By Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© July 2021, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.


All information in this article is only the opinion of the author and is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, prescription, treatment or cure of any disease or health condition.


NOTE: This article has not been completely updated and there have been several improvements to several procedures in the past year.  Until it is updated, we suggest reading the full article about the procedure.




Rest, Diet And Sexual Restraint

The Neck Pull

Coffee Enemas

Foot And Hand Reflexology

Red lamp/Sauna Therapy

The Twists

The Pushing Down Exercise




Vaginal Coffee Implants

The Oral Coffee Hold

Kelp Wraps or Spray

The Salt Rub

The Genital Bath

The Hand Trance

The Toe Trance

The Bidet

Deep Breathing

Peroxide And Ozone Baths

Down Sex

Open Water

Biofeedback With The Meter




            These are not exactly procedures, but they are keys to health and development.

Diet.  This is critical for development and the biggest stumbling block for most people. 

Warning:  Do not do the procedures below without following the development diets.  If you do not follow the diets correctly, your body will not be able to detoxify properly and some of the procedures below may not work well.

The dietary recommendations change often.  Please reread the following for the most–up-to-date diet information: Food For Daily Use, Food For Occasional Use and Forbidden Food.

Rest.  Healing and development require a lot of rest and going to bed early helps greatly.  For details, read Rest And Sleep.

Sexual restraint.  Sex with orgasm depletes the body of certain nutrients and slows development.  Down sex, however, does not deplete the body and speeds up development.




This has recently been added as one of the basic procedures because it is very powerful to open channels and promote development.




The neck pull can seem difficult to some people, although it is safe and not really difficult.  A way to begin learning the neck pull is to practice extending your neck.

Lie down without a pillow under your head or neck.  Other options are to sit erect or stand up tall.  Begin with your head facing forward.

Now extend your neck as much as you can, still looking straight ahead.  You can pretend someone is pulling your head straight upward if standing up or sitting, or pulling your head back, away from the body, if you are lying down.

Extending your neck this way will lessen the normal curve of the neck.  In other words, the neck will straighten somewhat and become longer.


The neck pull is done with the head looking straight ahead.  However, for the pre-neck pull, with the neck extended, slowly and gently turn your head to one side.  Then move it back to the center position.  Then turn it to the other side.  Do this slowly and deliberately.

Often you will hear some crackling or popping in the neck, and that is very good.  You are breaking up some calcium deposits and/or adjusting the position of the vertebrae in the neck.

Doing this exercise will prepare you for the neck pull.




Body position. 

- This procedure is easiest to learn while lying down comfortably.  Later, you can do it while sitting or even while standing up.

- Do not have a pillow under your head.

- Your head must be facing straight ahead, not turned to one side.

- Also, have your legs extended straight down away from the head, and fairly close together.

Begin by breathing in, using toe breathing.  This means that you imagine the breath entering your body through your toes.

As you breathe in, move your shoulders downward toward your feet.  You can pretend that someone is holding your hands and pulls them straight downward toward your feet.

When your shoulders are as low down on your body as they will go, suddenly extend your neck upward.  Pull your head upward from the crown of the head.  This is a little behind the top of the head.

If you do this correctly, you will hear and feel a slight pop in the neck area.  Rarely the pop can occur in your upper back rather than in your neck.

This sound and feeling is an opening of the vertebrae in the neck.  It is somewhat like “popping” your toes or fingers, which is also helpful.  It releases stuck energy in the neck area and helps open subtle energy channels.

Then gently breathe out. 

This is all there is to it.  Please repeat this procedure at least 10 times daily.  In fact, if you do it gently and sensibly, I find that it cannot be easily overdone and many people can do it many times, for half an hour or longer.




            These will speed up development and healing in most everyone.  They not only clean the colon, but help detoxify the liver and the entire body.  They are quite remarkable.




All procedures recommended on this website begin with a safety section.  It is most important.


1. Start with only a teaspoon of coffee, just in case you are sensitive to it.

2. Cleanliness is very important when doing any procedure involving the lower body.  Wash everything carefully with soap and water before and after use.

3. Never force the enema tip into the rectum.  Lubricate it well and move it very slowly and gently, aiming it directly upward from the legs to the body.  Be sure it goes all the way inside until it cannot go further.

4. Never retain the enema if the pressure to release it is too high.  Read about what to do if you cannot retain the enema under Helpful Hints (below).

5. Never force anything.

6. Be sure the temperature of the coffee liquid is comfortable to the touch.

7. Coffee enemas take some getting used to.  However, with a little practice they get much easier.  This article will help with this task.  In fact, many of our clients look forward to them.

8. We do not recommend using more than about 2 cups of water in the enema.  In fact, 1 cup of water is fine and easier to retain.

9. Distilled or spring water are best for coffee enemas.  If these are not available, one can use carbon-only-filtered tap water for enemas.

10. Doing two coffee enemas, back to back, is extremely powerful.  Make enough coffee for two enemas and do one, expel it after 15-60 minutes, and do another one right afterwards.

11. Some people can do up to four enemas daily, each with up to two tablespoons of coffee in each one.  Others cannot handle this much coffee.  Please be careful when starting enemas.  If you want to do several enemas daily, begin with just one enema daily for at least a few days, and then slowly increase up to 4 enemas daily.

12. If time permits, you may retain the enema for up to one hour or even longer.  This is not essential, but there are definite benefits to retaining the enema longer than 15 minutes.  If you retain the enema for more than 1 hour, only do one enema per day.

13. Some clinics or organizations may recommend 3 tablespoons of coffee in one enema.  We find this is too much for most people!  Please use only up to 2 tablespoons of coffee per enema!  Some doctors or clinics may also recommend high caffeine coffee, but we find that for development higher caffeine levels are not helpful.

14. The best methods to prepare the coffee are:

1. Pressure cook it for about 14 seconds.  (With this method, the coffee actually cooks longer because it takes about 2 minutes for the pressure cooker to reach its ideal pressure.)

2. Boil the coffee in a pot for about 12 minutes. 

These are better than other methods of preparing the coffee such as a coffeemaker, percolator, or Keurig machine. 




            Here are some guidelines so that you will be warm and comfortable.


1. Body position.  We suggest lying on your back when doing a coffee cleanse.  Some people prefer to lie on their side, or they prefer the ‘doggie’ position – on your hands and knees.  Any of these can work.

However, the reasons for lying on your back are: a) it is relaxing, and b) it is easier to do other development procedures in this position.  These include the Pushing Down Exercise, Red Heat Lamp Therapy on your abdomen, Twisting Your Spine, Foot Reflexology, Deep Breathing and even a Kelp Wrap or Salt Rub.  Doing a combination, which we call the spa morning routine, is wonderful, and it is only possible if you lie on your back.

2. Elevating the hips.  Some people find it helpful to elevate the hips a few inches higher than your head.

Reasons for this are:

a) It will cause the coffee solution to run into your body, helping to retain the enema.

b) For women: By angling the hips properly, one can often do the vaginal coffee implant at the same time one does an enema without needing a sponge or Tampon to hold the coffee inside the vagina.  For details on how to do this, including how to measure the angle of the vagina, read The Vaginal Coffee Implant. 

c) Another possible benefit is that intestinal gas will tend to move upward toward the anal area and be released.  The presence of intestinal gas is one of the main reasons people have difficulty holding a coffee enema.

d) If the hips are raised at least 6 inches or  about 15 cm above the waist, the coffee moves so it touches the superior or upper wall of the transverse colon.  This is important because it is the location of the colonic reflexes to the brain.  Working on the brain is critical for many people’s health.


Ways to raise the hips above the waist are:

a) Lie on a slant board.

b) Put a thick pillow or even an inflatable 20” beach ball or other object under your hips.

c) If you do your enema in bed or lying on a massage table, put blocks or bed risers under the rear feet of the bed or table.


3. Location.

A) Many people enjoy lying on a towel or yoga mat on the floor of the bathroom.  This is a good way to begin because if there is a spill, it won’t go far.

B) Some people do their coffee cleanse in the bathtub, especially if you are not too tall.  This is also good to limit accidental spills.

C) Some people set up a cot or massage table to lie upon.

D) The author learned to do coffee enemas in bed, spreading a rubber sheet or old plastic shower curtain and on top of that several layers of paper towel on the bed to protect against spills.

            E) If you have a bathtub you are not using, you could put a piece of plywood over the bathtub to lie upon, perhaps covered with a cushion.  This may be more comfortable than lying inside the tub.  If you spill some coffee and the wood is angled properly, the coffee will flow harmlessly into the tub.

F) Please do not do enemas inverted or in some other strange position.  It is best if you relax, and the best position for this is usually lying down.


4. For children.  Coffee enemas are excellent for children and even babies, providing you are careful.  Be sure to use less coffee and less water for children, depending on their size and weight.

The easiest position, in most cases, is to place the child on his or her stomach on a bed, with the mid-section of the body undressed and with a towel or a bed pan underneath the child’s mid-section.  The parent can sit next to the bed. 

Lubricate the enema tip well and insert it very slowly and gently, going straight upward from the legs.  Twist it a little as you insert it to help it go in.  An adult-sized enema tip is usually okay, or for a baby one may find a smaller enema tip.

Once the coffee is inside, one may need to place a small piece of soft cloth over the anal opening to help keep the coffee inside.

After the coffee has been inside for at least 15 minutes, the child can turn over and expel the coffee into the bedpan, or get up and expel into the toilet if the child can hold the enema.




* Buy an enema bag or an enema bucket. 

Enema buckets: We suggest one made of plastic.  They are cheap and simple to clean.  Glass is okay but it could break.  Metal buckets are also okay, but will interfere a little with the coffee by oxidizing it.

Enema bags.  These also work well.  Some enema bags are open at the top, which makes cleaning them easy.  The ones that close at the top won’t spill, but are difficult or impossible to get really clean.

The bag or the bucket should come with a plastic hose, an enema tip, and a clamp on the hose.  Longer enema tips are a little better because if the tip is not long enough, the coffee won’t go in as well.

Enema bags are sold at Target, Wal-Mart or many drug stores.  If you cannot find one at a local store, you can buy a 2-quart enema bag or bucket inexpensively online.  It should cost no more than $20.00 USD.

* Buy coffee.  Note:  Coffee should contain many souls who will fight hard to cleanse your body.  However, a lot of coffee is missing souls, or they have been replaced by souls that are less interested in healing.  We know most people cannot tell what is in their coffee, but you might ask in prayer which coffee is best. 

In general, however, the coffee to use is:

1. A medium or dark roast coffee.  The reasons for this are explained in the previous chapter.

In our view, it is best to avoid light roast or “gold roast” coffee.  Companies that sell these products include Purelife Health Equipment®, SA Wilson® and Theracoffee®.

Also, in our opinion, it is best to avoid all “enema coffee” because we believe there may be problems with it.

            NOTE: Some people must try a number of brands of coffee in order to find a coffee that works well for them.

2. The best coffee is often from South America, such as Columbian or Peruvian coffee.  We recently found one we like called Equal Exchange.  It comes in a small red-colored metallic bag.  It contains whole beans.  The label says it is decaffeinated, but it works well.

3. Ideally, the coffee beans should look dry, rather than too oily.  Medium or dark roast coffee usually is a little oily.  However, when it appears very oily, the oil is sometimes rancid, which is not good.

4. For maximum freshness, buy coffee beans and grind your own coffee.

5. Store coffee in the refrigerator.

6. Organically grown coffee is usually better.

7. AVOID instant coffee, chemically decaffeinated coffee, light roast coffee, and very oily coffees.  We also do not trust Starbucks coffees because they often are mixed with other things such as chocolate.




Coffee can be prepared in several ways:

1. The best – pressure cook the coffee for about 14 seconds.  This is a new method as of November 2017.

2. The 12-minute boil method.

3. A standard coffeemaker.

4. A percolator.  This is an older method and is not used much today.

5. The newer steam flash method.

6. The soak or non-boil method.  This is more yin, so it is not as good.  Only use it if you must, such as if you are traveling and cannot boil the coffee.

Here are details about each of these methods.


METHOD #1. The best – pressure cook the coffee for 14 seconds.  The only caution here is not to overcook it by cooking it longer, which is easy.  You must time it for 14 seconds at pressure.  This makes the most yang coffee, which is an advantage.

If you use a stove top pressure cooker, begin timing when the top starts vibrating.  As soon as your timer rings, release the pressure immediately by tilting the vibrating top so the coffee will stop cooking. 

We put a plastic or ceramic mug upside down over the pressure release valve or top to catch the steam that escapes when you tilt the top.

If you use an electric plug-in pressure cooker, the timer usually won’t go down to 14 seconds.  So set it for 5 minutes or the lowest setting.  Get another timer and start timing when the electric timer starts counting.  At 14 seconds, release the steam pressure manually by turning the top release button and the coffee in ready.


METHOD #2.  The 12-Minute Method.


1. Place 1 to 2 cups or 250-500 ml. of water in a saucepan.  (If you are traveling, you could use a large mug with an immersion heater to boil it.)

2. Add coffee, and bring it to a boil.  When you start doing coffee enemas, use much less coffee, to make sure you tolerate it well.  For example, begin with just a half teaspoon of coffee and increase the amount when you are sure you tolerate it well.  Then work up to about one to two tablespoons of coffee. 

The amount of coffee.  The exact amount of coffee needed varies from person to person.  You should not feel jittery from a coffee enema.  Reduce the amount of coffee if you feel jittery.

If you use a coffeemaker, you will need a little more coffee because the coffee will be weaker.

3. When the water and coffee boils, turn down the burner and allow it to boil slowly.  Set a timer for 12 minutes.  Turn it off when the timer rings.


METHODS #3 and #4. Using a Coffeemaker or Percolator.

These methods make weaker coffee.  To make it stronger, you can put the coffee through the machine twice or use more coffee.

As with the first method, place about a cup of water in a coffee maker or percolator.  Use between 1 teaspoon and 3 tablespoons of coffee and turn the machine on.


METHOD #5. The newer instant steam flash method or Khurig method.

This method is newer, but it also makes a weaker coffee.  We much prefer the 14-second pressure cooking method or the 12-minute boil method because it makes a more yang coffee.




The ideal coffee temperature.  For an enema, coffee must be about body temperature or a little lower.

Testing the coffee temperature.  To test the temperature of your coffee, place a finger in it.  It should be a comfortably warm temperature.  If the water is too hot or very cold, retaining the enema will be more difficult.

Cooling down your coffee.  Here are simple ways to cool down hot coffee:

1. Trick: Put half the amount of water that you will use for your enema in the pressure cooker or pot.  Put the other half in a measuring cup at room temperature.

When the coffee is ready, pour the hot liquid into the cooler, room temperature liquid and the resulting mixture will be at the right temperature for your enema.

2. Place the container in which you cook the coffee in a cold location for a few minutes, such as in the freezer or on a cold floor, perhaps.  Be sure to put it on a trivet or plate to protect the area from the hot saucepan.

3. Add an ice cube or two to the hot liquid.  Use good quality water to make the ice cubes.


Making extra coffee. Although fresh is best, to save time you can make enough coffee for two days worth of enemas.  Put the extra coffee in the refrigerator as soon as possible.




A. Set up your enema bag or bucket.  Here are the steps:

1) Make sure everything is clean.

2) Connect the clamp to the hose near one end of the hose.

3) Attach the enema tip, which is a small plastic tube, to the end of the hose that has the clamp nearby.  The closer the clamp is to the enema tip, the cleaner the enema is liable to be.  (Most enema bags and buckets come with two tips.  The thinner one is for an enema, while the larger, thicker one is for douching.)

4) Attach the other end of the hose to the screw-on closure for the enema bag.  If you are using an enema bucket, this end of the hose attaches directly to a tube that comes out of the bucket. 


B. Pour the coffee into the enema bag or bucket, making sure you remove the coffee grounds from the liquid. (If you use a coffee machine, it is done for you.) 

Three ways to remove the coffee grounds are 1) decanting, 2) using coffee filter paper, or 3) using a fine strainer.  To decant, pour the coffee liquid slowly into your enema bag or enema bucket, and the grounds should stay behind.

Alternatively, you can strain the coffee liquid through a fine strainer or coffee filter paper into the clean enema bag or bucket.

C. If you are using an enema bag, screw on the top of the enema bag.  Be sure the plastic hose is fastened tightly onto the enema bag and the thin enema tip is attached to the other end.

D. You can enhance the coffee by shining a reddish ‘heat lamp’ – the same kind recommended for the sauna – on the coffee for about 20 seconds.  If the coffee is already inside the bucket, shine it down on the coffee.  You will have to do the lamp before putting coffee in a rubber enema bad because the rays will not penetrate the bag.


E. Remove air from the enema tube.  This is an important step if you use an enema bag, but is usually not needed if you use an enema bucket.  To remove the air from the tube, grasp, but do not close the clamp on the hose.  Place the enema tip in the sink.  Hold up the enema bag or bucket slightly above the tip until the coffee water begins to flow out.  As soon as it starts flowing, quickly close the clamp.  This expels any air in the tube.


F. Lubricate the enema tip with a small amount of petroleum jelly, Vaseline, soap, olive oil, coconut oil, or shaving cream.  Vaseline or petroleum jelly works very well, although is a little greasy.  Soap or shaving cream can work well and cleans up easily.  You may experiment to see how much and what kind of lubrication is best for you.


G.  If possible, have a bowel movement before doing your enema.  This is not required, but it may make it easier to retain the enema.  If you have difficulty having a bowel movement:

- relax

- drink water before your enema.

- eat a tablespoon of almond butter before your enema.  It often works better than eating other food.

- rub the right calf area while sitting on the toilet

- sometimes rubbing and twisting the right pinky toe will cause a bowel movement.

- you can also do a quick plain tap water enema to clean the colon before your coffee enema.  Only do one of these, and only use a cup of water.

(Some people like to do several plain water enemas before they do a coffee enema to clean the colon.  This is too much exposure to water.  It tends to make the body yin, which is not good.)




Hang the bag or bucket.  With the clamp closed, hang the bag or bucket one to three feet above your abdomen.  If you have no place to hang it from, you can place it on the floor or bed next to you and you can hold it up to let the coffee flow in.


Inserting the tip. 

Position for inserting the coffee.  Many people prefer lying on their back.  You can lie on one side.  Some people use the doggie position – on one hand and knees.  A few are on their knees and on one elbow with the butt in the air.  The latter positions are somewhat less relaxing.

Make sure there is plenty of lubrication near the end of the enema tip.  Rub the tip around the anal opening first to lubricate the entire area.

Then this author likes to press the side of the tip against the sphincter first.  As the sphincter yields, aim the tip straight upwards toward the body from the legs, not at any angle.  Twist or turn the enema tip gently as you insert it, as this can make it slide in much easier.

Make sure the enema tip goes all the way in.  The enema tip must go in at least two inches or there will be a mess.  Never leave it half way in – it will not work this way.  There are two anal sphincters it must pass through, so the tip must be in all the way.


Letting the coffee go in.  Once the tip is all the way in, open the clamp and hold or hang the enema bag or bucket above the abdomen.  The coffee may take a few seconds to begin flowing. 

If the coffee does not flow when you open the clamp.  First, look for kinks in the hose and get rid of them.  If that doesn’t fix the problem, sometimes the enema tip has to be moved around because something is blocking it.  Rarely, a coffee ground will block the tube.  For the latter problem, you can squeeze the bag or the hose to get the coffee to flow.

An excellent idea is to mentally encourage or allow the coffee to flow into your body.  You can just visualize it entering, cleansing and healing the body. 

If you develop a cramp as you are putting the coffee inside.  Close the hose clamp and take a few deep breaths.  Perhaps roll your hips a little to the right and then a little to the left.  In most cases, the cramp will pass quickly.  However, if the pressure is too great, get up and release the enema.  You can always start over.  If you have emptied the colon before doing the enema, cramps will occur less often.


Portable toilets.  If you are worried about reaching the toilet in time to expel the coffee without making a mess, a good idea is to keep a portable toilet handy.  This is nothing more than a small bucket with a toilet seat on top.  They are sold at medical supply stores. 

Keep this right next to you wherever you do your enema.  If you must expel the coffee quickly, you can just move over to the portable toilet and expel the coffee very quickly.


When all the liquid is inside.  You will know because the enema bag will become flat or you can see that the bucket is fairly empty.  Close the clamp.  You can leave the tube inserted, or gently remove it and store the bag or bucket safely. 


Intestinal gas: If you have a lot of intestinal gas, definitely leave the enema tip inside of you and leave the clamp open.  The intestinal gas will tend to flow out through the enema tip.  Otherwise, you may not be able to hold the enema. 


Turning to your right side.  At this point, a very good idea is to turn on to your right side for about 30 seconds.  Then turn again onto your back.

This maneuver causes the coffee to flow from the descending into the transverse colon and even somewhat into the ascending colon.  It enhances the enema, so please do it.


What to do during your enema. Excellent ways to spend the 15 or more minutes of the enema are:

1. Do the Pushing Down Exercise.  You will find this superb exercise much easier to do while you are doing an enema provided you lie comfortably flat on your back.

2. Do the Dantien Therapies.  These are excellent along with the pushing down exercise.

3. You can also do foot and hand Reflexology, Red Heat Lamp Therapy on your abdomen, and you can do all the Spinal Twists.  It is also an excellent time to practice Deep Breathing.  With some practice, you can do some of these at the same time.  You can also do Vaginal Coffee or Penis Coffee at the same time you do the enema. 

To save time, some people also do a Kelp Wrap at the same time they do a coffee enema.  The procedure is to rub the kelp on first, leaving the buttocks and thighs without kelp to make doing the enema easier.  Then do the enema.

We do not recommend walking around the house with the coffee inside.  We also do not recommend reading or other intense activity.  You could listen to the radio or a CD, or just relax, but doing the pushing down exercise and/or other nutritional balancing procedures is best.


What to expect.  At first, the procedure may be a little cumbersome.  With practice, it gets easier.

Some days all will go smoothly.  Other days it will be more difficult to hold the coffee due to gas in the intestine or because the body wants to get rid of a toxin and wants the enema out of the body quickly.  You can do a second enema if this happens shortly after you begin.


Once in a while, you may also need to urinate after a few minutes of inserting the coffee.  This is because the body is eliminating a toxin through the urinary tract, and wants the toxic urine out of the body quickly.  This is a problem because often you will not be able to urinate and retain the enema at the same time.

A trick to help this is to bend over forward while sitting on the toilet.  This may allow you to urinate and not lose the coffee enema. 




Emptying the coffee.  Try to hold the enema for at least 10 to 15 minutes.  More is even better, up to one hour.  When you are ready to expel the coffee, go to the toilet and empty out the coffee solution.

It is okay if some water remains inside.  This can indicate that you are somewhat dehydrated.  In this case, you need to drink more water, or a different kind of water.  However, it is fine if no coffee comes out of you.  Rubbing your abdomen and your right calf area, while sitting on the toilet, may help eliminate the water.  Please read the article entitled Water For Drinking at for more information about which water to drink and how much.

A bidet toilet attachment can be wonderful to quickly and thoroughly clean your bottom.  It costs about $30 to $60. USD and provides a spray of water on your anal area while sitting on the toilet.  It attaches easily to many toilets and uses the water supply to the toilet.

The bidet toilet attachment can also be used to greatly speed up development, and we highly recommend it.  For details, read Bidet Toilet Attachments.


Washing out the enema equipment.
Each time after you do an enema, wash the enema tube, the bag or bucket, and the enema tip thoroughly with soap and water, and hang them up to dry.  It is not necessary to sterilize them.

DO NOT WASH THE ENEMA EQUIPMENT WITH HYDROGEN PEROXIDE.  The reason is that a little peroxide may remain in the enema bag or tube and you may accidentally put it inside yourself, causing a very unpleasant burn.  Soap and water are sufficient to wash out the enema equipment.


Double flushing.  When you expel the coffee into the toilet, some of it may splash on the sides or seat of the toilet.  A good idea is to flush the toilet right after you expel and then sit and try to expel more.  When you are done, flush the toilet again.  This helps keep the toilet clean. 

You will also need a spray bottle with soapy water to spray and brush any coffee that splashes onto the toilet seat.


              Eating after the enema.  Many people are hungry after a coffee enema.  One reason is that coffee enemas can lower the blood sugar level.

It is fine to eat after the enema.  We do not suggest eating a lot just before doing the enema.  Wait an hour, if possible, after eating a meal before doing a coffee enema.


Helpful hints


1. Bowel movements. If you do coffee enemas regularly, you may not have bowel movements.  That is okay.  There may just be little fecal material present.

If you do have fecal matter that comes out with your coffee enema, it is ideal to have a bowel movement just before your coffee enema.  It will make retaining the enema a little easier.

Some people do this by doing a quick plain water enema just before the coffee enema to clean out the colon.  DO NOT DO MORE THAN ONE OF THESE PER DAY, however, as this can introduce too much water into the body, which makes the body too yin.

Another method to cause a bowel movement that works for some people is to drink plenty of water or eat something just before your enema.  Do not eat a lot, however.

Another method is to rub the right leg just below the knee.  There is a reflex point there that causes a bowel movement in some people.

2. Relax.  To retain the coffee for 15 minutes requires that you relax.  Make sure the room is warm, and that you are comfortable.  Wear a tee shirt, sweat shirt or bathrobe to keep warm or cover yourself up with a blanket.  Perhaps put on some quiet music, do the pushing down exercise (excellent!), breathe deeply, or even watch television or listen to the radio while you are doing your retention enema.  Please do not get up and walk around.

3. For cleanliness.  At times, a few drops of coffee will get on your towel or sheet, or whatever you are lying upon when doing your enema.  Here are ways to avoid this:

A. Slide the clamp on the enema tube down so it is only a few inches from the enema tip.

B. Rinse off the rim of the enema bag with plain water.  The reason is that when pouring coffee into an enema bag, some coffee remains on the outer rim of the bag and will drip when you turn the bag upside down.

C. Make sure the enema tip is firmly connected to the enema tube.  The tip should be pushed as far as possible into the tube.  Also, as the enema tube ages, the end of the tubing can stretch and the plastic enema tip will not fit tightly.  The solution is to remove the tip, cut off about one inch or two centimeters of the plastic tubing, and then usually the enema tip will fit tightly.

D. Wherever you decide to do your coffee enema, first place an old plastic shower curtain on the floor, mat, bed or other area.  Then place a towel on top of that to catch any drips or slips.

4. For incontinence.  To help keep the coffee in, you may place a washrag or small towel over the anal area.  Most people find this unnecessary, but it will help if you have a weak anal sphincter.

5. Trouble holding the enema.  The reason some people have trouble holding the enema for 15 or more minutes is intestinal gas.  If intestinal gas is a problem, some stretching or bending exercises before the enema may eliminate the gas.  In particular, lay down on your bed and pull both knees up to your chin to expel gas. 

Another method that will solve the problem is to leave the enema tip inside you the entire 15-30 minutes with the clamp open. This allows gas and air to escape back into the enema bag.  The bag must be at a higher level than your body and you will need to use a small strap around your thigh to keep the enema tube inside you so it does not fall out.

6. Hypoglycemia.  If coffee enemas cause hypoglycemic symptoms such as dizziness, shaking or weakness, it is because a coffee enema may lower your blood sugar.  If this happens to you, eat a little something just before or just after taking the enema.  However, we do not recommend eating a lot just before doing a coffee enema.  Eating a meal after doing your enema is fine.

7. Colon hydrotherapy machines.  A rather simple device that some people use to do their coffee enema is a Colema board.  These are sold on the internet.

The colema board is a fiberglass board that you lie upon.  One end of it fits over a toilet.  The idea is that when it is time to expel, you don’t have to get up.  You just lift your hips a little and the coffee flows right into the toilet.  The device does not require special plumbing, and is not too costly.

If you want to spend a lot of money, you can buy a colonic irrigation machine, also called a colon hydrotherapy machine.  It must be the type that allows you to administer coffee and not just water.

We don’t recommend this machine, as it is a large, heavy, and costs over $1000.00 USD.

Using the machine is a little cleaner because one need not empty the enema into the toilet.  Instead, the enema tip on the machine is designed to allow the coffee to go in, and also to allow the coffee to be expelled, all while one lies down comfortably.

To read the entire coffee enema article, go to Coffee Enemas. 




            This procedure works on the channel system of the body.  This is the same as the acupuncture meridian system.  It is a powerful, simple, and very effective way to enhance healing and development.  We recommend spending five minutes per foot at least twice daily with this procedure.




You will need a map of the feet, and preferably of the hands as well.  Two decent maps of the feet can be found on this website in PDF format by clicking on Foot Chart 1 and/or Foot Chart 2.  Click here for a Foot Chart in a different format.  Others are available via the internet or in some health food stores.

Tools.  You may want to experiment with various reflexology tools, as described above.  These are not necessary, but some people like to use them.




            I will suggest three different ways to do reflexology on yourself or on another person.  They are:


1. A general or relaxation session.  This is used to help relax the body, for toning of the body, or perhaps if one is in pain or has other symptoms for which one does not know the cause.  It is also excellent for a generalized infection such as a cold or flu, and for many other acute or chronic symptoms.
            In a general reflexology session, one does not focus on any particular area of the foot or hand.  Instead, one rubs firmly both feet or both hands, and one moves along the entire hand or foot. 

If a spot appears tense, or is tender and painful, one can spend a little more time working on it.  Often the tension or pain will diminish after a minute or two.  However, one should continue on to complete the entire treatment of both feet or both hands.  A general session usually lasts between 10 and 20 minutes per foot or hand.


2. Top of the feet or dorsal surface along the metatarsal bones.  This area reflexes to the major acupuncture meridians of the body and to the seven major physical energy centers, also called chakras in Sanskrit.


The acupuncture meridians: 

Liver meridian. The webbing, and extending back, between the large toe and the second toe relates to the liver meridian.

Kidney meridian. The webbing, and extending back, between the second and third toes relates to the kidney meridian.

Small intestine meridian. The webbing, and extending back, between the third and fourth toes has to do with the small intestine meridian.

Spleen-pancreas meridian. The webbing, and extending back, between the fourth and fifth toes has to do with the spleen-pancreas meridian.

Stomach meridian.  The outside of the metatarsal bone, extending from the base of the smallest or most distal toe back toward the heel, has to do with the stomach meridian.

These are very excellent areas to rub while doing any reflexology session.  They are often tender or painful.  Just rub them anyway.  Some people like having a little length to their fingernails to go deep along and in between the metatarsal bones.


The seven energy centers

              These are all found in a line that runs from the heel area, medial side of each foot, forward and it ends at the tip of the fourth toe.  

First center (or root center) – medial side of each foot, near the heel, about half way up the foot from the base to the ankle bone.

              Second center (just below the navel) - medial side of each foot, also near the heel, just below the ankle bone, about half way up the foot from the floor to the ankle bone.

              Third center – (or solar plexus center) - medial side or top of the foot, in front of the ankle bone, slightly toward the heel measuring from the toe to heel, and about ¾ of the way toward the medial side of the top of the foot.

              Fourth center – (or heart center) - medial side of the top of each foot, about halfway from the toe to the heel.

              Fifth center – (or throat center) - top of the foot, medial side, about 1/3 of the way from the toe to the heel.

              Sixth center – (or brow center) – base of the fourth toe, top of the foot.

              Seventh center – (or crown center) – tip of the fourth toe on the top of the toe.


3. Spot therapy. This approach focuses on a particular organ, gland or area of the body such as relieving a headache by rubbing the reflex areas on the foot related to the head and neck.




            The following will enhance any reflexology session:


·           Be sure you are comfortable.  Preferably lie down, or sit comfortably in a recliner or other comfortable chair.

·           Relax the entire body.  In other words, make sure you are not tense anywhere.

·           Be sure to drink some water if you are thirsty, or eat if you are hungry.  In fact, I suggest drinking a small glass of water before each session even if you do not think you are thirsty, as it will often help the session to be more successful. 

·           Breathe deeply before and during the session.  This is less important, but may help, as well.

·           If someone else is giving you a session, let them know if they are rubbing too hard, or not hard enough.  Also, be sure to tell the person who is treating you if you believe an area needs more attention.  Tell the person exactly where to rub and how to rub the area.  This is very important in some cases.

·           Learn about some odd places to rub, such as the sides and tops of the toes.  Also, the crevices between the toes and other unusual spots will often be found to be very sensitive.

·           Sessions usually need not be longer than 10 to 20 minutes per foot or hand.  At times, a longer session is helpful, while at times, a shorter session is adequate.  Practice will help you determine this.

·           I have had professional reflexology where the practitioner first soaked my feet in warm water.  This is relaxing, and is also cleaner for the practitioner, though it is not necessary.

·           Some people like to use a little almond oil or other oil when doing a reflexology session, especially on another person.  It can make your hand slide along the foot or hand a little easier.  I do not feel this is necessary, but some people prefer it.

·           Reflexology tools.  These are usually rubber or wooden rollers, balls that one rolls under the feet, or others.  These can be very helpful if used correctly.  They are discussed in more detail later in this article.




            This is a very worthwhile daily or even twice daily use of reflexology.  Here are some tips about it:


·           The order of the session is not critical.  However, I was taught to begin with the left foot or the left hand first.  After finishing the left foot or hand, then move to the right one.

·           I was also taught to begin on the top of each foot, or back of the hand.  On the top of the foot or back of the hand only, rub from the ankle or wrist toward the toes or fingers.  Then rub the bottom of the foot or palm of the hand.  Here I was taught to move from the tips of the toes or fingers toward the feel of the foot or wrist.

·           It may help to always move in a straight lines, although once again this is not that critical in most cases.

·           Rub quite firmly, enough to cause some pain.  If, however, the person you are treating becomes tense and complains, back off a little until the person relaxes and allows the therapy.  It may take a few sessions for a person to get used to reflexology and to trust you with his or her feet or hands.




This requires that you use a chart or map of the reflexes on the feet and hands.  Two decent maps of the feet can be found on this website in PDF format by clicking on Foot Chart 1 and/or Foot Chart 2.  Click here for a Foot Chart in a different format.  Others are available via the internet or in some health food stores.

You can rub the areas that you feel need attention, and perhaps use the technique to relieve symptoms.  It works quickly on many acute symptoms.  Chronic conditions will require multiple sessions in most cases, and requires both general sessions and spot therapy in many cases.

Spot therapy is excellent as a remedy for headaches, back aches, poisonings of some kinds, infections, and many other symptoms such as an upset stomach, or even an emotional upset.  A few simple rules are:


- In most cases, rub the reflex area you are interested in on both feet, even if the chart shows the problem area to be just on one hand or on one foot.  This may enhance your results.

- If possible, always follow your spot treatment with a quick general foot or hand rub.  This can help balance the entire body and therefore help relieve symptoms and tone the body.

- Do not overdo a spot treatment.  Usually, several minutes is enough.  In a few cases, more time may be needed.

- Be careful not to rub too hard.  Many people press or rub the feet too lightly.  However, a few rub too hard.  The therapy should hurt a little, but not be unbearable.

Rubbing too hard can tear blood vessels, especially in older people and in babies.  Be careful not to do this, as you will then not be able to do a reflexology treatment until your hand or foot heals.  Short movements are sometimes better than longer, deeper movements for this reason.

To read the entire article, click on Reflexology.




            This procedure is most helpful for healing and development for everyone.  It is not the same as sunbathing or using other types of saunas or lamps.  We don’t understand all the reasons it works, but it has multiple positive effects.


              When to Use a Sauna. For greatest safety and healing effects, wait one or better two hours after meals before a sauna session.  Also, first thing in the morning and the last thing at night are best for sauna use.  At these times, one is most relaxed.  This produces the greatest detoxification effect.  Activities, exercise and distractions in the middle of the day often stimulate the sympathetic nervous system and interfere with the sauna’s healing effects.   In a healing facility, any time of the day is fine as long as it is one or two hours after a meal.


              How Often to Use a Sauna. Saunas are generally very safe for most people.  However, very imbalanced tissue levels of calcium, magnesium, sodium or potassium could make sauna use more hazardous.  One could sweat out enough of a vital mineral such as potassium to cause heart arrhythmias or other metabolic problems.  I have not seen this in practice.  However, it is possible.

            The decision of how often to use saunas depends on the setting.  In the residential detoxification programs that follow the L. Ron Hubbard approach, one may spend up to five hours daily in a traditional sauna.   I recommend Mr. Hubbard’s book, Clear Body, Clear Mind for more details on this type of sauna therapy.

            The present book focuses on home use of infrared saunas without direct medical supervision.  For these programs, most people can use a sauna once or twice daily.  Weekly sauna use is more for maintenance, not therapy.  Specific cautions and contraindications are discussed at the end of this chapter. 

            If you suspect serious tissue mineral imbalances, limit the duration of sauna sessions at first to a maximum of 20 minutes until the imbalances improve.  Also, begin with fewer sessions per week and shorter sessions if very debilitated.

            If you are very ill, begin with an even milder experience by keeping the door open or sitting in front of the red heat lamps without an enclosure.

            We use hair mineral analysis from a laboratory that does not wash the hair to assess electrolyte imbalances that may affect the duration and frequency of sauna sessions.  Hair analysis is a tissue test and a much better way to assess actual stores of minerals in most cases than blood or urine tests.


How Long to Remain in a Sauna


            This depends on your health status and whether you have an acute infection.  When an acute infection is present, such as a cold, flu or pneumonia, more frequent and shorter sauna sessions are often best.  This is also a good idea during a healing or purification reaction.  Refer to the section later in this chapter titled ‘Sauna Protocol For Acute Infections’.

            The remainder of this section concerns sauna protocol when one does not have an acute infection.  The duration of a sauna session may be based on time, heart rate elevation or temperature elevation.


            Duration.  Most people can begin with 20 minutes in a sauna.  Limit the first week’s sessions to a maximum of 30 minutes per session.  This is to avoid too many healing reactions.  The duration of a session can increase up to 60 minutes total time after several weeks to several months, depending on your condition.

              The total time spent per day in a hot air sauna should not exceed three hours.  With a far infrared sauna, do not exceed three hours and do not exceed two hours daily in a red heat lamp sauna. This is important because it is possible to overdo sauna therapy.

            When beginning sauna therapy, many people do not sweat properly.  As a result, one can overheat if the body cannot adequately handle the heat.  If this occurs, one may turn red, the pulse may race and body temperature can rise quickly, making one feel uncomfortable. 

            If overheating occurs, begin with shorter sessions.  With repeated sauna sessions, the skin becomes more active.  Temperature regulation and vital mineral retention improve.  Then one can safely increase the duration of sauna sessions.


            Heart Rate.  An increase in the pulse is due to heating the body, not a sympathetic response as in exercise.  As core body temperature rises, the pulse will increase.  An increase of up to 50% above the resting pulse is safe unless a heart condition necessitates keeping it lower.


            Body Temperature.  The basal temperature will usually rise a few degrees if you stay in a sauna for 30 minutes or more.  An increase of up to 4° F is safe for most people and excellent for healing.   This much of an increase, however, is not always necessary to achieve desired results. 

              To experiment with this, take your oral temperature on entering the sauna and check it every five minutes or so.  Oral temperature will read one degree lower than rectal temperature.

            As the body acclimates to saunas, sweating can increase fourfold and temperature regulation becomes more efficient.  The core temperature may not rise quite as much, although one will still receive benefits from the sauna.  Temperature should not be allowed to rise beyond about 103° F.


Sauna Danger Signals


              If the heart starts racing, if sweating stops or if there is difficulty breathing, end the session.  If you develop persistent pain, end the session.


How Much Sauna Therapy


            Sauna therapy can often continue for 10 years or more to help remove the bulk of the toxic metals, toxic chemicals and chronic infections in the body.  For a degenerative illness such as cancer, at least two years of therapy are needed for most people.

            For more acute conditions, such as a chemical exposure, a year or less may suffice.  However, most people are carrying a large load of toxic chemicals and metals of which they are completely unaware.  When the intent is to heal a chronic condition such as an injury, continue therapy for at least two months after symptoms disappear.


Replenishing Minerals


            One will sweat out some minerals during a sauna session that need to be replaced.  Add a teaspoon or more of sea salt and up to one or two tablespoons of kelp granules to your diet.

            Those who do not like the taste of kelp may use 12-15 kelp tablets or 3-6 larger kelp capsules.   Most people can add two or three teaspoons of kelp daily to the diet for a year or even two.  This is very adequate to replace the beneficial minerals lost during sweating.

            Kelp is an excellent and inexpensive source of many minerals. Other mineral supplements do not contain as many minerals.  Most people handle kelp well.  A few who are hyperthyroid cannot take kelp and will need to use other mineral supplement.  ’Natural’ mineral supplements, including kelp, contain some toxic metals.

            Kelp, however, contains a lot of alginates, substances that bind toxic metals and prevent their absorption into the body.  I do not recommend any other seaweeds such as dulse, nori or others as they do not contain as much alginates.

            Many doctors recommend various mineral “cocktails” before or after sauna use.  We do not recommend these.  They are too yin and not required. 

            Definitely avoid drinking juices, Gatorade, Recharge or other mineral replacement drinks.  Most are very sugary, yin (cold and too expansive in Chinese medicine) and will diminish the benefits of sauna therapy.

            Instead, to acquire and replenish minerals, eat the development science diet with 2/3 of your plate filled with the preferred cooked vegetables, and do this three times daily.  Drink good quality spring water or carbon-only filtered or sand-filtered only tap water, as well, to obtain additional minerals.  Mineral retention will improve as the body acclimates to sweating.


            Mineral Replacement and Biological Transmutation.  Dr. Louis Kervan is the author of Biological Transmutations.  This is a fascinating subject that calls into question some deeply held beliefs about physical chemistry and the nature of chemical elements. 

              Dr. Kervan studied workers in the Sahara Desert who sweated out far more potassium than they replaced, with no adverse effects.  He theorized that a transmutation occurs, converting sodium to potassium in an endothermal reaction, which also helped them handle the heat.

            The same phenomenon most likely occurs in saunas, as extremely few negative health effects have been reported for sweat lodges and saunas used by millions of people for thousands of years. 

            After presenting the mathematical heat calculations, Dr. Kervan wrote: 


            “I came to the conclusion that it was sodium which, disappearing to become potassium, created an endothermal reaction, thus causing heat to be absorbed.  Hence, by instinct, one consumes more salt in dry and hot country.  This is why salt is so important in Africa, the Middle East, etc., where caravans travel up to 1000 kilometers to bring back salt.”

            “The transmutation from sodium to potassium was confirmed by another experiment made in a more arid part of the Sahara... in a physiology laboratory.  A man making a major physical effort during three hours, in a temperature of 39° C with a humidity of 60%, would experience an increase of three times his usual rate of potassium in proportion to sodium in his urine.” (Biological Transmutations, p. 28 by Louis Kervran)


Before a Sauna Session


            Wait at least one, and preferably two hours after eating, before entering a sauna.  Also, drink 8-16 ounces of preferably spring water.  Children may drink less.  Light clothing may be worn in a wood, gas-fired or electric coil-heated sauna.  No clothing is usually worn in an infrared sauna, although a skimpy bathing suit is fine.

            If using a hot air sauna, set the thermostat to about 160° F and enter when it has reached that temperature.  In a far infrared sauna, set the thermostat to about 125°F and enter as soon as one turns it on.  This allows maximum exposure to the beneficial infrared rays.  When the temperature inside reaches 120-125° F, open the ventilation louvers or open the door about 1/4" so the sauna does not get hotter.  This will keep the far infrared elements operating the entire sauna session to maximize the beneficial rays.

            In a red heat lamp sauna, follow a similar procedure.  Enter as soon as one turns on the lamps.  As the temperature reaches 110-115° F, open the door about 1/4" so the temperature remains at this level.

            One must rotate every few minutes in an infrared lamp sauna to heat the body evenly, assuming the lamps are on only one side of the sauna.  One may also preheat a far infrared or red heat lamp sauna for 10-20 minutes to start sweating faster.


During And After A Sauna Session


            Wipe off sweat with a small towel and sit on a second small towel.  Spread a large towel on the floor.  Spend the time in the sauna visualizing or relaxing. 

              Odors or sensations may occur during a session.  If an odor is objectionable, open the door for a few seconds to let in fresh air.  Most will pass quickly.

            Most bodily sensations that may occur are completely benign.  Relax, breathe deeply and attempt to continue the session unless extremely uncomfortable or faint.

            Most sensations will pass quickly as toxic substances are released and the body rebalances itself.  At times, a healing reaction can last for several days or even weeks.  However, it is often best to continue sauna therapy during the reaction to help it resolve faster. 

            We recommend exposing the palms of the hands directly to the heat and light if one is in an red heat lamp sauna.  This will enhance the effects of the session.  Many acupuncture and reflex points are close to the surface on the hands.

            When a sauna session is over, shower with cool or warm, but preferably not very hot water.  If possible, do not wait long after a sauna before showering, as some toxins will be reabsorbed.  If you cannot shower, then towel off the sweat after the session.

            Rinse off any sweat-filled towels in the shower until they do not smell and hang them up to dry or place them in a laundry hamper.  Brush the skin all over with a loofa or skin brush, including the scalp and face.  One will be very clean.

            If possible, avoid using soap or shampoo, or putting anything on the skin.  Drink 8-16 ounces of spring water and rest lying down or sitting down for at least 10 minutes before resuming daily activities.  This resting after every sauna session is very important!

            You may eat after resting.  If you are also doin coffee enemas for detoxification, it is usually best to use the sauna before doing a coffee enema.

            While resting after the sauna, one may do a short practice borrowed from Total Body Modification.  To recenter, place the fingers of the right hand on the right groin area and the left hand on the left frontal sinus on the forehead.  Hold for five seconds or until your breathing relaxes.  Then place the fingers of the left hand on the left groin area and the right hand on the right side of the frontal sinus.  Hold for five seconds or until your breathing relaxes.

            Many people also need to rest more during the day while on a sauna therapy program.  This is because the detoxification and other healing effects of red lamp sauna therapy such as inhibiting the activity of the sympathetic nervous system continue throughout the day.  You may suddenly experience fatigue, headaches, faintness or other symptoms as toxins are released.

              If this occurs, lying down for 15 to 30 minutes will help greatly, allowing the body to process the changes with less interference.  If at all possible, arrange your schedule so there is time for rest periods during the day.

            Cleaning the Sauna.  The floor of a wood sauna should be cleaned once a week to once a month to prevent or reduce rotting.  Oxiclean™, a readily available non-toxic cleaner, is excellent to remove bacteria and mold.  The walls and ceiling usually need cleaning less often.

            Those who operate detoxification centers will attest to the foul odors and at times stains that occur due to sweating.  Max Gerson, MD reported that after each patient left his cancer clinic the walls required repainting due to persistent toxic odors.




            Supervision is essential during sauna therapy, moreso if one is ill.  This is not a do-it-yourself therapy.  As metals and organic chemicals are released, healing reactions will occur.  Even experienced physicians can become discouraged, disoriented or frightened.  It is most helpful to have someone to check with, at least by telephone, at these times.

            If at all possible, when doing sauna therapy work with a practitioner or someone familiar with healing reactions.




            Detoxification requires a relaxed nervous system.  Relax before entering the sauna.  If tense, a drop or two of rose, lavender or another relaxing essential oil in the sauna may be helpful.  Place it on a small plate or surface.  A diffuser should not be needed.

            One may also begin a sauna session listening to relaxing music.  Avoid working, studying or talking while in the sauna.  A massage before or after a sauna session is excellent.  A foot massager or foot roller can also be used in a sauna.

            Maintaining a relaxed lifestyle throughout a sauna therapy program will greatly assist detoxification and healing.  Avoid strenuous activity, including heavy exercise, strenuous travel or very long work hours.  Ask for cooperation from family members and friends during the program.


Sauna Therapy During Acute Infections


            Acute infections include colds, the flu, earaches, or active infection anywhere in the body.  Symptoms may include fever, aches and pains, inflammation or diarrhea.  During an acute infection, prolonged sauna therapy is less helpful.  The body is focused on resolving the infection.  Extensive detoxification or other intense sauna effects can interfere with healing the acute condition.

            It is best to have shorter sauna sessions when an acute infection is present.  Ten to fifteen-minute sessions are sufficient, repeated six to nine times per day.  Be sure to rest in between these short sessions.

            Also, if you are using a red heat lamp sauna, focus more energy on the infected area.  For a stomach flu, for instance, spend more time with the lamps focused on the front of the body.  For a sinus infection, move the front of the head closer to the lamps.  Heat is beneficial, so preheat the sauna to about 100 °F.  Once the infection passes, return to the regular sauna therapy protocol.

            A person’s regular nutritional supplements may also be unnecessary and perhaps harmful during acute infections.


Cautions and Contraindications


            One should have an attendant or friend nearby when doing sauna therapy if one is very heat-sensitive, has multiple sclerosis, diabetes, a heart condition or has used psychotropic drugs in the past.  The following conditions may require extra care when using a sauna:


            Breast Implants. No problems have been reported.  Wear a bra or bikini top if you are concerned about them, as this clothing will stop the penetration of the infrared into this area.


            Children.  Children under about six years old should avoid sauna use.  Their sweat glands are less developed than in adults.  Their bodies also have a higher water content than adults and thus they can dehydrate more easily.  Far infrared may also be harmful for children under five.


            High Blood Pressure.  Sauna use generally does not raise blood pressure.  However, begin with shorter sessions and check blood pressure every ten minutes if you are concerned.


            Dental Amalgams.  You may use a sauna even if you have silver amalgam dental fillings or other dental metals in your mouth.  We recommend having amalgams replaced when possible with safer dental materials.  The exception is while one has an active cancer condition, at which time amalgam removal can be quite dangerous.


            Past Use of LSD or other Psychedelic Drugs.  Flashbacks can occur, including full-blown LSD trips, as stored drugs are mobilized from tissue storage sites.  If at all possible, have an attendant or friend present during sauna use.

            Multiple Sclerosis.  Patients may be extremely heat sensitive.  Begin with shorter sessions and have an attendant present in case extreme weakness should occur.  However, some doctors report saunas can be very useful for multiple sclerosis.


            Respiratory Conditions.  Some experience breathing difficulty in saunas.  Often this will improve as one acclimates to sweating.  Be sure to sit up comfortably and breathe slowly and deeply.  If uncomfortable, open the door about 1/2" to let in cooler air.  One may also breathe through a 1" diameter plastic tube leading outside the sauna through a ventilation opening.


            Lymph Node Removal.  If one has had lymph nodes removed, for example during breast cancer surgery, circulation in the arms will be slightly impaired.  In our experience, sauna therapy is still excellent.  Begin with only 15 minutes in the sauna to see if there is any problem with circulation.   


            Diabetes.  Begin with less time in the sauna and observe any unusual changes in blood sugar. Saunas do not significantly increase the metabolic rate.  Nor do they tend to increase the blood sugar level or utilization of glucose.  A decrease in blood sugar in the sauna is possible as sympathetic nervous system activity is inhibited.


            Prostheses, Silicone Implants or Metallic Pins or Rods in the Body.  These could heat up excessively in an infrared sauna, although I have not observed this.  Begin with less time in the sauna, becoming aware of any unusual sensations in the area of the prostheses or pins.


            Jewelry.  Wearing jewelry is not advisable.  It might become hot enough to cause a burn.


            Medication.  Rarely, heating the body may alter the properties or effects of a medication.  This could occur with corticosteroids, for example.  Consult the prescribing physician if this is a concern.


            Menstruation.  Menstruating women may experience a temporary increase in menstrual flow due to heating the low back.  One need not avoid sauna use, but be aware that it may occur.


            Pregnancy.  To be on the safe side, if pregnant spend no more than 10 minutes at a time in a sauna and have a maximum of four sessions per week.

            Exposure to intense heat during the first trimester of pregnancy may slightly increase the risk of birth defects.  However, in a 1988 paper, Dr. K. Vaha-Eskeli and R. Ekkola of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Turku reported that:


 “Up to 90% of pregnant women in Finland regularly visit the sauna until the expected time of delivery… Finnish women are confident that the sauna and pregnancy are compatible, a view that contrasts with many opinions abroad.” (This statement refers to traditional hot air saunas.  I am unaware of studies of pregnancy and infrared saunas.)


            Saunas and Breastfeeding.  While it is probably safe, I am unaware of studies of whether toxins released during a sauna therapy program could find their way into breast milk.  Until good studies are performed, it would be prudent to reduce or avoid intense sauna therapy while one is breastfeeding a baby.  The only exception would be if it is a matter of dire importance to the mother, such as in a case of cancer or another serious condition.  In this instance, the risk of releasing some toxins into the breast milk may be worthwhile if the baby does not show any signs or symptoms of colic or other distress due to breastfeeding in this situation.


            For Men.  The testicles should remain cooler than the rest of the body.  Technically, it may be best to avoid direct infrared irradiation of the testicles if you are concerned about fertility, as the testicles are somewhat heat sensitive.  A 1988 paper from Finland reported no evidence that hot air sauna use decreases sperm count in men.  However, infrared may have a more powerful effect due to deep tissue heating.


            Young Children.  Spend no more than 20 minutes in a sauna, always accompanied by an adult.  Under age six, avoid sauna use.


            The Elderly.  Age per se is not a contraindication for sauna use.  One’s health status is far more important.  In Finland, nearly 90% of those over age 80 are reported to be using saunas regularly.  Dr. Jonathan Halperin, professor of internal medicine at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York wrote: “Moderate sauna use is safe for most older people, but diabetics and anyone being treated for heart or circulatory conditions should check with their doctor, particularly if they are taking medications.” (reported by Dorothy Bernstein,  Good Housekeeping Magazine)


            Maximum Duration of Sessions.  A basically healthy person should spend no more than five hours per day in a hot air sauna, replacing water and electrolytes and taking a break at least every hour.  One can use a far infrared sauna up to three hours a day, provided one replaces water and electrolytes and takes a break every hour.  One can safely use an infrared lamp sauna up to two hours per day provided one replaces water and electrolytes and takes at least two breaks.  Two to three shorter sessions are preferable, spread out through the day.

            If one is debilitated, begin a program with less time in the sauna.


            Dangers of Mineral Imbalances.  Some authorities recommend specific electrolyte replacement drinks.  In our experience, consuming extra sea salt and kelp are usually sufficient to replace electrolytes.  Drinking quality spring water also helps replace vital trace minerals.  Use extra caution if one has very low hair tissue levels of calcium, magnesium, sodium or potassium until these levels improve. 


            Elimination of Medications.  During sauna therapy one will eliminate residues of prescription and over-the-counter medications, often taken years ago.  These medications can include stimulants, sedatives, antibiotics, novocaine, chemotherapy and many others.  Their release from storage can cause temporary effects similar to the action of the drug when first taken. 

            For example, eliminating stored antibiotics might damage the intestinal flora temporarily, causing some diarrhea or constipation.  Eliminating stored Novocaine can cause temporary numbness of the face or jaw.  Usually these effects pass quickly as the residues are excreted.


            Moving Slowly.  Sauna accidents can occur by slipping on wet floors, moving too quickly or with jerky movements, and drinking alcohol that impairs your judgment.  Always move slowly and cautiously in a sauna.  Avoid slippery surfaces by placing a towel on the floor.

            Also move slowly and cautiously in and around the shower after a sauna session.  The effects of heating will still be present and one may be light-headed and slightly faint from the sauna session. 


            Wheelchairs and Crutches.  Saunas may be used by those on crutches or in wheelchairs.  Metallic parts of wheelchairs and crutches, especially if dark-colored, may heat up excessively inside a sauna.  Exercise care not to touch them or wrap them with electrical tape.  Enclosure modifications for handicap use of a sauna are discussed in Chapter 12, Sauna Design.


            Meals.  Avoid eating for an hour or two before sauna therapy and avoid heavy meals two hours before using a sauna.  A lot of blood is required to digest a meal, particularly a large one.  The effect of a sauna is to shunt blood away from the internal organs to the skin.  This will interfere with digestion and could cause cramping.

            Also avoid sauna therapy when very hungry, although a sauna first thing in the morning is fine.  At other times of the day, it is fine to use a sauna two to five hours after eating a meal.  It is fine to eat 15 minutes after sauna therapy. 


            Alcohol.  Saunas and alcohol do not mix!  Alcohol can cause a false sensation of how hot you are, allowing you to remain in the sauna too long.  Also, you may fall asleep, which is not a good idea.  Carlton Hollander, in his book How to Build a Sauna, wrote:


 “Alcohol is definitely not recommended prior to a sauna, since it works as a depressant, with a quick flash of energy leading into a state where the blood is moving slowly and the nerve endings are literally shutting down.  The alcohol tends to detract from the total benefit of the sauna experience.”


            Talking, Reading or Working During Sauna Use.  Some people wish to use the time in a sauna for working, phoning or reading.  This can reduce the detoxification effects of the sauna by shifting the body somewhat into a more active or sympathetic state.  While okay, it is preferable to use the time during a sauna session for meditating, visualizing or just relaxing.


            Sensory Nerve Damage.  Exercise caution in a sauna if you have had an injury, illness or skin graft that caused sensory nerve damage so you do not feel heat.  Otherwise, you could stay in a sauna too long, which could cause burns or other difficulties.


            Overdoing Sauna Therapy.  Many people believe that if 20-30 minutes in a sauna is excellent, more must be better.  Others enjoy the sessions so much they extend them excessively.  Still others build saunas with more than one overhead heat lamp, which is not recommended.

            Overdoing is not likely to do permanent damage.  It will, however, cause healing reactions that can be intense.  A few have become discouraged this way. It is important to begin with sauna sessions no longer than 20 minutes.  Within a few weeks to a few months, the length of sessions may be increased.  Sauna therapy is powerful and must be approached with common sense and caution, especially when beginning.


          Pets.  Do not bring pets into a sauna, either for therapy or companionship.  Short exposure is probably fine for most animals.  However, dogs and cats do not sweat as easily and may overheat in a sauna.

            One may use a single red infrared heat lamp to treat an infection, abscess or other local condition in an animal.  Follow the instructions in Appendix F regarding single lamp therapy.  This should be safe as one is not raising the animal’s core body temperature.

            When I mentioned to a veterinarian that I was interested in infrared lamp therapy, he quickly told me he uses a red heat lamp on every animal he operates on to enhance healing after surgery.


            Danger Signals in a Sauna.  While very rare, one could experience heat stroke if one remains too long in a sauna.  Danger signals are a rapid elevation of body temperature, cessation of sweating, a racing heart, extreme redness of the skin and feeling extremely faint.  If any of these occur, end the session right away.


            Claustrophobia. A large window or even a wall made of glass helps many people who are claustrophobic.  Keeping the door slightly open reduces the heat, but may be easier to tolerate.  Finally, in our experience, many claustrophobic people can learn to tolerate and even enjoy saunas with a little practice.


            Burning From Heat Lamps.  This is unlikely, as one will feel a burning sensation before an actual burn occurs.  Some reddening of the skin normally occur with any infrared sauna and will go away within an hour.  If the lamps burn, sit further away from the lamps and rotate more often.  If your skin is very sensitive, unscrew one lamp or place a piece of metal window screen in the lamp guard to reduce the intensity of the lamp.


            Using a sauna with breast implants.  I have not had any reports of problems using a near infrared lamp sauna if one has breast implants.  If you are concerned, wear a bikini top or bra in the sauna, and this will protect the area from the penetrating infrared light.  In fact, anyone can wear a bikini bathing suit in a near infrared lamp sauna.  This reduces the benefits of the sauna very little.


            Eye sensitivity to the reddish heat lamps.  Very rarely, someone says the red light bothers their eyes.  Wear sunglasses if this occurs.


            Skin cancer.  Near infrared lamp sauna therapy does not cause skin cancer.  In fact, it may help reduce it.  However, the light may be irritating to a skin cancer.  If this occurs, cover the skin cancer with a bandage or a piece of clothing.  This will stop most of the infrared rays.

            To read the entire Sauna Therapy article, go to Sauna Therapy.              




            These simple procedures open the joints and help align the spine properly.  This can greatly speed up healing and development.  Doing a basic routine takes only about 10 minutes and is well worth doing every day or even twice daily.

Basic spinal twist.  There are six variants or ways to do this.  They are each somewhat different.  One method may work better than another to adjust your back.  So try them all, especially if you have back problems.  The variants are:

1. Spinal twist with one leg straight up in the air.

2. Spinal twist with one leg bent at the knee.

3. Spinal twist with both legs bent at the knees and feet on the bed.

4. Spinal twist with both legs bent at the knees and feet off the bed.

5. Spinal twist lying on one’s stomach.

6. Spinal twist in the special position.


Here are the details:


Variant #1. Spinal twist with one leg straight up in the air. Lie on your back on a bed, couch or massage table, with legs extended and parallel to each, not crossed.  Your arms should out to the sides.  This is so that when you twist your spine, your shoulders will stay on the bed or couch.  Keep your head straight, looking up at the ceiling.  Do not use a pillow under your head.  Here is the exercise:


a) Lift the left leg, so that the foot is high in the air. 

b) Point your toes. (Your foot will be like that of a ballet dancer with the toes pointed.) 

c) Ring the door bell (pretend you are extending your big toe to ring a doorbell up in the air above you).  This extends energy through the leg into the big toe.  Another visualization for this step is to imagine you have a thick copper wire running through your leg and foot to the big toe.  Energize the wire by sending mental energy through the wire into the big toe.  Now you are in the correct position for the spinal twist.

d) Swing right.  Move the left foot to the right, swinging it over and across the right leg.  Go as far as you can comfortably.  Ideally, your left foot should touch the bed or couch. 

Do this gently at first, as it is a twist.  However, with a little practice, you can do it more forcefully.  This may be needed, at times, to adjust your spine.

Do not be surprised if your spine pops or crackles during this procedure.  That is totally normal.

e) The extra twist.  For an extra push, lie close to the right side of your bed or couch or massage table (not so close that you could fall off, however).  When you move your left leg over the right leg that is on the bed or couch, keep moving it until your left leg touches the floor below your bed, couch or massage table. 

This is a more powerful twist, so do it gently and slowly.  As you get more familiar with it, you can do it more forcefully.  Occasionally, this is necessary to adjust certain vertebra, especially in the lower back and hips.

f) The extra, extra twist.  For an even more powerful twist, before starting this twist, turn your head to the left, with your left cheek touching the bed or close to it.  Now lift the leg, point the toe ballet-style, ring the doorbell, sending energy down the leg and into the big toe.  Now swing the left foot and leg over the right leg, until the left foot gently touches the bed or even the floor.

Always do this gently and slowly, and never force anything.  It is a very powerful twist, and many people do not need to do this.   It is useful for some whose spine is out of alignment in certain ways, especially the upper back.

g) Pulling it in.  This is another variant or aspect of the twist.  To do it, once you have swung the left leg over the right one to the bed or floor, either swing the left leg toward your body, or if you cannot do this easily, grab the left leg near the thigh, and pull it a little toward your chest and head.

This is also a more powerful twist.  So always begin very gently, and never force anything.  As with the other extra twists, however, this may be needed to adjust certain vertebrae, especially in the lower spine.

h) The return.  Now bend the left leg at the knee to release the twist.  Return the left leg to the resting position parallel with the other leg, and make sure your head is back to the center position with the eyes directly facing the ceiling.

Now repeat the exercise with the right leg.


Variant #2. Spinal twist with one leg bent.  This can be an even more powerful twist in some ways than exercise #1 above, depending on your posture and body structure.

a) Lie down on your back on a bed or couch with both legs extended and parallel, and both arms extended out to the side to stabilize your shoulders.

b) Bend the left leg.  Bend it at the knee, bringing the left heel up near your groin.

Now move the left foot over the right thigh and plant the left foot firmly on the bed next to the right thigh.  Your back should now be somewhat twisted.

c) Gently and slowly swing the left knee to the right as far as you can, until it comes to touch the bed or mat.  Lead with the knee.  This will give your back a nice twist.

d) The return.  Now bring the left leg back to the upright or neutral position and extend the left leg next to the right one.

Repeat the exercise with the other leg.


Variant #3. Spinal twist with both knees bent.  This twist is the gentlest.  It is a wonderful way to start these procedures if you are apprehensive at all about doing these twists.


a) Lie down comfortably on a bed, couch or massage table with both legs extended and parallel.  Extend your arms out to the sides to keep your shoulders from moving when you do the twist.

b) Bend the knees.  Bend both legs at the knees.  This means your knees will be up in the air, and both heels will now be touching or close to your buttocks.

c) Swing right.  Gently swing both knees to the right until they touch the bed or couch.  Don’t be surprised if your back pops or crackles.  This is perfectly normal.  It is the reason you are doing the exercise.

d) The return. Now bring both knees back to the upright neutral position where they were.

e) Swing left.  Now gently swing both knees to the left until they touch the bed or couch.  Don’t be surprised if your back pops or crackles.  This is perfectly normal and an excellent release of tension in the back.


Variant #4. Both legs bent tight at the knees and both feet off the bed.  Lying on your back with legs outstretched and together, bend both legs at the knees tightly.  Now move your knees toward your head so that your feet are about 6 inches off the bed.  Now twist the hips to one side.  Bring them back to center and twist to the other side.


Variant #5. On your stomach.  This position is less comfortable.  However, for some people it works better for adjusting the spine.

a) Lie comfortably on your stomach, on a bed, couch, massage table, or on the floor.  You can use a pillow for your head.  Extend your legs straight down and parallel to each other.

b) Turn your head.  Turn your head to the left.

c) Left leg lift.  Lift your left leg, keeping it straight.  The heel should be up in the air, at about a 30 to 45 degree angle from your body.

d) Point the left toe, ballet style.

e) Ring the doorbell.  Extend your left leg, as though you are ringing a doorbell with the big toe, and the doorbell is just out of reach behind you.

f) The swing.  Now swing the left leg to the right, moving it across and over the right leg as far as you can comfortably go.  Your spine may pop or crackle.  That is normal.

g) The return.  Move the left leg back to where it was, and then drop it down onto the bed.

h) Other side.  Now do the same with the right leg.  Lift it, with the heel in the air at about a 30 to 45 degree angle from the bed.  Point the right toes.  Ring the doorbell, extending the leg and extending energy through the right big toe.  Now swing the right leg to the left, across and over the left leg as far as you can comfortably go.  Your back may pop or crackle.  Then return the right leg to its previous central position, and drop it back down onto the bed or couch.


Variant #6. Spinal twist in the special position (also called the Kwan Yin twist.)  This is not a difficult twist, but it is difficult to get into the right position.  I will try to describe it:


a) Lie comfortably on your left side on a bed.  Extend your left arm behind your back.  Extend your right arm in front of you and perpendicular to your body.

b) Turn your head to the right.  Do not use a pillow for your head.

c) Bend your left leg, bringing your left knee about half way up to your chest.

d) Lock the right hand around the edge of the bed.  This can be the right side of the bed, or the head of the bed.  If necessary, move your body a little, so that your right hand just reaches the edge of the bed.

e) Keeping your right leg straight, move the right leg backwards, away from your left leg, as far as you comfortably go.

f) Turn the foot.  Turn the right foot outward as far as you can comfortably go.  Now you are in position for the twist.

g) The twist.  To do the twist, contract your right arm a little, pulling the right shoulder toward the corner of the bed.  At the same time, move the right leg back more.  This torques or twists the spine.  

h) The other side.  Repeat the entire procedure on the other side of your body.


The kicks.  These move a lot of energy in a downward direction.

Lay on your back with your legs outstretched.  Lift your left leg.  Bend the left knee.  Now move your heel downward – away from your head – forcefully.  It is as though you are kicking someone with your heel who is standing at your feet.  To do this properly, you must relax the left leg.  You may hear a pop in your left hip, knee or ankle if you do this correctly.  That is fine and means you released some blocked energy.

Now repeat the procedure with the right leg.




1. The neck pull.  This puts gentle traction on the neck and helps development greatly.  For details, please read The Neck Pull on this site.


2. Neck turn and extension.  Lie down comfortably on a bed, a couch or a massage table.  Lie on your back without a pillow under your neck.

Put your feet parallel and aimed away from the body.

Place your arms at your side, or they can be outward to the sides.

With your head centered in relation to your body, gently and slowly turn your head to the right until your right cheek is on the bed sheet.  Do not slide the back of your head along the bed, but instead move your entire upper body to the right as you turn your head.

This means you will reach or stretch your upper spine and even the left shoulder as you turn your head to the right.  If done right, you should have a good stretch or reach to the right.  Do not be surprised or afraid if you hear some clicking or popping sounds as you turn your head.

Now gently and slowly move the head back to center and rest if you need to.  Then move your head and upper back to the left until your left cheek is touching the bed sheet.  Once again, this should stretch the upper back, neck and right shoulder as you move to the left.  Then bring your head back to center position.

For even more effect, pull or move your head and neck upward toward the head of the bed as you do this reach or stretch.  Do not let your head leave the bed, however.  Keep your head on the bed, at all times.

You may repeat this exercise several times, if you wish.  It is often excellent to help adjust the vertebra in the neck.


3. The neck twist.  Begin with the same position as in the exercise above - lying on your back with legs straight down and together.  While looking at the ceiling, move your head about one or two inches to the left.  Then slowly twist your neck and head to the right, as far as you can comfortably go.  Do not move the left shoulder at all, and if needed, slide your head so that you simply twist your neck all the way to the right. 

It helps to look all the way to the right with your eyes, and let your head follow your eyes around.  Ideally, you should be able to twist your neck slowly and gently 180 degrees so that your mouth and nose are facing directly into the bed.   However, never force it, and do not worry if you cannot turn your head this far.  Do what is comfortable, and nothing more, or you can hurt yourself.  Again, do not be surprised if you hear a click or a pop as you turn your head gently.

Now gently twist your head back to center position and rest for a moment.  Now repeat the exercise on the other side.  First move your head about one to two inches to the right.  Then look all the way to the left.  Now gently and slowly twist just the neck to the left as far as you can comfortably go, sort of following your eyes.  You can stay in the twisted position for a moment and then slowly and gently return your head to the centered position.

For even more effect, as you twist your neck to the right or to the left, move your head up toward the head of the bed, as though you are unscrewing it from your body.  Do everything gently!




1. Arm pull in the air. Lift both arms into the air above your head.  Lock the hands together.  Then pull both arms to the right, all the way to the bed, if you can.  Then move back to center with the arms directly above your head and pull both arms to the left.  If you do this correctly, often the shoulders will “pop” or crackle.  That is good, as it is a release of tension.


2. Arm pull behind your head.  (This exercise requires that the head of your bed not be against a wall). 

Place both arms behind your head.  The arms will rest a little on the bed by your ears.  Now join the hands together.  Now move both arms to the right as far as you can.  Then move both arms, locked together, to the left as far as you can.  Keep your neck centered and look straight up at the ceiling while doing both exercises.


3. Arm pull with hands clasped behind your neck.  Lie down comfortably on your back on a bed or couch.  Do not use a pillow for your head.  Have your legs extended downward and straight, and not crossed.

Lift up your arms into the air.  Now bend the arms at the elbows.  Bring the hands to the back of the neck.  Interlock your hands together behind your neck.

Now move the elbows together in front of your face.  Often the upper back and shoulders will pop or click or snap.  This is normal and good.

Turn your head, and your elbows to the right, as far as you can comfortably go.  Then bring them back to center position.  Now turn your head and your elbows to the left, as far as you can comfortably go.  Often this will cause some popping in the upper back and shoulders.  This is perfectly normal.




These exercises are:


1. Push the toes down. You can wear socks, if you wish, for this exercise.  Lie on a bed, couch or massage table on your back with your legs extended.  Now grab the left foot and bring it toward you.

Push the toes downwards, somewhat forcefully.  Often they will pop as you do this.  This is excellent to relieve tension and move energy through the meridians that run through the toes.  Repeat the exercise on the other foot.


2. Move toes back and forth, and up and down.  Remain in the same position, grab a foot, hold all the toes at once, and move all the toes together back and forth, left to right and back again a few times, forcefully.  Also, move them up and down together, forcefully.  Repeat the exercise on the other foot. 

Moving the toes downward forcefully is helpful for detoxification.  This procedure seems to help open the meridians and channels that flow through the brain and perhaps the entire body.


3. Move the big toes in a circle.  To do this, lie on your back, bend the right knee about half way.  Then bring the left foot up so it sits on the thigh of the right leg so you can easily move the toes.

Now grab the left big toe with your right hand and move it in a circle counterclockwise if you are looking at it from the right hand.

Another way to say this, is to move the big toe in a circle in the following sequence. 

1. Move it away from the other toes.

2. Move it downward as though moving it toward the floor if you were standing up.

3. Move it inward toward the other toes.

4. Move it upward, away from the bottom of the foot.  That should produce a movement in a circular way.  Do this about 10 times in a wide circle.

Now, change sides.  Bend the left knee about halfway.  Bring the right foot up to lay on your left thigh so you can easily move the big toe of your right foot.

However, you will move the big toe of the right foot in a clockwise direction, when viewed from the perspective of your left hand.

4. Move all the toes in a circle.  This is even better than moving just the big toes in a circle. Moving all the toes in a circle properly will speed up development.

Follow the same rules as for #3 above: move the toes of the left foot counterclockwise (looking from the toes) and move the toes of the right foot clockwise (looking from the toes).

Hint: When moving the toes in a circle, move the part of the circle more forcefully in which the toes are moving from the front of the foot toward the heel of the foot.  This is the equivalent of moving energy from the head toward the feet, which is excellent for development. 

5. Moving the core, or folding the foot.  This is harder to describe, although it is not complex.  Lie on your back on a bed or couch, with your feet outstretched.  Bend one knee and grab that foot in the following way:

Place the thumbs of both hands on the bottom of the foot, and the fingers on the top of the foot, one on each side.  Try to “fold up” the foot by pushing up with your thumbs and down with your fingers.  The foot may pop or crackle.  Then do the same on the other foot.


6. The knee pull.  This is helpful for some knee problems.  Always do it gently! 

Lie on your back on a bed or couch, or on the floor.  Extend both legs extended and parallel to each other.

Bend the left knee and swing it outward to the side.  Grab the left ankle with both hands firmly.  The ankle should now be over your genital area or even over your belly.

Slowly move your foot toward your head as far as it will go comfortably.  The leg will bend more.  Make sure the leg and knee feel totally relaxed.  You can push and pull them a little to make sure.

Now give your foot a quick pull, pulling the foot and ankle directly toward your head.  Often, when you do this, the knee will pop or click.  This is perfectly normal, and it is the intent of this procedure.

Repeat with the other leg:  First extend both legs parallel to each other while you lie on your back on the bed. 

Bend the right knee, and move the knee outward to the side.  Grab the right ankle with both hands firmly.  Gently move the ankle as far as you can comfortably go toward your head.  Make sure the leg, the ankle and the knee are totally relaxed.  Then give a short, hard tug or pull on the ankle.  This may cause the knee to pop or click.


7. Reflexology.  While in the same position on your back, you can do a short or a long foot rub or reflexology session.  For example, if you have pain in the liver area, rub or push hard in the liver reflex areas of the foot.

If you want to relax your spine to help a spinal twist, then rub the entire spinal reflex area.  This is the entire arch of the foot - from the tip of the big toe, along the arch, all the way to the inside of the heel area. 

IMPORTANT. Press on the meridian channels:  There are seven meridian reflex channels:

1. On the bottom of each foot, all along the arch.  This is the reflex area to the central channel or conception vessel in acupuncture.  There are actually two of these, one on each foot.

2. On the top of each foot, starting in the webbing between the first and second toes and moving back toward the heel in a straight line.

3. On the top of each foot, starting between the second and the third toes and moving back toward the heel in a straight line.

4. On the top of each foot, starting the third and fourth toes and moving back toward the heel in more or less a straight line.

5. On the top of each foot, starting between the fourth and fifth toes and moving back toward the heel in a more or less straight line.

6. On the outside edge of each foot, starting on the outside of the pinky or fifth toe and moving back toward the heel along the outside of the foot.

7. On the bottom of the foot, starting roughly between the fourth and fifth toes and moving back toward the heel in roughly a straight line.

It is often best to finish by briefly rubbing the entire foot.  Repeat on the other foot.




These are an excellent method to release tension in the hips and legs.  Lie down comfortably on a bed or couch, or on the floor with your legs extended and together.

Lift one leg about 1 foot or 1/3 of a meter off the bed, couch or floor.  Bend the knee so that the foot is close to your groin. 

Now relax the foot and place your attention on the heel of your foot.  Now suddenly straighten the knee, kicking away from your head with the heel of the foot.  If it helps, you can pretend that someone is standing at the foot of your bed or couch and you are kicking the person.  Do five kicks with each foot.

To make this procedure more effective, kick in somewhat different directions.  First, kick to the far left, then kick just slightly to the left, then to the center, then slightly to the right and finally kick sharply to the right side.

With practice, you will get much better at doing the kicks with your foot relaxed.

 This procedure is excellent to release a stuck hip and can also help adjust the spine, the knee, the ankle and perhaps even the ribs.




1.  Always do the twists gently!  As you feel more comfortable with them, you can do them more vigorously.  Never do them vigorously if you have osteoporosis or if you are a woman over the age of 45.

2. Never force anything.  If you are very uncomfortable with a procedure, do not do it.

3. If you have back problems, I suggest visiting a competent chiropractor or osteopath, and getting permission to do these exercises.

4.  These exercises can be repeated several times daily.




            This is one of the most powerful of the procedures and is best done every day for at least one hour and preferably longer.  By itself, it will cause deep healing and development.




When. Morning is excellent because the body is rested.  During the day is also very good.  In fact, any time is excellent except bedtime.  Doing the exercise at bedtime won’t work because you will fall asleep.  Sleep is the enemy of the pushing down exercise.

Some clients do the pushing down exercise at night to fall asleep.  This is fine as a sleep inducer, but it doesn’t count as time doing the exercise.

If you awaken at night and cannot fall asleep, do it then.  The more the better.


Where.  You will need a quiet, safe and comfortable location.  A comfortable chair with a straight back is very good.  Some people use a recliner chair.  Many prefer to lie down on their bed or on a sofa.


How often. Do the exercise every single day.  Try not to skip days.  You may do it several times daily.  More is better and you cannot overdo on this exercise.  (It is easy to overdo on most other meditative exercises.)


For how long. Longer sessions are best, such as an hour at a time.  However, any time spent doing the exercise is excellent.  This is not true of many other meditative practices that can be habit-forming.


When can I stop doing it?  Whenever you wish.  However, the longer that you do this exercise, the more you will develop yourself and your health will improve greatly.  If possible, make it a life-long spiritual practice that is part of your life path.


Body position.

Sitting. You can sit against a wall or cushion, or on a straight-backed chair.  Make sure it is comfortable.  You need not cross your legs Indian-style.  Having them just straight down in front of you is fine. 

NOTE:  If you do the exercise sitting down, the energy will move downward from your head to your pelvis.  Then it will angle forward a little toward the feet.  In other words, the energy does not make sharp bends at the pelvis and the knees.

Lying down. Many people like doing the exercise in bed or on a soft carpet on the floor.  Be sure you are comfortable.  Do not use a pillow under your head.  Many people like covering up with a sheet or blanket. 

Walking and other ways. You may do the exercise while walking slowly.  Have your eyes about half closed so you do not walk into objects.  You could walk in a shopping mall for safety, or on a straight sidewalk, perhaps with a friend.  Walking on rough ground is more challenging.




Sit or lie down comfortably.  Close your eyes.  Some do the exercise with eyes open, but it is easier with eyes closed.  Eventually, you will be able to do it with eyes open.

Keep your eyes focused straight ahead.  Do not roll your eyes up into your head, and do not strain in any way.  Also, keep your shoulders down at all times. Do not let them ride upwards or twist.

Now use your mind to move a subtle energy into your head from above, and down the entire body to the feet.  This is the entire exercise.  Do not embellish it in any way.




Imagine that you are starting your car.  You turn the key and the motor turns over.  That is what you are doing with the pushing down exercise.  You are cranking the engine again and again and again. 

If you do this faithfully for years, eventually the engine will start and you will live a long, healthy life.  This is the best analogy for this exercise.  Please read this over and over until it is perfectly clear to you.






A powerful addition is to imagine breathing in and out through your toes.  It keeps your attention focused on your feet, which is where it is supposed to be at all times.




For faster progress, a very important aspect is every five minutes or so do the twists of the toes, feet, ankles, knees, hips, back and neck.  These are described in the article entitled The Twists.  You will often hear clicks and pops in all of these areas.  This is good.  It frees energy to move through the body.




This is a visualization to do with the pushing down exercise.  With your mind, you move subtle energy not just downward, but also inward and spinning to the right.  This looks just like a tornado with a funnel shape that is wide at the top and narrows as it moves downward.  At the same time, the entire funnel spins to the right.

This is one of the most powerful visualizations to use with the pushing down exercise.




As you move energy downward from the head to the feet, imagine you are surrounded by a beautiful silk robe.


1. Pull the robe inwards around yourself, tightening it around your body.  This is inward motion.

2. Spin the robe around yourself in a clockwise direction.  Feel the silk brushing by your legs, your back, your chest, and your arms.  This is a right spin.

3. Move the entire robe downward.  This is down movement.

4. Relax and enjoy this feeling.  This is a parasympathetic movement.


            To read the reasons to use these movements, and not others, please read The 7 Principle And Nutritional Balancing on this site.




This is a powerful maneuver that enhances the pushing exercise.  It moves energy downward much more forcefully.  To learn about it, please read The Neck Pull on this website.




A great secret of success with the pushing down exercise is to make the body as empty and “hollow” as possible.

Women may have an easier time doing this because they have more areas of their bodies that are already hollow or empty.  However, both men and women can do this.

I find it helpful when starting the exercise each day, to say “Empty of self, empty of striving, I am one with God”.

Emptying the mind of thoughts is also very helpful.  Do not wallow in thoughts or feelings that will arise while you are doing the exercise.  Just observe them, and let them go.  Watch them as one would watch a cloud in the sky pass by and disappear.  It does not matter if they are amazing, horrible, scary, romantic, sexy or anything else.

It may also help to think (but do not say) “Thy Will be done”.  It can help to let go of any and all thoughts that arise in the mind.  Do not worry.  You will not become stupid or forgetful by doing this.  Quite the opposite occurs.  You will not waste energy with idle thoughts.




When women begin the pushing down exercise, they often have a more difficult time with it than men.  For women to succeed as well as men, here are some additional suggestions:


1. Put something inside the vagina to remind you all day to push down.  Men are aided by having something hanging between their legs, reminding them to focus downward all day.

Women can create the same feeling by placing inside the vagina a small object that irritates them just a bit.  The best is often a piece of Styrofoam, such as a Styrofoam packing peanut.  It is about the size of a peanut.  The Styrofoam is not too toxic, and it is very light in weight so it won’t easily fall out.  You can “lose it” deep in the vagina, but you just reach in far enough and you will find it.  Once a day, take it out and wash it off.  That is all there is to it.  For more details, read Vaginal Weights, Packing Peanuts and Jade Eggs.

2. Visualize. Use the visualizations in the section below.  Experiment to see which ones you like the best.  They work.

3. If possible, teach your husband or partner to push down and teach him to do Down Sex with you.  This helps because there is a compounding effect when you do it with or even just close by another.  You can do it together while sitting, standing, lying down or while slowly walking together.  For other suggestions for women, read Women And Development on this website.




1. The start.  This lasts about 5-10 minutes.  The mind is usually quite active and chaotic.

2. Beginning.  This lasts 20-40 minutes.  The mind relaxes during this stage.

3. Deeper.  This stage lasts from about 40 up to 90 minutes.  The mind gets quiet at this time.

4. Final.  This stage usually begins after about 90 minutes or a little sooner.  It is a time of coherence or a passive mind.  Some people can identify as the energy moving through, instead of identifying as the body.




These visualizations can help tremendously to have fun and to do the pushing down exercise better.  There are many of them because each person may prefer a different one.  Please try many of them to see which are easiest and most enjoyable for you.




With this group of visualizations, you imagine pulling the energy downward, rather than pushing it downward. 


Examples of pulling down images are:


The gown.  For women, imagine someone is helping you put on a very tight evening gown.  Imagine it is extremely tight!  As a result, it pulls every bit of you downward as it goes on.

The black hole.  A huge black hole is below your feet.  These have intense gravity and pull everything inside of themselves.

The magnet.  A huge magnet is below your feet, pulling on you with great force.

The vacuum cleaner.  An industrial strength vacuum is below each of your feet, sucking everything out of you and downward.

The wind tunnel.  A wind tunnel is a device used to test aircraft design.  It is an enormous fan and blows air from your head to your feet at over 500 miles per hour - and you are caught inside it.

The heavy gravity planet.  Imagine that a very heavy gravity planet or comet comes close to the earth and it literally pulls you from the legs toward itself.

The rack.  This is a medieval torture device in which your head is held tight and ropes are attached to your feet and someone slowly turns a crank that pulls your legs away from your body.

The boots.  Imagine you have worn a pair of tight boots all day and your feet have swollen inside them and you are having trouble getting them off.  You get two friends to pull as hard as they can while you hold on to your bed.

The tight pants.  You are having trouble taking off your tight jeans.  You get two friends  - one at each leg, to pull down as hard as they can to try to get them off.

The bride of Christ.  Imagine pulling God or Jesus down from Heaven into your body.  Imagine becoming “one with God” in this way.  Say “I want more of God”. “I want more of God”. “I want more of God” as you pull Him down over you.  If you don’t believe in God, then imagine bringing in the High Self, the oversoul or the Real Self.

Bringing Heaven to earth.  Imagine drawing Heaven all the way down to the earth.  You are acting out the idea expressed in the Lord’s Prayer – “Thy Will be done on earth, as it is done in Heaven”.  It is active prayer.  It is very powerful.

The fish hook pull.  Imagine fish hooks all over your body that are pulling your body downward.  They are pulling down your ears, nose, chin, fingers, toes, breasts, belly button, genital hair, knee caps, ankles and more.

The giant earring pull. Imagine you have on gigantic African ear rings and they are weighing down the ears so much that they are pulling the ears straight downward. You can do the same with a giant nose ring, and belly button ring.

The shark pull.  Imagine you are swimming, and a shark has grabbed your bathing suit, and is trying hard to pull it down.

The wire pull. Imagine there is a wire extending from your stomach downward, a little inside the front of the body.  You pull on it to move the energy downward.

The donut or torus visualization.  Imagine a donut or torus or automobile tire around your feet as you are sitting or lying down doing the pushing down exercise.

The donut is rotating fast, but not to the right or to the left.  It is rotating such that the inside of the donut is moving downward, or away from your head, all the way around the donut.  Meanwhile, the outside of the donut or tire – all around the donut - is moving upward, or toward your head.

If you do this correctly, it will feel good and help pull energy downward from your head to your feet.  To view a diagram of the donut or tire, click here.


With each of the above images, imagine a violent pulling force that does the following:


Your head.  Imagine that your ears are being sucked downward and are becoming elongated, as if you habitually wear huge, heavy earings.  Perhaps visualize your ears being ripped off completely.

Your nose is being sucked downward so you have a big hooked nose that almost touches your lips or even your chin.

Your lips are being sucked downward.  The energy may even pull the teeth out of your mouth and pull your eyeballs out of their sockets downward so they are just hanging by a thread, or they completely fall out.

Neck and back.  Imagine that your neck is getting long and skinny as the force pulls your body away from your head.  As a result, you look like a bugs bunny cartoon character.

Also, imagine the sucking force pulling apart each one of your vertebrae, starting with the top of the neck and moving down to your buttocks.  You start to feel at least a foot taller.

Arms.  Your arms and legs are also getting longer and skinnier so you are looking like Olive Oyl in the Popeye The Sailor television series. Your elbows, wrists, fingers and fingernails are being pulled downward by the sucking force.

Chest and abdomen.  Women and men, imagine your chest and breasts are being pulled downward by the force.  They are practically down to your waist.  Women, if you are wearing makeup, it pulls your eye shadow down your face, so it looks terrible. If you are wearing a dress, it is pulling it downward so the over-the-shoulder straps are cutting into your shoulders.

Men, the black hole is pulling your testicles downward.  It also pulls down everyone’s pants and underpants, and pulls off your rings and other jewelry.

Legs.  Now imagine your hips, knees, legs, ankles, toes and toenails are being sucked downward by the force.

Organs and traumas.  The black hole also pulls down all of your internal organs, and especially sucks out toxic metals, toxic chemicals, diseases and traumas from every part of the body.

For extra thrills.  Imagine every single hair on your body is being sucked straight downward by the force.  Women, if you have given birth, imagine a force that pulls the baby out without your having to do anything.


The big, wide tube.  Imagine a long, wide tube made of metal or plastic, perhaps, that stretches from your head all the way to your feet.  As you push down or pull energy downward, imagine it streaming down the tube from your head to your feet and out the end of the tube.

It will work better if you also imagine that the tube opens outward as it moves down the body.  It is as if one has cut the tube along its length on top, and it unrolls or opens, starting at your chest.  The tube opens more as it extends downward through the abdomen and into the legs.




With all of these visualizations, push the energy not just down to your feet, but about 30 inches or 76 centimeters beyond or below your feet. 


Turn yourself inside out, with your whole body coming out your feet.  This sounds unusual, but many people report it is helpful.

Many donuts.  Imagine not one, but many donuts or car tires moving down your body, from your head to your feet.  As they do, they squeeze the body tightly and force subtle energy to move downward ahead of each donut or tire.

The wood screw.  Imagine a wood screw that is the same size as your body.  The head of the screw is a little above your head.  The other end of the screw is about 1.5 feet below your feet.  Imagine the screw turning to the right and the energy moving downward and to the right and slightly inward as it moves down the screw.

The massage.  Imagine you are receiving a massage.  The person giving you the massage only moves his or her hands down your body from the head to the feet – and never sideways or upward.  The massage begins at your hair and your head, and slowly moves all the way down the body to your feet.  Remember, the imaginary hands only move downward on your body, and never to one side or any other way.  

The accordion or sponge. Imagine pushing the body down, mentally.  This is like closing an accordion or squeezing a sponge downward.  I am not sure why this works, but it seems to move more energy through the body.

In your mind, (not physically), squash the body downward like an accordion, and place your head under your feet with the body squeezed into a small space like a closed accordion.

God sex. This imagery is sexy and may be scary for some people, so don’t read it if you do not wish to.  It is included because it is helpful for some women to speed recovery from a rape trauma. 

The idea is that the pushing down exercise acts as a counter-trauma, meaning it has just the opposite effects of a physical rape.

Visualize an opening at the top of your head.  God enters you there.  He invades you and violates the boundaries of your body.  It is a little scary.  However, at a deep level you know it is God, and not any evil force.  You also know, at some level, that you need to be invaded and “ravaged” by the Almighty and born again.

The experience is intense! You may feel invaded and hit from above.  To gain the most benefit from this visualization, do the pushing down exercise lying on your back in bed under a sheet without wearing any clothing.

The experience shakes you to your core.  The body vibrates, a little.  It stirs up everything that is not of God and sends it all packing.  It cleans you up at deep levels and He restores your soul.

Other effects are that you become pregnant with God’s ideas and wisdom.  Also, you become “infected” with God’s afflictions – faith, hope and love.  Each time you do the exercise properly, the infection becomes greater.

The experience is pleasurable as subtle energy flows through your first and second energy centers.  However, the goal is not instant pleasure, but rather healing and conversion.  The exercise turns on the light inside you. (If you do it right, you may also have a few down orgasms, called Jolts on this website). 

You are never out of control.  God does not work this way.  However, you are voluntarily letting Him be in charge.  As you do this, your life will change.  It gets harder and harder to ever go back to the old, sick, egotistical self you were.

You feel slain by the Spirit.

When you come back to the physical world the memory of the Kingdom of God remains, a happy world you can enter at will.  In time, and with practice, you bring more and more of this happy world into the physical world.

Magnetizing an iron rod.  Think of magnetizing a metal rod.  Imagine stroking a piece of iron (the body) with a magnet, moving it only downward, in order to magnetize the metal bar.

Lying down in a fast-moving river.  Imagine you are lying in a very shallow, but fast-moving river with your head facing upstream and your feet propped up against a big rock that sticks out of the water.

Water rushes from your head down to your feet all around you with great force.  You feel you would be washed away if the rock did not hold your feet.

Also imagine you have a big hole in the top of your head and holes in the bottoms of your feet.  The water enters your head and rushes down your body on the inside, as well as all around you.

Sitting under a huge waterfall, or a powerful shower.  Imagine sitting under the most powerful waterfall or shower you can imagine.  Water crashes down all around you, and moves from your head to your feet with great force.

Also, imagine you have a large hole in the top of your head and holes in the bottoms of your feet, so that water moves into your body, as well, and down and out your feet.  It cleanses you, and empties you of old traumas and toxins.

The bathtub.  Imagine you are a human-shaped bathtub full of water.  Now open large drain holes in your feet, your hands and one in the perineum area (between the legs).  Imagine energy (the water) pouring out these holes downward (toward your feet).

The cookie cutter. Imagine a giant cookie cutter moving over the body, from head to feet, reshaping you in the Image of God.

The Sculptor’s chisel. Imagine you are a block of uncut stone and the Divine Sculptor chisels and drills into you from above.  Even though there is pain, it slowly turns you into His beautiful sculpture.

Delivering the baby.  Imagine you must push hard downward to move a baby out of your body.  Both men and women can do this visualization.

The weights. Imagine weights on your hands and your feet, and maybe one hanging between your legs, too.  They are forcefully pulling you downward toward your feet as you walk or sit.

The three grapefruits.  Imagine one grapefruit-sized ball of energy in your head, one in your chest, and one in your abdomen.  Spin all of them in a forward direction so the front of the grapefruit moves downward.  Spin them as hard as you can.  Do not spin the grapefruit in a whole circle.  Just move the front of it downward. 

This is one of our favorite visualizations.  It spins the three dantiens.  For more details, read The Dantiens.

To read the entire Pushing Down Exercise, go to Pushing Down Exercise.








There are several ways to do the vaginal coffee procedure:


1. The best is to do the procedure at bedtime. This way, the coffee will work all night while you sleep.

The procedure.  Either dip a small washcloth, a sponge or a tampon in coffee (see below how to prepare it) and insert it into the vagina.  Alternatively, first insert a dry washcloth, sponge or tampon into the vagina and the pour some coffee onto it to soak it.

Then put on underpants and a pad and go to bed.  In the morning, remove the cloth, sponge or tampon and wash them off.

2. Second best is to do the above procedure in the morning and leave it inserted all day long.  The nighttime procedure is more powerful because the body is resting, but this is also quite powerful.

3. Third best is to angle the hips so that the vagina is straight up and down (see instructions below).  Then pour some coffee into the vagina and rest in this position for at least half an hour and ideally up to one hour or more.

This method is best if the vaginal tissues are very sensitive and one cannot insert a washcloth, sponge or tampon into the vagina without causing pain or other discomfort. Angling the hips properly and pouring coffee into the vagina is a bit tricky for some women.  Lying on a slant board is usually the best way to do it.

4. Fourth best is to insert a washcloth, sponge or tampon dipped in coffee into the vagina, or pour some coffee onto a dry washcloth, sponge, or tampon that you have inserted into the vagina.  Put on a pad if you wish to prevent drips, and rest in this position for at least half an hour or more.



1. Coffee.  Soaking a washcloth in coffee requires about a cup of coffee.  Adding coffee to a dry sponge requires about 1 tablespoon of coffee.  Preferably use organically grown, medium or dark roast coffee.  Any regular coffee can be used.  I do not recommend instant coffee.  It is not as strong and may contain chemicals.

You can buy the beans and grind the coffee yourself or buy ground coffee.  Always store coffee in the freezer.

2. Water.  Each VCI requires about ½ to 1 cup or about 100-250 ml of water.  Some women prefer spring or distilled water, but any type of drinking water will work.

3. A small pot to make the coffee.  A coffeemaker will work, as well.  Use one-half as much more coffee if you use a coffeemaker rather than boil the coffee for 12 minutes because the coffee made in a coffeemaker will be weaker.

4. A way to pour the coffee into the vagina.  One can use an enema bag or bucket, a turkey baster, an ear syringe or even a spoon, if you prefer.

4A. The washcloth method.  Placing a wash cloth soaked in coffee inside the vagina puts a lot of coffee in the vagina and stretches the vagina a little so the coffee touches all over the vagina.  You will need to use a chopstick or the blunt end of a long pencil to push the wash cloth all the way to the end of the vagina.

This method is more powerful, but a little messier than a sponge, so wear a pad with it.

5. Using a sponge.  Many women like to use a natural sponge.  If the vagina is very dry, a sponge may be irritating.  If you use a sponge:

Tampon problems. Some women use a tampon to hold the coffee.  However, tampons are designed to absorb liquid, but not to allow the body to remove the liquid.  We have reports that the coffee is less well absorbed from a tampon, so it is no longer recommended. 

Choosing a sponge. The best idea is often to buy a natural sea sponge because it is the softest, and they are not costly.  Other possibilities are a kitchen sponge or a vaginal sponge sold as a birth control device.  These latter two are not quite as good.  The standard kitchen sponge is too rough for most women.

If you use a vaginal birth control sponge, you must first wash out the spermicide that comes in the sponge.  Also, the sponge is too large and will need to be cut.

Shaping the sponge.  Using a scissors, cut your sponge into roughly the size and shape of your index finger.  The sponge should be long enough to reach from all the way in the back of the vagina to all the way in the front, with a little sticking out.  This is important for the best distribution of the coffee, and to avoid “losing” the sponge inside the vagina.  Try to place the sponge all the way to the back of the vagina, behind the cervix.

The string.  This is not necessary if your sponge is long enough.  However, a few women reported “losing” the sponge inside the vagina.  This occurs because the cervix hangs down into the vagina.  The sponge can end up behind it, so one cannot find the sponge to remove it.

The solutions are:

1. You must be willing to put your entire hand inside the vagina – not just a few fingers.  Reach in and way in the back behind the cervix you will find the sponge.  Don’t be bashful!

2. You can tie a piece of dental floss tightly around one end of the sponge.  Let the other end of the dental floss hang out of the vagina.  When you are ready to remove the sponge, pull on the string.  Do not leave a sponge in the vagina longer than about 12 hours.


5. Other possible required materials.  If you use the best, second best or third best procedures described above, you don’t need the following:

Pillows to elevate your hips, towels to lie on and protect the area from spills, and perhaps a slant board if you want to use one to angle your vagina up and down.

Some women also use a long pencil or a plastic or wooden chopstick to measure:

1. The angle of the vagina to make sure it is straight up and down before pouring in the coffee.

2. The length of the vagina in order to cut the sponge to the right length. 

To measure these, first wash the pencil or chopstick with soap and water.  Then gently place the chopstick or pencil, eraser end first, into the vagina.  Make sure it passes the opening to the cervix and touches the very back of the vagina.

To measure the angle, lie down on your back and note how your hips need to be in order for the chopstick or pencil to be perfectly vertical.  This is the correct position of the hips if you will pour the coffee in without it coming out.

To measure the length of the vagina (for cutting the sponge), grab the chopstick where it emerges from the vagina and pull it out.  Then measure the length of the part of the chopstick that was inside.  Cut the sponge to be a little bit longer than this.



When: Any time of the day or evening is fine.  For the most powerful effect, do the procedure at bedtime and sleep with the coffee inside.

How Many: One can do the procedure every day.  The more powerful overnight retention method can be done daily.  The less powerful method of retaining the coffee for 30-60 minutes can be done up to 4 times daily, if needed.

For How Long: So far, there are no adverse effects from vaginal coffee implants that are continued for several years.

Can it be combined with a coffee enema?  Yes.  You can do the two at the same time.  Some women report that this is the most powerful way to do them.

Where. Lie on your back on a towel on the bathroom floor or even in the bathtub, if you prefer.

 Using a slant board. A slant board is a simple device upon which you lie down, and it adjusts so that your head is somewhat lower than your feet.

This can be used if you want to pour in the coffee without using a sponge.  You can do a coffee enema on the slant board at the same time. 

You need a slant board in which you can adjust the angle of the board.  Don’t buy an exercise slant board, as these may not adjust.  You can possibly build an adjustable slant board if you prefer, as it is just a board covered with a cushion that hooks on to a metal frame at one end in a way that is adjustable.

Adjust the angle of the slant board so that while lying on it, the vagina is perfectly vertical – up and down.  To find out the proper angle, you can insert a thin wooden or metal rod of some kind in the vagina.  Then adjust the slant board angle so that the rod is perfectly vertical – up and down.

With this arrangement, one can lie down on the slant board and simply pour the coffee into the vagina with a cup, and it will remain there and not leak out.

What to wear.  You can wear a top, such as a sweatshirt.  Some women report wearing panties and just pushing them aside.  The first time you will probably spill some coffee, so be prepared for this.



Place 1 to 1.5 cups of water in a saucepan. Add ½ to 1 tablespoon of coffee.  Some people must use less coffee.  If you are not sure, start with less.

Bring the water to a boil and simmer for 12 minutes, and not longer than 13 minutes.  This seems to be about optimum to extract the most goodness of the coffee.

Then turn off the heat and let the mixture cool.  To speed the cooling, you may add an ice cube. 

For faster cooling, you may even place the entire saucepan in the freezer for a few minutes.   Avoid letting the hot pot touch the plastic structure of the freezer, as it will melt the plastic.  Always place the pot on a hot plate or trivet in the freezer.

When you can comfortably put a finger into the coffee and water mixture, it is ready to be used.  Strain the coffee mixture through a fine strainer or use a coffee filter paper to strain the mixture.

You could also decant the mixture, which means to pour it slowly and gently into a cup so that all the coffee grounds remain in the pot.



Method #1. The no-sponge method.  The idea of this method is just to pour the coffee into the vagina and have it stay there for 30-60 minutes. 

This method is difficult for women whose vagina is more horizontal.  It is easier for women whose vagina is more angled.

For young girls and virgins, this can be the best method because it does not require placing a sponge or tampon inside the vagina.

Preparation: Lie down in the bathtub or elsewhere for this procedure.  Adjust your hips with pillows or towels so that the vagina is perfectly straight up and down or vertical.  This is necessary so the coffee will stay inside.

Technique:  Put the coffee solution in a clean enema bag, enema bucket, or in a cup or mug.

When you are in position, pour the coffee mixture inside.  If it starts to spill out, reposition yourself so you hopefully can hold all the liquid.  Once it is inside, you can put a wash rag over the area, if needed, to help keep the coffee inside.

When you are done, just stand up if you are in the bathtub and let the coffee drain out.  Then dry off and get dressed.  You need not take a shower, as the coffee is sterile (boiled), and not harmful at all.


Method #2. Using a sponge or tampon. 

This method is used if you are going to retain the coffee overnight or during the day.


Using a sponge.   Cut the sponge to the right size, as described above.  Place the dry sponge in the vagina.  Then pour in coffee over it until the sponge is saturated with coffee.  The sponge holds the coffee so it won’t spill out.


Using a tampon.  Some women report they buy the smallest size of tampon – sold for light flow days - and they buy it with an applicator.  Insert the tampon into the vagina dry, and then pour the coffee over it.


The overnight procedure.  The most powerful VCI, according to our clients, is to retain coffee overnight.  This requires the sponge or tampon method.  Once it is inside you, then wear a pad and underwear, and go to bed.


DIVACUP or SOFTCUP method.  We do not recommend using a device such as the SOFTCUP or the DIVACUP to implant coffee in the vagina.  Both of these are basically plastic cups that fit over the cervix to catch and collect menstrual blood each month.  They are interesting substitutes for feminine pads or tampons, but they do not spread the coffee all around the vagina, and thus less coffee is absorbed.



There is no caffeine rush.  Most women feel more clear-headed and more centered when they do the VCI.  The sensation in the vagina is pleasant, and not stimulating. 

Occasionally, one retraces old symptoms or traumas.  In this case, any kind of thought or feeling can arise, such as sadness, fear, anger, pain in the area, or something else.  Most are very gentle and benign.  Rarely, one may feel like crying or sobbing.  If any sensation seems like too much, just stop the procedure.

One may also experience physical retracing symptoms if one has ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids or vaginal infections.  These may temporarily flare up, causing some pain or other sensations.  This is temporary, and one should continue doing the VCI daily and they will go away.  Always combine the VCI with a nutritional balancing program for best results.



One does not need to take a shower after doing the VCI because the coffee is sterile and the vagina will be cleaner than before doing the procedure.  Just wipe off any coffee that is on the skin and get dressed. 

 Sponge care.  Clean the sponge and other materials with soap and water.




1. Infections.  No one has reported developing a vaginal infection of any kind from the vaginal coffee implant.  Indeed, infections go away with this procedure.  We will report in this article any infection or other problems that occur with the VCI.

The coffee solution is sterile because it was boiled for 12 minutes.  However, if you used a turkey baster, ear syringe or enema tube to implant the coffee, these are not sterile.

If one has a vaginal infection, you can still do the coffee implant.  It may help eliminate the infection.  Coffee has the unusual property of being able to negate harmful energies in the human body.

            2. Pregnancy.  The vaginal coffee implant should be safe during pregnancy, but we don’t have any research about this, so we would avoid it.  Coffee enemas are safe and excellent during pregnancy.  They are superb to get rid of morning sickness, for example.

3. Menstruation.  This is messy, so some women skip the VCI while there is menstrual flow.  However, it seems to be safe if you want to continue during menstruation.

During the menstrual period, the uterus opens a little to allow the menstrual blood to flow out of it.  For this reason, it is possible that a little coffee could flow from the vagina into the uterus.  However, several women have done the implants during menstruation and have reported no problems.

4. Cleanliness.  Be sure your tampon, sponge, or enema bag are clean.  They do not need to be sterilized, however.

5. Milk letdown feeling.  Some women report feeling like some milk is coming in when they do vaginal coffee implants.   You may ignore it.  It is normal.  The coffee may just cause a slight increase in prolactin production, which is not harmful at all.

6. Vaginal irritation.  We have not had reports of vaginal irritation from the VCI except in women with vaginal dryness (see the next paragraph).  The coffee must be at a comfortable temperature.

7. Vaginal dryness. Older women who have a lot of vaginal dryness sometimes have trouble with irritation from using a sponge.  In this case, avoid tampons.  Look for a very soft natural sea sponge or use the no-sponge method.

8. Extreme sensitivity or allergy to coffee.  Women with an allergy or sensitivity to drinking coffee can usually do the VCI.  We suggest starting with less coffee to test it.  The VCI is not at all the same as drinking coffee.

9. A few women report that their menstrual periods have shortened to about 24 days since beginning the vaginal coffee implants.  This is an area of research.

10. Other. Some women wonder if some coffee can find its way into the uterus, up into the fallopian tubes, and from there spill into the abdominal cavity.  So far, this has not occurred.  If a few drops get into the uterus, this is not a problem.

To read the entire vaginal coffee implant article, go to Vaginal Coffee Implant.




Prepare the coffee as one would for a coffee enema or vaginal coffee. 

The coffee.  Use a medium or dark roast coffee only, preferably from Colombia or at least from South America.  These seem to work best.  Organically grown coffee is best, but not absolutely needed if you don’t have it.  Buying the beans, rather than buying ground coffee, will be fresher but buying ground coffee is okay.  Be sure to store coffee in the refrigerator.

Do not use an “enema coffee” because most are light roast and have too much caffeine.  We find that high caffeine in a coffee is not helpful, even though the Gerson people recommend it.

 You can make enough coffee to last up to 3 days.  Store the coffee liquid in the refrigerator, preferably in a closed glass jar.

The water.  The best is often distilled or spring water.  However, any drinkable water will work.

Preparation.  For one or two applications, put about 1/2 tablespoon of coffee in a pot.  Then add ¼ cup of water.  Boil the mixture for 12 to 13 minutes only. 

Then transfer the liquid to a new, cool pot or measuring cup.  Add another ¼ to ½ cup of water.  Adding room temperature water will cool down the mixture, and it should be ready to hold in the mouth.

Holding the coffee.  Make sure you are relaxed, as this helps to hold the coffee in the mouth.  Holding a little more coffee by puffing out your cheeks is helpful.

You may walk around with the coffee in your mouth.  However, it is safer to sit or lie down while holding the coffee in your mouth.  To move the coffee the closest to the ears, sinuses or brain, lying down is best.

You can lie down and tilt your head so that the coffee naturally flows closest to the area that needs attention.

Caution.  Stay warm so you do not sneeze, as this causes coffee to go everywhere!  Also, do not get too distracted, as this can cause you to swallow the coffee.

Finishing up.  Spit out the liquid after 15-20 minutes.  You will absorb some or most of the liquid and this is alright.  Rinsing your mouth with water afterwards is not necessary.  It is okay to swallow the remaining coffee after 20 minutes if you prefer.  To read the entire oral coffee article, go to Oral Coffee Hold.





1. Kelp.  For one wrap or one bath, you will need about 1 pound of powdered kelp.  Brands that are acceptable include Frontier Herbs, Starwest Herbs and Monterrey Bay Herb Company ( in the USA, which is the least costly, I believe.  Other brands of powdered kelp are probably okay, but I am not sure.

2. Water.  You will also need about 4-6 cups of water depending upon how you cook the kelp.  You can use tap water, spring water or distilled water.  Distilled is probably best.

3. Whole Wheat flour.  You will need a few tablespoons of flour to make the kelp wrap more sticky so it will stay in the skin better.


Preparing the wrap: 

The amount of kelp and water depends upon whether you wrap the entire body, or just the legs.  Wrapping the entire body is best, but is somewhat messy.  Wrapping just the feet and legs is not quite as good, but it is less messy and can allow a person to move around more easily with the wrap on.


            You can boil the kelp or pressure cook it.  For details about pressure-cooking, see the Kelp Wrap article.


1. Boil water.  First bring about 6 cups of water to a boil.  Then turn down the flame to simmer. 

2. Add kelp.  Slowly add ½ to 1 pound of kelp powder.  The full body wrap requires more.  Stir it in slowly to prevent it from burning. 

3. Cook.  Let the mixture simmer for one-half hour.  Check on it from time to time, stirring so that it does not stick to the bottom of the pot and burn.  Break up any lumps of kelp.  Add a little more water if it gets too dry.  The cooking is important to make the kelp more yang and to kill any bacteria and other micro-organisms that may be mixed with the kelp.

4. Add flour.  After an hour of cooking, add a little whole wheat flour to make the kelp more sticky so it will stick better to your skin.  Usually, about 1 to 2 tablespoons of flour are all that are needed.


Applying the kelp: 


This is a little messy, but hopefully you can make it fun.  Spread a plastic shower curtain on the floor and stand or sit on it.  You may also apply the kelp while sitting in a bathtub, or lying or sitting on a towel on the floor.  Two people can help each other.

Undress and apply the kelp, either to the whole body or just the legs and feet.  You can wear a bikini bathing suit if you prefer.  You may need to bring a space heater into the room to keep the room warm.

A thin layer of kelp will dry on your skin.  This will make it more difficult to recycle and reuse it.  So it may be better to apply a thicker layer that will remain moist for the two to three hours.

Do not apply kelp to the elbows, knees, and underarms as it will not stay on very well. 

Once the kelp is spread on the skin, let it stay there for at least 2 hours and up to 3 hours.


Finishing up:


After 2 to three hours, brush off the kelp or use a spatula to collect it.  Put it in a container, and place it in the refrigerator to reuse it the next day. 


Other Topics:


Moving about.  The less you move about, the better the kelp will stay on the skin.  If you need to move around, you can put clear food wrap over the kelp, wrapping it around your legs and trunk. 

Another method is to buy some cheap, plastic “body bags” or lightweight plastic jump suits used in “clean rooms” of some factories.  Slip into one of these and you can also walk around without leaving a trail of kelp wherever you go.


            Reusing the kelp.  If you sit or lie down on a plastic shower curtain, you should be able to collect most of the kelp.  Store it in a container in the refrigerator until the next time you do the wrap. 

To reuse the kelp, add some water to the kelp until it is a thick paste.  Put it back on the stove and warm it up to near body temperature.  You can boil it quickly to kill germs if it is contaminated or sweaty.  However, you do not need to cook it more.  You can reuse the kelp up to 20 times.


            Coffee enemas, the pushing down exercise and red lamp therapy with a kelp wrap.  Since you must relax for 2-3 hours with the kelp, it is a good time to do Coffee Enemas – either one or two enemas back-to-back.

This is a very efficient use of time!  Spread a vinyl shower curtain liner on the floor of the bathroom, or on a yoga mat, or wherever you do coffee enemas.  Apply the kelp first.

Do not put kelp on your buttocks and perhaps not on the back of the hips to make doing the enema easier.  Then lie down and do one or preferably two coffee enemas back to back, as this is more powerful.

You can also do the Pushing Down Exercise while doing the coffee enemas.  The pushing down exercise is definitely easier with the coffee inside you. 

You may also shine a Reddish Heat Lamp on your abdomen while doing the wrap and the enemas.

To read the entire kelp article, go to Kelp.




This is a superb procedure to speed up development and healing.  It helps detoxify the body, is very alkaline, and very calming and grounding.




Either make your own salt paste or buy a salt bar.


 Making your own salt paste.  For one bar or one application, you will need about ¼ pound or 125 grams of unrefined sea salt. 

Any brand of sea salt can be used. 

Water.  Mix the salt with a little water to make a paste.  The type of water is not too important.

Flour.  Add a little whole wheat flour or white flour to the paste to make it more sticky.  Some people prefer to use a little coconut oil instead of flour, and that works, too.  Mix it together until you have a sticky paste.

Other recipes for salt bars are on the internet.


Buying a salt bar.  There are several brands of these.  Here are some cautions:

- A good one is One With Nature Dead Sea Salt Bar.

- Do not buy salt paste from Dead Sea Warehouse.  It may cause a rash.  Their salt bar is okay, however.  

- Don’t buy salt bars made of Himalayan pink salt.  They are not as good.


How to do a salt rub.  Here are different ways to do a salt rub:

1. After a shower, rub salt all over your body.  Leave it on and get dressed, and go about your day.  The salt needs to stay on for at least an hour or better, for two hours or longer to have the full effects.

2. At any time during the day, especially if you are feeling anxious or depressed for any reason, take off your clothes and rub on the salt.  Leave it on and get dressed and continue your day.

3. Some people enjoy sleeping with the salt rubbed on them.  However, it may leave the bed sheets gritty and itchy.

To read the entire salt rub article, go to The Salt Rub.




The genital bath is one of the most powerful healing procedures used in development programs.  It is helpful for overall health, and not just for alleviating vaginal, bladder, uterine and even prostate difficulties.  Bladder and vaginal infections in women often respond very well to this procedure.  Men can use it as well for urinary and penile difficulties.

The genital bath is also excellent as a therapy for trauma of any kind to the pelvic area.  It is also helpful to move subtle energy downward from the head to the feet.  It also helps open the central channel or Conception Vessel.




The basic idea is to splash cold water just on the genital area.  To do this, one can wear a shirt or sweatshirt, as the water will be directed only at the genital area.

Sit on the side of a bathtub facing into the bathtub.  Alternatively, sit on a stool placed in the bathtub.  You can also do the procedure in the shower.

Use a washcloth or a shower massager to splash cold water on the genital area only, (not on your entire abdomen).  Note: The water must be cold.  If your water is warm or tepid, put some water in a bucket and add a few ice cubes to make the water cold.

Continue the procedure for a full 10 minutes.  Repeat the genital bath five or more times per day.  This is very important.

The genital bath can be used for as long as necessary with no ill effects.

To read the entire genital bath article, go to Genital Bath.




This is a powerful healing method.  It works by inducing a very relaxed state of consciousness.  At the same time, subtle energy moves forcefully downward from the head to the feet.

Location: It can be done anywhere, but should a place that is comfortable and safe.

Positions: The person who will enter the trance lies down on a massage table or therapy table, on their back, fully clothed,.  The person can ask to be covered with a blanket to stay warm, if needed. 

The helper stands or usually sits on one side of the person receiving the session.

NOTE: Odd feelings or sensations are possible during the trance state.  Just ignore them.




The helper, sitting on one side of the person receiving the session, slowly moves his or her hands over the midline of the other person’s body.  The hands move only in one direction – from the head and moving toward the feet, and finally a little beyond the feet.

It usually works best if the helper’s hands are about 8 inches or about 15 centimeters above the person’s body.

When the helper’s hands reach just below the feet, the helper brings his or her hands in toward himself or herself, away from the other person’s body, and moves them back up to the head of the person receiving the session.

Then the helper begins another cycle of moving the hands over the body of the other person from the head to the feet.

The trance.  After about 5 to 10 minutes of this activity, the person lying on the table will go into a light trance state.  The person on the table will stay in this state for as long as the helper moves the hands down the body.

It is not a deep trance.  The person on the table can hear things spoken to him or her, and may be able to speak answers.

Do not touch the body because this will bring the person out of the trance.


Sessions can be as long as one wishes.  A session of at least an hour is very healing.  The main problem is that the helper will usually become tired after half an hour or so.

One solution to this problem is to have two helpers who alternate helping.  Another idea is that the two people could change places every half an hour or so.

To end the session, the helper just stops moving the hands over the body.  In a few minutes, the person on the table will return to full consciousness.

To read the entire hand trance article, go to The Hand Trance.






1. A comfortable, quiet location.

2. A massage table or bed for the one receiving the session and a comfortable chair for the attendant (s).

3. At least one helper or attendant.  More than one is better, especially for a session lasting more than half an hour.


I will divide the procedure into three parts:  Preparation, Beginning a session, and Ending a session




1. A development program.  The one experiencing the session must be following a development program for at least one day.  This seems to be needed.  One might not think that one day on the program would make a difference, but it does.

2. Surroundings.  These should feel very safe for the one experiencing the session.  This is very important.

3. The attendant.  This person must be trusted by the one who is experiencing the session, or the trance will not occur.

The will attendant sits comfortably on a chair at the feet of the one who will experience the trance, facing the feet.

4. Empty bladder and bowels, if needed.  The person who will experience the trance needs to empty the bladder and bowels, and drink some water.

5. Soft music.  Some report that this assists a person to enter the trance state faster.

6. Lying down.  The one experiencing the trance now lies down comfortably on a massage table or bed.  One can be clothed, and must be warm enough.  Close your eyes.  The person may be wearing thin socks for cleanliness, if desired.

The one who will experience the trance must have the head higher than the body, or the trance will not occur.  We don’t know exactly why this is so, but it may reduce blood flow to the brain and thus help reduce the consciousness.

So place a pillow below the head to elevate it.  The head must be at least 3 inches or so above the body.  The stronger the heart of the person receiving the session, the higher the pillow must be.  If the trance does not occur within 5 minutes of following these instructions, the pillow is not high enough, in almost all cases.

7. Optional other items.  You can set up an ozonator/ionizer air purifier near the one experiencing the trance to enhance the oxygen content of the air around the person.  More oxygen can enhance healing. 




1. The pulling down exercise.  The one receiving the session must now start doing the Pulling Down Exercise, moving the energy downward as forcefully as possible.  This is important.  The procedure will not work without this.

2. Add deep breathing, preferably Toe Breathing, along with pushing down.  This is also necessary for success.

3.  The attendant, sitting at the person’s feet, begins to gently rub the tops of the third or middle toes on both feet at the same time.  This is very important.  Rub lightly only.  The best way seems to be to use one finger of each hand on the top of each third toe.

At the same time, the attendant must mentally pull energy downward from the person’s head toward her feet, and from there toward the attendant’s hands.  This dual action (rubbing the tops of the toes and pulling the energy downward) must continue during the entire session.  This produces and maintains the trance.

4. If all is in order, the person will suddenly begin to feel odd, losing some motor control of the body.  The body may feel cold.  The person is now in a light trance.

5. Attendants can take turns rubbing the toes.  For example, the attendants may take turns every twenty or thirty minutes.  Read below about the details of changing attendants.

6. The attendant may speak with the one experiencing the trance.  For example, he or she may ask if the person is comfortable, warm enough, needs water, or needs to go to the bathroom.  Read below about taking breaks.




To end the session will take a few minutes.  Here is the procedure:

A. The attendant stops rubbing the tops of the toes and stops mentally pulling energy downward toward the feet.  The attendant can just walk away.

B. The person receiving will then come out of the trance in a few minutes.

C. If the person does not come out of the trance in about 5 minutes, then an attendant should bend the legs of the person at the knees.  This will usually bring the person out of the trance within a few minutes.

D. Important: The person should not try to move until all feeling and motor coordination has returned.  The person will feel a little disoriented and weak, so always move slowly.  Help the person get up and walk around for a while.  This will help them reorient to the waking state.




The benefit of this type of trance session can continue for up to several hours.  One hour is usually enough, but sometimes more is best.

The best way to tell when to stop a session is for the attendant to ask the person receiving the session if he or she has had enough.  You will get an answer.  If time is short, then one can end the session at any time.




Sessions may be done daily, or every other day, especially after a trauma such as rape. 


How long are sessions needed.  This is very individual.  If a severe trauma has occurred, sessions may be needed for several months on a daily or every other day basis.  In other cases, after a week or so, fewer sessions will be needed and the benefits will decrease.

I suggest asking the person receiving the session during a session how many more sessions may be needed.  I think this is the most reliable way to find out how long to continue the procedure.




Stopping the rubbing of the toes by the attendant for a few seconds usually does not end the trance, although it is not idea.

Stopping for longer than this will begin the process of coming out of the trance.  This is okay.  It may be needed if the person receiving the session needs to stretch, go to the bathroom, have some water, or get a blanket, for example.  To resume, just repeat the procedure above.




It is perfectly fine to change attendants, with two people switching off about every 20 to 30 minutes.  When changing attendants, try to keep one of the attendant’s two hands in contact with the toes of the person experiencing the session.  Otherwise, the person may wake up from the trance.

This is not a serious problem, but it interrupts the session and slows healing somewhat for this reason. 

To read the entire Toe Trance article, go to The Toe Trance.




A bidet can be used as a detoxification and development therapy.  It works very well and will tremendously speed up development!  It works very well due to a combination of at least 9 effects that are described below.


Water pressure.  For the method to work, there must be sufficient water pressure in your home.  If the water pressure is very low, water may not be able to get through the outer anal sphincter to enter the rectum.


Cold water better.  For best results, the water in the bidet needs to be cold.


The procedure.  You will need a freestanding bidet or a bidet toilet attachment.  The latter are not costly and connect to most toilets. 

Sit down on the toilet seat and aim your lower body so that water is sprayed into the anal opening.  Use enough pressure so the water moves up into the rectum a short way, and then it falls back out.

You will have to shift a little on the toilet seat, and perhaps bend forward a little or to one side a little, in order for the water to flow up inside the rectum most easily.  Also, if your bidet has two sprayers, try switching back and forth between the two positions to see which one works best.  

There may be a little pain where the spray strikes the anal sphincter.  THIS IS NORMAL.  Please ignore it.  You will not damage your rectum or anything else.  The pain is related to the anal reflexes, in a way similar to the pain of rubbing the feet when one does foot reflexology.

Do this procedure for about 2-10 minutes per session.  After the session, use a little toilet paper to dry the area before getting dressed.

You can repeat the procedure as often as every 2 hours.  Doing this a number of times per day causes significantly enhanced detoxification and will greatly speed up development. 

What occurs is that within a week of starting to do the procedure, the body becomes trained to move toxins into the rectum where the spray from the bidet can reach them and clean them out. 

The effect is somewhat like doing a water enema, except it is much easier and faster.  Some people feel the release of these toxins during the procedure as a very slight headache or sensation in the head.

To read the entire Bidet article, go to Bidets.




Many people breathe in a shallow way, especially women.  This causes a lack of oxygen that seriously slows development.  To change this requires a new breathing habit, which takes daily practice.  An excellent way to do this is to practice the three-part breath several times daily.  Here is the procedure.

Wear loose clothing so your abdomen and chest can expand.  Lie down on your back, sit comfortably or walk slowly.  You can even do this while standing in line at the market or elsewhere.

First, breathe into your abdomen so that your stomach moves outward.  Count up to 3 or 4 while doing this. 

Then breathe into your mid-chest so that your ribs move outward to the sides.  Also count to about 4 while doing this.

Then count to 4 while you breathe into your upper chest so that your upper chest moves outward and a little upward.  You can release the air all at once.

Warning.  Some people run or do other vigorous exercise in order to breathe deeply.  This is actually harmful for development because vigorous exercise wears you out and uses up too many nutrients.  Mild exercise is fine.

For more details about deep breathing, read Breathing.




As explained above, most people do not breathe enough oxygen and this slows development.  In addition to deep breathing, other simple ways to increase your oxygen intake are the use of ozone and hydrogen peroxide.



1. Peroxide drops.  Some people put between one and 20 drops of 35% hydrogen peroxide in a glass of water and drink it.  We do not recommend this procedure.  It can be very irritating for the stomach!

2. Never use 35% hydrogen peroxide in an enema or even to clean an enema bag or bucket.  If any gets inside you, it causes extreme irritation and bleeding.


Ozone therapy procedures: 

1. One can breathe some ozone by buying an ozonator/ionizer air purifier.  They cost about $140. To $200.00 US dollars.  Set it up high in a room and it will oxonate the entire room, and the entire home.  It is not dangerous, as some people contend.  If it causes lung irritation, it is because the lungs are not healthy.  Just turn down the ozone a little.

2. One can drink ozonated water.  To do this one needs to buy an ozone generator. Many companies sell ozone generators of various descriptions.  The least costly are often those made to ozonate a hot tub, and cost about $125.00 US dollars.

Put the ozone output tube into a pitcher of water for 20 minutes to add ozone to drinking water.

3. Ozone sauna.  You can put an ozone generator inside a sauna so that you breathe more ozone as long as you are in the sauna.  This is good, although it only works when you are in the sauna.


4. Aeration.  Another way to add oxygen (not ozone) to your body is to drink aerated water.  To do this, buy a simple air pump from a pet supply store or website.  They are used to aerate fish tanks. 

Ideally, buy a bubbler, as well.  This is usually a small rock with lots of holes in it that distributes the air.  This will make the aeration more efficient.  These are also sold by pet stores.

Place the air tube and bubbler in a pitcher of drinking water for at least 15 minutes and it will increase the air (which includes the oxygen) a lot in the water.

If you prefer, you can buy a machine to aerate water called The Pitcher™.   It is an air pump that pumps air into a special pitcher.  It is a little costly (about $200.00 USD), but it works very well.


Hydrogen peroxide baths.  This is a very good procedure.  Buy some 35% hydrogen peroxide.  It is available via the internet. 

WARNING: Be careful with 35% hydrogen peroxide.  It is extremely corrosive and easily burns your skin and damages other surfaces.

Bring your peroxide and a measuring cup to your bathtub.  Fill the tub with water and get into the tub.  Now slowly add 35% peroxide to the bath water.  Most people can tolerate about 3 or 4 cups of 35% hydrogen peroxide in the bath water.  You will know when it is enough because the water will begin to sting.

WARNING: Bath water is yin, so do not do more than two baths per week.  One can also absorb toxic chemicals during baths that are found in almost all water supplies today, even the cleanest water.  Therefore, peroxide baths are not recommended as much as using an ozonator/ionizer machine.

Peroxide baths are also excellent to get rid of sexually transmitted diseases and some other skin infections.  For more details, read Oxygen and Baths on this website.






A man and woman, preferably married, lie down comfortably together, facing one another.

The man’s penis must be inserted at least one inch or more inside the vagina.  Inserting it deeper helps prevent the man from having orgasms, which is helpful.  There can be little or no motion of the penis for the same reason.

 In about 5-6 minutes, both people will notice a slight tingling throughout the body.  This will continue for two to two and one-fourth hours.  Then it will suddenly stop.  This is the end of the session.

For maximum healing and development, repeat down sex several times per week.  One can do it more often, such as once daily.  This will provide some other benefits.  However, the extra blending of subtle energy will occur only about three times per week.




Down sex is wonderful, except that it may be a balancing act for a man.  He needs to maintain an erection, but not have an orgasm.

The ideal solution.  If a man has a cooperative partner, she can learn to regulate his erection during down sex, and he can just relax with it.  Here is how to do this:


Avoiding orgasms (the sourge of this procedure for men).

A. The wife or partner can visualize pushing the penis out of her body as hard as she can.  For some reason, this helps more than anything else if the man is about to have an orgasm.

B. Other things for the woman to avoid are moving around, giggling, squealing, wearing scents, squeezing the penis, tickling him and being completely unclothed.  

C. The man can distract himself with stray thoughts.  Think of work, your children, or something else unrelated to the procedure.  This may oppose an orgasm.

D. Relax.  Many men are in a hurry when they have sex, or they think they must “perform” with a lot of in and out or other motions.  Skip all this effort and relax.

E. Try using a plastic bag as both a condom and to reduce sexual stimulation.  Most women will go along with this if you wash the bag thoroughly with soap and water.


If the man loses his erection:  If the man is too relaxed and the penis motionless, the man may lose his erection after a time.  In this case:

A. The partner can take off some clothing.

B. He can move the penis in and out a little.

C. She can rub or tickle the man’s back or chest a little, remove more clothing or move her hips a little.

D. If necessary, the woman can visualize pulling on the penis in a sucking motion, as though she is pulling it off his body.  This often has a stimulating effect on the man.  However, it moves subtle energy in the wrong direction – upward toward her head, instead of downward toward her feet – so it is less recommended.




At first.  When you first learn down sex, it is helpful to have extra time.  We suggest beginning on a weekend, for example.

Odors.  Some couples don’t like smelling each other for as long as down sex requires.  In this case, take showers first or keep some lavender water or rose water and spray yourself and your partner so they smell good.

Teamwork.  Down sex requires teamwork between partners.  This is make sure the man 1) maintains his erection and 2) does not become too stimulated and have an orgasm, as this usually stops the procedure.  The woman must help with this.

Signals.  For down sex to work, the man and woman need to set up simple signals so that he can easily and quickly let her know that he is getting too stimulated or that he is losing his erection.  She will then take various actions to correct these issues.

To begin.  Drink some water and relax.  Shower off if you are sweaty and your partner won’t like being close to you.

Contraception.  If there is a possibility of an unwanted pregnancy, use birth control even though down sex should not cause any up orgasms.  It may cause a different type of orgasm called a Jolt or down orgasm that begins in the head and moves downward through the body.

Condoms.  The man can use a condom or two.  However, it will often fall off due to the long time it needs to stay on.

Other birth control methods.  The woman can use a diaphragm, but it may fall out due to the long time of the procedure.  We do not recommend birth control pills, ever!

Other contraceptives:

Food wrap.  A large piece of clear plastic food wrap can be placed over the penis.  Use one or two layers.  It is quite clean, easy to see and feel if it is in place, and gives good protection.

The shopping bag. Place over the penis a clean plastic shopping bag from the supermarket or other store.  Just wash one out with soap and water.  It is large, easy to see and feel that it is in place, and it won’t break easily.

The garbage bag.  An unusual option is to use a medium-size plastic trash bag (about 8 gallon size or 30 liters, and about 21” by 22” or 55 cm by 56 cm).  Use a new bag and make two cuts, each about 6 inches long, along the sides of the bag near the bottom of the bag, one on each side of the bag.  A larger bag would work, as well.

The man or the woman, or even both, slips the legs through these slits in the bag, and then ties the bag tightly around the waist.  There is enough slack so this will function as a huge condom.  It makes the procedure much safer and more modest. 

The thickness of the food wrap, shopping bag or trash bag does not interfere with the healing effects of the procedure at all.

Men who have trouble keeping an erection may not like using these contraceptive devices.  However, most men have the opposite problem – having orgasms.

              Clothing.  It may be necessary for the couple to wear shirts.  This is to prevent the man from having orgasms.  The man or woman can even wear blue jeans or other pants and just open the fly.  This does not interfere with the healing effects of the procedure.

            If wearing clothing interferes with the man’s erection, then take off some clothes.

Body positions. An excellent position for down sex is with the man sitting on a cushion and the woman straddling him, facing him.  The vertical position makes it easier to move energy downward, it is grounding, and condoms stay on a little better.  In this position, the woman is “climbing” onto the man, whose position is like a vertical pole.  (see Poles And Climbers.)

If a couple wants to use this position, the woman will need a cushion or small bench to sit on so her entire weight will not be on the man’s thighs.

 Some couples alternate positions between being one above the other and being side by side.  Side by side requires a few pillows, not just one, to be comfortable, but it works well.

            Other pillows.  Some couples use a thin pillow between their chests for greater comfort, especially if the two are slender and bony.

Phones, children, televisions and other distractions.  Reduce distractions as much as possible.  In theory, one could do down sex while speaking on the telephone to a friend, but it is not as easy.




Down sex is very easy and enjoyable for women.  However, you must assist your partner to keep his erection and to not have an orgasm.  This is usually not hard to do, but you must be willing to help or the procedure won’t work.  Ask frequently if he needs more stimulation or less.  You can also learn to feel how stimulated he is. 


Dry vagina.  With little stimulation, the woman’s vagina may become dry, especially when the session goes on for more than an hour.  If this occurs, use a safe lubricant, such as some butter or cooking oil.




After about 5 minutes, both partners will begin to feel a slight tingling sensation in the entire body.  This will build a little and continue for up to two and one-quarter hours.  Then, suddenly, the tingling will stop.  This completes the extra special blending that occurs with this procedure.  The “treatment” lasts about 2 days, and then the tingling will start again if you come together for down sex in two or three days.


Retracing.  Occasionally, other sensations occur.  One partner may become very sleepy, cold, sweaty, or an ache or pain may occur in an organ or tissue of the body.

Emotional symptoms such as fear, anger, sadness or something else might also occur.  An old memory may come up, or one might begin to sob softly. 

These are retracing or purification reactions.  This is a very important concept to understand if you do down sex.  For more on this topic, read Retracing and Healing Reactions on this website.




Any sexually mature adult can do down sex.  Old age or ill health are not a problem because it is very gentle.  For example, an older man with erectile dysfunction can safely use a penis ring or other device to maintain an erection long enough to do it.  We do not recommend drugs for this purpose. 

Down sex can also be done by a woman with severe vaginal dryiness because there is no movement of the penis.

Better with age.  In fact, the healing effects of down sex works are greater when it is done with an older person than with a younger one.  The tingling sensation is stronger, and the sessions move along faster.

The reason is that success depends upon a developed etheric energy field of both participants.  Older people tend to have a more developed etheric energy field.  Therefore, the exercise works better for and with them.

Height, race, skin color, and nationality.  It does not matter if the partners are the same height, nor does race, color or nationality seem to matter.  However, it does not work with two people of the same sex.

How often?  Down sex can be repeated as often as you like.  However, the special etheric blending only requires sessions every two or three days.  Other benefits of blending the energies of two people occur any time two come together this way.

Health status.  One can do this procedure even if one or both of the participants is very ill.  In fact, this procedure is excellent for healing.

A participant will not “catch” the other person’s disease, unless it is a contagious virus, perhaps, and neither participant is weakened by the procedure at all, in our experience, even if he or she does it with another who is quite ill.

For the entire article on down sex, read Down Sex.




Open water is water with a larger than normal bond angle between the two hydrogen atoms in each molecule of water.  Open water is very interesting. 

Its use for development is to place a bottle of it at your feet when you sleep, and it will pull energy downward from the head to the feet all night.  This is a simple and effective way to speed up development.

Three ways to obtain open water are:


1. Buy some Ice Age Glacial spring water.  This is an open water.  This is the least costly way to get open water.  It is available from and other websites.

2. Buy a bottle of water from  We have not experimented with the plastic versus the glass bottle to see which works best.  It is least expensive to buy a gallon or more.  When you get it, we suggest transferring it into 1 liter or 1 quart glass bottles.

3. Purchase a costly and not very user-friendly machine to make it yourself from




1. At your feet while sleeping:  Place one to three bottles about six inches away from where your feet are when you sleep. 


- If you are over about 5’10”, put the bottle(s) on a chair or small table placed at the foot of the bed.

- If you are less than about 5’10”, put the bottle(s) under the covers at the foot of the bed.

- The bottle(s) must be at or near the height of your feet.

- Ideally, do not place the bottle on the floor, unless your mattress is very thin and you sleep very close to the floor, as on a thin pad.

- If you use more than one bottle, put the other one or two directly behind the first one.  There is little or no benefit to using more than 3 bottles.


2. At your feet during the day: If you sit in one place for hours during the day, place one, two or three bottles of open water about six inches away from your big toes while you sit at your work desk, or while sitting anywhere.  The bottles can sit on the floor.  If you use more than one, put the second and/or third one directly behind the first one for a slightly more powerful effect.


What you will feel.  A few people do not feel anything.  Many, however, will soon feel a slight tingling sensation in their toes or feet when they put the bottles near their feet.  This is a movement of subtle energy downward from the head to the feet that helps speed up development.

Stopping and starting: If you remain with the bottle or bottles close to your feet for a few hours, the tingling sensation will continue for a few hours and then suddenly it will stop for an hour or so.  Then it will resume again.  It will stop again after a few hours for an hour or so and then resume.

This is normal and is how the water functions in this application.  The action of the water stops after a time in order to allow the body to “catch up” with some of the effects of the water.

For the entire open water article, go to Open Water.




            This is a simple method to monitor how well you do the pushing down exercise.  It requires an electrical meter to measure the amperage you generate when you do the pushing down exercise.

            Unfortunately, at this time we don’t have the circuit to measure the amperage, so this method is not available.  If anyone knows how to do this, we would appreciate this knowledge.  To read the entire meter article, go to Biofeedback With The Meter.



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