by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© August 2020, L.D. Wilson Consultants, Inc.


All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


Table of Contents



What Is The Toe Trance?

How It Works

What It Is Not

Safety And Cautions





Beginning a Session

Ending A Session



Duration Of Sessions

Frequency Of Sessions

Will The Procedure Help With Traumas Of Which One Is Not Aware?


Changing Attendants






This procedure produces an altered state of consciousness in which healing takes place much faster.  It is very safe when done properly.

The Toe Trance is excellent to release the mental effects of traumas, especially rape and beatings in both men and women.  In other words, it is a mental procedure, in large part.  It is less helpful for physical healing, although some will occur, as well.

The heart benefits a lot from the Toe Trance.  This will enhance a person’s energy significantly, in some cases.




During the trance, the main soul or entity soul leaves the body.  Special souls, called development souls, then can enter or intervene and help release the trauma.  To read more about soul interventions, an important part of nutritional balancing programs, please read Assisted Healing on this website. 




  The Toe Trance is not hypnosis, and it is not sleep.  Neither of these are interventions of the same type.  Unlike the sleep state, during the trance the person can hear and speak, although one cannot move the body.  The person is also less suggestible than when under hypnosis.

During all trance states, there is a little danger, so please read this section carefully and follow all instructions.




1. Relaxation.  The person receiving the session must be relaxed and comfortable.  This includes the body position.  However, it also includes having plenty of trust in the attendant, and in anyone else who will be in present in the room during the session.


2. Water and warmth.  Both these are needed for success.  Be sure the one who will receive a session is warm enough and has had enough water before the session. 


3. Movement. The one receiving the session will not be able to move during the trance session, although he or she can hear and feel what is around you.  This is unusual and a little scary for some people.  If you know about it beforehand, it is less threatening.  This is one reason you must be comfortable with the attendant and anyone else who will be present in the room during the session.


4. Suggestibility.  A person in a trance state is somewhat vulnerable to suggestion.  It is not as much as in a hypnosis session, but there is some vulnerability.

For this reason, be sure that anyone who will be present, such as an attendant or an observer, is your good friend, of high integrity, and will not abuse the procedure for personal gain or advantage.  It is possible that this healing method can be abused to give a person subliminal suggestions.


5. Awakening.  When you awaken, you must move slowly and gently, as it will take a few minutes to reorient to the full waking state.

I have never received any report of trouble awakening, or any other problems with this procedure.






1. A comfortable, quiet location.

2. A massage table or bed for the one receiving the session and a comfortable chair for the attendant (s).

3. At least one helper or attendant.  More than one is better, especially for a session lasting more than half an hour.


I will divide the procedure into three parts:  Preparation, Beginning a session, and Ending a session




1. A nutritional balancing program.  The one experiencing the session must be following a nutritional balancing program for at least one day.  This seems to be needed.  One might not think that one day on the program would make a difference, but it does.

2. Surroundings.  These should feel very safe for the one experiencing the session.  This is very important.

3. The attendant.  This person must be trusted by the one who is experiencing the session, or the trance will not occur.

The will attendant sits comfortably on a chair at the feet of the one who will experience the trance, facing the feet.

4. Eat, drink, vitamins, and be warm and comfortable.  The person who will experience the trance needs to empty the bladder and bowels, drink some water, take a dose of the proper NB vitamins, and eat a small meal before the session.  This will enhance the healing effect.

5. Soft music.  Some report that this assists a person to enter the trance state faster.

6. Lying down.  The one experiencing the trance now lies down comfortably on a massage table or bed.  One can be clothed, and must be warm enough.  Close your eyes.  The person may be wearing thin socks for cleanliness, if desired.

The one who will experience the trance must have the head higher than the body, or the trance will not occur.  We don’t know exactly why this is so, but it may reduce blood flow to the brain and thus help reduce the consciousness.

So place a pillow below the head to elevate it.  The head must be at least 3 inches or so above the body.  The stronger the heart of the person receiving the session, the higher the pillow must be.  If the trance does not occur within 5 minutes of following these instructions, the pillow is not high enough, in almost all cases.

7. Optional ideas to enhance healing.

a) Rub some kelp on the abdomen of the one experiencing the trance.  This definitely enhances the healing during the trance. 

b) Shine a red heat lamp on the bare abdomen to enhance healing a little.

c) Place a bottle of open water (or Ice Age glacial Spring water in America or Canada) between the person’s legs, at the level of the knees, to help channel etheric energy downward.  This also enhances healing.

d) Set up an ozonator/ionizer air purifier near the one experiencing the trance to enhance the oxygen content of the air around the person.  More oxygen also enhances healing. 

You can do all the optional procedures above together at the same time for maximum healing effect.




1. The pushing down exercise.  The one receiving the session must now start doing the Pushing Down Exercise, moving the energy downward as forcefully as possible.  This is important.  The procedure will not work without this.

2. Add deep breathing, preferably Toe Breathing, along with pushing down.  This is also necessary for success.

3.  The attendant, sitting at the person’s feet, begins to gently rub the tops of the second toes (next to the big toes) on both feet at the same time.  This is very important.  Rub lightly only.  The best way seems to be to use two fingers of one hand on the top of each of the second toes.  The fingers are not side by side, but are one above the other.

At the same time, the attendant must mentally pull energy downward from the person’s head toward her feet, and from there toward the attendant’s hands.  This dual action (rubbing the tops of the toes and pulling the energy downward) must continue during the entire session.  This produces and maintains the trance.

4. If all is in order, the person will suddenly begin to feel odd, losing motor control of the body.  The body may feel cold.  The person will also feel an electric charge or current running down the body from the head to the feet.  The person is now in a light trance.

5. Attendants can take turns rubbing the toes.  For example, the attendants may take turns every twenty or thirty minutes.  Read below about the details of changing attendants.

6. The attendant may speak with the one experiencing the trance.  For example, he or she may ask if the person is comfortable, warm enough, needs water, or needs to go to the bathroom.  Read below about taking breaks.




To end the session will take a few minutes.  Here is the procedure:

A. The attendant stops rubbing the tops of the toes and stops mentally pulling energy downward toward the feet.  The attendant can just walk away.

B. The person receiving will then come out of the trance in a few minutes.

C. If the person does not come out of the trance in about 5 minutes, then an attendant should bend the legs of the person at the knees.  This will usually bring the person out of the trance within a few minutes.

D. Important: The person should not try to move until all feeling and motor coordination has returned.  The person will feel a little disoriented and weak, so always move slowly.  Help the person get up and walk around for a while.  This will help them reorient to the waking state.






The benefit of this type of trance session can continue for several hours.  Two hours is usually enough, but sometimes more is best.

The best way to tell when to stop a session is for the attendant to ask the person receiving the session if he or she has had enough.  You will get an answer.  If time is short, then one can end the session at any time.




Sessions may be done daily, or every other day, especially after a trauma such as rape. 


How long are sessions needed.  This is very individual.  If a severe trauma has occurred, sessions may be needed for several months on a daily or every other day basis.  In other cases, after a week or so, fewer sessions will be needed and the benefits will decrease.

I suggest asking the person receiving the session during a session how many more sessions may be needed.  I think this is the most reliable way to find out how long to continue the procedure.




              The answer is yes.  It is fine to just have a session and ask for help with general healing.  Hidden traumas may be revealed, or healing may occur without one having to retrace or become conscious of exactly what occurred in the past.




If one stops rubbing of the toes for a few seconds it usually does not end the trance.  However, we do not recommend stopping.

Stopping for longer than this will begin the process of coming out of the trance.  This is okay.  It may be needed if the person receiving the session needs to stretch, go to the bathroom, have some water, or get a blanket, for example.  To resume, just repeat the procedure above.




It is perfectly fine to change attendants, with two people switching off about every 20 to 30 minutes.  When changing attendants, try to keep one of the attendant’s two hands in contact with the toes of the person experiencing the session.  Otherwise, the person may wake up from the trance.

This is not a serious problem, but it interrupts the session and slows healing somewhat for this reason. 



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