by Dr. Lawrence Wilson
© August 2020, L.D.
Wilson Consultants, Inc.
All information in this article is for
educational purposes only. It is
not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health
A common
condition, found more often in women, but also in some men, is a great deal of
congestion, toxicity and, in some instances, tightness in the pelvic area.
We call it pelvic syndrome because
we are unaware of a better term. It
is not the same as pelvic inflammatory disease, which is a medical diagnosis that
is due solely to infection.
1. Tight tissues. This often affects the pelvic
area. For details, read Tight Tissue Syndrome.
2. Sexually-transmitted diseases of
which you may be unaware. Sometimes this is a subtle cause,
especially if they give few symptoms.
However, they cause a lowered energy level in this area of the body and
may causes inflammation, pelvic inflammatory
conditions, menstrual abnormalities and other problems.
3. Physical or emotional upset or
traumas related to this area of the body. This can include sexual molestation or rape, of course. However, it can also include emotional
abuse or confusion, mixed signals from adults in relation to sex, reproduction,
menstruation, even one’s style of dress.
Women today
are bombarded by mixed messages from many sources, and this appears to
contribute greatly to the congestion and tension in the pelvic area. They are taught they should be free to
do whatever they wish, they can do anything the “boys”
At the same
time, they are warned about pregnancy, STDs, modesty, dressing appropriately
for the business world, and other messages as well. This can leave a young woman thoroughly confused and upset,
and it appears to affect this area the most.
4. In women,
sensitivity to how one is viewed by men. An important cause that would
come under the heading of emotional or mental stress is that some young women
are very sensitive to the way men, in particular, but also other women, look at
their bodies.
They have
often not been taught well enough that men are “hard-wired” to stare at women’s
bodies. because
this is part of the way nature assures the reproduction of the species.
all the sexual innuendo, odd behavior by boys, primarily, dating games, sexual
advances by older men, perhaps, problems at work, school and everywhere else,
cause extreme stress for these young women that appears to affect the pelvic
area the most. This cause is more
important if the woman is very physically attractive.
5. Repression or suppression of sexual
feelings or activity. This is less common, but used to be more so. That is, women who were prevented from
experiencing, talking about, or feeling any sexual feelings can also develop
tensions in this area. However,
this is much less common today in America and particularly Europe and Asia, as
the cultures are no longer so suppressive.
6. Excessive sexual activity, usually
early in life, especially before age 30. This appears to be a major cause. This seems to create conflicts in the women, especially if
the sexual activity is without a bond of love, marriage or some other committed
relationship. Unfortunately, such
casual sexual activity is encouraged too often, today, long before young women
are ready for it or comprehend how it affects their bodies and their emotions.
of those with this condition are unaware that they have it. Hair mineral analysis, by itself, is
not good for detection, although the condition is associated with a low Na/K
ratio, in some cases.
It often
causes few obvious symptoms, although there are often chiropractic or
osteopathic imbalances in the pelvis and hips. There may be pain that radiate from this area, though it may
be difficult to realize that the pelvic tension is the real center of the
Some people
with this condition have knee problems, for example, that relate to hip or
pelvic imbalances. Others
experience back or neck tension or pain, though most do not realize that the
cause, once again, often stems from the pelvic area that is tense and often
misaligned. This can be, in part,
due to Adhesions and Tight
example, the pelvis may be tipped forward or backward. It may also be tipped to one side, or
it is often somewhat twisted or unbalanced in another way. Sometimes the condition is detected
during a massage or bodywork session.
The pelvic
area may be tender, painful to the touch, very tense, hardened or simply not
functioning well in a muscular and mechanical way. We are told this by Rolfers
and structural integration practitioners, for example.
possible symptoms include premenstrual syndrome or other menstrual imbalances
in young women. Some may also
experience amenorrhea or other menstrual problems. Men can experience testicular pain and tension in the
possible symptoms are uterine fibroid tumors and ovarian cysts. These are related to copper imbalance,
but also may occur due to pelvic congestion that may block the proper flow of
blood and lymph in this area of the body.
1. A development program. Balancing and strengthening the entire
body chemistry, especially the autonomic nervous system, is most helpful. It reduces mental confusion and enhance one’s ability to process the past.
It also
enables a woman to have more adaptive energy and vitality with which to heal herself in every way.
A complete development program can also heal chronic pelvic infections
such as sexually-transmitted diseases, and can repair
weakened tissues in this area of the body.
2. Vaginal coffee implants. This newer development procedure can be
most helpful for pelvic congestion.
It is very simple to do, and totally clean and hygienic. One needs to do it in addition to, and
not instead of, the other healing procedures that are part of development
In some
powerful way, the vaginal coffee implant or VCI helps a woman tune into the
pelvic area in a totally non-threatening and gentle manner. Women who use this
method report becoming much happier, more relaxed, and able to process their
traumas easily. It can also
clear out infections, cysts and uterine fibroid tumors like nothing else we
have ever seen.
Exactly how
it works is an ongoing subject of research in development. To read about this simple and excellent
procedure, please read Vaginal Coffee Implants
on this site.
3. The genital bath. This simple procedure is quite
powerful, safe and very easy to do.
We suggest at least 3 and up to 7 times daily, especially if any
infection is present. For details,
read The Genital Bath.
4. Self-appreciation. A development program can also help a
woman or man to appreciate the body in new ways. With this understanding, a person is much less liable to use
the body as a means to attract attention in unhealthy ways. This can be most helpful.
for example, especially after a rape or molestation, some continue to basically
abuse the body, using it for sexual gratification, although they often are not
really satisfied. They also often
allow others to use their body for sexual gratification out of fear, anger or
desperation. This just continues
to create more problems in this area of the body.
5. Bodywork. Rolfing, structural integration or
other deep systems of bodywork such as deep muscle massage can help. A number of sessions are needed in most
cases, as the condition is usually very chronic and rather stubborn.
releases often accompany such sessions as the person either relives a traumatic
event or scene, or simply gets in touch with feelings that are stored in this
area of the body.
Caution. Be very careful whom you consult for
Rolfing or any bodywork, especially if you will get even partially undressed in
their presence. Sexual predation
is everywhere, and body workers are certainly not immune from it. Rapes occur all the time during massage
and bodywork sessions. Also,
cleanliness is a problem when one works with a person who touches bodies all
day long.
The best
situation is if your partner can do some bodywork on you. Basic bodywork is not difficult to
6. Heat lamp sauna therapy. This method, which is part of every
development program, brings deep, penetrating infrared heat to this area. This is excellent to helps unlock and
heal tense and toxic muscle tissue, along with tense and toxic ligaments,
tendons and other pelvic tissues.
7. Chiropractic or osteopathic care. This may also be needed to resolve
knee, hip, back, and neck conditions that may be related to women’s pelvic
syndrome. This can be a slow
unwinding process that usually takes some years to undo and rebuild the tissues
in this area.
8. Other methods such as emotional
release techniques, relaxation, biofeedback, and counseling. These therapies may all help.
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