by Dr. Lawrence Wilson
© October 2018, L. D. Wilson Consultants, Inc.
information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment,
prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.
This is one of the more
unusual articles on this website.
The science is not proven, but please have an
open mind. I am hardly the first
person to write about this topic.
The somatid
theory can definitely help explain newer medical findings that the human
intestine is producing many vital chemicals such as hormones, vitamins, and
immune system components.
Somatids are a type of small,
less differentiated body cells found everywhere in the human and animal
bodies. Most live in the small
intestines, and most are made by mitosis in the
Mitosis means a cell splits into two small
Similar to trophoblasts.
In size and functioning, somatids are similar to Trophoblast Cells, discussed in a separate article on
this website.
Totipotent. Trophoblasts
are almost totipotent
cells. The word totipotent (total potency) means they can turn into any
other kind of cell. Somatids are similar to this and may be the same, in fact.
Generalists. Most cells, early in their lifespan, differentiate. To
differentiate means the cell becomes a specialist. Some cells become stomach tissue, while others become skin
or hair. Others become the eyes,
the nose, or some other body tissue.
The cell remains this way for the entire life of the cell. Somatids, in
contrast, can change their form and their functions.
The quality of changing
one’s form and function is called pleomorphism. The word just means having many forms. So one can say that somatids are pleomorphic.
This just means that they can change their form and function.
21 levels of health.
According to the work of Gaston Naessans
and others, there are at least 15 or 16 forms that the somatids
can take. Later in his
life, Gaton Naessans studied
developed masters and expanded this number of levels to 21. The reason some of the levels are not
known is because they only occur in developed humans,
of which there are very few on the planet.
These can be broken
down into three groups of seven levels each. These correspond to the oxidation types as seen on a hair
mineral test. Fast oxidizers roughly
are the most healthy group. Slow oxidizers are the second group, and those with a four
lows pattern are the group in the worst health.
were first found in modern times about 110 years ago
when several European scientists with special microscopes noticed them. One needs a special microscope because
most microscopes, including the most modern electron microscopes, require
killing cells first before you can look at them.
If one kills the somatid, one will not see the cell change its form or
function. As a result, the idea of
a cell that changes itself depending on its environment is
not currently accepted in medical science.
The scientists who
discovered somatids had special microscopes, known
today as Rife microscopes. These
are very rare instruments, and there are very few of them on earth. They turn the specimen into a light
source, and as a result can get extremely high resolution on a live cell.
The somatid
The first scientist to see them was Antoine Bechamp,
MD (1816-1908) in France. He
called them mycozyma.
Some people still use this term, but most prefer the word somatid. He
saw that they changed their form depending on the terrain inside the body.
As a result, he
believed they were the basic building blocks of all organisms, even plants and
rocks. In this, I believe he was
incorrect. Not all cells are somatids. However, he was correct in identifying
the somatids as very unusual.
In the early twentieth
century, several other scientists observed them. A Canadian doctor, Gaston Naessens, MD (1924- ) called them somatids. Guenther Enderlein (1872-1968), a German physician, called them protits. The name somatids is most accepted.
Another who observed
them was Royal Rife, MD in the United States. All these scientists wrote about these cells, and
designed remedies based upon them, as well. To read more about Dr. Rife, Dr. Naessans and pleomorphism, read The Cancer Pioneers on this website.
The concept that a cell
can change its basic form has found only limited acceptance in the medical
world. For example, it is known that many yeasts
are dimorphic. This means they
have two forms.
They have both a mold
or hyphal form, and a yeast form. Among such
yeasts are some penicillins
and the common candida albicans. Somatids are
somewhat like this – able to change their form depending on the
conditions inside the body.
The medical
establishment considers somatids part of esoteric or
occult science, but it is no such thing.
It is simply science that is more advanced, or
harder to see.
One of the more modern discoveries of medical science that is mostly still unknown among doctors is that one’s intestine is not just a place to digest food. It contains immune cells, and many others. This may be because of the presence of the somatids.
In fact, a popular diet for autistic children is called the Gut And Psychology Diet or GAPS diet, for this reason. To read more about this, and why I don’t recommend it, please read The GAPS Diet on this site.
Gaston Naessens and other researchers believed that the pleomorphic forms of somatids are abnormal and pathological. This appears to be true, although some scientists debate this point.
No. The
somatids are not the same as what are
called probiotic organisms. The latter include
various strains of bacteria such as lactobacillus acidophilus, for
example. These are cells that cannot change
their form or function. In
contrast, somatids can change their function.
The somatids
are also different from what are called ferments in the intestines. These
are various bacteria and yeasts found in foods such as yogurt, sauerkraut, miso, cheese, kefir, and a few other foods. Differences between somatids
and probiotics include:
1. Compared with the
souls in bacteria and ferments, the souls in the somatids
are much more advanced.
2. Somatids
are not just found in the intestines, as are the probiotic organisms. Somatids
are found everywhere in the body.
3. Somatids
can move in and out of body organs easily because they are extremely
tiny. Probiotic organisms are much too big to
be able to do this.
These are just a few of
the differences between somatids and other micro-organisms in our bodies.
The implications of the
somatid theory are enormous, including the following:
1. If the terrain of
the body is this important, then diet, lifestyle, rest, sleep, thoughts and
emotions should be the focus of our health care system, not drugs, surgery,
vaccines, fluoridation and other toxic methods.
2. If terrain is
important, detoxification of the body is critical, as nutritional balancing
3. If terrain is
critical, then keeping the body pure in all ways should be the goal. In
addition to a pure diet, one’s lifestyle, morals, character development and
careful education of the young are therefore of the greatest importance.
If a person follows a
nutritional balancing program for at least 20 years, causing development,
the somatids atrophy, and eventually disappear. This may occur when the down force
through the body is strong enough.
To read more about this, please read Downward
Moving Energy And Healing on this site.
The replacement of the somatids is one of the goals of every nutritional balancing
program. However, to the best of my knowledge, final somatid replacement is not discussed
among doctors who endorse pleomorphism and the somatid theory. Most likely, this is because they do
not know how to accomplish the replacement of the somatids.
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