by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© October 2022, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.


All information in this article is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.


Update 4/3/20.  The best defense we know of against the Wuhan flu virus and hundreds of other viruses and bacterial diseases is a development program.  This scientific program is very effective to boost your immune response.

A development program is much better than just washing your hands often, social distancing, wearing a mask or taking dangerous shots that don’t work well.

We are truly saddened that our political leaders do not stress the vital importance of proper diet and nutrition to both prevent and mitigate viral diseases. 

It is also sad that most people don’t have more common sense.  For details, read Introduction To Development Programs.


UPDATE 10/19/21.  Nations with the highest covid vaccination rate, such as Israel, also have the highest infection and death rates.  Nations such as Sweden that have not instituted as many of the above measures are faring better.

This actually makes sense because masks and vaccines don’t work and they weaken the bodies, causing more disease.

The same pattern is being reported in the American states.  States such as Florida and South Dakota that have not shut down businesses and imposed drastic restrictions have lower disease and mortality rates.  This is true even though Florida, for example, has a large older population.

Meanwhile, states that have more restrictions have more disease.


Table of Contents




Acute And Chronic

Warning: All Infections Can Become Serious And Should Not Be Ignored

Summary Of Principles

More General Observations



Dr. Edward Jenner (1749-1823)

Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis (1818-1865)

Florence Nightingale (1820-1910)

Dr. Robert Koch (1843-1910) and Koch’s Postulates

Dr. Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) – Invaders And Victims

Dr. Beauchamp (1816-1908) – Opportunists And Hosts



Acute Infections

Local And Systemic Symptoms

Chronic Infections

Flare-ups of Chronic Infections



Exposure To Pathogens

A Hospitable Host

Yin And Other Imbalances

Iron Toxicity


Infections Are Just Cleanup Crews



If One Is On A Development Program

If One is Not On A Development Program



Why Retracing Takes Years




Other Prevention





Mental And Spiritual Infections

Effects At A Distance

Antibiotics And Other Drugs

The Immune Response

First Aid For Fevers







One can divide disease into two main types.  These are infections and degenerative diseases.  Infections are invasions from outside the body.  Degenerative diseases are disintegration from within.

These types overlap, at times.  For example, Type 1 diabetes, which is considered a degenerative disease, can be caused by an infection in the pancreas.  This article concerns infectious diseases, of which there are thousands.   They account for millions of cases of illness every year.


DEFINITION.  An infection is a health condition in which a foreign organism has entered the body.  Infectious organisms include viruses, bacteria, fungi or yeast, spirochetes such as the one that causes malaria or Lyme disease, and parasites such as amoebas, round worms or others.

Infections can occur anywhere in the body, at any time.  Babies today are born with plenty of them, for example.

Acute and chronic.  Infections can be acute or chronic.  Acute means there is an active fight going on.  Usually the whole body is involved in fighting off an invader.

Chronic infections are like an uneasy truce or muted response of the body.  Usually, the infection is not killing you, at least not immediately, but you are not killing it.  This topic is discussed in more detail below.

Most infections need not frighten you, provided you understand them, and how to prevent and handle them.

Separate articles on this website discuss Lyme Disease, Candida Albicans Infection, Parasites, Antibiotics, and Morgollons Disease.




This is a principle that must never be overlooked.  It applies to even a simple cold, flu or diarrhea.  So never ignore an infection.  It could be far more costly and difficult to take care of later if it becomes complicated.




Infections are one of the most common health conditions. Here are some principles about infections that are different from the standard understanding of infections:

1. They are opportunists. This means they easily “move in” if the body is toxic or weak.  Today most people, even babies and young children, are malnourished and their bodies contain too many toxic metals and toxic chemicals.  This is true even if a person eats well. 

This is very clear if one does hair mineral testing and does it properly using the correct ideal values and understanding how to interpret the test correctly.

2. For the reason above, practically everyone has dozens of infections. Common sites are the eyes, ears, nose, throat, bronchial tubes, lungs, stomach, liver, pancreas, intestines, skin, legs and feet, the brain and more.

We know this because during development programs, most everyone retraces or goes back through and cleans up chronic infections.

3. Physical Infecting organisms include bacteria, viri, fungi, and parasites. Most people have some of all of these.

4. Congenital infections. Most everyone today is born toxic, nutritional depleted and infected from their mothers' bodies. From our perspective, prenatal care on earth is a horror. For details, read Prenatal Care.

5. Most infections are chronic. This means they do not kill you, but neither does your body kill them. It is a standoff. These infections often produce few symptoms. However, they always weaken you and may flare up if you are tired, malnourished or stressed.

6. Most infections are difficult to detect. Blood and urine tests, x-rays, scans and other methods cannot detect most chronic infections. The infections can easily hide deep inside the body.

7. Remedies of any kind often will not heal many infections. If the terrain of the body and mind are favorable for infections, they are very difficult to remove completely.

The only way to get rid of many of them is to change the terrain or internal environment of the body. This “starves” the infection and improves the body's ability to fight them.

8. For the reason above, remedies have a place, but are not the best way to get rid of most infections. Also, most medical and even herbal remedies such as antibiotics and anti-infective herbs damage the body and are best avoided.

We occasionally use natural remedies such as colloidal silver, bee propolis, and vitamin A. These are much less toxic, but still will not heal most infections until the terrain or environment of the body is cleaned up and the body renourished.

Once cleaned up and nourished properly, remedies are rarely needed to heal infections.  The normal immune response is adequate to handle most infections. However, in most instances, this requires at least 30 years on the Development Program.

You might say “I don’t have 30 more years with which to heal.”  However, if you begin a development program, you will likely live longer.

9. Vaginal infections. The vagina is like an incubator for infections, so it is a common site of infection in ALL women, including girls.

Virgins. A woman who has gotten rid of her vaginal infections we call a virgin (see Virginity) Most women can achieve this. It requires some years on the standard development program plus the Vaginal Peroxide Implant Procedure.

10. Infections move from chronic to acute as they heal. This is a process called retracing. It can be confusing because it can cause a temporary flare-up of symptoms. For details about this important topic, read Retracing.




1. Environmental factors are very important with some infections.  This involves exposure to various pathogens due to one’s occupation, climate or location, such as mosquito-infested and parasite-infested areas.

2. Diet and lifestyle factors are extremely important with infections.  Lifestyle factors include personal hygiene and cleanliness.  For details, read Cleanliness.

3. Underlying health conditions can be very important.  These include circulatory problems, respiratory problems, oxygenation problems, hydration, and even psychological factors.

4. Cultural factors are critical for some infections.  Some cultures encourage cleanliness, for example, while others tolerate filth that contributes to many infections.

Nations and societies that emphasize cleanliness, sanitation, and nutrition tend to have the fewest infection problems.  Cooking food properly also helps reduce many infections.  It is one reason we recommend cooking most food.

            5. The conventional medical approach to handling infections leaves much to be desired, in our view.  It is not very preventive, and it is costly, toxic, and not effective, in many cases.  The main reasons are that diet, nutrition and natural antibiotic remedies are ignored.  Instead, doctors use patented drugs that are toxic and often costly.

MOST of the drugs used for infections actually weaken the immune response, so infection returns again.  The drugs kill germs, but because they are toxic then weaken the bodies. Too often, little or no effort is made to prevent future problems through improved nutrition, vitamins, etc.

Vaccinations for prevention are also toxic and much overrated.  For details, read Vaccination – A Medical Abomination.




1. Dr. Edward Jenner (1749-1823) and vaccination.  Dr. Jenner was one of a number of forward-thinking scientists of the 1700s.  He was particularly interested in infections, which killed many people then, and the rather new vaccination for smallpox.

The way it worked was that a little ball of pus from an infected smallpox sore was placed on the arm of a healthy person.  Then the skin was scratched until it bled a little.  The pus was then rubbed into the wound. 

The result was that most of those vaccinated would get a mild case of smallpox that seemed to protect them from a worse case. Some estimate that about 70-80% of the people were protected from smallpox, although about 10% died as a result of the procedure.


Clearing misconceptions.  Today, Dr. Jenner is hailed as the “founder of vaccination”.  This is not the truth.  I know this because there is a quote from Benjamin Franklin, the American founder, from 1736 – before Jenner was born – saying that he wished he had tried the vaccine for smallpox for a child he had who died of smallpox.  So we know people were doing this long before Dr. Jenner came along.

Also, sources such as Wikipedia and most other websites do not tell you that the incidence of smallpox was diminishing on its own long before the smallpox vaccine was routinely done.  This is also the truth about diphtheria, polio and most other infectious diseases that were supposedly “eliminated” with vaccines.  There are several websites that have the incidences of diseases showing this to be the case.

Today, we find vaccines totally unnecessary, and unquestionably harmful in the extreme for many babies and children.  To read about this perspective, which is well-documented, read Vaccination on this site. 


2. Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis (1818-1865) and washing the hands before examining patients.  Dr. Semmelweis was a Hungarian obstetric physician who noted that when doctors delivered babies, the mortality rate from childbed fever or puerperal fever was about 15-18%.  When midwives delivered the babies, the death rate was about 2%.

He studied this and found that the reason for the difference was the doctors handled cadavers as part of their training and did not wash their hands, which were full of germs.  The midwives did not work with cadavers, although they did not wash their hands before delivering babies, either.

When the doctors started washing their hands before delivering babies, the death rate from childbed fever declined to be similar to that of the midwives.

Today we take hand washing for granted, but its importance is tremendous to avoid infections.  Still today, statistics indicate that one-third to one-half the time, nurses and doctors in hospitals do not wash their hands often enough between seeing and touching patients.

This is an important cause for hospital infections, called nosocomial infections.  These infections kill at least 90,000 people every year.  Acquiring an infection in a hospital is the greatest danger of going to the hospital for any reason.  Hospital infections happen in 10-15% of all hospital visits, according to official medical statistics.


3. Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) and modern nursing and hospital design.  Florence Nightingale was one of the most amazing people who ever lived.  She helped redesign hospitals in ways that are still used today to minimize infections.

I recently visited the two large hospitals in our city.  The older one is about 100 years old and is clearly a Florence Nightingale design.  It has very large, clear windows that open sideways so the windows are not heavy to open.  They bring in fresh air and loads of sunlight, both of which stop infections.  Sunlight has ultra-violet and near infrared rays that kill germs.

Also, there are sinks by every bed and the beds are separated apart to reduce the spread of germs.  Also, it is set up like a college campus with over 60 buildings – one for each disease or type of health condition.  This also reduces the spread of infection.

In contrast, the other hospital in town is almost brand new, and very attractive – but who cares.  In this hospital, the windows don’t open, so there is no fresh air.  Also, the windows are heavily tinted, so the ultraviolet and near infrared rays can’t get inside.

Also, the windows are smaller and the place is more cave-like.  Also, the hospital looks like an apartment building – one huge building with a common ventilation system that spreads the germs around more easily.  This is not a Florence Nightingale design!

Around both hospitals, I noticed other things that go against good infection prevention:

1. Hospital staff were walking outside in surgical scrubs.  These clothes are supposed to be reserved for surgery or nursing to keep them clean, and are not street clothing.

2. The scrubs were not white.  They were green, pink, purple or even dark blue.  Florence Nightingale insisted on white medical outfits, to be able to best see any soiling or filth.

3. Doctors and nurses carried stethoscopes with them.  These filthy things just spread germs because they are not washed and sterilized between each use.  There should be stethoscope for each bed that does not move around.

Hospital design to reduce infections was just a small part of Florence Nightingale’s contributions to medical care.  She is also considered the founder of modern nursing.  If you have not read a biography of Florence Nightingale, please read it.  A very short article about her life is on this website, entitled Florence Nighingale.


4. Dr. Robert Koch (1843-1910) and Koch’s Postulates. Robert Koch was a German microbiologist who made significant contributions to the study of infections.  He is famous for his four postulates that establish the connection between a microbe and a particular infectious disease.  They have been modified over the years, but the basic idea of them remains.  They are:

1. The microbes must be found in abundance in an organism or person suffering from the disease, but must not be found in a healthy organism.

Modification: They may only be present in a part of the body that is diseased, and not the rest.  Also, carriers of disease may have some even though they are not ill.


2. The microbes must be able to be isolated from the person suffering from the disease.  Then they must be grown or cultured.

Modification: Some microbes such as viruses are hard or impossible to culture.


3. The cultured microbes must then be inoculated into a healthy organism and must cause the same disease.

Modification: Some healthy organisms do not become infected due to nutritional differences or a stronger immune system.


4. The microbes must then be isolated from the experimental organism just above, and must be the same as the original microbes.

Modification:  As stated with Postulate #2, this is not always possible.


5. Dr. Louis Pasteur (1822-1895).

In modern history, two French scientists represented two perspectives on the nature of infection.  They held debates on the subject.  Dr. Pasteur proposed the “invader” theory or germ theory of infections.  Dr. Andre Beauchamp supported the “opportunist” theory of infection.  Let us discuss these two viewpoints.


Dr. Pasteur - Invaders and victims.  This view blames infections upon contaminated air, dirty water, rotten food, not washing hands enough, getting bitten by ticks or mosquitos, touching infected items, or breathing in germs.

There is certainly truth to all this.  Public health, sanitation, nutrition and water purification have definitely reduced the incidence of some infections around the world.  Also, giving remedies to “kill the bugs” such as drugs, herbs or vitamins, has helped greatly to reduce the incidence and death toll from infection.

In this theory, the germs are invaders and our bodies are the victims.  We must avoid the invaders and kill them whenever we find them.


6. Dr. Antoine Beauchamp (1816-1908) - Opportunists and hosts.  This view is much less well known.  It is that infections and infectious organisms of all kinds are opportunists.  This means that they are just trying to survive, like the rest of us.  They seek out appropriate places to live where the living conditions are favorable.  They thrive in bodies where is plenty of waste products to eat, and not much immune activity to get in their way.  There they multiply, and may take over the whole body.

From this perspective, to minimize and prevent infections, one must make the body an unwelcoming host for the “bugs”.  The immune response must be immediate and powerful.  There must not be debris, partially digested food, and other things around for the bugs to eat.  The entire body system must be on high alert at all times.  It must be very aware when an uninvited guest has arrived, and it must take immediate action to stop the bugs before they can become comfortable and multiply.

This debate is extremely important to appreciate the development understanding of infections, and how to heal them all without drugs.

Modern allopathic and even naturopathic care largely accepts the germ theory, and believes in remedies to “kill the bugs”.  Dozens of drugs, and many herbs and other natural products are used by these doctors to destroy the viruses, bacteria, fungi, yeasts, and other parasitic organisms.

Development understands the germ theory and clearly calls for cleanliness and care in one’s lifestyle and diet.  However, the main method it uses to correct infections is to radically improve the strength of the host.

The reasons are:

1. It is less toxic.

2. It is preventive.

3. It is the only method that will rid the body of deep, chronic infections that often offer no symptoms at all.




Acute infections are characterized by an active involvement of the entire body to fight off invading microorganisms.  Symptoms are often both local and systemic.

Local symptoms. These often include pain, redness, swelling and heat in the infected area.  There can also be pus formation, which is made of dead bacteria or other germs.  Other local symptoms depend upon the nature of the infection.

            Systemic symptoms. One often feels tired and perhaps achy, sweaty, feverish, dizzy, or there can be a general feeling of malaise.

            Systemic or non-localized symptoms occur for at least two reasons:

1. They are evidence of the mobilization of the entire body’s resources to fight the infection.

2. Many infectious organisms secrete powerful toxins.  These get into the blood stream and circulate around the body.  These can be very irritating or even destructive to the body tissues, and may cause symptoms at a distance from the primary site of infection, or throughout the body.  Near the end of this article are more details on this subject.


Chronic infections.  Having a chronic infection is like an uneasy truce, where neither side is winning at the moment.  Most everyone has plenty of these infections.  Most are encapsulated so that the body cannot get inside and get rid of them. 


Symptoms of chronic infections.  These are often mild, or there are no symptoms.  Typical symptoms are vague aches and pains, for example.  One may have post-nasal drip or some allergies related to a chronic sinus condition.

There could be a little dizziness or slight hearing impairment related to a chronic ear infection.  Others are some hoarseness related to a chronic bronchial or other respiratory infection.

Others are itchy areas of the skin related to a chronic mild skin condition that you may never see.  Another common one is a sensitive tooth or gum area that the dentist cannot correct and it can’t even be seen on an x-ray.

            Another common symptom is a little gas or a little bloating or stomach discomfort at times.  Indeed, these are often the only symptoms when the intestinal tract is infected with improper bacteria or a parasite infestation such as E.coli, entamoeba histolytica or candida albicans.

            In many cases, a person is totally unaware of the presence of a chronic infection.  Blood tests and other tests also may not reveal evidence of infection.  The reason is that the body has often encapsulated or otherwise isolated the infection so that it does not cause direct signs and symptoms.


            Flare-ups of chronic infections.  These can be of two types:

1. Pain or other symptoms can flare up, at times, if the infection becomes active.  This usually occurs if one becomes run down, stressed or overtired.

2. During a development program, all chronic infections will tend to flare up as they heal.  This is a reversal of the disease process that originated the infection.

Infections begin in an acute state, and then they “go chronic”.  When one retraces due to a development program, one must go backwards through the same steps.

From the chronic state with few symptoms, one must move to an acute state with often vigorous symptoms.  Then the entire infection will clear.  The important subject of retracing infections is discussed later in this article and in a separate article, Retracing And Healing Reactions.




The cause of most infections is dual.    This is a very important concept that is not taught to most doctors.  However, it follows from the discussion in the History section of this article.  For infection to occur, there must be:

1. Exposure to an infecting organism or pathogen.  These may include bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeasts, parasitic worms, one-celled organisms such as amoebas, and perhaps a few other microorganisms.

2. A hospitable host.   This usually means a weakened body chemistry.  If the host is not hospitable to the pathogen, the body fights off, kills or expels the pathogen and no infection results.

It is possible to have an overwhelming exposure to a pathogen that no body could overcome, but this is rare.  Let us discuss these causes in more detail:




This cause of infection is well known.  One can be exposed to pathogens in foods, drinking water, air one breathes, or through contact with the skin or mucus membranes.

In fact, this goes on all the time, and is impossible to completely stop because bacteria, viruses and other pathogenic organisms live on and inside food, water, air and everywhere, and cannot be completely removed. 

Since this is true, one must wonder why we are not all killed by these pathogens all around us.  This brings us to the second cause of infections.




The reason everyone is not killed by the viruses, bacteria and other organisms all around us is that everyone has defenses against them.  These defenses include the skin, the macrophages, hydrochloric acid in the stomach, and dozens of other defenses.  These make the body a less hospitable host.

For these to function correctly requires excellent nutrition, plenty of rest and sleep, and a very healthful lifestyle.  For example, mineral deficiencies are an important factor that makes a body more vulnerable to infections.


So always recall this dual cause of infections – exposure and a hospitable host.  The latter is usually not even mentioned in schools and in many books.




A particular type of toxic condition is also associated with infections.  It is the presence of oxide forms of certain minerals including iron, manganese and aluminum. 

Medical science is aware that high serum iron, for example, is associated with certain bacterial infections.  Medical science also knows that during some infections, the body sequesters iron in the liver, removing it from the blood, in order to help fight the infection.  The exact change is that iron is sequestered, and copper increases in the blood to help fight off some bacterial infections.


The friends. On this website, the oxide forms of iron, manganese, aluminum and other minerals are called the amigos.  The word means friends in Spanish.  It is used because these three minerals in oxide form are generally found together in the body.  Also, their levels on hair tests often move up and down together, when a person follows a development program.  For more details, read Iron, Manganese, And Aluminum - The Amigos on this site.

For example, the amigos may all be removed from the body at the same time.  This is a hair analysis pattern that we call an amigo dump.  This and many other hair mineral patterns are all listed on the Read Articles page of this site.




Certain other imbalances also make the body more prone to infection.  One of the most interesting and important is the balance between forces such as hot and cold, contracted and expanded, centripetal and centifugal. 

This balance is summarized in the words yang and yin, in Chinese.  I use these words because we don’t have good English equivalents.

For example, today most of the bodies are too yin.  This means the tissues are too expanded.  This can lead to a “leaky gut”, which allows pathogens to enter the body through the intestinal tract.  It also can cause the skin to be too porous or leaky, allowing pathogens to enter via this pathway.  Mucus membranes can also become too porous, allowing germs to enter through this route.

Yin also means too cold.  Today, many infections are “cold” ones, such as fungus, yeast and parasites.  That is, they do not produce high fevers, as do some of the older diseases such as cholera, plague and smallpox.  These disease have “died out” as the bodies have changed.  It is not due to vaccines, as some claim.  Statistics prove this.  It is because our bodies have changed and become more yin.

  To read about this important balance, read Understanding Yin And Yang, and Yin And Yang Healing on this site.


An unbalanced oxidation rate.  This is similar to the idea of fast and slow oxidation, although the oxidation rate is somewhat more superficial.  It is also related to the balance or ratio between sodium and potassium on a hair mineral chart.  These are all important balances that must be maintained to have a healthy body. 




Definition.  In the context of this article, filth refers to that which permits, allows or encourages infection in the body.  It can be divided into filth that is external to, or internal to the body. 

1. External filth.  These are conditions or situations that permit, allow, encourage or breed pathogenic microorganisms in the environment.  They include dirt or soil around people, spoiled or unrefrigerated food, stagnant and contaminated water, sticky surfaces, feces, urine, animals too close to people, certain insects such as mosquitos, certain plants, animals that bite, and more.


2. Internal filth.  These are conditions and situations inside the body that weaken the immune response, or that carry or allow the entrance of micro-organisms into the body.

They include toxic chemicals, toxic metals, or other toxins such as radioactive particles.

It can also include negative thoughts, sometimes called “stinking thinking”.  While it may seem unusual, we find that negative thoughts and thoughts of victimhood can permit or encourage some infection, especially parasitic worm infection.


Infectious Organisms Are Just Cleaning Up The Body.  This is another theory about infections, related to the opportunist theory.  However, it goes one step further and suggests that when a body has toxins in the blood or tissues, it may attract infectious organisms whose job it is to eat up and clean up the toxins.  This view of infections was taught by the Natural Hygiene doctors of the last century.

For example, if you do not eat well or become run down, you will eventually get a cold because the virus will cause your nose to run and it will help clean out the body. 




            This section is divided into two parts:

1. Acute infections that occur during a development program.

2. Acute infections if one is not on a development program.




              Unless one becomes very run down or stressed, all acute infections that occur when one follows a development program are healing or purification reactions.  As the body heals at deep levels, all chronic infections will turn acute for a few hours, days or longer.  Then they disappear forever.  Most people have at least a dozen or more chronic infections, including many children.

            These flare-ups may be vigorous, annoying and scary, at times.  However, in my experience of 36 years and over 60,000 people, they are not life-threatening and very rarely require any medical intervention.  In fact, medical or herbal therapies will usually just slow down their healing by getting in the way.

Always contact your practitioner and ask that I review the situation to decide the best course of action.  At times, one can remain on one’s regular supplement program. 

At other times, it is best to stop the supplements, and/or use a natural remedy to ease the situation.  However, at times, remedies are not helpful and they just get in the way of healing.  To read much more about this topic, read Retracing And Healing Reactions.

            Appendicitis.  In our experience, the above general advice applies even to appendicitis, of which we have had a few cases.  If a person is on a development program, surgery was not required.  However, anyone who thinks they are experiencing appendicitis should check with me, since there could be other conditions that require different interventions.




            These can be much more serious, and need to be handled correctly.  Very nasty infections include pneumonia, appendicitis, MRSA, acute diarrhea, and at times others.  Here are guidelines or principles:


1. Clean up.  Cleanliness in your food, air, water and environment - especially anything that you touch - can help stop infections.  It is very basic, but sometimes overlooked.  Wash everything with plenty of soap and water.


2. Natural methods are often very effective, and often as good as or better than antibiotics and other drug therapy.


3. Always act quickly and decisively with infections, because they can become worse.  Do not delay.


4. Use more than one of the natural methods described below.  For example, use a combination of rest, diet, nutrients, and sauna therapy.


5. Use enough of natural remedies.  Most are safe and taking a little more is usually better than not taking enough.  However, there is no need to overdo or use more than the recommended amounts.


6. Continue your natural program for at least five days or more.  Do this even if you feel better.  A mistake is to stop your infection-fighting program too soon.  Be sure to continue at least five days.  Also, after symptoms are completely gone continue for an extra day or two to be sure a relapse does not occur.


            7. If you are not succeeding on your own after 2-3 days, always seek help.  Do not delay if you feel an infection is out of your control.  For example, appendicitis is rare occurs once in a while and often requires surgery.  Delay can mean complications and rarely death.  So keep watch on all infections and do not hesitate to seek help if you believe you need it. 

On the other hand, do not worry excessively if correction is proceeding slowly and takes a week or two, or even longer, at times.  Just keep resting a lot more, drink plenty of the correct water, as explained below, and use your remedies and natural methods if you feel you are slowly getting well.




Here are natural methods for handling infections that I suggest if one is not on a development program.  The more of them you use at once, the better will be the results because they do not interfere with each other, and they enhance each other:


1. Rest. At the first sign of an infection, rest in bed as much as possible.  If at all possible, do not go to work.  Go to bed by 8-9 PM and not later. 

When ill, children should be at home in pajamas, not playing outside or at school.  My father used to climb into bed with a cup of tea and just stay there until his cold or flu passed.  He was rarely sick for long, and lived almost to 100.

Loads of rest is common sense when one realizes how serious infections can become.  Even polio and other severe illnesses can be avoided or minimized if one rests at the first sign of a cold, flu or other infection.


2.  Diet.  Eat lightly of very simple, nourishing foods such as chicken soup and cooked vegetables (which can be combined). Eat absolutely no sugar, no fruit, no fruit juices, no salads, no soda pop, and no sweets of any kind.  This is a must.

Also, avoid all wheat and all chemicalized “junk” foods.  Do not eat meat more than once daily when sick, and only a 4-5 ounce portion for adults.  Eat more cooked vegetables instead to replenish the alkaline reserve minerals.


Water.  Only drink pure water – not juices, soda, Gatorade or a lot of coffee or tea.  If fever is present, drink extra water.   Fasting on just water for a day or two is okay if you are not at all hungry.  However, do not do this for more than about 2-3 days, as a general rule.


3. No Exercise.  Do not exercise when acutely ill, or even move about any more than necessary.  Movement, and especially exercise, just uses up energy required for healing and will slow your recovery.


4. A red  250-watt ‘heat lamp’ .  The rays from this lamp are very healing.  If you have access to this, use it five or six times daily for about 10 minutes each session. 

A general application.  Shining it on the thymus gland is simple and often helpful.  Hold it about a foot away from your body so that it does not burn you, but is hot. 

Where to buy.  These large bulbs can be purchased at hardware stores or online for about $10-18.00 US.  You will also need a socket that can handle a 250-watt bulb.

Spot treatment. Sometimes this helps a lot, though not in all cases.  It works wonders on a sinus infection, for example.  These infections are usually fungal, which is a “cold” infection.

To apply the lamp, first close your eyes.  Aim the heat lamp at the forehead and sinus area for only 5 minutes per hour. 

At times, the heat lamp is also very helpful for ear, throat, chest, abdominal or other infections, as well.  Remember, if you aim the light at your head area, only do so for 5 minutes or so per hour.  It must be a red heat lamp, not a white or clear one. Spot treatment. I do not recommend applying heat to an infected area.  Usually, the area is already hot and inflamed.  Applying a cold compress is usually better. and With a near infrared light sauna, one can direct the heat and infrared to a part of the body for a greater effect.  For example, a very excellent remedy for a sinus infection is to aim the lamps at the forehead and sinus area for only 5 minutes per hour, or at an ear, the throat or other part of the body that is ill.  If you aim the light at your head area, only do so for 5 minutes or so per hour.  For more details, read Single Lamp Therapy on this site.


5. Sauna therapy.  If you have access to a sauna, it can be helpful.  Sauna therapy:


- Raises the body temperature a few degrees, which stimulates the immune response.

- Stimulates circulation.

- Inhibits the sympathetic nervous system, which powerfully enhances the immune response and is very relaxing.

- Disables or even kills some bacteria, viruses and fungi that are heat-sensitive.

- Decongests the internal organs by improving circulation and shunting blood to the periphery of the body.


Do not overdo sauna sessions.  Do not stay in a sauna session longer than about 20 minutes at a time when you have an infection, as this may just exhaust you.  However, several short saunas can be done each day, especially if you feel it is helping.  Always drink plenty of extra carbon-only filtered tap water or spring water when using any sauna or sweating by any method or you may become dehydrated.

Cautions with children. Older children may use saunas or hot baths with great benefit.  Do not place children under age 4 or 5 in a sauna. Young children do not sweat as easily and can dehydrate much faster than adults.

Children must be accompanied by an adult when using a sauna and watched carefully for signs of overheating such as turning red and not sweating.  For details, read Sauna Therapy on this site.


6. Other methods to induce sweating.  If one does not have a sauna, one can still induce sweating with other methods.  Turn up the heat in the house, sit in a tub of very hot water, drink hot tea and wrap the body in lots of blankets.  An electric blanket can be used to induce sweating as well, though we generally do not like the electromagnetic effects of electric blankets.

Inducing a fever, either with a sauna or other methods, will often shorten the time it takes to overcome an acute infection.  Be sure to drink extra water if you are sweating, as you will lose fluids.


7. Colon Cleansing - Enemas or Colonics. This simple physical healing method is very safe when done properly.  It is an old therapy that has been forgotten in this age of “wonder drugs” (that are not so wonderful).

Enemas used to be done routinely in hospitals.  Many more people would survive infections if this practice were restarted.

Enemas and colonic irrigation greatly assist elimination through the liver and colon. This, in turn, helps unload toxins that are burdening the immune response and other body systems. 

Coffee enemas.  One of the best is the coffee enema.  You can do several of these daily during an infection.  They:

- decongest the liver.

- lower fevers.

- clean toxins from the colon.

- balance the entire body through the colonic reflex system.

- can save your life.


8. Foot or hand reflexology.  This is another amazing, yet simple and safe therapy that can be used with any infection.

A general session.  Firmly rub an entire foot including all around the toes, the bottom of the foot, the arch, the sides of the foot, the top of the foot, and the ankle and heel areas.  It should take about 10 minutes.  Any area that is very tender, rub it more.  Then do spot therapy.

Spot therapy.  For this you will need a map of the reflexes on the foot or hand.  These are on the internet at no charge.  Find the reflex area corresponding to where you have your infection.  For example, the head reflexes are on the toes. 

Firmly rub the affected area for a minute or two, up to 6 times daily.  That is all that is needed.  Do not overtreat.  This method is very powerful if you find the right spots to rub, which are usually very tender.  For more, read Reflexology on this site.


9. Deep Breathing.  Deep breathing can be amazingly to help fight infections.  It is another ancient therapy that costs nothing, can be done anywhere, and it works very well.  It oxygenates the body, which kills most germs, and acts like a massage for the internal organs.      Practice deep breathing while lying in bed before getting up, for at least half an hour 6 – 10 times daily.  Set an alarm so you remember to do it. 

A simple way to do it is to count as high as you can as you inhale, hold for a few counts, and then exhale to a number of counts as well.  Try to increase the number of counts as you begin to breathe more deeply.  Avoid tight clothes that restrict your inhalation, and be sure to relax.  If you get light-headed, stop and relax for a few minutes. 

Other oxygen therapies involve using ozone or a bath with about 2/3 of a cup of 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide added to it.


10. The pushing down exercise.  This is another powerful healer that costs nothing, requires no equipment, and can be done anywhere.  Do it for at least 15 minutes per sessions, a number of times daily.  You really cannot overdo it.  To learn about it, read The Pushing Down Exercise on this website.


            11. Natural remedies.  Certain supplements are helpful to help fight infections.  Here are several that may be used together:

a) Colloidal silver.  This is an excellent broad-spectrum anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal.  It can help stop many infections. 

For most infections, I suggest a low potency product (15-50 parts per million of silver).  A brand that often works well is called Sovereign Silver in the health food store.  The dosage is 2-3 tablespoons per day for an adult for up to a week, provided it is a low potency product.  However, if you decide to use a product that contains more silver (over 50 ppm), take only 1-3 teaspoons or less per day.  I suggest taking it 15 minutes away from all food and drink, before and after.

I much prefer store-bought products over home-made ones for quality control reasons. 

b) Bee propolis, up to 30 drops three times a day for adults for up to 3 weeks, is also excellent.

c) Vitamin A, up to 50,000 iu per day for adults for up to two weeks, is another excellent remedy for some infections.  CAUTION: If possible, do not take extra vitamin A during pregnancy.  It is slightly toxic for the fetus.  The amount of vitamin A in the standard development programs is fine, however.

d) Limcomin.  This product is made by Endomet Labs and is very helpful for some infections.  It is a special formula with zinc, copper, manganese, and a little vitamin A and vitamin C, magnesium and vitamin B6.

Copper kills many bacteria, fungi and viruses.  Many people have a copper imbalance, impairing their ability to fight infections.

Zinc is required for the immune system and is very low in many diets.  Vegetarian diets are low in zinc, and zinc is removed from refined foods of all kinds. 

The dosage of Limcomin for adults is usually 2 to 3 tablets three times daily, and children need less.

If you cannot get Limcomin, adults may take about 25 mg of zinc twice daily and always take about 3 mg of copper with it for infections.

e) Garlic.  Garlic capsules are excellent for some infections, including to help rid the body of parasites.  Kyolic Original or Endomet are excellent brands.  One can take up 6-9 capsules daily.

f) Herbs.  Many people take Echinacea, golden seal, astragalus or other herbs for infections.  These are fair, in our view, because taking a lot they can be somewhat toxic.  We find we rarely need them.  If you do the procedures above, most infections will respond quickly.




Iron.  Avoid taking iron or iron-containing products during infections because iron favors the growth of some bacteria.

High-dose vitamin C.  Some recommend this for infections, and I formerly used it.  However, it is very yin and often not as good as vitamin A and the other remedies above.

MMS.   This is a chlorine-based infection remedy that some people use.  It is powerful.  However, it is somewhat toxic.

Olive leaf extract, oregano oil, grapefruit seed extract and essential oils.  These are other commonly-used remedies for infections.  However, they are all somewhat toxic so I don’t recommend them.  We don’t seem to need them. 




The following are usually not necessary.  However, if an infection is very severe and is not responding to the home methods listed above, the following are quite good and much safer than antibiotics.  They require finding a holistic doctor who offers them, and are more costly.


- Ultraviolet blood irradiation.  A small quantity of blood is removed from a vein, placed in front of an ultraviolet lamp, and then replaced in the body.  This has an amazing anti-infective effect, in some cases.

- Intravenous hydrogen peroxide, ozone or even hydrochloric acid. Intravenous treatments must be done by someone trained in their use.  Also, never substitute them for the basic lifestyle aspects of healing infections, which many doctors overlook.




I cannot think of an instance in at least 15 years with any of our clients in which antibiotics or antiviral medication were required if the person followed a development program and used the natural remedies described in this article.  This is how good they are.


Combining with drug therapy.  You may combine the natural approaches described above with antibiotics or other drugs.  It will only help, and cannot hurt that I am aware of.  In other words, the natural methods will enhance any drug therapy.


Supervision.  If possible, when dealing with an infection, try to be in touch with a knowledgeable practitioner.  Always consult someone knowledgeable in the following situations:

1) If you are unsure how to use a natural remedy or even a drug.

2) If you are not making progress after four or five days of fighting an infection.

3) If the infection or problem is getting worse, not better, even after one or two days.  There may be complications you are unaware of.  There is no shame to going to an emergency room if you are in trouble.  Modern diagnostic methods can be helpful and life-saving in some instances.

I wish I could recommend them more, but the antibiotics are very toxic – all of them – and the natural methods are much less costly, as well.




Chronic infections must be brought to an acute state to be resolved in most cases.  This can take months or even a number of years, because one may need to work through layers of toxins and other micro-organisms until the body’s energy level is brought up high enough to restart an active fight against an old, chronic infection.

This is what occurs during development programs, where the goal is to slowly enhance the body’s energy level to the point where it can and automatically will bring up chronic infections for healing.  For more information about development programs, see the article entitled Introduction To Development and other articles about this method on this website.

If one wishes to begin this process at home at a very low cost, read the article entitled The Free Program.




Based on many years of experience, I estimate that the average person has at least a dozen chronic infections, and usually more.  Common sites are the eyes, ears, sinuses, teeth, intestines, joints, bronchial tubes, lungs, liver and elsewhere.  

Eliminating these infections often takes some years on a development program.  This is not because the program is lacking or slow.  It is because:


- The infections are very old, many dating back to childhood.

- They thrive on weakened tissue and toxic matter in the body.  Most people have plenty of this by the time they undertake a development program.

- The infections are often very deep-seated and chronic, meaning that they are well-entrenched, often in areas of the body with impaired circulation and in tissues that are unhealthy such as the bronchial tubes and the ear canals.

- Often they have been encapsulated or walled off, to some degree. This reduces blood circulation, oxygenation and hydration to the area, making healing much harder and slower.  It also means that remedies such as colloidal silver or any others, have difficulty reaching the infected area.

- The entire process of isolating the infection must be reversed and this takes a few years of building up the body and removing enough toxic matter that the infection becomes weakened sufficiently for the body to undertake to remove it completely.

- Many bacterial infections were treated with antibiotics that killed off most of the infection, so the person felt better.  However, the germs that remain are stronger and resistant to antibiotics, perhaps, which means they are not susceptible to medical treatment.

- Past use of antibiotics has caused toxicity in the body that is subtle, but very real.  The drugs must often be removed from the body with coffee enemas, sauna therapy and a properly designed development program, and this also takes time.  Strange as it may sound, removing the drug residues is often helpful to strengthen the immune response to the point where the body can go after the remaining infection.

- Sauna therapy that 1) enhances the circulation, 2) heats the tissues are few degrees, and 3) heals the tissues with near infrared energy, is often also necessary to activate the body’s immune response enough to cause healing to begin.






A healthful lifestyle greatly assists to maintain a strong immune response.  The body is the physical temple and it is to be honored.  Care for it and never abuse it for any reason.  This means:


1. Obtain plenty of rest and sleep, at least nine or more hours daily.  Also, go to bed early.  The hours before midnight are worth at least four times the benefit of sleeping after midnight.  Be in bed by 9 PM if at all possible.


2. Reduce stress as much as possible.  Stress of most kinds weakens the body a lot.  Many of the following are ways to reduce stress on your body.  However, other types of stress such as family problems, financial difficulties and others will weaken the immune response as well.


3. Eat very carefully.  Eating habits are also very important. Your daily diet is always a basic preventive measure.  Have regular, sit-down and preferably home-cooked meals of whole, natural foods, organically grown if possible. 

Eat 2-3 cups of cooked, not raw vegetables with each of three meals a day.  These provide minerals, vitamins and many other substances needed for a healthy body. 

Raw Foods.  Raw food is often infected with germs, no matter how it looks.  It must be washed very thoroughly.  Never eat raw food in restaurants for maximum protection against a wide variety of infections.

Other foods to watch or better avoid in restaurants include all salad dressings, all sauces, all pork and ham, and all seafood or shellfish, especially if lightly cooked.  We do not recommend any shellfish due to toxic metals. 

Sushi tastes good, but is not a good food to eat anywhere.  It is a source of many infections in uncooked or poorly cooked seafood and shellfish, and due to mercury and other metal toxicity.  For much more on diet, read the slow Oxidizer Diet.


4. Do some regular light exercise each day, if possible, and at least four or five times weekly.  However, do not overdo anything, even pleasurable exercise, in particular running or jogging, as these actually deplete many people. 


5. Breathe deeply as often as you can.  Oxygenating the body well is a key to avoiding and eliminating all infections in the body. 


6. Live and work in a simple way in as healthy an environment as possible, preferably away from large cities.  This is impossible for most people reading this, but do your best to avoid air and water pollution, fluoridated water, chlorinated pools and hot tubs and all the other contaminants found in modern society.


7. Positive attitudes and emotions tend to greatly enhance our infection-fighting abilities.  This is well-known in some medical circles.  Laughter can be better than drugs, for example.  Peace and quiet are far better than a noisy or negative environment.


8. Reduce your exposure to all harmful micro-organisms.  Excessive exposure to bacteria, viruses and other disease-causing organisms will overwhelm anyone’s immune system. 

            Air travel, hotels, malls, theatres, shops, stadiums and anywhere else the public is found in large numbers are sources of infection.  Avoid public bathrooms or wash carefully after using them.

If possible, avoid crowded places, especially indoor where air circulation is poor.  Unfortunately, air travel is probably the worst of these.  Buses, subways, trains and other public places are also commonly sources of respiratory and other types of infections.

Any closed buildings such as offices, motels, hospitals and all others may be dangerous to your health if you don’t know who has been there before you and how well ventilated and cleaned they are.

Restaurants and bars are a huge source of food and contact infection.  Although laws exist to protect the customer, one does not ever really know where the food came from, how cleanly it was prepared or even how well the dishes were washed. 

While this may sound paranoid, it can save your life.  Be careful around restaurants and bars, especially.  Order only cooked food to be most careful and avoid shellfish, seafood and most fish.  All of these are often today contaminated.

Pools and hot tubs should generally be totally avoided. They are an extremely common source of many infections.  Do not believe for a moment that the bromine, chlorine or even ozone will kill every microorganisms.  Many organisms are resistant to chlorine, especially the newer, genetically-altered strains of bacteria and viruses.  Pools and hot tubs are particularly bad because the warm or hot water supports the growth of microbes.

Promiscuous sexual activity is quite insane unless you wish to contract many difficult-to-heal infections.  Do not trust dates and sexual partners when they say “I am totally healthy”.  This is often a lie.  Even if it is the truth, the person usually does not really know if they have been exposed to sexually transmitted disease, which are rampant today in the young, especially, because of loose sexual habits.  A recent study found that one of  every four teens in some groups are already infected with a sexually transmitted disease.  Old moral standards regarding sex make a lot of sense in terms of preventing disease transmission.


9. Practice Excellent Personal Hygiene. Always wash your hands and body with lots of soap.  Soap is a rather magical substance that kills and washes away many pathogenic organism.

Always wash with soap after using the toilet, especially a public toilet.  Wash your hands many times a day, especially before meals or after leaving any public place such as a train, bus, airplane or movie theatre.  This is an easy habit to develop that pays great dividends.

            Other personal habits are to change your underclothes frequently, keep your house and office clean and do not let dirty clothes mix with clean ones, as many people do today.


10. Drinking water is usually not an important source of infection if you are in the United States.  However, in many other nations, the drinking water is not clean or safe.  Beware of this if you travel outside the country.

The best water for drinking is often quality spring water.  These are checked by government authorities for purity and safety.  The second best drinking water is often carbon or sand-filtered tap water.  Other filters are not as good.

Avoid reverse osmosis water, “purified water”, “drinking water” made by reverse osmosis, alkaline water and others.  Alkaline water can be dangerous and is discussed in other articles on this site.  Reveres osmosis sadly does not hydrate the body well.  Also, drink plenty of water, about 3-4 quarts daily for adults and somewhat less for younger children.


11. Treat chronic infections you know about in your body.  By this I mean that if you know you have infections, such as infected teeth, take care of the problem.  Do not just disregard it because you don’t want to pay for dentistry.  Look around for a less costly dentist or bargain with your dentist if needed.

            Many people have untreated infections that can be handled naturally, too.  The sections below cover how to use natural methods to deal with acute and then chronic infections.  We will also discuss the differences between acute and chronic and how they affect your health.




Sunshine.  Besides those mentioned above, some sun exposure for yourself and for clothing and other objects that may become infected is excellent.  The sun radiates in the ultraviolet range which has a definite germ-killing effect.  Thus, leaving blankets, rugs and other objects in the sun at times is wonderful.

Sunbathing also helps with infections to a degree, probably because it kills some surface germs and vitamin D production increases.  Vitamin D is definitely involved in some germ-fighting efforts. 

Sauna therapy.  Heating the body daily is an excellent way to avoid and remove infections.  The simplest and safest way to do this is with a sauna.  Spending 20 minutes in a sauna daily is an excellent preventive method.  You can also often “sweat out a cold” using sauna therapy as well.

            Colon Cleansing.  Another excellent preventive is to avoid constipation and to use colon hydrotherapy.  This not only removes toxic substances regularly from the intestines, but can actually help reduce infections in the liver and other organs as well.  On this site are information about saunas and colon cleansing or enema therapies.

            Natural Therapies.  Foot reflexology, chiropractic and all other balancing natural healing methods can also reduce your stress and thus help to prevent and reduce the severity of infections of many types.  Just be sure your practitioners’ offices are clean and neat and that you are not exposed to too many sick people in these offices, or the effort may backfire.




I cannot say enough good things about soap.  It prevents more infections than most any other item.  Please use plenty of it!  Some people do not want to bother with soap and just wash their hands, or even their dishes or clothing without it.  Do not do this!  Always use soap!  Surgeons know this, and so should you.

You don’t need a fancy soap, and often the simple soaps are best.  Detergents are okay, but not quite as good in some ways.  They cut grease better than soap, and this is an advantage.  However, soap is special, so please always use it!




            Vaccines are heavily promoted by the medical profession, and are one of their main “preventive weapons” against infections.  However, there is another side to this story.

            A healthy child who is fed correctly will most often easily survive measles, mumps, diphtheria, tetanus, polio, hepatitis, and the rest of the diseases for which vaccines are given.  Did you know, for example, that even the dreaded disease, polio, causes no problems in over 90% of the cases.  Research it and you will find this is the truth.

However, vaccines today are ruining the health of our children.  The autism epidemic is directly related to vaccination.  To check this, check how many Amish children have autism.  The answer is – only those who are vaccinated – which is very few.  The research has been suppressed to support the “vaccine illusion”.

Another part of the illusion is the claim that vaccination has eradicated diseases such as polio, diphtheria, smallpox, and others.  I have read this on a dozen websites.

Unfortunately, this is not the truth, either.  The truth is that these diseases were dying out on their own before vaccines came along – just like leprosy, cholera, plague, and other serious infections for which there is no vaccine.  If you look on the anti-vaccine websites, you can find the references for this information.


Why would truths like these be suppressed?  Because there are forces that do not wish our children to be healthy, no matter what they claim.  They want a weak and sick population, which is the same reason we have fluoride in the water, mercury in the dental fillings, and “junk” white sugar, refined table salt and white flour everywhere.

Those who do not wish you to be healthy control the doctors and the public health departments through licensing boards and other means.  Any doctor who dares to speak out loses his license to practice medicine.  As a result, 99% of them will not tell the truth, if they even know it, which many do not because their journals are filled with false and faked “studies”.

Even a former editor of the New England Journal Of Medicine, one of the leading medical journals, lamented this fact.  For many more details, please read the article entitled Vaccination on this website.






 This topic may seem irrelevant to this article, but it is not.  In truth, the concept of infection applies in the mental or psychological realm.

This means one can become infected with faulty ideas. For example, some people believe in a climate change crisis and systemic racism.

These false ideas act just like physical infections, eating away at the brain and mind and crippling people.

Many people have also been falsely taught that government power is benign. This is another completely phony idea sometimes called socialism that destroys your brain and mind.

To get rid of psychological infections, one needs a healthy dose of truth. A profound statement is the quote from the Bible - “Know the truth, and the truth will set you free”. - John 8:32.




While it may sound far-fetched, the concept of infection also applies at the spiritual level of human existence.  Today many people have what may be called a spiritual infection. 

Many are infected with doubt that there is a Creator being. Instead, the schools teach that life is just an “accident” - the depressing and false philosophy called existentialism.

To understand why this is false, one must learn about the biological concept of space.  In truth, outer space is not dead or empty.  It contains many living creatures who we cannot see because their bodies are made of a less dense form of matter called fine matter. 

They perform many tasks.  For example, they regulate our planet’s orbit and spin, or we would quickly burn up or freeze.  This is why “global warming” and “climate change” are completely phony crises.  The climate is carefully regulated.  If the planet is warming, there is a reason for it.  For details, read Climate Change.

Our Creator beings.  In particular, space contains two very large living beings – a female and a male – who gave birth to our planet and everything upon it, including us.

Our mothers gave birth to our bodies, but our souls, which are real, come from the Creator beings in space. Scientists will someday prove this quite easily.

THIS MEANS: You are never alone. You are always loved, and you are completely dependent upon this Love. You cannot be separated from the Creator beings, no matter what you have done or failed to do. This love is always there or you would cease to exist immediately. This is the truth.

Furthermore, you can communicate with and know the Creator beings and have a close and wonderful relationship with them. In fact, this is always your primary relationship and the Love of the Creator for you is the true religion. For details, read Bodies In Space. Also read Boosting Your Immune Response.




A principle about infections is that symptoms and deep, lasting damage from infections need not come directly from the site of the infection.  All microorganisms secrete toxins that travel throughout the body. 

This is often the most dangerous part of an infection.  Without our knowledge, they can travel to the brain or the heart and cause death far more quickly than one might  imagine.  This is why all infections are to be dealt with aggressively and completely.

Both acute and often chronic infections secrete extremely toxic so-called endotoxins and exotoxins into the bloodstream.  These can cause all manner of disturbances at subtle levels of the body.

A common source of chronic infection, for example, in which endotoxins play an important role,  are chronically infected root canals and dental cavitations.  These are pockets of bacteria that are so toxic that when such a tooth has been extracted and placed under the skin of a laboratory rabbit or mouse, the animal dies.

Many biologically-oriented dentists will not do root canals and prefer instead to extract the tooth for this reason.  I agree with this idea.




 These save lives.  However, in my experience they are very rarely needed, and they are associated with a number of serious problems.  These include:


1. Liver and kidney toxicity.  This is the worst problem.  Many of our clients report they are not nearly as healthy after a course or two of antibiotics.  It takes up to a year or longer to remove antibiotic residues from the liver and kidneys.

2. Wrecking the natural intestinal flora.  Antibiotics often destroy the good bacteria in the intestines, and this is often unavoidable.  Replacing it with a probiotic does not always work.

3. Shock or allergic reactions.  This is a problem with penicillin and some other antibiotics.

4. Creating drug-resistant strains of bacteria.  This is another serious problem today.

5. Ineffective against viruses and some other micro-organisms.

6. High cost.


Please stay away from most antibiotics if you want optimal health.  Substitute natural germ-killing substances and a development program to strengthen the body.


Antibiotic names.  These include penicillin, which is one of the older and better ones, generally.  They also include all tetracyclines, erythromycins, cephalosporins, chloramphenicol, clindamycin, cyclosporine, fluoroquinolones (Cipro) (one of the most toxic), lincomysin, linezolid, loracarbef, neomycin, rifamycins, vancomysin, metronidazole, nitrofurantoin, sulfonamides and others. Read more about antibiotic problems in the article on this site entitled Beyond Antibiotics. The natural methods, by contrast, are much more ‘wide-spectrum’ at lower cost and with few if any side effects.  Once in a while, an antibiotic may be helpful, but again, I have not needed to recommend them ever in years.

Anti-viral drugs include Oseltamivir (Tamiflu), Zanamivir (Relenza), Acyclovir (Avirax), Famciclovir (Famvir), Ganciclovir (Cytovene), Valacyclovir (Valtrex), Amantdine (Symadine and Symmetrel), Rimantadine (Flumadine) and a few others.  They also have significant side effects are rarely, if ever, needed if the natural methods above are used.

Anti-parasitic drugs include metronidazole, Atabrin and others.  These are also very rarely needed if the natural methods above are used.   For more on parasites, see the article on this website entitled Parasites.




This practice was probably concocted by a drug representative.   Most often, it just slows the healing of infections.  These drugs, used for a period of even a few days, can accumulate in the kidneys, liver, stomach and other organs.  They can cause liver and kidney damage if continued long enough.

Fever is a good sign.  It should not be suppressed unless the fever rises over 103-104° F or if a person is prone to seizures.  For a very high fever, natural methods such as cool water enemas, cooling baths and/or sponge baths with water or, more powerfully, alcohol, will lower most fevers rapidly and safely with no side effects.




Medical professionals often overtreat certain infections with antibiotics.  Other infections they do not view with the seriousness they should.  These include, for example, hospital infections, which kill almost as many patients as the diseases for which people are being treated.

The Sexual Area.  The most important area where infection is overlooked may be in the sexual area.  Women, I particular, are often given the pill, the patch or the IUD with very little warning that these methods do absolutely nothing to control the spread of venereal infections.

Intestinal Infections.  These often are overlooked as well.  Today, more than ever before, amoebic and other parasitic infections are quite common.  This is a primary reason I give everyone GB-3, a powerful digestive aid and liver detoxifier.  It slowly begins to clean up a toxic intestine and kill hundreds of pathogenic bacteria, parasites and other infectious organisms in this area of the body.

Hidden dental infections.  These are also very common.  See the article entitled Biological Dentistry for more on this subject.

Infection From Air Travel and Other Contact.  Another area that is overlooked by doctors is the danger of air travel and other crowded places with poor ventilation.

Vaccines Spread Infection.  Doctors are also woefully unaware of how many infections are caused by vaccines.  Almost all vaccines are somewhat contaminated by other organisms.  Not infrequently, a person gets the disease one is being vaccinated against.  This can remain in a weakened body and cause all manner of problems from ADHD or autism to a slow and horrible death.




The so-called “immune system” is not really a body system.  The response of the body to infective organisms is better termed the immune response.  It is extremely complex, involving the skin, intestines, nasal mucosa, blood, lymph and many other organs and tissues.  Unless all of these are in good working order, infections tend to gain a foothold far too easily.

Now let us discuss specific measures everyone can take to avoid infections and to remove both acute and chronic infections.  Some are obvious, but few people actually do them.





These tendencies do not necessarily correlate with specific hair analysis indicators.  As a result, the following are general indicators only:


1. A sodium/potassium ratio less than 2.5.  Dr. Paul Eck considered this an indicator for both a tendency for infections, and the presence of chronic infections.


2. A very slow oxidation rate (Ca/K > 100) or a four lows pattern.  These are low energy indicators.  They are often, but not always associated with a tendency for infections.


3. Copper level above 5 mg%.  This indicates excessive and usually biounavailable copper, and can be related to a tendency for infections.


4. Mercury greater than 0.35 mg%.  At times, elevated mercury is also indicative of a damaged immune response. 


5. Cadmium greater than 0.01 mg%, especially with a zinc level less than 14 mg%.  Zinc is required for the immune response.  Cadmium interferes with zinc.


6. Iron greater than 3 mg%.  Iron toxicity is associated with some bacterial infections.


7. Phosphorus level less than about 11 mg%.  This is associated with impaired protein synthesis and, as a result, a general catabolic state of the body.  It can also indicate a tendency for some infections.




            Fever is one of the most acute signs of an infection.  Most doctors suggest using Tylenol or Aspirin to lower a fever.  This is not a wise idea, in my view, because 1) it just suppresses the problem, rather than help resolve it, and 2) the drugs are toxic to some degree.  Here are much better alternatives:


·           Sponge off the person with cool or even ice water.

·           Alcohol can be mixed with the water for an even more powerful cooling effect.

·           If this is not sufficient, place the person in a warm bath and slowly add cold water to the bath.  This will lower almost any fever.

·           An enema with either pure water or water with a little boiled coffee is excellent to lower most fevers.  The fever may go back up after a few hours.  Just repeat the procedures.

·           Be sure the patient drinks plenty of pure water, not fruit juice or other beverages. 




            Infections have been with humanity since time began.  They are a part of nature’s order of eliminating weak plants, animals and humans.  The most important thing to know is that there is much anyone can do to prevent and treat all infections naturally.  Vaccination is not a wise way to do this, however.  Knowing the basic methods and remedies is a wise idea for everyone.





Infections are a major cause of disease everywhere on earth.  An infection is a condition in which a foreign organism has entered the body.  It can be a virus, bacteria, fungus or parasite.  All infections are potentially dangerous and should never be ignored.



The idea that infections are caused by microscopic organisms is relatively new on earth.  A pioneer in this area was Dr. Louis Pasteur, who lived at the beginning of the 20th century.  A man who lived at the same time, Dr. Antoine Beauchamp, viewed infectious organisms as opportunists.  This means that they only thrive where conditions are favorable for them, such as undigested food in the intestines or debris in the tissues.

To heal and prevent infections, the key is not to kill the “bugs”, but to make the body an unwelcome host for them.  This is how development programs correct infections, usually without any need for drugs or toxic herbs.



Acute infections.  Local symptoms in the area of the infection can include pain, redness, swelling, and heat.  Systemic symptoms occur throughout the body and may include feeling tired, achy, sweaty, feverish, dizzy, or a general feeling of malaise.

Chronic infections.  These are like an uneasy truce, where neither side is winning at the moment.  Symptoms of chronic infections are often mild, or there are no symptoms.  Most people have some chronic infections, but they are not aware of them.

            Retracing. During a development program, all chronic infections will tend to flare up as they heal. This is called retracing.  It is a reversal of the disease process that originated the infection. From the chronic state with few symptoms, one must move to an acute state with often vigorous symptoms. Then the entire infection clears. 



For infections to occur, there must be an exposure to an infecting organism or pathogen, and there must be a hospitable host.

Imbalances inside the body that make it more prone to infections are:

1. Toxic metals and chemicals in the body.

2. Nutrient deficiencies

3. A more yin body.

Conditions outside the body that encourage the “bugs” include filth, spoiled food, feces, urine, animals to close to humans, and the presence of mosquitoes, rats and certain other animals.



For acute infections, important factors are rest and enough water, especially if there is a fever.  Also, eat lightly.  Chicken soup is often helpful to live on for a few days.  Natural remedies that we sometimes use are colloidal silver (Sovereign Silver brand is good), vitamin A, bee propolis and Limcomin from Endomet Labs.

            If one is on a development program, almost all infections are actually retracing of old infections.  The same principles apply as in the paragraph above.



The average person has at least a dozen chronic infections, and usually more.  Common sites for these infections are the eyes, ears, sinuses, teeth, intestines, joints, and elsewhere. Eliminating these infections takes several months to a number of years while on a development program.  This is because the energy of the body needs to be raised, and detoxification of the body usually also needs to occur.  This takes some time.



1. A healthful lifestyle: plenty of rest and sleep, reduced stress, the proper diet, light exercise, deep breathing, eliminating toxins and contaminants in your environment, positive attitudes and emotions, eliminating exposure to infectious microorganisms, good personal hygiene, drinking plenty of the proper water, and treating the infections you know you have.

2. Healthful diet of the type recommended on this website.

3. A complete development program is the best.





Antibiotics occasionally save lives.  However, they are very toxic and usually not needed if one is willing to use natural methods to heal infections.  Problems with antibiotics include liver and kidney toxicity, destroying the good bacteria in the intestines, shock and allergic reactions, creating antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and high cost. 



A fever is a good sign that the body is fighting an infection.  Do not suppress a fever with drugs of any kind unless it rises above 103-104 degrees F or if a person is prone to seizures.  To lower a fever, sponge off the patient or put the person in a bath and slowly add cold water.  A coffee enema is also excellent to lower a fever.


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