by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© July 2024, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.

All information in this article is only the opinion of the author and for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.

July 2019. Warning. Avoid SaunaSpace heat lamps. They give off a bad quality of energy. We also suggest avoiding Therabulb and Rubylux bulbs, although we have not tested them.

On August 27, 2019, we received a nasty letter from Therabulb demanding that we remove any reference to their bulb. Here is: Their letter and our response.


I. Introduction

II. Daily Single Heat Lamp Procedure (part of the development program)

III. Spot Therapy Or For Purification Reactions During The Development Program

IV. Cautions

V. Other Topics



One of the most important healing procedures of the development program is the daily use of one or more reddish heat lamps. Two ways to use the reddish heat lamp are:

1. Shine one reddish heat lamp on the skin for one hour daily for adults and less for children. The reddish lamp procedure is excellent even for young babies, who need about five minutes of exposure daily.

2. Build or buy a red heat lamp sauna. This is a sauna powered by three or four reddish heat lamps. This provides more heat lamp energy, so it takes less exposure time. A standard session is 20-30 minutes for adults and less for children.

The heat of the sauna has other benefits, as well. For details about red heat lamp saunas, read Sauna Therapy, the Sauna Therapy book, and The Only Companies We Suggest From Whom To Buy A Near Infrared Heat Lamp Sauna.

ADDITIONAL USE FOR CANCER: If one has cancer, we recommend adults use a red heat lamp sauna for 1.5 to 2 hours daily. This is the equivalent of using one red heat lamp for about 6 hours each day. It is very helpful!

Sunbathing and the use of other therapy lamps will not substitute for the reddish heat lamp.


A reddish heat lamp directed to the skin of the body provides a wide range of light and infrared frequencies. It offers the following excellent and often surprising benefits:

- It is a type of nutrient therapy. It provides frequencies that our bodies need, even young babies.

- Improved circulation.

- Deep penetration of the frequencies, up to several inches inside the body.

- Improved oxygenation and hydration of the tissues.

- Infrared effects, which include faster tissue healing and others.

- The energy of the lamp is often very relaxing for muscles and for the nervous system.

Use in animals. Some animals love the reddish heat lamp and will not grow properly without it. The reddish heat lamp we recommend (a 250-watt incandescent bulb) is the same bulb that is sold as a chicken brooder lamp. A less powerful version is sold as a reptile lamp. We prefer the larger 250-watt bulb.

This lamp is widely available and inexpensive. We recommend that everyone use one every day.



The heat bulb. You will need a 250-watt incandescent reddish heat bulb, sometimes called an infrared heat bulb. They are sold in some hardware stores, some ranch stores, and online. A bulb costs about $6-12. each. It is a big, fat bulb. Do not use a clear bulb, a halogen bulb or an LED bulb or other type.

The bulb need not be pure red - the color varies from a yellowish to a deeper red color. 

Common brands are Sylvania, Westinghouse, Feat, Sli and others. Most brands are okay but don't buy one from Saunaspace, Therabulb or Rubylux.

In Europe: Here is a website to purchase the bulbs in Europe (220 volt version):

In Australia: Here is a website to buy a heat lamp in Australia (also 220 volts):

Clamp-on socket. You will need a socket for the bulb. A good method is to use a clamp-on socket. This is a light socket attached to a clamp.

Attach the clamp to a chair, shelf, or other convenient location where you can move your body close to the lamp. If the spring-loaded clamp is very stiff, place a towel or glove on your hand when opening the clamp.

To get a clamp-on light socket, here are two links:

Bulb Extender. If you can't find a clamp-on socket for a 250-watt bulb, an alternative is to use one designed for a lower wattage but add a bulb extender. This keeps the base of the bulb away from the socket to prevent overheating.

Timer. A kitchen timer is helpful. Always set a timer for your session. Infrared lights can cause deep relaxation and you could fall asleep under the light and overtreat yourself.


Where to sit. Set up the bulb so it is in front of you, about 18" to 30" away from you. Shine the reddish heat lamp on your abdomen, chest or back for one hour daily.

Clothing. The light must shine on the skin, not on clothing. This means you need to take off your shirt. Women can wear a bra, although the light frequencies are excellent for the breasts.

You can break up the hour into several shorter sessions if you prefer. Allow the area to become as hot as one can comfortably tolerate. A slight reddening of the skin is common and is not a burn. It will go away within an hour, and is not harmful. To avoid this, move the lamp or your body slightly during the lamp session.

Cancer use. An exception is that for anyone with cancer, we recommend using three or four lamps at once for 1.5 to 2 hours daily. Be sure to observe all the cautions listed in this article.


For babies, lay the baby down comfortably or hold the baby. Remove the shirt so the light shines on the skin. Position the heat lamp so it is at least 1.5 feet or 0.5 meters from the body.

Feel the skin periodically to see if it is getting too hot. If a baby cries, it is probably too hot. Do not shine the lamp on a baby’s eyes or head.


NEWBORNS: 1 minute per day.

3 MONTHS OF AGE: 5 minutes daily.

ONE YEAR OLD: 7 or 8 minutes daily.

THREE YEARS OLD: 10 minutes daily.

FIVE YEARS OLD: 15 minutes daily.

EIGHT YEARS OLD: 20 minutes daily.

TWELVE YEARS OLD: 35 minutes

FIFTEEN YEARS OLD: 45-50 minutes


Shining a reddish heat lamp on a part of the body can be very helpful to speed up healing and improve some symptoms.

For retracing or other symptoms. A reddish heat lamp is excellent to help with some symptoms of retracing during the development program. It offers a penetrating, healing energy.

It also greatly enhances circulation. By bringing more blood to an area, it can reduce symptoms. To understand retracing, read Retracing.

Here are some examples:

Joint and muscle conditions. Shine the light for just one minute or less directly on the skin. You can repeat the therapy six or seven times dally. It can help some joint pain, muscle strains, nasal polyps, ear aches, possibly eye problems, possibly toothaches, skin rashes, acne, boils and perhaps some other conditions of the eyes, nose, ears and sinuses. Neck, shoulder, elbow, knee and back pain may also respond.

Relief in one or two days has also occurred in cases of low back pain, knee pain, nerve root irritation and other local conditions.

Caution. One can safely shine the lamp on any area of the body in need of healing. However, do not shine it at the head for more than 5 minutes about every two hours.

Injuries. Do not use the lamp right after an injury.  Wait a few days for the initial inflammation to subside and then use it to help longer-term healing.

Infections. The lamp may help fungal infections, which are “cold” infections.  This includes most sinus infections, some ear infections, some intestinal infections and others.  It may irritate some infections where there is a lot of heat or inflammation such as a recent injury or certain “hot” infections.

General use for infections. A simple therapy for a systemic infection is to shine the red lamp on the thymus gland. It is underneath the breast bone. Move the lamp as close as possible to your body without causing a burn. Do this for about 5 minutes and you can repeat the therapy four to seven times daily.

Case histories. One of our clients developed a sinus infection that was not responding to rest or irrigating the nostrils or antibiotics. She felt weak and feverish every evening and had constant headaches.

By shining an infrared lamp on the sinuses for about 5 minutes at a time, four times a day, relief occurred in two days with complete elimination of all symptoms in five days. The patient continued to use the lamp for another two weeks because she said the red light felt wonderful.

Nail fungus. A client controlled his toenail fungus on many toes by placing a red heat lamp near the floor. Each day he moved his toes as close as he could to the lamp until he felt it start to burn.  He did this every day, once daily at least, for 6 months.


For babies.  The lamp can help colic, constipation, anxiety, irritability and other problems.  Do not shine the light near a baby’s eyes or at a baby’s head.

For older children. Skin rashes, blemishes, and other skin conditions may respond.  Teenage or adult acne often responds beautifully, often in a few days, with regular therapy of 10-15 minutes per day.

Case history. One of our clients, age 13, had a problem with acne. She clamped a reddish heat lamp to the head of her bed and each day after school she laid on the bed and shined the light on her face for about 10 minutes. She said she could feel when it was enough. This healed her acne. (It would have been even better had she used a red heat lamp on the chest or abdomen for 40-50 minutes daily, but she didn't want to do this.)

For the eyes, ears, teeth and sinuses. Single lamp therapy can be very helpful for conditions involving these areas. Because they are on the head, do not shine the light for more than 5 minutes at one time. Then wait at least two hours before repeating the therapy. Also, keep your eyes closed when using the light near your eyes.

Pets. Animals often love red heat lamp therapy. It is standard in the poultry industry and for some reptiles such as turtles and lizards. It can also be excellent for dogs, cats and large animals such as horses.

Small animals need five to ten minutes per day. If ill, they may want more. Ideally, set up a lamp so the animal can choose when to be under the light.

Veterinary use. I spoke with a veterinarian who told me he uses a red heat lamp on every animal after he does surgery.


Cautions are:

- Recommended brands of heat lamps. At this time, we only recommend the standard brands of 250-watt red heat lamps with the R40 base. The these brands include Sylvania, General Electric, Philips, Westinghouse, SLi, Satco, Havel, and Feat. There may be a few others of which we are unaware.

We do not recommend SaunaSpace, Therabulb or Rubylux bulbs. Please avoid them.

Some lamps say they are splatter-proof. They may have a coating of some kind. This is fine.

- Other types of lamps. We do not recommend TDP lamps, halogen lamps, and clear rather than red heat lamps.  These are not helpful for development. LED lamps are not harmful, but they are not powerful enough.

- Pregnancy. Avoid using the heat lamp on one’s abdomen during pregnancy because the heat can bother the fetus.  It can be used during pregnancy on the back for up to 10 minutes.

- Head area. Use the lamp on your head for only five minutes every two hours. This is because of possible heat effects on the brain.

- General cautions. The bulb is very hot! Make sure it is fastened securely so it won’t move or drop, as this would cause a severe burn.

- Delicate. The bulb is quite delicate.  Make sure it is fastened well and that you don’t accidentally hit the lamp and damage it.  When screwing in the bulb, do it very slowly and gently, as this is a weak area of these bulbs. Tighten the bulb only gently. Overtightening easily breaks the base of the bulb.

- Movement. When using the lamp, try to move it around rather than keep it focused on one spot.  If it is only one spot, that area will get very hot.

- Eye protection. In our experience, the lamp is quite safe for the eyes. However, we don't recommend staring at the lamp at close range. Also, close your eyes if you shine it at your head area. 

- Timer. Always use a timer when using the lamp so that you do not overtreat yourself.

- Injuries. Avoid using the lamp on an injury for the first 24 hours following the injury.  The lamp might increase inflammation, which is not helpful.  However, after that time, the lamp is excellent for most injuries and accidents.

- Oils and lotions. Avoid applying any kind of essential oil, lotion or cream to your skin before using the heat lamp.  Oils can heat up and cause a burn.

- Touch. Avoid touching an infrared lamp when hot.

- Surfaces. Avoid placing the lamp on any surface when hot to avoid igniting or burning the surface. 

- Irritation. Rosacea, recent injuries, some infections and some skin cancers may become irritated by the light.



To save time, many people combine the use of the red heat lamp with other development procedures. For example, you can shine the light on yourself while doing a Coffee Enema, while doing Reflexology or while doing the Pops, Pulls, Twists and Kicks. One can also use the reddish heat lamp while doing the Vaginal Peroxide or Vaginal Coffee implants.

One can also use the red heat lamp while resting, talking on the telephone, reading or watching television.


It is excellent to have a guard over the red heat lamp so that if you brush up against it it won't burn you. Some sockets come with a reflector and guard. An aluminum reflector is fine.

You may be able to buy what looks like a table lamp that has a guard. Another idea is to make a guard by bending chicken wire around the light bulb.


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