BABY MANUAL (with a section on newborns)
Dr. Lawrence Wilson
© December
2023, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.
All information in this article is
solely the opinion of the authors and for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment,
prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.
This is a compilation of advice for parents about their babies based
on development science. Topics are
arranged in alphabetical order.
level. Please do not stress your
baby in any way. For example, they need loads of rest and sleep. Do not keep babies up late at night,
either. Also, do not make babies
stay up when they want to go to sleep, and do not wake babies up when they are
Babies need to be held and touched at least a few times each day. It is also good to talk to babies a lot. They will learn language faster this
way, and it is a form of bonding.
However, don’t overdo it.
If a baby wants to sleep, or closes the eyes, or starts crying, or turns
away, let him or her sleep. Babies
need a lot of sleep and this helps them grow properly. It does not mean they don’t like
you. Babies love their parents!
Other stressors for babies are too much heat, too much light, too much
noise or loud talking, rough handling or anything upsetting in the
Healthy babies do not cry much.
If your baby cries a lot, the baby needs a development program because,
most likely, the baby does not feel very well.
Alone. It is
dangerous for a baby to be alone.
They are attacked today by entities or souls that will harm them a lot. Babies need to be with someone all the time, even while napping and
definitely while they sleep at night.
Babies up until at least age 1 and three months need to sleep with their
parents, ideally in the same bed.
Here are the rules for this:
- No soft mattresses
or soft mattress toppers. With a soft mattress, you can turn over
onto your baby and kill the baby easily, especially a young baby. If the mattress is firm, this is much
harder and so it is much safer for your baby. Remove the mattress topper or get a firm mattress if you are
going to have a baby.
- Beware
– babies fall off their parents beds all the
time and this can kill or maim your baby. All it takes is a parent
moving his or her arm during sleep and it sweeps a young baby right off the bed.
So, on the side where the baby sleeps, be sure to put something right
next to the bed to either keep the baby on the bed or if the baby falls, the
baby will fall onto a very soft pad or mattress topper, or maybe a soft dog
bed, but not a hard floor.
- Babies like to sleep between their parents if parents sleep
together. However, this is more dangerous because two people
can hit them. At least,
they won’t fall off the bed.
It is usually best for babies to sleep to one side of the
parents. Babies may prefer the
mother’s side or may prefer the father’s side, and this can change over time.
Naps. Ideally, mother or father and
baby lie down together for a nap, or they both sit in a rocking chair or recliner
or other comfortable chair and both take a nap together. Make sure the baby won’t fall out of
the bed or out of your arms and onto the floor. This occurs often and causes a lot of harm to babies.
babies. If you have twin babies or two babies of different ages, the
sleeping situation is more complex.
Usually, one will sleep on the father’s side and one on the mother’s
side. But do not put your babies
in a separate room, ever. If you
cannot sleep with them, put them in a secure crib with high sides if the baby
can stand up and put it right next to your bed!
Pets. Also,
make sure that pets such as cats and small dogs or other animals can never get
into a baby’s crib. They can harm
a baby a lot – scratch out their eyes or bite them or worse.
Animals. NO
animals around babies. (This is an update to this article). Most animals are too rough, full of
germs, and not helpful for babies.
Bring in animals ONLY when a child is about age 4 or 5, and not before.
When the child is at this age or older, feed pets the food recommended
on this website in the Dogs and Cats
articles. They will be much
healthier and this is extremely helpful for children’s safety and to avoid
spreading diseases.
Anorexia (no or little apetite). This
is rarely a problem for babies. If
it occurs, the baby is ill. Put
your baby on a development program.
This will usually cause a great increase in appetite because your baby
will be able to taste, smell and digest milk or food much better.
Other possible causes for no appetite are problems with the breast
milk, trouble suckling at the breast, or occasionally other birth defects or
problems. This might require a
doctor’s help.
At times,
you are just feeding the baby or child the wrong food and the child does not
want it.
Antibiotics. These
can be life-saving, but are also one of the most toxic
and harmful groups of medical drugs.
Thousands of prescriptions are given to babies, damaging their livers,
kidneys and intestinal tracts often for life. If a baby is fed correctly on breast milk, and gets enough
rest and sleep, antibiotics are rarely needed.
We know it is always scary when a baby is sick. Babies get high fevers, coughs, and rashes
a lot. However, don’t run to
antibiotics, please. Natural
methods are often very effective on babies in cases of infections. One of the best is 1 to 3 tablets daily
of Limcomin, a product from Endomet Labs in Phoenix, AZ (1-800-528-4067). It is a combination of minerals and
vitamins that works well and is much better than most herbs and other natural
products for infections.
use antibiotics only
as a last resort after natural methods have been tried and done properly. For
more on this important topic read How To Boost Your
Immunity and Beyond Antibiotics.
Attention. Your
baby needs a lot of attention, especially the first year, unless he or she is
tired, sleeping, or resting. Give
babies plenty of attention. They
do not like crying while Mom just goes right on talking on the phone or driving
the car.
If a baby cries, he or she usually wants attention. Something needs to be communicated to
you - the diaper is soiled, or the baby needs a nap, or needs feeding. Their needs are simple. They also need lots of love, of
course. Read about Love later
in the article.
As babies turns two years of age and after, they can entertain
themselves more, though they still need attention, of course.
Attacks. Babies today have to deal with many hazards. Some are discussed in this
article. For more details, read Baby Attacks.
Babysitters. This
can spell trouble for babies. As
they grow older and can speak up and defend themselves, at least a little, it
is not so bad. But with babies,
please be very wary
with whom you leave them, and do not do it a lot, ever.
For example, rather than go to to the movies outside the house, bring
your entertainment into the house and stay with your baby. Bring your friends to the house, rather
than go to their house. Tell them
to bring their baby, perhaps, but do not go out on “adult nights”, please. It is quite dangerous for babies.
As a
general rule, babies do not like babysitters! Here is why:
1. For most of them, it is just a job. They don’t like babies much, and babies are sensitive to
this. They need love, and not just
someone to watch them and call you if something goes wrong.
2. Some are sick and babies catch their colds, flu, and other germs.
3. Some call their boyfriends or girlfriends, and completely ignore
the baby. You would never know
about this, but it happens more than you might think.
4. Some are strange and abusive.
They can speak well and tell you that they are wonderful, but when you
leave they start to talk strangely and act strangely. Rarely, a baby gets molested or raped. Please watch out! It could be with your best friend! Please do not use a lot of baby
sitters, not even your mother or father, or your sister, brother, or best
Baths. The
trouble here is that most bathing water contains chlorine, and maybe lots of
other toxins such as fluoride, toxic metals, and more. So please do not give your baby a lot
of baths, unless you know your water is very pure, which is rare. Instead, sponge off your baby
regularly. They generally prefer
that, though splashing around is always fun for a little while.
Babies (and everyone else, too) will be healthier if their beds are
arranged so that the baby’s head is pointing toward the nearest pole of the
earth. For example, if one lives
in the Northern hemisphere, the head of the bed should be facing North, or at least close to it. If one lives in the Southern hemisphere, the head of the bed
should face to the South.
Bible. This is an excellent book to read to babies and
children. Babies like
stories. Those in the Bible teach
many good moral lessons. It is
never to early to begin.
Birth. Most babies
like the birth room to be out of the main hospital, if at all possible, to
avoid infections. They like it
warm, quiet, friendly and not too light.
They also love underwater births, if you can find someone knowledgeable
to help you with it.
Dads. They
also love fathers to be around the birth.
They love fathers to be around all the time! Don’t shoo him away, and fathers - take the day off when
your baby arrives. You will love
babies if you give them a chance.
They scream sometimes, and they need mother’s breast milk, but they need
and want fathers. See Dads for
more info on this.
Drugs. If a mother needs drugs for the birth, okay, but
don’t rush to them. Instead, relax
and push hard and long. This does
not harm the baby.
Episiotomies sometimes help, but usually are not needed and
just prolong a mother’s recovery.
So discourage those.
attendants. Have a birth attendant, midwife or
doula ALWAYS, to look over the shoulder of the doctor, if you have one, and
make sure he or she is doing everything right.
babies. Hopefully, the baby is not too large coming out. A development program followed all
during pregnancy makes for a smaller baby – 5 pounds is fine. Don’t listen to the doctors that think
that is too small. Most babies are
toxic and malnourished because the mothers are the same way. One of the symptoms is they are too
big. This is a yin
condition, which means expanded.
For details about this, read Yang and Yin.
Mom needs to be prepped and ready
and has studied Lamaze or other birthing breathing techniques. For more details, read Pregnancy.
parties. Babies love those, for some unknown reason. Perhaps they like celebrating coming to
Please keep the candy, cookies and cake away, however. Not even carrot cake or almond
cookies! No frosting on anything,
either. It is all junk food that is absolutely no
good for any baby! Ideally,
skip the food altogether.
If you must serve some adult food to the older babies only, make it
plain onion soup, or blue corn chips, or almond butter on rice crackers (and
not rice cakes, please – more junk). No nuts for babies, either. They can’t chew them well. Breast milk is always best, providing mother is on a
complete development program, which is a must for her to have good milk.
Instead of food, how about just bringing over some friends and maybe
family and having some music playing, a present or two (no need for a lot of
them that usually just break, anyway.
Please read about Presents later in this article.)
defects. The birth defect rate has doubled in the United States in
the past 60 years or so. It has
increased in other nations, as well.
This is mainly or totally due to mothers who are in poor health. This describes most girls and young
We suggest a development program – and not just visiting a
holistic doctor, naturopath, homeopath, herbs, or random vitamins. Most of the time, this approach is too
haphazard and not enough. At
times, it is quite dangerous.
Also, please avoid vegetarian, raw food and vegan diets (the
worst). Other diets are not much
better such as Weston Price, keto, paleo, fodmap and others.
We suggest to begin with a development program now, as it can take a few years to
remineralize, renourish and balance your body deeply to prepare for pregnancy.
Babies love blankets, especially with the satin-feeling edges. So give babies blankets to play
with. Small, synthetic ones are
fine, and they need to be washed often to be clean, since they will go in their
mouths. Don’t be afraid of
Boys. Male
babies like a set of cardboard blocks, and they like guns, for some
reason. Please don’t worry about
it. They will outgrow the gun
phase, as with most things.
Breastfeeding. This is essential, of course.
Never rush a feeding! It is
really bad for babies. Just relax
and be late for your appointment, if necessary. You must relax at feedings or the milk won’t flow, or it
will taste foul. Spend about 10
minutes on one breast, and then switch to the other. Keep switching back and forth until the feeding is over.
Usually, a feeding should take about an hour or less, unless your baby
is having problems feeding. If the
baby screams when you take him or her away from the breast, it may mean the
baby is not done yet. Babies are
pretty good at judging when they have had enough, so please listen to your baby
about this.
If the nipples get sore, talk to your friends about it and use Udder
Cream or some other preparation.
Do not use toxic drugs, please!
If a nipple gets infected, take care of it fast with colloidal silver,
if possible, or other natural remedies rather than take antibiotics. These are toxic for you and for your
baby, so the less of them, the better – and ideally, use none of them.
If you don’t have enough milk, drink more water and eat more, and
maybe try a little fenugreek or blessed thistle to increase milk
production. Put your baby to the
breast and allow him or her to suck, and this, too, will increase milk
production within a few days.
babies may not breastfeed well:
1. Digestive or other problems of the baby.
2. Anorexia (poor appetite) due to low zinc in the baby.
3. Bad-tasting breast milk due to dietary or other problems of the
4. Stress – psychological, emotional or other such as loud noise
in the home.
5. Less commonly, nutritional supplements or herbs in the mother that
upset the baby’s digestion or something else.
6. Tongue tie (see that section, please)
7. Other - malnutrition, toxicity, or diseases of the mother.
If you can’t breastfeed or have any other problem with feeding, DON’T
GIVE UP. La Leche League International is one source of advice, except they
tell mothers to add solid food after 6-12 months, which is not good advice if
the mother is on a development program.
banks. If you cannot breastfeed, look into milk banks. They are spreading around the
world. They
are just an exchange network with mothers that have too much
milk and want to share it.
It is usually safe. The
only problem is that most mothers are not on a development program, so the milk
is not that great. But it might be
better than nothing, even to mix a little with the natural baby formula
described below.
If all that fails, too, then only use the Natural
Baby Formula on this website – either the milk formula or the meat
formula, or alternate them. Do not give
most commercial formula to your baby. It is like taking your baby to a McDonald’s restaurant
– it is junk! For more, read Breastfeeding.
pumps. These are fine to use, and give mothers a break and let
fathers do some feeding, which is wonderful. Thumbs up on these.
Candy. None at all.
Don’t give in to your baby’s tantrums, screaming, or crying when the
other babies get their candy and other junk food. Tell your baby it is for their own
good, and it is because you love your baby.
Instead, give babies a little cream or a cooked carrot, which babies
tend to love. You may need to
negotiate a little with a baby.
However, you are the parents and you are in charge. That should be made clear to your baby.
Babies feel very insecure when parents give
up their responsibility and just let their babies do what they want, and even
just let them roam around with a dirty face and a dirty bottom. NO GOOD!
Impose the rules, but do it gently and explain it all to your
baby. When the baby or child asks
a question, don’t say, “Because I said so” or “None of your business”. Just explain as best you can and leave
it there.
For instruction, an unusual suggestion is to buy or rent reruns of The Andy Griffith
Show. It is an old television series about a father, Andy, and his little
boy, Opie. He treats the child
very well. These are sold on DVD.
Do not treat your baby like they do in the newer TV shows that are
produced by total idiots or people who hate children, sadly.
Treats. These are not usually needed and it is best not to
condition a baby to want or need them.
No fruit or fruit popsicles, please. Some parents freeze carrot juice to make a popsicle snack.
This is okay, but still very sweet for babies and not recommended. Skip the sugar or other sweetener altogether, and
don’t add fruit, instead. See
Ice Cream below for a recipe.
Carriers. Some of the baby carriers that mothers and fathers
wear are not good. However, others
are great. Backpacks are not as
good as the ones that go in front.
And be sure they do not cramp the baby’s legs. Strollers are usually fine.
seats. Some are much more comfortable than others, so
check around and ask your friends before buying one that cuts the baby’s legs.
Cartoons on TV or elsewhere. Most
are inane and stupid and should not be part of your baby’s “mental diet”. They do love some of them, however. Snoopy the dog and Charlie Brown are not too bad. So check them out carefully and don’t
expose your baby to the insanely stupid ones, including the Muppets. Generally, avoid the
socialist/communist cartoons on the Public Broadcasting Networks.
Instead, babies like TV programs about animals, in particular, and
ones about plants, beautiful scenery, programs about angels and elves, trips
around the world and into outer space, and they like good science programs, but
not stupid ones.
Also, please limit TV viewing to one hour daily – a hard and
fast rule for young babies. More
is not good. If Dad or Mom has to
watch their favorite programs, then arrange your baby on your lap so they
cannot see it, though they will hear the drone.
A few rules:
1.Baby’s skin is often very sensitive. If possible, buy natural fiber clothing inside and out, but
mainly inside against the skin. It
can be cotton, linen or maybe a blend with a little synthetic fabric if you
want. (No need for silk.)
2. None, or as few chemicals as possible. Arm & Hammer laundry detergent is better than most
others (2019). Detergents are
somewhat toxic, even if the label says “baby safe, plain and fragrance
3. Please
do not overdress babies. Many
parents do this, thinking it will prevent a cold. It might, but if babies are hot and sweaty, then it is too
much clothing. It damages the
baby’s skin. Read about it in the
section called Skin
later on in this article.
Babies get colds, now and then.
Please do not run to the doctor every time. It is usually not necessary at all, and at the doctor your
baby will be given toxic drugs that are much worse than the cold itself.
Instead, keep your baby warm, hydrated, and happy. Most colds, flus and other childhood
illnesses, as they are called, will pass easily on their own. If your baby is on a development
program, which is hopefully the case, the colds and flu will pass even faster
and more easily.
Constipation. This
is hard on babies. Give a
constipated baby about 1/4th of teaspoon of Epsom salts, dissolved
in some breast milk, other milk or cream.
It works and is harmless.
Then find out why your baby is constipated, as it is not normal. The usual reasons are:
1. Breast milk is too thick because Mom does not
drink enough water, or drinks the wrong kind of water, or follows the
dehydration diet (which is to use ANY caffeine, sugar, fruit, juice or alcohol). Please stop these so your breast milk
has enough water in it.
If you can’t stop your coffee, which we encourage you to stop, or the
constipation continues, then give your baby some plain water and the Epsom
REGULAR TEA. These are horrible
for your baby! Also, do not give
babies almond milk, soy milk, hemp milk or other nut
or seed milks, either. These do
not hydrate the body well, and they are cheap substitutes for real breast milk.
2. Your baby might need more Paramin or
magnesium. Both tend to be
laxative and ALL babies need Paramin (a calcium/magnesium supplement). Give your baby too much and he or she
will soil the diapers too much, even though their bowel movements should be
fairly soft.
3. Your
baby may need SBF (a product from Endomet Labs). Most need this supplement badly. It contains magnesium and copper, both of which can help
with constipation.
4. If your baby is eating adult food, which hopefully
he or she is not, then you are probably feeding your baby incorrectly. Please read the section below called Diet for the
rules for feeding adult food to a baby.
We don’t agree with many of the doctors, even the natural ones, on
this subject of the diet for babies.
vegetables. Many babies today need some extra
nutrition while breastfeeding. If
your baby seems hungry, add some well-cooked vegetables to his or her
diet. This is the best and most important
food for babies after breast milk.
Do not add fruit, juices, grains or cereals, even if well-cooked. These are not nearly as good and fruit
is almost always very harmful (see Fruit below).
Steam, pressure cook or cook vegetables in a crock
pot. Do not fry, roast, grill, bake, or stir fry vegetables. Do not cook with oil.
These methods are too high temperature and create toxins.
Coughs and Respiratory infections. Babies get these often, even the babies of mothers
who follow a development program.
Please don’t worry about these.
Give some Limcomin, use a red heat lamp on the back and chest, keep
the baby comfortable, and it is always fine to rub the lung and bronchial
reflex areas of the feet. Just do
this for about 30 seconds at a time, repeated every few hours. It can help a lot and is very safe and
Be sure the baby has enough water or breast milk to drink when ill,
since a baby can become dehydrated.
You can tell because the baby’s lips and mouth may become dry.
Temperature. When
ill, check your baby’s temperature every few hours and make sure it is not over
103 degrees F. or about 39.5 degrees C.
If it gets higher, sponge off the baby with cool water, or put the baby
in a bath with cooler water to cool us down. DO NOT USE ASPIRIN OR TYLENOL. These are quite toxic drugs. They are bad for babies!
There is nothing wrong with fever as long as it does not get over
about 104 F. So do not try to
suppress it. The fever actually
helps the baby’s body fight off the germs.
Please do not vaccinate babies, unless you want to risk autism,
paralysis and even death. A baby
who is fed and cared for properly can handle whooping cough, diphtheria,
measles, mumps and the rest of the childhood diseases just fine if you follow
the directions in this article. Once again, no vaccines. Read the articles on Vaccines
and the Vaccine Horror Story on this site
for more on why vaccines are a very bad idea.
Babies cry now and then. A
healthy, happy baby does not cry much.
If a baby cries a lot, something may be wrong. Your baby would love to tell you about it, but it takes a
few years to learn language.
Common causes for crying are hunger or thirst, a soiled diaper,
constipation, a drug reaction, vaccines, fear, and sometimes aches and pains.
Avoid colic by feeding correctly and relaxing completely at feeding
time. Never hurry a feeding, as
this can be enough to cause colic and crying.
Babies also try to communicate with you telepathically all the
time. If you don’t hear it, you
are probably too preoccupied with your work, friends, sex, etc. But the babies do communicate.
Babies love rocking, for some unknown reason. Try rocking a baby in your arms if the baby is crying. Of course, also find out why the baby
is crying, if possible.
Babies love cuddling – no question about it. Here is why. Babies are in bodies that they cannot control very well. Young ones cannot speak, cannot walk,
and cannot do most things that adults can do. What is there to do?
Babies eat, sleep, poo and pee.
It is somewhat boring.
Cuddling gives babies a chance to work on their own healing, and on
yours. Don’t ever think that your
baby is not helping you. They are! But usually they need to be very close
to you in order to do it. So let
them get close. They usually don’t
smell bad, unless they need a clean diaper, and you will benefit more than you
might imagine. It is an extra
benefit of having a baby around.
Please, no. Please keep
babies home, if at all possible.
We know that is tough for some working mothers, but please listen. Here are the problems with day care:
1. Junk food. Mom isn’t
there to feed her baby, of course.
2. Junk day care workers who really don’t care much, even though they
often say they do. Some treat
babies roughly, and babies feel the lack of love.
3. Germs. The other kids
are often sick, and babies put everything in their mouths at certain ages.
Please don’t poison your baby with detergents. Do not use detergents, especially on clothing or to clean the
house, or on anything a baby will touch.
For details, read Detergents.
Development. This
is a precise process that is programmed genetically into all human beings. A few babies are born somewhat developed,
but most are not.
The reason most babies are not born developed very much is that the
mothers are not well enough nourished.
The correct nutrition will speed up development. This is a great advantage because it
results in a stronger immune response, better thinking, better coordination,
more strength, better digestion and other health improvements. For details, read Introduction To Development on this website.
Development programs for babies. All
babies can use a development program at about the age of 4 months, even if
their mothers are on a program, which hopefully they are. In fact, mom must be on a program when
breastfeeding, or the milk stinks, literally.
Getting a
hair mineral test is best to set up a personalized program.
However, if a) baby does not have enough hair or b) money is tight, the
baby can start with the basic development programs below. These are not too bad
if funds are tight:
The basic
fourth month program (four to twelve months of age):
product names below are from Endomet Laboratories, Phoenix, Arizona)
1. Limcomin
(or copper 0.75 mg, manganese 5 mg and zinc 8 mg) 1/8 AM and 1/8 PM.
2. Paramin (or
calcium 200 mg and magnesium 120 mg) ¼ AM and ¼ PM
3. SBF (or
magnesium 200 mg and copper 1 mg) 1/8 to ¼ per day.
4. Red Heat
Lamp therapy: 1-2 minutes daily.
5. Foot Rubs:
Two daily, 10 minutes each, every day.
The basic one year program (twelve to twenty-four months of age):
1. Limcomin
¼ AM and ¼ PM
2. Paramin
¼ AM and ¼ PM
3. SBF
¼ AM
Red Heat Lamp: 3 minutes daily.
5. Foot Rubs:
Two daily, 10 minutes each, every day.
This is very important.
The basic two year program (twenty-four months to thirty-six months of
1. Limcomin
¼ AM and ½ PM
2. Paramin
¼ AM and ½ PM
3. SBF
¼ AM
Red Heat Lamp: 4-5 minutes
5. Foot Rubs:
Two daily, 10 minutes each, every day.
The basic three year program (36 months to 48 months of age):
1. Limcomin
½ AM and ½ PM
2. Paramin
½ AM and ½ PM
3. SBF
¼ AM and ¼ PM
Red Heat Lamp: 5 minutes daily.
5. Foot Rubs:
Two daily, 10 minutes each, every day.
These programs will work for most babies, though some babies will need
special modifications. Do the
program every day, come rain or shine.
However, reduce the program or stop it altogether when a baby has a cold
or flu. Usually, it is less needed
at these times.
How to take supplements. An
easy way is to grind up the supplements for the day in the morning. Add half the powder to some cream or
milk in the morning and give it to your baby. Give the other half of the powder to the baby in a little
cream or milk in the afternoon or evening.
Delays. These are sadly common today. Causes include:
1. Poor health of the mother. This is almost universal if she is not
on a development program.
2. Vaccination.
Please read the Vaccination section later in this article! The health authorities lie and deceive
the public about this issue!
3. Imbalanced body chemistry of the baby. This is very common, even if a baby
looks healthy on the outside.
4. Other, such as medical drugs, in some cases, such
as antibiotics, improper diet such as feeding a baby sugars, fruit in any form,
or adult food too early. Rarely,
there are other causes.
A development program. Over
1000 babies have turned around and become normal children or super kids with a
development program. This is not a brag – it is a plea! You can put a baby on a development program, starting about
age 3 to 4 months. Keep the child
on the program all during childhood.
Please be careful. A
development program is very different from naturopathy, homeopathy, herbs, and
other nutrition programs, although it might seem similar. Also, beware of pediatricians and
others who will tell you that all vitamin programs are stupid (although many of
them are), or that hair mineral tests are inaccurate or a waste of money.
Diapers. Most
babies do not like synthetic or plastic diapers. They often chemicals are toxic and smelly. Most prefer natural and soft diapers,
either the pants or the old fashioned type.
Don’t leave babies with wet diapers. Babies know they stink, although a healthy baby does not
have the worst smelling poo.
Change the diaper when your baby cries, when you smell it, or if you can
feel it. Soon they will use the
toilet, so don’t fret.
Diarrhea. This
is not common in healthy, breastfed babies. Bowel movements should be soft, but not runny.
Causes in breastfed babies.
Causes for diarrhea among breastfed infants include:
1. Problems with the breast milk, especially if
mother is not on a development program.
2. Feeding too fast for some reason, such as if Mom
wants to go shopping and tells the baby you only have 15 minutes to feed.
3. An anxious or upset mother during a feeding, for
any reason at all. She might need
to go to the bathroom, for example.
She should stop feeding and relieve herself, and then continue. This is important and occurs all the
4. If your baby drank contaminated water, which some
parents give babies even when breastfeeding is going on. Usually, by the way, drinking water is
not needed and not a good idea if a baby is breastfeeding. Babies need nutrition, not water, in
most cases. For much more on
giving babies water, please see the Water
section of this article.
5. A stomach virus or flu.
Remedies for diarrhea. If you and/or your baby is on a development
program, call your Helpers and ask that we check on your baby and advise what
to do.
antibiotics as a last resort, and not first. Read the section in this article on Antibiotics
before using them.
In most cases, your baby will not be hungry. Do not force food on a baby when that baby is ill, in almost
all cases. Just let your baby
rest. You may gently use a red
heat lamp on the stomach area, and rub the feet well several times a day. The diarrhea will usually subside in a
day or two, and that is all there is to it.
You could also give your baby one or two charcoal tablets (open the
tablet and mix it with a little water – not milk.) This can absorb some poisons. Never continue with charcoal tablets,
however. Give them only for a day
or two.
Causes of diarrhea in babies eating adult food.
Causes include eating the wrong food or contaminated food, drinking bad
water, too much food, eating too fast, drinking anything with the food,
terrible food combinations, an upset mother, an upset baby, or a stomach
infection, viral flu or parasites, at times.
Beware of
food sensitivities in babies. These often cause diarrhea and many
other health problems for babies.
If the mother is on a development program, often babies prefer only
breast milk for about 3 years.
However, add about ¼ of a runny egg yolk daily after about age
1. Add ½ of a runny egg
yolk after about age 2. Soft boil
the egg for 3 minutes so the yolk is still runny.
If breast milk does not work for your baby, you will have to test
various substitutes, none of which are as good.
The first thing to do if your non-breastfed baby gets diarrhea is to
stop all food for a few hours, at least.
This lets the digestion rest.
A little water is okay, and it must be clean water! NO reverse osmosis water, though. Spring water is best in almost all
cases. Tap water is often okay if
you filter it with carbon only, not other filters.
Rub your baby’s feet, especially the middle of the bottom of the feet,
which is the digestive reflex area.
Also, shine a red heat lamp on the abdomen for 10 minutes, about once an
hour. This will help in many
cases, and it will be over soon.
As for remedies, which are sometimes helpful, charcoal is very
good. It is non-toxic and gentle
for babies, unlike antibiotics that are extremely harsh and toxic. So give a charcoal tablet ground up in
water, or open a capsule in a little water, one a day in small babies and up to
two daily in 2 or 3 year olds. Do
not continue this for more than 2 days, however.
Occasionally, a baby needs a little plain, life culture yogurt. As mentioned earlier, Limcomin from
Endomet Labs is also very good for all infections. Babies up to 1 year old can take up to 1 tablet ground up in
some water every day (spread it out).
Babies up to 2 years of age, or older, can usually take 2 per day,
spread out and ground up.
important! If diarrhea does not subside in three
days, or is severe, or if you believe something serious is wrong, go to the
doctor because diarrhea kills babies easily, much more easily than it kills
adults. Parasites, for example,
may require extra procedures. If your baby is on a development program, which we hope is the case,
then parasites usually go away on their own, and drugs should not be
needed, but you may have to do some extra procedures.
We assume you are not violating the rules by feeding fruit, juices,
bread, or any sweets or junk food or chemicalized food to your baby. This is absolutely prohibited!
Most of the time, diarrhea will subside. Use antibiotics only as a last resort, and preferably never.
Diet for
babies. Please read this section many times!
Breast milk is best. If
you are feeding adult food, it should be the preferred vegetables cooked until
they are soft and a little shredded meat. NO FRUIT, NO NUTS, NO SALAD and DO NOT MIX LIQUIDS
SUCH AS MILK WITH SOLID FOOD AT THE SAME MEAL. Instead, have one or the other at a meal. The reasons for all this are explained
in the diet articles on this website such as Food For
Daily Use.
EPA and
DHA are critical for brain development.
These chemicals, also
called omega-3 fatty acids, are vital for all babies.
Most babies are born too low in them because their mothers are
They will only be present in breast milk if the mother takes a
supplement of 900 mg of EPA and DHA (not 900 mg of fish or some other oil) or eats
3-4 cans of sardines every week.
Salmon and tunafish are also good sources of EPA and DHA. However, in our view, they are much too
toxic for regular consumption. You
will poison yourself and your baby with mercury if you eat these fish.
If you
feed commercial formula or adult food to a baby, you may need to give a baby a
supplement if you want a baby with a good brain and healthy body.
On development programs, we also find that after around age 5, all
children need a supplement of EPA-DHA, about 250 mg per day.
Breastfeeding. Feed
breast milk, if at all possible, for three years or more if your baby wants
it. Don’t be lazy, mothers! It matters.
If possible, do not add adult food at all until your baby is at least
two years old, and preferably not until baby is three. The reason doctors recommend stopping breast feeding earlier is that most mothers’ milk is not
that nutritious because of the malnourished condition of the mothers. However, if the mother is on a
development program (not other nutrition programs), then most of the time the
breast milk with be very adequate and is better than switching to adult food
before around age 3.
If breastfeeding is impossible, and only in this situation, use
natural homemade formula. For
information how to make baby formula, read Baby
Formula You Make At Home on this website.
Once it is weaning time, the diet is to be mainly cooked – not
raw – vegetables, and a little chicken, lamb or natural beef. Most babies are fast oxidizers, so they should not
eat grains or bread at all, or very little.
Puree without
adding water. Always shred meat for babies, along
with shredding or pureeing everything else.
When you puree, use a fork to mash the food. Do not mix food with water in a blender or food
processor. Mixing food with water
dilutes the stomach acid and is hard on digestion. Your baby may cry out in pain or have diarrhea, and you’ll
start on the antibiotic merry-go-round that ends in chronic disease.
Other important
diet rules. No juice at all! It is very bad for your baby. It speeds up the oxidation rate,
damages the teeth, and can create a fat little baby who is sick all the time.
Also remember - very little grain because most babies are fast
oxidizers, and they don’t need or do well on a lot of grains. Grains tend to make babies very
Also, no wheat. It is
hybridized and is very irritating to all babies. That means no bread at all, please. Serving bread is also one of the
fastest ways to constipate your baby.
Also, no Mcdonald’s or other fast food, no matter how much your baby
or child wants it! Not even for a
treat once. It is addictive, on
purpose, and it is JUNK!
Also, do not allow your baby to drink anything with meals, except
maybe for a few sips of water if he or she insists. Drink water only an hour after eating. Drinking water with meals dilutes the
stomach acid and interferes with digestion.
Give your baby water (ideally spring water), not soda pop, juices, or
even much herbal tea. Water is a
whole food and a complex substance.
That is why spring water that comes from the earth and has not been tampered
with, is usually best.
For nutritional supplement suggestions, see the Development Program section of this
Dogs. Many
babies do not like dogs. They are
too big, too hairy and dirty, too licky, and can hurt babies without meaning
to. When the child is about 4 or
older, a gentle dog is often okay, but not before.
Down’s syndrome.
Please put any Down’s syndrome baby on a development program at 3-4
months of age. Do not wait! This is critical. While it may sound unusual, we find
that if you do this, your baby will do very well and perhaps be absolutely
AVOID OTHER NUTRITION PROGRAMS, PLEASE. They do not work nearly as well. It has to be a development program, and only with one of our
practitioners listed on this website.
To find them, CLICK
– medical. This is a critical topic. Do not give babies
drugs, or most herbs, for that matter.
Instead, please use the suggestions in this article for common
conditions such as infections, constipation, diarrhea, rashes and most baby problems. If a condition is not listed here,
check other articles on this website, or email us for advice at Contact Us.
Infections. These are quite common in some
children, especially those who are not fed correctly or whose body is out of
balance. A development program
will usually take care of them, and prevent them in the future.
The diet must be corrected!
Pasteurized cows milk can be a culprit, in some cases. So can other dairy products in children
who are allergic to them. This is
often a simple fix for repeated ear infections.
Antibiotics are very rarely needed, and they do nothing to correct the
underlying causes. Medical studies
show that the use of antibiotics for childhood ear infections
increase the likelihood of future ear infections.
Better remedies for ear infections include:
1. Correct the diet, and especially eliminate any
foods to which your baby or older child is sensitive. The most common ones are
dairy, and wheat or gluten, in some cases.
2. Shine a red heat lamp near the ear for about 1
minute. Do this 7 or more times
every day for up to a week. Done
right, it won’t hurt your child at all, and it helps move the infection out.
3. Rub the ear reflex areas on the feet, and even on
the hands of your child. These are
found at the tips of the third and fourth toes. Push firmly. It
might hurt a bit, but it helps.
Always do the toes on both feet, even if only one ear is inflamed.
4. Another remedy is Limcomin from Endomet Labs. Babies just need about 1 tablet daily,
split into at least two parts.
Older children need more, up to about 3 or 4 per day split into several
Another remedy is vitamin A, especially if you don’t have Limcomin,
which contains vitamin A. If the
capsule contains 10,000 international units (IU) of vitamin A, a baby needs
only ¼ daily up to age 1, ½ daily up to age 2, and 1 daily if older A
five-year-old needs two daily. A
ten-year-old needs at least 3 daily.
To give part of a capsule, just open it with a knife and put some on the
baby’s tongue. Natural vitamin A
from fish oil is best and tastes best.
6. Please do not remove the tonsils and adenoids for
repeated infections of any kind.
Tonsils will clear up on a correct feeding and development program.
Surgery is not necessary and is extremely scary for a young
child. A child with infections
needs a whole development program to correct imbalances in body chemistry.
Eczema. About
30% of babies and children develop eczema. It is most often an elimination of poisons that came from
the mother’s body.
In our experience, a development program gets rid of it easily, in all
cases. The fewer creams and
lotions you put on your baby’s skin, the better. Please avoid cortisone cream the doctors prescribe, if
possible, as it is toxic and just a temporary band-aid remedy.
Also avoid homeopathy, which just drives the toxins inside.
The development program enhances the energy level and promotes
elimination, which speeds healing.
The development diet is very important and be
sure to use a red heat lamp daily on the chest, abdomen or back with shirt off
for 5 minutes in newborns up to about 45 minutes in older children.
school. Ideally, avoid all schools. They can be dangerous for your baby or toddler. Instead, home school your baby and your
older child, as well.
Any parent can do this because new technology and the internet makes
all the school materials available to anyone, often at no charge or for a low
fee, and organizes everything for you.
You don’t need a PhD, mothers, to do this. Just a little caring for your child. Problems with schools, at any age, are:
1. Studies show that classroom learning moves much
slower than individual instruction.
Put differently, school is a giant waste of a child’s time.
2. Poor quality food is very hard to avoid and you
don’t control the food. It is in
the cafeteria and even in the classrooms.
Even if the school “prohibits” junk food, often the cafeteria serves it. Even if it does not, all the other kids
talk their mothers into giving them candy and cookies for lunch, and it hard to
resist. This is a difficult
3. Children pick up lots of infections from other
children and teachers.
4. Most schools, especially public schools, teach the
secular, liberal agenda, political correctness, communist and left-wing lies and propaganda.
Schools have lost their way, in many cases. Children learn foul language, and all about how to rape the
girls and use marijuana. This is
the truth, Moms and Dads. Please
do not doubt it!
5. Schools are the scene of fights, bullying,
humiliation, sexual attacks in the bathroom, and more that children are
sometimes afraid of telling parents about because they won’t believe it, or they
will think their child is a chicken.
Please keep children out of schools!
Babies need some exercise, but not a lot. Babies should crawl around, and soon they learn to walk and
it is hard to keep them still.
Please do not listen to “experts” who preach that more exercise is
better. We find that if you feed
your baby and child correctly, he or she will not be fat.
Older children also need some exercise. However, we do not recommend team sports. They are good for some children, but
the workouts are too much for some children who are not very healthy.
We think that girls’ sports are a very bad idea. We are not male chauvinist. Statistics show that too often rape
occurs due to mixing with boys at meets, wearing skimpy outfits, hanging around
locker rooms and after-game parties.
oxidation. This is a term used to describe the
metabolic type of almost all babies.
It is important because a lot is known about this metabolic type. For example, sugar, honey, fruit and
fruit juices are very harmful, even moreso than for adults, who are mainly slow
oxidizers. Anything sweet tends to
throw the body chemistry of babies much further out of balance.
oxidizers also need some fat or oil with every meal. Mothers milk is rich in fat. If a baby or child is eating adult food, cream, for example,
is excellent for them.
Some parents do not want to give fats to their babies, thinking it
will make them fat. This is
absolutely not true, provided the diet is correct, with plenty of cooked
Withholding fats and oils from fast oxidizers makes them much more
irritable, out of balance, and eventually makes them ill.
Babies need their fathers. Never
contemplate divorce once your baby has been born, please, unless there is actual
danger due to alcoholism, for example.
Your baby needs both of you, preferably together.
Fathers, never feel you are the “third wheel”, “not needed”, “in the
way”, “awkward”, “clumsy”, or any of that nonsense. It is not true.
Mothers tend to have more experience with babies, and that is all! Babies need their father’s energy
around them as much as possible.
Fathers, take your baby for a stroll or walk. Talk to them. Play with them gently.
Cuddle up with them. You’ll
love it – you will see.
Fathers have a different energy than mothers and babies know and feel
this. For one thing, fathers have
less fear. Fathers also have a
certain steadiness that babies and children of all ages like very much. This is not to demean women in any
way. It is just the truth.
If there cannot be a father in the home. In this instance, we urge single mothers to try to
find one or two healthy male friends and invite them to be with you and your
baby or child. Invite him over for
lunch or dinner, for example.
Invite him to spend an afternoon together at a park or zoo or walking or
driving or anything.
Tell him this is not a sexual advance. The man need not be a sexual partner, and in some ways it is
best if he is not a sexual partner and is just a friend. He can be much older than you and this
is excellent, in fact. Age does
not matter.
What matters is his male energy, which all babies need. Be sure he is gentle and polite to your
child and treats the child well.
That is all that is needed.
We cannot overstate how important this is for babies. The modern idea that fathers are not
needed is a pernicious lie.
Fear. All
babies are somewhat fearful. In
fact, fear is a huge problem today for all babies and children.
The fear occurs, in part, because most babies are not healthy. They are often in some pain or
discomfort, even if they do not complain.
Also, they cannot speak if they are young and they cannot control their
bodies well to escape danger.
Also, they are very sensitive and they sense danger, often long before
their parents sense it. They can
often smell a criminal or predator or even just a mean person.
Many babies can also see auras (read about Auras above). This is a slight glow around the
body. Everyone has one of these
and many babies can see them.
Some people have a beautiful glow around themselves and babies will
tend to smile when around them.
Unfortunately, however, many people have a dull brown or reddish glow
about them that is scary for babies and a baby may start crying if you are
close to one of these people.
Sadly, most babies lose the ability to see colors or patterns of energy
around people as they grow up.
problems. This is a more
lengthy topic. Please see
the section on Breastfeeding and Diet For Babies. Also, see the articles Breastfeeding
and Baby Formula You Make At Home.
schedules. Normally, babies need to eat about
every four hours, regardless of age.
Do not put babies to the breast more often than this, unless your baby
wails and screams, and it becomes clear the baby is hungry and nothing else is
going on.
However, please watch out for rigid schedules! A baby may need to eat a little more
food one day, and less the next day.
So please be flexible with the feeding schedule.
ultrasound. Avoid or minimize ultrasound procedures
during pregnancy. They are always
harmful for babies. For details,
read Fetal Ultrasound.
Fever. This
is one of the scariest symptoms in babies and children. The body uses fever to burn off toxins
and to kill germs of all kinds.
Fevers are normal and healthy, unless they are too high – above
103 F. Don’t try to lower them
unless they are very high. Causes
for fevers are:
1. Feeding problems, such as the wrong diet, too much
food, bad food combinations, or something else.
2. A cold, a flu, an
infection or some other bug.
Perhaps your baby got too cold, or maybe he or she just needs to burn
off some toxins that were in the body from birth, or that got in after the
What to do. Many
fevers will go away on their own, and you don’t need
to do anything. Always keep your
baby well-hydrated with water, never juice.
To lower a
fever, here are the rules:
1. If it is less than about 103 degrees F. or about 39.5 degrees C.,
you don’t need to do anything.
Remember, fever is the way babies burn off toxins or kill bugs. However, sponging with a cool, damp
washcloth is fine.
2. If it gets higher, the best way to reduce it a little is not Tylenol
or Aspirin. Those are horrible,
almost as bad as antibiotics.
3. If you want to lower a fever, sponge babies off with cool water
only. Some people say to add a
little rubbing alcohol to the water, and this will work better, but it is harsh
on a baby’s skin.
Another method that is more powerful is to put the baby in a tepid
bath and slowly add cold water.
Another safe method is administer a coffee
enema. This is actually easy with
a baby. The fever will likely rise
again, but that is okay. It is
just burning off the toxins, in most cases. So do the procedure again, and you can sponge off or do a
bath at least three times daily, if needed.
4. Rub the baby’s feet once every hour for about 5 minutes on each foot. You may be surprised at the results. (see foot reflexology below)
5. See the rules for infections in this article to get at the cause.
6. Any fever that is 104 F. or over may require a doctor visit.
Foot rubs
(reflexology). This is wonderful for all babies!! We cannot say enough good things about
this simple, but powerful procedure.
It usually feels good, it is perfectly safe, and most important, it is a remedy for almost all health conditions of babies.
babies and all children want and need at least two foot
rubs daily. You can also rub the hands. For instructions on how to do it, read Reflexology on this website.
Babies do not need or want friends in the same way that adults like
friends. In fact, too many
children in one place is not healthful for babies or
young children. Your baby or young
child can become confused by the energy of other children.
Some babies have invisible friends. Parents, please allow this and
don’t tell babies and young children to stop talking to themselves. For more details, read the Telepathy
section of this article.
Fruit. We know – many health authorities recommend fruit. Do not feed it to your baby or child,
please. There are at least eight
reasons for skipping ALL fruit and fruit juices. It is much too sugary, upsets blood sugar, damages teeth,
and is particularly bad for fast oxidizers, which includes almost all babies. For details, please read Fruit-Eating on this site.
Babies like to have fun.
This does not mean getting rough or loud. Fun is an attitude, a lightness and happiness. Babies are generally very happy to be
on earth in the DNA configuration we call a human body. They want to play and enjoy. Keep it safe, and enjoy life with your
dysphoria. We find this is always due to an
unbalanced body chemistry.
Any child or adult who is struggling with this needs a development
program, not hormones or sex-change surgery.
Girls. Girl babies are usually, but not always somewhat
different from boys. The girls
tend to be a little more sensitive than the boys. However, today most babies are very sensitive, in part due
to impaired health.
Herbs. Be
careful about giving herbs to babies.
We do not recommend most of them!
Herbs are all somewhat toxic.
Some parents think they are wonderful because they are ‘natural’. They are somewhat less toxic than most
drugs, but do not use a lot and do not use them continuously.
Houses, non-toxic. For
the sake of your baby and for older children, as well, your home should be as
non-toxic as possible. This means
do not use smelly chemicals on the floors and carpets, especially.
Vinegar and water are safe cleaning agents, as is plain soap. We recommend Grandpa’s Pine Tar soap
and Bon Ami for dishes and even for laundry.
Avoid detergents, which are all somewhat toxic. Also, always use non-toxic products for
plant fertilizers, flea powders for the animals, and other cleaning needs. Your baby or child can get into many
products and eat the whole thing.
Please remember this and keep everything non-toxic.
Babies enjoy hugs. Don’t
hesitate to put your arms around your baby. However, don’t hug your baby all day. It is not needed and it can lead to
Especially as children get older, limit the hugs. Unfortunately, if you hug babies and
children a lot, they get used to the body contact and they will seek it as
teens and adults. They will often
seek hugs and kisses instead of finding the best sexual partners based upon
values and goals - and this is very harmful. So do not hug a lot!
Just hug enough so your baby knows you are there and you care.
Some babies are more clingy than others and
there are reasons for this. It is
an individual matter and most babies will outgrow the clinging. Very important to end clinging behavior
is to help your baby and child eliminate toxic potassium. (See the section on Toxic Potassium).
Humor. This is very helpful for babies, and
for all children. Buy joke books
and read from them. They help keep
a light mood in the home, which is essential for your children’s health.
Babies naturally have a sense of humor, so they
like keeping things light and laughing at things. This is one reason why cartoons appeal to babies and
children. We don’t recommend most
cartoons on television or elsewhere, but children like the light-hearted
feeling of most cartoon figures.
Too much seriousness is actually confusing to babies, who understand
that life is a grand adventure.
Mountain. This is a wonderful song for babies. It is from the musical, Chitty-Chitty Bang-Bang. Please play it often for your
baby. It can help a baby or child
go to sleep, and helps remind babies who they are.
Hydration. This is most important for babies. A baby with a fever or a baby who
vomits more than once or twice will need more water.
a baby. This is important to do, especially if a baby is vomiting or
for some other reason won’t drink water.
Wet the corner of a piece of clean cloth in water and put it in the
baby’s mouth. Let the baby suck on
it. When it is somewhat dry,
remove it and dip it again in the water and let the baby suck on it again.
This method can also be used with children and even adults. The alternative is much more traumatic
for a baby – a visit to the doctor or emergency room for IV fluids.
babies and children.
These are becoming more common.
In our experience, thyroid hormones are not needed if the baby or child
is placed on a complete development program, which corrects the thyroid
Infections. All
babies get infections, now and then.
A healthy baby gets fewer of them.
If a baby spends time around other children, they will get a lot more
infections, so limit the time around other children. This ideally includes keeping them away from schools and day
care centers.
To help prevent infections, keep babies clean, although there is no
reason for compulsive cleanliness.
Bathe babies if they are dirty, and wash hands a lot. Keep them away from all germs.
However, do not
use anti-bacterial soaps or most detergents, especially liquids. This includes laundry detergents, dish
soaps and other cleaners. They are
toxic. Just use regular, mild,
simple soap. For details about
safe home cleaning products, read Detergent Hazards.
Read the sections on antibiotics and fevers for much more on how to handle infections.
Babies and children are very sensitive to pain. Please do let anyone give them
injections, if at all possible.
Most are not needed and just cause trauma for your child. If a doctor wants to give a shot, ask
what alternatives there are. Don’t
just go along! Protect your baby
and child from shots, including, of course, all vaccines. Read Vaccines below!
Instruments. Most children want to play musical instruments. It is a wonderful past time and a
powerful healer, too. So make them
available. They need not be costly
or fancy, especially for the young children.
Children will need lessons, though. So set aside a little cash for this unless you can teach
them, which is actually better than having a stranger teach them.
Integrity. As
soon as your baby can talk, and even before, teach your baby to tell the truth,
both to himself or herself, and to you.
This is more important than you might think.
In the name of “political correctness”, “social justice”, “environmental
justice”, “tolerance”, “diversity”, “moral relativism” and other names, the
media and especially university professors teach that lying is okay.
This is pernicious and designed to weaken society. They are also teaching in school that
there is not such thing as truth.
Please teach your baby the opposite. Absolute truths do exist and you expect them to always tell
the truth.
To teach truth, begin by not lying to your baby. If you catch yourself in little white
lies, stop yourself and correct them.
If a baby misbehaves, but tells the truth about it, do not punish the
child nearly as much as if he or she misbehaves and then tries to cover it up
by lying. Teach truth and
integrity to your children of all ages, at all times, in all situations.
Juice for babies. A big NO on this.
Juices are much too sugary for babies. Babies like them, of course, because they are sweet. However, they are not good for babies
at all. So please, no juice, not
even carrot juice, and not even diluted juices, please.
Instead, train your baby to like good quality water or a little sun
tea without caffeine – but no juice.
wraps. Almost all babies today are born malnourished due to
malnourishment of their mothers. A
rapid way to improve their nutritional state is kelp wraps.
The procedure is simple and the experience is enjoyable for babies and
parents. The babies will help rub
the warm, slimy kelp all over themselves.
If they eat some, that is fine, too, though it does not taste too good
to babies.
Many nutrients from the kelp are absorbed through the skin, vastly
improving the nutritional state of the child. The wraps can be repeated once a week, or even several times
a week, for year or more. You will
see and hear the difference in your child. For details, read Kelp Wraps,
especially the section at the end about babies.
babies. This sounds simple, but parents make this mistake all the
time, and it is traumatic for babies.
Never lift your
baby by grabbing the legs or arms. This can dislocate a hip or shoulder or
elbow. It also hurts.
If a baby is in a crib or in bed, bend over and pick up your baby or
child by placing your arms around his or her waist. Once again, do not just pull the baby up by the arms or
Lotions and Creams. Do not use most
lotions and creams on your baby’s skin.
Most skin lotions and creams, even those designed for babies and the
all-natural kinds, are toxic and clog up the skin badly.
If the skin is dry, cracked, itchy or a rash is present, a little aloe
vera gel is excellent, or maybe some zinc oxide ointment. Then try to figure out the cause. (Read the Eczema and Rashes sections of
this article.)
Love. Babies and young
children need lots and lots of love and attention from you, the parents. Never forget that.
They are not like dogs and cats that can be left alone. They are not like older children who
can also be left alone somewhat.
They need you.
Don’t send them to daycare centers, preschool, kindergarten, or regular
schools. They need their parents,
not teachers and daycare workers.
Mothers and motherhood.
Raising your children is a sacred calling and the most important job
that anyone can have. This needs
to be your attitude at all times! Someday
parents will be reimbursed financially.
Right now society is out of balance in not supporting parents who are
with their children.
Before having a baby, realize it is a lot of work that hopefully will
bring you great joy, but not all of the time. All babies cry a little, at least, and they can get sick and
cranky. If you are on the
development program all during pregnancy or as much as you can, your baby will
be much healthier. Once born, stay
on the program yourself and put the baby on the program at about age of 6
Also, mothers and fathers are always a team. Please always work as a team. Don’t push dad away.
Too many mothers think they know everything and dad is just in the way,
asking questions, wondering if he’s changing the diaper right, and so on. Work with him. Don’t push him away. Babies need his energy, his calm, his
male odor, and everything about him.
Please include dad in everything if you want a happy, healthy
baby. Your baby really appreciates
it when mother and father love and respect each other and cooperate
wholeheartedly to raise the children.
Common problems mothers have today mainly have to do with poor health
and improper living habits.
Mothers are often tired, their milk is not too healthful, and in many
cases they do not think clearly.
Rest. Many
mothers need more sleep and rest.
Otherwise they are crabby.
Babies do not like this, and it easily harms their growth and
development. Get a babysitter if
you need to (read about Babysitters in this article, though) so that you are not resentful
that you have to care for us.
Whatever you do, try to be happy around your baby. They need that joy.
Diet. Most
mothers need to eat many more cooked vegetables and stop the fruit, juices,
salads, and the junk food - ice cream, cookies, candy and white flour products.
Salads and fruit are not healthful foods, even though many health
authorities will tell you these are good foods. They are not, in our experience. Read the sections of this article on Fruit and Salads. All mothers really need to be on a development program now!
Distraction. Some
mothers also focus too much on their friends, shopping for clothing, watching
television, social media, surfing the net, and other pursuits instead of
focusing on their baby. This is a
matter of getting your priorities straight. Please pay attention to it and do not ‘follow the crowd’,
which is often wrong.
issues. For the sake of your baby, please try hard to keep your
marriage a happy one by getting help with it if you need it, and don’t just
divorce as some people do when problems arise.
Be very wary of most counselors and psychologists. Too many are liberals who hate men and
don’t care much or understand the needs of babies. Babies want and need one male and one female parent, if at
all possible.
breastfeeding. This is important, even if it hurts,
sometimes. It can also be
annoying, especially in public and around your friends, but do it. It works! Read the Breastfeeding article
so you will have healthy milk.
Much more could be said about mothers and the vital importance of
motherhood. Perhaps this section
will be expanded in the future.
Music. Soothing music is
wonderful for babies. Waltzes and
lullabies are excellent for young children, and especially babies. For something more
lively, show music such as music from Broadway shows, is good. It is mostly light and happy
music. Please discourage all loud
rock and punk music at all ages.
It should not be permitted at all, as it upsets the body.
Handling newborns can be challenging the first few weeks, simply because
they are new to the earth, and parents are new at being parents. This section is set up to help with
this dilemma. While there are
always a few rare exceptions, the instructions below work in almost all
1. Moms need loads of rest. Try to have dad or someone else help
out while mother rests.
2. Moms need to put their newborn to the breast
as soon as possible. This is for bonding,
to start the milk flowing, to relax, and to get used to their new life
Moms need dad’s cooperation with everything. Remember this, dad. Right after the birth, plan on doing the dishes, cooking
meals, cleaning up, etc., for about a month. Some births are easy, but many tear mother apart
and she will need at least a month to heal.
4. Moms need to get back on their development
program as soon as possible, and do as much of it as she can. This is for healing, for breastfeeding, for
mental clarity, and more.
5. Mother and child need to be out of the
hospital or birthing center as soon as is humanly possible. This is to avoid infections,
vaccinations, drugs, and many possible mishaps that occur daily in hospitals
and even in birthing centers.
6. A red heat lamp shined on the vaginal area
for half an hour daily is excellent for mothers. The genital bath daily may also be very helpful to assist
healing in the vaginal area.
1. Before the birth of your baby, try to attend
a birth class with your wife. Learn how
to 1) change a diaper, 2) feed a newborn using a bottle filled hopefully with
breast milk, 3) do other things such as rocking a baby, holding a baby
properly, and maybe singing to a baby (babies like the deep male voice). Keep learning how to handle babies so
you are not awkward around babies.
2. Birthing time is your day, too. So enjoy it and help out, and don’t be
scared. Try to relax and help out.
3. At the birth, be available to help your
wife, but also check everything and everyone frequently. Doctors sometimes make mistakes, and so do
midwives and doulas. They forget
things, they screw up with paperwork, they get tired out and don’t want to
complete the job, and so on.
So your job #1, besides helping Mom, is to look
over everyone’s shoulder and make sure all is well. If you think something is not right, you might be correct,
so ask a lot of questions. Don’t
hesitate to butt in and stop things if something is not going well. You might just save a baby’s life.
Especially watch out that they don’t vaccinate
your baby in the hospital or birthing center! This is important, as they often destroy a baby’s health
before the baby even gets home.
4. Dads need lots of rest, too. As has been said in this article many
times, babies need their fathers!
And they need them rested and happy, not crabby and short with
them. So please get your sleep and
rest during the birth and after.
Eat correctly, and don’t skip meals. Be relaxed and ready to help.
5. Stay close by at all times, during the birth
and at home afterwards. Try to take some time
off work for a few days, if possible, so you can celebrate with your baby. He or she made it in! That is the first hard task of all
The baby needs you. Do not just head back to the office or wherever you go. Also, do not hang out at the bar with
your friends to celebrate.
Celebrate with your baby only!
Please, this matters.
Don’t listen to the crowd that says babies are
for mothers. It is a big fat lie
– all the way! Your baby
needs your male energy at all times, if possible. Your baby will understand if you have to go to work, but you
should apologize for leaving whenever you leave. That is a good habit to get into.
your newborn:
- NO VACCINES. Arrange this ahead of time with the
doctors, nurses, midwives, and everyone else associated with the birth. Sign papers so it is very clear and in
writing. Tell them you will sue
them for all they are worth if the orders are violated for any reason.
Home birth is best for this reason, as it is
less likely some nurse will inject the baby without checking first.
- Keep Mom and newborn together after
birth. Do not
isolate your newborn in some incubator room unless it is absolutely needed, and
then Dad must check in every five minutes or more. Isolation is very hard on both mother and child.
- Put the newborn to the breast shortly after
birth. The newborn may or may not
be ready to suck, but try it anyway.
This helps with bonding mother and child, and helps both of them relax
into their new life together.
- Never give commercial formula to a newborn. This is a stupid hospital habit in some
locations. They take the baby away
from its mother and give it some formula immediately. This is a prescription for disaster and sickness.
- Newborns mainly need rest. Birth can be quite a workout for
them. Newborns will sleep most of
the time except when in need of food or a change of diaper, or if not feeling
well. Do not disturb their sleep
any more than needed.
- Newborns are very delicate. Never “play” with a newborn, do not
throw the baby around, or pass the baby around to a lot of people, or talk
incessantly to a newborn.
Rest is the main thing. Rocking is good only if your baby will
not relax. Otherwise, just hold
your newborn gently and allow him or her to rest most of the time. This is all the newborns need. They do not need fussing, singing,
kissing (ick) or other distractions like things floating above their heads in
the crib.
- Every newborn needs a visit with a competent
chiropractor and perhaps a competent cranio-sacral practitioner who has
experience with newborns and babies.
Most babies need a few structural or chiropractic adjustments and
treatments. This is to undo twists
and other damage that occurs during the birth.
This is even more important if the birth was
difficult. If forceps were used
(ugh) in the delivery, it is totally imperative.
- Rub your newborn’s feet twice daily. This is foot reflexology. It is extremely healing and relaxing,
when done correctly. You may also
rub your baby’s hands.
All babies need a little red heat lamp therapy. Shine it on their backs and abdomen,
and never in the eyes. You must take off the
baby’s shirt to do this, as the rays must strike the bare skin. A one-minute red light session every
day is very good for newborns.
Increase to 5 minutes around age 1. Increase to 10-minute sessions after the age of about 3.
- Keep the crib safe at all times. This means never put a toy or anything in the
crib that a baby can put in his mouth and choke on. This happens all the time, and babies die from this stupid
practice. Babies do not need toys
in the crib – they are very dangerous there!
- Keep diapers clean, if at all possible. Do not fuss a lot. Just change the diaper simply.
- Plan on breastfeeding for 3 years or more if
your baby wants it. If you must add adult
food, it must be natural baby formula from the article on this website (CLICK HERE FOR NATURAL FORMULA) until at least
age 1 and a half. Thereafter, a
baby can often tolerate some goat milk (ideally raw) or a little cow’s milk,
cooked vegetables pureed, and maybe a little shredded meat and some very
lightly cooked egg yolk (it has to be runny or don’t give it to a baby). ABSOLUTELY NO FRUIT,
Also, never give babies a lot of cereal or grains, even well-cooked.
Reread the Diet section of this article.
- If your new baby develops a cold or ear
infection, if possible do not use medical drugs such as antibiotics or even
Tylenol. For infections,
Limcomin from Endomet Labs is usually best. Other natural remedies such as ½ a teaspoon twice
daily of colloidal silver (Sovereign Silver brand, please), or a little
echinacea tincture on the tongue usually works well and is much gentler and
less toxic than any drugs. Read
about Fevers
elsewhere in this article.
Rashes require a development program and
usually respond well and easily.(see Eczema and Rashes in
this article.)
- Newborns can begin a development program
around 3 to 4 months of age. This will
benefit them greatly, in all cases.
Read much more about this in the Development Programs section of this article.
- For constipation, mix a little Epsom salts in
water and feed it to your baby in a syringe or a baby bottle. However, we should not be constipated
if we get enough milk, or maybe a little water with the breast milk if the milk
is too thick.
- To moms and dads. Your newborn wants you to relax, laugh and enjoy life. Stop worrying, now!
Nutritional supplements. See the Development Program section of this
Babies easily become overwhelmed.
This is because they are so sensitive and aware. They are also very busy learning and
growing, even if they are asleep.
Please do not play loud music, even great music. Do not talk loudly, ever, and do not
shine bright lights in a baby’s face, ever.
Also, do not dangle things in front of a baby’s face, or put too much
in the crib. In short, keep
everything very simple and quiet for babies, especially in the first year of
Pediatricians. We do
not like to speak negatively about anyone, and we never say to avoid going to a
doctor in an emergency. Doctors
have training that can be indispensible in some situations.
However, today’s
pediatrics may be the most destructive medical specialty. Here is why:
- They usually tell mothers to stop breastfeeding much too early. We think this is a terrible mistake,
although we understand the reason for the advice. The mother’s milk is not that good.
Better nutrition and a development program for the mother always takes
care of this problem. However,
babies still often like and need some breast milk until age 3 or so.
- They all recommend vaccines, when they are not needed and are
extremely harmful. The most insane
idea is giving multiple vaccinations at one doctor visit. However, any vaccines
at all are a recipe for disaster.
You will
not get the truth about vaccination from a pediatrician because all of them can
and will lose their medical license if they tell the truth and oppose
vaccinations. Some are also
brainwashed and don’t know the truth.
- Most give too many medical drugs when, most of the time, they are
not needed. Natural remedies and a
development program work as well and sometimes better without the side
effects. These days the drugs even
include antidepressants and other psychotropic drugs.
- They tell mothers it is okay to feed pasteurized milk, fruit,
salads, sweets, juices and other harmful food to babies and children.
- Some suggest lots of exercise when this is not the answer for an
overweight baby or child.
- Some handle babies roughly, and their hands are not always perfectly
- Most often, they don’t understand nutrition, and they certainly do
not understand development science, or they would not be doing what they do.
- Some are paid to advertise and use certain new drugs – the
worst ones to give your baby, in most situations.
- Today, some encourage gender confusion, when the problem, in our
experience, is a mixed up body chemistry.
In our view, gender dysphoria is not a real disease and should not be
viewed as such. In our experience,
homosexual feelings and gender dysphoria problems diminish with a development
While pediatricians are very good for a few conditions, and we are
very glad they are there for these less common situations, for the most part,
please keep your baby away from them.
A healthy baby does not need well-baby visits, and certainly does not
need vaccines and drugs.
BABIES. Pets are
dirty and they lick your face and elsewhere. Many or most pets will bite if the child hits them, cries or
screams. This can do terrible
damage and you won’t even know about it if there are no teeth marks. Pets can also scratch your baby’s eyes
out, or even kill them if the baby accidentally hits them, for example.
There should be no pets anywhere near a baby or child until a child is
age 4 or 5. That is the firm rule
if you care about your children.
Poisoning. This
is a very important topic for babies.
For details, read Poisoning.
Rashes. These
are common. Most are not
important, but may be very annoying, painful or itchy. Common reasons for rashes are:
1. Elimination of toxins with which the baby was born. This is the case with most eczema.
2. Reactions to toxic chemicals in clothing, soaps, detergents,
sheets, blankets, lotions and other products used near or on the skin.
3. Infections, usually due to wrong diets, although occasionally they
are due to yeasts, bacteria, viruses, parasites or other microorganisms.
Solutions. Please do not use cortisone creams, if possible. They are quite toxic for babies. Topical antibiotics are not as bad as
oral antibiotics, but won’t work on some rashes. Other drugs also tend to be toxic, so please don’t rush to
Eczema and many other rashes respond beautifully to a properly designed
development program, so do that first, please. Other safe therapies are red heat lamp therapy (see the
section below) and foot and hand reflexology.
Please do not load your baby with herbs. Read the Herbs section of this article.
Red heat lamps treatments.
Shining a reddish 250-watt or smaller ‘heat lamp’ on your baby’s
abdomen, mainly, but a little on the chest and back, is wonderful. For details about how long to use it,
see the Development
section above.
The usual lamp is a 250-watt bulb available for about $10.00-15.00
from most hardware stores and home centers such as Home Depot, Lowe’s, True
Value or Ace hardware. You will
also need to purchase a clamp-on socket or other socket designed for a 250-watt
bulb. You can use a smaller
wattage bulb, too, such as a 125-watt bulb, also sometimes called a reptile
lamp and sold in pet stores. It is
not as powerful, but it works, too.
Never shine the lamp in the baby’s eyes, but focus it on
the belly and move it around a little, ideally. Hold it about one foot or more away from your baby’s belly,
and feel the belly or the back to see if it seems too hot. Your baby may also let you know if it
is too hot. It is normal for the
skin to turn a little red after a treatment. This is not a burn, and it goes away after an hour or less.
Reflexology. This
is a wonderful and marvelous healing method for babies! It is powerful, easy to do at home, fun
and safe when done right, which is not difficult. Please do it daily on all babies. Please do not forget it. Your baby will be grateful to you.
Newborns often need just about 30 seconds per foot. Do the entire foot, including all
around the toes.
At around 6 months of age, increase to a minute for each foot. At one year of age, increase to about
2-3 minutes per foot. At two years
of age, increase to 4-5 minutes per foot.
Remedies, medical and others.
Please, do not load babies and children with a lot of remedies. These include medical drugs, herbs,
vitamins, minerals, homeopathics, hormones and others.
Development is much better
and is not about remedies. This
system corrects imbalances at very deep levels. It may not seem like it, but a development program is very
different from remedy therapies used by most every doctor and
pediatrician. So do not get
This is the essential process of healing. Make no mistake about it. Healing is not about taking remedies. Healing means you have to retrace
– go back, that is – and clean everything up in your body and
Babies do this easily, and during early childhood is the time to do
it, rather than when a child is 10 or older. The reason is that it is easier at a young age, and babies
have more leisure time and rest time in which to retrace.
Room-sharing. We
suggest that babies should sleep in their parent’s bedroom for at least the
first year of life. After that, it
is still a very good idea for as long as the parents and particularly the child
want to continue it.
The reason for this is that babies are attacked in unusual ways from
the day they are born. The energy
of the parents is very protective, so ideally keep your baby close to you.
Safety. We
cannot say enough about this.
Babies are inherently in danger because they can’t walk, they can’t talk
yet, and they can hardly move around.
So you have to be careful around babies, and the whole house has to be
made “baby-proof”.
This means no sharp corners on anything they touch. It also means no toxic anything
anywhere near them. Keep all small
objects away from them because they will end up in their mouths. Please go through the house and baby-proof it at
least once a week.
Salads. You
might be wondering why a section on salads would be in the baby manual. It is to emphasize that for mothers and
children, we find salads do not provide much nutrition.
Human beings cannot break down tough vegetable fibers and they do not
chew raw vegetables sufficiently to even begin to be able to extract most of
the nutrition from raw vegetables.
In contrast, cows and other ruminant animals often have several
stomachs, and they spend all day chewing.
Cows then throw up the food and ‘chew the cud’, meaning chew it some
Telling mothers
and everyone else to eat salads we consider a massive error that contributes to
malnutrition, fatigue, and even birth defects. There is no
substitute for well-cooked vegetables, which are needed with every meal. Any baby eating adult food also needs
them several times every day to be healthy.
Shaking a
baby. Never shake a baby, allowing
the head to bob back and forth.
You can actually break the baby’s neck this way. Parents sometimes do this out of
frustration to stop their baby from crying. It is terrible.
(see Crying for more on how to handle a crying
Shampoo. Do
not use any shampoo on babies or children (or yourself). They are all quite toxic and contain
detergents and EDTA, a chelating chemical.
This includes Johnsons Baby Shampoo. Just use plain soap for washing babies and children all
over, including hair.
with parents. All babies must sleep with their
parents until at least the age of 1 year and about 3 months. For the reasons for this warning and for instructions and cautions with sleep, go to the
section of this article called Alone.
problems. Suggestions to help with a baby who will not fall
asleep are:
- Rub
the baby’s feet thoroughly.
- Offer your baby an extra feeding before bed.
- Give your baby a little more Paramin – ½ to even 1
extra tablet.
- Play the song, Hushabye Mountain, sung by Dick Van Dyke, at least 10
times at bedtime.
- Try other soft, quiet music at bedtime.
- Buy a rocking chair, hold your baby and rock your baby to
sleep. Some babies adore this.
- Be sure there is no noise or light in the room.
- Babies need to sleep with a parent and not in their own bedroom.
times. Babies need loads of sleep. Please do not wake up babies to go places, if at all
possible. Newborns often sleep for
up to 14 hours per day. At age 1
or so, sleep decreases to about 12 to 13 hours. At age 3 or so, sleep decreases to between 10 and 12 hours
per day in most cases. This is
just average.
Soap. Use
only plain soap on babies and children.
Grandpa’s Pine Tar Soap is very good. Do not use detergents of any kind or shampoo.
Stages of growth.
Developmental psychologists recognize that babies go through
stages. Here are the basic ones.
stage. This is the first stage of a baby’s life. It occurs in the first year of
life. A baby is mainly concerned
with eating in this stage. Babies
also tend to put everything in their mouths to learn about it.
This is an important stage and if trauma occurs during this stage, it
can cause eating disorders later in life, obesity, anorexia (no desire to eat)
and other problems.
stage. This is the second stage. It
occurs around age 2 or so.
Sometimes it starts earlier, or a little later. In this stage, babies become concerned
about toilet training, and they realize that they can hold on or let go of
their waste matter.
This is quite a revelation, in fact. Traumas during this stage give rise later to issues of
trust, selfishness, and holding on too tightly to things.
stage. This is a third stage.
It takes place around the age of 4 in most children. Your child has completed the anal stage
and now discovers the genital organs.
The child may like to play with them because it causes a slight tingle
in the body. Girls may like to put
marbles or other things in the vagina.
Boys like to play with the penis, hitting it and making some fluid come
These are not real orgasms, but it is the start of all the sexual
interest in life. Traumas or
disturbances at this time in a child’s life can give rise to sexual identity
problems or other sexually-related problems later in
Knowing about these stages will help mothers and fathers to help their
babies get through the stages without any traumas or slip-ups. Keep them in mind, because they are
Babies like these, although babies usually do not like a lot of
travel. Older children like to travel
more. Babies prefer more peace and
Sugar. Sugar
and sweets in all forms, including fruit, dried fruit and juices upset the
metabolism in all cases and is best avoided. Also, ideally do not feed babies any, honey, maple
syrup, agave syrup, rice syrup, corn syrup or even stevia. We also do not like rice milk, soy milk, hemp milk or other nut or seed milks. These are mostly water, not very
nutritious and often are too sweet.
The sugar problem can be
a challenge because babies often like things that are sweet and making things
sweet is one method parents use to get the baby to eat certain food, for
To sweeten food in a healthy way, always mix some cooked organic
carrots and onions into their food.
Other properly cooked vegetables are also somewhat sweet such as
rutabaga, an excellent vegetable for babies. Grass fed beef and even some ground lamb, if not overcooked,
are also sweet. These will give
food a natural sweetness that is very healthful.
Babies like and need some
sunshine, so don’t keep your baby indoors all of the time and don’t cover up a
baby’s skin all of the time. About
five to ten minutes of sunshine on the naked body is excellent every day or
The skin needs to breathe, so the less clothing, the better, as long
as your baby doesn’t get cold.
Look and make sure your baby is not shivering, as that means the baby is
Do not rub sunscreen on a baby’s skin, ever, as all of them are too toxic.
Just allow your baby to be in the sun gently for a few minutes, in most
locations. This is most
helpful. Do not listen to the
doctors who tell you that you must keep your baby bundled up all the time with
no sun.
Supplements. See
the Development
Program section of this article.
problems. These often have to do
with poor health. We wish this
were more widely known. If you
feed yourself well, mothers, before and during pregnancy, and follow a complete
development program during and after pregnancy, and are able to breastfeed,
teething problems will be much less or even non-existent.
If they occur, a little clove oil on the teeth may help. Placing the baby on a development
program will also relax your baby, which is helpful.
Telepathy. All
babies are telepathic, at least to a degree. Moms and dads need to know this. Babies can communicate with you, with the family dog or cat,
with other animals, with invisible friends “on the other side”, and with
others, too.
This is often unnerving for parents, who just cannot understand what
is going on. They may think their
baby is schizophrenic, in a few cases, but this is rarely the case.
The truth is that babies are sensitive and tuned in. So let your baby talk about what he or
she sees or hears. Do not tell
them to stop it. Just let it be.
Definitely do not take us to a psychologist or psychiatrist because we
play with “imaginary friends”.
They are usually not imaginary.
You just cannot see them, but your baby can. They are beings who are there to
teach your baby, protect your baby, guide your baby and help your baby grow up
strong and healthy. So please just
allow us these relationships.
Please do not let babies watch more than one
hour daily of this. Most babies
love shows with animals, scenery, and even a good news show.
Please keep babies far away from violence, shows with loud music,
stupidity, and even sports events, which tend to be somewhat violent. Do not allow your baby to just sit for
hours and watch cartoons, most of which are inane and silly. They are not helpful for a baby’s
development. The best TV programs
are shows about animals, people, or scenes of various places.
training. Keep toilet training very gentle and do
not rush the process. Rushing
things just makes your baby very nervous and it traumatizes your baby. There will be some accidents, at
first. You had them, too. They will pass.
If you don’t know how to toilet train, please read a book about it, or
call a nurse who knows how to do it and follow their advice. It is fairly simple, but it must be
done right or it is traumatic for your baby.
Tongue-Tie. This
is a very common birth defect.
Please check your baby for it carefully. Basically, the tongue is stuck to the bottom of the mouth by
some threads that fail to break free.
It is easy to solve with simple cutting of the threads by a doctor.
However, if you don’t break the threads, it is much harder for your
baby to suckle at the breast. If
that happens, your baby has to suck harder, and that is painful for Mom.
Mom may decide she would rather not breastfeed, and that is a
tragedy. So always check your baby
for tongue-tie, and have it taken care of immediately for your sake and theirs.
potassium. This is a very important
topic. All babies today are born
with a lot of a toxic form of potassium in their bodies. They acquire this from their mothers,
who get it from food that is fertilized with superphosphate or N-P-K
fertilizers. This includes even
organically grown food.
When the toxic potassium is present in the baby, one is more
dependent, less mature and less able to think clearly. This is bad!
The development program on this website, but not other nutrition programs, will
cause a baby or child to quickly eliminate toxic potassium. The child will then be stronger, safer,
more mature and smarter. This is a very
important reason to put your baby on the program, starting around age of 6
months. For details, read Toxic Potassium.
Toxins. Don’t
poison your baby with the toxins that are found in many homes. These include detergents (see
Detergents above), cigarette or marijuana smoke, too much dust, molds, poisons
outside where they play, poisons in their food, poisons in vaccines and medical
drugs, and even poisons in herbs, as well. Spring water or carbon-filtered tap water, if safe, are the
only types of water we recommend.
Traumas. Babies
can be traumatized very easily!
Avoid anything traumatic for your baby, if at all possible. Among the common ones are:
- Too much noise from televisions or music or loud voices.
- Rough handling
- Too many people around.
- Sexual trauma from wiping wrong during a diaper change,
- Trauma due to careless or intentional words spoken that are mean,
nasty or lies.
- Traumas caused by falls, accidents, toilet training accidents, and
other things.
- Going to doctors of all stripes. Try to keep babies away, sadly. It would be wonderful if babies always had positive
experiences with doctors, but they are rare, in fact.
Many doctors are in a hurry, handle babies a little roughly, their
hands are not clean, and they love shots which babies hate – especially
vaccines that are not needed and very toxic.
Some doctors use negative words around babies. In fact, babies understand most
everything doctors say.
Even their waiting rooms are often traumatic, with lots of crying,
sick children. Just making your
baby wait in there is bad. So,
sadly, again, please keep babies away from them as much as you can.
Travel. In
general, keep babies at home. A
few babies love travel at a young age, but in almost cases, wait until your
baby is three or older for any lengthy trips.
How to travel. Cars
are definitely the best. They have
the space to bring along the extra diapers, bottles for extra feedings, blankets
for the baby, and more. However,
some babies get car sick, so be careful even with car travel.
Babies definitely do not like airplanes, which are filthy. They are also not that safe in these days of terrorism and burnt out
pilots. Babies also do not like
buses or trains, which are also unclean.
It is important to protect babies from germs, please. Babies are quite sensitive to some
germs, and they can get very sick very fast. So please keep them home most all the time for the first
three years of life.
Ultrasound during pregnancy. Do
not have ultrasound during pregnancy unless absolutely needed. This medical procedure is always
harmful for babies. For details,
read Fetal Ultrasound.
These are
never necessary and always harmful. We know that is a very
strong statement and it is repeated many times in this article. It is meant to wake up people before all the children are ruined by them.
Please read Vaccination – A Medical
Abomination, and other articles that are critical of vaccination. Also, please question and preferably
ignore the vaccine propaganda machine run by brainwashed, raped, and ignorant
Public health authorities such as the Surgeon-General and others are
usually no better. Remember,
doctors lose their license to practice medicine if they don’t recommend
vaccines, so you will not get the truth about them from your doctor at this
time. The medical system is vey
sick throughout the world.
Vaccine proponents regularly lie and distort the truth about the
terrible risks of vaccines, publish false studies of vaccine safety and
effectiveness, and harass any doctor who goes against their methods. This is the truth about vaccination,
Moms – before you give birth, sign papers and arrange everything
with your doctor, midwife, doula, husband and others to make it completely
clear you don’t want any vaccinations for your baby. Let them all know you will sue them if they violate your
The very worst
thing you can do to a baby, along with abuse such as starving or hitting, is to
vaccinate. The very worst is when more than one
vaccine is given at a doctor visit.
This easily overwhelms your baby’s system with toxins and viruses, in
most cases. They cannot handle
it. Autism, many other problems,
and even death can occur.
If you want problems with your baby, then vaccinate. If you want a healthy baby, then don’t
vaccinate! Also, oppose any stupid
law that mandates vaccines. Become
a Christian or some other religion if it will get you out of it. Do whatever it takes, please, if you
care at all for your baby.
Vegetables (always cooked). These
need to be a large part of the adult food part of every child’s diet. Do not skimp here and do not let your
child talk you out of them.
Mix them with cream (one of children’s favorite foods) or perhaps
butter, if needed, so they will eat them.
Disguise them in other ways if needed, such as in purees, dips or thick
soups or casseroles. However, do
not overcook them. They should be
soft, but not mushy.
Do not give
children (or adults) salad. We know this sounds controversial, but
we assure you that the human digestive tract cannot extract much nutrition from
raw vegetables, no matter what any health authority claims.
Also, be careful with vegetable juice and no fruit juice (see Fruit
above). A little fresh carrot
juice is good. However,
no more than about 1-3 ounces daily. More is too sugary and too yin in macrobiotic terms.
Vitamin K
shots for babies. This is standard medical practice today
to avoid something called newborn hemorrhagic disease. This means abnormal bleeding and we
believe it is just is a fancy name for a vitamin K deficiency. The cause is that mothers do not eat
enough cooked vegetables.
shots are never needed and are always traumatic for newborn babies. If a mother is on a development program
or even just eating plenty of cooked vegetables daily, she and the baby will
have plenty of vitamin K.
mother is not eating well, a vitamin K pill for the baby works just fine.
Babies vomit easily. It can
be due to too much milk or other food, or being upset, or a stomach virus. See Hydration above because the biggest problem
with vomiting can be dehydration.
Walking. This
is a very big deal for babies. So
help us along. It is not good for
babies to fall a lot, so hold them up while they are learning. If possible, find some carpeting for
them to learn on so they don’t fall so hard.
A hard fall for a baby can upset the spine, so at this time in their
development be sure they visit a chiropractor or osteopath who will check and
adjust the spine to keep it properly aligned. Otherwise, lifelong damage can occur.
Water for drinking. The only time to give a breastfeeding baby water
is if dehydration is occurring. In
most cases, this is because the milk is too thick because mother is not
drinking enough, or not drinking the right water, or ingesting caffeine, sugar,
fruit, or alcohol, which make her dehydrated, so her milk is too thick as a
If you give your baby water, spring water is usually the very
best. Carbon-only filtered tap
water is usually second best.
Please do not give a baby (or yourself) reverse osmosis water. It is devoid of vital minerals, it is
too yin, and it does not hydrate most bodies well. Also avoid alkaline water, which is too yin. For much more about water,
please read Water For Drinking.
Worms and parasites. These are often easy to take care of, provided you keep your baby away
from playing in the dirt, putting dirt in his or her mouth, or putting anything
that is dirty at all into the mouth or even on the hands.
Drugs are rarely needed to get rid of parasites. The
product called GB-3 (contains pancreatin, ox bile and Russian black radish), often takes care of them if your baby is fed
correctly. To repeat, feeding a
baby correctly means breast milk only until age 3, in most cases. There may be exceptions if the baby
cannot tolerate breast milk. See
the above section on breastfeeding problems.
Over the age of three, proper feeding means NO FRUIT, NO JUICES, NO
It also means cooked vegetables several times daily, animal protein
daily, and a little whole grain, but never white flour or white rice, or other
refined products. At this time
(January 2019), rice and lentils are not testing well for children or
adults. We don’t know why.
Sugar in any form, including fruit and juices, definitely encourages
certain parasites and yeasts.
Please remember this.
Babies rarely need them, unless they are really sick. They can hurt babies a lot. Doctors sometimes use them as if they
are not important, but they are important to babies. So please avoid them whenever you can.
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