by Dr. Lawrence
February 2020, LD Wilson Consultants,
information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment,
prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.
The following are a few simple suggestions that will keep anyone much safer and happier in this world. Perhaps you will not agree with all of them. However, in our experience they will still keep you much safer, regardless of your belief about them.
At the end of some of the sections are links to articles you can read for more information about these important areas of life.
Teens are particularly susceptible to the lies of society, so please listen and read carefully if you are a teen. Teens often believe they are mature and knowing, when they are not. However, they often figure this out too late to save their health, their honor, and maybe their life. So please listen to the following rules for survival today.
Rule #1. Watch your health carefully. It is a health jungle out there. Health is far more important than your
wealth because if you have your health you can always get another job, another
career and so on. If you lose your
health, however, you are in serious trouble in every area of life.
#2. The most important aspects of
health are not often discussed by the mass media. Health is not primarily about checkups, flu shots, vaccines,
and mammograms. (In
fact, flu shots and vaccines worsen your health. See Vaccination.)
Health is
primarily about your daily living habits such as what you eat, the water you
drink, the company you keep and how much rest you obtain.
In fact, the way to find the
truth is to stay away from the media, in general. Hopefully, this will change some day.
#3. Rest is all
important – up to 10 or more hours daily if you feel you need it,
and go to bed by 9 PM. Sleeping during the hours before
midnight provides much more rest than the hours after midnight.
This is not “running away from
life”. Most people are very overtired.
This weakens your mind and your body, and leads to disease, depression
and even suicidal thoughts. So record
your favorite TV shows if you must and go to sleep! (see
Rest And Sleep.)
#4. Drink 3 quarts or 3 liters each
day of only spring water or carbon-filtered or sand-filtered tap water in
America. In other nations only
drink tap water if it is safe. Other types of
water, and other beverages like coffee, tea, soda pop, juices and others will
not hydrate the body as well and should not be used much. Also avoid alkaline water machines and
other designer waters, most of which are not that good. (see
Water For Drinking.)
#5. Stay away from all extreme diets, including all vegetarian
diets and all raw food regimens. Instead, eat
lots of cooked vegetables with every meal. Also, eat some meat every day, but do not eat animal protein
more than twice a day. Also, the
portions of meat should be only 4 to 5 ounces for adults. Also, men can have only up to 8 eggs
per week, and women need only up to 6 eggs per week. More than this are somewhat toxic.
This diet may seem extreme, but
today it is the only way to obtain even the basic nutrients your body needs.
(see Food For Daily Use.)
Also, try to drink 10-12 ounces
of fresh or bottled carrot juice each day.
Also, stay away from all fruit
and do not eat sweets, dried fruit, fruit juices and other sugary foods. They are not needed and interfere with
calcium metabolism and blood sugar regulation. They are also too yin and will eventually make you sick. Read Fruit-Eating
for details.
#6. Junk food, marijuana, alcohol,
or other dietary indiscretions, are not worth the thrill. Someday, you will realize that what most people consider
“living it up”, “partying”, and “having fun” is not at all worth the thrill or
momentary pleasures. They pay for
it, often the next day, but definitely the next year or later on. Try not to make excuses for eating and
living incorrectly for any reason at all.
#1. Your house, your room and your
car should be clean. Not spotless, but neat. If they are not, they are telling you
that your mind is not alert, organized and thinking clearly. Observe this with your friends and even
family members.
#2. Keep the body clean. Bathing each day is not
necessary, however, if you prefer to bath every other day. Sadly, bathing all the time exposes you
to a lot of chlorine, fluorides, toxic metals, pharmaceutical drug residues and
perhaps other toxins that are in the water. For this reason, showers are often better than baths,
although baths are more relaxing, and this is good.
#3. Stay out of all hot tubs and
swimming pools, especially public pools and hot tubs in hotels, spas, and YMCAs
and other public places. All are contaminated with germs,
and chlorine and other sanitizers cannot kill them all. Hot tubs are terrible this way, even
those of your friends, since you do not know who was in the tub before you.
#4. Watch others for cleanliness,
and avoid people who are unclean and ill-mannered.
Schools and universities are not
the same as they were in the past.
We strongly suggest that all children be educated AT HOME. Schools are not the same as they were
even 20 or 30 years ago. Today, all
of them are unsafe for girls due to the risk of rape. Girls sports are particularly bad.
Schools also spread disease, especially
in places such as locker rooms.
Today, many children are also introduced to drugs, alcohol and sex in
Today, schools are also very unsafe
for your mind. Liberal and radical
communist forces have taken control of the education system in all
nations. Most schools teach
liberal nonsense instead of the truth.
This even applies to conservative and religious schools. We cannot emphasize this enough, parents! Do not send your children to schools!
Most school textbooks are
censored to be politically correct.
More and more, they teach socialist and communist propaganda. We know this sounds awful, but it is
true, especially the public or government schools around the world. For more details, What Is Wrong With The
School System?
Colleges and universities around
the world are mostly even worse than high schools! They have become cesspools of drug and alcohol use, liberal
thinking and communist propaganda.
Rape is extremely common on college campuses. Very few young women escape it. Colleges have become a haven for bad behavior and horrible
Is college worth
attending? We suggest ONLY
attending college online. More and more trades and
professions are being taught online.
This is MUCH safer and less costly.
Regular colleges teach so much socialist and liberal nonsense and cost so much that we
cannot recommend them, especially for young women. Most young women are raped
today on college campuses.
This is part of a rogue plan to sicken the women in order to produce
sickly children who are easier to control. The plan is carried out very systematically and thoroughly
today. We know this sounds
paranoid, but it is true.
Other extremely problems at
college are eating bad quality food, staying up late at night, and widespread
drug and alcohol use.
If you think you absolutely need
college, then go to college online only, and stay off college campuses, which
are just not safe for women, in particular. For more details, read The
College Trap and Sex And Modern
#1. Don’t tell anyone about your
finances or the financial situation of anyone else, unless required by law. In other words, keep money matters as private as
possible. This includes
safeguarding your passwords, identification numbers, important documents, and
all else connected with money.
Also, do not reveal any
information you know about other people’s money. This is a dangerous form of gossip. Millions of thieves are just waiting to
steal your money, and that of everyone else. All they need is for you to loosely mention that you have some
cash at home, or some expensive jewelry, or anything else worth stealing. Talking loosely about the finances of
others can easily cause problems for that person, so avoid this kind of gossip
Keep valuable possessions well
hidden, locked away in a safe hiding place, or even buried in the yard. Do not leave valuables around the house
where cleaning and repair people can notice them, for example.
Do not buy or wear fancy,
expensive jewelry. It is just too
tempting for some thieves, and you can be mugged, raped, or murdered for this
reason. Keep your appearance plain
and simple, even if it seems boring.
We would not even associate with
people who flaunt their wealth too much, as you may be branded as “one of
them”, even if you are not. This
can put you in more danger than you may think.
Desperate people are stealing
more and more, unfortunately. This
also has to do with a reduced sense of personal property rights in America,
nutritional imbalances, the decline in Judeo-Christian values, and other forces
at work in society at this time.
Rule 2. Learn to
live simply. Learn to get along on minimum
expenditures for everything. This
does not mean to skimp on good food, pure water, a safe, clean place to live,
and other necessities.
However, it means do not shop
all the time, and do not want and wish for all sorts of items that you don’t
really need such as fancy clothes, cameras, electronic gadgets, fancy computers
and more. Most are not needed, and
they just clutter the house.
Living simply is just a good
idea. Also, be prepared for
emergencies by having some cash reserves and a no frills lifestyle. It works, while the materialistic
lifestyle does not work as well, and causes far more stress.
#3. Money can cause stress or
alleviate stress. Money is basic. Don’t live hand to mouth for any length
of time if you can help it. It is
not worth the stress. Many young
people think it is cool. It is not
cool. Stress of any kind makes
people sick and even kills them.
Don’t be a fool with money.
On the other hand, skimping on
basic needs when this is not required is also silly. Especially care for your health naturally and buy the best
food, water and so on that you can.
#4. We are in inflationary and
somewhat uncertain times. Try to
get out and stay out of debt or you may lose your house, your car and more. Instead, pay off debts and sit tight with what you
have. Don’t overspend, as economic
times may be rocky for the next 10 years, at least. As for investments, gold is best in an inflationary
world. Other investments are not
nearly as safe, as a general rule.
You can buy a few gold coins and hide them carefully.
#1. Never give anyone your credit
card numbers, social security number, driver license numbers or other
identification information. Today you are often asked for this
information at doctor’s offices, for car loans, and by strangers who call on
the telephone.
If you are asked to write down
or give these numbers, always ask if this is absolutely required by law. In most cases, it is not, and prying
busybodies love getting hold of your private financial and identity
information. I would walk out of
any doctor’s office that insisted upon having personal ID information.
#2. For maximum safety, do not use
credit or debit cards. However, they are okay if you are
careful with them. Definitely do
not have lots of credit cards because this increases the risk of identity
#3. Don’t carry with you any more
identification, or credit or debit cards than absolutely necessary. It is a pain in the neck when these are lost or worse,
#4. Carry some cash for
emergencies, but not more than $200.00. Cash is always
best for emergencies. You can even
hide a $100.00 bill somewhere in your car for such emergencies. However, don’t carry lots of cash,
either, as it can make you a target for thieves if they even suspect you have
Airports have cash detectors
these days, so definitely don’t carry a lot of cash in
an airport, even if you are just there to meet someone.
#6. We
suggest completely avoiding online banking. We think it is unsafe, no matter what you are told. It is too easy to hack into bank
security systems.
Limit online
credit card purchases and other online services that require that you give out
sensitive personal information.
This section will sound very
“negative” or paranoid, or perhaps silly.
It is not. At least seventy
percent of women experience rape.
Most, however, will never talk about it because the rapist tells them it
will far worse next time if they tell anyone about it.
Rape happens all the time. We listen almost daily to sad stories
about rape, sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies. We try our best to help and a development
program can help, but prevention is far better. For details, read Rape.
Rule #1. Don’t have a ‘boyfriend’ or
‘girlfriend’. Aim for marriage if
this is your desire. Engage in
courting, not dating – see Rule #2.
Skip sex until you are married.
If a potential partner is not interested in marriage, move on and look
for someone else.
Men, do not be tempted by pretty
girls with low-cut dresses, short shorts, thong bathing suits, topless dancers,
or anyone else. It is not worth it. Most are professional prostitutes who
are paid or forced to have sex with men to infect them with diseases.
Ladies, try not to be tempted by
sharp-talking “players”, who are young men who specialize in seducing women
with a combination of flattery, insults, tickling, jokes, lies, of course, and
a host of other tricks. This cannot
be overemphasized today. Most
people have no idea of all the diseases out there, and over one-fourth of the
teens are already infected due to loose morals and loose living.
Women, in particular, need to
stay away from the bar scene where it is too easy to slip a drug into your wine
or even your water glass, and you wake up the next morning lying on the road or
in someone’s apartment after having been raped. If you must frequent such places, go with girlfriends you
trust and don’t eat or drink anything at all. Eat and drink before you go in so you are not tempted
inside. Drinks and food are easy
to poison with date-rape drugs.
Parents, keep your children home on
weekends and always know where they are and with whom. All teens need a curfew no later than
10 PM at the latest, and much earlier on week nights.
Camping trips overnight with boys and girls are a terrible
idea, for example. We don’t care
if it is a church-sponsored trip, unless there are enough counselors who are
mature enough and known in the community to be very strict in this area.
Rule #2. Dating
is always somewhat dangerous for
women. The reason is that most men are bigger and stronger
than women and some men are sexually aggressive. Just going on a date
is evidence, for some men, that you secretly want or are willing to have sex. Women must realize this. It is called signaling.
Every word you speak, the way you wear your hair, and of course your
dress - is all signaling. Boys and
men know the signals, as they call them, even if the women do not realize they
are signaling.
Rule #3. Before
going on a date, do phone dating for 6 months. Among other topics, ask their
attitudes about sex and marriage. Ask if the person likes girls or boys,
or both. Ask if he or she has any
sexual diseases, and whether the person wants to get married soon. These may seem like very personal
questions, but today they are necessary.
Men need to ask them of women, too.
You may be shocked at what some people will tell you about
themselves. When you ask these
questions, try to sound relaxed and open-minded, even if you are terrified of
asking the questions and disgusted by the answers. It is far better to know the answers now, rather than later.
Beware, of course, that predators will lie if they really want to go
out with you, and they will try to say what they think you want to hear, so
don’t give them any clues, and try to catch them in their lies.
Rule #4. Women,
really investigate any man you don’t know well before going out with him. Ask a
lot of questions by telephone, texting or email. Make sure everything he says “adds up”.
If he asks why you are asking so many questions, you can tell him that
you always check out your dates.
Ask where he lives, where he works and what he does for a living. Ask if he goes to church, and if so,
where, so you can have a chat with his priest, minister or rabbi. Ask if he has any brothers and sisters
with whom you can chat a little.
Ask about his friends, and what he likes to do.
Then, always confirm all
information he gives you. It is worth calling the person’s boss, church,
friends or family. If it seems
like you are overly suspicious, that is okay. This can save your life and
protect yourself from sexual predators, rapists and other ratty people.
Rule #5. Do not
give out personal information to strangers at all. An old
trick of predators and rapists is to find out what you like, and then give it
to you so you will go out with them, for example. They may also find out where you go to church or hang out,
and then lie in wait for you to harm you.
#7. Also skip oral sex, known as blow jobs in common language. Some young people think this is
safer and better than regular sex.
It is not better today. It
still transmits plenty of disease and is not worth it.
#8. Anal sex, for men or women, is
even more dangerous. We know this offends some, but
it is the truth. It spreads lots
of disease.
Rule #9. Kissing your dates and others on the lips
is not a wise idea today. This
is unfortunate, but it is the truth, due to the widespread presence of diseases
today that are easily transmitted by all body fluids. So unless you like oral herpes, cold sores, gonorrhea and
many other ailments that will often last your whole life, do not kiss, other
than your wife or husband.
Hugging is better, but we would
also avoid hugging those you do not know well. There is no reason to mix your energy with that of others,
especially those of questionable health or morals. Too often, if you allow another to hug you, the person
suddenly reaches out and kisses you on the lips before you can resist. This is an old trick used to spread
diseases like herpes.
#10. Girls - Do not have a boyfriend
in high school. This may sound like no fun, but it will
keep you from being raped better than anything else. Too many boys are just a little mean and stupid, and they
talk among themselves and may “experiment” a little on you. This can and will ruin your entire life, in
some cases. It is not
paranoia. We hear the stories of
teenage rape often. For details,
read Dating.
Rule #1. Families of origin can be a powerful
support system. However, in some
instances, families are quite dysfunctional, so you must use good judgment .
If you are fortunate enough to
have come from a stable, moral, honest household, then maintaining good
relations with your family is a wise idea. However, if a family member is too toxic, it is important
not to have too much contact with him or her.
Everyone needs to
forgive parents, realizing that no one is perfect. For more details, read Families, Forgiving and Forgiving
#1. Know your friends. Do not use the term “friend” lightly. Let us review the definition. A
friend is someone you have known for at least a few months or more, and someone
whom can trust implicitly.
This means that you would put your life in their hands, if necessary.
A friend is not a drinking buddy, and it is not someone to go to the movies with,
a sex partner with whom you are not in a committed relationship, or just
someone you meet and chat with at a party, gathering, church or online. These people are acquaintances or just
someone you met.
#2. Real friends care about you and
don’t let you just do what you want. You can tell
who are your real friends because they should be your conscience when you step
out of line. They should speak up
firmly when you lie, cheat, steal, act stupid or sexy, act mean or nasty, or do
anything else that is not in your highest interest. They should say “You look
tired. Let’s go
home early”, instead of thinking only of themselves.
Unfortunately, most young people
run from this type of friend, who is often a parent or some other adult. But this is how you should judge anyone
you are thinking of calling a friend.
#3. Real friends stick with you
through good times and bad. This is another way to tell who are your
real friends. A friend should not
disappear when you are down and out, or when you won’t go to the bars with him
or her, or won’t go along in some other way. A friend is there for you, in other words, through thick and
Your life will go much smoother
if you learn who your real friends are.
However, if you are sloppy and do not know who really cares about your well-being, you are likely to be used, abused and will end
up lonely and depressed, and perhaps raped.
#4. Get to know anyone you are
thinking of rooming with. This
is more important today then ever before.
Get references if needed.
Do whatever it takes to feel reassured you will not be burglarized, go
to jail for a drug bust, or left with thousands of dollars of unpaid
bills. Women are
often raped by the roomate’s boyfriend, for example,
who gets a key to the house or dorm room and brings over his drinking buddies
on a Saturday night.
Too many irresponsible people cheat
good people who are not careful enough about screening their roommates, along
with their friends, their dates, and even marriage partners.
#1. Don’t flaunt the body. This is most important for girls and women. Flaunting your body can get you into
serious trouble with rapists, burglars, peeping toms, stupid hormone-driven
boys and men, and other malcontents. Read How To Be Unsexy.
So be wise and always dress
modestly and conservatively.
Always keep your thighs, legs and shoulders covered. Also, do not wear clothes that flatter
your figure unless you want the man to marry you. Keep the sexy clothing for your husband ONLY.
It is true that if you do this,
other girls will get more attention than you, but it is still a wise idea. You will gain the respect of good men
and wise women, as well.
Parents should insist upon this,
and not let their teenage daughters out of the house if they not dressed
modestly. If a young woman is
caught not dressing modestly, her parents should ground her for a month, at
least. This is how important dress
is in society today.
It is also wise for young women
to wear running shoes or good quality shoes at all times, so you can run and
kick if you have to. Many unthinking
young women now walk around wearing flip-flop shoes that invite trouble because
you can’t run or kick someone with them.
Also, do not flaunt a lot of
jewelry. It is just stupid and
attracts the wrong kind of attention.
Also, do not use a lot of makeup.
If you believe you are really unattractive, begin a development program
and your appearance will automatically improve. Read the article entitled How To Be
Beautiful on this site.
#2. Keep warm. Some people find it ‘cool’ to be cold. They do not think much about warmth
when dressing for the day or when going out.
Allowing the body to be cold
stimulates the sympathetic nervous system and wears out the body very
quickly. Catching a cold or
pneumonia is no fun. Always bring
or wear clothing warmer than you think you will need. Also, keeping a sweater or jacket in your car is an
excellent idea.
#3. This is less critical, but it is not wise to wear your
friend’s clothes. I know this is a popular idea, but your
own clothes are likely to be cleaner and better for energetic reasons as well. For more details, read Clothing.
#1. All alcohol and all drugs,
including pot, are very toxic and dangerous, with no exceptions. They all stop development. Alcohol depletes zinc, magnesium, B-complex vitamins and
much more. It kills cells in your
liver and your brain. It will
disable your mind and may damage the mind and body of any children you ever
have in the future. Stay away from
all of it, preferably.
Marijuana and CBD
are not safe. Skip them altogether. Do not listen to the advertisements and
“medical marijuana advocates”, who are often communist agents
wanting to put the entire population on drugs. The same goes for all other legal and illegal recreational
Also, skip all over-the-counter
and prescription medications, unless absolutely needed. Most are poisons that derange the body
and the brain in many unpredictable ways.
Keep them from children as well, who can usually be cured with natural
methods faster and safer.
These remedies are mostly all
quite toxic and should rarely be used, ever. This includes Tylenol, Aspirin, Aleve, Excedrin and dozens
of others that some people think are harmless. For example, Tylenol is now a leading cause of liver and
kidney failure around the world.
#2. Alcohol is always dangerous to
your mental health. Alcohol and other drugs also
take away your inhibitions and affect your judgment. This goes double for
women, meaning that women’s bodies are more affected by all drugs, in general,
than boy’s and men’s bodies.
Women, never try to “keep up
with the boys” with drinking alcohol, smoking dope, or using any other drug. One of the oldest tricks of rapists and
predators is to get you high on alcohol or something else to reduce your
#3. Alcohol and other drugs of all
kinds stop spiritual development, perhaps for life. This may seem unimportant, but life is not just about
finding a job, getting married and having a good time.
The human brain is an amazing
device that can provide you with great gifts and abilities, if you develop it
properly. This occurs
automatically if you follow a development program of the type offered on this
So do not abuse your brain and
damage it. Even a glass of wine or
other “social drinking” or “social drug use” is thoroughly stupid and harmful. If you are smart, skip it totally,
especially women.
Using recreational drugs or
alcohol is just plain stupid. We
assist numerous people who are now spending a fortune to attempt to regain
their brainpower destroyed by drugs and alchol.
#4. Avoid toxic cosmetics,
hair dyes, most smelly shampoos, nail polish, and other toxic skin care
products. This applies more to young women, but to
some men as well. These are all
quite harmful for your body, no matter how soft and beautiful they make your
hair feel.
Especially if you ever want to
have children, do not filth up your liver and kidneys with toxic chemical
cosmetics. I would not even trust
some products in the health food stores.
Use a minimum of all-natural skin
care products.
#1. All travel is stressful and hard
on the body. We do not advocate a lot of travel for
this reason. We would also
recommend against any job that requires a lot of travel.
Travel involves schedules that
upset your natural sleep and eating, problems obtaining proper food, dangers of
rape and theft, exposure to diseases, worse sleep and rest, and more. We know that travel can be exciting and
helpful, at times, but beware of the dangers!
#2. Auto travel is best. Traveling by car is generally best because you are on your
own schedule and are not exposed to billions of germs
from others. You are also safer
from predators and you can bring your own food and water more easily.
#3. Wash your hands more frequently
when traveling, especially in public places. These include
restaurants, trains, planes, buses, hotels, waiting areas, or any public
places. Also, always wash your
hands when you return to your hotel room after sightseeing or other
activities. Showering after being
out and about is also not a bad idea to stay clean.
#4. Try to bring your own food and
water. This is because most restaurant
fare is of poor quality. If you
eat in restaurants, do not eat raw food, even salads or fruit, and insist on what
you want to eat.
Ask for triple portions of
cooked vegetables, for example.
Walk out and go elsewhere if they don’t serve them.
A good food in a restaurant is
soft boiled or poached eggs – but not scrambled eggs. Scrambled eggs can be faked with “egg
beaters”, lard, hydrogenated fats or other ingredients added without your
#5. Get extra rest and sleep, if at
all possible, especially after traveling by air. Travel is stressful, even if you “feel fine”. Most people, sadly, get less rest on
vacations and travels. They are
anxious to run around and see everything or everyone. Try to travel in a generally leisurely way if at possible,
rather than engage in the “jet set” mentality, or having to “take it all in”.
#6. When traveling, go to bed early and try to maintain your
regular habits and routine as much as possible. For example, if a clean sauna is available, use it. If you can do coffee enemas, do
them. Do not stay on “home town time”,
if it means going to bed late, even if you sleep in the morning. When traveling, sometimes one must
follow other’s schedules at times, but your health and your mental development
is most important, so try to stay on your health program as much as possible.
#7. Travel lightly and simply. Wear and bring only the most comfortable clothing possible,
rather than high fashion clothes and accessories that are not comfortable. Also, travel simply.
For example, bringing valuable
electronic devices is not wise, as you must then watch and worry about your
luggage more. For safety and
enjoyment, the simpler, the better.
Use other people’s computers,
for example, if at all possible.
Leave the fancy cameras, ipods, jewelry and
other valuables at home, if at all possible.
Also, always wearing a hidden
pouch under your shirt containing your money, credit card, passport, airline
tickets and other valuables.
Nothing ruins travel more than having these stolen. If you are held up, be prepared to lie
and say your valuables are at the hotel or somewhere else.
#7. Air travel today is by far the
most toxic and the most stressful of any type of travel. The reasons are:
and other filth. Airplanes are all filthy. It is not possible to really keep them
X-rays. The airports are full of x-ray machines and other types of
scanners, of which you may not even be aware. Today you will be photographed, scanned
and irradiated many times, sadly, just on one trip. Flying at high altitude adds more radiation.
Contaminated air. You breathe impure air in an airplane, often for hours, with
no recourse.
Pesticides. Many planes are sprayed with pesticides.
stress. This comes from sitting near a jet
engine, and radar and radios on planes.
Many people sit and work on
their laptops, adding more radiation.
Yin. High speed travel is always yin in macrobiotic terminology and harmful for the
If you must travel
on planes, drink a lot more water. This means you may need to use the bathroom more, but at
least you will not dehydrate.
Bring your own water or ask for spring water only, and never soda pop,
for example. For more details,
read Travel.
#1. Vote Republican, rather than
Democrat. In Europe, vote for the
“right-wing” party rather than for a liberal or socialist party.
I know this will
anger and upset many. So let me
explain. This has everything to do with spiritual
principles. Socialists,
communists, liberals and left-wing people, in general, want the government to
save them and make all their decisions for them. This is not wise, ever.
You are much smarter than most
bureaucrats, and much better able to run your own life. The citizens are best making the decisions
and taking responsibility for health, education, welfare and most other things,
not today’s bureaucratic and corrupt governments, anywhere.
No political system is
perfect. However, free enterprise
capitalism is far better than socialism.
Anyone who speaks otherwise is living in their utopian head, unaware of
the history of the Soviet Union and Nazism, or just exploiting or manipulating
Socialists also want
government-controlled health care, an unmitigated disaster, spiritually. People should be paying for their
health care so they learn to take care of themselves. Having the state do it for them just makes them lazier, as
is seen in Canada and Europe.
Also, there is no way a health bureaucrat
or agency thousands of miles away knows more about the health care you need
than you do. This is the essence
of the problem.
Sending billions of tax dollars
to Washington, DC or some other capital, and then having the bureaucrats steal
some of it and send a little back to you in the form of “benefits” is extremely
inefficient and wasteful, and almost always very corrupt.
Socialists and most democrats in
America also want to outlaw gun ownership and gun use by private citizens. This is not helpful at this time for
freedom in our world.
Dictators hate guns in the hands
of the people for this reason. Guns in the people’s hands is a control on the power of the
government, and it is still needed for a while.
Gun ownership by private people,
especially women, saves thousands of lives and prevents thousands of rapes each
year. The news does not often
report this fact! because it is not considered
politically correct by the socialist-leaning media.
Many liberals and socialists are
phony environmentalists who say the earth is dying and mankind is to
blame. Both statements are totally
false. The earth cannot be killed
so easily. In fact, there are more
trees today than there were 100 years ago, and many lakes and rivers are
getting cleaner, especially in the United States.
Driving your car and burning oil
are not harming the climate at all.
This has been exposed as a lie, but it is a myth that is dying
hard. If CO2 rises a little, more
plants will grow to balance the oxygen and CO2. Global warming and climate change are also lies that are
perpetrated to try to control people.
For details, read Climate Change
and Global Warming.
These viewpoints do not entitle anyone
to be cruel to animals, plants or anything else. However, it is important to respect people’s freedom first,
and not go overboard saving the whales or any other species first.
Millions of people are starving
in Africa and elsewhere. This
should and must be our primary humanitarian effort, not saving rats or fish
We all want a clean
environment. However, the
environmental “movement” is often a pretext for more socialism, communism and
more government control. Those
advocating often it do not hesitate to bend the truth to further their
socialist goals. Too many of them
hate humanity and hate industrial progress, even though that progress is curing
disease, and bringing about a much, much better world. So do not support these people and be
wise to their lies. For more on
this topic, read Basic Politics and The Politics of Left And Right. Also read Yin
Disease, which begins with a section on left-wing politics that is a bit
shocking, but true in my experience.
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