by Dr. Lawrence Wilson
© February 2025, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.
All information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.
Definition Of A Bidet
Four Types Of Bidets
Which Type Of Bidet Is Best?
(This section includes about 15 ways a bidet can be helpful for healing)
Using A Bidet To Clean Up After Bowel Movements
A bidet (pronounced biday) is a device that sprays water upward aimed at the anal area. The traditional use is to clean up your bottom thoroughly and quickly after a bowel movement.
Bidets are used more in Europe and in the Middle East than they are in America. However, they are gaining popularity everywhere as more people discover their benefits.
The bidet healing and development procedures. In 2015, we discovered by accident that a bidet can be a powerful healing and development method. In fact, there are at least three ways to use a bidet for healing and development. These are:
- To spin the energy centers.
- For reflexology.
- For scans.
As a result, the therapeutic use of a bidet has become one of the main Low Body Procedures of the development program.
The therapeutic use of the bidet depends upon:
1. Exactly where one aims the spray.
2. What one does with the body at the same time as one sprays.
1. A TOILET ATTACHMENT. This is the most common type and the one we use. One can adjust the intensity of the spray. These are of two general types:
- The less expensive and simple ones attach to most standard toilets using the bolts that hold the toilet seat. One removes the toilet seat bolts and places the bidet sprayer and puts the bolts back. The brand we recommend and use at this time is Greenco. The reason is the spray angle it is adjustable.
- Fancier models are an entire toilet seat with a sprayer in it. These cost several hundred dollars and are somewhat cleaner. Some come with a heater to heat the water and a blow dryer to dry your bottom after you use the bidet.
2. HANDHELD SPRAYERS. One sits on the toilet and aims the sprayer with one hand. Aiming the sprayer is somewhat awkward to reach the anal area. This type is best for reaching the vagina and penis, and for doing the genital bath, but not for the bidet healing procedure.
3. A FOUNTAIN. If one has a recycling toilet, one may not be able to install a bidet toilet attachment because there is no water supply and/or the bidet puts too much water into the toilet.
In this case, an unusual solution is to buy a fountain. It is basically a water pump that sprays water upward and then it recycles the water. If you sit on a portable toilet seat used for camping, you can aim the fountain at the floor of your pelvis and achieve the bidet effects.
4. A SHOWER MASSAGER. One can achieve some of the bidet effects by sitting or standing in a shower and aiming a shower massager at the anal area of the body. Advantages are the water is warm and the spray is often stronger. You can sit on the edge of a shower stool for comfort.
Problems with this method are it uses a lot of water and the spray is so wide that it is difficult to aim at a particular point.
5. WHOLE TOILET. One can purchase an entire bidet toilet. These look just like a toilet except there are faucets on top to turn the water on and off. I have seen one in a European hotel.
These are more costly and more difficult to install. They also take up extra space in the bathroom.
One can also use a regular massage machine or even your hand to stimulate the points on the floor of the pelvis.
1. A fixed position bidet toilet attachment. This is what I use. A bidet toilet attachment attaches to most toilets and uses the water supply of the toilet. It has a sprayer in a fixed position that sprays your bottom. You just sit on the toilet and relax.
You can vary the intensity of the spray. Some have a single sprayer nozzle and others have two sprayers. Two sprayers are not needed. The Greenco unit has a movable sprayer, which is helpful.
Disadvantages of the bidet toilet attachments are that they interfere with cleaning the toilet. To offset this, you can periodically remove the bidet from the toilet seat area. Just lay the unit on the floor and clean the toilet and then replace the bidet sprayer. There is no need to undo the plumbing of the bidet.
Also, they will only work on flat-top toilets (simpler toilets). They cost about $35-60. USD. Good brands include Greenco, Luxe and Bio Bidet Elite.
I found I had to use a wooden toilet seat with the bidet. A plastic toilet seat did not fit correctly.
2. A hand-held bidet sprayer. This is a flexible hose that connects to the toilet water supply. At the end of the hose is a sprayer with an on-off control. You move the spray head where you want it to go. When not in use, the sprayer hangs on the wall or on the side of the toilet tank.
These are also called shattaf sprayers. They cost about $20.00 - 40.00 USD.
This type is much less convenient as a bidet because you need to hold it where you want it to spray. Advantages are:
- It can also be used to clean up a toilet after a coffee enema.
- It will work with any toilet.
- It does not interfere with cleaning the toilet, as does the fixed position type.
- It can be used for douching.
- It can be used to do a Genital Bath, another excellent development procedure.
- It has other uses, such as cleaning cloth baby diapers.
3. A shower massager. This is okay. However, disadvantages of this method are 1) you need a shower massager, 2) you have to get into the shower to do it, and 3) you need to hold the sprayer, which is tiring, and 4) it cannot be aimed easily because the spray is very wide.
4. A separate bidet toilet. If you can afford it and have room for it, this works well. Thees are not adjustable, however, so you have to move around on the toilet seat to aim the spray at various areas.
5. Fancier bidet toilet seats. The features may include:
a) an electric water heater
b) a filter to remove bacteria from the water.
c) perhaps a heated toilet seat.
d) perhaps a small blow dryer to dry your bottom when you are finished using the bidet.
These can work well. The features are not really needed but may be nice, and it is easier to keep the toilet clean because the bidet toilet seat lifts out of the way for cleaning the toilet.
6. Combination. One could attach both a handheld bidet sprayer and a fixed bidet sprayer to the same toilet if it is a flat-top toilet. This would provide the benefits of both the fixed and the handheld bidet sprayers.
1. Sufficient water pressure. For a bidet to work, there must be sufficient water pressure in your home. We believe most people have enough water pressure, but it is necessary.
2. A little plumbing expertise to install a bidet toilet attachment. To attach a bidet toilet attachment, one needs to remove the two toilet seat bolts. One also needs to attach the bidet to the water line that goes into your toilet.
The bidet toilet attachment should come with the right fittings. However, one needs a pair of pliers and a little plumbing knowledge to connect the water pipe properly. A plumber or handyman can do it easily if you cannot do it yourself.
3. Permission. If you live in an apartment or if you rent your home, you may not be allowed to alter the plumbing of the toilet unless you obtain the permission of the landlord or owner.
Starting at the most forward area (closest to the front of the body), these are:
This is about as far forward as most bidets will spray. If a person is somewhat developed and a broadcaster, this position is very helpful to illuminate an area around the planet.
A woman can spray the bottom of the vaginal opening. However, one must be very gentle as it is a very sensitive area and so far we have not researched this use of a bidet.
2. Angel attachment point.
This is a point between the anal opening and the vagina in a woman or between the anal area and the scrotum in a man. It is the point where the first energy center emerges.
Rapes and beatings to this area often damage the spin of the first energy center. Aiming the bidet here spins the first energy center to the right, which is very helpful for most people.
This is the ring-shaped muscle around the anal opening. The anal sphincter muscle and region is a powerful reflex system of the body.
The reflexes to the head and neck are on the part of the anal sphincter nearest the testicles or vagina.
The reflexes to the lower body are located on the part of the anal sphincter nearest the tailbone and sacrum. These include reflexes to the liver, gall bladder, spleen, bladder, and the prostate gland in a man or the vagina in a woman.
The sides of the anal sphincter are the mid-sections of the body. They correspond to the right and left sides of the body and may correspond to the front and the back of the body.
NOTE: This reflex area can be painful if there are imbalances in the body. Just be gentle in this case and turn down the pressure of the water spray.
This is just behind the anal sphincter. We are learning this is a very powerful point. Spraying the water here spins all the energy centers to the right and aligns them very well.
6. Base of the tail bone.
This is the bony area just behind the tailbone. At this time, we know less about spraying the bidet on this area.
Spraying the five areas above with a bidet has many effects:
The anal sphincter or ring, which is the circular muscle around the anus, is a very powerful reflex area of the body. Spraying it with water activates the various reflex areas.
The procedure. To stimulate the reflexes, move the bidet sprayer so that the water strikes a particular part of the anal sphincter. If the sprayer position is fixed, as it is in the freestanding bidet and in most bidet toilet attachments, one needs to move the buttocks to stimulate different parts of the anal sphincter. A few bidet toilet attachments allow some adjustment of the aim of the sprayer.
The basic anal reflex areas. The left side of the anal ring or sphincter reflexes to the back of the body. The right side of the anal ring reflexes to the front of the body. The part of the anal sphincter nearest your spine reflexes to the head and brain. The area of the sphincter nearest the genitals reflexes to the organs of the lower body.
For example, if you want to work on the kidneys, you would move your body or the sprayer so that the water strikes the left side of the anal sphincter about halfway down toward the genitals, or perhaps a little more.
Sensations. There can be a little pain when one sprays certain areas. This is normal. The pain eventually goes away as the organs heal. It is exactly like the pain that can occur when one presses on certain reflexology points on the feet or hands.
You may also feel a slight sensation in the organ whose reflex you are stimulating. This is also normal.
How often. One can do this procedure up to several times daily for up to 5 or 10 minutes on a particular reflex area. A complete therapy session might take half and hour or more.
Cautions. The procedure is very safe, in our experience. Other than perhaps a little pain, it is also comfortable. It is possible to overtreat, however, by continuing on one spot for too long.
Using a bidet in any of the ways described in this article will move one’s attention downward. This is very beneficial because the correct flow of subtle energy through the body is from the head downward to the feet and even below the feet. If you are sitting, the correct flow is down the spine and below the spine. For details, read Downward Moving Energy And Healing.
The procedure. This effect occurs with any use of a bidet, including just using it instead of toilet paper.
How often. The effect cannot be overdone! Learning to move energy downward is the most basic development method. This is why we strongly recommend the Pulling Down Exercise. It is also one of the benefits of all of the low body procedures such as the Genital Bath, Coffee Enemas, Vaginal Peroxide Implants and the other low body procedures.
Cautions. Moving energy downward is not only completely safe. It is also the only direction in which to move subtle energy through the body safely. Moving subtle energy in any other direction through the body causes damage to the body.
Each time you spray the anal sphincter consistently for at least five minutes you will develop a little. This is a low-body procedure that moves your attention downward and works on the anal sphincter reflex system. This method of development is so easy, comfortable and inexpensive that we recommend doing it each time you sit on the toilet.
This is the most important daily use of the bidet.
NOTE: We strongly recommend that all boys and men sit on the toilet to urinate.
A bidet can be used as a rather unusual, but powerful and very safe detoxification method. It is about 6 detox methods at one time! This can be used for acute poisoning as well as for general healing and detoxification.
The procedure. Aim the water spray directly at the anal opening. Allow water to move up into the rectum. Detoxification occurs because:
1. Within a week of doing this for at least 10 minutes at least once a day, the souls living in the area learn to move toxins from anywhere in the body into the rectum. There the spray from the bidet can reach them and remove them.
This effect is somewhat like doing a water enema, except it is easier and better in that you can continue doing it for as long as you wish.
2. Stimulation of the anal reflex system assists detoxification.
3. Some water is absorbed in the rectum. It goes into the bloodstream, picks up toxins in the blood and then goes to the kidneys for elimination. The toxins come out in the urine.
4. The cold water spray brings extra blood to the area and this assists detoxification.
5. The spray also moves subtle energy downward and this assists detoxification.
6. The spray assists lymphatic circulation, a powerful detoxification system of the body.
7. The spray acts as a gentle massage of the area. This relaxes the autonomic nervous system. This, in turn, greatly enhances detoxification, which is a parasympathetic effect.
The rapid liver detoxification procedure. To do this powerful procedure while sitting on the toilet, aim the bidet sprayer so the spray hits the back part of the anal sphincter. This reflexes to the lower part of the body, including the liver. At the same time, do either of the following:
1. Tap your hands on your liver and spleen area. This is a massage of the liver that helps liver detoxification.
OR 2. Tap the palms of your hands on your kneecaps. Especially tap the part of the palms that are near your wrists and below the third, fourth and fifth fingers. The reason is that in reflexology, this area reflexes to the liver. Also, the top of the thighs right near the kneecaps reflexes to the liver. Also, there is a liver reflex area on the kneecaps.
Preferably alternate the two hand positions above because they are both very helpful and have different effects. DOING THIS IS AN EXCELLENT LIVER DETOX PROCEDURE.
With coffee enemas. I now do this bidet procedure after every coffee enema, including between two coffee enemas if I do two back-to-back enemas. It helps clear toxins that are stirred up or picked up by the coffee during the enema.
Sensations. Some people feel the release of toxins during the procedure as a slight headache or sensation in the head or elsewhere. Some also feel a lightness in the feet when the release of toxins occurs.
How often. You can do this procedure up to three or four times daily for 10-30 minutes each time.
Cautions. A little water will enter the rectum. This is normal. You may also have a bowel movement, which is also okay. Make sure your tap water is fairly clean and safe to absorb.
A very important milestone on the path of development is the opening of the central channel. This channel is also called the central meridian, the main central flow or conception vessel in acupuncture and other healing sciences.
Actually, the central channel contains hundreds of tiny tubes that conduct subtle energy downward through the body from the head to the feet.
It is one of the most important energy meridians of the body. It runs vertically from the head to the genitals and floor of the pelvis area along the midline of the body.
Opening the central channel is extremely helpful for one’s health and occurs automatically with development. The bidet procedure can help speed up the opening of this energy meridian. For details, read the Central Channel.
Procedure. The opening effect will occur to some degree with any use of a bidet. However, the best is focusing the water spray on a spot between the genitals and the anus. This is the area of the first energy center.
Sensations. When the central channel opens, one feels much more grounded and centered within oneself. This is not the same as being selfish, and is often exactly the opposite.
When the channel opens, the thoughts, words and actions of other people affect you much less. This allows you to be around others without reacting to them as much. It is a wonderful feeling, especially if you are sensitive to the energies of other people.
Opening the central channel is a major benefit of early development! It usually requires at least five years on a development program. It may require up to 20 years to achieve if the tiny energy channels are malnourished, damaged and congested, as is usually the case.
Cautions. Assisting the opening of the central channels with a bidet is perfectly safe.
Many people have trauma in the pelvic region of the body. The trauma may be due to the stress of toilet training or sexual trauma that easily occurs when parents change diapers in babies or bathe their babies.
Other causes of trauma to the floor of the pelvis include constipation and infections in this area. The bidet can help heal these.
Sexual molestation, rapes and beatings also cause severe trauma to this area of the body. Proper use of a bidet procedure will help release all of these traumas.
Releasing traumas in this area permits the proper flow of subtle energy through the pelvic area. In many people, the flow is restricted and this can contribute to many health conditions.
Procedure. Spraying in any of the areas mentioned in the sections above can help with trauma release.
A psychodrama method. The spray also works as a psychodrama method. This means that it may imitate or remind one of a past trauma, but in a safe and controlled way. When this occurs, the souls are able to remember trauma to the area and release it. It is a powerful healing method. For details, read Psychodrama.
Sensations. Whenever one releases traumas, memories of past events or situations may temporarily arise. The body tends to protect a person from experiencing any sensation or thoughts that are too upsetting.
Cautions. We have not had any reports of problems.
The first energy center begins in the lower pelvic region and extends down between the legs. In many people, this energy center is not spinning correctly or spinning fast enough. The first energy center is critical for grounding, centering and feeling safe on earth.
This is particularly a problem for women and girls. The reasons include more fear, which damages the first center. Other reasons are rapes, beatings and other tortures many women experience in this area of the body. For details, read Rape, Beatings and The Rape Planet.
Other reasons women have a weak first center are a desire to focus men's attention on one’s hair, face or breasts rather than on the vagina. Also, women also have smaller feet and they do not have an organ dangling near the first center, as men do, that moves their attention downward.
Procedure. Spray the base of the first energy center. This is a spot located roughly midway between the genitals and the anal opening. To do this using the bidet, one must move backward on the toilet seat.
Sensations. One may or may not feel anything with this procedure.
Cautions. None. It is very safe.
This is somewhat unusual. However, spraying water on the base of the first energy center causes a reversal, rewinding or unwinding effect on the body. This means it can actually undo illnesses, traumas and more.
Even more unusual, if one is developed, this use of the bidet will help unwind situations in the area around where one lives. Rewind science is an advanced healing science involving time. For details, read Rewind Science.
The procedure. One must focus the water spray on a slight hollow place located in the middle between the genitals and the anus.
Base of the first energy center. The spot between the genitals and the anal opening is the base or narrowest point of the first physical energy center of the body. Some people also call this the first chakra. The word means a funnel in the Sanskrit language.
To those who can see it, this subtle energy center looks like a funnel that opens downward between the legs. For details about the energy centers, read The Energy Centers and Raising Girls.
Sensations. There is no pain or other strong feeling with this use of the bidet. Most people can feel the slight hollow spot between the genitals and anus where you need to spray the water.
How often. At this time, we strongly suggest that everyone do this procedure for a half hour every day. It is very powerful.
Cautions. A few people report feeling a little light-headed after doing this procedure, so rest for at least 20 seconds after you turn off the water before getting up off the toilet or before leaving the shower.
Relaxing the anal sphincter has a parasympathetic or relaxing, healing and rejuvenating effect on the entire body.
Procedure. Spraying water gently all around the anal sphincter is a kind of massage of the area that can help the area relax.
Sensations. One may feel more relaxed.
Cautions. None.
When one helps open and heal the first energy center using a bidet, there is an effect upon the other energy centers, especially the seventh energy center.
The seventh center, and all the centers, need healing and opening on most people.
Procedure. Spray the base of the first energy center, as explained above.
Sensations. Mild or no sensations.
Cautions. None.
The pelvis, first and second energy centers, and lower dantien are near the center of the body. Focusing on healing these parts of the body tends to extend the healing both upward and downward from this area to the rest of the body.
Procedure. Any of the sprayer positions discussed in the sections above are helpful.
Sensations. At times, one may have mild sensations in other parts of the body while doing the bidet procedures.
Cautions. We have not had reports of problems from the bidet procedure when done properly.
Cold water, in particular, directed to any part of the body brings more blood to the area. This has an excellent healing effect on the entire area. This is an old method of hydrotherapy sometimes known as the German Water Cure.
The lower pelvic area of the body is rich in lymph vessels. It is also an area that is often congested and toxic. The bidet procedures all help increase lymph circulation, helping to move toxic substances out of the pelvic area. For details, read Pelvic Syndrome.
The tissues of the anal region are not healthy in many people. There is often a lot of local toxicity due to constipation, trauma, improper diet, improper eating habits and infections in the area. Common symptoms are hemorrhoids, itching and irritation in this area.
Increasing blood and lymph circulation to this area helps reduce this toxicity and helps nourish these tissues.
The bidet procedures can help eliminate parasites.
One can use the bidet to spray the sacrum. This is another important area of the body that needs healing in many people.
For more details, read The Low Body Procedures and Pelvic Syndrome.
For this interesting use of a bidet, aim the water spray at the coccyx or the end of the tailbones. There may be a slight pain when one does this.
The effect of this is to turn or twist all the seven major energy centers (and maybe more) to the right. It is quite powerful. It helps line up all the centers and spin them correctly.
Spraying the anal opening with a bidet sprayer often causes a bowel movement. One needs to spray the area for at least 5 minutes.
Some of our clients do this whenever they are preparing to leave the house. This way, they don’t need to worry about find a public bathroom while shopping or running other errands. One can also use this method to help have a bowel movement just before one does a coffee enema. We call this a purge.
If one is developed to some degree, spraying certain areas can assist those who can see to see more or better:
1. The first center scan. This is done by spraying the base of the first center, as explained earlier in this article.
2. The spinal scan. One does this by spraying the base of the spine or tailbone.
Rotation. At the same time as one sprays, one rotates the body. For some reason, this lights up outer space and the earth more and is a way others can see more in space or inside the earth. (I don't see at a distance).
The body rotation reminds me of belly dancing or hula dancing. One must rotate in a circle many body areas – eyes, head, neck, shoulders, pelvis, knees and perhaps other areas.
I believe such rotation is excellent as a therapy and this is a reason for the ancient arts of belly dancing and hula dancing. It seems like women need this therapy since they are the ones who do it. One can say it is just sexy dancing, but it may be more than this.
Rotation direction. Rotating to the right shows more of our beings in space or on earth. Rotating to the left tends to show more of the rogue beings, bases, weapons and other equipment.
Enhancement of the scans. I can improve the scans or localize them by placing my hands on various areas of the body. So far I have experimented placing the hands on the knees, on the thighs, near the iliac crest, in the leg creases and on the breasts. One can also put the hands on forehead (the sixth energy center), the top of the head or the crown of the head (the seventh energy center).
I call this open angle or closed angle. It is the angle made by one's legs. It will change the effects of some of the above procedures, especially the scan. Opening the legs increases the area of the scan while closing the legs focuses on a smaller area. This is another area of research at this time.
Using a bidet is very safe, in our experience. Possible concerns are:
- Bacteria. One could possibly get an infection if one’s toilet water is contaminated with bacteria, viruses or parasites. So far we have not had reports of this occurrence. Most often, the rectal area is much more contaminated with bacteria than tap water.
Some of the more expensive bidets include a filter that can remove some bacteria from the water.
- Cleaning the toilet. If you have a bidet toilet attachment with a fixed position sprayer, cleaning the toilet is a little more difficult. The bidet attachment gets in the way a little at the back of the toilet bowl. It is not difficult periodically to remove the two toilet seat bolts and remove the bidet for better cleaning of the toilet.
A handheld sprayer or an entire bidet toilet seat do not affect cleaning the toilet. A handheld sprayer can also be used to help clean up a toilet after a coffee enema or at any time.
- Cold. If you use a bidet that attaches to a toilet and the toilet water is very cold, you will have a cold bottom from this method. However, it only affects a small area and does not cause the whole body to be cold. Some fancier bidets have a heater to warm the water, but this is not necessary and may not even be as good as the effect of cold water on the area.
- Pain. There may be a little pain or tenderness where the spray strikes the anal sphincter. THIS IS NORMAL. Please ignore it. You will not damage your rectum or anything else. The pain is related to the anal reflexes. This is the same as the pain of rubbing the feet when one does foot reflexology. The pain or tenderness eventually goes away as your body heals.
- Overtreatment. With reflexology, it is possible to overtreat, meaning to do it on one spot for too long. At this time, we suggest limiting a session to about 20 minutes.
We highly recommend using a bidet for cleaning oneself after bowel movements, provided your tap water is clean. Once you try it, most people never want to return to toilet paper. Reasons for this are:
1. Very clean. It cleans your bottom quickly and more thoroughly than toilet paper.
2. Gentle and more comfortable. The bidet is gentler than using toilet paper after a bowel movement. This is very good for people with hemorrhoids, for example. Also, cleaning of your bottom is done while you remain sitting down, which is more comfortable than wiping while standing up.
3. Fast. It cleans your bottom quickly.
4. Saves money and helps the environment by conserving toilet paper. Using a bidet will save some money on toilet paper. This will easily pay for a simple bidet toilet attachment (about $30-50.00 USD). One still needs to use a little toilet paper to dry the area after bidet use, but it is less than needed to wipe themselves.
5. Helps the septic system or city sewage system. Less toilet paper entering the sewage system or your septic tank is another benefit of using a bidet.
Wet wipes. A bidet is also much better than using wet wipes to clean up after a bowel movement. These clog up sewage systems and should not be flushed down toilets, even if the label says they are flushable.
6. Good for disabled people. Using a bidet is excellent for those who are disabled, or for some other reason have trouble using toilet paper.
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