by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© January 2020, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.


All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.





Summary Of The Stages Of Development




Detecting Pre-Development

Requirements To Leave Pre-Development



Periods of Low Energy






Details About The Major Changes

















Stage 8

Stage 9

Stage 10

Stage 11

Stage 12

Stage 13

Stage 14



Stage 15

Stage 16

Stage 17

Stage 18

Stage 19

Stage 20

Stage 21



Stage 22

Stage 23

Stage 24

Stage 25

Stage 26

Stage 27

Stage 28



Stage 29

Stage 30

Stage 31

Stage 32

Stage 33

Stage 34

Stage 35



Stage 36

Stage 37

Stage 38

Stage 39

Stage 40

Stage 41

Stage 42



Stage 43

Stage 44

Stage 45

Stage 46

Stage 47

Stage 48

Stage 49





How Long Do I Remain On A Development Program?


The Soul And Development

Hair Mineral Analysis During The Stages







Development occurs in well-defined stages.  This is the focus of this article.  Hopefully, this knowledge will encourage you to begin and to continue with your own development program.

Measurement.  One can precisely measure the development stages if one sees the human subtle energy field.  However, few people can do this very well.  To help remedy this problem, the article discusses markers and symptoms that one may notice as one develops.

Organization of the stages of development.  The first set of stages are called the seven big stages.  We will capitalize these for convenience.  Beyond these are more stages called the second through the seventh octaves.  This will take a person through hundreds of years if the body lasts - and this is possible, as written in the Bible.

The arrangement of the Big Stages is as follows:



Big Stage 1 = beginner

Big Stage 2 = novice

Big Stage 3 = student

Big Stage 4 = intermediate 1 student

Big Stage 5 = intermediate 2 student

Big Stage 6 = advanced student

Big Stage 7 = graduate


Let us discuss each of these in more detail.




Definition.  The condition in which the subtle energy field of a person is a dark brownish color and the energy field barely glows.

This is the condition of most people today.  The main causes of this condition are nutritional deficiencies and toxicity with metals and chemicals.

Most food on earth is depleted of minerals.  Improper diets and eating habits cause even more nutritional deficiencies.

Among the worst poisons are vaccine toxins and medical drugs.  However, other sources of toxicity are chemicals added to food, most herbs, household chemicals such as detergents used to wash clothing and dishes, and in some cases, occupational exposure to chemicals.


Babies.  Most babies are born today in pre-development.  They usually have little head hair at birth and many have bad skin, dark circles under the eyes, eczema and many other problems.

A few babies are born in Big Stage 1.  Most of them, however, don’t stay there for long.  This is mainly due to the toxicity of vaccines.  Poor quality diets and, at time, too many medical drugs also move babies and children out of Big Stage 1 and back into pre-development.

Adults.  About 99.9% of adults are in pre-development at this time (2020).  This is due to their birth circumstances, improper diets, the use vaccines and drugs, toxicity of the environment and unhealthy lifestyles.


Moving beyond pre-development.  This is the first task of anyone who wishes to develop.  If one begins a full development program, usually one will emerge from pre-development within about 6 months.  Even following our “free program” will cause most people to leave pre-development within a year or even less.




To emerge from pre-development generally requires the following:



- Sugar, including most fruit and fruit juices.

- Most raw food except for a small amount of raw cheese, butter or cream. 

- Salad, although a small amount of salad once a week is not too harmful.

- All chemical-laden and depleted food such as white flour, white sugar, and white rice.

- All wheat and spelt products, which are quite hybridized and not as healthful today.

- Most rice and lentils.  We are not sure why, but these foods do not work well today for development. 

- Regular (feedlot of CAFO) beef and most pig products such as pork, ham, lard, rinds and bacon.

- Frozen food, including frozen vegetables.  Exception: Frozen grass fed, organic or heirloom beef two or three times per week that is fine.

- Canned food.  Exceptions: Canned sardines are an excellent food up to four cans weekly for adults.  We recommend no other fish at this time due to mercury contamination.  One can pour off the water or oil in which sardines are packed. 

- Other harmful foods are buckwheat and the nightshade vegetables: tomatoes, standard potatoes, eggplant and all peppers, both sweet and hot peppers.

- Avoid eating a lot of leftovers, particularly food that is left over more than one day.

The foods above form the main part of most people’s diets and interfere with development.


In place of the above, one must eat in the proper amounts and proportions:

- Many well-cooked vegetables (not crunchy or al dente).  Also very important is to eat the preferred vegetables.  (see Food For Daily Use for the list of preferred vegetables.)  These are the only vegetables that contain the chemicals needed for development.  Other vegetables are not helpful.

- Animal quality protein twice daily. See the articles, Food For Daily Use and Food For Occasional Use for the list of which proteins to eat, how much and how to cook them.

- About 8 to 10 blue or purple corn tortilla chips, dippers or taco shells per meal, if you can find them in your area.  These are very helpful for development.  Blue corn cereal, tortillas or other blue corn products are less beneficial.  If one cannot buy blue corn chips, organic yellow corn chips or teff cereal can be used, but are not as good.

- Other whole grains are much less important and need to be eaten in small quantities and only once or twice weekly, unless you cannot obtain blue corn chips.  In this case, you may have more oatmeal, millet, yellow corn meal mush or quinoa. 

- Two tablespoons of roasted almond butter and two tablespoons of roasted sesame tahini every day.  (See Food For Daily Use for specifics).

If you really want to develop quickly, make food fresh several times daily.


2. Lifestyle.  To emerge from pre-development, most people also need to:

- Go to bed by 9PM most nights and get at least 8 or more hours of sleep every night.  Development requires extra rest, especially during Big Stage 1.

- Avoid sex with orgasm as much as possible.  Ideally, have it no more than once a month due to sexual fluid loss.  Down sex is excellent, however.

- Gentle exercise is helpful.  Vigorous exercise slows or stops development.

Other helpful, but less important lifestyle factors to speed development are:

- Maintain emotional control and ideally, emotional detachment.

- Maintain positive attitudes and wholesome thoughts, at all times.

- Be engaged in excellent service though one’s work, family obligations or otherwise.

- Do daily spiritual reading such as the Bible.

- Scientific writing is also an excellent activity.

- Ideally, live away from large bodies of water and in a peaceful, quiet and oxygen-rich environment.


3. Nutritional supplements.  For rapid development, and, in some instances, for even basic development, most people need extra calcium, magnesium, zinc, food-based iodine found in kelp or sardines, omega-3 fatty acids and supplementary vitamin D.

For the most rapid development, one needs a complete development supplementary nutritional program.


4. The detoxification procedures.  One will enter Big Stage 1 and move through the Big Stages much faster if one does:

- The Pulling Down Exercise every day for at least one hour and preferably longer.  This is essential for rapid development.    It consists of forcefully moving subtle energy with the mind from the head to the feet.

This exercise is the same as active prayer in which one brings heaven to earth, as we are directed to do in the Lord’s Prayer.  When sitting, one moves subtle energy with the mind from above the head downward to the feet.  When lying down, one moves subtle energy from the head to the feet, as well.

- The other Detoxification Procedures of a development program.

- The accelerators described in the Accelerators article.






Detection.  As one enters Big Stage 1, the color and brightness of a person’s subtle energy field improves from a dark brownish to a lighter brownish color.


How long does it last?  Big Stage 1 usually lasts 15 to 25 years if one follows a complete development program. 

In our experience, following other natural or holistic healing programs will not move a person past the very early part of Big Stage 1.  This is important to know because programs offered by other physicians or nutritionists may appear similar to the development program we offer, but are not the same.

We find that one simple mistake can easily stop development.  Examples are eating fruit, drinking a lot of juices, eating salads, or staying up late at night.




Often, during Big Stage 1, a person will have many insights about the past, including matters related to their family of origin, current relationships and careers or work, which includes parenting.  The insights are sometimes unpleasant.

One may come face to face with anger, fears, impatience, hostility toward others and often a sense of victimhood.  The solution is to just relax and trust the process of healing and awakening that is occurring. 

Just observe the feelings and thoughts and love oneself more.  Adjustments are needed, and no one really likes change of this type.  One may feel out of one’s comfort zone, at times.  Do your best to embrace and appreciate what life has produced so far.  This makes it easier to move on. 

As a result of the above, during Big Stage 1, a few people experience periods of anxiety and even panic attacks that seem to come out of nowhere.  These are just a need to make adjustments in one’s living situation, location, work or career, or in one’s relationships. 

Once the changes are made, the emotions settle down and life goes on more smoothly.

Some will divorce during this stage.  Others meet their life partner at this time, which could be the person to whom they are already married!  These people realize they never really appreciated their spouse!  The new appreciation renews marriages in a wonderful way.

One often “bumps into” mentors at this time.  This can be a person who is living or it can be one or more people who have left behind a legacy of books or other work that one studies.

Careers may change or one’s attitude about one’s work alters in a positive way.  Many people find their “life work” during this stage of development.  This is quite wonderful because it gives life a new focus and brings a joy to life like nothing else.

One often gains more success during Big Stage 1, whether in relationships, career or some other area such as a hobby or avocation.  All of this is part of a greater sense of amazement and comfort and happiness with life itself that occurs in all cases during Big Stage 1.




1. Restoration of the thymus gland.  The thymus gland in most people undergoes shrinkage or atrophy beginning around age 20 to 25.  By age 30 to 35, it has shrunk significantly and no longer functions well.

Regeneration of the thymus gland is one of the first signs of Big Stage 1.  The thymus does not regenerate fully at this stage, but it begins to do so.  This boosts the immune response significantly, and allows one to heal old, chronic infections much easier and faster.

2. Growth of the thinking brain.  The mixture of cells in the brain begins to change.  The glial or support cells in the brain begin to atrophy and decrease in number.

At the same time, the number of neurons increases.  These are the active “thinking” cells.  This improves memory and information processing.  Some people notice this, although it is not apparent to others.

3. Growth of the skull, in some cases.  In many people, the skull is somewhat misshapen.  This is due to birth trauma, accidents, or other trauma to the head.

In these individuals, the cranium or skull will begin to shift and correct itself.  This is necessary to accommodate the changes described in paragraph #2 above.  For this reason, cranial chiropractic or cranial osteopathy sessions may be needed.

4. Growth of love and service.  To progress through Big Stage 1, many people must learn to love others more.  This means less selfishness and more understanding and love for other people.

This kind of love has nothing to do with sex, husbands and wives, boyfriends or girlfriends.  It refers to a desire to be of service to others and to God.  Articles that delve into this in more detail are The Life Of Service and The Love Tetra Of Development.

5. More self-discipline.  Most people must also improve their self-discipline to progress through Big Stage 1.

6. Early development of the merkaba.  This is a subtle energy configuration that looks like a bubble of light that forms just around a person.  It is a sign that a person is moving along through Big Stage 1. 

Biblical reference.  The word merkaba is mentioned 44 times in the Old Testament of the Bible, mainly in the Book of Ezekiel, Ezekiel 1.  However, the Biblical references are vague and Rabbis debate the meaning of Ezekiel’s vision.  We believe he was viewing the merkaba of one of his teachers.

Near the beginning of Big Stage 1, the merkaba has the appearance of a star tetrahedron for those who can see the subtle energy field (as Ezekiel was shown).  This is one tetrahedron with the point facing downward, interlocked with another tetrahedron with the point facing upward.  Viewed from the side, it appears like a six-pointed star or Jewish star.

The Jewish people were given the six-pointed star to be their symbol because they were told to develop themselves.

Jesus is sometimes portrayed with the double tetrahedron mark on his chest.  The merkaba assists health, protects a person, to a degree, and eventually gives one special abilities.  For more details, read The Merkabah.

7. Other changes in the energy field during Big Stage 1:

a. The main energy centers open.  Opening the energy centers is defined as their enlargement from about 1-2 inches across and 1-2 inches in length to doubling of this size or larger.  This is only the beginning of their growth, but it is significant. 

All seven of the major energy centers must open a little.  In many people, the three lower energy centers - the first, second and third - are more open than the upper centers.  This imbalance corrects during Big Stage 1.

b. Spin correction.  The centers begin to spin faster, and their direction of spin, in and out of spin, and evenness of spin improves. They also align better with the horizontal axis of the body.

c. Color correction.  As the energy centers grow larger and spin faster, the body is able to throw off toxins and correct other imbalances that are dimming the light and darkening the color of the energy centers.

d. Alignment correction.  The centers begin to align parallel to one another along the midline of the body.  Before this, some of them pointed slightly to the right or to the left.

e. Coordination. Near the end of Big Stage 1, the seven major energy centers, as well as some of the smaller ones at the knees and elbows, start to move in a coordinated fashion.

They pulse dim and bright together every few seconds, instead of each pulsing on its own.  They also begin to move slightly up and down, and back and forth in a coordinated way, instead of randomly. 

The energy centers also wobble slightly, and they now do this together instead of separately.  They communicate and work together, instead of working on their own.

Once this has been accomplished, a person no longer lives mainly a physical being.  Instead, the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of oneself cooperate or interact in a more coordinated fashion.

This shift greatly enhances the length of life, in most cases, and causes much better health.  This occurs because there is less wear and tear on the body.  It also enables one to more easily experience deeper thinking and the higher emotions such as love and caring.  For details about the energy centers, read The Energy Centers.




Overall health becomes better in Big Stage 1.  Chronic diseases often disappear.  One usually looks better, with better skin and hair, and a happier disposition. 

One may go through a number of healing reactions or purification reactions.  These are due to removing toxic metals and toxic chemicals.  Temporary flare-ups of symptoms may also occur as chronic infections Retrace and resolve.  Mental and emotional traumas may also retrace, causing temporary symptoms.

The immune response improves because the thymus gland begins to be restored.


Other unusual symptoms.

1. A sudden feeling of detachment.  During this stage, some people experience an unusual feeling of detachment.  It feels as though one is outside of oneself - observing oneself and everything else from somewhere else.

This is disturbing for some people.  However, it is an excellent sign of progress.  One gets used to the feeling, which assists with emotional control and awareness. 

            2. Crying.  This is common and is just a way of releasing pent-up emotions.  At times, it may be spontaneous and hard to control. 

This is excellent and not something to be afraid of, ashamed of, or something you must stop.  It will pass on its own.  It might last a year, on and off, depending on how much pent up emotion needs to be released.

3. A feeling of falling.  This is a rather strange symptom that can occur at any time during development.  It is a release of some of the ego, and is definitely a good sign.  Don’t worry - it will pass.

4. Anxiety and fear.  Feelings of fear and anxiety may arise at any stage of development, but particularly at this stage.  These usually have to do with retracing past traumas.  They are good signs, as they indicate a process of letting go of the past.

Feelings of fear or anxiety are often the most difficult ones for people to handle.  One can feel as though one’s life is falling apart.  In reality, your life is coming together, but you must let go of the traumas, imbalances, wrong thoughts and feelings from the past.  That is all that is occurring, and it will not threaten anything of value of yours.

At times, the above symptoms are just healing reactions.  They arise and then pass away.  You can merely observe them as calmly as possible.

At other times, your development program will need changing as your body chemistry shifts.  If negative feelings persist for more than a day or two, definitely ask your Helper to have Dr. Wilson check and update your program.




The end of Big Stage 1 occurs when:

- The seven major energy centers are all open, to a degree

- All of them line up properly along the midline of the body

- All of them spin in the correct direction.

- Their motion is coordinated.

- The merkaba is slightly developed. 

            This is quite an accomplishment for a person on earth today.  A few of our clients are close to this accomplishment, as of January 2020.  These people are launched, meaning they are well on their way to a better and longer life.




How long does it last?  Big Stage 2 usually lasts about 15-20 years if one continues with a complete development program.  Without this particular program, getting to this stage is extremely unlikely.  Other holistic or nutritional programs do not achieve it.




1. Healing of the Peyer’s patches.  The Peyer’s patches are lymph tissue found along parts of the small intestine.  Unlike other lymph tissue, the Peyer’s patches can move toxins from the lymph system directly into the small intestine for elimination.  This is most helpful for detoxification of the body.

In most people, the Peyer’s patches become congested, stagnant and dormant at about age 30.  This contributes to a weakened immune response and more buildup of toxic metals and toxic chemicals.

Healing of the Peyer’s patches begins in Big Stage 1.  However, it picks up speed in Big Stage 2 and healing continues into the next 5 Stages.  For more details, read The Peyer’s Patches.

2. Opening of the central channel, also called the conception vessel in acupuncture and the main central channel in some sciences.  This subtle energy channel runs down the middle of the front of the body.  It goes through the middle of the nose, the mouth, the throat, the breast bone, and through the navel or belly button.  At the genitals, it turns around and goes up the middle of the back along the spine, and up to the top of the head.

The central channel is the most important energy channel of the human body.  Opening it means that more ether or subtle energy begins to flow through it.  Opening begins in Big Stage 2 and continues for many more Stages.  Any opening of this channel is wonderful for general health and helps to lengthen life.

When this channel begins to open, a person feels more centered, grounded, self-confident and secure in oneself.  One can “hold one’s energy” around other people much better, and one is less affected by the words, actions and thoughts of others.  It is truly wonderful.  For more details, read The Central Channel.

3. The senses become more keen.  Some people notice this effect, which continues as one moves into the later Stages of development.

4. Many are able to tune into guidance.  Many people say they tune into guidance.  However, it is usually false and quite dangerous.  It can easily lead to your death.  So please be careful with psychics, mediums, pendulums, kinesiology, Ouija boards and all other methods of “tuning in”.

However, during Big Stage 2, some people will begin to receive messages telepathically from guides, and some of the information may be valuable and correct.

Always check all guidance with known facts, and with your common sense.  Ask many times for confirmation and always say: “Is this the absolute truth in the name of Christ?”  If you do not get a definite yes answer, ignore the message or advice.  Never, ever just give yourself over to your “guidance”, as this is very dangerous!  For more details, read Guidance.

5. Organ rejuvenation. Rejuvenation of the body organs begins during Big Stage 2.  This will extend most people’s lifespan.  However, the rejuvenation occurs inside the body, so one will not look younger at this stage.

6. Further growth of the merkaba. The merkaba thickens a lot during Big Stage 2.  The way this occurs is that more layers are added to it.  One will not notice this, but it is important for health and to lengthen life.

7. More brain development.  During this stage, the thinking brain continues to grow a little larger.  The brain architecture may need a little adjusting to accommodate the growth of the brain.  For details, read Brain Architecture.

8. Better immune response.  The immune response continues to strengthen in this stage.  This mainly has to do with continuing regeneration of the thymus gland and the Peyer’s patches. 

A stronger immune response helps eliminate more chronic infections, which everyone has.  It also extends life, since these infections tend to shorten one’s life.

9. The healing reaction called the agony.  Near the end of Big Stage 2, a person experiences a healing reaction that is sometimes called the agony. 

It often occurs in a few phases, of which the first is the most annoying.  It causes some itching and burning on the face.  For more details, read The Agony.

10. Maturing of the personality.  Most people become calmer and more relaxed during Big Stage 2.

11. The somatids begin to be replaced.  The somatids are tiny organisms that inhabit all human and animal bodies.  They help the body resist infections and perform other functions.  They can be seen with a special microscope (the Rife microscope), but these microscopes are very rare on earth.

During Big Stage 2, the somatids begin to leave because they are no longer needed.    For details, please read The Somatids.

12. Further development of the aura and the energy centers, as follows:

a. The energy centers continue to spin faster, much more evenly, and in a more coordinated manner.  This means that the body and the brain are beginning to work together more closely.
            c. The color of the energy field changes from a brownish color to a gold and then to a whitish color.  This is quite beautiful.  It signals a much more healthy body.  This differs markedly from the energy field of the average person, which is much darker and more dim.

If more people could see the difference, they would run away from most of their doctors and their political leaders.  The energy field of most national and world leaders are ugly, no matter how physically attractive their bodies may be, or how convincing their words.  Most of their words are also not the truth, and their intentions are often selfish and ugly.

d. The size of the energy centers increases.

e. A new life.  The lure or glamour of the physical life tends to diminish in Big Stage 2.  One views the physical body as just a vehicle needed to be present on earth. 




This is another time to celebrate.  Near the end of Big Stage 2, the so-called upper bodies (etheric, blue tube, ovals and whole body) form and then fill with light.  For details, read The Subtle Energy Fields or Bodies.

The event that marks the end of Big Stage 2 is when the largest of the subtle energy fields, the whole body, fills with ether and develops a beautiful bluish glow.  One has come a long way from ordinary earth life.




How long does it last? This rather advanced stage of development usually requires another 10 to 20 years to move through, assuming that one continues with a complete development program.




1. The merkaba thickens.  The merkaba remains about the same size.  It is shaped like a sphere around the body that is roughly 6 to 7 feet in diameter.  In this stage, it thickens a lot due to the addition of many layers of souls.

2. Bodily rejuvenation.  In Big Stage 3, organ regeneration continues and speeds up.  This causes improved health and tends to increase the lifespan.  A person at this stage, for example, can live for several hundred years.

3. A stronger immune response.  This occurs because the Peyer’s patches and the thymus gland continue to rejuvenate.  Other tissues concerned with the immune response such as the spleen and lymph system also rebuild.

4. Greater development of various abilities.  Abilities such as mental telepathy often appear during this stage of development.  This transforms a person’s life in unusual and exciting ways.

For example, mental telepathy opens up an entire world of information.  Some share their newly acquired knowledge and wisdom at this stage by writing books or giving lectures.

5. The release.  This is a benign healing reaction that occurs near the end of Big Stage 3.  For about one or two months, the upper eyelids temporarily droop down slightly over the eyes. 

One may also experience swelling of the feet, ankles, or legs.  This is due to an elimination of toxic substances from these areas.  Parts of the body retain water to dilute the toxins to ease their elimination.

6. Changes in the genital organs.  The scrotum of men becomes a little smaller on many men.  Womens’ vaginas may also become a little smaller.  These are healthy changes.

7. A need for less food.  During Big Stage 3, many people find they need to reduce their overall food intake.  The proportions of vegetables, meat and other foods needs to remain the same, but the amount needed lessens somewhat.

8. A need for less sleep.  One may still become tired during the day and need a nap, but the amount of sleep needed at night often decreases a little.




When the energy field of the whole body becomes much brighter and a whitish color, it signals the end of Big Stage 3. 

At this point, a person’s physical body is well along the path of rejuvenation.  This extends the lifespan and usually gives one a much greater feeling of happiness and well-being.




How long does it last?  This and the next three stages are usually shorter and require only about 10 years each.




1. The fullness.  This is a purification reaction that occurs near the middle of Big Stage 4.  One often experiences flu-like symptoms.  Soon afterward, one may feel as though the body is filled with fluid. 

The ankles often swell up and there is usually edema or swelling of the lower legs, as well.  This lasts for a few weeks and is due to the removal of toxins from the legs and feet.

2. Thickening of the merkaba.  The merkaba continues to thicken during this stage.  This process continues into the next few stages, as well.  Most people cannot feel this, but it brings greater health and longevity to the body.

3. Many fewer healing reactions.  This is a welcome change.  By this Stage, one has retraced most of the body’s infections and often most traumas.  As a result, life evens out with fewer healing reactions and steadier energy levels.

4. More joy.  Most people at this stage are definitely happier.  In part, this is because their bodies are much healthier.  However, it is also due to subtle changes in the brain that lead to greater happiness and contentment.




At the end of Big Stage 4 one often feels some fatigue for a few days.  This is due to a special detoxification of the body.  After the fatigue passes, some people report a feeling of wellbeing that is more intense than any they have felt before.

For those who can see the energy field, the marker for the end of Big Stage 4 is the appearance of the Plumes.  These are rays of light that emanate mainly upward form the crown of the head.  They cause the detoxification that causes fatigue.

All of the main components of early development now appear in the energy field: - larger and brighter energy centers

- all seven of the subtle energy fields

- the merkaba

- the plumes.

This is another time of celebration.  One has completed over half of the first seven Big Stages.




How long does it last?  Big Stage 5 usually requires about 10 years to complete, assuming one stays with their development program.




Low energy.  During this Stage, one usually feels very well.  However, one passes through several periods during which one’s energy level decreases.  At these times, one’s energy is being used for development. 

Healing reactions are quite rare at this stage, although they occasionally occur.

The Merkabah thickens.  This can initiate or improve telepathic communication.  It also tends to improve overall health.

Fatigue.  At the end of Big Stage 5, one goes through a day or two of feeling very tired.  This is a type of culmination of this stage.  Then, when one moves on to Big Stage 6, the energy level improves again.

This and the next two stages are sometimes together called the long, slow climb.  However, with the new development program, the climb need not be too slow.




How long does it last?  Big Stage 6 usually requires about 12 years to complete if one remains on a complete development program.




This Stage is a continuation of Big Stage 5, in the sense that the Merkabah continues to thicken.  This is more protective of the body.

The Peyer’s patches also continue to regenerate during this stage.  This process does not complete, however, during this stage of development.


Symptoms.  These are mild.  Healing reactions may occasionally occur, and periods of fatigue or flu-like symptoms continue, at times, for most people.  However, compared to the earlier stages, Big Stage 6 is mild and uneventful.

Swelling or edema.  At the end of the Big Stage 6, often the ankles swell up again, and perhaps the lower legs up to the knees, roughly.  This is another detoxification reaction in the legs.

The legs are among the most toxic areas in most people’s bodies.  This is due to a combination of poor circulation to the legs, sedentary lifestyles, and the effects of gravity.

The swelling is somewhat annoying and not pretty, but it is not important and it passes at the end of the sixth stage.




How long does it last?  Big Stage 7 usually lasts about 15 years.  It mainly depends upon how well one continues with their development program. 

Some people slack off the program when they reach the upper Big Stages because they feel so much better.  This slows their progress. It can stop progress altogether if one abandons the program completely.




This is an important stage, as it is a culmination of the first six stages.  It is type of summary stage, in which the work of the first six stages comes to fruition at a deeper level.

Swelling of edema.  There can be more swelling of the legs during this stage as more toxins are released from the feet and legs.

Some pain.  There can also be pain in the top outer part of both feet as the side channels clear and rejuvenate.  This part of the foot corresponds to the side channel meridians.

Reactions.  Some people still experience healing reactions of old and chronic infections, mainly.  However, otherwise it is uneventful in terms of symptoms.

Adding nuts to the diet.  During this stage, a person needs to add a few roasted nuts to the diet about twice daily.  This is in addition to almond butter, which is good for everyone.

NOTE: Do not eat nuts if you are not at this advanced stage because they are a more yin food and somewhat difficult to digest.  However, a few are needed and tolerated better at Big Stage 7 and beyond.

The celebration.  The end of Big Stage 7 is a great celebration.  The Peyer’s patches completely rejuvenate at this time, and this is the marker for the end of this stage.  This is a time of joy because it means the body is largely restored inside at a physical level.  The first seven big stages are the most physical part of the development rejuvenation process.

External appearance.  On the outside, a person at this Stage will still appears older, and this is a protective mechanism.  It keeps one away from more dangerous activities of youths, and people tend to have more respect and regard for older people.  So do not despair, as some do, thinking they will always look old. 

Now let us moves on and discuss the next seven stages, which are more mental in their focus.






Stages 8 through 14 of development are sometimes called the second octave of development.  This octave differs from the first octave because:

1. It has much more to do with the mental aspect of a human being, and less to do with the physical body.

2. It has more to do with the growth of the merkaba than the first stage.

3. It is considerably more advanced than the first stage.

4. The second octave usually requires at least 35-60 years on a development program to complete.

5. Each stage in this octave lasts from one month to 2-3 years, depending upon how much pushing down a person does during this period of time.

6.  These Big Stages are all somewhat shorter than the first seven.




This is the first stage of the second octave of development that focuses on the mental aspect of a person.  It requires about a month to a year to complete.  One may experience bouts of fatigue, at times, but otherwise most people feel well, and experience few symptoms at this time.


Purification reactions.  Because of its more mental focus, one may experience certain reactions that have to do with letting go of old memories, old ideas and old, childish emotional aspects of one’s being.


The end of Big Stage 8.  This is marked by an increase in the brightness of the entire energy field.  In particular, the merkaba glows more brightly.




            This stage is somewhat similar to Big Stage 8.  It requires a few weeks to about a year for most people to complete. 

Fatigue.  As with Big Stage 8, some people will feel tired, at times, during this stage and require extra rest.  This is due to more detoxification, particularly in the feet and legs.


            The end of Big Stage 9.  At the end of Big Stage 9, the fatigue usually is a little more intense for a few days.




The symptoms of this stage are similar to those of Big Stages 8 and 9.  Big Stage 10 usually requires a few weeks to about a year to complete.

There is a lot of cleansing of the brain during this stage.  Often, a person begins to think better and more clearly.

This stage ends with the growth of more plumes from the top of the head.  This is quite beautiful for those who can see the energy field.




Big Stage 11 requires less time for most people to complete.  Some can do it in a week or less, although many people require a month or so.

This stage is marked by a deeper cleansing in the brain and the appearance of more plumes emanating from the top of the head.  The two phenomena are related.

The end of Big Stage 11 is a time for another celebration because the plumes are now essentially complete.  This represents the development of a “spiritual brain”. 

This is a deep connection between the physical brain and the oversoul or overseer souls.  These are more advanced souls that assist a person to heal and develop in a balanced and rapid manner.  




This stage is somewhat unique.  It is of short duration, often requiring a week to a few months to complete.

Some books call Big Stage 12 the new beginning.  As it unfolds, one often begins to feel more safe and secure.

This occurs because the seventh physical energy center, which is at the crown of the head, becomes more active.  The merkaba also thickens a lot more.  The feeling of greater well-being makes this Big Stage very enjoyable.




This is a continuation of Stage 12.  The mind works better and the body continues to detoxify.  Usually, it is fairly symptom-free other than times of fatigue due to a need to rest through changes that will occur in the body chemistry and due to mild retracing and healing reactions.




This is a culmination of the second octave of development.  It is somewhat longer than the earlier stages and may require two or more years to pass through.

It is marked by fatigue at the beginning of this stage.  This can continue throughout the stage if a lot of change is needed in the body, or it may go away if the body is mostly healed by this time.

This stage is also a preparation for the next octave that follows.






This is the first of the next octave of stages.  It is still a largely physical level.  During this important stage, the following occurs:

1. Some healing of the adrenal glands.  Often, the body feels warmer for this reason.  A person may gain a little weight if he or she is underweight, for this reason.  Also, the adrenal “bumps” near the third metatarsal bone fade a little.  It is not complete healing of the adrenal glands, but it is an improvement.

2. The back straightens when it is curved or kyphotic or hunched.

3. There is often a need for more sleep, up to 10 hours daily, at times.

4. The merkabah continues to grow in thickness and size.

5. The two etheric bodies are able to come together somewhat more easily.  This is helpful to bring in more ether.  For more on this topic, read Charging on this site.

6. Some regeneration of the teeth may begin to occur.  This will culminate in a number of years in a new set of teeth.

7. Vision and hearing may improve a little.

8. Some people will feel the flow of subtle energy from the head to the feet more easily.

9.  One no longer needs to push down for as long in order to continue development.  However, pushing down for at least one hour is advisable to keep up the pace of development.


How long?  This stage can last from several months to several years.




This is a shorter stage, lasting only a few weeks to a few months in most people.  It is a continuation of the previous stage in which all of the changes from Stage 15 continue and even accelerate.




            This is another shorter stage.  It is similar to Stage 16, but things accelerate even faster.  This is a feature of this set of stages.




This is similar to Stage 17 in some ways.  However, there is more emphasis on the neck and head.  It lasts from as little as one month to about one year in most people.

Near the end of this stage, a person will feel tired for a few days to a few weeks.




Head and neck.  This is another lengthy stage in which the emphasis is one the head and neck, once again.  It can last from a few months to a few years.




This stage is similar to 19, but the emphasis is on the whole body, not just the neck and head.




A culmination.  This is the culmination of the third octave of stages.  It involves the whole body, and causes a strengthening and an improvement in energy level for most people.  It lasts from a few months to over one year.






              This is a similar stage to 21.  It is usually uneventful and passes within a month to a year.




Teeth and gums.  In this stage, the teeth become stronger and often whiter.  The gums heal if they have not healed previously.  Infections also heal that would not heal in the past.

This stage usually lasts about one to six months.




              This is a milestone.  Those who have reached this stage begin to feel the subtle energy flowing through the body more easily.  This helps to keep a person moving forward faster with development.  This stage usually lasts only a few weeks to a few months.




              Twenty-five is also a continuation of the earlier stages.  Little obvious change occurs in the body, although some people look better at this stage.  They fill out a little, even though they do not try to look better.




              More energy.  Development moves along with few outward changes.  However, most people report feeling a little more energetic.

            Stages 24, 25 and 26 move fast.  Some complete them in a month or even less.




              Posture.  In this stage, a person’s posture begins to improve if it was hunched.  The body becomes a little stronger, which also help the posture.

Other changes are not noticeable, but the organs heal more deeply at this time.  This stage also passes quickly, sometimes within a month.




              This is a continuation of Stage 27.  Little of notice occurs, although the person may become tired about half way through this stage due to some deep changes in the brain.  This soon passes, however, and one’s energy becomes quite stable, once again.  This stage lasts from a few weeks up to a year in some people.






            This stage moves quickly.  There are few outward or other obvious changes.




            Milestone.  This is another milestone because during this stage a person’s energy becomes more stable and higher.  Most people notice the change.  From this stage onward, a person’s health will generally be quite stable.




Stages 36 – 42. 

Brain Development.  These stages have to do mainly with toxin removal from the brain.  There may also be slight growth of the cranium, if it is needed, and other changes to prepare the body and brain for later stages.


Stages 41 and 42.

A culmination.  These stages have to do with re-establishing equilibrium in the body and stabilizing everything that has taken place up until this time in development.  These stages pass quickly, often within a few weeks to a month each.




              Stage 43 – 46.  During development, healing occurs from the inside out toward the skin. 

Healing the skin.  At stages 43 – 46, healing of the skin begins with improvement of the skin of the face and neck.  During development, healing of the skin proceeds from the head downward toward the feet.

This is in contrast to the healing of the internal organs.  The latter generally proceeds from the center or stomach area and radiates upward and downward.


              Stages 47 – 49.  This is a continuation of the previous four stages with continued changes in the skin of the face and neck.  Often, there is some itching, burning, and sensitivity of the skin of these areas during this time.

              The stages of the seventh octave last at least a month each, or sometimes a little longer.




            These begin with Stage 50 and extend into the thousands.  As a general principle, these stages pass quickly and are not associated with many symptoms or unusual occurrences.

            After Stage 100 or so, the body is more etheric and less physical, although it appears exactly the same.

After Stage 200, the stages last somewhat longer, but otherwise they are similar to each other.  They are each defined by changes in the person’s energy field or aura.






I am often asked this question.  Here is a rough guide for answering the question:


The diet.  The basic development diet is for life.  If you deviate, development will slow down.  However, as one develops there are changes in the diet to some degree.  One generally eats a little less and one needs a few more nuts, and eventually fewer blue corn chips.

Drinking a variety of spring waters.  This continues to be helpful for a long time – at least Stage 50.

The supplements.  These continue to be important.  However, at a later stage, one takes fewer of them because digestion improves and the body is able to obtain what it needs more from food. 

Rest.  This remains a need for a long time.  Most people need 9 or 10 hours of sleep, ideally, every night right up to Stage 50 or beyond.  Rest is required for development at all stages.

The pulling down exercise.  This is basic and absolutely needed to continue development.  However, one needs to do it less in order to continue development in the later stages.

Coffee enemas.  These are needed up until a later stage – usually after about 25 years on the program.   Then they become slightly toxic and will slow development, so it is best to discontinue them.  We will let clients know if they have reached this point, which none have reached so far.

Reddish heat lamp therapy with a single lamp or a heat lamp sauna.  The red heat lamp energy remains good forever, as far as we know.  In later stages, it seems best to use it on the feet, although we are not sure.  This may be simply in order to promote detoxification of the legs, which occurs later in development.

Foot reflexology.  So far, this continues to be very helpful at all the stages.  It can even help to bring back and protect the Guide Creatures. 

Spinal twist. As one progresses, the spine loosens up and stays more limber on its own.  However, the daily spinal twist and popping the toes and fingers are still very helpful to speed up development, relax the nervous system, and the spinal twist is needed to maintain an aligned spine.

The kelp wrap.  This is not needed after Stage 1 or usually one year on a complete development program.

Vaginal coffee implant or penis coffee.  These are helpful or even needed until one clears most of the trauma from this area of the body.  The time needed for this depends upon each person’s past traumas.

The trance states.  These can be done anytime, we believe, and help speed up development.




Some people wonder if the soul is happy to stay in a body longer because the person is developing.  The answer is yes, in most cases.  The main reason is that the soul develops, as well, as a result of the development program.  This is very helpful for the soul.  Souls are also taught by their guides that developing a human body is unique, and very excellent for the world.

If a soul is very unhappy staying in a developed body, it may be removed by more advanced beings, and given its freedom.




Regeneration of the internal organs of the body during development proceeds from the inside out.  This is most important to understand.

The skin regenerates last.  In fact, the skin may continue to age somewhat for many years, even though inside, the body and brain are regenerating.  This means that one’s outward appearance does not change much with development.

However, there are subtle changes that make a person younger.  There is a loss of toxic tissue so that the person looks healthier and a little younger.  However, full regeneration of the skin takes a long time.  This is protective because at this time on earth having a youthful looking body when one is old is somewhat dangerous.

Regeneration also often proceeds from the center of the body toward the head and toward the feet.

Another rough principle is that regeneration begins with nervous system tissue.  The next tissues to heal deeply are the internal organs.  Later on the connective tissues, including the skin and hair, regenerate.

Unlike healing of the internal organs, regeneration of the skin begins at the head and neck and moves down the body toward the legs and feet.

This means that an early type of regeneration is a dramatic improvement in digestion.    Food sensitivities tend to go away and digestion becomes more powerful. 




During pre-development and into the first stage of development, usually one’s appearance improves.  This is mainly due to better nutrition, and the elimination of toxic metals as a result of a development program.  It is not primarily due to development. 

Among other changes, the moons on the nails may appear or re-appear. This is a good sign of improved telomere activity.  For more about this topic, read Telomeres on this website.

An interesting change that may occur at this time is the palms of the hands can turn from an orangy color in some people to a more deep red color.  This has to do with a lower level of circulating bilirubin because the liver is more able to eliminate it quickly.

The sparkle.  Some people at this stage develop a healthy glow or sparkle they did not previously have.  This is most noticeable in women, who may not like the added male attention it brings them.  The sparkle can make women, in particular, look at least 5 or more years younger than they did previously.

During the second stage of development, some people become quite thin.  This is not a problem, but it is upsetting for some people.

Near the end of the second stage, one’s overall appearance may improve because the energy level, digestion and other aspects of health improve.

More improvement in overall appearance does not occur until one is in at least the eighth stage of development.  This is because the regeneration process takes this long to reach the surface of the body.

Usually, the person is older – over 100 years of age.  Somewhat suddenly, often, the person notices that gray hair is turning back to its natural color.  Teeth may regrow, and the skin will also return to a better and younger appearance.  Fingernails and toenails also take on a younger appearance.




PRE-DEVELOPMENT THROUGH ABOUT STAGE FOUR.  One may, at times, have a phosphorus level greater than 16.  This is a marker for early development.  For details, read Phosphorus.

FIRST STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT.  Most people will get out of the four lows pattern, although some will go back in for a short time to heal various traumas.  Cadmium elimination begins.  This is not an easy toxic metal to eliminate.

SECOND STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT. The hair tests are usually more balanced, although not necessarily if one is helping many people and “taking on” some of their imbalances.

THIRD STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT. This is very rare on planet earth.  We don’t know how the hair tests will look at this stage at this time.  The same is true for the stages after this one.




We believe the idea of development is found in the Old Testament of the Bible in the passage from Genesis that “God made man in his own image”.  A possible meaning of this statement is that God is obviously developed.  So, too, can a human being develop because he and she are made in the image or likeness of God.



Introduction To Development is a general article about the benefits and other details about development.

Several other articles on this site discuss various topics related to development.  Their links are found at Development.



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