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The Development Science And Nutritional Balancing Website
We teach Biblical values because they are absolutely essential for a free society. We also teach to always seek the truth and to love God. Read Is This Website Satanism?
Development is an ancient and very powerful system of healing. It is not taught much today because those in control of our planet don’t want it. It requires a special diet and a healthful lifestyle. This causes the activation of certain genes that toughen the body and preserve it. This website offers two programs that promote rapid development. One of them is self-directed (The Basic or 'Free Program) and the other is individualized and supervised (Find A Helper To Begin The Development Program).
Nutritional balancing is a term we formerly used to describe similar healing work. However, this term is not as accurate as the word development because the development method of healing method goes beyond nutrition.
This is also a medical reference website with about 2000 health-related articles and medical research.
We also offer financial support for children and women up to age 30 who wish to follow a program and cannot afford the cost of the program. For details, read The Center For Development.
Diet essentials are 1) small portions of animal protein twice daily and 2) with each meal, fill at least half your plate with cooked, preferred vegetables. These include onions (red, white, sweet or vidalia, green, pearl, leek, or shallots), carrots, rutabaga, green beans, Brussels sprouts, daikon or white radish, purple daikon if available, red cabbage, a small thin slice of ginger root, a very small piece of celery, a small garlic clove twice a week and a small thin slice of horseradish root. For many more details, read Food For Daily Use.
How To Use This Website:
1) Read and learn, 2) Begin the development program, 3) Heal and develop yourself, 4) Tell others.
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by Dr. Lawrence Wilson
© February 2025, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.
All information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.
The DNA rules are a set of instructions or rules for human beings. The unusual part is I am told these rules are in the genetic code or DNA of each cell of every human body. It is a sort of owner's manual for a human being.
HOW DO WE KNOW ABOUT THESE RULES? We are in touch with souls, and with men and women who know about the rules. In fact, these people use them to guide human beings around the world.
HAVE THE DNA RULES BEEN FULLY DECODED BY SCIENTISTS? No. The reason is they are not found in the 2.5% of the DNA that has been decoded.
Instead, they are found in a later part of the DNA that scientists arrogantly call the “junk DNA” or “non-coding DNA”. This is a fancy way of saying they do not know how to decode it at this time.
This section of the DNA is about 97.5% of it. On most people, it is tightly coiled and very difficult to uncoil and decode, so it has not been decoded at this time. This information is known and you can read about it on the internet under the headings of “Junk DNA” or “Non-coding DNA”.
ARE THE RULES THE SAME FOR EVERYONE? Yes, the rules are the same for everyone of all the human races on earth. There are no exceptions.
DO PLANTS AND ANIMALS HAVE THE SAME RULES? No. Each plant and each creature on earth has its own set of DNA rules.
WHY DOESN'T EVERYONE KNOW ABOUT THESE RULES? Those in power on the earth, which is the alien group called the Rogues, thugs, crap or Satans, do not want this knowledge known. It would bring about a much happier world that would be much more difficult for them to control.
NOTE: The aliens or crap turn the rules on their head! They teach lies and force women on earth to do the opposite of many of the DNA rules.
ARE THE DNA RULES SIMILAR TO ANYTHING KNOWN ON EARTH? Yes. Some sound very similar to the Ten Commandments given to Moses about 3000 years ago. Some also sound like the Golden Rule. The development programs we offer also sound similar to these rules.
The DNA rules are organized into four sections:
1. Rules for eating and caring for the body.
2. Rules for general behavior.
3. Rules for marriage and children.
4. Rules for society.
- Fresh food. No rotten or spoiled food.
- Drink fresh water. Do not drink contaminated f=
- Cook all food to kill germs and eat salt.
- Plants. Eat roots, stems and leaves of plants. Eat less of the fruit of the plants.
- Meats. Eat meats, but not pig and not animals with shells (such as shellfish, snails, crabs, and others.
- Eggs and dairy are okay in small amounts.
- Eat almonds (and perhaps sesame seeds)
- Chew thoroughly and relax when eating.
- Love ALL creatures and humans. This is how God loves.
- No hatreds of anything or anyone.
- Treat all with respect, even the enemies.
- No brutality or cruelty with anyone at all.
- Marriage must be voluntary for both people.
- Marriage must be between one man and one woman only.
- Marriage is optional. It is okay if one chooses to remain single. However, in general, marriage is recommended if one can find a safe and loving partner.
- Sex is optional and always voluntary for both people. If done, most should be down sex, not mating.
- No secrets.
- Exclusive sexually and ideally, exclusive mentally and emotionally. This means no “intimate” friends or family outside of the marriage.
- Romance is optional.
- Basic love is essential. This is basic caring, consideration and communication. It is also a willingness to work together.
- Children are optional.
- No cheating, which means no affairs or hidden agendas.
- Ideally, live together.
- Ideally, both people has similar genetics. We believe this means that both are of the same racial type.
- The age of the partners is not important. An older man can be with a younger woman and vice versa.
- Marriage is a spiritual matter, and not for the government to conduct or regulate. Today this means do not get a government marriage license.
The marriage license is called an adhesion contract in legal terms. It means it looks simple an is easy to enter into. However, it has deep implications that are not clear, and it may be difficult to nullify.
The marriage license sounds simple, but it gives the government tremendous power to control the couple and the products of the marriage – the children. In fact, they can take the children away if you do not obey whatever rules they choose.
- Both partners need to follow all the DNA rules. This includes the rules about food, love, and ethics or behavior.
- Safety. Both partners must take precautions for protection against disease, injuries, accidents and encounters with the negs.
- No murder in cold blood, and only when necessary.
- No lies.
- No stealing.
- Honor parents and children.
- Have sex only with the marriage partner.
We will make the arrogant-sounding assertion that the DNA rules are quite similar to instructions given on this website.
Disclaimer. All information on this website is solely the opinion of the author and for educational purposes only. Development science and nutritional balancing are methods to reduce stress on the body. No information on this website is intended as diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure for any health condition.
Dr. Wilson has a medical degree, but prefers to work as an unlicensed nutrition consultant.
Financial Disclosure. This website accepts no advertising in order to keep the articles unbiased. Dr. Wilson accepts no money for his work at all. Anyone who states otherwise is not telling you the truth. The Center For Development receives a commission on some sales of mineral tests and supplements and Dr. Wilson is on the board of this foundation. However, he takes no salary.
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