulling down of the other. As a result, you will both develop faster. We are adding this post to the Breathing article.
6/25/22. Today, the American Supreme Court decided that they will not rule either in favor of or against the legality of killing one's unborn child.
Instead, this will be decided by the people of each state in America.
Some people are spreading the lie that abortion is now illegal in America. This is not true. Some states may allow abortion while others will not allow it.
We will use this decision to explain how the laws of the United States and many other nations are supposed to work.
The constitution. This document is the contract between the people and their government. The preamble to the American constitution states that its purpose is to protect life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. (In other nations, the purpose of the government may be different.)
The American constitution does not say it is okay to murder unborn children. This “right” was manufactured or made up by a court decision in 1973.
The privacy doctrine. That court said it was part of the very important American legal doctrine of privacy. However, privacy never gives anyone the right to harm another. Also, the court ignored the privacy right of unborn children.
Are unborn babies people? Some who favor abortion do not debate the above. They say, however, that unborn children are not people, so they do not deserve protection of the law.
The souls. We asked many souls concerning this question. One might say, who cares what the souls say?
However, the souls are the animating force in our bodies. The body is just a shell without them. In other words, they rule and their opinion matters a lot.
They all tell us that they like the Supreme Court decision today. They also say it does not go far enough to protect the life of unborn children, but it is a step in the right direction.
They say that the role of the government in the United States is first to protect life. They also say that life begins at conception, not afterwards. Therefore, they say the laws must protect unborn babies, not their mothers' “right to murder”.
The creation of a human being. The souls tell us that immediately after conception, a large effort begins to assemble a human being. The souls gather materials from the mother's body. Then special souls and tiny creatures assemble the tissues based upon the child's unique DNA or genetic code.
It is a huge effort and very important for our planet. They do not like it interrupted for any reason, let alone because it is just inconvenient for the mother.
They say that speaking technically, the baby does not belong to the mother. The mother is just the carrier or bearer, and that is all. The baby is an independent being.
The souls further say that babies must have protection against selfishness, uncaring or malicious intent of mothers. This is sad to have to say, but they say it is the truth. So they are glad for the decision, which negated a so-called “right” to murder unborn babies.
The Bible. The Old testament of the Bible also says that life must be protected at all stages, including inside the womb. The Bible formerly was the basis for the laws of the United States. Returning to it we believe would help restore this nation, which was and is a Bible-based nation.
Rape. We are being told there will be fewer rapes thanks to this court decision. Rape is a form of murder, as well.
New information leads us to believe that rape by the Rogues, which is the large majority of it, (see The Rape Planet), is a punishment for women's selfishness and murderous intent. Women are telling us that when they give up selfishness, their rapes often stop.
We predict there will be more rape in those American states that will allow abortion than in those states that will prohibit it.
Federalism. The legal principle of allowing the people of each state or jurisdiction to make their own decisions in America is called federalism. It is a very important legal doctrine that spreads the power of government away from centralized control and back to the people.
This principle was violated by the former Supreme Court abortion decision, Roe v. Wade (1973). This decision imposed centralized control and forced abortion upon all the American people. This mistake has been undone today.
This has nothing to do with whether or not to allow abortion. It has to do with who will decide what is the law.
As we said earlier, some people are spreading the lie that abortion is now illegal in America. This is not true. Some states will allow abortions and others will not.
Legislating from the bench. Many people are also happy with this decision because it is undoes another mistake. Making up laws or “rights” is not the job of any court in America.
Separation of powers. In America, laws are to be made by the legislative branch of the government. There are three branches of government – the executive, the legislative and the judicial branches. This is another vital American legal doctrine called separation of powers. The 1973 abortion decision violated this doctrine.
The courts (judicial branch) are only supposed to evaluate whether a law is in conformity with the Constitution of the United States.
Some people are unhappy because they want to impose abortion upon the American people and they will do it any way they can. This is a form of dictatorship and was narrowly voted down in today's court decision.
The Congress or legislative body of the United States could pass a law imposing abortion, but has not done so. That would be the proper way to allow it, assuming the people and their representatives want it. Then the law would be “tested” in the courts to see if it agrees with the principles of the American Constitution.
What is freedom in American law? Another American legal doctrine that was violated by Roe v. Wade has to do with freedom or liberty. In American law, these words mean you are free to do as you wish provided you don't impinge upon or take away the liberty or freedom of another.
In the case of abortion, a woman's freedom properly does not include the right to harm another, her baby. The right to harm has another name – license. It is entirely different from freedom or liberty.
Summary. There are only two possible legal systems. Either the people make important decisions OR dictators and rulers make the decisions.
America was set up on the principle that the people should make the decisions. This requires a number of legal safeguards.
Today's Supreme Court case corrected at least four violations of the American legal system. The former Roe v. Wade decision violated: 1) the doctrine of federalism or allowing the people to make important decisions, and 2) the doctrine of separation of powers, which divides the power of government among three co-equal branches or departments, and 3) the doctrine of privacy for everyone, including the unborn and 4) the doctrine of freedom versus license.
As for whether abortion will be legal, the court did not decide this. It simply said this decision will be up to the people and their representatives. We hope this clarifies this important and historic court decision. For more details, read Basic Politics.
6/24/22. Retracing is the name given to the reversal process of deep healing that occurs during the development program. It can occur with a few other therapies, but does not occur with standard medical methods.
Flare-ups. Retracing often causes temporary flare-up of symptoms. The symptoms can be anything such as pain, inflammation, infection, rashes, headaches and more.
Emotional symptoms may also flare up, such as anger, fear or anxiety. Healing on a spiritual level – one's relationship with God – can also cause temporary flare-ups of symptoms such as an unusual feeling of falling, which is the death of part of the false self or ego self.
Healing type of inflammation. The flare-up or purification reaction occurs because as healing occurs, a type of inflammation occurs.
When one has a chronic condition, it means that an enemy has taken up residence in your body such as a toxin or an infection. The toxin does not kill you, but your body is unable to get rid of it.
So there is a “truce” or peace in the body. Often, one believe one is “healed”.
When one embarks on the development program, the forces of the body strengthen dramatically. At some point, the immune response becomes strong enough that the souls decide they can expel the “enemy” that has taken up residence in the body.
So a fight begins. This is inflammation and this is the cause of the temporary symptoms. One is getting better at a deep level.
However, it can feel like you are getting worse. The symptoms often come on quickly and go away just as suddenly when the fight is over.
Mental/emotional purification reactions. Negative thoughts, feelings, and memories also often take up residence in the body and brain.
A normal, healthy brain is self-healing. However, if the body and brain are not healthy, as in most people, they cannot remove negative thoughts, feelings and memories. So they remain and can form the basis of a depressed, angry or anxious personality.
When one follows the development program, brain activity improves, such as memory, thinking ability, processing speed and much more. At some point, the souls in the brain decide they can expel the negative thoughts, emotions or memories that have taken up residence inside.
So a fight begins. The memories surface – they want to stay where they are. They scare you and may horrify you.
It is important to take sides and commit to becoming a child of God and nothing less. All else must go. If you continue the program, the negative feelings, emotions and memories eventually fade away and you are healed.
Are healing reactions ever dangerous? I am amazed how safe the process of retracing is providing one stays with the program. Our Helpers and myself are also available to guide you through reactions that are scary.
On very rare occasions, a reaction is hazardous. So it is important to stay in touch with your Helper and to call Dr. Wilson directly if you are very concerned. For details, read Retracing and Trauma Retracing.
6/23/22. Today we spoke to the person who knows the most about the Kelley metabolic cancer therapy. She told us not to trust and not to work with any of the physicians who offer the Kelley metabolic cancer therapy.
The reason is they have changed the therapy. As a result, it won't work well and is more costly. I am told there will be a small book about the therapy and you can do it yourself.
Development and cancer. We find that those who follow the development program usually eliminate their cancers. One does not need the fancy therapies some offer.
However, one MUST do 3 or 4 coffee enemas each day and 1.5 hours in a red heat lamp sauna every day. There are a few other modifications of the development program that help eliminate cancers. For details, read Cancer And Alternative Therapies.
6/22/22. We corrected and updated the article about sesame tahini. Tahini is a very important special food for healing and development. It is easy to skip over it, but please do not skip it.
Eat it with protein. An important new piece of information is that it is best to eat tahini with the protein part of your meal. The article used to recommend spreading it on vegetables, but this is not ideal. It is best to spread it on meat or other protein food. For all details, read Sesame Tahini.
The best way to eat for rapid development. Divide your meal into three parts. The first part contains one or two protein foods such as red meat, chicken, egg, nut butter, or sardines.
The second part of the meal is cooked vegetables. This needs to be the largest part of the meal.
The third part of each meal consists of some blue corn tortilla chips. If you do not tolerate these, you can have another grain food, but ideally not bread.
6/21/22. There is a rogue plan to get rid of the development program and me. They threaten people, telling them they must follow the cult or rape diet (fruit, salad, and often tunafish, etc.).
They may say that I am the one telling people to eat the cult diet and that I can't write about it. It may even sound like it is coming from me, but it is not.
For the record, stay away from the cult or rape diet. They may also tell people that I am causing rapes.
Beware of overflow programs. Some people are told we cannot accommodate them on the program and they go on an overflow program. Beware! THE DIET AND SUPPLEMENTS MUST BE EXACTLY THE SAME AS OURS (see Food For Daily Use).
Coffee. They also tell people not to do coffee enemas, which we find are the most critical part of the program to protect yourself from the rogues. Do not stop the coffee enemas!
To be safe. YOU MUST DO TWO COFFEE ENEMAS EACH DAY. Also, you must use plenty of coffee – about 3 tablespoons if you use a coffeemaker OR 2 tablespoons if you boil or pressure cook. Instant or decaffeinated coffee will not work.
If you cannot do this much coffee then work up to it slowly.
We are attempting to stop this plan, which is well underway. We want to bring it to your attention. Some clients have tried to call or email me and cannot get through. For details, read The Cult Or Rape Diet.
6/20/22. This article summarizes most of the main themes of this website and helps organize them for easy reading. For details, read the new article, About Us – Themes Of This Website.
6/19/22. One of the major themes of this website and newsletter is to teach about the group that we call the rogues. The Bible calls them Satan, but contains few details about who they are, what they do, and how they operate.
Our guides and medical team have provided more details about them. We are slowly updating the main article about the rogues. So far, the introduction is updated and improved. For details, read The Rogues.
6/18/22. Mark is 61 years old and has been on the development program for about four years. His symptoms included chronic lyme disease, joint pain, headaches, difficulty sleeping, general malaise and low energy.
Progress. Mark's symptoms were gradually improving as he followed the development program. However, over the past few weeks he has noted a definite improvement in his energy level and general well-being.
He believes the improvement is due to eradication of lyme disease. However, this is not easy to prove.
Lyme disease is very common in some parts of the United States and is carried by tics. Mark believes he has had this chronic infection for at least 30 years or longer.
Some physicians say one cannot entirely get rid of lyme disease. However, our research indicates that the development programs we set up can eliminate the infection completely.
Most recent hair mineral test. Mark's new hair mineral test reveals many important patterns:
- Amigo dump. This pattern is quite important and very positive. It is an elimination of the oxide or carbonate forms of at least iron, manganese and aluminum.
Irritants. The oxide and carbonate forms of many minerals are highly irritating to the body and cause severe inflammation.
Sources. They are found in our food today thanks to modern 'green revolution' agricultural methods. Fruit is very high in some of them because it takes them up from the soil more than most other foods. However, some is found in most all foods.
Crutches. The body uses the oxide and carbonate forms of minerals as crutches. This means they keep a sick body alive, but are not ideal.
Alkaline. The oxide and carbonate forms of minerals are very alkaline. As a result, they help alkalinize a body that is too acidic. Most bodies today are too acidic due to deficiencies of the alkaline reserve minerals.
Irritating. Also, the oxides and carbonates are extremely irritating to the body tissues and the adrenal glands. Their irritating quality stimulates or whips weak adrenal glands and this causes a slight improvement in one's energy level.
Mark actually eliminated six of these – magnesium, potassium, chromium, selenium, cobalt and lithium. For details, read The Amigos – Iron, Manganese, Aluminum And Others.
- A middle hill. This is a newly identified hair mineral pattern. It is a hill pattern that is not found in the usual location.
The usual location for a hill pattern is on the first four minerals or on the second four minerals. In this case, however, the pattern is found on the second through the fifth minerals.
Meaning. The souls tell us that a middle hill is not quite as superficial as a hill on the first four minerals and not quite as deep or profound as a hill on the second four minerals. In other words, it is in between these two situations.
It is still a hill pattern, however. This is a very positive indicator of accomplishment or celebration. For details, read The Hill And Bowl Patterns On A Hair Mineral Test.
- Leaving the cult. Mark's test indicates an elimination of at least three minerals associated with the beatings, rapes and brainwashing done by the Rogues to most people on earth. For details, read The Rape Planet, Rape and Beatings.
- Anchors. These are mineral levels that do not change on a retest or change very little, according to certain criteria. They are very positive indicators of deepening of the sulci of the brain.
This is an excellent type of brain healing, usually the result of beatings. It causes improved mental acuity, memory, and improved mental processing speed. For details, read Anchors And Pivots.
- All out or everything coming out. This is another very positive joy or development pattern seen on some retest mineral analyses. It is present when the levels of at least six or certain minerals increase on a retest.
Meaning. All out pattern indicates a significant improvement in one's ability to eliminate toxic substances from the body. This is needed for rapid healing and development.
All out is a very important development pattern. The level of 11 minerals increased on Mark's retest. This is very good! For more details, read All Out Or Everything Coming Out Pattern On A Hair Mineral Analysis.
- Guide creatures. This is a rather unusual finding in the healing and development work. Mark recently received four new guide creatures.
The guide creatures are small fine matter creatures that arrange themselves around the physical body. One cannot see them, but they greatly assist healing and development of the body.
They are present on earth in greater and greater numbers and assist human beings who merit them. One earns them by following the development program closely. For details, read Controllers And Other Guide Creatures.
6/18/22. We updated two articles, Preferred Minerals and All Out or Everything Coming Out Pattern On A Hair Mineral Analysis.
6/17/22. A method we are using to help retrace traumas is psychodrama. It is a soul method of healing that is very powerful.
The way it works is one sets up and acts out a scene that is somewhat similar to the scene of a trauma or crime against the person. The souls think it is real. They re-experience the trauma and are enabled to process it.
The reason it works is that when traumas occur, they usually occur so fast that the souls are taken by surprise. As a result, they do not process the event correctly. Instead, they are caught in a state of horror, fear and sometimes hatred of what occurred.
The psychodrama scene helps bring the details of the event or incident to the souls. The action occurs slowly and usually more gently. If it gets too intense or too fast, the person says “stop” and the action stops. Using this process, the souls are enabled to process the traumatic event correctly.
A number of repetitions are often needed, each a little more intense. Finally, the souls relax and realize they are okay. This breaks through the trauma and healing can begin.
Psychodrama is so powerful it can be used for other purposes. These include teaching, practicing how to respond to situations, and even avoiding dangerous karmic situations.
If you want to try this healing method, for safety be sure to read the Psychodrama article.
6/16/22. Clients are reporting wonderful experiences with the kelp body procedure, formerly called the kelp wrap. We are learning ways to make it less messy and more enjoyable.
Clients tell us it is can be made fun and is superb for health and development. For details, read the very updated article, The Kelp Body Procedure.
6/15/22. Blue corn is a much less hybridized, older variety of corn. It is more difficult to grow and contains many important nutrients including anti-oxidants, selenium compounds and others.
Blue corn is a special food for rapid development. While it may sound unusual, the food that retains the most nutrients is the blue corn tortilla chips. The oil seems to preserve certain nutrients.
Please eat a few blue corn chips with each meal for deep healing and development. For details, read Blue Corn.
6/15/22. This is a new, short article about two interesting topics, an expanded definition of sex and holy versus special relationships. For details, read What Is Sex?
6/13/22. High-dose vitamin C. Some holistic practitioners offer intravenous vitamin C for cancer. Do not do this therapy! It works for a year or two, perhaps. Then the body becomes very yin in macrobiotic terms and one's health deteriorates and one dies.
Low-dose chemotherapy. Some practitioners offer low-dose chemotherapy that is really IPT or insulin potentiation therapy. This is another therapy that kills. Stay far away. It works for a year or more, and then it stops working and one cannot recover.
At this time, we recommend the development program with special modifications. NOTE: the development program is not for the diagnosis, prescription, treatment or cure of any disease. For more details, read Cancer And Alternative Therapies.
6/12/22. This is an unusual message. One rarely thinks of a healing program as loving. However, the souls tell us the development program is what they need. It is truly perfect love.
It rebuilds them, it heals them, it wakes them up and it makes it possible for them to be all they can be. That is what they mean when they say the program is perfect love.
Erasing karma. There is a saying: Where there is perfect love, there is no karma. The souls tell us the development program helps get rid of blemishes on the souls that some call karma. This is very powerful. It is deep method to heal everything and extend life.
Love is not what you think. That a healing program is love seems a little unusual. However, the souls say it is what it is. It fulfills many needs at many levels, so please follow it faithfully and tell your friends about it. For details, read Introduction To The Development Program.
6/11/22. Coffee enemas, when done properly for at least a few years, set up a matrix of perfection inside of one's body. This is like a blueprint of how the body should look.
The souls can use this plan or blueprint to detect toxins of many kinds and remove them. They also reveal electronic implants and other foreign material that was placed there by the group we call the Rogues.
This is most helpful. Otherwise their implants remain hidden and are very difficult to detect. The coffee also reveals other damage to the body and brain.
We wish drinking coffee would suffice, but it does not achieve the same result. Also, one must continue the coffee enemas because the food and water on earth at this time is all somewhat contaminated.
Up to three tablespoons of coffee. We are updating the coffee enema article. For example, we are finding that some people need three tablespoons of coffee per enema, especially if you use a coffeemaker to make your coffee.
Previously we said to limit the amount to two tablespoons. However, some people need the extra coffee. If you feel jittery, you have used too much coffee. For details, read Coffee Enemas.
6/10/22. There is an unusual system of protection against the rogues. All bodies have around them small metal tubes that contain a special fine matter creature. The souls call the tubes the wands.
If one has enough wands, one has some protection against the group we call the Rogues - or Satan, as this group is called in the Bible. One must still be careful, but having many wands is one of the best defenses one can have.
Obtaining wands. One obtains wands mainly by being of service to the planet. There is a list of ways to do this.
One of the best ways to obtain more protection against the rogues is to follow the development program. For more details, read The Wands.
6/10/22. We just received a report from Mississippi that Joe Biden, America's illegal president, managed to shut down working oil rigs in the gulf of Mexico offshore from Mississippi. This is why the price of gasoline has more than doubled and continues to rise.
NOTE: Mr. Biden lies when he says he shut down oil production to save the planet from climate change. The issue of climate change or global warming is completely phony. It is just a ploy to scare people and destroy the economies of the Western nations.
In fact, the earth's climate is carefully regulated by angelic beings and has nothing to do with driving cars or any other human activities. For details, read Climate Change.
Shutting down oil production is completely illegal and must be added to Mr. Biden's other crimes of treason. These include not enforcing the immigration laws and opening up the southern border of the United States to massive illegal immigration.
The current government also took power illegally. At the time of Mr. Biden's inauguration as president there were pending Supreme Court cases challenging the election results. The inauguration should have waited until all cases were heard and adjudicated.
There is a need to remove Mr. Biden and his lying administration at once through a citizen's arrest, most likely. This is not easy because Washington, DC, normally a lovely town, has been turned into an armed camp.
The current Congress and president know that a large percentage of the American people do not approve of this administration, are aware of their illegal actions, and would like to remove them from power.
6/9/22. This is a reminder that for all women, the hydrogen peroxide vaginal cleanup is quite an amazing process. It seems to undo all sexual experiences a woman has ever had and most women report feeling much happier and much more relaxed afterwards.
The women are also able to tune in to each other after going through the procedure, even when they are not that developed. This is another huge benefit.
The vaginal peroxide procedure does not damage the vaginal flora, as some claim. In fact, it often improves the flora by killing off harmful bacteria that can grow in the vagina.
It also helps undo some of the abuse that most women have endured. That is what our clients report. For details, read The Vaginal Peroxide Procedure.
Men can do this procedure as well, although we believe that most men need it less than most women. For details, read Peroxide Implants For Men.
6/8/22. With this post, we begin teaching the holy language used throughout space called Ebre. You won't find much about it on earth. However, it is extremely important that it be brought back into general use.
Th Ebre language was given to Sarah, the first prophet of the Hebrew tradition. However, the language became corrupt so we will restore it in this newsletter.
Everyone needs to know about Sarah. She is prominent in the Hebrew Bible and was married to Abraham. Together they gave birth to the Hebrew religion. Now let us discuss the word love.
L = This letter in the ancient language denotes someone or something that is godly.
Think of the word Elohim. This word means God in the Hebrew language. It appears in the first sentence of the Old Testament of the Bible.
NOTE: The L is a masculine letter in Ebre. The letters alternate between masculine and feminine, as do the letters in the word love.
NOTE: Elohim is a pleural word in Hebrew and in Ebre. Pleural means more than one. This does not mean there is more than one God. The Bible is very clear about this.
So what does it mean? We say the reason for the pleural word is that God is a couple – a male and a female being. A couple gave birth to our universe.
The biological concept of space. The idea that God is a couple is part of the biological concept of space. This concept is that space is not empty, as the textbooks teach. In fact, it is alive with beings.
Most people can't see them because their bodies are made of a less dense form of matter called fine matter. Young girls are most likely to see them and talk about them.
Elves and angels are just a few of the fine matter creatures that live in space and on earth, as well. Many are now coming back here and this is helping the earth. For details, read Bodies in Space.
Also, rent or buy a film that is a true story of two British school-age girls who saw and photographed elves at Cottingley, England - Fairy Tale, A True Story (1997, 97 minutes, rated PG). Now we go back to the word love.
O = This letter in the ancient language of space denotes one who is open or available. Even the shape of this letter is that of openness. The O is a feminine letter and is also a spiritual quality.
V = This letter in the ancient language of space is used with words that mean protection, peace, happiness and togetherness.
E = This letter is somewhat silent in the word love. However, it adds another dimension to the word. It is a vowel that is associated with the fourth energy center – the heart center. Love is always affiliated with the heart of a person. For more details, read an older article, The Meaning Of The Word Love.
6/8/22. Some will follow the development diet more closely if you understand the need for various foods:
Meats = builders that contain iron and a special form of sulfur that is a structural compound (disulfide compounds).
Vegetables = detoxifiers that contain a lot of minerals and a form of sulfur that is a cleanser.
Fish = brain food, high in RNA and DNA, especially sardines and some herring.
Eggs = a combination of a builder and a detoxifier. Once again it is very high in sulfur compounds of many kinds and some iron and high-quality protein.
Goat products (yogurt and cheese) = a regulator food and a probiotic, meaning they seed the intestines with the proper flora or bacteria to help digest your food. They are high in calcium and magnesium and special souls that are much needed today.
Tahini and almond butter = builders, high in phosphorus and calcium, both of which are building materials.
Blue Corn = a builder of a different kind than those above. The cereal grains are very concentrated seed foods needed by everyone. Some cannot eat the grains, however, because their bodies are so ill. That is okay. If you react badly to blue corn, leave it alone until your intestines heal.
Coffee (in enemas) = a spinner. This means it spins the energy centers correctly and provides many nutrients as well. It is also a powerful detoxifier of the liver and colon.
Vinegar foods (sauerkraut and Mediterranean Olives packaged in vinegar) = these are spinners and much more. However, at this time they must be eaten in small quantity only.
6/7/22. Most people live selfish lives. This will not work at this time in history. It is very unsafe.
Most people do not realize that the amount of service you offer to the world is registered in your energy field or aura. Based upon it, you receive protection from the Rogue forces that seek to destroy our nations and impose a slave society on earth.
Service means offering something to others that is of real value. For example, assisting others with nutrition is critical today. A new study found that 67% of children's food today in America is ultraprocessed. This is a fancy word for chemicalized and basically devoid of nutrition.
There is a need for thousands of websites designed for babies, children, teenagers, young adults and older people about the need for proper nutrition. Our opposition, the rogues, have plenty of websites that just say to get vaccinated and take drugs for whatever is bothering you. This does not work. There is a need to counter this.
So remember, the life you want to live today and the most spiritual one is the life of service. For details, read The Life Of Service. Also, read The Merit System.
6/7/22. One of the most unselfish and spiritual acts you can do is to follow the development program discussed on this website only. This will slowly unfold your full human genetic potential. You will automatically begin to uplift all of mankind as you uplift and develop yourself.
6/6/22. In the past few weeks, we have become aware that most women experience beatings and rapes from the rogues. These are carefully carried out and cause women to be in an altered state of consciousness – a type of hypnosis and brainwashing. For details, read The Rape Planet and Rape.
If a woman follows the development program faithfully, often the beatings will stop. We are not sure why this is so, but it appears to be true.
We are researching how women can heal from these traumas. Today we found several new ways to help bring up for women these beatings and rapes. This may be causing some women to experience flashbacks, sort of like post-traumatic stress reactions.
Symptoms are usually extreme anxiety, and fear mixed with anger and confusion. There can be physical symptoms, as well, such as fatigue, pain or extra sensitivity of body parts to touch.
What to do. For now, do more of the development program. Coffee enemas can be very helpful. Same with the pulling down procedure. If symptoms are very extreme, contact me and we can often help.
6/5/22. Human beings are an expression of God's love within this world of form. Our true purpose is to be the presence of that love in the world – to be a light unto the world.
Radiance. This love is literally a radiance. The healthier you are, the more you will automatically radiate this light. This is an important reason to follow the development program.
Whenever one extends the love of the creator into the world in any way, one will be happiest because this is our true purpose. You can do this through any type of service.
NOTE: Sex is not love. Most sex is selfish and ordinary sex depletes the body. We only recommend Down Sex, Down Hugging and other down activities such as down walking.
If you are not feeling too happy, most likely you are not extending enough of God's love into the world. Perhaps you are doing the opposite – projecting fear into the world, which includes worry, anger, grief, complaining, blaming and judging.
It is good to check often and ask yourself – am I extending the creator's love into the world or am I teaching fear. For more details, read Love As Radiance, The Real Self and listen to the Real Self audio program.
6/5/22. Most of the Biblical food laws are excellent to speed up development. These include avoiding all pig products and all shellfish. These foods are too toxic. Also, pig products are often contaminated with parasites (trichina worms), even when well-cooked. These go to your brain and damage it.
Also, meats should be eaten fresh whenever possible. The creation story also warns against eating fruit.
The main 'modern update' to the food laws is that people need to eat loads of cooked, preferred vegetables. For details, read The Biblical Food Laws.
6/4/22. Toxicity is not a simple subject. Toxins can be of many types and occur at many levels of functioning. They can be subtle, cumulative, deadly, mild, delayed and have other qualities. For details, read the new article, The Nature Of Toxicity.
6/3/22. The article that had the title, The Two Branches of Christianity, has been updated and improved. It is somewhat controversial, but hopefully not offensive. For details, read The Formation Of The Christian Religion.
6/2/22. White vinegar is a remarkable and excellent cleaner. It contains souls that clean up many kinds of chemicals and more. For this reason, it is excellent for health. It is also non-toxic and inexpensive.
It has a smell, but the smell goes away when the vinegar dries. An excellent idea is to keep spray bottles full of vinegar in the bathroom, kitchen and maybe in other rooms, as well.
Bathroom. Vinegar is excellent for toilets, faucets, shower, counters, sinks, mirrors and more.
Kitchen. Vinegar can be used on hard floors, counters, and sinks. It is also excellent to clean silverware and dishes. If pots and dishes are very greasy, then soap will be needed. Do not use detergents, all of which are somewhat toxic.
Electronics. Vinegar is excellent to clean computers, phones, keyboards and all audio and video equipment including wires, connectors, adapters and other devices.
To clean electronic devices, instead of spraying vinegar directly on the device, we suggest spraying it onto a paper towel and then using that to clean the equipment or device.
Laundry. Add several cups of vinegar to your laundry before starting the machine. The vinegar will get rid of odors, whiten the clothing and help clean it well.
We also use some Extreme 18X by Naturoli to help wash clothing and dishes. Do not use detergents, even ones that say “all natural ingredients”.
6/1/22. Nutritional yeast is a special food for development. It contains many excellent nutrients including B-complex vitamins, protein, trace minerals and anti-oxidants.
We recommend one teaspoon daily of nutritional yeast for all adults. Smaller amounts are also helpful for children starting at age 3.
The easiest way to use nutritional yeast is to sprinkle some on your food. For more details, read Nutritional Yeast.
6/1/22. Russia is threatening to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine. Fox News today ran two articles about whether the United States could win a nuclear war with Russia.
We are not sure if this talk is designed to just scare people. However, no one wins a nuclear war.
Whenever there is a release of ionizing radiation, the wind blows the radioactive particles all over the earth. This means it affects everyone. There would be a great increase in cancer and other diseases all over the world.
Today, everyone has some degree of radiation poisoning due to medical and dental x-rays, emissions from nuclear power plants, and some radiation from atomic bomb tests.
What to do - sauna therapy and development. Red heat lamp sauna therapy can help remove radioactive particles from the body. It also helps get rid of mutated cells. These cells are less resistant to heat. Heating the body a few degrees tends to cause their death. This is important so that they do not reproduce.
The healing process we call development is also very helpful to counteract radiation poisoning. This is because it improves the quality of all the tissues and better enables the body to get rid of mutated cells. For more details, read Radiation Poisoning And Its Correction and Nuclear Power And Alternatives.
5/31/22. One of the main themes of this website and this newsletter is the unique process called development. It is a wonderful spiritual path open to all human beings.
Development is not well known because the group we call the Rogues, who have a lot of control over the earth, do not want it taught.
However, we are blessed to be able to teach it at this time. It is a large subject related to all sciences, all religion, and much more.
A new, short article discusses Reasons For Development. The website also contains an older article, 100 Reasons For Development. We will probably combine these articles. For a more detailed article about development, read Introduction To Development.
5/30/22. A few items the news media are not reporting about a recent school shooting are:
- Schools across the world have become horrible places. This is very sad for me to say, but it is true. They teach false doctrines, and they are completely unsafe.
- I am told the group we call the Rogues use some schools to beat and rape children. Some schools have entrances to underground rooms where the beatings take place. Efforts are underway to stop this, but it is still going on at this time.
- This has to do with recent revelations that most boys and girls around the world experience beatings and rapes. It is part of the rogue control of our planet. For details, read The Rape Planet, Beating and Rape.
- 92% of these shootings occur in “gun-free zones”. This means no one can stop them quickly. A gun-free zone just makes it easy for killers and is a stupid idea.
- I am told the shooter was toxic with manganese. There is a medical condition called manganese madness. One of the signs is criminal behavior. It is time to pay attention to body chemistry - and one must measure minerals in the hair, not the blood. Most toxic metals won't show up in the blood or urine.
- The man may have been taking psychiatric medication. One of the side effects of anti-depressants in young people is homicide.
- It is time to re-evaluate the nation's values, which include allowing the murder of babies in the womb (63 million babies killed in America alone).
- Schools are not safe places for children for many reasons. Today they teach wrong doctrines, and some children are beaten and raped. Children need to be taught at home.
For details, read What Children Feel When They Go To School, What Is Wrong With The Government School System? and Home Schooling.
5/29/22. Mr. Putin's war is not a standard conflict. It is different from past wars in at least four ways:
1. It is very high-tech. This is not being reported much. Mr. Putin's weapons are far superior to those of Ukraine and the NATO nations that are fighting him.
I am told that many of his weapons are being manufactured in outer space! Some of his weapons systems are definitely alien to this planet and we believe this will eventually become known.
2. The only reason Ukraine is still going is because of intervention by fine matter creatures. This is very unusual and means that, unlike previous wars, the Ukraine conflict is a sort of metaphysical or spiritual battle. We predict that some day the controlled media will start reporting on strange occurrences and interventions that are keeping Ukraine alive.
3. Unlike most wars, Mr. Putin does not care much about his own people or nation. Russia is suffering more and more as companies leave in disgust. Hitler, Stalin and other dictators cared more about their nations.
We believe Mr. Putin does not need much support from the Russian people, most of whom hate him. Instead, he recruits soldiers from nations he controls and brainwashes them by beating and raping them until they follow orders. Otherwise, many would not serve him. So this is a brainwash war, not a nationalistic war.
4. The goal is world disruption. While Mr. Putin speaks of annexing Ukraine as his goal, the evidence is that this is not exactly true. The actual goal is to disrupt the world economy and world political stability.
This is a new and unusual goal of war. It is already causing food shortages in Africa and other poor nations. We predict this will get worse, although nations such as the United States will probably be fine because this nation grows a lot of food.
5/29/22. The development program teaches a different type of sex called down sex. It is superior to ordinary sex in dozens of ways.
It is cleaner, with less risk of disease. Most important, it causes deep healing of both bodies and is the most powerful way to speed up development. For details, read Down Sex, Down Hugging and Introduction To Development.
Downs, Down orgasms, or jolts. These are a special type of orgasms that may occur spontaneously during a development program. They are actually the opposite or reversal of standard orgasms. Energy moves from the head down toward the feet.
Standard orgasms deplete the body and spin it backwards. Down orgasms heal the body and spin it in the proper direction. For details, read Downs, Down Orgasms or The Jolt.
5/28/22. To end the rogue situation, we need to expose the truth of their presence and their methods. More humans and creatures need to speak up, fight back, help out. Then we will win.
They know this, so they beat people and rape to kill the spirit, frighten, and make us hopeless and silent.
You can go along if you wish. But there is another choice. If you are already mostly dead due to their beatings, there is nothing to lose by speaking up. If you are already dead, if does not matter how strange the truth sounds.
So everyone speak up about your experiences. They say tell no one – no, tell everyone. Fear not because to be in fear is no fun. Better to say “I'm okay, you're okay” and speak up.
5/27/22. Sandra is 44 years old. She had been ill for 30 years. She began the development program about one year ago.
Physical symptoms. She had terrible migraine headaches most days and was often dizzy. She had frequent and often painful urination, but doctors could not find an infection.
Her blood sugar level was unstable and she often craved sweets and starches. She had chronic bronchitis, asthma and a chronic cough.
Her joints hurt all the time, and she had hair loss and yeast problems. She also had lumpy fibrocystic breasts, premenstrual tension and hot flashes.
Her heart often raced and she had heart palpitations, irregular heart beats and angina. Her blood pressure would swing from low to high depending on her anxiety level. Drugs and nutritional supplements had been of little help for these symptoms.
Mental/emotional symptoms. Her worst symptom was extreme anxiety and fear. She had a feeling of impending doom and death at all times. She also had brain fog and confusion and was unable to think clearly.
Many of her symptoms began after a series of rapes and beatings as a teenager at age 14. These continued for ten years. To read about this common problem, read Rape and The Rape Planet.
Beginning the development program. Sandra's first and second hair mineral tests indicated a four lows pattern. She read on this website that it meant two feet in the tunnel of death.
This was the first thing that made sense to her. As a result, she decided to follow the program to see what would happen.
Changes were slow at first, although the yeast problem improved a lot when she stopped eating all fruit and all sweets. Her headaches also diminished, which was a blessing. We find it takes time to build a foundation for health, just as it takes some time to build a foundation to build a house.
Retracing. Sandra experienced a number of purification reactions or flare-ups. Most were not too annoying. However, at times she cried, sometimes for a few hours. At other times, she remembered terrible beatings that made absolutely no sense to her.
Recent changes. Over the past several weeks, improvements have been much more dramatic. Her joints are much improved and her brain is beginning to function normally.
The sense of doom is gone and a little joy has returned to her life. Her heart beat is much more stable and the angina pain is less.
Most recent hair test. Sandra's new mineral retest revealed the following:
Out of four lows. Sandra emerged from the four lows pattern she had for a year. She says this is like climbing out of the abyss.
Coming alive. The levels of the first four minerals all increased. Most of the levels doubled. This is a very positive pattern. For details, read Coming Alive.
Big surge. The levels of sodium and potassium increased dramatically. This indicates an improvement in adrenal and thyroid activity and an elimination of toxic compounds of sodium and potassium from the body.
This is often an intervention pattern. This means that Sandra received help from several fine matter guide creatures. These are very intelligent small creatures that often help those who stay with and follow the development program.
They tell us this program heals the body like no other and they can do much more healing with people who follow it than they can with all others. For details, read The Controllers And Other Guide Creatures.
Maturing. This pattern is present when one eliminates any of the child minerals. Toxic forms of certain minerals are associated with brain problems that cause immaturity.
As they are eliminated, one often feels less fear and happier. The child minerals are toxic compounds of potassium found in all our food today, nickel, some copper compounds, and at times other minerals such as mercury.
Left pivot or twist. This pattern is present when, if one connects the tops of the graphs of the first four or second four minerals, they form a line that twists to the left. A left twist is a change of mind about someone other than oneself. In Sandra's case, she was able to forgive those who had beat and raped her many years before.
Eight anchor patterns. Anchor patterns occur when certain mineral levels change very little or not at all on a retest mineral analysis.
Beatings and rapes cause the sulci or ridges of the brain to flatten. This is a serious type of damage. Anchor patterns indicate a reversal of this damage and a deepening of the sulci of the brain.
Eight anchor patterns occurring on one retest is called a new brain. For details, read Anchors And Pivots.
Everything coming out pattern. The levels of eight minerals increased on this retest. This indicates much better ability to eliminate toxins.
5/26/22. Many of our clients report they are unable to follow the diet correctly, or take one or another supplement, or do one or another of the procedures.
They tell me they are “allergic” or “sensitive” to the food, supplement or procedure. However, when we ask the planning souls we often find that it is not an allergy or sensitivity.
Purification reactions. The problem is that the food, supplement or procedure causes an unpleasant purification reaction. This is actually a sign of healing, although it does not feel that way.
What to do. This depends upon the situation. Taking more lecithin, up to 15 grams daily, may help with anxiety and fears. More calcium, magnesium or omega-3 fatty acids helps a few people.
At times, the souls suggest avoiding the offending food, supplement or procedure for now and try it again gently in a month or two.
At times, one needs to just move through the unpleasant feelings and they will pass. The symptoms are part of the reversal process that everyone goes through on the development program.
The reversal process. At the risk of repeating myself, we are learning that everyone on earth has experienced trauma. It is due to the presence on earth of the alien group we call the Rogues.
They are very secretive and have very advanced technology. They beat and often rape children using young women posing as babysitters. They also molest, beat and rape many teenagers and adults. They do this to control the planet and for other reasons. For details, read The Rape Planet.
They also use hypnosis to cause people to forget the beatings. However, more and more people are having 'breakthrough' episodes in which they become aware of these extremely unpleasant experiences.
Also, when one embarks upon the development program, one may become aware of memories of these experiences. At times, one just experiences extreme anxiety, fear, sadness, anger or other unpleasant feelings. Often, a particular food, nutritional supplement or procedure triggers the reaction.
Warning people. Our helpers need to warn all clients that these feelings and memories are normal and will likely occur at some point during the program. And that they will pass.
We will keep writing about the situation as we learn more. Also, there are efforts underway to slowly free our planet from rogue control.
5/25/22. Laura was 52 when she began the development program a year and half ago.
Mental/emotional symptoms. On her intake sheets, she listed fears and phobias, anxiety, brain fog, confusion, depression, mind racing, panic attacks, poor memory, trouble sleeping and dylexia.
Physical symptoms. These were fatigue, yeast infections, tooth decay, gum disease, excessive plaque on teeth, kidney stones, headaches, bloating, hemorrhoids, overweight and tendency to gain weight, hot flashes, food allergies, muscle weakness, and muscle cramps.
Blood tests. Laura had visited a number of physicians – both conventional and alternative or natural. Her blood and other test results were mostly within the normal range. This was very frustrating for her because the doctors could not figure out why she felt so awful.
She tried many diets, drugs, and nutritional supplements without much results.
Mineral test - Poisoning. Laura's first hair mineral test revealed excessive levels of iron, chromium, aluminum, cobalt, lead and nickel. In addition, she had poor eliminator patterns for copper, cadmium and arsenic. This indicates that these minerals were also too high and her body is unable to eliminate them at this time.
A shell. Laura's mineral analysis also revealed a calcium shell pattern, a type of calcium imbalance that leads to bone loss, arthritis and heart disease.
A shell pattern is also associated with psychological withdrawal due to overwhelming stress or inability to cope with stress. This was a good description of Laura's situation.
Inflammation. The mineral test also revealed a double high ratio pattern on the first four minerals. This is a severe inflammation pattern.
Very slow oxidation rate. The oxidation rate is a set of mineral ratios and is a measure of adrenal and thyroid glandular activity, among other things. A very sluggish oxidation rate is associated with fatigue, depression and despair.
The program. She learned so much from her mineral test that Laura does not understand why most physicians do not use this rather inexpensive test.
With her new knowledge, she began her journey on the program. At first, she felt quite a lot better on the diet. However, soon healing reactions began and she wondered if she was really getting better. Her joint pain flared up and at times she felt on an emotional rollercoaster. However, these flare-ups passed and within five months she felt better than she had in years.
Second hair mineral test. A retest mineral analysis at this time revealed lower levels of iron, chromium, nickel and cobalt. Lead, mercury, cadmium and arsenic levels were higher, indicating greater elimination of these toxic metals.
The test also showed a faster oxidation rate and much less inflammation.
Third mineral test. Laura's health continued to improve over the next six months. A repeat hair mineral test then revealed an elimination of toxic manganese. This is very common today because gasoline contains a toxic manganese compound. The test also revealed more elimination of lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, nickel, and cobalt.
Most recent mineral test. Over the next five months, Laura's energy level and stamina continued to improve. She reports less craving for sugar and better sleep. She retraced earaches, a symptom she had as a child. She has fewer headaches and less joint pain. Her most recent mineral test indicates the following:
Goalpost pattern. This is a visual pattern that indicates one has reached a goal and is passing on to a new stage in life. Laura reports she is “waking up” to her true self.
Coming alive. This is present when the levels of the first four or second four minerals all increase or remain the same. In Laura's case, all increased, an even more powerful “wakeup” pattern.
Seven anchor patterns. This pattern is present when the levels of certain minerals change very little. This pattern is associated with deep improvement in brain activity, specifically a deepening of the sulci of the brain.
This is a fundamental change in the architecture of the brain and very important for healing and development. We are learning that the beatings and rapes that most women and young boys experience have a flattening effect upon the sulci of the brain. This diminishes mental acuity and reduces the speed at which the brain operates. To understand what is going on, also read The Rape Planet.
All out pattern - with 10 minerals. Laura's test also showed ten minerals being eliminated in greater amounts at this time. This indicates much greater ability to eliminate toxins from the body – an excellent sign of deep healing.
Step down pattern – stepping into life. This pattern is present when the first four minerals form a visual pattern that looks like steps moving downward from left to right.
Step down pattern is associated with a new interest in engaging with the world. One might start a business, get married, reach out to a friend in need, renew an old friendship or in some way reconnect with this existence. It is a very interesting mineral pattern.
Brain transplant pattern. This is a newly-identified pattern. We think it is some combination of other patterns, but it is too early to say. Laura says the change in her is so profound that it is as though she is a different person.
5/24/22. The master group is a set of several hundred souls who guide and protect each person. The rogues target this group and damage them. As a result, most people are not in touch with this group of souls.
Most active in childhood. The master group of souls is more active in children up until around the age of ten. Then something happens and they fade in the mind of most people.
We have recently learned that at least part of the cause are beatings and rapes that the rogues inflict upon most, if not all human beings on earth during childhood. For details, read The Rape Planet.
The child archetype. Modern psychology, particularly the work of Carl Jung, recognizes the master group to a degree and calls them the archetype of the inner child. However, this is not quite correct.
The master group is not an archetype. It is a group of souls who are wise, loving and creative.
Activities. These souls offer advice and keep in touch with other important souls such as the planning souls. They can help a person keep a positive attitude and help one function in an intelligent way.
Finding your inner child. Most people are not in contact with this group of souls. This is due to damage from certain brain implants that most people have.
Our medical team will try to remove these bases from our development clients. However, there are ways to make contact with the master group.
Qualities. First, it is good to know what you are looking for. Qualities of the inner child souls group are that they are happy, honest, innocent, playful, smart, happy and they may seem a little sexy. This is because they understand the power of male-female interactions.
So if you hear a voice talking to you and wonder if it is the inner child group, you can notice if they have the above qualities.
Honesty therapy. This is an excellent way to wake up the master group. It consists of forcing yourself to be honest at all times. One might also be able to find a psychotherapist who would do honesty work with you. However, you can do a lot yourself and with friends.
Asking for them. You can also ask to know your inner child or inner child group. You simply ask in prayer in a quiet way and they may come forward.
Develop yourself. If you follow the development program, as you develop you will tend to wake up the inner child group. However, this may not occur early in development so this method is not as reliable.
Imitate their qualities. Imagine the inner child group and live in accordance with the qualities listed above. Once again, these are to be happy, honest, innocent, playful, smart, and mostly happy.
If you do the above, it helps this group of souls to “wake up” and participate more in your life.
5/24/22. Definition. A whole systems approach means that for each food, nutritional supplement and procedure that one recommends, one must check its effect upon the entire body, mind and spirit.
This method might sound obvious, but it is not the way most physicians and healers work. They focus much more on one's symptoms and they find remedies for the symptoms.
What are symptoms? Development science healing does not focus on symptoms or remedies. The assumption is that symptoms are expressions of a body out of balance or undeveloped.
What matters is to correct the balance or state of the body and most symptoms quickly go away on their own. This perspective sounds quite strange to most people.
What are remedies? This is anything that one takes or does that addresses a symptom. It includes special diets for certain diseases, medical drugs, most surgery, herbs, vitamins, adjusting the spine and much more.
Does this not describe the development program? No it does not. The development program looks like other nutrition programs. However, it is not set up to address symptoms so it is different.
Is this why many people's program is similar? Yes. The whole system of most people require the same basic diet, lifestyle, extra nutrients and procedures.
This combination we call the development path. For details, read The Path Concept and The Sevenfold Path of Development.
5/23/22. Making sure your body can fight off invaders and infections is one of the most important bodily activities. Most bodies today have a terribly weak immune response. This causes lots of physical and mental sickness, loss of work productivity, and premature death.
The souls are very angry that the bodies cannot defend themselves against even simple bacterial and viral illnesses. Even more frustrating is that the answer is not very complex.
Eating plenty of cooked, preferred vegetables is the only way to keep your immune response strong.
The preferred vegetables are all onions, carrots, rutabaga, daikon, green beans, Brussels sprouts, red cabbage and a little celery, ginger, horseradish root, golden beet.
Reasons. Eating these vegetables with every meal alone works because the vegetables contain plenty of anti-oxidant and other protective nutrients. Other foods just do not contain as much. Also, one cannot obtain them just taking tablets and capsules.
A second reason that eating plenty of the preferred vegetables properly cooked with each meal strengthens the immune response is it causes development. This is a unique shift in the body that only occurs with our program, not that of others. Other foods simply do not contain enough of the nutrients needed to cause much development. For more details, read Introduction To Development.
A third reason that this method alone produces the best immune response is that it helps the body eliminate more than a dozen toxic metals and thousands of toxic chemicals. Unless one does this, the immune response today will be weak.
Another reason this method alone works is that it gently balances the physics of the body. This is sometimes called the balance of hot and cold or yang and yin in some other languages.
Another reason this method works best is that it balances the acid-alkaline balance of the body. It increases the level of the alkaline reserve minerals in ways that nothing else can. This is vital today to prevent cancer and many other ailments.
Another reason the cooked, preferred vegetable diet is best is that it balances the metabolic or oxidation rate of the body. This is a subtle measurement only available using a hair mineral analysis that must be from a laboratory that does not wash the hair. Then the test must be interpreted correctly, which most physicians and other healers do not know how to do.
Another reason that eating lots of the preferred, cooked vegetables with each meal produces the strongest immune response is that it balances the electrical system of the body. This is also not easy to measure except via a properly performed hair mineral analysis. It is revealed on this test by normal ratios of sodium and potassium, in particular, and other minerals, as well.
Another reason that eating lots of preferred, cooked vegetables with every meal is the only way to have a strong immune response is that it balances the nervous and digestive systems of the body. This is not so easy to do!
We could go on, but space is limited in this newsletter. For more details, read one of the best articles - Fifty Reasons For Eating Loads Of Preferred, Cooked Vegetables.
You will notice we did not refer to the “immune system” of the body. The reason is that there really is not one immune system. The body uses many souls, chemicals and methods to defend itself and they all must heal. So we prefer the term immune response instead of immune system.
5/22/22. A new article on the website is an excellent introduction to the development program. It can help greatly to understand the development method of healing. Please read Healing Principles Of Development Science.
5/21/22. For accurate test results, hair must be sampled correctly. The hair should be washed with a plain shampoo ideally within 12-24 hours before sampling it.
Cautions. If you sweat a lot at work, cut the sample before going to work. Also, it is okay to send in hair that has been tinted or dyed. If you get permanents, ideally cut the sample before getting a permanent, although it is acceptable to send it at any time.
Cutting the sample. Cut several small samples. Cut each one as close to the scalp as possible. Measure about 1 inch or 2 centimeters. Then cut off and discard the long end of the hair. Only use the 1-inch piece of hair. This is the hair that grew most recently.
Weighing the hair sample. Place the hair sample on the paper scale that your Helper will provide. When the scale balances, you have enough (about 125 mg). Put this in the small envelope and seal the envelope.
The laboratory must not wash the hair. Almost all hair mineral testing laboratories wash the hair samples when they arrive at the lab. This damages the accuracy of the test because it washes out the water-soluble minerals. For this reason, we only use Analytical Research Labs for hair mineral testing. For more details, read The Hair Sampling Procedure.
5/20/22. These two procedures are simple and very helpful for health and development. Each day, if possible, do deep breathing for at least one half hour and learn to breath deeply as a habit. We recommend the three-part breath.
Also, sunbathing for about ten to twenty minutes each day is very helpful. It charges the body with an energy that is extremely helpful for healing and development. For details, read Breathing and Sunbathing.
5/20/22. I am told that Duck duck go is not as private a browser as it was previously. Instead, a better choice is
5/19/22. I am very busy so there will be no extensive message today. We will only say this is a time to remember that only love heals.
This is because love is the force that keeps the universe going. This love is a radiance or energy that emanates from a place in space. For details, read Love As Radiance.
5/18/22. The lack of privacy on computers is shocking and should be illegal. Spying on your computer or phone is very easy and by design. We feel it is thoroughly illegal and an aspect of rogue control over our planet that needs to end.
To help stay private, do the following:
- Never keep passwords, bank account numbers, social security numbers, driver license info or other private data on a computer.
- Turn off your connection to the internet when you are not using it. The best is to unplug the ethernet cable going to the modem or router. Turning off your network connection inside the computer or even turning off the router may not work as well.
- Do not use wifi. Use an ethernet cable to connect to the internet and a printer cable. This also reduces EMF emissions.
- Don't use Google. They track you more. Use Duck Duck Go as your search engine.
- Use Brave as your browser. It does not track you and will alert you to some websites that are often best avoided.
- On a Mac computer, don't use a firewire adapter to connect. Use a plain adapter from ethernet to USB.
- Clear cookies and do not accept cookies when you visit websites.
- Ideally, use one computer for email and website updating. Use another computer for internet browsing and surfing the web. This one should have nothing on it.
5/18/22. We are finding it is best to use non-organic coffee for coffee enemas. It appears the rogues damage the organic coffee more than they damage the non-organic coffee.
Also, use medium roast or dark roast Columbian coffee, if at all possible. Do not use Hawaiian or Kona coffee. The coffee you use should be a dark color. If it is too light, it is damaged.
5/17/22. Your thoughts determine your life. This is a basic spiritual truth.
If you don't like your life, look to your thoughts. This is another basic spiritual truth.
Purifying thoughts is a major theme of this newsletter and this website. It has to be because it is the only method that works. This is another spiritual truth.
The development program works better than many others because it powerfully helps purify your thoughts. It sounds odd, but the zinc and selenium in development diet and in the supplements help purify your thoughts.
The coffee enemas, and especially the pulling down procedure, also help purify your thoughts. Removing all the toxic metals also goes a long way to purify your thoughts. This is another spiritual truth.
5/17/22. There is a sacred language that is spoken throughout space by trillions of fine matter creatures. The language was given to Sahra or Sara, the wife of Abraham. This couple founded the Hebrew religion about 6000 years ago.
Sahra wrote down the language, which became the Hebrew language. However, over the next thousand or so years, it became mixed with other languages.
Ebre uses pretty much the same letters as the Hebrew language on earth. However, many words in Hebrew are not in the Ebre lanugage.
We plan to teach the original language at some point. For an introduction, read The Ebre Language.
5/16/22. The pulling down procedure is the most important single procedure for development. The other procedures such as coffee enemas also cause development. However, for the most rapid healing and development one needs to do the pulling down procedure every day for at least two hours.
Combining. You can easily combine pulling down with slow walking, a coffee enema, a sauna session, reading, or other activities. However, do not skip the procedure.
No substitutes. This exercise is not taught much to the public, but it is time that it be taught. It is not a gentle meditation, so do not substitute other mental or spiritual relaxation or concentration methods for it. It is a forceful emptying of energy downward out through the feet, the fingers and any other part of the body that is facing downward.
The feeling. There is a feeling to the procedure and this is the most important thing to experience and duplicate each day. I find the easiest visualization is of a magnet or vacuum cleaner under your feet. It pull everything downward and empties your body so you literally shrink or shrivel up a little.
Your chest should flatten a little. Your back should flatten a little. You should feel like you are on a heavy gravity planet and are being pulled downward everywhere.
Summary. Once again, do not forget, ignore or substitute for this procedure for optimum healing and development. For more details, read The Pulling Down Procedure.
5/15/22. To develop faster, all adults need to eat two black olives each week. The brand we like the most is Mediterranean Organic Black Pitted Olives. If you cannot find these, other brands will do. The olives should be in a jar packed in organic red wine vinegar.
Children. Children, age six to twelve, need one black olive each week. Children who are 13 and older need two black olives each week. Babies and children up to the age of six do not need any black olives.
5/15/22. One can greatly increase the effectiveness of coffee enemas by shining a reddish heat lamp on the coffee liquid just before inserting it. One must shine the light on the coffee for at least 15 minutes.
This may sound unusual, but it is an excellent addition to the coffee enema procedure. It moves development along quite a bit faster.
How to do it. First prepare the coffee – either boil for 12 minutes or pressure cook it for 14 seconds. Place the coffee is in a transparent plastic or glass measuring cup.
Then place the measuring cup with coffee in front of reddish heat lamp. Set it about one foot away from the lamp so as not to burn the measuring cup.
I leave it there while I do a distilled water enema to clean out the colon. We described this procedure in a recent post. You can use tap water for the clean out if you cannot obtain distilled water, providing the tap water is fairly clean.
By the time one finishes the distilled water enema, the coffee is nicely charged up using the reddish heat lamp and ready to insert.
5/14/22. Andrew is 11 years old. He has been on the development program for about six years. His main symptom was mental sluggishness. His mother also described his personality as hyperactive, frustrated, impulsive, irritable and angry.
The mental sluggishness is similar to many if not most children today. We now realize that some of this may be due to beatings that all children receive from the Rogues when they are babies and at about age three and older.
These are quite brutal. Some are done by nice-looking females posing as babysitters.
Many children on earth also experience the 'baby rapes'. The children are beamed out of their bedrooms at night and brought to locations, many underground. There they are molested, poisoned and beaten. Then they are beamed back to their beds. For details, read The Takings, Rape, and The Rape Planet.
Progress. Andrew felt better and was less often sick while on the development program. However, his mental sluggishness had not changed until the past few weeks. His mother reports better memory, better cognition and better emotional control.
Now, he says, his brain works at about ten times the speed and he is so smart he doesn't feel like it is his brain. The souls says “it feels like someone else's head”.
Most recent hair test results. Andrew's most recent mineral retest reveals the following:
12 anchor patterns. This pattern is present when the levels of certain minerals do not change at all or very little within certain criteria. Seven anchor patterns we call a new brain. Nine anchor patterns we call a wise person pattern. Andrew's new retest has 12 anchor patterns.
Anchors are associated with deepening of the sulci or ridges in the surface of the brain. For some reason, this greatly improves functioning of the brain. For details, read Anchors And Pivots.
10 all out pattern. The levels of ten minerals increased on this retest. This indicates much better elimination of toxic metals. It also implies better elimination of other types of toxic substances from the body.
Leaving the cult. This is an increase in certain mineral levels that are associated with the beatings and rapes that most children experience. They include iron, copper, manganese, chromium, lead, mercury, arsenic, aluminum and nickel.
Three amigo dump. This is an increase in the levels of iron, manganese and aluminum. This reflects an elimination of very irritating toxic forms of minerals, usually oxides and carbonates.
When this occurs, most people feel much better with more energy and clearer thinking. For details, read The Amigos – Iron, Manganese and Aluminum, And Others.
Intense Maturing. Andrew eliminated four 'child minerals' – calcium, potassium, aluminum and nickel. For some reason, toxic forms of these minerals keep a person in a less mature state of mind.
When one eliminates even one of the child minerals, clients often report feeling more independent, more capable of handling stress, and other indicators of maturity. For details, read The Child Minerals And Maturing With The Development Program and Toxic Potassium.
Deep bowl pattern. This is present when the calcium/magnesium ratio is above 9.5 and the sodium/potassium ratio is less than 2.5. Andrew developed this pattern on the new retest.
In this instance, it is temporary and reflects retracing of his former sluggish mental state.
A trauma sodium/potassium ratio. The Na/K ratio decreased from 1.67 to 0.8. An Na/K ratio less than 1 we call a trauma Na/K ratio because it is associated with trauma.
Andrew is retracing his beatings that damaged his brain. The ratio really declined due to a large elimination of toxic potassium. This is very positive and the low sodium/potassium ratio is very temporary and not important.
NOTE: In these cases, one must not give a lot of the product Limcomin, which is used to correct a low sodium/potassium ratio. It is simply not needed in this instance.
Brain transplant – a new pattern. Our advanced acupuncturists tell us that Andrew has a rather rare pattern called the brain transplant. This is most likely simply a combination of the patterns listed above.
The name, brain transplant, describes the soul's impression or feelings. The brain is so different and so much better it is as though it came from someone else.
5/14/22. A Russian lawmaker stated today regarding Poland:
"By its statements about Russia as a 'cancer tumor' and about the 'indemnity' that we must pay to Ukraine, Poland encourages us to put it in first place in the queue for denazification after Ukraine," Morozov reportedly wrote.
In other words, destroying Ukraine is just the beginning for the Russians, who believe their forces and weapons are superior. they plan to continue their genocide, rape, and murder of Europe and the rest of the world.
Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki wrote a column for the Telegraph criticizing Russian President Vladimir Putin and the propaganda he is spreading about the war in Ukraine:
"Putin’s ‘Russkiy Mir’ (Russian superiority) ideology is the equivalent of 20th-century communism and Nazism. It is an ideology through which Russia justifies invented rights and privileges for its country," Morawiecki said.
"In the name of this ideology Mariupol and dozens of Ukrainian cities were razed as it sent Russian soldiers to war, convinced them of their superiority, and encouraged them to commit inhuman war crimes – the murder, rape and torture of innocent civilians."
"We cannot be under any illusions. This is not insanity but a deliberate strategy that has already opened the gates to genocide. ‘Russkiy Mir’ is a cancer which is consuming not only the majority of Russian society, but also poses a deadly threat to the whole of Europe," he added.
"Therefore it is not enough to support Ukraine in its military struggle with Russia. We must root out this monstrous new ideology entirely."
5/13/22. We have been writing about and learning more about the beatings and rapes from the Rogues. We believe that most everyone experiences these, although most people are unaware of them because the rogues have ways to make one forget they occurred.
Based upon more and more cases, we believe the horror can be stopped or prevented if young children follow the entire development program. Children would very much appreciate this!
Coffee enemas for children. As part of the program, children need to do daily coffee enemas. This might seem unsafe or difficult, but it is not.
Safety. Concerning safety, Max Gerson, MD has a case in his book, A Cancer Therapy – Results Of 50 Cases, about a 2-year-old child who recovered from cancer in part due to taking coffee enemas.
Getting a child to go along with coffee enemas. The child would need to understand that the alternative – the beatings and rapes - is far more painful and dangerous.
How to give an enema to a child. Use less coffee depending upon the weight of the child. For example, we believe a child who weighs 40 pounds or roughly one-quarter that of an adult would get about one-third the amount of coffee and water as an adult.
The best position is to have the child lie face down on a bed with a towel or two underneath the body. A parent very gently inserts the enema tip and administers the enema. Small enema tips are available on the internet for young children.
When it is time to expel the coffee, the child could turn over onto a bed pan or might be able to get up and go to the toilet. For details about coffee enemas, read Coffee Enemas.
5/13/22. Ivan is 74 years old and has followed the development program for about eight years. He followed the program fairly well, but not perfectly.
Symptoms. When he began, Ivan was very tired, burned out, achy, and had little interest in living. He figured he was old and life would soon be over.
Progress. He stayed with the program because his energy and mood were a little better if he ate the development diet and did coffee enemas. However, he was still tired much of the time. He passed through a number of healing or purification reactions that also convinced him he was making slow progress.
Most recent mineral analysis. Ivan's newest mineral test revealed the following patterns:
A Standard surge with doubling. This pattern is present when the levels of sodium and potassium both increase by 100% or more. This is a doubling of these levels.
The pattern is an elimination of toxic sodium and toxic potassium. We believe that this pattern always involves receiving new guide creatures. It is a very positive pattern.
A Three amigo dump with doubling. This pattern is present when the levels of iron, manganese and aluminum all increase by at least 100% (a doubling of the levels or greater). This is another excellent mineral pattern.
The pattern indicates an elimination of very toxic compounds of iron, manganese and aluminum from the body. These compounds are oxide and carbonate forms of minerals found in N-P-K fertilizers and other places. They are intense irritants and do oxidant damage to the body.
We call these toxic forms of minerals the amigos because they are often found together. For details, read The Amigos- Iron, Manganese And Aluminum, And Others. Getting rid of them is difficult and the development program is one of the few ways we know of to remove them from the body.
Crutches. A reason the amigos are difficult to remove is they act as crutches. They stimulate weak adrenal glands and tend to alkalinize a very acidic and therefore sick body – and can actually keep one alive. To remove them, one must first correct the problems with the adrenals and the acidity.
Leaving the cult. The three amigo dump pattern also generally indicates recovery from the rogue beatings and rapes. We call this leaving the cult.
Much more energy and joy. One usually feels much happier and more energetic when one experiences an amigo dump. Even more so, when the levels double, as in this instance.
A maturing pattern. Toxic potassium, along with nickel, copper and mercury, are child minerals. We don't fully understand why, but they seem to block maturity and are associated with immaturity. When one removes them properly from the body, one often feels more mature. For details, read The Child Minerals, Toxic Potassium and The Concept of Preferred Minerals.
Everything coming out. The levels of eight minerals increased on this retest. This is called all out or everything coming out. It is another excellent pattern. It indicates much better ability to eliminate toxins from the body.
The new pattern – feeling new again. We believe that when a standard surge is a doubling and the three amigo dump is a doubling, this combination is a rather rare pattern we can call feeling new again.
It is a letting go of the past and a maturing pattern. One may feel mystified by the way one feels – one feels younger when one thought one was just dying. We think this is an release or undoing of brainwashing or conditioning.
5/12/22. We need to repeat this advice often because most people do not eat enough cooked vegetables. There is an order of the universe or grand design. It includes eating plenty of cooked vegetables.
Cooked vegetables alkalinize the body, provide the minerals needed for thousands of enzymes, protect the tissues from oxidant and other kinds of damage, activate genes that cause development, and improve the activity of the brain and nervous system.
Do not have a meal without having some cooked vegetables. For details, read Vegetables.
5/11/22. Following the development program is helping women stop the “visits” from rogue rapists.
Another key to stopping the attacks is to become “a slave of God”. This means to follow the Second Commandment given to Moses very literally. This commandment states, You shall have no other Gods before me. Other gods that most people worship, whether consciously or unconsciously, include food, one's dress and appearance, money, friends, family, and work.
The correct attitude is to just keep asking daily, “Father in Heaven, what would you have me do?” By turning to God for everything at every moment, one acknowledges God as one''s master. Otherwise, the group we call the rogues seem to have a lot of power over the people of earth. For details, PLEASE READ Serving God To Oppose Brainwashing.
5/11/22. Lecithin is a safe nutritional supplement that helps reduce anxiety. We ALWAYS suggest it as part of the development program. We urge parents to include some lecithin granules or liquid every day in their children's development program.
How it works. Lecithin is an excellent source of the B-complex vitamin, choline. This vitamin is a precursor to acetylcholine, the primary calming neurotransmitter in the brain.
Two reasons for lecithin. 1) The Rogues put implants in many people's head that destroy one's lecithin, and 2) some women, men and children are experiencing a lot of anxiety due to rogue beatings and rapes.
Rubbing the feet, twisting the spine and coffee enemas sometimes help. However, lecithin in doses up to 15 grams daily also often helps. NOTE: According to the website,, up to 30 grams daily for six weeks (twice what we recommend) is likely safe.
Which kind of lecithin? We prefer lecithin made from sunflower or egg yolk. However, soy lecithin is definitely better than nothing.
Children. Children usually prefer lecithin granules because they look and taste like a cold cereal. These are only sold made of soy lecithin.
Use of liquid lecithin. One of our clients mixes liquid sunflower lecithin with some tahini to make a tasty vegetable dressing. For more details, read Lecithin.
5/10/22. A procedure used to make holding a coffee enema easier and more effective is to do a quick plain water enema first, just before doing a coffee enema.
Recently, we found that using distilled water for the plain water enema has an excellent detoxification effect. So we now recommend a plain distilled water 'purge' before doing a coffee enema.
For the most powerful effect, use at least two cups of distilled water. Put the distilled water in and then release it. There is no need to hold the distilled water.
Availability. In some nations, steam-distilled water is not available. Another option is to make distilled water with a home water distiller.
Distilled water for coffee enemas. It is also fine to use distilled water to make coffee enemas. At this time, we use a combination of about half distilled and half spring water for coffee enemas.
Charging water and coffee. We also found accidentally that shining a red heat lamp on the water or coffee just before inserting it in the rectum enhances its effects.
5/10/22. The latest fear-mongering is that there will be food shortages thanks to climate change, the Wuhan flu and the Ukraine war. Some point to recent fires at some American food processing plants and that supermarket shelves are not all full.
We think this is just the latest fake scare tactic designed to keep you off balance and sick. It is designed to keep you from expressing and radiating the love that you are. Please don't fall for it.
What to do. Focus on loving yourself and radiating love to the world. If you worry about food shortages, keep extra cans of sardines around and, if you can find it, several cans of Cole's Trout (see the post of 4/29/22.)
You can also keep several bags of blue corn chips around. Canned vegetables keep well, but are not as nutritious as fresh ones. We do not recommend frozen vegetables, but frozen meats are okay if fresh is not available. Dried food is usually not too good for development.
LOVE. Radiating love to a world steeped in fear is the most important thing you can do. As you feel better following the development program, this becomes easier and easier. It is also a lot more fun than worrying.
5/10/22. The souls tell us that listening to fun, happy, upbeat music is very healing and helpful for development. Here are some suggestions:
Big band. The souls love big band music from the swing era in America about 50-70 years ago. It has lots of clarinet, brass and drums. It is a little silly and sexy, but the souls love it.
Salsa and Tito Puente. Some salsa music is also fun. A man who popularized it and wrote many songs is Tito Puente.
I suggest keeping this music around and playing it when you feel like it, (not all the time). It will make you want to dance.
5/9/22. A few days ago someone leaked a draft US Supreme Court decision reversing the 1973 decision to legalize and protect abortion as a “right”. As a result, murdering babies is in the news once again in the United States. Here are a few comments about the situation.
The purpose of laws. One purpose of good laws is to protect the weak and those unable to defend themselves. An egregious breach of this principle occurred about 50 years ago in the United States.
Making up rights. In 1973, the US Supreme Court made up a new right that is not found anywhere in the US national constitution. It is the right to murder your children.
The purpose of the Supreme Court is only to check and make sure that laws passed by legislatures conform to the American Constitution. Making up rights is not the job of the Supreme Court or any court in the United States.
As a result, many people have been very upset with the 1973 Supreme Court decision.
No regard for context. In addition, the context of the US Constitution is the British common law. In this body of law, abortion is not permitted. This fact was ignored in the court decision.
A technical aspect. An argument used to justify killing babies in the womb is that they are part of the mother, so she should have control over them.
However, this is never true. Children in the womb are always separate from the mother. They are 'foreign objects' that happen to live inside the mother.
This is a fact of embryology that everyone needs to know. For details, read Abortion and Post-Abortion Syndrome. A more technical explanation of the relationship of the baby to the mother is found in an article about cancer, The Trophoblast Theory Of Cancer.
5/8/22. This is a key feature of the development program. They are confusing so let us explain how they work.
Chronic illness. This is the situation of most people today. Chronic illness means that the disease does not kill you immediately, but you cannot get rid of the illness.
Toxic metal poisoning has this chronic quality. The metals often do not kill a person right away. However, they are not easy to eliminate from the body.
The development program. This program may look like other nutrition programs, but it works very differently. It is the system of healing used by the souls.
The program boosts a person's energy level and dramatically improves the immune response and the body's ability to eliminate poisons. When this occurs, a person usually starts feeling better.
The purifying reaction. However, soon the souls obtain enough adaptive energy and healing to get rid of a chronic illness or chronic metal poisoning. So they begin a life-and-death fight.
Often, there will be inflammation, some pain, fatigue, swelling, rashes, headaches, upset stomach, nausea, anxiety, a sick feeling, or other symptoms.
This is actually very good! It is the body “waking up” and “taking action” against an old problem. It is a sign of deep healing.
The only reason these reactions seem strange is because they rarely occur if one follows the advice of most medical, natural, holistic or other physicians. Their methods do not heal the body deeply enough to cause the purifying reactions to occur.
The doctor problem. The truth about purification reactions is known in medicine – such as immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) and Jarisch-Herxheimer reactions. The famous psychoanalyst, Dr. Sigmund Freud, called it the catharsis. Acupuncturists call the phnemenon reactions.
IRIS is described in medical books as 'unmasking' of a hidden infection OR paradoxical symptomatic relapse of a prior infection despite successful therapy.
However, IRIS and catharsis are not emphasized in medical education, so very few physicians know about it. As a result, if one consults a physician, most will assume you are ill, which is not true. The cause is purification, not disease.
We never tell people to not consult physicians. We just warn people that physicians rarely understand purifying reactions, even if you explain the concept to them.
Their remedies will either not work or may give symptomatic relief. However, they often slow the healing process.
When we ask the souls, they often say to please skip the remedies and let us finish the job. However, in a few cases, a drug or other remedy may ease the symptoms and help one to get through the reaction more easily.
Mental and emotional purification. One may also retrace an old fear, depression, or emotional trauma or event. The mechanism is the same as for physical illness.
One can even have a purifying reaction that is spiritual. This means it has to do with one's understanding and relationship with the creator or God.
These reactions are excellent, but can be frightening because all of a sudden horrible memories and emotions may surface as the body releases them. One often feels very confused and disoriented.
You can even think you are losing your mind. But this is not true. You are healing deeply. For many more details, read Retracing and Trauma Retracing.
5/7/22. Donna is 57 years old. When she began the development program six years ago, her symptoms were extreme.
The rapes. She was having regular rapes and had at least 25 of them. Strange men would show up at her home, even though she was married and had several children at home.
She and her family lived in a kind of altered state of consciousness. A voice in her head would announce that a “visit” would occur soon and to just follow orders to avoid trouble.
She seemed to have no choice when the “men” arrived. There were different men. They were all large, very strong, evil-smelling men with guns and a mean look on their face. They banged on the door and yelled that they needed a 'fix'.
Yin energy. Donna now understands that this means they needed yin energy. The group we call the Rogues require this energy and they obtain it by raping women.
They smelled of death and disease. The house would smell terrible for hours after they left. For more details, read The Rape Planet, Yin Energy and Rape.
Symptoms. Donna's physical symptoms were extreme neck and back pain, sharp pain in her big toes, osteoarthritis that was progressing, tingling in the extremities, and restless legs. She also had painful, sagging cystic breasts that hurt all the time. The “men” beat her breasts each time she had a rape.
Mental symptoms. These were absolutely bizarre. She felt as though she was constantly in an altered state of consciousness, like a hypnotized zombie, out of control of her life.
There was also a sense of unreality about her life that she did not understand. It began after her first rape when she was a teenager.
She felt brainwashed (and indeed she was) with a lot of anger, irritability, brain fog, and a constant feeling of impending doom.
Another unusual symptom was sleep paralysis. At times, she could not move when she awakened. It would take ten minutes or so before it cleared.
Nightmares. She also had nightmares of rape. She now realizes these “night terrors” were memories of rapes.
She was told at the end of each rape that she would remember nothing. However, at times, at night, memories would surface and were completely filthy and disgusting.
Also, at times, at night there were “demons” in the bedroom who attacked her. She could feel their breath and they pulled and tugged at her body. She had a feeling of impending death and a hopeless attitude.
She was following the Atkins diet. It allowed salads, but not cooked vegetables. She had followed many diets with little success.
The rape diet. The evil-smelling “men” had told Donna she must follow what we call the Cult Or Rape Diet. It included eating fruit and tunafish or salmon every day. The fish contain a lot of toxic mercury. Red meat was forbidden, as were most cooked vegetables. This diet is sort of the opposite of the development diet.
She also had to use antiperspirants, which contains toxic aluminum. They also insisted she drink a strange reddish tea every day that they brought with them. It is similar to rooibos tea and contains nickel and other toxic metals.
Consultation. She consulted many conventional and holistic physicians, nutritionists, a naturopath and a functional medicine specialist. She spent a lot of money, underwent lots of tests and received lots of diagnoses. However, she was becoming worse, not better.
When she stumbled upon Dr. Wilson's website she immediately started eating many cooked vegetables, quit her intense workouts, started doing spinal twists, and took up slow walking. She felt better within three days.
The spinal twists. The twists were remarkable to help the back pain. She had been to many chiropractors with little success.
Chiropractors were often afraid to adjust her back deeply because they said it was so out of alignment. She now realizes this was from the rapes. At times, the chiropractors fixed her back, but after another rape it was terrible again.
The Spinal Twists, Pops, Pulls and Kicks – all of them – slowly did what was needed and did it at a pace and timing she decided upon and could handle.
She also started the Pulling Down Procedure and Coffee Enemas. Within three days, she had more energy and her leg and foot pain were gone.
Also, amazingly, the rape visits also stopped and have not occurred any more in six years. We theorize that the development program puts a person through a type of stress that for some reason discourages the rapes.
First hair test. Donna's first hair test was frightening. But this was wonderful because for the first time a clinical test showed what Donna was really feeling.
She had gotten lots of blood tests that were “normal” or close to it. This made no sense to her . Several physicians had told her that her problems were “in her head”, which was not true.
Very slow oxidation. Donna had this important adrenal and thyroid “burnout” pattern. The nutrients are literally burned out and the glands do not function well. This is the case with millions of people on earth today!
A double low ratio pattern. The first hair test also showed an intense double low ratio pattern. We also call this pattern double give-up and a death pattern.
The calcium/magnesium ratio was 2 and the sodium/potassium ratio was 1.14. When combined with slow oxidation, this pattern is associated with victim consciousness, feeling sorry for oneself, brain fog, and a feeling of intense horror.
You would think Donna would be horrified by these mineral patterns, but she was ecstatic!Finally a test showed how she really felt. This alone was amazing to her.
The amigos. Donna's first test also showed high levels of iron, manganese and aluminum. We call these the three amigos because they are often found together. They alter the personality and eventually can turn a person into a criminal.
Other toxins. Donna also had high levels of lead, mercury, arsenic, and some nickel. She was very poisoned.
NOTE: This much toxicity is often not all revealed on the first hair mineral test or even the second or third test. The metals are often hidden deep in the bod tissues.
It often requires several years on the development program for them to be revealed. The test values rise as the metals are eliminated through the hair and skin.
Improvements and purification reactions. Donna stayed with the development program, though there were ups and downs. Slowly all of her symptoms improved.
She went through a number of retracings or purification reactions (a better term). These were sometimes intense. At times, her arms and legs went numb. At other times, her heart raced and she thought she was having a heart attack or panic attack. At these times, the night demons would attack even more.
Once she could not sleep for almost a month. A copper elimination caused a pounding headache and vomiting. She called Dr. Wilson and soon it went away. The guides had to remove tiny electronic devices that had been implanted in her brain. (They often do this automatically when someone sends in a retest hair analysis).
Swelling. Her ankles and feet swelled up several times. Once her hands swelled up. This was caused by some stress on her kidneys as she eliminated toxic metals. Each time, it came and then it went away.
Twice she visited a medical doctor thinking maybe she had a disease. But in all cases, the symptoms soon went away on their own.
She learned it is imperative to remain in touch with your Helper. At times, she also called Dr. Wilson directly and asked for help. This is also okay.
Slowly the anger, anxiety, night terrors, and pain went away. Her breasts became soft and healthy without pain or nodules. Eyesight improved and overall health became much better.
Most recent hair test. To save space, we will skip to Donna's most recent hair test, which is interesting.
13 all out pattern. The levels of 13 minerals increased on this retest. This pattern is called all out or everything coming out. It indicates much better elimination of toxic metals and all toxins. It is a wonderful pattern to which we are paying much more attention. It is an excellent sign of progress. Usually the person feels much better when it occurs.
Goalpost or window pattern. This is another exciting pattern. It is a visual pattern that is difficult to describe in words.
It looks like two goalposts that one finds on an American football field. For some reason, it indicates 'reaching the goal' and 'opening a window' to a happier future. It is another pattern we are seeing more often on retests after a person has followed the development program for at least three years.
Out of four lows. Donna had gone into a four lows pattern about a year ago. This means the levels of the first four minerals were all lower than their ideal values. This is an unusual and important mineral pattern that some call in the tunnel of death. For details, read Four Lows Pattern.
She could not seem to emerge from the pattern – until this retest. One day, about two weeks before doing the new hair test, she broke down and cried.
She realized that she resented her parents and this had gone on for years since she was a teenager. She blamed them for the first rape that occurred when she was 13.
We find that one must often go into a four lows pattern in order to forgive parents - and this is an important stage of healing. It reminds us of the Biblical Commandment to always honor one's father and mother, meaning that to do otherwise will cause problems for you.
Blaming parents is very common. Blame should be placed where it belongs – on the rapist. However, children and adults often blame their parents for not protecting them.
Hatred. The evil-smelling men encourage this hatred. They told her that her parents were bad and she should hate them, along with hating all men. Hatred is an important part of their doctrine or teaching while they rape and beat you.
5/6/22. I know this sounds alarmist, but on the chance it is correct I am passing it on. I am being told that forces defending the earth have found thousands of underground tunnels all over the United States. These connect to a worldwide tunnel system.
Inside the tunnels are Russian troops with advanced weapons preparing for attack all over the United States. Forces defending the planet are destroying as much of this as they can.
None of this is being reported, but that is what I am being told. I plan to keep you informed about it through this newsletter. It may sound crazy, but just a few days ago Russian television announced that World War III has begun (see World War III).
It is possible that the war in Ukraine is at least partly a distraction. The idea may be to draw attention away from the weapons buildup underground all over the world. Another possible goal is to use up weapons.
What to do.
- All women need to wake up. One awakened and activated, women have special abilities to help stop the fighting in Ukraine and what is planned elsewhere. See recent newsletter posts for details.
- Couples need to do down hugging or down sex. This is not only healing for the couple. It sends out very loving energy to the entire planet. For details, read Down Hugging and Down Sex.
- Do more of the development program, especially eat better. This will increase your ability to radiate loving energy to the planet. For details, read Food For Daily Use and Introduction To The Development Program.
- Do coffee enemas. There is something special about this procedure. We have written about it in this newsletter. They not only assist with cleansing the liver and colon. They help counter the Rogue influence at many levels. So ideally, do two a day. For details, read Coffee Enemas.
- The twists, pops, pulls and kicks. This procedure speeds up development and is excellent for health. It combines channel therapy, shiatsu, reflexology and massage in a wonderful way. This powerfully helps you to radiate loving energy to the planet. For details, read The Twists, Pops, Pulls and Kicks.
5/5/22. This post is a bit technical, but helps us understand changes in a person. This discovery concerns a mental change that often results in healing of the body.
We just discovered a variant of the pivot or twist pattern. It is called the big twist pattern – either left or right.
Twist or pivot patterns are present on a retest hair mineral chart from Analytical Research Labs when the levels of the first four minerals or the second four minerals change in a certain way. If one connects the tops of the graphs with a line, the line appears to turn or twist either to the right or to the left.
The new pattern is a larger version of the same thing. One looks at the overall height of the first four minerals and compares it to the overall height of the second four minerals.
If the first four mineral levels all increase or stay the same (called coming alive pattern) and the second four all decrease or stay the same (called a settling down pattern), the combination looks like a twist or pivot to the right. This is a big twist right.
The opposite situation is also possible. The first four minerals can all decrease or stay the same. The second four mineral levels can all increase or remain the same. This combination is called a big twist left.
Meaning. The big twist patterns have the same type of meaning as the other twist or pivot patterns – a change of mind, either about oneself (right twist) or about another person or persons (left twist). The big twist patterns are even more important than the smaller twist or pivot patterns and often result in a great improvement in health.
Related new patterns. If one has coming alive patterns on the first four minerals AND on the second four minerals, this is called a big rise. It is very good.
Similarly, if one has settling down patterns on both the first four and the second four minerals, it is called a big settling down. This is also an excellent pattern. For more details, read Anchors And Pivots.
5/4/22. Sardines are one of the most important foods for development. Please eat them on a regular basis. They provide many nutrients that are not available in other foods.
We wish we could recommend more fish, but so far all of them are not clean enough. They are too high in toxic metals and/or toxic chemicals. For details, read Sardines.
SAUERKRAUT AS A DEVELOPMENT FOOD 5/3/22. We are experimenting with adding a little sauerkraut to the development diet. Sauerkraut contains ferments that can help digestion. It may have other beneficial properties Here are details: - Bubbie's Plain Sauerkraut seems to be one of the best brands if you can find it. - Eat only two or three tablespoons of sauerkraut per week. Some people are eating much too much! RETRACING UPDATE 5/3/22. I do not like writing about this subject. It causes us to lose readers. However, a number of women and men around the world are feeling strange feelings, some sexual, some anger and a lot of fear and anxiety. This can be disturbing but is part of retracing old traumas. We bring it to your attention so that if you experience it, you will not be as upset. EATING SESAME TAHINI 5/2/22. Roasted sesame tahini is an important special food for development. Here are details: - Eat the white or light-colored tahini, not black sesame. - Adults need two tablespoons of tahini each day. Children need less depending upon their size and weight. - It is best to eat a little with each meal – 2 teaspoons with each meal for adults. - It is a protein so it is best eaten with the protein part of your meals – near the beginning of the meal. - You can eat is directly from the container. You can develop a taste for it. Or you can put it directly on chicken, beef, lamb or other proteins as a sauce or dressing. - If you don't like it or for variety, you can eat it as hummus. In this case, eat 4 tablespoons daily of hummus. Hummus is a mixture of tahini and cooked chickpeas. - If you really don't like it, you can at least get some of it by grinding up sesame seeds in a mortar and pestle or coffee grinder, mixing with a little salt, and adding this to your food. This is not as good, but is better than nothing. Preferably grind the sesame seeds fresh or make up a batch for a day or two only – no longer. For details, read Sesame Tahini. MAJOR PROJECTS 5/2/22. If you want to help out the earth at this time, here are projects: There is a great need to clean up the pollution of the oceans of the earth. Also, there must be an end to the use of toxic agricultural chemicals, which now pollute all water supplies of the earth. They are also wrecking everyone's health. - The development program on this website is helping clean up the bodies. This is very needed today to produce healthy children and improve many conditions on earth. - Help end the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which is getting worse. Russian weapons factories underground have been found all over Eastern Europe. Some people are aware of them and are helping to destroy them. The Russians are also getting weapons from communist China. China is also beginning to infiltrate and attack a neighboring nation, India. - Electromagnetic pollution is another huge problem on earth, led by cell phone towers and cell phones. Also, keep computers at least five feet away from you by using a remote keyboard and making the print larger. - Women need to break through programming and conditioning. We are realizing that all or most women have been beaten by the Rogues, who do this very secretly to weaken and control the planet. Most women are unaware of what has occurred. Women have great communication abilities. However, most women cannot use the ability because their bodies are too toxic and traumatized. The development program, especially coffee enemas, the vaginal peroxide cleanup program, and the pulling down procedure can help a lot in addition to the basic program of diet, supplements and lifestyle. WATER REMINDER 5/1/22. Most people are somewhat dehydrated, including many of our clients. This makes everything worse and slows development. Reasons for needing more water right now. Human beings on earth are sharing the water in their bodies with millions of fine matter creatures and plants that are being returned to the earth. This is a phenomenon called correspondence. Also, the weather is warming up. This causes more water loss due to evaporation and sweating. So please drink plenty of water. If you do not feel well, drink more water. For details, read Water For Drinking and Hydration. WHAT IS CANCER? 4/30/22. An extremely interesting subject is the trophoblast theory of cancer. It states that cancer is caused by a normal cell of the body, the trophoblast, that arises at the wrong time and place. We are updating and improving the article about the trophoblast. However, I wanted to bring this theory to everyone's attention. If one understands the factors that activate the trophoblast, then one can more easily protect oneself from cancer. Factors that activate the trophoblast include elevated estrogen, an acidic pH due to low alkaline reserve minerals in the body, toxic metals and toxic chemicals in the body and negative emotions. The development program addresses all of these problems. MR. PUTIN'S STRATEGY 4/30/22. Some who are observing the attack on Ukraine believe they have a better understanding of Mr. Putin's strategy. He is moving ahead slowly, but is quite effectively destroying infrastructure and killing people in Ukraine. The slow pace keeps other nations from declaring war and becoming more involved. Mr. Putin even makes deliberate mistakes and loses men, ships and other equipment to make it look like the Ukrainians are winning. However, they are not winning. In fact, Mr. Putin has fairly unlimited forces. We have found underground weapons factories by the hundreds all over Europe and elsewhere. So he does not mind losing some men and equipment. 4/29/22. We cannot recommend most fish because they are all too high in mercury and often high in other toxic metals, as well. However, we recently found a fish preparation that is clean enough to be eaten once a week. It is farmed rainbow trout grown in Chile that comes in a can. We would prefer fresh, but like sardines, canning preserves it and it is cooked when very fresh and cooked correctly. The brand name is Cole's Smoked Trout. It comes in a gray, 3.2 ounce can and it is quite costly. They have other fish products, but we don't recommend them. Adults may have one can per week. Children may have less depending upon their weight. FORMER NATO COMMANDER WARNS OF MAJOR WAR WITH RUSSIA 4/29/22. I do not like talking about bad news. However, we all need to focus prayers every day on Ukraine. The Russians now say they may use nuclear weapons in Ukraine. Their attitude is they have them, so why not use them. They also say any efforts of the United States or Great Britain to stop them will be “answered”. A former commander of NATO, general Richard Shirreff said that all Western nations must gear up for a “worst case scenario” of war with Russia. This has the best chance of stopping Mr. Putin, who only respects power and who so far cares nothing for the lives and property of the people of Ukraine. Another former NATO commander, admiral James Stavridis, just wrote in a new book that Russia is “on course” for a war with NATO that could go nuclear. RETURN OF FINE MATTER CREATURES AND WAKING UP WOMEN 4/28/22. I am told that many more fine matter creatures are being brought back to the earth. We believe this is very positive and we hope it will help stop the Rogue takeover of the earth. Also, we continue to learn more about the beatings and rapes on earth and how to assist women, in particular, to heal from these. We believe this will help the healing of our planet and all the nations. HEALING OF CHOLERA 4/28/22. We recently heard about a successful healing of cholera. Cholera is caused by a bacteria that usually lives in contaminated water supplies. It causes severe diarrhea, vomiting and dehydration that can be life-threatening. It particularly affects children in underdeveloped nations. Cholera used to be common around the world and is still a major cause of death in parts of Africa and southeast Asia. It is now rare in industrialized nations thanks to better water treatment methods and much better food cleanliness in these nations. The remedy. One of our clients contracted cholera and became extremely ill with diarrhea and dehydration, headaches and weakness. He drank over a quart a day of low-potency colloidal silver such as Sovereign Silver brand per day. This is a lot more than we usually recommend. He also added 10-15 drops of 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide to this quantity of colloidal silver each day. As we learn more about this remedy for severe diarrhea, we will report on it. UKRAINE UPDATE 4/27/22. The war in Ukraine is intensifying. Mr. Putin shot missiles over three Ukrainian nuclear power plants as a warning to surrender. (It did not work.) Meanwhile, Germany and other NATO members are sending heavy weapons to help defend Ukraine. At least 400 cases of rape by Russian soldiers have been reported, including against children. Captured Ukrainians are being sent to Russia, where they are beaten, raped and brainwashed. According to the Golden Rule, if we were in trouble we would probably want others to come to our aid. Therefore, we need to help Ukraine. America, a nation with a powerful military, could probably stop the whole thing by threatening Mr. Putin. However, under the illegal president Biden, America is doing almost nothing. Please pressure the president, your Congressmen and your Senators to take action to support Ukraine. And at least keep Ukraine in your prayers. USE OF COFFEE GROUNDS WITH COFFEE ENEMAS 4/27/22. Coffee grounds can be used to enhance the healing effects of coffee enemas. The reason is they contain some nutrients and the carbon or charcoal they contain will absorb toxins. How to use coffee grounds. Method #1. You can add up to about one-fourth of a teaspoon of coffee grounds to your enema. The problem is that too much coffee grounds will clog the enema tube. You may need to experiment. It is best if the grounds are small in size. If your enema tube has a filter on it, you must remove the filter or the grounds will clog the filter. Method #2. Hold a teaspoon or more of coffee grounds in your mouth while you do your enema. This may sound unusual, but it works. The nutrients in the grounds are absorbed in the mouth and the body will use the coffee grounds to absorb some toxins. When you are done with the enema, spit out the coffee grounds. Fertilizer. Coffee grounds also make excellent fertilizer for a garden. So when finished with them, put them outside rather than throwing them in the garbage. CHILDREN'S ECZEMA 4/26/22. Up to 30% of babies and children at some point develop a rash on parts or all over the body. This rash is a detoxification, not a disease. The cause. All children are born with toxins from their mother's bodies. Many babies and children will, at some point, eliminate some of these toxins through the skin. This is the cause of the rash. What to do. Often, the rash is self-limiting. This means it will run a course and then go away on its own when the toxin elimination is complete. For this reason, no medical intervention may be needed. However, the rash is often itchy and children will scratch it until they bleed. They may also cry, lose sleep, and it is unsightly. So many parents look for answers. Drugs. Drugs are not much help. Physicians may suggest cortisone creams, but these often do not work well. They are purely suppressive and they are all toxic for the body. No homeopathy. More recently, even conventional physicians are using homeopathic remedies for children's eczema. We do not recommend this method. The children tell us it is also purely suppressive and does not address the cause. The development program. In our experience, the development program is excellent to end children's eczema without suppressing it. The program works by enhancing the elimination to get over it faster. Components of the program are: #1. Correcting the diet. In many cases, the diet is incorrect and either causing or aggravating the rash. Foods that usually make things worse are fruit, salad, wheat, soy, cow's milk dairy, too much grain, and not enough cooked vegetables. If a baby is breastfeeding, his or her mother needs to pay attention to the same dietary imbalances. Reducing toxic chemical exposure. Foods. Chemicalized and refined foods add toxins and prolong the rash. They need to be removed from the diet of the child. If breastfeedng, the mother needs to stop these, as well. Household chemicals. Many babies and children are exposed to detergents and, at times, other toxic chemicals. These are used to clean clothing, bedding, household surfaces such as floors, and other objects children touch. NO DETERGENTS. THEY ARE ALL TOXIC, EVEN THE ALL-NATURAL, FRAGRANCE-FREE ONES. (They also pollute the earth.) Also avoid synthetic clothing that touches the skin. Use vinegar for most cleaning needs and use plain castille soap for laundry and dishes. We also like a product called Extreme 18X by Naturoli ( or in America 1-877-654-5433). This is a concentrate made of soap nuts. It may seem costly, but very little is required. #2. Nourishing the body much better. This enhances the child's ability to detoxify through the skin and through all other routes, such as the liver, kidneys and intestines. Thus it speeds up detoxification. We find the main food missing in most children's diets is properly cooked vegetables, which need to constitute at least half of every meal. #3. Detoxification procedures. These are powerful, yet simple ways to improve the organs of detoxification mentioned in the paragraph above. Used correctly, they can often end eczema very quickly. They are: A. Red heat lamp therapy. This is shining an incandescent reddish, 250-watt heat lamp on the child's chest, abdomen and/or back each day. Newborns need about 5 minutes daily, and increase to 10 minutes around age 3 months, 15 minutes at age 1 year, 20 minutes at about age 3 or 4, and somewhat longer for older children. Adults need about one hour daily of the frequencies this bulb and only this bulb emit. Sunbathing is not the same and nor are other lamps. For details, read Single Lamp Therapy. B. Foot and hand reflexology. This is simple, yet very powerful to balance and heal the body. All babies and children need at least two foot rubs daily. Each foot rub should last for about 5 minutes on each foot. Rub somewhat firmly. Ideally, get a foot chart such as this one so that you be sure to rub the reflexes to the spinal area (the arch of the foot), the liver, the kidneys, the lungs and the intestines. For details, read Reflexology. Also, learn basic shiatsu – do this every day on your child. It is simple but effective massage of the major energy meridians of the body done with clothing on. C. Twisting the spine. Many babies and children need chiropractic care. This allows nerve energy to flow to all parts of the body, which enhances healing and detoxification. A problem is that we don't like any professional offices these days. Most are unclean and definitely not safe for children in other ways. The Rogues use them to implant devices in children's bodies and other horrors. If you visit a chiropractor, don't do it more than needed. Also, never, ever leave a child alone in an examining room. Parents can learn to do basic spinal on their children. For details, read The Twists, Pops, Pulls and Kicks. D. The Pulling Down Procedure. Children at about age 3 or older can and should begin the pulling down procedure. This is a powerful, yet simple mental exercise in which one moves energy from the head to the feet using visualizations to assist. The exercise moves subtle energy properly through the body. It is a unique method that promotes healing and detoxification in dozens of ways. Do not substitute other mental methods, visualizations or meditations. For details, read The Pulling Down Procedure. E. Coffee enemas. This excellent detoxification and nutritional procedure is somewhat more difficult to do with babies and children. However, it nourishes and helps remove many toxins from the body. Coffee enemas will often help end rashes quickly. For details, read Coffee Enemas. #4. Balancing body chemistry using the development method. This method increases energy production in the body, reduces stress on the body, speeds up biosynthesis, and assists the eliminative organs. This method also makes the body more parasympathetic, balances hot and cold forces (also called yang and yin) in the body, increases enzyme strength, and balances the electrical balance of the body cells. It does much more than this, as well, all of which speeds up detoxification and helps clear rashes. The development method requires properly performed and correctly interpreted hair mineral analyses. For details, read Introduction To Hair Mineral Analysis. #5. Development. The program above activates genes that are not normally activated in children's bodies. This causes a unique set of changes in the body that we call development. Development helps greatly with detoxification and all healing. For details, read Introduction To Development and Introduction To The Development Program. Beware – many nutritionists and physicians now offer similar-sounding programs. Some say they studied with me and know our system. The only practitioners we recommend are those listed on this website on the Find A Helper page. PARENTS NEED TO RELAX WHEN THEIR CHILDREN ARE FOLLOWING THE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 4/26/22. The reason for this post is because children on the development program will experience healing reactions. Eczema is just one of them. Others are fevers, sore throats, coughs, runny noses, headaches and more. These are good! However, many parents become upset. This is the wrong response. Please relax! Remember that practically all symptoms that occur when a child is on the development program are due to healing and are benign. Just do the program and help your child to be as comfortable and relaxed as possible by relaxing yourself. Hugs are also always appreciated. PERSISTENT HILL PATTERN ON REPEAT HAIR MINERAL ANALYSES 4/25/22. A number of our clients have an unusual pattern on at least three hair mineral retests, and often more than three retests. They have a hill pattern on the first four numbers that repeats on subsequent retests. This is unusual because hill patterns are not that common to begin with. To have it repeat over and over is even more unusual. What is a hill pattern? A hill pattern is formed by two ratios. The calcium/magnesium ratio needs to be five or less AND The sodium/potassium ratio needs to be five or greater. The hill pattern is also often a visual pattern in which the tops of the graphs on a calibrated mineral chart from ARL have the shape of a hill or mountain. It will not be visible, however, if any of the mineral levels are so high that the graph goes off the chart. So one cannot count on it as a visual pattern. One must check the ratios to determine if the pattern is present. The hill pattern is not part of Dr. Eck's program or work. I learned about it after he passed on. Meaning. A hill pattern indicates “reaching the top of the hill”. It is a celebration and happiness pattern. It is also a freedom pattern, meaning one has options. It is a wonderful indicator. It is also a karmic ending pattern. Its opposite is the bowl pattern, in which one feels stuck, like a spider stuck in the toilet bowl or sink. We believe the meaning of a persistent hill pattern is that the souls are very excited about the development program even if the person still has symptoms or a medical condition. For details, read The Hill Pattern. ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE 4/24/22. This post is part of our new series of messages about beatings and rapes. A vital spiritual principle is to ask the Radiant One for assistance – and keep asking. Most people do not do this nearly enough. Some believe it won't work. Others believe they don't deserve help. Both of these excuses are completely wrong. Also, you must do the pulling down exercise at the same time that you ask for help. This is a type of fervor that is essential! Otherwise, it won't work. Many people move energy upward when they ask for help. This will bring to you all sorts of evil. This applies particularly to women. For details, read The Pulling Down Procedure. The principle of ask and you shall receive is how life works. If it seems like it is not working for you, usually it is because you ask for what you want, but when you are not paying attention, you ask for the opposite. The pulling down exercise helps train the mind to pay attention at all times. Biblical references. This message is repeated many times in both the Old and the New Testament of the Bible. For example:
34:4 Matthew 7:6-8 6 Do not give dogs what is holy; do not throw your pearls before swine. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces. 7 Ask and keep asking, and it will be given to you; seek and keep seeking, and you will find; knock and keep knocking and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Please read the above passages many times. Begin to ask for help over and over, at home and at work, all day long, and at night when you are awake. Do not doubt that this method works. It does. The results may not be what you imagined and the timing won't be yours. The answers may seem unusual or difficult to do. Just keep asking, knocking and seeking - and pay attention to what is occurring in your life. THE SPIRITUAL CHOICE – SERVE GOD OR SERVE THE ROGUES 4/23/22. Most people do not realize a simple spiritual truth: Either one is a slave to the group we call the Rogues, also called Satan in the Bible OR one must become a servant or slave of God. This is the only spiritual choice one ever has. THERE IS NO IN BETWEEN OPTION. Why not just do as one pleases? The spiritual understanding is that this is always an illusion. We are always conditioned by our bodies, by the mass media, and by others. In this sense, human beings are similar to railroad freight cars – they do not have their own engine. They must always be hooked up to a power source in order to move. Therefore, “doing your own thing” is always an illusion. Even worse, these days when you think you are doing what you want, you are usually carrying out a Rogue agenda. For details, read Serving God To Oppose Brainwashing. PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER – THE PROGRAM TO BRAINWASH AND CONDITION ALL PEOPLE ON EARTH 4/22/22. We are finally putting together many pieces of the puzzle concerning the rogue program for the earth and her people. Today's important messages summarize some of this new understanding. Purpose of the program for the earth. The entire purpose is not yet clear. However, it seems to involve controlling, conditioning, brainwashing and damaging and limiting the brains and bodies of all people. Methods. These can be arranged according to the 7 system: 1. Physical damage. This involves polluting and poisoning the air, water, food and objects people come in contact with every day. It also involves introducing certain diseases into the population, many transmitted sexually but also by other routes. It also involves damaging the bodies in certain ways. 2. Emotional and sexual degradation. This involves instilling fear, terrorizing, making people angry, and more. 3. Disempowering and throwing people out of control of their lives. This is done in many ways – physically, financially, sexually, and more. 4. Social isolation and damaging friendships and relationships. For example, people are sternly warned not to tell their friends or family about their beatings and rapes. 5. Damaging marriage and impairing many forms of expression. This is done by enforced silence, spreading sexually transmitted diseases, teaching distrust of parents, men, women and much more. 6. Lies. It also involves teaching a set of carefully crafted lies about the planet, about men and women, about the nature of life, and more. This thoroughly confuses and deceives most people. Examples of the lies are in the next section below. 7. Substituting themselves as our “God”. They use electronic implants and other methods to communicate with people and they jam the natural channels that connect us with our higher self or the divine or holy spirit. EXAMPLES OF ROGUE LIES Food and nutrition. They teach that “good nutrition” includes eating fruit, salads, lots of raw food, smoothies, and even sugar and white flour. None of this is true, in our experience. This website contains hundreds of articles about this critical subject. About the earth. They teach that the earth is just a hunk of rock from an ancient explosion in space. In truth, the earth is alive and was birthed by a much larger living being, and is an essential part of her fine matter and coarse matter body. The interior of the earth. The mainstream teaching is that the interior of the earth is boiling hot, but this is not true. Many of the rogue operatives and directors live inside the earth and the temperature is very comfortable. There they have built a large series of tunnels, elevators, apartments for themselves, and rape rooms where they perform all manner of torture and where the screams are never heard. The souls. They also teach that souls are not real, an enormous lie. About themselves. Another huge lie is that there is no alien presence on earth. They wish us to believe that the media, the education system, the medical system and more are under human control. They wish us to blame our all of our problems on human nature, climate change, racism, or bad luck. In reality, there is a “hidden hand of the rogues” interfering with most of our mass media, governments, education system, health care, businesses and much, much more. Disease and rape are “facts of life”. The medical profession is kept in the dark about the human potential for health and teaches that getting sick and needing drugs and operations is normal and “natural”. No development. The rogues suppress the truth that all human beings are capable of the process we call development. This is a genetic unfolding of great potential in every person that strengthens the body, extends life and causes the appearance of abilities such as mental telepathy and many others. DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM PROBLEMS ARE DUE TO TRAUMA EFFECTS 4/22/22. At times during the development program, many people experience anxiety, fears, intense anger, hatred, disgust, and depression. We are learning that this is often the result of the beatings and rapes that most people have experienced as babies, children and as adults. ROGUE BEATINGS AND RAPES LEAVE FEW MARKS ON THE BODY 4/22/22. The beatings and rapes we are becoming aware of are deliberately done carefully so as to leave few marks or scars on the bodies of most people. Marks in the energy field. However, the aura or energy field is full of marks due to the beatings. We did not previously understand all these marks, but their cause is slowly becoming clear. Some are rape marks, beatings, brainwashing, terror and others. Lies. The rogues spread lies as to the origin of these marks to confuse those who can see the aura. But slowly, we are learning the truth. WOMEN AND MEN WAKING UP TO BEATINGS AND RAPES – Opening Pandora's Box 4/21/22. Most women and men have been beaten, and women raped or molested by the group we call the Rogues. The rogues carry out this secret program for at least 25 reasons. We list them in the Rape Planet article. #1. Most people are unaware of the above. So we are going to discuss it more and more. #2. Women and a few men are reacting to waking up by skipping parts of the program or deciding the program is no good, or worse. A few are drinking alcohol or taking drugs to dull their feelings. #3. Most women and men are also unaware of the methods used to make sure they do not wake up. Not only have they been warned not to speak about them to anyone. In addition, special procedures were used to terrorize the women so they would never want to bring up the subject again. However, the souls very much want the whole mess to be exposed and stopped. They are starting to help women retrace and process their beatings and rape experiences. This is very upsetting to some women, who are having dreams or flashbacks about these experiences. Others just feel miserable, or can't sleep, or experience strange symptoms such as nausea or disgust with themselves. They tell us “I just don't feel well” when I do this or that procedure, or eat cooked vegetables, or take certain supplements. They think the program is flawed, when in fact it is working. However, they are beginning to wake up and retrace their beatings and rapes. What to do. It is critical that women wake up and take action to save themselves and our world from the rogue plague. By talking about the subject enough, it will help so we will be doing this. Fake blood. The rogues intentionally make the rapes and beatings very scary so that you will not want to wake up. For example, they often splash fake blood all over the women. We learned that the blood they call yours is usually blood meal. They buy it at Walmart or another store that sells plant food. It is dried cow blood. They add water to it to make it look and smell like human blood. Fake knives. Also, they show you sharp knives and say they stick them inside your vagina or anal area. In reality, they use a different tool that is not sharp or you would be much sicker from it. Fake penises. In fact, they do not use penises nearly as much as they say they do. They show you a penis and have you feel it. But they really often insert rubber or plastic tubes, or even cucumbers inside you. The point is that some of the beatings and rapes are not as they appear. Warn your clients. All or our Helpers need to warn all girls and women about our new understanding of the rapes and beatings. We hope this will not dissuade many from starting the program. We will do all we can to assist everyone to wake up and free yourself from this brainwashing and slavery. LOVING ONESELF MEANS EATING CORRECTLY 4/21/22. Most people do not love themselves enough. Evidence of this is that they do not eat properly, even though many know that it is best to avoid sugar, white flour, table salt, soda pop and other poor quality foods. Those who love themselves indulge themselves in a way by taking the time to buy and prepare excellent meals containing properly cooked preferred vegetables at each meal. These people will live much longer and happier lives. For details, read The Food Story. FOOD UPDATES 4/21/22. Meat broths. Do not eat or use meat broths such as chicken broth. They contain mostly toxins from the meat and are not healthful. Tahini or hummus. This is an essential part of the development diet. Adults need two tablespoons daily of tahini or four tablespoons daily of hummus. It is best eaten early in your meal with other protein foods. For example, one could put some tahini on chicken as a sauce or dressing. Swede or Rutabaga. Swede is the word used in Great Britain, Ireland and other British commonwealth nations for rutabaga. It is a superb root vegetable that is a special food for development. Please look for it and ideally eat a slice or two of it with each meal. Some cookbooks suggest cooking swede by first cutting it into chunks and then boiling or baking it for a while until they are soft. We prefer that one slice it into thin slices. This way it will cook quickly, at the same speed as most other vegetables, in a steamer or pressure cooker. For more details, read Rutabaga. LESSONS FROM THE ROGUES 4/20/22. We are learning more about the extremely high-tech and secretive alien group that some call the negs, the trof or the Rogues. The Bible calls them Satan. Hopefully, this understanding will help free our planet from their control. They are responsible for a lot of chaos, war and horror on earth. For example, they are on Mr. Putin's side in the war in Ukraine and supplying all sorts of advanced weapons. You can focus on the horror of their presence and their actions. However, there are some lessons to learn that lead some women and men to have protection against them. A number of our women clients tell us that following the development program, including doing coffee enemas, has caused the beatings and rapes to stop. For details, read the updated article, Lessons From The Rogues. UKRAINE UPDATE 4/20/22. The Russians continue a campaign of total destruction in Ukraine. Most people alive today have not witnessed this pure brutality and pure intent to destroy a small nation by a larger aggressor nation. However, it is the sad truth of the history of the world. The dictators always start the wars because of a sick desire for power and control over others. The democratic nations must stay strong to stop it, and I hope they will. NATO nations, including the United States, are getting more involved. However, under president Biden, the US is doing very little. The United Nations, as usual, is so far impotent and of no help. The Ukrainians need our prayers and support. BEATING AND RAPE UPDATE 4/19/22. We are continuing to research the all too common beatings and rapes of women, in particular, by the Rogues. We found a home in our area fully equipped with torture equipment. Equipment included metal frames for tying people up, rods and sticks used to beat people, and a variety of objects used to scare people. These included sharp knives, guns, and various poisons they rub on or force people to drink. Also found were grease they rub on people, rubber snakes and tarantulas, “fake” blood made from blood meal that they splash on people, electric massagers, and even hair dryers used to burn people's skin. VACCINES ENDANGER PREGNANCY 4/19/22. The American Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) has recorded 2,620 fetal deaths following Wuhan flu vaccination. This is more than the total fetal deaths from all other vaccines for the past 30 years! According to a recent study, this works out to a fetal death rate of 82% to 91%. (reported in Health Freedom News, Winter 2021, Volume 39, No. 4.) WUHAN VACCINES DO NOTHING TO PROTECT FROM THE VIRUS OR STOP ITS SPREAD 4/19/22. The rate of symptomatic cases of the Wuhan flu in fully vaccinated people has been reported each week in Germany, Great Britain and Israel. In all these cases, the infection rates have climbed and most cases are among vaccinated people. In America, the Centers For Disease Control And Prevention has identified four of the five nations with the highest percentage of fully vaccinated people (84.3-99.9%) as “high transmission” countries. (reported in Health Freedom News, Winter 2021, Volume 39, No. 4.) HEALTH INFORMATION TO AVOID AND WHY 4/19/22. Someone is deliberately spreading false health information in order to confuse people. For example, a new book, Life Force, claims that new breakthroughs in “precision medicine” can transform your life and extend it. The problem is that a significant amount of information in this large book is incorrect. Yesterday we reported on claims that giving blood is the best way to reduce excess iron and other inaccuracies in a popular online newsletter (see the post below on 4/18/22). We are realizing that the problem of spreading false information is growing worse. Please beware! CORRECTING IRON AND COPPER 4/18/22. A recent article about iron and copper in a popular online newsletter contains serious errors that we wish to correct. Number 1. There is good quality iron and bad quality iron. One cannot just talk about iron or copper as though it is all the same. This is why the development program focuses on diet, and not simply on taking lots of supplements. We are very careful with supplements because most contain somewhat toxic forms of minerals. Overload with toxic iron is a problem today. Overload with good quality iron does not occur. Reasons for toxic iron overload are that the body tends to conserve iron and toxic forms of iron are added to many bread products, fast food, other processed foods and vitamin pills. Also, many of the Wuhan flu vaccines contain a toxic form of iron. In some people, overconsumption of red meat and eggs also causes iron overload because some of the iron in all food is in a toxic form. Number 2. Giving blood to reduce toxic iron is a bad solution. The best method to reduce the level of toxic iron is the development program. The reasons are: 1. Giving blood causes a lot of nutrient loss. This is the last thing one wants. One loses hundreds of nutrients each time one gives blood. 2. Giving blood does not distinguish between good forms of iron and toxic forms of iron. You give away both when you give blood. Blood contains both of these. In contrast, the development program only causes the elimination of toxic forms of iron such as iron oxide and carbonate. We call these the 'irritant' forms of iron. 3. Giving blood exposes one to infections from needles and blood donor offices. This is a serious problem today. Some years ago, I visited a well-known laboratory to get a simple blood test. Although the nurse opened a “sterile” needle package, I became infected from the needle. It took six months for the infection to heal. Number 3. We do not find that blood tests for iron, copper, ferritin or ceruloplasm are accurate ways to assess iron and copper metabolism. We wish they were more helpful. We much prefer the hair mineral test, when performed and interpreted correctly. Measuring the red blood cell count and hemoglobin are good, as far as they go. For details, read Iron Overload and The Amigos – Iron, Manganese and Aluminum. EAR PROBLEMS MAINLY DUE TO CHRONIC, LOW-GRADE EAR INFECTIONS 4/18/22. Dizziness or vertigo and other ear symptoms such as ringing in the ears, hearing loss and pain in the ears have several causes. Vertigo causes older people to fall and this leads to many people's death. The most important cause is a chronic ear infection, usually the result of treating childhood ear infections with antibiotics. Getting rid of these infections is not easy because the inner ear has poor blood circulation and the infections are subtle. Drugs won't work. However, the development program is excellent for this purpose. It works very differently than remedy programs by strengthening the entire body, which enables the body to heal the chronic ear infection. Our clients sometimes complain when they retrace old chronic ear infections. One may experience temporarily dizziness, pain, ringing or hearing loss. However, I tell them this is much better than leaving the chronic ear infection which, later in life, often causes a fall, a broken hip and worse problems. WHY RISING FOOD PRICES? 4/18/22. Food prices are rising mainly because the price of oil has more than doubled over the past year. The problem began before the Ukraine war. High oil prices increase the cost of growing, transporting, processing and distribution of food. Oil has doubled in price because of the treasonous actions of president Joe Biden of the United States. On his first day in office, he issued an “executive order” cancelling the XL Pipeline Project and cancelled oil drilling leases. This was completely illegal. More than this, Mr. Biden's entire presidency is illegal because he assumed power while there were pending lawsuits challenging the election results. This is improper procedure. The Congress of the United States is also guilty of treason because they certified the election results without waiting for the court cases to be decided. Some are saying that rising food prices are due to the war in Ukraine. This is a factor, but not the main reason for rising food prices. In fact, Ukrainian farmers are planting crops at this time. RAPISTS DIRECT WOMEN'S LIVES 4/17/22. The souls of many women are telling us that during their rapes and beatings, women receive electronic implants in their heads. Using these tiny radio receivers, the rogues tell them what to wear, where to shop, what to eat, who to have sex with, whom to marry, and much more. If women do not obey, they are beaten more. This is the secret life of millions of women. What to do. Some women report that following the development program, especially with coffee enemas, is protective. We are still learning much about the remarkable effects of the coffee enemas. RUSSIAN STATE TV: AFTER SHIP SINKING, “WORLD WAR III HAS BEGUN” 4/17/22. Yesterday, speaking on Russian television, host Olga Skabeyeva said about the Ukraine conflict, “What it's escalated into can safely be called World War III – that's entirely for sure”. This story was reported at Russian television broadcasts are heavily censored. For this reason, the above comment is likely very important to understand Mr. Putin's intentions. This comment followed the sinking of the flagship of the Russian fleet, a guided missile cruiser, the Moskva. The ship was shooting missiles into Ukraine. It was hit by several Ukrainian missiles and sunk in the Black Sea. LONG LIST OF REASONS FOR RAPES ADDED TO RAPE PLANET ARTICLE 4/17/22. We just added to the Rape Planet article a list of more than 30 reasons for the professional rapes and beatings. The list is near the beginning of the article in the section called Reasons For The Rapes. For details, read The Rape Planet. BREAKTHROUGHS CONCERNING RAPES, BEATINGS AND IMPLANTS 4/16/22. Over the past few weeks, we have realized three horrendous truths about planet earth: 1. Almost all, if not all women on earth experience a series of violent, filthy, and thoroughly disgusting rapes, beatings and tortures from the Rogues. These begin about the age of eight. This is a most important breakthrough in understanding the problems of women and of society, in general. 2. Most, if not all children, both boys and girls, experience at least one violent, cruel and brutal beating from the Rogues and usually one or more violent molestation with poisoning and sometimes a rape of the girls. These occur around the age of one to three. 3. Everyone on earth has electronic implants in their heads and bodies, put there by the rogues. The rogues use them to monitor and control everyone to some degree. These breakthroughs are helping us understand the development program and why it works. Taken together, they for a system of advanced brainwashing, hypnosis and ultimately enslavement of most, if not all people on the planet. The insights have been slow in coming because amazingly, the souls are terrorized so they won't talk much or even admit they have experienced brutal rapes and beatings. Also, in many cases, the outer person does not remember the details. This is particularly true of the baby beatings and rapes. The rogues want all women to remember just enough so that they will obey their commands for the rest of their lives. For more details, read The Rape Planet, Rape, Beatings and Healing Rape. CASE HISTORY – RECOVERY FROM BEATING 4/16/22. Recently, we have had a number of excellent recoveries from the beatings and rapes that we now believe most people on earth experience. This one occurred in Chase, a seven-year-old boy. Symptoms. These included attention deficit disorder, sensory processing disorder, blindness in one eye, constipation and continued wetting of the bed. Others symptoms were fatigue and difficulty with all tasks that require concentration. The development program. Chase began the development program about 3 years ago. He follows the diet fairly well, but does not do the procedures. Most recent hair mineral test. This shows a four lows pattern, as was present before. The following joy or development patterns: Working through four lows. This pattern is present when a four lows pattern persists from the previous test to the present test AND the oxidation rate slows down. It is a positive pattern indicating that one is working through the cause of four lows. Coming alive on the second four minerals. This is an excellent pattern that we also call deep healing. Out of four lows on the second four minerals. On the previous test, chase had a four lows pattern on both the first and the second four minerals. Now the four lows pattern is only present on the first four minerals. That is, the four lows pattern on the second four minerals has gone away. This is another positive joy pattern. For details, read Four Lows Pattern. Nine anchor patterns. Anchors are present when the levels of minerals remain the same or change very little within certain criteria. This indicates a specific type of healing of the brain. Nine of these on one test, as in this instance, is quite excellent and called a wise person pattern. Right pivot on the first four minerals. This is a visual pattern that is somewhat difficult to describe in a quick way. It is another excellent pattern that indicates a change of mind. A right pivot indicates a change of attitude or change of mind in regard to oneself. For details, read Anchors And Pivots. All out or everything coming out. This pattern is present when the levels of at least six of certain minerals all rise on a retest hair mineral test. In this instance, the levels of 11 minerals rose on the retest. This is superb and indicates an improved ability to detoxify and remove from the body toxic metals or toxic forms of nutrient minerals. Leaving the cult. This pattern is present when the levels of at least three of certain minerals all increase on a retest. Beatings and rapes often leave a person feeling like they have a yoke around their neck and are not free. This is due to nutritional damage due to the beating or rape. As toxic metals or toxic forms of nutrient minerals are removed from the body, suddenly the heavy feeling of having a yoke around the neck goes away. It is an excellent pattern. A three amigo dump. This is an increase in the levels of iron, manganese and aluminum on a retest hair mineral analysis. It is related to leaving the cult pattern and is very excellent. Toxic forms of these three minerals in the body are highly irritating and cause oxidant damage. Their removal is a milestone for development and much better health. For details, read The Amigos – Iron, Manganese, Zinc And Others. Elevator pattern. This is present when the ratios of calcium to magnesium and sodium to potassium change very little on a retest hair mineral analysis. It usually indicates that a person is not doing the pulling down procedure. Unlike the other patterns, this one is not positive and not a joy or development pattern. We believe a seven-year-old child can begin the pulling down procedure. He would need to be accompanied by an adult such as a parent. Five more guide creatures. Beatings almost always result in the loss of guide creatures. We now believe every child or most children on earth experience a brutal rape around the age of one or two from the Rogues. It is done very secretly. The guide creatures are small fine matter creatures that arrange themselves around everyone's body and help direct the person with wisdom and gentleness. They also help a lot with healing. Those who follow the development program well will experience the return of their guide creatures. This is a cause for great celebration. For details, read Controllers And Other Guide Creatures. Symptom changes. Chase's mother reports that there are slow improvements in most of Chase's symptoms. Also, when he goes to a birthday party and gets off the diet his behavior and ability to learn decrease. The souls tell us that Chase is much better, with higher energy and a better brain. This is true even if he does not feel it too much. ALERT! – STEALING OUR FOOD 4/16/22. We just became aware of a secret effort to cripple America by hijacking tractor trailer trucks that carry food and other items. The same problem is occurring in other nations. This is what we know, so far: The bandits all speak Russian. They may use high-tech methods to stop trucks and disable their radios. At times, bandits pose as police and may be men or women. They usually kill the truck driver, and often destroy the truck and its cargo. The problem is being called a “supply chain problem” when it is really highway robbery. We consider it an act of war. THOMAS SOWELL 4/15/22. Thomas Sowell is a wise man among us, one of the greatest minds of the 20th and 21st century. He also happens to be a black man, born into extreme poverty and raised in a single-parent home. Please read the new article about him, The Continuing Importance of Thomas Sowell. MORE ABOUT WHO OR WHAT IS GOD? 4/15/22. I added to this controversial and important article and welcome feedback about it. For details, read Who Or What Is God? NUTRITION UPDATE 4/14/22. How one eats matters and matters a lot. The diets of most people are very deficient, especially in cooked vegetables. Please do not let this be your situation, as it weakens the bodies a lot. We know it takes work to shop for, clean, chop and cook vegetables. However, it seems this is needed at this time. For details, read Food For Daily Use – The Diet For Rapid Development. UKRAINE UPDATE 4/14/22. I hope the following is true. According to my sources, Ukrainian forces are doing fairly well. The mainstream news services may not be reporting this. The reason is they have many fine matter creatures on their side. They also have a handful of women on their side who are tuned up and activated, and therefore helping a lot. Women are communicators and are helping track troop movements and guide counter-attacks. continues to be one of the best websites to follow the situation in Ukraine. WHO OR WHAT IS GOD? 4/13/22. We updated a very short article that explains what I am told is the absolute truth about our creator. For details, read Who Is God? TOILET CLEANING AFTER COFFEE ENEMAS 4/13/22. Dear friends, if your toilet is very dirty after a coffee enema, it is because the toilet is not working correctly. Over time, especially in hard water areas, small holes underneath the rim of the toilet bowl clog up. When this occurs, the toilet bowl does not get cleaned when you flush the toilet. The answer is either to buy a new toilet or one can clean the toilet immediately after each use. If you have a handheld bidet sprayer, this is easy. One need not buy an expensive toilet. However, plumbers may charge one hundred to two hundred dollars to install a new toilet. Installing it yourself is not too difficult if you know basic plumbing, and there is help online. BRAIN IMPLANTS USED TO ENSLAVE 4/12/22. Most people don't realize that they have an alien “voice” in their head. It can tease, threaten, tells lies and causes a lot of harm. Most people also have implants that are electronic stimulators. These give them either pleasurable or painful sensations in the body. What is going on. The group we call the Rogues have perfected the technology to implant tiny electronic chips or circuits in people's brains and bodies. They do this to millions of people in order to control the behavior of entire nations. Operant conditioning. The technical name for what they do is operant conditioning. It is a well-known method of psychological control. The rogues just take it to a new level using high-tech electronic implants along with beatings, rapes and other methods. The implants. The computer chips are radio receivers and transmitters, sensory stimulators, monitors, and can do other things as well. The rogues usually beam these into people's heads and bodies starting early in life and then moreso during beatings, rapes and at other times. They very rarely show up on x-rays or other body scans. The rogues use them to tell people what to do, where to go, whom to go out with, how to vote, whom to marry, when to have sex, and much, much more. Example. Often, the rogues want a woman to get filthed up so she will have sick children. At other times, they want her to marry one of their rapists. So they send around a rogue operative who asks her for a date. When he shows up, they activate stimulators inside her body that give her incredible feelings of love and sexual pleasure. They also speak to her and the “voice” says, “He is the one.” The operative also knows all about her because for several weeks they have used another implant in her head to monitor her thoughts and her actions. So he knows just what to say and how to say it to impress her. She mistakenly assumes he is good for her, and she accepts the date. He may rape her or they turn on the sexual pleasure during the date and she ends up having sex and getting filthed up, and perhaps marrying the man. Meanwhile, when good men come around and ask her for a date, they activate another stimulator. This one gives her a headache and causes nausea. At the same time, the “voice” speaks to her telling her, “Stay away - he is no good”. Threats. At times, the “voice” can seem to be your own. However, at other times it can be very nasty and threatening. The “voice” may talk about any subject at all. What to do. I have the implants. I have trained myself that when I hear a voice telling me something or someone is bad or good, I automatically think the opposite. In other words, I question all such “guidance”. I also question my bodily sensations since I know they can “turn me on” or “turn me off” if they wish. Then I do the pulling down exercise hard and, at the same time, I try to tune into the Holy Spirit, or God, or the One. I ask, “What is the truth about this situation or this person?” Often, I ask many times to be sure I am getting the truth. It does not always work, but it helps a lot. Also, the guides we work with always try to remove these implants from our clients whenever we review hair mineral tests. However, it is often not an easy task. For details, read Implants. LETTING GO OF THE PAST 4/12/22. One key to letting go of the past is to focus on bringing in the new you using the pulling down exercise. Only this exercise (and no other meditations, visualizations or affirmations) - Moves energy correctly through the body in the direction that opens and clears the channels. - Nourishes the body with healing etheric energy from above only. - Balances and opens the energy centers and dantiens. Hints to make it work better. Do not have your hands, arms, legs or feet cross the centerline of the body. Also, keep your spine fairly straight and do not bend your arms, hands, knees or ankles. Also, keep your head straight ahead, not turned either to the right or to the left. Prayer. Prayer is wonderful but it is not enough unless it is “active prayer”. This is the same as doing the pulling down exercise. THE LAW OF THE ONE 4/11/22. This post is about how to overcome all difficult problems. The answer is not to focus on them, but rather to focus on what you want. The way to do this is to use the pulling down mental exercise. As you do this procedure, you bring a new energy into the body. Eventually, you completely replace the old you with its traumas, diseases and other problems. It is that simple. The most amazing procedure. The pulling down procedure is truly astounding. In this post, we will not discuss the technical reasons why it works – but it does. Most people do not bother with the pulling down procedure. As a result, they miss the greatest benefits of the development program. Healing is slow and development does not occur to any great extent. How to do the pulling down exercise easily. The key is to find a visualization that works for you. It also needs to be fun and enjoyable. Try different ones because there is no “correct” visualization. When you understand the exercise you will realize that any of the visualizations presented in the article about the exercise can work. An example. Lie down comfortably and imagine you are lying in a fast-flowing river. Your feet are against a large rock so you won't move. The water flows from your head to your feet. Imagine you have a large hole in the top of your head. As a result, the water flows all around and through your body. It leaves your body through large holes in the middle of each hand and each foot. Now increase the speed of the river until it is a raging torrent. You find it hard to lie still, but you persist as the water flows faster and faster. Most important, the raging water washes out everything inside and around you that is impure, diseased or unwholesome. Do this exercise at least two hours daily. The more you do the exercise, the better you will feel. For more details, read The Pulling Down Exercise. UKRAINE UPDATE 4/11/22. Mr. Putin's military destruction of the much smaller sovereign nation of Ukraine continues. It is vital to realize the horror of what is going on there and throw your support behind Ukraine 100%. Help out any way you can. Mr. Putin has already taken over two other areas or Europe – Georgia and Crimea. If not stopped in Ukraine, he will do the same to other nations, including the United States if he can. Do not doubt it! It is the old fight between the forces of tyranny and the forces of liberty, and nothing less. It is a replay of the beginning of World War II, except with much more lethal weapons. Another difference is that Mr. Putin does not have the support of most of the Russian people, despite his propaganda. Adolf Hitler managed to convince many German people that his military ambitions were for the best. The Budapest Memorandum. America, Great Britain and Russia signed a treaty with Ukraine called the Budapest Memorandum On Security Assurances For Ukraine (1994). It promised military protection for Ukraine. In return, Ukraine gave up its nuclear weapons. The treasonous and illegal American president, Mr. Biden, is a Russian sympathizer. Though he speaks well, he brings great shame on America by not honoring the Budapest agreement. Joining NATO. There is a movement to have Ukraine join NATO (the North Atlantic Treaty Organization) very quickly, and this would help. NATO is a military alliance of mostly European nations and the US and Canada, formed after World War II. If any member is attacked, all the NATO nations must come to the aid of the attacked nation. If Ukraine is allowed into NATO, then 30 nations would immediately declare war on Russia. World War III is on already, but it would clarify the truth of the situation. The United Nations (the UN) does not allow a member nation to attack another member nation. Both Russia and Ukraine are members. However, the UN is quite an impotent organization. Russia, of course, should be thrown out immediately for repeated violations of the the membership rules. THE UPDATED RAPE PLANET ARTICLE 4/11/22. I updated and improved the Rape Planet article. It now describes what we believe is true about our planet – and it is very disgusting. The rogues control the planet and her people using beatings, torture, rape, poisoning and molestation. It is done very professionally and quite secretly. They use advanced brainwashing methods to keep people from talking about it. For details, read The Rape Planet. USE OF COFFEE GROUNDS ENHANCES A COFFEE ENEMA 4/10/22. Coffee grounds that are left over when one makes coffee for a coffee enema can help make the enema MUCH more powerful. The reason is they absorb toxins, similar to the action of a charcoal cigarette filter. Ways to incorporate coffee grounds into your coffee enema: 1. Add up to ¼ teaspoon of grounds to the enema water just before you put the coffee liquid inside yourself. This is excellent. The clogging problem. The only problem is that if you add too many coffee grounds to the enema liquid, they will clog up the enema tube. To handle this problem, don't add too many and shake up the enema liquid just before you put the liquid inside yourself. This will distribute the coffee grounds more evenly in the coffee liquid. If the enema tube clogs up, the blockage is usually at the enema tip. Just bang the enema tip in the bathroom sink while holding up the enema bag or bucket. This will unclog the tip. If you think the blockage is elsewhere in the tube, just squeeze all along the tube to break up the blockage. 2. Hold up to one tablespoon of coffee grounds mixed with a little coffee liquid in your mouth at the same time you are doing a coffee enema. When finished with the enema, just spit out the coffee that is in your mouth. If you swallow the grounds or coffee, it is not a problem, but we do not recommend it. Holding coffee in the mouth is called the Oral Coffee Hold. It is excellent to help move coffee into all structures in the head. These structures include the brain, nose, sinuses, hair, scalp, eyes, ears, teeth, neck and throat. Doing the oral coffee hold with coffee grounds while doing a coffee enema is highly recommended if you have any problems with any of the structures above. It is also excellent for Head Congestion Syndrome. In fact, everyone can benefit from the oral coffee hold because enhancing brain activity is needed by everyone today. The brain is also very involved in the process of Development. The oral coffee hold definitely enhances the speed of development. Cautions. While holding the coffee in the mouth, keep it away from the back of your mouth so you don't choke on it. Also, coffee in the mouth might darken your teeth a little. If you wish, brush your teeth when you spit out the coffee. Another advantage of this method of using coffee grounds is that the souls will use the coffee grounds to assist you to hold the coffee enema longer. For more details, read the Oral Coffee Hold. 3. Add up to 1 tablespoon of coffee grounds to a vaginal coffee implant. This is also excellent and will enhance the vaginal coffee implant. Caution. The grounds are somewhat gritty. This can be a little uncomfortable, but it is not too much of a problem. Washing out the vagina not recommended. After holding the coffee implant with coffee grounds, one may want to wash out the coffee grounds with a little water. This is okay. However, it is best not to wash out the vagina after a vaginal coffee implant because the coffee that is left inside will continue to soothe and heal ad area. So if possible, don't wash out the coffee and grounds. THE SERVER LIST OF ARTICLES 4/10/22. To make it easier to search for articles, I put the entire list of articles that are on this website in a document. They are in alphabetical order according to their internet address or URL. Some of the articles are old and need work, so please be patient. Here is the link to the Server List Of Articles. The same link to this list is on the home page of SUDDEN HEALING OF MANY SYMPTOMS – A CASE HISTORY OF REPEAT RAPE 4/9/22. Patricia is 69 years old. She experienced a series of rapes starting at age 15. These quickly caused an array of symptoms including insomnia, constipation, anxiety, bladder infections, heart palpitations, low thyroid (Hashimoto's thyroiditis), weight gain, hair loss, allergies, food sensitivities, water retention and fibrocystic breasts. The “visits”. For the past 49 years, Patricia was also periodically “visited” by very large and mean men who all carried a large gun. The man would demand to see her and would proceed to beat and rape her, and then quickly leave. All of them were directed and seemed to know all about her. It took her a whole day to clean up the blood and greasy substance he rubbed all over her body. Her husband had to step aside and allow these “visits” - about two each year - or the man said he would kill the husband. The perpetrators of these very professionally-done rapes are the group we call the Rogues. The development program. About five years ago, Patricia read about the development program and began doing some of it. Soon after starting it, she had another “visit”. However, she has had no more “visits” for the past five years. We believe the program with the coffee enemas, in particular, is somehow protective. It is even possible that doing the program is like doing penance that gives one more protection. Over the past five years, some symptoms improved somewhat, but none went away completely. However, in the past two weeks, suddenly most of her symptoms are gone or much better! Most recent hair mineral test. Patty's new mineral analysis has many excellent joy or development patterns: Working through four lows. This pattern is present on a retest when one remains in a four lows pattern AND the oxidation rate slows down. It is an indicator of progress. Settling down pattern. The levels of the first four minerals all decreased. This is an excellent joy and development pattern. Usually, one feels more comfortable and relaxed. Coming alive. The levels of three of the second four minerals increased and the fourth stayed the same. Coming alive is another excellent joy pattern. It indicates more life in the body. Everything coming out. Nine of certain mineral levels increased on this retest. When six or more of certain mineral levels increase on a retest it is called all out or everything coming out. It indicates much better toxin elimination. Leaving the cult. When the levels of three of certain minerals rise on a retest, we call the pattern leaving the cult. Patricia says the feeling of this pattern is like lifting a heavy yoke off your neck. At her first rape, beating and poisoning 52 years ago, she was told, “You are now one of us”. It felt as though someone had put a yoke around her neck. Now this feeling is gone, however. Eleven anchors. Anchors indicate an improvement in the depth of the sulci of the brain. Seven anchors we call a new brain. Nine or more anchors on one test we call a wise person pattern because there is so much improvement in the brain. Forward flip of the sodium/potassium ratio. This ratio is very important. A forward flip means that it went from less than 2.5 up to 2.5 or greater. This indicates a better electrical balance of the cells. Double low ratio pattern. When the ratios of the first to the second mineral and the third to fourth mineral are low, it is called a double low ratio pattern. This was present on the second four minerals. When a person is following the development program, this indicates that one is retracing and healing an old trauma. Patricia had this pattern on her previous retest and it continued on this retest. Paralleling. Paralleling is an unusual phenomenon in which two people who live together keep their hair mineral readings very similar over a period of time. This enhances healing. In this case, Patricia's husband is paralleling with her very closely. We know this because we reviewed his new test at the same time we reviewed her test. He has a number of the same patterns as she does. The idea of paralleling is similar to what occurs with Down Sex and Down Hugging. There is a blending of the etheric bodies that speeds up healing. A difference between paralleling and down sex is that the former can occur between two men or two women. NOTE: Patty and her husband do not do down sex or down hugging. Seven guide creatures. Our medical team learned that Patty received seven guide creatures. These are small, very intelligent fine matter creatures that arrange themselves around one's body and assist healing in many ways. They come around based upon merit. One needs to follow the development program faithfully. For details, read The Controllers And Other Guide Creatures. THE PEROXIDE SLEEP REMEDY 4/9/22. A most interesting sleep remedy is breathe hydrogen peroxide all night long. To do this, place a bowl with one-half-inch of 3% hydrogen peroxide from the drug store in it as close to your head as possible when you sleep. The peroxide must be within three feet or one meter of your head when you sleep. I put the peroxide on a night table that is near my head when I sleep. I tried putting the bowl on the bed itself but I spilled the peroxide and it puts holes in the sheets. I have to refill the peroxide every few days because it evaporates. We welcome feedback about this remedy. |
4/8/22. The group we call the Rogues force some earth women to send long-distance messages for them.
Rogue operatives identify teenage girls who have certain personality and other qualities. They are fed certain foods to develop them somewhat. Then a special fine matter creature is brought in and somehow connected to the woman. Then she is told she can send messages deep into space.
The women are raped and beaten until they are so afraid they do what they are told. They also have brain implants that are stimulators. These give them headaches and many other symptoms if they fail to send messages quickly, correctly and clearly.
They are taught techniques to broadcast their messages long distances into space. They are also directed where the messages need to go.
They are forced to eat certain foods and their lives are carefully directed to ensure they will do as they are told. For details, read Rape, Broadcasting and Maturity For Women.
If you are being used in this way the forces defending the earth can stop it. This may help get rid of the rogues.
4/7/22. Thousands of tiny electronic or etheric (not physical) tubes or energy channels run from our heads to our feet. They conduct ether, a subtle energy in the universe, and this nourishes the body. Without enough of this energy, we sicken and die.
The acupuncture meridians. These are nothing more than important groups of these energy channels.
The pulling down procedure. This amazing healing procedure directly opens and heals the body's energy channels. It is very important for this reason. For details, read The Pulling Down Procedure.
Hand and foot reflexology. This procedure also works with the energy channels. The channels turn around in hands and the feet. For this reason, one can influence them more easily at these locations.
The spinal twist. The energy channels have the most difficulty passing through the joints of the body. The spinal twist procedures make sure the joints are aligned correctly because this enables much more subtle energy to flow through the energy channels.
Poisoning, beatings and rapes. The Rogues use these methods to damage the energy channels to make people easier to control. Malnutrition also damages them.
Artificial life support. Rapes and beatings often cause severe damage to some of the energy channels. This would normally cause a person's death.
However, the rogues have placed implants in most people's bodies that can keep essential energy channels open. After a rape or beating, they activate these devices and amazingly, one continues to live and even to have energy. For details, read Implants.
The walking dead. When the above occurs, one becomes what we call the walking dead. This is the condition of many people today.
The Rogues love it and want all of us to be this way, especially women. This way people are much easier to control, women will go along with sex and rape with anyone, and one does not think very well. For details, read Life Support And The Walking Dead.
The development program. This is the best method we know to restore the body's energy channels and help one to get off artificial life support. When this occurs, one feels much better.
For details, read The Channel System Of The Body and Introduction To Life Support Methods.
4/6/22. Love is not romance or sex. Love is much more. Love is the force of good in the universe and it is power and it is protection. Never doubt this and act accordingly.
Many people think “I must be selfish to get what I need.” This is not loving thinking and it does not work well.
With this thinking, you may accumulate a pile of money, or friends, or a big house. However, much more powerful is to love everyone and want to help everyone.
With loving thinking, you will get much more. You will live a long and happy life free of worry and fear. Even better, you mature and God or the One can use you to carry out projects that are fun and productive and will help establish Heaven on earth.
4/5/22. One of the few websites to discuss the election fraud in the United States is
Russian propaganda. So far, I have not read Russian (really Rogue) propaganda on this site about biolabs. The Russians own hundreds, if not thousands of websites where they print their propaganda.
You can often tell a Russian propaganda website if it mentions biolabs. Another way to tell is if the site is soft or favorable to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. I would stop reading such sites at once, even if everything else on them looks good. Otherwise you pollute your mind.
Beware! In reality, the Russian attack in Ukraine is genocide and a complete atrocity.
Election fraud. We have brought this severe problem to your attention many times. We will continue to do so because until it is stopped around the world, the nations are in peril.
Mail-in ballot problems. Not only are voting machines rigged with computer viruses, but mail-in ballots are easily rigged as well. These must end. Sadly, so far I have not read on or other sites about this problem.
Women and voting. Also, many women have been raped and during the rapes are told they must vote liberal or Democratic if they want to avoid another rape. They are also given this as a post-hypnotic suggestion. This is another common type of voter fraud all around the world.
4/5/22. We are also learning that much of the homosexual movement is not “genetic”. It is the result of very secretly and very professionally-executed beatings and rapes.
We knew that some homosexual activity is caused by aberrant body chemistry. However, much of it, we now see, is due to beatings and rapes.
Hitting the leaders. The rogues are “converting” (to homosexual) religious leaders, political leaders and military leaders around the world. They do it to both men and women.
More election fraud. Those who are beaten into the homosexual lifestyle are also told they must vote Democratic or liberal. This is another aspect of the voter fraud problem. For details, read Homosexuality and Why Not Homosexual Marriage?
4/4/22. We know that the diet for rapid development leans heavily toward cooked vegetables. We just learned that one reason it works is that it compensates for a general low sodium/potassium ratio that characterizes our world at this time.
The reason for the low sodium/potassium ratio in the world, we believe, is not our fault. Rather it is due to problems at higher levels of life in the universe, of which we are a part. As a result of these problems, we find we must compensate if we want optimum health and development.
To change our sodium/potassium ratio, the food we eat has a large impact, as follows:
Sodium Foods. We're learning that vegetables are sodium foods. They all contain sodium-raising compounds the body requires. Eating more of them raises the sodium/potassium ratio and this assists healing and development.
Fruit is the potassium food. We find that fruit is not as healthful as most physicians claim it is. One reason is that it is a high-potassium food. This is okay, except that eating too much potassium will lower the sodium/potassium ratio.
This is not beneficial for health and definitely not helpful for development. Therefore, we recommend avoiding most fruit. The exceptions are a few olives per week and green beans, which are a type of fruit pod.
I am hoping this understanding of diet will help us to eat the amount of cooked vegetables we all need at this time to balance our bodies.
4/3/22. Black Salve is an ancient Native remedy used to remove skin cancers and even internal cancers from the body. It works well when used properly.
It is sometimes called a drawing salve because it can draw poisons out of the body. It can also heal many, if not most infections on the skin and some inside the body.
Not a stand-alone remedy. Black salve is sold as a stand-alone remedy. This means those who sell it may tell you it will work all by itself without needing to follow any diet or other healing procedures.
We don't particularly like this advice, but we understand that those who sell the salve don't know about our healing program. In our experience, you will fare much better if you combine black salve with the development program and not other diets or programs. This is what the souls tell us.
An old tradition that is returning. Black salve is part of an ancient tradition on earth that is re-emerging today. Certain souls are returning to the earth and working through specific foods and herbs to bring deep healing and development to the people of earth.
Please give us feedback. Writing about black salve is somewhat difficult because the instructions for its use vary depending upon the product you buy. For this reason, please give us feedback about your experience with black salve. We will add it to the article with the details - Black Salve.
4/3/22. Black salve is an example of the re-emerging tradition of special or protected products on earth. Other examples are what we call the special foods for development.
These are the foods we suggest everyone eat each day. You are not just eating food. You are taking in special souls that perform deep healing on the body.
Coffee. One of the most important special 'foods' is coffee, used in an enema. For details, read Coffee Enemas.
Proteins. The special foods for development include certain protein foods. These are sardines, chicken, lamb, high-quality beef, soft goat cheese and a little goat yogurt. Also, men can have up to eight soft-cooked eggs per week. Women may have up to six eggs per week.
Also, eat about two tablespoons of roasted almond butter daily. Also, eat two tablespoons of roasted sesame tahini daily or four tablespoons of hummus daily (preferably without sweetener or too much lemon).
Overdoing. The balance of the foods is very important, so do not overdo! Eat only a total of four ounces daily for adults of all dairy products combined. Meat is also easy to overdo. Eat only one or two 4 to 5-ounce portions daily of all meats combined.
Among grain foods the main one is blue corn tortilla chips. However, eat only up to eight to ten blue corn chips per meal. We are researching other grains and it appears that a 50/50 combination amaranth and steel-cut oats have special properties, as well. However, eat it only once or twice a week.
Blue corn is far more important. If you don't eat it, you will not move fast with development. We know the chips are greasy and salty, but the oil and salt helps lock in certain nutrients.
Special vegetables. Among special vegetables are fresh and cooked (NOT FROZEN AND NOT SALADS) green beans, rutabaga, broccolini, Brussels sprouts, daikon, orange carrots, all onions including leeks, shallots, and chives, and a few finely-chopped slices of celery.
In addition, each day eat a little finely chopped ginger root and horseradish root. Several times a week have a small slice of golden beets.
Newer additions to the development diet - olives. Each week, eat about two dried botija olives OR 2 kalmata olives that have been marinated in red wine vinegar. The vinegar they are in needs to be eaten as well, as it contains special souls needed for healing. Do not eat other fruit, which we find has a harmful effect on the bodies!
Sauerkraut. Also, each week have three tablespoons of Bubbie's brand of plain sauerkraut, not the spicy one. Be sure to shake the bottle vigorously for at least 20 seconds before eating. If you cannot find Bubbie's brand, other brands of plain sauerkraut may work.
We do not recommend most other fermented foods, which often contain poisonous Aldehydes. The only other fermented foods we recommend are miso and some goat yogurt and soft goat cheese.
Another new food for development we are researching is royal jelly. The best appears to be sold in honey and one eats about one-half teaspoon of this once or twice a week. However, if all you can find is capsules, that is okay, too. Have about three capsules per week.
4/2/22. Roughly, half of our client are dehydrated. This is due to 1) not drinking enough water, 2) drinking the wrong kind of water, or 3) following the dehydration diet.
We find most adults need about three quarts or three liters of drinking water each day.
We know that drinking enough water means you will use the bathroom more often, and many people don't like this. However, drinking enough water is essential for detoxification and rapid development.
What to drink. The types of water that we find hydrate the body the best are carbon-only or sand-filtered only tap water and good quality spring water. At times, one must try several kinds of water to find one that hydrates the body well.
NOTE: Chlorine, fluoride and aluminum added to drinking water are harmful and best avoided. In some nations, one cannot drink the tap water because it is contaminated. For details, read Water For Drinking.
Water to avoid. Water that hydrates less well includes reverse osmosis water. This water also lacks minerals.
We also suggest avoiding distilled water because it is too low in minerals. We also don't recommend designer waters in which someone has started with reverse osmosis water, usually, and then added minerals or other substances. This also does not usually hydrate the body as well.
The dehydration diet. This is when the diet contains sugars, caffeine or alcohol. Sugars includes eating fruit or fruit juices. Caffeine means drinking soda pop, coffee, or regular tea.
Symptoms. The most common symptoms of dehydration are pain in the back, in the area of the kidneys. Others are leg cramps, finger cramps, twitches, and a dry mouth.
At times, dehydration will cause stomach pain or other symptoms. Another symptom is slow development. For details, read Hydration.
4/1/22. In the past few days many women are realizing they have been raped and then brainwashed into believing they have not been raped. It is done very professionally and very secretly.
The aliens. Those who do this are not from this planet. I call them the Rogues. They also torture the bodies by hitting, burning, twisting, breaking limbs or fingers, and much more. This is a big topic we will discuss in more detail in the future.
For example, done properly, the women are less angry, at least consciously. They also condition women to enjoy sex with any man so they are much easier to rape in the future. They do this because the aliens need a certain energy that women give off called yin energy. For details, read Yin Energy.
Secret election fraud. Waking up the women is very important because the women are also told under hypnosis to vote for liberal or Democratic political candidates. It is a form of cheating on elections that must stop!
Voting machines, mail-in ballots and not enough voter identification are bad enough. Adding the secret raped voting instructions are ruining our elections all over the world!! Until all women wake up, we must use some other method of choosing leaders so that we stop choosing the wrong people to lead us! For more details, read How To Influence People Mentally For Mind Control And Manipulation, The Rape Planet, Brainwashing and Hypnosis.
4/1/22. This is a continuation of the message above. To wake up, everyone (including men and boys) must do coffee enemas. Two coffee enemas a day or more, up to four or occasionally five, is best. For details, read Coffee Enemas.
They alone break certain programming. They also greatly speed up healing and Development - (An Introduction).
4/1/22. This is a technical message. I just learned an important reason to eat the foods we call Foods For Daily Use. They alone contain more of a compound called benzoquinone.
If you look it up, parabenzoquinone is just a chemical. But it is much more than this. When activated inside the body by other chemicals, it greatly speeds up healing and development.
4/1/22. This is an ongoing series about getting good guidance. Obviously, if one has been raped and brainwashed, guidance will not be good!
This is why we tell people that the development program is a PATH. It is easier and safer to just stay on the right path and you will arrive, or have a much better chance to arrive at your destination than if you wander around. For details, read The Path Concept.
3/31/22. The development diet, which means the diet that causes the fastest development, in some ways resembles the food laws found in the Bible and other holy books. This may not be an accident.
The moral laws in the Bible certainly help with development. Perhaps the food laws help, as well.
Both systems of diet avoid all pig products, all shellfish, and and the consumption of many other animals.
Fruit. The development diet also avoids fruit except for a few black olives a week and about one green bean per meal. The Bible does not avoid fruit, but begins with the creation story, which includes the story of the 'forbidden fruit'.
Maimonides, a famous man, also discouraged people from eating fruit. Hippocrates, the famous Greek physician, also cautioned against eating much fruit.
Cooking vegetables. The Talmud, another holy book, forbids eating raw vegetables and says one must cook all vegetables.
For details, read Food For Daily Use, Food For Occasional Use, Forbidden Food For Development and The Biblical Food Laws.
The mainstream media has been reporting on the Ukraine situation
fairly honestly. This is out of character for them. However, here are
two possible reasons why this war is very important:
1. The
Russian aggression reminds any informed person of the beginning of
World War II. In 1938, German Nazi forces invaded a smaller
neighboring nation. Within a few years a dozen nations were drawn
into the war. Some estimate that as many as half a billion people
died in that war.
2. The recent Russian invasion reminds one of the Russian attack on Ukraine in 1932-33. The Russian dictator Josef Stalin forcibly removed the people's food and starved between three and ten million people in Ukraine.
The Ukrainian people call it the Holodomor. The word means deliberate man-made terror-starvation. It was designed to stop a Ukrainian independence movement, similar to what is going on now.
3/30/22. Red heat lamp therapy is central to the development program. I don't understand exactly why it works, but it is a powerful healing and development method. If you skip this therapy, you will not get well nearly as fast, and perhaps not at all.
Some people know that the same reddish heat bulb is used and known as a “chicken brooder lamp”, as a “reptile lamp”, and has other applications. It works! Please use it every day.
If you use just one bulb, use if for one hour each day. If you use a red lamp sauna, which has three or four lamps, half to one hour is good.
If you have cancer, and most people do to some degree, we recommend spending 2.5 hours a day in a red heat lamp sauna. It is a powerful, safe and simple therapy. Begin slowly and work up to this amount.
For more details, read Sauna Therapy, Single Lamp Therapy and the book, Sauna Therapy For Healing And Detoxification.
3/30/22. What are the agencies? Today, 99% of the “laws” in America and most nations are not made by the representatives of the people, as the American Constitution requires. Instead, they are regulations that have the force of laws. They are made by unelected bureaucrats in dozens of national and state government agencies.
History of the agencies in America. The original and proper method of regulating industries in America was through the use of basic criminal laws against fraud, misrepresentation and negligence. These are the basic crimes. The system worked very well in America for 100 years.
Then, beginning in 1887 (formation of the Interstate Commerce Commission), a new, illegal, unconstitutional regulatory system was put in place. Today, there are 47 national government agencies in the United States and dozens more at the state, county and local levels of government.
1. Unconstitutional and therefore illegal. The Congress of the United States does not have the power to regulate industries within the 50 states. They were only given such power over the territories and possessions of the United States. There has been an intentional confusion of these two roles.
Also, the agencies blatantly violate a basic principle of good government called the separation of powers. This is the idea that the people who make laws should be different from those who enforce them, who should be different from those who judge their constitutionality. The agencies do all three jobs, and this is called tyranny.
2. Great centralization of power and growth of government power versus power of the people. If government grows, the power of the individual diminishes. Always remember this principle of liberty.
3. Unaccountability. Those working in the agencies are not elected, do not take an oath of office to defend the constitution, and are difficult to fire.
4. Full of conflicts of interest. The following is adapted from a website called The Center For Effective Government:
“Reformers, (many or all of whom were and are communists and socialists – my comment), spread the idea that “independent” regulatory commissions would bring greater expertise, specialization and continuity to bear on economic problems than Congress could, and would operate in a dispassionate, nonpolitical environment.
However, many regulatory commissions had dual and sometimes contradictory objectives: To control and direct a specific industry and to promote those same industries. It was not long before many "independent" regulatory commissions were being accused of being "captives" of the industries they were supposed to regulate.
In some cases, industries themselves supported the creation of regulatory rate commissions as a way to help end competitive practices.” (THIS IS VERY TRUE – my comment).
5. Easily infiltrated. It is very easy to control an industry if one regulatory agency is in charge. Special interests infiltrated the agencies right from the start. For example, in the case of the Food And Drug Administration or FDA (founded in 1906), there is an excellent book about infiltration of this agency within six years of its founding. This book is The History Of The Crime Against The Food Law by Harvey Wiley, MD.
6. National security threat. More recently, US government agencies have been infiltrated by Chinese and Russians using high-tech methods of brainwashing, rape, beatings, electronic implants and more. This is treacherous and destroying the nations today.
For example, cell phones and cell phone towers are dangerous for your health. Does the agency that regulates them care? Absolutely not!
Similarly, white flour, white sugar, white rice, table salt and thousands of chemicals added to food are bad for your health. Does the agency (the FDA) that regulates food care about this? Obviously not!
Also, vaccination is horrible for your health. Do the agencies that regulate the medical industry care? Absolutely not! (The agencies are the FDA and the state medical licensing boards – both unconstitutional and therefore illegal).
For more details, read The Regulatory State and a recent book, Death By Regulation by Mary Ruwart.
3/30/22. Technically, no. We need and have some good spokespeople.
The spokespeople do not really lead. They tune in fairly well to the ONE, which is very difficult for most people. Then they transmit messages from the One. The spokespeople do not necessarily do this consciously.
3/29/22. The basic procedure. Relax, have your spine straight, and make sure you are not hungry, thirsty, tired, or upset. Then put your attention below your feet and pull down. While doing this, ask your question to the One.
Safety. If you want to be safe, keep asking the One for guidance at all times, and never stop. This is the most important advice for everyone at this time.
The One will tell you where to go, what to do, with whom and why. The One will tell you more than that, such as what is going on with the Rogues.
Who am I? The One will tell you who you are. The One will tell you what to eat and when to do coffee. The One will tell you why, as well, so you are not confused or angry about anything.
Fear. One will also tell you about fear. Fear is a lack of Love. That is all it is. It is not a separate thing. It is a lack. So if you are in fear, then you need to ask the One, What do I need? You will get an answer.
What if you cannot hear the answer? Then you need more of the pulling down exercise and more coffee enemas. These two, more than anything, will help you to hear the truth. The spinal twist also can help, especially if your spine is not perfectly aligned. The One will tell you all this, if you will ask.
Until you can hear the One, do the program – with the spinal twists, twist the fingers and toes, do coffee enemas, eat correctly and do the pulling down procedure and use a red heat lamp one hour every day or less if you use several lamps.
More of the heat lamp is often better because it helps reduce cancer in the body, and all the bodies have some today.
Is the One ever incorrect? Yes. The reason is that the One has many, many humans, creatures, plants and souls to talk to. Therefore, if you have an idea what to do or where to go, it is good to ask the One if your idea is correct.
Ask again. Also, if you tune into yourself and you are not sure about the advice of the One, then you must ask the One again, perhaps asking many times the same question. This is also because the One is very busy.
In the Bible. You will find this exact advice in the Bible. It is in the Book of Kings. It says the Hebrew people, which is all of us today, must have no kings (no leaders).
What is happening today? The same part of the Bible tells what will happen if the Hebrews choose to have leaders. The women will be raped and the men will be beaten and often killed in wars. That is what is happening today, but it need not happen. Just follow the Bible. Tune in to the One and do not have leaders.
Tomorrow's topic. Don't we need good leaders like Mr. Zelinskyy in Ukraine?
NOTE: Anyone who calls Mr. Zelinskyy a thug or a bad leader is on the wrong side, just as anyone who makes any excuse for the Russian attack on Ukraine is totally wrong and stop listening to them. It would not matter if they had 10 million neo-Nazis living in the area (which they don't have).
3/28/22. A logical question is, if development is as good as we say it is, why is it not taught more on earth? For example, why are there not more websites that explain it?
The answer is it is not in the interest of those who control our planet to have it taught. We know this sounds paranoid. However, anyone who searches deeply will find that there are powerful forces on earth that do not want you healthy and well-informed.
In fact, some that we call the rogues want you beaten, raped, sick, fearful and depressed. We recently improved the summary article about this group entitled The Rogues.
Development leads to the opposite of all this, so it is not allowed to be taught widely. Development is taught in a few monasteries and convents, and the Bible definitely teaches some aspects of development. I am not sure why I am allowed to teach it. For details, read Introduction To Development.
3/28/22. A very good organization that we recommend all Americans join is AMAC, the Association of Mature American Citizens. You don't have to be older to join and they send out a fiarly good magazine.
They lobby for conservative causes and need the support of as many people as possible. For details, go to
3/28/22. Today, Fox News had an excellent story discussing how both Russia and the United States are violating the Budapest Memorandum On Security Assurances For Ukraine (signed in 1994). Here are details:
When the Soviet Union broke apart in 1991, Ukraine “inherited” the third largest nuclear arsenal in the world with 1900 warheads. In an effort to limit the number of nations with nuclear weapons, Ukraine made an agreement to give up all her nuclear weapons. They were given back to Russia (and are probably still there).
In return, America, Russia and Great Britain agreed to protect the sovereignty and independence of Ukraine in case of any military attack against that nation.
NOTE: I do not believe the agreement was a formal Treaty voted upon by the US Congress. For this reason, Ukraine should never have signed the agreement.
Russia grossly violated this agreement by invading The Crimea in 2014 and now invading the rest of Ukraine. The Russians have broken many international treaties in the past and this is just the most recent example.
However, America and Great Britain are also obligated to defend Ukraine and are not doing so to any great extent. This means America and Great Britain are violating the agreement, as well.
Please pressure your representatives to honor the Budapest Memorandum of 1994. One of many websites that explains this in more detail is
3/28/22. The price of gold rose an average of nearly 6% per year over the past six years. It rose an average of 10% annually for the past 20 years.
I am told that gold will continue to do well because gold is not just a metal. It is an accounting system that tracks spending by governments.
We suggest putting one's savings into gold at this time. We think other investments are much more risky.
3/27/22. Suicide is increasing around the world and is a terrible problem. The development program can help both to understand it and to stop it!
Meet Sandra. Sandra is 59 years old. She has been plagued with suicidal thoughts for at least 30 years. Psychotherapy, drug therapy and other methods have not been effective in relieving the problem.
Other symptoms were receding and inflamed gums (periodontitis), arthritis, asthma, allergies, fatigue, muscle pain, weight gain, intense craving for sweets, craving for starches, and at times, no hunger. Other mental/emotional symptoms were depression, fear, anger, anxiety and panic attacks.
An overall view. We will discuss more technical aspects of this case. However, there is another understanding of suicidal thoughts that is very valid.
When one is unhealthy, the cells send negative messages to the brain. They essentially say “We are a mess”, “We need better food”, and perhaps “We don't want keep living this way”. These message influence our thoughts.
As one becomes healthier with the development program, the messages change to positive ones and the thoughts of suicide fade away.
The development program. Sandra began the development program about five years ago. For the first three years, she had more energy, but most of her symptoms improved only slightly.
However, in the past six months, she has noticed dramatic improvements. Her suicidal thoughts are gone, which is the most remarkable.
Most of her other symptoms have either disappeared or are much less. Her gum disease is going away, she is much less depressed and has fewer food cravings. She can now lose weight if she stays on the development diet and she is much less anxious.
Mineral patterns on recent hair mineral tests.
Caring pattern. This is present when two ratios are near their ideal values: the calcium/magnesium ratio near 6.7 and the sodium/potassium ratio near 2.5. This is a spiritual pattern.
Getting help. Our medical team tells us that Sandra received five guide creatures. This is a lot of help!
The guide creatures are small, very intelligent fine matter creatures that align themselves in and around the body. They assist one based upon merit.
This means you will get their help provided you follow the development program well. They know at least a dozen unusual methods to help heal and develop the body.
In our experience, they will not assist nearly as much if you follow other healing or medical programs. However, they sometimes reward any effort one makes toward healing. For details, read The Controllers And Other Guide Creatures.
Coming alive. This pattern is present when all four of the first or second four minerals increase or remain the same. This case is somewhat unusual because:
- The coming alive pattern is present on the new retest AND on the previous retest, as well. We call this a persistent pattern. It is even more intense than if it just shows up on one retest.
- All four of the first four mineral levels increased. This is the most intense way that coming alive pattern can look. In some cases, only one, two or three of the mineral levels increase and the others stay the same. The latter is not as intense a pattern.
- The first four mineral levels increased a lot. This is also more intense. At times, the mineral levels may just increase by one or two mg%. However, all of Sandra's first four mineral levels doubled or nearly doubled.
- The coming alive pattern is present on the first four AND the second four minerals. We call this a double or doubling pattern. It is definitely more intense. It means the pattern is present at a more conscious level AND at a deeper level of existence, as well. Also, all four of the first four AND the second four minerals increased on both the new retest AND on the previous retest, which is even more intense.
This combination of intensity might be called a super coming alive situation. For details, read Coming Alive.
It takes energy to feel feelings. Coming alive indicates better adaptive energy. A principle is that to heal one's traumas requires adaptive energy. This is a basic physiological concept.
A note about fatigue. Fatigue can have many causes when one follows the development program. It can simply be due to biochemical imbalances. However, it can also be due to the process of development and maturing, and to temporary changes that occur in body chemistry as one heals.
Leaving the cult. This is an increase in the levels of a number of minerals that are associated with traumas such as rapes and beatings. This pattern is also intense because many of the “cult minerals” increased AND the same pattern was present on Sandra's previous hair mineral retest.
An amigo dump. This pattern is present when the levels of iron, manganese and aluminum increase or stay the same on a retest hair mineral analysis. We are not sure why, but this is a very positive pattern. Perhaps the reason is that it is a powerful leaving the cult pattern.
Once again, in this case the amigo dump pattern is very intense because:
- The amigo dump pattern was present on the new retest AND on the previous retest.
- All of the levels increased, rather than merely staying the same.
- The levels increased a lot, nearly doubling on all the three minerals.
Intense maturing pattern. Maturing pattern is present when the levels of all or any of the following minerals increase: potassium, nickel, aluminum and copper.
When one follows the development program and these mineral levels increase, it indicates an elimination of toxic forms of these minerals. Many people report feeling more mature when this occurs.
Sandra's newest retest reveals an increase in three of these four minerals, so it is another quite intense pattern.
The pattern is more intense because it was present on the new retest AND on the previous retest. For details, read The Child Minerals.
Seven anchor patterns. Anchor patters are present when the level of a mineral does not change or changes very little, according to specific criteria. One must also be following the development program for the pattern to be valid at all.
Seven anchor patterns on one test we call a new brain because it indicates significant brain improvement.
More intensity. To add to the intensity, on her previous test she had ten anchor patterns. This we call a wise person pattern because of the improvement in brain activity.
Anchor patterns indicate deepening of the sulci of the brain. These are the curves or folds on the surface of the brain. Rapes and beatings tend to flatten these folds and this damages the brain significantly. This is a primary way the Rogues control most women and some men on earth.
All out or everything coming out. This pattern is present when the levels of at least six of most minerals increase on a retest. On this retest, 11 mineral levels increased, making this a rather intense all-out pattern.
All out indicates a great improvement in a person's ability to remove from the body toxic metals or toxic forms of nutrient minerals. It is another excellent pattern.
More intensity. Sandra's previous hair mineral retest revealed 13 all out or everything coming out patterns. All this intensity can be called waking up from the dead OR rising from the ashes.
The souls tells us this is an accurate description of Sandra. The outer person does not feel it all yet, but knows she is much happier and healthier.
3/26/22. We believe Ukraine is an important place in the world because it is over an energy center of the earth. A number of wars have been fought over this territory. Notice the pattern of who is fighting whom.
The Crimean War of 1853-1856. In 1853, the Russian dictator, Czar Nicholas I, invaded the Eastern part of Ukraine, called the Crimea. A number of nations including France and Great Britain intervened to stop the Russian invasion and were successful. However, 650,000 people died in this war!
The Crimean War of 2014. In 2014, the Russian dictator, Putin, viciously attacked the Crimea with a huge army. There was an intentional media blackout about it, so most people know very little about this awful attack.
The Ukrainians fought back, but did not have the support of the rest of the world and the invaders are still there. The Russians have completely ruined the area. Fighting still rages there today, although it is not reported in the controlled media.
Russia sponsors thousands of pro-Russian propaganda websites, so it is difficult to get accurate information. However, an excellent article about this war is at
War in 2022. Today, the same Russian dictator wants to take over and destroy all of Ukraine and is busy doing so. Ukraine has appealed to the United Nations and over 100 nations have pledged troops to stop the destruction of this peaceful nation. American and other international troops are already there, but this is not being reported, either.
3/26/22. Another story of the Crimean War of 1853 involves a very important woman. She worked in a field hospital as a nurse during this war.
Everyone needs to know the story of Florence Nightingale. She was a pioneer of natural healing and an early founder of today's development program.
The world knows her as the founder of modern nursing, but did much more than this. She designed hospitals and wrote a lot about nutrition, lifestyle, and more. For details about her fascinating life story, read Florence Nightingale.
3/25/22. In yesterday's post about coffee enema detoxification mechanism, we omitted a helpful extra method of detoxification.
The preparation enema. Doing a quick water enema before a coffee enema achieves the following:
- It prepares the souls of the body for the coffee implant. This is quite important and assists the efficacy of the coffee enema.
- Helps remove intestinal gas. This can help one to hold the coffee enema for 20 minutes.
- Cleans out the colon. This makes it easier to hold the coffee enema.
- Removes feces that would absorb coffee that should be absorbed by the body.
If possible, use distilled water for the water enema. If you have it, use of distilled water for the preparation enema will cleanse the colon even better. However, using tap water is fine if you llive in a nation that has drinkable tap water.
No need to hold prep enema. Just put water in and then expel.
One prep enema usually enough. Some of our clients do several prep enemas to fully clean out the colon. We don't recommend this because introducing a lot of water into the colon is more yin and not helpful. It also takes extra time.
Another hint for better detoxification - almonds. Eat four almonds just before doing a coffee enema. This signals the body that the coffee enema will follow. It may also help maintain blood sugar, which can decrease due to a coffee enema.
We do not usually recommend eating nuts of any kind. This is an exception.
3/24/22. Coffee enemas are superb for detoxification and for development. Here are ways to enhance the detoxification effects of coffee enemas:
1. Distilled water. Ideally, use at least half distilled water with coffee enemas. Distilled water absorbs many toxins. We don't recommend drinking distilled water for more than a day or two because it lacks minerals. However, for enemas is works well. It also helps extract more nutrients from the coffee.
2. Coffee grounds. It is excellent to have a few coffee grounds mixed in with your coffee for enemas. These act like a charcoal filter on a cigarette, absorbing certain toxins.
NOTE: Too much coffee grounds will clog up the enema tube. ¼ teaspoon is plenty.
Note about holding the enema: If the coffee in your enema absorbs a lot of toxins, you may not be able to hold the coffee for the full 15 to 20 minutes. That is fine. Sometimes it is best to just hold it for 5 to 20 minutes and then do another coffee enema right afterwards. The fresh coffee will absorb even more toxins. At times, this is necessary to feel better.
3. Rub the reflex areas to the liver and kidneys on your hands and/or feet while you hold your enema. This is very helpful!! For details, read Reflexology.
4. Breathe deeply while you hold the enema. This is easy and relaxing. It also helps if you get a cramp while holding the enema. For details, read Deep Breathing.
5. Do your best to relax fully while doing the enema. Make the location warm and comfortable. This makes the body more parasympathetic, which greatly assists detoxification.
6. Shine a red heat lamp on yourself while holding the enema. The frequencies of the reddish heat lamp are needed and will assist detoxification.
Often it is not difficult to clamp a red heat lamp bulb so it shines on your skin while you do an enema. For details, read Single Lamp Therapy.
7. If possible, get a bidet toilet attachment. It is excellent to clean up your bottom when you expel the coffee after the enema. In addition, he water striking the anal sphincter stimulates a powerful reflex system.
Aiming it a little further forward for a minute or two spins the first Energy Center. This is also excellent for detoxification. The bide can do more than this. For details, read The Bidet.
8. Do the Pulling Down Exercise while holding the enema. This means to move subtle energy downward from your head to your feet. You can do this by being aware of your right hand, one finger at a time, as you look straight outward. Do not roll your eyes upward. This is the older method I used.
The other method is to first move your attention below your feet and then imagine a magnet or vacuum cleaner pulling energy downward from your head down to your feet.
NOTE: While holding the enema, do not put your hands together in a prayer position and do not put your feet or knees right together. For some reason, this moves subtle energy upward, which is not desirable.
9. Tilt your body so that your hips are higher than your head. This will help move coffee to the top surface of the transverse colon. This is the reflex area to the brain and to the liver, and greatly assists detoxification of these important areas.
You can do this by putting a firm pillow under your hips. If you are using a massage table or bed, you can tilt the entire table or bed.
10. Do the Open Position Procedure while holding the coffee enema. This will assist detoxification in some people. It involves spreading your arms and legs outward.
This is also a form of psychodrama for some people that is very helpful to help retrace traumas such as rape. To understand this very powerful healing and detoxification method, read Psychodrama.
3/24/22. One issue in the Ukraine War is that Europe and America require oil and Russia has some to sell. Under president Trump, America became independent of Russia and other nations for oil and was also supplying other nations.
Mr. Biden became president illegally because there were Supreme Court challenges to the election that were not resolved. One of his first treasonous acts was to cancel an important oil pipeline project, the XL Pipeline. It was almost completed and stopping it was a completely illegal act in our view.
He also canceled oil drilling permits. As a direct result, the price of oil around the world almost doubled, even before the Russian attack in Ukraine! It sounds harsh, but Mr. Biden needs to be arrested (citizen's arrest) and tried for treason right away.
NOTE: Washington, DC, the once beautiful and historic capital of America, has been turned into an armed camp because the current administration knows they are imposters.
3/23/22. Look up the word holodomor. It means death by starvation in Ukrainian and is related to our word holocaust.
In 1932-1933, Russian dictator Josef Stalin intentionally starved at least four million Ukrainians. It was the crime of genocide.
Sadly, the Russians are at it again. This is one reason the Ukrainians are fighting back against the present Russian dictator, and why they need our help.
This story should be explained by our media. However, they are mostly controlled so the truth is difficult to find.
3/23/22. One of our clients recently had an MRI scan. He was feeling very good on the development program, but now he is very unwell. The problem is the toxicity of gadolinium. This is a toxic metal that is used as a contrast medium to make certain body structures more visible on an MRI scan.
Our client's physician says the gadolinium caused a lung infection. So they loaded him with antibiotics that not only did not work, but made him much sicker. Now they want to do surgery on his lungs.
He finally contacted me. He prefaced it by saying that he knew the development program could not help him and maybe he needs chelation therapy.
My comments. In fact, we have helped others with gadolinium poisoning. For details, read Gadolinium Toxicity.
Our approach is to reverse or undo the situation – meaning to remove the gadolinium – rather than to palliate symptoms with toxic drugs or surgery. This is an important difference between the development program and most other healing methods.
As for chelation therapy, it is dangerous because the drugs are somewhat toxic and it removes good minerals along with the toxic ones. It also does not remove toxic metals nearly as deeply as the development program. For details, read Chelation Therapy.
3/23/22. We are carrying stories about the war in Ukraine because few other media outlets are paying enough attention to this serious conflict. This hospital story has been reported by only one American media outlet that I could find - It is a disgrace.
In most wars, disease, starvation, and other problems cause as much or more death as do bullets and bombs. This war is no exception. Millions of people have been forced from their homes and the weather is freezing. Mr. Putin just seems to want to kill as many people as possible.
The Russians are bombing hospitals and other humanitarian facilities. As a result, there is a great need for hospital facilities.
The first nation that has set up a hospital in Ukraine is Israel. They have opened a field hospital in the Ukrainian city of Mostyska, Lviv region. It is a group of insulated canvas tents.
The field hospital is set up in an elementary school playground. It has 66 beds and 60 staff members. Seventeen tons of hospital equipment were flown from Israel to Poland and then brought by truck to Ukraine. It is costing $66 million dollars, supported by grants from a few Christian and Hebrew foundations.
The hospital can service 150 patients at a time and includes a triage area, an emergency ward, men’s, women’s and children’s wards, labor and delivery facilities, imaging and telehealth technologies, mental health services, a lab, a pharmacy and an outpatient clinic.
Israel has set up hospitals before. In 2010, they set up a field hospital in Haiti, after a bad earthquake. A field hospital was also set up in Japan in 2011 after the earthquake and tsunami. They also set up hospitals in the Philippines in 2013, and in Nepal in 2015.
Israel. Another aspect of this story that few talk about is that the Rogues spread lots of misinformation about Israel. They do this because they hate the Bible and anything connected to it. For clarification, read The Nation Of Israel.
For details, see
3/22/22. At this time, I am told that many fine matter creatures are being returned to the earth. They are being freed from Rogue prisons in space. Some have been there for thousands of years. Fine matter beings can live a long time.
This process has been going on for a few months. We have reported on it before. However, it seems to be speeding up, so much so that it is like an airlift.
These creatures belong on earth and help maintain our planet. So this is a very positive event. For example, they are starting to help limit the war in Europe, among many other activities.
My understanding is that the fine matter creatures are in charge of events on earth, not human beings. Most people cannot see fine matter creatures because their bodies are of a lower density than ours. A few of them that are known on earth are angels, elves and souls.
3/22/22. There is a lot happening in Ukraine. It is a very important conflict between the forces of tyranny and the forces of democracy and decency.
Yet if you go to most news services, even supposedly conservative ones, you will find very little about the war. The exception is, which is pro-Ukraine and has a lot of news stories.
I am told that Russia continues firing rockets and other vicious attacks on Ukrainian cities. Ukraine is holding on and fighting well to defend their nation. Many nations are sending weapons and supplies to Ukraine. Germany is sending a lot of aid to them.
3/22/22. Many people do not know that when Rogue operatives rape and beat women, which they do across the world, they tell the women they must vote liberal or Democrat. The women are extremely frightened, and often brainwashed, so most go along.
3/21/22. Mary is 59 years old. At 15, she experienced several bad rapes and beatings, as have most women on earth. For details about this horror, read The Rape Planet and Rape.
The perpetrators, who are the group we call the Rogues (called Satan in the Bible), put toxic grease all over her body that contained toxic metals. After those incidents, she was always tired and her brain was foggy. She also had back and shoulder pain, depression, nausea and chronic anger.
The development program. Twelve years ago, Mary found the development program. For the first few years, she did not follow the diet too well, although she took the supplements.
She experienced many small improvements but her energy level remained low – until recently. Now she feels much happier, lighter, and has much more energy. All her symptoms have lessened or disappeared.
Most recent hair mineral test. Mary's new hair mineral test revealed the following patterns.
Peak. On the second four minerals, Mary has a very steep hill pattern, which is called a peak. A hill pattern signifies reaching the top of a hill or celebration and is very positive. A peak is even better. For details, read Hill Pattern On A Hair Mineral Analysis.
Hilling. On the first four minerals, Mary has a hilling pattern. This means that she is moving toward a hill pattern. This is also a very positive mineral pattern. This situation is explained in the Hill Pattern article.
All coming out. Twelve mineral levels increased on Mary's new mineral test. This is an all out or everything coming out pattern. When 12 or more minerals increase, the pattern is called I am new again in advanced acupuncture.
This pattern indicates much better elimination of toxins from the body and is very positive. For details, read All Out or Everything Coming Out Pattern On A Hair Mineral Analysis.
Maturing. Mary's new mineral analysis reveals that she is eliminating some of the 'child' minerals. The child minerals include potassium, aluminum, copper and nickel. In our experience, when the levels of any one or more of these minerals increases on a retest, a person often feels more independent and mature. For details, read The Child Minerals.
Leaving the cult. Mary eliminated several of what we call the cult minerals on her new mineral analysis. These include copper, iron, manganese, chromium, lead, mercury, arsenic, aluminum, nickel and zirconium.
During all rapes and beatings, vital minerals including calcium, magnesium, zinc and selenium leave the body as part of the fight-or-flight reaction.
In their place, the perpetrators put the cult minerals into the bodies. They do this by rubbing a grease onto the skin, through the secretions of the rapist, and at times, the woman is forced to drink a vial of liquid.
Once there, a woman's thinking is cloudy. The rogues often tell her “you are now one of us”. She may find herself thinking about, wanting and strangely drawn back to more rapes and beatings. For details, read Leaving The Cult Pattern.
Zirconium. Analytical Research Labs does not read the level of hair zirconium. However, our medical team told us that Mary recently eliminated a lot of zirconium. This is very important.
Zirconium is an unusual cult mineral. It seems to make girls and women much more interested in sex and less aware.
Eliminating this toxic mineral is excellent for women. They often report feeling much happier, freer and more 'normal'. It is not easy to eliminate and usually requires some years on the development program. For details, read Zirconium.
Goalpost or window pattern. Mary's new test reveals a goalpost pattern. This looks somewhat like two goalposts on an American football field. It is a positive pattern that indicates a person has reached a goal of theirs. For details, read The Goalpost Pattern.
Four highs pattern. This is a secondary alarm reaction and associated with inflammation. In this instance, it probably has to do with toxic metal elimination through the kidneys that we call kidney stress. This can temporarily raise the level of sodium and potassium in the hair tissue. For details, read Three Highs or Four Highs Pattern.
Weight gain. Mary recently complained of weight gain. The four highs pattern with elevated sodium may be the reason.
Also, whenever the body is mobilizing toxic metals for elimination, it may hold some extra water weight to assist the metal removal. The souls report her weight is decreasing just in the past few days.
Chiropractic helpful. Mary was not feeling well during this elimination until she went for a chiropractic adjustment. Then, suddenly, all of her symptoms improved. This requires explanation.
Mary has received chiropractic care for years. However, we observe that one must continue to align the spine every day because it can lock up or becoming misaligned easily during the development program.
This is why we recommend the basic spinal twist procedure every day. Mary did not do this procedure often enough. Instead, she just visited her chiropractor once a month or so. This is not enough! For details, read The Twist, Pop, Pull and Kick Procedures.
3/21/22. Warning. This post is going to sound scary, but there is hope and many positive events are occurring. We report on it all to keep you informed.
The communist Chinese, in particular, are stealing thousands of companies, buildings, land, and more all over the world. It is part of the 'axis of evil' that is becoming clearer each day.
The axis of evil. Russia is the main military force with at least a million-man army with units all over the world. Iran and other Arab nations are the main ones handling matters to do with the fine matter world.
China is handling economic matters. They manufacture everything imaginable and they have been taking over, usually fraudulently, companies, land, and all kinds of economic resources. They have also infiltrated dozens of government agencies that regulate product.
The rogue connection. All these nations have become stooges for the Rogues, who are aliens. The Bible calls them Satan. This is important to know. Most of the people living in these nations are not the perpetrators of the crimes.
Fraud. Those defending out planet view all this economic activity as fraudulent. The Chinese, Russian and Arab methods often include rapes, beatings, murder, replacing people with look-alikes, implants in the head and other illegal methods.
This has been and is being done very quietly so that few notice it. Things seem okay except products may change according to what the new owners want.
For example, the new washing machines don't clean the clothes very well. The new cars spy on you and cost too much.
The internet companies such as Google, Microsoft, Twitter, Facebook and hundreds of others now blatantly censor anything and anyone they don't like. The colleges and even elementary schools no longer teach traditional values. Now they teach critical race theory, systemic racism, gender dysphoria and other lies.
Solutions. We don't like to report negative news. However, this is the situation and more and more people know it. In the event that this axis is defeated, which we hope will occur, there will be a need to redistribute the world's economic assets to the people of the earth.
3/20/22. One needs to be very clear in one's moral position regarding the war in Ukraine.
The people of Ukraine, a rather small and weak nation, were not and are not threatening the existence of Russia. Therefore, there is no moral justification for invading and bombing millions of innocent people and destroying their lives and billions of dollars worth of property. This behavior is wholly unacceptable and is called genocide.
This is a completely different issue from whether you like Ukrainians versus Russians, or whether there is corruption in Ukraine, which of course there is all over the world.
I am shocked that some of our readers don't understand the above. There is something dreadfully wrong with their moral compass and they certainly don't understand the Ten Commandments and the Golden Rule.
The same situation exists in regard to the nation of Israel. One may not like Hebrew people. If so, don't marry one or don't buy their products. However, calling for the destruction of their nation, as some do, is not morally acceptable. They are threatening no one.
3/20/22. Young people are taught in the sick, corrupt American schools and the lying media that America is racist. Some even teach the nation should be destroyed. The truth is that America is the least racist nation in the world.
More racial and ethnic groups live close together in harmony in America than anywhere in the world. This fact is called the melting pot, and it is the truth. So-called “systemic racism” and “critical race theory” are completely false.
3/19/22. I am told that Russian forces have attacked the Northeast tip of the USA. The news is not being reported. Mr. Biden is the real traitor for not opposing Mr. Putin.
The Russians use advanced beaming technology to steal weapons and men from the armies of the Western nations that oppose him, and have been doing so for some years.
The Russians also have very advanced laser weapons, disruptor weapons, digging machines and more given to them by the group we call the Rogues. There is very little reporting of this. They are also using atomic bombs, exploding them and cloaking them above Ukraine to “soften up” the opposition.
Fortunately, there are also unusual forces opposing the Russians. They include many fine-matter creatures such as angels. One cannot see them but they help out. To read about fine-matter creatures, read Bodies – Their Structure And Activities.
3/19/22. I am told that Mr. Putin has effectively kept from the world the presence of huge amounts of forces he brought to Ukraine on cloaked ships and lots of forces underground. He is using enormous advanced laser digging machines to tunnel under Ukrainian cities.
3/18/22. Love is real, and is the force that unites people all over the world and stops dictators in their tracks. Never doubt this. Stay in a loving vibration at all times and consciously send out this energy to heal the world.
For details, read Self-Love, Kinds Of Love According To The 7 System, How To Love According To the 7 System, Love As Radiance and Meaning Of the Letters L-O-V-E.
Broadcasting. A key benefit of development is that one will automatically have more of a positive influence on others. It is an important reason to remain on the development program and do more of it.
Why this occurs. One's influence grows because as one develops, one's aura or etheric energy field expands. As it does so, it touches more people until it is so large it will touch everyone on earth.
Also, as one develops one's power or voltage increases. This is an increase in the density of the etheric body or energy field. As a result of these two changes in yourself, you become a more powerful force in the world.
You become less of an effect of others or victim and more of a cause.
Learning to radiate. The above occurs naturally as you do the pulling down exercise and follow the development diet and supplement program. You can also consciously learn to radiate energy outward. This is a wonderful activity because it helps others, yet can be done at no cost and from the safety and privacy of your home.
An exercise. A simple and powerful exercise to learn broadcasting is to sit or lie down comfortably. Imagine a powerful light bulb in the middle of your chest. Imagine it is shining light out to the world in all directions. Make the light shine brighter and brighter. This is wonderful training for broadcasting.
For details, read Broadcasting, Women And Broadcasting and Maturity For Women.
3/17/22. This post will sound very unusual. Please keep an open mind.
Summary: I am told that our planet is located inside an enormous, female, fine-matter being. More specifically, we are located in the area of the pacemaker of her heart.
The group we call the Rogues want control of the earth because they want control of the pacemaker of the heart of this large being.
The biological concept of the universe. The idea that outer space is alive is called the biological concept of the universe. Some astronomers believe in this theory.
Most astronomers think that our universe with its stars and planets originated from an explosion. This is called the big bang theory.
However, some astronomers say that the arrangement of the heavenly bodies does not support this theory. They say it makes more sense to believe that the planets and stars were created by a birth process, just like our bodies give rise to various structures. This is the biological concept of the universe.
Meet our local creator. The being in whom we are located says she is very large and very old. Her name is Aram, (emphasis on the first syllable).
She is about a million times the size of our planet and a few trillion years old. Fine matter beings have few size limits and they live a long time.
Her name means one who loves.
The local creator. She gave birth to our planet and the others in our solar system, along with the sun. In this regard, she is our creator.
However, she was given life by an even larger male and female couple who go by the name of The Father.
Is it male chauvinist? She says this sounds male-chauvinist, but it is not. The male being of the couple provides a spiritual spark of life and the female then gives rise to the body. This is true of all species everywhere. To emphasize the spiritual nature of life, she and others use the male word Father.
Love. She also wants us to know she loves us totally and unconditionally. So unconditional love is real and does exist. It is the love of the creator (no capital c because she is not the big Creator).
Sickness. She also wants us to know she is not well. She has a disease that you call Satan in your Bible (or that we call the rogues). It is severe and there is a fight at this time for her life. She appreciates all our help, and our love for the planet. It helps.
The cause of the disease is a faulty lifestyle and diet. She says she is working to correct this. We will see if it is enough to save her.
Enough. She says this is enough information for now. She knows it is hard to imagine, but it is true. Just remember you are loved always and totally by your creator
Seeing her. We cannot see the large being of which we are part for two reasons:
1) She is made of fine matter. This is less dense than our coarse matter bodies and most people cannot see fine matter.
Angels and elves are fine matter beings. Some people – mostly young girls - can see them, but most people cannot see them.
2) She is so large that if we could see her, we would only be able to see a tiny part of her and not her entire form. However, there are souls and creatures in space who can see at very long distance and they tell us that we are indeed in the heart of this large being.
Implications for the earth. If we are part of a large being, one might ask, what do we do for her? What is our role or job?
Communication. The answer, I am told, is that human beings, when healthy, are excellent communicators. We are capable of advanced speech (unlike the animals). Also, some humans can do long distance mental telepathy.
The pacemaker of the heart continuously communicates with all parts of the body. It does this to decide how fast and how vigorously the heart must beat to move the blood properly throughout the body.
3/17/22. In yesterday's post (Case History-Leukemia) I mentioned that if one is following someone else's healing program, then the hair mineral patterns are often not accurate. I will elaborate:
There are two main types of patterns on a hair mineral test: 1) Those that appear on an initial test and 2) Those that can be discerned only from a retest because they require a comparison of two mineral tests. (There is a third type of pattern, which we call a progression. It requires comparing three or more successive hair mineral tests.)
Regarding initial test patterns. If a person is not on any healing program, usually the initial hair mineral patterns will be accurate.
If one is on someone else's healing or medical program, the diet, supplements, herbs or drugs of the program may influence the initial hair mineral readings.
It would help to stop other programs before getting an initial hair test with us, but it is not required to begin our program.
Regarding retest patterns. These are only valid if one is following the development program set up by one of the Helpers listed at Find A Helper. If one is on someone else's program or no program, then the retest hair mineral patterns are usually not valid.
3/16/22. Kristin is 65 years old. Ten years ago she was diagnosed with chronic lymphatic leukemia or CLL. It is a disorder of the nuclei of the bone marrow cells that produce white blood cells or lymphocytes. We will use these two terms interchangeably in this post.
When this part of the bone marrow becomes toxic with certain copper and other toxic compounds, the body cannot produce effective lymphocytes. To try to keep up the activity of the immune system, the body then produces many more lymphocytes. This is okay, but does not solve the problem of the toxic bone marrow.
The condition not only causes a high number of white blood cells. It often impairs the production of other substances in the bone marrow.
CLL is considered a blood cancer. Things go from bad to worse and usually the condition kills the person after a number of years.
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia is a very important condition that is quite common in older people today. Physicians often fail to identify it because in its early stages it produces few symptoms. One may have an elevated white blood cell count, but even this may not be present early in the condition.
If physicians find it, they use standard cancer drugs to slow down CLL. However, the drugs only slow the progress of the condition. They do not heal it.
NOTE: With the development program, we don't need to diagnose and we don't do it. It is technically illegal to diagnose if one is not a licensed medical or other physician.
Instead, we put a person on a Path that will slowly improve most health conditions.
Latent or sub-clinical conditions. In fact, many of our clients over the age of about 30 have the beginning of leukemia and dozens of other serious health conditions. They are filthy inside! (Now you know why the development procedures, especially coffee enemas, are so needed.)
We don't discuss this because it would just cause alarm. It would also cause many people to run to doctors for toxic chemotherapy and other medical procedures. We find these are not needed if one follows the development program.
These conditions are called latent or sub-clinical. A problem with medical and natural health care is the difficulty finding these conditions until they are fairly advanced. By then, it is more difficult to correct them.
In contrast, the development program begins at once to address latent and sub-clinical health conditions that most people have.
The development program. Kristin found the development program two and one-half years ago. She was told the program might help the CLL if she follows it carefully and adds a few items to the program.
The extra program for Kristin. If one has a diagnosis of CLL, it means the condition is advanced. This is one of the rare instances in which knowing the diagnosis helps us. In this situation, we recommend a more intense development program.
The additional protocol. This is 2-4 coffee enemas daily, 1.5 to 2 hours in a red heat lamp sauna daily, and three extra EPA-DHA capsules daily.
For some months we recommend no red meat and no eggs. Both these foods are high in a dangerous form of iron for these people. We also suggest three or four cups of taheebo tea from, and no glandular products.
In addition, for Kristin we suggested the Budwig protocol (but not the Budwig diet). We do not recommend this for everyone and must check with the souls of a person to see if it would be helpful.
This is quite an involved program, but that is what is required to reverse this more advanced degenerative condition of the body.
Improvements. Kristin reports: “More energy, and my arm and shoulder pain improved. I am happier and clearly enjoy life and relationships.” She also wrote down many fewer symptoms than on past retests.
Most recent hair mineral test. Kristin's new hair mineral test revealed the following:
Coming alive. The levels increased of three of the first four minerals (calcium, magnesium, and sodium) on the ARL hair chart. The level of the fourth mineral, potassium, remained the same.
When all four of the first or second four minerals (iron, copper, manganese and zinc) on an ARL hair chart either increase or remain the same, it is called a coming alive pattern. It is very positive. The numbers rise because there is more life in the body. For details, read Coming Alive Pattern On A Hair Mineral Analysis.
Out of four lows. Kristin's body chemistry had been in a four lows pattern ever since she began the development program. Four lows is also called 'two feet in the tunnel of death'. Emerging from four lows is another excellent joy or healing pattern.
Forward flip of the sodium/potassium ratio. The ratio of sodium to potassium changed from 1.75 (low) to 6.5 (elevated). This is called a forward flip of this ratio. It is a very positive joy pattern.
On the development program, all ratios have meaning. One of the most important is the sodium/potassium ratio. It indicates the electrical balance of the cells, something that is most important with CLL. It also indicates improvement in the immune response.
Often, one's attitude also improves when this ratio improves. It indicates much more, as well. For details, read The Sodium/potassium Ratio.
Eleven anchor patterns. Anchors indicate a special type of healing in the brain. The folds or ridges of the brain or sulci become deeper. A person becomes more able to think clearly and deeply. One also may develop special abilities.
An anchor pattern is present when the level of a mineral remains the same or varies only slightly on a retest. This is unusual, but seems to be related to the healing of the brain sulci.
Kristin has eleven minerals with this pattern, which is excellent. It is one reason she is happier. We say she got a brain. For details, read Getting A Brain, Brain Fog and Anchors and Pivots or Twists.
Rape and the sulci. The cause of slightly flattened sulci of the brain can just be nutritional. More commonly, it is due to trauma such as beatings and rape.
We find that most all women have been beaten and usually raped. We discuss this horrible problem in The Rape Planet and Rape articles.
All or almost all women (not yet sure about men – as of 2/17/22) on earth are subjected to disgusting beatings and rapes, usually beginning in early childhood. They seem to be random, but they are thoroughly professional and conducted by the group we call the Rogues.
Their operatives can look like junior-high school boys, old men, and even school girls who trap a girl in the school bathroom and beat her. Do not send girls to school! We cannot say this often enough.
Beaches. Rogue operatives often use beaches to molest and later to rape girls and young women. We suggest avoiding bringing little girls to the beach unless the girl stays very close to several adults all the time!
Too often, mother or father fall asleep at the beach. The rogues can even signal parents to go to sleep and signal the girl to move away from her mother.
Everything coming out. Kristin has another excellent pattern that indicates better elimination of toxic substances from the body. It is an increase in at least six of certain minerals (not zinc). Kristin's levels of calcium, magnesium, sodium, copper, chromium and selenium all increased on this retest.
Right twist or pivot. On the first four minerals, the first three increased while the fourth remained the same. Visually, this change looks like a twist to the right.
A twist to the right indicates an insight and change of mind about oneself. Kristin's souls say this definitely occurred in the past three months. She is happier and more content with her life.
Left twist or pivot. On the second four minerals, the first one decreased. The second, third and fourth minerals remained the same or increased. Visually, this is a twist to the left.
A left twist pattern indicates an insight and change of mind about someone else. Kristin's souls report that this occurred, as well, in regard to her children.
Twist patterns are excellent healing patterns provided that one is following the development program. If one is following someone else's program, none of the mineral patterns may apply.
I will elaborate on the above statement. If a person is not on a healing program, often the initial hair test patterns will be accurate. However, if one is on a healing program, the program can influence the readings.
Inflammation. The elevated sodium/potassium ratio indicates an inflammatory process in Kristin's body. This is an important stage of healing of CLL.
Trauma retracing. Kristin also has a double low ratio pattern on the second four minerals. This indicates a deep retracing of a trauma.
Poor eliminators. Very low levels of iron, copper, cadmium and manganese on this retest tell us that Kristin is not done with her healing. The low readings indicate an inability to remove toxic substances from the body.
3/16/22. Regeneration of the liver is a priority with the development program. Milk thistle, a common garden herb, can help with this task.
We now recommend that adults have one-fourth of a dropper of milk thistle tincture from Nature's Answer once daily. It must be the tincture that says 'Low alcohol'. Children need less, depending upon their weight and size.
About milk thistle. Milk thistle as an herb that helps regenerate the liver. This is due to its nutrient content. It is a source of good quality selenium, iron, copper and manganese.
Milk thistle also contains a set of souls that can assist one to decide which development foods and how much to eat. For details about the liver, read The Liver And Its Problems and Steps To Liver Detoxification.
3/15/22. I am told that implementation of the 5G phone system has been stopped, at least for now. The thousands of satellites it requires are not in the sky. The rogues are trying to put them up there.
This is important because earth has certain shields for protection against intruders. Satellites, even the ones we already have, damage the shield system. The ones we have are the GPS system, the satellite television system, military, cell phone and other satellites. For details, read 5G.
3/15/22. Our clients in Finland report that people are driving cars to the Ukraine-Poland border and perhaps other borders and picking up stranded women and children. It is a long drive - a day and a half or longer. We thank you!
3/15/22. I am told that the Russians are having a few problems. The people of Ukraine are supposed to just roll over and give up.
However, it is not occurring. In fact, the entire world is taking up the Ukrainian cause and supporting them.
This even includes Chinese, Russian and some Arab people. Their nations are not able to keep the war quiet. They are able to talk with friends in other nations and some can visit websites such as that discuss the real news.
I am told that much of the war is being fought underground. The Russians have up to 100 destructive projects in progress underground in Ukraine.
The planetary. Every true planet has two large, fine matter beings inside of it called the planetaries. It is a couple – a male and female being who are soul twins. For details, read Soul Twins.
The energy centers. The planetaries of the earth have seven physical energy centers along the midline of their bodies. We have these centers, as well.
There is no word for these energy centers in our language. Some call them the chakras, a Sanskrit word that has found its way into our language. This word means the funnels the Sanskrit language.
Indeed, the energy centers look like spinning funnels. The spin is extremely important to maintain the integrity of the earth.
The Rogues, who control the Russian forces, want this energy center badly damaged. This will make the earth easier to control. The rogues are having some difficulty taking over the planet and so they are risking a world war to damage this area of the earth.
More about the third center. The third center is the will center. On a human being, it is found near the belly button or navel. It is your “gut” and gives you 'gut feelings'.
It is also a power center. In some languages it is called the hara or power center. Some consider the third energy center to be the center of the body and this is true, in some ways.
It is associated with the adrenal glands, found just on top of the kidneys. The adrenals are your stress glands. They also produce many essential hormones to the body.
So you can see that this conflict is about more than just territory.
3/14/22. I am told the Russians have advanced technologies to capture enemy soldiers and equipment. They brainwash the soldiers and repaint the equipment and use the enemy's personnel and equipment against them.
Also, they continue to use banned weapons in an attempt to kill as many people as possible. Fortunately, the fine matter creatures of earth and others are joining in and are helping to minimize the loss of life. This is frustrating to Putin, who is a killer.
Also, the war is widening. More reports are surfacing about Chinese troop movements in Asia. They are moving convoys through Tibet toward India, another democratic nation. Also, Mr. Putin has asked China for military help in Ukraine.
There are also reports of Arab convoys in the Middle East moving in the direction of Israel. Fortunately, Israel recently found a lot of stolen equipment and men in a prison area in Saudi Arabia and has taken them back.
3/14/22. We worked more on this article, adding a few more topics. For details, read The Vagina.
3/14/22. All the article on our website and this newsletter go through a fact-checking and a rating process.
If an article or post is not over 99% accurate and if it is not over a certain rating level, it does not remain on the website. Newsletter posts do not go up unless they also meet these criteria. Some day, this system will be applied widely to articles and news stories around the world.
3/13/22. I am horrified that the Russian socialist dictatorship continues its barbaric, genocidal attack on a much smaller, democratic nation. Be very clear - Russia was not provoked or threatened by Ukraine in any way except that it offers liberty for its people. A good website to read that reprints various news items is
The Russian war criminals are using filthy weapons such as vacuum bombs and cluster bombs that violate well-established rules of warfare. I am also told the Russians are using nuclear or atomic weapons, but the news is not reporting it.
Russia is a member of the United Nations, but is completely violating their rules not to attack another UN member.
America used to intervene in such conflicts to help stop them and preserve the sovereignty of all nations. As an American citizen, I am very ashamed that the present (and illegal) government is doing very little to stop the conflict.
3/13/22. Martin just turned three years old. He was born with a learning disability and other developmental delays. This became worse after he received several vaccinations. This situation is extremely common today.
The development program. Martin began the development program about two years ago. He eats cooked vegetables three times daily and he eats most of the foods on the development diet.
He eats no fruit, no salad, and no junk food except a little fruit and bread served at a day care center where he spends some time daily. He also takes supplements, gets two foot rubs and sits in front of a red heat lamp every day.
Healing developmental problems. The development program is quite unique in its ability to heal developmental problems of infants and children.
This requires deep renourishing of the body and balancing body chemistry. It also requires deep removal of several dozen toxic metals that many babies and children are born with today.
Toxic metals are passed on to babies through the placenta from the mothers' toxic body. This is a problem for all young women today.
Mineral patterns on Martin's most recent hair mineral test.
Out of four lows. Martin was in a four lows pattern on his previous test, but not on this retest. Four lows means the levels of the first four or second four minerals are all equal to or lower than their ideal levels.
Four lows is an exhaustion pattern that is sometimes called “two feet in the tunnel of death”. Many children today are in this situation at age two or three! Leaving this pattern is very good. For details, read Four Lows Pattern.
Coming alive. This pattern is present when all four of the first four or second four minerals on an ARL mineral chart remain the same or increase. Martin has this pattern on the first four minerals (calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium). It is excellent an indicates better overall health. For details, read Coming Alive.
Settling down. This pattern is present when all four of the first four or second four minerals remain the same or decrease. Martin has this on the second four minerals – iron, copper, manganese and zinc. The second four minerals are a deeper level of the body.
Settling down is also called 'coming home'. It is primarily a nervous system pattern in which the person is more relaxed and parasympathetic. This is one of the important goals of the development program because healing occurs best when the body is most parasympathetic.
Zinc is still at 5 mg%. Zinc is absolutely required for growth and development of all life forms. It is a spiritual mineral, as well, needed for higher brain centers to function properly. Criminals always have less of it.
Martin's zinc level is very low. This is associated with developmental delays, learning problems and other developmental problems of childhood.
NOTE: Some physicians use replacement therapy and would give Martin a large amount of zinc to improve the zinc level. In our experience, this does not work.
In fact, it would make the hair zinc level move lower because it would further unbalance the sodium/potassium ratio, which is already low. Instead, the product Limcomin is a formula that contains zinc along with copper, manganese and other nutrients. It works better to cause the zinc level to rise. For details, read Zinc.
Maturing. This is present when the level of any of the 'child minerals' increases on a retest mineral analysis. These are potassium, aluminum, nickel or copper. A higher level indicates greater elimination of these minerals through the skin and hair.
We have observed that when these minerals come out of the body during a development program, often the person reports the brain works better, one is able to function more independently and feels more mature. For details, read The Child Minerals.
The oxidation rate increased. Martin had a slow oxidation rate. This is not normal for a three-year-old child. The retest indicates a faster oxidation rate, which is more normal for a child this age. For details, read Fast Oxidation.
Eight anchor patterns. Anchor patterns occur when the level of a mineral remains the same or change only slightly. The criteria for an anchor varies with each mineral.
Anchor patterns indicate better 'folding' of the sulci of the brain. This is a particular type of improvement in brain functioning.
Martin has eight minerals with the anchor pattern. We call this situation 'a new brain' and it is excellent.
Two twist or pivot patterns. Twist patterns are present when the direction of movement of the first or second four minerals on a retest visually appears like a twist or turning to the left or to the right.
For example, let us imagine that on a retest the first two minerals (calcium and magnesium) increase and the second two minerals (sodium and potassium) decrease. This indicates a slowing of the oxidation rate.
However, it has another meaning. If you draw a line across the tops of the mineral graphs and compare the old and the new tests, the line twists to the right. This is a right twist or right pivot.
Twists indicate an insight and change of mind. Left pivots primarily have to do with other people. Right twists have to do with oneself.
When twist patterns appear on both the first and second four minerals it is called a double pattern. Doubling of any mineral pattern strengthens the pattern. Martin's souls report that Martin has a much better understanding of his family in the last few months. For details, read Anchors And Pivots or Twists.
3/12/22.This is an awful subject to have to write about. However, there is much confusion on the subject and it is a critical matter at this time.
Legal definition of a war crime: A war crime is an act that violates the international laws, treaties, customs, and practices governing military conflict between belligerent states or parties.
Summary. The leaders of Ukraine and many others have called the behavior of Mr. Putin's army war crimes, crimes against humanity and/or genocide – all of which are illegal.
If one conducts a war, which can theoretically be for one's defense, as Mr. Putin claims, there is a more humane way to do it. This method is established in international law.
The method is to target military installations such as weapons and weapons factories. At the same time, one must be careful to leave the civilian population alone.
Mr. Putin has said that his goal in Ukraine is to remove the present leader and government. In its place, he wants to install a leader and a government that are more friendly to his nation.
However, events in the past few days make it clear that Mr. Putin is doing much more than his stated goal. He is committing atrocities against innocent civilians. This is the definition of a war crime, crime against humanity or genocide.
His crimes. These include bombing a children's hospital and stopping about 400,000 Ukrainian refugees from reaching safety outside the country. Intercepted messages from Putin to his commanders indicate he wants the refugees to starve or freeze to death.
Cluster bombs. Other crimes against civilians are the use of weapons forbidden by international treaties because they mainly harm civilians, not military targets. Mr. Putin uses cluster bombs that deliberately spread small pieces of metal or shrapnel far and wide, far beyond military targets. This deliberately kills civilians and has nothing to do with military targets.
Vacuum bombs. Mr. Putin uses these horrible weapons. They create a very high temperature blast, as hot as an atomic bomb. They mainly kill people, not military targets such as a warplane or a factory. This weapon is also forbidden by some international treaties.
NOTE: Vacuum bombs and atomic bombs kill, in large part, with heat. If you happen to look in the direction of an atomic bomb detonation from hundreds of miles away, it will burn out your eyes.
Again, what is the proper way to conduct a war? The proper way is to target military installations, but not the civilian population. The civilians are innocent people who usually have nothing to do with the actions of their government.
Example: The Israelis are very careful about this because they often accused of war crimes when they defend their nation. When the Israelis discover that a home or other civilian building is being used to store or fire weapons into Israel, they place a phone call to the home or building.
They announce that this building is being used for war and will be bombed at a precise time. They ask that anyone living or working in this building leave to avoid their death. They document the date, the time, and with whom they spoke.
This is the proper way to conduct military campaigns. Mr. Putin is not conducting the war in Ukraine this way. He is doing the opposite, deliberately targeting civilian housing, hospitals and more.
NOTE: Militaries have access to cell phone numbers. This is an outrage because the public is not given this access. In the past, you could just look up people's phone number in the phone book, but not any more.
History of the concept of war crimes. Human culture on earth has at times been very violent and cruel. Starting in the 1800s, standards for conducting warfare were established.
The most famous war crime trial was the Nuremberg Germany trials of the Nazi leaders after World War II. Their crime was the holocaust or religious genocide against the innocent Hebrew population in the German-occupied nations. There have been about a dozen other war crime trials.
For a decent, short overview of the concept of war crimes, we suggest reading a recent article from USA Today:
3/11/22. Conditioning and brainwashing are alive and well on earth! That is what we are learning. We now believe that everyone is somewhat affected by this disgusting activity of the Rogues who have been on earth for the past 20,000 years.
The rogues use a number of methods to prepare the bodies and then implement brainwashing. Preparation includes damaging all the food and water on the planet, and lying and scaring people (such as the present activities of the Russians in Ukraine).
To implement brainwashing they use beatings, rapes and terror tactics such as holding a loaded gun to a person's head. This is all done quite secretly, professionally, and thoroughly.
The development program is one of the best ways that one can oppose brainwashing. Here is why:
The development program restores hundreds of nutrients to the body.
The development program, more than any other activity we know of, brings back the guide creatures. The guide creatures are very intelligent and powerful fine-matter creatures that surround bodies and protect and guide them.
Beatings and rapes cause them to leave the area of one's body. Losing them makes a person stupid and unable to make good decisions. It is a key to brainwashing. Bringing them back opposes brainwashing.
For details, read Controllers And Other Guide Creatures. Also, there is a description of them in the Bible in Ezekiel 1. For details, read The Vision Of Ezekiel.
The development program is the best method we know to remove thousands of toxic substances from the body safely and deeply. Rapes and beatings filth up the body with diseases and open the body to toxic metals.
Coffee enemas have a powerful effect of breaking programming. The coffee souls help out and some of the chemicals in the coffee help as well. Drinking coffee might help a little, but not much.
The mental part of the development program – learning and living the Ten Commandments and the Golden Rule – also oppose brainwashing.
3/10/22. History is repeating itself in Ukraine. Mr. Putin is just the latest dictator to start a war.
This fact is not taught much today, so I will summarize what has been going on for the past 100 years:
Japan: In 1910, the emperor/dictator of Japan invaded Korea and ruled this nation until the end of World War II.
Germany: In 1914, Kaiser Wilhelm II, the dictator of Germany, started World War I.
Russia: In 1917, the socialists under Lenin took over Russia in a bloody war that killed nearly a million people.
Germany, again: In 1938, Adolf Hitler began World War II by doing exactly what Mr. Putin is doing today – invading his neighbor. This war cost an estimate of half a billion lives.
Japan, again: On December 7, 1941, the dictator of Japan attacked the United States, killing thousands of Americans at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.
Russia, again: (1945-1965) Some say the greatest mass murderer was the Russian leader, Josef Stalin. He started out as an ally of Hitler. Then Hitler turned against him.
When World War II ended, instead of taking his army home, Stalin attacked his neighbors and took over some 18 nations. In Ukraine alone, he starved at least 9 or 10 million people.
Arabia. In 1948, there were over a million Hebrew refugees from Nazi Germany and other European nations who had no place to go. The new United Nations voted to set up a new democratic nation called Israel for the refugees. It is a tiny strip of desert the size of New Jersey, USA (0.2% of the land area). It sounded like a good plan.
The day after its formation, five much larger Arab dictatorships declared war to destroy it. America intervened on behalf of Israel and the nation was preserved. Since then, the Arab dictators invaded about another six times to destroy this tiny place.
contains a complete lie about this war. In its entry on the 1947-1949
Palestine War, they write:›wiki
› 1947–1949_Palestine_war,
in the establishment of the State of Israel by the Jews, and saw a
complete demographic transformation of the territory the Jews
occupied, with the displacement of around 700,000 Palestinian Arabs
and the destruction of most of their urban areas.”
THIS IS COMPLETELY FALSE. There were few Arabs living in the area and many remained there and are there today. There were few any urban areas and the Hebrew people did not destroy any urban area.
Mainland China. In 1949, dictator Mao Tse Tung led a communist revolution in China. He killed between 49 and 78 million people when he imposed a socialist/communist government there.
North Korea. In 1950, North Korea invaded South Korea in a very bloody war. North Korea was supported by the communist Chinese and communist Russian dictators. South Korea was supported by the United Nations and a 21-nation UN force led by the United States.
Vietnam. Communists in North Vietnam invaded South Vietnam in 1955. The war lasted 20 years and killed over 2 million.
NOTE: The internet is full of lies about rapes by US soldiers. The American and Israeli armies are prohibited from raping anyone, unlike most of the world's armies. For example, when the Russian army entered Berlin, Germany at the end of World War II, they immediately rounded up German women and 'celebrated' by raping them all. For details, read Rape.
Cambodia, Laos, and Grenada: These nations also saw socialist/communist-led invasions during the twentieth century.
Russia, again, in Cuba. In 1958, with Russian support, Fidel Castro took over the island nation of Cuba, murdering many people.
NOTE: A very common lie on the internet is that Castro overthrew the “brutal dictatorship” of Fulgencio Batista. THIS IS COMPLETE LIE. Life was not that bad under Batista. It is terrible under the Castro brothers.
If you don't believe this, ask the many Cuban refugees who live in the United States. Many are still fleeing this communist hellhole, often risking their lives in small boats hoping to reach the United States – about 90 miles from Cuba at the closest point.
There was a botched attempt to get rid of Castro organized by the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). It failed because the CIA sent in 1000 Cuban exiles while Castro had a 30,000-man army. Also, the American president, John Kennedy, refused to openly support the effort.
Russia, again. In August, 2008, Russian dictator Putin invaded and took over the nation of Georgia in Eastern Europe.
Russia, again. In February, 2014, Russian dictator Putin invaded and took over the Crimea, a part of the nation of Ukraine.
We hope you are getting the picture of recent wars and how it is repeating itself today.
NOTE: Another prominent lie on the internet is that the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) “dissolved” in 1989. It did not. Anyone living there will attest to that fact. It was weakened, but its principles remain to this day and the Russian dictator Putin has considerable power over many of the nations of Eastern Europe.
3/9/22. I continue to notice that the clients who do coffee enemas make considerably faster progress with development. The reason seems to be a combination of nutrients found in coffee and its ability to detoxify and remove toxins from the body. For details, read Coffee Enemas.
3/9/22. Many people in America spend a lot on health insurance. A lower cost alternative that I used for about 10 years is a Christian sharing program.
It is technically not an insurance program so it is less bound up with government regulations, but it works well.
You don't have to be a church-going Christian to join, although they will ask you to have three people send them emails that you are a moral person. I joined one called Medishare or visit a clearinghouse agency, ChristianPlans.
3/8/22. The following is rather shocking and very upsetting. We want to report it now, but we are researching it further.
So far, asking about 100 women in America and a few in Europe, ALL have experienced rapes and beatings.
Also, in all cases, the beatings and rapes began early in life, often around age four to seven.
NOTE: Some are not concsiously aware of this. The information came from asking a number of souls inside the woman and not from asking the outer person.
Shocking. If true, this is shocking for many reasons. First, it may mean that all women are not just raped, but in a way trafficked. Trafficked means beaten, as well.
Second, it means the Rogues, who are the perpetrators, are much more organized than we thought. They literally know every girl and woman.
Third, it means that our planet is under siege in an unusual and rather gruesome, awful and cruel way.
Fourth, it may mean that the entire planet is enslaved, at least to a degree.
NOTE: Our medical team has not asked as many of the souls of men if they, too, have experienced beatings. However, from what we know, many boys and men have experienced vicious beatings, as well.
Implications for relationships. If the above is true, it would contribute to problems between men and women. Women are very angry and have trouble trusting men.
The men may suspect something is wrong with women, but very few women want to talk about it. It appears to be another instance of the old military tactic of divide and conquer. For details, read The Rape Planet, Rape, Beatings and Human Trafficking.
3/8/22. In the past several weeks, the price of gold has risen more than 10%. This is due to inflation and the war in Europe.
Our guides say the price of gold will rise higher and they recommend it as an investment. One can buy gold coins or put money in a gold stock fund, GLD. One can also buy the stocks of gold mines, but that is much more risky. A website that tracks gold is
3/7/22. This is a very important post. Each of the following aspects of the development program require work and bring great rewards. I also believe it is the only weapon that will work against the current and planned attacks on many nations. Here are the seven levels (based on the 7 system):
1. Physical. This includes eating properly, taking supplements, rest, gentle exercise, sexual habits and other aspects of lifestyle.
The opposite: not paying much attention to your diet, supplements, rest, exercise, or sexual habits.
2. Emotional. This includes simple emotional control, but more so working with your attitudes and beliefs to limit those that lead to negative emotions and to encourage or cultivate those that result in joy, happiness, laughter, and other positive emotions.
The opposite: allowing the mind to go negative or to dwell on harmful emotions such as blame, resentment, anger, guilt, fear, sadness or grief.
3. Ego or lower will level. This includes controlling the ego self and channeling its energy in healthy directions. In spatial terms, that direction is downward, as in doing the pulling down exercise.
The opposite: allowing the ego to run your life. This is always Arrogance and can take many forms, such as a focus on money, a focus on your appearance, a focus on being sexy, or a focus on taking advantage of others to get what you want.
4. Social. This includes taking care of others. Some of our articles say it means just associating with others, but it is more. This part of the program is to realize you are not alone here and we are here to take care of each other.
The opposite: This is selfishness or uncaring about others.
5. Teamwork and all work. This is partnerships and work in the world. It is very helpful for one's mental health and to get rid of blemishes on the souls. It can be done from home.
The opposite: This is laziness.
6. Brainwork. The sixth energy center is in the head. This aspect of the program is to learn, understand and apply brainpower to your program and to all aspects of your life.
The opposite: This is mental laziness, which results in a mechanical and superficial way of doing things.
7. Connection with the higher self or divine. This is working on your relationship with your higher self or God. Ways to do this are to pray a lot, have conversations with God or your high self and your souls, and think about God or your relationship to your Source or Creator.
The opposite: A materialistic belief system and focus of your life. It means a lack of spiritual qualities in your life such as faith, hope and love.
3/7/22. We are learning that women, when mentally healthy, have interesting powers. They can literally stop a tank or aircraft, and some are doing it in Ukraine and elsewhere.
We think this is a deep secret that we want everyone to know about. It is quite wonderful. It also helps explain why the Rogues rape and beat all the women that we check. Sometimes it is done mentally or 'virtually', but it affects all women, so far.
3/7/22. A petition is circulating to get rid of voting machines. These machines are simple computers that can easily by hacked or attacked by computer viruses. We must get rid of them (along with mail-in ballots). Until we do, there are no fair elections.
Please sign the petition at:
3/7/22. Remember, if you care for yourself, do not carry a cell phone around. It is a weapon of amazing power to monitor you, condition you and destroy you.
A real example: The rogues can tell from the cell phone in a girl or woman's pocket that she has not been raped and beaten sufficiently. She is not afraid enough and might be hard to control.
From the phone, they also know where she lives, works and travels. They can even talk to her and tell her where to go to meet her rapist.
The above is not fiction!! Do not carry these phone around. If you need to call 911, borrow someone else's phone.
3/7/22. If you want to see good video coverage of the Ukraine situation and protests in Russia, go to: and Another good site is
3/6/22. While the main purpose of the New Earth Newsletter is to spread excellent nutrition, we find ourselves having to explain a very confusing world situation. This post is one example.
To a degree, the activities of the Russians in Ukraine is a distraction. I am told that two other fairly large military operations are underway.
Toward India. I am told that China is moving large convoys of military equipment through Tibet, heading for India. India is a Western-style nation, like Ukraine, with a moderate government. They tend to be an ally of Western Europe and free nations around the world.
Iran. Also, Iran is moving military convoys (mostly Russian weapons) through Saudi Arabia toward Israel. Israel is another Western-style nation that usually votes in the United Nations with Western Europe and the United States.
These are the areas of the world to watch, not just Ukraine.
3/6/22. Most people overcook meat. This definitely slows development. Poor quality meat needs to be cooked thoroughly to kill bacteria, viruses and parasites in the meat.
However, good and excellent quality meat has much less bacteria and other filth in it, so less cooking is required. Overcooking destroys a number of critical nutrients in meat.
We believe a Rogue plan is to make all meat of poor quality. This forces people to overcook it, which harms our nutrition and slows development.
Buy quality meat. This is possible in many nations. You will pay more, but it is worthwhile if you can afford it. Lamb is particularly excellent to eat at this time.
Cooking meat properly. For ground lamb, the method we recommend is braising. Form the ground lamb into patties about ½ inch thick. Then place the patties in a pan that has about ¼ inch of water in the bottom.
Cook on one side until the edges turn gray. Then turn the patties over and cook for 5-10 seconds or less. The meat is now ready to eat.
It should be quite raw in the middle, but not cold. It takes some time to get used to the taste and consistency of meat cooked this way, so be patient with yourself. For more details, read Cooking and Food For Daily Use.
If possible, buy fresh meat rather than frozen. We are finding problems with all frozen foods.
3/6/22. Retouched photos. I am told that most photos of Mr. Putin on many websites and on television have been retouched. This is an old trick of dictators to make people think he is a good person when he is not. Let us explain how this works.
The energy field. Photos, either taken with a traditional camera or a television (electronic) camera, capture not only a visual image. They also reveal the image of the person's energy field or aura.
While most people cannot consciously see the energy field, they are aware of it and it affects their judgment of a person, place or situation.
I am not too developed, so I don't see energy fields. However, several of our medical team and many of the trillions of fine matter creatures who are arriving on earth easily see energy fields around people.
Mr. Putin's real energy field. The medical team tells me the real energy field of Mr. Putin is very dark, ugly and repulsive. Older photos reveal this.
Recently, in photos of Mr. Putin, his energy field has been replaced with a rather beautiful aura – that of a sage. This adds a lot of confusion in people's minds to the conflict in Ukraine.
The anti. He also has a mark in his energy field called an anti. Some would call it an anti-Christ. It is a psychopath and military dictator. Some people know that Mr. Putin's former job was as the head of the Soviet secret police, the KGB.
Photos of Mr. Putin also usually show him well-dressed, clean and relaxed. I am told none of this is accurate. I am told he is a filthy, stressed man who is a killer.
Evil on earth. The same is true of the leaders of China, Iran and two other nations – North Korea and Saudi Arabia. Mr. Biden in the United States is not good, but his energy field is not quite as bad as the leaders above.
I am told the rogues wanted an even more evil president for the United States. However, someone protected the nation from the worst scenario of total dictatorship, at least for now.
Meanwhile, the energy field of Mr. Zelenskyy, president of Ukraine, is quite nice. It is one of the best among leaders in the world. For more details, read The Energy Field or Aura.
Website addiction. I urge everyone not to spend a lot of time reading websites. It easily becomes an addiction. Too much of the information is wrong, and you can't tell who really owns the websites. Instead, do an extra coffee enema or other healing procedure.
3/5/22. I suspect someone is deleting a few emails from our email list. If you have been deleted without your permission, please try to let me know.
3/5/22. The guides reviewed hair mineral tests in Romania and Czech Republic today. They asked many people about the situation in Ukraine.
Stalin is back. Everyone said the Russians are attacking just like in the 1950s when Josef Stalin took over Eastern Europe by force. In that horror, many historians say that Stalin murdered more innocent people than anyone else in history, even more than Mao Tse Tung (about 70 million).
The Bio-labs. They also said there are no bio-labs and no Nazis in Ukraine. That is pure propaganda – a Russian specialty. In fact, the Ukranians are among the most Christian and finest people in Europe.
Nuclear terrorism. Today, Russian troops attacked, set on fire and took over a Ukrainian nuclear reactor - the largest nuclear plant in Europe.
Its nuclear material is enough to make plenty of bombs. Fighting over nuclear plants is one the worst problems with nuclear power.
Atomic safety experts said “a war fought amid nuclear reactors represents an unprecedented and highly dangerous situation”.
“These plants are now in a situation that few people ever seriously contemplated when they were originally built,” said Edwin Lyman of the Union of Concerned Scientists in Washington. "No nuclear plant has been designed to withstand a potential threat of a full-scale military attack.”
Another world war? The Russian aggression reminds one of events in 1938. In that year, Germany attacked the neighboring nations and no one stopped them.
Many people think the Czech Republic, the first nation Hitler destroyed, is next on Putin's list of targets for destruction. The people of Prague, Czech Republic are very worried.
Shutting down free speech. Also today, Mr. Putin shut down Facebook, Twitter, and American and British news in Russia. He said the only news will be the government's point of view.
The golden rule. To me, particularly disgusting is the response of NATO and my own nation, the United States. The golden rule is to treat others as you wish to be treated. If the US were attacked, we would want others to come to our defense, so we need to do the same for Ukraine.
A hopeful note. So far, the Russians have not completely taken over Ukraine. Over one million people are now refugees trying to leave Ukraine. However, some people from other nations are going to Ukraine to help fight the Russians.
What you can do. It may sound strange, but you can help a lot by healing and developing yourself by doing more of the development program. This helps by changing the energetic quality of our world from one of sickness toward one of better health.
We also suggest pressuring the American and other governments to take military action immediately against Russia. Economic sanctions are not enough.
I am told so far the American sanctions are mostly fake. Mr. Biden, who took power illegally in the United States, is a Russian sympathizer who needs to be removed from office. We have written about this in earlier posts.
3/4/22. I have received some emails stating that I am on the wrong side of things and that Russia is the good guy and Ukraine is an evil place.
My guidance is that Russia is good old communist Russia. They are master liars and they fund thousands of websites full of propaganda and lies. They want to re-establish the old Soviet Union and Ukraine is not going along. The fighting has nothing to do with bio-labs or Nazis.
Also, it is obvious that the Russians do not love the Ukrainian people. Millions of Ukrainians are fleeing their country for their lives while the Russians blow up government buildings, hospitals, schools, apartment complexes and more.
3/4/22. The article about the vagina has a lot of new and very exciting information in it. It now discusses the vaginal rings and the communication buttons. We think everyone will find it interesting. For details, read The Vagina.
3/3/22. I am told that the Ukrainian people are extremely grateful for the outpouring of support for their fight. They appreciate any and all help!
A subtle but powerful way to help Ukraine is to do more of the development program, especially the diet. By healing and developing, you change the vibration of our planet, making attacks such as the current one less possible.
This is just one way that developing yourself helps. Another way is by agreeing to be connected to a projection creature. Our guides say more readers have been connected – about 30, so far, of the 60 of you who have agreed to be connected. There are no negative side effects and there are many benefits.
The United Nations. Russia needs to be expelled from the United Nations at once (not just kicked off the security council or a committee). If the United Nations cannot take this action, we fear it is a completely impotent organization.
So far, the United Nations does not follow their own rules in the case of the Palestinians. They continue to attempt to destroy another UN member nation, Israel. So we are not too hopeful about the ability of the United Nations to act properly in regard to Russia.
3/3/22. Thank you for the suggestions of news websites. I have not checked them all, but an excellent one is
3/3/22. A new type of man-woman relationship is to have as the focus of the relationship the desire of both partners to develop. To understand development, read Introduction To Development.
This is a research topic. So far, the main requirements for very rapid development are:
- The couple must do down hugging or down sex often, preferably three times a week or more.
- For the fastest development, the woman needs to fall asleep during down hugging or down sex.
- Other standard relationship factors matter much less or not at all, such as age and appearance.
For more details, read the new article, Development Relationships.
3/2/22. I want to introduce a word and concept that is central to development. It is a whole system behavior of all living beings or living systems.
TELEOLOGY can be defined as the love principle or life principle. One could say it is the will or desire of living systems to survive and thrive.
You may also read that it means the concept of goal orientation. In the field of ethics, it means judging or discerning based upon results, not upon process.
For example, life has goals. The first one is to survive. Others are to survive better or thrive, and another goal of life is to do what we call to develop. For details what this means, read Introduction To Development.
A second example. Murdering and injuring innocent people and destroying their property and possessions in Ukraine does not appear to advance the teleology or healing intent of life. So we condemn it and it needs to stop.
NOTE: Some destructive processes are necessary in life, such as destroying damaged and mutated body cells. In society, destruction of property is needed when an old building is no longer safe to use and cannot be easily fixed.
This might be called creative destruction. So it is not that destruction is always bad. Destruction can be part of life. However, destroying innocent people and good quality buildings in Ukraine does not seem creative or helpful to life.
For details, read Trusting The Process Of Development and Teleology.
3/2/22. I'm looking for an excellent source of news about Ukraine and other matters on the internet. If you have a suggestion, please let me know. Newsmax looks pretty good, but I would like other suggestions.
3/2/22. I hope I am wrong. However, my information is that Mr. Putin is using nuclear-tipped missiles in Ukraine. This would make him the first person in history to loosely use such horrible weapons that filth up the entire world.
History: Two A-bombs were used by the United States to end World War II. However, this was done only after much deliberation and discussion about what would be the fastest way to end the very deadly war that was dragging on in spite of many efforts to end it.
3/1/22. Development science uses the concept of metabolic typing to help assess a person's state of health. It is a very powerful concept that greatly simplifies assessment and correction of the body.
Based upon glandular activity. The metabolic typing we use is based upon glandular activity, especially the activity of the adrenal and thyroid glands. As one moves through the stages, one’s ability to adapt or cope with stress diminishes.
NOTE: Standard medical, natural and holistic health care does not use metabolic typing. We think this is one of their big problems. For details, read Metabolic Typing.
Typing systems used in development science. Three systems of metabolic typing are used in modern development science. They are:
- The oxidation types proposed by George Watson, PhD.
- The stages of stress proposed by Hans Selye, MD.
- The ancient acupuncture and taoist idea of yang and yin.
How the metabolic typing systems correlate with one another:
- Fast oxidation corresponds to an alarm stage of stress. This is also a more yang condition of the body.
- Slow oxidation corresponds to the resistance stage of stress and a more yin condition of the body.
- A four lows pattern on a hair mineral test corresponds to the exhaustion stage of stress. It is also an even more yin condition of the body.
NOTE: Dr. Eck believed that slow oxidation probably corresponds to both the resistance and exhaustion stages of stress.
Qualities of each metabolic type. In fast oxidation, alarm stage or more yang, the body is warmer, more moist, with a slightly higher temperature, slightly higher blood pressure, slightly higher blood sugar, more frequent bowel movements, more sweating, a more ruddy complexion, with larger moons on the fingernails and toenails, and no sanpaku (eyes rolling up into the head).
Fast oxidizer personalities tend to be more extroverted, anxious, and shorter in height with a more stocky build. They also tend to carry more weight on the upper part of the body.
In slow oxidation, resistance stage or more yin, the body is cooler, less moist, with a lower body temperature, lower blood pressure, lower blood sugar, a tendency for constipation, less sweating, a more pale complexion, with smaller moons on the fingernails and toenails and often a sanpaku look (eyes slightly roll upward).
Slow oxidizer personalities are more introverted, with more of a tendency toward depression. The body may be taller with more weight on the hips and legs.
In four lows, exhaustion stage and more yin, the glandular system is more deranged and physical characteristics are not as clear. To some degree, the person is in a type of shut-down sequence.
Each metabolic type or stage can vary, however, depending upon one's nutritional state, toxic conditions of the body, presence of infections and other health conditions, and genetic tendencies. For details, read Fast Oxidation, Slow Oxidation, Four Lows Pattern, The Stress Theory Of Disease and Yin And Yang.
3/1/22. Russian dictator Putin announced today that he is putting his nuclear weapon forces on high alert. This reminds me of the situation when I grew up. We had regular air raid drills both in our town and in school.
The willingness and desire to control and destroy the bodies and property of innocent people is a deep sickness that needs to be stopped. This is part of Marxism, communism and socialism.
Precautions. Besides their immense destructive power, the problem with nuclear weapons is that they spew toxic ionizing radiation all over the planet. This radiation kills every living thing on the planet.
(NOTE: This is why nuclear power generation is a most insane technology that is not needed. It is very dangerous at every stage – mining uranium, transporting uranium, power plants that can be bombed or sabotaged, and storing spent nuclear fuel for 50,000 years. I am very sad that many conservatives endorse nuclear power.)
In case a nuclear weapon goes off anywhere in the world, here are steps you can take:
1. Kelp. A-bombs give off radioactive iodine-131. It damages your thyroid and causes thyroid cancer. Kelp provides good quality iodine (iodine-127). This will protect you from absorbing radioactive iodine.
When the Russian nuclear reactor melted down at Chernobyl, physicians all over Europe recommended potassium iodide pills for the same reason. We think kelp is better – more natural.
2. Sauna therapy. Exposure to ionizing radiation increases cell mutations. Often these cause cancers. It is important to get rid of mutated cells before they start reproducing themselves. Sauna therapy is excellent for this. It is one reason our protocol for cancer includes spending 1.5 to 2 hours in a sauna every day.
The way this works is that the sauna raises the body temperature about 2 or 3 degrees. This does not harm normal cells. However, mutated cells are weaker and the heat tends to kill them.
3. Coffee enemas. These are excellent after radiation exposure. They help eliminate many types of toxic substances including radioactive isotopes such as iodine-131, strontium-90, cesium-134 and -137.
Coffee also contains nutrients that protect the body from the oxidant damage that occurs due to radiation exposure.
4. A high-mineral diet. According to the concept of preferred minerals, our bodies will absorb high-quality minerals first, in preference to radioactive ones. For this reason, eating loads of the preferred cooked vegetables, natural sea salt and the mineral supplements we suggest will help protect you from radioactive forms of minerals.
5. Development. The process we call development is excellent protection against radiation poisoning. The reasons are:
- Faster biosynthesis. This means the body can rebuild faster. For details, read Genetics.
- More yang. More yang bodies do not absorb as much radiation as bodies that are more yin. For details, read Yin Disease.
- Better elimination. Getting rid of ingested or inhaled radioactive particles proceeds better as one develops. For details, read Detoxification.
- Better battery performance. Our cells use batteries for biosynthesis. Radiation damages the batteries. As one develops, one gets better batteries that are less prone to radiation damage. For details, read Batteries Inside The Body.
2/28/22. Three days ago we discussed how the development program differs from other healing programs. This post is a clarification. To reread that important post, click here.
The path. We said one large difference is that we teach people about a special path in life. Other healers assume that your path is fine – you just need a little help on your path.
We have a different perspective and we teach the path of development.
This path specifically targets certain genes. The nutrients we suggest you eat and/or take in supplement form such as kelp cause the activation of these genes. As a result, the body becomes much stronger and healthier, and it tends to extend life.
Religion. Another part of the path of development is to correct your thinking. Otherwise, progress is slow. The word religion means to re-link one to one's Source or God. People need this, but most physicians don't bother with it.
The biological theory of space. I am told by the souls that our earth religions are not quite accurate. They say space is alive and contains Creator beings. Ours is a large, female fine-matter creature, much larger than our solar system.
Our Creator being literally gave birth to our planet and everything upon it, including our souls and the matter that forms our bodies.
You can't see the Creator being because fine matter is less dense than our bodies. For example, angels and elves are other fine matter beings. A few people see them and have written many books about them, but most people do not see them. To read about fine matter, read Bodies In Space.
We are forever with our Creator being because we are literally part of her body. We are inside of her. We could not exist separate from her and we are fully dependent upon her for our existence.
I know this may all sound very strange, but I encourage you to be open-minded about it. I am also told that the large Creator being is unwell, but she is healing and as she does, our planet will heal, as well.
Truth. Anther part of the development path is to live, seek and speak the truth. We need the truth. We love the phrase from the Bible - Know the truth and the truth will set you free. This can help greatly to heal all illness.
Other moral principles. The path of development also teaches that we need to obey the Ten Commandments given to Moses and The golden rule. It really helps many disease conditions, but most physicians ignore it and may not even believe it. It is also the key to mental health.
The golden rule. This is worth a short discussion. Very few people live by the golden rule. For example, if you would want people to help you if you were poor or sick or just lonely, then you must spend your life helping others in all these ways. Most people are selfish and it causes many illnesses and problems. Think more about the golden rule.
Remedies. The path of development is not a path of remedies. Some would say this is nonsense because everyone needs and uses remedies. Allow me to clarify.
We define remedies as methods that do not address the whole system of a person. Remedies target or affect mainly one symptom, or only a few parts of the body, such as the skin, the sinuses or something else.
We try to avoid these because too often they are not helpful for the whole system. They also often interfere and conflict with each other.
I will give an example. An important whole system concept and an essence of the path we teach is to make the body more yang in macrobiotic terminology. Yang is a physics term and our bodies are subject to the laws of physics.
We recommend foods, nutritional supplements, lifestyle and procedures to cause the body-mind-spirit to become more yang. As we define remedies, these recommendations are not remedies. The reason is they apply to the whole body system, not a part of it or a symptom.
More about yang and yin. This is a very ancient concept. It is very prominent in the Bible. In fact, it is in the opening pages of the Bible. To paraphrase Genesis 1: God created the light and the darkness, the heavens and the earth, the night and the day, the land and sea, male and female.
The Bible. You might wonder why I refer often to the Bible in a newsletter about health. It is because it is a source of wisdom and we don't have a lot of books of that type.
You don't have to agree with everything in the Bible. Some of it could be mistranslated, for example. However, it is a source of wisdom without which people live in random and unhealthy ways - like a ship without a rudder.
Back to yang and yin. There are no simple words in English for this concept. Some use the words warmer and cooler to mean yang and yin, but this is not too accurate.
Yang is when particles of matter move faster. Other qualities of yang are warmer, more compact, and more centripetal in direction. It has nothing to do with being a man or a woman.
The bodies today are all too yin. This is due to poor quality food and water that is low in vital minerals and contains too many toxic metals and toxic chemicals. That includes most of today's food.
More yin bodies also result from exposure to harmful electromagnetic fields. These come from cell phones, cell phone towers, computers, television sets, wifi and more. It is worse if you live in a city.
Ionizing radiation also makes bodies much more yin. This comes from exposure to radiation from x-rays, low-level radiation from nuclear power plants, and A-bombs that have been exploded on the planet. There is also some natural ionizing radiation.
A yin body-mind-spirit can also occur due to improper thinking such as victim thinking, not understanding our relationship to our Creator, and holding negative emotions such as anger, guilt, fear and resentment. For more details, read Yin Disease.
The truth is we are loved by our Creator more than anyone can imagine. That Love is always present, if only we will allow ourselves to receive it. Most people do not allow it due to faulty understanding and due to traumas such as rapes and beatings.
A final clarification. My intent and wish is to share our research for everyone's benefit. It requires comparing our methods with those used by others. However, I hold no animosity toward anyone.
2/27/22. Background - soul are real. This newsletter teaches that souls are real. This is not a well-accepted idea today.
The Bible. Information about souls comes mainly from the Bible and a few other older books. However, the information is quite vague.
Scientists today cannot see souls, so they do not acknowledge their reality. We think this will change in the future.
Soul blemishes and the Bible. Souls tell us that all souls have blemishes. These are stains or defects due to their past bad behavior.
The Bible discusses how this operates in phrases such as “As you sow, so shall you reap” and “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” These are powerful statements about the intense consequences of ALL of one's behavior.
Souls want to release their blemishes. The souls tell us this, as well. To do so, they must suffer in certain ways. This requires suffering or hardship of some kind. Common methods are to experience injury, disease, disability, pain or even physical death of the body.
Creative release. However, there is a better way to release your blemishes or sometimes it is called karma. It is called creative release.
It means to engage in activities that count as hardship or work and are somewhat unpleasant. However, at the same time that they release blemishes they also build health.
The development program as creative release of blemishes. The souls tell us that following the development program is a powerful creative blemish release method. They further say that this is one reason coffee enemas are very effective for healing. They not only heal at the physical level, but also at the soul blemish level. Here are two examples:
Cooking your food. For best results with the development program, one must shop for, prepare and eat the correct food. All of this is work and not the most pleasant activity.
Most people would rather spend the time on the phone or doing other activities. However, the souls say that paying close attention to your shopping, cooking and eating habits actually undoes past transgressions of sloppiness, thoughtlessness and apathy in this important area of life.
Coffee enemas - an unusual example. Most souls have committed sexual crimes in the past.
NOTE: The past refers to the souls' past, not necessarily the past of your present body. Souls live a very long time and associate with one body after another.
The souls say that a very safe, but powerful way to release the blemish of a sexual attack is with coffee enemas. They cause one to experience many aspects of a rape, but in a safe and health-building fashion.
In other words, many events and feelings that arise during coffee enemas resemble feelings that occur during a rape. This is enough to release a lot of the blemish of a past sexual assault upon another. The souls tell us that creative trauma release is one reason coffee enemas work exceedingly well. Ways this occur are:
- One must spend time, energy and some money to shop for and prepare the coffee, and then to do the procedure and clean up afterwards.
- One must cook up what most people think is a pleasant, nourishing substance, coffee. But then it goes in the wrong way and is often somewhat painful and embarrassing. This is like rape – a complete mixup of what should be a loving, nurturing experience.
Other similarities to rape. One must take off some clothing. The body may be cold. Then one must lie down, often on one's back – a very vulnerable position. Then one must experience penetration of the delicate and private pelvic area of the body. There is often some tissue irritation.
One must inject a foreign substance deep inside the body and one must endure it for a time. During the procedure, most people cannot move around much. There is always the risk of deeper humiliation or other problems (making a mess).
The procedure causes some bloating and digestive upset and perhaps pain. This also occurs often with rape.
Then one must use the toilet, often in a rush, to release the substance as best you can. It often comes out mixed with feces and urine, and plenty messy.
Then one must clean up the body and the staging area. The whole experience is somewhat dirty, embarrassing and humiliating. Also, one easily feels scared of getting diseases and one may feel rather strange and ashamed about what one is doing. For these reasons, most people will not talk about the event, another feature of many rapes.
Psychodrama. One can say all of this is a method of play acting or psychodrama – a powerful psychological and soul healing method. For details, read the important article, Psychodrama.
How it is unlike rape. Differences between rape an coffee enemas are equally important for the souls because they need to undo everything they have done wrong.
You are not being held, grabbed, thrown down or threatened at gunpoint or knifepoint. You are not being beaten (although we sometimes add that to coffee enemas). You are not afraid of losing your life or becoming pregnant.
The experience is much gentler and more predictable. Of course, if you wish, you can increase the rape aspects for added psychodrama effect. The souls say this is helpful. It might include shining a red heat lamp on yourself, wearing less clothing, turning the body to one side, and more.
For details about the large and fascinating concept of soul blemishes and how to release them, read The Law Of Cause And Effect.
NOTE: This is not the same as retracing, which is about healing a trauma. Coffee enemas are excellent for retracing certain traumas, and rape is among them. This is also a use of psychodrama or play acting that is very powerful and another reason to do coffee enemas.
2/26/22. Tahini. We are finding that a little tahini with each meal is best. I put it on top of vegetables. One could eat it with blue corn chips or by itself, if you prefer. The total amount to eat daily for adults is still 2 tablespoons OR 4 tablespoons of hummus. However, spreading it out having a little with each meal seems to work best.
Coffee enemas remain a superb healing and development procedure. Please do them. We know they are a bit messy, but nothing cleans up the liver as well as coffee enemas.
Healing and nourishing the liver is essential for rapid development and for general health. Anyone who tells you not to do coffee enemas is either very ignorant or often malicious. Beware!
2/26/22. So far, 60 people have asked to be connected to a projection creature. This is excellent and about 27 people have been connected. One must be doing the program fairly well, including the coffee enemas.
In the beginning, there won't be many effects because the creatures and you need to develop. However, in time the creature's projection becomes larger and larger and has more effect upon space and it is very beneficial for the earth.
Connecting up also benefits you because we can see more about you using the projection creature's image of you in space and this helps our guides to clean up problems we all have including rogue equipment on the body.
2/26/22. A reminder that an excellent healing procedure, especially for women, is the vaginal peroxide implant procedure. It cleans up this area of the body in very unique ways. It clears out sexual traumas as no other procedure can.
Some women who do it for at least 6 months daily are then able to tune into others who are doing the procedure around the world. For details, read The Vaginal Peroxide Implant Procedure and for men, The Penis Peroxide Implant.
2/26/22. We have spoken with many souls, especially in Europe. Many say that Adolf Hitler has returned – now named Putin.
Differences are that today many nations have nuclear weapons that can easily kill everyone on earth. Also, the rogues have weakened most nations, especially the United States.
The actions of the illegitimate, illegal, treasonous American president are despicable. You don't fight wars with sanctions. Biden is a friend of tyrants around the world, and Mr. Putin knows that. Most European leaders are little better.
It is notable that Putin invaded the Crimea in 2014 when America had another traitorous president – Mr. Obama. Now that another Democrat is in office, he is not afraid to invade again.
Rogues. Putin has very high-tech weapons such as laser rifles and electronic shields for his troops. This means the Rogues are firmly behind the effort.
I am told that while some of his troops are Russian, the leaders are Satans – alien psychopathic hybrid creatures.
Peace through strength. Spiritual technology is required. To defeat the rogues and their helpers on earth, the people of earth need to eat a lot better and develop themselves. They also need to follow Biblical values – the Ten Commandments and the Golden Rule.
Otherwise, the rogues, who are vicious scavengers, are going to take over and we will all be enslaved or just killed. They are doing quite well right now.
The people of earth are nutritionally depleted and very toxic thanks mainly to their improper diets, unhealthy lifestyles and secular thinking. This makes them weak, sick, frightened and easy targets.
Most people do not realize that the poisoned air, water, food, products and technologies such as cell phones, cell phone towers and more are an outright assault on your health. You must take excellent care of the body for it to survive the assault.
Mr Putin knows how weak most people are. He has spoken about it. It must change or he will win. While it sounds strange, if you want to help out with this situation, follow the development program better.
Targeting the planetaries. I am told that the earth has four enormous fine matter beings inside who are needed to maintain the planet. They are two couples – two males and two females. They are called planetaries.
I am told that at this time, Kiev, capital of Ukraine, is located at the center of the third energy center of two of these beings. The rogues want the area a mess because this will further damage the planetary beings. That is one of their goals.
Ukraine is also a very important nation of Europe, although we often hear little about it in America. For details, read Why Ukraine Matters.
2/25/22. To illustrate how the development whole system approach to healing works, I will compare how we would handle a client compared to the way a caring holistic, naturopathic physician handled it. NOTE: It is very dangerous to go to a licensed naturopath. For details, read Naturopaths – A Stern Warning.
Symptoms. The patient was a 50-year-old woman. Physical symptoms included fatigue, weight gain, sinus infections, constipation, low sex drive, menopause, loss of the sense of smell, and food sensitivities. Mental symptoms included anxiety, brain fog, memory loss, malaise and a sense of impending doom.
What to do next. The holistic physician then ran dozens of blood tests costing over $1000.00. They revealed a high TSH but normal levels of thyroid hormones, some thyroid antibodies, high cholesterol, high normal blood sugar, low normal vitamin D, low normal ferritin, normal cortisol, high DHEA, high normal pregnenolone, and normal levels of other female hormones.
The physician also did a physical examination and said the patient had thinning hair, slow mental processing and was anxious.
Based upon this, the physician diagnosed menopause as the basic “disease” and prescribed a gluten-free diet and keeping a 10-day food journal.
She also prescribed thyroid replacement hormones, herbs for constipation, inflammation and anxiety, vitamin D, pseudoephedrine (drug), steam, N-acetyl cysteine and guaifenesin for sinuses, swabbing her nostrils with grapeseed oil and essential oils.
She gave her acidophilus for her itchy vagina, and half a dozen herbs for sleep. She also had the patient buy and read a book about adrenal problems.
In addition, she planned on doing genetic testing and bone density testing.
The development approach. In contrast to the above, the whole system approach is not primarily about tests. We first put the person on the golden path to health and development.
The path concept. This is an old idea, described in the Bible and other ancient texts. But today, physicians – medical, holistic and natural - have forgotten about it and prefer running tests and giving symptomatic remedies.
An analogy. Getting on the golden path is like pulling out the manual that came with your car and doing what it says. You have to grease the car, put in the right fuel, change the oil, get new tires, align the wheels, check the battery, keep the car clean, and more. If you don't do all this, the car won't work well.
The golden path is the development diet, about a half-dozen basic supplements because the food is so depleted today, and the development lifestyle. This includes plenty of rest, low stress, going to bed early, holding on to most of your sexual fluid, and proper mental attitude.
You also must do the pulling down mental exercise, and at least the basic spinal twists. Most people need other basic healing procedures to balance, align and strengthen the body. These are described in the Healing Procedures Handbook and in more detail in separate articles on this website.
We call this the basic or free development program. It is enough to solve many health problems.
IMPROVING THE PATH. Most people do not realize that during the mid-twentieth century, our understanding of the body took a huge leap! However, the medical, holistic and natural doctors have not come on board.
They are using the latest tests and technologies, but within an old paradigm of healing. We are using a new paradigm.
Here are four aspects of the leap:
1. Systems theory. It began with systems theory. Norbert Weiner and others worked on this. A system is a group of items all of which are related to each other. Systems theory is the study of their behavior.
The body is an exceedingly complex, self-regenerative system. I am not talking about “body systems” like digestion or cardiovascular. I am talking about the body-brain-mind-spirit whole - one whole system. You have to view the body this way and stay with this understanding, which is not easy.
2. The stages of stress. Another part of the leap is the stress theory of disease. The scientist responsible was Hans Selye, MD, a Hungarian man who spent time working in Canada.
He figured out that all disease has similar qualities and that it occurs in stages. The stress theory of disease is valid, but mostly ignored by the medical and natural healing professions who don't know how to measure it accurately.
3. Modern nutrition, especially mineral nutrition. In the twentieth century, most vitamins were discovered, which was an amazing discovery. Even more amazing, millions of pages of research showed the importance of minerals in the body and how they control everything.
4. The mineral biopsy test. The reason for the mineral breakthrough was the development of a simple, accurate and inexpensive test for minerals. It is called spectroscopy. More specifically, it uses atomic absorption spectroscopy, mass spectroscopy and the ICP or induction-coupled plasm method of measuring minerals. We speak of this as the hair mineral biopsy or test.
However, most health personnel – medical and natural alike - are not taught this test, which is quite complex, and rarely use it. One reason is that those who control our planet don't want people to know the truth about their health.
5. Modern physics. Physics of the twentieth century teaches that the body has a fractal design and is holographic. Fractal means the body is constructed using simple repeating numerical patterns. Holographic means that the whole is contained in the parts. These are keys to understanding hair mineral testing. Otherwise, it just sounds totally weird!
How we would proceed with the 50-year old woman in menopause. Using the biopsy test, we first check the stage of stress, which is done by calculating the oxidation type and rate. This is a basic whole system behavior of every living organism.
This tells one about adrenal and thyroid glandular activity, the more yin or more yang state of the body, production of ATP or adaptive energy, inflammation, acute and chronic stress level, psychological information and much, much more.
The sodium/potassium ratio. Then we look at another whole system behavior. This is the balance between sodium and potassium in the tissues.
This is a critical reading that tells one about the direction of change of the stage of stress, energy production, inflammation, hormone activity, psychological information, electrical balance of the cells, tendency for infections and much more.
With these two pieces of information, one can begin what we call the full development program. The details have been worked out over the past 50 years, and we continue to research how to set up the full development program.
NOTE: The mineral test includes much more information such as the calcium/magnesium ratio. This indicates the impact of the person's diet and lifestyle upon their health.
The test also also has burnout indicators, poor elimination indicators, digestion and biosynthesis indicators and much more. For details, read The Path Concept, Systems Theory, The Stress Theory Of Disease, Introduction To Development, Introduction To the Development Program, Introduction To Hair Mineral Analysis and General Systems Theory And Healing. For theory, read Development Theory – Part I and Development Theory – Part II, Advanced Sciences.
2/24/22. Thyroid imbalances are very common. The usual remedy, according to medical, natural and holistic personnel, is the use of replacement thyroid hormones, either synthetic or natural ones.
The development program. Using the development program, normal thyroid activity can almost always be restored without hormones. The hormones actually get in the way and are a very unnatural therapy.
Most thyroid problems are the result of deficiencies in iodine, selenium, manganese and other nutrients. Also, the gland is toxic with copper, mercury, and the iodine antagonists - fluorine, bromine and chlorine.
If one corrects these problems, the gland begins to function properly and replacement hormones are never needed. They are only needed if the gland has been removed surgically or destroyed with radiation therapy, another awful therapy.
If you ask medical or natural or holistic personnel if the above is possible, they will say no. We say, this is arrogance.
I have learned that when a practitioner tells you some healing is impossible, it means only that the person does not know how to do it. For details, read: Thyroid Diseas And Its Healing
Quitting Thyroid Hormones Using The Development Program
Hyperthyroidism – An Interview With Dr. Wilson
Hyperthyroidism Or Grave's Disease
Hashimoto's Thyroiditis And Its Healing With The Development Program.
2/23/22. Another website offering hair mineral testing says that hair tells how much of a mineral is in the body. This is not true! The readings are influenced by many factors that make the readings much more complex.
2/23/22. No one else is saying it! We believe Mr. Biden violated the law in America by taking power while there were pending Supreme Court cases challenging the election results. This is treason and should be punished at once.
2/23/22. I haven't heard anyone else discuss the important truth that as long as we use voting machines and mail-in ballots, there are no fair elections in America and everywhere. These methods invite cheating.
There must also be careful checking of two forms of ID to even in order to have proper elections.
2/23/22. The Russians are invading Ukraine and the United States and European nations are not fighting back, so far. This is an exact replay of the beginning of World War II over 80 years ago.
Hitler did the same thing – invaded another sovereign nation. The Western powers did nothing and it grew into a world war. Tyrants must be stopped with force, not sanctions, and it needs to be done now.
2/23/22. About 24 readers agreed to connect to a projection creature. This will help.
2/22/22. There is a need for more people on earth to connect with special fine matter creatures called projection creatures. These creatures attach to your body in a special way and are able to send an electronic projection into space that looks like the shape of your physical body.
When they do this, they influence outer space in very positive ways. We have about 60 people on earth who have agreed to be connected to one of these creatures, but we need several thousand.
These projections are forming a shield of defense for the earth that is much needed at this time. Eventually, the earth will have her normal defenses once again, but not for a few months, at the very least, and perhaps not for years.
The requirements for having a projection creature. These are two, mainly. The first is to want to do it. The second is to finish a stage of the development program. This will allow the creature to grow much stronger and larger in space.
All of our clients are at the stage where they can sign up to have a projection creature if they wish. So we encourage this. If every one of our clients in all nations does this, we will be able to protect the earth.
If you are interested in this project, send us an email to
What if I am not an active client? That is okay. You can still sign up. For more details, read a new article, The Projection Creatures.
We continue to research what the bodies need for rapid development. A diet concept that is working is to have a little of every kind of food at each meal. We know this is the opposite of what we recommended about 15 years ago, but it is working better.
This means that at each meal have some protein, some vegetables, a little grain and a bit of fruit. Here are more details:
Protein. Begin with one or maybe two kinds of protein. The best protein foods are lamb, chicken, natural beef, sardines, soft goat cheese, goat yogurt, almond butter and/or roasted sesame tahini. Rotate these to avoid boredom and because they are all very good and needed.
Adults may have a 4-5 ounce portion of protein with less for children. This is not a large amount.
Cooking meat. Meat should be cooked only minimally. Most people overcook their meat. If you use good quality meat, there is little risk of getting sick from light cooking.
Excellent methods are braising, light steaming or pressure-cooking for perhaps 30 seconds, depending upon the thickness and type of meat. Add some natural sea salt before eating and you may add seasoning if you wish.
Vegetables. After the protein, eat about 2 cups or more of cooked vegetables. Very important is to eat a mixture or medley, or cooked vegetable salad containing at least 12 of the preferred vegetables.
The alkaline vegetable medley. Eating a medley of the preferred vegetables is the only way we have found to obtain many vital mineral compounds needed for early development. The vegetable medley is also very alkaline-forming and this is much needed today.
The preferred vegetables. These include all types of onions – red, yellow, white, green, pearl, shallots, leeks, scallions and chives. Have a little of three or four kinds of onions with each meal.
Also have some orange carrots, a green bean, a Brussels sprout, a few thin slices of rutabaga, a slice of daikon radish – white or purple or both, a little cauliflower, and a little red cabbage or savoy cabbage.
Also, have a few very thin slices of celery and a very thin little slice of ginger and horseradish root. About twice a week, have a clove of garlic and a thin slice of golden beet. Do not eat frozen vegetables – they don't work. Canned vegetables can be used if you cannot find fresh ones.
For children. You can eat the vegetables as a vegetable dish. Babies and children may prefer if you use a hand blender and puree them into a thick soup.
Toppings. Add some sea salt and a topping, if you wish, such as a little goat yogurt, a little goat cheese, a little almond butter mixed with water to become like salad dressing or a little sesame tahini.
Blue corn tortilla chips. This snack food is actually excellent for rapid development. They are often too salty and fried in refined vegetable oil. However, if you can tolerate them, having a few at the end of the meal is superb for development.
Our favorite ones in the United States at this time are Garden Of Eatin No Salt Added Blue Chips, Private Selection Blue Corn Chips (at Kroger company supermarkets), Organics brand Blue Corn And Sesame Seed Chips at Safeway supermarkets and Late July Blue Corn Dippers.
These are available where I live and test the best, although others are okay, too. Adults may have about 8 to 10 per meal.
If you do not tolerate corn. Some people cannot eat corn. It flares up their yeast condition or causes other symptoms. This will end when your digestion and body chemistry improve. Until the, go easy with corn chips and eat other grains, but not too much.
Other Grains. Ideally, do not eat a lot of other grains because they don't contain as much of the chemicals needed for development. However, some oatmeal, especially steel cut oats, amaranth, millet or quinoa are okay. Bread and all food cooked at high temperature is not good for development, so avoiding it is best. Cold cereal is not as good.
Other foods – nutritional yeast, wine vinegar and a little sauerkraut. A necessary addition to your diet for adults is a teaspoon of nutritional yeast each day. Children need less. It does not need to be fortified yeast.
Also, recently, we find that most people need a teaspoon or so of organic wine vinegar once or twice a week One tasty way to get this is to eat a few black Mediterranean type olives each week that are soaked in organic wine vinegar.
Probiotic foods. For better digestion, some people benefit from a little plain sauerkraut. A good brand is Bubbies. Be careful – some brands are acidic and hard on the teeth.
Other probiotic foods are miso, eaten as a small cup of soup and goat cheese or goat yogurt. The latter are required foods for rapid development.
Food to avoid. Ideally, eat no pig products at all. They all contain parasites, in our experience, even if well-cooked. Also avoid standard supermarket beef, which is not a healthy food today. Organic or free range beef is better.
Also avoid raw vegetables and nuts. They are very difficult to digest even if you chew them thoroughly. Another food that does not assist development is dried beans such as lentils, black beans and others. So eat these only as treats and only occasionally.
Vegetables with seeds. Also avoid vegetables that are technically fruits such as tomatoes, all peppers, cucumbers, pickles, okra and squashes. You can tell these because they contain seeds.
Fruit. Avoid most fruit. We know this is a difficult area of the diet for many people because many health authorities recommend fruit and it is tasty and convenient. However, we assure you development and health will be better without it.
Fruit is very yin or cold in macrobiotic terminology and this is bad for health and development, no matter what nutrients it contains. Fruit also picks up much too much toxic potassium from the superphosphate or N-P-K fertilizers used on all our food today. For many more details, read Fruit-Eating.
Exceptions to the fruit rule are a few olives per week and a green bean with each meal. Green beans or string beans are technically a fruit.
Don't even think about eating what most people eat. This includes all white flour, white rice, white sugar products, table salt, and most packaged, canned, and processed foods and beverages. Also, stay away from all yin food such as honey, maple syrup, fruit juices and other sweets.
We would be happy if 90% of the supermarket shelves were empty of these foods. We know people would feel much better.
Beverages. Good quality spring water or carbon-only or sand-filtered only tap water is best in most areas of the world. Mild tea is okay made with good water. We don't like almond milk, soy milk or really, any milk at all. All is too yin for regular use.
Breast milk. An exception is that babies need some breast milk for 3 years – not just for six to twelve months, as many physicians recommend. Nursing mothers must be on our diet and supplements, however, or the quality of the breast milk will be poor.
Don't even look at the fast food restaurants along the road. Our medical team knows at once who eats at these awful places because their aura is gray and raggedy and sick. Once you change your diet and eat only quality food, you will likely throw up if you eat at one of these places.
The prevention diet. In our experience, the diet above, along with some basic supplements, will not only cause rapid development. It will protect you from all variants of the Wuhan flu and most all other illnesses better than any vaccine or remedy.
For many more details, read Food For Daily Use, Food For Occasional Use and Forbidden Food For Development.
2/21/22. Living today requires courage. Some people just do what they wish in the face of danger, and this is a type of courage. The problem is that you may do something that is needlessly risky or foolish in some way.
Another way to have courage is that, when you are challenged or opposed, turn your attention to God, Source, the One or the Father In Heaven. Become quiet, pull energy downward from your head to your feet. Then ask: what is Thy Will for me at this time or in this situation?
With some practice, this becomes a habit and many people will receive an answer as a soft voice or perhaps as a feeling in the body. For details, read Courage.
2/20/22. Sam was born with very severe brain damage. The physicians call his condition autism and delayed development. However, this is really a catch-all diagnosis today. The problem is a malnourished, toxic and poorly developed brain.
His mental symptoms are an inability to concentrate, flashes of light in his eyes all day, and inability to speak correctly when he finally learned to speak. Others are anger, depression, confusion, brain fog, irritability, obsessive/compulsive, attention deficit and inability to learn.
Physical symptoms are muscle weakness and muscle cramps, constipation, difficulty healing wounds, trouble sleeping, and food cravings.
The role of copper. Note that many of these symptoms such as trouble sleeping, poor wound healing, and the mental symptoms are characteristic of copper toxicity. This is one of Sam's big problems.
Copper tends to accumulate in the brain and elsewhere when there is a deficiency of vital minerals. The toxicity may not be revealed on early hair mineral tests, as was the case with Sam.
The development program. Sam's parents found the development program about one year ago. They have been careful with Sam's diet and have done a few of the procedures in addition to the diet and supplements.
Sam's progress on the program has been slow and this is to be expected. Like building a home, one must first build a foundation and this is what Sam is doing right now.
Progress. Sam's parents notice that he speaks better, does not want to be treated like a baby any more, and has less trouble starting and completing tasks. He is also friendlier and stronger.
Sam's souls are completely excited. They say the program is working and Sam will have a good brain. He just has to stay with the program for at least a few more years. They are so excited they insisted that we write up this case, although it is early in Sam's healing.
Most recent hair analysis results.
Better ratios. The calcium/magnesium ratio and the sodium/potassium ratio improved. This is an important indicator on this mineral test.
The ratios of the minerals are often more important than the levels of the minerals. This is confusing for new practitioners.
Settling down into four lows. For the first time, Sam's body chemistry moved into a four lows pattern. Four lows pattern on a retest is an important retracing pattern. It is a particular posturing of the body needed to process certain events, usually having to do with one's parents.
Sam's pregnancy was very difficult for him because his mother was very unhealthy. A person can look healthy, but the body is weak. She had two terrible rapes shortly before she became pregnant with Sam, and she was not healthy even before the rapes.
Horrendous prenatal care. Sam would not have been born so toxic and depleted except that modern prenatal care is abysmal. Mothers-to-be are told they can pretty much eat what they want and to “just include some healthy food in your diet”. Then they are given a one-size-fits-all prenatal vitamin tablet that was completely wrong for his mother.
In addition, she was given or allowed a few over-the-counter drugs during pregnancy. These went directly into the baby and poisoned him further.
This is modern medicine at its worst. We feel all the baby-related practitioners should lose their licenses at once for this horror!
Ten anchor patterns. This is the most exciting finding on the hair mineral test. It is a rather strange pattern.
Several years ago, we noticed that there is meaning when a mineral reading did not change much when a person followed the development program correctly. It is a type of brain restoration.
The sulci. Sam was born with smaller-than-normal folds or ridges in his brain. These are called the sulci. One is called a sulcus. When the anchor pattern is present, the sulci deepen.
The mineral levels remain the same or similar when the sulci deepen because the sameness represents a high level of stability of the body chemistry. This stability is required for this type of healing.
Large right pivot. Pivots are excellent patterns on retest mineral analyses. They are newer patterns we identified just in the past few years.
They are not always easy to see. However, they are a sort of twist in the levels of the first four or second four minerals. The tops of the graphs either twist to the right or to the left.
They indicate not only insight, but also a turning around of one's attitude. A right pivot usually has to do with oneself. A left pivot usually has to do with others. For details, read Anchors And Pivots.
All out or everything coming out. The levels of six (usually toxic) minerals – copper, lead, mercury, cadmium, nickel and selenium - increased on this retest. This is wonderful and indicates a greater ability to eliminate toxins and an elimination in progress.
The mineral levels rise because more of these minerals are coming out of the body through the hair and skin. For details, read an important new article, All-Out Or Everything Coming Out Pattern On A Hair Mineral Analysis.
2/20/22. Today on the radio there was an interview with a Ukranian soldier. He said the Russians are shooting at them with rockets and mortar shells. In other words, the war has begun – and the Western powers are doing nothing.
We don't mean to be alarmist, but this is almost an exact replay of the beginning of World War II. The only thing that is different are the nations involved.
The Germans began the takeover of Czechoslovakia in 1938 and completed it on March 15, 1939, and no one stopped them. They ruined that nation. Eventually, 500 million people lost their lives in the resulting war.
Please contact your representatives or MP. Tell them the shooting has begun and they must take military action to stop it at once to prevent another war.
2/19/22. A very important mental aspect of the development program is to learn to take responsibility for everything that occurs in your life. This is difficult for some people, but very important.
It means taking responsibility for disease, poverty, traumas such as rapes, and more. It even applies to events that occurred in your childhood.
The return to power. Taking responsibility grows your power. It is the opposite of being a victim, which is extremely disempowering. For more details, read Taking Responsibility.
2/19/22. Gold is rising and it is a good time to buy some. For details, read Financial Health.
Jane started out as a very modest and lovely little girl. When she was about 11 years old, a man came to the house and told her he would help her. She became frightened and tried to run, but he caught her.
He undressed her and rubbed soapy grease all over her. Then he raped her. She screamed, but her mother was on the telephone and did not come to her aid.
After that, Jane was very scared of everything and everyone. She was also full of sexually-transmitted diseases.
She also did not like people seeing her undressed, even her mother. She was withdrawn and sad a lot of the time, where before she had been a happy girl.
The next incident. About a year later a boy at school told her to meet him in the parking lot after school. When she arrived, three boys grabbed her and dragged her behind some bushes.
They took off her clothes and all three of them raped her. They also urinated and defecated on her and covered her with dirt and filth. She became infected with many more diseases.
She cried for hours. She visited the police, who were no help – just more embarrassment and poking around.
She had two more incidents of this type - rapes and filthing up. One was at a beach, and one at a party.
Then one of the boys at school told her that if she wants to prevent more rapes, she has to “help the young boys”. This means she approaches them and offers to teach them about sex. They told her which boys to approach.
She cried again, realizing she was now a filthy prostitute. She did as they said because she was so scared. Over the next three years, she “helped” and infected over 100 boys, mostly school boys.
The bad one. At age 15, one day a man grabbed her, put her in a car, locked the doors and took her to his house. He told her he did not like her lifestyle and he would end it. He said he would “kill her” so she would not sleep with boys any more.
She had no idea what he meant, but she soon found out. He undressed her and raped her very hard and long. It went on for a few hours. Her brain felt completely dead after that. When he left, she could not move for several hours and she was all bloody.
Oddly, the man told her she would soon marry and would live a fairly normal life. That turned out to be correct. However, Jane's brain hardly worked and she was always tired, depressed and had many fears and phobias.
She married at 17 and bore three children. The marriage was okay and the children turned out well.
The development program. Jane's husband died about 10 years ago, leaving her very lonely. But soon after, her daughter found the development program.
She urged her mother to change her diet and eat many more cooked vegetables and no fruit. Jane felt much better doing this and soon, at age 78, she wanted a hair mineral test and a full program.
Better energy. The first thing Jane noticed on the program was an improvement in her energy level. This was nice, but she knew she was full of sexually-transmitted diseases.
The vaginal peroxide procedure. So she began the vaginal peroxide procedure. Every day she lays in the bathtub on her back and poured a little DILUTED 3% hydrogen peroxide in the vagina. She dilutes it at least one part peroxide to one part water so it does not burn.
It always immediately bubbles up. When that happens, she just adds a little more peroxide and does this for half an hour or longer.
Happiness. Soon she started feeling much cleaner inside and much happier. It was amazing. Even more astounding, she began hearing a voice in her head that said it was the souls of the peroxide and they would explain what they are healing.
Retracing. The voice told her about her sexual experiences, many of which she did not remember. The peroxide and the rest of the development program enabled her to fully process and release these experiences.
We call this retracing. It is an emotional rollercoaster. At times, there are feelings of anger, fear, love, pleasure, hate and more. Then suddenly it ends and one is finished with that trauma. Then she moved on to the next incident.
Other women. The voice also told her that soon she would be in touch with other women who had had similar experiences. This came to pass.
Now she communicates regularly with a group of about 40 other women. All are following the development program. They call themselves “the peroxide women”. They can communicate telepathically.
Most recent hair mineral test.
8 All out. The levels of eight minerals increased on this test. Whenever six or more increase, the pattern is called all out or everything coming out. It is an excellent detoxification pattern.
Double double low ratio pattern. A double low ratio pattern means the calcium/magnesium ratio is less than 5 and the sodium/potassium ratio is less than 2.5. Dr. Eck called this pattern double give-up pattern. We also call it a slow death pattern.
When seen on a retest when the person is following the development program, it indicates a reversal of a death tendency.
Doubling. Jane has a double double low ratio pattern. This means the double low ratio pattern is on both the first four and the second four minerals. This situation is called a double double low ratio pattern. Doubling emphasizes or reinforces the pattern.
Step up pattern . Step up pattern is a special case of a double low ratio pattern. It is a combination of double low ratio, fast oxidation and some other criteria. It is a visual pattern on a calibrated graph from Analytical Research Labs that looks like steps going up to the right.
A step up pattern, when it appears on an initial hair mineral test, indicates a tendency for a quick and catastrophic death. In advanced acupuncture, the same pattern is called stepping out of life.
In this case, a step up pattern appears only on a retest when the person is following the development program. This indicates a reversal of a catastrophic death tendency. It is a back to life pattern.
On Jane's test, it is also on the second four minerals. This indicates a deeper level of healing or retracing.
Seven bowl or a big bowl. Jane's new hair test indicates a bowl pattern on the second through the eighth minerals (magnesium to zinc). A bowl pattern indicates that one feels stuck or trapped. It is a visual pattern in which the tops of the graphs of three or more minerals that are next to each other have the shape of a bowl.
When a bowl pattern appears on a retest when the person follows the development program, it can indicate retracing of an incident or situation in which one felt trapped.
Goalpost or window pattern. A goalpost pattern has two higher mineral levels surrounded by lower mineral levels. It looks somewhat like a goalpost on an American football field. In this case, magnesium and zinc are the two high posts.
This is a very positive pattern, as though one has scored a goal in life. In advanced Acupuncture, it is called a window pattern because it looks like a window and one is passing through the window to a better life.
The long rise. This is a brand new pattern for us! Jane's test shows six minerals that form almost a straight line upward to the right.
The long rise pattern indicates a long, slow climb to better health. It is an excellent pattern.
Note: To see this pattern, one must adjust the iron level on the graph from Analytical Research Labs. We believe their ideal iron level is too high (3.5 mg%) and should be at 2 mg%. I have brought this to their attention.
A complete shepherd pattern. This is another newer pattern and a very important one. Shepherding is a very basic biochemical mechanism the body uses to help remove toxic metals and toxic chemicals.
On Jane's test, the levels of calcium, magnesium and zinc all increased. The levels rose because calcium, magnesium and zinc are being used like shepherds to safely remove lead and other toxic metals.
For details, read a brand new article about this very basic mechanism of life - The Shepherd Concept.
Leaving the cult. This pattern is present when the levels of at least three of a group of certain minerals increase on a retest hair mineral analysis. The minerals include lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, aluminum, nickel, copper, iron and manganese.
This pattern is very positive and indicates a return to a happier life.
Calcium and magnesium shells. Jane's calcium and magnesium levels are extremely high. We call these patterns shells. On an initial hair test, they indicate a type of protected condition of the body, a hardening of the body, emotional suppression, slow oxidation rate, low energy, calcium buildup in the tissues, a hardening of the body, lowered cell permeability, and more.
On a retest such as in this case, a shell often indicates an elimination of a toxic form of calcium and magnesium. For details, read The Calcium Shell.
Anchors. Jane's test also shows 4 to 6 anchors. These are certain mineral levels that remained the same or did not change much on the retest. It is an important pattern because it has to do with healing of the brain.
Right pivot. Jane's new retest also reveals a right pivot pattern on the first four minerals. This indicates a change in one's attitude as a result of an insight about oneself. For details, read Pivots And Anchors.
2/18/22. Natural vitamin A made from fish oil has not been available in the United States for several years. I am not sure about Europe.
I am told all the natural vitamin A is in China and the Chinese government gives it to all their people to prevent covid-19.
The only vitamin A you can buy in the United States is synthetic vitamin A, called retinyl palmitate. It is not as good as the natural product. The best I have found is a pill of cod liver oil (which contains a little natural vitamin A) that is enriched with synthetic vitamin A.
2/17/22. Most women experience rapes. It is among the most common traumas on earth. The development program is a recent, bioenergetic method of healing that can help in many ways:
- Eliminating diseases. The program is excellent to undo all sexually-transmitted diseases, of which there are over 100. Medical methods do not work nearly as well, in the experience of our clients. This is because the development program uses at least 20 methods all at once to heal the diseases, and does not require toxic drugs at all.
- Restoring one's energy. Rape is always a nutritional disaster. By balancing and renourishing the body correctly, one's energy comes back. This takes a few years, but is a consistent finding in those who stay with the program.
- Helping with forgiveness. Some women have more trouble than others with forgiveness, but it is a key to healing from rape. The program helps because you will feel better and realize that life is not hopeless. You will also be able to process your trauma much better.
- Better mental functioning. For many women, this is the most gratifying aspect of the program. The brain can be rebuilt after a rape.
One can think clearly again and one can regain full mental functioning and function even better than before the rape or rapes. We know this sounds impossible, but it it the truth. No other program we are aware of can accomplish this.
- Self-esteem and happiness. Most women report that if they remain with the program for at least five years, they find their self-esteem returns. If one does the peroxide procedures, one becomes very happy in unusual ways.
In fact, using the peroxide a woman can retrace and release all sexual experiences – quite a remarkable and amazing experience. One also becomes much less fearful and more psychic or aware.
All this occurs at low cost and can be done in the privacy and safety of the home. For details, read Rape, Healing Rape, The Rape Planet and Beatings.
2/16/22. This is meant to inform you, not to frighten you. Warning: We have discovered that the rogues are using babysitters and daycare workers to rape, beat and wreck the brains of children of all ages. Many of the babysitters are cute-looking younger women who are, in fact, aliens and satans. This means they are not fully human, they are very strong, and they are killers.
One day or evening with one of them is enough to cause severe damage to the brain of your child.
Ideally, do not to use babysitters and daycare centers. We know this is an imposition upon parents, but it is best. If you want to leave your child with someone, make sure you know the person very well.
Sadly, the rogues can take a nice high school girl and, by raping and beating her, turn her into one of their killers. So beware of even people you think you know. We are very sorry to have to report this.
2/16/22. This is an unusual post that ties together certain concepts that are not well known.
Slavery is an ancient system of social organization on earth that was very common. Basically, it means that some people have more rights and privileges than others. It is also called a caste system.
The Greek and Roman civilizations had slaves, as did many other ancient civilizations. Nations of the Orient such as India, China and Japan also had caste systems in which some people had more rights than others.
The Bible. When the Hebrew Bible was written, slavery was very widespread. However, the Hebrew people, who were the prototype of the new humanity, were told they must not own slaves.
Sarah and Abraham, the couple that started the Hebrew religion, were told very clearly that slavery is not acceptable for the earth. They were told they must never be part of that system.
It is true that the Hebrew people chose to become enslaved to the Egyptians at one time because they were starving. However, the new human beings spoken of in the Bible were never to own slaves.
The American Revolution. Now we will talk about more modern events. When America was founded in 1776, (not in 1619, as some now teach), her people were mainly religious, Biblically-oriented people.
Most of them had moved to America to escape religious persecution in Europe. This is not often taught in schools and is a reason to keep your children out of schools.
Most of the American colonists were thoroughly repulsed by the slave system that the British and other European powers had put in place in the Southern American colonies such as Virginia, Georgia and the Carolinas. Less than half of the American colonies had slavery.
The American Declaration of Independence. This famous document, written in 1776, is about slavery. The preamble states that:
“We hold it to be self-evident that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”
In the language of that time, the word Men above means both men and women.
Abraham Lincoln called this document “a rebuke and stumbling block to tyranny and oppression” (including slavery).
However, in order to keep the new nation in one piece, the American founders accepted a compromise concerning the slave system they had inherited from the British. The understanding was that in time, the system would be phased out.
This is very important. A modern left-wing fake teaching is that America was founded upon slavery. This is a terrible lie being taught in many schools today.
It is an important reason to keep your children out of schools, along with helping to prevent rapes and beatings of your children that are also occurring in schools. We know it sounds awful, and it is, but this is true today.
The Civil War in America. Most people in the South of the United States did not own slaves. This is important to know. Only a relatively small number of plantation owners owned slaves. The rest of the American people were horrified by the slave system, which clearly violated the Biblical prohibition against slavery.
However, the slave owners were powerful in the government and wanted the system to continue. They were firmly backed by British bankers who desired to split America in half to reduce her influence in the world.
This set the stage for the American Civil War. It began in 1860 and lasted four years.
Many schools today do not teach much about the Civil War that was fought to end slavery in America. This is another reason to keep your children out of the schools.
Do not be misled by left-wing historians who say the Civil War was about trade or other things. Abraham Lincoln, elected in 1860, was firmly anti-slavery and everyone knew it. The war broke out soon after his election.
Religious aspects of the Civil War. In fact, the American Civil War, a very bloody war, was a fight between the Biblically-based anti-slavery people and the secular people who supported slavery. The religious people won.
This is very important to know. This is also often not taught in schools and is a reason to keep your children out of today's schools.
Today's war. The people of earth are once again in the midst of a war. The Rogue forces that have dominated the earth for at least 20,000 years have decided to impose slavery upon ALL people of the earth.
To do this, they have infiltrated all major areas of society – education, business, government, the media and more. This is occurring in most nations of the earth.
They have superior technology, including a technology of rape, beating and brainwashing that is very sophisticated and kept very secret.
We are beginning to understand these technologies. For details, read The Rape Planet and Beatings.
The emergency mentality. One way the rogues get around the laws is to declare “emergencies”. We have been conditioned to accept the idea that in an “emergency” the laws are suspended. This is completely false and opposed to the intent of the founders of our legal systems around the world.
Governments declare emergencies due to rain, due to snow, due to heat, due to cold and more. It is all conditioning so you will give up your rights and your laws.
When I grew up, when there was a snow blizzard, it was just a “snow day” and the schools were closed. Not any more! Now it is an “emergency”.
The new system of justice. The Biblical system of the Ten Commandments and Golden Rule apply to everyone. This is called equal justice under the law. The rogues are rapidly imposing a two-tiered system of justice, which is a way to describe slavery.
Their system they call social justice or, at times, they call it environmental justice or racial justice. These terms all mean the same thing - some people have more rights than others.
This is taking us right back to the monarchies of ancient times and of Europe where there were laws for the king and a separate set of laws for the common people, who are called the “commoners”.
The battle lines. All around the world, people are lining up based upon their view of the Bible. Either you believe that slavery in all forms is wrong, as the Bible teaches, OR you accept the doctrines of the liberals and left-wing people that some should have more rights and privileges than others.
2/15/22. It is very difficult for me to write about babies and childbirth because I become angry at the horror and lies that is “modern medical (and natural) health care”.
A true story. I worked as a doctor in a remote rural village in Southern Mexico. There were no telephones, radio or other communication. They had just gotten a little electricity a few years before. The people lived in small adobe huts, most with dirt floors, thatched roofs, and no bathing or toilet facilities.
Very late one Saturday night a young woman knocked on my door and said she had a stomach ache. Her belly was slightly distended and she was having a few stomach cramps.
Upon asking a few questions, it became clear she was having a baby. Her water had broken and she was starting to have uterine contractions.
I told her she could have the baby in the village, but she insisted that I drive her to a clinic almost two hours away. So we drove off along bumpy dirt roads.
When we arrived it was early Sunday morning. Upon arrival, the clinic door was unlocked, but no one was there. I helped the woman into the clinic.
However, before I could examine her or even wash my hands, the baby popped out. We wrapped the baby in a few paper towels and drove back to the village, and all was well.
Babies in trouble. In contrast, the health of babies in the Western nations is terrible.
The major cause of death of babies is birth defects. The birth defect rate has more than doubled in the United States in the past 70 years. Today one of every 33 babies in the United States has a birth defect.
The United States is about the most disgusting nations for babies. This year America ranks #52 in the world in infant mortality!
Sudden infant death. This is a major cause of death of babies. Sudden infant death is a stupid term that means “we don't know”. It is exactly like the medical terms essential hypertension, intrinsic asthma and idiopathic purpura. Some day I hope doctors will be honest instead of disguising the truth with fancy words!
Congenital malformations, infections, and trouble breathing are other common causes of infant death. A few websites acknowledge that malnutrition has something to do with this.
Prenatal care. From my perspective, the main reason for problems is terrible prenatal care – most all of it. Mothers-to-be are told they are healthy when in reality their health is awful. The physicians just don't know how to measure health because they don't use or understand hair mineral testing.
Mothers-to-be are told it is fine to stay up late and carry cell phones around all day that give off harmful microwave radiation. This is very important!
They are also told that microwave cooking (nuking your food) is just fine when, in fact, it ruins the food.
They are told that “standard food” is okay, when most of it is junk, especially white flour, all sugar, soda pop, table salt, frozen vegetables and more. Feed it to your dog and you kill your dog!
Mothers-to-be are told to eat salads and fruit, both of which we find are terrible for health today. They are also told the lie that vaccines are okay or even good, and mothers-to-be are allowed or even given toxic prescription drugs. For more details, read Prenatal Care.
The development program. The development program is excellent to help prevent problems of pregnancy and birth. I did not know this at first, but have learned it over the years. We have had at least 100 babies born to mothers on the development program. Their Apgar score is much higher than average.
The Center For Development Foundation. Our foundation focuses on producing healthy babies by supporting young women and children who cannot afford the development program. Please contribute here.
CASE HISTORY: GETTING A BRAIN - The best valentine possible
2/14/22. Michael is 12 years old. His life has been okay, but he has always known that his brain functions at about half speed. He says that is true of most of the children he knows, including all his friends.
Michael's mother learned about the development program at least 10 years ago and began to change their diet. He has had hair testing and the complete program for at least eight years.
Michael often resisted, not wanting to eat so many cooked vegetables. His mother worked hard to make them tasty, making them into purees, putting tasty toppings on them, and more.
He also resisted taking pills – the nutritional supplements. This all seemed crazy. What is wrong with eating food, and food that tastes good like everyone else?
Michael's mother also insisted he twist his spine every day and sit with his shirt off shining a red heat lamp on his chest every day for about half an hour or longer. He resisted this, too.
However, his mother persisted, usually gently. This is what it takes, folks!
Progress. Over the past three months, a cloud seemed to lift from Michael's brain. The souls experienced happiness and delight like never before. The world seems brighter to Michael and he often finds himself happy, something that was not true before!
Most recent hair test. Michael just had his fifteenth hair test. He also resisted having his hair cut off for such a strange test. The test showed the following:
Coming alive. Michael's new mineral analysis reveals an excellent pattern on the second four minerals, called the second tetra. All four of the minerals either remained the same or increased.
This indicates an improvement in general vitality. That is why we call it coming alive.
Advanced acupuncture. Coming alive is a term taken from an advanced form of acupuncture that requires so much training and sensitivity in one's fingers that it cannot be taught at this time.
The development program is a modern and simplified, but very effective version of this ancient science of acupuncture. This may sound very strange, but it is true.
A deep trauma pattern. The second four minerals (iron, copper, manganese and zinc) formed a double low ratio pattern. This means the ratio of iron to copper was less than 0.58 and the ratio of manganese to zinc was less than 0.0015.
We call this formation double give up or a slow death pattern. One is not going to die immediately, but if it remains, the future is not bright. This is a good way to describe Michael's life.
You might ask, why is the pattern showing up now? The answer is because Michael is revisiting and processing his past and undoing it. It is called Retracing. It is a reversal process, which is true deep healing. It does not occur on most healing programs of any kind because they don't go deep enough. But it does occur on the development program regularly!
Forward flip of the sodium/potassium ratio. This is another wonderful mineral pattern. It means that the ratio of sodium to potassium in the body tissues changed from less than 2.5 to greater than 2.5.
This might not seem important, but it is very much so! The sodium/potassium ratio in the tissues is a major indicator of health or disease. In most people, it is too low. This is associated with low vitality, and illness of all kinds.
Mental illness. A low sodium/potassium ratio is also associated with persistent feelings of frustration, resentment and hostility. This is a good description of how Michael thought about the world!
Twelve anchors. Michael's mineral analysis reveals another excellent pattern that we call anchors. These are mineral levels that do not change or change only slightly, within certain criteria.
We formerly thought this just meant the person did not follow the program. However, in the past few years we realized that this little change pattern can mean something much different if a person eats correctly and takes the proper supplements.
Anchor patterns indicate a special type of healing of the brain that so far we have observed only with the development program and not with other medical, natural or holistic healing programs.
The sulci. Specifically, the sulci of the brain (the ridges in the surface of the brain) become deeper and the brain grows a little in size. The brain also functions much better in sort of mysterious ways that we don't really understand.
It is as though the architecture of the ridges of the brain has a lot to do with one's intelligence and awareness. When the ridges are flattened, the brain is sort of dead. When the ridges increase, so does one's intelligence, judgment, awareness, memory and other qualities.
Michael has 12 of these patterns on his most recent hair test. This is quite excellent! If there are six of them, we call it a 'new brain' pattern. If there are nine of them, we call it 'a wise person' pattern. We would say, twelve anchor patterns on one test means 'a new world opens up'!
An amigo dump. This is a somewhat unusual pattern, often seen in people who have experienced rape, which is not the case with Michael. It is an increase in the levels of iron, manganese and aluminum in the hair tissue. It is an elimination of toxic forms of these minerals.
We don't know why, but when these minerals leave, a person often feels much more relaxed and at ease. It is as though one has undone a deep trauma.
While Michael has never experienced rape, his mother did experience it, as have most women. For details, read The Rape Planet and Rape.
The rape planet. Michael says he was born with the taint or effects of rape in his body. Today, most children are born with this taint. It colors their entire world and causes a subtle negativity, stupidity, and anger in millions of children today.
The group we call the Rogues is responsible for the vast majority of the rapes. They rape very professionally and deliberately in order to wreck the lives of women and all of their future children. This is very important to know about. It is not paranoia. It is the truth.
Michael was one of these children and the amigo dump pattern and the other patterns on the recent hair test indicate that Michael is freeing himself of the taint of rape. We don't know any other healing program that can cause this change in the body.
Perking up. Michael's phosphorus level has been low and it increased. We call this pattern perking up. It means that biosynthesis (the formation of all body chemicals in the nuclei of the cells) increased in its pace and often in quality, as well. It is an excellent indicator.
Leaving the cult pattern. This pattern is present whenever one eliminates at least three of the minerals associated with rapes and cults. These include iron, manganese, aluminum, mercury, cadmium, arsenic and nickel.
This pattern is called leaving the cult because when one experiences rape or joins many cults, they put toxic minerals into your body by various means. This makes a person weaker and less able to think clearly. As a result, one is more likely to remain in the cult.
As healing and retracing occur due to the development program, the body eliminates the toxic metals. When this occurs, one often feels released or freed in some way.
Chronic to acute and hostility to anger. The combination of patterns on Michael's mineral analysis, especially the change in the sodium/potassium ratio, indicate a shift in his thinking from chronic stress (low sodium/potassium ratio) to anger and more action (high sodium/potassium ratio).
Indeed, Michael says he is dealing with this anger, which he doesn't understand on the outer level. But it is part of a healing process as one's energy improves and one's awareness and brain power improve.
The world is indeed a mess and who would not get angry, at times, at what is going on. However, anger is a lot better than wallowing in despair, hostility, frustration and resentment.
So as Michael “wakes up”, the anger is surfacing to be healed. What other test will show you this kind of change in a person's body and personality, he asks?
The trouble patterns – the need for more progress. Michael's mineral analysis also reveals areas that still need healing and development. This is important because they are warning patterns of possible future health problems if Michael does not stay with the program.
This is predictive healing and preventive healing. These are other wonderful features of the development program. For details about this critical subject, read Real Prevention.
His oxidation rate is still sluggish with a fairly low sodium level. This is an adrenal burnout pattern, meaning low adaptive or cellular energy production.
Also, he still has a four lows pattern on the second four minerals. This is a sub-oxidation pattern or shut-down sequence of the body at a deep level.
He also still has a sympathetic dominance pattern, which is a problem in his autonomic nervous system. He still has a bowl pattern on the first six minerals, meaning he feels trapped or stuck. He also still has poor eliminator patterns and he is armoring.
If we just pay attention to these patterns, one would become depressed and probably quit the program. This is why emphasizing the joy patterns – the set of patterns discussed earlier – is so important!!!
The imbalances on Michael's test indicate there is plenty of room for an even much, much better life! That is the potential of this program!
(Armoring usually means Michael needs to be doing the Pulling Down Procedure. The outer Michael does not understand this procedure at this time and his mother has not taught it to him. The reason is she doesn't understand how wonderful it is and because women have more trouble with it. For details, read Women and Development.)
Summary. Michael has a new life and will be forever grateful for the development program and for the gentle persistence of his mother. She still needs to heal her own traumas.
Michael is now helping her more with this since he has a better brain. Michael says: Never underestimate the importance and value of having children for your healing.
2/13/22. Many people ask why we use hair mineral testing rather than other methods of assessing the body. The answer is in two parts:
1. Ideally, development does not require any testing. To develop, one simply follows the correct lifestyle.
The development lifestyle is to eat the proper foods, take several nutritional supplements, do the pulling down mental exercise to move subtle energy properly through the body, rest enough, and hold on to most of one's sexual fluid.
Also, we find that certain other procedures will move things along much faster. These are the spinal twists including the hand flex movements, foot reflexology, red lamp therapy, coffee enemas, the neck pull, and a few others.
This is what we call the “free” or basic development program and it is a very good starter program.
2. However, we live on a very toxic planet with mineral-depleted food. To move much faster, an enhancement is to continuously balance certain tissue mineral levels and ratios in the body. We recently learned that this is how the Planning Souls heal and develop the body.
Balancing is a systems concept. The body is a very complex system. Like a car motor or any complex piece of machinery, if one keeps the machine balanced, it functions much better. For many more details, read The Balance Concept, Systems Theory And Healing and Systems Theory.
The souls tell us this balancing process requires knowing the levels and ratios of the basic tissue minerals. Hair is a body tissue that can accurately, inexpensively and non-invasively provides this information. Blood, urine, saliva, or medical scans are interesting tests, but do not directly measure the tissue mineral levels. So that is why we use hair.
The test must be performed and interpreted properly. When one does this, the results are excellent.
The critics. Those who criticize hair mineral testing are either ignorant or malicious. For those who want to learn it, we are happy to teach them.
Malicious means that those who control the medical and natural healing professions don't want it taught because it would heal people at very deep levels, which sadly is not their goal. For more technical details, read Introduction To Hair Mineral Analysis.
2/12/22. Retracing and healing traumas such as rapes can be one of the most difficult parts of the development program. It can cause a person to quit the program and to believe the program does not work. In fact, it is working very well, but there is a need to retrace a trauma.
For an excellent discussion of this topic, read My Healing Process by Marianne West.
The sequence of events. Typically, a person feels better on the program for a few years. Then, however, one begins to feel worse, often with odd symptoms that don't make much sense.
Updating the program and doing more of it does not solve the problem and might even make it worse. This is often what trauma retracing feels like.
How long? Retracing a trauma can go on for several months and occasionally goes on for a number of years. This depends upon the type, severity and duration of the trauma.
Unconscious. Very often, one is not conscious that one is retracing a trauma. The incident may have occurred when one was a baby, or for some reason the souls decide do not fully inform you of what occurred.
If you ask, we may be able to tune in and tell you what the trauma was.
What to do? Often, one must reduce the program during the retracing. Taking a lot of supplements, doing procedures or even following the diet, at times can bring up more trauma and make things temporarily worse. This can be very frustrating.
Happy endings. In our experience, most everyone who stays with the program eventually gets through their trauma retracing. You may never know exactly what occurred, but after a time the symptoms begin to go away and usually you will feel much better than before the retracing began.
You have to work closely with me, at times, and not presume that you have the answers and that the program is faulty. For more details, read Trauma Release and My Healing Process by Marianne West.
2/11/22. The neck pull causes much faster development and can also help align the spine and neck. It is also simple and takes very little time to do.
NOTE: The neck pull is also one of the more unusual development procedures. Some people say it causes neck damage. However, so far, after years of recommending it, we have not received any reports of damage from it.
In this post, we want to bring this procedure to your attention and urge you to use it every day. For details, read The Neck Pull.
2/10/22. I am being told that millions upon millions of fine matter creatures are returning to the earth at this time. I am told this is a very positive event.
These creatures belong on earth and range in size from microscopic to enormous. Each performs a type of work on our planet. For example, they regulate the spin and rotation of the earth, which controls the climate. They also assist the plants and animals on the earth in many ways.
Most people cannot see these creatures because their bodies are made of a type of flesh that is less dense than ours. However, they are real. For more details, read Bodies – Their Structure And Activities.
2/10/22. Not only are the American president and Congress in violation of the law, as explained in yesterday's post. The Supreme Court of the United States also failed to do their job, which was to quickly adjudicate many lawsuits that challenged the 2020 election results.
For this reason, all of the Supreme Court justices need to resign at once. By remaining in power, they are also committing treasonous acts.
2/9/22. We are continuing to research whether there is a problem with pyridoxine, a form of vitamin B6. A little is in Megapan, Limcomin and Stress Pak, and it is added to some nutritional yeast.
We think the problem may be something else. Let us know if you know about this.
2/9/22. We periodically remind everyone that the current American national president and Congress were not installed properly. The Congress certified the election and the new administration took power while there were many pending lawsuits challenging the election results.
For this reason, they are in violation of the law and committing treason. This applies to everyone in both houses of the US Congress. It also applies to some state legislatures and governors.
Is this alarmist? It may sound alarmist to call it treason. However, it is a very serious violation of American law.
Some readers remember that in the 2000 election there was a challenge to the election results and a court case, Bush v. Gore. Everyone had to wait for the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States before the results of the election could be certified.
The proper action now in America is for Congress to disband itself and the president and vice president to step down. The former administration and Congress need to take over until all challenges to the 2020 election are properly adjudicated.
Every attorney and concerned citizen should be very upset and speaking up about this violation of the law. Perhaps I am speaking up because I am better nourished.
2/8/22. The development program includes five basic healing and development procedures. They are The Pulling Down Procedure, Coffee Enemas, shining a Reddish Heat Lamp on the body or using a Reddish Heat Lamp Sauna, and Foot and Hand Reflexology.
However, adding a few other procedures can cause a person to heal and develop much faster. Here are several of them are:
The vaginal object. Our clients tell us that this simple and safe procedure for women can double one's speed of development. Most women report using a plastic packing peanut for this procedure. For details, read The Vaginal Object Procedure.
Down hugging, down kissing and/or down sex. If you have a partner, these procedures are enjoyable and help marriages. They also greatly speed up development, especially for women. For details, read Down Hugging, Down Kissing and Down Sex.
The neck pull. This procedure moves a lot of subtle energy through the whole body in the right direction and can greatly speed up development. For details, read The Neck Pull.
The trances. These require a friend and could be done safely on a date or even at a gathering. They are very effective to speed up anyone's development. For details, read The Toe Trance and The Hand Trance.
Sleeping with your body aligned with the etheric flow of the earth. Positioning your bed so that you sleep with your head toward the nearest pole of the earth speeds up healing and development.
For example, if you live in North America or Europe, position your bed so your head is at least partially toward the North and your feet are toward the South. For details, read The Sleep Alignment Procedure.
Genital Bath. This is another very simple procedure that is very healing and speeds up development in both men and women. For details, read The Genital Bath.
The bidet toilet attachment. This device attaches to most toilets and sprays one's bottom with clean water as a substitute for toilet paper. We found that used somewhat differently, it stimulates a reflex system and can be most helpful for healing. For details, read The Bidet Procedures.
2/7/22. Pfizer Company data has been released, including a study of 22,000 people who took their Wuhan virus vaccine. Of the 22,000, there was one less death due to covid-19, but there were four extra deaths due to heart attacks.
There are more deaths from the covid vaccines than from all other vaccines combined during the past 30 years. Stay away and resist the illegal tyranny.
2/7/22. I just found out that about 50,000 people gathered in Washington, DC on January 23, 2022. This was not reported widely. For one of the excellent speeches, go to
2/7/22. Fasting is a dangerous therapy that is growing in popularity because it is easy. It can help with some illnesses, often because one stops or reduces bad eating habits and because it rests the digestive tract. However, its problems far outweigh the benefits.
I was the medical director at a fasting spa for more than three years, so I have direct experience with it. Several ways fasting is done are:
- Intermittent fasting is when one skips breakfast or dinner and just eats two meals a day.
- Water fasting usually requires visiting a clinic. Clinic or spa personnel monitor the person undertaking the fast and assist to reintroduce food afterwards.
- Other. This includes juice fasting and other restricted diets.
The problems with fasting. A major problem is that all bodies today are malnourished. Fasting makes this problem worse.
Today's malnutrition is the result of eating mineral-depleted food. This includes most of our food, thanks to the use of superphosphate fertilizers and hybrid crops that are bred for high production, not nutrition. For details, read Superphosphate Or N-P-K Fertilizers and Organic Agriculture.
Malnutrition can also be due to eating refined and processed foods such as white flour, white sugar, frozen vegetables and refined table salt. It is also due to eating raw vegetables, which the body cannot digest well.
Improper eating habits and weak digestion also reduce nutrient absorption in millions of people, even if the diet and food are of good quality. For details, read Everyone Is Depleted And Toxic and The Food Story.
Another problem with water fasting is that it does not train a person in how to eat properly. The fast itself is rather easy for some people because one's hunger may go away after a few days. (We think this is bad, since hunger is a normal signaling system of the body). However, one cannot continue fasting for long.
Fasting not needed. We find that fasting is not needed to heal illness.
Fasting slows development. Development requires excellent nutrition, which fasting does not provide. In fact, fasting interferes with proper nutrition. For details, read Introduction To Development and Introduction To The Development Program.
Fasting is not a deep method of detoxification. Fasting is often promoted as a powerful way to detoxify the body. While it causes some detoxification, the bodies are so malnourished today that this limits detoxification. Also, deep detoxification that occurs on the development program requires years, not a few weeks.
Mental damage. Fasting can easily deplete essential brain chemicals such as omega-3 fatty acids and others. This damage can take years to repair.
Summary. Stay away from all fasting. It is a very dangerous “natural” therapy. Instead, learn how to eat correctly from this website and not others, and you will achieve all the benefits of fasting and much more. For more details, read Fasting And Cleansing Diets and Intermittent Fasting.
2/6/22. George is 64 years old. His symptoms included migraine headaches, low blood sugar, candida albicans infection, food allergies, anxiety, depression, tinnitus (ringing in the ears) with hyperacusis (extra sensitive hearing), cold in winter and frequent urination.
Copper imbalance. Note that a number of these symptoms are associated with copper imbalance. They include migraine headaches, yeast infections, anxiety and depression. These are quite common today. Many of these symptoms had gone on for years. For details about copper, read Copper Toxicity Syndrome.
The development program. George began the development program about four years ago. Progress was slow, at first, but George stayed with the program.
His hair tests often showed a four lows pattern. This is associated with nutritional depletion and exhaustion. It is also always associated with copper buildup in the liver.
Now George is reporting that all his symptoms have decreased. He is delighted.
Most recent hair test. George's newest hair mineral test revealed the following:
- Settling down pattern on the first four minerals. This is present when the levels of all four of the first four minerals (calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium) either remain the same or decrease.
In advanced acupuncture that is not taught much on earth, this pattern is called coming home. One often feels a little better and more grounded when this pattern is present.
- Into four lows. George also moved into a four lows pattern. When one moves into a four lows pattern on a retest only, it usually indicates the person is processing a trauma or issue related to one's parents. This is true in George's case. It is reinforced by the next pattern.
- Double low ratio on the second four minerals. This is present when the iron/copper ratio is 0.5 or lower and the manganese/zinc ratio is low, as well. It is called double give-up or a slow death pattern. When one moves into this pattern on a retest it indicates one is processing a trauma.
- The zinc level rose by five mg%. This is very positive because zinc is so important for dozens of bodily activities including biosynthesis, digestion, reproduction, the brain, and more.
- 11 anchor patterns. Anchors are present when the levels of certain minerals either do not change or change very little. The person must also be following the development program properly for the anchor patterns to be valid.
Anchors are very interesting and indicate a specific type of healing of the brain in which the sulci or ridges of the brain become deeper and more pronounced. This improves brain activity a lot.
2/6/22. Parasites are very common. They can cause symptoms but at times, they just live inside our bodies and are difficult to detect and eliminate because the terrain or environment inside the body is too favorable for their survival.
Hidden health conditions. In the case above, George did not report having parasites. However, the guides say he does and the program automatically and slowly gets rid of them.
This is one of the greatest benefits of the development program compared to other medical or holistic health programs. The development program automatically goes to work to solve hundreds of health problems.
Blocking the program. In this case history, the parasites, who are intelligent, literally blocked George from doing some of the program. They caused intense symptoms when he does coffee enemas or uses the red heat lamp for more than about 10 minutes.
This client had to push through these negative symptoms, knowing that these therapies are excellent, regardless of what they feel like at first.
Victim thinking. We find that parasitic infections are associated with victim thinking. In some way, maintaining a psychological stance as a victim causes the body to secrete a chemical that the parasites can use as food.
Everyone needs to move away from victim thinking, mainly because it is incorrect. It is always a lie!
In truth, we do not know why events occur, so we should not judge ourselves or others based upon them.
Removing parasites. The development program is excellent to remove parasites and does it in a non-toxic manner that is completely different from the medical and holistic methods.
A cold or yin condition. The way it works is that parasites are a yin disease in macrobiotic terminology. By causing the body to become more yang, we “heat up” the body and at some point the parasites must either leave or die. For details, read Parasites.
2/6/22. I received one message from someone who is not on our program. She and some others cannot sleep and have other symptoms if they take the standard vitamin B6 (piridoxal phosphate) in Megapan and Limcomin.
Liver problems. The person wrote that she believes her liver is very bad, causing the problem. I would recommend two to four coffee enemas daily and frequent rubbing the feet, especially the liver areas.
I am grateful for the feedback about piridoxal phosphate and was not aware of this problem. It appears to be rare. We like the way these products work so we will continue their use unless I hear from many more people.
2/5/22. The development program is excellent to reverse and actually heal the utter horror of autism. This preventable problem needlessly cripples millions of children every year. Please work to stop the destruction of our children by vaccines.
Other healing programs may palliate symptoms, but rarely actually reverse and completely heal the condition. The reason is the development program can deeply remove vaccine toxins, the usual cause of autism.
Paul. Paul is 11 years old. He became autistic soon after his second birthday and very soon after receiving one of the many vaccines given to babies in America. He stopped speaking, withdrew emotionally, and began banging his head and other autism-related behaviors.
Therapy. Paul's parents tried at least five medical and holistic therapies including herbs, Chinese medicine, homeopathy and others. These helped a little, but did not reverse the condition.
The development program. About two years ago, Paul began the development program. His diet was not perfect, but he ate many more cooked, preferred vegetables and took the supplements.
He also received daily foot rubs and sat in front of a reddish heat lamp for about half an hour each day. (Adults need one hour daily).
Most recent hair mineral test. Paul's most recent mineral analysis reveals the following mineral patterns.
TWO WARNINGS ABOUT THESE MINERAL PATTERNS: 1. Testing must be accurate. At this time, we only use Analytical Research Labs for hair testing because the results from other labs are not consistently accurate enough.
Reasons for inaccurate tests are that almost all hair testing laboratories wash the hair before testing it, wrecking the accuracy of the test. A second reason is that many labs do sloppy, inaccurate work. It does not matter that they are licensed.
2. For these patterns to be valid, one must be following the development program under the care of one of our Helpers. If a person follows someone else's program, the patterns are not valid and usually mean nothing.
This is one reason we do not use or recommend computer programs to determine mineral patterns. They do not tell if a person is following the correct program.
Paul is functioning much better. Here are the mineral patterns on Paul's most recent hair mineral analysis:
Bowl to a hill. This is an excellent pattern. A bowl pattern indicates one is stuck. If one connects the tops of the graphs of the first four minerals on an ARL calibrated mineral chart, the appearance is that of a bowl.
A hill pattern is the opposite and indicates a celebration of achievement, like reaching the top of a hill or mountain. The pattern of moving from a bowl pattern to a hill pattern is unusual and very positive. It is sometimes called 'back in action'.
Eight anchors. Anchor patterns on a hair mineral chart, when the hair is not washed at the laboratory and the person follows the correct program, indicate a special type of healing of the architecture of the brain. They are present on a retest when the level of certain minerals does not change or changes very little, according to strict criteria.
Paul's new hair test indicates eight anchor patterns. The presence of seven or more anchor patterns we call 'a new brain'.
Everything coming out or all out. This excellent pattern is present when six or more mineral levels on an ARL hair mineral chart increase on a retest. This indicates an elimination of toxic minerals through the hair and skin.
On Paul's new mineral analysis, nine mineral levels increased, which is excellent.
Trauma retracing. Paul's new test also indicates that he is continuing to retrace an old trauma. The pattern is a combination of a very low ratio of iron to copper and a very low ratio of manganese to zinc.
In development science, this is called a double low ratio pattern on the second four minerals. It is a slow death pattern.
Trauma. When one suffers a trauma, a part of oneself dies. Usually some advanced souls leave and the body shuts down, to some degree. This is true of the trauma of vaccine-induced autism.
During the healing process, the trauma pattern often accentuates on repeat hair mineral charts as it reverses. On Paul's most recent retest the pattern is weaker, indicating that Paul is moving through and completing the healing his vaccine trauma.
2/5/22. America is nearing the next election to be held later this year. It is a good time to remind everyone that to have fair elections, there can be no voting machines and no mail-in ballots. These both invite cheating, which was quite extensive in the last election.
Also, everyone needs to present two forms of identification in order to vote. This is not racist or discriminatory. It is common sense.
2/5/22. A recent study published in Toxin Reviews points out a serious problem with cannabis products – all cannabis plants readily absorb toxic metals.
This is a very important study! Louis Bengyella, the lead author of the study, wrote “analysis of heavy metals in the smoke of cannabis revealed the presence of mercury, cadmium, lead, nickel and arsenic”. It applies to CBD as well!
For details, see Global Impact Of Trace Non-essential Heavy Metal Contaminants In Industrial Cannabis Bioeconomy, published October 28, 2021. (
2/5/22. Someone recently contacted our Helpers claiming to make a better substitute for Megapan. Please stay away. We don't receive complaints about Megapan.
2/4/22. The forces defending the earth have found new ways to see more clearly the problems on earth, particularly the problems of the people of earth.
They tell me the coffee enemas are particularly helpful for everyone's health and well being. We don't really understand all the reasons why. Drinking coffee does not have the same effect.
Those who do coffee enemas have much more light around them and are in better condition, even if one does not feel well, at times.
Retracing. Not feeling well on the development program is due to retracing, assuming you are doing the program correctly. Some of our clients have so much trauma to retrace and heal that it is just not fun until you get past it.
I call the process the rollercoaster to heaven – it is an up and down process. However, keep in touch with your Helper and, if needed, with me, and in our experience you will get through it and be free of your past.
2/3/22. Avoiding fruit is one of the most important and controversial parts of the development diet and development science. Other than the exceptions below, eating fruit is not necessary and very harmful for everyone.
One of the worst foods to feed babies and children is fruit. Fruit juices are even worse.
Fruit upsets the blood sugar, demineralizes the bodies, addicts people to sweets, and damages the teeth. It also contributes to numerous other health problems such as hyperactivity, ADD, infections, cancer and more.
What is wrong with fruit?
- Fruit is very yin in macrobiotic terminology. Yin is a physics term that means cold, expanded, and containing slow-moving particles of matter.
All the bodies today are too yin to begin with. Fruit makes this worse. The reason the bodies are yin are radiation poisoning, toxic metal poisoning, demineralized food and electrical pollution. This is an important reason why eating yin food tends to make a person feel much worse. For details, read Yin And Yang Healing.
- Fruit picks up too much toxic potassium and other toxins that are put on our food today. For details, read Toxic Potassium.
- The balance of the minerals in most fruit is incorrect. It contains very little calcium, zinc and selenium, which are vital minerals. It also contains too much potassium.
The above are the main reasons we recommend avoiding fruit. There are other reasons that are less important.
These are its high sugar content, that it is often unclean and contaminated with parasite eggs, and because it damages the teeth due to its content of sugar, fruit acids and its incorrect mineral balance.
Exceptions. There are a few exceptions to the no-fruit rule. We recommend eating about 3 botija olives per week and eating green beans every day. Green beans are a combination of a vegetable and a fruit.
Eating a little olive oil is also okay, but do not heat it! If you do, it becomes quite toxic.
Isn't it true we need fruit in the diet? Absolutely not. We have worked with thousands of people and no one has reported problems that are solvable by eating fruit.
Those with hypoglycemia may think they need fruit, but really they need to correct their body chemistry and the craving for sweets will go away.
2/2/22. Most everyone needs to eat more of the preferred cooked vegetables. In our experience, adults need to eat 2-3 cups of preferred, cooked vegetables with each meal, three or even four times daily.
Why so many vegetables? This is what the bodies are calling for, in our experience. We wish it were not so.
We wish one could eat fewer vegetables or just take a pill and get the same nutrition, but pills are not the same as food and it does not work for rapid development. Here are the reasons why:
Toxicity. The bodies are ALL filthed up today. Without lots of cooked vegetables to provide hundreds of nutrients, you cannot detoxify well. Read our post just below about your liver to learn more.
Sympathetic dominance. This is a very common condition of the autonomic or automatic nervous system. One of its branches, the sympathetic or fight-or-flight branch, is overstimulated and activated too much. This greatly reduces nutrient absorption.
The development program helps correct this situation, but it takes some time. For details, read Sympathetic Dominance.
Mediocre quality. Most all the food on earth is of mediocre quality today in terms of mineral nutrition. This is due to the use of superphosphate fertilizers and hybrid crops everywhere. This includes organic food, which is usually a little better if you can find it and afford it. For details, read Superphosphates and Organic Agriculture.
Mineral removal. The group we call the Rogues remove vital minerals from the earth such as calcium, magnesium, zinc, iodine, selenium and others. This reduces the mineral content of our food today. Some of these minerals are being brought back to our planet at this time.
Weak digestion. Most everyone has weak digestion due to general malnutrition and toxicity. As a result, one cannot extract enough nutrition from food. For details, read Digestion.
Stress. Stress, hurried lifestyles and bad eating habits reduce the absorption and utilization of nutrients. Please sit and relax at meals. Eat slowly and chew thoroughly in a quiet environment. Otherwise, your sympathetic nervous system activates and nutrient absorption suffers.
Feeding others. This is unusual, but true. The people of earth are so malnourished that when a person eats better, the soul is asked if he or she would mind sharing some of the vital quality of their food with others.
This may sound impossible, but it is not. It is an example of empathic healing. It is a vital and beautiful service to others. Do not underestimate its importance! For details, read Empathic Healing.
Which are the preferred vegetables? They include all types of onions, including shallots, leeks, pearl onions, green, yellow, white, red and vidalia onions.
They also include orange carrots, which are extremely important to eat with every meal. They also include rutabaga, Brussels sprouts, green beans, white and purple daikon, broccolini or baby broccoli, red cabbage and cauliflower.
The preferred vegetables also include a small amount daily of ginger, horseradish root, and celery. Others are - a few times a week have one small clove of garlic and a very thin slice of golden beet.
Eat at least 8 or 9 different vegetables with each meal. This works the best, much better than eating a lot of just one or two vegetables.
Cooking. Cooking vegetables is necessary. Do not believe the raw food crowd! In our experience they are wrong.
Humans cannot digest tough vegetable fiber. If you eat vegetables raw, you will not extract much nutrition from them.
How often? The more often you cook, the better. Cook at least once daily. Cook vegetables until they are soft, but they should retain their color or most of their color. If they fall apart, they are overcooked.
How to cook? Steaming or pressure-cooking are the best methods of cooking. Do not eat much food that is baked, fried, broiled, or grilled. These methods do more damage to the food or cause more formation of toxic chemicals in the food such as the As AGES.
Puree. You can puree them and eat them as a thick soup, if you prefer. Preferably use a hand blender to puree vegetables rather than a regular blender because the latter requires adding more water, which is not ideal.
2/2/22. A reminder from your liver that is trying to keep you alive and well. Please help by eating correctly, as explained above!
Coffee enemas and the other development procedures also really help the liver. Everyone needs them.
Do not listen to the fear-mongering and sometimes malicious folks who warn against coffee enemas. Our experience with thousands of clients is that they are very safe when done properly. For details, read The Liver And Its Problems, Healing Your Liver and Coffee Enemas.
2/1/22. There is a dire need on earth – to end rape. Most women experience rape in one form or another because it is a Rogue plan.
The damage to the physical bodies is just the start of the horror. The emotional, mental and spiritual damage is much worse, both for women and for society.
The damage to the women's future children is also incalculable. Everyone is born today infected, weak, frightened and angry due to the rape of their mothers.
The rogues plan. The rogues know all this and it is a big part of their plan to control and dominate the earth. They are intelligent, thorough and brutal.
However, conditions are changing somewhat, at least that is the way it appears at this time. As a result, I'm able to talk about the problem in some detail and we need more people to talk about it.
Regarding positive changes on the planet, we don't like to be too positive in this newsletter, lest people relax and cease to be vigilant about their health – both physical and mental. Here is more about the rape problem:
The baby rapes. Rape is a killer and it often begins with the 'baby rapes' done to babies and children the world over. We have written about these in the Rape article.
Babies are beamed out of their bedrooms at night and taken to special locations. Once there, they are molested and raped for a few hours and then returned to their bedrooms.
Many of us have experienced this. Occasionally someone remembers the trauma, although for most people the memory is so vague and no one talks about it. As a result, one ignores any inkling of recall of these horrendous traumas.
The big rapes. Another type of horrendous rapes are called the 'big rapes'. These are done to pre-teen girls, usually, although at times teenagers experience them, as well.
Often girls are taken during school to a doorway, where they are led onto a platform that is an advanced elevator. The girl descends to a torture chamber, basically, where she is raped, beaten, pleasured and instructed.
She is also infected with diseases and sometimes forced to drink toxic metals or chemicals. These underground rape centers are everywhere in the world.
The male facilities. The rogues also bring to earth thousands of professional rapists who are male slaves. Some look like high school boys, though in reality, they are usually much older.
Some live in underground rooms where they study their victims before and after raping them. When it is time for the rape, they beam to the surface of the earth and either grab or meet the one they have been assigned to rape.
He knows all about her – her habits, desires, clothing, etc. So the rape is easy and may be a date, for example, or a meeting at a party, or something else.
These are just a few of the 'professional' rape activities on earth at this time. The idea is not to scare you, but to let you know their plan. There is an effort to destroy the rogue rape rooms all over the planet.
What to do? The word is going out that all women must take special precautions if they want to avoid rape. The rules may seem harsh, but those who assist with this newsletter want to bring them to your attention now.
The rules. The basic rules will be that women will not go out alone until the earth is cleaned up, and that could take years. Women also need to keep their hair short and dress modestly and carefully.
Marriage can be good, but only if it is a true partnership. Women can also live with other women or even with a male roommate who is not her husband if both are mature enough.
Women must not take chances with their health. This is the most difficult part of the rules.
Women bear the children and so they need to eat very well and care for their health immaculately. Otherwise, the planet will never heal because the children are born so toxic and nutritionally depleted, no matter how cute they look.
Every so-called “primitive” culture on earth knows this. Western nations are clueless about it and the medical profession is largely to blame. What is called prenatal care and the care of girls is sickness and stupidity, and nothing more. For details, read Prenatal Care and Raising Girls. Also, read Rape Planet.
1/31/22. Infections are one of the most common health conditions. Here are some principles about infections that are different from the standard understanding of infections:
1. They are opportunists. This means they easily “move in” if the body is toxic or weak. Even if a person eats perfectly, most bodies are fertile territory for infections.
2. For the reason above, practically everyone has dozens of infections. Common sites are the eyes, ears, nose, throat, bronchial tubes, lungs, stomach, liver, pancreas, intestines, skin, legs and feet, the brain and more.
3. Physical Infecting organisms include bacteria, viri, fungi, and parasites. Most people have some of all of these.
4. Infections can also be mental or psychological. This means one can become infected with faulty ideas. For example, some people believe in a climate change crisis and systemic racism. These false ideas act just like physical infections, eating away at the brain and mind and crippling people.
Many people have also been falsely taught that government power is benign. This is another completely phony idea sometimes called socialism that destroys your brain and mind.
5. Congenital infections. Most everyone today is born toxic, nutritional depleted and infected from their mothers' bodies. From our perspective, prenatal care on earth is a horror. For details, read Prenatal Care.
6. Most infections are chronic. This means they do not kill you, but neither does your body kill them. It is a standoff. These infections often produce few symptoms. However, they always weaken you and may flare up if you are tired, malnourished or stressed.
7. Most infections are difficult to detect. Blood and urine tests, x-rays, scans and other methods cannot detect most chronic infections. They can hide deep inside the body.
8. Remedies of any kind often will not heal many infections. If the terrain of the body and mind are favorable for infections, they are very difficult to remove completely.
The only way to get rid of many of them is to change the terrain or internal environment of the body. This “starves” the infection and improves the body's ability to fight them.
To get rid of psychological infections, one needs a healthy dose of truth. A profound statement is the quote from the Bible - “Know the truth, and the truth will set you free”. - John 8:32.
9. For the reason above, remedies have a place, but are not the best way to get rid of most infections. Also, most medical and even herbal remedies such as antibiotics and anti-infective herbs can damage the body and are best avoided.
We occasionally use natural remedies such as colloidal silver, bee propolis, and vitamin A. These are much less toxic, but still will not heal most infections until the terrain or environment of the body is cleaned up and the body renourished.
When the body is fixed, remedies are rarely needed to heal infections. This takes some years on the Development Program.
10. Vaginal infections. The vagina is like an incubator for infections, so it is a common site of infection in ALL women, including girls.
Virgins. A woman who has gotten rid of her vaginal infections we call a virgin (see Virginity) Most any woman can achieve this. It requires the standard development program plus the Vaginal Peroxide Implant Procedure.
11. Infections move from chronic to acute as they heal. This is a process called retracing. It can be confusing because it can cause a temporary flare-up of symptoms. For details about this important topic, read Retracing.
12. Now for something shocking - many people have a spiritual infection. Many people are infected with doubt that there is a Creator being. Instead, the schools teach that life is just an “accident” - the depressing and false philosophy called existentialism.
In reality, outer space is not dead! It contains two very large living beings – a female and a male – who gave birth to our planet and everything upon it, including us.
Our mothers gave birth to our bodies, but our souls, which are real, come from the Creator beings in space. Scientists will someday prove this quite easily.
THIS MEANS: You are never alone. You are always loved, and you are completely dependent upon this Love. You cannot be separated from the Creator beings, no matter what you have done or failed to do. The love is always there or you would cease to exist immediately. This is the truth.
Furthermore, you can communicate with and know the Creator beings and have a close and wonderful relationship with them. In fact, this is always your primary relationship and the Love of the Creator for you is the true religion. For details, read Bodies In Space. Also read Boosting Your Immune Response.
1/30/22. We worked on the cleanliness article – a basic topic but very important.
For men – Always sit down on the toilet including for urinating. After urinating, all men and boys need to use a piece of toilet paper on the head of the penis and you must hold it there for at least 15 seconds.
Like frost-free hose bibs. The reason for this is that men are like frost-free hose bibs. The valve to shut off the flow of urine is deep inside, so when you shut it off, it keeps dripping for up to about 15 seconds.
The only solution is to hold a single piece of toilet paper against the head of the penis for 15 seconds and then there should be no more dripping. For details, read Cleanliness.
1/30/22. We recommend a browser called Brave. It claims to preserve your privacy and prevent websites from tracking you.
On my computer, it will not allow me to use their video conferencing – it says my connection is not secure. If anyone knows why this would be so, please let me know.
1/29/22. Martha is 49 years old and just received her first tissue mineral test. She listed many physical symptoms including joint pain, muscle weakness, osteoporosis, elevated cholesterol, impaired circulation, poor digestion, fatigue, eczema, hair loss, gum disease, easy bruising, weight loss, receding gums, tension in the body, and deterioriating vision.
Her mental and emotional symptoms are fear, anger, anxiety, brain fog, confusion, depression, irritability, a racing mind, trouble sleeping and impaired memory.
Tissue mineral patterns. Martha's hair mineral test revealed the following patterns. These are what we call burnout indicators. For more details, read Burnout Indicators On A Hair Mineral Analysis. Here are some of Martha's main patterns:
Four lows pattern. This is present when the first four minerals (calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium) are all less than their idea values of 40 mg%, 6 mg%, 25 mg% and 10 mg%.
Four lows is an exhaustion pattern. It means the body is in a shut-down sequence, although it can last for years. In advanced acupuncture, this pattern is called two feet in the tunnel of death. It is quite common today thanks to a depleted food supply, toxins in the food, air and water, and too much stress.
Extremely low sodium/potassium ratio. This pattern is present when the sodium/potassium ratio is less than 1. It usually indicates trauma and is associated with many health problems. The sodium/potassium ratio in the hair is an important indicator of the electrical balance of the cells, fluid balance, and much more.
Doubling pattern. The second four minerals on Martha's mineral test (iron, copper, manganese and zinc) reveal the same patterns as the first four minerals – four lows and a low manganese/zinc ratio. This is called a doubling pattern. It reinforces the original patterns and indicates that the patterns are present at deeper, as well as more superficial levels.
First level energy production. Yesterday's post mentioned that there are seven methods of energy conversion. Each successive method produces more energy and is better than the previous one.
Martha only has the first and perhaps the second methods available to her due to malnutrition and toxic metal buildup. Thus her body cannot convert enough energy to keep her healthy. Improving energy conversion is a key to improving all of her symptoms.
High mercury. Martha's mercury level of 0.187 mg% is about nine times the ideal level. This is likely due to eating a lot of fish and seafood.
A very serious problem on earth is that all of the oceans, lakes and rivers are contaminated with mercury. I am told the Rogues bring it to our planet and dump it in the waterways. Mercury poisoning is associated with dozens of health conditions.
Poor eliminators. Martha also has at least seven poor eliminator patterns. These are extremely levels of toxic metals and some nutrient minerals.
Poor eliminator patterns indicate that Martha has too much of these toxic metals and is unable to eliminate them properly. This is also common today due to impaired liver, kidney and bowel activity, low overall energy and vitality, impaired circulation and other reasons.
Therapy. The development program is one of the very few ways we know of to handle such a depleted and toxic body. The development program will slowly renourish the body, balance the body, restore energy production, bring up traumas for healing, and will slowly remove all Martha's toxic metals and toxic chemicals.
NOTE: We do not recommend chelation therapy to remove toxic metals. It is not necessary and is less effective than the development method.
It is also dangerous for a number of reasons. It is somewhat toxic and it tends to remove some vital minerals along with the toxic ones. For details, read Chelation Therapy.
1/28/22. Two of my teachers, Drs. Eck and Jensen, emphasized that converting energy into a useful form is one of the most important activities of the body cells. Dr. Jensen said “fatigue is the basic disease”.
Converting energy. Our bodies don't actually produce energy. We convert it from one chemical form to another form that our bodies can use.
Plants begin this process by converting solar energy into starches, sugars, proteins and fats. Then animals and humans eat the plants and convert the food to coenzyme A and adenosine triphosphate or ATP. These are like our refined gasoline that we can use in our cells to power the body.
The car analogy. We are like modern automobiles that have power everything – power steering, power brakes, power windows, power door locks, power seats and more. If anything happens to the power system of the car, you're in big trouble!
The same is true of our bodies. The immune system requires energy, as do all the body systems such as digestion, respiration, the brain, and more. When there is a problem of low energy, which is very common, you're in trouble!
Burnout babies. Today, the energy crisis often starts early in life because mothers-to-be are so malnourished. In fact, most children today are burnout babies.
This means they are malnourished and toxic from birth or soon after, thanks to bad prenatal care, vaccines and poor quality food. Low energy is a huge problem for many children that causes dozens of children's health conditions such as depression, anxiety, learning problems and many others.
Many children are too active and yet they are exhausted – they just can't slow down. For a few more details about burnout, read Burnout Indicators On A Hair Mineral Test.
A huge failing of the medical and even the natural healing professions is overlooking the importance of energy conversion. It is a huge focus of the development program. Increasing a person's energy causes healing everywhere in the body.
This does not mean you will immediately have lots of energy with which to run around town. The energy needed is called adaptive energy, a term borrowed from The Stress Theory Of Disease (a favorite concept in modern development science).
How to increase energy. We use many methods to increase energy production:
Basic nutrition and thorough detoxification. One method is to powerfully renourish and detoxify the body using methods such as Coffee Enemas and red heat lamp therapy, either with a single lamp or Red Heat Lamp Sauna Therapy. This is vital today! Anyone who says these are not needed is either ignorant or malicious.
Balancing the body. Another method is balancing the oxidation rate, the sodium/potassium ratio and other mineral levels in the hair tissue. For some reason, this is very powerful to assist energy conversion. For details, read articles such as Fast Oxidation and Slow Oxidation.
More ether. Another method is to bring more ether into the body. One does this by eating better quality food, breathing deeply, relaxing and living in an oxygen-rich environment. Doing The Pulling Down Procedure directly brings more ether into the body.
The batteries. Every body cell has batteries and they are essential for health! Most people have poor quality batteries that don't charge up well. You can change them using nutrition and detoxification. For details, read The Batteries.
The energy pathways. Another method is repairing the energy pathways. These are all the biochemical steps needed to convert food to usable fuel.
The seven energy conversion methods. Many people know about some of these pathways, such as the glycolysis cycle. However, even our scientists are not too aware of all of them.
Development involves repairing and using them all. For details, read the newly updated article, The Seven Energy Conversion Methods. Also read Restoring the Body's Energy.
1/27/22. We will switch gears today and post a new warning about the Wuhan virus vaccines. Alex Berenson is a responsible vaccine researcher who appeared on television last evening to report what is going on in nations that are the most vaccinated. Here is the report:
1/26/22. Living life fully requires the religious life. The secular life is very sick, but it is what most people live.
The religious life requires courage. That is the message for today. I want to urge everyone to do the right thing.
The key is that you must stand up to the thugs from a religious perspective, which is a loving perspective, not from anger. If you are threatened with murder or rape or beating, you can learn to stand up to it and answer: Do what you want. I stand with God and I don't hate you.
For example, follow the Ten Commandments, especially Do Not Lie. Decide you will stop lying to yourself and to others – in business, in personal matters, and in everything else. It can be difficult, but at least make the effort and your success will grow.
When I think about lying, I think of lepers. I worked with some of these unfortunate people while in medical school.
A man came in for his medical visit holding a cigarette that was burning his fingers. However, he was unaware of it because the leprosy disease causes the nerves in his fingers to lie – not to tell him his fingers are on fire from the cigarette. That is also what lying does to the one mind we share, what some call the One Mind Of Christ.
Also, follow the Golden Rule - do unto others as you would want them to do unto you. Most people would want the truth from others, so tell the truth.
Most everyone, if they were poor, would want others to share. So share your money. Don't make excuses.
This does not mean to give away all that you have, but most people are selfish in the extreme. For details, read The Ten Commandments and The Golden Rule.
Also, remember the spiritual truth that when the student is ready, the teacher or master appears. This means that if you feel lost, confused, sick, oppressed, or poor, maybe you are not trying hard enough to get answers to your problems.
The above is exactly the same as the sayings: Ask and you shall receive, knock and the door shall be opened, seek and you shall find, and know the truth and the truth will set you free. These are among my favorite lines from the Bible.
Another favorite line is “Be Not Anxious - for I am with you always”. This means that if one becomes anxious, one is not living or thinking correctly.
Another favorite saying from Roy Masters is “Without danger there can be no courage. Without temptation, there can be no virtue.”
Does it help to join a church or other organization that teaches these values? Yes, for most people it helps.
1/25/22. What is retracing? Retracing is the interesting process in which one goes back into illnesses and other symptoms and clears them at deep levels. It is not well known because it rarely happens if one uses regular medical methods or most natural 'remedy' methods of healing.
Retracing occurs very often during development programs. It is also known in other healing arts such as chiropractic and in psychology, where it is called the catharsis.
Almost every symptom that arises during the development program is retracing. Please remember this truth.
Covid and retracing. About once every two weeks I receive a call or email from a client who thinks he or she has the Wuhan virus. So far, none of them have it, even if their blood test for it was positive. So far, they are all just retracing old infections such as bronchitis, pneumonia and others.
Why does retracing occur? One may not have an active case of bronchitis or some other condition. However, many people have chronic conditions that the body is unable to overcome.
When one embarks upon the development program, the body gains the adaptive energy to fully heal the old infection or other type of lesion or wound. When this occurs, there can be a temporary and usually mild flare-up of symptoms. For more details, read Retracing And Healing Reactions and Trauma Retracing Notes.
1/24/22. In order to give love, one must first receive the Love of the Creator being. This is a deep truth!
To receive the Creator's love, one must move more and more of it into and through the physical body. This is another deep truth.
The energy moves through thousands of tiny channels that run vertically from the head to the feet. In everyone, many of these channels are clogged, crushed or otherwise damaged.
The way one moves more of this energy or love into the body and heals the channels is by creating a vacuum. The energy then fills the vacuum. This is another deep truth.
The basic technique is one sits or lies down comfortably. Then one moves one's attention to below the feet. Then pull down mentally – as though one is emptying the body. This creates the vacuum. The entire process we call the pulling down procedure.
A line from the Jeshua material is “Empty of self, empty of (ego) striving, I am one with God”. This is the same idea.
A line from the New Testament of the Bible is “Of myself, I do nothing. The Father in me doeth all things”.
As you become empty in the proper way, which creates a vacuum, you will be filled with more and more of the Love of the Creator. After a time, it overflows onto others and onto this world.
Thus, doing the pulling down exercise every day as hard as you can is a “mental “workout” that brings in more and more of the Creator's love. This love, in turn, heals all things, both in the body and on the planet. This is another deep truth.
1/24/22. Something to try as a topping for your cooked vegetables is a combination of a little tahini and a little sauerkraut. Use about the same amount of both or a little more sauerkraut than tahini. We welcome your feedback about this topping.
1/23/22. Here are a few slight changes to the diet:
- More celery. Eat about a 1/2” piece of celery with each meal. Slice it into several thin slices so it will cook better.
- More ginger and horseradish root. Have a small, thin slice of ginger and a small, thin slice of horseradish root with each meal.
- Have winter squashes only occasionally. We are moving winter squash from the daily food list to the list of foods for occasional use only.
For the entire diet for rapid development, read Food For Daily Use.
1/22/22. We have become aware that some former Helpers speak badly about me and about our program. Often, these people have been threatened and just say what they are told to say.
1/22/22. One of our teams investigated cryptocurrencies, which are becoming more popular. They are owned and run by criminal organizations who often steal any money you make with them. It can be even worse, with beatings and rapes.
This happened to at least one of our clients. We think it was the same with several others.
Do not listen to Martin Weiss and others who promote cryptocurrencies, which are not currencies and not secure. Avoid them completely!
1/22/22. Recently, Russia has been massing many soldiers at the border with Ukraine. This is an important event because it is very similar to what Adolf Hitler did at the beginning of World War II.
World War II began when Hitler sent his troops first into Austria, then into Czechoslovakia, and then Poland and beyond. Russia is acting exactly the same way today and talking about “annexing” other nations, which means to conquer them by force.
The other nations of the world allowed Hitler to invade other nations and the result was a terrible war that killed over half a billion people. Nations must not let Russia do the same thing and start another war!! Please write to your government representatives and tell them they must stop Russian aggression in Europe.
1/22/21. The price of gold is increasing. If the world situation stays unstable and governments keep spending money unwisely, gold will continue to rise. It is a good time to buy some gold – either a coin or the gold stock ETF, (symbol GLD), if you have an investment account.
Gold is not what it seems. It is not just a metal. The gold price is an indicator of how well governments are spending money and other resources.
Spending on the welfare state and giving money to their friends are improper, so this will cause the price of gold to increase. We do not see governments changing the way they spend money in the near future. As a result, gold should be a good investment right now.
1/22/22. A good way to save a lot of money and move away from using a cell phone is to use the Magic Jack phone system. It is also more private than using a cell phone or even a land phone.
It is a small electric device that either plugs into a computer or plugs into a router. It provides phone service via the internet. This is called VOIP technology.
It costs about $66.00 for the first year and much less to renew it. Long distance calling in the US and Canada, and other features are included.
International calling is not too expensive. Even better, if your friends in other nations get a Magicjack, then international calls are free.
However, Magicjack does not ship the devices overseas. Therefore, Europeans and Asians need a little American or Canadian help to obtain one.
1/21/22. I know it sounds somewhat unusual, but the guidance is very strong that everyone needs to do coffee enemas – at least two a day.
Coffee contains nutrients, removes many toxins from the liver, moves energy downward and helps one do the pulling down procedure.
The colon reflex system. Also, stimulating the colon reflex system is a powerful healing method. The way it works is that each segment of the large intestine reflexes to a different organ or system of the body. As the coffee touches these areas, it helps balance and strengthen the area.
A map of this reflex system is in the Coffee Enema article. I borrowed it from Bernard Jensen's book, The Science and Practice Of Iridology. This reflex system is quite amazing and very important for health.
An excellent idea is to tilt the table or bed you use for coffee enemas so that your feet are higher than your head. This moves the coffee to the brain reflex area, which is the top surface of the transverse colon.
If you do coffee enemas on the floor, put a partially inflated beach ball or pillows under your hips to elevate the hips higher than your head. This will achieve the same thing.
I will summarize again – coffee enemas seem to be a NECESSITY for health and development today. Please do two of them or more each day.
1/20/22. The following is a true story. This past September, my friend's wife developed an abscess. She was given many antibiotics and other drugs. But they did not work and finally the doctors said she had only ten days to live.
At this point, they transferred her to hospice care (care for the dying). The hospice personnel took her off five of her six drugs. She immediately began to recover her health and she is still alive today.
The moral of the story. Be very careful with medical drugs. They are all poisons. The theory of giving a poison to heal the body is quite strange, in my view, and rarely needed if one eats and lives properly.
The fact that drug medicine is the main form of healing in our world is, in my view, due to Rogue influence and brainwashing, and nothing more. It is often costly, dangerous and often makes very little sense.
Also, beware of holistic and naturopathic. I must add that holistic and natural methods are not always much better. We strongly advise against chelation therapy, hormone therapy, homeopathy and most herbal therapy because these can be toxic, as well, even if they are 'natural'.
Another true story. A friend in town was an Ayurvedic practitioner. This is an ancient East Indian method of healing. He assured me he had studied with the best doctors and used only the finest herbs.
One day he said he wanted a hair test because he was not thinking clearly. We ran the test and it showed very high levels of toxic metals. I told him this is unusual and could only be due to taking a lot of his Ayurvedic herbs.
I suggested a development program at once to reverse the situation. However, he said he did not want to pursue what he called “Western medical methods”.
I did not see him again for about a year. Then I saw him in a parking lot. He had become a homeless person. He had lost his house and his car, and was hardly able to carry on a conversation. Beware of herbs!
Another true story. I had another friend in Phoenix, Arizona. She was an excellent natural healer and I taught her the development method, which she loved.
However, she did not want to face her own issues, which included a rape. So she changed the programs so that the healing reactions were more mild – especially her own reactions, which frightened her.
I warned her a number of times not to change her program, but she continued. About one and half years ago, I was informed that she committed suicide, although she was not ill.
It was a terrible loss. Beware of people who change the program for any reason. Some say they have studied with me and they have “improved” the program. Beware.
The development method. The development method of prevention and healing is a lot safer and often much more effective than either conventional drug medicine or other natural or holistic methods. For many more details, read The Development Method And Why We Prefer It.
1/19/22. There is talk from the Governor of the state of Utah of using the military to “encourage” people to be vaccinated, confining people to their homes if they don't take the vaccine, and putting people in internment camps if they don't take the vaccine.
All this scare talk is treasonous in America. The governor of Utah should be removed from office at once. Treason is the crime of giving aid and comfort to the enemies of the nation.
Important points: 1. There is no health emergency. Hospitals are not overcrowded. 2. All emergency legislation is unconstitutional in America.
Old tricks and new ones. Declaring an “emergency” and using it to take away people's rights is one of the oldest tricks of dictators. Imposing dictatorship in the name of “health” is another old dictator trick.
The rogues, as we call them, seem to be in control of our governments, and it is good to understand them well. They are very secretive, but you can read about them in The Rogues.
The phones. One of their new tricks is to use cell phones as weapons to control people. We assure you they do this. If you must have a cell phone, keep it on the floor, upside down, turned off, if possible, and far away from where you sleep, and you will feel better.
Feeling sad. I feel a deep sadness that the principles of individual liberty, limited government power, and individual rights of the people are being openly violated – and even worse, few people are doing anything about it.
The Articles of Confederation. One wonders if perhaps the American system of governance is somehow flawed – although the same violation of people's rights is occurring in other nations.
I was recently given an article to post that contends the first American government, called the Articles Of Confederation, in fact worked well. The Articles gave much less power to the national government, which would make what is going on now more difficult.
I was told that authoritarian forces did not want this, so they spread lies that the Articles of Confederation were not working and needed to be replaced, which occurred about 12 years after the American Revolution. For details, read the Articles Of Confederation.
Fighting back. It is vital to fight back against what is going on. You might say “What can I do. I'm just one person without a lot of resources.”
The trim tab concept. One of my teachers (and a wonderful man), R. Buckminster Fuller, said to make a difference be like the trim tab of a ship. This is a small part of the rudder. It does not look like much, but it controls the rudder, which in turn controls an entire ocean liner!
An excellent way to do this is to develop. Then you will influence others and events much more. For more details, read The Trim Tab Concept and Introduction To Development.
It is also necessary to speak the truth and act in a courageous way to stop the violation of our rights. Also, if you have some money, spend it supporting groups who are doing this.
Consider supporting our foundation, the Center For Development, which promotes liberty and development. We thank you in advance.
False alarms. I receive a phone call or email about once a week from one of our clients worried that they have the Wuhan virus. Our medical team checks on each situation. So far, none of our clients have the Wuhan flu. They are retracing - a happy event even if it does not feel good.
1/19/22. When going to sleep, I do the following to get to sleep fast and have better sleep:
1. Use the toilet.
2. Check the temperature and the light in the room to be sure you will be comfortable. Also, shut off electrical devices near your bed. Especially turn off and keep cell phones far away from where you sleep.
3. Sit on the bed and adjust your clothing so it is not too tight.
4. Lie down and do the spinal twist and pop the knees and the toes. Then twist your hands and pop the fingers.
5. Pull the covers over you. Make sure they cover your shoulders, but pull them down a little in the middle so they do not touch your neck.
6. Say a prayer such as the Lord's Prayer. At least say “Thank you, Father, for this day”.
1/18/22. This is a case of a young man whose health was not good. On the development program, his overall health improved significantly.
John, age 16, had acne and was frequently tired and nauseous. His schoolwork suffered, as a result, and he was quite unhappy with his life.
While John did not have a diagnosed disease, his overall health was poor. This is extremely common today.
A failing of conventional and even holistic medicine is that without a definite diagnosis, medical personnel often don't have a specific healing program for this situation.
There is also a problem with the conventional definition of health, which is an absence of a diagnosed disease. A better definition is a positive state of health or high resistance to all illness. Some call this concept wellness.
The program. John's parents heard about the development program and began it about two years ago. For the first year results were slow, with little change.
One reason for this may be that John did not follow the diet too well. Also, he often took his supplements only once a day.
In the past three months, John reports feeling a lot better with much less nausea, more energy, and he is able to do schoolwork with much less effort.
Most recent hair test. John's newest hair mineral test revealed the following:
Maturing pattern. This is present when the body eliminates toxic potassium and/or aluminum, copper or nickel. We call these the 'child minerals' because when the body eliminates them during the development program a person often feels and acts more mature.
John's potassium and copper both increased on the retest, indicating an elimination of these minerals through the hair and skin. For details, read The Child Minerals.
Three up. This is a weak coming alive pattern. Coming alive pattern is present when all the levels of all four of the first four or second four minerals on the ARL chart are either the same or the levels are higher. These groups of four minerals are called tetras in development science.
Three up pattern occurs when three of the four minerals in a tetra remain the same or are higher. For details, read Coming Alive Pattern.
Eight anchors. Anchor patterns have to do with positive changes in the brain structure. An anchor is present when the level of a mineral remains the same or changes only slightly, within fixed criteria.
Anchors can be confusing because if a person does not follow the development program properly, there can be little change in the mineral levels and this is not an anchor. In this case, we call it little change pattern and it simply means the person did not follow the program properly. For details, read Anchors And Pivots.
Better ratios. The calcium/magnesium ratio and the sodium/potassium ratio both are nearer their ideal values.
1/17/22. We improved and updated the website article about massage. Although at times helpful, massage is not a part of the development program because of too many problems associated with it.
This is especially true of professional massage and other types of bodywork. We hope this will change some day. For details, read Massage.
1/16/22. My guidance is that Russian troops are on the move around the world in an attempt to take over a number of nations. Opposing them are forces from many Western nations. Most of this is not reported by the controlled media.
The Russians are using high-tech weapons including force fields around themselves that make them difficult to shoot.
I am also told that India has a large somewhat secret military that is opposing China and Russia.
Also, on our side are millions of fine matter creatures, including souls, whose numbers are increasing on earth. This may not sound important, but it is very important.
The fine matter beings control the planet. Most people cannot see them because their bodies are made of less dense form of matter. However, they are real. For details, read Bodies In Space.
The souls. Souls are real and are the animating force in all living beings. Our bodies are DNA configurations that require many souls to operate them.
The truth about souls has been suppressed for thousands of years because this weakens and confuses people. The reality of the souls is a basic fact of our existence.
The reality of the souls is the true basis for concepts such as limited government, equal justice for all, self-government, and the free enterprise economic system. We are all truly “created equal” in the sense that we are all basically operated by souls.
Each human body contains about 100 trillion souls. Many are ill and malnourished because the human bodies are malnourished. All souls are needed to help a person to survive and to be happy.
Souls do not die when the body dies. They go free and move on to their next assignment. They may move into a different body of a human being, animal or plant.
Souls they also may remain “free” and move about easily. To move around, they have a 'power unit' in the middle of their chest that creates an energy field that interacts with the gravity of the earth. Some day the same technology will be used to power our vehicles and aircraft.
Souls are continuously learning and maturing. If you listen carefully, your souls will tell you what they want. However, beware there are others who often speak louder and grab your attention.
The 23rd Psalm. Saying the 23rd Psalm of David, in particular, is very helpful for your souls. This psalm contains a lot of truth. For details, read The 23rd Psalm Explained, Soul Science and other articles about souls on this website.
1/15/22. To succeed with development requires special attitudes:
1. Soul thinking. This is to adjust your thinking so that you think the way your souls think. For example, souls do not worry too much about money and survival. They don't need much food and survive quite easily.
They do want the body to survive if it is serving them, so they care about money for this reason, but they realized that there are many ways to solve the money issue. This is just one example of how to think like your souls.
2. God provides. Many people stay in bad marriages, bad jobs, bad locations, bad friendship and more because they believe they will starve to death if they leave them. This destroys many lives.
The truth is that if you give service and are careful with money, there are always opportunities you can avail yourself of. They may be unusual and they may require a lot of work, but they are there.
3. Living on. Open yourself to the idea that you will likely live a long time and will have plenty of time to study, work, learn, visit places, have children, get married, and more. The key is to develop yourself enough so that you survive. This requires getting to big stage 1 and small stage 150 or a higher stage.
4. Love. It is important to have an attitude of love for everyone, no matter who they are or what they do. Do not hold grudges and resentments, for this is extremely harmful for the body. The philosophy of this is that we are all connected at one level and so hating or resenting anyone is the same as resenting a part of yourself.
5. Get the big picture. Try to understand that we are part of a larger movement on earth and in the cosmos. If you see this, you will try to “go with the larger flow”. This tends to bring happiness because the souls want to progress and learn.
6. Don't be stoic. Stoic can mean to be unemotional and not influenced by pleasure or pain. However, stoic can also mean to remain in a self-destructive situation. This is extremely harmful. To survive one must learn when it is time to leave a harmful situation.
For many more details, read Healthy Attitudes.
1/14/22. In a partial victory for freedom, today the American Supreme Court voted against forcing workers at all companies with over 100 employees to be vaccinated for covid-19.
It was only a partial victory because the court upheld an executive order of the president forcing health care workers who receive government money to be vaccinated. This is wholly illegal, in our view.
There were also many things wrong with the rulings. Forced medical treatment has no place in a free society. It is a personal matter beyond the scope of government. However, that issue never came up.
Also, executive orders are all unconstitutional, as are all emergency powers laws. They are not found in the constitution and they negate the constitution.
The body is one's most intimate and important property and the government is supposed to protect your rights to your property, not violate them.
The attorneys on the other side cited a 1906 case in which a man was fined $5.00 for not being vaccinated, and this was used to support their case. However, it was completely different in that the man was not denied his job. Also, the disease in question was hundreds of times more serious than the Wuhan flu. Still, we don't agree with that decision, either.
Perhaps most important, there exists a right to work. It is part of the right to assemble, which is in the First Amendment To The US Constitution. That is basic to a free society. This came up but the judges dismissed it. This is truly disgusting.
Also, the government agencies such as OSHA (Occupational Safety And Health) which proposed the forced vaccination are wholly illegal in America. We have explained this in earlier posts. There are 47 of these in America. They combine executive, legislative and judicial powers into one agency staffed by unelected bureaucrats who are basically accountable to no one – the worst possible situation!
For more on vaccines, read Vaccines – A Medical Abomination.
1/13/22. Most people do not drink enough water. This slows their progress on the development program and can cause illness, as well.
How much? Most adults need two to three liters or quarts of water daily. Water is needed in the blood and in all body tissues to move nutrients into the cells and to help move toxins out of the cells.
The kidneys also need a lot of water in order to function properly. Otherwise, a type of toxicity sets in that shortens life.
This is an area in which we disagree strongly with the macrobiotic teaching, for example. They do not recommend drinking much water. We observe that everyone who follows this advice is toxic in a certain way.
Excuses for not drinking water. These are many. Please do not excuse not drinking water. It only creates more problems.
Rotate drinking waters. Do not just drink one type of water. It is best to rotate between several types, if possible. The best water for drinking is usually either a quality spring water or carbon-filtered tap water if your tap water is safe to drink. These tend to hydrate the body the best.
Tap water often contains aluminum and chlorine, so this is not optimal. However, there is a project to keep people alive that involves tap water around the world, so this type of water is not too bad.
Spring water is costly, but some brands are excellent. We particularly like Purely Sedona spring water, although most people will need to buy it online because it is not in many stores.
Babies may need water, in addition to breast milk. This is because some mothers are dehydrated, so their milk is a little too thick. It is good to offer babies a bottle of water during the day, especially if a woman thinks her milk may be a little too thick.
For more details, read Water For Drinking, Alkaline Water And Why Avoid It and Hydration For Healing.
1/12/22. Parasitic infections are a huge worldwide problem that destroys the health of millions of people. Most everyone has some of them today, even if tests cannot detect them. There are about 300 types, consisting of various worms, protozoa and other small creatures.
Sources. Parasites make their way into our bodies from water, food, breathing in their eggs or touching contaminated objects. A little known problem is that dogs pick up parasite eggs on their fur rather easily.
If your dog then comes into the house the parasite eggs are spread around the house. The problem is much worse if you walk around barefoot or just wearing socks, so always wear shoes with socks if you have a dog.
Effects. Parasites can invade any organ of the body. They commonly interfere with digestion and can cause difficulty thinking and many other symptoms. When there are a lot of them, they can easily cause death.
Often doctors misdiagnose them as something else. This occurs, in part, because the doctors fail to look for them, and also because detecting them is often not easy.
Parasites love bad health. If the body is weak and toxic, it will make a good home for parasites. If the body is too yin or cold, it is easy for parasites to live in it.
Interestingly, if a person has thoughts of victimhood, it is much easier for parasites to live in it. If a body does not have enough digestive enzymes, it is much easier for parasites to enter through drinking water or food.
Contagious. Parasites spread easily from person to person when people live together or even if people just touch the same objects such as chairs or office equipment.
Healing. Medical and holistic personnel handle parasites with drugs, herbs and other remedies that kill them or help force them out of the body.
However, all the anti-parasite drugs and herbs are somewhat toxic. Also, often parasites will come back because the drugs and herbs do not build health. As a result, there is still plenty of debris and toxins in the body that the parasites can live on so they come back.
The development program. The development method of healing is a much better way to handle parasites. The way it works is to slowly clean out and strengthen the body. This makes the body less attractive to parasites so they leave or are killed.
Development can be a slower method to heal parasitic infections than drugs or herbs, but not necessarily. It is much better than other methods because it is non-toxic, it does not require expensive testing to detect the parasites, it protects from re-infection, and it gets rid of ALL parasites, even those that are difficult to detect. For more details, read Parasites.
1/11/22. An excellent website is This first appeared in Dr. Mercola's website.
We don't agree with Dr. Mercola when it comes to dietary matters and most nutritional supplements. However, we agree wholeheartedly that one way to win against the present tyranny, at least in America, is to legally challenge the idea that there is any emergency at all.
The phony police powers doctrine
We would add to the above that the emergency law (called the police powers doctrine) is thoroughly unconstitutional. It needs to be exposed for what it is – just a way to destroy the nation.
The police powers doctrine states that if there is an emergency, the government can just suspend the constitution and do whatever they wish. This was never the intent of the founders of the nation and nullifies the entire idea of limited government, self-government and a nation based upon laws, not the whim of men.
1/10/22. The disease. Negativity is a disease that wrecks your health and stops development.
Causes 1 – 7. Negativity can be due to physical factors such as nutritional deficiencies and toxic metals. It can also be due to emotional imbalances, egoism, social isolation, improper work or study, false beliefs or spiritual problems such as feeling separated from God or hating God or believing that God hates you.
Pay attention to it. Overcoming negativity is absolutely essential to success with the development program, so it is worth figuring out why you are negative and letting it go.
The truth. The truth is that you are loved more than you can ever imagine. However, some people just will not allow and accept that love into their lives.
As one of my teachers once said, “Many people will give up their Coca Cola and donuts, but they won't give up their negative thoughts”.
What to do. Do something fun each day such as listening to happy music, reading something uplifting and spiritual, or talking about happy spiritual matters to your children or others.
Also, keep up your development program but do it because it is fun to become healthy and developed, not because you feel “you have to”.
For more details, read Letting Go, The Real Sel(book), The Real Self (audio program), My Past Is Perfect, Resentment, I Choose, Victimhood, Rules Of The Society Of Loving, Lighthearted Warriors, Qualities Of The Warrior, and The Light Workers.
1/9/22. One of the finest foods to speed up the process we call development is fresh and preferably plain goat yogurt. It helps because it contains special souls.
This is true of most brands of fresh goat yogurt at this time. It is a special plan to help the people of the earth develop faster.
The development souls. The yogurt contains what are called development souls. These souls know the many unusual and sometimes difficult changes that need to take place inside the brain and the body of a person in order for development to occur.
The pulling down procedure. Normally, development souls only enter the body when a person does the pulling down mental procedure forcefully and repeatedly. However, most people don't even know of the procedure. The few who do know about it often do not do it forcefully enough.
Therefore, a decision was made by some advanced helpers to move some development souls into the bodies through foods. Goat yogurt is one of the those foods.
The foods must be easy for the development souls to live in and they must contain certain nutrients needed for development. Foods that fulfill these requirements are goat yogurt, goat cheese and, to some degree, other yogurts and cheeses.
So please eat these foods on a regular basis. Some goat cheese or yogurt each day is best. It does not require a lot. A small amount of one or the other is all that is needed. We know these foods can be difficult to find and we are working on this problem.
Also, please do the pulling down mental procedure every day for at least one hour, and do it forcefully. The exercise is not a contemplative meditation. It is to be done with as much force as you can apply.
Think of a powerful tornado tearing through the body moving energy downward from the head to the feet. Alternatively, think of a powerful magnet or vacuum cleaner just below the feet pulling you downward.
1/8/22. This post continues the general topic of maturity. A common immature behavior is the personality quality of being resentful.
The word resentment, from the Latin, means to feel again and again. It is the mind in a negative rut and it always slows development and causes illness, especially cancer.
Resentment is very common and worth rooting out of oneself. For details, read Resentment.
1/7/22. This newsletter and website discusses development, which is mainly a physical improvement of the body. However, this must be balanced by maturity.
Maturity can be defined as correct thinking and proper behavior. We believe that development will not be allowed on our planet without a corresponding increase in maturity.
This is a large and important topic, so we will discuss it in more detail in the future. For more details, read How To Mature And Grow Up Faster, Integrity, The Young Person's Manual and Women And Maturity.
1/6/22. This post is about the fine matter creatures of the universe. Examples most people know about are souls, angels, and elves. However, there are thousands more species of them.
Most people have not heard of them because most cannot see them. A few people do see them and write about them. The Hebrew Bible is the most common source of information about them.
Differences. Fine matter creatures have DNA just as we do. They eat, drink, and eliminate just as we do. However, they don't eat very much and their food is fine matter substance of plants and animals.
Fine matter creatures also have a brain similar to ours and organs that are somewhat similar. The appearance of the bodies is also similar to that of some earth creatures, including human beings.
They also speak, move and do all that we do. However, unlike humans and other coarse matter beings, they almost all speak telepathically in a language not found on earth at this time.
This language is called Ebre. We want everyone to know about and learn this language, so we will be teaching it in this newsletter. For details, read Ebre and Bodies In Space.
1/5/22. There is a wonderful alternative way to live and organize your life. Most people live from the outside in.
Living from the outside in. This means that one looks around at what the world seems to offer and then takes steps to 'fit in'. One looks for a suitable job, a place to live, friends, perhaps a suitable partner, and more.
Life is a struggle in which one strives to get what one believes one needs. This way of living can be enjoyable, but is often a struggle or grind.
Living from the inside out. The alternative is to make oneself available to God or the universe to be of service. Ask many times each day: Father in Heaven, what would you have me do? How can I serve? Take me and use me this day to do Thy will and to be Thy will in action.
The pulling down exercise. Along with the above, one must do the pulling down exercise at least one or two solid hours daily. This changes who you are and brings a new energy into the Mind and body.
It also causes development, which heals and toughens the body. For details, read The Pulling Down Procedure and Introduction To Development.
The development program. Also extremely helpful is to follow the entire development program to strengthen and balance the body chemistry. This makes one much more 'available' for service.
In fact, anyone who follows the development program is already being used to help nourish others who are nutritionally depleted. For details, read Introduction To The Development Program.
The result. Consciously living from the inside out connects you with your souls and with more advanced beings who will guide you.
NOTE: The guidance may be rather unusual. The advanced beings have many needs and jobs. You will be given various tasks that may seem unusual but are what is needed on earth at this time.
This method or procedure for living is one of allowing, rather than striving. It requires some discipline to do the pulling down exercise each day and then allowing or following the hunches or feelings one gets as to what to do and how to proceed.
1/4/22. Most people's body chemistry is too acidic. I am referring to the pH of the tissues, not the pH of the blood, urine or saliva, which can vary.
Symptoms. An overly acidic body chemistry causes fatigue, yeast problems, cancer, and hundreds of other health conditions.
The cause. The main cause of an acidic body is a deficiency of the proper forms of certain minerals. These include calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, zinc, manganese, chromium and selenium.
This is usually due to not eating enough cooked vegetables. Only cooked vegetables and vegetable juice provide a lot of these minerals. Other foods provide much less of them.
Preferred and non-preferred vegetables. Among the best sources of alkaline minerals are the preferred vegetables for development. These are all onions, shallots, leeks, carrots, rutabaga, white and purple daikon, green beans and chives. A little ginger root and celery are also excellent sources of alkaline-forming minerals.
Other preferred vegetables for development that are excellent, but not quite as alkaline-forming, are Brussels sprouts, cauliflower. These are higher in sulfur, an acid-forming mineral. Other more acid-forming minerals are phosphorus and iron.
Very important: If you cannot find some of the preferred vegetables, then eat more non-preferred vegetables such as broccoli, bok choy and others. They will still help make te body more alkaline. They just won't cause as rapid development.
Can you overdo on vegetables? Yes, but it is difficult. Most people do not eat nearly enough of them.
Why not just drink vegetable juices? Because raw vegetables ,and especially when in the form of a juice, are very cold or yin in macrobiotic terminology. This is quite harmful for health, regardless of the nutritional benefits of the juice.
What about using a salt and soda bath or rubbing a salt bar on the skin? These are okay and will help a little. However, we only allow two baths per week because soaking in water is quite a yin experience for the body. For details, read The Salt Rub or Salt Glow.
Rubbing kelp on the body also helps provide some alkaline-forming minerals. For details, read Kelp.
What about swallowing some baking soda? This might help a little, but is not nearly as effective as eating more cooked vegetables.
What about drinking alkaline water? This can help a little, but is not nearly as effective or as safe as eating plenty of cooked vegetables with each meal.
Also, machines that produce alkaline water often use platinum to make the water more alkaline, and platinum is a toxic metal. For details, read Water For Drinking.
1/3/22. During the past month, many fine matter creatures have been returned to the earth. This change continues. As it does, the planet is healing.
Also, in outer space around the earth many fine matter creatures have gathered. Many give off some light, so some people are noticing that the nights are a little less dark than previously.
The souls can see more and believe they have found some large fine matter beings whom they say are important.
The mother. One of these beings they call the mother. She is large – about the size of a large continent on earth - and has a human-like form. She helps maintain order in our sector of space and helps give birth to souls.
We will continue this discussion in a future post.
1/2/22. Breakthrough #1. Do plenty of enemas, up to four daily or even five if you don't become toxic with coffee (shaky). Use as much coffee as you can up to two tablespoons per enema.
Breakthrough #1. It is of critical importance during coffee enemas to keep the coffee touching the upper surface of the transverse colon. The transverse colon goes across the abdomen at the level of the navel.
This will greatly improve the effectiveness of coffee enemas to rehabilitate the brain. It will also greatly speed up development.
The reason it works is that the upper surface of the transverse colon reflexes to the brain. Healing the brain in most people is extremely important and the coffee helps immensely. (Drinking coffee does not have this effect.)
Four methods to move coffee to the upper surface of the transverse colon.
1. Do the enema on a massage table or bed that has the rear legs of the table or bed elevated so the rear legs are at least two feet higher than the front legs of the table or bed. This is easy to do with most massage tables that have adjustable height legs.
2. If you are on the floor or on a flat surface, place pillows, bolsters or a beach ball under your hips to raise them so they are two feet higher than the rest of the body. This is not quite as good as #1 above, but it can be done.
3. Use an inversion table to invert the body. The body needs to be inverted to about a 45 degree angle. This can work very well.
4. Lie flat if this is all you can do, and tap or massage the abdomen so that coffee splashes against the upper surface of the transverse colon. This method is not as reliable and is more work to do during the entire enema, so we don't recommend it.
For details about coffee enemas, read Coffee Enemas.
1/2/22. Most recent hair test. Martin's most recent hair mineral retest revealed unusual patterns:
A much less toxic test. The levels of sodium, potassium, iron, chromium, lead, mercury, arsenic, aluminum, nickel, cobalt, molybdenum and lithium were all lower, and many were much lower, on this retest.
Less toxic. We all this mineral pattern less toxic. It indicates the completion of eliminations of all these toxic minerals. This produced a much more normal-looking hair mineral chart.
Forward flip of the oxidation rate. Martin's oxidation rate had been fast. It changed to slow on this retest.
A slow oxidation rate is more normal for an adult. Therefore, we call this change a forward flip or positive change of the oxidation rate.
In this case, and in most others, the previously fast oxidation rate was due to the presence of toxic metals in the body. These had a stimulatory effect upon the body. As these were eliminated, the oxidation rate slowed down. For details, read The Oxidation Types – Fast, Slow, Mixed And Four Lows.
Phosphorus decreased from 19 mg% (an elevated reading) to 16 mg% (a more ideal reading). An elevated phosphorus level often indicates rapid development. During the development process, the body breaks down certain tissues and builds up other tissues. During this unusual process, the phosphorus level may increase.
For example, during early development the glial cells (inactive support cells) in the brain decrease in size and number. The body replaces them with more neurons, which are active “thinking” brain cells. This improves a person's thinking ability, memory and brain capacity.
This is one of the major benefits of the process we call development. For details, read Introduction To Development.
Another possibility in this case is that toxicity with lead had displaced the phosphorus reading upward. As lead was eliminated with the development program, the phosphorus level decreased to a more ideal level. For details, read Phosphorus.
Zinc increased by 3 mg% from 15 mg% to 18 mg%. When zinc rises above the ideal level of 16 mg%, it usually indicates that zinc is acting as a “shepherd” or “escort”. This means that it is assisting the process of toxic metal elimination.
Zinc helps protect the body from the effects of toxic metals while the metals are being transported through the body during the process of elimination.
In this instance, the body eliminated cadmium, a very toxic metal. Zinc can help reduce the toxicity of transporting and eliminating cadmium through the kidneys and liver. For details, read Zinc, Cadmium and Cadmium Women.
1//1/22. Martin, age 25, became addicted to alcohol and marijuana at the age of 13. He learned about them at his school.
NOTE: This is an important reason we do not recommend sending children to schools today.
Symptoms. Looking back, Martin realizes that his health had been very poor for years as a child. His symptoms included fatigue, brain fog, chronic pain in the liver area, extreme anxiety, inability to concentrate and learn and frequent colds and infections.
His parents took him to nearly a dozen medical and natural health practitioners with little to no help. So he turned to alcohol and drugs, which at least gave him a sense of well-being.
Self-medication. This is called self-medication. It is common today because the methods offered by standard and natural or holistic practitioners are simply not working well today for many people.
The development program. This is a much more sophisticated healing program, although it may look like just another nutrition program. For details, read Introduction To The Development Program.
Progress. Four years ago Martin's mother heard about the development program and placed Martin on it. Within three months, he found he did not need as much alcohol or drugs to feel some relief from his symptoms.
He has stayed with the program and today many of his symptoms are gone. He still becomes anxious, at times, and uses alcohol at these times to calm down.
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