by Dr. Lawrence Wilson
© July 2024, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.
All information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.
WARNING: Do not eat much for at least one hour before doing a coffee enema. If you eat soon before doing an enema, the enema will upset your stomach.
However, a coffee enema can lower your blood sugar a little. I sometimes eat three almonds or a small amount of goat yogurt before an enema to help keep the blood sugar steady.
WARNING: A coffee enema may give you a headache. If this occurs, do another enema. This will often take the headache away. The headache is just due to detoxification.
Click here to go directly to the coffee enema procedure. Click here to read a short version of this article in Greek.
New Introductory Material – The Coffee Quick Start And Coffee Saturation
Definitions Of A Coffee Enema?
The Need For Coffee Enemas
History Of Coffee Enemas
Why Coffee Enemas?
What Coffee Enemas Do
High Level Coffee Enemas
What Is Coffee?
The Best Coffee For Enemas
Types Of Coffee Cleanups
Coffee As A Beverage
Types of Effects
Effects Of Coffee Enemas On The Colon (including the reflex charts)
Effects Elsewhere
List Of Enema Effects
4. Equipment Used For Coffee Enemas
Enema Buckets – Plastic, Glass And Stainless Steel
Enema Bags – Open And Closed
Enema Tips
Clamps, Valves And Filters
A Pipe Cleaner To Clean The Enema Tip
Colon Tubes
Fleet Enema Bottles
Other Equipment:
The Colema Board
The Electric Automatic Enema Kit
The Peristeen
Colonic Irrigation Machines
The Basic Procedure
Step 1. Gathering The Equipment
Step 2. Decide Where To Do Your Coffee Cleanse
Step 3. Preparing The Coffee
Step 4. Getting The Temperature Right
Step 5. Preparing To Take The Enema
Step 6. Doing The Enema
Step 7. What To Do While Retaining Your Enema
Step 8. What To Expect
Step 9. Clean Up
Extra Procedures
Breathing Coffee During Your enema
Extra Brain Healing With Enemas – Holding Coffee In The Mouth During An Enema
Two Back-To-Back Enemas
Pre-Enema Water Purge
Exposure To A Reddish Heat Lamp
Longer Enemas
Tapping/Shiatsu/Massage For Deeper Healing
Coffee Enemas For Children
Other information
When To Do Your Enema
How Often?
What If You Are Ill?
How To Save Time
Notes About Long Coffee Enemas
What Happens Inside The Body
Helpful Hints
6. Cautions And Troubleshooting
Other Errors
7. Controversy And Myths About Coffee Enemas
8. A Total Healing Program With Coffee Enemas
Diet, Nutritional Supplements And Other Healing And Detoxification Procedures
9. Therapies Related To Coffee Enemas
The Vaginal Coffee Implant
The Penis Coffee Implant
The Oral Coffee Hold
Coffee In An Ear Or Sinus
Colonic Irrigation
Enemas With Other Substances
Herbs For The Colon And The Liver
10. The Colon And Its Pathologies
Anatomy And Physiology Of The Colon
Causes For Colon Disease
Diseases Of The Colon
Principles Of Detoxification
Coffee Enema Detoxification Mechanisms
13. Cases/Personal Experiences
I. For Practitioners
II. The Townsend Letter Article About Coffee Enemas
III. Resources And Internet Videos About Coffee Enemas
IV. The Colon Reflex Charts
Coffee is a remarkable healing medicine. Many people drink it. However, I am told that drinking coffee destroys about three-fourths of coffee's nutrients and other beneficial chemicals. It is also somewhat irritating for the stomach.
For these reasons, the best way to use coffee is in the form or an enema. This method best preserves the beneficial qualities of coffee. Also, the colon or large intestine filters most of the toxins in coffee and prevents their absorption into the body.
- Coffee enemas are very healing in many ways. For example, they help remove toxins, assist nutrition, heal infections and remove witchcraft and other damage. This often improves perception and increases sensitivity.
- Coffee improves relationships. One of the most interesting effects of doing daily coffee enemas is that if you are in a marriage you will learn more about your relationship.
This occurs because coffee helps connect people deeply. We say coffee is communal. It fosters and deepens communication between souls and between people. It is one of the most interesting qualities of coffee when used properly.
Case history. One of our clients had been married for many years. Their marriage even included doing the male-female blending exercises called Tan Science or Male-Female Blending. Both partners believed the marriage was fine.
One day, she and her husband learned about the benefits of coffee enemas. They both began to do two coffee enemas daily. One must use this much coffee in enemas to experience the full effects of coffee upon connecting and relationships.
Within a few weeks of starting the enemas, the woman found herself feeling ill and very uncomfortable each time she and her husband came together sexually. The husband also changed. He became less interested in his wife and started treating her badly. Both partners now realize that their marriage was not healthy.
- Coffee used properly heals traumas. Most people have traumas from childhood and beyond. These affect every area of life, although the effects can be subtle. For example, some marriages are trauma-based. This means that one or both partners are traumatized and the marriage compensates or in some other way helps the partners handle their traumas. If one heals the traumas, the marriage is no longer needed or appropriate.
- Coffee used properly helps rebuild and strengthen the seventh energy center. This energy center connects us to our real self, and to God and spiritual guidance. When this occurs, one may realize that one's life needs to change in order to remain spiritually aligned and in full integrity.
- Coffee used properly speeds up the unusual process called development. This is a genetic upgrade of the body that builds health, extends life and causes the unfolding of special abilities. It literally gives a person a new life.
When beginning coffee enemas, it is necessary to saturate the body with coffee. This is extremely important and can take a week or longer.
To speed up this process, do up to six coffee enemas each day for about one week. Use two tablespoons of coffee or more in each enema if you boil the coffee and use three tablespoons of coffee in each enema or a little more if you use a coffee maker. Use about 3-4 cups of water.
Most people will be able to tolerate this amount of coffee for at least a few days to a week. Then reduce the number of enemas to 2-4 per day, as a general rule.
You may have healing reactions with the coffee quick start, and these generally pass quickly. The most common is a headache. Usually, doing another enema will take away the headache. These reactions are due to stirring up layers of poisons that are in everyone's body. As the toxins are removed, the symptoms go away.
This is a more advanced concept related to coffee enemas. By keeping more coffee in the body at all times, you will get more benefits from it.
How to do coffee saturation. Coffee saturation means using about 4-5 tablespoons of coffee per enema at least twice a day. It is excellent for:
- Protection from visits, rapes, beatings and more from the alien group we call the Rogues.
- Healing of the body at many levels. This includes healing infections, tumors, parasites, witchcraft, implants, and much more.
- General cleansing of all the body tissues.
- A very high level spiritual effect of coffee. Coffee saturation speeds up deep healing and development. To understand development, read Introduction To Development and Introduction To The Development Program.
NOTE: Do not do coffee saturation when you first begin coffee enemas. Instead, allow your body to become accustomed to coffee for about a month before increasing the amount of coffee in each enema. The liver will adapt to the larger amount of coffee.
1. A rectal coffee implant. The name coffee enema is not quite accurate. An enema usually means just putting liquid in the colon or large intestine and then immediately expelling it. Enemas are generally used to clean out the large intestine.
The coffee enemas described in this article are actually colonic coffee implants. This means that one implants coffee in the colon and then holds the implant for about 20 minutes or perhaps longer. Then one goes to the toilet and expels what is left of the coffee.
2. A form of dialysis. Dialysis, in this context, means a forced or artificial method to enhance detoxification.
3. A type of hydrotherapy. This means the therapeutic use of water for healing the body in some way. In this case, water is used to wash out the colon and deliver a coffee solution to the body through the rectum. Its effect is very different from drinking coffee, as explained later in this article.
Completely different from drinking coffee. Coffee ingested as a beverage is absorbed in the stomach. This differs greatly from absorption from the colon, which occurs with an enema.
Acids in the stomach destroy some key nutritional compounds in coffee. Coffee is also irritating to the stomach.
Also, the colon blocks the absorption of certain toxins found in coffee, including cadmium and some of the caffeine.
Drinking one cup of coffee daily is okay, but not recommended. Drinking more than one cup is harmful for most people.
At this time, (May 2023), there is a special need for everyone to do daily coffee enemas. In addition to their cleansing and healing effects, they seem to set up a matrix of perfection inside the body. This is a blueprint of how the body should look.
Special souls use this blueprint to detect toxic material and nutrient deficiencies throughout the body.
For this reason, we strongly recommend at this time that all adults do at least two coffee enemas each day and up to four per day or even five per day. Be sure to follow the procedure in this article.
Children. Max Gerson, MD described the successful use of coffee enemas in a 2-year-old boy with cancer. Doing enemas with babies or children is quite easy and very helpful for their health. The procedure is found in the section of this article about the Coffee Enema Procedure.
Some people do coffee enemas for a year or several years and then tire of them. This will not work!! The reasons everyone needs ongoing coffee enemas at this time are:
- Protection. Doing enough coffee enemas seems to stop the visits, beatings and rapes by the rogue “men”. This is a great help for women and men, as well.
- Detoxification. Toxic food and water keeps contaminating the bodies and needs to be cleaned up and eliminated continuously.
- Development. The coffee enema is a powerful development method that is simple and fast.
- Trauma release. Most everyone has been traumatized, beaten and more by the rogues. The coffee enemas slowly release these traumas by a number of methods.
- Low body procedure. Coffee enemas are our main low body procedure – an area of the body that needs a lot of cleanup on everyone.
- Down. Coffee enemas move subtle energy through the body in the proper way – downward. This is extremely important for health.
- Witchcraft removal. Our planet is plagued with witchcraft – spells, curses and more. These are put on everyone and are not easy to remove. They cause a lot of disease and death.
Coffee enemas are one of the only methods we know of to remove them. The enemas must be continued at this time because new curses are placed on people all the time. Until the rogues are cleared from the earth, this is a terrible problem, but one we can handle with the coffee enemas.
Love and spirituality. Coffee enemas move one ahead spiritually. We don't fully understand how this works, but we know it is the truth. It is probably a nutrient in the coffee. It is very important at this time in history to do this for yourself, perhaps needed to stay alive and for the survival of our planet.
Ancient history of enemas. Healers and holy books have recommended enemas for thousands of years. A colorful description of an enema is found in one of the Dead Sea scrolls. These documents, found between 1947 and 1956 in the State of Israel near the Dead Sea, date back at least 2000 years to the time of Jesus and before. According to the scroll, the master Jesus used such methods to perform miracles of healing. Here is an excerpt:
"Think not that it is sufficient that the angel of water embrace you outwards only. I tell you truly, the uncleanness within is greater by much than the uncleanness without.
He who cleanses himself without, but within remains unclean, is like a tomb that outward is painted fair, but within is full of all manner of horrible uncleannesses and abominations.
So I tell you truly, suffer the angel of water to baptize you also within, that you may become free from all your past sins, and that within likewise you may become as pure as the river's foam sporting in the sunlight.
"Seek, therefore, a large trailing gourd, having a stalk the length of a man. Take out its inwards and fill it with water from the river which the sun has warmed.
Hang it upon the branch of a tree, and kneel upon the ground before the angel of water. Place the end of the stalk of the trailing gourd to enter your hinder parts, that the water may flow through all your bowels.
Afterwards rest kneeling on the ground before the angel of water and pray to the living God that he will forgive you all your past sins, and pray the angel of water that he will free your body from every uncleanness and disease. Then let the water run out from your body, that it may carry away from within it all the unclean and evil-smelling things of Satan.
And you shall see with your eyes and smell with your nose all the abominations, and uncleannesses which defiled the temple of your body; even all the sins which abode in your body, tormenting you with all manner of pains.
I tell you truly, baptism with water frees you from all of these. Renew your baptizing with water on every day (of your fast or diet), till the day when you see that the water which flows out of you is as pure as the river's foam.
Then betake your body to the coursing river, and there in the arms of the angel of water, render thanks to the living God that he has freed you from your sins.
This holy baptizing by the angel of water is rebirth unto the new life. For your eyes shall henceforth see, and your ears shall hear. Sin no more, therefore, after your baptism, that the angels of air and of water may eternally abide in you and serve you evermore.” – The Essene Gospel Of Peace, Book I, edited by Edmund Bordeaux Szekely, 1981.
Modern history of coffee enemas. The coffee enema was known in the 1800s as a potent liver remedy. Here are more details from a good book about them:
“Coffee enemas have long been in use. In a case report in the Pacific Medical and Surgical Journal in December 1866, M.A. Cachot, MD, described the successful use of a coffee enema to treat a child dying from an accidental poisoning.
Articles from the late 1800s reported that coffee enemas were helpful in post-operative care; at a medical meeting in 1896, Dr. W.J. Mayo, one of the founders of the Mayo Clinic, mentioned coffee enemas as a routine part of care for patients after abdominal surgery. Coffee enemas were listed as a stimulant and as a treatment for shock in medical and nursing textbooks in the early 1900s.
In an extensive 1941 article in Uruguayan Medical, Surgical and Specialization Archives, Dr. Carlos Stajano described immediate improvement in near-terminal patients after coffee enemas, including a patient with cocaine intoxication and a patient with post-operative shock. He elaborated on his extensive experience with coffee enemas in post-operative management and made a plea for their continued use.” – Helping The Body Detoxify by Linda L. Isaacs, M.D.
In fact, until about 1984, the coffee enema procedure was listed in the famous Merck Manual, a handbook for physicians that is used throughout the planet.
Dr. Max Gerson, MD (1881-1959). Dr. Max Gerson, MD popularized coffee enemas more than any other person in modern times. He worked mainly with cancer and wrote A Cancer Therapy - Results of 50 Cases (1958). Dr. Gerson pioneered nutritional therapy for cancer and other diseases with excellent results. The enemas were an integral part of the therapy.
He found many benefits of coffee enemas. For example, to heal his patients he had to stop their pain medication because it damaged their already weak livers. Coffee enemas, up to 6 per day, would stop the pain without a need for drugs.
The enemas also enabled the body to absorb and digest tumor tissue and eliminate it safely, an important stumbling block in natural cancer therapies.
NOTE: At this time, the Gerson Clinic recommends a light roast coffee. We think this is not what Dr. Gerson used. Use a medium or dark roast coffee. We do not recommend so-called “enema coffee” or a light roast or gold roast coffee.
At this time, we only recommend one to four enemas daily. Dr. Gerson recommended up to six enemas daily.
We suggest boiling the coffee for only 12-13 minutes or pressure-cooking it for only about 14 seconds. Longer cooking overcooks the coffee, in our view. Note: if you pressure-cook your coffee, use about 2/3 as much coffee because it will be stronger.
We suggest using three to four cups of spring water or carbon-filtered tap water for an enema.
William Donald Kelley, DDS (1925-2005). In 1968, Dr. Kelley was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He carefully researched natural cancer therapies and evolved a very effective natural approach that used coffee enemas. He wrote about their benefits and importance in a small book entitled One Answer To Cancer (1969, 1999).
Nicholas Gonzales, MD (1947-2015). Dr. Gonzales studied under Dr. Kelley and offered the Kelley metabolic cancer therapy. It included the use of coffee enemas, and was quite successful.
Not part of Dr. Eck’s program. Dr. Paul Eck, one of my teachers, did not include coffee enemas in his nutritional programs, although he was well aware of their value.
Are coffee enemas dirty? The coffee is boiled, so it is sterile. It is much cleaner than any human body and it helps a lot to clean up the colon, liver and other organs. So while the procedure may seem a little messy, a coffee enema is not a dirty procedure.
Do coffee enemas damage the intestinal flora? In our experience, they do not damage it. In fact, they often help get rid of yeast and other improper bowel flora.
We live in a toxic world. According the United States Environmental Protection Agency, toxic chemicals and toxic metals constitute a great threat to our health. Never in modern history has our planet been as polluted as it is today.
The levels of some toxic metals are over a thousand times greater than ever before in recorded history. These metals include lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, aluminum and nickel.
In addition, other toxic metals commonly found to some degree in our food, air and water include uranium, beryllium, bismuth, antimony, zirconium, tin and others.
In addition, the earth is contaminated with over 50,000 toxic chemicals, with more produced every day! For example, the laws of most nations permit the addition of over 3000 chemicals into our food. Pesticides and herbicides are another group of toxic chemicals that are found in our water supplies and in many foods.
The widespread and often overuse of medical prescriptions and over-the-counter drugs adds over a thousand more toxic chemicals to our bodies, especially in the Western world. These include surgical anesthetics, vaccine preservatives, stray viruses, and hundreds of other poisons used routinely today in the medical profession.
The common use of recreational drugs such as cigarettes, alcohol, marijuana (which contains some cadmium), and others just adds more toxicity to our already-burdened bodies.
Drug residues often remain in the body for decades. We know this because our clients eliminate residues of them while following a development program. Some clients report tasting, smelling, and experiencing the effects of these drugs many years after taking them as they come out of the body during the development program.
The cumulative and combined effects of this toxic assault on our bodies has not been studied sufficiently. Indeed, it is difficult to study properly. However, the presence in the body of these chemicals is associated with ALL major diseases of the 21st century.
To say that this is the century of toxicity is no exaggeration. The coffee enema is one of the best methods to cope with this problem.
Daily coffee enemas (up to four per day):
- Provide certain nutrients that are difficult to obtain any other way.
- Help eliminate many toxic substances from the body. These include toxic metals, toxic chemicals, hundreds of parasites, medical drug residues, anesthesia toxins, herbal toxins, and all homeopathic toxins.
- Help one find and eliminate tiny electronic implants placed in the body by the group we call the Rogues.
- Speed up development, an important goal of the healing programs we advocate. For details, read Introduction To Development.
- Reduce many types of pain.
- Get rid of depression and general nervous tension.
- Increase mental clarity, improve energy levels, and improve digestion.
- Enable clients to get through annoying healing and purification reactions more much easily.
- Reduce cancer and yeast in the body.
- Purifiy the blood and lymph.
- Make it much easier to do the Pulling Down Exercise.
- Help eliminate traumas.
- At least three dozen clients have confided to us that “coffee enemas saved my life”.
Safety. We have recommended coffee retention enemas to more than fifty thousand people during the past 42 years. We have not had any reports of serious problems or side effects.
The author has done them daily for more than 30 years. One must continue them because our food, air and water are so toxic at this time. One must do them properly and get used to the procedure. Then most people come to like them very much.
We have learned that coffee enemas can be done at two levels. Many people do a basic level. This consists of usually one or two coffee enema daily using one-half to two tablespoons of coffee and 3-4 cups of water.
High level coffee enemas. For much better results, one can do the following:
1. Do between two and four, or even five coffee enemas, each day.
2. Use at least two tablespoons of coffee in each enema if you boil or pressure cook your coffee OR three tablespoons of coffee in each one if you use a coffeemaker to make your coffee.
Other enhancements are:
3. Spin the coffee to the right just before putting in the coffee. Do this by using two fingers dipped into the coffee. You can also use a spoon or other object, but this is not as good as using your hand.
4. Hold a little coffee in your mouth while you are doing your coffee enemas or afterwards while you take a shower.
Advantages of high level coffee enemas. These include much better and faster detoxification of the body, more rapid development, and much better protection from the group we call the Rogues. We are not sure why coffee enemas are so protective, but they are.
Cautions with high level coffee enemas. Children. We recommend coffee enemas for children over age about three. They can be very helpful for healing, for development and for detoxification of vaccines and other toxins.
One needs to use less coffee with children. However, they appear to be very safe up to two daily.
Pregnancy. We have not had reports of problems with coffee enemas during pregnancy. However, at this time and just be cautious, we recommend only the low level coffee enema procedure during pregnancy.
Too much coffee. A few of our clients cannot use the larger amount of coffee. If you use too much coffee, you will feel jittery or nervous. If this occurs, reduce slightly the amount of coffee. Often, after a few weeks to a few months, you will be able to increase the amount of coffee.
Coffee is a seed of a tropical fruited bush or small tree. Most coffee is grown in South America, Hawaii, China and other parts of Asia, although some is grown in Africa, as well.
History of coffee. The coffee bean and plant have been part of herbal medicine, folk medicine and shamanic healing for years. According to some historians, coffee originally came from Ethiopia. It was then introduced into the Middle East, then to Europe, and it was introduced into the Americas in the 18th century.
It was known as a potent liver remedy, and given particularly to the elderly and to those who were infirm or ill in the liver. This is important because we believe that most people today have a toxic liver.
Issues about growing and processing of coffee beans. These are:
1. The coffee seeds or variety.
2. Growing conditions. This depends upon the location, fertilization, spraying and other aspects of coffee cultivation.
3. Proper fermentation. Once the beans are harvested and the shells removed, the beans are allowed to ferment, usually in the same area where they are grown. This must be done properly to remove certain toxins from the beans. If it is not done properly, it will affect the flavor and safety of the coffee beans.
4. Roasting. Coffee is an oily seed of a fruit. When roasted, the oils in the coffee beans emerge. Roasting must be done properly to eliminate some toxic substances. This is one reason we do not recommend lightly roasted “enema coffee”, as it is not roasted enough.
5. Freshness. After roasting, the coffee is packaged and sent to the marketplace. Some coffee becomes rancid in this process, as it contains polyunsaturated oils. This makes some coffee irritating, and perhaps harder to hold inside the colon.
6. Other processing. The group we call the rogues irradiate and may otherwise damage some coffee, especially organic coffee. For this reason, we recommend only non-organic coffee.
We recommend:
1. A medium or dark roast coffee. Research in Molecular Nutrition & Food Research found that dark roast coffee restored blood levels of the antioxidants vitamin E and glutathione more effectively than light roast coffee. The dark roast also led to a significant body weight reduction in pre-obese volunteers, whereas the light roast did not.
Separate research also showed that dark roast coffee produces more of the chemical, N-methylpyridinium. This chemical is produced during the roasting process, and the darker the roast, the more N-methylpyridinium is present.
Caffeine levels vary depending on the degree of roasting of the coffee. However, darker roasts often contain less caffeine than lighter roasts.
2. A less-oily coffee is best. Some coffee beans are quite oily, while other coffees are quite dry. We suggest using ones that are drier, not oily. The reason is that the oil can be rancid, adding a toxin to the coffee.
3. Non-moldy coffee is best. Fresher coffee is better in this regard. Some coffee such as Peet’s Coffee, in the USA, has the roast date on the package. Otherwise, the roast date is hard to identify. Some brands, such as Bulletproof coffee, advertise that they are very careful about mold.
4. Keep coffee in the freezer.
5. AVOID Starbucks coffee and light-roast ‘enema’ coffees.
This section has to do with the process called development. It is a genetic change in the body that toughens the body and extends the lifespan. It is the goal of the development programs we set up. For details, read Introduction To Development and Introduction To The Development Program. The cleanups are:
1. General cleanup. This is for beginners with development, which means those who are at Big Stage 1, small stages 1 to 1 million. In most people, general cleanup takes at least 10 years of doing one or two daily coffee enemas, provided the person follows two main rules.
The rules: 1) One must follow the development diet, more or less. If not, the process takes longer or won’t occur at all.
2) Ideally, the person does the pulling down procedure hard each day during the enema. Then progress is about twice as fast. With no pulling down at all, the process is much slower.
2. Deeper detoxification. This requires Big Stage 2 or 3. It is a continuation of #1 above. The same rules apply: one must eat properly. Doing the pulling down procedure during the enemas helps a lot. Without these, the process takes much longer or perhaps won’t occur at all.
3. Organ cleanup. This requires Big Stage 2 of development, at least. It is a much deeper cleanup of the major body organs. The same rules apply as with the cleanups above.
4. Brain cleanup. This also requires at least Big Stage 2 of development. It is a deeper cleaning of the brain, including removal of some implants with the help of other souls and creatures. The same rules apply.
5. Deeper intestinal cleansing. This requires at least Big Stage 3 of development. The intestines must be healed to a degree, which only occurs at this Stage. Then the coffee can penetrate the intestines and remove implants and other debris much better. The same rules apply.
6. Deeper organ cleanup. This requires Big Stage 3 or higher. The same rules apply.
7. Deeper brain cleanup. This requires Big Stage 3 or higher. The same rules apply.
8. Deeper general body cleanup, including the legs. The legs are in poor condition in almost everyone and they are difficult to clean up due to impaired circulation and other reasons. This cleanup requires Big Stage 4, in most cases. This is rare on earth today. The same rules apply.
9. Deeper cleanups. These require Big Stage 4, so it is not done often. However, there is more cleaning needed at this stage. We area aware of people who are at this stage who still need coffee enemas.
One cup of coffee per day is okay, but not recommended. Drinking coffee is irritating to the stomach, and does not cause much detoxification or development. It is very different from a coffee enema.
Definitely avoid drinking strong coffees such as cappuccino, expresso and lattes, which are even more irritating.
"In general, coffee enemas are an important tool for physicians who try to detoxify the body. This is not to say they are a panacea. They certainly require more research. But coffee enemas are serious business.
Their potential should be explored by good research - not mined for cheap shots at alternative medicine or derisively dismissed as yet another crackpot fad.” – Ralph Moss, PhD, author/editor of 12 books about cancer research and therapy.
“A 1982 study by the National Research Council (NRC) in the United States showed that coffee enemas have the power to reduce systemic toxicity by up to 700 percent. This is because caffeine and other beneficial compounds found in coffee -- when not consumed by mouth and therefore diluted by the digestive tract -- work together to stimulate the liver directly to increase production of glutathione S-transferase (GST). This is a powerful detoxifying enzyme that binds with, and flushes out, toxins in the body.” – Angela Doss
Coffee enemas are helpful to heal most health conditions. This occurs because of the many health benefits of this procedure. Not only are the following effects extremely beneficial, but the combination of these effects is even more powerful.
The effects of coffee enemas include:
1. Contact effects. Coffee applied rectally cleans the colonic tissue. This is very needed in most people. It also helps remove debris from the colon.
2. Biochemical and nutritional effects. Coffee contains a number of essential nutrients, including trace minerals and many others. We observe that everyone needs these nutrients.
Coffee also contains other chemical substances such as palmitic acid that assist its activity.
3. Detoxification effects. Coffee I an enema absorbs some toxins from the colon and liver.
4. Moving subtle energy downward through the body. Holding a coffee enema for 20 minutes or longer helps move subtle energy properly through the body – from the head to the feet.
5. Reflex effects. Holding a coffee enema stimulates the colon reflex system. This is a powerful healing mechanism described in more detail below.
Mechanical cleansing. The enema mechanically washes out the colon, removing toxic substances, and often nests of parasites, bacteria, yeast colonies, and other debris.
Enemas also stimulate the colon slightly by dilating it a little, and often by altering its temperature somewhat – either making it a little hotter or a little colder.
Another mechanical effect is to increase peristalsis and cause the colon to become active, emptying its contents more completely.
Repeated enemas also help remove impacted feces and food residues, which are common. Certain food items, especially white, refined flour, can turn hard in the colon and stick to its walls.
Repeat enemas also help clean out diverticuli or ‘pockets’ in the colon. These are slight expansions or dilations in the wall of the colon of most adults that trap food particles, bacteria and often harbor parasitic organisms.
Many clients report that upon beginning coffee enemas, they notice either crawling or dead creatures that show up in the toilet when they release their coffee enemas.
Our clients also report that their colonoscopies, after using daily coffee enemas for a few years, revealed amazingly clean and healthy-looking colons. One client, age 79, was told by his doctor that his colon was so clean he never needed to return for another colonoscopy!
Dr. Peter Lechner, who conducted a trial of the Gerson cancer therapy in the post-surgical treatment of metastasized colorectal cancers under the aegis of the Landeskrankenhaus of Graz, Austria, reported in 1984, “Coffee enemas have a definite effect on the colon which can be observed with an endoscope.”
A mild astringent. A coffee solution in the colon has a mild astringent action. It gently peels the top layer of skin or mucous membrane. This is helpful for healing because the top layer of skin or mucous membrane is often ready to come off anyway, and is loaded with toxins.
Reflex effects. The large intestine has reflex system. Each segment of the colon reflexes to a different part of the body. When one does a coffee enema, the body uses the reflex system to help move nutrients throughout the body and to help move toxins into the colon for removal.
The textbook, The Science And Practice Of Iridology by Bernard Jensen, DC, ND, documents the importance of the colon reflex system with case histories, including flat-plate x-rays of the colon.
To view diagrams of the colon reflex system, click on Right Side Colon Chart and Left Side colon Chart.
Anti-oxidant effects. Coffee contains powerful anti-oxidant chemicals that help prevent oxidative damage. These are particularly helpful for the liver, which is highly susceptible to oxidant damage.
NOTE: Unlike other antioxidants such as vitamin C, alpha lipoic acid and vitamin E, the antioxidants in coffee are more yang in macrobiotic terminology. This is a great advantage because the bodies are already too yin. Taking yin antioxidant foods or pills is somewhat harmful.
NOTE: The development program with coffee enemas reduces the need for supplementary antioxidants because the program helps remove oxidant sources. These include oxide forms of iron, copper, manganese and aluminum, among other minerals. A separate article describes this phenomenon: Iron, Manganese and Aluminum – The Amigos.
Palmitic acids. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, researchers in the lab of Lee Wattenberg identified salts of palmitic acids (kahweol and cafestol palmitate) in coffee. These act as potent enhancers of glutathione S-transferase, an important enzyme in the liver.
This is part of a major detoxification system that catalyzes the binding of many toxins from the blood stream to the sulfhydryl group of glutathione. For this reason, the glutathione S-transferase system is an important mechanism to get rid of cancer-causing chemicals.
Adding coffee to the diets of mice enhanced glutathione S-transferase 600% in the liver and 700% in the small bowel. A similar stimulation by coffee of glutathione S-transferase in humans is probable.
Max Gerson, MD, a major proponent of the use of coffee enemas, wrote that:
“Heubner and Meyer of Goettingen University, Germany had shown in animal models that rectal administration of caffeine would dilate bile ducts and promote bile flow. Theophylline and theobromine, major constituents of coffee, dilate blood vessels and counter inflammation of the gut.
The palmitates of coffee enhance glutathione S-transferase, which is responsible for the removal of many toxins from the blood. Finally, the water in the enema stimulates peristalsis or the movement of toxic substances from the duodenum or upper intestine, through the intestine, and out through the rectum.”
Caffeine effects. Caffeine is a mild central nervous stimulant, but not as toxic as most stimulants. Its effects include dilation of the bile ducts.
The editors of Physiological Chemistry and Physics wrote, “Caffeine enemas cause dilation of bile ducts, which facilitates excretion of toxic cancer breakdown products by the liver and dialysis of toxic products from blood across the colonic wall.”
Choleretic. A choleretic is a substance that increases bile flow. Unlike most other choleretics, coffee enemas also enhance detoxifying enzyme systems, and help ensure the passage of bile from the intestines out the rectum. Bile is normally reabsorbed up to 9 or 10 times before working its way out the intestines in feces.
Here is more research about caffeine during coffee enemas:
“When a comparable amount of caffeine was administered, the amount of caffeine obtained from the coffee enema was about 3.5 times less than those of the coffee consumed orally, despite having been administered slightly faster.
In addition, a single administration of the coffee enema or the oral coffee consumption did not adversely affect systolic and diastolic blood pressure and heart rate.” - Pharmacokinetics of Caffeine following a Single Administration of Coffee Enema versus Oral Coffee Consumption in Healthy Male Subjects
Nutritional effects – selenium. Coffee contains a very desirable form of selenium needed by almost everyone today. Few foods contain this particularly necessary compound. It is not well-absorbed orally, and is better absorbed through the colon.
This is one of the reasons for the enzymatic activity of coffee upon liver detoxification pathways.
Nutritional effects – zinc. Coffee contains an important zinc compound. It is very needed today, and is not well absorbed orally, but is better absorbed through the colon.
Nutritional effects – potassium. Coffee contains a healthful form of potassium that can be absorbed through the wall of the colon. This is a better potassium compound than that found in fruit and other foods.
The latter is often a somewhat toxic potassium compound that fruit trees tend to absorb from superphosphate fertilizers used on most fruit crops. Even organic fruit contains this toxic form of potassium today. For details, read Toxic Potassium.
An antidote for harmful frequencies. This unusual trait of coffee is most important. Coffee helps neutralize unusual toxins used in witchcraft and other black arts. It can also clear homeopathic toxins.
This is a very important reason for using coffee enemas. The coffee seems able to clear a wide range of harmful subtle energies in the human system in a way that no other plant or animal substance can do.
Repeated use of the coffee implant clears these vibrational frequencies at deeper and deeper levels each time the procedure is used. These energies definitely affect our health, although they are quite subtle. For more information about some problems of vibrational frequencies on the body, please read Psychotronics on this website.
In acupuncture terms, coffee enemas enhance the liver meridian and balance the large intestine meridian. In the science of acupuncture, restoring health depends upon balancing about a dozen energy channels or meridians that run up and down the body. Introducing water and coffee into the colon weakens or inhibits the large intestine meridian somewhat. This tends to enhance the liver meridian, according to acupuncture theory.
Commonly, the liver is weak and the large intestine meridian is over stimulated or overactive due to the presence of toxins in the large bowel.
Protection against toxins in coffee. Coffee contains some toxic metals such as lead and cadmium, and some toxic alkaloids. Also, ground coffee may be somewhat rancid, as it contains polyunsaturated oils that can quickly become rancid.
from our experience, when taken rectally, these toxins are not
absorbed nearly as much as when the coffee is taken orally.
This occurs because the colon is designed to absorb nutrients, while
filtering out and leaving behind toxic substances inside the colon.
In fact, a healthy colon is quite amazing in its ability to absorb
nutrients while protecting the body from a wide variety of toxic
This is the reason why drinking coffee is somewhat toxic, but coffee used in an enema is much less so.
Promotes the downward flow of subtle energy through the body. Retaining a coffee enema for 15-20 minutes forces one’s attention downward. Two reasons for this are 1) the presence of water in the colon, and 2) the need to keep the anal sphincter shut tightly.
Moving energy downward from the head toward the feet is extremely therapeutic. It assists with grounding and centering, but it does much more than this. It is a powerful healing method all by itself. For details, read Downward-Moving Energy And Healing.
Yang effects. Yang is an older physics term that means warming and healing. Most people’s bodies today are too cold or yin, especially those who are ill.
A problem with many remedies and healing procedures, including eating fruit and salads and the use of vitamins and most herbs, is that they make the body even more yin.
Coffee is a more yang herb and coffee enemas have many yang effects. These are due to a combination of all that is discussed in this section. Roasting and cooking makes coffee even more yang.
To learn more about this vital subject, please read Yin and Yang Healing and Yin Disease on this website.
Sympathetic nervous system relaxation. Coffee enemas help relax the sympathetic or fight-or-flight nervous system. Many people report this. This may seem odd, since coffee contains caffeine, which is a stimulant.
Possible reasons for relaxation of the sympathetic nervous system include:
a) stimulation of two important parasympathetic organs, the liver and the large intestine.
b) nutrients in the coffee.
c) removal of irritating toxins from the body rapidly and thoroughly.
d) the relaxing downward motion of subtle energy described above. To learn more about the sympathetic nervous system and its importance, please read Autonomic Nervous System Balancing on this website.
Helping to reduce yeast and other infections throughout the body. This occurs due to a combination of all the effects described in the paragraphs above. For more details, read Candida Albicans.
Improved hydration. Absorption of water and improved hydration can be a major benefit of coffee retention enemas. Many people are quite dehydrated today. Common reasons for dehydration are:
a) Not drinking enough water. Most adults need close to three liters or three quarts of drinking water (not other beverages) per day. Do not drink this with meals, however. Drink one hour after meals up to about half an hour before meals so as not to dilute the stomach juices.
b) Drinking incorrect types of water such as reverse osmosis water, which may not hydrate the body well. Another type of water we do not recommend is any alkaline water that comes from an alkaline water machine.
c) Ingesting substances that tend to dehydrate the body. These include all sugars, all fruit, caffeine and alcohol. One cup of tea or coffee daily is okay, but no more. Soda pop may contain a lot of caffeine.
The addition of several cups of water in the enema improves this serious, but sometimes difficult-to-identify situation. It assists detoxification of the body and overall health. For more details, read Hydration and Water For Drinking.
Improved activity of the energy centers. As one moves energy downward, this assists the seven major energy centers of the body to become more active and more balanced. For details, read The Energy Centers.
Reduced autointoxication. Autointoxication is the production of toxins within the body. Most is the result of fermentation or rotting (putrefaction) of food in the intestines. Autointoxication is a serious cause of ill health in many people.
By cleaning the colon of yeasts, parasites and other pathogenic organisms, and by increasing the bile flow, coffee enemas can greatly reduce autointoxication. For details, read Autointoxication.
Assisting the lymphatic system. Coffee enemas assist lymphatic drainage throughout the body. This includes helping to clear and regenerate the Peyer’s patches. These are important lymph glands located along certain areas of the small intestine. For details, read The Peyer’s Patches.
Reduced congestion of the internal organs. An effect of balancing the autonomic nervous system and the astringent action of the coffee is to help reduce congestion in the liver and other organs.
Improving the skin. Coffee enemas assist the skin by restoring elimination through the liver and colon. Here is how this works:
The body must eliminate poisons. When the colon is sluggish or diseased, the body must use alternative elimination channels. One of these is the skin. By cleaning up the colon and liver, the body no longer must use the skin as much for detoxification.
Better hydration and better lymph circulation also helps the skin.
Promotes development. The combination of the effects above speeds up development. This is a genetic change in the body that toughens the body and can extend life. For details, read Introduction To Development.
A form of quiet discipline and a concentration exercise. Lying down and holding the anal sphincter closed for 20 or so minutes is a form of concentration exercise that teaches discipline, relaxation, coordination and other helpful mental traits.
Increased pH or alkalinity of the entire intestinal tract. This is due to enhanced bile flow. Increasing the alkalinity of the small intestine makes it much less hospitable for parasites. It also helps destroy other infections in the small and large intestines.
Improving the flora or microbiome of the intestines and reducing dysbiosis, SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth) or improper “bugs” in the intestines. This occurs due to enhanced bile flow, enhanced nutrition, and detoxification.
- Spiritual integration and development. This is an unusual effect of coffee. Coffee, especially when taken in an enema, changes one's consciousness. In part, this is a nutritional effect. It may also be a powerful detoxification effect.
We cannot emphasize enough the importance of this effect at this time in history. There is a need for the mind of mankind to change and develop in a spiritual way. Coffee enemas assist this process in a powerful and yet safe manner.
Help for the brain. Coffee enemas are excellent for the brain. They help clear cancer cells, many Parasites, Implants, and many other types of toxins.
Many clients report feeling more clear-headed after a coffee enema. It is an excellent procedure for many cases of brain fog and other nervous system disorders.
Caffeine may be a factor, although not much is absorbed from the colon. Stimulation of the colon reflexes to the brain is another possible reason for beneficial effects on the brain. Temporarily lowering copper and ridding the entire body of toxins are other possible reasons for this beneficial effect.
A coffee enema will send some coffee to the brain. However, ways to enhance this effect are:
1. Hold some coffee in the mouth (the oral coffee hold procedure). You can do this at the same time you do your enema, or at any time. It will move coffee to the brain because the coffee will be much nearer the brain in your mouth. For details, read The Oral Coffee Hold.
2. During a coffee enema, move the coffee to the superior or upper surface of the transverse colon (viewing the colon as if you were standing up).
This moves the coffee to the location of the reflexes that connect the colon to the brain. Having the coffee touch this reflex area facilitates healing and detoxification of the brain.
Four ways to move coffee to the upper surface of the transverse colon:
1. Do the enema on a massage table or bed that has the rear legs of the table or bed elevated so the rear legs are at least two feet higher than the front legs of the table or bed. This is easy to do with most massage tables that have adjustable height legs.
2. If you are on the floor or on a flat surface, place pillows, bolsters or a beach ball under your hips to raise them so they are two feet higher than the rest of the body.
3. After putting coffee into the colon, lie down on a back swing or inversion table and invert the body. The body needs to be inverted to about a 45 degree angle.
4. Lie flat and tap or massage the abdomen so that the coffee splashes against the upper surface of the transverse colon. This method is not as reliable and is more work to do during the entire enema, so we don't recommend it as much, but it can be effective.
Many experiences occur when one does regular coffee enemas:
- An easy day. Coffee goes in easily, is easy to retain, and comes out easily. One does not have too much intestinal gas and there is little pain or other sensations. On these days, the body is usually focused on building new tissue rather than eliminating toxins.
- Physical healing. At times, clients report a healing experience during a coffee enema. For example, a colonic diverticulum may heal. Some people have chronic appendicitis pain – a dull pain in the lower right abdomen. This may suddenly go away and never return.
Other pain or discomfort in the colon may abate as the body releases old food debris, parasites, or a yeast colony in the colon or even in the small intestine.
Breakthroughs can occur anywhere in the body. One may begin to breathe more easily as a chronic lung and bronchial condition clears.
A skin condition may improve as the body releases toxins that are responsible for a rash or roughness of the skin. Any type of healing may occur because the coffee enema has many systemic effects.
- Mental insight. Clients report that coffee enemas often clear their thinking and they gain insights about themselves, about others, or about situations in their lives. Many people welcome the quiet time of lying down and retaining the enema as a way to help with mental processing.
This is one reason we do not recommend walking around, talking on the telephone, or other distractions while holding an enema.
- Trauma release. Implanting coffee in the rectum can remind a person of a traumatic experience one has had in the pelvic region of the body such as a rape or beating. This may seem scary and keeps a few people from doing coffee enemas.
However, it is a form of Psychodrama that may be extremely healing. Psychodrama is a psychological method of healing in which one imitates, in a mild and safe manner, a trauma situation.
- A coffee high. A few people report a euphoric feeling when they do a coffee enema. This may be due to a substance in the coffee such as caffeine. However, it may be due to balancing the body when one does coffee enemas.
- A mild sexual tickle. This is probably due to injecting coffee near the first and second energy centers of the body. These energy centers are responsible for sexual feelings.
- Trouble putting coffee in. This is uncommon, but can occur if for some reason the body wants the coffee to be introduced slowly. It can also be due to a blockage in the enema tube.
- Trouble retaining the enema. This is usually due to intestinal gas or the body is eliminating a toxic substance and wants the coffee out of the body at once. We sometimes call this a bad toxin day.
- Trouble expelling the coffee. This may be due to dehydration. If it occurs often, drink more water before doing a coffee enema. Trouble expelling may also occur because the body needs some substance that is in the coffee. In these instances, it may take longer to eliminate the coffee or the coffee may remain and be absorbed.
- Elimination of a lot of fecal material. It can seem as though one's entire intestinal tract empties out. There may be unusual odors. This may be called a deep toxin day.
- Abdominal irritation or bloating. This may occur with the release of certain toxins that irritate the lining of the colon or small intestine. Rubbing the tops of the toes and rubbing all of one's feet may relieve the irritation.
- Headache #1 perhaps with nausea, dizziness or weakness. This is more common in those who are just starting coffee enemas. One's body is quite toxic. The enema stirs up the toxins, but the body is unable to eliminate them.
As a result, the toxins circulate in the blood, causing a headache or perhaps some nausea, dizziness or weakness. The solution is usually to do a second enema right away. This helps clear the toxins and often relieves the headache and other symptoms of toxicity.
- Headache #2. As one retains a coffee enema, the coffee slowly fills up with certain toxins from the body. If one holds a coffee enema too long – especially more than about 20 to 30 minutes - one may develop a mild headache.
This headache often goes away when one expels the coffee. However, in some instances, the headache may persist for a few hours until the body can clear the toxins.
- A Jittery feeling. This can be due to using too much coffee. For adults, we recommend using three tablespoons of regular coffee if you use a coffee maker or two tablespoons of coffee if you boil it or pressure cook it. However, when one first begins, one may need to use less coffee.
Another cause of a jittery feeling is that, especially when starting coffee enemas, the colon may be too permeable. As a result, toxins from the coffee such as caffeine enter the body and cause a jittery feeling or occasionally other symptoms.
In this instance, one needs to use less coffee at first. Wait a few weeks and then try increasing the amount of coffee. As the colon heals, you will be able to use more coffee.
“Doctors at the University of Minnesota showed that coffee administered rectally stimulates an enzyme system in the liver called glutathione S-transferase by 600%-700% above normal activity levels. This enzyme reacts with free radicals (which cause cell damage) in the bloodstream and makes them inert. These neutralized substances become dissolved in the bile, are released through the bile flow from the liver and gallbladder, and are excreted through the intestinal tract.” – The Scientific Basis of Coffee Enemas, The Gerson Institute.
The basic equipment required for coffee enemas is either an enema bag or an enema bucket. We recommend:
1. A standard 1.5 to 2-liter rubber enema bag. There is a red one and a blue one on the internet that are good quality. We do not recommend Mikacare brand or any silicone enema bags. OR
2. A plastic or glass enema bucket that holds about 4 cups or 32 ounces. A bucket is open at the top so it is easier to clean. However, it is also easier to spill the coffee unless it has a lid.
I modified a plastic bucket by changing the connector to a ¼” connector and then using standard latex tubing and enema tip.
At this time, we do not recommend the plastic enema bucket from Gerson Institute. We think it is not made well and could come apart.
3. Other options:
Peristeen Plzus Transanal Irrigation System. This is a costly, fancy enema kit sold by prescription only. It has an inflatable rubber bulb to keep the enema tip inside the rectum. We have not tested this product. If you are interested in it, make sure it holds at least 500 ml of water.
250 ml electric enema bulb. We do not recommend this enema pump device because it does not hold enough water and coffee.
Colema board. This is a large, expensive molded fiberglass board curved to the shape of your body. One end of it fits over a toilet.
You lie on the board to do your enema. When it is time to expel, you don’t have to get up. You can just release the coffee and it flows into the toilet.
A colonic irrigation machine. These are very costly machines (over $1000 USD) designed for colonic irrigation, which is different from enemas. Colonic irrigation involves putting a lot of water into the colon to clean it. We don’t recommend colonics in most instances.
However, some of these machines could be used for a coffee enema.
Fleet enema bottles. We do not recommend using a fleet enema bottle because it does not hold enough coffee solution.
The tubing for enema equipment is either natural latex, plastic or silicone. Latex or plastic are fine.
Latex is much more expensive, so if you want to use it you will probably have to buy it yourself. Latex is more flexible and natural, but it stretches and wears out so periodically you have to cut off the end and attach a fresh area to the enema tip or bucket.
We do not recommend silicone tubing. This has a slightly sticky feeling and is somewhat toxic.
The standard enema tip is a thin, white plastic tube that one inserts in the rectum. A few are tapered, which is not as good because it will be more likely to fall out.
We don’t recommend silicone enema tips because they may be somewhat toxic.
Other tips. Some kits come with a very thin tube that looks like a urinary catheter. This should work although the coffee will flow in more slowly.
Most enema kits also come with a much larger tip designed for douching.
Most enema kits come with a clamp to stop and start the flow of the water. These work fine and are simple to operate.
A few kits come with a valve to shut off the water. We have less experience with them, but they probably work fine.
Some kits come with a filter in the tubing to strain out particles. This is fancy and not needed, in our view. It can clog up.
Some kits come with a valve to prevent backflow of water from the body back into the enema bucket or bag. This is also not needed, in our view.
If you do a lot of coffee enemas, which we hope you do, the enema tip will slowly become clogged. You can clean it by twisting a piece of toilet paper through it. A better way is to purchase a pipe cleaner and use this. A pipe cleaner is a piece of wire surrounded by bristles or another brush-like material.
It is usually fine to just insert a standard enema tip into the rectum lubricated with a little petroleum jelly, soap, or oil. Some people, however, suggest using a flexible rubber colon tube or urinary catheter connected to the enema tip.
Usually, one first inserts the colon tube all the way into the rectum, and then attaches the enema tip to the protruding end of the colon tube.
Reasons for using a colon tube are:
1. It releases the coffee further inside the colon.
2. The colon tube may be thinner and softer and thus may go in easier. We usually do not recommend using a colon tube.
WARNING: Do not eat much for at least one hour before doing a coffee enema. If you eat before doing an enema, the enema will upset your stomach.
However, a coffee enema can lower blood sugar a little. It is okay to have up to 3 almonds or a little goat yogurt before an enema to keep the blood sugar level steady.
WARNING: A coffee enema may give you a headache. If this occurs, do another enema. This will often take the headache away. The headache is just due to detoxification.
1. Coffee enemas take some getting used to. However, with a little practice they become much easier and cleaner.
2. Use a medium roast or dark roast, Columbian or South American non-organic coffee. (Some organically grown coffee unfortunately has been poisoned at this time.) Do not use light roast or gold-roast coffee and do not use so-called “enema coffee”.
3. When first starting coffee enemas, begin with only a teaspoon of coffee or less, in case you are sensitive to it.
4. Once comfortable with the procedure, use three tablespoons of coffee in each enema if you use a coffeemaker. Use two tablespoons of coffee per enema if you boil or pressure-cook the coffee. You may use more and it may work better.
Using more coffee is also okay if you tolerate it. If you become irritable, jittery or nervous, you have probably used too much coffee.
5. For adults, we recommend using 3 to 4 cups or about 600-800 ml of water for each enema.
6. We now recommend only spring water or carbon-only filtered tap water for coffee enemas. We formerly recommended distilled water. However, the bodies are all starved for minerals, so distilled or reverse osmosis water is not best.
7. The best methods to prepare the coffee are:
1. Pressure cook it for 14 seconds. (The coffee actually cooks longer because it takes about 2 minutes for the pressure cooker to reach its ideal pressure.)
2. Boil the coffee in a pot for 12 minutes.
3. Use a coffeemaker or percolator.
The first two methods produce a stronger coffee than other methods of preparing coffee. As a result, they require less coffee than if you use a coffeemaker or percolator. Do not use an Aeropress or the soak method.
8. Before putting coffee inside yourself, check the temperature. Put your finger in the coffee and be sure the temperature is comfortably warm. If you cannot keep your finger in it, it is too hot. Instead, you may place a thermometer in the coffee and make sure it reads 80-97 degrees F. or about 26-36 degrees C.
9. Never force the enema tip into the rectum. Lubricate it well with Vaseline, oil or soap. Move it very slowly and gently, twisting it gently and aiming it directly upward from the legs to the body.
10. Be sure the tip goes all the way inside you until it cannot go further. Otherwise, it will make a mess.
11. Do your best to retain the enema for 20-30 minutes. This seems to work best. In the past we recommended longer coffee enemas, but we now believe this is not best. The coffee will pick up a lot of toxins and it is best to expel after 20-30 minutes. There is an exception discussed later in this chapter.
12. Doing two coffee enemas, back to back, is excellent. To do this, make enough coffee for two enemas. Do the first one, expel it after 20 minutes, and then do another one right afterwards.
13. Never retain the enema if the pressure to release it is too high. Read about what to do if you cannot retain the enema under Helpful Hints later in this chapter.
14. We recommend up to four enemas daily. Doing at least two per day is needed at this time (March 2024) for protection against visits by the “men”, “creeps” or rogues. When starting enemas, it may be more comfortable to begin with just one enema daily for a day or up to a week, and then increase. This is to allow your body to become accustomed to the coffee.
15. Cleanliness is important when doing any procedure. Wash everything with soap and water after use. Do not wash out an enema bag with hydrogen peroxide because if peroxide is left in the bag, it will burn badly when it enters the rectum.
* Buy an enema bag or an enema bucket.
See chapter four for details about enema equipment.
* Buy coffee.
The best coffee to use is:
1. A medium or dark roast coffee from Columbia, South America. Other South American coffees are also very good. You can use coffee beans or ground coffee. Buying coffee beans and grinding them yourself just before using them is best.
Avoid “light roast” or “gold roast” coffee. Companies that sell these products include Purelife Health Equipment®, SA Wilson® and Theracoffee®.
Also avoid all “enema coffee” because we believe there may be problems with it.
Organically grown coffee is not necessarily better than standard store coffee.
NOTE: Some people must try a number of brands of coffee in order to find a coffee that works well for them. For example, if you have trouble holding the enema or if you become jittery, try a different brand of coffee. Mixing different types of coffee in your enema is a good idea, as is rotating the brand of coffee.
4. Store coffee in the freezer.
5. Some organically grown coffee does not test as well as commercial coffee. Someone may be tampering with organic coffee. So it can be better to use a regular commercial coffee.
7. AVOID instant coffee, decaffeinated coffee, light roast coffee, and very oily coffees. We also do not trust Starbucks coffees because they often mix other things with the coffee.
Location. Many people enjoy lying on a towel or a yoga mat on the floor of the bathroom. This is a good way to begin because if there is a spill, it won’t go far.
Some people do their coffee cleanse in the bathtub, especially if you are not too tall. This is also good to limit accidental spills.
If you have a bathtub you are not using, you could put a piece of plywood over the bathtub to lie upon, perhaps covered with a cushion. This may be more comfortable than lying inside the tub. If you spill some coffee and the wood is angled properly, the coffee will flow harmlessly into the tub.
One can set up a cot or massage table to lie upon.
The author eventually learned to do coffee enemas in bed, spreading a rubber sheet or old plastic shower curtain over the bed. On top of this, one can use a towel and paper towels to protect against spills.
Body position. We suggest lying on your back when doing a coffee cleanse. Some people prefer to lie on their side, or they prefer the ‘doggie’ position – on hands and knees. Any of these can work.
However, the reasons for lying on your back are: a) it is relaxing, and b) it is easier to do other development procedures in this position while retaining the enema.
Coffee can be prepared in several ways:
1. The best – pressure cook the coffee for 14 seconds. The coffee will be more yang and there is less exposure to the metal of the pot.
2. The 12-minute boil method. This is also very good.
3. A standard coffeemaker.
4. A percolator. This is an older method that is not used much today. However, it works and has the advantage that the coffee becomes stronger the longer you leave it in the percolator.
5. The newer steam flash method.
6. The soak, Aeropress or other non-boil methods. These are not as good and we no longer recommend them at all.
Here are details about each of these methods.
METHOD #1. The best – pressure cook the coffee for 14 seconds.
Procedure for a stove-top pressure cooker: For one enema, use 3-4 cups or 600-850 ml of water. Pour the water into the pressure cooker and add up to 3 tablespoons of coffee.
Turn on the stove. When the top on the pressure cooker starts to vibrate, turn off the stove. Start timing 14 seconds. When the timer reaches 14 seconds, release the pressure quickly.
Procedure for a plug-in electric cooker: For one enema, pour 3-4 cups or 600-800 ml of water into the cooker. Add one to three tablespoons of coffee. Close the lid and, if possible, set the times for 14 seconds. If the electronic timer won’t go down to 14 seconds, then set the timer as low as possible. Then start the cooker.
When the cooker reaches pressure, the heat automatically decreases and the cooker cooks for 14 seconds. If the timer on the pressure cooker won’t go down to 14 seconds, set another timer for 14 seconds.
When the timer rings, tilt the top to reduce the pressure quickly.
Two cautions: Do not to overcook coffee by cooking it longer, which is easy. You must time it for 14 seconds at pressure.
Also, if you pressure-cook your coffee, the coffee will be stronger so you will need less coffee.
We put a plastic or ceramic mug upside down over the pressure release valve or top to catch the steam that escapes when you tilt the top.
HINT: I use about 1/3 the full amount of water when making the coffee. I add the rest when the coffee is cooked and this cools down the coffee.
METHOD #2. The 12-Minute Boil Method. 1. For one enema, put 3-4 cups or 600-850 ml of water in a saucepan. (If you are traveling, you could use a large mug with an immersion heater to boil it.)
2. Add one to three tablespoons of coffee, and bring it to a boil.
You should not feel jittery from a coffee enema. Reduce the amount of coffee if you feel jittery.
3. When the water and coffee boils, turn down the burner and allow it to boil slowly. Set a timer for 12 minutes. Turn it off when the timer rings.
METHODS #3 and #4. Using a coffeemaker or percolator.
These methods make weaker coffee. If you use a coffeemaker or percolator, use about 1/3 more coffee because the coffee will be weaker.
To make it stronger, you may be able to run the coffee through the machine twice or use more coffee.
As with the first method, to make coffee for one enema, place about 3-4 cups of water in a coffee maker or percolator. Use 3 tablespoons of coffee.
METHOD #5. The instant steam flash method or Khurig method.
This method is newer and we think it makes a weaker coffee. At this time, we prefer the 14-second pressure cooking method or the 12-minute boil method because it makes a more yang coffee.
METHOD #6. The non-cooking, soak overnight method or the Aeropress.
These methods are not as good. We no longer recommend them.
This is a newer step. For the best results, after cooking the coffee, let it steep or sit in the coffee grounds for 1-3 minutes.
We do not recommend eating very much for an hour before a coffee enema. This will cause stomach upset. However, coffee lowers blood sugar a little and you can eat up to three almonds or a tablespoon of goat yogurt before an enema to help maintain your blood sugar.
The ideal coffee temperature. For comfort, the coffee must be about body temperature or a little lower.
Testing the coffee temperature. To test the temperature of your coffee, place a finger in it. It should feel warm without burning you.
Instead, you can place a thermometer in it. The correct temperature is about 80 to 97 degrees F. or 25-36 degrees C. If the water is too hot you can burn yourself. If it is too cold, retaining the enema may be more difficult.
Cooling down your coffee. Here are simple ways to cool down hot coffee:
1. Pour the hot coffee through the air from one container to another. Hold the upper container at least two feet above the lower one. Pour it back and forth several times between two containers.
2. Add an ice cube or two to the hot liquid.
3. Stir the coffee rapidly.
3. Place the hot coffee in the freezer or some other cold place for a few minutes.
4. Put about one-third to one-half the amount of water that you will use for your enema in your coffee pot or pressure cooker. Put the other half in a measuring cup at room temperature.
Cook the coffee using half the water. When the coffee is ready, pour the hot liquid into the cooler, room temperature liquid. The resulting mixture will be at the right temperature for your enema.
5. Place several cold packs around your coffee container for a few minutes to cool the coffee.
A. Set up your enema bag or bucket. Here are the steps:
1) Make sure everything is clean.
2) Thread the clamp onto the hose near one end of the hose.
3) Attach the enema tip, which is a small plastic tube, to the end of the hose that has the clamp nearby. The closer the clamp is to the enema tip, the cleaner the enema is liable to be. (Most enema bags and buckets come with two tips. The thinner one is for an enema, while the larger, thicker one is for douching.)
4) Attach the other end of the hose to the screw-on closure for the enema bag. If you are using an enema bucket, this end of the hose attaches directly to a tube that comes out of the bucket.
B. Pour the coffee into the enema bag or bucket, making sure you remove the coffee grounds from the liquid. (If you use a coffee machine, it is done for you.)
Three ways to remove the coffee grounds are 1) decanting, 2) using coffee filter paper, or 3) using a fine strainer. To decant, pour the coffee liquid slowly into your enema bag or enema bucket, and the grounds should stay behind.
Alternatively, you can strain the coffee liquid through a fine strainer or coffee filter paper into the clean enema bag or bucket.
C. If you are using an enema bag, screw on the top of the enema bag. Be sure the plastic hose is fastened tightly onto the enema bag and the thin enema tip is attached to the other end.
D. Remove air from the enema tube. Grasp, but do not close the clamp on the hose. Place the enema tip in the sink. Hold up the enema bag or bucket slightly above the tip until the coffee water begins to flow out. As soon as it starts flowing, quickly close the clamp. This expels any air in the tube.
D1. (New and optional, but helpful) Right spin the coffee. If you are using an enema bag, move it in a circle clockwise when it is full of coffee for about 20 seconds. This will spin the coffee to the right. If you are using a bucket, put two fingers in the coffee and spin your fingers in a circle to the right for about 20 seconds..
E. Lubricate the enema tip with a small amount of raw sesame oil (very soothing), petroleum jelly, Vaseline, soap, olive oil, coconut oil, or shaving cream. Vaseline or petroleum jelly works very well, although is a little greasy.
Many people like a natural shaving cream such as Kiss My Face brand. Soap or shaving cream can work well and cleans up easily. You may experiment to see how much and what kind of lubrication is best for you.
F. If you wish, clean out the colon before doing your enema. This is not required, but it has several benefits:
- It will often make the enema easier to retain. This is because it expels gas and fecal material that make enemas more difficult to hold.
- The enema will be a little more powerful. If there is fecal matter in the colon, the fecal matter will absorb some of the coffee and this weakens the enema.
Two methods to empty the colon are:
1. Do a quick plain tap water enema to clean the colon before your coffee enema. We recommend just doing one of these, and use only up to two cups of water. (Some people like to do several plain water enemas before they do a coffee enema to clean the colon. This could be too much exposure to water. It could make the body more yin, which is not good.)
2. Have a bowel movement. To help do this:
- relax
- drink water before your enema.
- eat a tablespoon of almond butter before your enema. It often works better than eating other food.
- rub the right calf area while sitting on the toilet
- sometimes rubbing and twisting the right pinky toe will cause a bowel movement.
- sit on the toilet and turn on a bidet toilet attachment. In some people, this has a laxative effect.
Hang the bag or bucket. With the clamp closed, hang the bag or bucket one to three feet above your abdomen. If you have no place to hang it from, you can place it on the floor or bed next to you and you can hold it up to let the coffee flow in.
Inserting the tip.
Position for inserting the coffee. Many people prefer lying on their back. You can also lie on one side. Some people use the doggie position – on one hand and knees.
Make sure there is plenty of lubrication near the end of the enema tip. Rub the tip around the anal opening first to lubricate the entire area.
Then this author likes to press the side of the tip against the sphincter first. As the sphincter yields, aim the tip straight upwards toward the body from the legs, not at any angle. Twist or turn the enema tip gently as you insert it, as this can make it slide in much easier.
Make sure the enema tip goes all the way in. The enema tip must go in at least two inches or there will be a mess. Never leave it half way in – it will not work this way. There are two anal sphincters it must pass through, so the tip must be in all the way.
Letting the coffee go in. Once the tip is all the way in, open the clamp and hold or hang the enema bag or bucket above the abdomen. The coffee may take a few seconds to begin flowing.
If the coffee does not flow when you open the clamp. First, look for kinks in the hose and get rid of them. If that doesn’t fix the problem, sometimes the enema tip has to be moved around because something is blocking it.
An air bubble can also block the flow. Tapping the tube usually takes care of this. Rarely, a coffee ground will block the tube. For the latter problem, you can squeeze the bag or the hose to get the coffee to flow.
An excellent idea is to mentally encourage or allow the coffee to flow into your body. You can just visualize it entering, cleansing and healing the body.
If you develop a cramp as you are putting the coffee inside. Close the hose clamp and take a few deep breaths. Perhaps roll your hips a little to the right and then a little to the left. In most cases, the cramp will pass quickly.
However, if the pressure is too great, get up and release the enema. You can always start over. If you have emptied the colon before doing the enema, cramps will occur less often.
Portable toilets. If you are worried about reaching the toilet in time to expel the coffee without making a mess, a good idea is to keep a portable toilet handy. This can be just a small bucket. Medical supply stores also sell a bucket with a toilet seat on top.
Keep this right next to you wherever you do your enema. If you must expel the coffee quickly, you can just move over to the portable toilet and expel the coffee very quickly.
When all the liquid is inside. You will know because the enema bag will become flat or you can see that the bucket is fairly empty. Close the clamp. You can leave the tube inserted, or gently remove it and store the bag or bucket safely.
Intestinal gas: If you have a lot of intestinal gas, definitely leave the enema tip inside of you and leave the clamp open. The intestinal gas will tend to flow out through the enema tip. Otherwise, you may not be able to hold the enema.
Turn to your right side. Once all the coffee is inside you, turn on to your right side for about 30 seconds. Then turn again onto your back.
This causes the coffee to flow from the descending colon into the transverse colon and even somewhat into the ascending colon. It definitely enhances the enema. It can also make it easier to hold the enema.
Relaxing while doing the enema is very good. Excellent ways to spend the 20 minutes of the enema are:
1. When you first put the coffee in, do a basic spinal twist, lifting one leg and swinging it across the other leg all the way to the floor. Then do the other leg.
You can do a few other Spinal Twists such as popping the knees and toes, and perhaps kicking the feet and twisting the hands. These are very good to do when you first put the coffee in. They align the spine, relax the body and assist with development.
2. Do the Pulling Down Procedure. This is the best thing to do during coffee enemas for most people because most do not do this exercise nearly enough.
Also, you will find this superb and extremely important procedure much easier to do while you are doing an enema provided you lie comfortably.
It is easy to do deep breathing at the same time, another excellent healing and development procedure. For details, read Breathing.
4. Move the coffee inside the colon to the upper surface of the transverse colon. This is the brain reflex area of the colon. This will cause more healing in the brain.
To do this, either elevate your hips above your waist with a towel or pillow, or tilt the bed or table you are lying on so your head is lower than your feet, or slap your abdomen so that the coffee splashes on the top of the transverse colon.
5. Do an Oral Coffee Hold. This is a powerful procedure that helps coffee to reach your teeth, ears, sinuses and head. It is excellent if you have health conditions affecting these areas.
Procedure. One method is just before doing your enema, place a little coffee in the mouth and just hold it there while you insert and hold the enema.
Another method works well, but some may consider it unclean. There is always a little coffee left in the enema bag or bucket and this is all that is needed.
After putting the coffee into the colon, elevate the enema tip above the enema bag or bucket. Open the hose clamp and allow the coffee remaining in the hose to flow back into the enema bag or bucket.
Then put the small amount of coffee left in the bag or bucket into your mouth and hold for 15-30 minutes.
This method may seem unclean, but it is not. The leftover coffee has not touched or entered your body. Nor has it touched the enema tip.
6. Do Red Heat Lamp Therapy on your abdomen. Position a red heat lamp so it shines on your abdomen or your legs. The area it shines upon must be unclothed so the rays penetrate the skin.
7. Do a Vaginal Coffee Implant or the Penis Coffee Procedure.
8. Do the Vaginal Peroxide Procedure or Penis Peroxide Procedure. Doing the vaginal peroxide during a coffee enema is powerful. It requires tilting your hips so the vagina is more or less straight up and down, and ideally holding the coffee for 30 minutes, although a little less time is also okay.
9. Do a Kelp Wrap. This is excellent for a few months when one begins a development program to remineralize the body faster. The procedure is to rub the kelp on yourself first, leaving the buttocks without kelp to make doing the enema easier. Then do the enema.
10 Listen to a compact disc program or have your computer read one of the articles from this website to you. This method, called text-to-speech, is fairly easy to set up on a computer and comes with Apple computers.
11. Listen to music. Turning up the volume of certain music will vibrate the organs and will help speed up development. This is a research area at this time (July 2022).
12. Partner activities. If you have a partner, you could do down hugging or down sex or massage while doing a coffee enema.
13. Just rest. However, doing one or more of the activities above is often better.
14. Other. One can listen to the radio or to music.
We know the above combinations may seem overwhelming, so just try them one at a time. The pulling down exercise is most important. Combining can save time.
Remember, relaxing is most important. If you want to just tickle yourself to relax, that is fine.
Visualizing unusual situations can help you relax during an enema and make it more fun and interesting. Visualizing can also help a person to do coffee enemas who otherwise will not do them.
There are about 30 visualizations. We have put them in a separate article. For details, read Coffee Enema Fantasies.
Avoid the following activities during an enema. We do not recommend walking around the house with the coffee inside. We also do not recommend reading or other intense activity. Falling asleep is not good because you may spill the coffee. If you are very tired, nap first before doing the enema.
At first, the procedure may be a little cumbersome and messy. With practice, it gets easier and cleaner.
Some days all will go smoothly. Other days it may be more difficult to hold the coffee due to gas in the intestine or because the body wants to get rid of a toxin and wants the enema out of the body quickly. You can do a second enema if this happens shortly after you begin.
Once in a while, you may also need to urinate after a few minutes of inserting the coffee. This is because the body is eliminating a toxin through the urinary tract, and wants the toxic urine out of the body quickly. This is a problem because often you will not be able to urinate and retain the enema at the same time.
A trick to help this is to bend over forward while sitting on the toilet. This may allow you to urinate and not lose the coffee enema.
Some days it may be more difficult to expel the coffee. Usually, if this occurs you are dehydrated so the body wants the liquid.
It is fair if the coffee remains inside. However, drink more water so that it does not happen regularly. It is best to expel the coffee.
Emptying the coffee. Try to hold the enema for 20 minutes. When you are ready to expel the coffee, go to the toilet and empty out the coffee solution.
Coffee removal aids. Expelling the coffee after doing an enema is not always easy. Here are ways that can help:
- While sitting on the toilet, do the pulling down procedure. This literally helps pull the coffee out of the colon. At the same time, visualize spinning subtle energy to the right. This also helps because the colon musculature naturally spins material in the colon to the right as the muscles contract.
- Drink plenty of water before doing the enema. A major reason people do not release the coffee is they are dehydrated and the water is absorbed during the enema to combat dehydration. At times, a person needs to drink a different brand or different kind of water to end dehydration. For details, read Water For Drinking.
- Rub firmly the right leg just beneath the knee in the back of the leg. This is a reflex point that is sometimes helpful.
- Tap yourself just inside the hip bones on both sides. This is where the coffee often accumulates.
- Tap on the hepatic and splenic flexures. These are just below and slightly under the rib cage on the far right and far left sides of the body.
- Tap on the middle of both leg creases. These are energy points that sometimes help.
- If you have a bidet or bidet toilet attachment, aim it at the anal opening and “tickle” out the coffee. You can also aim it a little in front of the anal opening. This is the location of the first energy center. We call this method “spinning the coffee out” because spraying water here tends to spin the energy center faster.
A bidet toilet attachment can be wonderful to quickly and thoroughly clean your bottom. It costs about $30 to $60. USD and provides a spray of water on your anal area while sitting on the toilet. It attaches easily to many toilets and uses the water supply to the toilet.
The bidet toilet attachment can also be used to greatly speed up development, and we highly recommend it. For details, read Bidet Toilet Attachments.
Double flushing. When you expel the coffee into the toilet, some of it may splash on the sides or seat of the toilet. A good idea is to flush the toilet right after you expel and then sit and try to expel more. When you are done, flush the toilet again. This helps keep the toilet clean.
NOTE: If your toilet is always messy after an enema, the small holes around the toilet bowl may be clogged. This happens if your water is hard (high in calcium). In this case, you need a new toilet since this is difficult to fix.
You will also need a spray bottle with vinegar or soapy water to spray and brush any coffee that splashes onto the toilet seat.
Washing out the enema equipment. Each time after you do an enema, wash the enema tube, the bag or bucket, and the enema tip thoroughly with soap and water, and hang them up to dry. It is not necessary to sterilize them.
DO NOT WASH THE ENEMA EQUIPMENT WITH HYDROGEN PEROXIDE. The reason is that a little peroxide may remain in the enema bag or tube and you may accidentally put it inside yourself, causing a very unpleasant burn.
If you accidentally introduce hydrogen peroxide into the colon, you may not have bowel movements for up to 10 days to give the colon time to heal. There may also be bleeding for a few days. However, the colon will heal. In fact, several people report better bowel movements after a peroxide burn of this type.
Do the following: Do not eat fiber foods. Eat dairy products and drink water or bone broth. A little meat ought to be okay as well.
Also, shine a red heat lamp on the colon each day for 40 minutes, do daily foot reflexology, massage the colon area daily and rest more. Also, stop your regular supplement program and just take EPA-DHA 111 and zinc 1-0-1. A tincture of slippery elm may help, as well.
Also, to speed up healing you can rub kelp on the abdomen once a day. Leave the kelp on for two hours. Then you can wash it off or just leave it.
Eating after the enema. Many people are hungry after a coffee enema. One reason is that coffee enemas can lower the blood sugar level.
It is fine to eat after the enema. We do not suggest eating a lot just before doing the enema. Wait an hour, if possible, after eating a meal before doing a coffee enema.
Two enemas done one right after another have many benefits.
For example, in a few people just doing one coffee enema can cause symptoms such as a headache, weakness or dizziness. Expelling the first enema and doing a second one takes away the toxic feelings.
This occurs because the first coffee enema activates the body’s detoxification system in a powerful way. The coffee in the first enema cannot absorb all the toxins. This causes the symptoms.
If one expels the first enema and does a second one, the second enema is able to absorb the toxins and the headache or other symptoms go away.
Preparation. Prepare for two enemas. Most people need to use 3.5 to 4.5 cups of water. Less water may not work and more is not needed, in most instances.
How much coffee to use.
Two methods are:
1. Trial and error. Start gently and experiment to figure out how much coffee is best. Too little won’t have the desired effect. Too much will leave you somewhat jittery and “caffeinated”.
2. The ear lobe method. This is the method we use. It becomes easier as you develop:
Place some coffee in a scoop. Move your bag of coffee off to one side. Then hold the scoop directly in front of your chest (along the central energy channel of the body).
When you have the right amount of coffee in the scoop, you will feel a slight tingling in the top of your ear lobes. With practice, you will become more sensitive to the feeling in your ear lobes.
Make the coffee the usual way – either boil for 12 minutes or pressure cook for 14 seconds.
Back-to-back enema procedure. Use half your coffee mixture to do the first enema. Hold the enema up to 20 minutes. If you experience symptoms such as a headache or dizziness, you might need to expel the enema earlier.
Then do the second enema and usually the symptoms will disappear. Ideally, hold the second enema for 20 minutes. However, at times the coffee will fill up with toxins and you will need to expel the enema earlier than 20 minutes.
An excellent idea is to begin the coffee enema procedure with a quick plain water purge. The purposes are:
- to clean feces from the colon
- to empty gas from the large and small intestines
- to hydrate the body properly in case it is dehydrated.
- it adds another detoxification procedure.
We recommend using about 2 cups of distilled water that you make yourself or spring water. In America, don’t buy distilled water in the store. At this time, it is not pure. We don’t know about distilled water in other nations. If distilled water is not available, you can use tap or spring water, assuming your tap water is potable.
The best spring water is a glacial water such as Icelandic Spring spring water because it has a low parts per million. This means it is somewhat similar to distilled water.
Retain the water purge for only 2-3 minutes. Then expel the water.
Some people want to do several plain water enemas to clean the colon thoroughly. We don’t recommend this because it involves a lot of water. This is more yin in macrobiotic terminology and not as desirable for this reason.
A helpful addition to your coffee enemas is to shine a reddish heat lamp on the coffee just before inserting the coffee. Do this for about 5 minutes or longer.
I have set up a reddish heat lamp where I place the coffee in the enema bag and I leave it under the heat lamp while I do a distilled water purge. By the time the purge is done, the coffee has been ‘charged’ with the reddish light and it seems to work even better.
At one time, we recommended using some coffee grounds to absorb more toxins. However, we found that the grounds are somewhat toxic, so we no longer recommend using them.
At one time we recommended retaining coffee enemas for longer than 20 minutes. However, we are finding that the coffee becomes full of toxins after about 20 minutes, so we no longer recommend longer enemas.
This procedure will bring more coffee to the brain. It consists of:
1) The oral coffee hold. One holds some coffee in the mouth at the same time that you do a coffee enema. For details, read The Oral Coffee Hold.
2) Tilt the table or bed. Wherever you are lying to do your enema tilt it so that your hips are higher than your head. The coffee will then flow to the upper surface of the transverse colon during the enema. This is the colon reflex area to the brain.
3) Massage the abdomen during the enema. This will help move the coffee to the upper surface of the transverse colon, which is the reflex area to the brain.
While holding the enema, one can press on or tap the reflex areas on the feet that correspond to important areas of the body. For example, you can tap on the liver area, the heart area and others.
Another idea is to rub or tap on the energy meridians in the feet, the hands and along the legs. This type of work is called shiatsu massage.
In particular, press firmly on several areas:
a. The liver area on the right foot and the liver/spleen area on the left foot. These are on the bottom of the feet, below the second, third, fourth and fifth toes and extending almost halfway down the foot toward the heel. The liver area is on the right foot, while the spleen area is on the left foot. Check the Foot Chart for details.
You can press firmly on the liver and spleen organ areas. Another method is to close your fist and tap or beat lightly on the liver and spleen areas with the flat part of the middle part of your curled up fingers. This is another reflexology technique that is also very helpful.
Another method is to slap the area with an open palm of your hand. These motions help the organ areas of the feet and hands. For more details, read Reflexology and Shiatsu.
b. The liver and kidney energy channels or meridians, on both feet. The liver meridian is located in between the big toe and the second toe on the top of the foot, in the webbing. It also extends back, toward the ankle, all the way to the ankle bones on the top of the foot. Just press hard between the first and second metatarsal bones all the way back to the ankle.
Max Gerson, MD, popularized the use of coffee enemas for healing more than anyone else. His book, A Cancer Therapy – Results Of 50 Cases, includes the case of a two-year-old child who recovered from cancer using daily coffee enemas.
Coffee enemas for children are a research area for us. However, so far they are excellent for children and even babies, provided they are at least two years old. You need to be careful to use less coffee and less water for children, depending on their size and weight.
Equipment. For children, one can buy a smaller enema tip that fits on a standard enema bag. An adult-sized tip may work, as well. For babies, an eye dropper may work to insert the coffee.
Coffee Preparation. Prepare the coffee the same way as one prepares it for adults.
Amount of coffee. This is a research area at this time. For age 2 to 4 use about ¼ cup of coffee. For age 5-8, use about ½ cup of coffee. For ages 9-13 use about 1 cup of coffee. For ages 14 and above, use about 1.5 cups of coffee.
Position. For young children, the easiest position is to place the child on his or her stomach on a bed, with the mid-section of the body undressed and with a towel or a bedpan underneath the child’s mid-section. The parent can sit next to the bed.
Older children can do coffee enemas exactly the same way as adults do them.
For babies and children, lubricate the enema tip well with Vaseline or KY Jelly and insert it very slowly and gently, going straight upward from the legs. Twist it a little as you insert it to help it go in. Be sure to insert it all the way.
Then open the clamp and allow the coffee to flow in. Once the coffee is inside, one may need to place a small piece of soft cloth over the anal opening to help keep the coffee inside.
After the coffee has been inside for about 20 minutes, the child can turn over and expel the coffee into the bedpan, or get up and expel into the toilet if the child can make his or her way to the bathroom.
You can do a coffee enema at any time of the day or night. If done close to bedtime, it might interfere with sleep, due to the effect of the caffeine. However, if one feels ill during the night with a headache, for example, you can do a coffee enema, after which some clients report being able to sleep better through the night.
One to four coffee enemas daily are excellent. If one does four daily, I suggest doing two enemas back-to-back in the morning, and two back-to-back again in the afternoon. This has the most powerful effect, yet is very safe.
However, begin with no more than 4 tablespoons of coffee daily. More than this can cause nervousness in some people. Others can easily handle up to a total of 6 or 8 tablespoons of coffee daily.
For deep healing and development, continue coffee enemas for years. In fact, their effects improve over time as the body becomes accustomed to them.
Many of our clients have done them every day for 12-15 years or more without any problem whatsoever.
A good friend has used them continuously for 40 years and continues to benefit from them. He has had no ill effects from them that we can determine, and his health continues to improve.
Some health authorities warn that coffee enemas cause dependency and can damage the intestinal flora. However, we have not seen these effects and have recommended them to thousands of people. We believe the negative warnings are malicious and just intended to scare people away from a most wonderful therapy.
Coffee enemas are excellent to help heal most health conditions. The next chapter discusses cautions and contraindications of coffee enemas.
- Pressure cook your coffee. This requires 14 seconds instead of 12 minutes if you boil the coffee.
- Do two enemas back-to-back. This reduces setup time and time wasted getting undressed and dressed again.
The first five minutes. When one puts coffee in the body rectally, special souls in the coffee do the following:
1. They discuss the person's health situation with the planning souls. These are very important souls in every person that coordinate and direct all healing in the body. For details, read The Planning Souls.
2. The coffee souls then do their own assessment of the body. They take note of about two dozen types of damage. This includes inflammation, toxic metals, nervous system imbalances, infections, damage from traumas, parasites and many chemical and nutritional imbalances.
3. A special part of this assessment is to look for two unusual types of damage. These are electrical implants and damage from witchcraft. The latter are similar to homeopathic toxins. These can be in our food, are quite common, and cause a lot of ill health. Coffee enemas are one of the very few ways to remove these unusual toxins.
5. The coffee souls also note the general condition of the person. They mainly note how well nourished and how rested and relaxed is the person. This influences greatly what the coffee can accomplish in terms of healing.
6. A decision is reached regarding the work to be done this day.
The next five minutes. The souls in the coffee go to work with the help of the souls of the person's body. The coffee souls ask for protection, for chemical substances needed to complete the work, and they ask for helpers.
They also ask for any other information needed to complete the project of the day. The work then begins and usually continues for at least 15 minutes.
Inspection after about 10 to 15 minutes. The coffee souls do another assessment to make sure the person is left in a stable and balanced condition after the enema. This is easy or more difficult depending upon the healing that was done during the enema session.
It is critical to leave the person in stable condition. Removing toxins is not so simple and can upset the balance of body chemistry. This is a problem with many detoxification methods that we do not recommend, including fasting, baths, and others.
Cleanup. After about 20 minutes, it is time to clean up. Toxins are sent from the body organs to the colon to be eliminated when the person expels the coffee.
The coffee in the colon then becomes rather toxic. One may feel this as a slight headache, a slight pain in the liver area, or as a strong desire to go to the toilet and expel the coffee. It is important to expel the coffee at this time.
Toxin reabsorption. If one continues an enema longer than about 20 minutes, some toxins are reabsorbed from the colon.
Longer term effects. As one continues to do coffee enemas over a period of months and years, the body becomes much more efficient in using the coffee.
1. Bowel movements. If you do coffee enemas regularly, you may not have bowel movements. That is okay. There may just be little fecal material present.
If you do have fecal matter that comes out with your coffee enema, it is ideal to have a bowel movement just before your coffee enema. It will make retaining the enema a little easier.
Some people assist by doing a quick distilled water purge just before the coffee enema to clean out the colon.
Another method to cause a bowel movement that works for some people is to drink plenty of water or eat something just before your enema. Do not eat a lot, however.
2. Relax. To retain the coffee for 15-20 minutes requires that you relax. Make sure the room is warm, and that you are comfortable. Wear a tee shirt, sweat shirt or bathrobe to keep warm or cover yourself up with a blanket.
Perhaps put on some quiet music, do the pulling down procedure (excellent!), breathe deeply, or even watch television or listen to the radio while you are doing your retention enema. Do not get up and walk around.
3. For cleanliness. At times, a few drops of coffee will get on your towel or sheet, or whatever you are lying upon when doing your enema. Here are ways to avoid this:
A. Slide the clamp on the enema tube down so it is only a few inches from the enema tip.
B. Rinse off the rim of the enema bag with plain water. The reason is that when pouring coffee into an enema bag, some coffee remains on the outer rim of the bag and will drip when you turn the bag upside down.
C. Make sure the enema tip is firmly connected to the enema tube. The tip should be pushed as far as possible into the tube. Also, as the enema tube ages, the end of the tubing can stretch and the plastic enema tip will not fit tightly. The solution is to remove the tip, cut off about one inch or two centimeters of the plastic tubing, and then usually the enema tip will fit tightly.
D. Wherever you decide to do your coffee enema, first place an old plastic shower curtain on the floor, mat, bed or other area. Then place a towel on top of that to catch any drips or slips.
4. For incontinence. To help keep the coffee in, you may place a washrag or small towel over the anal area. Most people find this unnecessary, but it will help if you have a weak anal sphincter.
5. Trouble holding the enema. A major reason some people have trouble holding the enema for 20 minutes is intestinal gas. If intestinal gas is a problem, some stretching or bending exercises before the enema may eliminate the gas. In particular, lie down on your bed and pull both knees up to your chin to expel gas.
Another excellent idea is to do a quick plain water or better, distilled water enema before doing a coffee enema. This will clean out the colon and will help expel intestinal gas.
Another method that will solve the problem is to leave the enema tip inside you with the clamp open the entire time you hold the enema. This allows gas and air to escape back into the enema bag or bucket. The bag or bucket must be at a higher level than your body and you will need to use a small strap around your thigh to keep the enema tube inside you so it does not fall out.
Another reason why one may not hold be able to hold a coffee enema for 20 minutes is if the body wants to expel a toxin quickly. This is normal and occurs, at times. Just release early and if possible, do another coffee enema to help release all the toxin.
6. Hypoglycemia. Occasionally, coffee enemas cause hypoglycemic symptoms such as dizziness, shaking or weakness. The reason is a coffee enema may lower the blood sugar.
The answer is to eat a small amount, such as three or four almonds, just before taking the enema.
We do not recommend eating a lot just before doing a coffee enema. Eating a meal after doing your enema is fine.
7. Making extra coffee to save time. Although fresh is best, if necessary to save time you can make enough coffee for two days worth of enemas. Put the extra coffee in the refrigerator as soon as possible.
General note. Many symptoms that can occur due to a coffee enema, such a fatigue, headache, stomach ache or others are due to the release to toxins that the body cannot get rid of fast enough.
To avoid or correct this problem, we always suggest a complete development program along with coffee enemas. This means at least following the development diet. Ideally, it also includes a healthful lifestyle and several basic nutritional supplements, as discussed in the article entitled The Free Program on this website.
Also, doing a second coffee enema immediately may cause the symptoms to go away.
Abdominal pain. Coffee enemas are very safe when done correctly. If they give you abdominal pain or caffeine reactions, try lying on your RIGHT SIDE during your entire enema. Some clients report this works much better. For abdominal discomfort after a coffee enema, do foot reflexology, especially of the top of the toes on the left foot.
Acrylamide. Some people are worried about this toxic chemical that forms when any food product is roasted. So far, we have not noted problems with acrylamide and we do look for it.
Fresh, darker roast coffee apparently has less of it. Avoid instant coffee, which has 100% more (we don’t recommend it anyway). We do not think a lot is produced from roasting coffee, or the whole population of coffee drinkers would be loaded with it, which they are not.
Also, the colon helps protect the body from toxins in coffee. For details about the dangers of roasting food, read AGES Or Advanced Glycation End Products.
Allergic reaction to coffee. If you are sensitive to drinking coffee, often you can do coffee enemas, as it is not the same as drinking coffee.
Very rarely, someone is sensitive to the coffee in the enema. Try using less coffee, or you may be reacting to a little mold in the coffee. In this case one may do better with bulletproof coffee ( I do not like the lightly roasted SA Wilson Enema Coffee as much, because it is quite yin in Chinese medical terminology.
Anal strictures. Coffee enemas are excellent, assuming that the coffee will flow into the colon.
Appendicitis. We do not suggest coffee enemas if a person has lower right quadrant abdominal pain.
Babies. We do not have experience administering coffee enemas to babies. However, Max Gerson, MD describes a case of cancer in an 8-month-old baby who underwent his entire treatment, including coffee enemas. There was no problem with the enemas in the baby. (For enemas with children, see Children below).
Bowel movements. It is perfectly okay if you have no bowel movements when doing coffee enemas. This is not due to weakening the colon muscles. Usually, the reason for no bowel movements is that you are cleaning out the colon daily, so there is no feces left inside to come out with regular bowel movements. In most cases, bowel movements will return on their own, even while you are doing coffee enemas, as colon health improves.
Breastfeeding. Coffee enemas while breastfeeding appear to be perfectly safe.
Children. Coffee enemas can be done with children age 3 or older. Use less than half the amount of coffee and water for a child. Some children happily lie down on the floor and can do the enema exactly the same way as adults.
Other younger children prefer to lie on their stomach on a bed, and a parent or helper inserts the coffee into the rectum and places a towel over the rectum to hold it in. Place another towel or a bed pan underneath the child to catch any leaks. Use plenty of Vaseline on the enema tip to make it slide in easily. Make sure the tip goes all the way in. Children who do coffee enemas are able to use an adult-sized enema tip, in our experience.
Colectomy. If your large intestine has been surgically removed, (colectomy), you can still do coffee enemas. If your small intestine opens to the abdomen and you wear a bag, insert the coffee there. If the small intestine is connected to the rectum, insert the coffee the same way as if you had a colon.
Colitis and Crohn’s Disease. Coffee enemas can be used with these conditions.
Colon or rectal cancer. Caution is required in case the colon is damaged, which could cause perforation. However, coffee enemas are extremely helpful for most cancers. We suggest three to four coffee enemas daily for cancers. For details, read Cancer And Alternative Therapies.
Constipation. Coffee enemas are excellent to help clean out the colon and restore its integrity. Also look for other causes of constipation. The most common causes are:
- Not drinking about 96 ounces of water for an adult
- Drinking the wrong type of water such as reverse osmosis water
- An improper diet that does not contain enough cooked vegetables.
- Less commonly, a person needs more magnesium. For details, read Constipation.
Danger signals during a coffee enema. Expel the coffee at once if the pressure to release the enema becomes severe. We have never heard of anyone who ruptured the colon with a coffee enema.
Dr. Ralph Moss reported that the United States Office of Technology Assessment or OTA "cites the case of the two Seattle women who died following excessive enema use. Their deaths were attributed to fluid and electrolyte abnormalities. One of them took 10 to 12 coffee enemas in a single night and then continued at a rate of one per hour. OTA pointed out, “in both cases, the enemas were taken much more frequently than is recommended in the Gerson treatment."
Dangers of mineral depletion or mineral imbalances. In our experience, these do not occur. In fact, coffee provides more minerals. If you are concerned about this, drink only spring water before and after your enema and take 3 to 6 600 mg capsules of kelp daily.
Diarrhea. Coffee enemas can be done when one has diarrhea, and may help correct it, depending on the cause. For details, read Diarrhea.
Diverticulosis and diverticulitis. Coffee enemas are excellent to help clean out and heal diverticuli in the colon.
Fatigue if you skip your enema for a day or two. This occurs because your body is accustomed to the coffee enema for cleansing and is in a detoxification mode. If you skip the enema, the body is unable to detoxify and you may not feel as well that day. The fatigue or other symptoms are not due to becoming addicted to coffee enemas, as some believe.
Fecal incontinence. Coffee enemas are excellent. However, to retain the enema, one must place a washcloth over the anal area.
Fatigue. Some people report feeling very tired after a coffee enema. This is normal for some people, and is not a problem. If this occurs, rest after your enema. You may also do the enema before going to sleep in the evening so you can sleep afterwards.
Fissures and fistulas. These are best resolved before doing coffee enemas. If they are present, you can still do coffee enemas. You may need to use a colon tube to bypass the rectum. For more details, read Anal Fissures And Fistulas.
Food poisoning. Coffee enemas are excellent to help relieve many cases of food poisoning.
Gas and bloating. Coffee enemas are fine, and often helpful. If the enemas cause gas or bloating, rub the feet after the enema, especially the top of the left foot near the toes, as this may help relax the intestinal tract. Address other causes for gas, such as too many food combinations, eating too much, improper diet, or a need for a digestive enzyme. For details, read Gas And Bloating.
Gastritis and ulcers. Coffee enemas are fine.
Gastrointestinal bleeding. Coffee enemas are usually safe if done carefully if you have a gastric ulcer. However, it may depend on the cause of the bleeding.
Hemorrhoids. Mild hemorrhoids usually do not interfere with coffee enemas. More severe hemorrhoids can bleed and be painful, and may make coffee enemas difficult to do. Using a colon tube to bypass the rectal area can help. In severe cases, one must first resolve the hemorrhoids with surgery or preferably galvanic treatments before one can do coffee enemas.
Irritable bowel syndrome. Coffee enemas can be done when one has irritable bowel syndrome. Improper diet is the most common cause of irritable bowel syndrome. For details, read Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Malabsorption syndromes, including celiac disease. Coffee enemas can be very helpful to improve intestinal health.
Meals. We suggest waiting at least one hour after a meal before doing a coffee enema. After an enema, one can eat a meal immediately.
Medications. Coffee enemas will not interfere with any drug therapies that we know of. Consult your doctor if you are unsure. Coffee can antidote homeopathic remedies, which is one reason we like them very much. For details, read Problems With Homeopathy.
Menstruation. This should not interfere with coffee enemas in any way.
Nausea and vomiting. Coffee enemas are often excellent to reduce nausea and vomiting, especially if it is due to liver toxicity. This is a common cause of nausea, especially during development programs.
No large intestine. See colectomy. Overdoing coffee enemas. It is possible to overdo on anything. We suggest a maximum of 4 enemas per day except for rare exceptions. We also suggest a maximum of 2 tablespoons of coffee per enema.
Parasites and yeast. Coffee enemas are excellent to help expel most parasites. This occurs due to mechanical cleansing of the colon, increased bile flow and other mechanisms, as well. For details, read Parasites.
Pregnancy. We have not received any reports of problems with coffee enemas done during pregnancy. They appear to be safe when done properly.
Rectal Abscess. In general, coffee enemas are very good.
Rectal prolapse. We suggest avoiding coffee enemas until the prolapse is corrected.
Stimulation. If a person feels very stimulated after a coffee enema, the reason is that one used too much coffee. Reduce the amount of coffee. Some types of coffee have more caffeine than others. Also, some coffee may contain some mold that may be stimulating.
Dr. Max Gerson, MD used up to 18 tablespoons of coffee per day (in 6 coffee enemas). We find this is too much for most people. Most people cannot handle more than about 8 tablespoons of coffee (in about 4 enemas) or less today. We believe this is due to changes in the bodies over the past 80 years of so, when Dr. Gerson did his work.
The elderly. We have seen no problems administering coffee enemas to people in their 80s or even 90s.
Trouble inserting the enema tip. Lubricate the tip well. Twist the enema tip as you insert it, as this can make it slide in much easier.
1. Trouble holding the enema. Inability to hold a coffee enema is almost always due to some gas in the intestine. To get around this common problem, do the enema a little differently.
A. Elevate your hips so they are a little higher than your waste. You can do this either of two ways: Put a pillow under your hips, or if you are lying in bed, put bed risers under the back feet of the bed so the back of the bed is a little higher than the front.
B. Do the enema in this position lying on your back.
C. When the coffee is all inside you, leave the enema tip inside yourself and leave the clamp open. Doing it this way allows the gas to flow back out the tube and back into the enema bag and solves the problem.
D. You may tie the enema tube to your thigh with a shoelace to keep the enema tip fully inside the rectum.
E. If a cramp comes, be sure to breathe deeply and relax. Occasional cramping is normal as the body moves bile, feces and toxins out of the liver and small intestine areas.
Other ideas.
A. At times, using less water and/or less coffee will make the enema easier to retain.
B. Try switching to bulletproof coffee. This brand works better for some people.
C. Before doing your enema, try to expel any gas that is in the intestine. One way to do this is to bend over at the waist or do some stretches to expel gas.
2. Pain or discomfort in your abdomen after a coffee enema. Do reflexology on yourself. For some reason, you must rub the tops of the toes of the left foot. Usually this will relieve any discomfort.
3. Irritation of the anal area. Use more lubricant. If that doesn’t work try adding one or two tablespoons of aloe vera juice to the coffee liquid.
4. Coffee intolerance. Occasionally, a person cannot tolerate even a small amount of coffee. This can be due to:
a. Sensitivity to caffeine. Begin with just a pinch of coffee and work up slowly as you can.
b. Sensitivity to mold or rancid oil on the coffee beans. If this is the case, try switching to the bulletproof brand of coffee, also sometimes called “upgraded coffee”.
c. Sensitivity to roasting chemicals. In this case, you will do better with a lighter roast coffee.
d. Rarely, a person cannot tolerate any caffeine at all. In this case, do the rest of a development program and try the coffee enemas again in one to two months.
Eventually, perhaps after a number of months, your body should recover enough to be able to handle the enemas. We do not recommend using decaffeinated coffee, because it is not effective.
1. The enema bucket or enema bag is too high. If the enema bucket or bag is hanging too high, the coffee solution will flow into your colon too quickly and you may not be able to hold it. It will go in, but then it may come back out, making a mess.
2. The enema bucket or bag is too low. The enema bag or bucket needs to be at least 2 feet or about 20 centimeters above your body or the water may not flow in.
3. The coffee is too cold or too hot. If the coffee is not around body temperature, it will be hard to keep the coffee inside.
4. The tube or enema tip is not in far enough. If this happens, the coffee won’t go inside and it will be a mess. Insert the tube or tip at least 3 inches, or up to where the enema tip gets wider.
5. You are not relaxed enough. If you are tense, you may not be able to hold the coffee as well. Use your breath to relax your body.
6. The tube is not fastened securely to the bucket or bag. If you ignore this, it will cause a mess.
"In fact, there is hardly a region of the world where people did not discover or adapt the enema. It is more ubiquitous than the wheel. Enemas are found in world literature from Aristophanes to Shakespeare, Gulliver Travels to Peyton Place." - Ralph W. Moss, PhD
MYTH #1. COFFEE DAMAGES THE FLORA IN THE COLON. No. In my experience of over 40 years, daily coffee enemas, even several per day, does not affect the flora in the colon in a negative way.
It does not wash out the flora because the enema does not involve that much water. In fact, as mentioned earlier in this book, coffee enemas often improve the intestinal flora and help get rid of intestinal dysbiosis.
MYTH #2. COFFEE ENEMAS WASH MINERALS OUT OF THE BODY. No. In fact coffee enemas add minerals to the body. Coffee contains many minerals, including zinc, selenium, potassium and others.
Coffee enemas also assist the liver and bile secretion. This allows a person to absorb more minerals from their food.
MYTH #3. COFFEE ENEMAS CAUSE CONSTIPATION (FLACCID BOWEL). No. If one stops coffee enemas, it may take the body several days to a week to readjust. However, I have not seen coffee enemas cause constipation. In fact, by helping to heal the colon, coffee enemas can reduce constipation.
MYTH #4. COFFEE ENEMAS CAUSE ADDICTION. Very rarely. We have recommended coffee enemas to several thousand people.
We have had only one case in which a person told me she thought she was becoming addicted to coffee enemas. She had previously been addicted to drinking coffee.
More often, a person enjoys the coffee enemas, and wants to continue them. This is not an addiction, however.
MYTH #5. COFFEE ENEMAS CAN PERFORATE THE COLON. I have never heard of this occurring.
MYTH #6. COFFEE ENEMAS CAN CAUSE INFECTIONS. While this is conceivable, I have never heard of it happening. Just be sure the enema bag and tubing are clean. It is not necessary to sterilize them.
MYTH #7. THE CAFFEINE IS HARMFUL. Less caffeine is absorbed from coffee when taken rectally. If a coffee enema causes a caffeine “buzz”, I suggest using less coffee. Decaffeinated coffee does not work well in coffee enemas.
MYTH #8. DO COFFEE ENEMAS CAUSE DEHYDRATION? You can read on the internet that this is true. However, that is not my experience at all. In fact, many people improve their hydration by doing coffee enemas. The water is absorbed, and this is a benefit.
A few people report that after they do a coffee enema, their lips are dry and a little sore. They may falsely believe that this means the coffee enema caused dehydration. My experience is that these people were already dehydrated, or this symptom would not occur. Either they were not drinking enough water (about 3 quarts or 3 liters daily for an adult), or their drinking water is not hydrating them well, or they are on the “dehydration diet”. This consists of having any amount of caffeine, alcohol or sugars in the diet, including fruit or sweet juice. One cup of coffee or tea is usually okay, but not more.
I find that just doing coffee enemas, without following a total health program, may not work well. This may be because the coffee enemas cause deep changes in body chemistry and the support of a total program is needed to reap the full benefits of the coffee enemas.
Those who just do coffee enemas, but continue with unhealthful lifestyles and poor quality diets, at times develop headaches, abdominal upset, anxiety or other symptoms. This is unfortunate because when this occurs a person usually decides that coffee enemas are “toxic”, or otherwise harmful.
To avoid this, I suggest a more comprehensive healing program when one does coffee enemas. The two ways we recommend to do this are:
1. The ‘free’ development program. This is an abridged and introductory development program. It is found in the article on this website entitled The Healing Lifestyle. It includes the basic development diet, basic nutritional supplements, and the healing and detoxification procedures, including coffee enemas.
2. A complete development program. This is the best. To do this, one needs to contact one of the Approved Practitioners listed on this website by clicking here.
WE DO NOT RECOMMEND other natural healing programs such as chelation, bio-identical hormone therapy, most herbal therapies, homeopathy or other diets or programs. We do not think they are nearly as safe, even if they seem to give good results.
1. Reduce stress wherever you can by living simply and inexpensively. Also, do your best to live and work in a safe location with clean air, peace and quiet.
2. More rest is critical for most people. Do your best to get 9-10 or more hours of sleep every night. Also, getting to sleep early, between 8 and 9 PM, will give you the most restful night’s sleep. Naps are excellent during the day and may also be needed, as you may feel tired, at times, as healing occurs.
3. Limit your exercise to gentle walking, hiking, bicycling or perhaps swimming in lakes, oceans or rivers but not pools, preferably, due to toxic chemicals and infections. Although some health authorities disagree, I find it is not necessary to exercise vigorously. Most people are exhausted, and very unhealthy. As a result, vigorous exercise may feel good, but just stresses the body and is not a good idea.
4. Deep breathing every day for at least 15-30 minutes is also excellent.
5. Minimize sexual fluid loss. This means try not to ejaculate, men, and for women it means to limit orgasms and sexual fluid loss. Regular sex once a week is plenty.
6. Reduce toxic exposures. Reduce all chemicals on your skin such as perfumes, cologne, lotions, etc. Also beware of lawn chemicals, pesticides, solvents, paints, and other toxins. Use only natural products with as few chemicals in them as possible.
7. If you have silver amalgam dental fillings, begin now to have them replaced with either composite fillings or gold alloy. The silver amalgams contain mercury that is extremely toxic.
Root canal-filled teeth almost always harbor serious infection, even if you cannot feel it. Most of the time, it is best to have the tooth removed. This can be extremely important in order to regain and maintain your health.
Also, do not get fluoride treatments and do not get metal braces on your teeth. The metal usually contains nickel, a potent toxin.
8. Minimize electromagnetic pollution. If you must use a cell or portable phone, hold it away from your head or use a headset or speakerphone. Turn off all electrical devices when you sleep. Keep computers, televisions and phones as far away from you as possible.
9. Minimize, and preferably avoid all medical and over-the-counter drugs.
This procedure is amazing, and most helpful for women. It will help with uterine fibroid tumors, ovarian cysts, pelvic infections, and release of all trauma in the pelvic area. It also powerfully helps to move energy downward and removes memories of old relationships that often plague women.
It works somewhat differently than a coffee enema because the vaginal coffee moves to the lymph glands located in the leg creases, rather than going directly to the liver.
It consists of placing a small amount of a coffee solution inside the vagina, usually on a small sponge, and retaining it for about 30 minutes. It is simple, safe and clean. For details, please read The Vaginal Coffee Implant.
A coffee solution in contact with the penis and testis is helpful for certain conditions of men and boys. It can help with infections, and general health. To read about it, please read Penis Coffee Implants on this site.
This is very good and part of the Brain Procedure. It consists of holding half a cup of coffee or less in the mouth for about 15 minutes. Make sure the coffee makes contact with the teeth, gums and other structures in the mouth.
For details, read The Oral Coffee Hold.
Coffee can also be used therapeutically for other situations. For example:
- A few clients have placed a small amount of coffee in an ear to help relieve an ear infection.
- A few clients have placed a small amount of coffee in a netti pot and used this to insert the coffee into the nasal passages and sinuses.
At this time, these are research projects. I welcome feedback from anyone who has done research on these therapeutic uses of coffee.
We formerly suggested this. However, we find it oxidizes the coffee a little, and makes it more yin, which damages it, so we no longer recommend this procedure.
Rarely, a few garlic enemas can be used to combat a serious infection. However, this is rare and garlic enemas do not promote development or have the other benefits of coffee enemas. Therefore, we do not use them or recommend them.
The procedure. Peel 8 to 10 medium-sized cloves of garlic. Chop them up finely. Then place them in one quart of water. The best water is spring or distilled water, or carbon-filtered tap water.
Cover the pot, bring the water to a boil, and then let the garlic simmer on a low flame for 15 minutes. Then remove the pot from the stove. Let it cool until you can place a finger in the water comfortably.
Then strain the liquid through a fine strainer or coffee filter paper, and place it in an enema bag or enema bucket. Now you are ready for the garlic enema. Once you put the garlic liquid into the rectum, retain it for 15 minutes or a little longer, if possible.
1. This is not for everyone. It is only for those with serious infection problems.
2. Do not use this type of enema more than twice a week. The reason is that it is a more yin procedure, which is not as good on a daily basis.
3. Do not combine garlic with coffee in a single enema. Neither works as well this way. Do them separately, on different days, ideally.
Clients occasionally report they are doing enemas with aloe juice, berberine, acacia, Cantron, colloidal silver or other substances. These could definitely be harmful, and we never recommend any of these substances in an enema. They are not the same as a coffee enema, no matter what anyone claims.
This is a related form of colon hydrotherapy. Colonic irrigation or high colonics used to be administered in hospitals before childbirth, before surgery, and in other situations. Here are some of the differences between colonic irrigation and coffee enemas:
1. The amount of water used. Colonic irrigation involves placing several gallons or more of filtered water in the colon and massaging the colon to loosen impacted fecal material. Then one empties the water and repeats the procedure a number of times, usually for about an hour.
2. Requires a professional in most cases. Colonic irrigation generally requires a trained colon hydrotherapist. However, one can do colonics at home, by oneself, if one has the correct equipment.
3. The cost. A professional colonic irrigation session usually costs $60-100.00.
In contrast, a typical coffee enema involves two to four cups of water, is done at home, is very low cost, takes only about 15 to 20 minutes, and does not require a skilled practitioner.
Advantages of colonic irrigation is that it may clean out an impacted colon and parasitic infestation much faster, since much more water is used. Results can be dramatic! This is extremely helpful when the colon is very diseased or constipation is longstanding, but only for a series of 5 to 10 of them – no more.
A major disadvantages of colonic irrigation is that repeated sessions make the body too yin in Chinese medical terms, by introducing too much water into the colon. For this reason, I do not recommend colonic irrigation very often.
Coffee enemas do not pose this problem, in my experience, and can be repeated several times daily for years without any adverse effects.
Some clients want to take various herbs instead of doing coffee enemas. The use of herbs such as milk thistle and dandelion is good. However, they do not have the same effects as coffee enemas and they are not a substitute. At times, I recommend both coffee enemas and milk thistle and dandelion for the liver.
Some clients also ask about the use of coffee suppositories instead of coffee enemas. The suppositories do not work well, in my experience. I would not bother with them at all.
The colon is also called the large intestine. It is located in the lower abdomen. The colon is a tube about 2 feet long that is shaped like an upside down U, as shown in the diagram below. It is built in segments that look something like little pouches.
The colon has a number of layers beginning with an inner mucosal lining. Outside of this is a layer of muscles that contract in a sequential or orderly fashion, one segment after the other, to move the food and feces along its length. This process is called peristalisis.
There is also an outer covering on the colon, and the entire structure is suspended in the abdomen by various ligaments. It has a rich blood supply, and blood vessels from the colon go directly to the liver, and not into the general blood circulation.
The colon also has some lymphatic tissue that drains certain poisons from the colon.
Functions of the colon. These are:
1. It removes water and nutrients from the chyme, which is the semi-liquid mass of partially digested food that enters the colon.
2. It absorbs thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), cobalamin (B12), vitamin K and other vitamins that are made by the bacteria that live in the colon.
3. The colon is also a complex eliminative organ that prepares the non-nutritive part of the chyme for elimination.
4. The colon also protects the body from deadly poisons that may be produced in the intestines.
The colon is one of the most diseased organs of the body in many people today. Everyone needs to pay attention to this. The reasons are quite simple, and include:
1. Eating sweets, including all sugars, fruits and juices. These often feed yeasts and other pathological organisms.
2. Eating poor quality food, low in fiber and foods containing additives, preservatives, pesticides, and other chemicals that damage the intestines.
3. Improper eating habits such as eating on the run or too fast, eating in the car or not chewing thoroughly.
4. Low levels of digestive enzymes in the upper intestines. These cause partially digested proteins and starches to end up in the colon, where they either rot or ferment. This causes the production of extremely toxic chemicals such as skatol, indol, cadaverine and others. Most people know about these from their foul odors, gas and bloating, all of which is harmful.
5. Any use of antibiotics. These damage and often destroy the normal flora in the colon.
6. Use of many other medical drugs and over-the-counter remedies. Most of them are toxic to the intestinal tract to some degree.
7. Ignoring the call of nature to empty the bowels.
8. Hurried lifestyles, with fear and nervous tension. These negative emotions often affect the functioning of the colon.
9. Infections in the colon. Common ones include yeasts, parasites, bacteria and viruses.
10. Fruit-eating and sugar-eating are among the most important causes of colon problems today because it allows and encourages the growth of yeasts in the intestines. Also, fruit is extremely yin and this tends to expand the colon and slows its activity.
1. Colitis. This means inflammation of the colon. There are many kinds such as ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, and mucus colitis. Diet and having the correct flora in the intestines are important to heal this condition. Drugs and surgery are not necessary if one follows a development program.
2. Irritable bowel syndrome. In this condition a person experiences alternating constipation and diarrhea. Pain or tenderness in the colon is also common. Correcting the diet and lifestyle usually takes care of this condition.
3. Diverticulitis. This is an inflammation and perhaps infection in one or more pockets that form in the large intestine. It usually goes away as the colon heals.
4. Bowel Obstruction. This is a very serious condition that usually requires surgery to remove the obstruction. It may be caused by a tumor or twisting of the intestine.
5. Prolapsed colon. In this condition, the transverse colon elongates and hangs down. This often is associated with constipation and other problems such as yeast or parasites in the colon.
6. Constipation. This is the most common problem in the colon and one of the most common conditions in the world. I find that correcting the diet and drinking enough pure spring water usually ends this problem. Adults generally need about 2 to 3 quarts of pure water daily.
7. Diarrhea. This occurs when food moves through the colon too fast. It is a common condition with a number of causes. One cause is an intestinal infection. Amazingly, many cases of chronic and long-standing, diarrhea clears up when a person eliminates all wheat, fruit, and all sweets from the diet. One must also eat at least 3 cups of cooked, not raw, vegetables each day.
8. Cancer of the colon. This is a common form of cancer. I believe that most of it is easy to prevent by improving the diet and by using coffee enemas regularly.
9. Fissures and fistulas. Fissures are small tears in the skin or mucosa in the anal area. An infection in the area is usually present. These are fairly common and make taking coffee enemas difficult. They can usually be healed by a daily sitz bath with hot water and several cups of Epson salts.
Fistulas are less common and are openings between the colon and usually the vagina or some other structure such as the bladder. They may heal themselves, or may require a surgical repair.
10. Strictures. This is a narrowing of a part of the colon, often due to adhesions, scarring or copper toxicity. Strictures may interfere with bowel movements, and with coffee enemas.
11. Hemorrhoids. These are dilated blood vessels that surround the anal area. They are very common and may bleed during bowel movements. If they are small, a development program will usually cause them to heal. If they are very large, doing coffee enemas is difficult. In these cases, laser surgery or galvanic treatment may be very helpful.
If coffee enemas make hemorrhoids worse, the coffee is usually rancid or old. Change the coffee you are using at once.
1. It takes a tremendous amount of energy to detoxify the body thoroughly. This is one reason why most detoxification methods do not work very well today. These include fasting, fruit diets, mono diets, baths, enemas alone, foot baths, foot pads, herbs and other methods.
2. Deep detoxification is not a fast process. It is quite involved and cannot occur in a few weeks or months. Many people claim they “got rid of their mercury”, for example, with chelation or a special diet.
I would say they got rid of some mercury with these methods. I know this because when these people embark on a development program, they often eliminate more mercury on repeated hair mineral tests. This indicates there was more that was missed by their earlier detoxification program.
3. Detoxify now, not later. The reason for this is that as a person grows older, the amount of etheric energy or life energy diminishes. As a result, as one ages, healing and detoxification are more difficult.
4. A detoxification program needs to be integrated. Otherwise, the methods of detoxification one uses often conflict with each other in subtle ways. This negates some of their benefits.
5. Make the body more yang. The word yang means warmer and more compact. It is a physics concept that is not well known in Western medicine, but has been used in Chinese medicine and macrobiotics for thousands of years.
Today, most bodies are too yin. This is due to many factors such as ionizing radiation exposure, toxic metal and toxic chemical exposure, electromagnetic stress, and the use of medical drugs.
I find that making the body more yang is a very powerful and often-overlooked aspect of detoxification. For details, read Yin And Yang Healing.
6. As part of your detoxification program, let go of negative thoughts and emotions such as fear, guilt, anger and victimhood. If you do not do this, you will tend to hold on to certain toxins in the body.
For example, iron toxicity is associated with anger. As you let go of your anger and forgive people, it will help the body to remove toxic forms of iron. A number of articles on this website describe this interesting phenomenon.
7. Opening energy channels is important for detoxification. The simplest way to do this is daily foot reflexology. With a little practice, this is a very powerful and safe method that everyone can do at home.
8. To assist detoxification, support the eliminative organs. These are the liver, kidneys, intestines, lungs, enzyme pancreas, and skin. Supporting and healing the liver and large intestine are among the main benefits of coffee enemas.
9. Balancing the mineral ratios in the hair tissue (not the blood or urine) greatly assists detoxification. I am not sure why the hair mineral levels are most important, but they are. This is how a development program works, as compared to other healing methods. Balancing these ratios and levels optimizes enzyme activity, balances yin and yang, and mobilizes toxins.
Coffee enemas directly assist detoxification of the body in the following ways:
1. Mechanical cleansing of the colon. This not only can remove toxins, yeasts and parasites from the colon. It also reduces autointoxication of the body due to fermentation and putrefaction of partially digested food.
2. Increasing bile flow from the liver. It also increases detoxification by increasing the flow of pancreatic juice from the pancreas.
3. Cleansing of all the organs and tissues via the colon reflex system. This is a very important benefit of coffee enemas. Click here for a diagram of the colon reflexes.
4. The oils in coffee, particularly when taken in an enema, are able to antidote or neutralize a wide variety of harmful vibrations. This unusual quality is well known in the field of homeopathy. The mechanism is not well understood. Coffee can neutralize not only physically-related toxins, but also toxins related to mental, emotional, and spiritual functioning.
This is a very powerful property of coffee that in not shared by other herbs or plants. It makes the coffee enema one of the most unique procedures available to us.
5. Holding a coffee enema tends to move energy downward through the body. This movement of energy tends to improve cellular detoxification and lymph drainage everywhere in the body.
6. Coffee seems to assist the activity of the Peyer’s patches. These are a very important part of the lymph system of the body that can drain toxins directly into the small intestine, bypassing the liver and kidneys. This is critical to remove certain toxins from the body that cannot easily be eliminated through the liver or kidneys.
7. Sympathetic nervous system activity inhibits detoxification. Coffee enemas also have a powerful calming effect on the sympathetic nervous system. This effect enhances detoxification significantly.
8. Many people are dehydrated, to some degree. Coffee enemas can help rehydrate a person, which in turn improves detoxification.
9. By helping to remove poisons from the liver, colon, and the lymph system, coffee enemas reduce the toxic load on the kidneys.
10. By enhancing bile flow, coffee enemas can significantly improve digestion and bowel function. This helps to reduce the production of harmful chemicals during the digestive process. In more technical terms, by improving digestion, coffee enemas reduce autointoxication.
11. Coffee is a very special herb. Not only can it neutralize a wide range of subtle toxins. It also has within it souls who are able to assist with a wide variety of healing tasks.
12. Caffeine and some alkaloids in coffee powerfully stimulate the movement of subtle energy in the body.
13. Coffee causes a yang contraction in the body that assists detoxification.
Coffee enema therapy often causes a phenomenon called retracing and healing reactions or purification reactions. Anyone who uses coffee enemas needs to understand these concepts very well to avoid nasty surprises.
I will not discuss these in detail in this article because this topic is covered in detail in the article entitled Retracing And Healing Reactions and Spiritual Retracing on this website.
Psychodrama is a powerful psychological healing method. The method is to duplicate to a degree a past traumatic situation in a safe and controlled manner. Done properly, it brings up memories and allows the souls to process the trauma and release it.
Coffee enemas automatically cause some healing through the method of psychodrama. Aspects of traumas that it brings up and duplicates to a degree are:
- Penetrating the lower body area.
- Putting something inside the lower body. Also, fear of damaging the body when penetrating it or when putting in the coffee.
- Putting something inside the rectum.
- Messy and wet quality.
- Smelly quality.
- Dirty quality. Dirty going in and coming out.
- Scary quality when parasites or other objects are seen coming out of the body.
- Fear of catching and spreading diseases.
- Slight tingling and sexual feeling.
- Possibly other pleasurable sensations such as clearing one’s head.
- At times, some pain or pressure.
- Forced to lie still.
- Occasionally making a mess on the floor or wherever you are.
- Sensation of heat or cold (depending upon the temperature of the coffee.)
- Embarrassment
- Fear of making a mess or pain.
- Feeling too cold or warm, depending upon the temperature in the room.
The above occurs unconsciously. However, given the above, coffee enemas can be part of a more deliberate program of psychodrama.
To do this, one adds other elements from a trauma to the coffee enema procedure. Examples include:
- Putting the body is an open position with arms above head and legs spread.
- Deliberately making the body cold or hot.
- Touching, rubbing, or caressing the body.
- Wearing different clothing or taking off some or all clothing.
- Spraying the body, putting oil or soap on the body, or something else.
- Hitting or beating the body.
This is a newer addition to the coffee enema procedure. It is the deliberate attempt to spread the energy of coffee to others through the use of the coffee enema. To be continued …
From Lynn: “I just had my first coffee enema. UNBELIEVABLE. Just after the first session, I felt a sense of fresh air all over and my breathing was deeper. A constant pressure that I felt on my back at the location of the liver got immediately better. The racing thoughts were replaced with a quiet mind. I felt relaxed and a sense of peacefulness. I hadn't sung in months; but I suddenly found myself singing. Doc, I felt so good that I wanted to have a second session immediately and had to restrain myself. I hope it is not addictive because now you couldn't pay me to stop. It is quite effective!! The only thing is I am obviously very seriously dehydrated because a lot of it didn't come out.”
“Clearing the head, easier to meditate, feel lighter, feel so much cleaner inside, reduce pain, reduce fever, reduce nausea.” These are just a few of the comments that I hear often from those who do daily coffee enemas.
Appendix I. For The Development Practitioners
Some development practitioners are hesitant to recommend coffee enemas because they fear their clients will react badly to the suggestion. Others do not do them, and are not aware of the benefits. However, they are an important part of the development program and Helpers need to recommend them.
Some practitioners tell me they do not recommend coffee enemas on the first consultation so as not to overwhelm the clients with procedures. This is okay in most situations. However, some clients are definitely ready and needing to do coffee enemas quickly, so please keep this in mind.
Some practitioners also report difficulty in getting their clients to do coffee enemas. This is common. We don’t have any magical suggestions to help promote the idea of coffee enemas. Simple suggestions are:
1. Share this article with clients.
2. Share your own positive experiences and those of others.
3. Repeat the suggestion to do coffee enemas as you get to know your clients.
4. Suggest watching the Youtube videos of people doing coffee enemas.
Appendix II. Coffee enema article from The Townsend Letter For Doctors And Patients, Feb/Mar 2010, by Julie Klotter:
Coffee enemas, used in the Gerson, Kelley, and Gonzalez cancer therapies, produce physiological effects that aid liver function and detoxification. The coffee enema, a common medical treatment during the early 20th century, was included in The Merck Manual, a standard medical reference book, from 1899 to 1977. Like other enemas, this one induces peristalsis and promotes evacuation of the intestine; but compounds in coffee have additional effects.
Caffeine stimulates bile production in the liver and dilates the bile ducts. (Bile breaks down dietary fat and is a means by which the liver removes toxins.) The compounds kahweol and cafestol enhance glutathione S-transferase action. This detoxification system neutralizes a large variety of toxic compounds.
When mice eat green coffee beans as part of their diet, their glutathione S-transferase activity increases 600% in the liver and 700% in the small intestine, according to the National Research Council (Diet, Nutrition, and Cancer. National Academy Press; 1982:15-7,15-8). Roasted coffee has about 50% less glutathione-S-transferase-stimulating effect than green coffee, according to research by Lam, Sparnins and Wattenberg (Cancer Res. 1982;42:1193-1198).
So why not just drink lots of coffee? Drinking coffee is, after all, associated with reduced hepatic injury and cirrhosis in humans. Coffee enemas appear to be a more efficient way to get the benefits without getting a caffeine buzz. Most people, even those who tend to get jittery from drinking coffee, report relaxation after a coffee enema.
Chemical compounds in the gut enter the blood, which then goes directly to the liver via the portal vein. Gar Hildenbrand, of Gerson Research Organization (San Diego, CAl, says: "Because the stimulating enema is retained for 15 minutes, and because all the blood in the body passes through the liver nearly every three minutes, these enemas represent a form of dialysis of blood across the gut wall."
Dr. Max Gerson viewed the coffee enema's detoxification activity as the reason that this treatment eases pain in many cancer patients. A clinical study performed by Dr. Peter Lechner and colleagues showed that coffee enemas, performed twice a day, "reduced the need for pain medications by 71.3%, 59%, and 22%- respectively in cancer patients with WHO cancer pain level 1 (n = 91, P < 0.001), level 2 (n = 68, P < 0.05) and level 3 (n= 19 not significant due to small sample)."
Anecdotal cases also suggest that coffee enemas can relieve migraine headaches. Doctors who recommend coffee enemas to their cancer patients view the enemas as an important part of their protocols. None of them, however, claim that coffee enemas cure cancer.
People who choose to use coffee enemas to enhance liver detoxification and/or reduce pain should take the same precautions as in any enema: use an enema bag with appropriate lubricated nozzle to avoid damaging the rectum or bowel; thoroughly clean the equipment after each enema to avoid reintroducing pathogens to the colon; and do not perform too many enemas within a short time. (Wait at least 4 hours between enemas.)
Appendix III. Resources and Internet Videos About Coffee Enemas.
To buy an enema bag. If you cannot find an enema bag at your local drugstore, we suggest or for inexpensive, standard enema bags.
Other enema equipment. Enema buckets, colon tubes and fancier enema equipment are available on the internet. Fleet enema bottles are sold at most drugstores.
Videos. Youtube offers at least 6 home videos about doing coffee enemas. They range in quality. They offer some ideas on how to do coffee enemas.
Beware: Some of the videos recommend the Gerson method, which uses more coffee and more water than we recommend. Be careful about overdoing on coffee because too much causes jitteriness and can make holding the enema difficult.
We recommend using no more than two tablespoons of coffee per enema. We also recommend only up to four enemas per day.
Appendix IV. The Colon Reflex charts. Go to Right Side Colon Chart and Left Side colon Chart to view diagrams of the colon reflex system.
NOTE: The references below include both positive and negative reports about coffee enemas. As with any healing procedure, if it is done incorrectly it can cause problems.
However, our extensive experience of forty years of recommending coffee enemas to more than 50,000 people is that they are very safe, much safer than most medical drugs, for example, and much safer than most surgery.
Arai T. et al. Rectal burn caused by hot-water coffee enema. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 2008 Nov; 68(5): 1008.
Atwood K. Science-Based Medicine, "The Ethics of “CAM” Trials: Gonzo (Part I)". Accessed 11 July 2012.
Cassileth B. "Gerson regimen". Oncology February 2010, 24 (2): 201.
"Colon Therapy". American Cancer Society. 11 January 2008.
Eisele JW, Reay DT. Deaths related to coffee enemas. JAMA 1980 Oct 3; 244(14): 1608-9.
Enemas. The Merck Manual. 10th edition.
Ernst E. "Colonic irrigation and the theory of autointoxication: a triumph of ignorance over science". J. Clin. Gastroenterol. (June 1997). 24 (4): 196–8.
FDA, "Human Research Subject Protections Under Multiple Project Assurance (MPA) M-1356 and Federalwide Assurance FWA-2636", 2002.
Gerson M., A Cancer Therapy; Results Of 50 Cases, 3rd edition, Totality Books, 1958.
Gerson M. The cure of advanced cancer by diet therapy: a summary of 30 years of clinical experimentation. Physiological Chemistry and Physics 1978; 10(5): 449-64.
Gerson C. (2001). The Gerson Therapy: The Amazing Nutritional Program for Cancer and Other Illnesses.
Ginsberg MM, Thompson MA, Peter CR, et al., "Campylobacter sepsis associated with nutritional therapy in California". MMWR 1981, 30:294-295.
Hildenbrand G. A Coffee Enema? Healing Newsletter, May-June 1986.
Jarvis W. T., National Council Against Healthcare Fraud, "Cancer Quackery".
Keum B. et al. Proctocolitis caused by coffee enemas, American Journal of Gastroenterology, 2010 Jan; 105(1): 229-30.
Lechner P., Hildenbrand G., A reply to Saul Green's critique of the rationale for cancer treatment with coffee enemas and diet: Cafestol derived from beverage coffee increases bile production in rats; and coffee enemas and diet ameliorate human cancer pain in Stages I and II. Townsend Letter, May 1994.
Lee, CJ et al. Coffee enema induced acute colitis. Korean Journal of Gastroenterology 2008 Oct; 42(4): 251-54.
Liver controls wasting in cancer
"Livingston-Wheeler Therapy". Memorial Sloan–Kettering Cancer Center. 9 May 2011.
Margolin K., Green M. "Polymicrobial enteric septicemia from coffee enemas". The Western journal of medicine (1984), 140 (3): 460. PMC 1021723.
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, "About Herbs, Botanicals & Other Products: Metabolic Therapies".
Mitchell D. G., Coffee Enemas, Benefits and Risks,
Moss R.W., Coffee: The royal flush. The Cancer Chronicles. Autumn 1990. Available at: www. Accessed. November 11, 2009.
Moss R.W. "The Cancer Chronicles" 2nd ed. Austin, Texas: 1994. (6–7).
Muriel P., Arauz J., Coffee and liver diseases, Fitoterapia. Epub October 13, 2009.
Paran H., Butnaru G., Neufeld D., Magen A., Freund U. "Enema-induced perforation of the rectum in chronically constipated patients". Diseases of the colon and rectum (1999). 42 (12): 1609–1612.
Shils ME, Hermann MG, "Unproved dietary claims in the treatment of patients with cancer". Bull N Y Acad Med (April 1982). 58 (3): 323–40.
Teekachunhatean S. et al., Antioxidant effects after coffee enema or oral coffee consumption in healthy Thai male volunteers. Human & Experimental Toxicology 2012 Jul; 31(7): 643-51.
Teekachunhatean S. et al, Clinical Study: Pharmacokinetics of Caffeine following a Single Administration of Coffee Enema versus Oral Coffee Consumption in Healthy Male Subjects, ISRN Pharmacology, Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 147238.
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