by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© July 2024, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.

All information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


I. Introduction

II. Fantasies Just About Coffee Enemas

III. Cautions




The following are dramas or thoughts that one can imagine in order to help one do coffee enemas. I sometimes use them myself to stay interested and to make the enemas more interesting.

The idea of using your imagination when doing coffee enemas may seem strange. However, I am told there is nothing wrong with imagining you are in a particular situation and this is why you are doing your coffee enema. It is a way to have your mind help you to do coffee enemas.


These are arranged in themes according to the 7 system:

1 – Physical Level

A punishment. The enemas are the terrible punishment for your sins - eating improperly, ordinary sex instead of down sex, going to bed too late, or something else.

The doctor visit. The enemas are prescribed by a doctor or other practitioner for your healing.

The terminal disease. You learn you have a fatal disease. You are told only drastic measures will save you, and you won't like it, but you decide to try it.

Herb therapy. You are at a an herbal healing class and need to learn about and practice coffee herbal therapy.

Diagnosis. The enemas each day are a checkup to help identify problems and solve them.

Captured. You are captured and the enema is forced on you, like a strange type of rape.

Poisoning. You pretend you are accidentally poisoned and must do enemas to remove the poison.

2 - Emotional/Sexual level

The coffee enema date. You meet someone who wants to go out with you but he or she wants to do coffee enemas on the date. It can be modest or less modest, and you have a good time on the date.

The tickle. Coffee enemas are a method of tickle that is safe, relaxing, and does not deplete the body.

3 - Ego Level

The bet. Someone bets you that you are scared to do coffee enemas. You decide to prove them wrong.

The bargain. This is helpful with children, in particular. You want a child to do coffee enemas and have negotiated for it. Children like negotiating – I'll do what you want if you do what I want.

4 – Social Level

The friend. A friend of yours needs to do coffee enemas. You decide to help your friend by doing them yourself.

The Social Club. You join a very exclusive fraternity, sorority or other other social club. You are told that all the members of the club do coffee enemas, so you do them.

The Party. You go to a party. Surprise – they decide that everyone will do coffee enemas. It sounds strange but it works out.

5 – Work-related Level

Employee at God, Inc. The procedures are part of your employment.

Clean Room. You pretend you landed a good job building computers in a “clean room”. They have very strict cleanliness rules and the rules include doing daily coffee enemas, so you do them to keep your job.

The army. You join the army because the benefits are good. However, as part of basic training you are required to do coffee enemas.

The actor. You are an actor or actress and the movie you are working on requires you to act out coffee enema scenes.

Witchcraft safety. You are learning about witchcraft and coffee enemas are the best antidote for spells, curses and hexes.

The spa. You are at a very fancy, expensive health spa and the enemas are part of your pampering.

The marathon. Someone has organized a marathon race and doing coffee enemas is part of the marathon.

Pull down class. You are in a class learning the pull down procedure and doing coffee enemas helps a lot to learn pulling down.

Rape alternative. The enemas are a rape substitute or alternative you need. Both are dirty, smelly, wet, embarrassing, humiliating, uncomfortable, strange, tickle, and done with less clothing or naked.

Psychodrama. Coffee enemas always involve psychodrama, and this aspect can be emphasized. For details, read Psychodrama.

Detox class. You are in a class learning about detoxification.

6 – Intellectual or mental level.

The baptism. You join a new church or synagogue and are told the main ritual is to do a coffee enema twice daily.

Classes – witchcraft, doctor or nurse training, reflexology, and they involve doing daily enemas.

The scientist. You are a scientist and enemas are needed for scientific experiments.

The reporter. You are a reporter and need to write about enemas for a book or article, so you practice them so you can write about them.

Reverse psychology. This often works on children. You tell them not to do coffee enemas for some reason and soon they want them. For example, you tell your child that he or she is not to do coffee enemas like Mom or Dad because enemas would make the child so smart, or give them beautiful skin, or make them strong or healthy that he or she would be difficult to control.

7 – Spiritual Level

God speaks. You tune in to God and hear, “It is My Will that you do coffee enemas”. (This is the truth for some people.)

The prayer vigil or retreat. You pray and pray and pray all day, and you keep hearing, “Do the procedures”.

The meeting. You are scheduled to have a meeting with your guru or spiritual leader and need to clean up inside and out.

Planet speaks. You tune into mother earth or the planetary beings and you hear – “Please do coffee enemas to clean up the earth”.

Time with God. The enemas are your daily time with God – you lay yourself upon the alter of God.

The cookie cutter. You are being reshaped in the image of God. Or God is sculpting you – chiseling away all the toxins that are not needed. Soon you won't recognize yourself because you will be so beautiful inside. The coffee enemas are part of the process. It is a true 'born again' experience or makeover.

The real Pope. The real Pope and senior council and maybe Jesus or Moses show up in your living room and tell you there is an emergency. Please do the procedures!


We believe there is little danger in these visualizations. The only danger might be if one gets too carried away or involved with a fantasy and could have difficulty returning to the real world.

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