by Dr. Lawrence Wilson
© February 2023, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.
All information in this article is for
educational purposes only. It is
not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health
Of Contents
Your Amazing Feet And
Name Confusion
An Entire Correspondence Science
How It Works And Theory
Safety And Cautions
Common Errors When Doing
What Stops People From
Using Reflexology?
Advantages of reflexology
When To Use Reflexology
Who Can Benefit
Use For Health Assessment
Use For Development
Pressing vs. Rubbing
Recliners And Coffee
Shoes And Shoe Inserts
Self vs. By Another vs.
Walking Barefoot
How To Get Started
Types Of Sessions
General Procedural
A General Relaxation
Top Of The Feet (Dorsal
Spot Therapy
Blocks To Doing Reflexology
V. Specific Reflexology
Sequences For Headache,
Digestive Upset, Cardiovascular Symptoms, and PMS
Tooth Reflexes
Restoring Brain
Working with Animals
Interlocking The Hands
The Meridians and Energy
“Popping” the toes and
The Spinal Twist And Yoga
Holding The Feet
Other Reflex Systems Of
The Body
Discoloration Of The Feet
Development And
Solid versus Hollow
The Core
Formal Instruction
Plantar Fasciitis And Reflexology
Over the
past 40 years, we have found hand and foot reflexology to be an amazingly safe and
effective method of healing.
Definition. The technique consists of firmly
pressing or tapping on various points or areas on the top, bottom, sides and
toes of the feet, and on the hands, as well. That is all there is to it!
Reflexology is a central part of all
development programs. Please do not
skip this aspect of the development program! This article is an introduction to this wonderful method of
In fact, the
feet and hands are just one of the body’s many reflex systems. Others are found in the colon, the
ears, the eyes, along the penis, inside the vagina, and along the limbs.
One way we
recommend using these by putting a shower massager on your shower and directing
the water flow to a particular area.
Also, the
coffee enema procedure uses the colon reflex system. Go to Right Side Colon Chart and Left Side colon Chart to view diagrams of
this reflex system.
The first
question most people ask is, Why Do This?
What is so special about my feet hands?
Here is a
partial list:
- All the
major acupuncture meridians turn around at the hands and at the feet. These are among the easiest locations
to energize or relax the flow of subtle energy through the acupuncture
- The skin
is very thin on the tops of the hands and feet. This makes it even easier to influence the meridians that
flow through these areas.
- The
fingers and toes, specifically reflex to the brain and
nervous system. The brain, in
turn, controls many bodily activities.
So working on these reflex areas is a simple and very safe way to affect
the functioning of the nervous system, and in turn, heal the body.
- The
technique is quite amazing because the same action of pressing or rubbing an
area can energize or relax that organ or gland. It is not necessary to know exactly what is needed for the
method to work. You just press or
tap the area.
- The method
involves touching, but is quite non-sexual and does not require undressing
except for removal of shoes and possibly socks.
is sometimes referred to as:
1. Acupressure. This term is not correct because it refers to stimulating
various acupuncture meridians using pressure over the acupuncture points. However, one does not need to know
acupuncture to do foot reflexology.
Reflexology is different from acupressure, although some reflexology
points are along acupuncture meridians.
2. Zone therapy. This is another word used to describe reflexology, at
times. I am not sure of the origin
of the word, but it is fairly accurate.
3. Channel therapy. Reflexology is one type of channel
therapy – a therapy that affects the subtle energy channels in the
body. For more on the body’s
channel system, please read the article entitled Channel Therapies on this website.
4. Correspondence therapy. This is accurate, and it means that one
part of the body corresponds to another part in mysterious ways. For much more on this interesting
subject, please read Correspondence on this
5. Shiatsu. This is an ancient Japanese name for the healing science of
pressing or tapping on the entire meridian system of the body, including the
feet and hands.
Foot and
hand reflexology is not just a technique to feel better. In fact, it is an entire science of correspondence. This means it is a science of how one
part of the body represents and reflects another part of the body. One could study it for years because it
is quite complex and involved.
1. Personal
use. Before I knew about nutritional
balancing I used reflexology every day to relieve pain. After work, each day, I sat in my
living room and jammed my feet into the sharp corners of a coffee table. Other days, I used the sharp corners of
the footrest of a recliner chair.
However, I
abused the technique, overdoing it in an effort to heal myself because I was
not on the right healing program.
Eventually, reflexology stopped working.
I still use
reflexology several times every day – at least when I awaken and at
bedtime. I may also do it while
watching television or while sitting for any reason.
I use it
more if I feel tired, anxious, irritated, or have difficulty sleeping. Usually, I lie down and do:
- the
spinal twist
- foot
and hand reflexology.
In many
cases, by the time I finish these, I feel much better.
2. Avoiding the emergency room. A friend called me at 1 AM, and asked
that I drive him to the hospital, as he had severe abdominal pain. I dressed and went to his apartment.
Before we
left, I said, “Let me do reflexology on you before we go to the hospital”. He laid on his
bed, and I began rubbing – especially the central part of the foot, which
corresponds to the abdominal area.
After about 15 minutes, he suddenly got up, went to the bathroom and
threw up. When he came out, he
said the pain was gone. It was
food poisoning, he told me.
3. Back pain. While attending a class, the woman
sitting next to me suddenly screamed and fell to the floor, in pain. “It is my back”, she said. “It goes out of joint, at times.” I pulled off one of her shoes and
started pressing hard along the arch of her foot, which reflexes to the spinal
column. Within a several minutes,
she was out of pain and stood up.
She was quite shocked, because she said usually these episodes do not go
away quickly and require a visit to a chiropractor.
4. Headache. While working as a medical intern in a
hospital, a man consulted me with a headache. As he began to tell me about it, I stopped him and asked him
to give me his hand while he described the problem. I began pressing and rubbing the palm and especially the
thumb and fingers, as well.
When he
finished telling me when the headache began, where it hurt, and what type of
pain, he said, “It’s strange, but the headache is gone.”
5. Internal bleeding. One night, after working all day in a
hospital, I was told by a supervisory physician to remain at the hospital with
a lady who had internal bleeding.
She was in a lot of pain, and it worried her doctors.
Not knowing
what to do, I pulled the curtain around her bed and suggested a foot
reflexology session. She
agreed. About twenty minutes into
the session, she surprised me by saying “I am feeling so much better. You can go home.”
The reflex
channels. A system of tiny tubes or energy channels run vertically
down the front and up the back of the body along the entire length of the
body. They form what are called
the reflex channels
that connect to all the organs, glands and tissues of the human and animal
Some of the
channels turn around at the feet and the hands. This may be why pressing or rubbing in these locations is
especially helpful. When one does
this, it stimulates the entire channel to empty or open, and this action moves
the energy along the channel.
Thousands of
these ultra-microscopic channels run the entire length of the body, according
to the theory of reflexology channels.
Each part of
your foot and hand – top, bottom and sides - corresponds or connects to a
particular organ, gland or area of the body. For example, the large toe, and all of the toes to some
degree, correspond or reflex to the head.
The arch of the foot reflexes or corresponds to the spine. The middle of the foot corresponds to
the trunk and internal organs.
As you press
on various areas of the feet or hands, sometimes you can feel bits of hard
sand-like crystals. This is a kind
of sediment that build up in the channels. When it is removed by rubbing properly,
the channel opens or empties.
Subtle energy then flows to the organ or gland with which the channel is
connected. It is a very complex
system, but simple to work with.
The reflex
channels are a very profound aspect of human physiology that is not well
understood. For this reason, and
perhaps others, this method is unfortunately not taught to people and not used
much by the medical or even the holistic healing professions. However, you can use reflexology or zone therapy
with great benefits.
is always the first concern in nutritional balancing science. Reflexology is very safe. However, here are a few cautions:
1. A session
should generally last less than half an hour. Ten to fifteen minutes is usually enough.
2. It is not
necessary to press or rub a place on the foot or hand for more than one or two
3. Do not
repeat reflexology sessions more than four times daily.
4. Never
force anything. If an area of the
foot or hand is hard, tender or painful, it usually needs rubbing. However, it may take days, weeks, or
even years to soften the area, so be patient.
5. Always
use blunt reflexology tools. Never
use sharp objects on the hands or feet.
are the most common errors and difficulties that may arise with foot and hand
1. Overdoing a treatment. Reflexology is actually very
powerful. Do not treat yourself or
another person for more than 20 to 30 minutes. Only trained people may be able to do longer treatments.
can remove some toxic substances from the body very quickly. If these are not released fast enough,
or if one overtreats, one can experience some mild
toxic effects that usually disappear quickly. These typically include some nausea, light-headedness or
perhaps dizziness. These are not
usually worrisome, but are not helpful.
Always have
just one person rub your hands or feet at a time. More than one person working on the same foot or hand is
usually too much. It is probably
okay to have one person work on one foot while another
works on the other. However, even
here, please be careful, as too much treatment is not helpful and can cause
some inflammation.
2. Pressing too hard. Pressing or rubbing too hard may cause
pain, and even a black and blue mark.
If this happens, allow the area to heal for a few days, and then use
much less pressure on this area, as the veins may be weak in that area.
When rubbing
the top of a foot or a hand, be much more gentle. The blood
vessels in this area are far more delicate. Use some oil, if needed, to make rubbing smoother.
3. Pressing or
rubbing too lightly. During a
session, you should find some painful areas, and perhaps some areas that are
quite tender. If you are not
feeling any of these, you may be rubbing too gently. Try increasing the pressure a little bit.
Some people
do not have enough strength in their fingers to do a good job at
reflexology. They should use a
foot roller, hand roller, or perhaps sit on a recliner and place their feet on
the edge of the foot rest to be able to apply enough
force or pressure.
method if this is a problem is to sit so that your feet or even hands are
placed against the corner of a coffee table to do the treatment. Otherwise, you will need to have
someone else do the treatment on you.
can be done anywhere, anytime, and by anyone, even a child. The only requirements are willingness
and a little strength in your hands to press on the reflex points.
It is very
safe when done properly, and often amazingly powerful and effective for both
acute and chronic health conditions.
Any time your feet hurt. Pain in the
feet means they need pressing or rubbing, and the pain will often subside. This may sound too simple, but it
usually works very well.
Emergencies. Zone
therapy can be used for emergencies, as described later in this article. It may even save a life if used during
a heart attack, a stroke, shock or a hemorrhage.
Chronic health conditions: It is
excellent for chronic conditions ranging from constipation, pain, subluxation of joints, to very serious conditions as well.
Healing reactions and toxin removal. It can help
remove all toxins and infections from the body, and may even be able to shift
boney and other structures by some unknown mechanism. It can even help open certain channels of energy that can
permanently improve one’s health status and promote what I call mental or
spiritual development.
All acute
conditions. Reflexology is
also excellent for all acute conditions such as infections, accidents and
injuries, toothaches, and much more.
Children. Reflexology is a wonderful method for
parents to help their children’s health in a safe, easy and enjoyable
manner. Children usually love
having their feet rubbed and respond well, in part, because their vitality
level is high. This is an
important point.
It is also a
way to connect and touch your children that is non-sexual, yet quite intimate
and very caring and nourishing. It
can be used for many problems in children such as stomach
aches, headaches, trouble falling asleep (it is fabulous for insomnia),
sore throats, colds, other infections, asthma attacks, bruises, other aches and
pains, and more. You can also
teach your children to do it on themselves, and maybe they will trade with you
and give you a session, as well.
can also benefit from reflexology in unique ways because the technique may open
them to some deeper healing and mental development. This is a large topic discussed in other articles on this
website and later in this article.
Teens and
adults. Teens usually
love this technique. Reflexology
is often an excellent way to connect with teenagers, and they can use it safely
on their friends, as well. It is a
method of non-sexual and non-threatening touch that most enjoy greatly. It can be used just for relaxation and
stress release, or for therapy as described elsewhere in this article.
Those over
age 65 or so. Adults of all ages can respond beautifully to
reflexology. Once again, it is a
non-threatening and safe way to connect with elderly patients, and others.
treating older people, use less pressure, and perhaps do shorter
treatments. Use extra care because
the skin is usually thinner and more delicate, and the veins are usually weaker
and can be broken more easily.
Foot and
hand reflexology is very effective to greatly speed up development. This is a unique healing process that
is the key to the success of nutritional balancing programs.
The main
technique we use is to press on the acupuncture meridians that are on the top
of the feet, and the central channel that runs along the arch of each foot from
the big toe to the heel. One can
also press on the seven energy centers, which run in a line from the top of the
end of the fourth toe on each foot straight back in a line toward the
heel. These are described in more
detail later in this article.
Pressing on
these areas about every 5 to 10 minutes while you are doing the pushing down
exercise greatly enhances the effect of the pushing down exercise. For details about development, read Introduction To Development.
Another use
for hand or foot reflexology is to figure out the cause of a symptom or
disease. In fact, this can be a
wonderful use for reflexology.
For example,
if a person is not feeling well, one can begin to press on various areas of the
feet, noticing which reflex points are tender. This can provide excellent insight about which organ, gland or other structure is the cause of the
I have
included two foot reflex maps with this article. If you have any interest in this
technique, which I hope you do, then study the maps. They will give you the general layout of the foot
there are literally thousands of reflex points on the hands or the feet. The maps are simply not large or
detailed enough to include most of the reflex points. Some day I hope that will change with the use of computers
to list and map the points.
are a number of ways to do reflexology:
Pressing or
hitting using your fingers.
With your fingers, you can either press on the reflex areas or hit or
tap the area by making a fist and using the knuckles or the flat middle section
of all the fingers.
Our research
is that hitting is often better than pressing. It is also less work.
Tools. Another option is to use a reflexology
tool or massager. Health food
stores or online natural healing stores sell foot rollers, hand rollers, and
rubber, wooden or metal balls, blocks, and other devices to help with your
reflexology therapy.
Using tools
is a little cleaner than using your fingers, and are excellent if your fingers
are not strong enough to do a thorough job. Here are a few comments about reflexology tools:
- Foot rollers.
These resemble rolling pins used for baking, but with small projections
on them. You can sit in a chair
and read, work, talk on the phone, or watch television while rolling your foot
back and forth over the roller.
- Pencil-like objects. These are for pressing hard on
a spot. These can help, but be
careful not to overdo with them.
- Balls.
These are usually made of wood or hard plastic that one can roll around
under one’s feet. Some people
really like these.
- Electrical machines. You insert your feet or hands in the machine, which presses
upon, rubs, or vibrates the feet or hands. These are often more like massage than reflexology, but they
have some effect and make reflexology very easy.
- The Thumper, Theracane or other
back and neck massagers. These are also
good but it is easy to overdo with them.
We suggest wearing socks if you use an electric massager on your feet to
protect the feet.
And Coffee Tables. You
can roll or press on the feet with a roller on the floor. However, you can also move the hands or
feet over a sharp or pointed surface to do reflexology.
One of these
is the corners of the foot support pad of a recliner
chair. This works quite well. You can sit comfortably in the chair
and position your feet so that the corner of the foot support pad is just below
your foot. Then press the foot
into the corner of the pad.
The other
common object people use is the sharp corner of a living room coffee
table. One sits in a comfortable
chair that is placed so that the feet just reach the corner of the coffee
table. Then, using some muscular
force, you press the foot into the corner of the coffee table.
Shoes And
Shoe Inserts. Shoe
inserts, and even special sandals are sold that have short rubber projections
sticking up along the entire sole of the foot. They provide a reflexology session whenever one walks in
Shoe inserts
or special shoes can definitely be helpful, although one cannot reach all the
points. They make reflexology easy
to do and more fun. Those that do
not like them usually are the very people who need reflexology the most!
vs. By Another vs. Professional reflexology. You can press on your hands
and/or feet by yourself.
Self-therapy the
following advantages:
- you
can do it any time of the day or night.
- you can regulate the pressure and the duration of the
session most easily
- you don’t need a friend or partner to help you.
Therapy by another person has the
following advantages:
- it can be more fun
- the position is a little better. You don’t have to pull your feet up to reach them.
- you can feel pampered by having someone give you a foot rub.
Professional reflexology is available
in many locations. Often, the
session begins by soaking your feet in a warm foot bath. Then you sit in a recliner chair for 30
minutes or so for the therapy.
My only
concerns are that the person doing it be very clean, washing the hands before
and after each session. Young
women should always be careful to obtain references before being alone with any
health practitioner.
reflexology has the following advantages:
if done well, it may be more powerful and therapeutic
than when done by an amateur.
it is often a longer, more involved session.
it is a treat, like going out for ice cream, except
that reflexology is a lot better for you!
Massage. Another way some people get foot
reflexology is as part of a massage.
This can be excellent if the massage therapist knows reflexology and
want to spend the time on it.
However, usually it is not the main part of the massage, and many
massage therapists are not trained as reflexologists,
so it is not too powerful.
Walking Barefoot. Another way to do a reflexology session
is to walk around barefoot, especially on pebbles or on other uneven
surfaces. I don’t recommend this
method. It works, but it is easy
to get cuts on the feet that can become infected.
The only
exception is if you have a safe place to do it, and you slowly condition your
feet to the rough surface so that you tolerate it well. Even in this situation, you will not be
able to obtain all the benefits of reflexology because it is not possible to
press on the top of the foot or the sides of the foot easily while walking.
You will
need a map of the feet, and preferably of the hands as well. Two decent maps of the feet can be
found on this website in PDF format by clicking on Foot Chart 1 and/or
Foot Chart 2. Click here for a Foot Chart in a
different format. Others are
available via the internet or in some health food
Tools. You may want to experiment with various
reflexology tools, as described above.
These are not necessary, but some people like to use them.
will suggest three different ways to do reflexology on yourself
or on another person. They are:
1. A general or relaxation session. This is used to help relax the body, for
toning of the body, or perhaps if one is in pain or has other symptoms for
which one does not know the cause.
It is also excellent for a generalized infection such as a cold or flu,
and for many other acute or chronic symptoms.
a general reflexology session, one does not focus on any particular area of the
foot or hand. Instead, one rubs firmly both feet or both hands, and one moves along the
entire hand or foot.
If a spot
appears tense, or is tender and painful, one can spend a little more time
working on it. Often the tension
or pain will diminish after a minute or two. However, one should continue on to complete the entire
treatment of both feet or both hands. A general session usually lasts between
10 and 20 minutes per foot or hand.
2. Top of the feet or dorsal surface
along the metatarsal bones. This area
reflexes to the major acupuncture meridians of the body and to the seven major
physical energy centers, also called chakras in Sanskrit.
acupuncture meridians:
Liver meridian. The
webbing, and extending back, between the large toe and the second toe relates
to the liver
Kidney meridian. The
webbing, and extending back, between the second and third toes relates to the kidney meridian.
intestine meridian. The webbing, and extending back, between the third and
fourth toes has to do with the small intestine meridian.
Spleen-pancreas meridian. The
webbing, and extending back, between the fourth and fifth toes has to do with
the spleen-pancreas
Stomach meridian. The outside of the metatarsal
bone, extending from the base of the smallest or most distal toe back toward
the heel, has to do with the stomach meridian.
These are
very excellent areas to rub while doing any reflexology session. They are often tender or painful. Just rub them anyway. Some people like having a little length
to their fingernails to go deep along and in between the metatarsal bones.
seven energy centers
These are all found in a line that runs along the top of the
foot from the top of the fourth toe and ending somewhat below the heel bone on
the outside of each foot. As a
result, the locations are roughly:
center – (or crown center) – tip of the fourth toe, nearer the
outside of the toe.
center – (or brow center) – base of the fourth toe, outside of
the toe.
Fifth center – (or throat center) - top
of the foot, about 1/3 of the way from the toe to the heel.
center – (or heart center) - top of each foot, almost halfway from
the toe to the heel.
center – (or solar plexus center) - top or outside of the foot about
1 centimeter below the ankle bone that protrudes on
the outer side of the foot.
Second center (located just below the navel) – outside of
each foot, below the ankle bone, about half way up the
foot from the floor to the ankle bone.
center (or root center) – outer side of each foot, near the heel,
about half way up the foot from the base to the ankle bone.
3. Spot therapy. This approach focuses on a particular organ, gland
or area of the body such as relieving a headache by rubbing the reflex areas on
the foot related to the head and neck.
following will enhance any reflexology session:
Be sure you are comfortable. Preferably lie down, or sit comfortably
in a recliner or other comfortable chair.
Relax the entire body. In other words, make sure you are not tense anywhere.
Be sure to drink
some water if you are thirsty, or eat if you are hungry. In
fact, I suggest drinking a small glass of water before each session even if you
do not think you are thirsty, as it will often help the session to be more
Breathe deeply
before and during the session. This is less important, but may help,
as well.
If someone else
is giving you a session, let them know if they are
rubbing too hard, or not hard enough. Also, be sure to tell the person who is
treating you if you believe an area needs more attention. Tell the person exactly where to rub
and how to rub the area. This is
very important in some cases.
Learn about some
odd places to rub, such as the sides and tops of the toes. Also,
the crevices between the toes and other unusual spots will often be found to be
very sensitive.
Sessions usually
need not be longer than 10 to 20 minutes per foot or hand. At
times, a longer session is helpful, while at times, a shorter session is adequate. Practice will help you determine this.
I have had
professional reflexology where the practitioner first soaked my feet in warm
water. This is relaxing, and is also cleaner for the practitioner,
though it is not necessary.
Some people like
to use a little almond oil or other oil when doing a reflexology session,
especially on another person. It can make your hand slide along the
foot or hand a little easier. I do
not feel this is necessary, but some people prefer it.
tools. These are usually rubber or wooden rollers, balls that one
rolls under the feet, or others.
These can be very helpful if used correctly. They are discussed in more detail later in this article.
is a very worthwhile daily or even twice daily use of reflexology. Here are some tips about it:
The order of
the session is not critical.
However, I was taught to begin with the left foot or the left hand
first. After finishing the left
foot or hand, then move to the right one.
I was also
taught to begin on the top of each foot, or back of the hand. On the top of the foot or back of the
hand only, rub from the ankle or wrist toward the toes or fingers. Then rub the bottom of the foot or palm
of the hand. Here I was taught to
move from the tips of the toes or fingers toward the feel of the foot or wrist.
It may help to
always move in a straight lines, although once again this is not that critical
in most cases.
Rub quite
firmly, enough to cause some pain.
If, however, the person you are treating becomes tense and complains,
back off a little until the person relaxes and allows the therapy. It may take a few sessions for a person
to get used to reflexology and to trust you with his or her feet or hands.
requires that you use a chart or map of the reflexes on the feet and
hands. Two decent maps of the feet
can be found on this website in PDF format by clicking on Foot Chart 1
and/or Foot Chart 2. Click here for a Foot Chart in a
different format. Others are
available via the internet or in some health food
You can rub
the areas that you feel need attention, and perhaps use the technique to
relieve symptoms. It works quickly
on many acute symptoms. Chronic
conditions will require multiple sessions in most cases, and requires both
general sessions and spot therapy in many cases.
Spot therapy
is excellent as a remedy for headaches, back aches, poisonings of some kinds,
infections, and other symptoms such as an upset stomach, or even an emotional
upset. A few simple rules are:
In most cases,
rub the reflex area you are interested in on both feet, even if the chart shows the
problem area to be just on one hand or on one foot. This may
enhance your results.
If possible,
always follow your spot treatment with a quick general foot or hand rub. This can help balance the entire body and therefore help relieve
symptoms and tone the body.
Do not overdo a spot treatment. Usually, ten to twenty minutes is
enough. In a few cases, more time
may be needed.
Be careful not to rub too hard. Some people rub too lightly, but others definitely rub too
hard. It should hurt a little, but
not be unbearable. Rubbing too
hard can tear blood vessels, especially in older people and in babies. Be careful not to do this, as you will
then not be able to do a reflexology treatment until your hand or foot
heals. Short movements are
sometimes better than longer, deeper movements for this reason.
section is in the form of questions and answers.
1. How
can I make my feet hurt less when I do reflexology?
feet hurt, often, because you need reflexology. Do it daily and the pain will subside. Try the reflexology shoe inserts to
begin with, perhaps. This will
hurt also, but the pain will subside.
2. What can I
do about smelly, sweaty feet that I do not want to touch?
1. Do reflexology just after you shower when your feet are clean and smell good.
2. Wear thin socks. This may not be quite as good, but it works.
3. Wash the feet before working on them. You can use a washrag or “baby wipes” sold at the drugstore. Or take a foot bath before your reflexology session. This feels delightful and foot baths are not expensive. (Do not use a detox foot bath – just a plain foot bath sold in many stores).
4. If necessary, begin by working on your hands - and those of your partner, children, parents and friends. The feet are amazing, however, so hopefully you can eventually move to the feet, as well.
3. How can I find time to do reflexology?
1. Do it while talking on the phone.
2. Do it while reading.
3. Do it while watching television or a movie.
4. Schedule it as family time, dating time, or just relaxation time.
5. I do it in bed, before going to sleep or upon awakening. It only takes 10 minutes!
6. Some of our clients do it all day while working
at their desk. They rub their feet
on a foot roller. This way, it
does not take any extra time.
7. Another way to do it throughout the day is to
buy a pair of shoe inserts or reflexology shoes, and wear them often.
4. What can I do
if my family or cultural tradition is not to touch the feet of oneself or of
This is
an understandable cultural rule. In past times, the feet were often filthy
because people did not bathe often.
Today, however, things have changed drastically. It is easy to keep your feet clean, and
easy to wash them quickly before a reflexology session.
So it is time to begin a
new tradition based on the truth that reflexology is simple, effective, safe
and even fun.
1. Do the
therapy in the order suggested.
2. Always do
both feet, even if your pain or discomfort is only on one side.
3. Work on
the left foot first, followed by the right foot.
4. Press or
rub more on any area or point that is very tender or painful. Often the tenderness will subside if
you do this, and symptoms will also improve.
Headaches. Begin with the spinal twist, followed
by pulling up the knees and then pushing down and popping the toes. This is to loosen up the entire
structure and subtle energy system.
Then press
briefly over each entire foot.
This is energizing and relaxing.
Do both feet briefly, before moving on to the specific therapy.
Now go to
the toes on one of your feet, especially the big toe. You may want to begin by pulling and twisting the toe back
and forth, and up and down. You
can move it in a circle, as well.
Now rub and
press all around the big toe. Do
not forget to do the tip of the toe, the soft pad underneath, and all around
the base of the toe. Once you are
finished with this part of the session, do the same to the other foot.
Finish the
session by briefly pressing or rubbing the entire foot, one foot at a
time. The whole session should
take no more than 10 to 15 minutes.
Digestive upset. Begin with the spinal twist, pulling up
the knees, and popping the toes of both feet. This is to relax you and to move subtle energy throughout
the body.
Now briefly rub
or press all over both feet, one foot at a time. This is to further relax the body and prepare for the
specific therapy.
Now move on
to the digestive organs, one foot at a time. These are located in the central area of the bottom of both
feet. Spend at least five minutes
on this area on each foot.
Finish up
with another brief rub or pressing on the entire foot – top bottom, sides
and around the ankle bones.
Cardiovascular symptoms such as
palpitations or rapid heart beat.
This can be very helpful for retracing symptoms during a nutritional
balancing program.
Once again,
begin by briefly rubbing the entire foot, one foot at a time. Then move to the heart area, which is
located on both
feet below or to the rear of the second and third toes. Rub the area firmly, all around,
especially any spots that are tender or painful. Usually, you will find a few of them. Do one foot at a time.
Now finish
up by briefly rubbing the entire foot, one foot at a time.
Premenstrual Syndrome. Our women
clients report this can be extremely helpful if you have painful menstrual
periods. Once again, begin with a
firm, brief rub over the entire foot, one foot at a time.
Now move to
the ovarian area, one foot at a time.
This is located just below the ankle bone that
sticks out on the outside of each foot.
Rub all around. Often this
area will be very painful or tender.
That is okay. Just keep
rubbing, one foot at a time.
Finish up
with another brief rubbing or pressing of the entire foot, one foot at a time.
These are
not included in most foot charts, but they work amazingly for abscesses, pain
or inflammation after dental surgery of any kind, and other toothaches. Some points are hard to find, so
observe these simple rules:
1. All
points are on the SIDES of the THIRD and FOURTH toes.
2. Always do
both feet, even though your pain or problem is only on one side.
TEETH are always nearer the nail or TIP of the toe.
TEETH are always nearer the BASE of the toe or DEEP IN THE WEBBING of the base
of the toes.
TEETH are always on the INSIDE or MEDIAL side of the toes (side nearest the big
TEETH are always on the OUTSIDE or DISTAL side of the toes (side nearest the
little pinky toe).
7. When you
find the right point, it will usually hurt a lot. Rub firmly for about 10 seconds only (count slowly to
10). Then stop. Repeat this about 7 times a day in this
Pain in the right upper second molar: Look for
the reflex point on the FOURTH toe, INSIDE of MEDIAL side, very near the BASE
of the toe in the webbing. When
you find it, rub it firmly for a slow count of 10 and do this 7 times
daily. Always do this on both
feet. Often the most change will
come from rubbing the toe on the side opposite the painful side.
An unusual
and interesting use for reflexology is to influence what is called the brain
architecture. The brain
architecture has to do with twists and distortions within the head or cranium
that cause the brain not to sit exactly evenly in the head. This may sound unimportant, but it can
be important for health and healing, and disturbances of it are common, in
The cause of
the mal-alignment of the brain in the cranium is usually a rape, an old
accident, or other injury or trauma.
Most people who have this problem are totally unaware of it, but it may
affect their thinking and perception in unusual ways. It can even contribute to mental illnesses.
Because this
is a somewhat involved procedure, it is discussed in a separate article
entitled Brain Architecture.
Many people ask me for safe ways they can help heal
their animals. Reflexology is one
excellent answer.
One can often observe dogs and cats licking or
biting their paws. Most often,
this is an attempt to do reflexology on themselves. The problem with biting the paws is
that the animals can bloody themselves because their teeth are so sharp.
So I suggest you help them out. Use a human foot chart to guide you as
to where to rub the paws. The
front paws are usually the most important ones to rub.
Always do both left and right paws. Watch your dog or cat and rub where he or she bites the paws
to figure out where to rub, if you are not sure. Some day, we will have a reflexology chart for dogs and for
cats. For now, use a human
reflexology chart, as they are similar.
For much more information about dogs, please read Dogs
And Nutritional Balancing on this website. For more about cats, please read Cats And
Nutritional Balancing.
the fingers of both hands, and then squeezing the fingers together, is a type
of reflexology session on the hands.
One can put the hands together with palms facing one another, and then
put the hands together with palms facing outward and the backs of the hands
touching each other.
This is done
commonly by people, almost unconsciously. While holding this hand position, one can easily apply
pressure to certain reflex points on the sides of the fingers by squeezing the
fingers together. This is very
safe, as far as I know, and can be quite relaxing as long as one keeps
breathing through it.
The most
relaxing is often to interlock the fingers when the hands are back to back,
meaning the backs of the hands are touching each other, not the front. Another relaxing position is to begin
with the hands back to back and then interlock all the knuckles that are
closest to the hand.
The reflex
areas for these are found along the top of the foot. There are seven meridians or channels on each foot. They are parallel to the length of the
foot. The first and seventh are
actually slightly on the bottom of the foot.
The most
medial or innermost channel is the central channel. The reflex area is found along the arch of the foot. There are actually two central channels
that are close to each other, one on either side of the spine. There are also two reflex areas –
one on each foot.
The second channel
starts between the first and second toes and goes back toward the heel. It is
associated with the liver meridian in acupuncture.
The third
channel starts between the second and third toe and goes straight back between
the metatarsal bones to the ankle area.
The fourth
channel starts between the third and fourth toes. It goes straight back between the metatarsal bones to the
ankle area.
The fifth
channel starts between the fourth and fifth toes. It also goes straight back between the metatarsal bones to
the ankle area.
The sixth
channel starts on the outside of the fifth toe. It also goes straight back between the metatarsal bones to
the ankle area.
The seventh
channel starts on the pad of the pinky or smallest finger. It is on the bottom of the foot, near
the outer edge, and goes back toward the heel of the hand.
The reflex
areas for these are along the fifth channel described above. The seventh center is near the tip of
the fourth toe. The sixth is at
the based of the fourth toe. The
fifth is about an inch back toward the ankle along the fifth channel.
The fourth
is about in the middle of the foot, while the third is just ahead of the ankle bone along the fifth channel
The second
center is just behind the ankle bone and below
it. The first energy center is
almost at the Achilles tendon at the end of the fifth channel. All of them are located along the fifth
channel as it moves back toward the ankle, and they are on both feet.
“Popping” or
pushing down the toes toward the ground should be part of a complete
reflexology session. It is
relaxing and helps clear the energy flow through the joints of the feet, and
perhaps the hands.
How to “pop”
a toe or finger correctly.
To do this properly without injuring oneself, first take hold of a toe
or finger firmly, holding it on the sides or the top and bottom with several
fingers. Then pull the toe or
finger slightly away from the foot or hand, and then quickly bend it downward.
When this is
done, a quick release of tension may occur, usually with a slight popping
sound. If it does not happen, do
not worry about it, and in general, do not keep trying to do it more than
twice, for example. In some
people, it occurs easily, while in others it takes more pressure or it does not
procedure seems to relieve some congestion in the joint of the feet or hands,
and at times, actually adjusts the joints similar to the way a chiropractic
session adjusts the spine. It can
be profoundly relaxing and definitely assists the flow of subtle energy
throughout the entire body, at times.
Always pull
or pop the foot or hand joints gently, as too much force could damage a
joint. The popping sound is
annoying or scary for some people.
When done correctly, however, I am not aware that it causes any
damage. People have done it
thousands of time with no apparent ill effects.
This goes along
beautifully with a reflexology session.
Both procedures tend to balance the body and restore the flow of subtle
energy throughout the body. I
always begin a reflexology session with the spinal twist.
I twist the
hips, then bend each knee and pull the leg toward your rear end, and then pop
the toes, as explained in the section above. I also attempt to move the core by bending the foot like you
are going to fold it in half along the long axis (from toes to heel). Even if it does not obviously move, it
is excellent to move some subtle energy.
For the
details on this topic, please read The Spinal
Twist on this site.
Yoga. Some clients tell me they
don’t need the spinal twist or reflexology because they do yoga. However, we do not recommend yoga,
except the gentlest restorative yoga.
Among the reasons for this warning are:
1. Yoga
spins the third energy center backwards.
This is a serious problem.
2. It moves
energy in the wrong direction (which is any direction except downward).
3. Soft
tissue injuries are very common.
For more on
yoga, read Yoga.
This is
another simple technique that feels very good, in some cases. One simply holds the foot of the other
person, with one hand on top of the foot and one hand on the bottom.
A very good
position is to place the hand that is on the bottom perpendicular to the foot,
with the center of the palm of the hand over the middle section of the foot
– or heart area. This can be
very soothing. Place the other
hand on the top of the middle of the foot and join the two hands at the
One can also
hold the heel area, and definitely try holding the toe areas of each foot. Put a little pressure as you do it, as
this may feel even better. The
person who is acting as therapist should send energy
into the foot as this is done.
The colon. This is a very important reflex system
that is used when one does a coffee enema. For details, read Coffee Enemas. In this article is a diagram of the
colon reflex system.
The vagina. The very back of the
vagina reflexes to the head area.
The middle and front of the vagina reflexes to the
organs of the body. The
bottom of the vagina reflexes to the front of the body and the top of the
vagina reflexes to the back.
This system
often needs healing because the vagina is very delicate. Molestation, Rape and even
ordinary sex can traumatize it.
Infections are also common here.
Also read The Vagina.
Methods to
reverse the damage in addition to the basic development program are the Vaginal Coffee Implants, Vaginal Peroxide Implants, Genital Baths, the use of the Bidet, Down Sex, and
vaginal reflexology therapy.
The anal reflex system. While is may sound unusual, there is a
very important reflex system in the round outer sphincter muscle of the
anus. We discovered this
accidentally while using a bidet, which sprays water on the anus from below and
fits onto a toilet.
The reflexes to the head area is the part of the sphincter
nearest the front of the body. The
reflexes to the lower organs are the part of the sphincter nearest the
spine. The front of the body is on
the right side of the sphincter.
The back and kidneys, for example, are on the left side.
The ear
reflex system. This is a more
complex reflex system because the ear lobe is a separate system from the rest
of the ear.
Most of the ear: the top reflexes to the head and moves
down the body as one moves down the ear.
The ear lobe: This basically repeats the pattern of
the rest of the ear.
Also, the entire
ear corresponds to parts of the brain.
The eyes. The top of the
eyeballs reflex to the head area.
The head.
Others. The arms and legs.
Knowledge of
foot reflexology is very ancient.
The technique has been around for thousands of years, and was used in
many ancient cultures.
History with
nutritional balancing.
Dr. Paul Eck did not include reflexology in his nutritional balancing
programs, although he was aware of the benefits of foot and hand
reflexology. I added this
technique because it fits our stringent criteria for therapies that are safe,
yang in macrobiotic terminology, inexpensive and very effective.
I have
observed with several clients that during a nutritional balancing program, a
reflex area of the feet may suddenly discolor. The area usually changes to a darker, brown or purplish
First rule
out causes such as stubbing your toe, a tight shoe, or stepping on a rock. If there is no obvious cause, it can be
a healing reaction that involves the reflex system on the feet. You may be able to ascertain where
healing is taking place by noting which reflex area is discolored.
discoloration usually goes away by itself in a week or so, once the healing
reaction is completed. No therapy
is required. You can press on the
affected area of the foot, and this may speed up the healing.
is very powerful to speed up development. This may
occur because reflexology helps open certain energy channels in the body that
will remain open for the rest of one’s life.
will enhance one’s health, improve elimination of all types of toxins, and can
help extend life. The concept of
development is discussed in a number of articles on this website such as Introduction To Development.
is an area that runs through the middle of the bottom of each foot. It is often very tight, and can be
painful to the touch. Doctors sometimes
believe that when this area is painful, one has plantar fasciitis. However, usually it is just that this
foot reflex area is extremely tense and inflamed.
area is one of the last ones to relax on most people. Therefore, do not concern yourself with it too much. Just do your sessions, and eventually,
the core softens.
solid organs of the body include the liver, kidneys, brain, spleen, pancreas,
and all of the glands such as the thyroid, adrenals, ovaries, testis, pituitary
and pineal glands.
The hollow
organs are the lungs, stomach, large and small intestines, heart, urinary
bladder and gall bladder.
doing reflexology, you may find that the solid organs can take a little more
pressure than the hollow organs.
For this reason, you may need to apply less pressure and be more gentle when working on the hollow organs such as the
lungs and bronchial tubes. This
may help to fine tune your treatments for the greatest effectiveness.
No formal
training is needed to do reflexology, though some instruction can be
helpful. Several books are
available about it. Good ones are Stories The Feet
Have Told and Stories
The Feet Can Tell by Ingram.
Another book is called Zone Therapy.
Depending on
where you live, schools and on-line institutes offer courses of study if you
want to delve more deeply into this fascinating science.
pain affects more than 3 million Americans each year. Often a doctor will call the problem plantar fasciitis. This means inflammation of the large
tendon that connects the toes and the heel, located on the bottom of the foot.
However, in many
cases, foot pain is just the body’s way of signaling you that it needs a reflexology
Our clients
sometimes tell me “I cannot rub my feet because they hurt”. I respond – “Your feet hurt
because you need reflexology, and you can often literally rub out the pain.
the flow of subtle energy is stuck, which causes the pain. Reflexology solves the problem and the
pain goes away. Try it!
The arch
– Reflex To The Spine
The Toes
– Reflex to the head and brain.
Between the
Metatarsals – Top Of The Feet – reflex to the main meridians.
The Sexual
Areas – these are mainly on either side of the foot, just below the ankle bone.
The thyroid
gland and neck – the neck or base of the big toe
The Adrenal,
Kidney and Bladder Areas – bottom of the foot just ahead of the heel.
Above the Ankle Bone – the meridians travel through this area. Rubbing or pressing here can help
activate and clear the meridians.
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