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Welcome. This newsletter is unusual. In 2012, a group formed that consists of millions of beings who live on and around planet earth. We were told that we could help the planet and would receive protection if we follow certain rules.

The group has observed that if we follow the rules, we remain safer from a certain group of souls called the troph, the negs, the otros or the rogues. In the Bible, they are called Satan. They cause many problems on earth. For more details, read the Rogues.


THE COVENANT. I am told that these rules, taken together, form a new covenant with the Creator of all life. It is an agreement that applies to all the inhabitants of the earth and the rest of our solar system. The COVENANT is not a religion. It is a set of rules. If the people follow the rules below, they will receive the protection of their Creator.

 1. Obey the Ten Commandments given to Moses on Mount Sinai and the Golden Rule.  The latter can be stated as: Think and behave toward others as you would have them think and behave toward you.

Clarification. The people are to follow these rules strictly.  To clarify, the commandment “Do not to bear false witness” means do not lie or exaggerate.  The commandment “Do not steal” means do not rape. The commandment “Do not commit adultery” means do not have sexual intercourse unless there is a marriage contract. 

2. The people are to learn and behave with the understanding that all beings are loved equally by their Creator.  All beings are also needed, and all beings are to be respected equally.

However, this does not mean to avoid eating meat or vegetables, since these involves killing.  Some animals and plants have as their role to be food for others.  Killing them for food and eating them in no way damages the souls inside of them.  In fact, it helps the souls mature.

Also, if a being physically attacks another, it is acceptable only in this instance to kill in self defense.  This applies personally and in a situation of war. 

3. All beings are to develop themselves.  This means to follow a specific program of mainly diet and lifestyle.  This, and this alone, causes the unfolding of the full potential of each being.

The purposes of development are for one’s safety and to fulfill one’s full potential and the full potential of the planets.

The development program.  The development program, as described only on this website and not others at this time, is a rapid method of development.  Those giving this information require this method due to its safety and because it works well and fast.  For more details, see below.

 4. All beings are to seek out, and love, and speak the truth.  The only exception is in rare situations in which speaking truthfully directly endangers one’s life or the life of another.

A very damaging and false teaching on earth at this time is that there is no truth.  This is a pernicious teaching that needs to be exposed and stopped.

The original covenant in the Bible also includes at least three more requirements:

5. Everyone needs to follow the kosher food laws. We like these, but we recommend a few changes and have added to them with the development diet. At this time, we do not believe one needs two sets of dishes for meat and dairy meals or that these two types of foods must be eaten at separate meals. The Bible does not specifically say this. We believe these rules are interpretations that came later. For more details, read The Biblical Food Laws.

6. All male children needed to be circumcised. This is for the protection of women because it reduces rape. It is also for cleanliness to reduce the spread of disease. For details, read Circumcision.

7. All men need to marry. This is for the protection of women. This requirement is now less important because today women can live and work fairly easily on their own.


More About Development. Development is a precise process that requires a particular diet and lifestyle, and is greatly aided by taking certain nutritional supplements and doing certain detoxification procedures. We call this the development program on this website.

Following this program only, and no other health program, grows the size and brightness of the energy field of the body and builds excellent health and longevity of the body.

Other healing methods - medical, holistic, naturopathic and others - may alleviate diseases and reduce symptoms. However, they do not cause development to nearly the same degree. For this reason, we recommend them only rarely. Otherwise, they are best avoided altogether. For details about development, read Introduction To Development. For details about the development program, read Introduction To The Development Program.

Those in charge of this newsletter, we are told, are a group of souls who have lived on earth a long time. These souls are now able to make themselves known more directly through this newsletter and website.

The author does his best to relay information from them through this website and newsletter because, at this time, they are not in charge of the mass media or many websites. In fact, this site is one of very few that they control. We hope this will soon change, but we don’t know when that will occur.

Disclaimer. All information on this newsletter is solely the opinion of the author and is not intended as diagnosis, prescription, treatment or cure for any health condition.



A feature of

All information in this newsletter is solely the opinion of the author and for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.

To receive a version of this newsletter by email, send us a request at Contact Us.

© December 2021, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.


12/31/21. Study of certain information is critical for success with the development program. Each day spend at least half an hour reading and re-reading the following:

The golden rule. This is one of the most important ideas to study. Most people violate this rule all the time. Here are examples:

Most people hold on to anger and resentments. Yet they would not like it if others resented them.

Most people are somewhat selfish. Yet they would not like it if others were selfish with them. For more details, read The Golden Rule.

The Ten Commandments. Everyone needs to study these and live by them. There is much misunderstanding about them and their application is not always simple. For example, the commandment about adultery means no sex without marriage.

Another difficult one is the commandment to honor your father and mother. This is needed even if a parent is harsh, cruel, difficult to be around, or an energy vampire. The commandment does not mean you must put up with abuse, but one must still honor the parent for giving you a body, and often for much more than this. For details, read The Ten Commandments – Plus Two.

Forgiveness. Forgiving everyone for everything with no exceptions is extremely important for success with the development program. This is not always easy and requires a clear understanding that we do not know why events occur, so forgiveness is the only answer when a hurtful event occurs. For details, read Forgiveness and Forgiving Your Imperfect Parents.

The Young Person's Manual. This is also excellent to read and study often. For details, read The Young Person's Manual.

Mineral patterns. In some instances, studying one's mineral patterns is very important. For example, if one has a sympathetic dominance pattern on one's hair mineral chart, one needs to understand the pattern in order to correct the mental component of the cause. For details, read Sympathetic Dominance.


12/30/21. We recommend gentle exercise only for anyone following the development program. Slow walking, for example, with deep breathing and focusing energy downward, is excellent several times a week or daily during early development. Later on, one needs to exercise a little less often.

Why only gentle exercise?

1. Development is mainly about the brain and its regeneration. While some exercise is good, more is a waste of time that would be better spent working on one's diet and doing the healing and development procedures.

2. Most people's bodies are exhausted. Vigorous exercise just damages them more. This is very important.

We do not agree with some health authorities who teach that vigorous exercise is needed or helpful for one's health. Even the founder of aerobics, Dr. Kenneth Cooper, MD, MPH, changed his mind about vigorous exercise. He recommends a lot less of it than he did in his earlier years. He has just seen too many good people drop dead during marathons and other vigorous exercise routines.

3. Building muscle slows development. Muscle is a tough tissue through which subtle energy passes only with difficulty. The body needs to be strong enough to buy and cook food, for example, and to accomplish other daily chores. Beyond this, less muscle tissue is best.

4. Exercise wastes energy. For development, it is much better to conserve your energy for healing.

Benefits of exercise. The most important aspects of exercise for development are downward movement of energy, deep breathing, improved circulation, foot reflexology through walking, and relaxing the body and mind. Moving the body in gentle ways is also very good.

Think of these things when exercising, and not how fast you can run, how much weight you can lift, or how long you can do a workout or class. For details, read Exercise.


12/29/21. Natural sea salt is an excellent food for development. Please do not avoid it. It has dozens of benefits including improved digestion, improved mineral nutrition, and it has a warming or yang balancing effect upon the body when used correctly.

Cautions with salt. Medical personnel often recommend avoiding or reducing salt, especially if one has high blood pressure. This warning applies only to refined table salt – a poisonous junk food. We agree to avoid all of it.

However, we do not find that natural sea salt is harmful in any way. A few people do not tolerate it well and that is because their bodies are so ill. If they follow the development program, their tolerance of it improves.

Blood pressure will also return to normal with a development program. In many cases, restoring normal blood pressure is quite easy with a development program. It requires detoxification of the kidneys, in most instances. Using sea salt is part of that program. For details, read Hypertension.

How to use natural sea salt. Be sure to put a little sea salt on your cooked vegetables after they are cooked. In addition, be sure to add a little sea salt to meat, eggs, cheese, yogurt. Also add some to almond butter and tahini if they do not already contain it. For details, read Salt.


12/28/21. We corrected an article about a fascinating language that is spoken throughout the cosmos. It is called Ebre. It is a power language that needs to be taught and known on earth.

The Ebre language was given to the first prophet of the Hebrew religion – Sara, wife of Abraham. This couple founded the Hebrew religion. However, the language became corrupt. We want to restore it.

The article about it is basically correct, although it still needs some work to polish the article. For details, read The Ebre Language – An Introduction.


12/27/21. Sympathetic dominance is a serious hidden health condition for millions of people. It is an imbalance of the autonomic nervous system in which a person spends too much time in sympathetic mode and not enough time in a parasympathetic mode of living. As a result, health suffers because regeneration of the body only takes place when the body is in a parasympathetic mode.

Analogies. Sympathetic dominance is like driving your car too fast, which wears out the car. One often feels “driven” or “compelled”. I call such people “pushers” and I was definitely one of them.

Another analogy is to imagine that what would happen if most of the population of a nation was in the army instead of working on farms, in offices and in factories. The nation would fall apart because essential jobs would not get done. This is exactly what occurs with sympathetic dominance.

What to do: Intention. First, it is necessary to understand the problem, including its seriousness, and then resolve to correct it. One feels “chased by tigers” at all times, so one is in a defensive mode of living.

Transform your mind. What needs to occur is expressed very well in a line in the New Testament of the Bible:

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. - Romans 12:2. King James Version.

An exercise: Sit comfortably with your eyes closed and visualize the most loving place you can imagine. It might be sitting in a hot tub or being inside your mother's womb or on a beach, or wherever. Just allow the feelings that accompany being there. Practice this often and after a time when are finished with the exercise, you will take the feeling of it with you into your daily life.

Handling fear. The opposite of fear is faith and love. One needs to cultivate these feelings to help overcome fear. Also, while it sounds odd, one needs to understand that, in reality, we are never compelled.

Prayer and affirmations. I found that saying the 23rd Psalm at least 4 or 5 times daily helps change my thinking. A set of affirmations that can help is called I Choose. Choosing is the opposite of compulsion.

Slowing down. There is a need to spend more time in a parasympathetic mode of living. This means slowing down one's walking, talking, typing, thinking, eating and all other activities. Practicing walking very slowly was and is particularly helpful for me. It takes some practice.

You may ask, will I get anything done if I slow down. The answer is yes. You will become more efficient and more effective when you slow down and act more consciously.

Let go of guilt about relaxing. Many people feel guilty if they rest and relax. One needs to let go of the guilt feelings and realize that rest is important and perfectly okay. To quote a teacher of mine, “We are human beings, not human doings.”

A better lifestyle. Often, one needs to be very creative to set up a healthy lifestyle for oneself. I found that doing the pulling down exercise forcefully each day for at least an hour or two helps undo hidden traumas and old habits that keep one in sympathetic dominance.

Be practical and learn time management. Being practical means keeping your wants and needs very simple and learning not to waste money. Time management means learning exactly how much time to give to every activity so as not to waste time. Rest and relaxation must be high on your list of activities.

An ordered life. To overcome sympathetic dominance, one must set up routines and an orderly lifestyle, especially with ordered meal times and rest times.

Toxin removal and renourishing. The presence of toxic metals in the brain and elsewhere help keep a person in sympathetic dominance. The development program, including red lamp sauna therapy and coffee enemas, helps remove these toxins from the body and restore nutrients.

Red lamp sauna therapy is a powerful way to shut down the sympathetic nervous system for a time. It will make many people sleepy, but that is okay. For more details, read Sympathetic Dominance.


12/26/21. This coming year needs to be a year of love. Fix this in your mind and practice it always. The planet needs more love from human beings.

Remember, love is not sex and love is not romance. Love is something else. It is caring, compassion, honoring, respecting of others, no matter who they are or what they have done. That alone is love!


12/25/21. At this time, trillions of fine matter creatures who belong on earth are returning here from prisons located in outer space. For details about fine matter beings, read Bodies – Their Structure And Activities.

The fine matter beings are in charge of our planet. Their return is essential for the healing and development of the planet. The fine matter beings are very happy that, for some reason, their return is being allowed at this time.

They want to wish all of the human beings and all of the earth creatures a very happy Christmas and best wishes for the upcoming New Year!

We also sometimes tune into the souls of earth creatures such as dogs, cats and many others. These creatures also want to wish all human beings the very best during this holiday season.


12/25/21. Down hugs and down sex are among the most powerful healing and development procedures. We highly recommend them for everyone! They work in unusual ways to greatly speed up healing and development.

Down sex and down hugging are parts of an ancient science of man-woman relationships. We feel very honored that we are able help bring back this knowledge to the people of the earth.

Problems. Problems with these methods include assuring the safety of the woman. For example, when two people lie next to each other, the woman is very “available”. This can lead to the man taking liberties with her, such as kissing her or rubbing her, which are not technically part of down hugs or down sex.

The man may think that because he is lying close to the woman, it is a signal that the woman agrees to his taking liberties.

To avoid this and other problems, we suggest writing a contract that details what touching is allowed and what is not allowed. For details, read Down Sex And Down Hugging, Down Hugging and The Down Sex/Down Hugging Contract.


12/24/21. In our experience, the most rapid development requires eating at least 12 different preferred vegetables with each meal.

Possible reasons for this are that they provide a wide range of frequencies or energies needed for development. They also provide a wide range of nutrients needed for development.

Another possible reason for eating so many different vegetables each time one eats is that this is the best way to promote healthy digestion, which is also needed for rapid development.

A rather unusual reason is that all foods provide nourishment for various layers or folds of the fractal creation that is the human being. This is a very complex idea, but one that is true. For the most rapid development, one needs to nourish many of these layers at each meal. For more details, read Food For Daily Use, Food For Occasional Use and Forbidden Food For Development.


12/22/21. We improved the new article, The Sacredness of Women. We are developing the theme that one can understand women best using the concept of the seven physical energy centers. For details, read the updated version of The Sacredness Of Women.


12/21/21. The rogues are spreading iron all over the earth. The Chinese virus “vaccines” we believe contain iron compounds and little else. Dark colors of clothing and all kinds of objects also contain iron compounds. We have heard reports that iron vis not added to fast food. I am also told the rogues spray it on fields containing food crops.

This is serious because while iron is needed in the body, they are spreading a toxic form of it that accumulates in the brain, the heart, the liver and elsewhere. It causes physical disease and mental derangement with anger and rage.

Electrical conduction. The iron problem is not just a chemical one. We believe the rogues can use the iron in objects, clothing, and elsewhere for monitoring and possibly for mental influencing. This is one reason we do not recommend buying anything that is black, if at all possible. This includes all clothing and all household and office equipment. For more details, read Acquired Iron Toxicity.


12/20/21. I have a theory that women are purposely poisoned, beaten, raped and terrorized because they have special roles to play in society. These include bearing the children. However, there is much more.

Among other roles, women who are healthy connect easily with one another and with everyone. They are a powerful force holding society together. The group we call the Rogues (or Satan in the Bible) do not want this, so they attack women in many ways. For details, read the new article, The Sacredness Of Women.


12/19/21. This is a reminder that most of our clients are dehydrated, to some degree. It slows healing and slows or stops development.

The cause is usually not drinking enough water. Adults need 2-3 liters or 2-3 quarts of drinking water daily.

In a few cases, it is due to drinking the wrong type of water such as reverse osmosis water. In a few other cases it is because the water one is drinking is of good quality, but another brand or type of water is needed to hydrate the body.

Substituting tea, coffee or other beverages will not work. In fact, tea and coffee cause dehydration. It is even worse if you add sweetener to them. Drinking alcohol also causes dehydration.

Symptoms. Dehydration can cause no symptoms at all. Possible symptoms are many and include fatigue, constipation, dry mouth, dry lips, back pain in the area of the kidneys, mental confusion, anxiety, fears, and depression. For details, read Hydration and Water For Drinking.


12/18/21. Please read a short, new article about the differences between people who are developed and those who are not developed. For details, see Two Species Of Human Beings.


12/17/21. Joann is 65 years old. She experienced rape twice, at the age of 15 and again at age 19. These left her with many symptoms that she has had ever since.

The worst symptoms were great fatigue and she was unable to think clearly. She also had weight gain (over 100 pounds), headaches, anxiety, heart palpitations, and developed a large fatty tumor. In the past ten years, she also developed retinal occlusion and trouble seeing.

She began the development program about five years ago. After a few months, she had more energy so she stayed with the program. However, most of her symptoms remained the same.

During the past several months, she went through what she calls an “amazing” retracing or purification reaction. Since then, she is feeling much, much better and all her symptoms are gone or much reduced.

NOTE: The following is rather graphic. We print it because this type of healing reaction can occur when retracing rapes. To have this type of reaction usually requires between three and five years on the development program.

During this time, the souls are rebuilding, renourishing and restoring the body at very deep levels. Rape causes serious nutritional depletion and one always acquires toxic metals from the secretions of the rapist.

Only when the rebuilding and renourishing process is complete will the person experience the retracing or healing reaction described below. Here is what occurred:

For one month, Joann was very emotional. Her moods swung from joy to intense fear and back again. At times, she thought she was dying. At times, her heart would beat very fast and the heart palpitations that had had for years would increase, but then go away.

She had trouble sleeping and felt weak, at times. Then she would feel fine and even had too much energy.

Her program. This was the strangest part of the purification reaction. At times, almost everything on the program made her feel worse. On some days, five minutes in the sauna caused dizziness and she had to get out of the sauna.

Coffee enemas, which she normally enjoys, would cause nausea. (NOTE: nausea on the development program is almost always a sign of cleansing of the liver).

Eating vegetables at times made her gag so she did not eat a lot for a few weeks. She had to reduce her supplements, as well.

Then slowly, everything got better. She was able to reintroduce more supplements, more vegetables and the procedures no longer caused feelings of sickness.

Now, Joann reports actually feeling well for the first time in 45 years. She cannot believe it. All her symptoms have decreased or gone away completely. She also has had many insights about herself, why she experienced rape, and her life. She feels much more mature as a person.

For more details, read Retracing, Trauma Retracing and Maturity.


12/16/21. Mr. Strong is 71 years old and had many health problems. He was always tired, achy, with poor digestion and a lot of gas and bloating no matter what he ate. He had also become depressed and at times just wanted to die. His eyesight and hearing were getting worse and the future was not bright.

He began the development program only about 2 years ago. At first, he felt a little more energy so he decided to stay with it. Then, about six months ago, he noticed he was less tired all the time. Also, the depression feelings began to lift and his digestion is a lot better. He is also much less achy and he is happier. He doesn't understand how this is possible because after all, he says, he is old.

Most recent hair test. Mr. Strong's new hair test shows the following:

- Rapid development. The hair phosphorus level rose above 16mg%. This indicates enhanced tissue breakdown of a positive type. It is the breakdown of old toxic tissue and on a retest it is a wonderful sign. It indicates a faster process of healing and regeneration of the body in progress.

- Maturing. The hair potassium, aluminum and in this case, the nickel level all increased. We call it maturing pattern because for some reason, eliminating these toxic minerals (a toxic form of potassium) causes a positive mental change in a person that is a maturing of the personality. A lot of depression is due to immaturity and Mr. Strong now has a better attitude so he is less depressed.

- Everything coming out or all out. This is very prominent on Mr. Strong's new mineral analysis. I say this because the levels of iron, manganese, chromium, lead, arsenic, and nickel increased a lot on this test.

Potassium also increased. We have learned that most bodies have too much toxic potassium thanks to superphosphate fertilizers used on most food. For details, read Superphosphates. This is a very serious problem on earth that very few talk about.

- A 3-settling down pattern. On the new test, the levels of calcium, magnesium and sodium decreased. This tendency we call settling down. A full settling down pattern also requires that the level of potassium decreases or stays the same.

In this case, the potassium level went up. However, we know that this is merely due to an elimination of toxic potassium. At a deeper level Mr. Strong has a settling down tendency or pattern. This is very positive and is a type of healing in which one feels more relaxed and grounded.

Summary. This case is interesting because the man is over 70. In the medical world, people at this age don't often improve much with any therapy – they are “just getting old”. Not so with the development program. Mr. Strong says he feels the best he has felt in 30 years!


12/15/21. Celery contains some of the correct chemicals that cause rapid development of the human body. However, celery is slightly toxic. For this reason, we recommend a very small amount of celery with each meal, or at least once a day. For a normal thickness and size of a celery stalk, the correct amount is only two to four very thin slices per day.

Celery cooks very slowly. Therefore, it is necessary to slice it very thin, as thin as you can, so that it cooks through. Otherwise, our bodies cannot extract much of the development chemicals from the celery plant and it will largely just give you fiber, which does not cause development.

Development is a genetic change in the body that requires certain chemicals to “turn on” specific genes. These strengthen and heal the body. Development also causes the appearance of new abilities in a person. There is also much more to development, which is not taught much on earth today. For details, read Introduction To Development.


12/14/21. As of today, I am told there is a new effort to help return the earth to proper control and to restore the planet and everything upon it to normalcy.

I am told that more details will follow. However, it is very positive. It will take some years to hopefully complete, but it is a start. To understand why this is needed, read The Rogues.


12/13/21. Even if your vegetables are not organically grown, it is best not to peel them. The peels contain many nutrients.

Just wash vegetables with water and perhaps use a vegetable brush to clean them if they have been sprayed or are dirty. Also, it is best to store vegetables in the thin plastic vegetable bags that are used at the supermarkets when you buy loose vegetables. These have some souls in them that help preserve the vegetables. Do not use other bags.

I am able to buy an entire roll of the vegetable bags. When I bring vegetables home I wash them all and put them in fresh, clean vegetable bags for storage.


12/12/21. One of the most amazing and fabulous healing and development procedures we teach is the vaginal object procedure for women.

This simple, inexpensive and very safe procedure will double the speed at which a woman develops. It also helps keep the vaginal area much cleaner, strengthens the body, improves sex, and protects in the case of rape.

Girls can begin it around age 10 and adult women can do it at all ages. It has so many benefits we cannot list them all. To all girls and women: Please read and begin The Vaginal Object Procedure.


12/10/21. This is a poorly understood idea. Polarized means that the body has a positively charged area – the head – and it has a negatively charged area – the feet.

The charge or voltage between the positive and negatively charged areas is a sign of life. It is not the aura, but it is a basic sign of a living body.

We are born with a definite 'charge' across the parts of the body. As we age, this decreases until it diminishes to much that life cannot go on. The development program helps keep the voltage or charge up and this is how the program extends life.

Along with the development diet, supplements and lifestyle, especially important are the the pulling down mental exercise, the spinal twists and foot reflexology. These all help increase the voltage difference between the positive and negative poles of the body. For details, read Etheric Energy, The Pulling Down Procedure, The Spinal Twists, Pops, And Pulls and Reflexology.


12/9/21. Many people secretly do not believe that love is real. This is only because their minds do not work correctly. So it is necessary to fix the mind.

How to fix your mind. The way to fix your mind is to think differently. The first principle is that all is in divine order.

This means that nothing is really messed up. It just looks messed up. Underneath, there is a divine order to life and everything in it.

Be a baby again. Try to think like newborn infants think. Even if they are ill or tired, they are quite happy. It is true. You were once like this before the adults adulterated your mind!!!!! We like the word adult and adulterated – it means when people grow up they get mixed up.

Understanding that all is well is a big step for most people. Most of us look around and see all the negative and stop thinking positively. One starts to believe that all is not well.

But this is not true. It is just that you cannot see the good all around you.

The development program helps, so do more of it. One reason adults are adulterated is they are not healthy. The development program helps undo their sickness. So do more of it.

The genital bath. A very underrated part of the program is the genital bath. You can sit facing into the bathtub and splash cold water on the genital area.

An even better method is to sit down in the shower and let the water spray hit the genital area – with cool water, not hot. Just sit under the spray or use a shower massager. It will help heal your mind! For details, read The Genital Bath.


12/8/21. This post is a research report. Two “incurable” health conditions that are responding well to the development program are sickle cell disease and achromatopsia. An interesting fact is that both are considered genetic diseases.

Millions of people, especially in Africa, suffer terribly with sickle cell disease. The development program does not change the genetics. However, the very painful and sometimes fatal flare-ups do not occur nearly as much. This makes it a much milder and non-fatal disease.

In our one active case of achromatopsia, it is improving and almost totally gone. This would indicate that it may not be a genetic disease, but rather a non-genetic congenital condition. The word congenital means present at birth, but not genetic. For details, read Sickle Cell Disease and Achromatopsia.


12/7/21. Coffee enemas supply nutrients, souls and much more that is vital for health and development today. If you are not doing them every day, please begin now.

If you are doing them, continue. Also, most often it is best to keep doing coffee enemas if you have a purification reaction. For details, read Coffee Enemas.


12/7/21. This is from Dr. Mercola's website, 12/6/21. We believe the numbers are accurate. However, even if it is off by a factor of 10 or 100, it is still alarming:

The deadliest vaccine ever made is the smallpox vaccine, which killed 1 in 1 million vaccinated people. The COVID shots kills 822 per million fully vaccinated, making it more than 800 times deadlier than the deadliest vaccine in human history.”


12/6/21. Roasted white sesame tahini contains very finely ground up sesame seeds. It is a very important food for development. Adults all need about two tablespoons of it every single day. Please do not skip it!

Why tahini? It is a very nutritionally rich food that contains many special mineral compounds needed for health and for rapid development.

Where to buy it. Tahini is sold in many supermarkets and health food stores. One can also buy it online in a can or jar.

Roasted and salted. We much prefer roasted sesame tahini, rather than raw tahini. The raw product is more yin and not as balanced. Also, one needs to add a little sea salt to tahini to balance it better.

How much? For rapid development, each adult needs to eat two tablespoons of tahini each day. Children need less according to their age and weight.

Ways to eat tahini. I spread tahini from the container over my cooked vegetables. Another way to eat it is just put some on a spoon and eat it alone. A third way is to make it into a dip for use with blue corn chips. For example, adding a little water to it makes a thinner sauce. For more details, read Tahini.


12/5/21. Love is a major theme of this newsletter and website. It is because it is the major theme of life. The problems of life are not the major fact of life. This can be difficult to appreciate when life is rough. However, it is the truth.

One way to appreciate this truth is found in some writings in which the author describes love as a radiance. For details, read Love As Radiance and The Real Self.

Understanding love this way helps one to see that love is at the heart of everything, everyone, every event and every situation. Then you will never fall into negativity, depression or despair.

Becoming love. Each person is learning to become the radiance of love. Another way to say the same thing is that everyone is learning to identify as the extension of God's love into this world of form.

Still another way to understand this is that everyone is learning to broadcast.

A simple, but very powerful exercise. The following visualization exercise will help you to become comfortable with radiating or extending love.

Sit or lie down comfortably. Visualize a powerful light bulb in the middle of your chest. Feel and see and explore how this light radiates outward in every direction from your body.

NOTE: Do not substitute the above visualization for the pulling down exercise. The latter is absolutely required for rapid development. Eventually, you can combine the two exercises.

For more details, read Broadcasting. Also, read Women And Broadcasting and Maturity For Women.


12/4/21. Development is the most amazing path. It takes you from a body of physical matter to one of imperishable spiritual matter.

Abilities also arise that are simply wonderful. Usually an early one is the ability to communicate telepathically. Others are much better brain power including a better memory and better information processing.

Longer life. The body also toughens. As a result, it lasts longer and even difficult or incurable diseases simply vanish in a most amazing fashion.

Getting on the path and moving fast. The great secrets are to get on the path and to move rapidly. Getting on the path requires a commitment to development that is greater than your commitment to your job, your friends, your occupation, or anything else.

If other things are put first, development usually won't occur or will only occur slowly. This is what happens to most people.

Speed. Moving along fast is an art. It requires recognizing one's blocks and removing or minimizing them. Important ones are not going to bed early, not cooking food at least two or three times daily, and instead living on leftovers.

Other blocks are negative thoughts about anything, emotions out of control, having ordinary sex rather than down sex, too much social life, improper careers and jobs, not reading and studying about development, and a lack of religious fervor for development. For details, read Blocks That Slow Or Stop Development.


12/3/21. Today I heard an interview on the radio about events in Austria. A few days ago the government announced that the police will now stop people on the streets.

If you are not fully vaccinated, you will be fined about $8000.00 USD for each violation. If you don't pay, you go to jail. Also, it is now illegal to visit friends and family.

This is similar or worse than what the Nazis did in Austria and Germany in the 1930s. The difference is this time it is in the name of 'health' rather than Aryan racial superiority.

Thousands of people are protesting in Austria every day. Please pray for them and write to your Senators and Congressmen. Tell them to put pressure on the Austrian government to stop their illegal behavior.

Flu update. Many physicians believe that about 70% of the population or more has natural immunity to covid-19. This is because most people have had the disease and have recovered. In light of this, forcing vaccines makes no sense unless the reasons are just to control or poison the people.

Also, governments in Austria and elsewhere are demanding vaccine 'boosters' up to every few months. Anyone who knows vaccines knows this is not needed. Some vaccines require a booster every five or ten years, but not every few months. Once again, it makes no sense unless the motives are to control and to poison people.

In America, the health authorities are citing a Supreme Court decision from the early 1900s. They say it authorizes forced vaccination. They do not tell you several important facts about the case:

1) The tyranny was from a state, not the national government. The states in the United States have a phony legal doctrine called the “police powers”. They say it gives them the right to do anything they want in the name of health or safety, including violate their own constitutions. The American national government has no such doctrine, though they can say they have “emergency war powers”.

2) The disease in question in the Supreme Court case was smallpox. It had a death rate of up to 20%. The overall death rate of the Wuhan flu is about 0.2%. So the diseases are not at all similar. Any treatment must be weighed against the risks, and all vaccines carry significant risks of injury and death.

3) In our opinion, even in the case of smallpox the Supreme Court was wrong. Forced medical treatment is a severe violation of basic private property rights. There is no more intimate property than your own body.


12/2/2021. For the past 18 years, I have been able to communicate with souls and creatures that are not visible. However, they are real and they are all around us.

Two types of bodies. They say there are two basic types of bodies. Humans, earth animals and earth plants have coarse matter bodies.

Also, there are trillions upon trillions of small and large beings whose bodies are made of a finer type of matter. They are called fine matter bodies or fines.

Angels, elves and souls are fine matter creatures. A main source of information about them is the Bible. However, it does not provide many details so we will fill them in.

The return. I am told that our planet has been without most of its fine matter beings for at least 50,000 years. They were taken away and imprisoned in space by the group we call the Rogues.

They are not sure why this was allowed. However, it has and is causing much chaos on earth.

At this time, I am told that trillions of smaller fine matter beings are returning to the earth. This is very positive because the fine matter beings rule over the coarse matter ones. We sincerely hope and pray that this will cause an improvement in the conditions on earth. It will take some time, and that is our hope.

Truth. I am told that telling the truth is more important now than ever before. Those who lie to themselves and to others will not fare well. Those who stay with the truth will be protected and will succeed.

For details about fine matter, read Bodies – Their Structure And Activities.


12/1/21. The contraception article has been greatly improved and expanded. It is now a major article on the website. For details, read Contraceptive Pills, Patches, IUDs And Alternatives.


12/1/21. We no longer recommend adding 18 Extreme X to coffee enemas.


11/30/21. A growing problem is a number of nutritionists, physicians and others who falsely claim to offer nutritional balancing, mineral balancing or even possibly development. Some say they trained with me and know our system. Some are even telling people I am dead or have stopped working.

You can identify the copycats by what they recommend. Often they say salads and fruit are fine. They may also suggest physical and mental exercises that we find harmful. These include sound therapies, yoga, Taoist exercises, stretching and more.

They often don't recommend coffee enemas, the spinal twist and the pulling down procedure. They may also omit from the program blue corn chips, lamb, sardines and the need to eat loads of cooked vegetables with each meal. These are sure signs of a fake nutrition or development program.


11/30/21. I begin the pulling down procedure by relaxing. I move my attention to a point below my feet. Then I imagine either a large magnet or a powerful vacuum cleaner located below the feet that is pulling everything in the body downward.

Another step I find helpful is to mentally check many parts of the body to see if subtle energy is moving strongly downward.

For example, I will focus a little on my knees and see if the energy is flowing downward there. Then I might move to my hands and see if the energy is flowing downward there.

Often, the energy is not flowing correctly through some parts of the body. So I imagine enhancing the magnet or vacuum cleaner so that it corrects the problem.

When I get through with this process, the subtle energy always flows downward much better. For more details, read The Pulling Down Procedure.


11/29/21. Bread is not part of the development diet. Eating it slows development. For rapid development, avoid all bread. The reasons are:

- Wheat is a very hybridized food item and not a healthy food today. Its protein content is much lower than 100 years ago and it is high in glutamate, an irritant.

- Bread moves energy upward through the body. This is the opposite of the proper flow of subtle energy.

- Bread is a more yin food. The reasons are it contains yeast, it is overcooked, its starches have partly turned to sugar, and it is usually old (not fresh).

- Most bread is also heavily processed and contains bleached, refined flour and sometimes a dozen or more chemical additives. However, even all-natural whole wheat, rye, millet or other breads are not good foods for development. For details, read Bread.

What to eat instead. An important grain food for development is blue or purple corn. This needs to be eaten in the form of blue corn tortilla chips for rapid development - not tortillas, crackers or cereal.

Blue corn chips are a processed food that contains refined vegetable oil and, at times, a lot of salt. Also, some people do not tolerate them well. However, they work for development because they contain special mineral compounds needed for development today.

If you have difficulty eating them, begin with just one or two daily. As you become healthier, you will be able to tolerate more – for adults, up to 8-10 standard-sized corn chips per meal. For details, read Blue Corn Tortilla Chips.


11/28/21. The development procedure called the Pops, Pulls, Twists And Kicks is one of the five major healing procedures of the development program.

Please don't skip them. They take only a few minutes to do. We suggest doing them several times a day.

If you persist and work with these exercises each day, you can heal many structural problems and greatly speed up development.

What about visiting a chiropractor? Chiropractic care can be wonderful and we recommend it. However, the practitioner must be quite skilled, which can be difficult to find.

Even with a good one, the Pops, Pulls, Twists and Kicks procedures include more maneuvers than most any of them offer. Also, the exercises are best done at least twice every day or more for rapid development, and this you can only do at home.

The basic spinal twist procedure is to lie on your back in bed, on the floor, on a couch or on a massage table. Have your legs straight and together, with your arms out to the sides so that your shoulders do not twist.

Then lift the left leg straight up into the air. You can pull the leg toward your head to add a little stretch.

Point the toes. Reach upward with your big toe as though you are ringing a doorbell. This extends the leg. Then, with the leg extended, swing the left leg over the right leg and all the way to the floor or bed. There may be a few clicks and pops. This is normal.

New addition. While one leg is crossed over the other, slide your hips forward. If you do this correctly, you will feel your hips open a little. This feels good and helps with development.

Change legs. After doing the twist with the left leg, repeat it with the right leg. (It does not matter with which leg you start.)

Cautions: Begin gently, especially if you are older or have weak bones or back problems. As you become comfortable with the exercises, you can do them with more force.

Also, don't stay in the twisted position. Instead, quickly bring the twisted leg back to resting position. Holding the twist, as they do in hatha yoga, keeps the spine open – a yin position that can allow rogue souls to enter the spine.

The hand and finger exercises. These are also superb to speed up development. Don't skip them! For details about all the twists, pops and pulls, read The Twist, Pop, Pull, And Kick Procedures.


11/27/21. Today we continue to explore the differences between the development paradigm and the standard medical, holistic, natural and nutritional health care model. This is a most important topic.

Please read the newly revised article, Diagnosing Disease Versus Development. We plan to combine this more detailed article with the article in yesterday's post.


11/26/21. A new article explains the differences between following a development program and the standard medical/natural paradigm of working on your health.

Among the differences are that development is a positive focus, unlike focusing on illness. Also, with the development model or paradigm we don't need to label people by their diseases, something that tends to get in the way of their healing. For details, read Development Versus Diseases.


11/25/21. - Forward flip of the oxidation rate. This is present when the oxidation rate on a retest hair mineral analysis changes from fast, fast mixed or slow mixed oxidation to slow oxidation. The person also needs to be following the development program. This change indicates progress because slow oxidation is more normal for adults.

Fast oxidation is normally only seen in babies and children up to about age 8 to 10. In adults, fast oxidation or fast mixed oxidation is only a temporary stress situation. For details, read The Oxidation Type – Fast, Slow, Mixed And Four Lows.

- A crash. This is present when the level of one or more minerals decreases on a retest hair mineral analysis by more than 100%. It indicates a more dramatic or drastic change in body chemistry.

In Dorothy's case, the crash was due to ending an elimination of toxic sodium and toxic potassium. This elimination had elevated her sodium and potassium readings on the previous test. Her sodium and potassium levels both decreased by about 500%, quite a dramatic change.

- Leaving the cult. This pattern is present when at least three of the following minerals increases on a retest mineral analysis. These minerals are iron, copper, manganese, chromium, lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, aluminum and nickel. On Dorothy's test, five of these mineral levels increased.

The pattern is named leaving the cult because often when a person experiences a bad rape, she loses nutrient minerals. Toxic minerals replace them.

These can come from the sweat and other secretions of the rapist. Also, the person may be forced to drink a vial of liquid containing toxic metals.

When these are eliminated, one usually feels much better and more in control of one's life. For details, read Leaving The Cult – A Hair Analysis Pattern.

- Maturing. This pattern is present when the levels of potassium, copper, mercury, aluminum and/or nickel rise on a retest hair mineral test. These three minerals are called child minerals.

The child minerals affect the brain and body in certain ways that keep a person dependent and less mature. As they are eliminated on the development program, often people report feeling more mature. For details, read Child Minerals And Maturing With A Development Program.


11/24/21. We began this case history two days ago. Dorothy, age 58, has the following patterns on her new hair test:

- Forward flip of the Na/K ratio. This is present when the sodium/potassium ratio on a retest hair mineral analysis changes from less than 2.5 to 2.5 or higher.

The sodium/potassium ratio on a hair mineral test is very important. It has to do with the electrical balance of the cells, cell membrane integrity, immune system activity, blood sugar regulation, one's energy level and more. For details, read The Sodium/Potassium Ratio and other articles about this vital ratio.

- Amigo dump or elimination. This is present when the iron, manganese and aluminum levels all increase on a retest hair mineral test. This is a very positive pattern.

The 'amigos' are toxic forms of minerals, usually oxides or carbonates. They irritate and inflame the body tissues and cause hundreds of “diseases”.

Everyone has too much of these toxic mineral compounds in their bodies. Even worse, many children are born loaded with them. Babies get them from their mothers' bodies. For details, read Prenatal Care.

These mineral compounds wreck the bodies! A development program is the only way we know of to get them out of the body. Chelation does not work.

Killing the pain and inflammation. Many people end up taking pain-killers including opioids, marijuana, CBD or other toxic drugs. Anti-oxidant therapy used by holistic practitioners seems better, but does not remove the poisons. High-dose antioxidants make the bodies too cold or yin in macrobiotic terminology. For details, read Yin Disease.

We call them 'the amigos' because their levels often increase together on hair mineral tests as they are eliminated. A general article about them is The Amigos - Iron, Manganese And Aluminum. Here are more details.

Toxic iron (oxide). This is very common and found in all white flour, many other foods, dark-colored dyes used in clothing and elsewhere, inks, paints, tattoos and other items people touch, eat or drink. Recently, more is being added to some fast food.

Toxic manganese (oxide) is found in gasoline used in cars. It is associated with mental illness such as schizophrenia and criminal behavior. For details, read Manganese.

Aluminum is a potent brain toxin and it weakens the bones. The rogues love aluminum and they make sure it is added to most table salt, city water supplies, anti-perspirants, baking powder, aluminum cookware, and more. It is truly a horror and a complete failure of the governments of the world who should stop it. For details, read Aluminum.

There are other amigos. For example, toxic potassium is in all our food today thanks to the use of superphosphate fertilizers or N-P-K fertilizers. It is called a child mineral because it damages the brain in a way` that impairs maturity. For details, read Toxic Potassium.


11/23/21. We are realizing that nutrition can and should be viewed in terms of frequencies and not simply chemicals.

We are coming to realize that the correct way to view coffee enemas, red heat lamp therapy, and certain foods such as the preferred vegetables is that they provide nourishing frequencies the bodies require at this time.

A slightly different understanding. This is a somewhat newer way of thinking that we believe speeds up development. If you don't eat correctly and do the procedures (enemas and red heat lamp therapy) you starve at certain levels of your being. This is the situation with most people on earth.

The special foods for development. We now believe that certain foods are special because they provide many frequencies at once. For this reason, they can substitute for many foods or frequencies that are not present on earth at this time or that are difficult to find or afford.

The special development foods include sardines, lamb, blue corn tortilla chips, cooked preferred vegetables, toasted almond butter, roasted sesame tahini and soft goat cheese. Please eat them in the recommended quantity and do not substitute other foods for them. Eating substitutes is not working.

Food sensitivities. If you are allergic to one of the special foods, if at all possible just eat a tiny amount of it. As your health recovers, you will be able to tolerate more.

If you have food allergies, you may also tolerate a special food better if you eat it alone until your digestion improves. We know this makes meals difficult, but it is helping a few people.

Bee products. Another set of products that are helping development right now are tiny amounts of propolis and royal jelly.

The bodies require just a little once a week, in most instances. We will work on finding brands that most people can obtain at a reasonable cost.


11/22/21. We updated two important articles about cancer – Cancer and Alternative Therapies and Cancer Pioneers Of The Twentieth Century.


11/21/21. Dorothy is 58 years old. She is faithful with the development program. She had a lot of fatigue, depression, and a somewhat hopeless attitude about life. This has recently improved and she is much happier.

Most recent tissue mineral test. Dorothy's newest mineral analysis reveals some interesting patterns:

- Coming alive. All of the second four minerals on the ARL chart (iron, copper, manganese and zinc) either increased or remained the same. This is a very positive metabolic change or development pattern.

The pattern indicates deep healing of the body. The name coming alive is quite appropriate.

The arrangement of the minerals on the hair chart graph is very important in order to read the patterns easily.

The second four minerals or second tetra of minerals is a deeper layer than the first four minerals (calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium). For more details, read Coming Alive Pattern On A Hair Mineral Analysis.

- Seven anchors. An anchor pattern occurs when the levels of certain minerals do not change on a retest, or if they vary only slightly. The exact amount of change allowed for this pattern varies with each mineral and is exact.

Anchor patterns indicate a particular healing of the brain in which the sulci (the grooves on the surface of the brain) deepen. The development program is one of very few ways to cause this to occur.

The sulci should be rather deep, so this pattern is very positive. It causes one's thinking to become clearer and faster.

Dorothy has seven of these anchor patterns, which is excellent. When seven or more are present, we call the pattern a new brain.

NOTE: The person must be faithfully following the development program for this pattern to be present. If the person is not on the correct program, the same pattern is called little change and it is not a positive pattern.

- Right pivot. On Dorothy's new test, the levels of the first two minerals (calcium and magnesium) increased. The levels of the second two minerals (sodium and potassium) decreased.

If one draws a line from the tops of the graphs of the first two minerals TO the tops of the graphs of the second two minerals on the old and the new tests and compares them, the line on the new test appears to twist clockwise or pivot to the right.

We call this pattern a right pivot. It indicates a turnaround or change of mind, primarily in relation to oneself.

Dorothy said she recently realized she was not as nice a person as she thought she was, and she has changed. This is typical of the effect of a right pivot.

By comparison, a left pivot indicates a turnaround or change of mind mainly in relation to another person. For more details, read Anchors And Pivots On A Hair Mineral Analysis.

We will continue discussing this interesting case tomorrow.


11/20/21. The post about the hummus recipe is not quite right. The recipe requires adding a little water. We will experiment and repost it.

Also, eating hummus occasionally is fine. However, eating it daily involves eating a lot of beans. This is too yin, which is not helpful for development.

I corrected the Food For Daily Use article to say that eating hummus once or twice a week is okay, but not more. Most of the time, eat two tablespoons of tahini daily, not hummus.

Some people put tahini on blue corn chips, while others eat it alone. I spread it over my vegetables. Once you get used to the taste, it is quite good. For details, read Food For Daily Use and Tahini.


11/19/21. The truth about the ruin of the food on earth has been largely hidden and the people deceived. Here is what really occurred:

The green revolution. This was a major change in agriculture that occurred about 100 years ago. It began with the use of toxic superphosphate or N-P-K fertilizers. They are really not fertilizers! They are growth stimulants.

They cause increased crop production, but the mineral and other nutrient content of plants grown with these growth stimulants is drastically lower. Yet they are allowed even on government-approved organically grown food and they ruin everything they touch, including our health!

Toxic chemicals in our food. In addition, food grown with growth stimulants are weak and more vulnerable to pests. This was handled by using toxic pesticides and insecticides.

Soil destruction. The growth stimulants and toxic pesticides damage the structure of the topsoil, allowing more of this precious resource to blow away or wash away.

Other horrors. Modern food processing has further ruined our food supply. Among the worst practices are refining flour to make white flour, making white sugar, and removing most of the minerals from salt. Other bad laws allow the addition of about 3000 chemicals to foods. Most of the chemicals are definitely toxic.

Death by regulation. The government should have stopped all the above practices. Instead, the US Department Of Agriculture and the Food And Drug Administration allow and even promote all the above practices!

These government agencies are thoroughly illegal and unconstitutional in the United States. However, corrupt courts allow them to exist. For more details, read The Regulatory State.

Also, please read The Food Story, Organic Agriculture, Toxic Potassium, Superphosphates, and Regeneration Of The Soil With The Development Program.

Also, Death By Regulation is the title of a very good book by Mary J. Ruwart, PhD and Ron Paul, MD.


11/17/21. When you follow the complete development program with one of our Helpers, you receive an extremely unique service. Whenever we review a hair mineral test a teams of souls performs a special cleanup of the body and main souls. You are not likely to get this service if you work with other physicians or healers.

Electronic filth. The reason for the cleanup is that the Rogues filth up all human bodies on earth. The cleanup consists of removing electronic tags, cloaks and shields that the rogues use to upset and damage the bodies. These are inside and around all bodies today.

Witchcraft. In addition, the cleanup team removes witchcraft. This is often in the form of tiny shapes such as hexes and squares. Few speak about witchcraft, but it is real, it is common and very dangerous. There is a good reason why the Bible says to stay far away from witchcraft.

Witchcraft is not so much a religion as it is a set of powerful techniques to mentally influence others against their will. For details, read Witchcraft.

Poisons, parasites and more. The cleanup team also removes many types of poisons, venoms, and fine matter and coarse matter parasites that the rogues put around and inside all human bodies.

Coffee enemas. I am told that daily coffee enemas are absolutely required to help get rid of the rogue filth in and around the bodies. They have a number of synergistic cleansing effects that so far we cannot duplicate with other methods. For details, read Coffee Enemas.

Wearing light-colored clothing. I am also told that to help keep the area around your body clean, one must wear light-colored clothing. Otherwise, the cleanup team cannot see many of the devices placed on the bodies.

Toxic dyes. The dyes and inks use to make dark colors, especially black, in themselves contain iron and manganese compounds that are toxic. This means that dark-colored clothing is toxic even if the clothing is clean!

Detergents. If you use detergent, even all-natural ones, to wash clothes, the toxicity is even worse. Some toxic detergent residue always remains in the clothing. This problem is much worse with the newer washing machines that do a poor job of rinsing the detergent out of the clothes. For details, read Color and Detergents.


11/16/21. Definition: For each body or object such as a machine, there are thresholds or limits as to what it can tolerate. Beyond these limits, damage or more serious damage occurs to the body or machine.

The idea is one of a sum or total amount of stress that a body or machine can safely handle. When one exceeds this total amount of stress, the body can no longer cope or adapt well to the stress.

Importance. To remain healthy and to protect our machines such as automobiles, it is important to not exceed the thresholds or limits of stress that the body or machine can tolerate.

Practical application. Our bodies have limits as to how much fatigue, toxicity, nutritional deficiencies, noise, cold, heat that they can tolerate. To remain healthy and to keep developing, ideally one needs to stay far away from the thresholds or limits in these areas.

Prevention. This is one of the most important principles of medical prevention. One needs to be careful not to exceed certain limits when one lives and when one recommends therapies. The principle applies to one's nutrition, rest, activities, emotions, thoughts, social interactions, and more.

Sadly, the medical and even the natural healing professions too often ignore this principle. For example, physicians recommend drugs, vaccines or herbs that bring the body close to the threshold beyond which the body is so toxic that it no longer functions well.


11/15/21. Goat cheese and plain goat yogurt are very important for rapid development. An important reason is that these products contain special souls that help restore health and promote development.

Which goat cheese: The kind we recommend is often called soft goat cheese, fresh goat cheese, or sometimes called chevre. It is found in many supermarkets and health food stores.

Excellent brands in the United States are Saputo, LaCclare and Primo. We like the Garlic And Herbs version of these. Another excellent one is Purple Haze fresh goat milk cheese with lavender and fennel pollen.

How much: Adults need a total of about 12 ounces of goat cheese or goat yogurt each week. (You don't need 12 ounces of both and don't have more than this.) Try to have some goat yogurt and some goat cheese. Children need some, as well with the amount depending upon their size. A little is also good for babies and very young children.

Combining: Don't combine yogurt and cheese at one meal. Have one or the other.


11/14/21. Pressure cooking is an excellent way to cook vegetables and some other foods. The somewhat higher temperature of the pressure cooker cooks food quickly. This method is also more yang in macrobiotic terminology. This is another advantage.

Easy to overcook. Problems with pressure cooking are that it is so fast that it is easy to overcook food. For example, do not cook vegetables more than about two minutes and ten seconds. Vegetables should be soft and not crunchy, but should retain their color. If they are gray and mushy, they are overcooked! NOTE: The cooking times in the instruction booklets that come with most pressure cookers are wrong and will cause overcooking of your food!

We pressure cook a chicken thigh in about 15 seconds. Before cooking, put some cuts in the meat so it cooks through more easily. It should cook just enough so that the meat is not pink in color.

We pressure cook coffee for coffee enemas for only 14 seconds.

Use braising, not pressure cooking, to prepare ground beef or ground turkey.

No electric pressure cookers. Also, do not use an electric plug-in pressure cooker such as an Instant Pot. We have found that these damage the food and should not be sold.

A loaded pressure cooker cooks faster. We also observe that when a pressure cooker contains more food, the food cooks somewhat faster. Keep this in mind if you will be cooking more food at one time in your pressure cooker.

Brands. At this time, we only recommend Presto, T Fal and Fissler brands of stove-top pressure cookers. For more details, read Pressure Cooking.


11/13/21. Expect more disruptions in some services and products over the next year, and perhaps longer. This is due to changes at deep levels on the earth involving the group we call the Rogues.

We hope this will not affect the development program more than the current problem of shipping supplements to Great Britain and elsewhere.


11/12/21. Dora is 47 years old. When she began the development program her symptoms were fatigue, hair loss, difficulty sleeping, digestive distress, depression, yeast infections, anger, anxiety, and fibrocystic breasts.

Copper toxicity. The above are all common symptoms of copper overload. Other common symptoms of a copper imbalance are fears, headaches, especially migraine headaches, skin rashes, menstrual difficulties, varicose veins, and spaciness (now called depersonalization/derealization). Elevated copper is also associated with cancers and all connective tissue disorders such as multiple sclerosis and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

Copper toxicity is extremely common because when one is low in vital nutrients such as zinc, selenium, iodine, manganese, chromium and others, copper can replace them to some degree in certain enzymes. Also, if the liver is weak or damaged or if the adrenal glands are not functioning well, copper often builds up in the liver. Other organs where copper often accumulates are the reproductive organs and the brain.

Recent hair test. Dora has been carefully following the development program for three years. She reports that she is now growing back her hair. She recently passed through a purification reaction in which her anxiety became worse. However, now it is much less than before. Her most recent mineral analysis revealed:

- Coming alive on the second four minerals. This occurs when the level of the second four minerals (iron, copper, manganese and zinc) increase or remain the same. It is an excellent pattern that we call deep healing.

- Rapid development. This is present when the phosphorus level is greater than 16 mg%. She had this pattern on the previous test, as well. It indicates an accelerated breakdown of certain structures that is an indicator of development. For more details, read Phosphorus and Introduction To Development.

- 11 Anchors. These are present when the level of a mineral does not change on a retest, or changes only slightly. (The exact criteria for the pattern varies depending upon the mineral.)

If one follows the development program that we set up, anchors indicate an improvement in the structure and function of the brain. Eleven anchors is called a wise person pattern.

If one is not following the development program or the program is improper, the pattern is called little change and indicates a lack of progress.

- Two right pivots. Pivots are an unusual visual pattern that indicate a turnaround in one's attitude or receiving an insight about oneself. For details, read Anchors And Pivots.

- All out or everything coming out. This is present when the levels of six or more of certain minerals increase on a retest. The pattern indicates an excellent elimination of toxic metals or toxic forms of nutrient minerals.

- Guide creatures. Dora received four new guide creatures. These are small, fine matter creatures that arrange themselves in and around the body and greatly assist healing. They are a reward for following the program carefully and faithfully. Dora received two asherot, an abiot and a aliot. For details, read Controllers And Other Guide Creatures.

NOTE: I know the links don't work when we email the newsletter. They do work if one clicks on the New Earth Newsletter at the top of the home page at I am working on this problem.


11/11/21. It is natural to want to figure out exactly why a mineral level, ratio or pattern is the way it is. However, this is often impossible and a waste of time.

The reason is one's body chemistry reflects many factors. Some of these are very difficult to assess. We can divide them into internal and external factors:

Internal factors that influence body chemistry.

- Nutritional deficiencies. Everyone has these because even the best food today in low in minerals. For details, read Everyone Is Deficient And Toxic.

- Infections. Most people have dozens of chronic infections. Most were born with some of these. Others arise after birth and never healed properly.

Drug treatment of infections often relieve symptoms. However, it does not heal the tissues at a deep level, since this requires better nutrition, not drugs.

- Toxicity. Another internal factor is toxicity with metals and chemicals. All babies are born today with many of these today. The situation becomes much worse after birth thanks to vaccines, medical drugs, improper diet, and contaminated drinking water.

- Traumas. Another important internal factor is the effects of accidents, injuries and traumas. Most everyone has at least a few of these.

- Movement factors. This is another important factor in everyone's life. It consists of plans and goals each person has for his or her life.

The planning souls make a list of these factors and it is often a long list! They constantly update it and change it. Then they alter body chemistry as best they can to cope with and heal these factors.

The order of healing can change from day to day, depending upon internal and external conditions. It may depend upon the severity of a toxin or infection, and which factor the person is best able to address at a particular time.

External factors that influence body chemistry. Some of these effects are even more unusual and unpredictable. They include:

- Everyday events. These can range from a change in the weather to an injury. They can even include having one's car break down, causing inconvenience and expense.

- Travel. Taking a trip such as a vacation can bring up memories or traumas. It often causes a change in a person's diet and lifestyle that can affect both mind and body.

- Twins. A very unusual factor is the activity of a friend or another soul with whom one has a strong energetic connection. Our guides know about this because they can often see the energetic connections between people.

For example, if a twin or friend moves through a retracing process, the other person may well feel it. If a twin or friend comes under a lot of stress, the other person “shares it” to make life easier for the friend.

- Political and economic situations. These may influence body chemistry by affecting one's work or job. It can also cause a change in lifestyle or diet.

- Astronomical influences. These are the effects of movements of planets and other heavenly bodies. For example, many people know that the phase of the moon can affect one's mood and it affects women's menstrual cycle.

The combination. Our lives are a combination of all the above. This makes it quite impossible to know for sure why a person's mineral balance changed a certain way.

It is best to just note the patterns and “follow the body”. This means do not judge the person or the hair test. Instead, we just ask the planning souls and other important souls what to do next to best assist the person on their path of healing and development.


11/10/21. I am told that coffee enemas are especially needed at this time in history. The reasons are many.

- The sun. Souls that boost the immune system are in most coffee. I am told that these particular souls are from a sun that is supposed to be shining on our planet.

I know it sounds strange that there could be something wrong with our sun. However, it explains the need for certain supplements such as vitamin D – the sunshine vitamin. The bodies are all low in this vitamin even if one spends a lot of time out in the sun.

- Nutrients. Coffee seems to contain certain nutrients that everyone needs and that are difficult or impossible to find in other foods. One is a selenium compound that boosts the immune systsm and promotes development. Development requires many selenium and silicon compounds. Coffee also contains certain gold compounds, also very important for health and development.

- Detoxification. Coffee enemas clean up the large intestine, the small intestine, the liver, kidneys and lungs – at the very least. These are called the organs of elimination or organs of detoxification. Unless they function well, a person will not heal much and will not develop. It is rare to find a substance or therapy that does so much at one time for detoxification.

- Charcoal. A few coffee grounds left in the coffee also act like a charcoal filter. It absorbs a number of toxins that are very dangerous and difficult to remove from the body.

Some advocate taking charcoal tablets to achieve this same result. However, this does not work, in our experience. Having charcoal in the body all day absorbs nutrients and damages nutrition. The short exposure to charcoal in the enema seems much safer and works well. We would suggest purposely leaving some coffee grounds in your enema water.

NOTE: If you have some coffee grounds in your enema, you may have to shake the coffee around when implanting it to distribute them. Otherwise, they may clog the enema tube. A few enema kits come with a filter in the line which will definitely clog up. We would remove this filter because it is not needed.

- Moving subtle energy downward. The coffee enema moves subtle energy downward in a powerful way. It is just like doing the Pulling Down Procedure. Doing this procedure while holding the enema also works exceedingly well and is much easier, especially for beginners. The pulling down procedure is absolutely required for development. Everyone needs to know this.

- Coffee is a fairly yang herb. This is also very important for the bodies at this time because most are too yin in macrobiotic terminology (not necessarily in traditional Chinese medical terms).

- Coffee is a loving herb. This sounds unusual, but we believe that certain foods help people have a more loving attitude. Perhaps it is a nutrient in the coffee. For more details, read Coffee Enemas.


11/9/21. Roasted almond butter is a wonderful food. It contains many nutrients, some of which are very difficult to find in other foods. For adults interested in rapid development, we strongly suggest eating two tablespoons of almond butter each day.

You can either buy almond butter ready made, or you can grind up almonds in a coffee grinder. The latter method is not as good, but it works to some degree and is fresher. For more details, read Almonds and Almond Butter.


11/8/21. At this time, coffee enemas are very helpful for healing, development and protection from the Rogues. Please do them.

No 18 Extreme X. A few months ago we suggested adding a very small amount of a soap nut concentrate to coffee enemas. New research indicates that while it helps a little, it is also slightly toxic. As a result, we no longer recommend this.

Back-to-back enemas. The best way to do coffee enemas appears to be to first do a quick tap water enema to clean out the colon. Then do two coffee enemas, back to back. This works well and is more efficient. This way you are already set up to do an enema, so doing a second one is not too difficult.

Distilled water for enemas. For the best results, in most instances it is best to use distilled water in your enema. Our research is that there are nutrients in the coffee that are most available if you use distilled water for the enema. Also, you will need a little less coffee because distilled water causes excellent absorption of the coffee into the water.


11/7/21. Our guides have checked and very few people follow the development diet correctly. The proper way to eat is 1) have a mixture of at least 10 of the preferred vegetables, properly cooked, with each meal, 2) The vegetable part of every meal needs to account for at least half the volume of food you eat. 3) Eat in a particular order: Begin with a protein, or perhaps two proteins. Then eat cooked vegetables, and finally if you are an adult have 8-10 blue corn tortilla chips, or fewer for children.

We think you will move ahead with development much faster if you adopt this way of eating. For details, read Food For Daily Use, Food For Occasional Use and Forbidden Food For Development.


11/6/21. Most of our Helpers and some clients receive threats that they must stop working with us or they will be killed, beaten, raped or otherwise harmed. I receive these threats, as well. Here is what I do:

I make sure I am rested, fed, hydrated and relaxed. Then I do the pulling down procedure and, at the same time, I ask the Father in heaven or the One if I need to heed the threat - or is it an empty threat. I do this a number of times before making a decision as to what to do. Usually, I am told that the threat is empty. It is just an attempt to control me through fear.

I also ask myself often, “In this moment, am I in Love or am I in Fear?”. One always has a choice and can choose again if you find yourself in fear.

Biblical understanding. Being “in Love” is dwelling in the house of the Lord (from the 23rd psalm of David). It is also understanding that the kingdom of Heaven is within. It is also understanding that the truth will set you free.

The Real Self. The material in the Real Self book is also helpful. There is a discussion of fear from an unusual perspective that helps reduce fear. It is the teaching that everything is the radiance of God and this is Love. Fear is simply the condition that occurs when one does not receive enough of the love radiance.

So it is important to take the time every day to bring in more of this Love. The development program helps a lot, particularly the pulling down procedure, but also the coffee enemas, eating the proper food, and the rest. For details, read Love Is Radiance.


11/5/21. Plants and animals are not just physical and chemical. They are full of souls, which are the basic unit of consciousness in all living beings. We know this is a controversial teaching, but it is true.

When one eats food, the souls from the food enter your body. The souls help maintain and heal your body. They also help you move to a higher or lower level of life or creation. For details, read The Levels Of Creation (NOTE: This article is available but is being revised at this time.)

Fast food. A critical reason to avoid “fast food”, junk food and most refined food is that the number of souls they contain is minimal. Also, the souls they contain are of very poor quality because the more advanced souls leave when a food is adulterated. This is vital information!

Leftovers. When food is left uneaten for more than about one day, the souls begin to leave. It is worse outside of a refrigerator or in an open container. Some foods keep longer than others. Vegetables do not keep well, for example. Cheese and nut butter are better

This is why we say do not eat vegetables that are leftover for more than about one day. Also, packaged food is usually not as good as fresh food.

Irradiated food is also low in souls. The good ones don't like it and leave when the food is irradiated. You can often tell because the taste is not as good. Sadly, irradiated food is becoming more common today, even though the food label does not mention it. Most herbs and even most nuts today are also irradiated. This method of preservation should be illegal, in our view, because it causes a lot of damage mostly at the soul level.

Cooking. Souls are not affected by the heat of cooking. Proper cooking does not destroy or drive away souls. In fact, proper cooking favors the advanced souls in food and they like it. This is somewhat complex and has to do with the concept of warmer and cooler, or yang and yin in macrobiotic terminology.

Quick high temperature cooking such as the way blue corn chips are made is not a problem, I am told. The chips cook in a few seconds because they are thin. The oil in the blue corn chips locks in certain nutrients and souls, and this is why they work well for development.


11/4/21. We view illness and trauma from a whole system perspective. This is also how the body operates.

From this point of view, all symptoms, illnesses and traumas are adaptations to stress. In reality, there are no “disease entities”, as the medical and natural healing professions teach. There are just adaptations and compensations.

Examples. High blood pressure. If an organ of the body is not receiving enough blood for any reason, the body may raise the blood pressure to force more blood into that organ. Medical and natural healers name this hypertension. But really it is just an adaptation or compensation for a deeper problem of impaired circulation.

Heart disease. If the walls of the arteries are low in zinc and other nutrients, they become weak and irritated, and could break. Instead of zinc, brittle toxic metals such as cadmium are used to support the arteries. This is very dangerous!

As a result, the body coats the inside of the arteries with fatty or calcium-containing plaques. This strengthens the artery to prevent a fatal rupture of an artery. Thus, clogged arteries is not really a disease. It is just a compensation for a nutritional problem.

Diabetes. If a person is dehydrated (usually from drinking coffee, sugary beverages or alcohol and/or not drinking enough water), the body will maintain extra sugar in the blood. This has an osmotic effect of holding more water in the blood to maintain adequate blood circulation. This is called Type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance, when really it is just a compensation for a dietary imbalance.

In other cases, low bioavailable zinc, chromium or manganese impairs the activity of insulin. Insulin is the chemical that moves sugar from the blood into the cells. When insulin is low, the cells begin to starve for glucose.

The body may raise the blood sugar level in order to force more sugar into the cells through osmosis. This is an inferior method to move sugar into the cells, but it works to a degree. This problem is also called diabetes when really it is just a compensation for a nutritional problem.

In still other cases, the arteries are coated with plaque on the inside. This may also impair the movement of sugar from the blood into the cells. Once again, the body may raise the blood sugar level to help force more glucose to enter the cells. This is not a disease. It is a compensation for coated arteries.

In still other cases, a nutritional deficiency such as low zinc or at times, an infection causes low production of insulin. This causes sugar to accumulate in the blood. It is not really a disease. It is a compensation for a nutritional problem or an infection.

Problems of correction and the concept of preferred minerals. Correcting the underlying imbalance is not simple. One reason is that any time a vital mineral is low, the body replaces it with an inferior or less-preferred mineral in order to keep certain enzymes functioning, to a degree.

For example, when zinc is low, the body may replace it with cadmium, iron, lead or arsenic. (This is like replacing a tire of your car with an inferior tire because you can't locate the one that is needed.)

As a result of the replacement process, the enzyme binding sites for zinc are filled up with toxic metals. Just taking extra zinc won't work well because the zinc can't get into the binding sites.

The solution. The only way to replace the preferred minerals is with a combination of methods:

- Provide the needed nutrients

- Reduce exposure to toxic metals

- Make the body warmer or more yang in macrobiotic terminology. This is extremely important for detoxification, healing and development.

- Correct the flow of subtle energy so that it moves rapidly from the head to the feet. This is also very important.

- Improve energy production

- Speed up biosynthesis to make new enzymes faster

- Relax the autonomic nervous system and rest the body more to conserve energy.

- Improve digestion and absorption of nutrients

- Assist the eliminative organs such as the liver, kidneys and large bowel

- At times, remove infections that are blocking healing

- Open and heal the subtle energy channels of the body. The spinal twists and reflexology and the pulling down procedure accomplish this.

- improve blood circulation and oxygenation

- Improve nerve energy by releasing blockages, some of which are called subluxations. These are subtle misalignments of the spine and other joints.

- Delicately balance certain mineral ratios and metabolic patterns

- Even better is to turn on certain genes in what is called the junk DNA to produce better enzymes.

- Heal emotional and mental fixations and correct wrong ideas that cause the body to hold on to toxic metals

- Heal traumas that block healing.

This is what the development program does.


11/4/21. A good way to sleep if you are on your back is to pull the covers up over your shoulders to keep warm. However, also pull the covers down in the middle of your neck. This will prevent the covers from irritating your neck, which could wake you up. Also, if the room is too warm, pulling the covers down away from your neck keeps you cooler.


11/3/21. One level of the big picture that is the focus of this post is the Rogue or Satan takeover of the earth. The rogues are the new God or rulers and they do it in a largely secret and subtle manner. They have been on earth for at least a million years.

Forces defending the earth are now fighting back, so the rogues are having to show themselves more. To win, you must join the fight. You must understand their methods and take action. The action is on a personal level to restore your health (coffee enemas are a key to this).

Also, everyone needs to take action on a societal level, as well. Don't just read the news, which is what they want you to do. The rogues control most websites, including many seemingly conservative and alternative sites, so beware and don't waste your time with them. Here is a very brief summary so you will understand the situation:

Malnutrition. A major method is to destroy the nutrition of the people. Human beings are biochemical and nutritional beings. The rogues have over 100 methods to wreck our nutrition. Among them are removing vital minerals from the earth such as calcium, magnesium, zinc, and selenium. These minerals are now slowly being returned to the earth.

However, right now all of the food is low in minerals. We need to take a few supplements. Anyone who says otherwise is incorrect and often malicious.

Also, the superphosphate fertilizers or N-P-K fertilizers are very bad. For details, read Superphosphates and Organic Agriculture.

In addition, the food is allowed to be refined and most people live on refined white flour, refined white sugar and frozen food that is sprayed with chelators that remove minerals. This processing further ruins the food supply.

Bad nutrition information, such as recommending salads and fruit, further ruin people's health. Many articles on this site detail how the people are horribly malnourished.

Toxicity. Another important method is to make all the bodies very toxic. The rogues have several hundred methods to do this. Among them are contaminating our oceans, rivers, wells and our land with mercury, cadmium, arsenic and other toxic metals. Many toxic chemicals are also allowed.

Poisons are also allowed in our mouths – mercury dental fillings, for example, and nickel wires and bridges. The aluminum poison is in the anti-perspirants and our salt, and is added to almost all municipal water supplies. The environmental protection agencies do not do a good job! For details, read Toxic Metals and Toxic Chemicals.

Trimming the brains. The rogues literally shoot and destroy parts of most people's brains using precise laser weapons, often while the person sleeps. They call it trimming the brain. It gets rid of parts of the brain that give people willpower, intelligence and wisdom. They say we don't this!

Rapes and beatings. These are used to terrify all women, in particular. They also filth up the women with diseases, toxic metals and chemicals. This way their future children will be born infected with diseases and weak, so as to be much easier to control.

The rapes also ruin relations between men and women, and this severely weakens the societies. It is the principle of divide and conquer, one of the oldest methods of warfare and one in which the rogues excel. For details, read Rape.

Electromagnetic filth, such as cell phones and cell phone towers. These are monitoring, conditioning and brainwashing devices. Do not doubt this and if you are smart, do not use cell phones unless needed. We know they are very convenient. If you want, have a simple phone, not a smart phone which does more spying.

The cell phones track, monitor and talk to you all day and all night even when they are turned off. At night, do not keep the phone near your bed. Keep it as far away as possible.

I had to remove the battery from my emergency cell phone that I keep only in my car because the phone gave me headaches, even when turned off, unless I remove the battery.

In fact, the rogues can easily power devices without batteries. This technology was invented by Nicola Tesla and others, but it is not allowed. We don't need gasoline or the power companies!

The rogues love electronics and are experts in its use. Today many electric devices are rigged to be weapons, monitors, trackers and brainwashing devices. Do not doubt this.

Lying. This is another technique that is now in full swing. It confuses and wreaks the brains in subtle ways.

For example, the news is no longer the news. The rogues carefully control the major media companies and feed people a steady diet of lies. There are a few websites, including this one, where you will find better information. However, the mainstream media is mainly filthy lies and if you are smart, stay away.

The medical profession. The rogues have taken over the health care system. This includes the licensed naturopaths and most holistic healers, as well. They fill the bodies with poisons – prescriptions, over-the-counter drugs and “natural” remedies, as well. These include poisonous herbs, chelation, homeopathy, intravenous vitamins, and more. While the medical and natural health care systems are still helpful in some ways, overall they ruin the people's health.

The latest episode is the Wuhan flu “crisis”, which is not really a crisis. But it is presented as one. Now we have the vaccines, which are much worse than the disease.

The rogues have consistently inflated the death toll from the disease to scare people. Now they hide the death toll from the vaccines, which is very high even by common medical standards. The vaccines are part of another agenda – sat conversion, discussed below.

The end of Western civilization. Another major method used by the rogues is to completely destroy the concepts and governmental structures that provide for individual liberty, limited government, and democracy. They are having to move fast in this direction.

They beat, rape, kill or replace key government leaders, including the judges, legislators and many others. They cheat on the elections. Voting machines, mail-in ballots and lax voter ID laws are nothing but invitations to cheating. These practices must stop or there is no democracy – it is all just lip service and lying.

Satan conversion. A very hidden agenda is to convert millions of people to what they call sats or satans. These are frightful hybrid human-angel creatures that the rogues use to conquer planets. They look and speak just like humans and we have a lot of them here. The forces defending the earth kill them when they find them. For details, read The Sats and The Big Picture.


11/2/21. This is a very unusual-sounding update. If it bothers you, don't read it.

In the past two weeks, I am told an important event occurred on earth. Forces defending our planet have been able to open thousands of prisons in space that contained trillions of fine matter creatures. These have been brought to a holding area on earth near Saudi Arabia for rehabilitation.

These creatures are essential for the health of the planet. Many were killed when the group I call the Rogues or Satan took power over the earth, thousands of years ago. However, these creatures had to be kept alive or the planet would have disintegrated. In some way, these creatures are part of the structure of the earth.

This is a great breakthrough because these creatures protect the earth and all of its inhabitants. This should bring comfort to everyone on earth. It will some time before they are well nourished and able to fully do their jobs, but bringing them back to the earth is a wonderful first step.

The creatures. These range in size from microscopic to about two miles in height. They are of many different types or species.

Most are fine matter. This is a less dense form of matter that most people cannot see. However, some people can see these creatures, especially young girls. Most people have heard of angels and elves, both of which are fine matter creatures.

Many of them look similar to earth animals. They eat, drink and reproduce as we do. However, they eat less and do not need to sleep, as do coarse matter creatures such as ourselves. They have DNA in all of their body cells, but the code is quite different. For more details, read Bodies In Space.

Birds. The largest single life form among the freed prisoners are birds. The bird body shape is very common in space, as it is on earth. I am told it is a very special life form and denotes a creature that has wings, feathers, a beak and claw feet. The word bird is the same word they use in their language (described below).

The Fenix. Among the most important fine matter birds are a group that call themselves Fenix (pronounced the way it is spelled). They are different sizes ranging from only a few inches long to enormous ones that are several miles long.

The Fenix legend. These are the legendary creatures described in Greek mythology. There is a Greek prophesy that when these creatures return to the earth, conditions will improve on earth.

The holding area. The temporary rehabilitation area for the creatures is several thousand acres and contains food storage and breeding areas, kitchens to cook and prepare food and water, a transportation system to deliver food and water, waste removal systems, security systems, some manufacturing of weapons and other needed equipment, hospital areas for the most injured creatures, and more.

Starvation. The creatures are all somewhat starved and many are injured in other ways. For example, the Rogues shot them with spikes and darts that need to be removed. Many also have parasites and other infections.

Body parts. Many are also missing body parts. Unlike human beings, many body parts can be removed from fine matter creatures and the creature can still live. These parts must be found and returned for the creatures to be healthy.

The development program. All the creatures also require a version of the same development program we recommend for human beings and earth animals. This is needed for their health. Also, they need to develop, just like we do. For details, read Introduction To Development and Introduction To The Development Program.

Communication. Most of the creatures do not speak in words. However, they all make various sounds like the earth animals. They also communicate telepathically using the Ebre language. This language sounds like a hybrid of Biblical Hebrew mixed with many words that sound similar to modern American English.

The language project. I am told that in the Ebre language, the word Ebre means original. I am told that this language is spoken throughout the cosmos by trillions and trillions of beings.

The English word Hebrew is a corruption of the word Ebre. The word in Spanish, Hebreo (the H is not pronounced) and the Italian word Hebreico (the H is not pronounced) are closer to the correct word.

History on earth. I am told the Ebre language was given to Sarah, the first Hebrew prophet and the wife of Abraham. This is the couple that began the Hebrew religion about 3500 years ago.

I am told the story of their lives in the Bible is essentially correct in its major themes, although there is no mention of the real origin of the language of the Bible. I am also told that Sarah and Abraham are well-developed human beings who are still very much alive and helping the planet in many ways.

Over time, the Ebre language given to Sarah was changed and mixed with local languages. As a result, modern and Biblical Hebrew are only partially like the original language. This is causing problems because the Ebre language is a powerful method of communication that teaches many wonderful lessons when one speaks it correctly. Restoring this language is also needed to make it easy for human beings to communicate with fine matter beings.

In the past 1500 years, there has been an attempt to bring this language back to earth. It has been partially successful in that some words, particularly in English, are similar to the Ebre words.

Other fine matter creatures. Many other important creatures are being brought back to our planet. They include the very advanced guide creatures who are placed around human beings who deserve them. Others we plan to describe in future posts.


11/1/21. Laura has followed the development program for more than 12 years. She was born in the United Arab Emirates and suffered terrible abuse, as do most all girls and women born there.

The abuse included female genital mutilation, multiple rapes as a child, beatings on a regular basis for the slightest infraction of the rules, and more. This is part of what we call The Rape Planet.

When she was 16, she was fortunate and was able to escape Arabia and move to the United States. She will be forever grateful for this move.

However, she was unable to function well. She had frequent bouts of crying, flashbacks to her childhood, post traumatic stress disorder, crippling headaches, and unexplained fevers. She also had intense inexplicable fears and phobias and was exhausted most of the time no matter how much she rested.

Cancer. She did not know it as a young woman, but she was also developing cancer. This is the most common disease of Arabian women, as well as in many Arab men. In women, it usually begins in the sexual organs such as the vagina, cervix, or breasts. Then it spreads everywhere and causes death around age 50 to 60. This is the typical life path of women in Arabia.

You won't read about these facts in most publications but they are sadly true. For more details, read The Women Of Arabia.

The development program. Laura found the development program around age 46. With so much trauma, progress with the development program was slow, at first. For the first five years, she felt more energy and happier, but most of her other symptoms remained.

A foundation of health. There was enough change that she stayed with the program. This is important to point out because some people think that all their problems will improve quickly, but this is not how deep healing works.

Laura was building a foundation of health. In retrospect, she slowly felt a new strength in her body. This was very unusual for her and is a sign the program is working. In reality, she was becoming nourished and eliminating toxic metals and chemicals so that her brain and other organs could at least function more the way they were designed to work.

Breakthroughs with purification reactions. When Laura had been on the entire program for about seven years she began to Retrace her past traumas. Her progress came in the form of odd sensations that she now realizes were retracing of beatings and rapes.

For example, her vagina would hurt for a week or two. Then she would feel wonderful for a few days. Then another part of her body would ache terribly for a few days to a month. Then this feeling also lifted and she would feel wonderful for a few days.

Than still another part of her body hurt, turned red or black, or suddenly had what looked like bruises. These would clear after a few weeks. Each time she went through these purification reactions, she felt a little lighter and happier.

A mental release. The retracing and purification reactions continue to occur after 12 years on the program! However, this year, 2021, another deep change occurred. She recently experienced an amazing feeling of release, as though she had lived in a dungeon of trauma. That is the best way to describe it.

She experienced a freedom and joy she had not known since early childhood. In fact, she feels like a happy little girl all the time!

The vaginal peroxide implant. One reason for this feeling may be that Laura added the vaginal peroxide implant procedure to her program about one year ago, soon after we discovered it. It is really quite amazing!! She encourages all women to do it, although it is somewhat time-consuming and slightly messy.

This simple, inexpensive procedure cleans up the vagina like nothing else you will ever experience. It literally clears out all past sexual relationships, sexual experiences and traumas in a most unique and helpful way. For details, read The Vaginal Peroxide Implant.

The most recent hair mineral test. Laura's most recent hair test reveals a number of interesting mineral patterns:

- Leaving the cult. This is an increase in certain minerals on a retest that are associated with living in a cultish society. They include iron, manganese, aluminum, nickel and mercury.

Any society that permits rapes and beatings is a cult. In the Arab world this is sadly a cultural pattern. We hope it changes soon. It is not reported by the mainstream media because the Arab leaders have considerable power over the media, but it is the truth. I receive many emails telling me I am lying about the Arab world, but it is not a lie.

- Coming alive pattern. This is present when the levels of all of the first four or the second four minerals increase on a retest or remain the same. It is a general indicator of more life in the body. Laura has had this pattern on and off for about six years. On this test, the pattern was quite extreme.

- Maturing. This pattern is a release or either toxic potassium, nickel or aluminum or a combination of these. We don't know exactly why, but when this occurs, a person feels more mature. For details, read The Child Mineras and Toxic Potassium.

There is a change in the brain and one is more aware, able to think more clearly and broadly, and one feels more like an adult rather than a scared child.

- Anchors. These are mineral levels that do not change much on a retest, provided the person follows the development program carefully. (This pattern has a different meaning if one is not careful with the program, in which case it is called little change pattern.

Laura test indicated seven anchors. We call this a new brain. It is an unusual healing of the brain that only occurs on this program, to the best of our knowledge. The development souls tell us that the shape of the brain actually changes. It has deeper ridges or sulci, as they are called in medical terms.

The effect on the person is much clearer thinking, deeper thinking and an overall feeling of well-being that Laura had never felt ever in her life. What a joy!

- Pivots. Laura also had a pivot pattern, which is more complex to describe and indicates an insight or breakthrough about oneself or about another. For details, read Anchors And Pivots.

- A standard surge. This is the name of a newly-discovered pattern. It is a rise in the sodium and the potassium levels. It can be mild or quite extreme. At times, the calcium and magnesium levels decrease, but not always.

It causes an increase in the oxidation rate that may seem like a simple stress reaction. In reality, it is a wonderful pattern due to an elimination of toxic forms of sodium and potassium. It causes some symptoms of a faster oxidation rate such as anxiety and perhaps a racing heart. The diet and supplements need to be adjusted to compensate for it.

The guide creatures. A standard surge occurs due to the effect of receiving one or more very special little fine matter creatures around the body. Some of them look similar to the description of elves in some books.

These are truly what some would call a gift of spirit – and they want everyone to know about them. However, they are not spirit. They are highly intelligent living beings who arrange themselves around the body of anyone who deserves them. One must earn their presence, in other words. To do this, one must life a wholesome, moral life and usually one needs to follow the development program fairly well.

In the Bible. They are mentioned in the Bible in Ezekiel 1, but the description is not a scientific one and Bible scholars are not sure of its meaning.

The guide creatures tell us it this chapter in the Bible is about them and Ezekiel was permitted to see them – the so-called vision of Ezekiel. For many more details about them, read The Asherot (Controllers) And Other guide Creatures.

- Everything coming out pattern. Another pattern on Laura's recent mineral analysis is a rise in six or more of certain minerals. We call this all out or everything coming out. It is another wonderful pattern that indicates more life in the body and a greater ability to eliminate all toxic material from the body.

Conclusion. Laura no longer feels like a shattered, crippled, oppressed woman. For her, this is an amazing change in her identity and personality!

One may think that all women are all oppressed because they are smaller and weaker than men, or that women are just fearful for this reason. However, there is a large biochemical and physiological component to this feeling that can be healed with the development program.


10/31/21. Following the development program provides a certain degree of protection from the negs or rogues who control the earth at this time. One way to understand why this occurs is the following:

The modern path of development - the diet and lifestyle, taking the correct nutritional supplements, and doing the correct procedures - changes a person's energy or frequency.

The negs have extremely advanced equipment that monitors a person's vibration or frequency. Following the program mixes up this equipment. This makes it much harder for the negs or rogues to track, monitor and control you.

They continue to update their measurements, but the frequency of a person following the development program keeps changing. As a result, their equipment does not work well and they have trouble monitoring and controlling you. I call this process “running away from the rogues”.

Most important right now are the daily coffee enemas. We are not sure of all the reasons why. The coffee provides special nutrients and is able to clear from the body tags and other advanced devices that can only be described as witchcraft.

The pulling down procedure, down sex or down hugging, and the other development procedures are also excellent.


10/31/21. The forces defending the earth just found out that the group we call the rogues, the negs or Satan are not all the same. Especially in the Middle East, there is another group of fighters that look like Israeli soldier and some look like rogues. However, they appear to be another group.

They are mainly fighting the Russians, (who are negs) and who are attempting to conquer the entire region from Syria and Lebanon to Israel and Egypt.


10/31/21. The article, The World Is Perfect, says the legal system is not quite right because it assigns blame for crime outside of oneself. This is true to a degree. However, crimes still need to be identified and punished. For example, rape and beating people need to be punished much more harshly. I clarified the article, The World Is Perfect.


10/30/21. This is an unusual perspective, but one that is very important to consider. It helps one overcome negativity, resentment, depression, blame, hatred, anger and all other negative emotions and thoughts. For details, read The World Is Perfect.


10/29/21. If anyone knows the answer to this question, please let me know. The reason is that this is a way one could obtain this newsletter easily without having to check this page manually.

We would put the latest newsletter on a special page and the computer program would check it daily and copy it to your browser or desktop if it contains new content. You would just type in the web page you want it to check. It would probably be able to check a number of newsletters for updates.

If you know of such a program, let me know. If not, maybe someone can write a computer program to do this.


James is 64 years old. His most bothersome symptom was a foggy brain and difficulty concentrating. He also had a lot of different kinds of headaches due to sinus congestion, tension in his neck and migraine headaches, as well.

He began the development program a few years ago, but was very skeptical. For the first year and a half, he did not follow the diet well but he took supplements. He felt a little better, but his main symptoms did not change.

We find that the program is somewhat automatic. This means that if one follows it carefully, it brings results. The time required may vary, but the results are quite consistent.

Recently, James is feeling much better. Most of his symptoms have disappeared.

Most recent hair test. James' latest mineral analysis reveals a number of joy or development patterns. These are due to following the program better. Also, he received several new guide creatures who are helping him heal. The recent development patterns are:

Deep healing. (Coming alive on the second four minerals). This is an excellent pattern that occurs when all four of the second four minerals (iron, copper, manganese and zinc) either increase or stay the same.

The pattern indicates the elimination of toxic forms of iron, copper and manganese, such as oxides and carbonates. Everyone has these today because they are in our food, water and elsewhere. We call them the amigos because they often are eliminated together, like friends. For details, read The Amigos – Iron, Manganese, Aluminum and others.

Out of four lows. This is another important retest pattern. It occurs when the first four minerals (calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium) were all low on the previous test. But on the new test, one or more of the first four minerals increases and is elevated above the ideal value.

Four lows. When this pattern shows up on an initial mineral test, as occurred with James, it indicates that the body no longer functions well. In advanced acupuncture it is called in the tunnel of death or in the shutdown sequence. We sometimes also call it the car is stuck in the ditch, your boat is in dry dock, or you are on the shelf.

What is a shutdown sequence? It is the same as when you arrive at a destination in your car. You park the car, roll up the windows, turn off the radio and lights, turn off the motor, pull out the key and lock up the car. Apparently our souls go through a similar process when they cannot live life fully – the souls are in the process of shutting down the body!

This is a long process with about 500 steps. A person can live in four lows for years.

Note: Many people don't die with a four lows pattern. This is like crashing your car – no time for the shutdown sequence.

Four lows pattern cannot be identified from blood or urine tests and requires a very accurate hair mineral test. Yet it is extremely important to handle correctly or a person will not emerge from it. Dr. Eck found the pattern, but his lab no longer handles it quite right. Someone changed the computer after he died.

Note: A four lows pattern only on a retest mineral analysis when a person follows the development program has a completely different meaning. For details, read Four Lows Pattern.

All out or everything coming out. This occurs when six or more mineral levels increase on a retest. (Zinc does not count, however.) It is a massive elimination of toxic metals or toxic forms of nutrient minerals from the body. James had 11 of these! You might say it is a deep cleaning.

Three amigo dump. Among the minerals that came out of James were iron, manganese and aluminum. These are very important to get rid of and usually one feels much better when the pattern occurs.

Forward flip of the sodium/potassium ratio. This is present when the sodium/potassium ratio increases from less than 2.5 on the previous test to 2.5 or greater. It is another excellent pattern. For details, read The Sodium/Potassium Ratio.

Seven anchors or new brain pattern in advanced acupuncture. Anchors are mineral levels that change very little even though one follows the development program carefully. Anchors are associated with improvements specifically in the sulci of the brain. Seven anchors on one test is excellent. For details, read Anchors And Pivots.


10/28/21. I have been informed that the recent idea of working with everyone was incorrect guidance. Perfect guidance is difficult to achieve, although we try hard. Setting up complete programs and answering questions requires a lot of time and effort, and we need to focus our attention on people of good character.

A non-refundable Application Fee. To make things clearer and easier for our Helpers we will require $100.00 USD non-refundable Application Fee when someone begins the development program.

This fee will include a Profile 1 hair mineral test and a short consultation in the event that we find the person is not acceptable for the complete program. The consultation is to assist the person to begin the basic or 'free' program.

If a person is approved for the complete program, then the Helper will charge an extra fee. This is for a long consultation to set up the program and to answer future questions that arise. The Helper can also offer the Profile 2 computerized Hair Test Interpretation to the client for an extra fee.

Like a university. This system is similar to applying for college. The full development program is of this nature – a path that is not for everyone. We hope this is clear and we will answer any questions about it that arise.


10/28/21. This is a repeat of an earlier message. The forces defending the earth continue to challenge the Satan or Rogue presence on earth. This may cause disruptions on our planet. For example, this may be the cause of at least some of the current slowdown in delivery of certain goods.

Development. Also, we are told that developing yourself quickly is the best way to succeed and remain safe at this time in history. There is much help available for those who choose to develop.

Development, above all, is a genetic change in the body that requires a particular type of nutrition, lifestyle and the development procedures. For details, read Introduction To Development and Introduction To The Development Program.

We believe that the path recommended in this newsletter and website is best for rapid and balanced development. Beware of imitators. Most healing methods and programs do not cause significant development and many of them block it. Some practitioners also do not want people to develop and deliberately set up programs that stop it.


10/27/21. The medical establishment, which includes modern holistic healers and naturopaths, uses a method or really a paradigm or way of thinking that we call diagnose-and-treat or label-making followed by remedies.

Limitations. This method has its advantages, but it also has severe limitations. We can divide these limitations into two groups: 1) problems with diagnosis or labeling and 2) problems with the treatments or therapies.

1. Diagnostic problems: Finding the right label requires tests. Some tests are scary, dangerous, expensive and time-consuming. As a result, many practitioners cut corners and miss important information. Also, most physicians do not include certain tests, such as hair mineral testing and possibly others. Also, the tests are not perfect and can give confusing and conflicting information.

2. Therapy problems: If one does not have a definite label, the practitioner is at a loss for what to do. Also, if the person has several labels, the therapies often conflict with each other. For example, a drug or remedy used for the heart may be toxic for the kidneys or liver.

Also, if the diagnosis is wrong, as sometimes occurs, then the therapy will be incorrect.

Other problems with this approach. A deeper problem with diagnose-and-treat is that it is a fragmented approach, meaning there are hundreds of disease entities.

However, the body is not fragmented. The liver is related to the heart, which is related to digestion, which is related to the emotions and one's thinking.

For this reason, the label-making approach is incorrect at a deep level. The entire label-and-remedy approach is not a whole systems approach.

Our method. The development program uses a very different method, though it looks the same as the medical method. Yes, we assess the body and then we recommend foods, nutritional supplements and procedures to 'fix' the problems.

Two big differences. These are 1) a focus on whole system imbalances and their correction and 2) working with the souls.

1. Whole system thinking. Our assessment and therapies focus on whole system behaviors which are mainly one's diet, lifestyle, emotions and thinking. These affect every body system!

Whole system thinking also means we must look at every body system at the same time. This is not so easy. The hair mineral test helps a lot with this if you know how to interpret it. That is why we use it.

2. Working with the planning souls. Just in the past six years, I have become aware that our method is that of the planning souls that live inside every person, animal and plant. We can ask them what is needed and we are really just helping them in their work of maintaining, healing and developing the bodies.

For example, they tell us to avoid fruit because it is too sugary and cold. They tell us not to eat salads because human bodies cannot break down raw vegetable fiber enough to absorb many nutrients.

They also tell us to avoid most herbs and nutritional supplements, and to stay away from many healing and detoxification procedures. Either they don't work well or they are toxic in some way. But they also tell us that coffee enemas, foot reflexology and shining red heat lamps on the skin every day work wonders for the body.

They also tell us everyone must do the pulling down exercise and not other meditations because this procedure alone moves subtle energy properly through the body. For more details, read Healing Paradigms – The Old And The New, The Planning Souls and Healing Paradigms.


10/26/21. Many people ask me this question. Here are some answers:

1. This path alone will enable you to have excellent health. This is not true of just “eating a good diet” or just taking supplements that physicians or others recommend. In our experience, while other diets and remedies may provide symptomatic relief, quite a few are toxic. Also, most diets and remedies make the body colder or more yin, and this is very harmful over time.

2. You will receive much more help if you choose this path. The reason is because this path alone is the path that the the more advanced souls and creatures prefer and teach. We know this is difficult to confirm for most people, but it is our experience.

Much of the help is unseen, but quite powerful. An example is the return of the guide creatures. For details, read Controllers And Other Guide Creatures. As you develop, you will eventually be able to tune into the fine-matter souls and creatures, they will confirm this, as they do for me.

3. The development path is fairly easy and inexpensive to follow. This may not seem to be true because the development path requires a lot of shopping for vegetables, cooking and time-consuming procedures. However, it offers significant time-saving benefits such as much better health.

Other paths may seem easier because they don't require as much effort. However, they also don't provide the benefits.

4. The development path will eventually open up unusual abilities that greatly help you to survive and succeed in life. Some readers already know this is true. For more details, read Introduction To Development.


10/26/21. An excellent idea is to set up your computer to read articles to you. This way you can learn and reinforce following the development program while you are doing a coffee enema, or in the sauna, or doing other things. It is also easer on your eyes.

This feature is called text-to-speech. It comes built-in with Apple computers. Go to System Preferences and click on Accessibility (on the lower right). Then scroll down and click on Speech to set it up.

For Windows computers one can inexpensively buy a program that does it. Just type “text-to-speech programs” into a search engine.


10/26/21. This is one of the most wonderful and important philosophical concepts in development science. This article also ties together many important ideas. For details, read the updated and improved article, The Love Tetra.


10/25/21. We will no longer mail out the newsletter. Last week my email was shut down by Microsoft because they have a rule that you can only send out 30 emails per minute. That makes sending a lot of emails very cumbersome.

They say that sending an email to more than 30 people at once means you are sending out spam. We think this is not the reason for their rule. It is just a way to keep people from communicating freely with others. It is an infringement of freedom of speech that we think is illegal.

Email marketers. If one wants to send out more than 30 emails at once, one must sign up with an online email marketing company, which means no privacy. We think this is another goal of the Microsoft anti-spam policy.

Meanwhile, the real spammers have their own server so they get around the rules and send millions of junk-mail and sometimes malicious emails every day.

We are sorry for the inconvenience, but we don't want to compromise your privacy so we won't mail out the newsletter at this time. Bookmark this page and it is not that difficult to check it often. Note that it has a new URL.

Guilty until proven innocent. This rule is an example of the bogus legal concept of guilty until proven innocent. This is the opposite of proper legal procedure that needs to be challenged.

A virtual monopoly. One can say that Microsoft is a private company and can run their email service as they please. However, in fact they have quite a monopoly, so people have few other choices. Monopolies in business are also illegal and need to be broken up.


10/24/21. A huge problem of the people of the earth is that their bodies are too cold or yin. What does this mean?

Cold or yin is a physics term that means the particles of matter are moving too slowly and there are not enough of them. As a result, the body is too cold and the body is too empty. It also tends to look expanded, a good description of many bodies today.

Terminology. In this post, we will use the terms warmer and colder to describe the complementary forces. The reason is that many people are more comfortable with these terms rather than the Chinese, Japanese and ancient Hebrew words yang and yin.

History. The concept that there are two complementary forces in nature is very ancient! For example, it is found in the first sentence of the first book of the Bible, where it says that God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis goes on to say that God later created the day and the night, the land and sea and male and female.

The same idea is well known in the Western sciences. For example, people often speak of expansion and contraction, tension and compression, muscle contraction and relaxation, fever and chills, blood sugar too high or blood sugar too low.

However, modern Western physical and health sciences do not use the concept beyond this. It is more widely used in modern development science and in traditional Eastern sciences such as macrobiotics, acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine.

Classification system. All foods, substances and conditions can be described in terms of yang and yin. Different sciences use somewhat different systems to classify the yang or yin qualities of foods and everything else.

Modern development science uses the classification system of Macrobiotics because we find it the most accurate. Most people, however, use the traditional Chinese classification and this can be confusing.

What makes our bodies too cold? A main factor is the diet. Raw food, sugars of any kind, fruits, drugs, and certain other foods such as dairy and beans make the body colder. Water has a cooling effect, especially mineral-free water such as distilled and reverse osmosis water, and a few glacial spring waters.

All nutritional supplements and most chemicals used in foods also make the body colder. Refined foods in which the nutrients have been removed also make the body much colder.

In contrast, meats, poultry, fish, eggs, salt, cooked vegetables and cooking all food make the body warmer. This website has several article on this subject, but they need some corrections so we won’t recommend them at this time.

Sex. Another important factor that makes the bodies colder are sexual fluid loss and ordinary orgasms. In contrast, down sex and down hugging make the body warmer.

Radiation. Exposure to ionizing radiation and exposure to electronic and electromagnetic fields of many kinds also make the bodies much colder. These include sitting close to computer screens, using cell phones, and exposure to cell phone towers and microwave devices such as microwave ovens.


American Senator Ron Johnson: "There's No Point to The Vaccine Mandate Whatsoever - With COVID Vaccines We've Had 16,766 Deaths in 10 Months"

On Sunday Sen. Ron Johnson(R-WI) joined Maria Bartiromo (on television) and had this to say about the vaccine mandates, "The mandates are pointless.

Now that we know that fully vaccinated individuals are getting infected, and they can transmit the disease. Unfortunately, they are being hospitalized, they're getting seriously ill, and they're dying. There's no point to the mandate, whatsoever."

On the dangers of the vaccines, Senator Johnson added, "They're completely ignoring the vaccine injuries. People really need to understand this because it's not being reported. It's being suppressed.
During 25 years with the flu vaccine there were a little less than 1,700 deaths reported on the Vaccine Adverse Reporting System (VAERS). That's CDC's early surveillance security system... With the COVID vaccines, we've had 16,766 deaths in 10 months administering this vaccine." Johnson added that over 5,400 of these deaths occurred within 2 days of taking the vaccine.
- Reposted from Defending The Republic website. (This looks like an excellent newsletter written by Sydney Powell.) To view it, go to


10/22/21. I am told that we are very near the end of the Sixth Day of creation. Each day is about 1000 years. In the Hebrew calendar, we are in the year 5782. This would mean we have about 218 years to go. However, I'm told the calendar is not quite right and we are much closer to the year 6000 or end of the Sixth Day.

I am also told that people will be divided into two groups. Those that develop themselves will enjoy the next period of time, called the Seventh Day Of Creation. Those that do not develop will be in a much harsher environment to encourage them to develop. Our development program can help one develop quickly and easily. It is work, but well worth the effort.

So don't make excuses and don't feel you must do everything perfectly. Just begin upgrading your diet and doing the procedures and basic supplements to get going. For details, read The Sixth Day.


10/21/21. Your author broke some rules about email by sending out too many emails at once. As a result, we were shut down and it will be days before we get our email back.

Meanwhile, we will transition to a standard newsletter program. This will be easier to view for many of you, so you will like it. Until we transition, the New Earth Newsletter will only be available here on the website.


10/21/21. Yesterday, we said there will be a new policy for our Helpers. New developments have made this unnecessary. We will now work with everyone, including some who appear to be ineligible or criminal. Please spread the word.

This is a complex matter, but we now have ways to assist everyone to be a better person. This was always our only goal and we now can do this, so there is no reasons to exclude anyone from the program. Excluding people was a trick and we figured it out.


10/21/21. Yesterday’s message just below was not quite correct. The cleanup of the earth is complete. However, the people of the earth must start following the development program.

I know this sounds supremely arrogant, but that is our guidance. The people of earth cannot live on junk food, stay up too late, and have too much regular sex (Down Sex is fine and excellent, however).

They must also take the “spice of the East”, which is coffee, by rectum – in other words, coffee enemas. The enema is needed to clean them up. Then their lives will improve.


10/20/21. We are happy to report that as of today we believe the situation on earth is slightly better. There have been a number of breakthroughs thanks to hard work by a few that are assisting us to clear the rogues from the earth.

The cleanup process is just beginning and we think it take years. However, it is a start. We have more help on the ground and in space around the earth.  Our weapons of defense are also better.


10/19/21. Following the path of development requires a lot of rest! Here are some of the reasons:

1. A need for sleep. Many people don’t sleep enough. They have a sleep deficit that needs correcting.

2. Burnout. Many people have weak adrenal glands and/or a weak thyroid gland. Many also have malnourished and toxic mitochondria, the energy factories in every cell of the body.

Some people simply do not generate much ATP or adenosine triphosphate. This is the body’s main fuel molecule, somewhat like the refined gasoline used in cars.

We call this situation burnout because it can be a complex breakdown of the energy-generating systems of the body. It is not the same as simple fatigue due to needing rest.

In fact, when a person is in burnout, resting or sleeping can temporarily make one feel worse. This is because one is like a whipped horse. When the horse finally rests, it just wants to rest for days in order to heal.

For details, read Adrenal Burnout, The Energy Conversion Methods and Restoring The Body’s Energy.

3. A need for nutrients, including food, water, ether, sunshine and red heat lamp energy. These will cause a type of fatigue. This is like running out of gas in your car.

4. Toxicity. Toxic metals and toxic chemicals cause fatigue in many ways. For example, they block the energy conversion pathways of the body, damage the adrenal and thyroid glands, and interfere with nutrient absorption.

Everyone today is born with excessive toxic metals, with no exceptions. We know this because when a person follows a development program, the toxic metals come out of the body and can be detected in the hair tissue.

5. Development. This causes fatigue for many reasons. For example, during development, at times, your “computer” needs a reset or reboot. At other times, you are “downloading” new information.

Also, any of the seven basic development movements – in, spin right, down, relax, back and forth wobble, impact and up and down wobble causes healing and causes some fatigue. For more details, read Introduction To Development and The Seven Movements Of Development.

6. A soul task. At times, and moreso as you develop, your souls have work to do that requires that the body be either at rest or actually asleep. Some souls can then leave or are free to do other tasks.

7. Vampirism. This is fatigue due to others who are stealing your energy. It is very common. Parents can do it to children. Children can do it to parents. Friends can vampirize each other, and so on. For details, read Energy Vampirism.

8. Stress. This can be of many types. A common one is exposure to toxins such as polluted air or household chemicals. However, any type of stress forces your body to dal with the stress, which leaves less energy for other tasks. For details, read Understanding Stress.

9. Reducing stimulants. This is the fatigue that occurs if you stop stimulating yourself. It can occur if you just clean up your diet, reduce your cell phone usage, quit smoking cigarettes, or if you go on vacation and have fewer worries and fewer responsibilities.

Physical stimulants include some toxic metals such as cadmium and the amigos – toxic forms of iron, manganese, calcium, sodium, potassium and others. Others are certain toxic chemicals such as caffeine, anti-depressant drugs, and cocaine. As these come out the body with a development program, you will feel some fatigue until the body rebalances itself.

Stimulants can also be emotional, mental, sexual or other.

10. Down hugging and down sex. Getting in the right position with a person of the opposite gender brings about a coherence and peace that results in very deep healing. This, in turn, causes some fatigue. For details, read Down Hugging and Down Sex.

11. Jet lag. There is a special connection between our bodies and our location. Changing location, especially quickly, upsets the connection and this causes fatigue until one restores the connection. For details, read Jet Lag.

12. Master lag. Being in the presence of a mature or developed person can cause fatigue. The reason is the mature person’s energy field is calmer and more coherent. This affects the energy field of anyone nearby.

For example, children know that they like being with a parent, especially a calm parent. The parent’s energy has an inductive effect and calms the child, whose energy otherwise can be more chaotic.

13. Radio lag. Communicating with someone who is very far away can cause some fatigue. I am not sure why this occurs.


10/19/21. Can you guess? It is that none of our health authorities remind people that the most important way to prevent and to heal any infection is with an excellent quality diet.

This means our health authorities are either lying or intensely ignorant.

The lower level authorities, including most all physicians and public health workers, are RIDICULOUSLY IGNORANT! The schools don’t teach the truth. MANY really believe that it matters little what you eat.

I believe today’s high-level leaders are liars. I say this because we know that the Rogues require their operatives to eat only the best quality food. It is one way we find them.

You don’t need to fall for it! For details, read Boosting Your Immune System.


10/18/21. A principle for living is to think and act beyond yourself. This means to think big. Think of the entire world or even greater.

Know that you are unique and you are needed. You have a role to play in healing our planet and even in healing the universe.

Thinking big helps heal and expand your mind. Thinking small – just about your friends, your family, the news or your job – often leads to depression.

Eat lamb. Interestingly, eating lamb will help anyone to think big and to think correctly. It is a wonderful food. Eat a portion at least twice a week.

I know it can taste a little unusual, although I find ground lamb is not bad tasting. I braise it to make a lam burger that is very rare on the inside. Always put salt on it and you can add other herbs or sauce if you don’t like the taste. For more details, read Lamb.

You influence the world. You are not just a husband, wife, mother, father, brother, sister, child, room mate, worker or retired person. You are much more than this!

Indeed, every thought that you think reverberates to affect everyone everywhere in space. Your good thoughts such as joy and forgiveness comfort and uplift everyone, everywhere.

Your negative thoughts of fear, guilt, anger and others also reverberate and affect everyone everywhere. For many more details, read The Warrior's Creed – Rules Of The Secret Society Of Loving, Lighthearted Warriors also called The Straight And Narrow Path and The Real Self.


10/17/21. Ginger is usually classified as an herb. However, on the modern development path we use it as a primary food.

Very warming. Ginger has powerful warming or yang effects on the body. This is extremely important for development today because the bodies are all too cold or yin in Macrobiotic terminology.

Souls. Ginger is very rich in special development souls. They direct the process of development from inside the body and help the Guide Creatures guide development from outside the body.

Nutrients. Ginger is rich in zinc, selenium, chromium and many other nutrients that are critical for development.

Health benefits: Scientific studies reveal the following benefits:

1. Digestion. Ginger helps relax the stomach, helps move the stomach contents into the small intestine, can help with GERD or acid reflux, and can help relieve nausea, dizziness and other symptoms related to digestive disturbance. These are all vital activities related to development.

2. Respiratory and immune booster. Ginger’s warming effect greatly assist the immune response and can help breathing.

3. The heart. Ginger helps prevent blood clotting and can reduce the tendency for heart attacks, strokes and other cardiovascular problems.

4. Anti-bacterial. A scientific study in 2011 found ginger to be more effective than antibiotic drugs for many bacterial infections.

5. Anti-fungal. Scientific studies show that ginger is extremely helpful for some fungal conditions such as candida albicans or the common yeast infection.

6. Pain relief. Ginger has anti-inflammatory qualities. It assists with some types of pain due to its anti-oxidant content and other nutrients.

7. Diabetes. Ginger is high in chromium and zinc, nutrients essential for preventing and correcting diabetes. Ginger improves sensitivity to insulin in type 2 diabetics, helps stabilize blood sugar levels, and can help reduce complications of diabetes, as well, such as blindness and others.

8. A lymphatic tonic. Ginger helps the entire body by promoting lymph circulation. This is very important for many people.

9. Cancer. Studies demonstrate that ginger is helpful for ovarian, colon, prostate, and breast cancers. We believe it is helpful against all types of cancer thanks to its mineral content and other properties listed above.

Buying ginger. Look for the smallest rhizomes or roots you can find, as these are more warming or yang. Organically grown is usually better. The roots should be a light brown color and fairly hard. If they are soft, they are old and not as good. Older ginger roots are slightly toxic and should be avoided.

It is normal for a bluish mold to grow on exposed areas of ginger root. Just cut it off, though it is not toxic to eat.

Preparing ginger. Slice ginger root as thin as you can. You can also put a few other cuts in each slice. Otherwise it will not cook properly.

Then cook it along with your other vegetables for about half an hour in a steamer or about two minutes or a little more in a pressure cooker.

Do not bake, fry or broil ginger because the high temperature of these cooking methods damages it. Also, do not eat it raw, as many health authorities suggest.

How much and how often. You can have about ¼ of a thumbnail of thinly sliced ginger with each meal. Otherwise, have about a thumbnail-sized thin slice once a day. This is a little more than we have suggested in the past, and it seems to be helping our clients.


10/16/21. A karmic testing period. One may follow the development program for many reasons. This post explains special karmic reasons for doing so.

I am told that we are in a karmic testing period all over the planet. This is bringing hardship to many people.

It requires that everyone release karma or blemishes on the souls at an increased rate. If one can do this, life will be much better and safer, and you will prosper.

Penance. Penance is another word for suffering or karmic release. The words penitentiary and repentance come from the same root word. It is a good word to know and one that is not used enough.

Creative release of karma. There are many ways to do penance or release karma or soul blemishes. Most of them destroy the body. For example, illness, accidents, molestations, rapes and other misfortunes often release karma.

A creative release of karma is one that spares the body or has other benefits. Two of these are work, in general and the development path.

Work. Working, as opposed to idleness, is an excellent creative method of karmic release. In fact, the word karma in the Ebre language and others can mean work.

This applies at both personal and societal levels. For example, working, rather than idleness, is much healthier for the souls. This is also one reason why capitalist societies, which reward work, generally fare much better than socialist and communist welfare states.

The development path – a unique type of work. The development path not only releases a lot of karma, but has many other benefits. These include greatly improved health, much faster development, and greater maturity.

How to enjoy the program. The challenge is to enjoy the work or penance of the development path. Most people will not stay with any lifestyle or path unless it brings some enjoyment and even fun.

One idea is to redefine fun. Fun does not have to mean that you become tired out, or “wasted” in any way. Here are some other ways to enjoy the development path:

1. Keep the benefits in mind as much as you can and focus on them.

2. Relax when doing any part of the path. Try to feel the good that you are doing for yourself and for the entire world when you heal the body deeply, sharpen the mind, and release traumas and blemishes on the souls.

3.Make a note each day of something you enjoy about the path.

4. Associate with others who are on the same path. Distance yourself as much as possible from those who just criticize the path and are sadly quite ignorant. Today, this unfortunately includes most all physicians and other health care workers.

5. Teach the path to others. The others can be family members and friends. It can also be others through a website, articles you write, audio or video programs you produce, artwork, music you compose and play, your prayers, a business you run or work for, your religious life, or something else.

6. Study the path. At this time, the best way is to read and reread this newsletter and the articles on this website. Beware of reading other material because much of it is confusing today and can easily lead one off this path.

7. Help out the path in some way. This could be a financial contribution, producing educational materials such as books, audio programs or videos, or just volunteering to assist us.

8. Keep a sense of humor about the path.Commitment is important but seriousness is a disease.” – The Jeshua material.

9. Live the path fully and make it the focus of your life. Keep it uppermost in your thoughts, rather than focusing mainly on your job, family, friends, home, vacations, exercise, sex, or something else.

Summary. The development program is powerful karmic release or penance. For more details, read Introduction To Development and Introduction To The Development Program.


10/15/21. We just became aware of a multi-level marketing company called Black Oxygen that sells fulvic acid and humic acid products. These products are quite toxic! Avoid them all.


10/15/21. The August issue of the Imprimus bulletin from Hillsdale College has an excellent article titled The Disaster at Our Southern Border.

The September issue also has an important article entitled The January 6 Insurrection Hoax. It is about the protest in Washington, DC after the fraudulent 2020 election. Democrats want it to sound like it was a major uprising, which it was not.

To read these, go to You can also subscribe to Imprimus there at no charge.


10/15/21. A very important principle of life is not to waste anything. This means do not throw away items just because they are old. If you don’t want something any more and it is usable, give it to a charity so that someone else can use it.

Also, try to fix broken items before just throwing them away. Learn to repair, reuse and recycle.

This principle also means do not buy more than you need and take care of all your belongings. It applies to everything, from your food and clothing to appliances, automobiles, homes and more. For example, driving or flying uses a lot of gasoline. Be mindful of this when you plan your trips.

A health principle. DO NOT WASTE also applies to your body. Do not damage it or “waste it” in any way, such as by staying up late, feeding it bad food or drink, sexual excess, or anything else.

Make sure you always use the body wisely and for good. Always live with Integrity and dignity.

Some people say to themselves, “I can eat what I want. If I wreck the body, I can get a new hip or even a new kidney or liver”. This is wrong thinking!

A planetary principle. DO NOT WASTE also applies to our planet. Do not pollute the land, air, water, food, oceans or anything else. Try to clean up after yourself and after others, as well. Join efforts to clean up the planet and to keep it clean. It is your home and your only home.

The cleanest nations are the capitalist nations. Communist and socialist nations are much more filthy. For example, the former Soviet Union was an environmental disaster, as is present-day communist China.

There is an important reason for this. The capitalist nations allow ownership of private property and allow people to sue others who pollute or damage their property. They also have the best court systems and allow jury trials if crimes are committed. These are not permitted in communist and more socialistic nations.

Corruption can occur anywhere, but the communist ans socialist nations are much worse.

Also, in communist and socialist nations, individuals have little power and feel oppressed. For this reason, they make much less effort to keep their nation clean.

The leaders of these nations also usually want the people sick and dependent upon them. As a result, they don’t like strict private property rights, due process (which means carefully following just laws) and equal justice for all. These strengthen and empower all the people. Remember this always. For details, read Communism Is Alive And Well, Socialism, Words Used To Confuse People – Liberal, Populist, Democracy, And Social Justice, Capitalism and Capitalism And Freedom.

A basic karmic principle. DO NOT WASTE is a karmic principle. Every item requires labor and materials to make it. Everything also requires labor to transport the product and to distribute and sell the product.

It is important to honor all the people who gave of their time and effort to make every item you have and use. Wasting things dishonors them and causes much more karma or blemishes on the soul. For details, read The Law Of Cause And Effect.

No deprivations. However, the principle of DO NOT WASTE does not means to deprive yourself of items you need, especially good food and a safe living space. Depriving yourself of necessities is just as stupid as wasting things and also causes blemishes on the soul.

For example, don’t be a martyr because that, too, damages the body. Always include yourself in the circle of your love.


10/14/21. A simple way to keep vegetables fresh is to keep them in the translucent food bags used in most supermarkets. I wash vegetables when I get them home and then put them in fresh vegetable bags. I was able to buy a roll of a thousand of these bags inexpensively at a local supermarket.


10/14/21. I am told there is a group of about 200+ people in Washington, DC who are there to take back the American national government from the illegal Biden administration and illegal Congress. This is not being reported in the media.

They are apparently getting protection. If any readers know about this, I would like feedback regarding the truth of this.


10/14/21. My guidance is that the events on earth are an opportunity for people to step up and help save and restore planet earth. I am told that people are being watched to see if they are willing to help out or would rather just wring their hands and do nothing. For details, read The Merit System.


10/13/21. Detergents are all toxic. The toxins build up in your liver and slow or stop development.

According to our research, the claim that some are natural products and therefore safe and “green” is a lie. In fact, they are all a serious health and environmental problem.

Even the “natural” ones. This problem applies as well to all the “natural” products found in health food stores and markets. Please do not use them at all for laundry, dishes, or anything else.

Exceptions. If you need a detergent to clean toilets or for something else, use as little as possible and always wear gloves when using it.

An environmental horror. Detergents pollute the environment, even coconut-based ones and other all-natural ones. For more details, read Detergents.


10/13/21. Several of our Helpers have gotten expensive websites that come with a guarantee they will increase your business.

However, they are frauds. The web designer calls up his or her criminal friends and has them sign up for the development program, knowing we will reject them because they are criminals and it is best for us not to work with them.

Also, these web designers charge a fortune to modify the site and they lock the website so you can’t just go to someone else to modify your site.

They also tell you to leave Dr. Wilson off the website or put my name on a back page. This is planned so that you will not get the business of people who want our work and are looking for my name.

Instead, these potential clients end up going to one of the many malicious copycat practitioners who mention my name prominently. These folks falsely say they “know Dr. Wilson’s method” and they “do his work”, when, in fact, they do not.

They intentionally ruin the programs so that their clients do not develop. The Rogues do not want development on our planet.

The fraudulent web designers also take nice photos and retouch them. We don’t like that.

For safety reasons, we don’t recommend photos of yourself on websites. These photos encourage predators and it is very easy for anyone to take your photo and put it in a radionic machine and hurt you. For details, read Psychotronic Warfare And Radionics.

These same web designers also tell you to talk a lot about Dr. Eck. This is not good. I am most grateful for his work, but Dr. Eck was only one of many founders of modern development science.

If you focus on Dr. Eck, people will look up his name and find the ARL website. Once they do that they may use the lab’s computer to get an inferior program and they won’t bother with you.

Don’t spend a lot of money on a website and get one you can modify yourself.


10/13/21. The rogues have exotic weapons! We recently discovered a new one. They put a toxic substance on our food and around the bodies that you cannot see or taste.

Its effect is to further weaken any already weak organ of your body. For example, if your lungs or ears are weak, these areas become worse.

The forces defending the earth are working on ways to counteract this technology and we will keep you posted. Meanwhile, we suggest covering up your food when not eating it.


10/13/21. Those promoting the Wuhan virus shots are trying to make people believe that they are harmless, they are needed, and they will solve all our problems. NONE OF THIS IS TRUE! The mainstream news is not reporting the deaths and many other side effects.

The American government just approved a third booster shot. We think the insanity will go on and on. Those on the development program either don’t get the Wuhan flu or it is mild.

We urge people not to take these shots. The scientific evidence is that they don’t protect you, they are not even vaccines, and they are just a way to poison the population and kill off some people. For details, read Vaccination – A Medical Abomination.


10/12/21. Love is the major theme of this newsletter. One can define love in various ways.

A definition of love that is not taught much is that love is the radiance or energy that emanates from the thoughts of the Creator being – and we all live within this being.

This radiance fills all space and is our source of life. For details, read Love As Radiance, What Is In Space?, Outer Space, The Real Self and Only Love Heals.

The Ebre definition. I am told that in the Ebre language, the ONLY meaning of love is radiance. Love is not preference, infatuation, romance or anything else.

I am further told that this advanced language spoken on many worlds was given to Sarah. She was the first Hebrew prophet and the wife of Abraham. This couple founded the Hebrew religion. However, the language became corrupt, as with most things on earth. Someday, we hope to teach it again in this newsletter.


10/11/21. This is a news update from my Arizona Congressman. The truth is probably not on the television news and I haven’t heard it on conservative talk radio, either.

Another sad fact is that Congressman Gosar, a conservative, calls the president’s actions “an embarrassment”. We would call it treason. Why not describe it properly? The people of America need to rise up.

The same news update mentions that President Biden’s Justice Department has ordered the FBI to investigate parents who object to critical race theory and other nonsense now taught in American schools. They may be treated as “domestic terrorists”.


10/11/21. These clay products are high in aluminum.  Please do not consume them or use them in any way.  They are detoxifiers, but also cause aluminum poisoning.  

They are also chelators, which means they may remove vital minerals from the body along with some toxic metals. We don’t need these clay products because there are much safer ways to detoxify the body.


10/11/21. A woman recently wrote me asking if I suggested the rabies vaccine for her child who was scratched by a squirrel. Here are the side effects of the rabies vaccine:


muscle paralysis / Delayed / Incidence not known Guillain-Barre syndrome / Delayed / Incidence not known myelitis / Delayed / Incidence not known angioedema / Rapid / Incidence not known anaphylactoid reactions / Rapid / Incidence not known bronchospasm / Rapid / Incidence not known visual impairment / Early / Incidence not known


lymphadenopathy / Delayed / 15.0 erythema / Early / Incidence not known neuritis / Delayed / Incidence not known meningitis / Delayed / Incidence not known edema / Delayed / Incidence not known hot flashes / Early / Incidence not known palpitations / Early / Incidence not known


myalgia / Early / 20.0-53.0 headache / Early / 20.0-52.0 injection site reaction / Rapid / 25.0-45.0 malaise / Early / 15.0-25.0 dizziness / Early / 10.0-15.0 arthralgia / Delayed / 0-6.0 pruritus / Rapid / Incidence not known chills / Rapid / Incidence not known rash / Early / Incidence not known abdominal pain / Early / Incidence not known paresthesias / Delayed / Incidence not known asthenia / Delayed / Incidence not known nausea / Early / Incidence not known fever / Early / Incidence not known fatigue / Early / Incidence not known urticaria / Rapid / Incidence not known vertigo / Early / Incidence not known syncope / Early / Incidence not known

She then asked if her son needs intravenous vitamin C to kill any virus in his body. I answered that if it were my child I would not do IV vitamin C. It is extremely yin so it weakens the body.

I would put the child on the development program strictly for at least six months to strengthen the body against all viruses and other disease threats. The program must include enough red heat lamp therapy, foot reflexology and daily spinal twists, in addition to the correct diet and supplements.

If her son starts having symptoms, we can tune in and ask what the planning souls recommend.  Of course, the decision is hers.

CORRECTION (From yesterday)

10/11/21, In the message from yesterday below, we said that ordinary healing may not be honest because health personnel know you will be back - sick again.

The correction is this is not always true. Some practitioners do their best to keep one well.


10/10/21. The path of development can seem like other healing programs. Like many others, we suggest a diet, a lifestyle, and some supplements and healing procedures. However, the path of development is really quite different for at least two huge reasons:

1. It is a path, not a program. I realize I have been incorrect to call it a program and I will change this in many articles. Here is a story to illustrate the difference:

Driving off a cliff. You are driving on the wrong road. You are about to drive off a cliff, when you get a flat tire. You stop at a repair shop. This is like going to the medical, holistic, naturopathic or nutritional practitioners. They may fix your flat tire, but they don’t bother to tell you that you are about to drive off a cliff and to save yourself, you must get on a different road.

The path idea (our approach) is that when you get the flat tire, or even if you just stop by for a drink of water, the first thing you are told is you are on the wrong road and staying on it you will surely die.

An ancient and Biblical concept. The path idea is ancient! The Tibetans call it the golden path. The 23rd Psalm of the Bible calls it dwelling in the House of the Lord. This is path talk, not remedy talk!

Note: Some say the best path is just to follow a religion. We say the religions of today are not good enough. They contain wonderful information, but where do they talk about junk food, for example? They need some updating and correcting.

Modern path literature. There is precious little modern Western literature about getting on the path. It is the theme of the book and movie, The Wizard Of Ozjust “stay on the yellow brick road”. (Some people think that story is about staying on the monetary gold standard, which is part of the golden path and the development path). For details, read The Wizard Of Oz.

2. It is a genetic path. Here are two analogies to understand this.

The car analogy. To make a long trip by car, you can use an old, beat-up car. It won’t go fast, it breaks down, and the brakes are no good, so it is very unsafe. This is how most people live their lives. They use about 3% or less of their genetic potential.

Another option is to use a better car that goes fast and that has all the latest safety features. This makes your journey much faster and much safer.

This is the development path. It slowly activates the remaining 97% of your genetic potential. It does this using certain foods, making the body warmer or more yang in macrobiotic terminology, and several other methods.

Scientists arrogantly call this 97% the non-coding or “junk” DNA. Anything they don’t understand they tend to dismiss and disparage. Look it up if you don’t believe me.

The money analogy. Most people live on less than 3% of their wealth (your genes). Note: This is like living under socialism. Capitalism is far better to generate prosperity. For details, read Capitalism.

The development path slowly activates the other 97% of your genetic wealth. You basically buy yourself a new body that is healthier, happier and lasts much longer.

How this works on a practical level. Today, I read about a woman who visited her naturopath complaining of joint pain. The naturopath ran at least a dozen tests costing hundreds of dollars. They revealed that the lady’s urine was high in arsenic.

The naturopath recommended drinking reverse osmosis water. Note: This is a bad idea – read Water For Drinking. She also recommended several anti-oxidant supplements to lower the arsenic level. The woman got a little better on this program.

What we do. We know that everyone today is born with too much of several dozen toxic metals and hundreds of toxic chemicals. The planet is literally a filthy mess. For details, read Everyone Is Toxic And Depleted.

We also know how to remove them all using over 20 methods. Doing less is not as effective. For details, read Toxic Metals. So we don’t waste your money looking for toxic metals.

We also know that you won’t find most toxic metals in blood, urine, stool or hair tests. The reason is that most of the metals are hidden deep in the brain, liver and other organs.

You would have to biopsy every organ to find them. Actually, there is a test that can find them, but it is not available. It is like an MRI looking for toxic metals.

What we do. We just recommend getting on a better road - the development path. This slowly but surely removes ALL your toxic metals and ALL your toxic chemicals. We call it The "Free" Or Basic Program. It is not really free. You have to buy the food, coffee and some other items.

Fine tuning. If you want to arrive at your destination much faster, we recommend one test - a hair tissue mineral test. We don’t use it mainly to detect toxic metals, as do some other medical and natural healers. We use it to fine-tune your journey, very much like tuning up your car so the car goes much faster and is much safer. SAFETY IS IMPORTANT!

We can’t use blood or urine tests. They don’t work for this purpose. I wish we could use them, as they are much better known and much more accepted.

The secret method. Also, I tune into The Planning Souls . It sounds odd, but it helps a lot. The souls are real, they are smart, and they want to help you. In fact, they designed the whole development path.

Drs. Pfeiffer, Selye, Watson, Page, Gerson, Eck, Kervran and all the other Development Science Pioneers learned it from their souls. They may call it insight or intuition, but it came from their souls.

So this is the path approach to healing. The ordinary approach, in my view, is not only limited but at times dishonest. Some health personnel know you will be back in their offices again because they did not tell you the truth – that you are on the wrong path.


10/9/21. I am told that today a new cleanup phase began all around the earth. Large weapons from space are spraying the earth with an energy that harms the Rogues, but does very little damage to normal human beings, plants and animals.

This is wonderful and some say it is long overdue. We hope it works well and leads to a healing of our planet.

However, rogue operatives have taken charge of most industries, corporations, educational institutions, school boards, governments and much more. As the weapons cause rogue operatives to leave our planet, there will be vacancies in many key jobs.

This may create some disruption. We hope it will not cause major problems on the planet, but we just want to warn you that some disruption is possible.

Prepare. For example, keeping a few days of extra food in the house is a good idea at this time. This phase of cleanup may last for a few months to a few years. We plan to keep you updated in this newsletter.


10/9/21. Programs for older people. The development program often works extremely well in older people, provided they can prepare the food and do the procedures. This is very different from other healing programs that usually do not work as well in older people.

Symptoms. Rose is 69 years old. Her symptoms were fatigue, fits of anger and rage, joint pain, poor digestion, brain fog, chronic bladder infection and difficulty urinating, sinus congestion, white spots on all her fingernails, and the beginning of cataracts.

Deep in four lows. She began the development program about one and a half years ago. She was deep in a four lows pattern for three mineral tests.

The most recent mineral analysis. This revealed the following joy or development patterns:

Out of four lows. For the first time since starting the development program, Rose emerged from a four lows pattern. In advanced acupuncture, this pattern is called out of the tunnel (of death).

Maturing. This is present when one eliminates toxic potassium, aluminum and/or nickel. Rose eliminated toxic potassium and nickel.

11 anchors. Anchors indicate a particular type of healing of the brain. The sulci of the brain become more pronounced. Anchor patterns are present when a person follows the development program AND when one or more mineral levels does not change on a retest or changes very little within certain limits. Eleven anchors on one test is called a wise person pattern.

A goalpost pattern. This is a visual pattern in which the top part of the test graph looks like an American football goalpost. It indicates an achievement, like reaching a goal. After one moves through this pattern life becomes better. It is an uncommon pattern that is very positive.

All out or everything coming out. This pattern is present when six or more toxic metals or toxic forms of nutrient minerals increase on a retest. Rose eliminated seven of these. This is also an excellent joy or development pattern.

At the time of this mineral analysis, Rose wrote the following to her Helper:

I just have to let you know about the last couple of weeks.  Each day I feel better and better.  Physically, I don’t really have any problems (any more), but I was tired.  Each day I just have more and more energy and am doing more and more.

Today I felt like I used to feel about four years ago.  The happiness is back in my heart. I have started humming again (which I used to do all the time) and dancing with my dogs (I’m sure they are wondering what is wrong, although they get very excited). The world seems to be falling apart, but I know I will be able to tackle whatever happens.  I used to challenge God every day. I would awaken and say, ”What do you have for me today?”

Then I would follow through with grace, doing what I could do to the best of my ability.  That disappeared a few years ago and when it did I knew I was in trouble. Then I found this program to help me out. I haven’t started challenging God yet again, but it feels like I am getting close to it.” (We believe Rose is now once again challenging God each day.)


10/8/21. I added what I think will be a very helpful small section at the beginning of the introductory article about development. It is a very personal note.

I hope it will assist our Helpers and everyone to understand and accept the concept of development. It will not take more than two minutes of your time to read. Please read the updated beginning section of Introduction To Development.


10/8/21. We believe that an unusual phenomenon is taking place on earth. We think that planet earth is having what may be called a “karmic event”. As a result, many people are suffering and some are and will suffer more than others.

We are also finding that those who follow the development program faithfully are faring better! Those who don’t follow the program at all or who follow it only superficially or partially are not doing as well.

It appears to be truly a dividing of the ways. This means that some people are getting better, while others are becoming less healthy and less happy.

We believe it is a personal decision that each one is making for himself or herself. It is not dependent upon health authorities, for example, or political authorities.

To help alleviate your own suffering at this time, we believe an excellent method is to follow the development program carefully and faithfully – no excuses!


10/8/21. The Ron Paul Liberty Report is a fairly good website to keep up with political news and current events. Ron Paul was an excellent Congressman for many years. He is one of few willing to speak up about political issues in the United States

A drawback is that I have not noticed him speaking out about election fraud and the illegality of the entire Biden administration. For details, go to the Ron Paul Liberty Report.


10/7/21. The following two posts discuss healing of children. Beware that practitioners who do not work with us often use the Analytical Research Labs computer to set up their nutrition programs. In our experience, this method is not nearly as good as our method for setting up children’s development programs.


10/7/21. Liam is six years old. He was born with achromatopsia. Doctors believe this an incurable genetic birth defect.

One is born without cones in the eyes.  These structures give one color vision and visual acuity.

The effects of achromotopsia.

1. Photophobia – These children experience severe light sensitivity. For the majority of them, there is complete loss of vision in daylight.  The condition is called "day blindness".  During the day, they only see bright light everywhere and cannot discern objects very well.

2. Reduced visual acuity – When they can see, they experience reduced visual acuity due to:

- lack of cones, because cones provide high-resolution vision

- issues with lighting.

3. Nystagmus - This is swinging of the eyes typically in a horizontal pendular motion.  Nystagmus typically begins around 3-6 months of age.

4. Total color blindness.

5. Other problems such as strabismus. This occurs when both eyes cannot focus together on an object. It causes cross-eyes and squinting, among other problems.


The Development Program. Liam began the development program in March of 2019, at the age of four (date of first mineral analysis was 2/1/19).  Liam’s mineral analysis revealed:

- An extremely fast oxidation rate.  This indicates acute stress and inflammation.

- A very low sodium/potassium ratio (0.61). The ideal ratio is 2.5. This is associated with chronic stress, infections, excessive tissue breakdown, blood sugar imbalance, and many other health problems.

- A zinc level of 5 mg%.  The ideal level is about 16 mg%. Zinc is critical for eye health.

- Significant toxicity with mercury, lead, aluminum and nickel.


Improvements.  After one month on the program Liam began to sleep better. On June 22, 2019, Liam’s mother reported: 

- Liam’s field of vision seems to have increased by several feet and he is noticing more detail in objects and people from further away.  Prior to the program he would stand with his face about 3-6 inches away from the television screen in their living room.  Now he sits on the sofa, which is about 6-7 feet away from the screen, to watch television.

- He has been able to discern people’s faces and their facial expressions from several feet away outdoors whereas before he was unable to recognize people outside.  

- He is more easily able to locate her when they are outside.

- His nystagmus is now imperceptible.

- He was starting to develop strabismus in one eye, and this has diminished.  


Update, May 2021. After two years and two months on the development program, Liam’s mother reports that Liam’s vision continues to improve. He says he sees quite well.

Liam can play with other children, watch television easily, and does most all activities just like other children his age or better.

On the past year, Liam is also excelling at his home-school studies. He reports that his brain works much better. His mother says this year he has become very smart.

Most important, he says he is like a new person. He is so much happier, productive and full of life.

Mineral analysis of May 12, 2021. Liam’s most recent mineral analysis indicates he is still a fast oxidizer with a very low sodium/potassium ratio. The test also revealed the following important joy or development patterns:

A new life. This is a rare pattern that is a combination of the patterns below. It indicates a deep change in the personality for the better.

Double coming alive pattern. The levels of the first four and the second four minerals increased or remained the same.

All out pattern, also called everything coming out. Liam’s body is eliminating toxic forms of sodium, potassium, iron, copper, manganese, chromium, lead, mercury, arsenic, aluminum and lithium!

Seven anchor patterns. These are mineral levels that remain the same or changed only slightly within certain limits. They indicate healing of the sulci of the brain. The presence of seven anchors we call a new brain.

Maturing pattern. This is an elimination of one or more of the child minerals – toxic compounds of potassium, copper, aluminum, and/or nickel. Liam is eliminating ALL of these minerals at once.

Zinc increased from 5 mg% to 8 mg%. This is notable because zinc is so important for eye health. The ideal level is about 16 mg%.

Mercury increased from 0.81mg% to 0.144 mg%. This is notable because it is a lot of mercury. Mercury toxicity may play an important role in acromatopsia. The ideal hair mercury level is about 0.02 to 0.03 mg%.

Discussion.  The improvement in Liam’s vision indicates that at least in this case, achromatopsia is not a genetic disease. In Liam, it appears to be a congenital health condition.

The word congenital means present at birth, but not genetic. The most common causes for congenital conditions are malnutrition and toxic metal poisoning in the mother during pregnancy.

Grateful. Liam is very grateful because without the development program he says he would be a very dull and mostly blind child and adult. He very much wants to grow up to help others with this condition.


10/6/21. We have many, many stories of healing of children with the development program. Here are two recent ones:

Nora is 10 years old. She was born quite weak and suffered since birth with a weak body and brain fog. She also had allergies to many foods. She was a very fussy child for these reasons.

The program, including reflexology. Nora began the development program about two years ago. Her parents did not fed her perfectly. They mistakenly thought that fruit is needed, when the opposite is true. It gets in the way of deep healing!

The feet. However, the family does the diet fairly well and she takes supplements regularly. Her parents also rub her feet every day, which she says is very important for everyone!

Do not skip this procedure. If you don’t like your smelly or dirty feet, use a foot roller! Children can also learn to use a foot roller and it is fun.

Better energy and less brain fog. Nora started feeling better on the program almost immediately, with a little more energy as the main change. Within the past two months, however, the changes have been dramatic! Her energy level is much higher. She is also able to think much more clearly.

The most recent hair mineral test. Nora’s new hair mineral test revealed the following: she is out of a four lows pattern that she was in for two years. (Advanced acupuncturists call this pattern out of the tunnel of death).

Her phosphorus level is up 2 mg% (perking up pattern). This has to do with faster protein biosynthesis in the nuclei of the cells.

She has seven anchor patterns. This pattern is present when a mineral level remains the same or changes very little. However, one must be following a development program that we set up, not programs set up by other healers or doctors. Most of them set up the programs incorrectly – sometimes on purpose. For details, read Anchors And Pivots.

More about acupuncture. This interesting pattern has to do with healing of the brain. When seven anchor patterns are present, we call it a new brain. This is also the term used in advanced acupuncture, a therapy that is not available anywhere on earth. (We don’t recommend acupuncture for this reason). For details, read Acupuncture.

Also, her sodium/potassium ratio increased from low to normal. This is called a forward flip of the Na/K ratio. For details, read The Sodium/potassium Ratio.

Copper. Also, her copper level increased about eight times. This indicates a large elimination of toxic copper and is very important! For details, read Copper Toxicity Syndrome.

The joy patterns. All of these patterns are what are called joy patterns or development patterns. Indeed, her development level increased from 2 at birth to about 5 in only two years.

These patterns are what to look for when someone is following the development program. Do not focus on patterns that seem worse – they are less important. For details, read The Joy or Development Patterns.

The intervention. Nora also had an intervention. She received six new guide creatures! That is a record for us. We talk more about guide creatures in the case history below.

DANIEL. Daniel is 9 years old. He was also born weak, as are almost all children today. His main problem was sickle cell anemia. This is an inherited disease for which there is no cure. Daniel has the worst type - a double (or dominant) genetic defect.

These children and adults have episodes of pain that is so intense there is nothing to do but scream. Both regular doctors and natural and holistic doctors have very little to offer these unfortunate them except toxic pain-killing drugs.

The drugs dull the pain, but they don’t stop it. Quite a few people with this condition end up addicted to the drugs, a concern Daniel and his father worried about.

A new life. This was Daniel’s life until he began the development program about six years ago. Within about five months, the painful attacks stopped.

His parents were shocked. Doctors did not believe it, and still won’t believe it is possible. However, it is easy to document because the emergency room visits stopped.

Daniel still has times that he experiences a little pain, but it is nothing like before. He just lies down and rests, and it passes. Emergency room visits are now just a memory!

Recent healing. Recently, however, much deeper healing has now place. Daniel has much more energy and is much happier and smarter.

Daniel’s most recent hair test reveals a wonderful and unusual pattern of a settling down pattern on the first four minerals (all four minerals went down or stayed the same) and coming alive pattern (all four minerals rose or stayed the same) on the second four minerals. The latter is called deep healing. This combination is called back on the road again.

Anchors, rapid development, and everything coming out. Daniel’s new test also revealed nine anchor patterns, rapid development (phosphorus above 16 mg%)

He also has everything coming out pattern. The reason for the latter is the levels of many minerals increased. He is eliminating iron, copper, selenium, lead, cadmium, arsenic, aluminum, nickel and molybdenum!

A triple bowl (sometimes just called a triple). Daniel also has a triple bowl pattern. This means that if you look carefully at the upper part of the hair mineral chart, it divides into three bowl-shaped areas.

This indicates retracing a serious trauma. Daniel is retracing his years of pain and running to the emergency room, and the fear and anxiety associated with this part of his life.

Smart. Daniel says he is so alert and so smart he can hardly stand it. The other children in his school all seem like babies, although they are his age and size. He feels sorry for them, but does not want to spend too much time around them. He says they don’t think very well and are just not too “with it”.

A challenge for parents. This is a problem for children on the development program that their parents need to handle so that their child does not feel angry at the other children and too alone or different.

The intervention. Daniel also says he is bursting with desire to help others with the program, something that is new. This may be due to the fact that he recently received five more guide creatures.

The guide creatures. The return of the guide creatures is a true gift of God. They are small, advanced fine matter creatures.

They arrange themselves a few inches away and all around the body. They help one make better decisions, do lots of healing on the body, and direct the person in wonderful ways. For details, read Bodies In Space and The Controllers And Other Guide Creatures.

The guide creatures want to teach us deeply about our bodies and how to heal them. We plan to report on this in this newsletter in the future, so stay tuned.


10/5/21. A constant problem is that clients panic when they develop symptoms while on the development program. When one embarks on the development program, almost all symptoms that occur are due to healing reactions, not diseases.

Other causes of symptoms are 1) attacks by the Rogues, which are common today, or 2) at times, one’s body chemistry has changed and the supplement program needs updating. For details, read Retracing And Healing Reactions.


10/5/21. We updated a most important article. For details, read Reducing Electromagnetic Stress.


10/5/21. Drinking enough water is essential when one follows the development program. A problem that arises is that some clients do not want to drink water in the evening or if they wake up at night because they will need to get up to urinate.

However, drinking water in the evening or at night is often absolutely required. If you don’t drink enough water, you will have leg cramps, pain in the back or kidney area, or other symptoms.

It is okay to have interrupted sleep on the development program. This is normal, and in fact development occurs faster with lighter sleep.


10/5/21. Today, women are not the only ones for whom dating is dangerous. The rogues have brought to planet earth thousands of attractive, young women whose “job” is to filth up men with sexually-transmitted diseases.

These women are cute, dress sexy, and are very loose sexually. All boys and men need to know about them and strenuously avoid them! One date with them and you will never be the same.

These women are not easy to identify. Ways to identify them are that they do not smell good and they often look sort of unclean, which they are! Some have tatttoos, but not all of them. Most are pretty, with blondish hair. Some also have a forehead that slants slightly backward.

I know it may sound utterly boring, but for men, as well as women, it is much, much safer to skip all sexy activities on dates. Stay with no-touch dating, and date only for the purpose of finding the right wife or husband. For details, read Dating.


10/5/21. A newer trend is the use of powdered coffee sold in small cups called K-cups. People like it because it is very fast.

We suggest avoiding this method of making coffee, either for drinking or for coffee enemas. It is more toxic due to grinding the coffee very fine. Coffee should have grounds or larger particles in it.


10/4/21. Blue corn is an extremely important special food for development. I hope this short post will help you appreciate it.

Corn, in general. Corn is quite unique among foods. It is not a cereal grain, as are wheat and rice. It is from a different family of foods. It provides protein, starch, oil, and hundreds of nutrients. It is also easy to grow.

Most corn is genetically modified today and is not as nutritious as it used to be. It has been modified for pest resistance and ability to tolerate pesticides such as glyphosate or Roundup.

Blue corn. This is one of the oldest varieties of corn and is not genetically modified, to the best of my knowledge.

Groups of indigenous people continue to use it, especially in North, Central and South America. However, but many have switched to the much cheaper genetically modified white or yellow corn. As this has occurred, their health has declined.

Health benefits

Loaded with anti-oxidants. These compounds give blue corn its deep blue or purple color. Blue corn is loaded with anthocyanins. These are flavinoid compounds that are very powerful anti-oxidants.

These chemicals help protect all cells in the body from oxidant damage, a serious problem everywhere today. For this reason, they help prevent cancer and most other diseases.

Higher in protein and lower in carbohydrates. Blue corn has 30% more protein than hybridized or genetically modified corn. It is also lower in carbohydrates, which helps with weight loss.

Diabetes and heart disease. The high anti-oxidant content of blue corn is helpful to avoid most illnesses. Among them are cancer, diabetes and heart disease. These are the big three killers in modern societies.

Improving metabolic syndrome. Blue corn is excellent to lower cholesterol and all lipid levels and keep them normal. With its low carbohydrate content and rich anti-oxidant content, blue corn is very helpful for metabolic syndrome or syndrome X, which afflicts millions of people.

Reducing inflammation. The high anti-oxidant content and other nutrients in blue corn also makes it one of the best anti-inflammatory foods. Inflammation is another problem most people have.

Reducing high blood pressure. Medical studies indicate blue corn is helpful to reduce high blood pressure.

Improving kidney function. Studies indicate blue corn can help prevent or reverse hardening of the arteries of the kidneys, also called glomerulosclerosis. This process causes kidney failure and kills many people, although it is not always given as the cause of death.

Eye health. Blue corn is excellent for vision and for the protection of the eyes from damaging light rays.

Slowing aging. Taken together, the benefits above make blue corn particularly excellent as an anti-aging food.

Why blue corn chips? Blue corn tortilla chips are somewhat greasy and salty, but they are by far the best way to eat blue corn for rapid development.

Omega-3. The oil in the chips seems to preserve certain compounds in the food. We suggest everyone take extra omega-3 fatty acids to counteract the high omega-6 content of the vegetable oils used in the corn chips.

We do not agree with some more recent articles that oppose the use of fish oils as sources of omega-3 fatty acids. We think that “research” is just a way to fool people, as is much medical research today. We also do not recommend using coconut oil to make blue corn chips. It is too yin in macrobiotic terminology.

Eating blue corn meal, tortillas or blue corn kernels does not work nearly as well, so we don’t recommend those foods.

Brands of blue corn chips. Garden Of Eatin sells blue corn chips that do not have added salt. In America, a good brand is called Private Selection. It is found at Kroger food stores (The Kroger Company owns many different supermarkets).

How many and when to eat blue corn chips. We suggest that adults eat between eight and ten blue corn chips with each meal. That quantity seems to work the best for most people.

Eat blue corn chips last in the meal. Ideally, begin your meals with a protein, then have a medley of cooked vegetables, and end the meal with blue corn chips. This seems to be the best for digestion.

In between the types of foods, wait about 3 minutes for the best digestion. This will help reduce intestinal gas and bloating in some people. For more details, read Blue Or Purple Corn – A Special Food For Development.

Alternatives. If you can’t find blue corn chips, yellow corn tortilla chips have a little of the same mineral compounds. Other grains do not contain much of the needed compounds, no matter how nutritious they are.

Avoid rice and buckwheat completely. Rice is unfortunately somewhat poisoned with arsenic today and our clients don’t do well on it.


10/3/21. There exists a foundation called The Shanti Christo Foundation that offers occasional seminars. Please do not go to any of their seminars. The man who is now in charge is a dangerous predator and rapist, sadly. This applies to both women and men.

I discuss this teaching in the small book, The Real Self. The new edition of The Real Self contains warnings about the material, and this post is another warning.


10/3/21. I am told that other ways for women to stay safe on dates are to keep your hair very short, do not wear a dress, wear shoes with which you can run - not flip-flops or boots, and don’t bring a purse. Instead, use a fanny pack.

Spiritual safety methods. Also, both men and women need to live an honest and wholesome life. This means follow the 10 Commandments and the Golden Rule in all your relationships and in all business and other matters.

Development. Also, if one develops, one will get more protection. Our development program is designed to quickly cause development, although it is still a long path.


10/2/21. This is a very unpleasant topic, but I am told it needs to be discussed. The following does not always indicate trouble on a date, but it often does:

Clean-cut.  Sexual predators are often very clean-cut, nicely shaven, and smell very good.  They often use lots of deodorant and cologne. They are not all like this, but these men tend to be the most deceptive for many women.

Their teeth are often very white, and their breath smells good.   Often they have a mint in their mouth.  Their hair is neat and clean and they smile a lot.  Their clothing is often very neat, well-fitting and clean.

Most are quite attractive men with clear, bright eyes.  They may use eye drops or other products before “meeting” you to enhance their eyes.

They often praise everything about you. Beware of anyone who flatters you – your hair, your clothing, your shoes, and more.

Some predators want to touch you, perhaps in non-sensitive areas, at least at first. They may try kissing you.

All of this is very bad, although many women like the attention. If it starts, leave at once.

The first to third dates may go very well.  You may think you have found a very nice man on the first, and maybe the second or third date.  However, in reality he is learning what you like so that he can trick you.

Tuning into her souls. Sexual predators are often psychic and tune into a woman’s souls and find out exactly what words she likes, smells she likes, food she likes, restaurants she likes, and much more.

This way he can seem to be the perfect man. If a woman ever hears or senses that a man she is with on a date is asking questions like this of her, leave at once. He is up to no good!

His real agenda is seduction and/or rape, which are often woven together on a date.  The goal is to humiliate you, filth you up, or much worse than this – to beat, torture and brainwash you.

No sitting together.  Another unusual sign of trouble is if he takes you out for a nice dinner – often to your favorite restaurant – and wants to sit next to you.  Never allow this!!! 

Always sit opposite your date, never next to him.  If this is not possible, say that you want to go to a different restaurant.

The reason is that sitting next to you it is much easier to drug your food or drink (very common, even at coffee houses).  Also, it is much easier to get you to smell his cologne and his minty breath. 

It is also much easier to stroke your hair, grab you, kiss you, breathe in your ear, whisper romantic words or sounds, unbutton a button on your blouse, or maybe put a finger inside. Always have your hair very short on a date. Grabbing it is an old trick of predators.

Kisses are bad. Most girls and women don’t realize that they will easily go out of control just due to a kiss. Men do not go out of control! It is one of men’s advantages in dating.

Mental sex.  Sexual predators, while driving with you or eating with you, are very good at visualizing hugging you and kissing you, then gently undressing you, and then gently stimulating you until you are ready for sex.

They visualize all this.  If you suspect this is going on, leave at once.  A predator may do this for an hour or more during a date, all the while eating dinner with you, or perhaps sipping tea with you, or watching a movie with you, or even just speaking with you on a phone date.

If you suspect any of this, break it off and say you have to go home at once, even if dinner is only half eaten or the movie is only half over and it’s a good movie.  You are being set up for what is to come.

In fact, any time a woman is on a date or any meeting with a man and she finds herself “warming up” – becoming sexually aroused at all – the man is likely visualizing a sexual encounter with her. It is dangerous for her to be around him! 

Women can easily be misled into thinking the arousal means she likes him and he likes her, and this is “love”.  She then lets down her guard, gets in his car and that is all it takes.  Even worse, she lets him into her home or even worse than that, she accepts an invitation to spend some time at his house.

For the above reasons, dating is ALWAYS hazardous for every woman at every age.

Men can also be seduced quite easily, and need to be careful, too. There are dating rules for men, but that is a subject for another newsletter post.  

What to do. It sounds old-fashioned, but one answer to always bring your father, your brother or some other man or woman (not quite as good) with you on your dates.

Phone dating for at least six months is another partial answer. You must make the effort to check out everything your date tells you and to catch him in lies. The only problem is that some predators are patient and will wait until you are ready to meet in person.

The smell method. Another unusual method that requires meeting the person for tea is that some women can smell a man. If he does not smell good, stay away. However, predators know this and are good at covering up their foul odor.

Other methods are to use a dating service that supposedly screens people carefully. We don’t know if this is safe and the same precautions are needed.


10/1/21. Garlic is a member of the onion or allium family of vegetables. All the allium foods are extremely important for health and development, so do not skip them. Garlic has so many benefits we can only briefly summarize them.

Brain health and brain development. Garlic and all onions contain special selenium and silicon compounds that help activate higher brain centers. For this reason, one can correctly call them spiritual foods.

Silicon and selenium, as many readers know, are semiconductors used in computer chips and all electronic devices. Silicon and selenium compounds function in similar ways in our bodies.

Sulfur. Garlic is very high in special sulfur compounds that are cleansers of the body. They help remove thousands of toxic chemicals and three dozen toxic metals.

Antibiotic. Diallyl sulfide is an antibiotic compound in garlic. In one study, it was found to be 100 times more effective than two popular drug antibiotics for killing Campylobacter bacterium, a common cause of digestive infections. Unlike all pharmaceutical antibiotics, garlic is quite non-toxic in small amounts.

Heart health. Garlic is food for the heart! Studies show it lowers cholesterol, lowers blood pressure, helps prevent cardiomyopathy in diabetics – their leading cause of death, extends the lifespan, and more.

Cancer prevention. This is a huge problem today for everyone. Medical studies show that garlic helps prevent and retard the progress of many common types of cancer in the body.

Diabetes prevention. Garlic helps normalize blood sugar and prevent diabetes, a leading cause of death in the world today.

Arthritis and other joint problems. A large medical study found that eating a lot of allium family vegetables, especially garlic, reduced arthritis in hips in women.

Liver damage. Everyone today has a damaged liver. This is due to all the toxins in the environment, along with the use of medical drugs and poisons in our food. This is why coffee enemas are a requirement if you want to be healthy.

Eating garlic is excellent for the liver. This is also why we now recommend adding a little garlic to your coffee enemas.

How much garlic should one eat? The development program does not require much garlic. Many people eat it with everything and this is definitely too much. We recommend putting one or two small garlic cloves in with your vegetables about three times a week.

The reason not to eat more is that garlic is slightly toxic if you eat a lot of it. Some people may require more garlic and we are researching this.

How to shop for garlic. Look for smaller cloves. Very small ones are excellent if you can find them. They are more warming or more yang in macrobiotic terminology. Organically grown is usually much better, as well.

There are many varieties of garlic. They are not found in most supermarkets, but some people sell them at farmers markets. If you can find them, rotate them because they all contain excellent mineral compounds.

Preparing garlic. We recommend cooking small garlic cloves whole with the rest of your vegetables. Do not eat them raw and do not cut up the garlic clove into tiny pieces. The reason is that garlic cooks quickly. If you cut it up and then cook it with other vegetables, you will overcook it.

This is the problem with minced garlic, for example, and the reason we no longer recommend just eating minced garlic.

An exception is that when you put 2-4 small garlic cloves in the water in which you cook coffee for a coffee enema, use a garlic press to mash up the garlic. Then cook it with the coffee. This seems to be best for use in coffee enemas.


9/30/21. We all run into problems – relationships, finances, where to live, which job to take, and more. A wonderful method to solve these problems that I have used for 40 years is to do more of the development program.

Changing yourself. The reason for is that the program, and especially the Pulling Down Procedure, literally changes who you are. As you do this, you will attract new people, situations and creative solutions to problems. Doing the pulling down procedure is very important for success.

Traumas. The development program also undoes traumas which block one’s ability to perceive situations honestly and objectively. This is also a very powerful way to solve all types of problems. Everyone has traumas, at least to some degree. For details, read To Solve Problems, Do More Of The Development Program.


9/30/21. Yesterday we said that changing the development program is a bad idea. We need to qualify this as follows:

- If you believe your body chemistry has shifted and the program is no longer appropriate, stop the entire supplement program or at least stop the metabolic pack and the glandular product and zinc or Limcomin. Also, submit a question to your Helper, asking that Dr. Wilson review and update your program.

If three months or more has passed since your last retest, an even better idea is to submit a new hair sample to obtain a more complete review and new program.

- If you feel you are retracing or having a healing reaction that is unpleasant, you may experiment and stop the entire supplement program for 2 or 3 days and see if you feel better. At times, supplements are not needed during a healing reaction. When it is over, resume the supplement program. This may be helpful in some instances.

- Some people are quite sensitive to supplements and need to take fewer doses or smaller amounts of supplements than we recommend. This is fine.

- For financial reasons, it is okay to reduce the number of doses of supplements. For example, instead of taking supplements three times daily, take them twice daily. This will usually slow your progress, which is not helpful, but it is okay.

- Especially when beginning the development program, some people have food sensitivities. In every instance, this improves as the intestines heal and digestion improves. Do your best to follow the diet so this will occur.

You can skip foods to which you are very sensitive, or begin with very small amounts of them and build up slowly. However, the diet is very important and altering it, meaning eating other foods, does not work. For details, read Problems With The Development Program And Solutions.


9/29/21. Some readers know that the development program, only as we set it up, is quite powerful. We have become aware that altering the program can be very powerful, as well, but in a negative way.

One of my best friends who learned the program from me many years ago recently committed suicide. I had warned her a number of times not to alter the programs, but she ignored my warnings.

Fruit. Another person decided I was wrong about fruit and insisted on eating it. She is not doing well.

Salad. Another eats a lot of salad and this causes malnutrition, in all cases, so far.

Corn chips. Others think that blue corn chips are junk food and won’t eat them. They don’t develop fast. We need the corn chips, though I wish we did not!

Yes, the corn chips are greasy and salty and contain refined fried vegetable oils. But they are not cooked for more than a few seconds, so they don’t accumulate much AGES.

We give everyone extra omega-3 fatty acids to counteract the omega-6 in the vegetable oils. We check carefully for other ill effects of the oils.

Duck. Another person is eating a lot of duck. Duck is absolutely forbidden on the development diet, including duck eggs, duck fat and all duck products. It contains a powerful toxin that alters your personality in a very negative way.

At times, we are tricked and we make errors regarding the programs. We do our best to avoid this and if you think has occurred, we can go back and check, and we do although it is very time-consuming. However, most of the programs are correct and the diet is correct.

So PLEASE do not alter the programs, especially the diet!


9/28/21. A most important concept is that when one follows the development program, one benefits many others, not just yourself. One even assists the animals, the plants and the planet herself. Here is why this occurs:

Greater influence. As one follows the development program, one’s energy field grows in size and in intensity. As it grows larger, it overlaps more and more with the smaller and weaker energy fields of other people.

As this change occurs, one has a much greater effect upon the thoughts and even the actions of other people. This is a subtle, but very effective way to help solve the problems of the world.

The energy field eventually grows very large – as large as the entire planet earth. This means that one will impact or influence everyone on earth more and more as one develops. Let us examine what are these influences:

1. Feeding. As the energy fields overlap, one who follows the development program actually helps nourish others through a process of correspondence healing.

2. Toxin removal. As one’s energy field begins to overlap that of others, one automatically begins to assist others to remove several dozen Toxic Metals and thousands of Toxic Chemicals from their bodies.

3. Healing. As one heals the body with the development program, one spreads a healing energy or presence to everyone whose energy field yours touches. This helps others heal and is quite wonderful.

4. More love and happiness. As one follows the development program, one becomes much happier, less afraid of disease, and more relaxed. These feelings one also automatically shares with all the people in one’s energy field.

Much safer and easier. Even better, one can do all of this from the safety and comfort of your home. One need not work in an office or other external location to have it occur.

A profoundly unselfish act. This means that following the development program is a very unselfish act. One is impacting the world in the same way as does every great leader – bringing more light and love to our planet. This method is sometimes called correspondence healing or healing by Empathic Blending.


9/27/21. This is an unusual post. We have learned that the Rogues are doing virtual rapes on many children and some adults, particularly women. This means giving a person a dream or really a nightmare in which he or she experiences a rape.

During these rapes, the children or adults receive a filthy, hard kiss from one of the rogue adults. This kiss confuses the person in a terrible way.

In order to undo the dirty kiss, some children are asking their parents to kiss them so they can experience a truly loving kiss. If you child does this, please listen and give them the kisses they need.

This also applies to some women. They want and need loving kisses. Please do not ignore their requests. Do the down kissing procedure every day, if they request it. It is very powerful. We will be writing much more about it. For details, read Down Kissing.


9/27/21. This affirmation is from the Jeshua material and is very important. Everyone needs to say it daily, at least a few times each day.

This statement will help you learn the truth about yourself. Later you will feel it. However, this is the first step – learning the truth that you are at all times loved, loving, and lovable forever.

Learning this truth about yourself and about the Creator being opens the way to receive direct guidance and will help you relax and progress much faster with development.


9/27/21. The neck pull is one of the most powerful development procedures. It will move you along much faster and is simple and quick to do. It may seem unsafe, but it is not. The author has been doing it for twenty or more years with no problems whatsoever.

The procedure. Lie down on your back on a bed or couch or the floor. Do not use a pillow under your head. This is important.

Take a deep breath in. I use the three-part breath (breathe into the abdomen, then into the sides of the chest and then into the upper chest.)

When you have fully inhaled, extend your neck into the bed or couch and, at the same time, move your arms and shoulders downward toward your feet with a sharp motion.

When you do this correctly, you will hear and feel a slight popping sound in your neck and perhaps your upper back. Then release your breath, That is all there is to the neck pull procedure.

The neck pull is not the easiest procedure to learn. Once one learns it, however, it is fairly easy and it will move a person along the path of development much faster. For more details, read The Neck Pull.


9/26/21. Green beans are one of the most important special foods for development! Do not skip them in your diet for any reason.

Qualities. Green beans have so many nutritional benefits we can only begin to list them. Among the most important are:

- Cancer prevention. This is well-researched. It may be due to the high content of vitamin C, folate, lutein and vitamin K in green beans. Green beans are also a notable source of the flavonol glucuronide miquelianin[9]. It is an anti-oxidant that is absolutely required in the diet and difficult to find in any other food.[10][11].

- Stopping candida and other yeast growth. This is a great benefit since most people have a problem with yeast overgrowth. A study in Hong Kong also found that green beans can help prevent AIDS or HIV virus. In fact, they help with all viruses!

- Helping blood sugar. Blood sugar problems affect at least 80% of people in the Western nations. Symptoms include cravings for foods, inability to go without eating for more than a few hours, dips in blood sugar, and high levels of blood sugar or diabetes. Green beans contain a variety of fibers and nutrients that are extremely helpful to stabilize and maintain a proper blood sugar level.

- Weight loss. Green beans are an excellent way to lose weight because they help control appetite and reduce food cravings.

- Reducing heart problems. Green beans can help lower cholesterol naturally. A study found that eating them at least several times a week reduces heart disease 22%.

- Assisting fertility and reducing birth defects. Green beans are very high in folate and many other nutrients needed for fertility and for healthy babies.

- Digestive health. Special fiber in green beans, along with its other nutrients, protects and heals damaged intestines. This is a universal problem today thanks to chemicals in the food, improper diets, hurried lifestyles and nutrient deficiencies.

For rapid development, we cannot over emphasize how important it is to restore digestion. This is why the development diet does not allow smoothies, shakes, food bars, and most nutritional supplements and herbs. They all tend to impair digestion, no matter what other benefits they offer.

- Healthy bones. The high level of vitamin K in green beans, along with hundreds of other nutrients, helps protect and maintain your bones. Everyone today has weak bones, particularly women!

Varieties. There exist about 130 varieties of beans in pods. Collectively, they are sometimes called snap beans. The green ones are most common and usually called green beans or string beans. Yellow ones are called wax beans. Most are eaten in Asia, but we need them in the West for development!

A fruit. Green beans are the young, unripe fruit of several varieties of beans. They are one of the very few fruits used in the development diet and this is very important!

As a rule, fruits are much more delicate than vegetables. They also need proper cooking to make them warmer or more yang in macrobiotic terminology and best for human consumption.

Fruit problems – the N-P-K fertilizers. Fruits have many problems, which is why we don’t recommend eating most fruit. One of the most terrible is picking up toxic potassium from superphosphate or N-P-K fertilizers that are used on all crops today. This serious problem is getting worse every day!

The green revolution. I am told that from the time N-P-K fertilizers are introduced to a planet, it takes about 100 years to completely ruin the advanced civilization on the planet.

Planet earth is very close to the 100-year anniversary of the so-called Green Revolution on earth. The superphosphates or N-P-K fertilizers are the keystone of this revolution.

Books teach that the N-P-K fertilizers were a most wonderful invention because they allow farmers to grow more food. However, in reality they are just growth stimulants that ruin the soil. They also ruin the nutritional value and nutritional balance of the crops.

They are also poisons that build up in all human bodies today. We remove them from the body with the development program, but it is a difficult task and one that a person must keep up because they are in most all foods today, bar none.

What seems so wonderful is truly an environmental disaster! For details, read Organic Agriculture, Toxic Potassium and Superphosphate Fertilizers.

Spoilage. Fruits, including green beans, tend to spoil faster than vegetables. As a result, they need to be bought fresh more often than many other vegetables.

Buying green beans. Green beans are sold fresh, canned, frozen and even dried as vegetable chips. DO NOT BUY FROZEN ONES. They don’t work well for development.

Fresh is usually best, but canned ones or vegetable chips can be eaten if they are all you can find. The chips also make a decent snack for children.

Buy them loose, if possible. We find that green beans that are loose, rather than sealed in plastic bags, are usually more alive. The plastic bags damage food a little bit. So look for ones that are loose.

Also, look for ones that are fresh-looking, not wilted and full of spots. When green beans get black spots on them, they are past their prime and less desirable to eat.

Small ones are more yang or more warming, and that is also best. Also, look for ones that are not cut up. Green beans like to remain whole, if possible, even when cooking them. You can cut up a long one after cooking to make it easier to eat, but try to cook them in one piece.

Cooking. Green beans are one of the most yin of the vegetables. This is important to know. As a result, cooking them is important to make them more yang. However, they are delicate easy to overcook. Cook them until they are no longer crunchy and that is all!

Steaming or pressure cooking are best. You can bake them, fry them, stir-fry them, boil them or use other methods, but steaming and pressure-cooking are best for development.

They are also tasty to eat raw, and snipping off a little and chewing it up is okay, but don’t eat them raw or crunchy. They are quite a yin vegetable and the fiber is hard to digest raw, so cook them.

Finally, don’t overdo. Overeating green beans is easy because they are so tasty and so easy to prepare. The best way to eat them for development is to have only one or maybe two per meal, mixed with other vegetables.


9/26/21. This post is a reminder that the current American government – the executive and legislative branches – are wholly illegal because they took power while there were Supreme Court cases challenging the election that had not been heard and resolved. This is still true today.

We repeat this because very few others discuss it and it is extremely important. All actions of the present government are null and void for this reason. Also, those in power are committing treason and need to be removed from office at once. For details, read The 2020 American Election.

Also, voting machines and mail-in ballots must not be used anywhere in the world if there are to be fair elections. They make cheating much too easy! This should be common sense!

Especially, with the Rogues around, rigging voting machines is child’s play. The use of duplicate and phony mail-in ballots is also child’s play for them. My guidance is that the United States and most other Western nations are nothing but fake democracies and fake republics - because of election cheating! Spread the word.


9/25/21. This is a continuation of the case history from the post on 9/24/21. After following the development program for several years, Cathy’s latest hair mineral test revealed the following patterns:

Coming alive (an increase in the levels of the first four minerals); maturing pattern (elimination of toxic potassium and nickel); everything coming out (11 minerals being eliminated), seven anchors (readings that remained the same or changed very little) and perking up (phosphorus is up 2 mg%).

Happier. Cathy’s test also revealed an interesting and unusual pattern we call a happy pattern. It is a mild double double high ratio pattern. This means the calcium/magnesium ratio is slightly high, the sodium/potassium ratio is slightly high, the iron/copper ratio is slightly high and the manganese/zinc ratio is slightly high.

This case is important because it is a recovery from an intense rape and beating. Cathy is still tired at times, but her soul reports she has her brain back and she can think better than she has in over 40 years.

A VACCINE NOTE: Cathy also mentioned she has more work to do at home now because her husband took the covid vaccine and it paralyzed his hands.


9/24/21. WARNING. This is one of the most intense posts we have ever and will ever write. It is not for children to read. It contains important information for both women and men. However, if you don’t want to read it, just skip it.

Cathy is 65 years old. She experienced a severe rape at age 15 that left her mentally paralyzed. She was left unable to think through a situation without becoming confused. The mind also worked slowly. These are common effects of a severe rape.

Reasons for brain fog. Here is what occurred during her rape:

Nutritional depletion. The trauma and repeated orgasms cause severe nutritional depletion. Zinc is one of the most important of the minerals that deplete quickly, and dozens of others are excreted quickly as well during any severe fight-or-flight response.

Toxic metals. The rapist filled her young body with toxic metals through body contact with his bodily secretions. Cadmium is a favorite, and nickel, chromium, lead, mercury and others are usually ‘installed’ as well.

These are transferred through sweat, saliva, semen, spitting in her face and eyes, and other methods. The rapist forced Cathy to drink a vial of poison during the rape. For details about the metals, read Toxic Metals. Stay away from chelation therapy. For details, read Chelation.

Spinal damage. Repeated thrusting by the rapist’s penis wrecks the spine in most severe rapes. Several of Cathy’s intervertebral discs were crushed, leaving her with constant back pain that has lasted almost 40 years. Chiropractic and other methods rarely can reverse it.

Brain damage. The rapist was much bigger than Cathy and hit the back of the vagina hard many times with his penis. This is a very delicate reflex area to the brain.

This damaged many delicate brain centers. It is usually irreparable unless one faithfully follows the development program we set up. Other medical, naturopathic and holistic programs won’t work – they are not powerful enough.

Intense fear, guilt, anger, shame, horror and disbelief. The mental and emotional damage from a severe rape is every bit as bad as the physical damage!

Mixup. Rapes also cause severe mixup for women. Some of the reasons are:

Soul loss. Beatings and repeated orgasms during rapes cause many advanced souls of a person to leave. Guide creatures and Planning Souls are just two groups of these very advanced and very important beings that every person needs to function well.

They are usually replaced by souls the rapist carries around that are severely sick, brainwashed and obey the rogue’s orders.

Electronic implants. The rapist implanted tiny electronic devices in Cathy’s brain during the rape. This may sound crazy, but it is not. Professional rapists are not from this planet and they often use high-tech methods such as implants to damage bodies and thoroughly confuse people.

The implants are monitors and tiny radio receivers, through which the rapists and his friends speak to a person, giving them orders to go here, do this, don’t do that, eat this, marry this person and not that one, and more. For details, read Implants.

Points. The rapist put points all over Cathy’s body. This is another sophisticated method of mixing up the brain. Points are spots that he touches hard during the rape that become either numb or extremely sensitive. They mix up the nervous system. For details, read Points.

Pleasure. Charging, male fluid, the prongs and the wells.

Intense pleasure. Rapists know exactly how to pleasure a woman using chemicals, flattering words, tickling, rubbing, and more. This causes terrible mixup because the rapist may say that she “deserves” such pleasure – but then he beats her, cuts her body and almost kills her.

Charging. An intense rape also causes an unusual pleasurable phenomenon called charging. For details, read Charging.

Cleaning the prongs and the wells. The rapists carefully cleaned our her prongs and her wells. This is another mix-up technique.

Prongs are souls that accumulate in the vagina of all young women that cause irritation to her. The wells are an area of a woman’s body below her pelvis that accumulates souls that also cause itching and irritation.

When these are cleaned, she feels quite a bit better and even more clear-headed. Sexual intercourse is one of the few ways to remove and clean up these areas. This is a reason many women like sex - even sex with a rapist.

However, most women don’t know about the prongs and the wells, so they cannot understand why they would feel better in some ways after a violent and disgusting rape.

More horror. Rape also causes a deep shaming and humiliation in almost all cases that is impossible to ever forget. The rapist screamed at Cathy, telling her she was a sexy whore, a bitch, and many other abusive words that keep ringing in her head for the past 39 years.

There was beating of the breasts, thighs feet and knees, and cutting of the body with knives and fingernails. The scene was bloody in the extreme – all mixed with the rapist’s sweat, urine, semen and other infected material.

All of this happens fast and usually by surprise. This, too, is calculated to cause severe mixup and horror.

This is a standard rape, not some rare occurrence! Millions of women have experienced a version of it!

No telling. The rapist also reminded Cathy many times that if she told anyone any details of the rape, it would be repeated and would be ten times worse – maybe to death!

We know this may sound unbelievable but please do not dismiss it. Women will not talk about it and some have effectively blocked parts or all of it from their mind. A few psychotherapists know about it, but they usually won’t talk about it either.

Medical books also do not discuss it often, although they should. However, you can read much more detail in the following articles: Rape, Healing Rape, Beatings, The Rape Planet, Trauma Retracing, Retracing and Thought Replacement To Undo Traumas.


9/23/21. We are coming to believe that those following the development program do best to organize into teams. This means living with or close to other people who are also following the development program.

This is definitely easier and more fun. It may be deeper than this, meaning some people are supposed to be together in certain locations. We are researching this more and will keep you informed.

Teams have many benefits. They include saving time, helping each other with healing reactions, and help with all the procedures. They also include sharing cleanup and all chores related to the program such as shopping.

Beware. This also means that when contemplating marrying someone or having a room mate, it is definitely best if he or she is interested and willing to follow the program with you. Otherwise, the relationship may not go well.

It is not as good if the other person just “allows” you to do the program. Even worse is living with or being close with people who deride or oppose the program. This is very difficult mentally and physically.


9/23/21. Kelp is one of the most important foods for development. Taking kelp by mouth is very good. Please do not skip it.

A new toxicity problem. Most, if not all kelp today is slightly toxic. We don’t know what has been done to it and we don’t know any brands that have not been affected. If it bothers you just take fewer kelp capsules, but it is still very good.


An excellent way to use kelp is on the skin. It is superb and will renourish the body much faster than just eating well. It will also move anyone along faster with development.

For these reasons alone, please consider putting kelp on the skin, a procedure we call the kelp wrap. It is a little messy, but clients are finding ways to make it less so. Here is how to do it:

Cooking. Cook half to one pound or about half a kilogram of powdered kelp for about half an hour with enough water to keep it from burning. (The website article says cook it for an hour and we are changing this to half an hour). Then add a little wheat flour to make it sticky.

Warm up your bathroom. This is important because putting on kelp can make you cold.

Lie or sit in a bathtub or spread a sheet or plastic shower curtain on the floor and sit there. Now apply the kelp with your hands. It is a little sexy. If you have a friend, he or she can rub it on.

If you are alone, you won’t be able to reach your back too well. That is okay. However, you can use a body brush to reach your back. Putting it on the breasts is very important for women and men. Iodine is greatly needed today for breast health and to avoid breast cancers.

After applying the kelp, relax for two hours. Here is how to pass the time:

1. Some clients are doing the pulling down procedure for two hours, which is wonderful!

2. If you have a partner, you can do down hugging, down sex or down kissing. A complete session is a little more than two hours.

3. Do the spinal twists, pops, and pulls with your feet, hands and whole body.

4. Do one or two coffee enemas, and/or the vaginal coffee or penis coffee procedures.

5. Do the vaginal peroxide implant or penis peroxide procedures.

6. Read, or even talk on the telephone. However, these are not as good because they are not as relaxing. More relaxing is to set up your computer to read an article to you. I occasionally listen to a Christian radio program and do the pulling down procedure at the same time.

Finishing up. When the time is up, wash off the kelp and go about your day. You can reuse the kelp, so gather it as best you can and the next day warm it up again. No need to cook it more.

How often. Kelp on the skin is excellent for at least six months when beginning the development program. Eventually you won’t need it. We are not sure how long most people need it.

Even if you have been on the program a few years, often you will benefit and feel much better by doing kelp on the skin for at least one month every day, or for several months if you do it only a few times per week. For more details, read Kelp.


9/23/21. Don’t eat Brussels sprouts raw. The reason is that all of the cruciferous vegetables – such as cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, broccolini, kale and others – contain a chemical that slows the thyroid gland. Cooking destroys this chemical.

Buy the small ones. When buying Brussels sprouts, buy the smallest ones you can find. These are warmer or more yang in macrobiotic terminology, and this is better. This is quite important with Brussels sprouts.

If possible, buy loose Brussels sprouts, not those in sealed plastic packages. (net bags are fine). At times, you have a choice with all vegetables whether to buy them loose or sealed in plastic bags. In almost all instances, it is best to buy the ones that are loose. The plastic damages the food a little.

Organically grown. Most food is best when organically grown. It is not a guarantee of better quality, and some organic food is a lie. However, it is usually best to look for organically grown food.


9/22/21. Brussels sprouts are a very important vegetable for development. Please do not skip them! Eat them every day! If your supermarket or health food store does not sell them, keep asking them to carry this wonderful vegetable.

Qualities: Loaded with nutrition. Brussels sprouts are very rich in many nutrients including vitamin C, vitamin K, vital minerals, and many others. There are no substitutes for them, so please include them in your daily diet.

A potent detoxifier. Besides their nutritional content, Brussels sprouts are powerful detoxifiers. They are very high in a number of sulfur compounds needed for the removal of all the toxic metals and toxic chemicals from the body.

If one does not eat enough Brussels sprouts, one will not be able to remove toxic metals and toxic chemicals from the liver and elsewhere very quickly. This causes some of our clients to have “reactions” to the development program.

One of the most warming or ‘yang’ leafy vegetables. Brussels sprouts are small, compact, and relatively hard. These are all warming qualities.

All bodies today are all too cold or yin in macrobiotic terminology. Development requires making the body much warmer or more yang. This is one of the seven essential qualities of development. Brussels sprouts can help with this more than most other foods.

Preparation. We recommend that with each meal, slice a medium-sized Brussels sprout or two into two or three slices. Then mix it with 10 or more other vegetables and cook them all together.

Cooking. You can steam Brussels sprouts and the other vegetables for about half an hour or pressure-cook your vegetables for about 2 minutes and a few seconds until the Brussel sprout is soft. It should not be crunchy. The exact time for pressure cooking varies with the brand of pressure cooker because they cook at slightly different pressures.

WARNING: Do not use an electric plug-in pressure cooker such as an Instant Pot in any way. Unfortunately, these cookers often damage the food, reducing the nutrient content of the food and making it dangerous to eat. They should be taken off the market.


9/21/21. As one hears the news about illegal aliens swarming across the Southern border of the United States, it is important to know that the attack on America’s citizenship began 150 years ago! Warning: This post is very controversial!!!

Originally, Americans were Citizens of their State, not of the nation. This was the Sovereign Citizenship, which still exists but is no longer taught in schools or recognized by judges in the United States.

After the Civil War, the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution which went into effect in 1868 established a new, trashy, disgusting and completely treasonous national citizenship for the freed slaves, which then was used for everyone in America. The exact words of the Amendment are:

Section 1.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

(the bolding of certain words is mine)

If you don’t anything about the law, this Amendment sounds good. If you do know the law, then you know it is treason and utter garbage.

You will read in books and on the internet that the 14th Amendment was a great leap forward, giving the freed slaves the same rights as everyone else in America. In reality, this Amendment was the greatest horror and disaster America ever experienced! Let me explain:

The Amendment begins by using the word “person” to describe the American people. This is a terrible lie and aberration. A person in American law includes a corporation or a trust. If you don’t believe me, here is the definition from


person n. 1) a human being. 2) a corporation treated as having the rights and obligations of a person. Counties and cities can be treated as a person in the same manner as a corporation…


The first sentence of the 14th Amendment goes on to say subject to the jurisdiction (of the United States)”. This is also a complete lie and aberration. The Sovereign Citizens of the United States are not subject to anyone! This was very clear to the founders of America. The people of America are sovereign, a word that means the opposite of the words subject to.

For example, the people of Great British are called subjects of the queen. The king or queen of England is called the sovereign. America at its founding clearly rejected this idea and made the Citizens Sovereign. They were sick and tired of kings, queens and other tyrants running the show!

However, the 14th Amendment undid this critical and key American legal concept. It returned the Citizens of America to the status of subjects.

Never properly ratified. The American people in 1868 understood that their sovereign citizenship was being destroyed by the 14th Amendment. As a result, it was never properly ratified. The Southern states were just forced to go along with the horror!

The adoption of the 14th Amendment was the end of the true concept of Citizenship in America.

This post should make every American furious, and especially furious at the entire legal profession that does not do its job of defending the Citizen’s rights.


9/20/21. Daikon is the most popular vegetable in Japan, but not in the Western nations. It is a cruciferous vegetable. It is a long, large white root, although there is also a purple variety that is very good. It is one of the most nourishing of the vegetables.

Properties. Daikon has anti-microbial properties, assists digestion and detoxification, and helps protect the liver from cancer and other diseases. Daikon is also rich in vitamin C and other anti-oxidant nutrients that assist the immune response and give daikon an anti-inflammatory quality.

Daikon is a rich source of excellent calcium that can help prevent bone loss and osteoporosis. It is also low in calories and eating plenty of it assists weight loss. The oil in daikon has anti-aging effects upon the skin.

More yang. Because it grows underground and deep in the earth it is quite warming or yang in macrobiotic terminology. This is another benefit of eating daikon.

Buying daikon. Always buy a thinner daikon root, as this is more warming or yang. It does not matter if the daikon looks somewhat dirty. This is normal.

Storing daikon. When I bring daikon or other vegetables home, I wash them in water and then store them in clean vegetable bags. These are the translucent food bags found in the vegetable section of most supermarkets.

These bags contain souls that help keep the daikon and other vegetables fresh. One can buy an entire roll of 1000 of these bags inexpensively.

Preparing daikon. In Asia, Daikon is eaten in many forms. For development, we find it best to slice daikon fairly thin and then cook it along with your other vegetables. For development, we don’t recommend eating the leaves, although they are eaten in many cultures.

How much? We suggest having one small slice or one-half of a large slice with each meal. At the very least, have some every day. If you can find purple daikon, you can have a small slice of both kinds at every meal.


9/19/21. The principle of moving energy downward is essential for healing and development. This post is about the pulling down procedure. Please read it. Here is the procedure:

The position. Sit, lie down or stand comfortably (for example, you can do the exercise while standing in line at the bank or post office). It is often easier if you close your eyes, but this is not necessary. Eventually, you will be able to do it with eyes open.

Your attention. Move your attention so it is a little below your feet. Now imagine that you turn on a powerful vacuum cleaner or electromagnet that is below your feet.

Pulling downward (or toward your feet if you are lying down). The magnet or vacuum pulls the skin on the bottom of your feet downward. It pulls your toes downward. It pulls your knees downward. It pulls your hips downward.

It pulls your fingers and hands downward. It pulls your stomach downward, and your arms, breasts, shoulders, mouth, nose and eyes downward. It pulls harder and harder, literally emptying you from below until you feel empty inside. You may feel all shriveled up like a prune because your insides are hollowed out.

Of course, nature abhors a vacuum, so what happens is that a new energy and identity move into the body, replacing the old (and often false) you. No matter how talented, pretty or smart you are, this new identity is even better!

At first you may not feel all this, but eventually you will. At first the body is rather dense – full of toxic metals, toxic chemicals and other physical, mental and emotional debris. However, as you practice the exercise each day, the density of the body decreases and the energy moves through more and more easily.

The channels or meridians. You are opening tiny vertical energy channels, removing toxic substances that block the energy. Do it as forcefully as you can.

Ah-ha moments. One day, you will suddenly feel the energy moving through your head, or through a shoulder, or through your abdomen.

The central channel. A particularly wonderful moment occurs when the central energy channel opens. It runs down the middle of your body, through your nose, your mouth, your neck, the middle of your chest, and through the navel to the genital organs.

When it opens, you will feel more centered and grounded. You will also be much less affected by the words and actions of other people. It is terrific!

Becoming a spiritual being. Opening and clearing the channels slowly but surely changes the body from a dense and dying hunk of flesh to a delicate conduit to bring in the Love of the Creator.

Anything inside of you that is not the Real Self flows out of you. This includes your traumas, diseases, bad memories, sadness and all other negative emotions.

It all leaves through your feet and is replaced by a radiance and Love that we all seek. It is very simple and practical, yet thoroughly spiritual as you literally transform who you are.

Helping others and helping the planet. You literally nourish others and the earth as you move more subtle energy in through your head and out through your feet - and all from the comfort and safety of your home! So easy and so effective.

Never doubt the power of this procedure. You are bringing Heaven to earth, to paraphrase the Lord’s Prayer, and nothing less. For more details, read Downward Moving Energy and Healing, Down Kissing, Down Hugging, Down Sex, Down Walking, Down Breathing and The Pulling Down Procedure.


9/18/21. Those that assist with hair analysis interpretation have discovered more ways that people are out of balance that are very subtle. They are cleaning this up as best they can when they review a new hair mineral test.

However, they can only do this well if a person follows the development program very carefully, so please pay attention to this. We will write more about it as we learn more about these subtle imbalances.


9/17/21. Sara is 68. Her symptoms above had gone on for years. She has followed the development program faithfully for less than two years.

New mineral test results. Sara’s new mineral test has some unusual patterns.

Calcium and magnesium up sharply. The hair tissue magnesium level more than doubled and the hair tissue calcium level went up over four times.

We are learning that when one does the program faithfully, including coffee enemas, the diet and the pulling down exercise, the rise in calcium and magnesium is due to an elimination of toxic or less desirable forms of these minerals.

Guide creatures. The above usually only occurs if one obtains more guide creatures. This occurred with Sara. The guide creatures seem to be more plentiful and available now, but only for those who actually follow the development program faithfully and correctly.

The asherot are guide creatures capable of causing the replacement of poorer quality magnesium compounds with more desirable forms of magnesium.

The abiot are guide creatures capable of causing a replacement of less desirable forms of calcium with better compounds of calcium in the tissues.

Hebrew names. The names of these creatures are Hebrew words. All of these very advanced creatures speak an ancient Hebrew dialect that they tell us is the primary language of our world. However, it is not the same as modern Hebrew. For more details, read Ezekiel Vision and The Controllers And Other Guide Creatures.

Coming home (settling down on the second four). Sara also has a settling down pattern on the second four minerals. This is present when all of the second four minerals (iron, copper, manganese and zinc) decrease or stay the same.

In advanced acupuncture, this pattern is called a coming home pattern. The person usually feels more settled and relaxed, and is healthier.

All out. Another change on Sara’s new hair mineral test is an everything coming out pattern. This is present when the levels of six or more minerals rises on a retest when a person has followed the program carefully. On Sara’s retest, the levels of calcium, magnesium, mercury, arsenic, nickel and cobalt increased.

This is another excellent joy or development pattern because it indicates better elimination of toxic metals. This is usually due to improved kidney, liver and other organ activity.

Zinc and manganese retention. Other somewhat unusual changes on the retest are that the zinc level went from 24 mg% to 6 mg%. Also, the manganese level went from 0.032 mg% to 0.004 mg%. These are very large decreases!

While unusual, I am told these are positive changes. Taken together with the rest of the test results, they indicate the body is retaining a lot of zinc and manganese rather than allowing these vital minerals to be excreted in the hair tissue. It is not armoring, which is another possibility when the mineral levels decrease drastically.

Why bother with these patterns? Hair mineral test interpretation is a relatively new esearch science. Based upon our clinical experience, it appears to be an extremely valid and powerful healing and development science.

The hair mineral patterns are important because often a person does not feel all the healing and development that is occurring. Symptoms may take time to improve. The patterns help one to know what is occurring at deep levels of the body, even if symptoms do not immediately improve.


9/17/21. Standard medical, chiropractic, naturopathic, homeopathic, acupuncture, ayurvedic, yoga and holistic practitioners don’t accept development science at this time. We hope this will change.

In our experience, the above healing methods are a mess today – and getting worse due to Rogue infiltration. It is no longer safe to go to a doctor, a naturopath or even to many chiropractors. This is unfortunately the truth. It is not safe for women if you want to avoid rape (bring someone with you, preferably a man), and it is not safe for your health. Please know this and be careful.

There is a need for a new approach that is much less symptom-based and much more integrated with diet, lifestyle, spiritual values and much more.


9/17/21. We keep mentioning the rogues in this newsletter and this website because they are real, but they don’t want attention. The Bible calls them satan, which some translate from the Hebrew as the secret ones.

Other names. Many pastors call them the adversary. Others call them the negatives or the others. The word satanic can mean that something is the negative or opposite of what it appears to be.

Some also call them the scavs, which is short for scavengers. These are creatures that feed on decaying flesh.

Feeders. The rogues call themselves the troph. This word means the feeders. I believe they do indeed feed on dying people and dying societies. Development science is a way to stop the decay!

Words related to troph in the English language are trophic, trophology, trophoblast, autotrophs and heterotrophs, among others.

Trophic means related to nutrition.

Trophology is the science of nutrition or feeding.

Trophoblast literally means to feed the baby. It is the name of a cell in a growing fetus that invades the mother early in pregnancy to feed the growing baby inside her womb. If it arises at any other time except pregnancy, it is called cancer. For details, read The Trophoblast.

Autotrophs and heterotrophs are kinds of living beings on earth based upon what they eat. Autotrophs are plants that live on sunshine. Heterotrophs are the animals, which must eat plants or other animals in order to survive. For details, visit


9/17/21. The recent post to get rid of your cell phone may be a little harsh. Having a simple phone for emergencies is fine. However, if you can afford it, have a land phone line at home. Also, don’t have a smart phone, which does 1000 things so it is tempting to spend a lot of time on it. Just have a simple $20.00 phone for emergences.


9/16/21. We believe that many more women than we thought have experienced what the Rogues call “big rapes”. They are first done during the pre-teen or teenage years, and then may be repeated later.

These rapes, beatings and brainwashing occur in all nations, and we believe they have gone on for years. They are done very secretly in underground rooms that connect via round elevators to schools and other places that young people frequent.

Among other horrors, the those who experience the rapes are put into a deep hypnotic trance and then given many instructions about how to live.

For example, women are told to dress sexy, to love sex, and to vote liberal or Democratic in America. The women are also filthed up with sexually-transmitted diseases that do not cause lesions, but which weaken the brain and body. They also get brain implants and are beaten and then put on electronic artificial Life Support.

Few memories. Most women do not remember the big rapes. If memories do surface, the memories cause terrible anxiety, fear, anger and rage.

Since one usually cannot connect the feelings with the incident, the feelings make no sense. If one visits a doctor or counselor about them, one is almost always told to just ignore them.

This leaves many women with lingering anger, rage and anxiety. For some, it feels like post-traumatic stress disorder. Others just feel neurotic.

It also causes some women to have an inordinate desire for sexual activity and to dress in a sexy way. The trauma also interferes with all relationships.

We mention all of this because we are learning more about these rapes and beatings, and a few women are retracing them. The development program helps a lot, but one usually also needs psychodrama, an interesting psychological therapy. For details, read Rape and Psychodrama.


9/16/21. California just held an election to decide whether to recall their Democrat governor. He has supported many bad policies regarding masks, vaccination and more. He won the election, however.

There was lots of evidence of election fraud. A number of people reported that the opposing candidates were not even listed on the ballot. Several people showed up to vote and were told they had already voted.

One of our Helpers lives in California. His child uses his address and received in the mail not one, but two mail-in ballots.

As long as voting machines and mail-in ballots are allowed, there are no fair elections in the United States. It is important to be clear about this. Without fair elections, Americans are living in a dictatorship, not a democracy.

RUTABAGA OR SWEDE – A Wonderful Food For Development

9/15/21. Rutabaga is not the cutest-looking vegetable. However, it is very important for health and development. Please do not skip it. Eat some every day, or better yet, have a little with each meal! Here are details about it.

A newer hybrid. Rutabaga is actually a hybrid food, a cross between a turnip and a wild cabbage. Its origin dates back to the 1700s.

Names. Rutabaga is the usual name given this vegetable in North America. In Europe, Australia and New Zealand it is often called swede or occasionally Swedish turnip.

Bitter. Uncooked rutabaga is bitter, a quality associated with foods that nourish the liver. When uncooked, it is also quite hard and somewhat difficult to cut. This is also associated with certain foods that are needed by the liver.

Nourishing in the extreme. However, when properly cooked, rutabaga softens and turns sweet, indicating that it is also a very nourishing food. In fact, it is one of the most nourishing of the vegetables because it is very rich in vital forms of minerals and in many vitamins.

Rutabaga is very rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and vitamins C and E and folate.

An anti-aging food. Rutabaga is high in anti-oxidants, including lesser known ones called glucosinolates. These nutrients, along with its other vitamin and mineral content, help prevent premature aging, reduce inflammation, and improve collagen synthesis. All of this is associated with a lower risk of cancer and other diseases of aging.

Healthy fiber. Rutabaga is high in insoluble fiber. This assists intestinal activity, helps prevent constipation, and feeds the healthy flora in the intestines. Proper intestinal flora produces certain vitamins and convert certain minerals to more usable forms inside our intestines.

Weight loss. Rutabaga is helpful to lose weight because it is rich in fiber. This tends to fill you up so you don’t eat as much of other calorie-rich foods. The effects of rutabaga in promoting healthful intestinal flora can also contribute to weight loss in those who are overweight. Eat more of this vegetable if you need to lose weight.

Healthy potassium. Our food today is loaded with toxic forms of potassium thanks to the use of superphosphate fertilizers of N-P-K fertilizers. Rutabaga does not pick up much of this toxic potassium. Instead, it is very high in excellent compounds of potassium. One medium-sized rutabaga contains 35% of one’s daily need for potassium.

In contrast, all fruit picks up a lot of toxic potassium and this is one reason we suggest avoiding fruit today.

Healthful potassium is absolutely required for the nerve signaling, fluid balance, and blood pressure. It is also needed for proper muscular activity, to avoid muscle cramps, and for many other body functions. A diet high in the proper forms of potassium is associated with lower blood pressure and a lower risk of stroke and heart disease.

Documentation in the medical literature for the above is at 7 Powerful Benefits Of Rutabagas. NOTE: This is a standard medical website, and we don’t agree at all with them about many aspects of health and nutrition. However, the article on rutabagas contains many medical references.

Development food. Selenium and zinc we call spiritual minerals because they are so important for development. Rutabaga contains excellent forms of these minerals, especially selenium, that are present in few other foods.

Warming or yang. Rutabaga is a root so it is a more yang food, similar to carrots and daikon. However, rutabaga is fairly large and yellowish in color, so it is not quite as yang as carrots.

Shopping for rutabaga. Try to buy organically grown rutabaga because it is somewhat better than the standard rutabaga. Standard rutabaga may have a coating of wax on it, so wash it well. We don’t recommend peeling it, however, because the skin contains many nutrients.

Rutabaga should have a yellowish color. Occasionally, unripe roots are sold that have a whitish color.

Some rutabagas have little rootlets or “fingers” on one end. This is fine. Don’t waste them – slice them thin and eat them.

If your supermarket or health food stores do not sell rutabaga, keep asking them to carry it.

Cooking. To cook, cut off very thin slices. The thinner the better. If thin enough, when you cook it with your other vegetables, it will soften and turn sweet. Only then is it ready to eat.

Some books and websites suggest eating rutabaga raw, roasted, fried or mashed. For development, the best is thinly sliced and cooked for just until it is softens and sweetens. It can also be added easily to soups and purees.


9/14/21. Keeping your spine and joints open and aligned at all times is extremely helpful to speed up development. As subtle energy moves down your body from the head to the feet, it often gets stuck at the joints. The spinal twist helps keep the energy moving properly.

To open and align the spine, visiting a good quality chiropractor is good. Even better, several times a day at least do the following. The twist becomes easier as you develop:

The resting position. Lie down on your back on a bed, couch or on the floor. Put your arms out to the sides. This is to keep your shoulders from twisting when you swing your legs.

The leg lift. Lift your left leg in the air with the knee straight. Point the toes and extend the leg upward away from your body. A visualization is to pretend you are reaching up with your big toe to ring a doorbell that is above your body.

The swing. Now swing the left leg to the right over the other leg until your left toes hit the bed, couch or floor. Do your best to keep your shoulders and neck flat on the bed or floor.

Begin gently. The first time you do this, do it gently. The reason is that some people’s spines are very out of alignment. Later, as you become more accustomed to the procedure, you can do it faster and with more force.

Difficulty. Occasionally, someone reports they can’t do the spinal twist at all without a lot of pain. In this case, you may need to visit a chiropractor. Or, if you are one of our clients, send a question to your Helper asking that I check your spine, and I may be able to help.

Three swings. Even better is to do the procedure three times, each one a little different: 1. The first time, swing your left leg across the middle of your body. Then return to the resting position.

2. Now lift the left leg again and extend the foot. This time swing your left leg across your body aiming your left foot at your head or close to your head. When your left foot hits the bed or floor, it should be close to your head.

To make this even more powerful, when your left leg is twisted over the right one near your head, grab your left leg and give it a pull toward your head. Then return to the resting position.

3. Now lift the left leg again and extend your foot. Then swing the left leg so that your left foot ends up very near your right foot.

Do not hold the twisted position. Just swing the leg and then return to the resting position with both legs straight down. The reason is that if you hold twists, as is done in yoga, it opens the joints to Rogue infiltration.

Popping. You may hear some popping or crackling when you do the spinal twist. This is normal. You are adjusting and aligning the spine. If there is a lot of popping, you may want to repeat the twist.

The other leg. Now do the same twist with the right leg. Lie on your back again with arms out to the sides. Lift the right leg with the knee straight. Point the right toes and extend the leg upward, “ringing the doorbell”.

Now swing the right leg over the left leg until the toes hit the bed, couch or floor. For more results, do it three times, as explained above. Always start gently, although in our experience, the spinal twist is very safe.

When to do it. Good times to do the spinal twist are 1) when you wake up in the morning, 2) at mid-day or whenever you lie down to take a nap, 3) any time your back hurts, 4) in bed just before going to sleep, and 5) any time you wake up during the night, especially if you have trouble falling back asleep. The spinal twist will help you relax to fall sleep.


9/13/21. This message refers to the previous one. The forces defending the earth have now found 40,000 large fine matter birds. This sounds like a lot, but I am told it is not enough to defend and protect planet earth. So the forces are looking for more of them.

Correspondence feeding. Many of the birds are quite ill and poisoned, as are almost all of the human beings on earth. They desperately need well-nourished people to help feed them by the method of correspondence. This is a real method of nutrition.

The well-nourished ones can literally share some of the energy of their food. While not as good as eating properly, it is much better than nothing.

All are participating. This method is being used and EVERYONE who is on the development program all over the world is participating. This means that you are sharing some of the energy of your superior nutrition with the majority of the people of planet earth, who are literally starving because they do not eat correctly.

I hope this does not disturb anyone. It does not hurt you much, and it is a wonderful service you are performing. You are literally saving the planet when you make the commitment to eat the development diet. Please keep it up and do it better! For more details, read The Correspondence Concept.


9/12/21. Yesterday a hopeful event occurred. The forces defending the earth found several hundred large fine matter birds locked in prisons inside the earth. They are fighters who help protect the planet.

Fine matter means that they have bodies that are of a lower density than ours. For this reason, they are very difficult to see. Better-known fine matter creatures include souls, elves and angels. For more details about fine matter bodies, read Bodies – Their Structure And Activities.

These creatures say they are defenders of the earth. They are helping to undo the damage to the planet and reduce the influence of the Rogues.

Fighting back. They need our prayers and they need everyone to speak up – both souls and human beings – and to fight back. They say far too many people just accept what is going on on earth.

Development. They also say it is very important that people develop. We are not just physical beings! Development is a basic spiritual process that protects the body. The same group that has infiltrated our planet for the past 50,000 years removed this knowledge from our Bible, so few are aware of it.

The development program. Development is largely a nutritional process. What we call the development program is a rapid modern method to nourish the body properly. The rogues have made this very difficult by removing important minerals from the planet and removing foods needed for development.

Not other programs. The rogues also promote many “healing methods” that are malicious and actually stop development. It is very important to avoid them!

They include raw food diets, vegetarian diets, eating fruit and salads, eating frozen foods, and all refined food such as white flour and white sugar. They also include the use of vaccination, most medical drugs, homeopathy, most herbal therapies, random or symptomatic vitamin and mineral supplementation, and chelation therapy.


9/12/21. Most electric pressure cookers of all brands have been altered so they damage the food cooked in them. Do not use them at all for any type of cooking. Use the older non-electric stove-top pressure cookers or use regular cookware such as plastic food steamers. This is extremely important!!!


9/12/21. Some of our clients want to tune into the souls, as I do, to obtain information. It should be possible, but actually it is very difficult! The rogues don’t want it and they put millions of tiny electronic radio jammers everywhere to prevent it. They want you to hear them, and not your souls.

The peroxide implant procedure. A number of women report that they are able to tune in if they do the vaginal peroxide implant procedure for about 6 months. They also must do the rest of the development program – especially a diet with loads of cooked vegetables. For details, read Receiving Guidance and How To Make Wise Decisions.


9/11/21. All of the vegetables in the onion or allium family are extremely important for healing and development. We suggest eating three or four kinds with every meal. At the very least, eat some onions every day and eat different kinds of onions.

The onion family. These include the common red, white, brown, sweet, and vidalia onions. The small pearl onions are also excellent to eat such as red, white and gold pearl onions, and cipolline onions. Others in this food family are chives, garlic, leeks, shallots and green onions or scallions.

In all, there are about 15 kinds of onions. One does not need to eat all of them, but eating a variety is excellent for development.

Nutritional qualities. Onions are rich in many vitamins such as vitamin C, vitamin E and others. They also contain many mineral compounds that are difficult to find in other foods. Among these are some selenium and silicon compounds. The give onions their smooth, shiny appearance.

Warming. Most onions are also very warming or yang in macrobiotic terminology. This is very important! You can tell this because they grow underground and they are hard with tightly packed layers. Reddish ones are the most warming. For more details, read Macrobiotics.

Try to find onions that are hard, smaller, and the rings are close together. These are more warming, which is helpful. Softer and larger onions are usually not nearly as good. Unfortunately, most onions today are too large, soft, and somewhat mushy. This is because they are of poor quality.

A farmer’s market may have better ones than the supermarkets or health food stores. Organically grown is usually better. However, there are different grades of organic food and I find that some organically grown onions sold in stores are not of the best quality.

Spiritual quality - connectors. Onions connect the physical body with higher levels of reality and higher levels of creation. This is their dominant spiritual quality.

This quality is essential for rapid development. Development is the transformation of a person from being mainly a physical being to becoming a more spiritual being. This aspect of life is not taught much on earth, but it is very real.

The Bible and development. The Bible hints about development in statements such as calling certain people “men of God” and similar terms. I am told that the full truth about development was not allowed to be in the Bible. However, times have changed and we are now allowed to teach it.

The idea that the Bible is not perfect as handed down to us is extremely difficult for some people to accept. I have nothing but respect and appreciation for all the pastors, ministers, priests, rabbis and others that teach the Bible.

However, as more ancient scrolls are discovered such as the Nag Hammadi scrolls and the Dead Sea scrolls, they point to the idea that the Bible is even more wonderful than the version we have today. We have written about this in articles such as The Two Branches Of Christianity and The Missions Of Abraham and Sarah, and Jesus.

Here is a description of the Nag Hammadi scrolls from the internet:

In December 1945, while digging for soil to fertilize crops, an Arab peasant named Muhammad Al-Samman found a red earthenware jar near Nag Hammadi, a city in upper Egypt. His fear of uncorking an evil spirit or jin was shortly overcome by the hope of finding gold within. What was found has been for hundreds of scholars far more precious than gold.”

The kosher laws in the Bible are about development. I am told in no uncertain terms that the idea that Christian people need not follow these laws is totally incorrect! However, even those laws need a little updating. For details, read The Biblical Food Laws.

A critical food. Making spiritual connections is a slow process. Onions speed it up enormously, so they are very important foods for development. Please do not just eat a few!

Children often like onions because they are sweet. If your child does not like onions, make them into a puree or disguise them, but do not skip them.

If you react to onions, begin with just small quantities and as you follow your development program in most all instances you will eventually be able to eat more of them.


9/11/21. The layers. Many onions grow in the form of layers or rings. This is a protection system for delicate nutrients that are found in the interior part of the onion. Leave the outer, dried out layers on your onions until you eat them to help protect the delicate nutrients inside.

Cooking onions. Onions need to be cooked until they are soft and taste sweet. Do not eat raw onions because they are difficult to digest and often cause intestinal gas.

Onions also do not keep well once cooked. You don’t have to cook three times a day, but it is helpful to cook at least once or twice daily to take advantage of the qualities of onions.

You can eat onions that have started to grow and have a small stem. If an onion is rotten inside, just cut off the bad part and eat the rest.

Growing onions. Onions are very easy to grow, so consider this option. They like some sun and give them the best soil you can.

Shallots. These are excellent! They are sometimes difficult to find. Ask your markets to carry them. Try to have some each day, and preferably a little with each meal.

Garlic – somewhat toxic, so do not eat much. Many people overeat on garlic. Garlic is a wonderful food, but it is slightly toxic, so we recommend eating just one small clove per week.

We suggest eating at least four kinds of onions with each meal.


9/10/21. Levels of consciousness. Properly cooked vegetables are not simply plants that taste good. They are levels of consciousness that move our bodies in special ways that are needed for development.

Let us discuss individual vegetables. By knowing more about them, hopefully everyone will eat more of them.

Carrots = basic nourishment. Carrots are the most basic of the vegetables to eat with every meal, three times daily. Please never skip them. They vibrate at an extremely important frequency that nourishes today’s bodies in many ways.

They provide so many nutrients it is difficult to count them. No other foods, or pills, potions, or remedies of any kind can compare with them. Here are just three of them:

1. CALCIUM. Only carrots provide a special, high frequency compound of calcium that is in short supply and absolutely needed by the bodies today. No wonder most older people and some younger people have osteoporosis or osteopenia.

Calcium, in development science, is the basic structural nutrient of the body. For this reason, we call calcium the structural mineral.

Once again, most compounds of calcium available on earth are of mediocre quality, except that of high quality carrots. This is a reason to never skip eating carrots with every meal. For details about calcium, read Calcium.

2. PHOSPHORUS AND SULFUR. Two other nutrients we get from high quality carrots are phosphorus and sulfur. These are also building minerals. Carrots contain special compounds of them that are difficult to find in other foods and fairly impossible to find in mineral and vitamin pills, herbs, or any other remedies.

3. THE MOST WARMING OR YANG OF THE VEGETABLES. Carrots are also very warming or yang, in macrobiotic terminology. Development requires making the body much more warm or yang.

Warm indicators. You can know that carrots are warming because they grow underground, are reddish in color, and most are long and slender. These are warming or yang qualities.

NOTE: Yellow carrots, or those of other colors, are less yang. For this reason, they are less desirable for the purpose of development, which requires making the body much more yang. The same applies to varieties of carrots that are not long and slender.

Smaller carrots tend to be more yang because small size is another yang quality, so look for red, slender, smaller carrots.

Red heat lamp therapy. NOTE: Red heat lamp therapy, especially a red heat lamp sauna, also provides a frequency similar to carrots, and this therapy is extremely important for your bones and teeth for this reason.


The warming or cooling quality of foods – and, in fact, everything - is not a part of standard Western nutrition or medicine. However, it is an ancient science that is essential for the process of development.

We repeat - for rapid development, the body must be made much warmer or more yang. Every part of the development program is designed to achieve this.

To understand development, read Introduction To Development. For more about warming and cooling science, read Yin And Yang Healing, Yin Disease, and other articles on our website about this subject.

NOTES: Other people’s articles on this subject may confuse you because they are about different systems of classifying foods than what we use.

Also, if you study macrobiotics, they say the most yang foods are meat, eggs and salt. This is true, in one way. However, our guidance is that the above foods have toxic qualities, so they are really not as yang as cooked vegetables.


9/9/21. All parents need to know that at this time, you must not send pre-teens and teenagers, especially girls, to American, European, Australian or New Zealand public schools or private schools for any reason at all. They are extremely unsafe!

For example, some home-schooled children visit public or private schools for certain activities or for a class. An outdoor activity should be okay, but do not allow children to enter a school building for any reason.

Many girls, and some boys, are experiencing horrible ‘big rapes’ while at public schools and elsewhere. Believe it or not, at the schools girls are taken to a small room that has usually a round elevator in it. They enter and are taken underground to a rape center. These have been installed in many schools, and in other locations, as well.

These rapes are common and a horrendous rogue method of filthing up, controlling and brainwashing girls and young women and wrecking our planet. Steps are being taken to stop them, but they are still an enormous problem.

Parents must school their children, especially girls, at home and must accompany their children everywhere. For example, friends’ houses are not safe at this time. Lessons are not safe such as music or dance lessons unless a parent is present, nor are well-supervised hiking and camping trips safe at this time.

For more details about these and other types of rapes, read Chapter 5 of the Rape article. We are not sure about the danger to Asian and African children at this time.


9/9/21. Millions of people have an addiction to eating sweet foods such as fruit, honey, maple syrup or sugar in any form. It is extremely important to heal this.

Fruit. Do not excuse your addiction by saying that fruit is healthy. It may have been healthy 100 years ago, but it is not a healthful food today. Its sugar content, fruit acid content and yin quality damage the body in dozens of ways. Here are just a few of them:

Stopping development. Eating fruit or other sweet foods slow down or stop development in every instance. This occurs because these foods do subtle damage to the body, some of which is described below..

Yeast infections. This addiction is often a hidden addiction to yeasts such as candida albicans. The sweets feed the yeast, which produces some alcohol and many other chemicals that can feel good. For details, read Yeast Infections.

Parasites. Eating sweets of any kind also feeds parasites in the body. This is a very common problem. During the development program, many clients report passing parasites. For details, read Parasites.

Cancers. Eating sweets also feeds cancer in the body. Most people have some cancer, and eating fruit or other sweets makes it much worse. For details, read Cancer And Alternative Therapies.

Yin disease. Eating sweets and especially fruit always contributes to Yin Disease. For many more details, read Benefits and Problems of Eating Fruit, Sugar Addiction, Sugars - Sweet And Dangerous and Sugar Basics.


9/9/21. To find specific posts, go to At the top of the home page, click on The New Earth Newsletter. When it opens, go to the top of your browser and click on Edit. This will open a drop-down menu. Then click on Find and enter a key word or phrase and press Enter.


9/9/21. A healthful lifestyle is essential for development. Recently, several clients reported feeling extreme stress, panic feelings, anger and irritability. In all of them, the cause was a faulty lifestyle.

Common lifestyle issues are working long hours at a job, staying up late at night, living in a location that is not good, focusing on money rather than on your development program, and holding resentments instead of handling family and other matters properly. For details, read Lifestyle For Health.


9/9/21. This is a reminder that the current American national government and many state governments are not legal because they assumed power while there were, and still are, pending law suits challenging the election results.

This fact is extremely important and few are saying it, so we will repeat it often in this newsletter. For details, read The End Of America - Election 2020.


9/9/21. We don’t want to scare anyone, but the rogue penetration of the earth is very complete. Some people realize this.

However, most people waste hours every day on social media, surfing the internet, reading hopeful-sounding website or others, hanging out with friends, shopping, and much more. Many also waste hours with their smart phone. Know that the phone is monitoring you, tracking you, conditioning you and sickening you. Throw it away!

Please work harder to inform others of the material on this website and in this newsletter. It is much more accurate than most others. Also, work harder to bring law and order to your town, your region and your nation.

Courage. Much courage is needed today by everyone if you are to avoid despair and depression. Do not give up hope. Many positive things are happening in our world that are unseen at this time.

Keep moving ahead. Just move forward slowly and gently, Remember that without danger, there can be no courage and without temptation, there can be no virtue.


9/8/21. Note: If you use distilled water to make coffee for a coffee enema, it will be up to twice as strong as if you use spring water or tap water! This means you need to use less coffee if you use distilled water.

We are researching the benefits of different kinds of water used for coffee enemas. We plan to report our findings in this newsletter.


9/8/21. Rapes, often with beatings, are one of main weapons used by the Rogues to sicken and control people all over the world. They are extremely common, especially among girls and women. Few escape them. Adult rapes often occur at age 8 or 9 to about age 14, and can even occur at school.

The rogues use rapes and beatings to spread disease, and to terrorize and condition people. They also use them to produce prostitutes and recruit agents and operatives.

They are often done very secretly using high-tech methods. It is human trafficking on a massive scale. We updated Chapter 5 of the Rape article, Rape Situations, to include the baby rapes and the big rapes. For details, read Rape.


9/7/21. A fear of all women that we have not written about is not rape, but that a decent man will go out of control around her. For example, if the woman is too kind, too chummy, smiles a lot, or even just gets too close to him he will change and may hurt her. This is a very real concern.

Not so much about rape. The fear is not just about rape. It is as much about the man leaving or becoming angry or just grabbing her and kissing her - sort of Hollywood style.

The dilemma. There is a dilemma for women. They sometimes want men to go out of control just a little when around them. This means the man likes you and it means you have some control and influence upon him.

If he doesn’t go out of control just a bit, that is scary, too. It means he is in control of himself and you (the woman) are less powerful. This is another real concern for women.

Communication. One answer is to communicate, but this is another scary area for women. If a woman really communicates, the man might run away or become angry.

Even worse, he might hurt her physically because usually he is a lot bigger and stronger than she. Also, in general, men resort to physical violence more quickly than do most women. For this reason, communication is another worry area for women. For more details, read Non-Violent Communication.

Not just a woman’s issue! On a personal note, I can say that men have the same issue. Most men are not afraid of being attacked physically by a woman for being too friendly or smiling too much. However, when a man opens up, communicates, or gets close to a woman, she may run away or become angry.

Also, if a man maintains control over himself in the presence of a woman, she may accuse him falsely. I have experienced this on a number of occasions because I don’t tend to go out of control. I have been told “You don’t understand me”, “You don’t like me”, “You don’t appreciate me”, or “You just don’t care” - when this was not the truth.


9/7/21. Witches are real. However, they are not like in the fairy tales. They can look perfectly nice, kind, sweet and normal in every way. But they are very dangerous.

Sex and lies. Witches are often women, but not always. Witches generally use sex and lies to control men and even other women. They are very subtle and very skilled with sex and its use to deplete and harm others. They are also extremely skilled with lies and difficult to catch in their lies.

Hundreds of methods. Witches have hundreds of other methods to control and harm people. We will not discuss them at this time at length, but we want everyone to know they exist and they are very dangerous. For some details, read Witchcraft.


9/6/21. God’s Love is real. This is a controversial message. I am told that divine or God’s love is real and tangible, and you can feel it. Also, you can also have as much of it as you want!

Effort is needed. However, you must make an effort to bring it in to yourself. In this sense, God’s Love is not “natural” or automatic. Some people are born with a little more ability to receive it than others. But everyone needs to make an effort to receive more of it.

Rewards. When you make the effort, you will be richly rewarded. Your health will improve drastically, you will live on for many years, and eventually all your problems will disappear.

How to bring in the Love. You can bring in some of this Love when you breathe good quality air and breathe deeply. You also bring in some of it when you eat good quality food.

Pulling down. However, the only way to bring in a lot of the Love is with the Pulling Down Exercise. You literally bring it in through the top of your head. That is all there is to the exercise. The more you do it, and the more forcefully you do it, the more Love you receive and the better will be your life.

Living from fullness. When you bring in the Love of the Creator, then and only then you will begin to live from fullness. This idea is in the 23rd Psalm of David, where it says “My cup runneth over”. Also, the Lord’s Prayer implies this when it says “Thy Will be done”.

Burnout. If you try living any other way, meaning your cup is not overflowing with God’s Love, you will burn out! It is like using your credit card to buy things, but there is not enough money to pay the bill. Eventually, you cannot continue.

Some of our clients become angry with me because they want to do their own “meditation”, prayers or mental/spiritual practice. I tell them please do the pulling down exercise. Other prayers and spiritual practices may be more relaxing or have other interesting effects. But the pulling down exercise is the only one to do if you want wonderful health and you want to live on.


9/6/21. Thought is powerful. This is a very important message from our souls. They say that we don’t realize the power of our thoughts. We actually create our world with our thoughts, and we are doing it all the time, even when we sleep.

Stinking thinking. The problem is that we are sloppy with our thinking. Dr. Bernard Jensen, one of my mentors, called it “stinking thinking”.

Think only loving thoughts. He said we need to be careful and think only loving thoughts. This is the only way to create a loving world.

Projection. Otherwise, we project our negative thoughts. Then they come back to us in the form of illness, trauma, poverty, and every other imaginable difficulty.

How to think only loving thoughts. To think only loving thoughts, you need to know and feel that Love is real. This takes us back to the message above – that God’s Love is real, but it is not automatic. For more details, read The Real Self.


9/5/21. An interesting question is how one knows when deep healing has taken place in the body. Symptoms are not always a good guide.

Anna is 84. She has been on the development program for about ten years. She had some high blood pressure, cataracts, hair loss, rapid heart beat, heart palpitations, fatigue and chronic bronchitis. She lives with her daughter, who does most of the cooking and is very dedicated to the development program. This is a great advantage at Anna’s age.

A standard surge. Anna’s new hair test reveals a standard surge. This is indicated by a rise in the sodium and potassium levels.

With this pattern, the ratio of sodium to potassium can increase, decrease or remain the same. The sodium and potassium levels often rise sharply, but they can increase just mildly.

The standard surge usually occurs because the person receives a guide creature or two. Anna received four of them. For details, read The Controllers And Other Guide Creatures.

These creatures are very special and use up to 20 methods to help the body to eliminate more toxic or poorer quality sodium and potassium from the body. Although it is not reported on the ARL hair mineral chart, there is also an elimination of boron with the standard surge.

There is a confusion about this pattern due to a previous teaching of Dr. Eck. He wrote that whenever the sodium and potassium levels rise, while the calcium and magnesium levels remain about the same, it always indicates an increase in the effect of the adrenal and thyroid glands.

This is true, but the rise in the sodium and potassium is not necessarily due primarily to a hormonal effect. In many instances today, it is due to an elimination of toxic forms of sodium and potassium. This is relatively new research.

A quickly disappearing pattern. The standard surge does not last too long. It is over within a few months or even less time. This is confusing because it means the development supplement program and diet need to change quickly, in some cases. Otherwise, a person will not feel well when the surge is over.

Why is this surge common today? We are seeing a lot of standard surges in the past few years. This is due to two factors. 1) There is more and more toxic potassium in our food. This is due to the widespread and awful habit of using superphosphate fertilizers on crops. These contain a toxic form of potassium. For details, read Organic Agriculture and Superphosphate fertilizers.

Superphosphates or N-P-K fertilizers are not really fertilizers. They are growth stimulants that damage plants. However, they produce more yield and brighter colors of flowers, so most growers use them.

2) More guide creatures are available if one follows a properly designed development program. They know how important it is to remove toxic potassium from the body and it is often one of their first tasks when they return to a person.

The toxic sodium. I am told that the toxic sodium is the result of a transmutation that is a defense of the body. It, too, needs to come out of the body if deep healing is to occur. For more about transmutation, read Biological Transmutation.

A maturing pattern. Anna’s souls report that she has matured. We find this occurs whenever one eliminates toxic potassium. This is a curious effect and one that is very important for both the individual and for our society. More toxic potassium in the bodies is contributing to the decline of our civiiization!

We call toxic potassium, nickel and aluminum child minerals. The souls of young children call them baby minerals.

They damage the limbic system of the brain in a way that causes a dependency or need that is not natural or normal. When the body eliminates any of them to a great extent, which occurs often during a development program - but not with most other healing programs - this abnormal need tends to decrease.

Toxic potassium, aluminum and nickel also damage energy production in all of the body cells. Their elimination causes an improvement in adaptive energy and a general increase in well being.

A person also becomes a little more independent and able to cope with life on their own. Some people report feeling more grounded and centered. Children, even at age 1, report feeling like they are no longer babies, even if they don’t yet walk. It is a maturing effect, hence the name maturing pattern.

Many anchors. Anna’s recent mineral analysis also revealed 11 anchor patterns. This is a deep improvement in the actual structure of the brain and a resulting improvement in its activity.

Anchors occur when the level of a mineral in the hair remains the same or very similar. The required range to all it an anchor varies among the minerals.

Anchors are confusing because Dr. Eck’s research was that when mineral values do not change on a retest or change little, often the person is not following their program well. However, in the past few years we have realized that similar retest values of minerals can have a completely different meaning.

The program must be correct for anchors and other patterns! For example, the anchor pattern (and the others) are not valid if one eats salads, fruit, or follows dietary advice other than ours.

Anchors are also not valid if one takes different supplements or does other procedures than the practitioners on our Find A Helper web page recommend. These include chelation therapy, homeopathy, herbal therapies, intravenous nutrient therapies, symptomatic supplementation and other protocols of which we do not approve.

The problem with computerized test interpretation. There is a major problem with ALL computerized hair test interpretation programs or apps. The computer does not know if the person has followed a correct development program.

A person can easily lie or be deceived into thinking they are following a properly designed program when this is not true. This is one reason we don’t use most computerized interpretations at this time.

All out. In addition to eliminating sodium, potassium, and boron, Anna’s recent test also indicated more elimination of lead, mercury, nickel, and a toxic compound of copper. When a person eliminates six or more toxic metals or toxic forms of essesntial minerals, we call the pattern everything coming out or all out.

Better kidney activity. All out pattern is related to the other patterns above. It affects the kidneys, in particular, where many of the toxic compounds accumulate. Anna reported a decrease in her high blood pressure. This is often due to improved kidney activity.

Overall health improvement. Anna’s souls say that Anna’s entire health picture is extremely improved, and they are extremely pleased. The fact that she is 84 years old doesn’t seem to matter – the body can still regenerate when fed properly and when one does coffee enemas and the other healing and development procedures.

Little symptomatic change. Another confusing aspect of the development program for Anna and many others is that although the hair test indicates much improved health, the outer person may not feel different. At times, there is some improvement, but it is slight.

This is one reason we require regular retesting of the hair. It is often a much better indicator than symptoms!

It is also a major reason to look for joy or development patterns on retests – and for Helpers to be sure to share these patterns with their clients. It can be critical to keep a person on the program when they do not feel better or different.

At times, our Helpers emphasize the negative patterns, but not enough attention is given to the joy patterns. These are usually what matter the most.

It is also a serious problem with blood tests and other medical exams. They do not reveal joy patterns and thus often needlessly frighten our clients. For details, read The Joy or Development Patterns.


9/4/21. One of our clients took the covid vaccine two weeks ago and has not felt well since. Today our guides checked to see how it affected her body.

The vaccine contained toxic forms of iron, manganese and aluminum. These were lodged mainly in her kidneys and brain.

The vaccine also contained tiny creatures and who took proteins floating in the client’s blood stream and joined them together to form a structure. This they placed in one of the ventricles of her brain.

We consider this vaccine a terrible invasion of a person’s body and wholly illegal. We suggest that everyone object to its use. As far as the guides can tell, this concoction does nothing to stop any virus and merely filths up the body.


When I recently opened a package of Open Nature Rack of Lamb from Safeway supermarket, it contained a small black plastic packet of soft material sitting next to the meat. I was told it was radioactive and put there as a “preservative”. The label did not mention it.

This was upsetting and I did not eat the lamb. Food irradiation is a very harmful method for preserving food. Normally, the food is just passed in front of a radiation source. I’ve never seen a radiation source packaged with food. I suspect it was just there to damage the food.


9/3/21. This is a vital philosophical as well as a totally practical concept. At one level, everything in all spheres of life rotates around this concept.

Other names. This is also called the law of universal love. The reason is that if one is motivated by pure love, one will always think and act properly. Few people can do this, but it is a goal for which to strive. We also believe that it is the basic teaching of any true religion. Anything less is not the truth and not a true religion.

As you sow, so shall you reap” is also called the law of cause and effect. It is a logical concept. Most people do not live by logic, but rather by whim, impulse, emotion and other motives. However, once again this is a goal for which to strive.

In the Sanskrit language and the Ebre language, which this website wishes to teach, the same idea is called karma. We won’t use that word because in the Christian and Hebrew traditions, the word karma is associated with Oriental religions.

However, in reality, it is not a foreign religion or a foreign concept at all, although it is often practiced incorrectly around the world. In fact, it is a key to the Hebrew and Christian Bibles and religions.

Basic morality.As you sow, so shall you reap” is the basic moral system. It differs from the Ten Commandments and the Golden Rule only in that it is much more comprehensive and affects everything one does and even what one thinks at all times, even when one is asleep.

This website and this newsletter seek to teach moral behavior and moral thought. Therefore, this topic is at the center of our purpose.

Perfect justice. The basic idea is that there exists perfect justice in our world. That is, you get exactly what you need and require and work toward. This sounds simple but it is anything but simple. It means that what you think, what you do, whom you associate with, where you live, what you wear, and all else about your life matters and affects your future.

Not obvious. One of the problems with “As you sow, so shall you reap” is that is is often not obvious. In fact, the opposite can seem to be true.

For example, some enjoy great power and wealth, yet they are unkind, selfish, mean and even criminal. Others suffer with disease, poverty, oppression, rape and other difficulties. However, they seem to be the kindest and most generous people. You may say, how is this possible?

The reason is that “As you sow, so shall you reap” operates over time. So you cannot see what came before and you cannot see into the future. However, justice universal is real and will be done. No one is exempt.

Everywhere.As you sow, so shall you reap” also operates everywhere, even if you were to ride in a spaceship and leave the planet. This is another vital understanding.

We will continue these lessons in the future. For more, read The Law Of Cause And Effect.


9/3/21. I am told that the forces defending the earth have become aware of a rogue plan to bring to the earth large numbers of dangerous criminals.

They appear to be completely human in every way. However, they are hybrid psychopathic creatures. Many look like cute young women, and a smaller number look like handsome youngish men.

They are often blond, with greenish eyes. The women are between five and six feet tall, and the men are taller. They walk tall and speak well. They may have a slight accent, but not much.

Ways to recognize them are that they have an odor that often smells like sun tan lotion. This is because, in fact, they smell very bad. They disguise their bad smell with a lotion, especially on their neck and head areas. For this reason, they may look a little greasy. Also, their skin looks a little transparent.

They are also sexually loose. One of their activities is to spread many diseases through loose sexual activity. Beware – especially young men, but also young women!

The men also rape and they hate nice women, so be very careful if one asks you for a date! Be extremely careful and learn all about the man BEFORE you go out with him. Preferably phone date for six months or more because they like sex and don’t want to wait for it.

They also carry advanced weapons that look like pens, rings and other innocuous objects. Beware, because they can easily kill or maim a person.

They are infiltrating the governments and the professions such as attorneys and doctors. They also work as store clerks and in offices. Some want to become wives, girlfriends and more. We don’t want to scare you, but we want you to know about their presence.

When our forces identify one of them, they are killed. However, thousands are arriving on earth at this time. So the job of getting rid of them is formidable.

The law of cause and effect. I am told that the reason the hybrid women and men are here is because human beings on earth have acted improperly in the past. This is also the reason for the covid-19 situation and other problems. This is very important to know if we want to solve these problems.

I am told the worst “sin” in regard to them is selfishness. So this is an area to work on for everyone. We will write more about them as we learn more.


9/2/21. We are being told that fine matter beings are getting rid of little nests of soldiers all over the planet who look Chinese, but are not from the earth. They are apparently being brought in to stage a world war.

We are also told that there is a fine matter force cleaning up the state of Utah, USA, where a lot of LDS or Mormon people live.


9/2/21. Our guidance is people are too selfish and they do not render every decision unto the Father in Heaven. In other words, the people have turned away from God and most live a secular and rather selfish life.

One’s life should be about service to God and to others, and that is it. Age doesn’t matter, neither does your financial situation or health or anything else. Part of service, however, is to do the development program so that you can be of more service.

We are supposed to live by “In God We Trust”, but instead people trust the internet, the phones, the television, government officials, their families and friends.

I asked if everyone should go to church or synagogue. I was told it is not absolutely needed, but is a gesture that is very good.


9/2/21. It is perfectly fine to begin a procedure very slowly and gently if you are sensitive. For example, with coffee enemas, if you are sensitive to caffeine you can begin with one coffee bean or just a pinch of ground coffee.

The point is, do not skip procedures because they might cause a reaction. Just begin very gently and slowly and work up from there.


9/1/21. We made a few improvements to the Coffee Enema article, a core article. For example, we added a small section about coffee removal methods - how to get the coffee out of the colon after the enema. For details, read Coffee Enemas.


9/1/21. In the post of August 30, 2021, we praised Mr. Prager for his stance on the Wuhan virus and the vaccines. Mr. Prager says much that is excellent.

However, we believe his interpretation of the Bible on the subject of homosexuality is very wrong. He discussed it on his radio show today.

Mr. Prager accepts the radical political homosexual agenda that people don’t choose to be homosexual, and therefore it must be okay. This is not the Biblical view and Mr. Prager claims to be a biblically-based person.

The Bible is very clear and calls homosexuality an abomination. Our understanding of the Bible is that it is okay if someone has homosexual thoughts, just as it is okay if someone has thoughts of lying, cheating, stealing, murdering or other forbidden behaviors.

However, one should not act on these thoughts. People always have a choice about their behavior, just as they have a choice whether to lie and steal.

The radical homosexual agenda is wrong and is a subtle way to destroy society. In fact, we find the cause of much homosexuality is biochemical - and it is correctable. For details, read Homosexuality.

A homosexual caller to Mr. Prager’s radio show complained that Christians he knew did not love homosexuals. Mr. Prager answered that that is a sin. But he did not add that according to the Bible, homosexual behavior is also a sin - and it is a choice.

This may seem like a trivial point, but Mr. Prager prides himself about his knowledge of the Bible and has even written a Bible commentary.


9/1/21. The treatment of Dr. Mercola by the authorities has been despicable! He can only post articles for 48 hours. We have no idea how they forced him to do this, but it is censorship and illegal.

We don’t agree with Dr. Mercola’s nutritional advice. However, it is very important to support decent people who have been wronged. I encourage everyone to repost his messages. We are reposting his excellent message of August 29, 2021. For details, read The Awareness Foundation Report On The Covid Vaccines.

Apparently, the covid shots are killing people and the truth is being withheld. We don’t think the shots just contain mRNA because we don’t think this would be that harmful. Read our post on August 26, 2021 on the situation in Israel and elsewhere – More Vaccination Equal More Disease!


8/31/21. There are so many benefits of development and there are so many ways that a developed person helps the world situation that they are too numerous to discuss here. However, here is a partial list:

- You will receive much better guidance when you develop. Some comes from the guide creatures, a set of small fine matter creatures that live near the body. More of these are available and more are helping those who make an effort with the program. For details, read Controllers And Other Guide Creatures.

- You will develop unusual abilities that can help yourself, as well as helping others. These may include the ability to see and hear at a distance and in unusual ways, and there are many others.

- You will be safer. We are finding that especially those that do the coffee enemas with the program receive more protection.

- Developing will help you avoid the need to visit doctors and interact with the medical system. Today this system is quite dysfunctional and not safe to interact with.


8/30/21. Today’s current events are enough to drive anyone nuts. Here is what I do and what I suggest to keep your sanity and make more of a difference:

Do more of the development program. Development slowly increases a person’s influence in the world. It slowly changes a person from an effect to a cause.

This occurs because development grows the energy field of a person. As the energy field spreads out, your influence increases. In fact, one developed person can have more impact than thousands of undeveloped people.

Thus, developing yourself, even if causes few visible signs, is very constructive and very empowering. The process takes time, but you will become more and more a voice for love and for reason.

More details. If you want to read more details about the souls’ views on the news, here is a sampling:

- The current American government is illegal because they took power while there were, and still are, pending lawsuits challenging the election results. For details, go to and read The 2020 Election. In our view, voting machines and mail-in ballots are a perfect recipe for cheating on elections and both must stop being used.

- The medical profession has thoroughly discredited itself in the way they are ignoring simple therapies for a simple illness (Wuhan flu) while demanding vaccination even when people have already had the illness and the vaccine is unproven.

- The American retreat from Afghanistan is very foolish and is being handled very badly. Both Mr. Trump, and particularly Mr. Biden, are to blame. An American talk show host who gets it right is Dennis Prager.

2500 US troops, along with a few from Great Britain and France, with air support, and the Afghan army were keeping some peace in that nation and preventing radical Islamists from taking over the entire nation. There were VERY few American casualties - about one or two per month for the past several years.

The American withdrawal means that Al Queda, ISIS and the Taliban are back in power and Afghanistan once again will be used as a terrorist training base.

- Evil people now run many schools and universities. They teach fake theories such as critical race theory, gender ideology, climate change, and more. This serves only to confuse and divide people. The souls say that is the goal.


8/29/21. A very exciting topic is the use of the healing procedures for animals. They can save lives and can also help animals develop.

Some of the same healing and development procedures we highly recommend for human beings also are of tremendous benefit for animals. Especially good and quite simple to administer are reflexology and reddish heat lamp therapy. For details, read a new article, Healing And Development Procedures For Animals.


A common dietary mistake during the development program is to eat bread. We know it is tempting because it is convenient, inexpensive and can be tasty.

Problems with bread are that it is cooked at very high temperature. This seems to damage the food. Also, most bread contains wheat, which we find today is an irritant because most wheat is very hybridized. It may contain other grains that may be healthful, but except for blue corn do not facilitate development.


8/28/21. Natural sea salt is essential for health and development. Please do not avoid it or minimize it. Eat it liberally.

In fact, two clients recently became quite ill because they did not eat enough sea salt. They seemed to be dehydrated.

Eating sea salt does not tend to raise blood pressure or cause any problems. For more details, read Sodium And Salt-Eating.


8/28/21. When you eat eggs, the egg white that is at the pointed end of the egg is the very best to eat. This part of the egg nourishes the head of the chicken.


8/27/21. We just updated and improved two articles:

1. Gender dysphoria is the feeling that one is not really one’s biological or genetic gender. Nutritional imbalances and high levels of toxic metals and chemicals are making this problem more common today.

The way it is being handled by doctors and psychologists we believe is very harmful. For details, read Gender Dysphoria.

2. Combining the development program with other therapies was the topic of the newsletter post on 8/25/21. We cannot overemphasize all the problems this causes.

Please don’t combine programs! Instead, work with us to correct difficulties that arise during the development program.

In fact, I am amazed at how few problems occur, given the malnutrition and toxicity of all the bodies today. We improved and added a new section at the end of the article, Combining The Development Program With Other Therapies.


8/26/21. A trend in the world is occurring. Nations that have a high percentage of people “vaccinated” for the Chinese virus such as Israel and Great Britain are seeing large numbers of cases of covid-19, even among “vaccinated” people.

Meanwhile, nations with a low “vaccination” rate such as Sweden and the Palestinian state have fewer cases of covid-19.

The most likely explanations are that 1) the vaccines do not work well, (if they work at all) and 2) toxins in the vaccines weaken the people, who are then more prone to illness.

The word vaccination is in quotes above because our information is that the shots are not really vaccines. They are some sort of drug, but not vaccines. We have also reported that attempts to obtain purified virus from the American Centers For Disease Control And Prevention failed, making one wonder if the disease is just a flu.


8/25/21. The development program is unique and has as its goal a special condition of the body. If a person follows the program faithfully, you will move in the right direction.

On the other hand, if you combine the program with other advice, especially advice to eat fruit and salad, and to skip the development procedures, our program won’t work at all. Please be warned! Do not combine holistic or natural programs. If you require a medical drug, that is okay.

If you are having a problem with the development program, submit a question. Many people’s bodies are extremely toxic, depleted and traumatized. We will work with you on the problem. For more details, read Combining The Development Program With Other Therapies.


8/24/21. Very ancient and powerful, the pulling down exercise is among the most important development procedures. Rarely taught on earth except in religious monasteries, I am fortunate that, so far, I am allowed to teach it. Help me convince you to do it and to do it right!

How it works. A long life depends upon a forceful downward movement. Subtle energy must move through millions of tiny channels for life to grow and expand. These channels run vertically from head to feet.

In most people, the flow is impaired and too slow. This shortens life and causes illness and death.

Yes, we need much better nutrition and we need to remove toxic substances from the body. But we also need the powerful downward flow.

Too often the flow is chaotic or even somewhat reversed. Many feel this and use words to describe it such as mixed up, messed up, or uptight.

Downward force is the answer. Using your mind, force the energy downward. That is all there is to it! You can push it down, but that may cause a headache.

A better way is to empty yourself and create a vacuum. Place your attention below your feet. Imagine a gigantic magnet or vacuum cleaner pulling downward on the skin of the bottom of your feet. When you can do that comfortably, imagine the magnet or cleaner pulling downward on all parts of your body.

Do it as forcefully and as often as possible – at least two hours each day.

A little odd at first, that feeling soon ends. Soon you realize you are bringing new life into the body.

Distraction. At first, I found this impossible. Like a wild horse or an untrained dog, the mind raced and went where it wanted.

It was a little easier while lying down doing a coffee enema. Holding the enema forces one to move attention downward. It was also a little easier while walking very slowly, and thinking “down” with each step.

A living religion. Some imagine pulling God or Jesus into the body from above, or bringing Heaven to Earth. I sometimes think “I want more of God, more of God, more of God”. But don’t speak words while you do the exercise – it distracts from the goal of moving subtle energy.

Little by little, the mind obeys. Little by little, the exercise is easier and more fun. Each time you do it, you open and heal more channels.

Each time you do it, God’s Love flows more and more easily into and through the body. You will realize that this is working on your primary relationship – and the quality of all other relationships depends upon it.

You may think it sounds supremely selfish. However, as you do it you help the whole world, so it is anything but selfish. For details, read The Pulling Down Procedure.


8/23/21. Activation is the process of becoming aware of your full potential to the point of taking action to achieve it. I believe everyone has abilities and gifts of which they are unaware.

Activating everyone on earth is one of the goals of this newsletter and this website. The fate of the earth may depend upon it. For details, read Activation, The Light Workers, Become An Agent and Introduction To Development.


8/22/21. The souls who help with this newsletter ask that I continue to write on the theme of religion. The goal is to help unify the people of the earth and certainly not to offend anyone.

Two new, short articles are The Meaning Of The Father In The Bible and A Different Interpretation Of The Shema - A Famous Hebrew Prayer.


While holding a coffee enema, you can do the Pulling Down Procedure, the Open Position, Deep Breathing, the Twists, Pop, and Pulls and Foot Or Hand Reflexology. These are all excellent, easy to do while holding an enema, and will help you develop faster.


8/20/21. One of our Helpers reports that hospitals are doing much more than hospital work. Upon admission, everyone is forced to wear a tracking bracelet. If you take it off, they immediately know and bring you another one. They use large men to make sure you understand that you will comply with the rules.

They are putting implants in many patient’s heads to turn them into spies, and, in some cases, they hurt patients whom they don’t like.

We are told they are also turning some people into sats or satans. Sats look human, but they are hybrid creatures that are psychopathic and difficult to kill.

It is truly a horror and run by the Rogues. Do your best to stay out. This is an important reason to follow the development program. For details, read Hospital Horror.


8/19/21. The newer recommendations to eat aduki beans and arrowroot are not proving to be helpful, so these foods are no longer recommended. I will also remove these recommendations from earlier newsletter posts.


8/19/21. We need to keep repeating that the current American national government is thoroughly illegal. The reason is it took power when there were, and still are, lawsuits challenging the election results that have not been heard by the US Supreme Court.

This is a violation of the law. This needs to be pointed out and people need to rise up and protest against the violation of their laws. For details, read the earlier posts about The Election.


8/18/21. Vivian, age 50, experienced a bad rape at age 15 and has not been well ever since. The worst symptom is a type of brain fog or mild dementia in which she cannot complete sentences, at times, and has an overwhelming feeling of sadness much of the time. Her husband also noted that she does not remember things well and becomes easily confused if she has several tasks to perform.

She also has lost quite a bit of hair over the past ten years, to the point that it is embarrassing. Her digestion is also weak.

The program. About four years ago, Vivian began the development program. At first, she noticed little change except some improvement in her energy level. This is often the first change people notice. As explained in yesterday’s post, having more energy is needed for healing and development.

Mineral tests - a persistent double low ratio pattern. For the past three hair mineral tests, Vivian has had a double low ratio pattern on the first tetra or first four minerals (calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium). This is a low calcium/magnesium ratio and a low sodium/potassium ratio. This indicates degeneration, double give-up, and a tendency for death of the body.

Doubling. Vivian’s past three hair analyses also reveal a doubling of the above death pattern. This means the pattern on the first four minerals is also on the second four minerals or second tetra. Doubling indicates a pattern that is present at a deeper level in addition to the top or most superficial level of life. As one moves from the first tetra to the second tetra, one moves to a deeper layer of life.

Death reversal or back to life. When a pattern such as a double low ratio appear during the development program, it does not indicate impending death. In fact, it is the reverse. It means the issues are being addressed and in fact it is a reversal of the give-up, degeneration and death pattern. We also call this retracing.

In Vivian’s case, memories of the rape surfaced, she dreamed about the rape, and she cried, at times, which she has not done for years.

Forgiveness. We advised Vivian that it is absolutely necessary to forgive everyone for everything that has occurred in your life. The reasons are:

1. One does not know why events occur. Perhaps one had a part in the cause, so it is unwise and untrue to just blame events upon others.

2. Perhaps one experienced the event in order to learn something or to help others, in some way. The souls have their reasons why they want and need to experience certain events.

3. Perhaps the event even saved one’s life by altering the future and thus preventing a worse disaster.

4. There could be other reasons for the event, such as to prepare a person for a future career helping others who have experienced similar events.

Breakthrough. In the past two weeks, Vivian suddenly found that all her symptoms have gone away. She is quite amazed by this. Her mind is clear, her memory is very good, and her digestion has also improved.

Guide creatures. Over the past several weeks, we are learning more about the return of the guide creatures. This is a set of small fine-matter creatures that arrange themselves close to the body of every person and act as guides and healers. They often leave if a person experiences a trauma such as a rape, a beating, a serious accident or a serious illness.

When I asked why Vivian feels so much better, I was told that three guide creatures recently returned to Vivian and they are helping her healing. They are setting up other patterns on her new hair mineral chart such as coming alive pattern on the second four minerals. This is present when the levels of the second four minerals all either rise or remain the same.

Everything out pattern. Vivian is also eliminating ten toxic minerals or toxic forms of nutrient minerals. The evidence is a rise in the level of these minerals. Usually, this is due to more elimination of these minerals through the hair and skin. The body does not eliminate all toxins this way, but often it is an easy and safe way to move toxic substances out of the body and it is easy to see on a hair mineral chart.

Blood testing versus hair testing. It would be much more difficult to see this toxin elimination on a blood test. It is possible, but one would have to sample the blood at exactly the right time. The blood is the highway of the body and a very busy place. The hair, by contrast, grows slowly and steadily, and leaves a much longer-term record of metabolic changes.

Some day, I have no doubt that that medical personnel will understand and value the hair mineral test. For now, they deride it but they don’t understand it. I hope the case histories in this newsletter will help remedy this situation because the patterns are consistent and repeatable and easily verified. We often see the same pattern two or three times in one day when we review ten or more tests in a day.

Other patterns. The hair test provides a lot of information, often more than one might imagine.

Maturing. Vivian’s recent mineral test also revealed a psychological maturing pattern (elimination of toxic potassium). This is often necessary in order to fully forgive others and for other purposes, as well. For details, read Toxic Potassium and The Child Minerals.

Anchors. This recently discovered pattern indicates significant improvement in the brain. It consists of minerals whose levels change little or not at all when a person is following the development program. Vivian has eight of these on her recent hair test, which we call a new brain. For details, read Anchors And Pivots.

A standard surge. This is a sharp increase in the levels of sodium and potassium on a retest when a person faithfully follows the development program. It is always due to the activity of returning guide creatures, in combination with the effect of the diet, lifestyle, supplements and healing procedures. It is a very positive sign on a hair mineral test. For details, read Surges.


8/17/21. A principle of development science that was a favorite of Dr. Paul Eck is that to heal and develop requires adaptive energy. The program is designed to increase the production of this energy and it is one of the secrets of the program.

Energy production in the body has a number of aspects. One is to improve the energy pathway – or biochemical pathways through which the body produces ATP.

A second aspect is to balance certain mineral ratios in the cells, and to keep them balanced. This is like tuning the engine of a car or running the motor at the right speed. For maximum energy production, it is important to balance the oxidation rate and the sodium/potassium ratio.

The calcium/magnesium ratio is also very important to balance. It has to do with overeating on carbohydrates and with a person’s lifestyle if the ratio is greater than 13.5.

In fact, the body has seven energy production systems and the subject is fairly complex. For more details, read the updated article, Restoring The Body's Energy Systems.


8/16/21. I believe the Rogues are circulating the following report to send a message to the American people.

The US Constitution guarantees the right to petition the government, meaning to protest. The rogues are sending the message that you better not do so. Sadly, it is working.

It is also a two-tiered justice system. If you are a Democrat or member of Black Lives Matter or Antifa and riot, often there is no jail time at all. But here is the story of the January 6 protestors, which was a mild protest:

Joe Biggs served his country honorably as a soldier. He then became a voice for American justice when he peacefully participated in the January 6, 2021 protest in Washington, DC.

Joe Biggs is now being held in Third World prison conditions for simply being present at the US Capitol. He wrote of his 3-month experience in jail.

He wrote of health issues he has experienced as a result of sleeping only 4 hours a night on a cold steel rack while not being allowed to work out and only given 10 hours of sunlight in 3 months, a soy-based diet, with hardly any protein, mostly processed foods, and "some kind of gelatin dog food-looking stuff."

There is no privacy allowed for the toliet and he is allotted a single shelf that nothing can be place on. If he complains he is sent to solitary confinement. He cannot talk to his family and is stripped naked and locked alone in a bright, freezing room. He wrote: “I have anxiety bad now. Panic attacks so bad, I black out.”


8/15/21. This is an unusual newsletter post. It concerns a new method to speed up healing and development on earth. This is very needed today because the earth is getting cleaned up and needs your help!

The guide creatures. As explained in yesterday’s post, the guide creatures are a set of about 12 small, very advanced fine matter animals or creatures that arrange themselves around every human body. They help the body in dozens of ways, especially women.

The problem is that everyone needs more of them. One reason is that they leave if a person becomes too malnourished, which is the rule today, not the exception. The failure of the medical profession in this area cannot be overstated. It is beyond criminal. In the view of the guide creatures, it is more like genocidal.

Other reasons the guide creatures leave. These are 1) extreme traumas such as a very bad rape or beating, 2) criminal behavior, 3) selfish behavior, especially with money, and 4) perhaps a few other situations such as a very serious accident that disables the brain. However, malnutrition is the major reason they leave.

The guide creatures know about 12 methods to speed up healing and development. We will add “getting a guide creature” to our article about how to develop faster.

Some of these methods will result in unusual hair mineral test patterns. We have added the patterns we have discovered to the article The Controllers And Other Guide Creatures.

How to get more guide creatures. 1) Follow the entire development diet. For example, don’t skip foods such as tahini, almond butter or nutritional yeast. Many people skip foods they don’t like or that are costly even if they can afford to buy them.

2) Live a life of generosity and integrity. This means keep your word and don’t lie or fudge, as most people do.

3) Try to live safely, without living in abject fear. Don’t take chances, dress conservatively, and women need to be very careful with men in all situations. This means don’t date if at all possible and be with people you know and trust at all times. We don’t recommend college for women except online, at home. It is too dangerous, as are many jobs for women. For details, read Dating and Rape.


8/14/21. Frank is 60 years old. He has had the symptoms above for at least 25 years or longer. He visited many doctors with no results. At the time he began the development program he was taking at least two medications to help control his symptoms.

About three and a half years ago Frank began the development program. At first, results were slow, although his energy improved quickly. This encouraged him to continue the program.

However, over the past two months, he has seen dramatic improvements in most of his symptoms. He has stopped taking all of his prescription drugs! This is quite an accomplishment all by itself. He also looks much better and feels like a young man. His family is quite amazed and perplexed.

The new hair mineral test. Frank’s new hair test has a number of joy or development patterns. He has a coming alive pattern on the second four minerals. This indicates deep healing. For details, read Coming Alive Pattern.

He also has a hidden hill pattern. It is a hill pattern, but the elimination of toxic potassium obscures the hill, so one can call it a hidden hill. A hill pattern is very positive and is a celebration and great joy pattern.

Brain patterns. Frank eliminated three “child minerals” – toxic potassium, aluminum and nickel. This we call maturing pattern. Indeed, his thinking has changed for the better. Everyone notices it. For details, read Toxic Potassium and The Child Minerals.

He also has eight anchor patterns, which we call a new brain. This has also helped his thinking. The brain structure actually looks more normal.

He also has a right pivot pattern on the second four minerals. This is an insight or turnaround in his thinking in regards to himself. For details, read Anchors and Pivots.

Undoing death. Frank also has a step up pattern, which we call quick death. Normally, it is a bad sign. However, in this case he is retracing the pattern, so it means the opposite – a reversal of the pattern. He is undoing a death tendency in himself.

Frank also got three guide creatures – an asherot, an aliot and an aravot. These are very smart and very advanced small, fine matter creatures that remain around the body and help a person in many ways. For details, read The Controllers And Other Guide Creatures.

Frank also has a pattern we call everything coming out. This is when the levels of six or more minerals increase, indicating their elimination through the hair and skin. Frank eliminated toxic potassium, manganese, copper, iron, lead, aluminum, arsenic, molybdenum, lithium, and nickel.

Among the toxic minerals that were eliminated were several oxides or irritants. We call these the amigos – iron, manganese and aluminum. There are others as well. These are highly irritating to the body and eliminating them is wonderful. We call this an amigo dump or elimination. For details, read The Amigos – Iron, Manganese And Aluminum.

I am told that Frank also eliminated boron, vanadium and cobalt. The lab does not read boron and vanadium, so the levels are not visible on the hair test. The cobalt level on the hair test did not change. However, I am told that the cobalt elimination is very recent and occurred after the hair was cut for this test.

Activation. The patterns discussed above together are causing a condition we call activation. Basically, it is a waking up of the body and brain to its full potential. Most people are not activated and live what may be called the unconscious life.

The development program, along with the work of the guide creatures, planning souls and others, can help people activate or wake up. This requires a better brain and often a healthier body. The person begins to think differently and better, and is more able to carry out his or her ideas and ambitions. For details, read Activation.


8/13/21. This is a continuation of the post of August 11, 2021.

Diet: The more precisely you do the diet, the faster you will develop. This is an important principle.

Going to bed early. Go to bed between 8 and 9 PM every night. This is extremely helpful to speed up development.

The guide creatures. If one follows the development program carefully and lives a life of integrity, often one receives a guide creature. These are small, fine matter creatures that have the ability to speed up healing and development. You may not notice one is helping you, although some people feel better or are happier. For details, read The Controllers And Other Guide Creatures.

Down hugging or down sex. These unusual procedures greatly speed up development. This is especially true if the woman falls asleep during the procedure. This is a type of trance effect.

Note: There are problems with down sex, particularly, if one does it with someone who is not your marriage partner. In this case, there is some danger of rape. Also, it is somewhat unclean, the woman can form an unhealthy attachment for the man, and there can be some embarrassment. Men can also have accidents and lose sexual fluid. This needs to be weighed against the benefits, which can be substantial. For details, read Down Hugging and Down Sex.

The breathing method. This is newer information. Breathing in and out through the toes and moving energy downward as you breathe also speeds up development. Done correctly, it is quite powerful. We plan to write more about this in the future.


8/12/21. Several clients reported problems after eating chicken skin, such as on chicken wings, especially from a roasted chicken. We much prefer chicken cooked by boiling or pressure cooking. Baking is not great, but is better than roasting.


8/12/21. Sami is one and a half years old and weighs 75 pounds. She suffered from skin problems, fatigue, diarrhea and nervousness.

Six months ago Sami began the development program. Her owner is willing to give him some of the same food she eats – about 50% cooked dark meat chicken and 50% cooked preferred vegetables. Sami eats some carrots every meal. This is often important to heal dogs.

The new hair test. Sami remains a very fast oxidizer with a very high sodium/potassium ratio. This is a common pattern for dogs. The new hair test shows a slightly faster oxidation rate and more inflammation. We believe this is part of her healing process at this time.

Also, chromium toxicity that was present on the previous test improved a lot. The aluminum and arsenic levels are lower. The lead, mercury and nickel levels are higher. The latter can be due to improved kidney activity. The other mineral readings are close to the previous readings.

Sami’s owner reports that Sami improved immediately when she stopped eating the regular dog food. Sami then went through a series of healing reactions. The first was a lot of discharge from the eyes. Then she was tired for a few days. Then she began to smell bad with bad breath for two weeks with a lot of urination. Then for two weeks she had trouble digesting vegetables. For more details, read Caring For Dogs With A Development Program.


8/11/21. Moving along quickly is very important when following the development program. This is very different than the situation with other healing and nutrition programs. Reasons for this are:

1. Development is a very long path. Many people feel the benefits of the program quickly. However, some conditions require more advanced development to heal.

2. One needs to reach a certain stage of development to live longer. Otherwise, old age intervenes and one does not live on.

Methods to move faster. Briefly, to move fast here is what helps:

- Follow the diet carefully. Don’t skip meals, don’t skip recommended foods, and don’t alter the diet. I know it is somewhat unusual, but our experience is that it is required today due to the condition of the food supply and other factors.

- At least do the basic supplements. Preferably do a full supplement program without adding other products.

- Get plenty of rest and sleep, and go to bed by 9 PM.

- Limit ordinary sex with sexual fluid loss. The less, the better. However, down sex and down hugging are excellent and speed up healing. This is especially true with the newer addition of the woman falling asleep during the procedure. For some reason, she moves much faster when this occurs during down sex.

- Do coffee enemas, at least one daily and preferably two to four daily. These help move energy correctly, nourish the body, reduce toxicity in the organs, and much, much more. They seem to be needed very much today for everyone.

- Do the pulling down procedure at least one to two hours daily. You can do it as often as you wish and it combines well with coffee enemas. This is needed for rapid development. For details, read The Pulling Down Exercise.

- Do the spinal twists, and the pops and pulls. These open the joints, and this greatly speeds up healing. Do this several times daily. Twisting the hands and fingers is an important part of the basic procedure. For details, read The Twists, Pops, And Pulls.

We plan to write much more about this critical topic.


8/10/21. I am told that the Rogues are attempting to poison our entire planet with iron at this time. They try to add it to the water, air and food in some restaurants. They also try to spray it on the fields. Iron is also a dark color and used in dark clothing, black paint, tatoos, inks, and other places.

The iron compound is an oxide, which is an irritant. It also builds up in the brain in the amygdala and causes people to be angry. I am told there is a secret project to stop the iron poisoning. However, this is one reason we recommend light colored clothing, appliances and everything else in your home and office. For details, read Iron Overload and The Amigos – Iron, Manganese and Aluminum (and others).


8/10/21. A unique concept of the development program is to activate special genes using superior, specific, targeted nutrition. We recommend specific foods and not other nutritious foods.

Only the recommended foods contain certain chemicals needed to activate these special genes. When this occurs, it accelerates healing and toughens the body. This helps to build health and extend life. For details, read Food For Development.


8/9/21. - Eggs from turkeys, ducks and other birds are all good on the development program.

- Also, the egg white at the more pointed end of an egg is excellent to eat. This part of the egg is where the head of the bird would be. It is best eaten a little firm but not hard, such as what occurs with a three-minute boiled chicken egg.


8/8/21. A principle of the development program that I originally learned from reading the work of Maria Montessori is as follows:

Ms. Montessori wrote that the conventional educational method is to force children to learn a curriculum of the teacher’s choosing. In reality, however, learning is natural and forcing is not needed and harmful to the mind.

If one supports and nourishes the child’s mind properly, the child will learn at a pace and order of his or her choosing. This method produces a superior education because there is no violence to the mind.

Application to health care. Most all doctors, including natural healers, base their therapy upon symptoms, exams or lab tests designed to detect diseases.

However, in reality, healing is natural. All one needs to do is to properly support, nourish, detoxify and balance the body. Then the body will do the healing in its own order and at its own pace.

Difficulties with the Maria Montessori concept:

1. Figuring out how to nourish, support, detoxify and balance the mind or body properly. This is not a simple matter.

2. Handling reactions that occur with deep healing. These rarely occur with other healing methods, but are common during the development program. They often look and feel like illness, but they are not.

If one consults a doctor in regard to them, doctors don’t understand them and become concerned. This often scares the person away from the development program. This is why we recommend contacting us first if you do not feel well on the program.

3. One does not know the order and speed of learning or healing. This is because in the Montessori system, the teacher is not in charge of the learning process. With the development program, the practitioner is not in charge of the healing process. This can be frustrating, and requires patience.

The planning souls. We have recently learned that the development program assists a group of souls who know what the body needs to heal. They keep a list of problems in the body, some of which produce no symptoms, yet are life-threatening. They include cancers or small aneurysm that are very difficult to detect. For details, read The Planning Souls.


8/7/21. John is 23 years old. He had many health problems for years including severe fatigue that led to drug use for a while. He also did not function well mentally, with a poor memory and impaired mental processing ability. Brain fog and severe derealization or spaciness were mild terms to describe his mental state.

The change. John has followed the development program quite well for about five years. Over the past month or so, John is thinking much better, less tired, and overall in better health.

The new hair test. John’s new hair mineral analysis revealed a number of excellent patterns:

Maturing. John has matured a lot just in the past month. One wonders how this is possible. However, this is common when the hair test reveals an elimination of a toxic compound of potassium that is often in our food today. For details about this very serious agricultural problem, read Toxic Potassium and Superphosphate Or N-P-K Fertilizers.

Everything coming out. John also eliminated a number of toxic metals, a pattern we call everything coming out. Especially helpful is that he eliminated toxic forms of iron, manganese and aluminum. When one eliminates these compounds, often there is a breakthrough in one’s healing. For details, read The Amigos – Iron, Manganese and Aluminum.

The aravot. I am told that John got back one of his guide creatures. These are several sets of small creatures that guide and heal a person. They are around the body, but cannot be seen because they are made of fine matter, a type of matter that most people cannot see. The Hebrew Bible contains a description of one of them. For details, read The Vision Of Ezekiel.

If one is very ill or suffers a trauma, often one or more of them leaves. When this occurs, one does not make as good decisions and less healing takes place.

The guide creatures will return if one follows the development program so as to improve health and mental capability. This is what occurred with John. For details, read The Controllers And Other Guide Creatures.

Rapid development. John also has a phosphorus level above 16 mg%. On a retest when a person follows the development program, this usually indicates a faster rate of development. This is most helpful because development is a long path.

A 6-hill. John also has a very unusual pattern. It is a hill pattern that spans six minerals. A hill pattern is very positive. Most hill patterns span four minerals. A 6-mineral hill or a 6-hill is a very expansive hill or celebration pattern. For details, read The Hill Pattern On A Hair Mineral Analysis.


8/6/21. Yesterday Dr. Mercola wrote that he was forced to take down his large website, although he says he can still write articles that will remain for 48 hours. We don’t like his nutritional recommendations, but he had a lot of good information about vaccination, fluoridation and the Wuhan virus that needs to be spread.

So far, I have not been attacked to the same degree, so I will keep writing and setting up development programs.

It is easy to become very negative about what is going on. A bright spot is that according to Dr. Mercola, protests against vaccine passports and other restrictions are increasing.

I believe that our thoughts are very powerful. So I continue to monitor my thoughts to see if they align with my belief in God and in “the good, the true and the beautiful”. I encourage everyone to do the same. I believe the development program helps one do this by healing the body at the deepest level.


8/6/21. I continue to receive emails and calls now and then from clients who are panicking because they think they have the Wuhan virus. However, when we check, the people who follow the program are just retracing.

Testing. At this time, I don’t recommend testing for Wuhan virus. The tests are not accurate and the results may scare you. Also, the virus and its variants are weak. Follow the development program to keep yourself strong and healthy.

Vaccines. As for the so-called vaccines, we don’t think they are vaccines, or that they work, or that they are needed. I heard a report that the American government now says that your viral load is the same whether or not you are vaccinated. They now say that the only benefit of the vaccine is that if you get the virus you may be less sick. A few of our clients have taken the vaccine, and they all survived, so far.


8/6/21. I took down one of the posts from yesterday, 8/5/21 about Kwan Yin. I don’t have enough evidence that it is true.


8/5/21. We added two important warnings to the beginning of the article about kissing. These days, kissing is not safe because many people have sexually transmitted diseases of the mouth that are easily spread by kissing. For details, read Kissing.


8/4/21. We allow clients to retest the hair up to every six months. However, for best results, we suggest retesting within three or four months.

This is more costly. However, it allows us to pick up changes in body chemistry sooner and to set up a new program sooner. This prevents some symptoms that are due to staying on a development supplement program that is no longer correct. For more details, read Retesting The Hair MInerals.


8/3/21. We are learning that the earth is a huge living body. The souls have specific jobs in this body. The souls need to live in specific locations to do their jobs well and to be effective.

While a relatively few people live in the right place, many do not! This is a Rogue plan for the earth to wreck this planet, and it works well. They use special shields to keep the souls from going home.

When you live in the wrong place, no matter how comfortable it seems, you are much less safe and you will not be as happy and healthy. You will not have as many good friends and finding the right husband or wife is also difficult or impossible.

So a new project of the souls is to move everyone to where they belong. Try to tune in and listen to your souls, who will be telling you if you need to move. Things will work out if you are in the right place.


8/3/21. The answer is no!!! First, the climate is always changing. If the earth were to become warmer, it would be a wonderful thing, not a disaster!!

Also, the climate of the earth is under the control of a group of advanced fine matter beings. It has nothing at all to do with driving cars or anything else that human beings do. The beings regulate the orbit of the earth and can change the distance from the earth to the sun to regulate the temperature of the earth.

The idea that cows with intestinal gas are wrecking the planet is complete and total utter nonsense. It is just designed to scare people into eating the wrong food so you will be sick and weak.

In fact, farm animals help sequester carbon and therefore they are very beneficial for the planet. They also help the planet in one hundred other ways that we will discuss in future posts. For details, read Global Warming and Climate Change.


8/2/21. The lymph system is one of the most interesting of the body systems. It consists of ducts, nodes, organs and glands. It has two purposes. The first is to carry away certain toxins that would be difficult to eliminate through the blood. The second purpose is to help fight infections.

The lymph system is congested and sluggish in many people. In addition, it begins to atrophy or shrink at age 30 to 40. Organs affected include the thymus gland, spleen and the Peyer’s patches.

An important reason to follow the development program is to prevent and reverse the damage to the lymph system that occurs with age. This is very important to resist infections and cancer, and for detoxification.

For details, read the newly improved article, The Lymph System and The Peyer’s Patches.


8/1/21. The vagina has a powerful reflex system. A newer and excellent procedure for women is vaginal reflexology therapy. It may seem unusual, but the feedback we have received is that it is very good for women.

It helps cleanse, balance, activate the lymph system, retrace traumas, and more. It also helps women understand their bodies much better. For details, read Vaginal Massage And Reflexology. We strongly suggest that men read through this short article, as well, to assist their understanding of women.


7/31/21. Almond butter contains souls and nutrients that we find are essential for rapid development. Please do not skip it. Adults need two tablespoons every day, while children need less depending upon their size.

Butter made with organically grown almonds is better, but any almond butter is very good. Eating almonds is not as good because they must be chewed thoroughly and even then, it is difficult to extract all the nutrients from the almonds. For more details, read Almond Butter.


7/31/21. I heard that there is street fighting in Washington, DC involving people who know that the Biden administration was not elected and took office illegally. If anyone knows of websites that are reporting on this, please send me an email about it.


7/30/21. Development is a life path. This means that it is comprehensive and quite all-inclusive. It touches and affects all aspects of a person’s life. We cleaned up the Path article. For details, read The Path Concept.


7/30/21. Some are saying we are winding down our work because we are not training new Helpers at this time. However, we are not winding down at all! Actually, the pace of research has increased recently.

Meanwhile, another person is offering hair analysis training. She tells people she is the new hair analysis authority. However, she is not an authority and she does not set up the programs properly. Her programs will not cause development. In fact, she works with a group that seeks to stop development on earth!

She also tells people they can learn to interpret hair tests in a few months with her course. This is not possible.

We are not training new Helpers at this time for several reasons: 1) Many of our current Helpers can handle more business and we would rather send new clients to them so they become busier; 2) The souls who assist us need to protect our Helpers from attacks from the Rogues. The more Helpers we have, the more difficult is the job of protecting them; 3) When we check, some who want training will take our diploma and say they studied with Dr. Wilson, but will set up the programs incorrectly to prevent development.


7/29/21. We are told that the epidemic of rape in our nations has something to do with with the way many women dress and act. This is a controversial topic, but an important one. For details, read the updated article, How And Why To Be Unsexy.


7/28/21. Correction. The addition of oral coffee, reflexology and shiatsu while holding a coffee enema are interesting. However, for many people it may be best to just focus on doing the pulling down exercise while holding your coffee enema.

The reason is that the pulling down exercise a lot is absolutely essential for development! Doing it during a coffee enema makes it easier and it is very important to make the pulling down exercise a daily habit – one to three hours daily or more. You cannot overdo on the pulling down exercise. The more you do it the faster you move along.

Additions. A few other tricks that make the coffee enema procedure easier and better are:

1. Grind the coffee to a very fine powder. If you use a standard electric coffee grinder, leave it on for at least 25 seconds. If you grind your coffee at the store where you buy it, use the finest grinding option.

2. Pressure-cooking the coffee saves a lot of time. Pressure cook for only 14 seconds. Boiling requires 12 minutes.

3. To have the coffee at the right temperature, when you boil or pressure cook the coffee, only use a small amount of water. Add the rest of the water after cooking and this will cool down the mixture.

4. If the coffee won’t flow through the enema tube, often the blockage is at the clamp. Try to move the clamp and squeeze the tube. There may be some coffee grounds blocking the tube.

Some enema kits come with a filter in the enema tube. This easily clogs up. I would remove it! There is nothing wrong with having some coffee grounds inside you.

5. For the least dripping, move the clamp on the enema tube as near to the enema tip as possible.

6. If you have a lot of intestinal gas, it will be difficult to hold a coffee enema. Here are some tricks to help this problem: Eat about one tablespoon of almond butter before doing the enema. This may help expel the gas. Also, do a plain water enema before doing a coffee enema to help expel gas.

If the problem remains, elevate your hips so they are higher than your abdomen. Also, leave the enema tip inside you. If needed, tie the enema tube to your thigh with a shoelace or something similar so that it won’t fall out. With the enema tip inside you and your hips higher than the abdomen, intestinal gas will tend to move to the enema tip and be expelled easily through the tip.

7. At times, your body will eliminate a very difficult toxin during a coffee enema. If this occurs, you will not be able to hold the coffee for as long.

Don’t worry about this. It is normal. Just get up and expel the coffee, which will be full of toxins. You can make more coffee and do another enema in this situation, and often you will be able to hold the second one.

8. When you expel the coffee, flush the toilet immediately after expelling the coffee. The reason is that the coffee will contain a lot of toxins. If you don’t flush quickly, some of the toxins can re-enter the body because they include aberrant souls.

9. We don’t recommend a Mikacare Enema Kit. It was hard to hold the enemas and was infected. The old-fashioned red enema bag or a simple enema bucket are often best.


7/27/21. Over the past several months we have found a number of ways to enhance coffee enemas. Together, they make the coffee enema a much more intense healing experience.

1. Start with a quick plain water enema. This serves to empty the colon and to release intestinal gas. Emptying the colon is also helpful to retain the enema. Also, it prevents the coffee from being absorbed by feces in the colon. Instead, all the coffee will be available for healing.

We use tap water for this enema and we don’t hold it. We put it in and then immediately release it. It is not necessary to remove every bit of feces for it to work.

2. Tilt your hips or tilt the massage table or bed you are using to do the enema so that your hips are slightly higher than your head. This helps to hold the coffee. It also helps to move the coffee into the transverse colon, where we like it during the enema.

The transverse colon has reflexes to the brain, the head, and the liver and spleen – areas that need work on everyone.

3. Add the oral coffee hold while doing the enema. This is a method of getting more coffee to your head and brain area. Most people definitely need this.

You can just set aside a little coffee for the oral coffee hold and put it in your mouth after you have put coffee in the colon and are holding the coffee.

Another method that may seem dirty, but it is not, is that when you put the coffee inside you, a little coffee remains in the enema tube. It is easy to move this coffee back into the bucket or bag after you put the coffee into the colon.

To do this, just hold the enema tube and tip above the bucket or bag and open the clamp. Then put this coffee into your mouth and hold it while you hold the enema. This takes a little practice, but then is not too difficult. For details, read The Oral Coffee Hold.

4. Do the open position. Putting the body in this position during a coffee enema is easy and has interesting healing effects. Clients report that it is calming, empowering and it helps the kidneys and perhaps other organs to use the coffee better. For details, read The Open Position Procedure.

5. Do foot and hand reflexology and shiatsu while holding the enema. Reflexology on the liver, kidneys, heart and brain are excellent during a coffee enema. For details, read Reflexology.

A newer procedure is adding massage or tapping on the main energy channels of the body, also called the meridians. It is easy to do while holding a coffee enema. This method is ancient and called shiatsu in the Japanese language. For details, read Shiatsu.

6. Do two coffee enemas back to back. We don’t know exactly why this works better, but it does. It works better even if you use the same amount of coffee that you would use for one enema and just add more water to make enough liquid for two enemas.

Some people can also use up to twice as much coffee, as well. If you feel jittery or nervous afterwards, use less coffee.

Work into all these enhancements slowly, if needed. Your coffee enemas will have a much more powerful effect. We will write more about this as we learn more.


7/26/21. Kyle, age 36, has had symptoms of joint pain, fatigue and food sensitivities for 20 years. The problems began when he had back pain and was given an addictive painkiller by a doctor. He needed to take more and more, and was soon addicted.

When that stopped working, he experimented with a number of other medical and recreational drugs, in an attempt to get relief from his back pain. This went on for seven years until he became a Christian, which enabled him to stop the drugs. However, his symptoms remained.

Six years ago he heard about the development program and began it slowly. For most of the time, he remained in a four lows pattern until the past year. He also had difficulty taking the supplements and doing some of the procedures.

Now, however, he can take the supplements and does four enemas daily, along with saunas, pulling down and the other basic healing procedures.

The breakthrough. In the past few months, Kyle has felt better than ever before. His new hair test reveals a number of excellent patterns.

He has a steep hill. This occurs when the tops of the graphs of the first four minerals looks like a hill or mountain. His pattern of the first four minerals changed from a bowl to a hill. This is what we call a new person pattern. The hill pattern is a reversal of the bowl pattern.

The guide creatures. This pattern is also associated with getting back two guide creatures – an asherot and a galgal. The guide creatures are a set of small fine matter creatures found just outside and all around the body of every human being.

The guide creatures are about the size of your fingernail, but are very important. They are quite advanced and intelligent. They help protect a person and they offer guidance and information.

When a person experiences a trauma, some of the guide creatures often leave because they think the person will no longer be able to use the information they provide. For details, read Controllers And Other Guide Creatures.

Other patterns. Kyle also has a coming alive pattern on the second four minerals, which indicates deep healing. Coming alive pattern occurs when the levels of the first four or second four minerals all rise or stay the same.

He also has rapid development pattern, which is a phosphorus level above 16 mg%. He is also eliminating lead, mercury, aluminum and nickel, along with toxic forms of iron, copper, and manganese. We call this everything coming out pattern and it is very positive.

Kyle’s new mineral analysis also revealed seven anchor patterns. These patterns indicate improvements in brain function. When there are seven, we call it a new brain pattern.


7/25/21. The kelp procedure adds a load of nutrients to the body safely and quickly through the skin. It is most helpful for healing and development.

In addition, we recently found that when a person receives a kelp massage he or she often becomes sleepy and can go into a light sleep or trance state. In this state, development occurs much more rapidly.

The kelp wrap article has been corrected and updated. For details read The Kelp Wrap Or Kelp Massage.


7/25/21. Yesterday’s post mentioned that black pigments and black paint often contains iron, an electrical conductor. We now believe that the rogues are using black objects as platforms for their electronic snooping, monitoring and control devices.

This is an important reason NOT to wear dark-colored clothing. Also, when possible, buy items for your home and office that are light-colored. For other reasons to avoid black everything, read Color.


7/24/21. This post is unusual and scary. However, steps are being taken to stop this Rogue plan.

I am told that one goal of the group we call the rogues is to convert millions of people into sats or satans. These are hybrid human/machine/angel creatures that are robot-like in their behavior. For details, read The Sats or Satans. The word sat or satan is theirs, and it is found in the Hebrew and Christian Bibles.

This plan is already in operation. Our forces were not aware of the extent of it.

The Takings. To convert people, they begin by weakening the bodies. They use rape, beatings, poisoning, diseases and more exotic electronic methods. Debilitating the bodies begins soon after birth with the baby rapes. For details, read The Bably Rapes Or Takings and The Rape Planet.

These beatings and rapes cause many problems for children. Many, including this author, were taken as babies and still bear the scars. The development program helps undo the damage.

Readers of this newsletter know about some other ways the bodies become weak. These include our poor quality food, overuse of medical drugs, vaccines, toxicity from cell phones and cell phone towers, poisoning of the air from the cars, adult Rapes, and more.

Iron. To help convert the brains of the people, they need to fill the bodies with a number of toxic metals, including certain iron compounds. This is being done today in many ways.

For example, many readers know that by law, iron is added to all white flour. This has been done for at least 70 years in America and many other nations. It is labeled “enriched” flour.

In addition, I am told the rogues are spraying iron everywhere from ships overhead. It finds its way into our food and our water supplies. It can give drinking water a slight yellowish tinge.

Many scientists say that the covid-19 vaccines mainly contain iron, which some call graphine oxide (iron oxide). I found out recently that fast food restaurants in my area are adding an iron compound to their food. It is a fairly new requirement at these restaurants. I don’t know about other restaurants.

Tatoos often contain iron, which has a dark to black color. Black paint and black pigments in plastics and elsewhere contain iron.

Effects of iron. The correct forms of iron are essential for health. However, in the oxide and other toxic compounds, iron is extremely irritating to the tissues. Also, it settles in the amygdala, a structure in the brain that has to do with emotions. Iron causes a person to become angry and enraged, though they may not show it.

In development science, iron is considered an older and more toxic male element. An overload causes the personality to become rough, brutal and violent. This is exactly what the rogues want in the sats.

When I think of iron toxicity, which is very common today, I think of a Roman soldier in the old Roman Empire. They were known for their brutality. For details, read Acquired Iron Toxicity.

Manganese, aluminum, barium and zirconium. These are other toxic metals that the rogues spread around to make sat conversion easier. For example, a toxic form of manganese is added to all gasoline today. Aluminum is added to most municipal drinking water, table salt and is the main ingredient in all anti-perspirants. For more details, read Manganese, Aluminum, Barium and Zirconium.

The operating rooms. The rogues have also brought to the earth thousands of advanced operating rooms where they install the electronic equipment needed to produce a sat. These are mostly in underground facilities and some are in our hospitals today. This is one reason to stay out of hospitals if you can.

The forces that are working to help the earth are very aware of the sat conversion problem and they are taking steps to stop it.


7/23/21. To enhance these procedures a lot, the woman should fall “asleep”. She actually goes into a light trance state and develops much faster. For details, read the updated Down Sex and Down Hugging articles.


7/23/21. We keep repeating this because no one else is saying it. The Biden administration is illegal because they took power while there were and still are Supreme Court cases challenging the 2020 election in America that were not heard and adjudicated.

The present Congress of the United States is also illegal for the same reason. For details, read the earlier post on THE ELECTION.


7/23/21. We continue to receive excellent feedback on the effects of the vaginal or penis peroxide procedure. One client mentioned that it took about 30 to 40 peroxide sessions of about half an hour each before he began to retrace deeper sexually transmitted diseases.

Another client reported that her herpes infection and other infections are clearing throughout the body. In other words, the peroxide works all over the body, not just in the genital area. For details, read Vaginal Peroxide Implants and Peroxide For Men.


7/22/21. We highly recommend buying and using an ozonator/ionizer air purifier in your home and office. The ones we like are squarish cherry wood boxes with two dials on the front.

Decent brands are Ivation and New Comfort. Ivation has been around much longer. They cost between $116.00 and about $160.00 in America.

How it works. This machine converts some oxygen (02) in the air to ozone (03). Then, if there is some ventilation, more oxygen is drawn into the home. When you breathe, you breathe both oxygen and ozone. The ozone quickly converts to oxygen inside your body so you end up with more oxygen. This is very healing. Ozone is also quite yang, which is helpful.

Some people find ozone a little irritating, but it is easy to adjust the amount the machine puts out. I can handle the machine at full power now because I have healed my lungs. For more details, read Ozonator/Ionizer Air Purifiers.


7/21/21. This is one of the most important posts ever. A critical spiritual idea at this time is to work closely with others to achieve whatever you desire. This idea is not stated directly in the Ten Commandments given to Moses, but it is a central idea in life.

Each person has different skills and a different temperament, and each brings to a task unique abilities and talents. For this reason, working with others is necessary to achieve success.

Please think about this a lot and read a short, new important spiritual article, We Need To Work Together. Also a related article and must read is God – How He/She Works.


7/20/21. We updated the article called Sex Talk For Women. We think it is now a much better article. For details, read Sex Talk For Women.


7/20/21. We have become aware that the Rogues are poisoning certain organic foods, at least in the United States. I’m not sure about elsewhere at this time. This applies only to the commercial (large-scale) organic food industry. Small locally-grown farm food appears to be okay.

At this time, we would not buy commercial organic cauliflower and beware of fruits, which we don’t recommend anyway. Organic or grass fed beef may be a problem, and I now eat mostly lamb as my red meat.

Other foods to avoid at this time are all rice and all lentils. God willing, we will inform you through this newsletter when the situation changes.


7/20/21. Until we do more research, we recommend the salt glow only up to three times a week, and leaving the salt on for only half an hour. The reason is that salt contains some toxic metals, usually aluminum.


7/19/21. The salt rub or salt glow is a very simple, clean, inexpensive yet powerful and quite amazing healing and development procedure. It is particularly good to calm feelings of anxiety.

However, it does much more. It is very nourishing, healing, protective, and it speeds up development. For many more details, read The Salt Rub Or Salt Glow.


7/19/21. Many people ask why we use hair mineral testing? Why not just use blood tests? There are many reasons such as determining the oxidation rate and the critical mineral ratios, identifying toxic metals, and much more. Here is a recent example of why we like the hair mineral test.

Lynn, age 58, suffers with brain fog, obesity, fractures, night sweats, hot flashes, joint pain, excessive hunger, attention deficit, dyslexia, impaired memory, eczema and seasonal allergies.

Blood tests. Lynn recently went to a doctor and had a “full blood workup”. All the results were good, meaning the tests were all within the normal range. As a result, the doctor said she is basically healthy and she got little benefit from her doctor visit.

Hair mineral testing. Then Lynn found the development program and had a hair mineral test. The hair test was anything but normal! (When I had a nutrition office and people told me their blood tests were normal, I would bet them $50.00 that the hair test would come out abnormal. I was always correct.)

In Lynn’s case, the hair test revealed a low sodium/potassium ratio, which is a catabolic state of the body. It can also indicate adrenal burnout, a tendency for infections, blood sugar imbalances, and kidney and liver problems.

The test also revealed poor eliminator patterns with copper and iron. This indicates hidden toxicity with toxic forms of these minerals.

The test also revealed toxic levels of manganese, aluminum, molybdenum and lithium, and a four highs pattern. This indicates inflammation and a secondary stress or alarm reaction of the autonomic nervous system.

We are well aware of the controversies in medicine regarding hair mineral testing. Yet in this instance, and in many others, the hair mineral test, when performed and interpreted correctly, tells us much more about the client than any other testing procedure. It is also inexpensive and non-invasive. For many details, read Introduction To Hair Mineral Analysis.


7/18/21. When to drink. We suggest that adults drink two to three quarts or liters of water each day. However, avoiding drinking water with meals. The reason is it dilutes the stomach juices and damages digestion. Drink only up to 10 minutes before a meal or at least one hour after meals.

Types of water. We recommend drinking a variety of types of water. Water needs to hydrate the body, needs to be clean, meaning low in toxic metals, toxic chemicals and harmful microorganisms, and it needs to have minerals in it. We do not agree that the minerals in drinking water are ”inorganic” and therefore useless or harmful. The bodies can use the minerals in drinking water and the bodies today are all mineral-starved.

The types of water that most fulfill these requirements are carbon-only or sand-only filtered tap water in the United States and some other nations, or many brands of spring water. Tap water in some nations is not safe to drink.

Some well water is good, but some is not pure. Rain water can be okay if it is clean. It must be collected properly. We don’t recommend reverse osmosis water or distilled water because they are free of minerals and will actually leach minerals from the body. We don’t recommend artificially alkaline waters, but naturally alkaline water is okay.

Water is a whole food. Water is a complex substance and we find that tampering with it is usually harmful. It is usually best to just find a quality water and drink it without adding minerals or altering the water. Carbon or sand filtration are fine, however, as is ozonation to purify water. For more details, read Water For Drinking and Hydration.


7/17/21. We just noticed that the Ca/Mg ratio that is printed at the bottom left of the ARL hair tests may be incorrect. If you notice this, please call or email ARL and tell them to please fix this problem.


7/17/21. A common problem we encounter is that few of our clients drink enough water. As a result, they heal and develop much slower.

Detoxification. Water on the development program serves many purposes. For example, it bathes the tissues in fluid. This alone enables the souls to move toxins easily from inside the cells to the blood stream and into the lymph system. The lymph system processes the toxins further. Then both systems transport the toxins to the liver, kidneys and the other eliminative organs.

The thymus and the Peyer’s patches. As one develops, more detoxification systems become active again. These include the thymus gland and the Peyer’s patches. These organs atrophy in most people by about age 40. As a result, one ages much faster. Without the activity of these organs, deep healing and deep toxin removal is impossible.

Re-activating the Peyer’s patches and the thymus gland alone are superb reasons to follow the development program instead of other programs. For more details, read Detoxification, Detoxification Is Not Easy, The Peyer’s Patches, Everyone Is Depleted And Toxic, Toxic Metalss And Their Removal With The Development Program and Subtle Toxins.

Hydrogen peroxide. Another critical use for drinking water is to produce hydrogen peroxide inside the body. A lot is produced, and used to kill infections and purify the tissues.

Retracing. Drinking enough and the proper type of water is also very important for retracing. We have learned about this from the The Vaginal Peroxide Implant Procedure and Peroxide Implants For Men, which continue to be absolutely amazing in their effects. They clean up the women and men who do the procedure in most unusual ways, removing molestations and other sexual traumas. They also work quickly, which is another benefit.

Water For Anxiety. Drinking enough water also reduces anxiety. We don’t know all the reasons for this, but it works and works well. It sort of greases the wheels of the body so that life flows more smoothly.

Water is also essential for thousands of chemical reactions inside the body, and much more. The point is, please drink the recommended two-three quarts or liters of water each day. Yes, you will need to use the bathroom more often, including at night, but it is definitely worth the effort and cost.


7/16/21.Down sex or down hugging are already among the most powerful ways to speed up healing and development. The souls of the couple interact in very unusual ways to promote deep healing. However, we just learned a way to make it work much better.

The trance procedure. During down sex or down hugging there is a tendency for the woman to fall asleep. Several women noted that this occurs even if one does it early in the morning when one is not tired.

The reason this occurs is that it is not a normal sleep. We have learned that during down sex or down hugging, if the woman relaxes, she will often quickly and easily move into a special state of consciousness that is a light trance state.

In this ‘sleep’, she will heal and develop very rapidly, much faster than her husband. Then she will help him heal and develop much faster. Both participants benefit greatly! Even better, the procedure can be done as often and for as long a time as you wish.

Comfort. The main problem is keeping the woman comfortable enough to remain asleep. Some women can lie on top of their husband and remain asleep. Others prefer to lie on their side. Some prefer to lie on their back. One will need to experiment to find the best position.

Breaks. If the husband wants to take a break, the woman will easily wake up. Then, she can usually fall asleep easily again when the break is over.

Harder on men. The only difficulty with this procedure is that while the woman is asleep, the couple so far cannot speak to each other or interact in other ways. For example, she cannot help him maintain his erection without ejaculating. This is a little more stressful for the husband.

Cautions. So far, the procedure is completely safe. One of our clients has done it every day or even more often for the past six months.

Important! We consider this enhanced procedure a critical breakthrough in development science. It greatly speeds up development, and this is very important today. Please consider doing this procedure. If you are not married, please consider marriage just so that you can do this procedure. For more details, read Down Sex and Down Hugging.


7/15/21. We updated the article about the media. It is important because almost ALL of the national media has been taken over by what we call the Rogues and is full of lies. For details, read The Media.

For example, none of them will say that, in truth, the American Biden administration is completely fraudulent and illegal because it took power while there were numerous Supreme Court challenges to the election results. Most of these cases have still not been heard by the corrupt US Supreme Court. We will continue to post about this horror because few are doing so.


7/15/21. Living a moral life brings with it power. If you want to succeed in life, live a very moral lifestyle. You may not win out in the short term, but you will win in other ways. This is an important spiritual principle.

Note: Moral means following the Ten Commandments given to Moses, the Golden Rule, and a few extra rules such as helping others and no raping or seducing women.

Other systems of morality are not good, such as Sharia law in Islam. This system allows rape and murder. We don’t consider that moral at all.

One the Ten Commandments that needs a little explaining is the commandment to observe the sabbath day. I believe the deeper meaning is that one should set aside at least one day a week during which one thinks mainly about God and spirituality and not secular or social matters. I would say that anyone who follows the development program is thinking correctly. This is fulfilling this commandment even if one does not observe the sabbath in a religious way.


7/14/21. Tricia had a number of chronic health problems for years including post nasal-drip, fatigue, some depression, anxiety, fears, and joint pain. She had visited many health practitioners with little improvement.

Six years ago Tricia learned about the development program and began to follow it. At first, she did not follow it closely. However, she began to feel a little better and as she did so, she became more serious about the program.

Healing did not occur at once. Her anxiety lessened after about two or three years and, overall, she felt better. However, her other symptoms remained.

Breakthrough. In the past two weeks, Tricia experienced dramatic changes in her health. All her symptoms disappeared and she feels much more emotionally steady and calm.

A new anxiety. Tricia is having some anxiety, but it is different than before. Recently, she is so aware of her own shortcomings and those of others that it is a bit scary. She says she developed this ability seemingly overnight. She is still integrating all the changes, and expects this will take some months.

On the road again”. Tricia’s new hair mineral test revealed a number of Development Or Joy Patterns. These are among the first patterns we look for on a retest mineral analysis.

She has double coming alive pattern. Coming alive is present when the levels of the first or second four minerals increase or remain the same. Double coming alive is when one has a coming alive pattern on both the first four and the second four minerals. She attributes her double coming alive pattern to regular down hugging and/or down sex sessions with her husband. This is a very powerful healing method.

Tricia has a maturing pattern. This is an elimination of toxic potassium, aluminum and nickel. These are called the child minerals. They affect the brain in unusual ways. When one releases these minerals, one matures.

She has a surge pattern, indicating a powerful shift in body chemistry.

She has everything coming out pattern. This is an elimination of virtually all of the toxic minerals on the chart. She has 11 minerals coming out, which is unusual. They include an amigo dump, which is an elimination of toxic iron, manganese and aluminum. It is a very positive pattern.

She also has eight anchors. This we call a new brain pattern. It indicates healing of the brain. Anchors are present when a mineral level does not change at all or changes only slightly on a retest mineral analysis. For some reason, this is necessary for some types of healing of the brain, especially restoration of the sulci of the brain.

One may confuse anchors with no change pattern. The latter looks the same, but occurs only if a person does not follow the proper development program. No change is not a positive pattern.


7/13/21. Selfishness is a very important topic and very relevant to current events. We posted a new article that is designed to provoke thoughts about selfishness. For details, read Selfishness.


7/12/21. For deep healing and development, a lot of ether or subtle energy must flow easily through thousands of tiny channels that run vertically through the body from the head to the feet. This is a powerful and accurate way to understand health and development.

The problem in everyone is that many of the energy channels are damaged and blocked, so the energy does not flow well through them. This causes every type of health problem imaginable.

Nutrition And Toxicity. This problem is mainly due to poor quality nutrition and the accumulation of toxic substances in everyone. In some ways, many people today are better off than in the past. There is less starvation in the world and the air and water are cleaner in many areas than in the past. However, severe problems of nutrition and toxicity remain.

Much of the nutritional depletion is due to foolish modern chemical methods of agriculture. Most of the widespread toxicity is due to foolish use of technologies that are not needed and that pollute the air, water, food and more. For details, read Everyone is Toxic And Depleted.


7/12/21. An important reason for health and nutrition problems is that many people’s bodies are compressed, closed off, or twisted in various ways.

At times, you can see or feel this in yourself and in others. For example, some people’s chest or entire body looks like it is shrink-wrapped. We call this tight tissue syndrome. The tissues are adhered to one another. For details, read Adhesions. This is an important article for understanding certain health problems.

In many women, the shoulders are compressed inward. At times, the hips are contracted, twisted, tilted or turned inward.

We find that in most people, the spinal column is contracted vertically. During the development program, the spine relaxes and releases. This occasionally causes temporary back pain. Some people are also bent over or hunched or the spine is twisted, called scoliosis. All these imbalances impair the flow of subtle energy through the body.

Nutrition and lifestyle. To heal these issues, excellent nutrition and a healthy lifestyle are most helpful.

The twists, pulls, pops and kicks, the neck pull, and deep breathing. Some of the healing procedures are designed to reverse this situation. These include the spinal twists, deep breathing to open the chest, and the neck pull to extend the neck. Quality chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation can also be helpful.

Bodywork such as therapeutic massage can also help, but is best done at home with a friend or partner. We do not recommend professional massage at this time due to problems of diseases and for women, the danger of rape.

The pulling down exercise also forces open vertical energy channels and this helps open up the entire body.

THE OPEN POSITION. Another way to help open the body is to put it in a specific position. I have done this each day for many years and it helps.

Since the shoulders, chest and hips are often closed or contracted, the corrective position reverses this. Lie on a bed or couch on your back and place your arms and hands above your head – touching the bed. In addition, it helps to arch the back somewhat if your posture tends to be hunched.

In this position, do deep breathing, do all the twists, and do the neck pull. I do this whenever I do a coffee enema or other procedure that involves lying down.

The Breasts. This position also slightly opens and stretches the breasts. This is excellent for both women’s and men’s breasts. The reason is a little unusual.

We recently learned about special souls that reside in the breasts. They explained to us that the breasts of most women, in particular, are compressed by poor posture, fear, lack of appreciation, and clothing - especially tight bras.

For improved health, happiness and development, these souls strongly suggest assuming the open position every day. Along with this, do some deep breathing, the twists, pulls and pops, and gentle massage of the breasts to release and tonify the breasts. The massage needs to include the underarm area and around the collarbone and even somewhat above it. It also needs to include the middle or midline of the chest. There is some breast tissue in all these areas.

We just added a section to the Breasts article explaining more about these special souls. Someone hacked this article, so it does not look right, but it is readable and will be fixed.

Vulnerable. The only problem with the open position is that some women may feel vulnerable because the breasts are more exposed when one’s arms are above the head. With a little practice, this feeling should disappear.


7/11/21. John, age 29, developed terrible hair loss, so much so that the back part of his head was quite bald. Doctors diagnosed alopecia areata.

This condition is also known as spot baldness. It is an autoimmune skin condition that often causes coin-sized bald spots to appear on the head. The condition can occur in men, women and children of all ages.

John researched the condition. He realized it was due to “exposure to environmental toxins, numerous nutritional deficiencies, and chronic levels of physical stress”. He began a healing journey that included the development program.

Healing required several years. Now John once again has a full head of hair. He is also now aware of his life purpose. He wrote, “I am here to bring Awareness to the most healthful & beneficial daily lifestyle habits”.

Comments. We find almost all skin conditions are related to imbalances with zinc and copper. Hair loss can also have a lot to do with psychological issues, which have a strong influence upon zinc and copper levels.

Also, interesting in this case is that John healed his condition during the period of life known as the “return”. It occurs roughly at the age of 27 to 30. It is a time that if you are not living and thinking correctly, often you will develop health or other types of problems. Getting through this time of life often requires correcting the parts of your life that are not right for you.

Those that follow the development program usually do not have a difficult time with the “return”. For many other people, however, it can be a rough time of life.

Another hair loss case. Carol, age 56, has followed the development program for 11 years. At about six years on the program, she began to lose a lot of hair. This is very unusual. She was very worried about it and at one point bought a wig to wear when she left the house.

When we asked her souls the cause of the hair loss, they said it was the result of eliminating a toxin through the skin that was temporarily damaging her hair follicles. This is a little like the hair loss that occurs in cancer patients who take toxic chemotherapy drugs for cancer. The drugs damage the hair follicles.

Carol did not take drugs, but she eliminated a toxin through her hair and hair loss was a detoxification reaction. The souls said that when the elimination was over, her hair would return.

Regrowth of the hair took almost three years. Now Carol’s hair is beautiful and there is even more of it than before the hair loss. Now Carol’s worry is that she looks twenty years younger than her real age and feels she is a little too attractive for safety. For many more details, read Hair Loss.


A major reason for the new introduction service is that the babies and children all over the world tell us there is a great need for healthy, informed parents who will place their children on the development program. Age is not that important because a couple can adopt a child at any age.

So far, I have received emails from many more men than women. Please let me know if this service is of interest. All information will be kept strictly confidential.


7/10/21. An absolutely essential part of the development program is to shine either one red heat lamp on the abdomen, chest or back for one hour daily or use a red heat lamp sauna for at least 20 minutes each day. Many people think this therapy is optional, but it is not.

We don’t fully understand why the red heat lamp therapy is so important. However, it must provide a frequency that is like a nutrient to the body. Normally, the sun produces a range of frequencies. However, apparently it does not produce enough of this particular frequency that the body needs. For details, read Sauna Therapy and Instructions And Cautions For Use Of A Single Red Heat Lamp.


7/9/21. Recently, I received emails from several people on the development program who are looking for a partner. The advice I gave is to read and practice the material in the newly updated articles, Sex Talk For Men and Sex Talk For Women. These articles are both excellent for men and women to read and not complete without the other one. Perhaps in the future, we will expand them.

In addition, we will try out an introduction system: Anyone who is on the development program who would like to meet an excellent partner on the program can email me their information – name, address, phone number and age.

I will make a list of the names and turn it over to special souls that hopefully will arrange introductions. All information will be completely confidential and not published anywhere.


7/8/21. Raw vegetable salad is tasty, convenient and recommended by many health authorities. However, in our experience, eating salad slows or stops development. Here is why.

The problems with salad:

1. Our bodies cannot break down tough vegetable fibers very well. As a result, many of the nutrients in salads are not absorbed and utilized. Salad mainly fills up your stomach, which means you don’t eat enough of the foods needed by the body.

2. Raw vegetables are quite yin in macrobiotic terminology. For this reason, eating them tends to unbalance the body, regardless of how nutritious they may be.

3. Particularly in restaurants, salad can be quite unclean, contaminated with bacteria and other microorganisms. Contamination of salad dressings in restaurants is also a problem.

4. Cooking vegetables destroys a little vitamin C. However, it does no harm to the minerals in the vegetables. In fact, proper cooking makes hundreds of nutrients much more biologically available to the body by breaking down the tough fiber in which many of them are found.


Some of our former Helpers want to stop development on earth. They are spreading the lie that we are not setting up programs correctly. They are also telling people that they are taking over – with their recommendations of salad and fruit, and less kelp and no coffee enemas. Please beware!


7/8/21. One of our clients works at a large health department. She told us that deaths from other diseases are being blamed on covid-19, inflating the death rate to scare the people. Meanwhile, deaths from the covid vaccines are being blamed on other things to keep those numbers low.

She said it is like working in communist Russia. This confirms what we have heard from other sources.


7/7/21. We have had a number of requests from men and women wanting to find an excellent quality partner. To help facilitate this, we have revised the article entitled Sex Talk For Men. We will also revise the similar article for women.

These articles contain basic information that is essential to know and to practice in order to be matched up with an excellent quality partner. For details, read Sex Talk For Men.


7/6/21. These diseases are very common and a huge public health hazard that few people talk about. Common lies about them are:

LIE #1. if you have contracted an STD, you can be promiscuous because it doesn’t matter any more. This is the worst lie. In fact, there are over 50 STDs. If you experience rape or contract an STD for any reason, it is not true that it is now okay to have casual sex. We assure you that loose or casual sex will result in even more STDs, which is even worse.

LIE #2. STDs only come from having sex. We wish this were true, but it is not. Hot tubs and swimming pools are excellent breeding places for STDs. We suggest avoiding all of them! School locker rooms, public showers, walking barefoot around other people, and dirty toilet seats are also sources of STDs. Kissing and wearing a friend’s underwear without washing it first can also spread STDs.

LIE #3. STDs are not so bad. This is not true at all. Many STDs find their way to the brain, weaken the entire body and shorten your life.

LIE #4. Most STDs can be healed with drugs. This is definitely not true. Many cannot be healed with medical methods. Fortunately, they can be healed with a development program.

However, it takes some years on the program. Also, healing them often requires the vaginal or penis peroxide procedure and perhaps the other healing procedures, as well. For details, read STDs.


7/6/21. We much prefer fresh vegetables rather than canned food, except for canned sardines. However, for people who will not cook and who are eating only refined food, eating several cans per day of vegetables is an improvement. We bring this up because we have a few clients who do not follow the development diet and this is a starter alternative for them.

Frozen vegetables. We are not sure of all the reasons why, but frozen vegetables do not promote development. One reason may be that most, if not all of them, are sprayed with a chelating agent to maintain the color of the vegetables. The chelator removes minerals from the surface of the vegetables so that the vegetables don’t “tarnish”. However, this reduces the mineral content of the vegetables, perhaps significantly.


7/6/21. According to Dr. Mercola’s website:

If there were any reasonable safety standard in place, the COVID injection campaign would have been halted in early January 2021. The reported rate of death from COVID-19 shots now exceeds the reported death rate of more than 70 vaccines combined over the past 30 years, and it’s about 500 times deadlier than the seasonal flu vaccine,1 which historically has been the most hazardous.

The COVID shots are also five times more dangerous than the pandemic H1N1 vaccine, which had a 25-per-million severe side effect rate.2,3 In a June 24, 2021, peer-reviewed article4 in the medical journal Vaccines, titled, “The Safety of COVID-19 Vaccination — We Should Rethink the Policy,” an international team of scientists warns that we’re killing nearly as many with the shots as would die from COVID-19 itself.”

UPDATE: The above peer-reviewed article was mysteriously retracted. For details, go to


7/5/21. We recently found that adding a very small amount of soap berry liquid detergent and cleaner enhances coffee enemas. The product is called Extreme 18X. We previously recommended this soap berry concentrate as an excellent cleaner for dishes, laundry, bathing and general cleaning. It is a bit costly, but one needs to use very little of it.

How to use Extreme 18X. Add just a few drops to your coffee just before you are going to do the enema. In other words, do not cook the soap. Add it when the coffee is already cooked. So far, no one has reported any feeling from the soap.

How it works. The Extreme 18X contains special souls that are capable of cleaning up certain problems in the liver and elsewhere. This can help speed up the healing and development process.


7/4/21. There was a large crowd at a Fourth of July parade in our town. The guides spoke with a number of the people. Almost all were very upset with the events of the past year.

Most believe that Americans have lost control of their national government through cheating on the recent election. Many also said that the education system, the media, the entertainment industry, the medical industry, the legal system, and the large tech companies are no longer functioning as they should. For many, this day normally of celebration was one of prayer and a cry for help.


7/4/21. About six weeks ago, I met a woman whose husband, age 57, was about to go on dialysis for kidney failure. His kidneys were operating at 12% of normal and getting worse. He is also an insulin-dependent diabetic. He was also on five drugs for high blood pressure and previously had open heart surgery for blocked arteries.

I mentioned to his wife that our program works unusually well for kidney failure. This condition is often due to an accumulation of toxic metals in the kidneys.

She was interested, so I told her to feed her husband lots of the preferred, cooked vegetables, no fruit, no drinking coffee, and no junk food.

Also, I told her to have him sit in front of several red heat lamps for at least half an hour a day. Also, I gave her a bottle of Renamide (kidney glandular) with instructions for him to take 4 to 6 daily.

I saw her two weeks later. Her husband had just been to the doctor, who was shocked that his kidney function improved from 12% to 18%. The plans for dialysis were cancelled.

I then gave her a bottle of kelp and zinc to add to what he was doing. I also told her he needs the cooked vegetables two or three times daily, not just once.

Three weeks later I again saw the woman and her husband. He had just come from another doctor’s visit. The doctor took him off three of his five blood pressure drugs. They are not needed any more. Also, he told me he needs very little insulin.

Bronze diabetes. I noticed that his skin was blotchy and had a bronze tint to it. This may be what is called “bronze diabetes”. It is related to iron accumulation in the liver, a condition called hemochromatosis, that can lead to cirrhosis of the liver. You can read about it on the internet.

We did a hair mineral test, which showed toxic levels of lead, mercury, iron, manganese, aluminum, copper, cobalt, molybdenum and lithium. Some of the levels were elevated, while the others were very low, a situation called a poor eliminator. This means he has difficulty eliminating certain toxic metals. For details, read Poor Eliminator Patterns On A Hair Mineral Test.


7/4/21. This message is related to the one from yesterday. In addition to what was written yesterday, I am told that women are particularly needed to assist the energy centers. It seems that women have more of a generative energy. Of course, they bear children. The energy centers are also generative, and this may be the reason women are important for these energy centers.

This may also explain one reason why the rogues attack women. The rogues know the women are needed for the health of the energy centers of the earth.

Once again, any girl or woman who is on the development program will be recruited to assist with the energy centers. We don’t have enough people right now because there are thousands of small energy centers all around the earth. The small energy centers need to be healed in order to heal the larger ones.


7/3/21. I am told that there is now a very detailed program in place to heal the earth. This healing require restoring and then spinning the energy centers of the earth in the right direction and at the right speed.

The earth has hundreds of vital energy centers. Many of them are in North America because several of the major energy centers 1 through 7 are located in North America. However, they are found all over the earth.

Help wanted. Each of the centers requires a human being to help spin the center. The job of the human who is in charge of each center is done by the souls inside the person. Most importantly, to do the job, one must be very well nourished!

What is well-nourished? Well-nourished must include: eating plenty of the preferred cooked vegetables daily; eating three or four cans of sardines each week; eating two tablespoons of toasted almond butter and 2 tablespoons of roasted sesame tahini each day or four tablespoons of hummus; eating 4-5 ounces of lamb twice a week; eating some chicken and some runny egg yolks each week, and eating about 8 ounces of goat cheese or goat yogurt each week.

Each person also needs to shine a reddish heat lamp on the abdomen or back for one hour daily. This is a subtle, but important nutrient for our bodies. The other development procedures such as coffee enemas also provide extra nutrients that are most helpful for this task. Down hugging is also absolutely excellent.

Practically speaking, the only people on planet earth who are well nourished are the development program clients. This is a sad statement about the nutritional state of the people of earth, but it is true.

If you are reading this newsletter and following the development diet, even imperfectly, you are being recruited to be the master of one of the earth’s critical energy centers. You won’t receive a phone call or an email, but this is occurring. Many of you are already at work while you sleep and rest.

Thousands of people, from babies to the elderly, are needed. Please take your new job seriously and keep up your diet and your healthy lifestyle. For more details, read Introduction To The Energy Centers.


7/1/21. We find that to build health and for development one must eat correctly. Otherwise, healing and development occur only minimally. One cannot substitute pills, smoothies, shakes or other methods, although one can puree cooked vegetables if you wish.

A compensation. The development diet is needed to compensate for the reduced nutrition of most all food produced on earth. Anyone who doubts this can read about the decline in the nutritional content of our food in a number of books such as Food For Naught, The Decline In Nutrition by Ross Hume Hall and Empty Harvest by Bernard Jensen.

A fairly easy diet. The development diet is not difficult and tastes quite good. However, some people think it is boring or too much trouble. The most challenging part is to prepare and eat two or more cups of properly cooked vegetables three times daily.

Specific vegetables. Also, one needs to eat specific vegetables. These are the entire onion family, including shallots, leeks, chives and red, white, yellow, and sweet or vidalia onions. If you can find them, pearl onions are also excellent.

Other vegetables that contain a lot of the mineral compounds needed for development are carrots, rutabaga, green beans, brocollini or brocollete. daikon or white radish, Brussels sprouts, red cabbage, savoy cabbage, and a little garlic, ginger, celery, and horse radish root.

The diet also includes some red meat, chicken, some eggs, sardines, 8 ounces of goat cheese or goat yogurt per week, and two tablespoons of tahini daily and two tablespoons of roasted almond butter daily. If you cannot find all the correct food in your area, just do your best to eat what is available.

Different. The development diet is quite different from standard “healthful” diets, (most of which we do not find healthful). Among the worst nutritional advice is to eat salads, to eat fruit, and to skip red meat, especially lamb. Even worse is the recommendation to eat a vegetarian or near vegetarian diet.

For more details, read Food For Daily Use, Food For Occasional Use, Forbidden Food For Development, Everyone Is Toxic And Depleted, The Food Story, and Food Concepts. This website also has many articles about various diets and systems of eating.


6/30/21. A consistent finding is that the levels of one’s tissue minerals affect one’s thinking and personality. For example, elevated copper and/or mercury are associated with fear. Elevated iron is associated with anger and rage. The reason for this connection has to do with where the minerals settle in the brain and their effects upon brain chemistry.

Conversely, one’s personality can influence the level of one’s minerals. For example, if one wants to lower iron, it is best to let go of anger. To reduce copper, it is best to let go of fear.

Alloys. Combinations of minerals form alloys at the psychological level as well as at the physical level. This is another interesting area of study.

Forging. Development science is concerned with healing and restoring optimal functioning of the body. The Rogues, however, use the same understanding to create or ‘forge’ people with certain personality traits that they want – usually criminal minds.

The Planning Souls teach us about this subject, at times, and how to correct brain chemistry. It is a most interesting area of psychology and mineral test interpretation. For details, read Anthropomorphic Qualities of Minerals., Personality-Related Mineral Patterns And Psychological Interpretation of A Hair Mineral Test, Alloys and Forging.


6/29/21. We just reviewed a few development programs set up by our former Helpers who are working for the other side. Their consultation letters are beautiful, very high-tech, and sound very professional. They may quote me, and they definitely copy our style and our information.

However, they recommend a diet that often includes fruit, salad, pork, other sweets, and discourages lamb and lots of cooked vegetables. Also, they recommend very little kelp, very little use of the red heat lamp, and no coffee enemas or peroxide implants. Taken together, these deliberate ‘mistakes’ will stop development and most healing!

Beware because over 50 practitioners around the world offer these bogus ‘nutritional balancing’ programs. Their programs will not balance you and are harmful in the extreme.

We try to keep the Find A Helper page up to date to keep these people out. Please let us know if you think a Helper is not setting up the programs correctly.


6/29/21. The Virxcan brand of black salve is no longer as good as before. It still works to a degree, but they changed the formula and the salve is painful. Black salve should not be painful when it enters the body. I don’t know another brand to recommend at this time and we will research it.


6/29/21. In case anyone is thinking of entering a monastery, we are learning about problems at many Catholic and perhaps other monasteries and convents on earth. At this time, we would stay far away. This is very unfortunate, but very important to know about.


6/28/21. Many people believe that all physicians and nutritionists interpret hair tests in a similar way. However, this is not at all true.

In fact, there are a number of ways to use hair mineral testing. It is helpful to be aware of the way most physicians and nutritionists use hair testing so that you can avoid it. For details, read Hair Test Interpretation And Laboratories.


6/27/21. Lamb is an excellent meat. It contains a number of chemicals that promote development. Other advantages to eating lamb are that usually it is somewhat grass fed, and usually the animals are not nearly as hybridized as are cows, for example. For rapid development, we suggest two 4-5 ounce servings of lamb per week for adults and less for children.

The lamby flavor. Real grass fed lamb has a flavor similar to wild game that some people do not like. You can add seasoning, in this instance. However, a lot of lamb these days is finished with grain. This is not quite as good, but it reduces or eliminates the lamby flavor. Here are some ways to eat lamb:

1. Ground lamb. We like a brand in the United States called Open Nature grass fed ground lamb. It is from Australia. Other brands are probably fine, as well. By the way, the words grass fed on the label means at least 75% grass fed, not 100% grass fed.

Remove some meat from the package and form it into one or two small patties. Then bring about ¼ to 1/3 of an inch of tap water to a boil in the bottom of a saucepan or frying pan.

Place the patties in the pan and cook on one side for only about 10 seconds. Then turn it over and cook it on the other side for a little less time – usually about 6 or 7 seconds. Then remove, add salt and other seasoning if you wish, and eat right away. If cooked correctly, the inside of the patty will be red and bloody.

This cooking method is called braising and is used in high end restaurants throughout the world. You will not get sick on the lamb if it grass fed, in our experience.

2. Small chunks of lamb stew meat. Cut into even smaller slices. Then bring about ½ inch of tap water to a boil in the bottom of a saucepan or other pot. Add the slices of lamb and stir with a slotted spoon.

Cook it just until the color of the meat starts to change to a greyish color. This will only take 3 or 4 seconds. Then remove the meat from the water using the slotted spoon, add sea salt and other seasoning if you wish, and eat.

3. Rack of lamb. This is rather expensive, but a nice treat now and then. Separate the meat into individual ribs. Put about ¼ to 1/3 inch of tap water in the bottom of a pot and turn on the heat. When the water boils, put a few of the ribs with meat into the water. Cook for only about 10 seconds. Then turn it over and cook on the other side for about 6-7 seconds. Then remove and eat. The meat should be reddish in the middle.

4. Lamb chops. I did not discuss lamb chops because right now the only ones I can find are packed in a sealed and often shrink-wrapped package with some chemicals, and they don’t test well. However, if you can find lamb chops not packed this way, they are an excellent food.

I put a few cuts in the meat and then put them in a small quantity of water in a pot. Cook on one side for about 10-15 seconds. Then turn them over and cook on the other side for about 10 seconds.

When done properly, the inside of the chop is a little reddish and definitely not dried out.

Overcooking. It is very easy to overcook all meats. Some meat even says on the package to overcook it. Don’t do this with any meats, as it definitely reduces the nutritional value of the meat. In our experience, if you eat quality meat, it has a much lower bacteria count than standard CAFO meat.

CAFO stands for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation. It means animals raised in huge feedlots that are unclean, and the animals are very unhealthy because they are not allowed to eat their natural food – grass. Usually, the animals are also shot full of drugs and vaccines just to keep them alive. For details, read Words Used In Agriculture and Organic Agriculture.


6/26/21. We wish to repeat an important concept that is not taught much. My guidance is that what we call outer space is not empty. In fact, it is a living creature with many smaller living beings inside of it.

This idea follows the hermetic principle of “As above, so below”. For example, inside each of us are many smaller living beings. In the same way, at a larger level, inside of space are many smaller beings, including our solar system, and our planet and her people. For more details, read Outer Space.


6/26//21. We will repeat another idea today because no one else is talking about it. The current American government violated the law in taking power because they took power while there were Supreme Court challenges to the election that had not been heard and adjudicated.  Some of the 100 or so cases still have not been heard. For details, read The 2020 Election.


6/25/21. Lana is 56 and has been following the development program for eight years. Her main symptoms are anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, mind racing, and headaches. Notice that all of these are associated with copper toxicity.

Her progress has seemed to be slow. However, her planning souls tell us it is just that she has a lot to undo. In her case, it is childhood traumas, including poisoning of the adrenal glands and kidneys. She never experienced rape.

The new hair test. On her most recent mineral analysis, Lana has the following patterns:

1. Steep hill. This is an important joy pattern that indicates happiness and a celebration. In fact, she has had hill patterns on about 20 of her 40 or so hair tests over the past 8 years.

This is called a persistent hill. We are coming to learn that it means the souls are excited and happy. The outer person has not been particularly happy or healthy. However, she knows she has made progress in her healing.

2. Double settling down. Double settling down pattern can be due to detoxification. The mineral readings were falsely elevated by the presence of toxic metals in the body.

The pattern may also correspond to an advanced acupuncture pattern called out of the woods. It means the person is less “lost in the woods” or less floundering and more able to see her way to health. It is another excellent joy pattern.

3. Better sodium/potassium ratio. This went from 13 to 9. (Ideal is 2.5). On the test before, it had been at about 50! This type of improvement in the sodium/potassium ratio can be a stage of adrenal gland recovery.

4. Anchors. Lana’s new test reveals eight anchors. This is called a new brain pattern. This is an excellent joy pattern that we always look for.

Old illness patterns that are still there are:

Very low copper (0.8 mg%). (the ideal is 2.5). This indicates Lana still has a lot of hidden copper toxicity and difficulty eliminating copper.

Very low potassium. For 8 years, Lana’s potassium level has remained at 1 or 2 mg%. (the ideal is 10 mg%) This is associated with adrenal gland weakness which can cause problems eliminating copper.

Poor eliminators. Lana continues to have poor eliminator patterns especially on lead, mercury, copper and cadmium. This indicates problems eliminating toxic metals and this slows her progress.

Current symptoms. Right now when Lana takes her supplements, she becomes very hyped up and has trouble relaxing and sleeping. This is a stage of recovery of the adrenal glands. In the past, the adrenal glands hardly responded. Now they are over-responding. This will eventually balance out.

She also has heart palpitations and, at times, a rapid pulse. This is usually associated with an elimination of a stimulant toxin and is not a concern.

Genetic testing. As an aside, Lana recently spent $230.00 for genetic testing. It revealed the MTHFR and COMT “genetic defects”. (We do not think that it shows genetic defects. The test measures protein synthesis and not just the DNA).

When she asked what to do about the “defects”, the physician who ran the test said there is not much you can do! He said maybe in the future we will be able to alter DNA, but not now. For our perspective on genetic testing, read Genetic Testing.


6/25/21. Some are recommending pine needle tea. Stay away. It is toxic.


6/25/21. A new book that we recommend is called Green Fraud – And Why The Green New Deal Is Even Worse Than You Thought by Mark Morano. He also has a website called which debunks all the climate change nonsense.


6/25/21. Chronic infections are very common. Many people have 20 to 50 of them in the body. Often the teeth or gums (periodontitis) are infected, along with infections in the eyes, ears, sinuses, nose, feet, intestines and elsewhere.

Finding and removing these infections is critical for health and cannot be done easily. However, the development program will slowly bring them up and retrace them.

Dr. Mercola recently discussed an unusual x-ray for detecting infected teeth – the cone beam X-ray. It is a 3D x-ray like a CT scan, so it is a lot of radiation. At this time, we don’t think you need it if you follow the development program, which can also heal some tooth infections. We definitely recommend getting rid of all root-canal-filled teeth, which always infect and which the program will not heal.


6/25/21. While it is early to say definitely, I believe the development program will remove toxins from the Wuhan virus vaccines. This is based upon the fact that the program will remove toxins from other vaccines, including toxic metals and other types of toxic chemicals. The program also removes thousands of other toxic chemicals from the body.


6/24/21. About seven years ago, Dan married a lovely woman with a young daughter. Things went well for about a year. However, then Dan started to withdraw from the relationship, spending less time with the family.

Soon afterwards, Dan learned of the development program and began to follow it. His wife and child thought is was strange and this did not help keep the family together.

School horror. Meanwhile, the daughter entered school. Although it is a wealthy area, the schools are now terrible and getting worse. There is bullying and there are rapes in the now filthy bathrooms.

The school teaches that there really are no genders. They also teach that Marxism and communism are best and capitalism doesn’t work. Just follow orders, they teach the children. And snitch on your parents.

They also teach that all white people are racists - and more utter, complete, total nonsense! Meanwhile, they have stopped teaching real history and even real mathematics. This is in America in a nice community.

Turnaround. Fortunately for the family, several things happened. Dan learned from Dr. Wilson’s website about home schooling and the horror of the schools. He also learned that a man should be with his family.

One day, he called Dr. Wilson, who told him you must take your child out of the public school at once. He also said Dan must spend time with the family and don’t call again until he did it. It was harsh, but it worked.

Dan got up the courage to pull his daughter out of school, over their objections. She now has many new, and much better quality friends in the local home schooling network. The parents also have many new and wonderful friends. Most important, the family is back together and everyone is much happier.


6/23/21. I received more information about problems at hospitals and emergency rooms, involving babies.

We would avoid entering hospitals for any reason, if at all possible. If you have an elderly parent or friend who seems to need a hospital or emergency room, we would advise trying to find an alternative. This might be someone who will come to the home, or perhaps visiting an out-patient surgical center.

MORE ON VAGINAL PEROXIDE (continuation from the post yesterday)

6/23/21. Newer, more explicit information about the vaginal peroxide process is the following:

1. It will retrace every sexual and sexually-related experience a woman has ever had. These begin with those before birth when she was inside her mother’s uterus. The rogues may attack girls at that time and stimulate the vagina. It produces more sexy women.

2. In addition, it will retrace many other experiences affecting the vagina. This includes many doctor visits where a speculum was inserted in the vagina, touching experiences such as diaper changes as a baby, bathing as a baby, riding most bicycles, riding horses, bumping into objects, accidental touching, and more.

3. In fact, it seems that any touch or insertion BY ANOTHER PERSON OR OBJECT will be retraced with the vaginal peroxide process. If the woman herself touches or inserts an object or stimulates herself, this does not require retracing. For example, normal, gently inserting a tampon or inserting a vaginal object, or douching, will not be retraced.

All this retracing takes some time, for which reason the vaginal peroxide process takes most women at least three months of using it daily for about half an hour. In a few cases, it has required up to six months or possibly a little more, of daily use, if a woman is very traumatized.

So far, all women who have stayed with it long enough have succeeded. This means that at some point they find they can tune in to some souls who are not planning souls. They are others in her head, but they are excellent quality souls and they begin to give her much help and information.

What about men? We know that the penis peroxide process will retrace some sexual experiences for a man, including if he has raped a woman. This is described in the Peroxide For Men article. However, so far we don’t have men who have continued the process who have reported other effects.

What about more developed women? We are finding that even more developed women and perhaps more developed men will benefit from the vaginal or penis peroxide process. These people already tune in, but there are other benefits. These include tuning in better and getting better guidance. They also report becoming much happier. In addition, they seem to develop faster. Also, they undo their sexual and sexually-related traumas faster and more completely.

Conclusion. One must conclude from all this that the vagina is an extremely sensitive and important organ, far beyond its role in reproduction. It appears to be a very sacred place that requires intense protection and that must not be even touched by others.

It would appear that this is a problem for all girl babies who need diaper changes, bathing and dressing that they cannot do themselves. It would also appear that medical exams should be done much more gently than is done currently.

It would also appear that sex needs to be very gentle, and even then the women report that they need to retrace it with the peroxide, even sex that they want with their husbands, in order to purify once again. This is an ongoing research topic and we will report more as we learn. Meanwhile, we encourage all women to undertake the peroxide procedure.


6/21/21. The group of about 50 women who are faithfully going through the Vaginal Peroxide Process each day for about half an hour are reporting on something new that will be of interest to many people.

Matchmaking. A number of the women have asked the guides they can now contact due to the peroxide process for help finding a husband. They want a level 5 man, or at least a level 4 man if that is the best around. Such men are protective of women and do not take advantage of women.

While it is early to conclude too much, several women say they have been successful in finding a husband. Here are few details:

1. The planning souls tell the woman where to go in her city or town to find the man. If she lives in a small town, she may have to drive some distance.

2. The souls tell her how to dress for the meeting, and what to say to him. If possible, she interacts with him, such as talking for a while, so she has an idea if she would like him and if he likes her.

3. The souls tell her how to proceed, such as how to obtain his phone number and how to continue and build a relationship.

4. The souls also tell her if it the relationship is working, and whether to continue or that another man will be sought.

Problems. The souls who are coordinating this service say there are four main problems that they want to everyone to know about. They are:

1. The best men are usually not gorgeous. In fact, they are often somewhat homely, hunched and don’t dress well. This is because they are not players or sexy men. Some women do not like this and won’t interact with these men.

We tell the woman not to worry. Just buy him some nice clothes, perhaps new glasses, a new haircut and all will be well. However, some women cannot imagine doing this, and this gets in their way. We think this is just laziness and the woman is not yet ready for a high quality relationship.

2. Most women cannot handle much age difference and this gets in their way. Most women want a man who is around their age. We, the Planning Souls, tell you that today this is not helpful for a woman. Much better to be with a much older or rarely a younger man who is right for you than one near your age who is not the best. This is quite important for women to know.

For example, there are older men who are more stable, wealthier, and much better to marry than a man who is the same age as a woman. This goes against the prevailing attitude, which we think is very wrong today. The reason is that today a man can embark on the development program and he will vital well into old age. So the usual idea is no longer true.

Older women are actually easier to match up, provided they do the peroxide process, because there are more men who are close to their age.

3. Some women have trouble connecting with their future. Many women have set ideas about who and what they want. They don’t realize that this is conditioned by her upbringing and her past experiences.

For her to be happy, the planning souls say she often needs something different. However, it may look unusual, at least at first.

For example, she may want a man with lots of money and the one we pick for her does not have a lot of money. However, we know he will earn enough money and he is much better for her and will make her much happier than others.

Another example is that some women want a man with a particular look, or smile, or perhaps excellent table manners, or who works in a particular field. But we know that this is not best for her. Women need to be open to their future, which is perhaps not what they might expect.

4. Few good men. The quality of men that we seek is high. At this time, there are not too many of them of any age or type. We believe this is largely due to improper education and the media teaching men that to use women for sex or support or other purposes is okay. It is not okay.

We believe this problem can be remedied with better education for boys and men. We sincerely hope so. We do not think it is “biological”.

Unfortunately, the problem exists even within the religious community. That is, even most Hebrew and Christian men do not treat women well enough, and we will not connect a woman to one of these men.

Not necessarily sexual predators, users or loose. The men’s improper behavior can be in other areas, such as forcing the woman to work outside the home or forcing the woman to just follow his orders. This is not acceptable.

Men also all need to develop clean habits to be with one of the peroxide women. They need to sit down on the toilet seat each time they urinate. They also need to wipe themselves properly each time they urinate, and learn other cleaner habits.

Warning and invitation. We say this as a warning to men and as an enticement that if you want a wonderful wife, we have more women interested in men than we have good men.

So, for men, correct your behavior and your attitudes. Let go of any ideas that you are superior or entitled to anything to which she is not entitled. If you do this, we will often connect you to a lovely wife – a much better one than you can find yourself. This is an important point, as well.

The dating scene. We do not like the dating, courting and party scene on earth. At best, we think it is dangerous for women and men. It is also not very helpful to find the best mate. Like the development nutrition program, we, the souls, can do much better if you allow it.


6/21/21. The Rogues have targeted the public education system and the colleges in the United States. Most schools now teach Marxist race theory, communist propaganda, and not much truth and wisdom. I don’t know as much about schools in Europe and other nations.

If you care about your children in America, do not send them to public schools. Private or charter schools may be better, but perhaps not. Also, do not send children to most colleges. They have become horrible places in many ways.

For details, read The College Trap. An older article about education, in general, is What Is Wrong With The School System?


6/21/21. Joan, age 35, experienced an intense rape and beating at the age of 15. It devastated her life. Afterwards, she could hardly function. Her brain did not work right and she had a number of physical symptoms including great fatigue, aches and pains, depression, sexually-transmitted diseases, and intense fear and anger.

On the program. Joan began the development program about three years ago. During the first year of the program she experienced minor improvements in her health. However, most of her symptoms remained.

During the second and third years of the program, there was a little more improvement. However, most of her symptoms were still present to some degree.

A new person. Recently, Joan reported that she ‘turned a corner’. Her energy level suddenly took a leap and most of her symptoms disappeared in a most mysterious way. She is also much happier.

The new mineral test. While the idea of mineral patterns is unusual, we find they hold true and are most helpful and fascinating. Joan’s most recent hair mineral analysis revealed a number of interesting patterns:

- A steep hill. This indicates much happiness. For details, read The Hill Pattern.

- Elimination of all the major toxic metals. This indicates a much greater ability to eliminate poisons from the body.

- An elimination of the Amigos – iron, manganese and aluminum. These are oxide forms of these minerals that are highly irritating to the body and cause oxidant damage. For details, read The Amigos – Iron, Manganese and Aluminum.

- A goalpost or doorway pattern. This unusual pattern is associated with accomplishment. Visually, it looks like a set of goalposts on an American football field. For details, read The Goalpost or Doorway Pattern.

- Eight anchors and two pivots. Anchors are readings on a hair mineral test that do not change or change very little on a retest. One might think this just means the person did not follow the program. However, in many cases we find it indicates improvement in brain activity. Pivots indicate a turnaround in attitude or insight about oneself or others. For details, read Pivots And Anchors.

Comments. We find that often, one needs to follow the development program faithfully for three to five years to recover substantially from a rape. It appears that this much time is needed to rebuild the body’s vitality to allow deep healing.

Also, our advanced acupuncturist told me Joan has two important patterns known in advanced acupuncture. One is called “I’m back and look out”. The other is “I am very happy”.


6/20/21. The development program is similar, in some ways, to nature cure and naturopathy. Both involve diet and a natural lifestyle. However, the development program is very different from what today’s naturopaths do and we do not recommend their methods. Theirs is a remedy science and often harmful.

Therapies of theirs we find either unsafe or not effective enough include chelation, homeopathy, herbs, intravenous vitamins and minerals, and at times, drugs. They also often suggest improper diet such as salads, fruit and a lot of fermented food. They also recommend many supplements that we find harmful. They may also use some healing machines whose effects we don’t like, such as ionic foot baths and others.

Even worse, the naturopaths are extremely controlled by their state boards. They are told what to do with each person - some of which is decidedly harmful. For example, they often tell people to stay away from kelp, TMG, coffee enemas, daikon and other excellent products and methods.

We would avoid them completely. For details, read Naturopaths, Chelation Therapy, Herbs, Homeopathy and The Healing Arts.


6/20/21. Notice: In the future, the New Earth Newsletter may not be published daily. At times, it is a lot of pressure to do it daily.

C. LOUIS KERVRAN, PHD (1901 - 1983)

6/19/21. Dr. Louis Kervran was a very important founder of modern development science. He was a French research scientist who worked for the French government in the mid-twentieth century.

Biological transmutation. Around 1950, he performed a series of experiments that demonstrated that living organisms can change one mineral into another mineral. He called this biological transmutation of the elements.

I am told that Dr. Kervran’s theory is absolutely correct and anyone can duplicate his experiments. It will change your understanding of nutrition in a profound way.

For example, healthy bodies, and especially those are more developed, transmute better. This means they become much better nourished, even when the food does not contain all the elements our bodies require. Improving one’s ability to transmute is one of the major reasons to follow the development program.

Biological transmutation can also help one understand hair mineral tests. For example, transmuted elements can be one of the components of a hair mineral reading. This definitely occurs with calcium and magnesium.

Not accepted. The concept of biological transmutation is still not accepted by most mainstream scientists. In part, for this reason, we don’t discuss it too much. However, his work is absolutely fascinating.

Dr. Kervran wrote a small, very readable book about biological transmutation that has been translated into English. Some of the chapter headings are The Sodium-Potassium Bond, The Sodium-Magnesium Bond, The Potassium-Calcium bond and The Magnesium-Calcium Bond. The book title is Biological Transmutations by Louis Kervran, Beekman Publishers,, Woodstock, NY, 1998. Dr. Kervran is also discussed briefly in the article, The Modern Development Science Pioneers.


6/18/21. Another of the founders of modern development science is Florence Nightingale. We are pressed for time so this description will not do her justice.

Florence was born into an upper class British family, but decided to go to war to serve as a nurse in the Crimean War. It was a terrible war that killed many with bullets, but even more with disease. Florence’s family thought she had gone crazy. There were no women nurses in those days and the danger was extreme in about ten ways – from disease, from bombs, from rough, crude men, and more.

Florence was raped and she caught tuberculosis from the soldiers. She went to a health spa called a sanitarium to heal from both of these. She worked in the mornings and went to the sanitarium in the afternoon.

There she learned all about natural, fresh food, sunlight, daily enemas, food supplements that they called extracts such as yeast, wheat germ and more. She also learned about fresh made nut butters.

All food had to be cooked. If this sounds slightly familiar perhaps it was no accident. She healed quite well, but not completely from her wounds and went back to full time nursing in the war zone.

Upon returning to England after the war, she was awarded a medal of honor by the queen of England. Upon meeting the queen, she said “Your majesty, we need to help the women”. The queen liked the idea and so began a secret 30-year friendship between the two.

Florence and the queen wrote over 300 books and pamphlets about natural health and nutrition. Florence shared everything she had learned at what she called “the naked place”. She called it that because everyone there, both men and women, wore what today would be called skimpy bikinis and lounged in the sunshine all day except for meals and enemas, in order to heal their tuberculosis.

Florence is a female archtype – a woman who changed the world without running around too much, but instead using her mind and her body in completely positive ways, no matter what. She was called “the lady with the lamp” because she worked at night changing men’s filthy, infected bandages and because she brought a light and a love to the world.


/17/21. An important part of the development diet is to have two tablespoons daily of roasted almond butter and two tablespoons daily of roasted sesame tahini or four tablespoons of hummus instead of tahini. Organically grown is best if you can find it.

Tahini and almond butter are very rich protein foods full of minerals, vitamins, and hundreds of other phytonutrients. Most important, they contain chemicals needed for rapid development. So please do not skip these foods.

Ideally, do not eat both at the same meal. Have one with one meal and the other with a different meal. I enjoy putting sesame tahini on my cooked vegetables. It took a while to get used to the taste and texture of it. For details, read Almond Butter and Tahini.


6/16/21. Some of the souls and guides such as the Aborigines of the Australian outback say that what is going on in the world today is a rapid balancing of karma.

So the people have lost control of their governments, more in some nations than in others. Many women experience rape and beatings, and there is no longer the true rule of law in many nations.

They say the four main areas that need balancing are sexy, lying, lazy and selfish.

Sexy is mostly for women. You don’t need to dress, look and behave sexy to attract a husband. In fact, the nicer men don’t like sexy or are scared to approach, and what you get with sexy are often predators.

Sexy also distracts men and damages their relationships – intentionally. It is mean and nasty to men and to other women. Please stop it. For details, read How And Why To Be Unsexy and Women And Maturity.

I know some women think this is rubbish. Others tell me the rogues tell them to dress sexy if they want to avoid another rape. This requires courage and maybe creativity to deal with.

Becoming beautiful is actually easy for women – just follow the development program. For details, read How To Be Beautiful.

Lying. Sexy is also lying because it is not who you are. If you are stuck on a sex object identify, please let it go.

Lying is all too common. A mild form is exaggeration. Another form is omitting essential information when speaking with others, conducting business, or anything else. Do not bear false witness. For details, read Lying.

Lazy means not doing things as well as you can. It is quite common and wrecks products, services, and much more. It is the norm today. Some is due to simple fatigue, and that is different. But please do not be lazy. The development program requires some work, and that is one of its benefits.

Selfish. Selfish is another form of laziness. Selfish is putting yourself first in an egotistical way, and is always a mistake. You have to be a little selfish to make sure you follow your development program. Actually, developing yourself is very unselfish because it assists the entire planet.

So always put the greater good first and the world would change overnight. Use your money to help others, not just yourself. Use your time to assist the greater good, and not mainly your ego self. Use your talents to assist the world, not just to enrich your ego self. The Golden Rule and the Ten Commandments given to Moses are about unselfish. For details, read The Golden Rule and The Ten Commandments Plus Two.


6/15/21. One of the most powerful development procedures is down hugging. A number of clients tell us it works just as well as down sex and is easier and cleaner. Also, down hugging can be done between a parent and a child to heal a child, for example. So please do not skip this procedure. For details, read Down Hugging.


6/15/21. Women report that the worst part of many professional rapes is the tortures, not the rape. We just added a short section about torture to the Rape article.


6/15/21. Yesterday we posted that Ebay cancelled our account. We also had not received a book order from in over a month. However, yesterday we did receive a book order from, so perhaps books are available from them.


6/15/21. We just heard that most clients in Australia and the UK are unable to email or call me or our Helpers. We are very upset about this and will try to find ways to assist you. Meanwhile, stay on the ‘free’ or basic program as bests you can. Hopefully, this website and newsletter will continue to keep you informed with updates.


6/14/21. Barbara, age 57, had a very difficult early life. She experienced a filthy rape with multiple tortures at age 17. She reacted with fury and it set her on a path of criminality, promiscuity, prostitution, and just feeling totally miserable.

Suicide. At age 25, she attempted to take her life by swallowing a handful of pills. However, she woke up the next day, much to her surprise. She took it as a sign from God that she should keep going. She began to pray daily for help to get out of her situation. This she eventually did, to a degree. She met a nice man, they married, and her life improved.

On the program. She began the development program about one year ago. At first, not much occurred. Her symptoms persisted, including high blood pressure and ringing in the ears.

Retracing suicide. However, in the past several weeks everything changed. She developed a mineral pattern known in advanced acupuncture as retracing a bad life.

Her thoughts of suicide suddenly returned. They were not scary. She just had to become aware of how she had tried to end her life, which she now realizes does not belong to her. Her life, she now realizes, belongs to God. She had to repent of this, meaning to feel sad and sorry for what she did.

She also had to tell God she was not only sorry, she was deeply mistaken. She had lost her faith, for which there is no reason no matter what happens. Once she did this, her symptoms disappeared quite miraculously.

The hair mineral test. Her new mineral analysis reveals the following:

An extremely deep bowl right in the center of the chart. A bowl means one feels trapped. In this case, she felt completely stuck with no options whatsoever except suicide. A criminal pattern is also present, which was part of her past.

A large everything coming out pattern. All of the toxic metals are higher, indicating a widespread and intense elimination of toxins from the body.

The sodium/potassium ratio went from 3.27 to 33.33 (up ten times). An elevated sodium/potassium ratio is associated with anger, which she also retraced.

Zinc up about 800%. We are told Barbara eliminated rubidium, though the lab does not read this mineral so it is not on the chart. In one form, it is associated with suicidal thoughts. Her zinc level went up to help eliminate the toxic form of rubidium.


6/14/21. This statistic does not bother some people. However, our guides say it is absolutely horrible and must stop. Killing innocent children not only takes a life. It ruins all kinds of plans that the souls have for the child, and for others around the child now and for years into the future.

It also wrecks genetic plans that are important for our planet. It is also supremely arrogant and selfish to assume that you, the parent, know what is best for this child.

And of course, it is cold-blooded murder. Those who say life begins at birth know very little about physiology. Please pray and work hard to change the laws in all the nations.


6/14/21. We have officially been banned from selling books on and Ebay. We received a note that we are “a risk to the community”. Apparently, someone has published the entire list of banned people and groups. It contains many leaders of the natural health movement.

We believe such action constitutes discrimination and is illegal. Meanwhile, all our books are available to read free of charge on the internet. If you want hard copies, in a few days I will post instructions how to obtain them.


6/14/21. A few readers have brought to my attention that there was a deleted, unfinished post on June 11. 2021 regarding Covid-19. It is important, and is a summary of an excellent, free e-book. You can read it at


6/13/21. Over half our clients circle Brain Fog on their symptom sheet. It is a fuzziness of the mind, often with memory impairment and, for some people, problems with logical thought. The definition seems less important than correcting the problem.

The deeper cause of much brain fog is an attack on the people of earth by the Rogues, also called Satan in the Bible. This may sound strange or scary, but we find it is true. Most important, there are answers, so don’t be afraid. The entire development program is a type of antidote for it, including the procedures. Now let us discuss specific causes.

Causes. Using hair mineral testing and other methods, we identify at least twenty causes for this common problem. These include physical causes such as problems with Brain Architecture. This is how the brain sits inside the skull. Other physical causes are Chiropractic subluxations, and problems of the cranial bones due to birth trauma, accidents or other traumas.

Biochemical and nutritional causes. Most people have biochemical imbalances such as nutrient deficiencies, the presence of toxic chemicals in the nervous system, and toxic metals. All of the toxic metals are neurotoxic!

Other biochemical imbalances that may show up on hair mineral tests are an imbalanced oxidation rate, hypoglycemia, a calcium shell and imbalances in the sodium/potassium ratio. Everyone also has some of the Amigos. which are very irritating forms of common minerals. They are in most all of our food today.

Other biochemical problems include effects of other illnesses that can damage the nervous system such as cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

Infections. The cause of brain fog also often includes infections such as yeast problems and parasites such as trichinosis from eating pig products and hookworm from walking barefoot, even inside the house. Sexually-transmitted diseases often find their way to the brain, and other bacterial and viral infections occur that may originate in the ears, eyes and sinuses.

Psychological causes. Incorrect thinking such as negativity, resentment, stubborness, arrogance, immaturity, and lying to oneself and others can damage the brain. Also, bad emotional habits and following false doctrines can damage the brain because they are yin, among other reasons.

More unusual causes. These include soul loss, often from traumas such as rapes. There can also be imbalances in the seven physical energy centers and the Dantiens, particularly the upper dantien.

Another common cause of brain imbalances is witchcraft. The Rogues use this extensively on everyone, often starting at or near birth. There are efforts to clear it from the earth, but it is very common. It is an advanced shape science and method of mental influencing. To remove it requires the coffee enema procedure, along with the pulling down mental exercise – and not other meditations. For details, read Witchcraft.

Another unusual but very common problem is the presence of electronic Implants. They may not be just in the brain. We just learned that they can even be in the feet! We will write an article about this new finding.

The only way to get these out is with the procedures involving coffee, hydrogen peroxide, and in some instances, black salve. These contain special souls who are equipped to remove the implants. Our guides also help with this common problem.

Correction. The development program will correct most of these problems if one follows it faithfully. Full healing may take a number of years, but most people report within a few months that their brain fog improves and their brain functions much better. For more details, read Brain Fog.


6/12/21. Maria Montessori lived about 100 years ago and was an Italian educator and physician. She was also extremely well-educated with over half a dozen advanced degrees in the sciences, the arts, and more. She was also a very skilled business woman who managed to set up teaching centers in over 50 nations to teach a new educational method. Most of these centers are still operating today.

She was a hard worker and some would call her a renaissance woman. This means her life and work spanned many areas and she worked all over the world.

Her influence upon me. She powerfully influenced me when I was in college. I was feeling there was something very wrong with my education, which was supposedly very good. I felt it was damaging my mind.

She taught that learning is completely natural. She said that forcing children to learn in regimented classes with grades - a carrot and stick approach - is not needed and is violent and oppressive to the mind.

Her method. Maria Montessori’s method is basically to provide children with the right environment and the right materials. Then just allow and encourage the children to work with the materials. Done properly, the children will learn all subjects quickly and easily. They will also naturally develop good learning habits, self-discipline, and a good attention span.

This is a child-directed education that is much more honoring and respectful to children than the standard method. In particular, she thought the grading system in schools was offensive and a complete lie. Just because one child learns slower or differently than another does not make that child less worthy or less intelligent. This made sense to me.

Natural healing. Her ideas also appealed to me because I was learning about natural healing, thanks to illness in the family. Some healers were teaching that, in truth, the body can heal itself. In most cases, one does not need drugs and surgery. All one needs is to give the body the correct environment and the correct “materials”, such as proper food, fresh air and pure water, and the body will do the rest.

This is identical to Maria Montessori’s educational philosophy! She also found that when a child was taken out of a standard classroom and placed in one of her rooms, the child would “act out” for a while. This is how the child ‘unwound’ or undid the damage from their previous educational experience. We call this Retracing, a pivotal idea in development science.

She also learned that the child, not the teacher, could and should determine the order in which to learn different subjects. This is the same as our observation that, given the correct program, the body decides the order in which to correct symptoms and diseases.

So although she worked in education, her honoring and respecting of the person resonated deeply for me with how to heal the body.

The souls. Her philosophy really honors the intelligence and wisdom of the souls inside each person. That is really what honoring and respecting a child or adult implies.

This philosophy is central to modern development science. It is also very positive and not taught much. However, it is true and we prove it every day with our clients.

When one enters a Montessori school, one often notices 1) it is more relaxed and happier than a public school, 2) if sensitive, you may notice the presence of a master, and 3) the teachers and administrators are friendlier than at the public schools. For details, read about Maria Montessori on Wikipedia and elsewhere.


6/11/21. Egg yolks are rich in an iron compound that promotes the can the growth of cancer. Egg white also contains several toxins that damage the liver, such as avidin, and this, too, can promote cancer growth.

This is another reason to limit the number of eggs one eats. Part of our recommendations for those whose bodies have too much cancer is to completely avoid eggs and red meat until the amount of cancer in the body decreases.


6/11/21. Dr. Max Gerson (1881-1959). One of the founders of modern development science was a German physician, Max Gerson, MD. He learned about the effect of eggs on cancer early in his career. He wrote about it in his unique and rather remarkable book, A Cancer Therapy – Results Of 50 Cases.

Dr. Gerson’s other very important contributions to modern development science are coffee enemas, which he pioneered, and carrot juice. He was also an early proponent of eating food grown without toxic pesticides and herbicides.

Note: The Gerson Clinic in Mexico offers holistic therapy for cancer and perhaps other illnesses. However, our information is that his therapy is somewhat outdated and not working as well today.

For example, his program was set up before the coming of the atom bomb in 1945. This, along with medical and dental x-rays, has increased the ionizing radiation level in everyone. As a result, all the bodies are much more yin, a word that means too cold, expanded and sick.

He also worked before the existence of many newer food chemicals and other problems of our food supply. So we do not recommend his diet or his clinic. For details, read The Gerson Diet and The Cancer Pioneers.

Nyoichi Sakurazawa or George Oshawa (1893-1966) and Michio Kushi (1926-2014). A development program will slowly reduce the radiation in the body. Our program also focuses on making the body much more yang in macrobiotic terminology.

Macrobiotics is the work of another important founder of modern development science, Mr. Nyoichi Sakurazawa. He wrote 300 books in Japanese and in French.

I studied this amazing science with his student, Mr. Michio Kushi. These men brought extremely ancient and brilliant taoist and Japanese science to the modern world. For details, read George Oshawa and Macrobiotics.

Note. Modern development science requires more than just macrobiotics.


6/11/21. I took down the bison post – not enough truth, upon further research.


6/11/21. This is a review of the lies about the Wuhan virus. Checks or 3000 positive tests for Covid-19 failed to show any corona virus. All they showed was either influenza A or influenza B.

Then the US CDD was asked for samples of the virus and has not provided them – says they don’t have them. Lawsuits have been filed accusing them of fraud. Conclusion, there seems to be no unique Wuhan virus. It is just a flu virus.

The testing is unreliable, and the vaccines we don’t believe are vaccines. They are some sort of drug designed to


6/9/21. We need to keep reminding everyone - because few others are doing it - that the current national government of the United States and some state and local governments - are illegal because there are outstanding court challenges to the 2020 election that have not been heard or adjudicated. The challenges should have been handled before any new government was inaugurated.

This is very important! One conservative talk show host said on his program if he mentions the election fraud, his Youtube account is quickly shut down for a few weeks. This is how important some think it is that no one talk about the horror of the 2020 election.

Some talk about how Americans are becoming socialists and Marxists. NO! The elections are just rigged so the bad people (socialists) win. There cannot be voting machines, absentee ballots or mail-in ballots, and there must be strict voter identification laws. Otherwise, elections become a joke, as they are in many nations, now including America. For details, read The Election.

A voter story: We know of a woman who lived and voted in California for years. Then she moved to another state for 14 years. When she returned to California, she went to register to vote. She was told “Oh, you are already registered and you have voted here for the past 14 years”.

It is critical to understand that honesty is not a left-wing value. If these people can, they automatically or “naturally” cheat. Their only moral value is “The ends justify the means” (from Karl Marx). This means do whatever you wish to get what you want. Some call this the law of the jungle and it ruins any society that allows it or teaches it.

Others in society are not perfect, but at least they tend to hold Judeo-Christian values, which include “do not lie”, “do not steal” and “do not murder”.


6/9/21. I am told that duck, quail, and goose eggs are also good. Also, for children who won’t eat runny egg yolks, just harden them up a little with a little more cooking or scrambling.


6/8/21. In the post of 6/6/21, we changed the egg recommendation for the development diet. However, during the past two days, some of our souls and guides are not sure about this recommendation.

There is disagreement about egg white. Some believe that egg white slows development. However, others say that egg white is a quality protein and we should not limit it too severely. This may have to do with genetics. Some bodies may handle egg white better than others.

So until we do more research, we will say that up to about 6 eggs per week is okay for everyone. Good methods of cooking are soft boiling, poaching and light frying so that the egg yolk is runny.


6/7/21. A problem in medicine is fragmentation. There are thousands of diseases and they seemingly have nothing to do with each other. Physicians memorize lists of them to pass their tests. Often, a physician whose specialty is in one area will give drugs for his area, while another will give more drugs for another specialty area. This leads to widespread use of many toxic drugs at the same time that may conflict with each other.

The stress theory of disease. There is an alternative. The stress theory of disease is almost 100 years old and was discovered by Janos “Hans” Selye, MD (1907-1982). He was born in Komaron, Hungary, now called Komarno, Slovakia. He grew up and was educated in a Benedictine Monastery. He then went to medical school in Prague, Czech Republic. He spent the better part of his adult life working at McGill University in Montreal, Canada.

He spoke eight languages fluently and was most proud of his Magyar Hungarian heritage. He was brilliant and wrote 40 books and over 1700 medical papers. He probably received more awards in medicine than any other physician. He worked 10 to 14 hours per day, seven days a week, including weekends and holidays. He rode his bicycle six miles to work every day.

His brilliant theory of illness unifies all disease and explains that the body responds to ALL stressors and illnesses in the same ways. He called this the General Adaptation Syndrome. He studied the glands and is responsible for much of our modern understanding of the adrenal glands and their role in combatting stress.

The stages of stress. The stress theory states that there are three stages of disease or stress in the body – alarm, resistance and exhaustion. All you have to do is figure out which stage you are in, and you will know what to do, regardless of the name of your disease or condition.

This is exactly what we do in development science. For this reason, we give Janos Selye credit as one of the founders of modern development science. However, most medical people except for endocrinologists don’t even know his name, not to mention his theory. I hope we can change this situation.

One way to talk about your development program that a few physicians might understand is to tell them you are doing Dr. Selye’s work. They could look him up on the internet. Since he was a physician, it is less threatening than talking about nutrition or hair mineral testing. For more details, read The Stress Theory Of Disease.


6/6/21. One can buy eggs based on the label, such as natural, free range, pastured, organic or something else. However, these labels are not that good! This may be due to cheating or the standards are not that good.

In fact, it is difficult to find any supermarket or health store egg that is really good. It may not be allowed. Usually, you will do better at a farmer’s market or buying from a local farmer.

Here is how to check your eggs. An excellent quality egg should have the following qualities:

Shell. It should have a hard, thick and opaque shell. Most eggs fail this test, even the organic ones.

Yolk. The yolk should be a fairly dark color. A light-colored yolk means fewer nutrients. Also, the yolk should maintain its shape and not just fall apart when one opens the egg.

Shape. The shape of the egg should be round on one end and pointed at the other end. Some eggs are almost round on both ends. This is not quite as good.

Smell. Eggs should be fresh and should not smell at all. If they smell at all, they are either old or of poor quality.

Cleanliness. Dirty or unwashed eggs are better than shiny clean ones. This is because the clean ones have been washed in a chlorine solution that is toxic, and the chlorine gets inside the egg.

Clarification of yesterday’s post. We no longer recommend up to 6 eggs for women and up to 8 eggs for men per week. We now only recommend 6 to 12 eggs yolks per week and only up to 1 egg white per week for both men and women.


6/5/21. Egg yolk is special food for development. Most of the vitamins and minerals in an egg are in the yolk. It is rich in vitamin A, D, E and K and many others. It contains plenty of calcium, magnesium, sodium, zinc, iron, and phosphorus. It also contains a special form of lecithin, and many other nutrients needed for health and development.

Quality. Commercial eggs come from chickens that spend their whole life in crowded, dirty cages. They eat the cheapest food available and many are sick. Their food often contains drugs just to keep them alive. We do not recommend them.

Also, all supermarket eggs are cleaned with a chlorine compound, and a little of it gets into the egg. If you can find eggs at a farmers market, they are likely to be better. Also, it is best if the eggs come from free-range chickens. This means the chickens are allowed to roam freely for part of the day.

Eggs need to be fresh and not cracked when you prepare them. The souls tell us it is best to store them in the refrigerator.

How many? Egg yolk is a rich food and one can eat up to a dozen egg yolks per week.

Salt. The souls tell us that eggs need a little natural sea salt on them. It balances the egg yolk in a special way. So always put a little salt on your egg yolks.

For babies, egg yolk is a required food for development. Begin giving babies runny egg yolk at about 2 months of age. Up to one year of age, babies need about ½ a teaspoon of runny egg yolk daily. Mom or Dad can eat the rest. From age one to two, have one teaspoon of egg yolk daily. After age two, have two teaspoons of runny egg yolk daily. No hard egg yolks!

Cooking egg yolks. It is important to cook eggs because they can contain bacteria. Cooking also balances the egg yolk. However, one needs to eat egg yolks when they are soft. Cooking them until they are hard damages them quite a lot.

A very good cooking method is soft boiling. The souls tells us the ideal time to soft boil an egg is about two minutes. Then put it in an egg cup, open the top and eat the yolk either in one piece or little by little.

For poached eggs, one opens an egg and drops it into boiling water in an egg poacher. The yolk will be ready in two or three seconds.

For fried eggs. Open an egg and drop it onto a hot frying pan or griddle. Be sure to leave the yolk in one piece. Quickly take it off the grill or frying pan while the yolk is still runny. Frying is not quite as good due to the high heat.

Other methods. On can make eggs into an omelet or scrambled. However, in most cases the yolk becomes hard when you do that, so these methods are less desirable. Even worse is to make quiche or pancakes that contain eggs, or other dishes in which the egg yolks are very hard.

Egg white is a quite a complete and high quality protein. However, the souls tell us it is somewhat toxic. One egg white per week is fine. However, eating more will slow development. Eating more than six per week causes a toxin to build up in the liver that is harmful.

Recommendations. In the past, we have recommended up to six whole eggs per week for women and up to eight whole eggs for men. Now we recommend six to twelve runny egg yolks per week for women and men, and only one soft egg white per week for both women and men. We will update the egg article on the website to reflect this. Once again, do not eat hard egg yolks, even though some egg packages and some health authorities recommend them.


6/4/21. Faster development. We are starting to clean up a few people’s feet. This is exciting because the people we are cleaning up are developing faster. The Rogues use various bases and other means inside the feet to slow development. As these are removed, development can move twice as fast or perhaps even faster.

This also applies to animals such as cats, dogs and many others. We are told that if their feet were not damaged, some animals would develop easily and life on earth would be much happier.

The procedure. The main method we are using to heal on the feet is a hydrogen peroxide foot bath. Use a rectangular bucket so you can comfortably place both feet in the hydrogen peroxide solution. The bucket should be deep enough so that the peroxide covers the ankles or a little above.

Peroxide. The peroxide need only be about 3% strength. This is the same of perhaps less than the standard drug store peroxide. If it seems too strong, just dilute it with a little water.

How long? Place the feet in the peroxide foot bath for 15 to 20 minutes. Use your judgment to see if that is enough for a session or if more is better. If you are further along on the development program, your body may want much more time in the peroxide foot bath. This is because the body is more able to clean up the feet deeply.

Other methods. Black salve can also be used for lesions on the feet. We welcome feedback about its use. Beware that it can cause temporary swelling of the feet. It also can be somewhat painful for a day or two. Also, black salve often stays in the feet for a long time, causing some dark discoloration of the feet. However, it can help.

How often? For most people, so far, cleaning up the feet is a long process. It may require months of daily soaking the feet in peroxide to slowly clean up debris, rogue equipment, infections and more. Black salve only needs one or a few applications.

Who needs this procedure? Anyone with foot problems should consider this procedure. This includes painful feet, bunions, dry, cracked feet, hammer toe, trouble walking, and infected toes or other areas of the feet.

Animals such as pets. Most animals love dilute hydrogen peroxide. When we review their mineral tests, they usually ask for a spray of peroxide once or twice daily on their fur. Spray them from the back to avoid getting peroxide in their eyes.

They all also like a little peroxide added to their water. You can save an animal’s life with these methods, which includes rubbing the tail, starting with the tip of the tail and slowly moving toward the body. This is a powerful and easy method of Reflexology.

For a peroxide foot bath, place the animal’s feet in a bucket containing hydrogen peroxide. Be sure to test it first to make sure it is not too strong. You will probably have to hold the animal steady. Start with only 10 minutes. Then remove the animal from the peroxide foot bath and dry the feet with a towel or paper towels. See if you can tell if the animal enjoyed the foot bath. Longer sessions may be needed and the bath can be repeated daily for a month or longer.

Does it always work? The procedure can be helpful. Some problems will take longer to retrace than others. We are still working out the protocol and will keep you informed here as we learn more.


6/3/21. We are discovering that the Rogues damage the legs and feet of many people. This is a way they weaken people and control our thoughts and behavior. They use at least three methods:

1. They can damage circulation to the legs and particularly the feet. They tie off arteries to restrict blood flow. They also tie off and damage nerves to restrict nerve energy going to the legs and feet. This weakens and filths up the legs and feet.

2. The can put electronic implants, parasites and other infections into the legs and feet. They use the implants to communicate with many people and to control behavior.

3. They scare people with rapes, beatings, fake crises such as climate change and “systemic racism”, and more. Fear damages circulation in the body because it causes the body to concentrate blood in the internal organs as a way to protect against an attack on the extremities of the body. This is part of what is called on this website Sympathetic Dominance.

Effects. This causes dry, cracked feet, pain in the feet, muscle cramps in the legs and feet, and general weakness. Also, the feet have an important reflex system that affects the entire body.

We believe the implants in the feet is a secret of how the rogues control people’s thinking and behavior.

What to do. The entire development can help with these problems. The development diet with lots of cooked vegetables is most important to provide minerals and anti-oxidants to protect against oxidant damage to the feet. Anti-oxidant pills do not work as well as the correct foods.

Also helpful are Coffee Enemas and hydrogen peroxide Baths and peroxide implants for women and peroxide for men. We will report more as we learn more about the problem and how to correct it.


6/3/21. Thank you for the feedback about the radio station. Many readers think it is a very good idea, so I hope we can pursue it.


6/2/21. Would you be interested in helping to set up and operate a development program internet radio and eventually television station? It would have lectures, panel discussions, interviews, news, children’s programming, product reviews, music, seminars and workshops, and all in many languages.

If this sounds good to you, let me know.


6/1/21. The pulling down procedure is one of the most important aspects of the development program. Anyone who says you don’t need it is either very ignorant or malicious, meaning he or she does not want you to develop quickly.

Don’t skip it. Often, clients skip the pulling down procedure completely or they substitute another “meditation” or “spiritual practice” for it. Please do not do skip the pulling down procedure.

How to do it. One of the best methods is to first move your attention to just below your feet. Then imagine either a magnet or a vacuum cleaner under your feet that is pulling the skin off the bottom of your feet. Make the magnet or vacuum cleaner more and more powerful.

With some practice, you will feel the magnet pulling the skin off other parts of your body such as your hands, fingers, nose, groin and elsewhere. There are other visualizations, but this is the basic one to begin with and it is excellent.

Boring. I know that at first the pulling down procedure may seem boring and tedious. I assure you as you do it more it becomes more interesting and exciting.

Heaven to earth. You will realize that you are literally bringing Heaven to earth. As you do it, say “More of God”, “More of God”, “More of God”. I think of it as building my relationship with God each day.

Loving yourself in a new and wonderful way. Doing the pulling down exercise every day is loving yourself in a new way that does not indulge the ego. It is receiving a love that never disappoints, never abandons you, and it is the only unconditional love. This means you can have it even if you have not behaved perfectly.

New life. The procedure revitalizes and de-ages the body. It is a letting of the old and bringing in new life. The procedure rebuilds the body in the image of God in a much healthier and longer-lasting form.

Unlimitedness. You will come to realize that the physical life is limited in both duration and scope. The new life you bring in with the pulling down exercise is unlimited.

Getting what you want. The pulling down procedure is how to get what you want. It takes some time but it works, while other methods often do not work. The procedure works because it changes who you are. Then you automatically attract to yourself a better life.

New thought brings new life. Our thoughts determine our life. The pulling down procedure is a very special new thought that brings a new and much better life. For more details, read The Pulling Down Procedure.


5/31/21. Two new and very powerful procedures are hydrogen peroxide foot baths and coffee foot baths. We are working on the articles that describe them fully. We also seek feedback about the effects of these procedures.

They are good for all kinds of foot problems such as dry, cracked heels (you still need to scrape the dead skin off), impaired circulation, infections and more. However, these procedures also help with guidance, with grounding and thinking, with organ health, emotional well-being, and much more.

Procedure. The peroxide procedure is quite simple – soak the feet at least for 10 minutes and better for an hour or up to two hours. Don’t do a session for longer than two hours until we have more research. You can do it while you work at a desk, talk on the phone, watch television or do other sitting activities. You can use drugstore 3% peroxide.

For the coffee procedure, prepare coffee the same way as for an enema except keep the coffee grounds. Do not strain or filter them out. Coffee can also be fairly strong, we believe, and we will publish more details

Cautions. Peroxide can be irritating, but cleans the inside and outside of the feet in a unique way. Drugstore peroxide is plenty strong and is often stronger than the labeled 3%, so beware. Dilute it if needed with water if it burns.

Coffee does not burn and is quite soothing for the feet and the coffee contains souls and equipment that is used to correct problems in the feet. Among these are some rather bizarre rogue devices that impair circulation to the feet and can cause toe and foot cramps, dry, cracked heels and more.

Be sure to drink enough water during these procedures or they won’t work well.

Benefits. We believe that this kind of greater attention to the feet will become a central part of the development program. It is easy, inexpensive and very helpful for some conditions and perhaps for everyone, especially as one develops more.


5/30/21. In order to understand the development diet, one needs to know about how the body acquires its nutrients. The methods are:

1. Nutrient ingestion and absorption. This requires excellent digestion or many nutrients are just lost and eliminated without being absorbed. For details, read Digestion.

2. Nutrient transformation. This means one eats a certain food or takes a food supplement and the body converts what you eat into a different chemical that it requires.

For example, the body should be able to convert beta carotene into vitamin A. This is critical today because the Chinese have taken away all of the natural vitamin A in the world. One cannot buy natural vitamin A in the United States or we believe, in most other Western nations.

Some food supplements are mislabeled as natural vitamin A, but we don’t think they contain much of the natural vitamin A. The synthetic vitamin A works to some degree, but is also slightly toxic so it is not as good.

Thyroid function. The conversion of beta carotene into vitamin A requires adequate thyroid glandular activity. The development diet and program focus on the thyroid for this reason. Among other nutrients, it requires a lot of kelp.

Biological transmutation. Nutrient conversion includes the very important science of transmutation, by which a healthy body converts one mineral into another. This idea is not well accepted by most scientists and physicians.

However, it is truthful and extremely important for health and development. As one develops, one’s ability to transmute increases significantly and this is an important part of bodily regeneration. It is also critical today because the food is low in many nutrients, often by design. For details, read Biological Transmutation.

3. Nutrient synthesis. Our bodies can manufacture some nutrients mainly in the small and large intestines. These include some of the B-complex vitamins and others.

However, synthesis only occurs to a large extent if the intestinal flora and other conditions are correct. This is an important reason we love cooked vegetables, for example. They help create the proper conditions in the intestines for nutrient synthesis.

Summary. The development diet and entire program, unlike almost all others, recognizes all three of the vital nutrition concepts above and are specifically designed to support and promote all of them.


5/29/21. We worked on the article about the joy patterns. This is a most interesting and important topic.

The article explains how to recognize each of the patterns. It also includes many other interesting topics about development of the souls and the large beings in space, and more. For details, read Development As Seen On Hair Mineral Analyses – The Joy Patterns.


5/28/21. What makes the nutrition work worthwhile and quite amazing is finding the development or joy patterns. This is the most important part of interpreting a hair mineral retest. Helpers and coaches – this is what you must talk about and note on the papers you give the clients. Clients – this is what to look for – not all the bad stuff!

Not what it seems. This post seems like it is about hair test interpretation. However, it is really about understanding development! Development is all of the following:

The patterns:

Out of trouble or out of danger: out of four lows, out of the shell, out of spiritual defensive, out of stepping out of life, out of double low ratio, forward flip of the Na/K ratio and/or the oxidation rate, amigo dump, or a better oxidation rate or Na/K ratio.

Elimination patterns: all coming out, amigo dump, just one or two toxic metals coming out, gathering firewood (phosphorus goes down), and settling down (a toxic metal was displacing the mineral level upward and it is gone, so the level decreases).

Building patterns: perking up, zinc up, coming alive and the hill. Even better is a double coming alive or double hill or a combination of a hill and coming alive.

Organ regeneration: kidneys = elimination of mercury, cadmium, and nickel; liver = elimination of copper and other toxic metals; forward flips, and more.

Moving into your issues/traumas: moving into four lows (also called into the dog house or your boat is in dry dock), double low ratio pattern on the first four and/or the second four minerals, digging deeper pattern (lower four lows), lower Na/K ratio, worse oxidation rate or back flips. For example, double back flip is a powerful into your issues pattern.

Finishing up: out of spiritual defensiveness, out of the shell, and perhaps others.

Specifically brain regeneration: Anchors, pivots, amigo dump, out of sympathetic dominance, and all other toxic metal eliminations. This is because all the toxic metals are neurotoxic, meaning toxic to the nervous system.

Electrical charge improvement: More balanced Na/K ratio, Ca/Mg ratio, and improved oxidation rate. (Think of a putting a new battery in the car).

Better energy level: Perking up, elimination patterns, out of trouble patterns, zinc up, and perhaps others, fewer burnout patterns, better adrenal and thyroid activity, less sympathetic dominance.

Deep healing: coming alive on the second four minerals. This is a deeper type of healing than the patterns above.

More alive patterns: coming alive on the first four minerals and/or the second four minerals. It may also be other patterns such as a forward flip of the Na/K ratio, amigo dump and others.

Maturing patterns: Elimination of the “child” minerals: toxic potassium, boron, aluminum and nickel. This can occur at age 6 months or at age 80. Other maturing patterns are out of victimhood, and insight or turnaround patterns (see below).

Happier patterns: coming alive, out of trouble patterns, out of the shell or bomb shelter, and perhaps others.

Letting go of fear: (especially for women), less of a shell, lower copper if it was elevated,

Found my calling, found my life, more on the golden path, more on the yellow brick road (see the Wizard of Oz article), “I’m not just a hunk of decaying flesh” or out of the gutter: lower copper or fewer hidden copper indicators, amigo dump, and usually a combination of some of the other development patterns listed n this post.

Activation patterns: amigo dump, out of victim pattern.

Coming Home patterns: settling down on the second four minerals

Achievement patterns: hill, goal post or doorway.

Turnaround or insight patterns: pivots and forward flips

New Person patterns: Phosphorus up 5 mg% or more, combination of coming alive and some other patterns.

More details:

Combinations of patterns. Combinations of the patterns above are even better. Another type of combination is a doubling. For details, read Double Patterns.

Relation to your soul blemishes: All of the patterns above involve letting go of blemishes on the souls, also sometimes called karma in the Sanskrit language and the ancient Hebrew language.

Where to read about the patterns. Go to the Read All Articles page. Scroll down to Categories and go to Section III. Keep scrolling down and you will see a section called Hair Mineral Analysis. (I could just give you the exact link but everyone needs to learn how to move easily through the Read All Articles page.)

The hair analysis patterns are arranged in Initial Patterns and Retest Patterns. The development patterns are all almost all retest patterns. If you don’t find the pattern in the Retest Patterns section, it is in the Initial Patterns section. If there is a separate article about a pattern, it is underlined and in blue as a link.


5/27/21. It is most important for everyone to know that the method of development we recommend in this newsletter and on this website is not that of any human being. It is the method used by the souls.

The technique is as follows: First, Dr. Wilson asks permission to seek help for a person. When he asks sincerely and honestly, he receives help that allows him to find a person using the person’s name and location.

Once the person is located, a team of souls asks permission to speak with a special type of advanced soul inside the person called a planning soul. The Planning Souls set up the development program. Then Dr. Wilson relays this information to the person’s Helper.

It is true that Dr. Wilson researches various healing methods. However, the planning souls set up his programs.

The often-malicious imitators – at least 50 of them - who seek to wreck the programs say “Dr. Wilson is wrong.” It is true that now and then there is great interference and difficulty. However, in general, the directions are very consistent.

For example, the planning souls routinely say that coffee enemas are wonderful, along with the pulling down procedure and the other procedures we suggest. They always say that a lot of cooked, not raw, vegetables are essential. They also say that blue corn tortilla chips, while somewhat salty and greasy, are needed for rapid development today.

They also repeat often that most fruit is harmful for health and development. A few foods that are technically fruits are good such as roasted almond butter, green beans and one or two botija or other black olives per week, but that is all.

We say the imitators do not tune in properly or they would receive the exact same information as Dr. Wilson receives. They either guess what to suggest or worse, they deliberately suggest foods, supplements and procedures that stop development.

One may ask why Dr. Wilson gets help tuning in, while others do not. The answer is that he has applied himself to this exact program for forty years with no deviations - it is a reward for effort. Others can do the same and I encourage you to make this your priority. Then you will be able to tune in as well.


5/27/21. A small section near the middle of the new article, Men And Women Are Not The Same, was not correct. It was about the effect of Bible teachings upon women. I have fixed it as follows:

More suffering from some Bible teachings. This is very controversial. However, we believe that two basic Bible teachings are either not quite correct or have been misinterpreted. They are: 1) that God is a man, and 2) that men should be in charge.

1. Who is God? God, the Father, is not a man. God, the Son, is a man and the word God here means an advanced being. This does not contradict any Christian teaching.

2. The sexual order. There is a concept in Christian thought called the sexual order. It suggests that the man in a family is the leader and the woman is his helper, somewhat like the Adam and Eve story.

However, this concept is not always taught and handled properly. In some families, the man pushes the woman around and that is not the concept of the sexual order. Some of those who do not teach the concept correctly are leaders, and this needs to change. For details, read The Sexual Order.


5/26/21. This is a critical topic to understand. It is unfortunately not taught either in grade school or college, and we think this is deliberate. It damages relationships between men and women and weakens society.

Without understanding the differences between men and women, women are also exposed to much more danger of rape and beatings. A new, short article about it is Men And Women Are Not The Same.


5/25/21. The reasons can be organized according to the 7 system:

1. Physical reasons: The program eliminates toxic metals and toxic chemicals that irritate the nervous system. It also removes excess iron and manganese from the body. These minerals, when in the Amigo or oxide form, settle in the areas of the brain that cause anger and rage. For details, read Iron.

2. Emotional reasons: The program slowly heals old emotional traumas and this helps balance the emotions and enables one to relax. Providing hundreds of nutrients the body requires makes the cells and souls happy and you feel this. For example, eliminating excess copper reduces fear and excessive emotionality. For details, read Copper Toxicity Syndrome. Also, read the Anthropomorphic Qualities of Minerals.

3. Power and control reasons: The program helps one to have much more control over one’s life. You become a happy warrior. This contributes to relaxation, better attitudes and a happier life. For details, read The Path Of The Warrior, The Secret Society Of Loving, Light-Hearted Warriors and Power.

4. Social reasons: Many clients report less social anxiety. They also tell us they are much more able to “put themselves in other people’s shoes” and understand other better.

5. Self-expression and creative reasons: The program teaches one to express oneself in healthier ways. It also helps the brain function much better, which improves expression and one’s ability to function well in business and other partnerships such as one’s marriage. For details, read Brain Fog and Getting A Brain.

6. Intellectual reasons: The program causes a person to receive much more advanced guidance from the guide creatures and others. This guidance is always loving. For details, read Controllers And Other Guide Creatures.

The program also contributes to gratitude by helping one understand how wonderful the body is that it can heal deeply. Some of the articles explain the concept that we are always totally loved by powerful creator beings.

7. Spiritual reasons: The pulling down procedure and, to some degree all of the program, slowly transform a person from a decaying and dying physical being into an etheric being with a happy and long future. For details, read Introduction To Development and the other articles about development on the Read Articles page.

The ether that one brings into the body with the pulling down exercise is a form of love. For details, read The Ether. After a time on the program, one will begin to feel that “my cup runneth over with love”. For details, read The 23rd Psalm Explained.

The program enables a person to be and do what each of us was created to do – to be the expression of the love of the Creator in this world of form. For details, read Love As Radiance and The Real Self. Also, read The Big Picture.


5/24/21. One definition is that love is wanting the best for another or for many people. This definition of a loving attitude is quite important in the area of relationships. It is not the normal reason for relationships, but it will improve any relationship! So please consider adopting this attitude about why you are entering or keeping a relationship.

For more on relationships, read Deep Loving Relationships I, Deep Loving Relationships II, Spiritual Marriage, A Marriage Of Friends, All About Marriage, 14 Stages Of A Romantic Relationship, How To Love Using The 7 System, What To Look For In A Mate Or Friend, and Dating (the dating article is being updated and changed, but is not ready).


5/23/21. Trauma points are very important to understand in order to heal traumas. Trauma points are specific ratios on a hair mineral analysis that are difficult to move through because disturbing thoughts and feelings will often surface at these points.

This can stop a person from continuing on a development program and therefore stop development. For details, read the new, short article on Trauma Points.


5/22/21. We focus a lot on safety. What does that mean? The essence of safety is becoming well-informed about a situation and then acting in a thoughtful and careful way. Safety is not about just following orders from the government or from others.

For example, the souls tell us to avoid using almost all medical drugs. They also tell us emphatically: stay away from herbs, chelation, homeopathy, intravenous vitamins and minerals, and most vitamin and mineral therapies. These may sound good, but they do not heal the body at deep levels and many are not as safe as advertised.

We need to repeat this because many clients add to the development program, and often ruin it. They believe we forgot something or that other health practitioners know more than we do.

However, the souls tell us over and over to please stay away from most medical and natural therapies! They also tell us to stay away from symptomatic therapies of all kinds! For details, read General Systems Theory And Healing.

Often, safety is about not being sloppy. This is actually a most important concept. Many people are sloppy in their thinking and lifestyle and this is always unsafe.

Deliberate confusion. Today, the word safety is being deliberately misused by the medical establishment in regards to the Chinese virus in order to confuse people. The mass media is not reporting the truth and their remedies – masks and vaccines – are not safe.

In truth, most people recover easily from the Chinese virus. In truth, there have been thousands of deaths from the vaccines. In truth, simple face masks don’t stop viruses. In truth, the covid-19 “vaccines” are not vaccines. In truth, there never was a “pandemic”. There was a disease outbreak. Similar ones occur every few years such as the Hong Kong flu, the Ebola virus, and many others.


5/22/21. Psychodrama is a powerful psychological method of healing traumas. We are coming to understand that it is part of every development program. This is one reason the development program works so well.

Psychodrama is basically acting out a scene that is somewhat scary, but in a fun and safe manner. The souls experience this as redoing a trauma and it helps them process, retrace and clear the trauma. Here is a good example.

Coffee enemas: Most people, if not all people, have some trauma in regard to bowel movements. This comes from incidents as a baby while our diapers were being changed, from toilet training, and just from being bathed as babies. Traumas also often occurred as the result of embarrassing ‘wet pants’ accidents when we were children and could not get to a bathroom fast enough.

While you may not realize it, doing coffee enemas easily brings up many of the same feelings, thoughts, odors and more that you experienced as a baby and young child. This greatly helps the souls to process and clear a number of traumas that most people carry with them. For more details, read Psychodrama And The Development Program. A much longer, in depth article is Psychodrama.


5/21/21. The development program causes retracing – one of the most unusual phenomena in existence. Retracing often involves flare-ups of old symptoms or new symptoms that occur as infections heal and as toxic substances are eliminated from the body.

Retracing is not always pleasant, but it is a sign of deep healing. Eventually it becomes infrequent because one has retraced most infections and other problems in the body.

Some of our clients forget that they will retrace. When they have symptoms, they immediately run to doctors and emergency rooms. We suggest asking us to check you first. For details, read Retracing.


5/21/21. Just another reminder that the current national and many state and local governments in the United States are illegal. The law requires that all pending lawsuits challenging the election results (over 100 of them) are heard and adjudicated before a new administration takes power.

This was not done and is a serious violation of the law. The people need to rise up at once and demand the resignation of the current government until all cases have been adjudicated. For details, go to the post of 4/11/21.


5/20/21. Life is about integrity. Integrity means that all parts of one’s life are aligned around certain principles.

These include the Ten Commandments given to Moses and the Golden Rule (Think and do unto others as you would have them think and do unto you.) If more people followed just these two basic doctrines, we would have a much happier world. For details, read The Ten Commandments Of Moses (Plus Two), The Golden Rule and Integrity.

Universal justice. We believe that those who follow the above rules are rewarded. Those who ignore them or disobey them knowingly are or will be punished. For details, read The Merit System and The Law of Cause And Effect.

Universal laws. We believe the Ten Commandments and the Golden Rule are universal laws. This means they apply everywhere in the universe, even on other planets. There is life on other planets. For details, read Intelligent Life On Other Planets and Outer Space.


5/19/21. Drinking enough water is one of the more difficult aspects of the development program. Without enough water, the body does not function well and progress with healing and development is much slower.

Excuses. Reasons for not drinking enough water are not liking its taste, the cost of buying water, and not wanting to have to urinate often. Drinking enough water is also an effort that requires carrying water wherever you go and taking the time to drink it. Water is also more yin in macrobiotic terminology and drinking it can make a person feel temporarily worse, for this reason.

However, none of these are good excuses if one wishes to heal and develop quickly and safely.

Substitutes. Another problem is substituting other beverages instead of drinking water. Mild teas are not too bad, although we find water is usually better.

Coffee. Drinking more than one cup of coffee instead of drinking water is a problem. Coffee is irritating to the stomach, stimulating, and drinking a lot can contribute to elevated blood sugar. For details, read Diabetes, A 21st Century Epidemic.

Juices and smoothies. For adults, 10-12 ounces of carrot juice daily is helpful. However, drinking more juice, smoothies, or other kinds of juices such as celery, green juice and fruit juices we find unbalance the body and are not helpful. We also find that smoothies and shakes are always poor food combinations and upset digestion. For more details, read Water For Health And Longevity, Hydration For Healing , Smoothies, Soups, Purees And Juices and Orange Juice And Other Juices.


5/18/21. The neck pull is one of the basic development procedures. Once one learns the procedure, it is simple. safe and easy to do. It offers tremendous benefits for one’s health and for development.

The neck pull opens the joints of the neck, aligns the neck and shoulders, assists the fifth energy center, helps the thyroid gland, and much more. For details, read the Neck Pull.


5/17/21. Doris, age 49, had a hand tremor or shaking for twenty years. She had been to several physicians. They ran tests and told her she has Parkinson’s disease. This is a common, supposedly incurable brain disease that causes tremors, weakness and then a painful early death.

Doris took drugs to hopefully slow down the disease for about four years. However, she did not feel much better and the drugs were costly and toxic. They made her tired and nauseous. The tremors only became worse over time.

The development program. About three years ago Doris found the development program and decided to try it. At first, she did about half the program. She felt more energy almost immediately. Also, the shaking stopped getting worse.

Diet. Eating correctly is essential! Many clients do not get good results because they don’t understand and follow the diet. We know it is very different from what others recommend. For details, read Foods For Daily Use, Foods For Occasional Use and Forbidden Foods.

Lifestyle. Doris not only corrected her diet and did some of the healing and development procedures. She also corrected her lifestyle. She began to go to bed much earlier, and wasted much less energy with less shopping and running around. For details, read Healthy Lifestyles.

Doris stayed with the program and started to do more of it. In the past six months, the constant shaking of her hands has become less and today it is hardly noticeable.

Why the improvement? Doris’s mineral analyses provide clues as to why she is feeling better.

Lead. On the most recent mineral analysis on May 13, 2021, the lead level rose sharply from 0.031 mg% to 0.157 mg%. We use an ideal hair level of lead of about 0.02 mg%, so the current level is about seven times the ideal value. Lead is a highly toxic metal associated with over 100 diseases. It can build up in the brain and contribute to shaking or tremors.

Until the mid-1970s, the American government and many others required lead to be added to gasoline and jet fuel. This effectively poisoned most people with lead. I have been told there is still enough lead some city streets that one could mine it. Lead is still found in some lipstick and some inks, lubricants and other products. There is absolutely no excuse for this.

Mercury. On the new hair test, Doris also eliminated mercury. The level almost doubled from 0.01 to 0.019 mg%. This very toxic metals is also associated with neuromuscular diseases. The doubling means Doris is eliminating mercury from her body.

All fish contain too much mercury except for sardines and other very small fish. Even with these, one should not eat more than four cans of sardines per week due to mercury problems.

Large fish such as tuna, swordfish and mackerel are extremely toxic. Shellfish or ‘seafood’ are even more toxic, for which reason we say avoid them all. However, rogue health authorities in the government and medical industries continue to tell people these foods are fine to eat.

In many nations, dentists are allowed to use mercury amalgam to fill dental cavities, effectively poisoning millions of people.

Aluminum. On the new mineral test, Doris also eliminated aluminum. The hair level rose from 1.02 mg% to 1.13 mg%. Aluminum is another toxic metal that often builds up in the brain and can contribute to dementia and other nervous system disorders.

Aluminum is a very common poison. It is added to almost all city water supplies, supposedly to remove dirt from the water. Most salt also contains added aluminum, supposedly so it will not cake up. Anti-perspirants, a relatively new product, are very high in aluminum, as are some remedies such as Mylant, Malox, Gaviscon, Ryopan and others.

It is important to understand the complete failure of the government and the medical industry to properly inform and protect the people from these well-known and serious poisons. They could easily be removed from our food, water, air and consumer products.

Retracing. Doris experienced some healing reactions as the toxic metals came out of her body. These are normal on the development program. They caused some temporary fatigue and other mild, temporary symptoms. For details, read Retracing And Healing Reactions.

Eliminations Doris completed:

Calcium. Doris’s previous hair test also revealed a very elevated level of calcium - 351 mg%. We use 40 mg% as the ideal level of hair tissue calcium. This means her calcium level was almost nine times the ideal.

On the most recent hair test, the calcium level decreased to 109 mg%. This pattern indicates that Doris completed an elimination of calcium. Toxic forms of calcium such as calcium oxide can build up in the brain and contribute to tremors, depression, fatigue, impaired circulation in the brain and other serious health conditions.

This was a serious hidden problem Doris had that is now better. For details about these very important toxic forms of minerals, read Iron, Manganese and Aluminum – The Amigos.

The main sources of these minerals are modern fertilizers called superphosphates. The planners tell us it takes about 100 years to destroy a civilization with these chemicals and we are very close to this time on earth. For details, read Superphosphates.

Manganese. Doris’s previous mineral analysis revealed an elevated level of manganese - 0.048 mg%. This level decreased to a normal level (0.031 mg%) on her new hair mineral test. Toxic forms of manganese found in gasoline and some foods can build up in the brain and cause tremors and other nervous system disorders. There is absolutely no reason why the American and other governments require that manganese be added to gasoline. It just poisons the entire population.

Nickel. On the most recent mineral analysis, the level of nickel decreased from 0.057 mg% to 0.022 mg%. This means that Doris completed an elimination of this toxic metal found in all hydrogenated oils.

Products containing this include commercial peanut butter, shortening such as Crisco and products such as non-dairy creamers. Metal used in dental braces, crowns and elsewhere may also contain nickel. None of this is needed or should be allowed. Nickel plating is also used in cheap jewelry.

Cobalt. On the most recent hair test, the level of cobalt decreased from 0.016 mg% to 0.005 mg%. This is still too hight. However, it indicates Doris eliminated a lot of a toxic form of cobalt. In a toxic form, this mineral can also contribute to nervous system disorders.

Alloys. Often a particular health condition is caused by a combination of toxic metals and nutrient deficiencies. This is not a well known idea iamong medical or natural health professionals. We call it an alloy.

It is similar to metal alloys used in industry such as steel or stainless steel. These are mixtures of metals that have certain properties. The same thing occurs in our bodies and this is a common cause of health problems. For details, read Alloys.

Chelation. Doris did not use chelation to remove toxic metals! This is extremely important because most physicians use this method. It does not work well enough and often does permanent damage by removing good minerals along with the bad ones. For details, read Chelation.

Upgrading To The Spiritual Minerals

Selenium. The level of selenium on Doris’s hair tests rose sharply from 0.038 mg% to 0.117 mg%. This is still to low, but it is three hundred percent better than the previous reading. The planning souls inside Doris tell us that Doris had been retaining her selenium on the previous test because she was using it to replace the toxic metals she was eliminating such as calcium, aluminum, manganese and nickel.

This replacement process is well along, so she does not need to hold on to so much selenium, so the hair level rose on the new test.

Zinc. The level of zinc on Doris’s new hair mineral test decreased from 22 mg% to 14 mg%. 14 mg% is somewhat low. The souls tell us this indicates Doris is retaining zinc because it is replacing toxic metals including lead, mercury, nickel and aluminum in her body.

Spiritual minerals. Selenium and zinc are what we call spiritual minerals. They activate higher brain centers and are absolutely required for development. They are also not easy to replace. The process used in our development programs – not those offered by others – slowly upgrades the minerals in the body and creates a more spiritual and much healthier body.

Importance of coffee enemas and the other healing procedures. According to her planners, Doris would not have been able to make all the above changes nearly as rapidly, and perhaps not at all, had she not done coffee enemas. She has done them for at least two of the three years she has been on the program and continues today.

Those who say coffee enemas are harmful or not needed for deep healing are wrong and often malicious. The level of liver toxicity in everyone today is severe! For details, read Coffee Enemas.

Liver toxicity. Among the main causes of liver toxicity are the A poisons. For details, read The Amigos, AGES, Aldehydes and Ammonia. More intense methods such as coffee enemas are needed to reverse this toxicity and keep it away because we are constantly re-exposed to them in our food. This applies to organic food, as well as commercial food.

Deliberate deficiencies. The levels of zinc and selenium in our food are purposely kept very low. This causes disease and prevents most people from reaching their full potential in life. This is a deliberate plan of our government and medical authorities, although low-level administrators and physicians don’t even know that these minerals are removed from most flour, salt, sugar, and other common foods.

Mineral deficiencies cause toxic metal build up. Another vital concept that is rarely taught is that whenever bodies become deficient in essential minerals, they pick up more toxic metals from the environment.

We don’t mean to be hard on doctors or the governments. However, it is important to know the truth. Unfortunately, one cannot trust these authorities when it comes to your health. They are the cause of most of the problems.

I have also learned one must by extremely wary of any professional who has an occupational license. The reason is that their first priority is not your health. Their main priority is holding on to their license. They will do and say whatever the licensing board requires, even if it is insane such as telling people that vaccines are safe. For details, read Your Doctor’s Priorities and The Case Against Medical Licensing.


5/16, 21. In our opinion, one of the most destructive products on the market today is the Instant Pot and other brands of plug-in electric pressure cookers. Many have been rigged electronically so that they destroy the nutrients in any food placed inside them. AVOID THEM. DO NOT USE THEM FOR ANY KIND OF COOKING. Some of the program destroyers in the post below recommend them.


5/16/21. At least 30 people offer a false nutritional balancing or development program. They are very serious! They are all over the internet and have Facebook and other groups. They may say they offer the same program we do, but they do not!

These people may say they know Dr. Wilson’s work. Most of them have the diploma that we used to give out with the basic training courses. They may even show clients an old version of our Find A Helper web page with their name on it. Please check that page now to see if your practitioner is listed on that page.

However, they are very high-tech and are able to alter some internet and email signals. As a result:

- Some people may receive altered and forged versions of our website articles.

- One may get a forged version of our Find A Helper page with the name of the fake practitioner listed as an Approved Helper.

- If a person sends us an email questioning their practitioner, they may get a forged return email with my signature saying the person is acceptable even if not listed.

The fake practitioners often recommend eating fruit, eating salad and perhaps using electric food cookers. They usually do not recommend blue corn chips, lamb, sardines, kelp, coffee enemas, and other essentials of the program. Their supplement programs are usually also incorrect!

Not only do they offer the programs incorrectly. They are very skilled at influencing and persuading people. We will do our best to oppose this, but we want people to know about it.


5/15/21. According to Dr. Mercola’s newsletter, as of April 17, 2021, the European Union’s vaccine injury reporting system logged 330,218 adverse event reports about the Chinese virus vaccine, including 7,766 deaths.

As of April 23, the U.S. vaccine injury reporting system logged 118,902 adverse event reports, including 3,544 deaths and 12,618 serious injuries.

Vaccine injury reporting always underestimates the problems because many injuries and deaths are not reported – up to 80% of them.

Masks. Germany's registry for adverse effects of children wearing masks has identified 24 physical, psychological and behavioral health issues. They include including irritability (60%), headache (53%), difficulty concentrating (50%), reduced happiness (49%), reluctance to go to school/kindergarten (44%), malaise (42%), impaired learning (38%) and drowsiness or fatigue (37%).

At the same time, there is little evidence that paper masks reduce the spread of viral diseases.

Silencing dissent and discussion. Questioning the vaccines and the recent US election is called “hate speech”, “microagression”, “spreading dangerous misinformation”, “alternate” or “fringe”. These are standard method used to silence dissent and limit freedom of speech.

Propaganda.The daily dissemination of absolute 100% falsehoods by The New York Times on every single page, and by CNN and the rest of them — it’s breathtaking to me.” - Professor Mark Miller (for twenty years he has taught courses about brainwashing and propaganda).


5/14/21. Here are several excellent foot reflex points. You can press on them, slap them with an open hand, or make a fist and tap on them. You may feel the effects. These are excellent to press or tap on every day to help keep subtle energy moving properly through the body.

The organs are on the bottom of the feet. The energy centers are on the top of the feet.

The right foot often corresponds to organs or energy centers on the right side of the body. However, it can also correspond to the right side of an organ such as the heart that is on the left side of the body.

The heart reflex area. This is not where I expected it. It is in the exact middle of each foot – both side to side, and measuring not from the toes but from the main part of the foot to the heel.

It is on both feet. The left foot corresponds the left side of the heart and the right foot corresponds to the right side of the heart.

The liver area. The liver area of the foot is large. It is on the bottom of the foot and runs from just below the second, third, fourth and fifth toes down near the outside of the bottom of the foot at least half way down to the heel. It goes around the heart.

The liver meridian. This starts between the big toe and the second toe. It goes up the foot toward the heel. Then it turns toward the outside of the foot and it continues up the outside of the leg. It goes all the way up the outside of the thigh.

If you want, you can slap or tap on the entire outside of each leg. This is called shiatsu massage in Japanese. Usually, you will find tender spots along the outside of the legs. These are blockages that need more tapping or pressing.

The spine. This begins at the tip of the big toe and runs down the entire arch all the way to the heel.

The seven energy centers. This may be incorrect in the reflexology article and if so, it will be corrected. The seven physical centers are all on the top of the foot.

The seventh center is at the outside tip of the fourth toe. The sixth center is at the base of the fourth toe. Then the centers curve around the top of the foot, which is center number four.

The third, second and first energy centers are on the other side of the foot nearer the heel.

The triple hearts. These are energy centers that connect you with your upper subtle energy fields, sometimes also called energy bodies. These grow and fill with light as you develop.

The hearts are a large area on the top of both feet located where the leg meets the foot – the middle of the top of each foot. We will work on posting a diagram of these. For details, read the Hearts.

For more details about reflexology, read Reflexology.


5/13/21. I have not updated events around the earth because they are more difficult to check. However, I am told we have found a much larger being in space within whom our entire solar system resides.

This being is about 1000 times as large as our solar system. The solar system sits in the area of his heart. I am told our planetary “job” is to communicate with all parts of his body and inform the heart how much blood to pump based on the needs of the whole body.

I don’t know if this is absolutely true, but it seems to be and some want me to report it in this newsletter. If true, if means the earth is a communication planet, and that we are all communicators.


5/12/21. We believe the Rogues are well on their way toward turning the earth into what they call a rape planet. This means that most women are raped in a very systematic and professional way. Among the goals are to infect everyone with sexually transmitted diseases, terrify women, control their behavior, and sicken their families and all future children.

At this time, I believe this is simply an attack by an evil force that is in the universe. The Bible calls it Satan. They tell us there is more to it.

The development program can help a lot to undo some of the trauma and effects of the rapes. However, we pray every day for deliverance from the entire scourge. For details, read The Rape Planet.


5/12/21. Clark, one of our Helpers, just brought to my attention that plant leaf mineral analysis has been given a fancy new name. Some are now calling it ionomics.

Plant leaf analysis for minerals is the same test as the hair test for humans and animals. It has been going on for 100 years. As far as I can tell, the new name for it is a completely meaningless term that serves only to confuse people.

The same principles of interpreting a hair mineral test apply to analyzing the minerals in plant leaves. We are researching this at this time. For an early report about it, read Regeneration of The Soil With The Development Method.


5/11/21. A new, very important article for women has to do with all of the benefits of making the decision to broadcast or radiate energy, rather than mainly to absorb and attract what you want and need. It requires excellent nutrition.

This is a very large subject. It is both a practical idea and an important spiritual topic. For details, read Broadcasting And Women.


5/11/21. The souls tell us that the best way to store vegetables is in the thin, translucent plastic bags used in many supermarkets. These are better than using sandwich bags, paper bags or others. Apparently, the thin, translucent bags have souls in them that help keep food fresh.

I bought a roll of 1000 of these bags very inexpensively. When I come home from shopping, I rinse off my vegetables and then put them in new, clean thin translucent bags for storage.


5/10/21. When you store vegetables in the refrigerator, ideally store all the roots together and all the stems and leaves together.

An easy way to store a lot of vegetables is if you can find a refrigerator that has removal door bins. This is how I store them. The refrigerator came with three bins and I bought a fourth one.


5/10/21. To obtain supplements in the United Kingdom and other international destinations, we suggest avoiding the Liiife Health Store. We don’t trust its owner and he might damage the products.

Instead, we suggest using They ship to 220 nations. It might be a little more costly, but it is a more trusted service.


5/9/21. An excellent time-up album is Dream With Me by Jackie Evancho (2011). Especially powerful songs are A Mother’s Prayer and Imaginer, but all the songs are very good. Play the songs at high volume. Jackie’s voice (at age 11) has a very expansive quality that helps balance the body.


5/9/21. This post is for those living in the UK or other nations having trouble obtaining supplements. A client reports that a fast and inexpensive way to obtain supplements is through a shipping service,

One signs up and gets an American address to which supplements are sent. Then the shipping company ships them overseas and handles the customs paperwork.


5/9/21. Just a reminder that the current national and many state and local governments in the United States are illegal. The law requires that all pending lawsuits challenging the election results (over 100 of them) are heard and adjudicated before a new administration takes power.

This was not done and is a serious violation of the law. For details, go to the post of 4/11/21.


5/8/21. The process we call development is a slow unfolding and genetic rebuilding of the body. It is a very lengthy path that goes on for years. For this reason, begin it today if you have not already done so.

Also, commit yourself to it, do as much of it as you can, and don’t slack off. This applies to the diet and supplements, the lifestyle and the procedures.

If you are having difficulty, ask for help. Do not “play” with the program, changing this or omitting that. The medical team can usually help if you will take the trouble to submit a question through your Helper. For details, read Introduction To Development.


5/7/21. For tuning up and detoxifying the body, listen to the CD, Australia: Sound Of The Earth by Steve Roach, David Hudson and Sarah Hopkins (1984), particularly the fifth piece, Darktime. The music needs to be turned up loud and then it literally shakes the body. Some will find the sounds upsetting, but it will help certain blocks in the body.


5/6/21. William, age 14, appeared normal at birth and up to the age of about two. Then was bitten by fire ants and had a number of vaccines. The result is he withdrew into his own world. He stopped talking, became very irritable and very uncooperative. Doctors diagnosed autism and delayed development.

This persisted until age five, at which time he met one of our Helpers and began the development program. However, he was not fed correctly because he continued to eat fruit. This has definitely slowed his progress.

For the first year, there was little change in William’s behavior or outlook on life, which had become very negative. About two and one-half years into the program, his mother noticed that William was more responsive. This continued to increase.

Within the last few months, William has become much more responsive and able to live normally. He says his case is one the best on record for recovery from autism. He hopes to write a book about it. William also wants everyone to work hard to stop vaccination, which he says is a delivery method for witchcraft and toxic metals.


5/5/21. Some readers are familiar with what is called the miracle on the Hudson.

On January 15, 2009 a passenger aircraft took off from LaGuardia airport in New York. A few minutes after takeoff the plane hit a flock of geese. Almost immediately, both engines of the Airbus 320 shut down and the plane began to fall out of the sky.

The captain was somehow able to turn the plane and air it correctly at the nearby Hudson River. Then he was somehow able to execute a perfect landing on this busy river.

He even landed it very near a ferry boat terminal. The ferry boats were notified and helped safely rescue everyone aboard the plane. The incident is called the most successful emergency landing in aviation history.

The real story. One of our clients a few years ago was aboard that flight. She said that the news story is wrong! Our guides found the captain of the flight, Chesley Sollenberger, and asked for details. Both told the following story:

What really occurred was that soon after the engines shut down, four angels appeared around the aircraft. Two supported the wings and the other two steadied the tail section of the plane. The angels told the captain exactly what to do and what to say to the passengers.

The angels guided the plane over to the Hudson River. (It is very hard to control an aircraft that does not have much speed.) Then the angels picked where on the river to land the plane and helped the captain bring it down safely on the water.

We mention this story because life is not quite the way it seems! You can read about and watch the miracle on the Hudson on the internet.


5/4/21. 1. How much time do you spend each day doing the procedure? Doing the pulling down procedure is building the muscle of your mind. It is a workout and a makeover unlike any other. It is building Power. It is your daily visit with the big psychotherapist in the Heavens.

Two hours each day is a good minimum time in order to make rapid progress with development. If you need to begin with less time, that is okay, but your progress will be slower. Also, thinking about it does nothing. You must take the trouble to do it.

2. How hard do you pull down? The pulling procedure forces subtle energy through thousands of tiny channels to open and cleanse them. The harder you do it, the better.

It is not ‘meditative’, although it will slowly bring you peace of mind. Meditations are fine to calm the old mind. Pulling down builds a new mind and a new body. Read about it in the Monad article.

3. How good is your focus? At first, everyone is easily distracted. The mind has not been trained to obey.

With practice, the mind will focus better on the procedure without becoming distracted. Just be patient and persistent.

Listen to a recording. For a while, listening to a recording about the procedure, such as one of those at the beginning of the Pulling Down article, can be most helpful. Some also find it much easier to do while also holding a coffee enema.

If you notice you are thinking about what to have for dinner or other random thoughts, don’t be upset. Just bring your attention back to your feet and start again. It is like training the family dog - some days will be easier than others.

4. Do you fall asleep? Sleep is wonderful. However, sleep is an enemy of the pulling down procedure. Arrange the time you do the procedure so you don’t fall asleep.

5. Do you feel the energy? Move your attention just below your feet and then pull the skin of the bottom of your feet away from your head. You are doing it right when you feel the pull on your feet, toes, and elsewhere in your body.

It is a pleasant, sexy feeling. The subtle energy caresses your body as it flows through you. The more you do it, the more you will feel it. Have fun with it.

6. Do you like the feeling and the procedure? This is important so you will keep doing it. It should feel good most of the time, even if it occasionally brings up unpleasant thoughts and feelings for review.

At a deep level, you are emptying and cleansing yourself of your entire past with its traumas, worries, health problems, shortcomings and more. You are creating a vacuum inside the body that is automatically filled with the energy of the Creator.

You are building a new identity. It is nothing less than moving into “the house of the Lord” (the 23rd Psalm), “bringing Heaven to earth” (the Lord’s prayer), being “born again”, and moving into a bright future.

Perhaps this sounds far fetched. However, it is exactly what you are doing with the pulling down procedure. Enjoy the adventure.


5/3/21. One of our clients recently retraced a rape that occurred 20 years ago. She was a virgin when it occurred on a date as a teenager. The rapist told her he used a special technique and she would be very sick for the rest of her life.

Since experiencing the rape, she could not think clearly, and was very weak and cold all the time. She felt very angry with men even though most of the men in her life were excellent friends. She also felt very sad all the time and knew she had diseases the physicians could not heal.

The program. She had followed the development program for three and one-half years with little change in her hair tests or her condition. She was losing hope, but about six months ago she began the new vaginal peroxide procedure.

She began it at once, alternating days between vaginal peroxide and a vaginal coffee implant. This was in addition to the diet, nutritional supplements and other procedures.

One day, she heard a voice in her head that said “We are the souls in the peroxide”. It was quite strange! The souls told her she would retrace her rape very soon. She wondered what would happen.

The retracing day. About a week later, she heard the voice again say, “It is time. Just relax and rest a lot.” She went to lie down and all of a sudden let out a shriek. This is called a rape cry and it occurs often when one retraces a rape.

Next she became very cold and shivered for an hour. Then she became very hot. This lasted for a few days and now she is much warmer than before.

Weight. Amazingly, she lost about 10 pounds from her hips literally overnight! That was remarkable. The peroxide souls said it was water weight.

Emotions. She actually felt the man inside of her and went through a range of emotions from pleasure to pain to horror. This replay of her emotions lasted a few days. At times she was scared, while at other times she just felt helpless and wounded. It finally subsided after about a week. Her emotions have been much more positive since that time.

Diseases. She started to feel as though her diseases from the rape were becoming active again. There was pain, a bloody discharge and other feelings. The vaginal area swelled. This lasted about three weeks and then the diseases seemed to fade away. At the same time, her head cleared and her memory returned.

She continued the vaginal peroxide therapy and the vaginal coffee implants all during the retracing. Sometimes it caused a little pain or burning sensation. But it definitely felt cleansing.

Telling about the rape. She was told during the rape never to tell anyone what happened. But during the retracing, she felt compelled to tell her parents. They were horrified, but glad she would talk about it. They wanted her to see a counselor, but she said it was not needed. With the help of the program, she was going back into the incident and reviewing it, retracing it and processing it all by herself.

She is still adjusting to her new life and new health.

Note: This was a relatively simple rape. If the rape is more complex, it may require more time to retrace.


5/2/21. Along with following the development program faithfully, an attitude that is helping the earth is to radiate love. Don’t allow hatred, negativity, fear or anything else take you over. Keep radiating love. The Rogues do not like this and it defeats them. For details, read Love As Radiance.


5/2/21. Many readers ask how the cleanup of the earth is progressing. I am told there is some cleanup because our forces can see more on earth and are destroying many bases. However, there are many rogues bases, weapons, Satans and more left on earth.


5/2/21. Some of our former Helpers, including Lewis Rowlands, send unauthorized emails to our Helpers and clients. Please ignore them.

We believe that these emails are designed to lure away our clients. We also believe these former Helpers are malicious. They mix the truth with lies and they change the development program so that it does not work. They do not want the people of earth to be healthy, no matter what they say. Beware!


5/1/21. I am told that an unusual feature of development is that your height may increase. This is quite common for women, I am told.

The epiphyseal growth plates. The key to become taller is the activity of the epiphyseal growth plates in the large bones of the body. The growth plates atrophy around the age of 15 to 20 in most people. As a result, after that age, most people do not grow taller.

However, if you stay with the development program, at a certain point the epiphyseal growth plates regenerate. Then it is possible for one to become taller.

This is similar to what occurs with the thymus gland and the Peyer’s patches. For details, read the Peyer’s Patches.


4/30/21. An excellent way to understand the development program is in terms of stress theory:

1. The essence of survival is that the body adapts. This means the body alters itself in ways that are always harmful, but they keep the body going when conditions are not perfect.

2. The essence of deep healing is one must get rid of adaptations.

3. To get rid of adaptations, one must get rid of the need for the adaptations.

An example - the oxides. The oxides are toxic forms of common minerals such as iron oxide, manganese oxide and aluminum oxide. These chemicals are always harmful in our bodies. As explained in the previous post about iron, too much causes inflammation, pain, and contributes to diabetes, cancer and many other illnesses.

However, the oxides keep the body going by stimulating weak adrenal glands. They also help alkalinize an overly acidic body.

To heal the body deeply, one must remove the oxides. However, to do this, one must remove the need for the oxides.

Restatement of the above. Instead of the word adaptation, one can use the word crutch. One can say our bodies use crutches to keep going when conditions in the body are not perfect.

A case history. Joel’s hair mineral retest revealed a very large elimination of crutches – toxic forms of iron, manganese, aluminum and nickel.  The iron level increased seven times. The manganese level increased 11 times and the aluminum level increased by a factor of 20. This is excellent!

The setup. The big question is, how was such an excellent elimination possible? The previous hair test helps provide the answer.

On Joel’s previous hair mineral test, the sodium/potassium ratio had risen significantly to 9 (ideal is 2.5).

This is important because when one eliminates crutches or adaptations, usually the sodium/potassium ratio decreases a lot. This occurs because the mineral crutches hold up the sodium/potassium ratio. An analogy is that if one is using a crutch to stand up and one throws away the crutch, one is likely to fall down.

If the sodium/potassium ratio is low at the beginning of an elimination of iron, manganese and aluminum, the body cannot eliminate much of these crutches. A large elimination would drop the sodium/potassium ratio so much it would endanger life.

However, if the sodium/potassium ratio at the beginning of the elimination is at a high level, as in Joel’s case, it is possible to eliminate a lot of iron, manganese and aluminum. Joel’s very high sodium/potassium ratio was able to decrease a lot without endangering his life.

For more details, read The Stress Theory Of Disease and Crutch Removal – A Basic Idea In Development Science. To read about the toxic oxide forms of common minerals, read The Amigos – Iron, Manganese And Aluminum.


4/29/21. A serious problem on earth is that many bodies have too much iron. Over 1 million Americans have been diagnosed with this condition. The actual number is probably ten times higher.

Also, a lot of this iron is in a toxic form the body cannot use and has difficulty eliminating. One of these is iron oxide, which we call an Amigo or irritant. It is one of a group of major liver toxins.

Symptoms. Iron builds up in the heart, the arteries and the liver, and it can build up in other organs, as well. It is irritating to the body and causes inflammatory health conditions such as arthritis, high blood pressure, liver disease and pain syndromes. It is also associated with a tendency for infections, diabetes and cancer. It contributes to most of what are called the modern diseases of civilization.

Mental health symptoms include irritability, nervousness and inflammation of the nervous system.

Sources of iron. Iron is found in many foods, especially meats, eggs and green vegetables. Some food supplements also contain iron, especially prenatal vitamins. All commercial bread in many nations contains added iron. Some wells contain too much iron. Taking vitamin C increases iron absorption. Iron is also used as a black pigment in tatoos.

Congenital iron toxicity. We often observe iron toxicity in young children or even babies. The reason is that it can pass right through the placenta from mother to child during pregnancy. This is one of the main ways one acquires it.

MEDICAL ASPECTS. Physicians learn about genetic iron storage diseases such as genetic hemochromatosis. However, they often do not look very hard for acquired or non-genetic iron toxicity.

Misdiagnosis. Unless iron poisoning is serious enough to produce obvious symptoms, physicians often do not diagnose iron overload. One reason is that identifying it with blood tests is not that easy. Serum iron, ferritin (an iron transport protein) and total iron binding capacity (TIBC) are not always good indicators. A liver biopsy is the best medical diagnostic method, but it is painful, costly and invasive, so it is not a common medical test.

Hair mineral testing. A properly performed hair mineral test is often a good way to identify iron overload. In some cases, the hair tissue iron level is elevated above about 2 mg%.

More commonly, the hair iron level is very low. We call this a poor eliminator pattern. It indicates that there is plenty of iron present, but the body cannot mobilize it to eliminate it. For details, read Poor Eliminator Patterns On A Hair Mineral Analysis. Three reasons for difficulty eliminating iron are:

- The body holds on to iron. Iron in the hemoglobin molecule is very important to carry oxygen through the blood. As a result, the body tends to hold on to its iron.

- An adrenal stimulant. The adrenal glands are weak in most people. The body uses certain toxic iron compounds to “prop up” or stimulate the adrenal glands. For details, read The Amigos – Iron, Manganese and Aluminum.

- Anger and iron. If one holds on to the emotion of anger, we believe this can slow the elimination of iron. This has to do with the “personality” of iron, which is associated with the emotion of anger. For details, read Anthropomorphic Qualities Of Minerals.

REDUCING TOXIC LEVELS OF IRON. Physicians mainly use bleeding (removing blood) to reduce the level of toxic iron in the body. This method is okay, but one loses nutrients each time one gives blood. The method is also not permanent and must be repeated, often for one’s entire life.

The development program. The development programs we set up are one of the few ways to eliminate iron easily, deeply and permanently. This is one of the most amazing parts of the program! The program uses over 20 methods to eliminate iron. For more details, read Iron Overload, Detoxification and Toxic Metals And Their Removal With A Development Program.


4/28/21. The reason is so that we can all easily and quickly stay in touch. Several clients and Helpers have asked to be removed from the list due to formatting problems of the Newsletter. We need help figuring out how to resolve this problem. Please let me know if you know how to fix the problem.


4/28/21. We recommend a simple bedtime routine to assist sleep. Before you do the bedtime routine, if you tend to have difficulty going to sleep, try taking a quick shower before bed. You don’t have to use soap. Be sure to rinse your back, head, neck all around, front, feet, legs and arms.

One reason for a quick shower before bed is that those following the development program are assisting with a cleanup of the earth. The bodies are taking on some toxins that are excreted on and accumulate on the skin. This can interfere with sleep. Washing them off helps some people relax at bedtime.

The main bedtime routine.

1. The twists and popsSpinal twist. Lie on your back, on top of the covers, with legs straight and together. Stretch your arms out to the sides.

Lift one leg. Swing it over the other leg all the way to the bed or even the floor on the other side of the bed. Then lie down flat again on your back and repeat the procedure with the other leg.

Popping the knees. Lie on your back again with legs straight and together. Bend one knee so the knee is a little up in the air and the foot on that side is near your buttocks. Put your hands around the bent leg just above the ankle.

Now pull the lower leg toward your head a few times. This will bend the knee more. Often, the knee will pop. Two pops are possible because there are two joints in each knee. Then repeat the procedure with the other leg.

Toe bend. Again lie flat on your back with legs straight and together. Bend one knee to the side so you can reach your toes with your hands. Now push all five toes in a downward direction if you were standing up. It is as though you are curling your toes. Often, one or more toe will pop. Repeat the procedure with the other foot. At times, you may need to curl one toe at a time down to get it to pop.

Popping the hands. Lie down flat again with legs straight and together. Bring the backs of your hands together in front of you at about chest level. Your fingers should point toward you. Then interlock the fingers of your two hands all the way to the base of the fingers. Now interlock the middle joints of the fingers of the two hands. Don’t try to interlock the thumbs.

Now move the backs of the hands apart and away from you with a little force. Do this several times. Often, the fingers will pop. Also, with the fingers still interlocked, wiggle the thumbs back and forth. This may also cause some popping of the fingers.

2. The sleep position. Lie on your back with no pillow. Pull the bed covers up so that they cover both shoulders completely. Then grab the covers near your neck and pull them down a litte away from your neck so that the covers do not touch your neck.

The covers should form a V shape. The points of the V are your shoulders and middle of the V is at your neck.

If the bedroom is cold, pull the middle of the covers up closer to your neck. If it is warm, pull the covers down further away from your neck. It is best that the covers not touch your neck because they could irritate you when you sleep and wake you up.

If you wake up at night. It is okay to wake up during the night and often better for development. If you wake up, drink a little water and stretch a little. If you cannot fall back asleep, try taking another quick shower. Again, be sure to rinse off your head, face, neck, back, front, feet, legs and arms.

REMINDER – THE AMERICAN NATIONAL GOVERNMENT IS ILLEGAL AND NEEDS TO STEP DOWN AT ONCE UNTIL ALL COURT CHALLENGES TO THE ELECTION ARE HEARD AND RESOLVED BY A NON-CORRUPT AMERICAN SUPREME COURT. For details, read especially the post of 4/11/21, and the posts of 2/25/21, 2/21/21, 2/12/21 and earlier ones that are similar.


4/27/21. The American Association Of Poison Control Centers issued its 37th annual report (2019) on the causes of death due to poisoning in the United States. There was not a single death attributed to vitamins.

This is important to know because the lying media, including Wikipedia, at times discourages or scares people away from taking nutritional supplements. The scare tactics come from the Rogues, who control our media and do not want people to feel well. For details, go to


4/27/21. The genital bath is a very powerful, yet very simple and comfortable healing and development procedure. We now recommend doing it every day in the shower. It will greatly speed up development and assist healing in many ways.

Physical benefits. The genital bath brings a lot of blood to the pelvic area, helps open the Central Channel, and spins all the Energy Centers and the lower Dantien correctly.

Rewind. The genital bath is also a time procedure. This is unusual. It causes a degree of time reversal in the body. For details, read Rewind Science.

As a result, the genital bath can help heal all health conditions in the lower abdomen and pelvic area. These include infections, Pelvic Syndrome and Pelvic Inflammatory Disease.

Traumas. It can also assist to unwind and retrace all traumas in the body including accidents, other injuries, Rapes, Beatings, and Molestation.

Development. The genital bath powerfully pulls your attention and therefore subtle energy downward from the head to the feet. For this reason and others, it greatly assists Development.

Psychological benefits. The genital bath also causes a tickle that our clients report is very helpful, especially for women. Some women report feeling much happier.

Male/female differences. Men’s genital organs are exposed and give men pleasurable sensations all day as the organs rub against their clothing, their bodies and objects they stand next to. Women’s genital organs are hidden inside the body, so they do not experience this effect.

Our female clients tell us that feeling the tickle is helpful for women’s psychological health. It also keeps some women out of low quality relationships that some enter just to feel some sexual stimulation. The tickle is not the same as causing orgasms, which are harmful for development.

The vaginal object. Another way women can experience this pleasurable feeling is to use a vaginal object. This is another development method we strongly recommend. For details, read Faster Development For Women.

How to do the genital bath. The best way to do the genital bath is in the shower. Sit comfortably and allow the water to hit your genital area for 10 to 30 minutes.

If the water stream is too powerful, it may cause sexual stimulation. In this case, move slightly to one side, or forward or back so it does not hit the area as forcefully, but some still hits the genital area. If you have a shower massager or two faucets in the shower, you can also reduce the force of the water stream

We made a few changes in the genital bath procedure. Formerly we said the water needs to be cold. However, we find that tepid or even warm water works fine in the shower. For details, read The Genital Bath.


4/26/21. We no longer recommend the use of tarragon to help correct a four lows pattern on a hair mineral test. It is not needed and it is somewhat toxic.


4/26/21. Early in his research, Dr. Paul Eck noticed that some people have an unusual hair mineral pattern on an initial hair test that he called four low electrolytes or four lows. Symptoms include chronic fatigue and allergies.

Standard healing programs don’t tend to work well for these people. Dr. Eck found that those with a four lows pattern require a special corrective program or the person often will not emerge from the pattern. This was a great breakthrough in mineral research.

There is a corresponding pattern in advanced acupuncture called entering the tunnel of death. Note: A four lows pattern that appears only on a retest mineral analysis has a different meaning. For details about four lows pattern, read Four Lows Pattern On A Hair Mineral Analysis.


4/25/21. When one follows the development programs we set up, the body shifts its activities in many ways. It moves into an intense healing and detoxifying ‘posturing’.

Liver dialysis. For example, coffee enemas are a method of liver dialysis, or enhanced detoxification of the liver. If you do regular coffee enemas, your body will move large amounts of toxic metals and chemicals into the liver from other storage sites. The body knows that you will soon do a coffee enema – and this will enable your liver to eliminate a much larger quantity of toxic metal than normal.

The problem of skipping procedures. This concept explains why some clients report that if they skip a day of a detoxification procedure, they do not feel well. Clients say “I guess I am addicted or dependent upon the procedure”, a situation they don’t like.

Adaptation. However, it is not an addiction or dependency. Their bodies have adapted to take advantage of the opportunity the development program offers for detoxification. This is very positive.

Clients report this in relation to red lamp sauna therapy, coffee enemas and I am told it can occur with the pulling down procedure, as well. It also definitely can occur with one’s diet.

For example, several clients who were following the development diet felt horrible after eating at a fast food restaurant. The reason is not only that the food at these restaurants is nutrient-depleted and toxic.

It also occurred because their bodies had shifted their functioning or adapted. They were accustomed to taking advantage of the development diet. Eating poor quality food suddenly took away the advantage. For more details, read Detoxification and Retracing.


4/24/21. Mineral patterns are combinations of mineral levels that appear together on one hair mineral analysis. Figuring out their meaning is a fascinating area of research. Dr. Paul Eck and others before him were extremely interested in the meaning of these patterns and identified many. We have continued this research for the past 25 years.

Some on the internet say that our patterns are wrong. We say they are not wrong. Our medical team checks the validity of the patterns every day. Others cannot do this because it requires contacting the souls, which they cannot do.

Anchors. One of the most interesting mineral patterns are anchors. These are readings on a retest tissue mineral analysis that change very little. For years, we thought that if the mineral levels do not change much, it indicates that the person did not follow the program well enough or the program was set up wrong. We call this little change pattern and it is a bad sign!

However, recently our programs have improved a lot and clients report much better brain functioning. However, at times their mineral readings remain the same or change very little. For example, brain fog disappears and memory and cognitive abilities are much better. We explain this in articles such as Brain Fog, Get A Brain, several others, and a post on 4/14/21, The Development Program Can Change Your Personality.

This often requires the use of coffee enemas and does not occur nearly as much on programs set up by our former Helpers and others who are telling people we don’t know what we are doing.

Correction of brain fog and other mental weakness at times requires that the mineral levels do not change much. The process is complex and involves restoration of the sulci or ridges of the brain and more. For details, read Anchors And Pivots.


4/23/21. The chart in the previous posts about gold is not quite correct. Gold dipped in price about nine years ago. It has been rising again lately, but for several it declined and then remained steady. It is important to understand why.

The reason is not because governments have been spending less money. In fact, there has been much more spending.

Why did gold dip? We believe the Rogues have been cheating financially by mixing gold bars and gold coins with so-called base or less costly metals, which they put inside gold coins and bars. Some of this illegal activity is done off-planet and some is done on earth.

The bars and coins look and weigh the same amount, but they contain half or less gold than they should. They steal gold from banks and even out of people’s homes by beaming it out and replacing it with the “cut” or less valuable gold.

They are doing the same thing with other precious and non-precious metals on earth. Also, when they debase or ruin the gold or other metal, they may place an electronic tracking device inside each coin and bar so they will know who owns gold and how much. This is also totally illegal and a horrible invasion of privacy.

This is a high-tech version of an old fashioned type of fraud and counterfeiting. We are told that if the fraud were not occurring, the price of gold at this time would be about $20,000 dollars per ounce – roughly 10 to 12 times its price today!

This would greatly hinder the rogue agenda, which requires governments to spend a fortune on pork barrel projects that mainly enrich the rogues. Also, people would be terrified and would pay much more attention to what is going on.

The goal is make everyone think the monetary system on earth is stable, when the opposite is the truth. The stabilization of the metals prices also discourages people from buying gold and other metals as investments. The rogues want all the gold and do not want others to have any.

We are told that the people of earth must develop or the problem will become worse until there is a total financial collapse! Earth is supposed to be a spiritual planet filled with developed people, but it is far from it. For details about development, read Introduction To Development and Introduction To The Development Program.


4/22/21. The post about new foods on 4/15/21 was too hasty. Pending more research, we do not recommend the beans and the cherry tomatoes.

The problem with dried beans is they are a very low etheric energy food. This is why we don’t generally recommend them. Also, there is a specific problem with lentils that we don’t fully understand, but they are harmful for development at this time.


4/21/21. In order to succeed with development, as with anything, one needs to be committed. This means making the program a firm priority in your life. Ideally, it becomes an integral part of your lifestyle. For details, read The Seven Stages Of Commitment and the Seven-Fold Path Of Development.


4/20/2021. Development has been taught on earth for thousands of years and is always basically the same. It requires a special diet, a healthful lifestyle and at least two procedures. We call these the Pulling Down Procedure and the Twist, Pop, Pull and Kick Procedures.

In our modern age, the soils of the earth, and therefore most food, is mineral-depleted and somewhat toxic. So we have added a few more methods such as mineral testing, specific nutritional supplements, and more healing procedures. These are to make up for the problems of modern civilization, and they greatly speed up development today.

For example, everyone has too many toxic metals and toxic chemicals in their livers from our polluted environment. The coffee enema procedure is messy, but it really helps restore the health of the liver. Everyone’s kidneys are also toxic and helped a lot by the red lamp sauna procedure. A few simple nutritional supplements are also needed or development is very slow today.

The truth. All people have many more capabilities than most anyone can imagine. These are described in the Bible, in books about the Tibetan masters, and in the very inspiring stories about the Catholic saints such as Saint Francis And Saint Clare and Saint Nickolas (Santa Claus).

Development is the full expression of human genetics. Very few people achieve it today. This is mainly because their nutrition is wholly inadequate, even so-called excellent nutrition.

Modern lifestyles also work against it. Many people stay up too late at night, do not get enough rest, and have too much ordinary sex, which depletes their sexual fluid. (However, Down sex and Down Hugging are fine and quite healing.)

Also, the group we call the Rogues don’t want people to develop and they always interfere with it and attempt to stop it. They are doing this today using some of our former Helpers to confuse people and wreck the development or nutritional balancing program. For details, read Introduction To Development and Introduction To The Development Program.


4/19/21. An ancient teaching is that there exists a special type of love that comes from the Creator. We are fully dependent upon this love for our existence.

This love is not an emotion. It is a radiance or force that emanates from an area of space not far away from us. Some say it is the same as the ether. For details, read the Ether Concept.

This love has no opposite. Either it is present or it is blocked. At this time, those who advice me believe this force has been somehow blocked and reduced. They believe this is the cause of many problems on our planet.

If you feel this may be true, pray sincerely that the block be lifted and that we receive ALL of the love of the Creator that we need and deserve.


4/19/21. We will keep repeating an important truth: The recent American election was perhaps fraudulent, according to over 100 lawsuits challenging the results of the election.

Legally, until ALL these cases are all heard and properly adjudicated, the former administration needs to remain in power. This is the proper way to handle a contested election, and it is the way it was always handled in the past.

The new administration needs to resign at once at all levels of government, especially the national level. This is the correct legal action. Until they do, they are imposters and are committing treason, the crime of aiding the enemies of the nation.


4/18/21. The following is an enhancement to the visualization in the post of 4/10/21. To repeat the basic method: move your attention just below your feet and imagine a force pulling the skin on the bottom of your feet downward or away from your head.

Now also imagine that a subtle energy comes back up from below or beyond your feet and goes all the way up to your head. It completely surrounds you in front, back and sides. It looks like a white tulip flower.

The reason for this additional visualization is that this is what actually occurs. I just started feeling it recently.

A nice effect of the tulip visualization is that you will feel safer putting your attention below your feet. Some people keep their attention in their head because moving it down to the feet feels scary and unprotected and vulnerable.

When you add the tulip visualization it surrounds you and protects your attention which is below your feet. It feels cozy inside the base of the tulip (under your feet) and this helps you relax and pull down much harder.


4/18/21. The previous post (4/17/21) talked about a way to enhance a coffee enema by rubbing your feet during the enema. However, I find it much easier to do the pulling down procedure while doing a coffee enema and this is even more important than rubbing the feet.

It is difficult or impossible to do pulling down and rubbing the feet at the same time. Therefore, it is probably better during a coffee enema to only do the foot rub for a minute or two. Spend the rest of the time during the enema doing the pulling down procedure.

The only exception might be if you are going through a purification reaction. In that instance, spending more time rubbing the feet might be better than pulling down, although not necessarily.


4/17/21. Corrections to the two recent posts about gold are:

1. The gold price also varies depending upon current events. If they are bad or scary, the price rises somewhat. If favorable, the gold price tends to decline a little.

2. We don’t know how long the gold price will continue to rise. It depends upon the financial policy of the governments, especially that of the United States. More unwise spending will tend to increase the price, while more restraint and saving money will lower the price.

3. After a government spends money wisely or unwisely, the gold price does not immediately react. Our guidance is that there is a delay of usually about a year. For example, the welfare spending related to the Chinese virus started about a year ago, so it may affect the gold price soon.


4/16/21. Here are some more notes about gold that our helpers want people to know about.

Honest planetary accounting. Our understanding is that gold functions as an honest planetary accounting system. The price of gold reflects how well society is spending money. Good expenditures keep the price low. Bad expenditures raise the price of gold.

History. The gold price has averaged about $19.00 dollars per ounce for several hundred years. However, the price has become much higher over the past ninety years because most national governments are spending money very unwisely. As explained in the post of April 14, 2021, the worst spending has been on government health and welfare programs. The price of gold has everything to do with welfare.

What is wrong with government welfare? These programs spoil people and make people lazy. They are also full of waste, fraud and abuse. Waste means a lot of money goes to administration, policing the system and other non-productive use. Fraud means that people steal BILLIONS of dollars from the system. Abuse means the system is used for political purposes such as encouraging abortions and discouraging marriage.

There is nothing wrong with the idea of welfare – giving money to people who cannot earn it themselves – children and disabled people. However, the systems should be run privately, such as by churches and community groups, and not by the government.

The incentives for the private groups are much better. This means the programs remain under control. The incentives for government programs are perverse, meaning the programs tend to keep growing and become bloated and dyfunctional.

In the United States, private welfare is technically the only welfare allowed. All government welfare programs are technically unconstitutional. This is important to know.

The volatile price of gold. The price of gold should be quite stable. Instead, it is very volatile because traders manipulate the price. They want the gold price to move up and down so they can buy when the price goes down and sell when the price goes up to make money. This is how gold trading works.

This activity is legally allowed, so the price of gold swings wildly. This scares most people away from investing in gold. We think the rulers like this. They hold tons of gold in their vaults and don’t want the common people to own gold.

Therefore, if you invest in gold, you must do so for the long term. Do not worry about monthly or even yearly swings in the price.

The trend. So far, the trend in the gold price is upward. We believe this will continue for five to ten years more because few governments are spending money wisely, as explained above. However, we don’t know the future. Therefore, the decision whether to invest in gold must be yours.

Stolen and misplaced. The rogues or scavengers have stolen a lot of gold from the earth and taken it out into space. This weakens our planet.

They also own tons of gold, especially the Church Of Latter Day Saints. They have moved it far away from where it belongs. This also weakens planet earth.



4/15/21. White beans or European soldier beans. We suggest having two servings a week of one of these. They alone contain a nutrient that the bodies seem to need today. We are working on identifying it. Other beans are not helpful.

Canned beans. Eating these beans from a can is okay, though fresh is probably a little better. This is not an endorsement of canned food. It just means the nutrient we want is not destroyed by canning the beans.

Cherry tomatoes. This was formerly a special food for development, but we took it off the list of preferred foods a few years ago. A little now seems to be helpful. Eat just two cherry tomatoes per week. Be sure to cook them – slice them in half and cook them along with the rest of your vegetables. Organically grown is not needed for this purpose, though it is generally better.

Minced garlic. This comes as a jar of peeled, finely chopped garlic in water, usually with some citric acid added as a preservative. It is sold in many supermarkets. We are not sure why this is helpful, but it is.

We suspect it is a fermented product. Eat it raw, adding about a teaspoon a day for adults to your vegetables. Children need less of it, and children who are less than seven years old don’t need any.


4/15/21. Gold is not what you think. Gold is a nutrient. It is found in several of the special foods for development including kelp, sardines, almond butter, sesame tahini, blue corn chips and garlic. It is also found in coffee.

Gold = integrity. Remember this formula. There is a true financial accounting system and it is the price of gold. The gold price is rising because money is being spent unwisely in most nations. The advent of the welfare state, starting around 1930 in the United States, has contributed a lot to the rise in the price of gold.

The graph. Look carefully at the Graph Of The Average Price Of Gold. This is a very important graph! The price is on the left axis. The year is on the bottom horizontal axis. Notice what occurred.

Gold was fairly steady for years and then suddenly turned upward. The graph is getting even more vertical today! This is due to many factors. However, as stated above, the growth of the welfare state – social security, disability insurance, workman’s compensation, Medicare, Medicaid, medical drug benefits, food stamps, Native American welfare programs, veterans welfare programs, and more.

Mr. Trump. President Trump in the United States was a little better, but not much. He allowed the entire US economy to be devastated by a completely illegal economic shutdown. The shutdown was not needed, as proven in Sweden, but he endorsed and allowed it – a treasonous crime.

Then he spent billions of government dollars on the fake Chinese virus “vaccines”. Then he spent a few trillion more dollars on illegal welfare payments. All of this is treasonous. We hope he is brought to justice along with all the Democrats who stole the election and are rapidly attempting to ruin the American nation.

Rise up. We have to keep repeating these facts because few media outlets even mention them. The conservative media in America today are controlled and silenced (see Guns below). Also, too many people are slavish Trump admirers. He does not deserve this, even though he had better integrity than most presidents in some ways.

The people around the world need to rise up and protest. They need to march in the streets with their popguns (see Guns below) and demand integrity and legality. But they are lazy, mainly, and sick.

Stealing. The gold price explosion is also due to stealing, which is a good description of the financial industry, top to bottom. Put your money in gold, including the gold ETF (exchange traded fund) - symbol GLD. That is betting on integrity and God, which will ultimately prevail.

One of the worst investments is the electronic currencies such as Bitcoin and the others. The smart people will get out before they crash it, and you may not get out in time.


4/15/21. The guns people own are not very good. The Rogues call them popguns. They are better than nothing, but they are very old technology, dangerous, costly and not that effective.

The new weapons are not allowed, even in America. They are small, inexpensive, quiet, safer to use, and more deadly.

Categories. There are ten categories of modern weapons. These are coherent beams or lasers, and ray weapons, also called disrupters. There are paralysis weapons used often in rapes. We wrote about them in the Rape article.

There are cloaks or invisibility weapons, and pulse weapons such as EMP or electromagnetic pulse weapons. There are sound weapons, which our forces use against them, and there are poison and spike shooters that are like modern dart guns, but much better. They can easily shoot a tiny, thin spike through your brain and you won’t know what hit you, but you don’t think as well.

They also use rail guns, which our military is beginning to use. These fire projectiles, but instead of black powder they use a series of electromagnets to accelerate an iron core projectile. They are silent, don’t need cleaning, leave no powder trace, and are much more powerful than black powder weapons. Some are tiny, while others are larger than the entire planet earth!

There are also Implants of many kinds, and a variety of beaming weapons. A rogue operative can literally beam a person into the ground. This leaves no trace whatsoever and is much better and less work than burying a body.

Cell phones are another class of weapons. Not only can they monitor your location and speed of movement, they can listen to every word you say and monitor all of your body’s vital signs.

Even worse, cell phones can condition you and talk to you telepathically. We suggest avoiding them. We understand they are the ultimate in convenience.

The uninformed. If you don’t know about these weapons, you are what the rogues call an idiot. This is actually an ancient Hebrew word that means uninformed because one’s mind is filled with uncontrolled thoughts and emotions. This is related to the words id, idea and ideology.

The rogues pepper their language with some power words, and idiot is one of them. Otherwise, they do not like the original Hebrew or Ebre language because it gives people power. That is one reason they discourage reading the Bible.

The news. The above is the real story of guns – not the stupid discussions about gun control or stories about a mentally deranged person who was accidentally shot by a police officer. Those are pure distractions.

Gun control is little more than a code word that means letting the criminals have guns, but taking them away from the Citizens. For details, read Gun Policy and Gun Control. There is some deliberate repetition in these two articles. Be sure to read what the founders of America said about guns.

The Rogues don’t want the modern weapons in the hands of the militia, which means the common people like you and I. They (the rogues) have them and they use them all the time, often disguised as popguns such as small rifles or handguns. The deaths are silent and unexplained, since no bullet is involved.

We want this situation to change, so that is why we mention the subject. The intent of this newsletter is always to inform, and never to cause fear.


4/14/21. This is a large topic. Some ways the development program can change personality are:

- Much better nutrition. The brain is a chemical organ and requires hundreds of nutrients to function well. For example, zinc is needed for many chemical reactions in the brain and helps relax the nervous system and stabilize the emotions. Calcium and magnesium also have a relaxing effect on the brain and this can change one’s personality.

When one is better nourished, your cells also begin sending you happy messages all day, instead of messages that they are starving and sick.

- A healthier lifestyle. For example, deciding to get more rest and sleep can have a very calming and balancing effect on one’s personality. Reducing your exposure to toxins in food, water, anti-perspirants, detergents, and other household chemicals helps relax the mind and body.

- Better understanding of life. The intellectual part of the development program consists of shifting your thinking habits away from fearful thinking and toward a different reality. For details, read The Real Self, The Merit System and many other articles about thinking at

- More energy, mentally and physically. This can have quite amazing effects on personality. For example, to feel feelings requires energy. Otherwise, you will usually suppress feelings just in order to survive. More energy helps one to be more outgoing and reduces social anxiety, shyness and more. More energy allows the brain to work faster and to process and heal traumas. The brain is self-healing, but only if it has enough adaptive energy to function properly.

- Reducing toxic metals. Memories, personality traits and traumas can be associated with specific toxic metals. For example, iron toxicity is associated with anger. Copper toxicity is associated with an overly analytical quality and with fear and emotion, in general.

- Correcting brain architecture. Anyone who has experienced a fall, car accident or other head injuries may have problems with the way the brain sits inside the skull. One of the procedures will correct this and has wonderful effects. For details, read Brain Architecture.

- Better emotional control. Many clients report that they feel much more in control of their emotions after they have been on the development program for several months to several years.

- Eliminating infections. According to a survey by our medical team, about 98% of the population has one or more infections in the brain. Many are sexually transmitted diseases that travel to the brain. Some are related to sinus or ear infections, and there are others. Some affect the personality. An extreme example is the rabies virus, which turns a normal animal or human into a vicious creature. We suspect that all the Rogues have a virus of this type.

- Eliminating traumas. Many people’s personality is shaped by traumas that may have occurred years ago. The development program can help release these traumas. As this occurs, one may find one’s personality changing in very positive ways.

- Balancing the body. By strengthening and balancing the body chemistry, the mind and personality also often become more balanced. Clients report that the Down Hugging or Down Sex procedures are also excellent mental balancing procedures.

- More mental competence. This is the result of improved nutrition and the other changes above. Improved competence leads to better decision-making, helps self-esteem, and makes one a much happier person.

- Removing implants. Most people have brain implants. A very unusual service of our medical team is they attempt to remove them. This is part of what occurs when one submits a hair mineral test for our review. For details, read Implants.

- Better guides. Everyone has guide creatures and other unseen helpers who continuously try to help us to think clearly, be more aware, and make better decisions. They tell us that if one becomes too unhealthy, some of them leave.

If one follows the development program, this definitely attracts better guides and more guide creatures to oneself. For details, read Controllers And Other Guide Creatures.

- More mental protection. A theme of this newsletter is that today we are surrounded by electronic devices that are spy devices and some are literally mental attacks. Evidence in our town includes the recent construction of all sorts of towers, boxes on telephone poles and more that I observe as I drive around town.

The development program will help somewhat to protect you from this invasion of your mind and attempts at brainwashing. For details, read Psychotronic Warfare And Radionics.

- Development. The process of development not only causes one to feel better. It also brings out abilities and other personality qualities that one never knew one had.

- More maturity. Releasing your child mineralssuch as toxic forms of potassium and nickel – have a maturing effect on the personality. This has wonderful effects upon the personality. For details, read Toxic Potassium.

- ‘New brain’ and ‘wise person’ effects. The development program can restore the unusual ridges of the brain called the sulci. These are damaged in some people. When this occurs, one becomes smarter and more mature. For details, read Pivots And Anchors.

- Much greater ‘mental power’. This comes only if one does the pulling down exercise forcefully, every day. You will slowly build your ability to focus, concentrate, direct and control your mind.

Other meditations and mental exercises may help you relax or have other effects. However, in our experience, only the pulling down exercise builds mental power in a safe and balanced way.

- Getting rid of dozens of mineral patterns associated with personality disorders. This is a large subject. An introduction to it is found in the article, Personality-Related Mineral Patterns And Psychological Interpretation Of A Hair Mineral Analysis.

However, just following the development program may not be enough to change one’s personality. We also suggest following the four-step procedure to change anything in your life. For details, read The Four Steps To Action. The basic 12-step program used in Alcoholics Anonymous is another helpful method to alter any behavior or trait that you wish to change.

There are many other methods to alter one’s personality. Be careful with these because, in our experience, most do not change you at the deepest level. Even worse, they may unknowingly suppress negative personality traits. Suppressing causes negative traits to express themselves in other ways that can be destructive.


4/13/21. Among the Challenges Of Retracing in the post just below, we can add:

#9. Retracing involves time science and is a type of rewind. I am told this is important, and some day will be explained more fully.

#10. Retracing can involve undoing old traumas and old health conditions from the past of the soul, not just the body. The body has only existed for 30 or perhaps 70 years. I am told that the soul is much older! As a result, some healing reactions can seem unrelated to anything that you recall from your past.

#11. Retracing can have an out-of-control quality to it. In the Christian tradition, books say that your walk with Christ is not always going to be easy. In the Oriental tradition, they say one is on the golden path with its twists and turns. This is the same idea.

This occurs because following the development program assists and empowers the Planning Souls. This is wonderful. However, the ego self controls most people’s lives. This is called the false self in the book, The Real Self. The ego self does not like losing control of your life, even if doing so will save, heal and extend life.

#12. The challenge is to change one’s attitude about retracing and purification reactions. The normal attitude is one of dislike, fear and perhaps anger at having to go through these reactions.

It is most helpful if you realize you are under the law of grace and that all is occurring for your good. Be grateful for your purification reactions! This is not the same as just surrendering to the reactions. It is a more active and positive action on your part.

We know this can be difficult when you are in pain. However, this turnaround in attitude is very helpful to move through the reactions quickly and easily. For details, read Gratitude – One Of The Most Important Decisions You Will Ever Make.


4/13/21. Retracing is the extremely unique disease reversal process that occurs during the development programs that we set up. However, it rarely occurs during other healing programs and most health personnel don’t understand it.

In fact, retracing is continuous during the development programs that we set up. It is the literal undoing and erasing of infections, toxicity, traumas, and other imbalances in the body.

Very deep healing. Retracing is evidence of the deepest type of healing. It is a unique type of inflammatory reaction that is a response to a large increase in the body’s energy and vitality. This is very necessary to understand and appreciate. It is so complex that writing a short post or even a long article about it seems very inadequate.

Terminology. Other names for the retracing process are flare-ups, purification reactions, healing reactions and catharsis.

Rare. Retracting is the essence of the development programs that we set up. The process also sometimes occurs to a degree with quality chiropractic care, and occasionally with psychotherapy and other methods.

However, it does not occur when one uses standard medical or holistic methods of healing. It also will not occur as often during a nutritional balancing program set up by anyone who is not one of our Approved Helpers. This is because most of them do not set up the programs correctly.

Symptoms. Retracing often causes temporary symptoms during a development program. This is part of how the body releases old toxins, infections, traumas and more.

Symptoms can include anything imaginable – both physical and mental. Common ones are fatigue, irritability, heart palpitations, interrupted sleep, and aches and pains anywhere in the body. Most symptoms are mild, but occasionally they can be intense.

The challenge of retracing. The main challenge is not to panic when symptoms arise during the development program. In almost every instance, there is no need to worry and no need for medical intervention.

Related challenges. These are: 1) Retracing often skews blood and urine tests, scans and other medical tests.

2) 99.9% of medical and holistic practitioners do not understand retracing. So if one consults a practitioner, in almost every instance you will not receive good advice. In fact, their assessment often causes fear, their tests are often confusing, and their remedies can make the situation worse.

3) Retracing has to do with The Law Of Cause And Effect, or what some people call karma. It is awesome and very complex!

4) One’s judgment is often skewed during retracing. This is due to a unique psychological situation. A part of one’s consciousness remains in the present. However, another part is literally in the past, cleaning up something from the past. This is very confusing!

For example, a 60-year-old may think that she twisted her back because suddenly it hurts. In reality, part of her mind and body may be back in early childhood, retracing a fall that occurred when she was learning to walk.

One may suddenly feel very angry, afraid, guilty or upset. The temptation is to look around and seek the cause in the present. However, in fact, one can be retracing an upset that occurred years before. This can also cause lots of confusion.

5) One does not feel well, so there is a desire to do something about it.

6) Fear sets in, especially today because most people are already worried about their health due to, in part, to fear-mongering by the media.

7) Retracing is not something you can talk about with most friends, colleagues or family members. Also, there is little good information about it on the internet or the television.

8) Symptoms often occur suddenly and can be very strange. Recently, one of our clients had continuous menstrual bleeding that went on for months. It was not a hormone imbalance. It was the body’s way of quickly reducing a toxic form of iron that was threatening her life.

Several babies on the program have experienced nosebleeds that were the body’s way of rapidly eliminating toxins from the brain. When the toxin removal was complete, the nosebleeds stopped.

What to do. We never suggest that one not visit a conventional practitioner. However, we recommend that if one is following the development program, realize that retracing is likely occurring.

Relax, rest more, and perhaps stop or reduce the supplements because often they are not needed during a flare-up. Also, do more of the healing procedures, especially the pulling down procedure, rubbing the feet, twisting the spine, and often also more coffee enemas.

Wait a day or two. In many instances, the symptoms will pass. If symptoms persist, submit a question to Dr. Wilson through your Helper. Our medical team will check carefully for the cause.

In our experience of 40 years, in almost every instance, symptoms during the development programs we set up are due to either: 1) retracing, 2) a need for a program update, or 3) one is not following the program correctly.

For many more details, read Retracing and Trauma Retracing.


4/12/21. As of today, we are cancelling the need for new clients to apply for the development program. This is to make things easier for our Helpers and our medical team.

However, when we receive hair tests for review, we will continue our newer policy of the last few months of evaluating people’s eligibility for the program.

Helpers need to warn new clients about this, and that it is possible we won’t be able to offer them a full development program. Anyone can do the basic program.


4/12/21. Snow peas are a new preferred food for development. These are the flat pea pods often found in supermarkets. Adults can have about two snow peas per day. I cook one with my other vegetables. They cook quickly.


4/12/21. We began recommending reddish heat lamp therapy in 2003. It is one of the main healing procedures of the development program. Shining the rays of this lamp on your skin provides frequencies that function exactly like nutrients that our bodies seem to require. Just sunbathing does not have the same effect.

One can sit in front of a single reddish heat lamp. Sit about 18-24 inches or 46-60 centimeters away from the bulb.

However, a more powerful way to do the procedure is to sit in an enclosure with three or four red heat lamps. Allow the lamps to raise the temperature inside the enclosure to 110-120º F. or about 43-50º C. Rotating the body ¼ turn every five minutes or so is also excellent.

Which bulbs? The correct bulbs are sold in many hardware stores or online. They are usually labeled red heat lamps. They are used as chicken and turkey brooder lamps. Restaurants use them to keep food warm. Some homes have one in the bathroom ceiling to warm up the room. We like the ones that are rated at 250 watts. They cost about 12-20 US dollars each.

Any standard brand found in hardware stores or online is okay such as Philips, Havel-Sli, Satco, Feit, Sylvania, Westinghouse or General Electric. It is okay if the bulb is teflon-coated.

Warning. Avoid using Therabulb, Rubylux or SaunaSpace brands. In our experience, these bulbs emit unhealthy energies that are harmful. Also, avoid clear heat lamps.

Dress. The light frequencies need to strike the skin and do not penetrate through clothing. For example, you can wear underwear or clothing is optional so that the rays shine directly on your skin.

How much? Most adults need to use a single lamp for one hour daily. One can also use three to five lamps for 20 to 30 minutes daily to obtain the same effect. Children need less time depending upon their size.

Those with cancer seem to need at least 1.5 hours daily sitting in a sauna with three to five bulbs. You can break this up into two 45-minute sessions or three half-hour sessions. This is an important part of our cancer modification of the development program.

Anyone can use a reddish heat lamp sauna for this long. However, those without much cancer in the body will often experience purification reactions from this much exposure to the light frequencies (see below).

Note: We would avoid far infrared saunas. They tend to give off harmful electromagnetic frequencies.

Reactions. Occasionally, a client reports having a reaction to the reddish heat lamp procedure. In all cases, we believe this is a purification reaction due to eliminating toxins very rapidly.

If this occurs and is too uncomfortable, begin with just a few minutes in front of the heat lamp and slowly increase the time as you are able to do so. Also, always do the rest of the development program along with reddish heat lamp therapy to minimize reactions. For many more details, read Sauna Therapy and Instructions And Cautions For Use Of A Single Lamp Therapy.


4/11/21. We will continue bring up this subject because it is critical and very few are talking about it. Please read it several times carefully and act upon it!

The basis for modern civilization is the rule of law, equal justice for all, and due process. These three basic legal doctrines are what distinguish modern societies from totalitarian slave states.

All of these doctrines have been violated in a most egregious manner in the recent American election. This is not a partisan issue between Democrats and Republicans!

Specifically, and according to at least 100 lawsuits, the recent election was thoroughly rigged and fraudulent. Honest and fair elections are the basis for the republican form of government, so these legal suits are extremely serious allegations.

Illegally taking power. The correct legal procedure in this situation is the new administration does not take power until all the legal cases are heard by the Supreme Court. However, this did not occur after the 2020 election. The current president, vice president and Congress of the United States therefore assumed power illegally.

Judicial corruption. Instead of considering the legal challenges to the election promptly, many of them were dismissed without any judicial review by corrupt courts. These include a thoroughly corrupt Supreme Court Of The United States.

The judicial branch of government has as its job to check to make sure all that government activity is in accordance with the national and state constitutions. The American Supreme Court and some lower courts, as well, have been completely derelict in their duty.

A coup d’etat. As a result, recent events were essentially a coup d’etat or illegal takeover of the government. The current American national government and many state and local governments are imposters and thoroughly illegal.

The truth needs to be shouted over the internet and in the news media until action occurs. Otherwise, by abandoning the rule of law and due process, very soon there will be no American nation.

RISE UP. The Citizens of America, and even Citizens of other nations who care, need to rise up immediately and demand the following:

1. Demand the removal of the justices. The justices of the American Supreme Court need to resign at once or be removed from office by other means. They have failed to uphold their oath of office or to do their job properly by not even hearing extremely important lawsuits that challenge the election results. The justices may be guilty of treason for this reason, especially the Chief Justice.

2. Demand the removal of the new American president, vice president and all legislative representatives. All of these officials violated the law by assuming power, by certifying the election results in Congress, and for conducting business while court challenges to the election remain.

3. Demand accountability by the mass media. Most mass media outlets, including some popular internet sites, were given this information about the court challenges to the election. They either did not report it or downplayed it so much it was largely ignored.

Media outlets that discuss the election challenges publicly are also being criticized and even censored. This makes these mass media outlets complicit in the illegal takeover of the government.

4. Demand accountability by the legal profession. Licensed attorneys should know the basic legal facts we are discussing. However, very few have spoken up in opposition. They are thus accomplices in the illegal government takeover. Perhaps they need to lose their licenses or other privileges.

5. Demand a new election. Their needs to be a new, fair election at once. There must be no voting machines and no mail-in ballots of any kind because these are among the reasons for the cheating.

The new election must also require proper voter registration and two kinds of photo identification in order to vote. There must also be other safeguards such as voting in triplicate with secure storage of paper ballots, giving citizens receipts for their votes, and complete transparency and fairness in counting and reporting vote tallies.

6. Demand many trials for treason. Treason is the extremely serious political and moral crime of giving aid or comfort to the enemies of the nation. It is well known in the law and punishable by death.

Once the US Supreme Court is cleaned up with new, constitutionally-mandated justices, there is a need to prosecute the following groups and perhaps other for the election crimes:

- The current president and vice president, and all members of the American Congress.

- The Supreme Court justices and some lower court judges, as well.

- Some members of the past administration, who could have stopped the inauguration of the new government and failed to do so.

- Most news media companies, who were given plenty of proof of election fraud, but have still have not reported adequately upon it.

- Many attorneys throughout the United States who should be speaking up and filing briefs regarding the problem, but are not doing so.

Please do not underestimate the importance of this situation. The very existence of the American nation is at stake!


4/10/21. The pulling down exercise is the ancient spiritual practice that is absolutely essential for rapid development! There is no substitute, no alternative or no other options. It is not commonly taught in public, but for some reason, I’m able to share it.

In the Bible. This exercise is “bringing Heaven to earth”, to use the language of the Lord’s Prayer in the New Testament. If you carefully watch an evangelical church service on Christian television such as Jimmy Swaggart’s program (, you will see some people correctly moving the energy downward. Ignore all the attacks on Jimmy Swaggart on the internet – most are complete lies designed just to discredit him.

Some worshippers reach their hands upward over their head. This is not comfortable, but it can help because the energy moves into their bodies well this way.

A number of Catholic monasteries and convents teach this procedure, but they don’t teach it publicly. The same is true for some Oriental religious traditions.

In the Hebrew tradition, davening, when done correctly, has a similar effect. However, the orthodox Hebrew women don’t do this procedure, and very few men do it properly or powerfully enough.

Errors. Many of our clients don’t bother with the pulling down procedure. Others substitute other exercises or procedures. I politely tell them they are not the same, no matter what benefits they provide.

Building power. Most of our clients who do the exercise don’t do it nearly forcefully enough. Intense force is needed. You are building what our medical advisors call POWER. It is basically mental focus and a type of mental control and concentration that you will find will help every aspect of your life.

Two excellent methods. The Pulling Down Procedure article has many possible ways to visualize or help do the exercise. Here are two that are working the best for me:

1. The older variant on the Roy Masters observation exercise. This is how I began. You sit, stand or lie down so that your back is straight. Then put your right hand by your side in a relaxed way.

Then move your attention just below or past your right hand. Then exert a pulling force on one finger at a time. Start with the thumb, for example, and then move to the index finger, and then to the third finger, and so on. When you reach the pinky finger, go back to the fourth finger, and then the third finger, and so on.

As you do the procedure over and over again as forcefully as you can, you will feel the energy move down from your head into your neck and then the shoulder, and then into the right arm and down into the fingers. I found the exercise difficult, at first, but easier when I was doing a coffee enema and easier when walking very slowly with my eyes half-closed.

2. Placing your attention just below your feet. Then apply a force pulling the skin on your feet downward toward the ground if you are standing or sitting. If you are lying down, which works fine, the force pulls the skin on the bottom of your feet in the direction away from your head. As you repeat the procedure over and over again, thousands of times, as forcefully as you can, you will feel the subtle energy moving through more and more of your body downward from the head to the feet.

The channels. With this exercise, you are rebuilding and opening the channel system of the body. It consists of thousands of tiny vertical channels that run from the head straight down to the feet. Some are the famous acupuncture meridians.

In most people, many of these channels are crushed, twisted, and blocked with toxins, and in bad nutritional condition. As you move the subtle energy downward through them, they rebuild and clear.

As you do this, most health problems slowly disappear. The procedure will also help solve many other personal problems because your awareness will grow. This will provide answers for many situations and concerns.

Retracing. The procedure will bring up your issues, so it won’t always be fun and exciting. I call it “going to the movies” – and the movie is YOUR LIFE. If something unpleasant comes up, that is fine. Just keep doing the exercise. You will usually be told if you need to apologize to someone, or make a change in your life, or do or see things differently.

The secrets. 1. Set aside time so you do it every day, preferably for an hour or more. Some days it will be easier than others. Expect this. Some days it will be interesting and exciting. Other days it will be sort of boring and even unpleasant or painful, like watching different movies. That is okay. It is all part of the retracing and healing experience.

2. Do the whole program. Be sure to eat plenty of cooked vegetables, and some lamb, sardines, blue corn chips, tahini and almond butter to nourish the channels. The coffee enemas are wonderful – another mystery but they work!

Exposing the body to the light of a red heat lamp also helps a lot and is another mystery. Twisting the spine daily and pressing on the feet and hands daily also helps the channels rebuild and moves the energy correctly.

Happy thoughts are also important, so cultivate them and let go of all mean, negative, sad and depressing thoughts as best you can. Don’t suppress them, however. Just substitute better thoughts and cultivate the ones you want. As you slowly heal and develop, the negative thoughts tend to go away on their own.

3. Do it more forcefully each time. It is a “workout” for your mind and it is helpful to think of it as a physical workout. You will slowly build force, exactly like building up your muscles.

It is “going to the gym for a workout”, except you don’t get filthed up by dirty weight lifting machines and you can do it in the privacy of your home, any time, day or night.

4. Always do the exercise lovingly. The exercise will build a new kind of love for yourself as the most amazing creature that you are. (see the next post below). For details, read Pulling Down Procedure.


4/10/21. An excellent song to play a lot is That’s All, the version by the Lettermen (from the early 1960s). There may be other good versions, but this is the one I use.

It is singing to yourself and your souls. The song has a sweetness about it that is important for balanced development and maturity. This song is not tune-up music as are some others, so it need not be played loudly. Just play it pleasantly.

If you play a musical instrument, learn this song, which is quite simple. It is helpful for everyone to play a musical instrument. The piano or keyboard is the basic one, but any instrument at all will do. Music is very mysterious!


4/9/21. This post is important reminders. Do not use detergents on anything you will touch or wear. This means no detergents for laundry, dishes, silverware or household cleaning.

Also, get a used washing machine that is at least 8 years old. It must have an agitator and it must agitate your clothes. That is the only way to get them clean. For details, read Detergents And Washing Machines.

Also, do not use a plug-in electric pressure cooker. Most of them ruin the food. We like the Presto 4-quart stainless steel stove-top pressure cooker, which is widely available on the internet. For details, read Pressure Cooking. There are other stove-top models that are okay, too.

Also, coffee enemas are extremely important for everyone. If you do not tolerate much coffee, begin with just one bean or less. One of our clients had to begin with one-fourth of a bean once a week! For details, read Coffee Enemas.


4/8/21. Two oxidation concepts that are being taught incorrectly on certain videos are:

1. Balanced oxidation. This is when the oxidation rate is not too fast or too slow. It is not correct that this is the ideal oxidation rate. The oxidation rate varies depending on the needs of the body.

The car analogy. Balanced oxidation is like driving a car at about 30 miles per hour or 60 kilometers per hour. It is not too fast and not too slow. However, it is not the “ideal” speed to drive your car. You drive your car at the proper speed for the road conditions and other factors.

2. Flexible oxidation. This is the ability of the body to increase or decrease the oxidation rate, as needed. This is very important for one’s health!

The car analogy. A good car can be driven slowly or rapidly. This ability is very important. If the car is stuck in slow speed or in high speed, it is not nearly as good a car. The same is true of our bodies. Most people are stuck in either fast or slow oxidation, and the programs we set up are designed to help change this situation to make the body chemistry more flexible.

DEFINITIONS. The word oxidation technically means to mix with oxygen or to burn. However, in development science, the oxidation rate means the rate of all chemical reactions in the body.

Mixing or reacting with oxygen is only one of thousands of chemical reactions going on in our bodies at all times. So, in truth, the term oxidation rate is not accurate.

The term oxidation rate actually comes from George Watson, PhD. He wrote about it in Nutrition And Your Mind (1972) and Personality Strength And Psycho-Chemical Energy (1979).

We highly recommend both of Dr. Watson’s easy-to-read books to understand the history of development science. His books are out of print, but may be available from a used book store.

The BMR. Medical science has a related term, the basal metabolic rate or BMR. However, this word usually refers to oxygen consumption, and this is inadequate for our purposes. As a result, we don’t use this term.

Other words we could use to describe what we measure. An accurate term for what we care about and measure is the overall rate of metabolism. In the future, we may start using this word instead of the oxidation rate. Let us explore it in more detail:


4/8/21. This concept can be understood in several ways:

1. METABOLISM AS ANABOLISM AND CATABOLISM. Chemists define metabolism as the combination of two basic processes: anabolism (building up) and catabolism (tearing down or taking apart). In other words, chemicals are continuously being built up or formed. At the same time, chemicals are being used up and destroyed.

More about anabolism. Chemicals are generally made in the central part of the body and are destroyed in the more peripheral part of the body.

Most body chemicals are made in the nuclei or central area of each body cell. A few chemicals are made elsewhere. For example, a few vitamins are made by yeasts and other organisms that should live in your intestines.

Most people are missing some of these organisms. A critical goal and effect of a properly designed development program is to restore these important organisms to the body.

Genetics or Biosynthesis. The process of making things in the cell nuclei is called genetics or biosynthesis. The media and the healing professions teach a number of important falsehoods about genetics with which they impress and frighten people.

We point these out in several articles: IntroductionTo Genetics, Genetic Defects, Genetic Testing, Two Genetic Pathways (an article about cancer) and Genetics And Society (This is a short history article about the journey of Moses, the Nazis, and other genetic experiments on earth).

More about catabolism. This is also a very important chemical process. Catabolism indicators on a tissue mineral test include a sodium/potassium ratio less than 2.5, low zinc, low phosphorus, and a phosphorus level above 16 (a special case). For details, read The Sodium/Potassium Ratio, Zinc and Phosphorus.

2. METABOLISM AS THE COMBINATION OF INGESTION AND ELIMINATION. This is another way to understand the overall rate of metabolism. This is how we usually discuss metabolism. We talk about nutrition (ingestion) and detoxification (elimination).

These are simple words that have deep meaning! Most healing personnel don’t use these words too often. They spend most of their time talking about diseases and remedies. This is a huge difference between our approach and theirs.

Our website has over 500 articles about nutrition and a number of important articles about elimination: Detoxification, Detoxification Is Not Easy, Everyone Is Toxic And Depleted, Toxic Metals, Toxic Chemicals, and Subtle Toxins.

Yang and Yin. You will notice that the two ways of understanding overall metabolism above concern dual complementary forces. There is no word in the English language to describe these forces, so we use older Hebrew and Oriental words – yang and yin.

This is a physics concept and our bodies are physical objects, so physics principles apply to them. This is the reason that to be healthy one must not consume much fruit, salad, raw food, and juices. These will unbalance the physics forces in your body.

Most people also need some red meat such as lamb. Anyone who teaches otherwise is either uninformed or lying to you. For details, read Yang And Yin Healing, Yin Disease and several other articles on this subject.

We will now conclude this post. However, we must also use other concepts to understand overall metabolism. These include concepts of temperature, electrical charge, types of chemicals, types of chemical reactions, the Energy Centers, the Dantiens and the so-called Energy Bodies. Ignoring any of these detracts and often wrecks development programs.


4/7/21. To avoid having your computer completely monitored all the time you must turn off all wifi on computers, routers and printers, phones and other devices. Instead, use wired connections.

Also, you must unplug the ethernet cable when not using the internet. Otherwise, computers are open books to the Rogues.

Also, don’t use cell phones. That is a rogue system and every word you say and your location are monitored. They also speak to you and condition your behavior through the cell phone. Get a land telephone line or an internet phone.


4/7/21. We are hearing that another word for the rogues that some souls and fine matter creatures use is THE GANG. You may hear some people use this term.


4/7/21. Sadly, most fish on earth today are filthy and full of mercury and other toxic metals. It does not matter how they look or taste. Most are raised on crowded, dirty fish farms, often in China or Vietnam. Labeling is not honest, so it can say “wild caught” or whatever. Shellfish and seafood are even worse. Stay away!

Sardines are still very good, especially the smaller ones called brislings. Sardines are an important food for development, so please eat them. Find a way to make them taste okay, if needed. I just put sea salt on them, but you can put mustard or mix them with bean dip or eat them other ways.

I remove the sardine spines and if I see internal organs, such as the liver (dark in color), I remove it, as well, because the organs contain more toxic metals. This is not required, however.


4/6/21. A few clients are confused and think that if they eat any fish at all, then they do not have to take EPA-DHA and vitamin D. This is not true! Only sardines contain enough EPA, DHA and vitamin D so that you don’t need a supplement.


4/6/21. A few of our former Helpers are telling people I am sick, dying or dead. They also tell people that they are “advanced” and have studied the program, and that they are taking over. All of this is a lie.

They also tell people to stay away from our website. They are also deliberately setting up programs incorrectly. This is nothing more than an attempt to wreck the program and stop development.

They tell people not to use kelp or blue corn chips, not to use coffee enemas, and not to eat lamb. They also tell people that salad, pork and fruit are good foods. This is all incorrect!

They also call and threaten clients who do not do what they suggest. They use very high-tech methods to monitor, communicate and threaten people. If you have friends or family on the program, please warn them that this is going on.


4/6/21. Most plug-in pressure cookers damage the food and damage your health! There is something in the metal or electronics that damages the food. It is a serious crime. Do not even use one for slow cooking or anything else. Throw them away.


4/5/21. Physicians around the world are warning people that the covid-19 shots are not safe. (At this time, I don’t think they are really vaccines.)

I can’t confirm the information below. You will have to use your own judgment. For details, read:


4/5/21. Here are two small corrections in the post below in the section on Type II diabetes: 1. Today, more and more children have Type II diabetes.

2. Physicians would say that oral diabetic drugs and insulin do correct diabetes. We would say the drugs may correct the blood sugar level, but they do not correct the deeper causes of diabetes.


4/4/21. Diabetes means elevated blood sugar. It is an older word that actually means sweet urine. High sugar in the blood spills over into the urine and makes the urine taste sweet. Before modern testing was available, physicians used to taste a person’s urine to detect this condition.

An enormous out-of-control epidemic. Diabetes is a huge problem around the world. It devastates one’s energy level, wrecks the body, shortens the life of millions of people, and costs trillions of dollars.

We think the medical and most natural therapy for diabetes is very stupid, costly, and not too effective. The development program with a little modification is much better.

Causes. Physicians usually recognize three main causes or types of diabetes – Type I, Type II and a rare type called diabetes insipidis. We identify two other common causes. We wish physicians knew about them!

Type I is due to an infection in the pancreas that shuts down insulin production. It can occur in children and adults, with a sudden onset. It is associated with iron toxicity, at times. It is considered incurable. However, a development program will slowly correct it.

Type II is much more common. The body makes adequate insulin, but the insulin is defective and doesn’t do its job, which is to move glucose from the blood into the cells.

This type is also called age-related diabetes because it is more common in those over the age of 50. However, today more and more children have this condition.

Physicians give insulin or oral drugs for it. This does not correct the cause and often the condition becomes worse over time. Physicians know, however, that losing weight and proper diet can often keep it under control.

We find this type is associated with improper diet, mineral deficiencies, toxic metal poisoning, and metabolic syndrome. This is an inflammatory and yin state of the body characterized by overweight, high cholesterol, and at times high triglycerides.

Diabetes insidipis. This is due to a low level of anti-diuretic hormone, which is produced in the pituitary gland. It is a fairly rare health condition.

Coffee diabetes. We identify a common type of high blood sugar due to dehydration – specifically from drinking coffee instead of water. It is very common, but completely overlooked by physicians of all kinds.

When dehydrated in a certain way, the body raises the level of blood sugar. This maintains enough water in the bloodstream to prevent a heart attack or stroke. For details about dehydration, read Hydration For Healing and the The Dehydration Diet.

Correction without drugs is easy. However, one must stop drinking coffee. This is very difficult if a person is tired. Adding the development program will restore one’s energy.

Stress diabetes. When one becomes stressed or angry, the body secretes more cortisol and cortisone. This can temporarily raise the blood sugar level. This effect is common, but usually overlooked or misdiagnosed. One can have a combination of several of the causes above.

The diabetic personality. Many people with diabetes have a tendency to push themselves. They enjoy the ‘sugar high’. An analogy is flooring the gas pedal in a car.

Pushing the gas pedal to the floor floods the engine with fuel. This makes a lot of noise and the car vibrates. Some people love the sound and the feeling, although it damages the engine.

The diabetic personality is similar. Like flooding the engine with gas, they flood the bloodstream with sugar by eating sweets, fruit, juices, alcohol or drinking coffee.

An addiction. The ‘sugar high’ can be addictive. Without it, one easily becomes negative and depressed. Also, like most addictions, it tends to become worse over time. For many more details, read Diabetes, A 21st Century Epidemic.


4/3/21. The following is the truth and please pay attention. If you read the newspapers or listen to the news, you know that suicides are rising all over the world. The worst increase is among young people and children.

The nicest and smartest children are killing themselves. They use household knives, or they throw themselves off a cliff or in front of a car or a train. It is the most ugly and horrific thing imaginable.

We are researching the cause using hair mineral analysis and other methods. Several facts have emerged:

- Most children are born extremely unhealthy. This occurs because their mothers are so malnourished today. They are also born very yin in macrobiotic terminology. This mean the bodies are cold, expanded and weak.

- Modern medicine makes children much worse, mainly with vaccines. When the author grew up, there were three vaccines. Today, by the age of about five, children receive up to 60 shots. They all contain toxic metals and toxic chemicals and some of them make no sense whatsoever.

Often, several of them are given at one doctor visit. This is extremely dangerous because the child receives a very large dose of toxic metals and toxic chemicals at one time. Children absorb more of these poisons than adults because their bodies are growing fast. The vaccines are a horrible crime against children.

- The medical and even the natural healing professionals also allow yin food such as fruit, juices and a lot of junk food in the children’s diets. This makes things much worse and is another crime! The official food laws of the nations also allow the most depleted junky food to be sold and advertised to children every day on the television and elsewhere.

- The governments also allow the children to have electronic devices such as phones and computers that often emit high levels of stray electromagnetic fields. This makes the children’s bodies much more yin and more sick! This is another crime.

- The hair mineral tests of many babies and children reveal patterns such as four low macrominerals. This is quite abnormal! This is burnout at a very young age.

Dr. Eck was the first to identify this problem in an article called Burnout Babies. He published the article in a magazine called Healthscope.

Analytical Research Labs may have some old copies for sale. We hope they preserve these magazines in electronic form so everyone can read them. They are part of the literature of development science.

- We have identified a toxic metal, barium, that is associated with suicidal thoughts. The group we call the Rogues or the otros are dumping tons of this onto the earth from aircraft in what are called the chemtrails. They do this day and night. The toxicity of this mineral seems to induce suicidal thoughts.

- When the body is ill, the cells send messages to the brain that “life is not good”. This is the message the children’s bodies are sending to their brains every day. This is very important!

- Another cause of suicide is the insane education system. For example, today children are taught that they will not be able to survive on earth by age 50 or 60 because of climate change (not at all true).

They are taught that humans are bad (not true), that humans are “killing the planet”, (not true) and that there is overpopulation and soon we will all starve to death (not true).

They are taught that they are racist (not true) and that hatred is everywhere (not true). They are taught that God is dead (not true) and religion is stupid and bad (not true).

They are also taught that freedom, capitalism (economic freedom) and limited government are bad (not true), and that socialism is good (not at all true). They are also taught that America was founded upon slavery. This is called the 1619 Project. It is a complete lie, but in more and more American schools it is taught as the truth! They are taught to just trust the authorities (a total lie).

Among the worst lies is children are taught that there are 50 or more genders, not two. They are taught that you can be a boy or a girl or a transgender or a bisexual or have sex with your dog, and you can change every day of the week. They are told that their biological gender means nothing. Teaching this is a horrific crime against children.

Did you know that today, in more and more hospitals, when a baby is born, the physicians and nurses are not allowed to write the child’s gender on the birth certificate? They are told the child will decide this later on. Can you imagine the insanity and how it affects a child?

Children are even taught today in some schools to hate their parents and to disobey they parents. The parents are so stupid or sick or out of touch that they allow this in their children’s schools. It is a very serious crime against families and parents. This is what the schools now teach, instead of basic skills, critical thinking and truthful history.

- The social media. Many parents stupidly allow their children to participate in the social media. Facebook and others may seem benign. But they can quickly turn vicious and deadly. Anyone can post erotic photos and can speak the most disgusting lies about anyone they wish. The social media administrators allow this, while they are illegally censoring anti-vaccination and natural healing posts.

Our foundation, The Center For Development, has a new project called Save The Children. We will use at least 10 methods such as writing, speaking, advocating, lobbying, publishing and more to spread the message above. We gratefully accept donations to help with this project.

We appeal to everyone to use your influence and abilities to change all this. Also, all mothers-to-be need to be on the development program and not other health programs which sadly, do not work as well.

Also, protect the children from the vaccines and other toxic drugs, and from the schools. Stay away from these if you care at all about your children.

Tell others, and warn others before it is too late for their children. Speak about it, write about it, form organizations and foundations. Spend your money on this cause, rather than taking vacations and buying new houses and cars. For more details, read Suicide.


4/2/21. We wrote a new introductory article concerning the very important and fascinating topic of how our bodies convert solar energy into fuel for the body. For details, read The Energy Conversion Methods.


4/1/21. A theme of the research of Dr. Paul Eck was that energy is the common denominator of health. Dr. Bernard Jensen used to say fatigue is the basic disease. Let us explore this critical idea because it is a secret of the development program. (It is also an excellent way to explain the development program to prospective clients.)

Our bodies are energy-producing machines. Every body activity depends upon having enough energy. This is similar to modern automobiles that have power everything - steering, brakes, windows, and more.

In our bodies, a power drop damages thousands of bodily activities. Dr. Eck called this “people’s energy crisis”. A goal of the development program is to restore power. When this occurs, healing takes place in a miraculous way.

Remedies versus power. The medical and natural healing professions mainly use symptomatic remedies. We mainly assess, study and correct the body’s power system.

This is a big difference that helps explain the effectiveness of our program. It also explains why so many people are still sick with cancer, heart disease, diabetes and hundreds of other conditions in spite of visiting the best health practitioners.

We are very grateful for these practitioners. We just wish they would listen to what we have to offer. And we have a lot to offer them. Some healers know about the mitochondria, for example, which are the energy factories in each cell. But few know how to work deeply with the energy system, as explained below.

The two components of the body’s energy system. Our body’s power system has two basic aspects: 1) the energy pathway, and 2) the tune, balance or calibration of the energy system. These are completely analogous to the way today’s car engines work. We use the car analogy because people understand much more about cars than they do about their bodies.

The car analogy. For example, in both the car and in the body, one must have the parts of the system working properly. In the car they include the fuel pump, fuel filter, fuel injectors and exhaust system.

However, this is not enough! The engine must also be tuned up with the proper fuel-air mixture. Also, the motor must run at the correct speed. This is why the car has a transmission.

The energy pathways. The body is similar in this regard. The power system is a set of energy cycles. The best known of these are the glycolysis cycle and the carboxylic acid cycle or Krebs cycle. However, there are other discussed in the article The Energy Conversion Methods.

Each of these energy pathways requires dozens or more nutrients that can only be found in healthful foods such as cooked vegetables – NOT SALADS, though! Salad contains tough fiber that is hard for humans to digest because we don’t chew all day like animals do.

The oxidation rate. However, healthy energy cycles are not enough! The ‘motor’ must also run at the correct speed. Drs. Eck and Watson called this the oxidation rate. Some call it the metabolic rate. Oxidation means to burn or mix with oxygen.

We must keep adjusting this rate or a person’s energy level will not stay high. This is exactly like shifting the gears of your car or bicycle depending on where you go and how fast you are driving.

Mineral testing. This is the reason we use hair mineral testing. It is also one reason why retests are critical to keep moving forward with healing and development. We wish we could use blood tests, which everyone knows about, but so far they don’t work for this purpose.

The torque curve. In other words, the body’s ‘motor’ must run at the correct speed to produce maximum power. In the automotive world, this is called the torque curve. For example, your car engine must run at the top of the curve - about 1000 to 4000 revolutions per minute - to produce full power.

The upside down U. In both the body and most cars, the torque curve is in the shape of an upside down U. This means that when the ‘motor’ runs too slow or too fast, the torque decreases drastically. Said differently, when the oxidation rate is too slow or too fast, you lose a lot of power!

(This is not true of electric cars. They do not require a transmission because they have a much better torque curve. For details, read Electric Cars.)

More - the batteries. It may sound crazy, but each body cell also has a microscopic version of common household batteries. Most people have nickel-cadmium batteries. They are fair, but very toxic. A few have the better quality zinc-copper (so-called alkaline batteries) or lithium batteries.

Development causes the replacement of your batteries with better and fully charged ones. This greatly improves your power and your health. For details, read Batteries In The Body.

For more details about the energy system, read Fast Oxidation and Slow Oxidation. The body also has a mixed oxidation state and a sub-oxidation state. For these details, read The Oxidation Types - Fast, Slow And Mixed.


4/1/21. Recently, this newsletter discussed the use of 3% hydrogen peroxide for healing. A very important aspect of its use is to replace your bottle of peroxide about once a week.

This may seem excessive. However, our clients report that after about a week, the peroxide will start to burn the body a little.

This is very unpleasant and avoidable if you replace your peroxide with a new sealed bottle once a week. We hope this will not be necessary in the future, but it is helpful now.


3/31/21. Garlic is helpful for development and is a healing food. It can help with cancer and with bacterial, fungal, yeast and parasitic infections. Garlic also helps with heavy metal removal due to its sulfur compounds. It has other interesting properties and is a member of the onion family – very important for development!

However, garlic is slightly toxic. For this reason, we recommend eating only a few small garlic cloves per week.


3/31/21. One must go outside the mainstream today to learn real economics and politics. Colleges and high schools now teach a lot of communist propaganda, revisionist history, political correctness, critical race theory and other lies. Two good sources of information are:

Imprimus. This is a high quality, free monthly publication of Hillsdale College. Anyone can receive it free of charge anywhere in the world. We highly recommend getting on their mailing list. To do this, go their website, or send them an email at or, in America, you can call them at 1-800 437-2268. They also have lots of excellent and free online economics courses.

The Foundation For Economic Education (FEE). This organization has a good website and other programs that teach free market economic principles. Their website is


3/30/21. Robert, age 57, had multiple sclerosis for 20 years. It was becoming worse and he was ready to live in a wheelchair. His legs would spasm and he was becoming weaker and weaker. Life was hardly worth living.

Robert began the development program four years ago. He was quite skeptical because multiple sclerosis is considered an incurable condition that ends in a miserable death. He decided to try the program because Dr. Wilson’s website reported on a case in which the person’s health improved.

Mercury and copper. When Robert began the development program, he had at least ten silver/mercury amalgam dental fillings in his mouth. He had these removed. Dr. Wilson and Dr. Eck before him observed that mercury toxicity may contribute to multiple sclerosis, along with copper toxicity.

However, neither of these toxic metals showed up on the first hair mineral test. This is common, however, because the poison metals are deeply lodged in body tissues. Only later, when the body mobilizes and removes them, will they be revealed on hair mineral tests.

Personality. Robert also has what we call the multiple sclerosis personality. The person is very intelligent and very mentally focused. Such individuals often work in a mental occupation such as teaching and easily overwork mentally.

The Tibetan monks on our medical team noted, “His chi is all in his head”. For example, this causes difficulty with the pulling down procedure because this procedure requires that one move one’s attention out of one’s head and down to one’s feet. This feels uncomfortable and a little scary to a person accustomed to having his attention in his head.

Down hugging. For the first year, there was little change in Robert’s condition. He became discouraged and almost quit the program. Then he read about down hugging and down sex. He and his wife decided to try it.

He felt better almost immediately mostly from down hugging! Sex is difficult for people with multiple sclerosis. As a result of this success, he decided to continue with the rest of the development program.

More energy and copper. During the second year of the program, Robert’s energy level increased dramatically. The copper level on his mineral test increased as he eliminated a lot of poor quality copper. This type of copper imbalance is associated with most neuromuscular health conditions.

Copper, in the proper form and amount, is essential for energy production in the electron transport system inside of each body cell. Robert did not have the correct form of copper. The proper diet increased the amount of the correct copper compounds in his body and the body replaced the poor quality copper with the better quality copper. This directly led to better energy production.

The oxides. Many people have poor quality copper in their bodies, contributing to anxiety, fatigue, headaches, skin problems and reproductive problems in women. It is an oxide form the mineral that we call one of The Amigos.

The development programs we set up are one of the very few ways we know of to get rid of this toxic form of many minerals including iron, manganese, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, boron and others. Dr. Eck observed this over 40 years ago.

The myelin sheath. Myelin, which is the covering or insulation on many nerves, requires the right form of copper and zinc in the proper ratio, along with many other nutrients. The reason that energy is so important in multiple sclerosis is that the myelin sheath also requires lots of energy to function properly. The structure of most nerves resembles a television cable, also called a coaxial cable or wave guide.

During the third year of the program, Robert’s walking improved. He still needed a walker or a wheelchair, even though he was feeling stronger. The nerves just did not work right. However, during this time he found he could get along with just a cane instead of a walker. This was a breakthrough!

Now, the fourth year on the program, he doesn’t even need a cane to walk or even to run. He is astonished, as are his doctors, who happen to be friends of his. They have observed him carefully for years. They wonder if the improvement is just short-term, or if it will continue.


3/29/21. Honesty. A theme of this newsletter is that everyone needs to be honest in their personal, family and business dealings. I am told that those who are not honest will find themselves in very serious trouble in the coming days.

I am told that there exist new and very sensitive and accurate lie detectors. They will be used everywhere to expose lying in all areas of life. Lying will not be tolerated on earth. Lying has brought ruin to the planet and enough is enough.

The sexual area. Our guidance from the Planning Souls is that the sexual area of life needs cleaning up. To restore the health of our society, sex is to be with one’s marriage partner only and no one else, and marriage is only possible between one man and one woman.

In addition, dishonesty, seduction, rape and improper behavior in this area has brought ruin to our planet and will not be tolerated.

It is time to clean up all your relationships, activities and dealings with others. For details, read Lying, The Big Lie Technique, How And Why To Be Unsexy and Why Not Homosexual Marriage?


3/28/21. Here are suggestions for better sleep:

- Sleep on your back, if you can, without a pillow. It is best for your neck and organs.

- Hands at your sides, arms straight and relaxed. Turn your arms so the elbows touch the bottom sheet. The palms of the hands will face upwards. Some will say this position feels vulnerable, but do it if you can.

- Legs straight, fairly close together, but slightly separated. Having the legs tightly together is less comfortable. Men – pull the penis up so it is not stuck down between your legs. This is more comfortable.

- Pull the top sheet or blanket so that it covers your shoulders, but does not cover your neck. If a sheet or blanket covers your neck, it will tend to itch as you shift during the night. If the room is cold, pull it up a little; if warm, pull the sheet or blanket downward a little toward your feet. When correct, the look of the top sheet or blanket is a V-shape with the point of the V in the middle of the chest.

- If you need to scratch yourself, try to use the hand on the same side of the body. In other words, do not move an arm across the midline of the body.

- Peroxide. The recent peroxide sleep procedure is so wonderful we suggest it for everyone, all of the time. It is extremely easy and convenient.

Benefits include healing many infections everywhere in the body. It will also help heal traumas while you sleep. It will also help you connect with millions of souls who will inform you of what you need - and much more. We strongly suggest this simple procedure for everyone.


3/27/21. Aluminum is one of the Rogue's favorite poisons. We call it the soft-in-the-head mineral. It reduces intelligence and often contributes to brain fog, autism, hyperactivity and dementia. It also contributes to osteoporosis and other bone problems. It also slows down digestion and contributes to constipation.

Sources. Today, aluminum is added to most city water supplies, supposedly to cause dirt to settle out of the water. Anti-perspirants and many women’s cosmetics contain aluminum, a metal that should never touch your skin.

Babies are all born with too much of it today because their mothers’ bodies have too much. Babies and children then receive large amounts of it from vaccines, most of which contain added aluminum. We believe the covid-19 vaccines contain it.

Aluminum is added to most table salt. Natural sea salt often has too much aluminum, even if none is added. Most baking powder also contains aluminum. Dog and cat food are often high in aluminum.

Some medical drugs and over-the-counter anti-acid drugs contain aluminum, including Mylanta, Malox, Gaviscon, Riopan, Burrow’s solution and others. Aluminum is used as an anti-fungal remedy.

The chemtrails seen over many areas of the world sometimes contain aluminum that contaminates the whole planet.

We are told the rogues even force car manufacturers to mix aluminum into the plastic used to make automobile steering wheels and door handles. We suggest wearing gloves when driving or cover your steering wheel.

As a result of all the above, aluminum poisoning affects everyone today – and the problem is becoming worse. For example, while there have been efforts to reduce mercury, lead and cadmium in the environment, much less attention has been directed to the serious problem of aluminum toxicity.

The ideal hair aluminum. Aluminum poisoning shows up on hair mineral tests. Deciding upon an ideal hair aluminum is difficult because contamination is everywhere and, for this reason, it is difficult to lower past a certain level. Our medical team believes the ideal level should be lower than the current level. So we lowered the ideal aluminum level on the hair mineral test to 0.08 mg%. For more details, read Aluminum.


3/25/21. The vaccines for the Chinese virus are not at all like traditional vaccines, which have plenty of problems. For details, read Vaccination - A Medical Abomination and A Vaccine Horror Story.

Unlike other vaccines, the covid-19 vaccines involve injecting some synthetic mRNA (or ribonucleic acid) into a person. RNA is a chemical that contains instructions that tell the body how to make millions of body chemicals. It is like an instruction booklet. For details about RNA and how your body makes all its chemicals, read Introduction To Genetics.

The idea is to cause the body to make chemicals to fight off the Chinese virus. Here are just some of the problems with this unproven technology:

1. The RNA is foreign material. Our bodies reject all foreign material and will eliminate it as fast as possible. So even if the method worked, it would not work for long – perhaps a few days to a week. Then it would provide no protection at all.

2. Foreign substances placed in the body often cause allergic reactions. This is one type of “adverse effect” of all vaccines. In some studies, up to 80% of those receiving the Chinese virus vaccines reported adverse effects, some of them serious including death.

Shock. The worst allergic reaction is called anaphylactic shock. This often causes death if it is not stopped very quickly. There have been several thousand deaths from the covid-19 vaccines. You can read about them by searching the internet. They are not being reported by the mainstream (lying) media.

This alone should stop anyone from taking the vaccine because covid-19 is not a particularly serious or lethal disease in most people. In fact, the overall recovery rate is about 99.8%. children are particularly safe from covid-19 and should never receive the vaccines!

The false reporting by the media and medical authorities regarding the objections to and adverse effects of the covid-19 vaccines amounts to treason, in our view.

3. All the vaccines contain other toxins, including toxic metals and others. These are used as preservatives and for other purposes. These poison the body and can easily cause allergic reactions, as explained above.

4. It is very unlikely that the RNA injection will reach the nuclei of the body cells. Protein synthesis only occurs in our bodies in the nuclei of the cells. The nuclei are heavily protected from all outside invasions. If the RNA injection does not reach the nuclei, it will produce nothing and won’t work at all.

RNA foods and development. We ingest RNA all the time in our diet. In fact, the special foods for development are mainly high-RNA foods. They include sardines, lamb, and blue corn tortilla chips. Other foods that contain a lot of RNA are almond butter and sesame tahini. This is a major reason we strongly recommend eating these foods. In chemistry, the RNA chemicals are called purines. For details, read Food For Development.

When the RNA we ingest enters the body, the liver quickly takes it apart, destroying the RNA. Otherwise, you would literally begin to turn into a sardine or a sheep whenever you eat these foods.

Our bodies save the RNA chemicals and use them to build its own RNA so that you remain a human being. The RNA in the Chinese virus vaccines has the same fate.

5. If the foreign RNA was to find its way into the cell nuclei, it is still foreign material. The body would quickly take it apart and destroy it.

Therefore, we believe the entire Chinese virus vaccine program is bogus. We believe there are more sinister purposes for it:

Poisoning. The group we call the Rogues want everyone everyone on earth to be somewhat poisoned. They spray poison from cloaked ships onto our food, water, air and some objects people touch. The vaccine program is just another part of the poisoning project.

Implants. The vaccines may contain tiny electronic circuits that are implanted into the body when one takes the vaccines. This technology is well-known. The implants pass easily through a small needle.

The vaccine program can easily used as a delivery system for this type of poison and invasion of privacy. For details, read Implants.

Sat conversion. This purpose is rather unusual. If it sounds too weird or strange, don’t read this section. We are told that the rogues have a goal of converting millions of earth people into what they call sats or satans. These are hybrid human/fine matter creatures that are truly frightening. We are told that all the vaccines contain a chemical that is required for the satan conversion process.

In other words, anyone who takes the vaccine is further along a wicked path of being converted from a normal human being into a psychopathic killer. For details, read The Sats Or Satans.


3/25/21. A way to understand how the development program works is that it is a replacement process. The program replaces less preferred minerals in enzymes, organs, hormones and tissues with more preferred minerals.

An analogy. This is somewhat similar to removing inferior ‘aftermarket’ parts of a machine or car with factory original parts. In many cases, when one does this, the machine works better.

Why does this method work? Because our bodies above all try to keep us alive. If preferred minerals such as zinc, chromium, selenium and others are not available in one’s diet, as is commonly the case today, the body will absorb and use inferior minerals such as toxic metals. These will work, to a degree, to keep the body alive.

The body also replaces preferred forms or compounds of minerals with less preferred forms or compounds of minerals if it cannot obtain the better compounds. This causes many health conditions. The development program reverses this and the result is healing and development. For details, read The Concept Of Preferred Minerals.


3/25/21. At this time, neither nor Analytical Research Labs are selling any of Dr. Wilson’s books. The books are available to read on the internet. If you want a printed copy, email us and we can send out books.


3/25/21. In addition to the spinal and other twists and pulls discussed in the previous post, the hand pulls are very important for development. They are also easy to do.

Here is the main one. Put your hands in front of your chest. Now turn the hands around so the tips of the fingers face your chest and the backs of your palms are touching each other. Then interlock your fingers all the way down to the base of the fingers.

Now move the backs of the palms apart. Do this with a little force and usually you will hear a popping sound from the joints at the base of the fingers as these joints open. Do this a number of times and repeat the procedure several times daily.


3/25/21. Health and development absolutely require that subtle energy move easily and forcefully through millions of tiny parallel channels or tubes that run from your head to your feet. One of the most difficult areas for the ether or subtle energy to move through is the joints.

The only answer is to keep opening and aligning the joints through the procedure called the spinal twists. It really involves much more than the spine. It involves all the joints of the body.

Some people are afraid to twist the spine, pop their toes and their knees and shoulders. Others say it causes pain. Others just don’t like the sound of joints popping. Others read that it is harmful and will hurt you.

However, it is a very ancient practice and a spiritual practice. It is not harmful if you begin gently and are sensible. Quite the opposite! It is required for rapid development. It is also easy and quick.

So please do not skip this procedure. I do it at least several times a day when I wake up and when I lie down to sleep or to nap. In addition I do it if I feel tense, upset, in pain or stressed. It helps relax the body, it assists sleep and much more. For details, read The Twists, Pops, Pulls and Kicks.


3/24/21. We feel it is necessary to point out the fallacies in a recent post by Dr. Mercola called What You Can Learn From The Hazda Tribe (in Africa). The answer is very little, except perhaps what NOT to eat and how not to live!

We think this and similar articles are actually subtle hit pieces designed to confuse people and cast doubt upon valid nutritional concepts, such as those we teach. Here are details from the article:

The people of this tribe only live to age 70 to 80. This tells me they are not healthy and not to be emulated. We desire a much longer lifespan.

The tribe lives on organ meats. That may be okay in the African bush, but in our civilization organ meats are the most toxic meats. Some years ago, one of the nutritional balancing practitioners decided to live on a lot of organ meat and only glandular supplements. He died in his fifties! Please do not eat organ meats except for the tiny quantity found in the glandular supplements we recommend.

The tribe eats little fiber. We think this is probably wrong information because they gather berries and other wild plants. Also, plenty of research supports the health benefits of eating of fiber.

The tribe eats a lot of honey. Honey is mostly just sugar. It is also extremely yin in macrobiotic terms. It will slow or stop development.

They live under rocks, sleep on the ground, and rarely bathe. Development has a lot to do with cleanliness, both on the inside and the outside of the body. We don’t think the lifestyle of the Hazda tribe is wise in any way.


3/24/21. Black salve is an old Native American remedy that will remove skin cancers and some other infections and other problems on the skin.

Clients are reporting that the Virxcan brand of black salve works, but leaves a black discoloration of the skin that does not go away quickly. We don’t know another brand to recommend, and we welcome feedback about this interesting product. For details, read Black Salve.


3/23/21. The following turns everyday showering into a development procedure! It is a combination of a shower with wet and dry skin brushing. It may sound involved, but really it is simple. It seems to work because brushing vigorously does not just affect the skin, but also the body’s energy field and channel system.

Also, it activates your skin and makes it much more moist and much more beautiful. You will not need lotion and the soap will not wreck your skin, as some people teach.

An athletic experience. The super shower will also give you stronger hands and arms. It requires a little extra time in the shower. However, once you are comfortable with it, it goes quite fast and it becomes a daily athletic arm and hand workout.

The procedure. The basic procedure is to sit down on a stool or bench in the shower. If your shower area is very small, try to find a small, but stable stool so you can sit down.

Then turn on the water and quickly wet the body with water. Then turn off the water to do the brushing.

If the bathroom is cold, leave the water on for a minute or two to warm up the shower area. We have placed a thick piece of plastic over the shower to hold the heat in the shower. You could use fabric, plywood or other material to do the same thing if your bathroom is cold.

You can begin the brushing with the water turned on if you can adjust your position so the water does not hit your body. However, the soap needs to stay on for a few minutes, so turn off the water or move away from it to avoid washing the soap off immediately.

Brushing. Now briskly brush the entire body, starting with the head and working down the body. Use a body brush with a long handle and lots of Grandpa Pine Tar Soap or equivalent. Black African soap from Alafia also works. We are sure there are other non-toxic, non-smelly soaps that have a lot of souls in them. Homemade soap may work well and is often available where you live.

The brushing order. Begin by brushing the entire head, including your face. You must close your eyes tightly to keep soap out of the eyes. Be sure to brush the eyes, nose, cheeks and chin. Then turn on the water and rinse off the face so you don’t get soap in your eyes. Then turn off the water once again.

Now do a little more brushing on the head, but stay away from your face and forehead so you don’t get soap in your eyes. It is best to keep the eyes open when in the shower to avoid falling.

Ears. Now focus on the ears. They sweat and need more attention. It is also excellent for your brain to brush the ear lobes. Brush them in two directions with plenty of soap so some get soap inside the ears.

Neck and shoulders. Then brush all around the neck and shoulders. The neck is a little challenging, but important because it sweats more than some other areas of the body.

Back. Then brush the entire back. The spine is extremely important to brush thoroughly. Then do a little more over the kidneys and adrenals. Brush these in two directions – vertically and horizontally.

Arms. Then do the arms, including the backs of the hands and a lot in the underarms. The inside of the elbows and the inside of the wrists are often in need of a little more attention because these areas sweat more than the rest of the arm.

Chest and abdomen. Then do the front of the body. Focus on the liver, which is toxic in everyone today and needs a little more attention.

Feet and legs. Then remain seated and do your feet and legs. Begin with the bottoms of the feet and do the entire foot. Spread the toes and push the brush between the toes. Do this from the top of the foot and then d the toes from the bottom of the foot. This is important because this areas sweats. Most people never wash their feet properly because they stand up in the shower – an unsafe and very bad idea!

Now go up the legs and be sure to wash the back of the knees, another area that sweats more than most of the body. Any areas that sweats brush in two directions.

Standing up. The next step is to stand up, making sure your feet will not slip because of soap on them. Wear flip-flop shoes if needed to make sure you don’t slip when you stand up. When standing, brush the upper thighs, all around – inside, outside, back and front.

Sacrum. Then brush the buttocks and focus on the low back and sacrum for at least two reasons. First, this area sweats because it is between the cheeks of the buttocks. Also, it is part of the spine and is important to brush for development. Do the sacrum in two directions, although doing it horizontally is a little challenging.

Genitals. Then come around the front and do the genitals. This is somewhat difficult for men, but it can be done.

Rinsing. Sit and relax for three minutes. Count it out if you wish. Then turn on the water and wash off all the soap. Be sure to get it out of your ears and other crevices.

Drying. This is the dry brushing part of the procedure. Turn off the water and dry vigorously. It definitely tones up your skin and your entire body. We use thin, light weight spa towels instead of big fluffy towels because you can change them frequently without filling up the washing machine. They are also a little easier to use because they are lighter weight.

At first, your arms may be tired form the wet brushing, but with practice your arms will become stronger.

To dry yourself, start with your entire head and neck, including the hair. Then do your arms and then your back. Remaining seated, do your legs and feet. Then stand up and do the buttocks, genitals and upper thighs all around. You are now finished with the procedure. For general information about showering, read How To Take A Shower.


3/23/21. This time on earth, we are told, is a time of cleansing and healing of old blemishes of the souls. This concept is called karma in Sanskrit and in the Bible it is the idea that “As you sow, so shall you reap”.

It means that if you want to stay safe, healthy and successful, now is a good time to give up all bad habits, all dishonesty, and all grudges and resentments. Instead, learn to follow the Ten Commandments given to Moses, the Golden Rule, and the simple Biblical ideas of loving God and loving your neighbors as yourself. This means to treat others as you would want them to treat you.

Things may seem rather strange on earth at this time, but there are reasons for it. Our guidance is to relax as best you can and do your best to spread the truth, avoid lying and deceit, and treat yourself and others with dignity and respect.

Development. This is also a time for development. We know the concept of development is foreign to most people and it is quite new for this author – he first heard about it perhaps 10 years ago. We are still learning how to describe it. However, it is real and is a type of genetic activation that greatly enhances health and helps extend the lifespan. It also causes enhancement of the brain and the unfolding of new abilities in a person.

The development programs we set up cause it to occur much faster than it otherwise would occur. Particularly helpful are the newer procedures, especially the use of hydrogen peroxide on the penis, in the vagina, and by the head during the night while one sleeps. For details, read Introduction To Development and Introduction To The Development Program.


3/22/21. When one retraces old traumas and/or eliminates copper and other toxins, occasionally one can become anxious or panicky. Here are several excellent remedies:

1. Nutritional remedies. Stopping the regular supplements temporarily helps some people because the supplements move one along faster and this may not be needed. At times, the program may also need updating.

An extra supplement that often helps is lecithinup to ten 1200 mg capsules or 10 tablespoons of lecithin granules per day for adults. We find this very safe and non-toxic. For details, read Lecithin.

Another helpful remedy is a strong cup of chamomile tea. Use 3 tea bags and let it steep until the color is a dark yellow. Organic chamomile is usually stronger. This is also quite safe and can be repeated several times daily.

Other nutritional remedies and herbs seem less helpful according to our clients. They are also more toxic, including 5HTP, kava kava, and others.

2. The salt glow. Many women report this procedure is excellent for anxiety. It helps activate and remove copper through the skin. Women, in particular, often have congested skin and the salt glow seems to activate the skin. Use a salt bar or make your own salt paste. You can do a salt glow any time of the day or night. Just rub it on and don’t wash it off. Get dressed and go about your day. For details, read The Salt Glow.

3. The Twists, Pops, Pulls and Kicks. These loosen and align the spine, relax the body and cause faster development. The more often you do them, the faster you will develop. For details, read The Twists, Pops, Pulls and Kicks.

4. Down Hugging with a human - or even an animal. Our clients find down hugging very relaxing and balancing. If you don’t have a loving partner, try sitting close to or holding a dog or cat for an hour or more. The principle is the same as down hugging with a person.

Regarding using an animal, the closer the animal is to your size, the better. Also, it works best if the animal is of the opposite sex, but it works either way. For more details, read Down Hugging.


3/21/21. A new medical study was just published in the medical journal Circulation. It is actually a review of a number of previous studies.

The researchers looked at the amount of fruits and vegetables people ate and their overall death rate. The researchers found that the death rate went down as people ate more servings of fruits and vegetables. This continued at least up to five servings daily. Then the mortality rate stayed about the same.

This confirms other medical studies that show the value especially of eating more vegetables. Some studies show that eating a lot of fruit is not helpful.

Someone is circulating a writeup of the study that claims the study showed that eating more than 5 servings daily of fruits and vegetables increased mortality. This is not true!!

The new study completely confirms the value of the development diet. However, the study is of very limited value for several reasons:

1. The study mixed vegetables and fruits. This is not wise because fruits and vegetables are very different types of foods.

2. The study did not mention whether the vegetables were cooked or not. We suggest cooked vegetables because one can obtain much more nutrition from them than from raw vegetables. Human beings don’t break down vegetable fiber very well and many nutrients are locked in the fiber.

3. The study did not look at people’s other behaviors. These include the rest of their diet, their lifestyle, and their supplement intake. These are very important to consider and should have been included. They include smoking, drinking alcohol, medical and recreational drug intake, pre-existing medical conditions, sexual activity and more.

For details, here is the link to the new study:


3/21/21. If you place a ground lamb patty in cold water in a pot and let it heat up, it will take longer to begin to cook – at least 10-12 seconds depending on the pot, the flame and the amount of water.

If you place the lamb patty in boiling water, then usually 5 or 6 seconds will be adequate. Then turn it over and cook it for 4-5 seconds on the other side in the boiling water. The lamb burger should not be cold inside, but it should retain its red color and be rare inside.


3/21/21. We don’t know all the reasons, but eating lamb speeds up development. Please eat it twice a week. We are experimenting to see if more lamb would be better. Lamb is mentioned a lot in the Bible, but few people eat it regularly.

Ground lamb is fine and does not have much of a ‘lamby’ taste. The taste is similar to the taste of wild game meat that is rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

Lamb chops are very good. However, recently our markets are only selling lamb chops in a shrink-wrapped package that does not test well. So we don’t buy lamb packaged this way.

Rack of lamb is very good, but more expensive and more work to cut up the ribs. We pressure cook lamb chops and rack of lamb for less than one minute.

Don’t overcook lamb. If you eat ground lamb, make 4-5 ounces of it into a thin hamburger patty. Cover the bottom of a pot with water and bring to a boil. Place the hamburger patty in the water and cook it only for five to TEN seconds on one side. Then turn it over and cook it for 5-10 seconds on the other side. Then remove it promptly from the water.

The middle should be quite rare or raw. Good quality lamb is low in bacteria so it should be safe to eat this way. Put some natural salt on the lamb just before eating it and take a GB-3 or other digestive enzyme with it to assist digestion. It is best to have protein early in the meal. For more details, read Lamb.


3/20/21. Sam, age 11 months, was a normal, healthy baby for the first seven months of his life. At the seventh month of life, he started to become tired easily. If he became very tired, he turned purple and could pass out.

Doctors diagnosed a birth defect: stenosis or restriction of a pulmonary artery. These arteries bring low-oxygen blood back to the lungs from the rest of the body. In the lungs, the blood picks up oxygen again to oxygenate all the cells of the body. This case is interesting for two reasons:

1. The doctors were wrong. We are very grateful for doctors, but they sometimes make mistakes. They said Sam’s problem was a birth defect. However, when our medical team checked, they found that someone deliberately tied off and constricted a pulmonary artery at around the seventh month of life.

This may sound outrageous. However, we have encountered the same situation in others, including one of our Helpers who would share the story if one wanted to know the details.

The Rogues, as we call them, are perfectly capable of this kind of intrusion into a human body. Anyone who tells you it is not true is likely deliberately lying to cover up for them. Sam’s situation is actually mild compared to the hundreds of rapes and murders they commit each day on earth.

2. The wrong supplements and dosage make things worse. Sam’s first hair mineral test at the age of six months revealed a common pattern for this age – a fast oxidation rate with a low sodium/potassium ratio. However, his second mineral test at eleven months of age revealed a four lows pattern. This is unusual!

We learned that Sam’s parents had followed another doctor’s advice and gave Sam large doses of coenzyme Q-10, L-carnitine and D-ribose (a sugar). They gave Sam half the adult dose, according to his mother. However, Sam only weighs about one-tenth that of an adult!

According to our medical team, the effect of too much of the wrong supplements was to drive Sam into a four lows pattern. If this had continued, it would have compromised Sam’s health. The answer is not to ban supplements. It is to use caution, as with any method or therapy.


3/20/21. In addition to web browsers sending passwords to rogue computers automatically, we believe that file transfer programs (FTP programs) all send website corrections and updates to a rogue computer automatically without your knowledge or permission. This is illegal and needs to change.


3/20/21. We have heard reports that several former Helpers including Lewis Rowlands are spreading misinformation about me and the program. They set up programs themselves with very little experience and do not have the medical team that we have.

They also tell people that I earn lots of money from the program. In truth, I don’t earn any money from the development program. I live from a small inheritance I received when my parents died. Commissions from Analytical Research Labs all go to the Center For Development, a non-profit foundation that supports children and young women who cannot afford the development program.


3/19/21. Some of our former Helpers are lying to people telling them that taking kelp and doing other parts of the development program are not important. Kelp is extremely important! The reason the former Helpers do not insist upon the use of kelp is because it causes rapid development and they do not want that. We would avoid them all.

Iodine. Iodine, A Critical Trace Mineral is required for hundreds of chemical reactions in our bodies. Correcting thyroid activity and preventing cancer are just two of these. We call iodine a “feminine” mineral. This means it is particularly important for women, although men also definitely need to take a supplement of it today.

Iodine is also needed to remove from the body the iodine antagonistschlorine, fluorides and bromides. These toxic chemicals are common in our air, water and food. Removing them from the body is critical to correct thyroid activity today, maintain breast health, and much more.

Kelp is an amazing mineral source, and one of the few that contains a non-toxic form of iodine. Most forms of iodine such as Iodoral, Lugol’s solution and others we find are somewhat toxic and build up in the liver if taken for longer than a month or so.

Alginates. Kelp also contains a lot of alginates. These are chemical compounds that bind many toxic metals and help remove them from the body in a harmless way.

Reactions. Taking kelp occasionally causes symptoms. In our experience, these are purification reactions due to the elimination of the iodine antagonists. If possible, do not stop taking kelp. Just reduce the amount for a month or so. Then slowly increase your kelp intake and you will eventually be able to tolerate it.

Oral and topical use. Kelp can be used both orally and topically to help renourish the body quickly and safely. Some brands of kelp are better than others. For details, read Kelp.


3/18/21. An excellent newer visualization for the Pulling Down Procedure is to sit or stand comfortably and move your attention to just below your feet. Then imagine a force pulling downward, pulling the skin downward from the bottom of both feet. The force can be a magnet, a vacuum cleaner or some other powerful downward force.

Opening the channels. When doing the pulling down procedure, recall that you are forcing subtle energy through about half a trillion tiny tubes that run vertically from your head to your feet. Some clusters of these are called the acupuncture meridians. In everyone, these tubes are somewhat clogged and many are damaged.

Development. The entire development program heals and rebuilds the channels. However, one also needs to move subtle energy downward through the channels to activate them.

When the author first did the pulling down exercise, if he relaxed he could feel that the subtle energy could not move past his shoulders. Over a period of months, he felt channels open in the shoulders and the energy then was stuck in his chest. Slowly, after a few years it moved through the chest into the abdomen, and so on. This is how the channel system is slowly rebuilt using the program.

Moving subtle energy through is the joints is somewhat challenging. The daily Spinal Twists are needed to help do this. Foot reflexology is also most helpful to open the tiny tubes or energy channels.


3/18/21. We don’t write a lot about our guidance regarding events in outer space because it is somewhat unusual. However, we have been told that planet earth is part of the pacemaker of the heart of a large being in space. (This being is not the largest one in space.)

The pacemaker is a communicator and a regulator. Every minute of the day and night it communicates with all parts of the body to assess the body’s need for blood. Based upon this communication, it signals the heart to beat faster or slower, and gentler or more forcefully. It must take into account the condition of the heart and conditions of health throughout the body.

The biological concept of space. The idea that the earth is inside of and fully dependent upon a large, living being is called the biological concept of space.

The scientific God concept. This section will conflict with some people’s understanding of God. However, we present it for your consideration and we hope we do not offend anyone.

The biological concept of space is a purely scientific idea. It implies that there is a Creator being or living God who is one, who is always present, and who always loves and supports you. Without this support, you would cease to exist.

The plan for your life. Some people believe that life does not have a larger meaning. However, the biological concept of God means there is always a larger plan for your life. The Old Testament of the Bible states this in Jeremiah 29:11 - “For I know the plans that I have for you, plans for welfare and not for calamity, to give you a future and a hope.”

Love. In other words, you can imagine space as a living being with a heart, liver, kidneys, lungs - and you are part of this being. This will help you to know you are always loved, just as each cell of your body is loved by the whole of the body.

The Old Bible states this idea in Deuteronomy 10:15: “Yet the Lord set his heart in love on your fathers and chose their offspring after them.” Many versus also state this idea in the New Testament. We mention the Bible because it is a relevant book, no matter what anyone says to the contrary.

Thy will be done. Also, the more you align yourself with the Will of this being, the happier, healthier and more successful you will be. The reason is that at the deepest level, you are one with this being.

One with God. Understanding the biological and scientific concept of God as a living being, you will realize you are one with God at all times. In the New Testament of the Bible, Jesus says “I and the Father are One.” “I am One with God”. We believe he meant he lives inside of God or the Father and therefore is one with him. The same understanding is found in the Old Testament of the Bible.

Prayer. Also, you can speak to the Creator being, asking for whatever you wish to know or have. This is a deep understanding of prayer.

Guidance. Also, you can receive messages from the Creator being regarding how to live your life. The answers to prayers may come in unusual forms, so don’t expect just words. Answers may come in the form of opportunities, unusual meetings, or in many other ways.

The concept of scale. Understanding the biological concept of God is made easier by knowing about the concept of scale. The Greek philosopher Hermes stated it: “As above, so below”. The hermetic principle, as it is called, is considered the basis for all deep understanding of our world, yet it is rarely taught today.

The idea of scale is found in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. For example, Matthew 25:40 states, “Whatever you did for the least of these brethren, you did unto Me.”

The concept of scale means there is the microscopic level of life that includes the souls and trillions of other tiny creatures. There is also a medium-sized level of life, of which human beings, plants and animals are members. Also, there are much larger levels of life, including the huge beings in space. All these levels share the same principles of life, love and development!

This newsletter will teach this and many other principles that are the keys to happiness, health and long life. For more about the biological concept of space, read Understanding Outer Space.


3/17/21. God. Our guidance is that there is only one source or power in the universe. In other words, God is one. In Biblical terms, the universe is not ruled by God and the devil or Satan. Satan is secondary to God at all times.

This fact is explained in a way in the Book Of Job in the Old Testament of the Bible. This book contains a friendly dialogue between the God or the Creator and Satan. Satan is given permission to test a man’s faith.

We doubt very much that the tone would be friendly if Satan were truly “the enemy”. Instead, Satan is portrayed as a tempter. Many people do not understand this correctly and some preachers teach it incorrectly, as well.

Love. Love is also one. This love is a radiance that warms, nourishes, caresses and enlivens everyone and everything. Hate or hatred is not independent of love. It is secondary to Love and may be described as an absence or deficiency of Love.

At times, hatred may also just be love misapplied or in some way twisted. For example, hating your enemies is a misinterpretation of the truth about love. This problem is addressed in the New Testament Of The Bible, where we are told to “love one’s enemies”.

This does not mean to give an enemy a hug or to go along in any way. It means to keep radiating the love that you are to everyone and then act properly toward everyone. For example, if someone is threatening you or behaving badly, the person needs to be stopped. For details read Love As Radiance. Other related articles are Love And The Seven System and The Word Love.


3/17/21. I am told that most web browsers now automatically send your passwords to a central computer as soon as you log on to certain websites, especially financial sites. This is wholly illegal and a gross invasion of privacy. It means there is no computer privacy!

Remedy: Use a browser that does not send passwords to the central computer. We use Brave. However, for the first time yesterday, Brave would not work at a financial investment website. I had to use Firefox, and as soon as I entered my password, the password screen went blank and I assume the password was sent to the central computer. The only solution then is to change your password each time you log on, and I’m not sure that works, either.

More spying. Also, we found out that Rogue operatives can go to a secret website through which they can easily spy on you through your computer. They can watch you using the computer camera, and they can listen to you. They can also download anything and everything from your computer’s memory. This, too, is a gross invasion of privacy and thoroughly illegal.

Remedy. I keep a piece of tape over the computer camera. Also, I use an ethernet cable to connect to the internet rather than wifi, and I unplug the cable when not using the internet. The problem still occurs whenever one is hooked up to the internet, but at least when not hooked up, your computer will be private.

NOTE: On Apple computers that have a firewire adapter, you must unplug the ethernet cable from the firewire adapter or a signal can jump from the adapter to the computer.

Another possible solution is to use wifi, but turn off the wifi on the computer when you don’t need the internet. However, I don’t think this works and they can spy anyway.


The American Federal Communications Commission recently announced they will allow companies to install 5G antennas and transmitters called repeaters on private homes without asking the neighbor’s permission. This is another violation of privacy and private property rights.

The cell phone system already violates private property rights and this is just an extension of it. For details, read

Remedy: The most important remedy is to develop yourself with the development program. This is the best way we know of to help protect yourself from the harmful effects of ALL wireless signals.

Wifi signals: Today, all of the following frequencies are passing through your body and brain at all times: standard AM and FM radio, television, ham radio, citizen’s band radio, police band radio, short wave radio, long wave radio, and cell phone signals including 3G, 4G and 5G. None of these are healthful.

Another remedy is to write to the FCC and tell them they are violating the law. This is not liable to do much, but it puts them on notice. In fact, the Federal Communications Commission has no authority to make law in the United States, but they do so anyway. This is part of the regulatory statean important subject to understand. For details, read The Regulatory State.

You can also write or call your state and national government representatives. Tell them you object to having 5G in your neighborhood and you will vote for them only if they stop it.


3/16/21. A powerful piece of music that will tune up the souls of the body is the Tocatta in D Minor for organ by Johan Sebastian Bach. Hannes Kastner plays an excellent version of it. I found it on a CD entitled The Instruments Of Classical Music – The Organ by LaserLight Digital #15 242, Volume 8, Delta Music, 1990. It is likely also available on the internet.

The piece is short – about two minutes and forty seconds. To use it as a tuneup, play it at high volume through a 9” loudspeaker or larger. Repeat it numerous times because it is a slow tuneup. It makes the souls smarter and helps them detoxify.


3/15/21. Coming in the next installments of this newsletter is a better understanding that thinking creates ether, and ether is the life force. To get started, read The Ether Concept.


3/15/21. The development meal plan does not include salads. This is upsetting for many people because most health authorities say that salad is a good and necessary food. Salads provide fiber and many nutrients because one has not “cooked them out” by cooking the vegetables.

Starvation. We find that salads are not helpful. In fact, anyone who eats salads is starving! Allow me to explain.

Raw vegetables are very rich in nutrients, but most are trapped inside tough vegetable fibers. Human beings, unlike many animals, cannot digest vegetable fiber. Therefore, most of the wonderful nutrients in salads pass right through your body and end up in the toilet. This is not theory – it is the truth!

Cooking. By cooking vegetables properly, we lose a few nutrients. However, cooking does no damage whatsoever to many nutrients, including minerals. Also, cooking breaks down cellulose or vegetable fiber and permits our bodies to absorb ten times as many nutrients as one can absorb by eating vegetables raw.

Cooking also kills thousands of harmful bacteria, viruses, parasite eggs and more. These are often on vegetables, even after washing them.

Cooking also makes vegetables much more yang or warmer in macrobiotic terminology. As explained in the previous post below, the bodies are all too cold and eating cold or yin food is harmful, no matter how many nutrients the food contains.

Cooking must be proper, however. Vegetables need to be soft, not crunchy or al dente. They should also retain most of their color. If they turn grey and mushy they are overdone.

We suggest cooking with water – pressure cooking or steaming. Cooking without water such as baking, broiling, roasting, grilling, sauteing, stir-frying or deep frying creates toxic chemicals called AGES. For more details, read Cooked Versus Raw Food.


3/14/21. This post is a summary of the diet we recommend for everyone of all ages. At the end are links to more detailed diet articles.

Other names. Some don’t like the word development. We sometimes call the same diet the yang diet, the immortality diet or the alkaline reserve mineral diet.

What to eat. Many foods are nutritious. However, we find that for rapid development, one must eat mainly or better yet, only certain foods that contain specific mineral compounds needed for development. Organically grown tends to be better and locally-produced food is often fresher and better for other reasons, as well.

For example, the diet excludes all fruit except for a few botija olives each week and green beans on a daily basis, which are technically a fruit. The main reason is that fruits are all quite yin in macrobiotic terminology. The bodies are already too yin due to radiation poisoning, mineral-deficient foods, toxins in the environment, and more. Eating more yin foods just makes the bodies worse, even if the food contains many nutrients.

Proteins. Vary the proteins between lamb (very helpful), dark meat chicken, sardines, grass fed beef, eggs, and a little soft goat cheese or goat yogurt (8 ounces per week only) to add variety. Keep protein portions to 4-5 ounces depending on your size.

Also, every day have 2 tablespoons of roasted almond butter and 2 tablespoons of roasted sesame tahini or 4 tablespoons of hummus or grind up 2 tablespoons of sesame seeds daily in a coffee grinder or nut and seed grinder. Also, be sure to sprinkle 1 teaspoon daily of nutritional yeast on your food.

Vegetables. Vary the vegetables, and ideally have a little of at least 10 different ones at each meal. The preferred ones include all onions such as red, white, brown, sweet, and vidalia onions. Others are shallots, leaks, pearl onions, boiler onions, cipolline or cipollini onions, and green onions or scallions.

Other preferred vegetables that are very important are green beans, standard orange carrots, rutabaga, daikon (white and purple), cauliflower stems and flowers, Brussels sprouts, red cabbage, chives, Savoy cabbage, a little ginger and a very small amount of celery, garlic, and horseradish root. Eat carrots at least once a day. I eat some carrots at every meal.

Grains. Blue corn tortilla chips are somewhat greasy and salty, but they are by far the best grain food for development. The oil seems to preserve certain compounds in the food. Garden Of Eatin sells blue corn chips that don’t have added salt. Some brands are less greasy than others. In the USA, a brand called Private Selection at Kroger food stores (Kroger owns about 11 different supermarkets) are quite good. Other nations may have different brands.

If you can’t find any blue corn chips, yellow corn tortilla chips have a little of the same mineral compounds. Other grains do not contain much of the needed compounds, no matter how nutritious they are. Avoid rice and buckwheat completely. Rice is unfortunately somewhat poisoned with arsenic today and our clients don’t do well on it.

Fats and oils. If your body is in slow oxidation, you don’t need to add fat to the diet besides that which is in sardines, meats, dark meat chicken, eggs, almond butter, sesame products, and a little butter or olive oil. Fast oxidizers need to add about 2 tablespoons of extra fat or oil to each meal or you will feel hungry and crave sweets or starches.

Cooking. Proper cooking is extremely important to obtain the most nutrients from food. Common mistake are to overcook meats and to eat vegetables raw or crunchy. For details, read Cooking.

How to eat. A certain style and order of eating works best for rapid development. Each of three meals daily needs to contain: a preferred protein, preferred cooked vegetables, and 8-10 or so blue corn chips. Ideally, eat the protein first and then relax for 2-3 minutes. Then eat the vegetables. Then wait another 3 minutes, and then eat the blue corn chips. Combining all the food at one time is not terrible, but is harder on digestion.

Eating habits. This is also important. Sit for 3-10 minutes before starting your meal. If you are at all anxious at mealtime, lie down and rest for a few minutes before eating.

Eat sitting down in a quiet, pleasant location. Eat slowly. Chew each bite of food at least 10 times or more. Putting your fork down between bites is often helpful to relax during meals. Keep conversation pleasant during meals. Don’t eat while driving or sitting at your desk, or while on the phone. After meals, sit and relax for at least 10 minutes before going back to work or other activities.

For more details, read Food For Daily Use, Food For Occasional Use and Forbidden Foods For Development. The website also contains many other articles about diet, food concepts, food hazards and more.


3/13/21. To develop rapidly, one needs to be honest. Dishonesty with oneself and others is one of the most often violated of the Ten Commandments given to Moses.

We find that honesty is essential for deep healing and development. For example, real forgiveness will not occur and one’s progress with the development program will be slow if one lies to oneself that one has forgiven others when it is not true.

Lying to oneself can be as difficult to overcome as lying to others. For details, read Lying, Lying And Cheating, And How And Why To Avoid Them and The Big Lie Technique To Deceive People.


3/12/21. This post is not about our usual subjects. Our guidance is that one plan of the Rogues for planet earth is to collapse the financial markets. This could take various forms, such as a devaluation of the currency, a stock market crash, freezing bank assets, or something else. Real estate values may also decline. You can read about the Great Depression of 1929 to gain more insight into some of these possibilities.

Some ideas to protect yourself are to follow the development program. This is to build health so that you can work and survive and thrive even if conditions become difficult.

Other ideas are to sell stocks, in particular. Especially get out of all high-risk investments. Municipal bonds are better. Also, keep some cash at home – at least $1000.00 dollars and more if you can. You can also buy some gold or silver coins. These may dip in value but would likely rise again in value.


3/12/21. We’ve worked out some problems and if you have not signed up to receive this newsletter in your email, you can do so by sending your name and email address to


3/12/21. Feedback about the recent post about using hydrogen peroxide as a sleep remedy indicates it is helpful, perhaps for everyone. For details, see the post from 3/10/21.


3/12/21. Our guidance is that cleanup in and around the earth is continuing slowly. If more people cleaned up their own lives – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually – the cleanup would go much faster. Cleaning up one’s life means following the development program and living a life of service and integrity.

We are learning more about the biological concept of space. This is an accepted theory of how life works. It proposes that outer space is not empty. Space is actually the body of a very large being who may be called the Creator or the One God. We live inside this being, as does all of creation, and we are wholly dependent upon Him for our existence.

We hope this theory does not upset or offend anyone. We believe it is fully compatible with the idea of the Father In Heaven that is in the Bible. It is just another understanding of the same principle that may appeal to modern, scientifically-oriented people. We also think that someday it will proven to be true with photographs and other evidence. We think this will make people much more interested in the Bible. For details, read Outer Space.


3/12/21. In America and perhaps elsewhere, rogue-created regulations force suppliers to pasteurize almonds. This damages their food value. We also think the price of almonds is inflated. A way around the pasteurization problem is to find a farm near you or anywhere and buy almonds or almond butter directly from the farm.


3/12/21. The vaginal peroxide implant procedure is wonderful for all women and even young girls. Some women report that a simple way to do the procedure is to just wet a small piece of soft cloth or a natural sponge with 3% hydrogen peroxide and place it inside the vagina. Put on a pad and underpants and leave it there all day or all night. This is called the stuffing method.

NOTE: Drugstore hydrogen peroxide that is labeled 3% is often double that strength today or even more concentrated. So if it burns, dilute it with some water just until it does not burn. The vagina can handle more concentrated peroxide than your fingers, so wear gloves.

In the article, The Vaginal Peroxide Procedure, we recommend pushing the cloth all the way to the back of the vagina, but some women say that is not needed.

The stuffing method works for many women, but not those with severe vaginal dryness. Dryness eventually goes away on the program, but it may take some years of following the program faithfully.


3/11/21. A very important concept is that time, by itself, causes a type of damage to the souls that we will call a blemish. Others call it a debt or karma.

For example, just to exist one needs to eat. Doing this puts one in debt to everyone and everything that was needed to grow, harvest, package and deliver or transport the food. This ranges from millions of little creatures who live in the soil where the food was grown to those who work in the store where the food was purchased.

Because of time blemishes, everyone needs to give back in order to balance out this blemish. If you don’t, your life will tend to be shorter and your health will tend to be worse. This is the justice of the universe and no one can avoid it.

Some people will say “I know plenty of selfish people who mostly just do what they want and they are fine”. This is true – most people are quite selfish. However, they are incurring the debt or blemish and it will catch up to them at some time. So we do not recommend that lifestyle.

Much better is the life of service. For details, read A Life Of Service.


3/11/21. Dr. Bernard Jensen, with whom I studied, said people who are ill usually have three problems: the illness or imbalance in the body, their fear about it, and their anger about it. This is good advice to recall when any symptoms arise. It may apply to other issues such as financial or relationship problems.


3/11/21. I use a pressure cooker three times daily. It is a wonderful device because it cooks fast and very healthfully. However, some people won’t use one because occasionally it doesn’t work right and can be scary to use. Here is how to avoid this problem.

The key is keeping it clean. I clean it thoroughly once a day to save time. When cleaning it, clean the inside and the outside, including the handle and the rim where the rubber ring sits.

Cleaning the top. Remove the rubber or silicone sealing ring. Clean the ring and the area underneath the ring. If it is a Presto model, remove the rubber overpressure plug and clean the hole where it belongs. Otherwise, it will not go up and down smoothly.

Also, on Presto models there is a small hollow stalk in the middle of the top and this must be open or the pressure builds up and it could be dangerous. Look through it or blow through it to make sure it is open. If you follow these simple instructions, your pressure cooker will be a joy to use. For details, read Pressure-Cooking.


3/11/21. The US Centers For Disease Control and Prevention released a study showing that masks don’t work well. Yet they continue to recommend them. For details, read


3/10/21. The National Vaccine Information Center is a good source of information about vaccines. Their website is


3/10/21. A newer sleep remedy is to place a bowl containing about two tablespoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide from the drug store near your head when you sleep. It needs to be as close as possible to your head and no more than a few inches from your head.

You can place the bowl on a night table near your head or on the bed itself near your head. You can use the same peroxide day after day. However, it will evaporate and you will need to add some more each day or every other day.

The peroxide contains wonderful souls at this time and they can move from the bowl of peroxide into our bodies through the nose and mouth during sleep. They are capable of healing infections, clearing traumas, balancing body chemistry and much more. Peroxide has many benefits.

To prevent spills, you can soak a washrag with the peroxide. Using a polyester cloth or rag will last longer than a cotton one, since peroxide is somewhat corrosive.

Don’t allow the peroxide to contact the bed sheets because it could make holes in the sheets. If you spill some on the bed sheets, immediately pour some water on the area, rub the water around, and then let the sheet dry.

It is much more than a sleep remedy, although it will improve your sleep. Please use this method even if you sleep well.


3/10.21. We have just become aware that the Rogues have spread small fine matter creatures all over the earth that live in soap and detergent. This is quite horrible because the creatures can get inside our bodies and cause inflammation.

Earlier posts on this newsletter have explained that all detergents are somewhat toxic and best avoided – for your clothes, dishes, floors and elsewhere. For details, read Detergents.

We suggest using a steam mop on all hard floors. They are very clean and do not leave a soap residue on the floor, as do other mops.

It can be tempting to spray some soap on the floor when you use a steam mop. Don’t do this.

Many brands of steam mops are for sale. I have an H2O Mop X5. It works well, is not too costly, and has lasted for years. I only use reverse osmosis or distilled water in it.


3/10/21. We suggest these three products in a few articles on this website. However, we don’t need them as much as we did several years ago when we began using them. We are not sure the reason for this.

Endoveggies (dried vegetable capsules) are helpful for some people who are quite malnourished. Otherwise, please do not take or recommend these products. They add cost and some inconvenience to the program.


3/9/21. I have become aware that the development program is under attack by a group that does not want people to heal and develop. The group has infiltrated and unfortunately included a number of our Helpers.

I hear that they lie to clients, telling them they are working with Dr. Wilson when they are no longer doing so. They are setting up programs themselves and purposely making the programs less effective.

For example, they may tell clients not to do coffee enemas and not to take certain supplements such as kelp. They may also say that salad and fruit are okay. This is all wrong information.

They may also tell clients they have a diploma from Dr. Wilson proving they work with me and know the development work. However, the diploma can be easily forged. Also, the diploma program is introductory only and does not mean that someone understands how to set up a program.

They may also tell clients that Dr. Wilson has gone crazy or has died. When I find out someone is doing this, I take their name off the Find A Helper webpage. Please check this page often right now. If your Helper is no longer listed, please find a new Helper. I am very sorry for any inconvenience this causes.


3/8/21. Case #1. Andrew, age 63, has a blood sugar level of 135 mg/dl each morning when he awakens. This is mildly elevated. A normal blood sugar level is 80 to 100 mg/dl.

However, by the end of the day, his blood sugar often decreases to about 100 mg/dl. Doctors want to put him on drugs to control his blood sugar.

What is going on with Andrew? Hints: He drinks five or six cups of coffee and several cups of tea very day. He does not like drinking water. He also eats some fruit every day. Also, he wakes up with a very dry mouth.

Andrew has coffee diabetes. He is really just dehydrated. What occurs is that he does not drink enough water. Instead, he drinks coffee and tea and eats fruit, all of which are part of the Dehydration Diet. This food and drink causes dehydration.

To combat dehydration of the blood, Andrew’s body increases the level of sugar in the blood. Sugar attracts and holds water to itself. So the high blood sugar is secondary to the dehydration.

The reason Andrew’s blood sugar is the worst when he wakes up is that he does not like drinking water during the night because it causes him to get up at night to urinate. As a result of not drinking water during the night, he is most dehydrated upon awakening in the morning.

Case #2. Jane, age 51, is quite anxious. She follows the development program but notices that any time she becomes upset her blood sugar rises to about 150 mg/dl. This makes her even more anxious! However, when she calms down, the blood sugar returns to normal.

Why is this happening? A rise in blood sugar is part of the fight-or-flight reaction or activation of the sympathetic nervous system. The adrenal glands secrete epinephrine and norepinephrine in response to stress. This causes the liver to pour glucose into the blood to prepare for fighting or running.

When Jane calms down, the adrenals relax and secrete fewer stress hormones and the blood sugar returns to normal. One could say Jane has stress diabetes. For more details, read Diabetes.


3/7/21. This is the title of a very positive article for women. The information is also important for both women and men.

It contains some new, more controversial information. We hope this does not offend some women.

Those who helped with this article wanted to include all the information and they say it is best to discuss it all. For details, read The Women Masters.


3/6/21. We don’t like to give people false hope. However, early this morning the forces helping the earth figured out a number of ways the rogues are controlling us and weakening the planet. As a result, our situation is quite a bit better today. Our forces are taking full advantage of the change, which we hope will continue.


3/6/21. Our guidance is that more is needed about the covenant. The original covenant in the Bible also includes at least three more requirements for the people:

1. Everyone needs to follow the kosher food laws. We like these and we have just added to them with the development diet. At this time, we do not believe one needs two sets of dishes for meat and dairy meals or that these two types of foods must be eaten at separate meals. The Bible does not specifically say this. We believe these rules are interpretations that came later. For more details, read The Biblical Food Laws.

2. All male children needed to be circumcised. This is for the protection of women because it reduces rape. It is also for cleanliness to reduce the spread of disease. For details, read Circumcision.

3. All men need to marry. This is for the protection of women. This requirement is now less important because today women can live and work fairly easily on their own.


3/5/21. A covenant is a special type of agreement between a leader and his or her followers. Our guidance is that there is a new covenant between the Creator of all life and all the people of the earth and of the other parts of our solar system. This is an extremely important subject. For details, read The covenant.


3/4/21. Maturing is a very important topic and a theme of this newsletter. Women and men all need to mature as fast as possible.

Women have some natural traits that often get in the way of their maturing process. This is the subject of a new article. For details, read Maturity For Women.


3/3/21. Down hugging is an excellent method for healing rape and much more. It is basically a prolonged hug. One of our clients, a six-year-old boy, is doing this with his mother and wants everyone to know about it because it has so helpful for his mother and for him.

Doing it with a parent and child is a little sexy, so parents will need to evaluate it from this perspective. However, we bring it to your attention because a number of clients report it is a superb healing method! The following article is still being updated, but is fairly good. For details, read Down Hugging.


3/2/21. An organization we strongly suggest joining is the National Health Federation. They are a non-profit heath advocacy group. They are based in America and have chapters in Canada, Sweden and the UK.

They lobby for health freedom. Four times a year they also publish quite a good magazine called Health Freedom News. It is an excellent source of information about world planning in the field of health and food. To join, go to or call them at 626-357-2181 in Monrovia, California, USA. They are also on facebook and twitter.


3/2/21. Our guidance is that the forces defending the earth are slowly increasing in numbers and in their health. As a result, there is some progress freeing the earth from the influence of the Rogues. Others call this group or force satan. They call themselves trof. These are interesting names.

Satan. This is a word in Hebrew or Ebre language that most people define as a fallen angel or fallen pious being who rebelled against God and was cast out of Heaven. He now tempts mankind and punishes people for wrongdoing.

Some also say the word satan means the secret ones. Oddly, others say it means the helpers. The definition of trof below can help explain this. The book of Job in the Bible can also help one understand this perspective about satan.

Sats. This is short for satans. It is what the rogues call their hybrid human-fine matter beings. These are bionic hybrids that number in the millions on earth. They are very strong, psychopathic, somewhat robotic and hard to kill.

They currently occupy many positions of power on earth. They have particularly infiltrated the political and government arena, medical profession including naturopaths, education profession, entertainment industry and the mass media and social media. They also have stolen and now control most large corporations. For details, read The Sats.

Trof. The word trof roughly translates as scavengers. English has some similar words. Trophology is the science of feeding. Trophoblast is the name of a tissue in every living being that feeds on old life to nourish new life. For details, read Trophology and The Trophoblast. Then you will understand cancer – the disease that occurs when the trophoblast becomes active in the wrong place and time.

Our understanding is that if one is not developing or moving on in life, one is slowly dying and decaying. The group known as satan, trof or rogues sense this and feed on decaying or sick bodies. In essence, this is what is occurring on earth. It may look like a war with China or a culture war, but in its essence it is a war with scavengers.

To stop this force, more people need to develop. That which we call the Development Program is just a speedy way to do this.


3/1/21. Without some temptation, there can be no virtue. Without some danger, there can be no courage. These are keys to a happy and long life. For many more details, read Courage, Letting Go, and Fear.


2/28/21. A few of our clients prefer not to take fish oil for omega-3 fatty acids because there can be some gastric reflux and it smells fishy. They ask if it is okay instead to use evening primrose oil, borage oil, flaxseed oil, hempseed oil or krill oil.

It is true these other oils can supply omega-3 fatty acids. Two reasons we like fish oil better are

1. Yin. Fish oil, an animal product, is much more yang in macrobiotic terminology than the plant oils. Yang and yin is a very basic and extremely important physics concept. It has to do with the speed of atomic particles and basic forces in the universe. At a deep level, diet, health and healing are all about physics.

The English language does not have equivalent words. Yang and yin are ancient Hebrew (Ebre) words and also found in modern Japanese and some other Oriental languages.

Eating more yang food is very important for development. All bodies today are already too yin and eating more yin products makes this problem much worse and contributes to many illnesses. For details, read Yin And Yang Healing and Yin Disease.

2. Toxicity. Fish oil is less toxic than krill oil. Krill is a member of the shrimp family and all shellfish are somewhat toxic. We recommend avoiding all shellfish for this reason. The recommendation to avoid shellfish is also in the Bible. For details, read The Biblical Food Laws.

To avoid the reflux problem, try taking the fish oil capsules before your meal and not afterwards. This will often solve the problem.

What about sardines? Instead of any of the oils discussed above, eating 3-4 cans of sardines each week is the best solution. They provide many nutrients, including omega-3 fatty acids, plenty of vitamin D, calcium, selenium, and dozens of other nutrients! Sardines are also the least expensive way to obtain omega-3 fatty acids and many other nutrients.

You can eat sardines right out of the can. If you prefer, you can mash them with a fork and put them in bean dip, cream, or other things to hide the taste.

We don’t recommend canned food if you can obtain food fresh. However, sardines are very delicate, difficult to cook properly, and spoil very easily. For this reason, canning them works well to preserve them and cook them properly.

We most prefer the smaller brisling sardines, but any will work. To minimize the mercury found in all food from the sea, you can slice them open longitudinally and remove the spine. This is where most of the mercury is in a sardine. If you wish, you can also remove the digestive organs, which are at the larger end of the sardine. Organ meat is also more toxic.

Occasionally, you can have herring, anchovies or smelt for variety. They are good, but not quite as good as sardines. For more details, read Sardines.


2/27/21. An expression in the English language when one has eaten enough of a food is “I am up to my ears” in the food. There is truth to this statement.

A method to decide how much to eat that works if one is somewhat developed or sensitive is that when you have had enough of a particular food you will feel a feeling in your ear lobes. Please try this and practice it.

Relaxing and pulling energy downward at the same time can help to feel it. It will take some time to learn the method and the more you do the pulling down exercise, the easier it will become.


2/26/21. Endomet has stopped shipping supplements to the United Kingdom. I am not in control of the Endomet company, but I will do my best to help correct the situation. Our guides say they are working on the problem. Here are some substitutes until the problem can be fixed:

For Megapan, a B-complex vitamin pill is a fair substitute if the dosage is similar.  For Limcomin, a fair substitute is a combination of zinc, copper and manganese in the same proportions as are found in Limcomin.  

For SBF, a fair substitute is magnesium and copper in the same proportions as in SBF.  For Stress Pack, there are multivitamins that are similar - low in B vitamins and higher in calcium, magnesium, zinc and copper.  

Other products are easier to substitute, such as zinc, Paramin, kelp, and others.


2/26/21. The article below summarizes scientific research on wearing a mask. The entire article is about preventing the spread of the virus.

The really big picture. It is a good article. However, it misses other aspects of wearing a mask. Of these, the biggest one is that we believe the deepest purpose of the entire Chinese virus-mask mandate business is to help people develop. For details, read Introduction To Development.

We know that may sounds supremely arrogant, but I don’t think it is. The concept is that human beings are not supposed to live as most live today. Human beings are supposed to live a spiritual life and to have many more abilities, much better health, and much happier, longer lives.

To do that, they need to develop – a genetic change. We believe all the current events are trying to wake up the Citizens and help them think and behave differently.

(To develop, one does not have to follow the entire development program on this website. However, it helps a lot. At minimum, the diet, plenty of rest, the pulling down exercise, and holding on to sexual fluid are required or one will hardly develop at all. The rest of the program speeds it up.)

Here is the article about masks:


2/26/21. The following is an excellent article on the twisted web of connections between the big tech companies, government, and others trying to manipulate public opinion in favor of mass vaccination, phony covid-19 lies, and much more.

The article also talks about how to fight them. This is important so you don’t feel isolated and defeated. We would add to that to follow the development program to improve and maintain your physical and mental health:


2/26/21. We now have the help of a group of fine matter creatures who are defenders of the earth. They are not yet as strong as they need to be, but I am told they are helping. Don’t expect to hear about it on the news, however. There is much to clean up!


2/25/21. We recently noticed an interesting pattern - low self-esteem pattern - on the hair test of one of our clients. This pattern requires a lot of zinc to correct. It makes on think that zinc may play an important role in maintaining self-esteem. For details, read Low Self-Esteem Pattern.


2/25/21. A very important topic for everyone is the difficulty interpreting medical tests when one follows the development program. For details, read Interpreting Medical Tests When Following The Development Program.


2/25/21. We have learned that ex-president Trump and his legal team are continuing to file cases regarding election fraud before the US Supreme Court. This means there is still a chance to overturn the election. This newsletter believes Mr. Trump won the election easily and would win again in an honest repeat election.


2/25/21. We continue to receive wonderful reports of healing due to the vaginal hydrogen peroxide implant procedure. We encourage all women to do this procedure. For details, read Vaginal Peroxide Implants and for men, read Peroxide Implants For Men.


2/25/21. I am being told that Martyn Chilvers and others are selling a line of supplements and telling people they are just as good as Endomet products. However, our guidance is they are not as good as the Endomet products.

The worst of them is the kidney supplement - the equivalent of Renamide from Endomet. It may contain a subtle poison that slowly builds up in the body. Please stay away!

If anyone knows about this, please tell me. I am also being told there are efforts underway to make the Endomet supplements more available and less expensive.


2/24/21. An unusual healing that some women report during the development program is they suddenly realize they have lived an improper and sexy lifestyle. They are usually somewhat ashamed, but become much happier afterwards.

This healing reaction can be due to eliminating zirconium from the body. Zirconium has a curious effect mainly upon women and girls. They become oriented more sexually and more sensually.

The Rogues drop zirconium on the agricultural areas of the earth and in some water supplies. As a result, it is in our food and in some water supplies. Very few laboratories test for zirconium. Even if one tests for it, it may not show up in the hair or blood, so few are aware of it. For details, read Zirconium.


2/23/21. On February 22, 2021, in a 6 to 3 decision, the Supreme Court Of The United States refused to hear a number of excellent cases concerning fraud in the 2020 US election. The court did not adjudicate the cases. They refused to even consider them!

We view this as treasonous because in a democracy, nothing is more important than fair elections. The word democracy means rule of the people. If the elections are fraudulent, then there is no democracy and there is no republic. The word republic means the rule of law.

It is also treasonous that the court waited nearly three months to even decide whether or not to hear the cases, allowing the Biden administration to come into power. We believe this was a decision of Chief Justice John Roberts.

The three members of the Supreme Court who voted to hear the election cases were Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito and Neil Gorsuch. The others need to be impeached, removed and tried for treason.

I accept partial responsibility for the horror because I believe it is best to take responsibility for whatever is going on in one’s life. I could have done more to stop the election fraud. George Washington, first president of the United States, said that a republic requires virtuous people. Perhaps the people of the United States are not virtuous enough.

There are about at least 60 legal challenges to the 2020 American election! The highest court in the land has not heard a single one.

Unless the American people rise up and protest, or we have a divine intervention, we believe there has been a successful coup d’etat or takeover of the government of the United States.


2/23/21. Several clients report that at least two former Helpers are telling people that I am dead. As Mark Twain once wrote, such reports are greatly exaggerated.

Also, the former Helpers say they are taking over the nutrition program, the website and this newsletter. Not true.

They are also telling people to stop coffee enemas and kelp, and that salads and fruit are fine. Not true. Kelp and coffee enemas are wonderful. Eating salad and fruit will slow or stop development! Please beware.


2/23/21. Today, a client asked what to do about intermittent blood in his urine. He said he consulted a physician who did at least $5000.00 worth of x-rays, scans and blood tests.

The tests showed nothing. However, his entire abdomen was irradiated, which is not good. Now, he said, the physician wants to do another round of tests, so he wanted our opinion.

Our approach is a bit different - I asked about his diet. He is East Indian and loves a traditional spinach dish, which he eats every day. Spinach is high in oxalates.

In excess, these chemicals can form sharp crystals in the kidneys. As they pass from the kidneys, to the bladder, and out of the body they can easily tear the lining of the bladder or tubing, causing some bleeding.

He also eats red beets several times a week. He does not like drinking water and eats beets to combat constipation. He said he noticed that each time he eats beets his urine turns a little red. Based on this information, I suggested stopping the beets and spinach and see if the problem disappears.

Medical tests and scans definitely have their place. However, they are often used first when they should be a last resort. Also, physicians need to listen to their clients, not just run tests.


2/23/21. The so-called vaccines against covid-19 apparently are not vaccines at all. Vaccines involve antigens and antibodies and are designed to prevent diseases by building up one’s immunity to them.

The two covid-19 vaccines do not do this. They are experimental gene therapy that may reduce the symptoms of covid-19 if you get it. They are a form of chemotherapy with plenty of adverse effects, and that is all. For details, read Covid-19 mRNA Shots Are Legally Not Vaccines.


2/22/21. According to our guidance, all bodies are too yin today due to radiation poisoning, mineral-depleted food, toxic food, and the presence of toxic metals and toxic chemicals in the environment. At times, other factors also make the bodies more yin such as traumas, eating junk food, bad attitudes, surgeries, and the use of medical drugs, herbs, supplements, and homeopathy. Occasionally, other factors may play a role as well.

Correcting the yin problem is essential for healing and development. This occurs automatically if one follows the development program.

However, the correction is not always comfortable or pleasant. For example, some years ago, when I was in poor health, eating meat (a more yang food) would feel heavy in the stomach, but the next day I would feel better. In contrast, eating a piece of fruit (a more yin food) would feel good when I ate it, but the next day I would feel more tired.

The reason this occurs is that as the body becomes more yang, toxins are forced out of the body and this can cause temporary symptoms.

Also, as the body becomes more yang, one becomes more aware and this can be upsetting. However, it is really very good because it is more real or accurate. I have learned to just pray and wish everyone well when I become aware of all the problems around us. Writing and talking about it also helps. For more details, read Yin Disease and other articles .


2/21/21. An extremely important concept in biochemistry is our body’s need for alkaline reserve minerals. These are minerals that cause an alkaline reaction in the body.

They include calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium. They also include some trace minerals such as zinc, copper, manganese, chromium and selenium. Most bodies today are very deficient in these vital minerals. This is the cause of hundreds of health conditions and the reason that Development is almost unheard of on earth!

Health practitioners give many drugs, herbs and other remedies to counteract symptoms. However, a much better solution is to replace the alkaline reserve minerals. Then the health conditions disappear on their own. This is sometimes called correcting the terrain of the body.

How to obtain alkaline reserve minerals? The development program uses at least half a dozen methods to increase one’s intake of the alkaline reserve minerals. The main one is properly cooked vegetables. We know of no substitute for these today.

Anyone who does not eat a lot of cooked vegetables will not be in good health, no matter what else they do or eat. I don’t know all the reasons for this, but it is our observation.

What about raw vegetables? Raw vegetables will not work because human beings cannot extract enough minerals from raw vegetables. Most minerals are tightly bound up in the tough vegetable fibers. We would need to chew for hours to obtain all the minerals from raw salads. This is what cows and other ruminating animals do. For details, read Cooked Versus Raw Food.

What about eating fruit? Fruit will not work to supply enough minerals because their mineral content is too low. Most fruit is mainly water. Fruit also tends to ruin teeth due to a combination of acids and sugar it contains.

In addition, the forms or compounds of the minerals are not correct in fruit. Also fruit today is somewhat toxic thanks to the widespread use of chemical growth stimulants, falsely called superphosphate fertilizers. Of all foods, fruit picks up the most of these chemicals from the soil, and they are quite harmful for health!

Toxic potassium. One of the worst agricultural chemicals are toxic forms of potassium. It is found in all the chemical fertilizers today.

A death mineral. Potassium is required for health, but only in the correct forms. Otherwise, potassium is a death mineral. The old word for potassium is kallium, named after Kali, a Hindu goddess. That is why the symbol for potassium on the Periodic Table Of The Elements is K.

According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, Kali in the Hindu language means “she who is death”. She is the goddess of time, death and doomsday. Fruit is the end of life or of a life cycle of a plant, so it contains a lot of potassium and most of it is the wrong compounds.

Gunpowder. Toxic potassium actually explodes your cells. If you look up ‘How To Make Gunpowder’ you will find it is full of potassium!

Death patterns. On all the death hair test death patterns, the potassium rises, either absolutely or relative to sodium or other minerals. The worst hair analysis pattern a person can have is called Step Up Pattern or Stepping Out Of Life. It is quick death. If we see it, we call you the same day so you can change it quickly - unless it is just retracing, in which case it is not a problem.

We feel sorry for people who are not on the development program because they won’t know if they have a death pattern. Many wonderful people die suddenly from a heart attack or stroke.

Another pattern with relatively high potassium is a low sodium/potassium ratio. Dr. Eck called this ratio the life-death ratio until he realized he was scaring everyone, so he changed the name to the vitality ratio. Another is the slow death pattern - double low ratio.

Another is Beam Me Up, Scottie pattern. This is named after the Star Trek television series. Whenever the space travelers were in trouble, they called for help and said “Beam me up, Scottie” – meaning, get me out of here!

Another is a four highs pattern with a very high potassium.

Women live longer than men, in part, because they give lots of toxic potassium away to their babies during pregnancy and this helps extend a woman’s life. The development program is the only nutrition program we know of that systematically removes toxic potassium from the body.

Always look for an elimination of toxic potassium on your hair tests because this is one of the joy patterns. These are very specific shifts a person goes as one heals and develops on the development program. For details, read Toxic Potassium and Fruit-Eating.

Why not just take lots of mineral pills? We use kelp capsules and supplements of calcium, magnesium, zinc and usually selenium. These are very good. However, fresh-cooked vegetables contain forms of the minerals that seem to be absolutely needed for rapid development and that are not found in prepared food supplements.

Why not just drink vegetable juices all day? We recommend up to 12 ounces of carrot juice daily for most adults and less for children. However, we find that more juices make the body cold or yin in macrobiotic terminology. This is quite harmful today, despite the nutritional benefits of juices. Also, if combined with solid food they are a poor food combination that impairs digestion. For details, read Smoothies, Soups, Purees And Juices.

Other sources. Other good sources of minerals are natural sea salt, bone broth, and the minerals found in certain foods such as almond butter, tahini, quality fresh meats, eggs, goat dairy, and blue corn. For more details, read Remineralizing The Body.


2/20/21. Placing a small object in the vagina helps women develop much faster. It works because it helps women remember to move subtle energy downward from the head to the feet all day long. This is an ancient method used at some convents that teach development.

The article about this topic has a new section at the end about using a somewhat larger object. It is unusual, but some of our clients say it works better this way. It can also help undo some types of trauma. For details, read Faster Development For Women.


2/19/21. We just posted a new article about a method that we are finding helpful for certain brain problems that most people have, including copper toxicity and rogue equipment in the brain. For details, read Brain Therapy.


2/19/21. The donkey or burro is a very important animal throughout the world. To learn about them and about their care, read Donkeys.


2/17/21. Please send emails to the legislators in Arizona about several votes that are coming up. Here is the link:

The group sponsoring the message, StandUp, Arizona, is very worth joining. On their website at the link above are links to similar groups in other states.

We need similar groups in every American state to turn things around. We need similar groups in every state and nation to do the same. Please get busy and start them wherever you are. No need for them to be fancy.


2/17/21. This is a very important article. We hope to make it into a printed booklet. For details, read The Young Person’s Manual.


2/17/21. With new research, we are changing the name of the post on 2/15/21. Working on oneself is part of the law of cause and effect. The word that was there is not the correct word so the post has been slightly changed, as has the title and content of a recent article, The Law Of Cause And Effect II.


2/16/21. Several of the most serious problems on earth are due to modern agricultural practices. They include:

- Nutritionally-depleted and toxic food.

- Horrible pollution everywhere from agricultural chemical residues.

- Loss of vital topsoil around the world due to damage to the soil structure from agricultural chemicals.

Everyone needs to understand this situation. It is much more important than Climate Change, for example. We updated and reorganized the Organic Agriculture article. It is one of the most important articles on the website! For details, read Organic Agriculture.


2/16/21. A way to understand and organize many types of information is to use the 7 system. It is based upon the seven physical energy centers found on every living being in the universe. These energy centers actually give rise to and sustain the life of every person, animal and plant.

For details, read the articles at The 7 System. For details about the energy centers, read Introduction To The Energy Centers and Raising Girls.


2/16/21. We have changed the name of this page to the New Earth Newsletter.


2/15/21. We are learning that everyone has work to do on themselves. Problems that occur are about universal justice, not punishment. It is the way the universe work. Some basic rules are:

1. Having work to do on yourself is always bad. Therefore, the more you correct, the safer and happier you will be. This is the same as the Biblical Law Of Cause And Effect.

2. That which affects others is often the most important. That which affects only yourself tends to be a little less important. However, very little affects only yourself.

3. Behavior is often the main thing that needs work in most people. However, your thoughts matter plenty, as well.

4. Everyone has work to do on themselves. In fact, just being alive causes a need for work because we have to take food, air and water away from others just to exist. Also, wearing clothing, driving a car and other simple activities create work because they use up resources. It is all about justice and giving back more than you take or use.

5. #4 above means that this is a continuous and dynamic process that goes on every minute of your life. It also means that no one escapes the process.

6. Since no one escapes, the best you can do is to help others and help the world. For details, read A Life Of Service.

7. This means that to be happy and safe, desire to be helpful rather than desiring to be rich, beautiful, famous, successful, or something else. Use your time, your skills and your money to help others. Work on letting go of jobs, relationships and other activities that are not really helpful to others.

8. For most people, three areas of behavior are most important work on. They are 1) avoid wasting anything, 2) stop lying and 3) maintain sexual purity.

9. Wasting things. Most people waste water, food, time, money, their bodies, and more. Extra space in a house is waste, extra clothing or other objects is a waste, even extra friends who you don’t really care about can be a waste unless you are kind and giving to them all. This is a huge area that most, if not all of us need to work on continuously. An article that touches on this subject is Letting Go.

10. Lying includes lies of omission, exaggerating, and little white lies that most people tell. All of these need to stop. Also, stop lying to yourself, although lying to others is worse than lying to yourself. For details, read Lying.

11. Sexual purity means no sex without marriage. Within a marriage, sexual activity needs to be mutually agreed upon always, gentle and not excessive.

Sexual thoughts need to be controlled and wholesome and not with strangers, children or animals, for example. Marriage and sexual relations are supposed to be a way to heal the body and mind, build a family, and help the world.

They are not supposed to be for distraction or pleasure. The latter is an abuse, in all cases. Also, down sex and down hugging are much better than ordinary sex with fluid loss. For more details, read Down Sex And Down Hugging and What Is Wrong with A Focus On Sex?

12. The development program is an excellent way to work on yourself. For details, read Introduction To Development and Introduction To The Development Program.

These are some basic rules about working on yourself. We will elaborate on them and present others in the future. Applying the rules is not always simple.


2/14/21. Kidney toxicity. This is fairly universal today due to all the toxins in the food, air and water of planet earth. It produces very few if any symptoms in its early stages, so it goes unnoticed.

Kidney disease is also the real cause of death of many people. If you want to stay alive and well, care for your kidneys with the development program!

Doctors often blame death on heart disease, cancer, diabetes, or infections. However, the underlying cause is often toxic kidneys.

This year, most deaths are recorded as due to the Chinese virus, no matter what the real cause. However, according to the US Centers For Disease Control And Prevention, only 6% of those who died with the Chinese virus in America died from the virus. The rest really died of other causes. Such are the errors and deceptions being repeated daily by the lying media.

Toxic metals. Toxic metals are one of the main toxins that build up in the kidneys. They include mercury, cadmium, nickel, iron, copper, aluminum, lead and others. This can usually be reversed, even when advanced, if a person follows a development program. For details, read Kidney Disease.

Chronic yeast infection. Today most everyone has some chronic yeast overgrowth in the intestines, vagina and often all over the body. The body is literally moldy. At times, one can smell it.

Sweets and starches. Yeast problems occur even if one does not eat much sweets or starches. Both of these foods are called carbohydrates because they contain carbon and hydrogen. Both break down to sugars inside the body, which feed yeasts.

Cravings. The presence of chronic yeast often causes cravings for sweets or starches such as bread. One may also crave milk, which has a lot of sugar in it. Some crave chocolate or other foods.

Slightly inebriated. Yeasts such as candida albicans, the most common yeast in most people, produce alcohol inside the body. This causes many people to be a little drunk all the time.

This is a common cause of brain fog and poor quality thinking. I believe this is a major reason that people worldwide are tolerating the loss of their constitutional and civil rights at this time and believing the conflicting and often illegal and nonsensical decrees of their government authorities in relation to the Chinese virus and other matters.

Chronic yeast infection can also cause over a hundred other symptoms and diseases from anxiety and depression to attention deficit, vitamin deficiencies and even cancer.

Addicted. Many people have come to enjoy feeling a little inebriated all the time. They feel bad if they stop eating these foods, so they become addicted to sugars and starches. Really, they are addicted to the blissful feeling they get from the alcohol the yeasts inside them produce.

The addiction makes it difficult to reduce sugars and carbohydrates in the diet. The carbohydrates in vegetables do not seem to work as well to produce alcohol. As a result, vegetables are not too appealing, except perhaps very sweet or starchy ones such as sweet potatoes, tomatoes, sweet peppers and regular potatoes. Fruit is appealing because most fruit contains quite a lot of sugar. This just makes the problem worse!

Correction. Correcting chronic yeast in the body takes much more than a change of diet. For example, many people follow a paleolithic, Atkins or ketogenic diet. They feel better because these diets are low in carbohydrates. However, these diets are also very deficient because they do not allow many vegetables. As a result, they do not rebuild the body and really solve the problem.

Full correction is possible, but requires renourishing, detoxifying and balancing the body – a longer and more involved process that we find requires the development program. For details, read Chronic Yeast Infections and Slightly Inebriated.

High blood sugar or diabetes. This condition is not quite as universal, but it is becoming more and more common. For example, when someone says they have burning or tingling in the feet, it is often an early sign of elevated blood sugar. In some people, tingling is due to other causes such as a pinched nerve in the lower back.

Coffee and diabetes. A common cause of high blood sugar is drinking coffee. We call it coffee diabetes. I have not seen it discussed in medical books, but we find it to be true and common. Drinking coffee, instead of water, dehydrates the body. The body then elevates the blood sugar to help keep enough water in the blood.

Elevated blood sugar can go unnoticed for a while. The answer is not drugs, in our experience. It is to improve the diet, replenish minerals and balance body chemistry. Then the blood sugar corrects on its own. For details, read Diabetes.


2/13/21. The current conflict with the Rogues is not so much about politics or culture. At a deeper level, it is about souls. We are learning that the rogues have stolen many advanced souls from the earth and put them in prisons in space.

By taking away advanced souls, the people and even the creatures and plants of the earth are left much less intelligent, less aware, and less healthy. This weakens everyone.

The rogues have been stealing souls for hundreds, if not thousands of years as part of a slow process of taking control of our planet. The forces defending the earth just found some of these prisons and I am told they are returning some of the advanced souls to the earth.


2/13/21. One of the goals of the covid-19 outbreak (it was never a pandemic) is to get rid of older people, particular in Western societies. This is helpful to alter society because older people remember how things used to be and they talk about it with their children and grandchildren.

With fewer old people around, it is much easier for rogue infiltrators to rewrite the history books and schoolbooks any way they wish.

This is most important to understand. It is the reason why the governor of the state of New York ordered people who were infected with the Chinese virus to be put into nursing homes – quite insane. Several thousand died needlessly for this reason. I hope the governor is held accountable for his actions.


2/12/21. The US Constitution is quite clear that one cannot impeach a president who is no longer in office. Read it. But that is not stopping the Democrats, who are thoroughly treasonous and need to be on trial for treason.

Also, president Trump did not incite insurrection and there was no insurrection. President Trump told people to protest peacefully, and almost all did. A few people, who were probably plants, broke down a door and knocked over some tables in the Capitol building and that is all.

In contrast, last summer Democrat and socialist supporters with Black Lives Matter and Antifa friends rioted in dozens of American cities for months, setting police cars on fire, looting, killing police and more! But according to the Democrat-led US Congress, that doesn’t deserve any punishment.


So far, the new illegitimate US President, Mr. Biden, refuses to talk with the Prime Minister of Israel. However, he spent two hours on the telephone with the dictator of communist China.

Also, today, February 12, at a press conference, the Biden spokesperson refused to say that Israel is an ally of the United States. All this is an obvious slap in the face and clear indicator of where this administration stands in relation to Israel.

Also, the Biden administration has announced that the Southern border of the United States is now wide open. They want lots of illegal people streaming in and they don’t care who they are or if they have the Chinese virus or any other disease. Please read the next post over and over if you care about the nation.


2/12/21. It is time for action and to be determined. We have spoken of this before and we will never stop. Please take action to save your nation, your state and your local government.

Everywhere in the world everyone should be organizing protests in the streets in every town, state and national capitol protesting fraudulent elections, illegal business shutdowns, illegal actions stopping church worship, and much more.

There need to be new elections with no voting machines and no mail-in or absentee ballots (invitations to fraud), along with other safeguards such as receipts and ballots in triplicate locked away and plenty of voter identification.

The rogue horror must stop – the rapes, beatings, poisoning, corrupting governments and businesses, and damaging products and services - it must stop. It does not matter if it is all done in the name of covid-19 or another fake excuse they use - it must stop.

Your attitude must be if you lose you job because you speak out and take action, you will find another job. If you lose friends, you will find new friends. If family members don’t like it, too bad. Unless you take that attitude you are defeated before you begin.

Yes, you must do your nutrition program and take care of your health to be effective, but you must take action.

Use your time and money for good purposes, not selfish ones. Selfishness will not work in the future. I am told your money will be taken away if not used to assist others and good causes.

Do not make excuses that you are too sick, too tired, too busy, or don’t know what to do. As you act, you will be given strength and you will figure out what to do, but you must take action now. This is an important part of The Law Of Cause And Effect, one of the most important articles, if not the most important, on this website.

IT IS TIME TO DO THE RIGHT THING. Stop worrying mainly about yourself and your family and friends. That is selfish and selfish won’t work – it is the cause of multitudes of problems we now have on earth.

The Biblical injunction to “Love God And Love Others” is not just a mental stance. It means take action.

It is time to speak up. Speak up to family members who are living or behaving badly. Speak up to friends and to strangers about what is going on and what you know. Always do it with the desire to help, not to criticize. Practice and you will get good at it. Don’t stop. It is needed.

Your whole being is like a muscle. The more you use it, the better it gets. This means that as you act, you will be given more abilities and powers. That is how life works.

R. Buckminster Fuller, one of my heroes, when asked what do with one’s life, said Look around, see what needs to be done, and do it.” He also loved to say God will respond to your initiative.”

Another who inspired me said You take one step toward God and God will take 10 steps toward you.” That is identical to the statements by Buckminster Fuller. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and how bad you feel and what a mess the world is. That’s all just veiled selfishness. Get to work.

A deep truth is that as you help others, you help yourself. Too many just sit around or drive around for hours. Or even worse, they watch the stupidity and lies on television or listen or read the fake “news” on the internet or on NPR and other communist news outlets that sound good but poison the mind with lies.

What a disappointment are the conservative talk show hosts, conservative news outlets, and conservative organizations such as the National Rifle Association and so many others. They are all either afraid to speak out on the election or they are lazy, or both. It must end or things will just get worse!

NRA is disappointing because the new weapons are the lasers. Laser weapons are not permitted to the Citizens of America and NRA doesn’t say a word about it. Nor do they say a word about the illegal election that just took place that brought in a thoroughly anti-gun administration.

Please read this message many times. We will also repeat it often. Please take action!


2/12/21. The Biblical Food Laws article is one of the most important articles on this website. We corrected and improved it quite a lot.

These rules are vital for health, for development and for a safe and healthful food supply. They are for everyone of all religions everywhere in the world. For details, read The Biblical Food Laws.


2/11/21. More and more deaths and side effects are being reported from the covid-19 vaccines. Here is an update:


2/11/21. All detergents continue to be somewhat toxic. We would not use any detergents in your home, especially on anything that you touch such as dishes, counter tops, clothing or even floors. For details and substitutes, read Detergents.


2/10/21. About six weeks ago, we discovered that some of our clients are high-level criminals. We decided to do the only honest thing we can do – which is not to work with those clients. This is necessary for safety and integrity.

When we announced this, suddenly several of our Helpers resigned and asked to be removed from the Find A Helper page of the website. One of them told me he wants to work with criminals.

A few of these former Helpers have told their clients that that they are no longer working with us. Others are not telling their clients the truth, so we will help out. These people may be setting up programs themselves, but implying on their websites that they work with Dr. Wilson.

The following have informed me they are not working with us any more: Susan Cachay, Guy Crookston, James Davies, Kim Greenlee, Kairi Kuha, Tina Mataya, Luke Pryor and Lewis Rowlands. Surprisingly, Susan Cachay threatened me with legal action if I even mention her name! We do not recommend working with any of these people because we question their integrity.

Several other Helpers have also been removed from the Helper page, and we think this will be temporary. If you are not sure whether Dr. Wilson actually set up your recent development program, send us an Email and we will tell you if Dr. Wilson recently reviewed your mineral test.


2/10/21. In the early days of America, Bibles had up to 100 extra blank pages at the back of the Bible. Here people recorded births, deaths, marriages and other important information such as the purchase of land. The plan for America (I’m not sure about other nations) was that this information is private and not to be recorded by the government – as occurs today.

The problem with government recording of births, marriages and more, is that there is spying on people and no privacy. In America, births are recorded by the Department Of Commerce. This would imply that Citizens are just products, like cars or furniture.

If we are ever to regain a measure of privacy, we need to return to the old system of recording events in the family Bible and take that power away from the government.


2/10/21. Do not use a plug-in electric pressure cooker for anything, not even for slow cooking. There is something wrong with most of them and they damage the food.

Also, the time required for pressure cooking vegetables will vary depending on the cooker that you have. The reason is the pressure varies. Usually, the time is 1 to 2.5 minutes for cooking vegetables.

Cooked vegetables should not be crunchy because this means they are undercooked. However, if vegetables lose their color or are mushy it means they are overcooked.


2/9/21. One of our clients reported that drinking a little snow water energized him and actually started a retracing process. If you are concerned with the cleanliness of rainwater or snow water, add a little 3% hydrogen peroxide to it to purify it. It does not harm the rainwater.


2/8/21. A great immune booster. A powerful way to enhance the immune response is to heat up the body even one or two degrees. This is a major way our bodies fight many infections. It will help prevent or correct covid-19 and hundreds of other infections.

Cold bodies. Today, most bodies are too cold. As a result - like a cold car engine - the bodies do not function properly. Warming up the body for even half an hour a day in a sauna is similar to warming up the engine of the car.

When done repeatedly, the body will begin to function better in many ways. This is one of a dozen mechanisms at work when one uses a red heat lamp sauna on a daily basis.

Which sauna? The only type of sauna we recommend is a red heat lamp sauna. It combines the healthy rays of the red heat lamps with the heat of the sauna.

A traditional hot rocks sauna is okay, but not as good. Far infrared saunas all put out harmful electromagnetic fields, so we don’t recommend them at all. At times, these saunas can be converted to a red lamp sauna by adding lamps. For details, read Sauna Therapy and Single Lamp Therapy.


2/8/21. Ammonia is a toxic, irritating gas and a common poison in some people’s bodies. You can often smell it on a person. During a development program some clients smell it as they eliminate it while in the sauna. For details, read a new article about it, Ammonia.


2/7/21. We updated the part of the coffee enema article that discusses what one can do while doing a coffee enema. For details, read Coffee Enemas.


2/6/21. You can enhance your coffee enemas by rubbing and pounding on your feet at the same time that you are holding coffee inside. This can definitely cause more detoxification and development. In particular, press hard on two areas:

1. The liver energy channel or meridian, on both feet. This is located in between the big toe and the second toe on the top of the foot, in the webbing. It also extends back, toward the ankle, all the way to the ankle bones on the top of the foot. Just press hard between the first and second metatarsal bones all the way back to the ankle.

2. The liver and spleen organ areas of the feet. These are on the bottom of the feet, below the second, third, fourth and fifth toes and extending almost halfway down the foot toward the heel. The liver area is on the right foot, while the spleen area is on the left foot. Check the Foot Chart for details.

First press on the liver and spleen organ areas. Then close your fist and pound on the liver and spleen areas with the flat part of the middle part of your curled up fingers. This is a completely different reflexology technique that is also very helpful. It is a kind of hard slapping motion that helps the organ areas of the feet and hands. You can pound fairly hard. It does not hurt much. For more details, read Reflexology and Coffee Enemas.


2/6/21. Here is a report on the Chinese virus vaccine:


2/5/21/. The above is a statement from the compact disc programs that come supposedly from the master Jesus or Yeshua. It is a theme of these recordings and the written version, called The Way Of Mastery published by the Shanti Christo Foundation.

We highly recommend this material. It may not be perfect, but it offers the only way out of fear, which is to make a decision to move the mind away from a place of fear and toward a place of Love and Faith.

Another much smaller book we recommend is The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis. On one page of this book, the characters discuss this same theme in a somewhat humorous way. But the point is made – one can choose to be in Fear or one can choose to be in Love.

Learning to overcome fear is one of the main lessons the people of earth and the fine matter beings are facing right now. At some point, people must substitute faith in God for fear. We anxiously await this day! For more about fear, read Fear and The Real Self.


2/4/21. To help our solar system, everyone needs to do not just the nutritional part of the development program, but also the mental and spiritual part. This is following the Seven Laws For The Descendants Of Noah, the Ten Commandments given to Moses and the Golden Rule.


2/4/21. During a development program, some clients develop symptoms. There are usually two possible causes: 1) body chemistry has shifted and the program needs updating or 2) one is having a healing reaction, also called a purification reaction.

What to do. If you are experiencing symptoms, we suggest stopping the metabolic pack, glandular product, and zinc or Limcomin. The reason is that if the program needs updating, one or more of these supplements need to change. At times, stopping these supplements will cause symptoms to improve.

If stopping these supplements makes no difference, then usually the program is okay. However, clients can submit a question to their Helper to have Dr. Wilson review their program and update it if needed.

We usually do not suggest stopping the diet and the healing procedures, except if a healing procedure aggravates symptoms. During healing reactions, some procedures usually help with symptoms. Coffee enemas are one of these. Other healing and detoxification procedures occasionally aggravate symptoms by moving one along faster.

Pushing through. If symptoms are due to a healing reaction, one often needs to push through or just keep going with the diet and procedures, at least, even if it seems like you are not making progress. If symptoms are due to a healing reaction, one must move through the healing process and, at times, this may be temporarily unpleasant.

An example. Copper toxicity is an extremely common imbalance associated with at least 100 health conditions. As copper is eliminated from the body on the development program, one may experience headaches, rashes, fatigue, inability to sleep, anxiety, fear, anger, changes in temperature of the body, tremors, digestive upset, and more.

At these times, one needs more rest. Extra coffee enemas or other procedures may help, and the reaction will pass. An article that discusses specific actions that can be taken when healing reactions arise is Retracing. For more details about copper, read Copper Toxicity Syndromes and other articles on this website about copper.


2/3/21. The rogues or satan. We are learning more about the harmful alien group that we call the Rogues. We are being told they have been in control of many aspects of earth life for at least 25,500 years.

The Hebrew and Christian Bibles mention them, calling them satan. This is an old Hebrew word that means the secret ones. The rogues also use this word to describe some of their high level operatives, who are hybrid human/fine matter creatures. For details, read The Sats.

The central sun. 25,500 years is the length of one ‘year’ or one rotation of our entire solar system around its central sun. This sun is one of the stars in the evening sky located in the constellation called the Seven Sisters or The Pleiades. You can read about this constellation in books about Greek Mythology or just type Pleiades into a search engine. It is well known in astronomy.

The rogue attack. About 25,500 years ago, our solar system moved very close to an area of space controlled by the rogues. They were apparently able to penetrate certain shields that protect solar systems from harmful outside influences.

Development. The penetration occurred because the human beings and the fine matter beings of the earth and the other planets were not sufficiently developed. See the post below to learn more about development.

Fine matter beings include souls, elves, angels and thousands of other species of living creatures and plants. Most people cannot see them, but are very real and inhabit the planet and its surrounds.

Doing your part. If the fine matter beings and the human beings on earth develop, we are told the rogues will have less influence here. Those who take the trouble to follow the development program found on this website are thus helping to free the planet, a very worthwhile endeavor.


2/3/21. A ‘side effect’ of development is that as one develops, one’s influence in the world increases. This is vital to know if you want to be of help in your nation, your friends, your neighbors and to the entire world. Additionally, you do not have to leave your home to have influence. It occurs automatically regardless of where you live and how you spend your time.

The reason it occurs is that your energy field grows larger as you develop, touching more of the earth and more people on the earth. As a result, your thoughts will influence others more. This is one of the most important reasons to pursue development. For more details, read Introduction To Development and Introduction To The Development Program.

Development is the goal of the healing programs we offer. It may seem similar to the programs offered by others. However, it is very different from other medical, naturopathic and holistic programs. Development is a much deeper, more permanent and therefore better method of healing.


2/3/21. Ground sesame seeds are one of the essential foods for rapid development. They are technically a fruit and are a vital source of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium and many other nutrients. They are the fruit part of the development diet. Without them, you will not develop nearly as rapidly.

We all need to eat some foods from the seven food groups described in the Trophology article. However, fleshy fruits, which includes most all foods we call fruits, are too yin and will slow down development or stop it altogether.

Grinding. Sesame seeds need to be ground up to become food. Otherwise, they pass right through our digestive tract undigested. Birds have a built-in nut and seed grinder in their throat called the gizzard. Humans lack this organ, so we need to use a grinder to make sesame seeds digestible.

Rancidity. A problem with buying tahini or hummus is that it is all somewhat rancid. This begins to occur within minutes of grinding sesame seeds. A simple and excellent alternative is to make your own sesame powder by grinding up sesame seeds in an electric coffee grinder, also called a nut and seed grinder.

Recipe. For each adult, place two tablespoons of white sesame seeds in the grinder. Children need less, depending on their size. Turn on the grinder just for about five seconds. I tilt the grinder while it is on to make sure all the seeds are ground up.

This produces a tasty powder that you can then eat alone or put over vegetables or other food. Eat the sesame powder as soon as possible after grinding the seeds. Also, ideally, do not add water to the powder. Organically grown sesame seeds are best, but not necessary.


2/3/21. The use of coffee for healing is one of the most amazing techniques we have. We are told the reason it works is a combination of the chemistry of coffee and the presence of special souls that live in coffee who want to help human beings at this time.

How to use coffee. Drinking coffee is unfortunately not too helpful. The coffee souls cannot do much when coffee is used this way. Coffee is also somewhat irritating to the stomach.

Much better are the Coffee Retention Enema, Vaginal Coffee Implants, and the Oral Coffee Hold. We know coffee enemas are a bit messy, especially at first. However, with practice they become easier and are one of the only ways we know to rejuvenate our toxic livers and other organs. Also, coffee enemas become cleaner and easier as one develops. Most people need them for years thanks to all the toxins in our food, air, water and objects we touch. I call coffee my old friend.


2/2/21. Inhaling a dilute solution of hydrogen peroxide is a very simple, safe and often very effective procedure for many respiratory conditions, including the Chinese virus (covid-19). You can repeat the procedure up to 6 or 7 times daily.

Warning #1: The peroxide must be very dilute or it could burn your mouth and throat. Peroxide burns are usually short-lived, but they can be very uncomfortable.

If you get a peroxide burn, immediately drink some pure water and if the burn is in your bronchials, inhale a little pure water (see below for how to inhale peroxide or anything).

Warning #2: It is easy to confuse a glass of water with a glass of hydrogen peroxide, so use caution.

To mix up a safe peroxide solution: Buy 3% peroxide at the drugs store or market. Then dilute it at least 10 parts water to one part peroxide. This is usually about right. However, recently some drug store peroxide is stronger, so test the peroxide by inhaling just a little before inhaling a lot of it. It should not burn your mouth or throat. If it burns, add a little more water to the solution and try it again. Do this until it does not burn.

To inhale peroxide: Pour the diluted peroxide solution in a spray bottle or nebulizer. Any spray bottle will work. Then hold the sprayer in front of your mouth and open your mouth wide. Exhale deeply. Then, as you inhale, spray the peroxide into your mouth.

Will this work when one is retracing a sore throat, or a bronchial or lung infection during a development program? It may help. However, at times this remedy is not helpful. One must just move through the old infection by resting and eating lightly until the retracing is over. Occasionally, vitamin A or colloidal silver are helpful for retracing. In our experience, vitamin A is helpful for covid-19.

Other articles about peroxide: These include Oxygen Therapies, The Vaginal Peroxide Implant, Peroxide Baths, and the Cat and Dog articles.


2/1/21. Tourette’s syndrome is a fairly common health condition. According to standard medical opinion, it is not curable.

However, we just heard from one of our clients, a 40-year-old man, in North Carolina. He reported his Tourette’s syndrome has reduced by half over the past few weeks.

His tissue mineral test revealed a four low pattern. This is when the calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium levels are all below the ideal levels. He has had the pattern since he began the program about 3 years ago. The pattern is now less severe, but has not yet gone away.

A four low macromineral pattern is associated with copper overload in the body, and we believe that Tourette’s syndrome is due to a copper imbalance. For details, read Copper Toxicity Syndromes.

Another interesting medical article is Lingual Dyskinesia And Tics: A Novel Presentation Of A Copper Metabolism Disorder by Drs. Goez, Jacob and Yager, MD. We truly wish we had the time and funds to research as these authors did. They probably spent at least $15,000 figuring out what was wrong with this patient. Our case indicates one does not always need so many medical tests to assess copper toxicity.


1/31/21. The oral coffee hold is a helpful procedure for any health condition affecting the head and neck areas of the body. These include problems with teeth, gums, sinuses and ears.

The procedure is quite simple, inexpensive, safe and can be very effective. For details, read The Oral Coffee Hold.


1/30/21. This post is a suggestion to enhance nutrition and development whenever it rains or snows. When fresh, rain or snow water contains trillions of very special souls that will energize and nourish you in unusual ways.

The food souls. Fresh rain or snow water contains food souls that replace souls that are missing or have been lost from the bodies of plants, animals and human beings. This has an energizing and very healing effect. It occurs quickly, at times in surprising ways.

Pets. Dogs and cats enjoy rain water very much, as do many wild animals. Be sure to give pets a choice of drinking waters so they can decide how much rain water to drink.

Caution: Consider drinking fresh rain water only if you live in a fairly rural area. Rain water in a large city often contains too much toxic metals and toxic chemicals, even when very fresh. It picks these up as it falls to earth, along with some minerals.

Safety. Rain water is only safe to drink if it is fresh and captured correctly. Ideally, run it through a carbon filter such as a Britta filter to remove impurities.

Capturing fresh rain water. Place a glass jar outside just before a rain or snow storm and bring the jar inside when the rain or snow stops. Close the lid of the jar as soon as you bring it inside the house. You can use a plastic container, or even a plastic bucket that has a lid. However, glass is a little better. Use the water within one week and throw the rest into your garden.

Clean snow can be gathered from the ground after a snow fall with a glass jar or other container. This is not quite as clean as capturing it as it falls, but we believe it is safe if you live in a rural area. As you develop yourself, drinking a little very fresh rain water is safer.

How much? Human beings do not need much fresh rain water, as do plants. For adult human beings, a few tablespoons daily is enough. Children need less. Pets can judge how much to drink if you give them a choice of drinking waters.

Example. I spent the past three days shoveling snow several hours a day after a record-breaking blizzard. The first two days, I became tired after about an hour. On the third day, I drank about a cup of fresh snow water and noticed that my energy and stamina were definitely better.

I also placed a large bucket of rain water right next to where I cook meals. I immediately noticed that the pressure-cooked vegetables tasted better than ever! They seemed to be bursting with life.

Purifying rain water. You can add a little 3% hydrogen peroxide to rain water to kill bacteria and other contaminants. Adding a teaspoon of peroxide to a glass of water does not damage the water.


1/30/21. The newsletter post of 1/26/21 discussed the new Trophology article, an excellent way to understand feeding yourself in terms of the seven traditional food groups. One of the main principles is to eat something from each food group every day.

Some people do not like sardines. Rather than skip the entire fish food group, it is much better is to eat some kind of fish. Taking fish oil, as we recommend, is okay, but not as good as eating whole fish.

Herring, anchovies or smelt can be used as substitutes for sardines. They are very small fish that are not quite as good as sardines on a daily basis. However, they are nourishing and low in mercury because they are very small. They are also an excellent way to add variety to your diet, which we recommend.

They come in cans or jars, which some people do not like. However, they are packed and cooked very fresh, at times on large fishing boats designed to process the fish before they even arrive on shore. As a result, they are much fresher in the can than if you were to buy them in a store. The cans have a coating on the inside so the fish are not touching bare metal. We do not notice toxicity from the coating.

A brand of herring we like is Pampa Natural Smoke Flavor Herring Fillets. We found them in a six-ounce can at Walmart stores. They taste less fishy than sardines and are easy to eat. We remove the spines before eating them because in small fish mercury concentrates in the spinal cord. Removing the spine is very easy by slicing the fish along the midline. Tasty! For more details, read Fish-Eating.


1/29/21. Some Helpers who were taken off the Helper page of the website will be back on the Helper list when we clean them up. We are working hard to do this. An unpleasant part of my job is to protect the program from any efforts to undermine it. So we need to take some precautions at this time.

Our policy at this time is if you are an existing client, you can continue to work with your present Helper for the time being. When this changes, we will announce it on this newsletter. However, we want new clients to work only with those on the list. We have also heard that some are lying and telling people they are working with me when it is not true.

Even worse, we have heard that some Helpers who are off the list are changing the diet and supplement programs so that the programs are less effective. This could include Lewis Rowlands, Luke Pryor and others. We are not accusing anyone of anything. We are saying beware. You can send us an email if you are not sure about the status of your Helper.


1/29/21. We just discovered that all newer computers have been rigged to be spy devices. This is extremely disturbing, thoroughly illegal and a huge invasion of privacy. We knew this was the case with cell phones, but not computers.

Is it time for drastic action? Some people are going to say that the above means our civilization is over because computers are central to it. Some will say it is time to pack up and leave – head for the hills of Brazil or some other far away place.

However, we are not sure that the situation today is the same as with the Nazis, for example, or the communists in Russia or Eastern Europe. In those situations, fleeing was good and it worked. Many saved themselves and their families and friends.

However, the rogues are much more thorough. As we have discussed on this newsletter, the cars are rigged, the appliances are rigged, and the entire population has brain implants put there soon after birth that track your every movement.

In short, we don’t think you can escape by leaving America or Europe and living in a faraway place. We think they have hidden airships and can easily scan everyone, even those living underground, which they are experts at. They can read your aura and know a tremendous amount about you and decide what to do with you no matter where you live.

At this time, we think the answer to stay and fight. We may change our mind at any time depending upon our information, but this is our suggestion at this time.

We also know that some websites that advocate leaving are run by the Rogues. Their intention is to get rid of the “troublemakers” and make their takeover of the major nations easier. So beware of any website that advocates that people pack up and leave.


We know this is very scary. We will write more about what to do. Right now we will summarize. We believe the only real safety is living a life of very high integrity in which you think, speak and do the right thing at all times.

Everyone must come to understand The Law Of Cause And Effect. Also realize that acts of kindness undo past unkindness. Acts of helping others undo past acts of helping mainly yourself. Right action is very, very important for the safety of your body, your money and much more.

For more on a related topic, see the post just below this one about acting sexy. We think acting sexy in any way is absolutely wrong and leads to bad outcomes in all cases.

Later newsletter posts will discuss other precautions you can take.

Back to computers. Right now, if at all possible, keep your older computers! You can have your old one fixed if it breaks. However, some computer repair technicians will install the spy hardware and software when they “fix” your machine. It’s a fix, alright, but one that is illegal and unauthorized.

Another option is to buy a used or refurbished computer when yours breaks. However, be careful. Some stores and companies such as The Apple Exchange in Tempe, Arizona, USA will have rigged the refurbished computer so it is just as bad as the new ones. This is also illegal and punishable activity.


1/29/20. A rather unusual theme of this newsletter and website, but one closely related to the concept of development, is that women and men need to dress and behave in an unsexy way. We believe that sexy is always wrong and can lead to rapes and beatings.

Articles that explain the reasons for this and how to change for the better are What Is Wrong With A Focus On Sex? and How To Be Unsexy.


1/28/21. The following is a true story with no exaggerations. This newsletter author went to medical school in Mexico. A requirement for graduation was to do service as a doctor for six months in an underserved rural area of Mexico.

The school sent me to a remote area. I felt very unprepared as a doctor, did not speak the language well, and there were no telephones, no radio, no supervision, and hardly any electricity or pure water. It was beyond terrifying.

I lived in an adobe mud structure with a thatched roof. One morning, about 4 AM, a young woman knocked on the door. She said she had a stomach ache. Her stomach looked somewhat swollen.

After asking a few questions, it was clear she was having a baby. Her water had broken and she had no idea what was going on.

I told her we could have the birth in the village, where I had set up a little room with a clean bed. However, she refused and insisted that I drive her to a small clinic about an hour away, partially on a very rough dirt road. So we set off, though I was very nervous.

We made it to the clinic very early on a Sunday morning. No one was there, but the door was unlocked so we went in. She laid down on an examining table. However, before I could check her or even wash my hands, the baby popped out!

I don’t recall the trip home. I think the woman just rested a few minutes at the clinic. Then she and the baby got into the car and we drove back to her village. The entire labor and delivery were finished within about three to four hours.

Compare this to the birth of a first child of a “modern” woman - usually 12 hours to several days of painful contractions, and often requiring anesthesia drugs just to bear the pain.

I eventually grew to enjoy the Indian village and realized that the “modern” world has a lot of wonderful inventions but we don’t have all the answers, especially when it comes to health.


1/28/21. Chicken skin is toxic. Eating a little is okay, but it is not best. The skin of roasted chicken is particularly toxic and best avoided. This applies to feeding chicken skin to pets, as well, although occasionally a dog will want a little chicken skin for its fat content.

Also, earlier newsletter posts suggested drinking the water in which one cooks chicken. This applies to chicken without the skin. Ideally, do not drink the water chicken is cooked in if the chicken is cooked with its skin. It is also best to cook chicken with water (pressure-cooking, steaming, or crock pot) rather than roast it.


Childbirth. When a woman gives birth, she can pull the baby out, rather than push the baby out. Place one’s attention below the pelvis and imagine a powerful magnet or a vacuum cleaner pulling the baby downward and out. This is the same Pulling Down Exercise we recommend for everyone to do every day.

The standard method of pushing babies out puts a lot of pressure on the baby’s head and always causes some neck and skull damage. Pulling down is much safer and much less painful for mother and child! I am told that all highly developed women do this when they have babies.

Bowel movements. One can also learn to pull bowel movements out rather than push them out. The technique is the same as that described above. This is much healthier than pushing and another opportunity to do the pulling down exercise every day.


1/28/21. We are told that the very thin plastic produce bags used in supermarkets when buying loose vegetables have contain special souls that help keep the food fresh. This is not as true of other plastic bags such as zip-loc bags and others.

I asked and was able to buy an entire roll of the thin bags in the produce department at a local supermarket. I wash vegetables with water and then put them in the clean, thin plastic bags from the roll to store the vegetables.


1/27/21. The answer to this question may have to do with recent events such as illegal shutting down of businesses in many nations and widespread cheating on the American and other elections around the world. For details, read the new article, Has The Spiritual Development Of The Earth’s People Kept Pace With Scientific Progress?


1/26/21. Food is one of the most important factors to achieve rapid development. Most of our clients do not eat correctly. To help with this problem, an exciting new article discusses trophology, which is the science of feeding. For details, read Trophology.


1/25/21. The bidet procedures are very simple, very safe and surprisingly powerful healing methods. They involve spraying water at various spots along the floor of the pelvis. Everyone needs to know about them.

The bidet procedures can be done easily when one showers if one has a shower massager. They can also be done any time one sits on the toilet if one has a bidet toilet attachment. We expanded and updated the article about them. For details, read The Bidet Procedures.


1/23/21. Two days ago we suggested moving all squashes and quinoa to occasional foods. We are not going to make these changes at this time. Also, in an earlier post we said that celery root is a daily food. This is not proving to be true. It is best to eat a tiny bit of celery root only occasionally or not at all.


1/22/21. There exists overwhelming evidence the recent American elections were rigged and that the American people did not vote for the people now in power. There is also a pending Supreme Court case regarding the outcome of the election.

We believe the US Supreme Court has been seriously derelict in their duty to quickly review the extensive evidence for cheating. They are also derelict for refusing to hear a number of other cases besides the one filed by Mr. Trump.

The Supreme Court should have issued an injunction stopping the certification of the election and inauguration of the new administration until they rendered a decision. Their failure to act properly amounts to treason and fits with the widespread evidence of illegal election-related activity in the 2020 US elections.

This website and newsletter believe the certification of the election and the installation of the new administration were legally improper and therefore fraudulent.

We strongly disagree with those who say the new administration was properly sworn in and the legal case can proceed at its own pace. This is not the way things are done in a republic based upon fair elections.

For this reason, we say that the new American governments, at all levels, are fraudulent. Therefore, their actions are all null and void.

A new election. The people of America need to demand a new election at once. The new election must be handled fairly with no voting machines, no mail-in votes, no absentee votes and strict photo and other identification required for voting. Other safeguards are also needed, such as receipts for voting and producing multiple copies of ballots that are carefully locked away for recounts, when needed.

Treason. The American people also need to demand that those responsible for the widespread election fraud, including those who helped them in the media, be put on trial at once for treason. This is the serious crime of giving aid and comfort to the enemies of the nation.

Mr. Trump and others. We further believe that the former president, Mr. Trump, vice president Pence, the former United States Congress and courts of the United States are among the guilty parties.

We know this is upsetting to some people. However, to save the nation, any of these people could have stopped the crimes.

For example, the president has had the evidence of the crimes for two months, but hardly informed the American people about it. He organized one press conference, when there should have been 100 press conferences to present every shred of evidence.

He also could have used his power as commander-in-chief of the armed forces to stop the fraudulent and criminal inauguration and instead to hold a new election. Some will say this is not his job, but we disagree. Allowing cheaters and liars to take over the government is an extremely serious crime.

We are well aware of the good the former president did, but letting the new administration be installed cancels a lot of it. The unraveling of the Trump economic recovery, for example, has already begun within two days of the inauguration. The new president cancelled an important national security and economic program, the Keystone Pipeline.

Need for a new court. For the trials above, the American people need to demand that a new court be set up properly and safely because all existing courts, including the Supreme Court of the United States, are clearly infiltrated. Otherwise, they would have stopped the fraud and treason.

The fraudulent covid-19 response. There also exists overwhelming evidence that covid-19 is a relatively mild illness. Statistics prove that the recovery rate, for example, is at least 99% in most age groups. In fact, its severity is similar to the annual flu or less.

This newsletter and many other websites have documented how statistics have been manipulated to blow it out of proportion. For example, the medical authorities continue to cite the number of new cases as evidence of seriousness of the disease when, in fact, most of those infected have few, if any symptoms and almost all recover easily without complications.

This website and newsletter assert that the economically crushing and, in the case of America and some other nations, thoroughly illegal actions of the state governors and others are further evidence of treason.

In America, they would be crimes even if the illness were much more severe. There is no provision in the American Constitution giving the government the power to shut down legal businesses or peaceful assembly or worship for any reason, including to supposedly halt a mild illness.

More treason. The people of America and other nations need to demand that those guilty of lying and violating the rights of the people to assemble, to worship and to do business under the guise of protecting us against the Chinese virus be tried for treason. This includes the media and many other organizations that have supported the illegal shutdowns and other government actions.


1/22/21. Soft goat cheese and goat yogurt need a little unrefined sea salt added to them. Otherwise, they are too yin.


1/21/21. We restored some of the names of our Helpers to the Find A Helper page. More will be added as our souls do more cleanup on the Helpers.


1/21/21. A problem most people have is they do not move their mental or subtle energy downward from the head to the feet nearly enough. In many instances, this is caused by fear, especially in women.

FEAR. Living in fear moves one’s energy upward rather than downward. At times, you can feel it. When you move energy upward, you will feel up-tight, up-set, mixed-up, and messed-up. READ Fear As A “Place”, Fear and Fear Of Death.

The Real Self book discusses an ancient philosophy that says there are only two basic emotions – love and fear. An attitude of love moves energy downward, while a fearful attitude moves energy upward. Please read about fear in this book. You don’t have to buy it – it is online at the above link.

This philosophy states that one always has a choice as to which of these two attitudes will prevail inside of you. Outer circumstances affect your decision, but are not the determining factor.

The house of the Lord”. You choose in every moment “where to live”. The 23rd psalm says “I shall dwell in the house of the Lord”. I repeat this phrase many times each day because the house of the Lord is a place of love.

Moving energy upward may also be caused by other negative emotions such as anger, up-set, confusion, or being told lies. Listening to music tends to move energy upward, as do most sexual thoughts and activities. An exception is Down Sex and Down Hugging, which is a major reason we recommend these rather than ordinary sex.

Another simple exercise to help develop the habit of moving energy downward is whenever you walk, as you take each step say the word down. Also, imagine you have a suction cup on the bottom of each foot that you compress whenever you take a step.

The development program. The entire development program including the diet, the nutritional supplements, the healing and detoxification procedures, and the mental/emotional aspects all help move your energy downward.

This is a major reason why we recommend only certain foods, supplements, and procedures. It is also the reason that certain thoughts and emotions are more healing than others.

Why does moving energy downward work? One reason is that our bodies have millions of tiny channels that run from the head to the feet. These are hollow tubes through which move ether or subtle energy. A book about reflexology, Zone Therapy, has a drawing of these channels on the cover.

In fact, healing, clearing and opening these channels is the basis for a number of healing sciences such as reflexology, acupuncture, acupressure, shiatsu, and others. For your health and development, learn to become aware of whether you are moving your energy upward or downward. For details, read Downward Moving Energy And Healing and the Seven Movements Of Development Science.


1/20/21. A way to make use of hydrogen peroxide for healing is to place a piece of cloth in a small plastic or glass mixing bowl. Then pour a little 3% peroxide on it to wet the entire cloth.

Place the bowl near your body. Some souls in the peroxide will move into your body and assist healing and development. You could even go to sleep with the bowl of peroxide next to your head.

We are still researching this new method. It is not quite as good as vaginal or penis peroxide implants. However, it is extremely easy and clean, and seems to work well.


1/20/21. The inauguration of Joe Biden as president of the United States is fraudulent because there is a pending Supreme Court case – Trump v. Biden - that challenges the election results. We are sad that very few commentators or news outlets report this fact.

We also believe there is a challenge to the Georgia Senate runoff election. As a result, the results of this election are unclear. This means the two Democratic Party senators who supposedly won should not have been sworn in and seated in the US Senate. It also means that the US Senate vote to certify the presidential election was fraudulent, meaning null and void.

In addition, there are several dozen other pending lawsuits regarding this election in various states. We pray that legality returns to the electoral process in America.


1/20/21. New Apple computers have been cheapened and can only connect to the internet via wi-fi. THEY ARE ALSO SPY DEVICES AND ARE RIGGED TO TRANSMIT SECRET AND UNAUTHORIZED PHOTOS OF YOU, SCREEN SHOTS, AUDIO AND MORE.

So for now, at least, we suggest keeping older Apple computers and, if possible, fixing them if they break so that you don’t have to use wi-fi. You could also buy a refurbished older Apple computer if yours breaks.

HOWEVER, BE CAREFUL BECAUSE IF YOU BUY FROM A STORE OR COMPUTER CONSULTANT THE OLD MACHINE IS LIKELY TO HAVE BEEN ALTERED AND RIGGED LIKE THE NEW ONES. Only buy directly from another person, and even then you may get tricked. Any Apple computer from about 2015 to about 2019 will do.


1/18/21. Another powerful entire music album to assist development is Bloodwood – the art of the didjeridu. It is by Alan Dargin with Michael Atherton, Small Music World, 1993. You may use the same listening methods as described in the post about sound therapy on 1/17/21.

The Bloodwood album has powerful effects and causes somewhat uneven development. Therefore, it needs to be combined with the rest of the development program for safety. Listen to it for no more than two hours a day.

The Australian aborigines. This is one of the most important groups in helping heal and develop the people of the earth. Most live in the interior desert regions of Australia and prefer to remain hidden. A few live in the urban and suburban areas of Australia and other nations, as well.

They feel sad about the condition of the people on planet earth, whom they say are spiritually quite primitive.

Planets are living creatures with energy centers, just like humans, animals and plants. As a group, the aborigines or abs, as they like to be called, are assigned to the upper, more spiritual energy centers of the earth - #18, 19, 20 and 21. These are found in the South Sea Islands such as Tahiti and Bali, Australia, New Zealand, Bangladesh, the Southern tip of India, and surrounding areas.

Recently, more abs are returning to the earth and having children to assist the task of healing and development on our planet. They know about and are sharing many methods of development, including the development diet. Another method is the sounds on the above recording.

There are few books about them and no accurate movies about them of which I am aware. An easy book to read is The Mutant Message Down Under by Marlo Morgan. You can also read the book review, The Mutant Message – A Book Review.

Beware! This little book was quite upsetting to me when I read it about 30 years ago. It made me realize that “modern civilization” is not as advanced or wonderful as I had thought. (The abs call us the mutants!)

For example, the author of the book had a cell phone, which the abs threw away. They told her she won’t need it because with their help (meaning with development) some day she will be able to communicate telepathically, as they all do! Most abs are born developed, communicate telepathically with each other, the plants and the animals, and live quite an enchanted life.

The book discusses junk food, healing, religion and many other subjects related to development. The abs say the book is actually a composite of events that illustrate a number of qualities about development. We highly recommend the abs sound therapy and reading The Mutant Message Down Under. The abs also love the topic below!


1/17/21. Telling the truth is a basic value of Western civilization. It is under severe attack today. The attack is given many fancy names such as socialism, communism, Marxism, intersectionalism, political correctness, emergency powers, social justice, environmental justice and group rights. Other lying terms are woke, fact-checking, the cancel culture, supposed political phobias such as homophobia or islamophobia, and more.

Perhaps the worst we are witnessing is what occurs when government and medical authorities lie in a big way.

Truth and lying are also time concepts. Understanding time is a theme for this newsletter for this year. For details, read Lying.


1/17/21. This is a fairly simple but very powerful healing, development and rewind method that anyone can do at home. We will be writing more about it.

The method requires a music system with decent loudspeakers. You can buy a good enough music system for very little money at a thrift store, if you prefer.

The basic procedure is to either turn the volume up high, or sit on the loudspeaker so it vibrates your body, or do both. You can also lie on a bed or massage table above the speakers.

If you want to spend lots of money, you can buy a vibrasound table. It is a massage table with loudspeakers or sound transducers mounted underneath. One could also build such a table. If you buy one, do not use the attachment for your eyes. This could be dangerous. However, you don’t need a fancy setup. We just use a 9” to 15” loudspeaker and we sit on the speaker cabinet.

The piece of music to play right now is on a compact disc titled All Is Forgiven by Ashana, Angelic Tones/Barkowitz Music, 2006. Just listen to the second piece, The Embrace.

This compact disc has a sexy picture on the cover which we don’t like at all, and the musician looks sort of new age. However, the second piece is quite powerful if you turn up the volume and have a decent set of loudspeakers. You will feel it vibrating the body in quite a special way. It is a development method.

While you are sitting or lying down on the speaker or table, do the pulling down exercise and you can press all along the arch of the foot. These will enhance the effects.


1/17/21. There is now additional information in the Rewind Science article. This is a basic development science article.

We added the sacred movements of each dimension and more rewind points on the feet and that a number of clients are using a massager or their hands to press on the entire arch of the foot every day with excellent results.


1/16/21. I took down the recent posts about the US army because we don’t have sufficient confirmation about it. I do believe there exists a war with China and I am working on confirming the information about the US army, but so far we cannot confirm it and the American forces are not that strong.


1/16/21. This is a short article about a subject that women care about a lot. Some men won’t like it, but it is a simple habit once you are used to it. For details, read Bathroom Hygiene For Men.


1/15/21. A problem almost everyone has when they begin the development program is that digestion is very weak. This is due to nutrient deficiencies and toxicity. As a result, even though one eats very well, nutrient absorption is poor. This slows healing and development.

To help this situation, we recommend a digestive enzyme for everyone and we recommend supplements for everyone. Some health authorities say these are not needed, but we strongly disagree.

After a number of years on the program, digestion improves greatly. As a result, development occurs much faster. Also, later on one needs fewer supplements.

Many clients ask if they can have a smaller or less expensive program. We tell clients that if one cannot afford all the supplements, one can take them just once or twice a day instead of three times daily.

The weak digestion trap is somewhat similar to the clogged toilet syndrome. This is the fact that when one begins a development program, the organs of elimination and detoxification are congested and nutrient-depleted. As a result, no matter what one does, detoxification proceeds slowly, at first.

This is one reason for the use of coffee enemas and the red lamp sauna. After a few years of following the program, the detoxification organs begin to heal and the elimination of toxic metals and chemicals begins to occur more rapidly.

This explains why development is slow, at first, but its speed continues to increase the longer one remains on the program.


1/12/21. From a woman doctor: "I cannot do the second Covid vaccine.  (From the first one) I developed systemic vasculitis rash all over my body for two days.  Doing Dexamethasone injections.  Taking Claritin.  Itching stopped but rash did not.  Also dizziness, sleepiness, body aches, tachycardia, chest pain, difficulty breathing.  Nightmare. "

A second doctor, male, she spoke with said he had dizziness for 2-3 hours after the vaccination.  Last I saw there were 13 deaths!


1/12/21. This is an unusual technology that is being used on earth to undo some of the rogue horror on earth. It may sound like science fiction, but it is not. For details, read the new article, Rewind Technology.


1/11/21. Today’s update was posted later than usual because someone hacked in last evening and we were unable to access the website server. We hope this does not occur in the future, but it can occur.


1/11/21. We don’t recommend drinking coffee. However, its use in enemas and vaginal and penis implants is nothing short of amazing. I am are told it contains special souls that can remove a huge variety of toxins from all the organs, and particularly the liver.

This is extremely important today because EVERYONE has an ailing and toxic liver. Here is a quote from the website

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has been recognized as a silent, yet major, disease in developed countries.

However, by their own admission, medical personnel generally fail to diagnose it. The following is a quote from the Mayo Clinic website:

Because it causes no symptoms in most cases, it (liver disease) frequently comes to medical attention when tests done for other reasons point to a liver problem.”

Translation: doctors usually miss the problem.

In contrast, in development science we assume that everyone has liver toxicity. We think this is a much more accurate and more responsible starting point. We also know that it takes ten to twenty years of daily coffee enemas, plus a clean diet with lots of cooked vegetables, to heal it.

The problem. Liver toxicity is not just due to infections, parasites, toxic metals and toxic chemicals, which are everywhere. Another group of toxins are from an improper diet. We call them the A’s:

Aldehydes from fermented foods. For details, read Aldehydes.

AGES (advanced glycation end products) from roasted, broiled, baked and barbeque foods. For details, read AGES.

Amigos from foods fertilized with superphosphate fertilizers (which is most all of it) and other sources. For details, read The Amigos – Iron, Manganese And Aluminum.

Ammonia. This comes from protein that does not digest properly.

Emotional and mental toxins including anger and lack of forgiveness also wreck the liver.

There are also more exotic toxins such as nano-micro electronic circuitry that the group we call the Rogues put in our food, water and on objects we touch.

Another strange, but important group of toxins are called hexes, trines and other poisons used in witchcraft. This filth has also been brought to our planet by the rogues.

Symptoms that can indicate liver dysfunction. These include fatigue, orange or reddish discoloration of the fingers and palms - especially the fingertips, itching, vague abdominal discomfort or pain, bloating, weight gain or weight loss, big stools, dizziness, nausea, easy bruising, slow wound healing, spider veins, and mild swelling of the ankles and feet. Men may also notice swelling of the breasts.

Without the development diet and coffee enemas, most people will not become healthy and will not develop quickly, no matter what else one does. For details, read Coffee Enemas, The Liver And It Problems and Liver Detoxification.


1/10/21. A very confusing part of the development program is that healing deep imbalances can involve much more than a few days of retracing. A new article discusses these deeper healing reactions. For details, read My Journey.


1/9/21. Our guidance is that the Second American Revolution is beginning. People have had enough of the recent lies and illegal government activities.

The people of the state of Georgia are particularly angry. They had a runoff election on Tuesday for two senate seats. They expected cheating, so many exit polls were done. These indicated that the Republicans won the runoff election decisively. However, the voting machines were rigged and the election was given to the Democrats.

Even worse, after a court challenge was filed, the corrupt Georgia state legislature certified the bogus election results anyway. This violates a law that requires waiting to certify the election until the court case is resolved.

Still worse, the Democrat “winners” should have stayed home until the court case was heard. Instead, they went right off to Washington and were allowed to be sworn in. This is illegal because the swearing in should have waited for the results of the Georgia court case. Also, the senators immediately violated their oath of office to uphold and defend the laws of United States.

To top it off, the US Congress then voted to certify the national election. This is illegal because there is a pending Supreme Court challenge to the election results.

Meanwhile, the illegal Chinese virus economic shutdowns, mask orders, and stay-at-home orders continue in America and in many other nations.

Thomas Jefferson said if the government no longer serves the people, then the people have a duty to replace it. We believe a movement to replace the government is starting in the United States and in several other nations, as well.


1/9/21. Rabbits make very good pets. They are excellent healers of their owners. They are also very smart, cute, cuddly and clean animals. They are very good for children because they are quite healthy, and are easier to care for than dogs and safer than cats. So consider getting a rabbit as a pet. For details, read Rabbits.


1/8/21. A new, short article is about an unusual subject, the sats or satans. These are hybrid creatures that everyone needs to know about. It is not conspiracy theory. It is completely real. Calling it conspiracy theory is just a way to discredit the truth.

The subject is scary and if you prefer, just skip to the end of the article called Protection From The Sats. This is not scary and is helpful information for everyone.

Knowing about the sats will help explain all the strangeness going on at this time politically, socially, and in many other ways. For details, read The Sats Or Satans.


1/7/21. We are being told that at this time there is a full-scale attempted invasion of Israel from Syria, Lebanon, Gaza and perhaps elsewhere. Very few, if any news outlets are reporting it, even including the Jerusalem Post.

I checked the internet and earlier Christian Broadcasting Network reported it. However, when I returned later to their website to put it on this blog, the story had been taken down.

Earlier, there were also several Youtube videos about it. However, when I returned to them to write this blog post, they, too, were no longer there.

The reason for not reporting it is the Israelis need help. I am told there is some American help, but not much else.


1/7/21. I received an email about Kettler shoes - similar style as Crocs, but the sender says they have fewer toxic chemicals than crocs. They are made in South Korea. They don’t have holes in the front, so they would be a little warmer and cleaner.

They are a little more expensive than crocs, and the crocs do not seem too toxic. Here is the website and if you buy them, let me know your impressions:


1/7/21. This is an excellent article about the effects of the lockdowns. The author forgets to mention that the shutdowns are also thoroughly illegal in the United States and some other nations:


1/6/21. I have heard that the people of Great Britain are rising up to disobey a new national lockdown order. If anyone has information about this, please let me know.


1/6/21. A new, exciting finding is that anyone going through a healing or purification reaction may benefit from the vaginal or penis peroxide procedure. This applies to both physical and emotional or mental healing reactions.

Apparently, peroxide can reach the entire body through the vaginal or penis reflex systems. It helps destroy infections and can loosen or “unlock” toxic metals and perhaps other chemicals from the tissues.

One can do the procedure for between one and two hours daily. More than this causes detoxification reactions such as a headache. For details, read The Vaginal Peroxide Procedure or The Penis Peroxide Procedure.


1/6/21. The media and our political and medical leaders are scaring people every day in regards to the Chinese virus. In truth, the illness is usually mild with over a 99% recovery rate in most age groups. In most cases, even if you contract it, you will have few, if any symptoms at all.

Also, it is by no means a “pandemic”. This word means that everyone has it. That is just another lie.

According to the US Centers For Disease Control And Prevention, 94% of those who are listed as having died from the illness had other illnesses, so one cannot say that all who had the virus died from the virus. That is another lie.

But there is another crime being committed – worse in some ways. Leaders are supposed to calm the people. To instill fear, especially of a false nature, is a crime in our view. Authorities should be held accountable for their actions.

CROCS (not crocodiles)

1/5/21. A brand of shoes that are comfortable, easy to keep clean, come in white color, are not costly, and transmit subtle energy well are Crocs. One can wear them into the shower for safety and wash them at the sink or anywhere.

They also sell white flip-flops for use around the house. We don’t recommend wearing flip-flops outside. We suggest that all clothing, including shoes, should be light-colored. To learn why, read Color.


1/4/21. Dogs often eat poisons that are around the house or outside. There are simple things you can do to save the life of the dog. We added a new Section VII to the dog article about poisoning. The same principles and methods can be used with human beings. For details, read Dogs (Section VII).


1/3/21. Beatings are a very common and important method of torture and brainwashing used by the rogues all over the earth. They are done secretly, but they need to be brought to public attention. That is the purpose of this blog post.

Women experience most of the beatings. The rogues want the men unaware of them. The beatings often accompany rapes and are often worse than the rape. Women who have experienced beatings need to know they are not alone.

The purposes of the beatings are to terrorize and control people, especially women. Other goals are to weaken and sicken the future generation of children by wrecking the physical and mental health of young women.

The overall goal is to terrorize and brainwash enough people on earth to control elections and dominate the planet. For details, read Beatings.


1/2/21. Empathic methods of healing and development are those that involve more than one person. They are very important and basic healing and development methods. However, few doctors and healers discuss them and some don’t even realize they exist.

All those who follow the development program are involved in empathic healing. Development causes it to occur automatically and unconsciously.

In fact, today developing yourself is the best way to help others and save the world! This is a major theme of this blog. You can do it without leaving your home. It requires no special training other than learning the program, and one need not spend a lot of money or place oneself in dangerous locations and situations.

Using empathic methods consciously works even better. Among the best empathic methods are down sex, down hugging and visualizing these methods.

We improved several articles about empathic healing methods. For details, read Down Sex And Down Hugging, Paralleling, Empathic Blending and To Solve Problems, Do More Of The Development Program.


1/1/21. A client reported having menstrual cramps when she does the vaginal peroxide procedure. Menstrual cramps are contractions of muscles in the wall of the uterus. The muscles contract in order to push out a baby.

However, the muscles will also contract during the vaginal peroxide procedure if there is something inside the uterus that does not belong there. This occurs often, especially if a woman has given birth.

For example, a little placental tissue can be left inside the uterus from a past pregnancy. In other instances, a fibroid tumor, cyst or polyp can be inside the uterus that needs to come out. In this case, the client passed what she thought were blood clots.

The solution is to just keep doing the peroxide procedure. When the uterus is clean, the cramping stops. For more details about this excellent procedure, read The Vaginal Peroxide Procedure.

On a related subject, we do not recommend Degasa brand of 3% hydrogen peroxide. It has a strong chemical smell. Hydrogen peroxide should not have a smell, so this product is obviously not pure. This brand is made in Mexico and sold in the United States and perhaps elsewhere.


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