by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© March 2022, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.


All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


            Definition. A key principle used in development science to a great degree is the whole systems principle of teleology or healing intent.  Teleology on this website means the tendency of the body to heal itself, whenever it can and in whatever ways it can.

2. The love principle of the universe.

3. The seven directions of development science.


            Teleology has a lot to do with the etheric envelope or etheric body, which is a model or blueprint for the physical body.  That is, the physical body of a person, plant or animal follows a blueprint that is not just the DNA of the organism.  There is also something called the etheric body that surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body, and in some ways gives rise to the physical body.  When one supplies the factors of health




            A key to development science is to seek to understand exactly what the body wants, and then provide it.  This is our challenge, and it is the main challenge of any healing system.  To the extent that it fulfills this need or challenge, it will be successful.

            So, for example, I would suggest that the reason health care costs are skyrocketing and the health of the people is getting worse in many areas such as autism, attention deficit disorder, cancer and so on, is because so-called modern medical care does not pay enough attention to teleology.




            The reasons are a combination of the following:

1. Tradition or inertia.  Often, doctors and others just want to keep doing what they know and have been taught, as this is easiest.  Licensing and other laws often reinforce this view, as it is easiest for them and they know how to handle things when done in the old ways.  New ways to do things are always scary to the doctors, nurses, hospitals, companies that support the profession, and the regulators and licensing boards.


2. Rigid thinking and arrogance. Often, doctors, hospitals and others believe a certain way, and changing it is difficult.  For example, they often believe that drugs and surgery are best, while nutritional supplements and coffee enemas are somehow ŇoutsideÓ of the mainstream thinking.  This leads us to the next reason.


3. Ignorance, whether due to stupidity, lack of interest, or to willful suppression of the truth.  This is clearly in play in the medical field.  I was shocked when I realized, some thirty five years ago, how doctors give the impression of knowing a lot, but really their knowledge of the body is limited in some ways.  I call this MD syndrome.  This was very hard for me to accept, as I had been raised to honor and respect doctors in an extreme way.

Ignorance can of the concept of teleology, in general, or how to work with the principle with various healing modalities.


4. Power and profits.  At times, the financial and other incentives for doctors, hospitals, drug companies and others conflict with learning and teaching the truth about the body and its needs. The truth is inconvenient, embarrassing, unprofitable, or something else.


5. The structure of the healing professions.  This is related to the paragraph above.  The over-regulated nature of healing in America and around the world does not lend itself to finding the truth, at times.  In fact, doctors and clinics that want to use newer or unusual methods and techniques are often harassed and even put out of business by licensing boards and government bureaucrats. 


6. Psychological reasons.  Some doctors do not wish to look or sound odd.  This is human nature.  Others tell me they do not want to inconvenience people, or to insist that people change their diets.  This is just distasteful for them.




I am often asked why use coffee enemas, or why rub the feet?  The real answer is, I do not know.  These methods just work today, when properly combined and then done correctly.  Other methods seem to be much less helpful today, such as herbs, medical drugs and some others.  Exactly why this is, is a mystery.  It must have to do with the present environment or conditions in which we live, but that is about all one can say.



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