Welcome to the website of


page updated January 2025


I. Introduction

II. Nutritional Grant Program – Financial Aassistance For Women And Children

III. Other Grant Programs

IV. Funding And Donations

V. Foundation Policies



The Center For Development, Inc. is a small public foundation set up for scientific, educational, charitable and religious purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code of the United States.

It was established in December, 2007.

Address: PO Box 54, Prescott, Arizona, 86302-0054, USA.

Telephone: (928) 445-7690. Email is: info@drlwilson.com.


The Center For Development, Inc. exists to educate people throughout the world about how to reach their highest potential. We focus on nutrition. The Center awards grants to achieve its mission.


The Center For Development, Inc. offers grants to assist children and women up to age 30 who cannot otherwise afford the development nutritional program.

The grants pay for mineral testing, consultations and nutritional supplements that are part of the development nutrition program.


Send an email to info@drlwilson.com with the following information. The information allows us to check on your eligibility for financial assistance:

-Full name(s) of all those requesting assistance

- Date(s) of birth

- Address

- Telephone number

We will inform you if a grant has been approved, usually within a week of receiving an email. If you don’t hear back within two weeks, please email again or call us at (928) 445-7690, in case your message was not received.


Grants are intended primarily for short-term help up to six months, although we sometimes make exceptions. This is due to limited resources at this time.



We have awarded grants to several local community groups that help with nutrition.

If you have an idea for a project related to the mission of the Center For Development, you may contact us about a grant.


Our funding is through donations and teaching fees. All funds go for program expenses and a small amount for administration. Dr. Wilson takes no salary.

We greatly appreciate one-time or monthly donations of any size to help with these activities.

Please send donations:

- by check or money order to The Center For Development, PO Box 54, Prescott, AZ 86302 or

- via Paypal to info@drlwilson.com. When using Paypal, specify that the funds are for friends or family. This way Paypal will not charge their high fee.



The Center For Development strives diligently to prevent, monitor, and correct all possible conflicts of interest, potential conflicts of interest and the appearance of conflicts of interest that arise among the directors, officers, employees and volunteers.

Code of Conduct. The Center For Development is a public foundation and has a responsibility to serve the public interest in the best way possible. In order to do this, all directors, officers, employees and volunteers of the foundation will adhere to a code of ethics and conduct in which they agree to act at all times with the highest level of integrity, honesty, transparency, and professionalism.

All those associated with the Center For Development must have unconflicted loyalty to the interests of the foundation. No one may benefit personally or derive personal gain or profit from their association with the Center For Development besides their recognized salary or any other standard benefits the foundation may offer all of its employees.

There will be no self-dealing or private business by anyone associated with the foundation.

In dealing with others, those working with the foundation may not speak for the foundation unless their speech is authorized by the Board of Directors.

Definitions. A conflict of interest occurs when someone involved in an organization is somehow involved in a decision-making process in which other interests might influence his or her decision.

For example, if a director has a family member that receives a grant from the foundation, there would be a conflict of interest that could influence the directors decision regarding this grant.

Disclosure. Upon taking office, all directors, employees and volunteers will disclose to the board of directors if they have any possible conflicts of interest that may impact their service to the foundation. In addition, once a year all directors, employees and volunteers will disclose any possible conflicts of interest they may have.

Action. If a director, officer, employee or volunteer has a conflict of interest regarding a particular matter, that officer is required to recuse himself or herself from any decision-making or deliberation involving the conflict of interest.


The Center For Development, Inc. is committed to acting lawfully, ethically, and with integrity. Any director, officer, employee or volunteer noticing a violation of the law or ethics is encouraged to report it so that we can correct it.

This whistleblowing policy is designed to:

- Keep foundation activities transparent

- Maintain the values of the Center For Development

- Prevent, detect and correct improper activities

- Encourage directors, officers, employees and volunteers to report improper activities

- Help assure proper receipt, documentation and retention of records

- Protect reporting people from retaliatory action


Whistle-blowing: The disclosure or reporting of information that relates to potential violations such as financial mis-management, bribery or corruption, discrimination or harassment, non-compliance with operational policies, procedures or controls, improper use of assets, or potential violations of applicable law, including fraud.

Whistle-blower: A person who is a friend and advocate of the Center For Development, Inc. who reports any suspected violation, as listed above. Whistle-blowers provide information based on a reasonably-held suspicion that a violation or wrongdoing has occurred.

Retaliation: Any direct or indirect adverse action that is threatened, recommended or taken against the whistle-blower because he or she reported a suspicion of wrongdoing.


- Any stakeholder noticing behavior or actions in violation of the law may discuss the matter directly with that stakeholder to uncover the reason for that behavior or action.

- Violations should be reported in writing, and where possible, within six months of the event. The report should be factual and must contain specific information to assess the nature, extent and urgency of the matter.

- All reports of suspected or actual violations must be made in good faith. The whistle-blower must have reasonable grounds for believing that the information disclosed constitutes a potential violation.

- Reports of suspected violations will be kept confidential to the maximum extent possible, consistent with the need to conduct a proper investigation.

- The whistle-blower's identity will be kept confidential (to the extent permissible by local law) and s/he will be protected from retaliation.

- Every reported violation will be recorded in the minutes of the next board meeting.

- The whistle-blowing report (e.g. those received via email) will be acknowledged within five business days, and the whistle-blower can follow-up on the internal investigation within three months of the date of report.


This website does not use cookies.


Information we collect. We collect no information about people who browse this website.

If a person applies for a grant from the Center For Development, we require their full name, address, age and telephone number in order to check their eligibility for a grant and to monitor the grant.

What we do with your information. No client information is shared with anyone or any organization unless we receive the person's permission. The only exception would be if the information were needed for a criminal case and was requested by a properly authorized and signed subpoena.


Grants. Unless an exception is made, grant money is not paid to the grant recipient. It is paid to his or her development program Helper. The Helper purchases and delivers the nutritional supplements to the grant recipient. This is to safeguard against abuse of the funds.

Products. At this time, the only products sold by the foundation are books. Payment is required for books to be sent out. Books may be returned for a full refund if they are received in new condition.


Documents to be retained permanently are the Articles of Incorporation, The Bylaws, Minutes, Corporate Resolutions, The IRS Determination Letter, Insurance Policies, real estate deeds, mortgages and bills of sale, audit reports, tax returns and annual financial reports.

Book receipts, bank statements, tax information, credit card transactions, and investment records will be retained for seven years or more if dictated by state or national law.

No paper or electronic documents will be destroyed or deleted if pertinent to any ongoing or anticipated government investigation or proceeding or private litigation.

No paper or electronic documents will be destroyed or deleted as required to comply with government auditing standards (Single Audit Act).