by Dr. Lawrence Wilson
© January 2025, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.
All information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.
1. Begin gently with all the twists, pops, pulls and kicks. As you become more familiar with them, you can slowly apply more force.
2. Do not force anything.
3. Do not hold any of the twists. Just twist the body, as suggested, and then return quickly to the resting position. The reason for this warning is that holding the body in a twisted position leaks some energy from the body, which is not desirable. It also opens the body to invasion by rogue souls. We do not recommend yoga, a method in which one holds the body in twisted positions.
This article began as one simple exercise of twisting the spine to release tension in the spine and realign the spine. However, it has grown into a major part of every development program. Do them twice daily or more for best results.
These procedures fit our criteria for a therapy that is simple, inexpensive, very safe if done correctly, and very powerful and effective. With practice, you will become very comfortable with them. They can be done with any amount of force you choose. However, always start gently.
These procedures can:
- Adjust and align the spine and most of the joints of the body. Our clients report that, at times, the twists below are even better than visiting a chiropractor or osteopath.
- Open up the joints. This not only releases tension and feels good, but it greatly speeds up Development.
- Helps get rid of adhesions, which are restrictions in the body tissues. This is also necessary for development.
- Can greatly improve posture.
A basic routine has three parts:
- Variant #1 of the spinal twist #1.
- Interlocking your fingers, twist the hand and then pull the fingers apart.
- Pop the toes, and then pop the knees.
See below for more details about them. If you have time and want to do more of the twists, pops, pulls and kicks, that is excellent.
Basic spinal twist. There are six variants or ways to do this. They are each somewhat different. One method may work better than another to adjust your back. So try them all, especially if you have back problems. The variants are:
1. Spinal twist with one leg straight up in the air.
2. Spinal twist with one leg bent at the knee.
3. Spinal twist with both legs bent at the knees and feet on the bed.
4. Spinal twist with both legs bent at the knees and feet off the bed.
5. Spinal twist with one leg lifted just slightly off the bed.
6. Spinal twist lying on one’s stomach.
7. Spinal twist in the special position.
Here are the details:
Variant #1. Spinal twist with one leg straight up in the air. Lie on your back on a bed, couch or massage table, with legs extended and parallel to each, not crossed. Your arms should out to the sides. This is so that when you twist your spine, your shoulders will stay on the bed or couch. Keep your head straight, looking up at the ceiling. Do not use a pillow under your head. Here is the exercise:
a) Lift the left leg, so that the foot is high in the air.
b) Point your toes. (Your foot will be like that of a ballet dancer with the toes pointed.)
c) Ring the door bell (pretend you are extending your big toe to ring a doorbell up in the air above you). This extends energy through the leg into the big toe. Another visualization for this step is to imagine you have a thick copper wire running through your leg and foot to the big toe. Energize the wire by sending mental energy through the wire into the big toe. Now you are in the correct position for the spinal twist.
d) Swing right. Move the left foot to the right, swinging it over and across the right leg. Go as far as you can comfortably. Ideally, your left foot should touch the bed or couch.
Do this gently at first, as it is a twist. However, with a little practice, you can do it more forcefully. This may be needed, at times, to adjust your spine.
Do not be surprised if your spine pops or crackles during this procedure. That is totally normal.
e) The extra twist. For an extra push, lie close to the right side of your bed or couch or massage table (not so close that you could fall off, however). When you move your left leg over the right leg that is on the bed or couch, keep moving it until your left leg touches the floor below your bed, couch or massage table.
This is a more powerful twist, so do it gently and slowly. As you get more familiar with it, you can do it more forcefully. Occasionally, this is necessary to adjust certain vertebra, especially in the lower back and hips.
f) The extra, extra twist. For an even more powerful twist, before starting this twist, turn your head to the left, with your left cheek touching the bed or close to it. Now lift the leg, point the toe ballet-style, ring the doorbell, sending energy down the leg and into the big toe. Now swing the left foot and leg over the right leg, until the left foot gently touches the bed or even the floor.
Always do this gently and slowly, and never force anything. It is a very powerful twist, and many people do not need to do this. It is useful for some whose spine is out of alignment in certain ways, especially the upper back.
g) Pulling it in. This is another variant or aspect of the twist. To do it, once you have swung the left leg over the right one to the bed or floor, either swing the left leg toward your body, or if you cannot do this easily, grab the left leg near the thigh, and pull it a little toward your chest and head.
This is also a more powerful twist. So always begin very gently, and never force anything. As with the other extra twists, however, this may be needed to adjust certain vertebrae, especially in the lower spine.
h) The return. Now bend the left leg at the knee to release the twist. Return the left leg to the resting position parallel with the other leg, and make sure your head is back to the center position with the eyes directly facing the ceiling.
Now repeat the exercise with the right leg.
Variant #2. Spinal twist with one leg bent. This can be an even more powerful twist in some ways than exercise #1 above, depending on your posture and body structure.
a) Lie down on your back on a bed or couch with both legs extended and parallel, and both arms extended out to the side to stabilize your shoulders.
b) Bend the left leg. Bend it at the knee, bringing the left heel up near your groin.
Now move the left foot over the right thigh and plant the left foot firmly on the bed next to the right thigh. Your back should now be somewhat twisted.
c) Gently and slowly swing the left knee to the right as far as you can, until it comes to touch the bed or mat. Lead with the knee. This will give your back a nice twist.
d) The return. Now bring the left leg back to the upright or neutral position and extend the left leg next to the right one.
Repeat the exercise with the other leg.
Variant #3. Spinal twist with both knees bent. This twist is the gentlest. It is a wonderful way to start these procedures if you are apprehensive at all about doing these twists.
a) Lie down comfortably on a bed, couch or massage table with both legs extended and parallel. Extend your arms out to the sides to keep your shoulders from moving when you do the twist.
b) Bend the knees. Bend both legs at the knees. This means your knees will be up in the air, and both heels will now be touching or close to your buttocks.
c) Swing right. Gently swing both knees to the right until they touch the bed or couch. Don’t be surprised if your back pops or crackles. This is perfectly normal. It is the reason you are doing the exercise.
d) The return. Now bring both knees back to the upright neutral position where they were.
e) Swing left. Now gently swing both knees to the left until they touch the bed or couch. Don’t be surprised if your back pops or crackles. This is perfectly normal and an excellent release of tension in the back.
Variant #4. Both legs bent tight at the knees and both feet off the bed. Lying on your back with legs outstretched and together, bend both legs at the knees tightly. Now move your knees toward your head so that your feet are about 6 inches off the bed. Now twist the hips to one side. Bring them back to center and twist to the other side.
Variant #5. Twist with one legs lifted slightly off the bed. Lie on your back with your legs together and knees not bent. Without bending the knee, lift the right leg up about one foot off the bed. It should be just higher than the other leg.
Point the right leg and extend it. It should feel as though you are ringing a doorbell with your right big toe.
Now GENTLY swing the right leg over the left leg. Move it to the left as far as you can go comfortably. Now swing the right leg back to the right, and perhaps again to the left, and then bring it back to its resting position on the bed. Now do the same twist with the left leg – raise it a little, and swing it over the right leg as far as you can.
Variant #6. On your stomach. This position is less comfortable. However, for some people it works better for adjusting the spine.
a) Lie comfortably on your stomach, on a bed, couch, massage table, or on the floor. You can use a pillow for your head. Extend your legs straight down and parallel to each other.
b) Turn your head. Turn your head to the left.
c) Left leg lift. Lift your left leg, keeping it straight. The heel should be up in the air, at about a 30 to 45 degree angle from your body.
d) Point the left toe, ballet style.
e) Ring the doorbell. Extend your left leg, as though you are ringing a doorbell with the big toe, and the doorbell is just out of reach behind you.
f) The swing. Now swing the left leg to the right, moving it across and over the right leg as far as you can comfortably go. Your spine may pop or crackle. That is normal.
g) The return. Move the left leg back to where it was, and then drop it down onto the bed.
h) Other side. Now do the same with the right leg. Lift it, with the heel in the air at about a 30 to 45 degree angle from the bed. Point the right toes. Ring the doorbell, extending the leg and extending energy through the right big toe. Now swing the right leg to the left, across and over the left leg as far as you can comfortably go. Your back may pop or crackle. Then return the right leg to its previous central position, and drop it back down onto the bed or couch.
Variant #7. Spinal twist in the special position. This is not a difficult twist, but it is difficult to get into the right position. I will try to describe it:
a) Lie comfortably on your left side on a bed. Extend your left arm behind your back. Extend your right arm in front of you and perpendicular to your body.
b) Turn your head to the right. Do not use a pillow for your head.
c) Bend your left leg, bringing your left knee about half way up to your chest.
d) Lock the right hand around the edge of the bed. This can be the right side of the bed, or the head of the bed. If necessary, move your body a little, so that your right hand just reaches the edge of the bed.
e) Keeping your right leg straight, move the right leg backwards, away from your left leg, as far as you comfortably go.
f) Turn the foot. Turn the right foot outward as far as you can comfortably go. Now you are in position for the twist.
g) The twist. To do the twist, contract your right arm a little, pulling the right shoulder toward the corner of the bed. At the same time, move the right leg back more. This torques or twists the spine.
h) The other side. Repeat the entire procedure on the other side of your body.
The kicks. These move a lot of energy in a downward direction.
Lay on your back with your legs outstretched. Lift your left leg. Bend the left knee. Now move your heel downward – away from your head – forcefully. It is as though you are kicking someone with your heel who is standing at your feet. To do this properly, you must relax the left leg. You may hear a pop in your left hip, knee or ankle if you do this correctly. That is fine and means you released some blocked energy.
Now repeat the procedure with the right leg.
1. The neck pull. This puts gentle traction on the neck and helps development greatly. For details, please read The Neck Pull on this site.
2. Neck turn and extension. Lie down comfortably on a bed, a couch or a massage table. Lie on your back without a pillow under your neck.
Put your feet parallel and aimed away from the body.
Place your arms at your side, or they can be outward to the sides.
The three chin positions. You are going to gently turn your head to the right and the left. However, before turning the head, you will put your chin in one of three positions. The three positions are:
- Chin down (the chin is as close to your neck and thyroid gland as possible)
- Chin up (chin is sticking out and upward)
- Chin in the middle. This position is between the first two.
Ideally, do each turn of the neck in each of the three positions.
With your head centered in relation to your body, gently and slowly turn your head to the right until your right cheek is on the bed sheet. Do not slide the back of your head along the bed, but instead move your entire upper body to the right as you turn your head.
This means you will reach or stretch your upper spine and even the left shoulder as you turn your head to the right. If done right, you should have a good stretch or reach to the right. Do not be surprised or afraid if you hear some clicking or popping sounds as you turn your head.
Now gently and slowly move the head back to center and rest if you need to. Then move your head and upper back to the left until your left cheek is touching the bed sheet. Once again, this should stretch the upper back, neck and right shoulder as you move to the left. Then bring your head back to center position.
For even more effect, pull or move your head and neck upward toward the head of the bed as you do this reach or stretch. Do not let your head leave the bed, however. Keep your head on the bed, at all times.
You may repeat this exercise several times, if you wish. It is often excellent to help adjust the vertebra in the neck.
3. The neck twist. Begin with the same position as in the exercise above - lying on your back with legs straight down and together. While looking at the ceiling, move your head about one or two inches to the left. Then slowly twist your neck and head to the right, as far as you can comfortably go. Do not move the left shoulder at all, and if needed, slide your head so that you simply twist your neck all the way to the right.
It helps to look all the way to the right with your eyes, and let your head follow your eyes around. Ideally, you should be able to twist your neck slowly and gently 180 degrees so that your mouth and nose are facing directly into the bed. However, never force it, and do not worry if you cannot turn your head this far. Do what is comfortable, and nothing more, or you can hurt yourself. Again, do not be surprised if you hear a click or a pop as you turn your head gently.
Now gently twist your head back to center position and rest for a moment. Now repeat the exercise on the other side. First move your head about one to two inches to the right. Then look all the way to the left. Now gently and slowly twist just the neck to the left as far as you can comfortably go, sort of following your eyes. You can stay in the twisted position for a moment and then slowly and gently return your head to the centered position.
For even more effect, as you twist your neck to the right or to the left, move your head up toward the head of the bed, as though you are unscrewing it from your body. Do everything gently!
3. The ear pull. Sit or lie down comfortably. Grab the lobes of your ears and pull in a rhythmic manner. Pull fairly hard. Pull all around the ear lobe,(top, bottom and sides). Also, pull in many different directions. You can do one ear at a time or you can do both ears at the same time.
This is a superb healing and development procedure!!!
It consists of interlocking the fingers in two positions. Then one wiggles the fingers in three ways in each of the two positions.
Gentle starting out. Begin gently. Do not wiggle the fingers too hard when you begin. With practice, you can do the exercises more forcefully and it works better this way. Here are the details:
Position #1. Palm-to-palm. Put your hands together with palms facing each other. Some people call this the prayer position.
Interlock the fingers forcefully. You may feel an adjustment of the fingers. This is good. There are two ways to do this – right thumb in front or left thumb in front.
Now interlock the fingers of both hands all the way to the base of the fingers, but not the thumbs. Once you interlock the fingers, wiggle them as follows:
1. In and out. (Both thumbs move toward your chest. Then they reverse direction and move away from your chest).
2. Twist. (Hands twist in opposite directions. One thumb moves up while the other thumb moves down. Then they reverse direction.)
3. Hands and elbows move up and down. (The thumbs move down together, and then up together, and then repeat.). Do this for about 20 seconds in each of the three ways.
Now separate the fingers a little. They will still be interlocked, but only about half way down the fingers. Then once again wiggle them 1) in and out, 2) twist the hands, and 3) thumbs up and down together for about 20 seconds each way.
You may be able to separate the fingers a little more and then again do the same movements with them.
Position #2. Back-to-back. Now do the same exercise, but with the fingers interlocked back-to-back. To do this, first bend your arms and your wrists inward.
Now move your arms so that the tips of the middle fingers of both hands are touching the middle of your chest and the backs of the hands are touching each other near the middle of your chest. Your arms will look like two circles, one on the left and one on the right.
Now interlock the fingers all the way to the base of the fingers. This is a bit uncomfortable for some people, but it becomes easier with practice.
Once you interlock the fingers, wiggle them 1) in and out, 2) twisting the hands, and 3) thumbs up and down together. Do this for about 20 seconds in each of these three ways.
Variation. Also interlock the outer joints of the fingers. Then wiggle them 1) in and out, 2) twist the hands, and 3) thumbs up and then down together.
Now separate the fingers a little. They will still be interlocked, but only about half way down the fingers. Then once again wiggle them 1) in and out, 2) twist the hands, and 3) thumbs up and then down together. Do this for about 20 seconds in each of the three ways.
You may be able to separate the fingers a little more and then again do the same movements with them.
What you will feel. There may be a little pain when you do this, but that is fine. Begin gently. You may also feel some pops or releases in the fingers, and this is excellent.
What this exercise does. The fingers reflex to the brain in the science of reflexology. This exercise stimulates many brain centers and is excellent for the health and development of the brain and nervous system.
How often? Do this procedure every day, at least twice a day. I do it lying down when I wake up and when I lay down to rest or sleep, at the very least. Doing it more often is even better. It is also fine to do it while sitting or while standing up.
Cautions. 1. If you start out doing the wiggles very forcefully, you can cause a little nerve irritation in the fingers, so start gently. Nerve irritation might cause a little numbness. It tends to go away and then you will be fine.
2. If you have arthritis, these exercises may cause some pain. Don't stop the exercise. Do your best and often after a while the arthritis will improve.These consist of interlocking the fingers with the palms facing each other and also with the palms facing away from each other and the backs of the hands facing each other.
Place the fingertips of both hands touching one another. Elbows will be out. Now tap or hit the tips of the fingers against each other.
A variation is to tap the fingernails of one hand against the fingertips of the other hand. Do this for about 20 seconds. Then reverse and use the fingernails of the other hand to tap against the fingertips of the first hand.
A related exercise is to join the fingertips of both hands. Then push your hands together so that the fingers bend backwards. Move the fingers backward as far as you can comfortable go. Rock the fingers back and forth at least 10 times.
Position your hands slightly apart with the fingers facing each other and fingers apart. Elbows will be out. Now, with fingers outstretched, forcefully move your hands together, interlocking the fingers. The bases of the fingers should hit one another with some force.
Do this two ways. First have your left hand a little higher than the right hand. Bang the bases of the fingers in this position. Then twist the hands in opposite directions so the right hand is a little higher and bang the bases of the fingers together in this position.
You can do the finger procedures as often as you wish. Many times, you will feel the fingers adjust and align. This is very good.
1. Arm pull in the air. Lift both arms into the air above your head. Lock the hands together. Then pull both arms to the right, all the way to the bed, if you can. Then move back to center with the arms directly above your head and pull both arms to the left. If you do this correctly, often the shoulders will “pop” or crackle. That is good, as it is a release of tension.
2. Arm pull behind your head. (This exercise requires that the head of your bed not be against a wall).
Place both arms behind your head. The arms will rest a little on the bed by your ears. Now join the hands together. Now move both arms to the right as far as you can. Then move both arms, locked together, to the left as far as you can. Keep your neck centered and look straight up at the ceiling while doing both exercises.
3. Arm pull with hands clasped behind your neck. Lie down comfortably on your back on a bed or couch. Do not use a pillow for your head. Have your legs extended downward and straight, and not crossed.
Lift up your arms into the air. Now bend the arms at the elbows. Bring the hands to the back of the neck. Interlock your hands together behind your neck.
Now move the elbows together in front of your face. Often the upper back and shoulders will pop, click or snap. This is normal and good.
Turn your head, and your elbows to the right, as far as you can comfortably go. Then bring them back to center position. Now turn your head and your elbows to the left, as far as you can comfortably go. Often this will cause some popping in the upper back and shoulders. This is perfectly normal.
A variant is while your hands are clasped behind your neck, move the right elbow downward toward the bed and, at the same time, move the left elbow upward toward the ceiling. Your head will turn a little to the right when you do this.
Now reverse the elbows. Move the right elbow upward toward the ceiling and move the left elbow downward toward the bed. Move your head a little to the left. You may hear some popping or crackling, which is fine.
The toes reflex to the head in reflexology. The bases of the toes reflex to the neck area. The neck, in particular, is tense in many people.
1. Push the toes down. You can wear socks, if you wish, for this exercise. Lie on a bed, couch or massage table on your back with your legs extended. Now grab the left foot and bring it toward you.
Push the toes downwards, somewhat forcefully. Often they will pop as you do this. This is excellent to relieve tension and move energy through the meridians that run through the toes. Repeat the exercise on the other foot.
2. Move toes back and forth, and up and down. Remain in the same position, grab a foot, hold all the toes at once, and move all the toes together back and forth, left to right and back again a few times, forcefully. Also, move them up and down together, forcefully. Repeat the exercise on the other foot.
Moving the toes downward forcefully is helpful for detoxification. This procedure seems to help open the meridians and channels that flow through the brain and perhaps the entire body.
3. Move the big toes in a circle one at a time. To do this, lie on your back, bend the right knee about half way. Then bring the left foot up so it sits on the thigh of the right leg so you can easily move the toes.
Now grab the left big toe with your right hand and move it in a circle counterclockwise if you are looking at it from the right hand.
Another way to say this, is to move the big toe in a circle in the following sequence.
1. Move it away from the other toes.
2. Move it downward as though moving it toward the floor if you were standing up.
3. Move it inward toward the other toes.
4. Move it upward, away from the bottom of the foot. That should produce a movement in a circular way. Do this about 10 times in a wide circle.
Now, change sides. Bend the left knee about halfway. Bring the right foot up to lay on your left thigh so you can easily move the big toe of your right foot.
However, you will move the big toe of the right foot in a clockwise direction, when viewed from the perspective of your left hand.
4. Move all the toes at once in a circle. This will speed up development. The best method if you do it yourself is to sit or lie down and bend one leg over the other so you can easily reach the toes. Then lightly grab all of the toes at the same time.
Move the toes of the left foot counterclockwise (looking from the toes) in a circular motion. Then change feet and move the toes of the right foot clockwise (looking from the toes) in a circular motion.
Hint: When moving the toes in a circle, move the part of the circle more forcefully in which the toes are moving from the front of the foot toward the heel of the foot. This is the equivalent of moving energy from the head toward the feet, which is excellent for development.
5. Moving the core, or folding the foot. This is harder to describe, although it is not complex. Lie on your back on a bed or couch, with your feet outstretched. Bend one knee and grab that foot in the following way:
Place the thumbs of both hands on the bottom of the foot, and the fingers on the top of the foot, one on each side. Try to “fold up” the foot by pushing up with your thumbs and down with your fingers. The foot may pop or crackle. Then do the same on the other foot.
6. Pull on the big toe repeatedly and quickly. To do this, lie down or sit comfortably. Cross one leg over the over. Now pull just the big toe out and a little upward about 40 times quickly. This moves a lot of subtle energy downward through the body and is easy to do.
Reflexology. While in the same position on your back, you can do a short or a long foot rub or reflexology session. For example, if you have pain in the liver area, rub or push hard in the liver reflex areas of the foot.
If you want to relax your spine to help a spinal twist, then rub the entire spinal reflex area. This is the entire arch of the foot - from the tip of the big toe, along the arch, all the way to the inside of the heel area.
IMPORTANT. Press on the meridian channels: There are seven meridian reflex channels:
1. On the bottom of each foot, all along the arch. This is the reflex area to the central channel or conception vessel in acupuncture. There are actually two of these, one on each foot.
2. On the top of each foot, starting in the webbing between the first and second toes and moving back toward the heel in a straight line.
3. On the top of each foot, starting between the second and the third toes and moving back toward the heel in a straight line.
4. On the top of each foot, starting the third and fourth toes and moving back toward the heel in more or less a straight line.
5. On the top of each foot, starting between the fourth and fifth toes and moving back toward the heel in a more or less straight line.
6. On the outside edge of each foot, starting on the outside of the pinky or fifth toe and moving back toward the heel along the outside of the foot.
7. On the bottom of the foot, starting roughly between the fourth and fifth toes and moving back toward the heel in roughly a straight line.
It is often best to finish by briefly rubbing the entire foot. Repeat on the other foot.
This is another very helpful reflex area of the body.
The knee pull. This is very helpful to move subtle energy through the knee joints. It will speed up development and will also help some knee problems. Always do it gently, at first. However, with a little practice and if your knees are healthy, you can use a fair amount of force without harming yourself.
Lie on your back on a bed or couch, or on the floor with your feet and legs straight and together. There are two ways to do this procedure:
1. Bend the left knee so that your heel is near the buttocks and your knee is straight up in the air above the bed. Now firmly grab the left ankle with both hands.
Give the ankle a quick pull, pulling the foot and ankle directly toward your buttocks. Often, when you do this, the knee will pop or click. This is perfectly normal, and it is the intent of this procedure.
Repeat the pull because often the knee will pop twice. This is because there are two joints in the knee – one above the kneecap and one below the kneecap. Then put the raised leg down straight on the bed and repeat the procedure with the other leg.
2. Lying on your back on a bed, couch or floor, bend both legs so your feet are on the bed or couch and the knees are straight upward off the bed. Then lift the feet straight up a little off the bed.
Now bend and straighten the knees, alternating the left foot and the right foot. Begin gently, but with practice you can use some force.
You can do the procedure quickly. Keep up the alternating flexing of the lower legs for about 6 or 7 repetitions. Often, the knees will pop or click.
It is not necessary or helpful to have your heels actually hit your buttocks. You can extend the heels so that your calves hit your upper legs rather than have the heels hit your buttocks. This is more comfortable.
These are an excellent method to release tension in the hips and legs. They can also adjust the hips.
Lie down comfortably on a bed or couch, or on the floor with your legs extended and together.
Lift one leg about 1 foot or 1/3 of a meter off the bed, couch or floor. Bend the knee so that the foot is close to your groin. Relax the foot and place your attention on the heel of your foot.
Now suddenly straighten the knee, kicking away from your head with the heel of the foot. If it helps, you can pretend that someone is standing at the foot of your bed or couch and you are kicking the person. Do five kicks with each foot. It is a little less tiring to alternate legs.
To make this procedure more effective, kick in somewhat different directions. First, kick to the far left, then kick just slightly to the left, then to the center, then slightly to the right and finally kick sharply to the right side.
With practice, you will get much better at doing the kicks with your foot relaxed.
This procedure is excellent to release a stuck hip and can also help adjust the spine, knee, ankle and perhaps even the ribs.
A second type of kick is similar. However, pretend that a person is standing above you and you kick the person by extending the bent leg upward, rather than toward the foot of your bed.
1. Always do the twists gently, at first. As you feel more comfortable with them, you can do them more vigorously. Never do them vigorously if you have osteoporosis or if you are a woman over the age of 45.
2. Never force anything. If you are very uncomfortable with a procedure, do not do it.
3. If you have back problems, I suggest visiting a competent chiropractor or osteopath, and getting permission to do these exercises.
4. These exercises can be repeated several times daily.
These twists will:
1. Keep your joints and other structures properly aligned.
2. Release tension that builds up in the joints.
3. Hasten development. This is a wonderful benefit. For details, read Introduction To Development.
4. Help undo adhesions that cause pain, bad posture and other problems.
When. The twists are excellent to do at bedtime when you get into bed before putting your legs under the covers. They will help you relax and sleep better.
They are also excellent to do if you wake up at night and are having trouble going back to sleep. I always do them if I awaken at night. They can also be done during the day to align the spine.
All of the exercises work together, so ideally, do not skip any of them.
Relaxing, balancing, correcting and opening all of the joints of the body are superb for health and especially for development. The twists speed up development greatly.
Also, problems with body alignment and tension in the joints are very common. Reasons for this include:
1. Muscles, tendons and ligaments are often weak. This often results in joints becoming slightly out of alignment, causing cartilage and joint damage, and nerve restriction. This is usually a nutritional problem.
2. Bad posture. This is often a result of #1 above, but may have other causes. For details, read Posture on this website.
3. Accidents, traumas, injuries and especially falls. These usually cause spinal misalignments. Even emotional traumas, can move joints out of alignment.
4. Adhesions. This is a type of scarring that is very common. For details, read Adhesions on this site.
5. Other. Misalignments and tension can occur due to birth trauma, stress, fatigue, moving improperly, practices such as yoga or some sports, and occasionally for other reasons such as arthritis and other diseases.
For these reasons, we believe everyone should do the twists at least twice daily or more. The author does them at least four times daily – usually whenever he gets up and whenever he lies down for sleep or a nap. They take only a few minutes.
The spinal twist exercises were not a part of Dr. Eck’s original nutritional program. However, Dr. Eck knew about spinal manipulation, and definitely advocated its use.
Yes. It is a “home version” of chiropractic or osteopathic care.
What about professional spinal care? It is excellent to receive this care professionally. However, this is not always possible due to:
1. Difficulty finding an excellent chiropractor or osteopath.
2. The cost of professional care.
3. Daily alignment would be costly and impractical.
4. At times, these procedures are even better than professional spinal care because:
a) Chiropractors or osteopaths are sometimes hesitant to adjust some people, or certain areas of the spine that may be very damaged or out of alignment. They may hesitate because the person is delicate, too old, too young, or the bones are fragile. As a result, spinal problems do not receive adequate care.
b) Some chiropractors or osteopaths are not skilled enough, or may not want to work deeply enough.
c) You can go at your own pace. You control the force and speed with which you do the exercises.
1. These are safer than some others.
2. Lying down works better than standing or sitting when twisting. The spine is more relaxed.
3. You can easily adjust the intensity of the exercise.
4. You can go at your own pace and are not as tempted to keep up with a class or “bounce” with these twists, as with some others taught in some classes. Bouncing is never a good idea. You can easily injure yourself.
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