by Dr. Lawrence Wilson
Ó June 2020, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.
All information in
this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure
of any disease or health condition.
Update June 2020. We now have worked with about a dozen
people diagnosed with Morgellon’s disease. All of them have had dramatic
recoveries and we can conclude that this is a disease of very poor health that
goes away on its own when one follows a development program for a few months,
in most cases. A few cases may
take longer, but not many.
Update April
2019. It appears that everyone with Morgellon’s disease has a history of taking a lot of
antibiotics. They may have taken
them for Lyme disease or for some other reason.
appears that this damages the body in some way that allows Morgollon’s
disease to flourish in the body.
the medical and even the common naturopathic therapy for Morgollon’s
disease is to give more antibiotics! Needless to say, this does not work too
contrast, the
approach of a development program for Morgollon’s
disease is to remove all antibiotics from the body. This is working very well to get rid of
this condition!
Morgellon’s disease is an infection that involves the skin
and perhaps the internal organs, as well.
It has increased in incidence, especially in the past 20 years. It may be spread by contact or by tick
Most doctors
are not familiar with it and may label it psychological. However, it is not psychological. We know this because it responds to
physical corrective measures.
We have
worked with about a dozen people with Morgollon’s
disease. They have all healed their condition using a development program.
Name of the
condition. This is an
older name for the condition that dates back to the 17th century.
Some doctors
call the condition delusional parasitosis. This means a psychological condition in
which one thinks one has parasites.
This name appears to be incorrect and inappropriate.
There remains
controversy as to the cause of Morgellon’s
disease. It appears to be an infection,
perhaps with a fungal or bacterial organism. It is not often possible to isolate a particular
microorganism, so far, however.
Vegetarians. Many with the condition appear to
follow vegetarian-oriented and vegan-oriented diets. This may be a clue to its cause.
Copper imbalance. Copper imbalance seems to play a role
in this condition. Copper
imbalance is associated with many skin conditions, including those of fungal
Some believe
that the condition is psychological in origin, but this does not seem to be
true because the condition responds, at least at times, to anti-fungal and
perhaps other anti-infective agents such as colloidal silver and other products.
Other toxic
metals. We have observed toxicity with
mercury, lead and cadmium in some of our clients with Morgellons. We do not use or recommend chelation therapy to remove the metals. A development program removes them very
well. For details, read Chelation.
Slow oxidation. So far, all of our clients with Morgollon’s disease have had a slow oxidation rate. This is associated with sluggish
thyroid and sluggish adrenal gland activity. Some other authors also report an association with low
thyroid activity.
History of a
tick bite. Some clients
report having had a tick bite before the onset of the condition.
include skin lesions that are disfiguring, may be itchy, and which may exude
odd-looking colored fibers. Many
report that the skin feels like it is crawling and that there is something
under the skin.
addition to the skin symptoms, many with the condition experience brain fog,
memory problems, depression, insomnia, weakness, muscle aches or other pain
syndromes such as fibromyalgia.
Morgellon’s may be spread by tick bites or perhaps by
direct contact between people and by scratching the skin and then touching
objects, which other people then touch.
However, in families, it one person has Morgellon’s
disease, other family members do not often contract the disease.
So far, the
development program has helped all of those who have consulted us with Morgellon’s disease.
The program consists of a fairly strict diet high in particular cooked vegetables, about 8 nutritional individualized supplements,
and five detoxification and healing procedures. For details, read Introduction
To Development Programs.
Time required. Correction usually requires several
months for the skin lesions to fade away.
Correction of brain fog, weakness and other symptoms may take a year or
more on a development program.
Combining programs. We strongly advise clients not to combine
a development program with other therapies for Morgellon’s
disease. The reasons are:
1. Other
therapies are not needed.
2. Combining
programs usually ruins the development program.
1. Avoid drug therapy. Several people have committed suicide
due to the side effects of amphotericin-B, powerful
and prolonged antibiotic therapy, and other drugs used by mainstream, holistic
and naturopathic doctors for this condition.
2. Be careful with “natural”
substances. For example,
Mel at recommends molecular silver and MMS (miracle
mineral supplement) for Morgellon’s disease. MMS is definitely toxic and should not
be used for any extended period of time, and preferably avoided.
silver is also somewhat toxic, in our view. Side effects of these products might take years to show up.
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