By Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© May 2022, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.





A down is a specific and somewhat unusual movement of the human body.  It is a coordinated muscular contraction of the head, neck and trunk that starts at the head and moves toward the feet.

As it occurs, the body moves from side to side, like the movement of a snake.

The movement can occur spontaneously, especially when one is doing the Pulling Down Exercise.  However, it can occur at any time.  With a little practice, one can also cause it to occur consciously.




  Some call the jolt a down orgasm.  The reason is that it is a type of orgasm.  Both feel good and involve some muscular contraction.

Both regular orgasms and jolts bring together pairs of subtle human energy fields or so-called “subtle bodies”. 

Regular orgasms bring together the two etheric energy fields or bodies.  Jolts brings together the two oval energy fields or oval bodies.  This is a more advanced subtle energy field or body. 

A jolt differs from a standard orgasm in that:

- A jolt begins in the head area and moves down the body.

- Jolts do not involve the sexual organs and do not require any sexual stimulation.

- There is also no ejaculation or fluid release with a jolt, as with a regular orgasm.

- A jolt spins the seven major energy centers of the body faster and in the correct direction.  A regular orgasm spins them faster, but in the wrong direction. 

  As a result of the above, a jolt or down orgasm is much healthier for you than a standard orgasm.  You can do as many as you wish with only beneficial effects.




The down is the addition of a layer of protection around the body called an etheric sheath.  These sheaths are often missing, thanks to regular or up orgasms, which cause the loss of an etheric sheath.

The more regular orgasms a person has experienced, the more downs are needed to restore health.  New research (April 2022) indicates that most all women have experienced several hundred regular orgasms due to attacks by the Rogues.   For details, read The Rogues and The Rape Planet.




Lie down flat on your back on a bed or on the floor.  Do not have a pillow under your head.  You must have a little room to move around on the bed.

Close your eyes.  Now, visualize two points of light, one in the left eye and one in the right eye.  Imagine these points near the inside edge of your field of vision.  Now move the points in a large circle, moving them upward and outward along the edge of your field of vision.

If you do this correctly, often you will experience a jolt.  The body wiggles to one side first, and then to other.  It is somewhat funny-looking, but it feel very good when done correctly.  It loosens the muscles, and should not tighten them up.

You can do up to 10 or more jolts daily, and it will help move more etheric energy downward from your head to your feet.




The jolt procedure moves a lot of etheric energy down the body from the head to the feet.  This is always helpful for health.  You can use jolts to help clear blockages, to promote and speed up your development, and just for fun.  It is relaxing and purely healthful with no risks of which I am aware.




We are finding that by producing downs using a psychodrama and correspondence method, we can reverse trauma that is due to excessive orgasms.  This trauma occurs during rapes.

After the rapes, a woman, in particular, cannot think clearly and is very tired.  If she will have up to 1000 downs, she will undo at least part of the effects of the rapes.  This means that the downs are a key to healing rape.



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